The turning point in the fate of the Gorky writer. Maksim Gorky

The turning point in the fate of the Gorky writer. Maksim Gorky

The literary activities of Maxim Gorky lasted for more than forty years - from the romantic "old worm of Izergil" to the epic "life of Klim Samgin"

Text: Arseny Zasostyanov, Deputy Chief Editor of the Magazine "Historian"
Collage: Godliterature.rf.

In the twentieth century, he was the ruler of the Duma, and a living symbol of literature, and one of the founders not only a new literature, but also the state. Do not count the theses and monographs dedicated to the "life and creativity" "classic of proletarian literature." Alas, his posthumous fate tightly tied up with the fate of the political system, which bitter after many years of hesitation was still blessed. After the collapse of the USSR, Gorky began to diligently forget. Although we did not have the best chronicler of the "Epoch of the Original Capital". Gorky turned out to be "in an artificial position outside the game." But, it seems, he came out of him, and someday comes to truly.

From the huge and multousands heritage to choose the "top ten" is not easy and therefore it is forbidden. But it will take almost completely about the works of the hostels. At least, in the recent past, they were diligently studied at school. I think they will not forget in the future. We have no second bitter ...

1. Old woman Izergil

This is the classic "early Gorky", the result of his first literary quest. The harsh parable of 1891, a terrible fairy tale, favorite (in the Gorky system) conflict Prometheus both with Zeus and with predatory birds. These are new literature for that time. Not Tolstovsky, not Chekhovsky, not a leskovsky story. The alignment turns out somewhat fright: Larra - the son of an eagle, Danko raises his own heart on his head ... Same story-old woman, in contrast, earthly and harsh. In this story, Gorky explores not only the essence of the heroic, but also the nature of egoism. Many hypnotized and the melody of prose.

Actually, this is a finished rock opera. And metaphors are appropriate.

2. Spouses Orlov

Such cruel naturalism - and even with the knowledge of the environment - the Russian literature did not know. There will only believe that the author of Bosikov proceeded to the whole of Russia. Gorky in detail spoke about the life that I would like to change. Overseas fights, zabak, basement passions, diseases. Svetka in this life - a student-sanitary. This world I want to quit: "Ah you, Gada! Why live? How do you live? Julier you are hypocritical and nothing else! ". Spouses have will to change the situation. They work in the cholera bara, they work frantically.

However, the "Heppi-endov" bitter does not like. But faith in a person awakes in the mud.

If you think about it, it is not a banality. Such is the Peshkovsky grip. These are the Gorky Bosyaki. In the style of these paintings in the 1980s, the Creators of Perestroika Chernihi worked.

3. Song of Falcon, Song of the Petrel

All Life, Alexey Maksimovich wrote poems, although he did not consider himself a poet. Familiar words of Stalin are known: "This thing is more accurate than" Faust "Goethe. Love wins death. " The leader spoke about the poetic fairy tale of Gorky "Girl and Death", in our time forgotten. Gorky gave poems in a somewhat old-fashioned spirit. He did not delve into the quest of the then poetry, but read many. But the two "songs" written by white verse, from Russian literature not to delete. Although ... Poems published as the prose, in 1895 were perceived as something invented:

"We sing madness of brave!

Madness brave - Here is the wisdom of life! Oh brave falcon! In battle with enemies, you have expired with blood ... But there will be time - and drops of the blood of your hot, like sparks, break out in the darkness of life and many bold hearts will lit a mad thirst for freedom, light!

Let you die! .. But in the song of the bold and strong spirit, you will always be a living example, calling proud to freedom, to the light!

We sing brave we sing! .. "

This is about falcon. And the petrel (1901) became a real anthem of the Russian revolution. In particular, the revolution of 1905. The revolutionary song was illegally reissued by thousands of essays. You can not take a stormy Gorky Patahtoch, but it is impossible to erase this melody: "Burlebotnik is proudly relevant between clouds and sea.

Gorky and considered to be a petrel.

The church of the revolution, which really happened, although at first and did not please the Alexei Maximovich.

4. Mother

This novel, written under the impressions of the events of 1905, was considered the foundation of socialist realism. In school it was studied with a special tension. Reprinted in countlessly, decayed several times and, between us, imposed. This caused not only respect, but also rejection.

At the Barricade Wave of 1905, Gorky joined the Bolsheviks Party. An even more convinced Bolshevik was his companion - actress Maria Andreeva, the most charming revolutionary twentieth century.

Roman trendy. But however, he is convincing emotionally

Including in their hope of proletariat. But the main thing is that this novel is not only a historical document. The power of the preacher and the power of the writer is laired, and the book turned out to be powerful.

5. Childhood, in humans, my universities

Chukovsky's roots said, after reading this book: "Gorky pulled to the colors in old age." Between the revolution of 1905 and the war, the chief writer showed how the rebellion of the Buntar, Prometheus, is emerging in the child. During this time, Tolstoy went away, and the bitter became the "main" Russian writer - on the influence of reading minds, on reputation among colleagues - even such picky as Bunin. And the story with Nizhny Novgorod motifs perceived as a program of the rule of the Dum. It is impossible from comparisons with "childhood": two stories divide half a century, but the main thing is that the authors from different constellations. Gorky read Tolstoy, but crossed the housing. He did not know how to recreate real worlds in prose, Gorky gaked the song, Abona, the ballad about the youngsters of the hero, about his paths-Roads.

Gorky admires by people harsh, brave, thick-skinned, the power, struggle admire it.

It shows them consolidated, neglecting the halftons, but it refrains from hasty sentences. He despises braveled and humility, but admires even the cruelty of the world. Better is better and you will not say: "Began and flowed with a terrible speed, a thick, gentle, inexpressible strange life. She remembers how a harsh fairy tale, well-tolded by a kind, but painful truthful genius. " One of the brightest episodes in the story "Childhood" - how Alyosha was led by a literacy: "Buki-Az-La Blah". This became the main thing in his life.

6. On the bottom

Here the certification is superfluous, it's just the Gorky Bible, the apotheosis of the Russians rejected. Gorky brought to the scene of the inhabitants of the night, vagrants, thieves. It turns out that high tragedies and boors are happening in their world, no less weighty than the Shakespiest Kings ... "Man - It sounds proud!" - Proclaims satin, the Hero of Gorky, a strong person, which neither prison nor drinking. He has a strong opponent - a stray preacher of allism. Gorky hated this sweet hypnosis, but refrained from the unequivocal exposure of Luke. Luke has its own truth.

Heroes of the Gorkovskaya Supreme Communications applauded not only Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also Berlin, Paris, Tokyo ...

And to put "on the bottom" will always. And in the turmon of satin - seeker and the robber - will find new subtexts: "There is only a person, yet the rest is the case of his hands and his brain! Human! It's great!"

7. Varvara

In the role of playwright, the bitter is most interesting. And "Varvara" on our list are represented at once for several Gorky plays about people in the beginning of the twentieth century. "Scenes in the county town" sadness: heroes are false, the provincial reality has been overcast. But in the longing of the hero there is a premonition of something great.

Nessenger sorrow, bitter does not flow into straight pessimism.

It is not surprising that the play had a happy theater fate: at least two roles - Cherkun and Monakhov - are spelled out with glitter. There is something to look for interpreters.

8. Vassas Zhelennnaya

But this tragedy in our time is simply necessary to reread and revise. I think, more pricked books (not speaking of plays) about Russian capitalism does not exist. Ruthless Piece. Her even in our time, Hangi is afraid. It is easiest to repeat the truth that every major condition is a crime.

And Gorky managed to show the psychology of this crime of rich quarters.

He knew how to paint the villocks like no one. Yes, he exposes Vass. And nevertheless she turned out to be alive. Actresses play it is incredibly interesting. Some even manage to justify this killer. Vera Pashnye, Faina Ranevskaya, Nina Sazonova, Inna Churikova, Tatyana Doronina - Actresses who worshiped the theater world played. And the public watched how rushes with fat, the Russian capitalism is mad and dies.

9. Town of Okrov

This story was bitter wrote in 1909. Gray county town, eternal lords of fussy, unhappy people. The chronicle turned out to be full. Gorky observed and ironic: "The main street is splashing, or berab, - paved with a large cobblestone; In the spring, when a young grass breaks between the stones, the town's head of Sunbayev is called the prisoners, and they are, big and gray, heavy, - silently crawl down the street, pulling down the grass with the root. The best houses, blue, red, green, almost everything with parisades, - the White House of the Chairman of the Fogel Gorgenery, the White House of the Fugher, with a turret on the roof; Red-winged with yellow shutters - heads; Pinky - Father Archpriest Isaiah Kudryavsky and a long row of boastful cozy houses - the authorities were quartered in them: the military head of Pokyuyuyko, a passionate fan of singing, - Nick Mazepa for big mustache and thickness; Approacted inspector of the beetles, a gloomy man, who suffered a mop; Zemsky Chief Strikel, Theater and Dramaturgome; Fauxer Karl Ignatievich Worms and Swim Dr. Ryakhin, the best artist of the local mug of comedy and drama lovers. "

An important topic for Gorky is an eternal dispute about the mesh. Or - "bleaching"?

Indeed, in Russian man a lot is stirred, and perhaps it is his mystery.

10. Life of Klim Samgin

The novel is the largest in the Gorky heritage, "at eight hundred people", as Yazvilii parodist - and remained unfinished. But what remains, at the deposit, exceeds everything written by Gorky. It turns out that he knew how to write restrained, almost academic, but at the same time Gorkovsky.

According to the Gorky definition, this is a book about the "intellectual average of the average cost, which passes through a variety of moods, looking for the most independent place in life, where it would be convenient and material and internally."

And all this - against the backdrop of turning revolutionary years, until 1918. Gorky first showed himself a realist, an objective analyst, found a harmonious narrative tone for his last book. He wrote the "Samgin" decades. At the same time, the author does not like the title hero. Samghin is the most real, reminiscent of the generinsky Jewish Golovyev. But he crawls "throughout Russia Great" - and the space of history opens. It seems to be bitter living in eternal hurry, I did not want to part with this book. It turned out to encyclopedia, and not idealistic. Gorky without a chandeliness writes about love and flirting, about politics and religion, about nationalism and financial scams ... This is a chronicle, and confession. Like Cervantes, he even mentions himself in the novel: heroes are discussed by Gorky writer. Like we are a hundred years later.

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Born in Nizhny Novgorod. The son of the supervision of the shipping office of Maxim Savvatievich Peshkov and Barbara Vasilyevna, nee cascore. At seven years left orphans and lived with his grandfather, once a rich dyeman, by that time we broke.

Alexey Peshkov had to earn a living since childhood, which prompted the writer in the future to take himself a pseudonym bitter. In early childhood, he served on the blisters in the shoe store, then a student of the draft. Without sustaining humiliation, ran out of the house. He worked as a cook on Volzhsky steamer. At 15, I came to Kazan with the intention of getting an education, but, without having any material support, I could not implement intention.

In Kazan, he learned his life in slums and at night. Brought to despair, committed suicide attempt. From Kazan moved to Tsaritsyn, worked as a guard on the railway. Then he returned to Nizhny Novgorod, where he became a pussy at the jury of the pilot M.A. Lapina, which made a lot for young Peshkov.

Without keeping at one place, went on foot to the south of Russia, where it tried itself in the Caspian fishing fishers, and on the construction of a mall, and other works.

In 1892, the story of Gorky Maka Mirandian was first printed. Next year, he returned to Nizhny Novgorod, where he met with the writer V.G. Korolenko, who took great part in the fate of the novice writer.

In 1898 A.M. Gorky was already a famous writer. His books were diverged by thousands of essays, and fame spread beyond the borders of Russia. The bitter author of numerous stories, "Thomas Gordeyev" novels, "Mother", "Artamon Business", etc., Pieces "Enemies", "Promenban", "At the bottom", "Dachniks", "Vassas Zhelennnaya", Roman-epic " Life Klim Samgin. "

Since 1901, the writer began to openly express the sympathy of the revolutionary movement, which caused a negative reaction of the government. From that time, the bitter has been arrested and persecuted. In 1906 he went abroad to Europe and America.

After the overthrow of the October coup in 1917, Gorky became the initiator of the creation and the first chairman of the Union of Writers of the USSR. It organizes the publishing house "World Literature", where they got the opportunity to work, thereby waking up from hunger, many writers of that time. He also owns the merit of salvation from arrest, the death of representatives of the intelligentsia. Often, in these years, Gorky was the last hope of pursued by the new government.

In 1921, the writer aggravated tuberculosis, and he left for treatment to Germany and the Czech Republic. Since 1924 lived in Italy. In 1928, 1931 Gorky rides in Russia, including the Solovetsky camp of special purpose. In 1932, Gorky was practically forced to return to Russia.

The last years of life was a seriously ill writer, on the one hand, full of limitless praise - even during the life of the bitter city, Nizhny Novgorod was named after his name - on the other, the writer lived in practical insulation under constant control.

Alexey Maksimovich was married many times. The first time on Catherine Pavlovna Volgin. From this marriage had daughter Catherine, deceased in infancy, and the son of Maxim Alekseevich Peshkova - an amateur artist. The son of Gorky unexpectedly died in 1934, which gave rise to the assumptions about his violent death. The death of Gorky himself in two years later caused such suspicions.

The second time married a civil marriage on actress, the revolutionary Maria Fedorovna Andreva. In fact, a woman with a stormy biography of Maria Ignatievna Budberg became a third wife in recent years of life of the writer.

Died not far from Moscow in Gorki, in the same house where VI Died Lenin. The dust is located in the Kremlin wall on Red Square. The brain of the writer was sent to the Moscow Brain Institute for Studying.

December 8, 2014.

The great Russian writer Maxim Gorky (Peshkov Alexey Maksimovich) was born on March 16, 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod - died on June 18, 1936 in Gorki. At an early age, "went to people", according to his own expression. He lived hard, spent the night in slums among all sirralls, I was struck, interrupted by a random piece of bread. Huge territories passed, visited Don, in Ukraine, in the Volga region, in South Bessarabia, in the Caucasus and in the Crimea.


Actively engaged in social and political activities, for which it was repeatedly subjected to arrest. In 1906 went abroad, where he began to successfully write his works. By 1910, Gorky acquired fame, his work was of great interest. Previously, in 1904, critical articles began to emerge, and then the books on Gorky. The works of Gorky were interested in politicians and public figures. Some of them believed that the writer too freely interprets the events taking place in the country. All that Maxim Gorky wrote, works for theater or journalistic essays, short stories or multi-page stories, caused resonance and was often accompanied by anti-government performances. During the 1st World War, the writer ranked frankly antimylitarian position. The revolution of 1917 met enthusiastically, and I turned my apartment in Petrograd for political figures. Often Maxim Gorky, whose works were becoming more and more topical, played with reviews for their own creativity, in order to avoid improper interpretation.


In 1921, the writer goes abroad to pass the course of treatment. For three years, Maxim Gorky lived in Helsinki, Prague and Berlin, then moved to Italy and settled in Sorrento. There he took up the publications of his memories of Lenin. In 1925 he wrote the novel "Artsonov" business. All works of the bitter time were politicized.

Return to Russia

The year 1928 became for the bitter turning point. At the invitation of Stalin, he returns to Russia and for a month moves from the city to the city, meets people, meets the achievements in industry, observes how socialist construction develops. Then Maxim Gorky leaves in Italy. However, in the following (1929), the writer again comes to Russia and this time visits Solovetsky special purpose camps. Reviews at the same time leave the most positive. Gorky mentioned Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his novel "Archipelago Gulag".

The final return of the writer in the Soviet Union occurred in October 1932. From that time, Gorky lives in the former mansion of Ryabushinsky on Spiridonovka, at the cottage in the slides, and travels to the Crimea to rest.

First Congress of Writers

After some time, the writer receives a political order from Stalin, who instructs him the preparation of the 1st Congress of Soviet Writers. In the light of this order, Maxim Gorky creates several new newspapers and magazines, produces book series on the history of Soviet factories and factories, civil war and some other Soviet events. At the same time, they were written by plays: "Egor Bulychev and others", "reached and others." Some of the works of bitter, written earlier, also used by them in the preparation of the first congress of writers, which took place in August 1934. At the congress, organizational issues were mainly solved, the leadership of the future Union of Writers of the USSR was chosen, writing sections in genres were created. The works of Gorky also went around the 1st Congress of Writers, but he was elected chairman of the Board. In general, the event was recognized as successful, and Stalin personally thanked Maxim Gorky for his fruitful work.


M. Gorky, whose works for many years caused fierce disputes in the intelligentsia environment, tried to participate in the discussion of their books and especially theatrical plays. From time to time, the writer attended the theaters where he could have been convinced that people were not indifferent to his work. And indeed, for many, the writer M. Gorky, whose works were understandable to a simple person, became a conductor of a new life. Theatrical viewers went to the performance several times, read and re-read the books.

Early romantic works of bitter

The writer's work can be divided into several categories. Early works of bitter is romantic and even sentimental. They still do not feel the hardness of political moods, which is impregnated by later stories and the story of the writer.

The first story of the writer "Makar Mirara" - about the Gypsy fleeting love. Not because I am fleeting that "love came and left," but because she lasted only one night, without a single touch. Love in the shower, without touching the body. And then the death of a girl from the hand of his beloved, left the proud Gypsy Rada, and behind her, and Loyko Zobar himself - swam together in the sky, hand in hand.

Awesome plot, incredible narrative. The story "Makar Miranda" began for many years Maxim Gorky business card, firmly taking first place in the list of "early works of Gorky."

The writer worked a lot and fruitfully in his youth. The early romantic works of Gorky is a cycle of stories, whose heroes are Danko, Falcon, Chelkash and others.

A short story about spiritual superiority makes thinking. "Chelkash" is a story about a simple person carrying high aesthetic feelings. Flight from the native home, vagrancy, complicity in a crime. Meeting two - one is engaged in a familiar thing, the other leads the case. Envy, distrust, readiness for submissive care, fear and subdirectification of Gavrille are opposed to courage, self-confidence, freedom and chelkash. However, Chelkash society is not needed, unlike Gavrille. Romantic pathos intertwined with tragic. The description of nature in the story is also shrouded in romantic fler.

In the stories of "Makar Mirara", the old woman isergil and, finally, the motivation of "madness of brave" can be traced in the "song about falol". The writer places heroes in difficult conditions and then, outside of all logic, leads them to the final. There are interesting creativity of the great writer that the story is unpredictable.

The work of the bitter "old woman iszergil" consists of several parts. The character of her first story is the son of an eagle and a woman, the athustful Larra, is represented by an egoist incapable of high feelings. When he heard the center that he would inevitably pay for what he took, he expressed his distrust, stating that "I would like to remain unharmed." People rejected him, condemning for loneliness. Pride Larra was destructive for himself.

Danko is at least proud, but it belongs to people with love. Therefore, it produces freedom necessary for the tribesmen believed him. Despite the threats of doubting that he is able to bring the tribe from a dense forest, a young leader continues the path, fascinating people behind them. And when everyone had for forces were on the outcome, and the forest did not end, Danko ripped his chest, took out the burning heart and illuminated his flame, which brought them to the glade. Ungrateful tribesmen, having broken free, did not even look towards Danko, when he fell and died. People ran away, the flaming heart fused on run and it crouched on blue sparks.

The romantic works of Gorky leave in the shower an indelible mark. The readers empathize the heroes, the unpredictability of the plot keeps in tension, and the final often happens unexpected. In addition, the romantic works of Gorky are distinguished by deep morality, which is unobtrusive, but makes thinking.

The topic of identity freedom dominates in the early work of the writer. Heroes of the works of bitter freedom and are ready to even give life for the right to choose their own destiny.

The poem "Girl and Death" is a vivid example of self-sacrifice in the name of love. Young, full of life The girl goes on a deal with death, for the sake of one night love. She is ready to die in the morning without regret, just once again meet with her beloved.

The king, who considers himself an all-industrialist, carries the girl to death just because, returning from the war, was in the bad location of the Spirit and he did not like her happy laughter. Death spared love, the girl remained alive and "bony with oblique" was no longer over her.

Romantic is present in the "song about the petrel". Proud Bird Volina, she is black zipper like, rushes between the gray plain of the sea and the clouds who hung over the waves. Let the storm get harder, the brave bird is ready to fight. And the penguin is important to hide the body fat in the cliffs, it has a different attitude towards a bore - no matter how to soak feathers.

Man in the works of bitter

A special, sophisticated psychologist Maxim Gorky is present in all its stories, while the personal role is always assigned to the main role. Even homeless tramps, characters of the night, and those are presented with a writer as a respected citizens, despite their plight. The man in the works of Gorky is placed at the head of the corner, everything else is the secondary - the events described, the political situation, even the actions of state bodies are in the second plan.

Tale of bitter "Childhood"

The writer tells the history of the life of the boy Alyosha Peshkov, as if by his name. The story is awesome, begins with the death of his father and ends the death of the mother. Having left the orphan, the boy heard from his grandfather, the next day after the Mother's funeral: "You are not a medal, you don't stick to my neck ... You're going to people ...". And kicked out.

So ends the work of bitter "childhood". And in the middle there was a few years of life in the House of Grandfather, a roast little old old man who used to smoke everyone on Saturdays, who was weaker than him. And I was inferior to my grandchildren in the strength of his grandchildren living in the house, he was hit by him, putting on the bench.

Alexey Ros, supported by the mother, and in the house hung a thick fog hostility of everyone with everyone. Uncle fought among themselves, threatened his grandfather, that and he was digest, the cousins \u200b\u200bwere drunk, and their wives did not have time to give birth. Alyosha tried to jerk with neighboring boys, but their parents and other relatives were in such confusing relations with his grandfather, grandmother and mother, that the children could only communicate through the hole in the fence.

"At the bottom"

In 1902, Gorky turned to a philosophical topic. They were created by a play about people, the will of the fate of the Russian society fell on the bottom. Multiple characters, inhabitants of the night, the writer outlined with frightening reliability. In the center of the narration, homeless people are on the verge of despair. Someone is thinking about suicide, someone else hopes for the best. The work of M. Gorky "At the bottom" is a bright picture of social and household unstores in society, often turning the tragedy.

The owner of the night house Mikhail Ivanovich Kostylev lives and does not know that his life is constantly under threat. His wife Vasilisa senses one of the guests - Vaska ash - kill her husband. This also ends: Vaska's thief kills Kostyleva and sits in prison. The rest of the inhabitants of the atmosphere continue to live in an atmosphere of drunk rampant and bloody fights.

After some time, some of the onions, a loader and wastelife appear. He "floods", how much is in vain, there is extensive conversations, promises everyone without parsing a happy future and complete prosperity. Then Luka disappears, and the unfortunate people, whom he encouraged, are in confusion. Cruel disappointment has come. Sorcetic homeless, nicknamed the actor cums the life of suicide. The rest are also not far from this.

Overnight, as a symbol of a deadlock of the Russian society of the late XIX century, the unlocked ulcer of the social device.

Creativity Maxim Gorky

  • "Makar Mirara" - 1892. Story about love and tragedy.
  • "Grandfather Archka and Lenka" - 1893. The beggar of a sick old man and with him grandson Lenka, a teenager. First, the grandfather does not withstand adversity and dies, then the grandson dies. Good people buried the unfortunate by the road.
  • "Old Man Izergil" - 1895. Several stories of an old woman about egoism and dedication.
  • "Chelkash" - 1895. The story of the "avid drunk and clever, a sneelery".
  • "Spouses Orlov" - 1897. A story about a childless married couple who decided to help sick people.
  • Konovalov - 1898. The story about how Alexander Ivanovich Konovalov hung in the prison cell, arrested for vagabond.
  • "Thomas Gordeev" - 1899. The story of the events of the late XIX century, which took place in the Volga city. About the boy named Foma, who considered his father a fabulous robber.
  • "Promenban" - 1901. The story of the mesh roots and the new trend of time.
  • "At the bottom" - 1902 year. Acute topical play on homeless people who have lost all hope.
  • "Mother" - 1906. Roman on the topic of revolutionary sentiments in society, about events occurring within the manufactory factory, with the participation of members of one family.
  • "Vassas Zagronnova" - 1910. A play on a 22-year-old woman, the owner of a shipping company, strong and powerful.
  • "Childhood" - 1913. The story of a simple boy and him is far from a simple life.
  • "Tales about Italy" - 1913. A cycle of short stories on the topic of life in Italian cities.
  • "Passion-Mordesti" - 1913. Short story about a deeply unhappy family.
  • "In humans" - 1914. Story about the boy on blisters in a fashionable shoe store.
  • "My universities" - 1923. Tale of Kazan University and Student.
  • "Blue Life" - 1924. Story about dreams and fantasies.
  • "Artamon Business" - 1925. The story of the events occurring at the woven factory.
  • "Life of Klim Samgin" - 1936. Events of the early XX century - Petersburg, Moscow, barricades.

Each read story, story or novel leaves the impression of high literary skills. Characters carry a number of unique signs and features. Analysis of the products of the Gorkopoprates the comprehensive characteristics of heroes with the subsequent summary. The depth of the narrative is organically combined with difficult, but understandable literary techniques. All works of the Great Russian writer Maxim Gorky entered the Golden Fund of Russian Culture.

(Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov) was born in March 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of the joiner. He received primary education in the Slobodsko-Kunavinsky school, which graduated from this time in 1878. Since that time began for bitter labor life. In subsequent years, he replaced many professions, traveled and walked around half of Russia. In September 1892, when Gorky lived in Tiflis, his first story "Makar Miranda" was published in the Caucasus newspaper. In the spring of 1895, Gorky, having moved to Samara, became an employee of the Samara newspaper, in which the divisions of the daily chronicle "Essays and sketches" and "by the way". In the same year, such well-known stories appeared as the "old worm of Izergil", "Chelkash", "one day", "case with clasps" and others, and in one of the rooms of the Samara Gazeta, the famous "Sokoli song" was printed . Faken, essays and stories of Gorky soon paid attention. His name became known to readers, the strength and ease of his feather appreciated the comers journalists.

The turning point in the fate of the Gorky writer

The turning point in the fate of Gorky was 1898, when two volumes of his writings came to a separate publication. Stories and essays printed before this in various provincial newspapers and magazines were first collected together and became accessible to the mass reader. The publication had an extreme success and instantly differed. In 1899, a new edition of three volumes was also separated. Next year, the collections of Gorky meetings began to be published. In 1899, his first story "Thoma Gordeyev" appeared, also met with an extraordinary inspiration. It was a real boom. In a matter of years, the bitter has become an unknown writer in a living classic, in the star of the first magnitude in the sky of Russian literature. In Germany, six publishing firms immediately began to translate and publish it. In 1901, a novel "Troy" and " Song about the petrel" The latter was immediately prohibited by censorship, but this did not prevent its spread. According to the testimony of contemporaries, the "petrel" was reprinted in each city on a hectograph, on typewriters, rewritten from the hands, read at the evenings among young people and in working circles. Many people knew her by heart. But genuinely world glory came to the bitter after he turned to theater.. The first play of the "Moisan" (1901), delivered in 1902 by the Art Theater, was then in many cities. In December 1902, the premiere of the new play " At the bottom", Which had the audience completely fantastic, incredible success. Holding her Mkat caused a whole avalanche of enthusiastic responses. In 1903, the procession of plays on the scenes of the theaters of Europe began. With triumphal success, she was walking in England, Italy, Austria, Holland, Norway, Bulgaria and Japan. Hotly met "at the bottom" in Germany. Only the Theater of Reanardt in Berlin with a complete penal played it more than 500 times!

The secret of the success of a young bitter

The secret of the exclusive success of the young Gorky was explained primarily by his special worldview. Like all the great writers, he put and solved the "damned" questions of his century, but did it in his own way, not as others. The main difference was not even so much in the content, but in the emotional color of its writings. The bitter came to the literature at the moment when the crisis of old critical realism was marked and the topics and plots of the Great Literature of the XIX century began to herdow. The tragic note, always present in the works of the famous Russian classics and attached their creativity a special - mournful, sufferer flavor, no longer awakened in the society of former lifting, and caused only pessimism. Russian (and not only Russian) the reader has become more transmitting from pages of one work to another image of a suffering person, humiliated person, whom to regret. The urgent need for a new positive hero was felt, and Gorky was the first one who responded to her - launched on the pages of their stories, leads and plays Human-fighter, Man who can overcome the evil of the world. His cheerful, who hesitated hopefully the voice loudly and confidently sounded in the end of the atmosphere of Russian rampant and boredom, the total tonality of which was determined by the works like "House No. 6" Chekhov or "Lord Golovna" Saltykov-Shchedrin. It is not surprising that the heroic pathos of such things as the "old woman isergil" or "the song about the petrel", was similar to the sink of fresh air for contemporaries.

In the old dispute about man and his place in the world, Gorky made a hot romantic. No one in Russian literature has created such a passionate and elevated hymn to the glory of a person. For in the Gorky universe, there is no God at all, all of her occupies a person who has risen to cosmic scale. A man, in bitter, it is the absolute spirit that should be worshiped in which all the manifestations of Being are taken from which. ("The person is true! - one of his heroes exclaims. - ... it's huge! In this - all the starts and ends ... All - in man, everything for a person! There is only a person, yet the rest is his business Hands and his brain! Man! This is great! It sounds ... proudly! ") However, by portraying in the early creations of the" harsh "person, a man who rinsing with the Meshchansky Mesh, Gorky has not yet fully realized the ultimate goal of this self-affirmation. Thinning thinking over the meaning of life, he at first gave tribute to the teachings of Nietzsche with his glorification of a "strong personality", but Nisceannia could not seriously satisfy him. From the glorification of man Gorky came to the idea of \u200b\u200bmankind. By this, he understood not just the perfect, well-maintained society, uniting all people of the Earth on the way to new achievements; Humanity seemed to him as a single protosarlike creature as the "collective mind", a new deity, in which the abilities of many individuals will be integrated. It was a dream about the distant future, the beginning of which had to be put today. Her best incarnation was bitter found in socialist theories.

Hobbating bitter revolution

The hobby of the bitter revolution logically flowed out of his convictions, and from his relationship with the Russian authorities, who could not be good. The works of Gorky revolutionized the society is stronger than any incendiary proclamation. Therefore, it is not surprising that he had many misunderstandings with the police. The events of bloody Sunday, who happened in the eyes of the writer, prompted him to write an angry appeal "to all Russian citizens and public opinion of European states." "We declare," it was said in it, "that further this order should not be tolerated, and invite all Russian citizens to the immediate and stubborn fight against autocracy." January 11, 1905 Gorky was arrested, and the next day was concluded in the Petropavlovsk fortress. But the news of the writer's arrest caused such a storm of protests in Russia and abroad that it was impossible to ignore them. A month later, Gorky was released for a major cash pledge. In the fall of the same year, he joined member of the RSDLP, which remained until 1917

Gorky in emigration

After the suppression of the December armed uprising, which Gorky openly sympathized, he had to emigrate from Russia. On the instructions of the Central Committee of the Party, he went to America to collect by agitation of money at the Bolshevik cash register. In the US, he graduated from "enemies" - the most revolutionary from his plays. It was mainly written by Roman "Mother", who wondered by bitter as a kind of Gospel of Socialism. (Roman This, which has a central idea of \u200b\u200bthe resurrection from the darkness of the human soul, filled with Christian symbolism: along the course of action, an analogy between revolutionary and the apostles of the initial Christianity is repeated many times; Friends of Paul Vlasov merge in the Gresses of his mother into the image of a collective Christ, and the Son is in the center, Paul is associated with Christ, and Nilovna - with the Mother of God, who sacrifices his son to save the world. The central episode of the Roman - the May Day demonstration in the eyes of one of the heroes turns into "in the procession in the name of the God of New, God of Light and Truth, God of Mind and Good" . The path of Paul, as you know, ends with the godpiece. All these moments were deeply thought out by bitter. He was confident that the element of faith (in Articles 1906, "about Jews" and "About Bund" is very important in the admission of people. It was directly wrote that socialism is "religion of mass"). One of the important points of the worldview of Gorky was that God is created by people, Washed, constructed by them to fill the void of the heart. Thus, the old gods, as it has repeatedly happened in world history, can die and yield the place new if the people believe in them. The motive of the sovereign was repeated bitter in 1908 in 1908. Confession. Her hero, disappointed in the official religion, is painfully looking for God and finds him in a merger with the working people, which turns out to be a true "collective god."

From America, Gorky went to Italy and settled on the island of Capri. During the years of emigration, he wrote "Summer" (1909), "Okrov Town" (1909), "Life of Matthew Kozhemyakina" (1910), "Vassa Zagronnova" play, "Tales about Italy" (1911), "Master" (1913) , autobiographical story "Childhood" (1913).

Return of Gorky to Russia

At the end of December 1913, taking advantage of the universal amnesty announced on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Romanov, Gorky returned to Russia and settled in St. Petersburg. In 1914, he founded his magazine "Chronicle" and Publisher "Parus". Here in 1916 his autobiographical story "in people" and the cycle of essays "in Russia" was published.

The February Revolution of 1917 Gorky took all souls, but to further events, and especially by the October coup, his attitude was very ambiguous. In general, the globalism of Gorky after the 1905 revolution underwent evolution and became more skeptical. With all that his faith in man and faith in socialism remained unchanged, he had doubted that the modern Russian working and modern Russian peasant was able to perceive bright socialist ideas as it should. Already in 1905 he was struck by the roar of awakened folk element, broken through all social prohibitions and threatened to sink pitiful islands of material culture. Later several articles appeared, determining the ratio of Gorky to the Russian people. The Little impression on the contemporaries was produced by his article "Two Souls", which appeared in the "Chronicles" at the end of 1915. By giving it the richness of the soul of the Russian people in it, the bitter still belonged to his historical opportunities with a big skepticism. The Russian people wrote, he wrote, dreaming, lazy, his powerless soul can break out beautifully and brightly, but she burns for a short time and quickly fades. Therefore, the Russian nation is necessarily a "external lever", capable of moving it from a dead point. Once the role of "lever" played. Now it's time for new accomplishments, and the role of "lever" in them should be performed by the intelligentsia, primarily a revolutionary, but also scientific and technical and creative. She should bring to the people of Western culture and instill an activity that will kill in his soul "Lazy Asian." Culture and science were, according to Gorky, just that force (and the intelligentsia - the carrier of this force), which "Let us overcome the abomination of life and tirelessly, stubbornly strives for justice, to the beauty of life, freedom".

This topic is Gorky developed in 1917-1918. In his newspaper "New Life", which published about 80 articles, combined later in two books "Revolution and Culture" and "untimely thoughts". The essence of his views was that the revolution (reasonable transformation of society) should be very different from the "Russian Bunt" (meaninglessly destructive). Gorky was convinced that the country is now not ready to create a creative socialist revolution that first the people "must be calcined and cleared of slavery focused on it, slow fire of culture."

The ratio of Gorky to the 1917 revolution

When the temporary government was still overthrown, the bitter sharply opposes the Bolsheviks. In the first months after the October coup, when the crowded crowd thorns the palace cellars, when the raids and robbery were made, bitterly wrote about the rampant anarchy, about the destruction of culture, the cruelty of terror. In these difficult months, his relationship with aggravated to extremes. The following horrors of the civil war following the bloody horrors made a depressing impression on Gorky and relied it from the last illusions in relation to the Russian man. In the book "On the Russian Peasantry" (1922), released in Berlin, Gorky included many bitter, but sober and valuable observations on the negative parties of Russian. Looking truth in the eye, he wrote: "I explain the cruelty of the forms of the revolution exclusively by the cruelty of the Russian people." But from all the social sections of the Russian society, he considered the most mounted in her the peasantry. It was in the peasantry that the writer saw the source of all historical misfortunes of Russia.

Departure Gorky on Capri

Meanwhile, overwork and bad climate caused the aggravation of tuberculosis at the bitter. In the summer of 1921, he was forced to go to Capri again. The following years were filled with intense labor for him. Gorky writes the final part of the autobiographical trilogy "My Universities" (1923), the novel "Artamon" business (1925), several stories and the first two volumes of the epic "Life of Klim Samgin" (1927-1928) - a striking painting picture of intellectual and social life Russia of the last decades before the revolution of 1917

Taking bitter socialist reality

In May 1928, Gorky returned to the Soviet Union. The country struck him. At one of the meetings, he admitted: "It seems to me that I have not been in Russia for six years, but at least twenty." He greedily sought to find out this country unfamiliar to him and immediately began to ride the Soviet Union. The result of these travel was a series of essays "for the Union of Soviets".

The performance of Gorky during these years was amazing. In addition to multilateral editorial and public work, he gives a lot of time to journalism (over the past eight years of life, about 300 articles published) and writes new artwork. In 1930, Gorky conceived the dramatic trilogy about the revolution of 1917. Finished, he managed only two plays: "Egor Bulychev and others" (1932), "Reaching and others" (1933). The fourth Samgin remained unfinished (the third was released in 1931), over which Gorky worked in recent years. This company is important because Gorky says goodbye to his illusions towards the Russian intelligentsia. Self-catastrophe is a catastrophe of the whole Russian intelligentsia, which at the turning point of Russian history was not ready to become at the head of the people and to become the organizing force of the nation. In a more general, philosophical, sense, this meant the defeat of the mind before the dark elements of the masses. A fair socialist society, alas, did not develop (and could not develop - in this Gorky was now confident) by itself from the old Russian society, the Russian Empire could not be born from the old Moscow kingdom. For the celebration of ideals of socialism should have applied violence. Therefore, I needed a new Peter.

It is necessary to think, the consciousness of these truths largely reconciled bitterly with socialist reality. It is known that he did not really like - with a much larger sympathy he treated Bukharina and Kamenev. However, his relationship with the Gensen remained even until death and were not overshadowed by a single major quarrel. Moreover, Gorky put his huge authority to the Stalinist regime. In 1929, along with some other writers, he traveled the Stalin camp, visited the worst of them in Solovki. The result of this trip was the book, for the first time in the history of Russian literature, glorified undermine labor. Gorky without hesitation welcomed collectivization and wrote in 1930 by Stalin: «... the socialist revolution takes a truly socialist character. This is a revolution of almost geological and it is more, immeasurably more and deeper than what was done by the party. The system of life, which existed millennia, is destroyed, the system that has created a person is extremely unlikely peculiar and capable of horrifying with his animal conservatism, its instinct of the owner». In 1931, under the impression of the Process Process, Gorky writes the "Somov and others" play, in which the pest engineers displays.

It is necessary, however, remember that in the last years of life, Gorky was seriously ill and much from what was happening in the country, he did not know. Since 1935, under the pretext of the disease, they did not let uncomfortable people, did not give him letters to him, especially the newspapers were printed specifically for him, in which the most odious materials were missing. Gorky painfully this custody and said that "he was postponed," but nothing could have done anything. He died on June 18, 1936

on the topic: "Creativity M. Gorky"

M. Gorky (1868–1936)

We want or do not want, we love or do not accept the work of Maxim Gorky (A.M. Peshkova), but he found himself at the top of the literary Olymp at the turn of the centuries and became part of the national culture of Russia. Following ideological, moral, aesthetic search for a writer, appreciating the complexity of its path, we will certainly come to the debate of the poster myth about the "Petrel Revolution" and the creator of the method of socialist realism, because Gorky is one of the most tragic figures of our century.

"Thick, motley, inexpressible strange life" will call the bitter children's and adolescent years in Nizhny Novgorod, meaning the house of Kashirini - Russian life in miniature with its bright and dark sides. We will look in them: a good house on the peasant manner in the Sloboda of Moodyers, the grandfather, lying on the apprentices and children, the mother, who felt like a shit, grandmother, moving somehow barrel, caustic smell of paint, tesne. And the boy, early began to understand the "lead abomination of life." * Kopeika He served the sun in the heavens of the meshness, and it lied a small, dirty enmity in people "(" Notes on the Mesh "). And most importantly, such a life made all the sufferings: the grandmother is crying, the most intelligent and beautiful gypsy apprentice dies, mother meswords, suffers from his tyranny and rudeness grandfather, the boy-sirota is given "to people" in order to fully understand how to end "Summer and Nishchebrud."

"I came to my life not to agree" - the motto of youth will sound. With what? With a brutal misstive life, which is rare, very rarely can give a person with a minute of happiness and joy, like, for example, sailing with good people along the Volga, admire gambling dating grandmother, dive into the wonderful world of the book. Later will disagree with the motives of death, decay, despondency in the Russian decadence, with aesthetics of critical realism, with his hero, incapable of a bright act, a feat. Gorky convinced: "To make a person better, he needs to show what He must be "; "It's time for the need for heroic" (from letters to A.P. Chekhov).

In the initial period of creativity M. Gorky realism and romanticism as two main methods in art will go in his works "Hand in hand". The debut of the writer will be the story "Makar Miranda", and after him will appear "the old woman of Izergil" and the famous "Sokoli song" and "Song of the Petrel". Their heroes will carry the "sun in the blood." And even the "bosias" of bitter special - "with flowers in the shower", poets, rising over the pricing of life, poverty, social disclinment. Drama "At the bottom" will be some outcome of the moral and philosophical quest of Gorky at the beginning of the century, his Hamletovsky "to be or not to be?". The meaning of them is to find the way to the truth or to succumb to the ideas of "madness, imposing a dream gold", humility, humility, consent with circumstances. Gorky took a pseudonym from the Old Testament Prophet Ezekiel, who was called "Gorky" for persecution during life. In the fate of A.M. Peshkov will be a lot of bitter, and the reason for this is largely related to false ideas - nice and marxism, In slavery, who had a talented, seeking, Mighty Nature of the Russian Nugget Writer.

Romantic works M. Gorky. The theme of human freedom or non-free - central in the work of the writer. In his first stories, the complete freedom of individuals independent of the conventions of society is romantic. In 1892, a story "Makar Miranda" was written, in which we will find all the signs of a romantic work. We look into the portrait of the literary hero: "He looked like an old oak, burned lightning" (about Makar Miracle); "The tsaritsy's arrogance froze in the dark," her beauty could play a violin "(about Radda); "The mustache fell on the shoulders and mixed with curls," "The eyes, like clear stars, are burning, and a smile - the whole sun, exactly it was from one piece of iron along with the horse, it's worth it, as in the blood, in the fire of the fire and sparkles the teeth , laughing "(about Loyko). The hero corresponds to the landscape: a rolling wind, inflating the fire flame, shuddering the blades, infinity of the space of the steppe and the sea. An animation and the endlessness of the landscape as it were to emphasize the infinity of the freedom of the hero, his unwillingness to enjoy it. A fundamentally new hero is declared (in contrast, let's say, from Chekhovsky): beautiful, proud, brave, With burning fire in the chest. From the legend, told by Makar with admiration and inner pleasure, we learn that he and she, beautiful, smart, strong, "both are so good", "removed", are not inferior to their will, demanding humility from the other. Rada's pride cannot even break the love of Loyko. An insoluble contradiction between love and pride is permitted the only possible rite for ritual works - death. And I tried Loyko, whether Raddy had a heart firmly, and won a knife curve into him, and he himself got his death from the hands of the old father. The Christian reader cannot accept the truth of Gorky-Romance, for love involves the mutual ability to make concessions to his beloved, which the characters of the story cannot do.

"Old Isergil" (1895), the story with an amazingly slender composition, juicy, expressive language, based on the folk legends, is amazing ideological confused. The description of the marine element in the exposition is symbolically connected with the "lesson" of the old woman Izergil Russian Youth: "Y! Old men you will be born, Russians, "" Gloomy, like demons ", i.e. You are not able to live a bright, saturated with the priest life. The three-part composition of the story (the legend of Larre, confessing the old woman about his life, the legend of Danko) was built on an antithesis, which for the author itself is unconditional. The son of a woman and an eagle, a beautiful, proud, bold, entered into a conflict with a tribe and who killed a girl who did not want to become his concubine, Gorky, disgusting, because the Nietzschean complex carries: pride, individualism, egocentrism, contempt for a simple person , deception, destruction of morality "fathers". But the pagan, the Bludnice of the old woman Izergil, who was able to save his beloved to kill the watch and repent of the flesh in his reckless courage and thirst for pleasure, the author clearly sympathizes. The hero of the third novels - Danko causes the delight of the writer, because he brought people from the "forest", "swamps", "Smreda" (read: from the darkness of slavery and fear of life). Running the chest, he raised his heart, like a torch, committing feat Love in the name of a person, his brother. All the laws of romantic poetics are observed: the plot is built on the "Hero" antithesis - "Crow", "Darkness" - "Light", "Unwind" - "Will". But all these key images are not amenable to unambiguous "decoding" (the same romantic symbols, which can be attached to any situation, at any time). From the standpoint of vulgar Marxism, all the lives of pre-revolutionary Russia could be considered "darkness", and the Decembrists, the people, the proletarian leaders wanted to bring people to the world - through the uprising, terror, revolution. And it does not matter how much blood is broken, tears of children and old people on this path.

The legend of Danko has a biblical parallel - a story about how Moses brought the ancient Jews from the Egyptian captivity to his homeland. Forty years later he led his compatriots, praying for the salvation of the people, and, after the Lord discovered the Prophet of the Ten Commandments of Soul Rescue, Moses draws them on the scrubbles as the only and immutable device plan terrestrial Life and humanity, mired in sins of self-conceived, envy, curd, adultery, hatred. Is Danko at Gorky - Moses of the New Time? Who and what is he managed? Impatience! Does he understand the ultimate goal of the way? Not! Indeed, Danko at Gorky does not fall over the crowd, does not say: "Falling - Tolkni." But pushes On unjustified victims, and therefore - to the new "darkness".

The position of the narrator of the early stories of Gorky differs from the position of the main characters (Makara Mirandi and Olders Izergil), which is the ideological center of the story and determines its problems. A romantic position with all its external beauty and hill is not accepted by the narrator.

"Little Man" Maxim Gorky in the stories "On Baresaki". AND Gogol, and Pushkin, and Dostoevsky rebelled against the social dismissions of a "little man", woke up "good feelings", Christian compassion and to Akaky Akakiyevich, and Samson Vyrina, and to Makaru a girl. M. Gorky, hugging the entire social pyramid of the bourgeois Russia of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, found a special layer in it - the "bottom", bosia, lumines, victims of the city, cars, and industry. Story "Chelkash" (1895) Begins with the description of the marina of a large port city: the roar of machines, metal grinds, heavy giants steamers. "Everything breathes with the fashionable sounds of the hymn Mercury." Why Mercury? Mercury - God trade, enrichment, profits, on the one hand, he is the conductor in the kingdom of the dead (vocabulary). These are the new circumstances (dead, iron capitalism) in which Maxim Gorky is placed in which his hero is placed.

Chelkash, "Old etched wolf, an avid drinker" and "dexterous, brave thief", similar to chain hands and a long bony nose on a steppe hawk, waiting for her prey. And it appears in the form of a broad-widespread, chorear, blond, tanned peasant guy Gavrille, who looked "good-natured and trusting" to the Cheljasha. Both comrants are poor, hungry. But the first, Chelka, does not need money as such, he will drink them. He is road will And the sea, the "contemplation" of which was never killed by his kipache, nervous nature. "Dark latitude, endless, free and powerful" gave birth to "powerful dreams." But the other, the peasant, turns out to be a fucking up to money and ready to "soul to grow," by robbing the employer. "Kababy Money" yes on the farm to spend, a cow to buy, put a house, get a wife! "Zhaden you", "Chelkash makes sentence. In the filing of Gorky Gabril puzzle, approached, low, although there is a struggle inside it: "Bed from them" (money).