The topic of a little man Dostoevsky crime and punishment. Writing: Theme of a small man in the novel "Crime and Punishment

The topic of a little man Dostoevsky crime and punishment. Writing: Theme of a small man in the novel
The topic of a little man Dostoevsky crime and punishment. Writing: Theme of a small man in the novel "Crime and Punishment

D. Rossini Opera "Wilhelm Tel"

Joakkino Rossini never wrote anything like "Wilhelmu Telly". And more unknown, why after this work he forever stopped writing the operas. Perhaps due to the understanding that the public is not yet ready for a new format of the Opera, and he can no longer return to the composition of Belkant Buffonads? Or because the composer tired an incredible amount of censorship obstacles? No longer know if Rossini. Go even further in your musical development, but the fact that "Wilhelm Telle" he opened a new page in the history of the opera - undoubtedly.

The summary of the Opera Rossini "" and many interesting facts about this work are read on our page.




swiss fighters for independence

Walter Fürst


Arnold Melchtal


soldier of the Austrian Army, then - a fighter for independence



father Arnold



son of Tel



austrian governor



commander of the troops Geslera



princess House Habsburgs

Brief content "Wilhelm Tella"

Swiss canton uri, 13th century.

Wedding feast in the village of Burglen. The mood of Wilhelm Tellum is overshadowed by the increased intervention in the affairs of the country of foreign rulers, Habsburgs, whose governor is Gesler. His friend, Arnold Melchtal, serves in the Austrian army, and therefore - on the side of the enemy. He is trying to convince Arnold to go to resistance and fight for independence. But that in the Stan of Austrians led the love of the Princess Matilde, from which he could not refuse. A shepherd suddenly appears - he killed a soldier from the Geslera squad, who tried to harm his daughter, and now runs from persecution. Salvation is one thing - to move to the other side of the lake. But the fisherman refuses to help - the storm is coming. Wilhelm Tool puts the shepherd into the boat and goes down, despite the waves. When Austrians break into the village, the locals do not give out fugitives. In retaliation, Rudolf takes the old Melchtal to the hostage.

Matilda is tired of life at the courtyard, its manitis nature and scaffolding of forests. She tells Arnold about this, they swear to each other in love. A TV and Fürst appear, from which Arnold learns that by order of Geslera, his father is executed. He is without hesitation adjacent to the rebel. The folk leaders of Cantons Uri, Schwitz and Unterwalden unite to fight against tyranny.

Gesler suits a feast in honor of his board and orders all residents to worship their hat. Talla refuses, then Gesler makes him shoot from the crossbow to the apple standing on the head of Jammy, his son. Withstand this test, the tel says that if he missed, the second arrow would go to Geslera. For these words he sentenced to death.

On the lake to the place of execution sailed boats with convicted and Austrian governor. Begins the storm, the TV can be able to send the boat to the shore, get out of it and one shot from the crossbow to kill Geslera. People eat. The uprisings cover the whole country: nothing can resist the way of liberation Switzerland.


Interesting Facts

  • Not only for opera Rossini. But also to the Schiller Drama in different moments of history was contradictory attitude. At first she was perceived as a hymn of freedom, then she was radically reduced, and in Nazi Germany - even forbidden, as it justified the murder of Tirana. Schiller's play is open to a variety of interpretations, since it equally covers various topics: the political message about the fight of Switzerland for independence in it is as important as the story about simple virtuous people leading idyllic life in harmony with nature forces. With courage and heroism, these characters are responsible for the challenge of external circumstances. But after the end of battles, they all inevitably return to their familiar lifestyle.

  • The mixture of idyllic and heroic in Wilhelm Telela reflected also the personal sympathies of Rossini. But to what extent the composer shared the political motives of this story? During his life, he was repeatedly accused of apoliticalness: he always supported neutral relations with the authorities. Unambiguous statements against oppression, such as "Moisee in Egypt" or "Wilhelm Telela" are an exception for Rossini. Patriotic and anti-individual ideas were minor in his operations not only because of the power of censorship, but also because the creative nature of Rossini and his understanding of the musical theater were very conservative.
  • On November 7, 1893, in the Liso Theater in Barcelona Anarchist Santiago Salgeador France during the second act of Vilhegelm Telly, the terrorist attack, throwing two explosive devices from the gallery to the hall. This act was expressed his reaction to the execution of his comrade, the terrorist Paulino Laturity. The first bomb exploded in the 13th row. The second - fortunately it does not rest, turning under the chair. In total, 20 people died, the set was injured. After the restoration of the theater, some places in 13 and 14 rows, where the dead were sitting, remained empty for a long time on all ideas.

Best rooms from Opera Wilhelm Tool

Final Overture (Listen)

"Sois Immobile" - Arioso Wilhelm Tell (Listen)

"Sombre Foret" - Matilda Romance (Listen)

"Asile Hereditaire ... AMIS, Secondez Ma Vengeance" - Aria Arnold (Listen)

The history of the creation and productions of "Wilhelm Tella"

Two main well-known facts about Joakkino Rossini are: he composed very quickly, releasing 3-4 opera per year, and he stopped writing Opera forever for 37 years, having lived to 76. "Wilhelm Tel" - his longest opera, on Which he spent a lot (according to its own standards) of time - for half a year, later modifying and reducing the five -act action to four-hour. In addition, it is also his last opera. And there is information that it was not a coincidence of circumstances, but a weighted solution.

There is no unequivocal opinion, what kind of work was taken as a basis - whether the drama of one of the main suppliers of opera plots in the 19th century Friedrich Schiller, or the tragedy of French playwright A. LEMER. Most likely, the opera authors were well acquainted with both writings, as with an ancient legend about the Swiss liberator Wilhelm Telela. Libretto was ordered by V.-Zh. Etienne de Zhui and I.F.-F. BISU, it was created in French, because Rossini lived in Paris at that time.

The premiere was held on August 3, 1829 in the Paris Opera. Criticism was delighted, and the public has attracted a new musical language of Rossini less, and the heroic-patriotic plot was far from the usual opera-buff. In addition, the initial version of the opera lasted almost six hours. After the refinement of the maestro reduced the score to about four hours of music, but it still was very long. The operatral favorite opera did not and because the main tenor party (Arnold) was so difficult that it was difficult to find a good performer who could not lose the sound quality throughout the performance. And the abundance of purely choral scenes imposed the obligation to seriously work with the Opera Choir, which attracted considerable financial and temporary costs.

The setting of the opera in Italy was associated with censorship restrictions - the country was under the Austrian influence and the topic of national liberation, and from the Austrians, was absolutely unacceptable. Opera was still translated into Italian and in 1833 set in Naplesky San Carlo. However, she soon descended from the repertoire and in the next 30 years was performed very rarely. Oddly enough, Wilhelm Tool enjoyed much more popular in Vienna. In the early 1830s, the opera sounded in London and New York. Although, due to the censorship requirements, the work sometimes even lost their name - the main character was renamed in Tyrolz Andreas Horule, then in the Scots of Wallas, then in Rudolph di Sterling.

Russia in this sense did not exception - in Russian, she narrated about a certain "Karl Brewy", the premiere was held in St. Petersburg in 1836. The priest named "Wilhelm Tel" was already put in Leningrad in 1932, and during the Great Patriotic War, a large theater was performed in evacuation.

Fragments of Overture to Opera widely used cinematographers, it accompanies the action of the paintings:

  • Pink Panther, 2006
  • "Cody Agent Banks 2: Destination - London, 2004
  • "Princess Diaries", 2001
  • "My life", 1993
  • "Clockwork Orange", 1971

Infrequent productions of Wilhelm Telly remained in video believe:

  • Performance of the festival in Pesaro, 1995, director P.L. Pizza, in the main parties: M. Pertuzya (Wilhelm Tella), Kunde (Arnold), R. Ferrari (Gesler), D. Desssi (Matilda)
  • The play of La Scala, 1988, director L. Ronconni, in the main parties: D. Dzankanaro, K. Merrit, L. Roni, Ch. Stader.

Nowadays, there are only 30 productions in world theaters " Wilhelm Tell, in the frequency of execution, it is only in the second hundred operas. Such reserved attention to the whole work with interest compensates for the popularity of the gallop of an overture, which is hardly the most famous melody of the world, every day executed by many symphony orchestras, and even a large number of mobile phones. It accompanies advertising sneakers, cars and pizza. He is frightened under the nose hurrying to the office employees. Do not write Rossini. Nothing, these few minutes from the six-hour opera would have already made him immortal. And, probably, Master Belkanto, whose muse, after the "Wilhelm Tell" fell fell forever, understood it better than everyone.

Joakkino Rossini "Wilhelm Tool"

Opera in four actions (originally written in five actions, the opera was subsequently reduced by the author to three through the withdrawal of the entire third and compression of the last two actions. Currently, the opera is given with the restored third action, but constructing the fourth and fifth bills, so , in a four-hour representation.) Joakkino Rossini on Libretto (French) Viktor Joseph Etiente de Zhui and Ippolit Louis Florena Bi (with significant composer's participation, as well as Arman Marras), based on the Drama of Friedrich Schiller.


Wilhelm Tel, Swiss Patriot (Bariton)
Hedigatus, his wife (soprano)
Jammy, their son (soprano)
Hessler, Vicar of Kaiser in Switzerland and Uri (bass)
Matilda, his daughter (soprano)
Arnold, Swiss Patriot (tenor)
Melchtal, his father (bass)
Walter Fürst, another Swiss Patriot (6As)
Rudolph, officer Gussara Gussler (tenor)
Lyuthold, shepherd (bass)

Time actions: XIV century.
Schedule: Switzerland.
First execution: Paris, August 3, 1829.

"Wilhelm Tel" is the longest Opera Rossini. This is his last opera creation. Perhaps it is how to write such a long work (the first execution of the opera lasted six hours) served as the reason for its cooling to writing. Be that as it may, despite the fact that "Wilhelm Tel" had a huge success of criticism, Rossini did not write more operas, although he lived for almost forty years. Rossini personnel reduced Opera and created an authorized version of three, instead of five, actions. And in Paris, one time existed even the tradition of giving one only second action from the opera, connecting it from some other opera to fill the theatrical program. The story is known, as one day, the director of the Paris, the Grand Opera told the composer that the second action of Wilhelm Tell was announced in the program in the evening. "What? - exclaimed angry russia. - All second action? "

For many years it was believed that the name of the composer was preserved in the repertoire of the largest opera theaters only thanks to the Seville Tarry and Wilhelm Telly. As for the latter, either due to its duration, or due to the incredible requirements imposed by the performer of the Tenor Party Arnold, it can no longer be counted among the traditional, if not to say the standard, setting the operas going to the opera theaters. Setting other Rossinievsky operas, such as Cinderella and Italian in Algeria, resumes much more often. As for the libretto, it is definitely better at the Seville Merchant. The plot "Wilhelm Tell" is graspy enough, but, of course, it is not so good.

During the political unrest of the 1830s, this opera in some countries was considered dangerous due to its revolutionary spirit. Accordingly, when it produces, then changes were made to the libretto. It concerned, in particular, its names. So, in Milan Opera called "Gulielmo Wallac" (that is, Scotland William Volayis), in Rome - Rodolfo di Sterling, in London and Berlin - "Andreas Hailor", and in St. Petersburg - Karl bold. It seems strange that censors were more concerned about the name of almost completely the mythical revolutionary than the names that were real prototypes of other opera characters. But much, what makes censors seem strange.


Overture to "Wilhelmu Telly" - the most famous orchestral music from all that is included in the programs of symphony concerts, when they want to perform symphonic passages from the opera; Competed with her can only intermezzo from the "rural honor" of Maskanya. It remained in the feelings of the public, and perhaps even grew up from these feelings, which is confirmed by its use in one of the Disney cartoons. It begins very boldly - with cello solo; Tremolo Litavr draws one of the Rossinievsky paintings of the storm, here the composer is very natural, using the characteristic timbre of the piccolo flute, depicts raindrops; Then follows the pastoral section based on the Swiss Alpine Melna Melody, performed on the French Horn; Finally, after a brilliant fanfare, performed by pipes, a famous gallop sounds, which, with good performance, controls his rapid running, despite many humorous associations - decent and indecent, which are connected with it.

Action I.

The plot of this opera is associated with the name of the legendary Swiss Patriot of the XIV century. The country is located under the Isslera Austrian governor, who behaves like a tyrant. Highly in the Alps, in the native village of Telle, the Swiss celebrate their national holiday. The old shepherd Melchtal (he is an elder, the head of one of the cantons) blesses three pairs that are going to get married. Two serious voices sound somewhat not in the tone with shared fun. One of them is the voice of the Tella who defeats the fate of his country; Another - Arnold, Son Melchtal, he suffers from hopeless, forbidden love for the princess Matilde, the daughter of the swiss enemy (because of this love he even became a soldier of the Austrian invaders troops).

Long duet sounds ("Ou Va-Tu? Quel Transport T" Agite "-" What is with you? Where are you running in confusion? ") In which Tel convinces Arnold to fight for the freedom of his country, but Arnold initially hesitate due to love for Matilde. From afar of the sounds of hunting horns - the people of Gesslera hunt, the governor of the Austrian emperor, they are not far away.

The holiday continues ("Hymenee, Ta Journee" - "Sacred Marriage"). First, everything is dancing, then in the young Son of the Tell's young son, Jammy, demonstrates that he is the same good shooter as his father. All of it are sworn ("Honneur Au Fils de Tell" - "Glory to the Son of the Telle"). The festival is interrupted by the appearance of the shepherd Leithhold, the Swiss who escaped from the order of Gesslera; He killed one of the Gessonian soldiers who tried to kidnap his daughter, and now those pursue him. Tella saves him, crossed in his boat to the other shore of the lake, despite the strong waves.

When the Gesslera detachment appears under the command of Rudolf, none of the locals do not give away the TVL, and then the old man of Melchtal arrests Rudolf, and the whole village is settled.

Action II.

The second action begins with a cleattive and brilliant coloratural aria "Sombre Foret, Desert, Triste" ("Dark Forest Mysterious"), which Matilda sings, the daughter of the Austrian Tirana Gessler, in which she confesses in love for Arnold. He meets her on the Alpine meadow among the forests, where she is waiting for him, and they sing a wonderful love duet. Aftercinging the approaching Wilhelm Tell and Walter Walter, Matilda rapidly runs away. These people came to convince Arnold to join them in their uprising against Gesslera, but they are concerned that they found him with Matilda. They inform him of tragic news: Hessler executed his father, the old shepherd Melchtal. Arnold is shocked. No doubt no more place: it will take revenge (TERTSET "QUAND L" HELVETI EST UN CAMP DE SUPPLICE "-" In the grave struggle, the land of his native dies "). This magnificent tercet of the oath of the three of these Swiss is released.

One after another arrive groups of people from Swiss Cantons - Unterwald, Schwitz and Uri. Talla turns to them with a pathetic speech, and the action ends with a solemn patriotic oath, which is given to all those present ("DES Profondeurs Du Bois Immense" - "Hear? From the dark thickets of boron").

Action III

On the Market Square in Altdorf, the century of the Austrian authorities is being celebrated before the residence of Gessler. Tyrant Hesser exposes the emblem of Austria and his own helmet so that every Swiss, passing, bowed to them. Wilhelm Talla refuses to do this, and immediately Guardsman Gessler arrest him and his son. Hessler declares that the Tel must demonstrate his archery art of archery in the apple, laid on his son's head. Talla refuses to do it, and then Hesser orders the execution of the boy. Now the cart has no choice. The boy Jammy expresses fearless confidence in the art of the Telle. And the tel shots the apple in half.

But the second arrow falls out of the quiver. And when Hesser demands a response, for which it is intended, Patriot replies that if the boy had died, this second arrow would be put in his, Gessler, heart. Grievous Gessler orders the arrest of the TV. Talle, before him, he managed to pass with her son to his wife. "Tell Gedwig," says Wilhelm, "that the lit lights in the mountains will be a signal for the uprising of cantons." The daughter of Gesslera, Matilda, runs away with little jam to convey this message.

Action IV.

Scene 1. Presented mainly by Aria, which Arnold sings ("Asile Hereditaire" - "shelter peaceful birth"). He returned home, and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe death of his father in captivity of Gessler continues to coal him. A group of Swiss patriots informs him about the arrest of Wilhelm Telly, and, incending to action, he eventually departs at the head of the Swiss detachment to free his leader (Cabaletta with "AMIS, AMIS, Secondez Ma Vengeance"; "Friends, friends, for Father will be revenge ").

Scene 2. It happens in a rocky area from the Fatroldhetsky Lake (Lakes of Four Cantons), not far from the native house of Telly. Jammy, accompanied by Matilda, runs to his mother Gedwig (their Tereset: "Je Rends a Votre Amour Un Fils" - "That Son is returned"). Little boy is full of hope that the TV will leave in the boat, despite the storm that broke out on the lake. He suddenly recalls the message of his father. He set fires father's house, which serves as a signal for cantons to the uprising. While the storm rages, they all pray for the salvation of the TV. Suddenly, the hero himself appears from the boat. His pursuers chase behind him, including Hesser. But the Talle takes her bow and arrows from Jammy, who managed to take them out of the burning house. Talle accurately falls into the goal - Gessler drops in the lake. At this point, the part of the Swiss patriot is included, which is maning a young Arnold, they declare that the fortified castles of the Austrians are taken by rebels. Opera completes the fun of all those who are now on the side of the Swiss. Matilda left the camp of enemies and agreed to become a wife of Arnold.

Henry W. Simon (translated by A. Maikapara)

The opera was completed in five to six months - unusually long for Rossini period. The premiere did not justify hopes on the hot welcome among the public, while critics criticized enthusiastic praises.

In Italy and other countries, Wilhelm Tel has invariably received a very favorable reception, although it is not always easy to find a tenor who can fulfill the Arnold Party, especially after the Louis Dupre altered many ultrahigh before In "Breast" notes, whereas at the premiere of Nurri, these notes were "head" or fancing.

Rossini did not approve the reform Dupre (such a favor, on the contrary, the public) and declared him quite frankly: "I do not like unnatural effects, and this before With his sharp chalk, my Italian rumor cobbles, like a scripture, when they cut. " In addition, the impassableness of the vocal fabric of this tenor party serves as a characteristic of the hero, who has not yet found a place in the whirlpool of life and feeling dissatisfaction. The news of the death of his father, brought by Wilhelm and Walter, makes the stormy vocal line of Arnold, with unexpected jumps and a bold pattern, take off to the highest peaks. Friends encourage him to devote themselves to the struggle for the freedom of native land. A change in the soul of Arnold is fully marked with music, his voice overlaps gently modulating the voices of his friends sympathizing.

The tenor party is especially highlighted in the opera and almost exceeds the value of the batch of the main character, Wilhelm Tell, who, however, belongs to the most famous aria: in it he begs his son to withstand a terrible test. This is "truly cry of the soul, suffering and complete love," writes Ronkala, "the cello accompanied by crying ... before us aria, but it is deprived of the usual structure, representing a clean melodic cleating. There is no strange, but the rhythmically perfect musical period flows calmly, humbly, the melody is poured naturally and constantly varying: a real endless melody. " Aria of Tella - a monument, standing by a mansion, perhaps an unexpected, whom the opera did not promise and therefore even more amazing. He affects not only the public, but also the characters themselves, in the end, exploding from anger.

Another famous, who entered all the anthology of Aria belongs to Matilde (her background is remarkable - the magic forest landscape, illuminated by the moon), it is full of power, flexible melodic beauty, which Berlioz considered a sample to imitate. This is an inner portrait of the heroine. Sad, fluctuating, the descending line of orchestra is intertwined with the lines of the main melodic pattern - one of the widest, smooth and connected musical drama. The persistent, agitated rhythm eventually becomes more likely part of a humble contemplation than anxiety, although the signs of a casual suffering remain, as follows from restless alternation of the main motive in the orchestra and threatening Rocky Litavr.

Faith in nature as a judge of certain people or societies - one of the supports of a powerful opera construction. It is not necessary to remind you how an amazing overture consisting of four parts is important in this respect - an independent symphony structure, almost not operarable. And the remark of Berlioz about her depicting a storm of the second part, which he compares with the "pastoral symphony" of Beethoven and says that the genuine rampage of natural elements is heard in the latter, while Rossini has too tangible the presence of his own personality.

But this is done just in order to give the introduction of Rossini to the right direction, make it a mapping of a national nature that shares the desire of his people to freedom and participating in his drama (not by chance in Italy, Germany and Russia "TV" was not approved by the reaction censorship) . The projection of all events for such a panorama contributes to the creation of bright choral, accompanying, fine symphony pages and magnificent dances, in which the desire to leave the old forms is felt. "The fantasy of Rossini is always free," Ronkala concludes, "the composer chooses, changes, develops, polishes: a huge work ... who probably cost him a big tension and which would have been enough for twenty years of work."

Such a mature product of the French did not appreciate: in the Paris Royal Academy of Music (or in the Grand-Opera, as you like) after fifty submissions, the opera was resumed with large abbreviations (only the second action was left untouched). The opening of Wilhelm Tellus laid the foundations of the French big opera, but the greatness makes it rather the result of this direction, rather than the initial point.

G. Markesei (Translated by E. Greek)

History of creation

Rossini's primary "Wilhelm" served by the same name Drama of the Great German Poet F. Schiller. The character of the idea was influenced by the study by the Opera A. Gretri composer (1741-1813) of the same names (on the play of the Lover), as well as the heroic-revolutionary Opera warehouse "Phenella" F. Beruker (1782-1871) in 1828 in Paris with Huge success. In the creation of libretto, a number of persons participated in which V. Etienne (Zhui) (1789-1855) and I. Bis (1789-1855) played the greatest role, - both experienced theatrical writers, especially the first, fruitfully cooperating with many French opera composers . Opera Rossini included the most important scenes of Schiller's play in the dramatic relationship. At the same time, the psychological subtlety of motivations of the actions of the heroes of the play turned out to be largely lost. The authors of the script changed the names and the national affiliation of a number of actors, reduced some of them (so, only one son was left in the opera) and so on.

The premiere of the opera took place on August 3, 1829 in Paris. The unusual of the topic interpretation and the novelty of the musical style was initially a discreet reception at the Paris public, but soon the wonderful product of Rossini was rated on dignity and entered the repertoire of the opera theaters of many countries of the world.


"Wilhelm Tel", - a heroic-patriotic opera, penetrated by Paphos of the liberation struggle. The heroic beginning is detected in the purity and nobility of the relations of heroes, people from the people, in the harsh ease of their patriarchal life. The central place in the Opera is occupied by mass choir scenes, which reveal the image of the people, bringing important strokes in the characteristics of most acting persons. The stage action includes picturesque paintings of nature and pompous processions, love episodes and spectacular ballet rooms. The musical language of the opera is peculiar, widely using the Swiss and Tyrolean National Folklore.

Overture compressed reflects the dramatic development of the opera, a gradual transition from pastoral-idyllic images to heroic. Overture opens the choral theme of four solo cell phones. After the symphony painting of the storm, laid down by the musical landscape of the peaceful alpine meadows, sounds a radiant-victorious march.

In the first act, monumental choral scenes prevail. Dramatism gradually increases to the final. Orchestral entry is permeated with light pastoral nuts. Smooth swaying melody in the choir of peasants "the sky is so bright" causes a feeling of serene ballasts and calm. Poetic song Fisherman "Come to me", aged in the character of Barcarol. A sharp contrast creates Arioso TVL "sings a fisherman careless", full of bitterness, tight pain. Contrast persists in the quartet (jammy, hedigatus, fisherman and tel), where the party of the TV is highlighted by its dramatic emotion. The scene is crowned with a grand solemn sextete with the choir "Let Echo from the Mountains". In the unfolded duet of the Telly and Arnold, chased marches of intonations are approved, transmitting courageous readiness to fight. The measuring waltz rhythm of the wedding choir "Sacred Marriage" brings him with the peasant dances. The rapid finale ends with a dynamic and tense choir scene.

The second act of Oweyan Forest Romantics. Orchestral accession imitates the sound of hunting horns. The choirs of hunters and swiss are painted in soft, lyrical pastoral tones; Their music is close to populous melody. In the center of the Act - a series of solo and ensemble episodes: the lyrical romance of Matilda, her passionately agitated duet with Arnold, a large trio of Arnold, Wilhelm and Walter, in which the excited patter of the initial section is replaced by lifting heroic intonations. Completes the act of the Grand Choir Final - the scene in Rutli - the dramatic vertex of the opera, the entire development of which is directed towards the climax - a courageous-decisive trio with a choir (swiss oaths).

In the third act, several contrasting sections following sharp dramatic plot development. In the center of the love scene, Matilda and Arnold - a pathetically agitated aria of the heroine (when executed the scene is usually produced). Among the diverse genre episodes is distinguished by the Choir of Tyroltsev, A Capella. Quartet celebrates a fracture in the development of action; Disordant feelings - courageous challenges of the Telle, touching Molba Jammy, the cruelty of Geslera and Rudolph - are captured in a flexible, figurative bright melody. The voltage reaches the limit in the expressive Arioso of the Tella, facing his son - "be immobile". The act completes the monumental choral scene saturated with anger and protest.

The fourth act is directed to the radiant final apotheosis. In the Arnold Scene with Swiss, expressive orchestral support transmits a sense of anxiety and emotion. Careful, martial spirit entered the Kabaletta Arnold "Friends, for the Father to Comem", reminiscent of Italian liberation songs. Coloring orchestral painting of storms forms the dramatic climax of the act. The feeling of infinite scene is fulfilled the final scene, symbolizing the celebration of justice and freedom.

M. Druskin

This essay is the top of Rossini's creativity. Opera synthesized all the best sides of its dating. The romantic spirit is combined with thin lyricism, Italian hinge with folk swiss melodies. Wonderful ensembles and choirs. Among the best episodes: Overture, TERTSET "Quand L'Helvetie" and the final 2 d. (Scene in Rutli). The premiere was met restrained, the audience could not understand the innovative essence of the composition. However, soon the Opera took a strong place in the repertoire of theaters, despite the technical difficulties of setting (they brightly writes a gobby in his book "World of the Italian Opera"). The French libretto was translated into Italian, and since then the opera exists in 2 versions. In Russia, delivered in 1838 (due to the censorship considerations, called "Karl bold"). In the title party at the turn of the centuries shone Battishini. In the 20th century Her successfully sang Gobby, Milns, Zankanaro. From modern productions, we note the performances of La Scala (1988, in the capital party of Zankanaro) and in Rossiniyevsky festival in Pesaro (1995). During the war years, the opera was delivered in the Bolshoi Theater (1942, Kuibyshev).

Discography: CD - Italian version - Decca. Conductor Shay, Tel (Milns), Matilda (FRI), Arnold (Pavarotgi), Walter (Gayurov) - French version - EMI. Conductor Gardley, Tel (Buckie), Matilda (Cabal), Arnold (Gayurov), Walter (Kovach).

The action of the play occurs in three "forest cantons" - Schwitz, Uri and Unterwalden, who, uniting in 1291, amounted to the basis of the Swiss Union in the fight against the Austrian dominion of the Habsburgs.

It is hard for ordinary people suffering from the self-government of the governors of the Austrian Emperor - Pokhtov. In the midst of Unterwalden, Baumgarten, the Commandant of the fortress almost discolored his wife. Baumgarten killed him, and he had to run from Landsfochta's soldiers. In a risk of risk to life, he helps to cross the Lake Vilhelm Tel. Thus, he avoids persecution.

In the canton Schwitz grows the peasant Werner Stauffacher. He is threatened by the governor of the edge. He promises to deprive his housing and farms just for what he did not like, in which sufficiency he lives. Werner's wife advises him to go to Uri, there will also be there people who are dissatisfied with the power of Fokht-Alien. Although she is a woman, but understands that in the fight against the general enemy it is necessary to unite.

In the house of Verner Fürst, respected in Uri, Werner Furst is hidden from Fokhta Landenberg Arnold Melchtal from Unterwalden. He wanted to take a couple of oxen by the orders of the governor, resisting, he interrupted the Austrian soldier to the finger and was forced to be like a criminal, flee from his home. Then his father for the provinity of the son of the eyes of the eyes, everyone was taken away, gave the staff and let them wander under the windows of people.

But the patience of the people ended. Melchtal, staucher and master himself about the start of joint action are negotiated in the House of Werner Furst. Each of them will go to their postlands and will discuss with them the situation of affairs, and then ten reliable husbands from each canton will be gather to develop a joint solution in the mountains, Rutley's glade, where the borders of three cantons are converged.

Does not support the power of Landsfokhtov and the dominated baron of the localities of Attigauzen. He discresses his nephew Rudenz to enter the Austrian service. The old baron guesses what is the true reason that prompted the nephew to accept such a shameful decision is the love of the rich Austrian heir of Berth von Bruneck, but this is not a serious reason for the man to change his homeland. Uncle's embarrassed Uncle Rudenz does not find a response, but still leaves the castle.

In Polyana Ryutli gather in the village of Schwitz, Unterwalden and Uri. They conclude the Union. Everyone understands that they do not agree with the Austrian governors with peaceful means, so it is necessary to develop an accurate plan of hostilities. First you need to capture the castles of Rosberg and Sarnen. In Sarnen, it will be easy to penetrate into Christmas, when the Fokhta tradition is taken from the village of giving gifts. In the fortress Rosberg will indicate the road Melchtal. He has a friend maid. When two castles are captured, the lights will appear on the tops of the mountains - this will serve as a signal for the speech of the folk militia. Seeing that the people are armed, the faces will be forced to leave Switzerland. The peasants give an oath of loyalty in the struggle for freedom and diverge.

Wilhelm Talle, whose house is located in the mountains, is still aside from the main events occurring in the villages. He is doing homemade. Capturing the gate, he is going along with one of the sons to the test, Walter Fürth, to Altorph. I don't like it his wife Gedwig. There is Gesler, the governor of the emperor, and he does not like them. In addition, the tel recently met Geslera by chance one on the hunt and witnessed how he was frightened, "the shame will not be posant."

Telle's road leads him to the square in Altorf, where there is a hat on the six, who, by order of Landsfochta Geslera, all passing should go. Without noticing her, the Alpine shooter with his son pass by, but the soldiers standing on guard, delay him and for not having honor his hat, want to be in prison. In the middle of the Tella, but here Gesler appears with a retinue. Learning what was the matter, he invites the Alpine Arrow to stake the arrow from the head of the son of the apple or him and his son threatens death. In the midst of the walter Fürst, Fürste persuade Geslera to change his decision - Landsfokht is adamant. Then the son of the TVL - Walter - it becomes himself, puts apple to his head. Wilhelm Tool shoots and knocks up an apple. All the troops, but Gesler asks the arrow, why he took out two arrows before aimed. Wilhelm is comprehensively recognized that if the first shot killed his son, then the second arrow would pierce Geslera. Landfokt orders the arrest of the TV.

On the boat, Landfokt together with the soldiers goes through the lake to deliver Wilhelm Telly to Canton Cusnach. The storm begins, the soldiers of the facter throw oars, then Gesler offers an arrow to drive a boat. He is unleashed, he will kill the boat closer to the shore and jumps out on the stones. Now through the Mountains, the Tool is going to go to the Cusnik.

In his castle, the Baron AttangAuzen dies, around him the village of three mountain cantons. They love their lord, he was always a reliable support. The old man says that he leaves this world with sadness in the heart, because his peasants remain "orphans" without him, there will be no one to protect them from Inomes. Then ordinary people reveal to him the mystery that they entered into the Union of Three Cantons on Rutley and will fight together against imperial tyranny. The Baron rejoices that his homeland will be free, only the indifference of the nobles to what is happening overshadows him, but he dies with the hope that the knights will give the oath to the loyalty of Switzerland. Baron's nephew runs, Rudenz, he was late for the bed of dying, but over the body of the deceased he swear in loyalty to his people. Rudenz reports that he knows about the decision taken on Rutli, but the hour of performances should be accelerated. Tella became the first victim of delay, and he was kidnapped by his bride, Berta von Bruneck. He requests the peasants to help him find it and free.

Tella in ambush on the mountain path leading to Kysnacht, takes Geslera. In addition to him, there are still peasants who hope to get a response to their petitions. Gesler appears, a woman rushes to him, praying for the release of a husband from prison, but here the arrow of the Tell is overtaken it, Landfokt dies with the words: "This is a telle shot." All rejoices of the death of Tirana.

On the vertices of the mountains are lit by signal lights, the people of Uri are armed and rushes a fortress of IHO Uri in Altdorf - the symbol of power of the Austrian Landforks. Walter Fürste and Melchtal appears on the street, who says that at night, the sudden attack Ulrich Rudenz captured Sargen Castle. He and his squad, as it was scheduled, sneaked into Rosberg, captured him and spell. It turned out that in one of the castle rooms there is Berta von Bruneck. Curious Rudenz rushed into the fire, and only he made his bride from the castle, as the rafters were collapsed. Melchtal himself overtaking his offender Landenberg, whose people blinded her father, he wanted to kill him, but his father blew his boring the criminal. Now he is already far from here.

The people celebrate victory, the hat on the pole becomes a symbol of freedom. A mesmer appears with the diploma of the widow of Emperor Albrecht, Elizabeth. The emperor is killed, his killers managed to hide. Elizabeth appeals with a request to issue criminals, the main of whom is the native nephew of the emperor, the Swabian Duke John. But no one knows where he is.

In the House of Telle asks the shelter wandering monk. Having learned the arrow in the Tella, who killed Imperial Landfokt, the monk throws off the rjas. He is the nephew of the emperor, he killed Emperor Albrecht. But contrary to the expectations of John, Wilhelm is ready to drive him out of his house, because the "mercenary murder" for the throne cannot be compared with the "Father's Self-Protection". However, a good tell is not able to push off a loyal person, and therefore in response to all requests of John about help he points to him through the mountains in Italy, to Pope, who one can help the criminal to find a path to consolation.

The play ends with a folk holiday. In the midst of three cantons rejoice in freedom and thank the Tella for getting rid of Landfork. Berta announces Rudenna about his consent to marry him, the same on the occasion of the universal holiday gives the freedom to all its fortress.
