Who is Oleg Yakovlev in the nation. Oleg Yakovlev Ivanushki passed away: What happened to him in fact, the real cause of the death of Oleg Yakovlev, where they buried

Who is Oleg Yakovlev in the nation. Oleg Yakovlev Ivanushki passed away: What happened to him in fact, the real cause of the death of Oleg Yakovlev, where they buried
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Biography, History of the life of Yakovleva Oleg Zhasaraevich

Oleg Zhamsarayevich - Russian Artist, who was entering the Ivanushki International Music Group.

early years

Oleg Rod from Mongolia, namely from the city of Choibalsan. There he was born on November 18, 1969, at the time when his mother and dad, Buryat and Uzbek were submitted there. In this country he was destined to live for several years. In Russia, the boy's family turned out to be when he studied in the first grade.

Both in Angarsk, and in Irkutsk, where Yakovlev were settled, the future popular singer attended the most ordinary schools. Oleg gave preference to humanitarian subjects. At the same time, he felt the need for comprehending the basics of musical art, so he became a regulance of a specialized educational institution. In addition, young Yakovleva could be seen in the Palace of Pioneers, among singers choir.

After graduating from school in Irkutsk Oleg Yakovlev entered the local theatrical school. Training acting profession so fascinated the guy that he gave practically all his strength and time. And here is the result - the school he graduated from "excellent," having received a red diploma for the years. The only negative point was the fact that Yakovlev sought to be in sight. He dreamed of being on stage, and not behind the scenes. However, the profession of actor of the puppet theater allowed him to enjoy only behind the screen, not in sight of the audience.

Conquest of the capital

Oleg Yakovlev decided not to dwell on the achieved, and came to Moscow. In the famous guitis, where he came from the first time, the young man was determined in the workshop. Subsequently, the graduate was taken to the theater, before the work of which he bowed and considered him his second dad. Yes, and the legendary actor himself belonged to his ward favorably.

Continued below

In addition to participating in theatrical productions, Oleg worked on one of the radio stations where commercials voiced. The initial period of the life of Yakovlev in the capital is rainbow and carefree it was impossible. At one time, the artist had to even sweep the streets.

The arrival of Oleg Yakovlev in the group was preceded by shooting in the video, which was accompanied by the song "Doll". The press also appeared direct members of the music team.

It so happened that the group at the very beginning of 1998 remained without his soloist Igor Sorina. In incomplete composition, the guys lasted until March, after which he strengthened him Oleg Yakovlev. Fifteen years later, Oleg Zhamsarayevich broke up with a group, because it was removed on his own.

Despite the fact that Oleg Yakovlev made a sufficiently successful career of the artist, his theater mentor did not forget about his pupil and declared readiness to take it back to the troupe at any time.


Oleg Yakovlev engaged in athletics. So serious that he became the owner of the title of the Master of Sports. He loved also to play billiards.

Care from life

The premature death of the famous artist shook his fans. Oleg Yakovlev died on June 29, 2017. The reasons called the most different - from the liver cirrhosis and problems with light to AIDS. According to the last beloved woman of the singer, with which he lived in a civil marriage, death came from the stop of the heart.

Alexandra Kutsevol asked the public not to speculate on this tragic topic, and journalists warned unreliable information on the pages of their publications. Over time, she will write a book about man.

Singer Date of Birth November 18 (Scorpio) 1969 (47) Place of birth Ulane Bator Death Date 2017-06-29 Instagram @yakovlevsinger

Oleg Zhamsarayevich Yakovlev, the soloist "Ivanushki", forever will be remembered by the group fans as a bright person, who left a bright mark in the domestic show business. It is now difficult to believe, but in the late 90s, a new team member was perceived by many fans as a temporary replacement of Syrin. Indeed, the low Oleg with his Asian features looked more than strange against the background of other solts - the tall guys with a model appearance. But smoothiness and sincerity, the light temper of the artist did their job: Thanks to Yakovlev, the group gained a new sound, reached the peak of popularity.

Biography Oleg Yakovlev

"Small from Ivanushki" was born on 18 November 69 in the Uzbek-Buryat family. Parents Yakovlev, who already had two daughters who had already had been submitted by the Soviet Union in Mongolia. It was there, in Ulan Bator, born and spent the first seven years of life Oleg. Upon returning to Russia, the boy entered the Angarsk high school. Then the family moved to Irkutsk.

At the School, the young man was in humanitarian subjects, was a good one. In addition to study, Oleg interested sports. The guy attended the light athletics section, received the category of CMS. From an early age, another talent of Yakovleva - Vocali manifested. In his youth, Oleg sang in the choir, studied at the music school.

At the age of 14, the passion for the stage led the young man to the Irkutsk Theater School. Oleg planned to entertain children as a doll, but then changed his mind: he wanted to be the center of attention, and not hiding behind the screen. In the 87th year, having received a red diploma, Yakovlev went to Moscow. There he entered the workshop Lyudmila Kashatkina (Gityis). Money guy from the province on an expensive metropolitan life was lacked, so he worked as a janitor, then by a radio equipment and an advertiser.

In 1990, being another student of the acting faculty, the young man made his debut in the movies. His first work was the episode in the social drama Hussein Erkenov "One hundred days before the order." After the university, Oleg settled in the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. And at least the artist performed on the organization's stage for a long time, this period played a big role in its formation. Gigarchhanyan, according to Yakovleva, became the "second father" for him. In the Oleg Theater was involved in the "Twelve Night", "Cossacks", "Lev Gurych Sichkin".

In the year 92nd, the artist moved to the creative association "Modern Opera". As part of this theater, he could fully develop vocal data: play the roles in musicals, execute the parties in rock operas.

Oleg Yakovlev as the soloist of the Ivanushki International group first appeared on TV in 1997 - in the clip on the song "Doll". To become a member of the team, he sent to the producer Igor Matvienko Cassette with the recording of the White Roshovnik composition (Opera "Juno and Avos"). The Ivanushki International group by that time existed only two years, but was quite well known. Its main participants were Cyril Andreev and Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov - in the past models that were periodically played in the musicals and filmed in the clips of other artists. The third soloist "Ivanushki", Igor Sorch, is a musician, a poet songwriter.

After the decision, Sorin to leave the project, Matvienko took Oleg Yakovleva in his place. It is in such a composition that the group reached a peak of popularity. Songs performed by Trio - "Namednema Point Ru", "Golden Clouds", "Snegiri", "Top Color Pooh" and many others - repeatedly sounded in the final of the television festival "Song of the Year". In 1998, Ivanushki in an updated composition was recognized as the best performers and the group of the year. Artists have repeatedly received prestigious domestic musical awards - the Golden Gramophone and Ovation. The composition "Bouquet of Lilac" became a "Stopepy hit" 2003.

In 2001, Yakovlev starred in the music film "Old songs about the main thing. P.S". In the same period, Alla Pugacheva invited the artist to participate in the filming of her new video "River Tram". Renat Litvinova became partner of Oleg on video documentation. Four years ago, the singer announced the departure from the group and the desire to do a solo career. The debut work of the artist was the composition "Dance closed eyes".

"Ivanushki International" remember the past: rare photos of soloists and unadigital stories

Oleg Yakovlev went very early, he was only 47 years old. The message about his death on June 29 was a shock for all his loved ones, friends and fans. Until the last artist performed, worked. In the last interview for the site he dreamed of arriving at his small homeland, in Buryatia. However, this was not destined to come true. What caused the tragedy? The singer diagnosed swelling of the lungs that occurred due to the liver cirrhosis. Yakovlev's friends in an interview with KP.Ru said that the wines of all alcohol.

"Damned place"

Oleg Yakovlev arrived to conquer Moscow from Irkutsk. He graduated from Gitis, worked at the Armen Dzhigarkhanian theater. National Glory covered it in 1998, when he came to the group "Ivanushki International."

Now they started talking about mysticism - they say, Oleg took on the "damned place" instead of soloist Igor Sorina, who early and tragically died. Some were then warned then: the one who comes instead of Igor will not last, "Mikhail Igonin says, says. - Oleg and Ironia himself treated prejudices, he was a believer and did not pay attention to mysticism. And what could be a curse?

Oleg left "Ivanushki" in free swimming in 2012 to sing what he is interested in actingly, "recalls the singer Nikita. "But from conversations with him I got it clear that to promote creativity in our show market is very difficult. And he went hard with it. Oleg had very sad eyes, even if he joked and having fun. His last album is very interesting! But he did not find the proper response. Oleg worried that after noisy glory turned out to be not deed. His songs did not take on the radio. And hence the psychosis, and breakdowns. He was very wounded.

His main problem was alcohol. How much I saw Oleg, he was always a subeer, it began in his life in the group "Ivanushki," said the former director of the group T.a.t.u Leonid Dzynik. - At events, tours - let's say, fly in the plane - he always drank. All sleep on board, tired, and he is champagne, then Cognac. Oleg was lucky, he was accepted into the popular group. And then the alcohol began. And he was asked from the group on this. Oleg was a rather closed man, held a mansion. "Green Zmiy" is his trouble. And the fact that after Ivanushki, he did not receive the popularity for which he expected, only aggravated his bad habit. He had a sick liver, cirrhosis, and he was categorically impossible to drink. But he failed to overcome alcohol addiction. Although tried. This lies the reason for his early death.

"He had yellow eye proteins"

I call the Civilian wife Oleg Alexandra Kutsevol, who was also his director.

Oleg sick, but worked out concerts, "Sasha told about the last day of the singer. "He tried to hold on to" Ivanushki ": the temperature is not the temperature, it does not matter what happened in life, but it is necessary to go on the scene. He speaking in any condition. And did it until the last day.

- He knew that unhealthy?

He knew, but thought it was not serious. Pain, cough, considered it, this is a cold. Engaged in self-medication - drank pills from cough. And it turned out that he has bilateral pneumonia. Launched. It was connected to the ventilation of the lungs, but did not help.

- Did he addressed the doctors?

Not. Did not want a character! He turned when it became completely bad. And they persuaded barely. He began to choke, could not breathe. And barely walked. Caused "ambulance".

- Which relatives remained from him?

There is no living alive.

- Did he leave the testament?

I do not know. Now it's not before. Of course, he was not going to die!

On the channel Russian Musicbox, the ex-soloist "Ivanushki International" Oleg Yakovlev led the program together with Sasha's civil wife (Alexander in the past - professional TV presenter, worked on the MUZ-TV channel).

I was the last guest of Oleg in this program. Really the last. Even becomes terribly, - said "KP" singer Katya Lel. - How did Oleg looked? Not very ... I noticed that he has very yellow eye proteins, it was noticeable. And he behaved somehow strange, not quite naturally. Not as a healthy person.

When I learned that he was put in the hospital, for some reason a bad premonition immediately appeared, "says Singer Nikita. "But I drove him away and sent His wife Sachev's essession:" Everything is in order with Olezhka? " Oleg was lucky that he met such a beautiful girl. Sorry, they did not have time with the kids. I asked Sasha: when will you give birth? She answered: "Soon, soon, while we have creative projects!" It was seen that they love each other.

Help Site
Oleg Yakovlev was born in Mongolia. His mother was from Buryatia, father from Uzbekistan. When he was five years old, the family moved to Buryatia, in the village of Selenginsk and his childhood passed. There he did his first steps to the stage - he studied in the music class in the piano. Then the family moved to Angarsk, where Yakovlev graduated from school, and after he entered the Irkutsk Theater School on the actor of the puppet theater. In 1989, the artist moved to Moscow.

Oleg Yakovlev is known to many as the soloist of the Ivanushki International Group, which has been popular for a long time. The notion of this person was not only in his appearance, but also in the vocal data he possessed. Everyone knows that each participant of this musical group was interesting in his own way, while they had an incredibly reluctar repertoire.

Five albums were released for his career, after which Oleg Yakovlev decided to perform solo. It became known that on June 29, 2017, in the metropolitan hospital, without coming into consciousness. Currently, the reasons for the death of Oleg Yakovlev and his personal life, in recent days, very little is known.

The homeland singer was the city of Ulan Bator, where he was born in 1969. In Mongolia, his parents were at work. At that time, the family had already two daughters who were born in Moscow, but after a business trip, the family came home with replenishment. Father singer by nationality - Uzbek, Mom - Buryatka. It is clear that both parents were not Orthodox, so the Son, without thinking, chose Orthodoxy. Neither the nationality nor the religion interfered with him to move towards the cherished goal. He understood that only his work would be possible to achieve maximum popularity.

Until seven years he lived in Mongolia, then the family moved to Angarsk. Here Oleg Yakovlev went to school, completed education already in Irkutsk. His achievements in their studies pleased with their parents, as he received good marks. Humanitarian sciences such as history and literature attracted more. It was thus the biography of Oleg Yakovlev was in school years.

The young guy was talented in all directions. He was propheted an incredible future in the creative direction.

From early childhood, he began to get involved in music, engaged in school chore. In consequence, he moved into a circle of choral singing to the house of pioneers. It was not possible to get a decent musical education, but at the same time possessed natural talent. Actively engaged in sports, achieved good success in athletics, has the category of CMS. You can not even remember about his talent games in billiards. Many professionals call him a virtuoso game.

Already in high school, he began to get involved in theatrical productions. First of all, thanks to external data, he approached various roles in performances. After graduating from eight classes went to the theater school of the city of Irkutsk. Having received a red diploma, decided to work at the doll theater, as it was his profile education. Oleg Yakovlev wanted something more, he did not like that the audience is watching dolls, and not behind him. As a result, I decided that you need to start conquer the capital.

Upon arrival with ease enters guitis. In the first stages of training it was very difficult, since the money was disastrically lacked. We had to work as a janitor to earn money on food. Later he was invited to the radio where he worked in the department for writing advertising texts.

After the successful end of the institute, it falls at the invitation to the theater of Dzhigarkhanyan. Here he managed to get an incredible, you can say irreplaceable experience. In the repertoire of Oleg, such performances as the "twelve night", Lev Gurych Sichkin, "Cossacks". At that time, the money that the actors of the theater was obtained were minimal, not many could even live on them. As a result, Yakovlev continued to work as a janitor, ran in rehearsals in the breaks. He also could be seen in the episode of the film "One hundred days before the order", which went to the screens in 1990. He did not appear in serious paintings anymore, since most of the time paid precisely theatrical art.

After acquaintance with the producer center of Igor Matvienko, the young guy refused the theater and chose the musical direction.

That is, Oleg was talented in all respects. Fans always wanted to learn more about the parents of the musician, but he said nothing.


Oleg Yakovlev not just became part of the Russian show business. From early childhood, he stretched to music and his talent confirmed many teachers. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the creative association "Modern Opera" appeared, which was engaged in creating musical performances and musicals. At that time, the genre was not so popular, but artists who have a good voice could receive additional earnings here.

Understanding that you need to develop and move forward, the young actor records the White Rogovnik composition from a well-known opera and sends it no less famous Igor Matvienko. At that time, the producer center was looking for a new soloist for the Ivanushki International group, since one participant died. As a result, the choice fell on Oleg Yakovleva, whom the soloists were glad, but not fans. There were a lot of contradictory statements in the attitude of Oleg Zhamesaraevich.

After the exit of such hits as "bullfinch" and "poplar fluff", many forgot about the events that occurred and already considered Yakovleva a full part of the group. In the future, the first album "About this I will shout all night." It was an incredibly large number of tour and concerts not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. Of course, the personal life of Oleg Yakovlev did not remain aside. At that moment, he was pursued by an incredibly large number of fans and fans.

Oleg Yakovlev and Ivanushki International Group

In one of his interviews, Oleg Yakovlev told that in 2003 the group could have disappeared. I called some conflict and producers offered them just to disperse and make a solo career.

After a short ponday, the guys decided to keep "Ivanushki International", and continue to work on the repertoire. Matvienko highly appreciated their decision, thereby raised the salary twice.

Oleg Yakovlev for 15 years was a member of the Ivanushki International Group

The biography of Oleg Yakovleva from Ivanushki today became public. The young man became part of the history of the Russian pop culture. His best songs and unique performance attracted millions of fans throughout the country. Even today, on the radio, you can hear the hits of past years performed by Oleg Yakovlev.

Solo career

Until 2012, the Group existed, after which Oleg Yakovlev still decided on the solo career. In 2013, Kirill Turichenko took his place after an official statement about the care. The decision was very difficult, as practically 15 years, Yakovlev was a soloist of this musical association.

Immediately after care, organized a presentation of his new work, the clip "Dance closed eyes" was shot. At that time he had a lot of interesting material that he was able to use. He released such songs as "New Year's", "Sea Blue" and so on. Some clips were also removed. In 2016, the song "Mania" appeared, which very much liked fans. The last work of the singer was the composition of jeans.

Personal life

After the appearance of the first hits, each soloist of the Ivanushki International Group enjoyed the incredible popularity among girls. They gathered huge stadiums of fans who have eager meetings with them. Despite the low growth and exotic appearance, Oleg was also very popular. But not everyone knew that in his heart, love had already been "settled". Young people met in St. Petersburg, where Alexander Kutsevol studied at the Faculty of Journalism.

Oleg Yakovlev with his wife Alexandra Kutsevol

This pair, despite various experiences and difficulties in life, has always supported each other. After the success of her husband, she decided to go to the produce that she had very well. Currently about the personal life of Oleg Yakovlev, you can learn more information on social networks, there is a sufficient amount of joint photos with my wife.

To leave the group "Ivanushki International" he also decided after the persistent arguments of his wife. As a result, a quarrel happened between him and soloists.

Such an unpleasant set of circumstances led to the incredible success of Oleg Yakovleva in his solo career. Each stage in the quarry was not very easy, had to overcome difficulties. Maybe the support of his wife affected his success.


The media trembled fans and the public on June 28, 2017, when they reported that Oleg Yakovlev got to the hospital. Many who are signed on his instruct in Instagram, saw that a few days ago, he congratulated all the health workers in a white coat with a joyful face. No signs of trouble. But on June 8, it is in critical state in resuscitation. As for Oleg Yakovlev's disease, there were no messages about it. Many know that he recently introduced his new song, and was always a cheerful man.

According to official representatives of the singer, it was connected to the device for maintaining vital activity and ventilation of lungs.

The diagnosis was delivered disappointing - bilateral lung pneumonia. Many fans are interested in how Oleg Yakovlev was engaged in his personal life in the last days, and what caused death.

On June 29, 2017, the famous singer Oleg Zhamesarayevich Yakovleva, who was just 47 years old at that time. As doctors said, he had a lung swelling, which progressed. The main reason is the liver cirrhosis, which Oleg suffered.

Musician Oleg Yakovlev, the most famous for work in the group "Ivanushki International", in the morning of June 29 in one of the metropolitan clinics. He was 47 years old. Biography of the musician - a repetitive history of the care: moving to Moscow from Irkutsk, departure from the troupe of Armen Dzhigarkhanian theater, departure from Ivanoshek to a solo project. Every time he was looking for something more interesting. On the day of the death of Oleg Yakovlev, the site publishes his biography with quotes from a musician interview.

Oleg Yakovlev was born on November 18, 1969 in Ulan Bator (Mongolia). His parents were there on a business trip. When Oleg was seven years old, the family moved to the Moscow region, later Yakovlev lived in Kazakhstan, then in Buryatia.

After working in Mongolia, my father was sent first to the Podolsk of the Moscow region first, then we moved to Kazakhstan, where they lived in Semipalatinsk, after was Novosibirsk, and when we were raked, looked at where, and how, in some way, fate brought us Ulan-Ude. We immediately gave an apartment, I lived a little in the boarding school, while we were somehow set up. But I remember this city well, I know all these left-right shores, and I know everything everything there. And my childhood was held in the village of Selenginsk Kabansky district, where I lived and lectured to the eighth grade, somewhere for years to 15 years. (From an interview with My Ulan-Ude portal, 2013)

After graduating from school in Irkutsk, Oleg entered the local theater school and finished him with honors. But I decided not to linger here for a long time - the habit of changing places was affected and learned since childhood, and the desire to do something more than could offer a small Siberian city.

From the memories of Oleg Yakovlev:

I learned in the Irkutsk Theater School by the profession "Actor of the Theater of Dolls". But I did not really like being behind the screen. And thank God that I graduated from a school with a red diploma. Otherwise, it would have to work with a specialty for three years. And I went to Moscow and entered Gitis. (From an interview "MK-Sunday", 2006)

Oleg Yakovlev finished the workshop Lyudmila Kashatkina. After Gitis, he entered the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, who later called his second father. Was involved in many productions of the theater, among which -
"Lev Gurych Sichkin", "Cossacks", "Twelfth Night". Despite the good relationship with the art of the theater, Yakovlev left his troupe. As he told in an interview with the Muz-TV TV channel in 2010, the acting salary lacked for life, and he had to work as a janitor. But the real reason for his care was not the need for money, but the same desire to do something more.

From the memories of Oleg Yakovlev:

I worked in the theater from Armen Dzhigarkhanian - my teacher, a great man. And once I got the role that did not suit me. I realized that the next year and a half I will play the role of the third shadow at the back. I feel sorry for me: my best years are left! (From the interviews "MK-Sunday", 2006)

Even before coming to the group "Ivanushki International", Yakovlev starred in the video on the song "Doll" (1997), together with Kirill Andreyev, Andrei Grigoriev-Apollon and Igor Sorin. The group's fans were surprised - who is this fourth? In 1998, when Sirin leaves the group, and his place will take a new "Ivanushka", the fans will be outraged - where did he come from? - Require "Return Syrina" and infinitely compare it with the one, whose place he took. One can only imagine how he worried about it - an actor who went out of the theater to not play the role of the third shadow at the back. "

From the memories of Oleg Yakovlev:

On TV I saw an advertisement that a new soloist is required to the group. I had a cassette with two songs. I recorded them when I worked at Alexey Rybnikov's theater. I sent it to the parcel - and completely forgot about it. And after a half weeks, Igor Matvienko calls me and invites you to the studio. At this point, Igor Sorin decided to leave the group and waited for someone to be replaced. And here - my cassette, which miraculously pulled out from a million other director. For a whole month, Igor passed me, as they say, and then left. From an interview with "MK-Sunday", 2006)

After the release of clips on the songs "Snegiri" and "Topolina Pooh", everything came to normal - Oleg accepted. He spent in the group of 14 years. As he later recalled himself, the split in the group was outlined much earlier - at the beginning of the two thousandths all three "Ivanosh" felt that the project was exhausted. The efforts of the producer of Igor Matvienko existed in such a composition until 2012. And then Oleg Yakovlev took the final decision to leave.

From the memories of Oleg Yakovlev:

At that time, a certain luggage was accumulated, which I want to implement. I felt the potential that I can compose songs, I can sing another music. Unfortunately, we are not eternal, and there is some time limit. Sometimes you just need to go somewhere to do something good and pleasant, including for myself. Of course, I'm embarrassed before the guys, but to go to solo swimming - it was my dream, and in 2013 it was realized. (From an interview with Follow Me, 2016)

On the decision to leave the group influenced the success of the solo song "Dance with closed eyes." According to some media, a solo career finally convinced the singer of his civilian wife, Alexander Kutsevol journalist, who starved in the clip "Dance with closed eyes." Together with her, Yakovlev from 2015 led the program "VKontakte Live" on the TV channel