Facts from the life of Chernyshevsky. Brief biography Chernyshevsky

Facts from the life of Chernyshevsky. Brief biography Chernyshevsky
Facts from the life of Chernyshevsky. Brief biography Chernyshevsky

Chernyshevsky Nikolai Gavrilovich is a famous Russian writer and journalist. He was born in 1828 in Saratov. Since his father was a priest, Nikolai began training in the spiritual seminary. Then at the age of 18, he enters the University of St. Petersburg at the Historical and Philology Faculty.

In 25, Chernyshevsky marries Olga Vasilyeva. In marriage, he adhered to gender equality, which at that time was a revolutionary idea.

At the same time, he moves to Petersburg and begins to build a publicist career. He received particularly fame, working in the magazine "Contemporary".

In the 50s, the works of the writer were actively printed, in which he openly expressed his opinion on the expected peasant uprising. For revolutionary-democratic views, the magazine was closed. Chernyshevsky continued to promote his ideas, wrote revolutionary proclamation. The authorities have established surveillance after him, and soon Nikolai was arrested and sent for the time of investigators to the Petropavlovsk fortress. By a sentence, he was condemned by 7 years cautious and reference to Siberia to the end of life.

During the investigation, Nikolai Chernyshevsky created his work "What to do".

In 1883, Chernyshevsky was allowed to leave to Astrakhan. In 1889, Nikolai Chernyshevsky left life.

Grade 10. By date

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Interesting facts from life you will learn in this article.

Nikolai Chernyshevsky Interesting Facts

In orphanage, Nikolai addicted to reading and amazing surrounding well.

In official documentation and correspondence between the gendarmerie and the secret police Chernyshevsky was called the "enemy of the Russian Empire number one".

In July 1862, Chernyshevsky was arrested for communication with anti-government emigration, as well as on suspicion of revolutionary propaganda and sent to the Petropavlovsk fortress. Here they were written (and missed the censorship!) Roman "What to do?", Who became a desk book of revolutionary youth.

For 678 days, Chernyshevsky's arrest wrote text materials in an amount of at least 200 copyright sheets.

In general, Chernyshevsky stayed in prison, at Katorga and in the link Over twenty years old.

In 1874, his liberation was officially proposed, but he refuses to submit for pardon.

Personal life Chernyshevsky

In 1853 he met the future wife, Olga Socratan Vasilyev, together with which after the wedding moved from his native Saratov to St. Petersburg. She was successful in all Saratov Bals, she did not have a penny from fans, but Olga chose an awkward and quiet Nikolai Chernyshevsky. They had two sons.

This beautiful young woman lived her life. The fifty-graduation frost in winter and the unbearable heat in the summer were not for her. Did you know about her life Chernyshevsky? Most likely, knew, because there was a period when he stopped writing letters, wanting Olga to forget about him. But he never stopped her.

Here is one of his letters: - " ... my dear friend, my joy, the only love and thought, Lyalechka. For a long time I did not write to you as my heart was eager. And now, my dear, I restrain the expression of my feeling, because this letter is not to read you alone, as well as others, perhaps. I write on our wedding day. My dear joy, thank you for being overwhelming my life. Many I did grief. Sorry. You are generous. Firmly, firmly hug you and kiss your handles. In these many years, there was no one, like never, not one hour, which would not give me the power of thought about you. Forgive man who made a lot of heavy suffering to you, but devoted to you endlessly, my dear friend. I am completely healthy, as usual. Be care about your health - the only thing that is expensive for me in the world. ".

During the reference, Chernyshevsky did not interest their own difficulties. He was concerned about the harvesters on his wife's shoulders. In his letters, he asked his wife to follow his health and hygiene. He wrote that sexual abstinence is contraindicated to women and adversely affect them. Olga was not a faithful wife ..

But, no matter what, Nikolai Chernyshevsky loved his wife. Even in the link, he did not stop thinking how to please her, so, cutting the crumbs of money from his meager nutrition, he managed to save and buy a wonderful fox fox. Twentyly long years passed before they met again. Through all these years, Nikolai Gavrilovich carried his love, he knew how to wait and love like no other.

russian philosopher materialist, revolutionary democrat, encyclopedist, theorist of critical utopian socialism, scientist, literary critic, publicist and writer

Nikolai Chernyshevsky

short biography

Russian revolutionary, Democrat, writer, philosopher, economist, publicist, literary critic, scientist - appeared on the light of Saratov on July 24 (July 12, under Art.) 1828. His father was a priest, a man versedly educated. Back in childhood, Nikolai addicted to reading and amazing the surrounding readiness.

In 1842, he becomes a student of the Saratov spiritual seminary. The years of study in it (completed training in 1845) were filled with intensive self-education. In 1846, Chernyshevsky is a student of the Faculty of Philosophy (historical and philological department) of St. Petersburg University. After graduation in 1951-1853. He taught Russian in the local gymnasium. In the student years, Chernyshevsky was formed as a person and was ready to devote the life of revolutionary activities. To the same period of biographies include the first samples of the pen.

In 1853, Nikolai Gavrilovich, married, moved to St. Petersburg and was defined in 1854 in the second cadet corps by the teacher. Despite the pedagogical talent, it was forced to resign after the conflict with a colleague. By 1853 refers to the beginning of its literary activities in the form of small articles, which are published by St. Petersburg Vedomosti and "Domestic Notes". In 1854, Chernyshevsky became an employee of the contemporary magazine. The defense of the master's thesis "The aesthetic attitudes of art to reality" turned into a significant public event and gave the development of the national materialistic aesthetics.

For 1855-1857 From under the pen Chernyshevsky, a number of articles are increasing, mainly literary and critical and historical and literary nature. At the end of 1857, by replacing the critical department of N. Dobrolyubov, it proceeds to the composition of articles covered by economic and political issues, primarily relating to the planned agricultural reforms. By this step of the government, he treated negatively and at the end of 1858 began to act with a call to ensure that the reform was torn to the revolutionary way, warned that the peasantry expects a large-scale ruin.

End 50 - early 60s. It was noted in his creative biography of writing political economics, in which the writer expresses conviction in the inevitability of the coming of socialism to change capitalism, in particular, the "land ownership experience", "superstition and the rules of logic", "capital and labor", etc.

Since the beginning of the autumn of 1861 N.G. Chernyshevsky becomes the object of a secret police supervision. Throughout the summer, 1861-1862. He was the ideological inspirer of the "Earth and Will" - a revolutionary populist organization. Chernyshevsky was meant in the service documentation of the secret police as the enemy number one Russian Empire. When the letter of Herzen was intercepted with the mention of Chernyshevsky and the proposal to produce abroad for the time "contemporary", Nikolai Gavrilovich on June 12, 1862 was arrested. While there was a consequence, he was sitting in the Peter and Paul Fortress, in a single chamber, continuing to write. So, in 1862-1863. In the dungeons was written the famous novel "What to do?".

In February 1864, a verdict was submitted, according to which the revolutionary was to spend 14 years at Katorga, followed by life living in Siberia, but Alexander II reduced the term up to 7 years. In prison and at Katorga N. Chernyshevsky, a total of more than two decades permanently happened. In 1874, he refused to write a petition for pardon, although he was given such a chance. The family exhaust to him in 1889 permission to live in Saratov, but moved, he, on October 29 (October 17, under Art.) 1889 died and was buried on the Resurrection Cemetery. For several more years, until 1905, all his works were in Russia under the ban.

Biography from Wikipedia

N. G. Chernyshevsky. Photo V. Ya. Laufferta. 1859 year

Born in the Family of Archpriest Alexander-Nevsky Cathedral of Saratov Gabriel Ivanovich Chernyshevsky (1793-23.10.1861), which took place from the fortress villages Chernysheva Chebar district of the Penza province. The name of the village gave him and surname. Until 14 years of age, he studied at home under the leadership of the Father, a multilateral and very religious person, and a cousin, L. N. Dypinina. Archbishop Nikanor (Brovkovich) pointed out that from early childhood, a governor-Frenchman, who "in Saratov also attributed the original direction of the young Chernyshevsky" to him.

The reading of Nikolai hit others; As a child, he even had a nickname "bibliophage", that is, the Book Eater. In 1843 he entered the Saratov spiritual seminary. In the seminary, he stayed three years old, "being unusually thoroughly developed not by year and is educated far above the seminar course of its peers"; Without graduating her, in 1846 he entered the University of St. Petersburg to the historical and philological department of the Faculty of Philosophy.

In these years, he formed that Chernyshevsky, whom all Russia will soon find out, is a convinced revolutionary democrat, a socialist and materialist. The worldview of Chernyshevsky was formed under the influence of ancient, as well as the French and English materialism of the XVII-XVIII centuries, the works of naturalists - Newton, Laplace, Loland and other ideas of utopian socialists, the classics of political economy, dialectics of Hegel and especially the anthropological materialism of Feyerbach. The influence on the formation of his views was the Circle of I. I. I. Vited. At this time, Chernyshevsky began writing his first artwork. In 1850, he graduated from a candidate, received a appointment to Saratov gymnasium and in the spring of 1851 began work. Here, a young teacher used his position for the preaching of revolutionary ideas.

In 1853 he met the future wife, Olga Socratan Vasilyev, together with which after the wedding moved from his native Saratov to St. Petersburg. The highest order January 24, 1854, Chernyshevsky was defined by the teacher in the second Cadet Corps. The future writer has established itself as an excellent teacher, but his stay in the corps turned out to be short. After the conflict with the officer Chernyshevsky was forced to resign.

Literary activity

Literary activity began in 1853 in small articles in the St. Petersburg Vedomosti and "Public Notes".

In early 1854, he went to the magazine "Contemporannik", where in 1855-1862 he was actually the head of the journal along with N. A. Nekrasov and N. A. Dobrolyubov, led the decisive struggle for turning the magazine to the tribune of revolutionary democracy, which caused Protest Liberal writers (V.P. Botkin, P. V. Annenkov and A. V. Druzhinin, I. S. Turgenev), who collaborated in the "contemporary".

On May 10, 1855, the dissertation of the "Aesthetic attitudes of art to reality" is defended, which has become a large social event and was perceived as a revolutionary performance, in this work he exposed a sharp criticism of the aesthetics of idealists and the theory of "art for art." The Minister of Education A. S. Norov prevented awarding a scientific degree, and only in 1858, when Norow as the Minister replaced E. P. Kovalevsky, the latter approved Chernyshevsky to the degree of Master of Russian Literature.

In 1858, he became the first editor of the magazine "Military Collection". A number of officers (secerakovsky, Kalinovsky, Shellengunov, etc.), was involved in the revolutionary circles. Chernyshevsky's work was well aware of Herzen and Ogarov, who sought to bring the army to participate in the revolution. Together with them is the twin priest of populism.

In the 1860s, Chernyshevsky became a recognized leader of the publicistic school of Russian philosophical materialism. The main philosophical essay of Chernyshevsky - " Anthropological primacy in philosophy"(1860). It sets out the monistic materialistic position of the author, directed both against dualism and against idealistic monism. Determining philosophy as "the theory of solving the most common issues of science," he justified the provisions on the material unity of the world, the objective nature of the laws of nature, using the data of natural sciences.

1861 year. Clauses: The highest manifesto on 02/19/1861 on the abolition of serfdom, the reform, which Marx and Engels called the "sculnical trick" begins. Chernyshevsky's activity acquires at this time the greatest scope, extreme tension. Not entering formally into the secret revolutionary society "Earth and Volya", Chernyshevsky is his undoubted inspiration. No wonder Marx and Engels called him "head of the revolutionary party."

From September 1861, he is under secret police supervision. The chief of gendarmes of Dolgorukov gives such a characteristic of Chernyshevsky: "Suspected in the preparation of the" Velikorussi ", in the participation of the compilation of other appeals and in the constant initiation of hostile feelings to the government." He was suspected of involvement in the fires of 1862 in St. Petersburg.

In May 1862, the magazine "Contemporary" was closed for 8 months.

In 1863, the Roman "What to do?" What to do? "Written by Chernyshevsky, who was under arrest in the Peter and Paul Fortress was printed in the renewed magazine.

Arrest and consequence

On June 12, 1862, Chernyshevsky was arrested and placed in a single chamber in custody in the Alekseevsky Retalier of the Petropavlovsk Fortress on charges of drawing up the proclamation "Barsky peasants from their goodwhelters." The appeal to the "Barsky peasants" was rewritten by the handle of Mikhailov and was transferred to Vsevolod Kostomarov, which turned out to be as soon as it turned out, a provocateur.

In official documentation and correspondence between the gendarmerie and the secret police were called the "enemy of the Russian Empire number one". The letter for arrest was intercepted by the Police letter Herzen to N. A. Srno-Solovievich, which mentioned the name Chernyshevsky in connection with the proposal to publish a prohibited "contemporary" in London.

The investigation lasted about a year and a half. Chernyshevsky led a stubborn struggle with the investigative commission. In the form of a protest against the illegal actions of the Investigation Commission, Chernyshevsky announced a hunger strike that lasted nine days. At the same time, Chernyshevsky continued to work in prison. For 678 days, Chernyshevsky's arrest wrote text materials in an amount of at least 200 copyright sheets. The most full-scale utopian ideals of Chernyshevsky's arrestant were expressed in the novel "What to do?" (1863), published in 3, 4 and 5 rooms of the "contemporary".

Katorga and reference

On February 7, 1864, the Senator M. M. Carnio-Pinsky was declared a verdict in Chernyshevsky's case: a reference to focus work for a period of 14 years, and then the settlement in Siberia for life. Alexander II reduced the term of religious work under 7 years of age, in general, Chernyshevsky stayed in prison, at Katorga and in the link over twenty years.

19 (31) May 1864 in St. Petersburg on the Mantie Square, a civil execution of the revolutionary took place. Was sent to the Nerchinsky Cathedral in the Cadayan prison; In 1866, it was transferred to the Alexander Plant of the Nerchinsky District, in 1867 to akatuyan prison, after the end of seven-year-old cortics, he was transferred in 1871 to Vilyuisk. In 1874, his liberation was officially proposed, but he refuses to submit for pardon. In the Alexander Plant to this day, the House-Museum of N. G. Chernyshevsky is preserved - the house in which he lived.

The organizer of one of the attempts to liberate Chernyshevsky (1871) from the reference was G. A. Lopatin. In 1875, I. N. Myshkin tried to release Chernyshevsky. In 1883, Chernyshevsky was allowed to return to the European part of Russia, to Astrakhan (according to some information, in this period, Konstantin Fedorov worked as a correspondence.


Thanks to the troubles of the son of Mikhail, on June 27, 1889, he moved to Saratov, but already on October 11, the same year sick malaria. Chernyshevsky died at 12:37 pm at night 17 (29) October 1889 from hemorrhage to the brain. October 20, 1889 was buried in Saratov on the Resurrection Cemetery.

A family

Grandfather (by Mother) - Yegor (Georgy) Ivanovich Golubev (1781-20.04.1818), Archpriests of the Saratov Uncooked-Spasskaya (Sergievskaya) Church, "there was a honest, scientist and loved by many."

Grandma (by Mother) - Pelagia Ivanovna Golubeva, nee Cyrilova (1780-1847), daughter of the Saratov priest John (Ivana) Cyrilova (about 1761-after 1821) and his wife Maur Porphyrievna (about 1761-after 1814). There was a "typical, harsh, powerful, adamant woman of the old century, with the character subordinating to themselves." Had two daughters.

Father - Gabriel Ivanovich Chernyshevsky (5.07.1793-23.10.1861), Senior Son of the Dyakon village Chernyshevka Chebbar district of the Penza province of Ivan Vasilyeva (1763-1809) and his wife Evdokia (Avdoti) Markovna (1767-1835); He had a sister of Stepanid (1791-?) And Brother Fothy (1794-?). After studying at the Tambov school, he was transferred to the Penza seminary, where he received the name at the place of birth S. Chernyshevo Penza province - ChernyshevskyTo enable it in the seminar listings. Marrying the daughters of Archpriest E. I. Golubev, in 1825 he became an arbitrary in Saratov; From 1826 member of spiritual rule. Knew languages \u200b\u200band history.

Mother Evgenia Egorovna Golubeva (30.11.1803-19.04.1853), was crowned with G. I. Chernyshevsky on June 7, 1818.

Aunt - Alexander Egorovna Golubeva (1806-15.08.1884), the only sister E. E. Chernyshevskaya. It was twice married: 1) For the porquet of artillery, Nikolai Mikhailovich Kotlyarevsky (mind 28.08.1828), they have 3 children: love (1824-1852), Sophia (1826-1827) and Egor (1828-1827); 2) Since 1831, behind the finely nobleman Nikolai Dmitrievich Dypin (1808-1893), a Saratov official, from which another 8 children gave birth, including A. N. Pypin.

Sister - Pelageya Gavrilovna Chernyshevskaya (09.09.1825-25.09.1825), lived for less than a month.

N. G. Chernyshevsky was married from April 29, 1853 at Olga Socratna Vasilyeva (03/15/1833-11.07.1918), Daughter of Saratov Dr. Socrates Evgenievich Vasilyeva (1796-1860) and Anna Kirillovna Kazachekovskaya, Lieutenant-General's daughter K. F. Kazachkovsky. Olga Socratna "was a cheerful, energetic, loving moving games, fun and a bold girl." They were born 3 sons:

  • Alexander (5.03.1854, St. Petersburg, - 01/17/1915, Rome, Italy), Mathematics for education, all his life fond of literature.
  • Victor (01/20/1857, St. Petersburg, - November 1860, there), died in childhood.
  • Mikhail (October 7, 1858, St. Petersburg, - 3.05.1924), was the first director of the Museum-Manor N. G. Chernyshevsky. He was married to Elena Matveyevna Solovyova (1864-1940)

Journalistic activity

Continuing the tradition of the criticism of Belinsky, sought to reveal the essence of public phenomena, to convey to the reader his revolutionary views. They wrote many articles and reviews aimed at explaining certain new literary flows, was one of the first critics, discontinued in the work of the thick so-called "soul dialectics".

Philosophical views

He was a follower of Russian revolutionary-democratic thought and progressive Western European philosophy (French materialists of the XVIII century, Social-Utopists Fourier and Feyerbach). In university years experienced a short passion for Hegelianism, subsequently criticized idealistic views, christian, bourgeois and liberal morality as "slave" .

The philosophy of Chernyshevsky is monistic and directed against dualism, objectively idealistic and subjective idealistic monism. Defining a philosophy as "the theory of solving the most common issues of science," he justified the provision on the material unity of the world, the objective nature of nature and its laws (for example, the law of causality), and the data of chemistry, physics, biology, etc. of natural sciences is widely used. Explaining the ideal as a burden of material, arguing about the material foundations of consciousness, Chernyshevsky was also relied on the data of experienced psychology and physiology. In the philosophy of Chernyshevsky, the ideas associated with anthropological materialism are occupied, which brings him closer with the most advanced thinkers, such as Feuerbach.

According to Chernyshevsky, the main factors forming the moral consciousness are "natural needs", as well as "public habits and circumstances". Satisfying needs, from his point of view, eliminate the obstacles to the flowering of the personality and the cause of moral pathologies, for this it is necessary to change the living conditions themselves through the revolution. Materialism served as theoretical substantiation of the political program of revolutionaries-Democrats, they criticized the reformists in the "enlightened monarch" and "honest politics".

His ethics is based on the concept of "reasonable egoism" and the anthropological principle. A person, as a biosocial creature, belongs to the world of nature, defining its "essence," and is in social relations with other people in which he implements the initial desire of his "nature" to pleasure. The philosopher argues that the individual "comes as it is more pleasant to do it, it takes on the calculation, which will give up less benefit and less pleasure to get greater benefits, greater pleasure," only then it achieves good. The personal interest of the developed person prompts him to the act of noble self-sacrifice, in order to bring the celebration of the chosen ideal. The denying existence of freedom of will, Chernyshevsky recognizes the law of causality: "The phenomenon that we call will is a link in a number of phenomena and the facts connected by the causal link."

Thanks to the liberty of the choice, a person moves along a particular way of social development, and the education of people should serve that they will learn to choose new and progressive paths, that is, becoming "new people", the ideals of which are the ministry of people, revolutionary humanism, historical optimism.

Political ideology

Peasant question

In published in 1858-1859. Three articles under the general title "On the new conditions of the rural life" Chernyshevsky in an objective form and externally well-dimensional tone conducted an idea of \u200b\u200bthe immediate liberation of peasants from Earth without any redemption, then the communal ownership of land will continue, which will gradually lead to socialist land use. According to Lenin, this utopian approach could hold a decisive breaking of feudal antiquity, which would lead to the most rapid and progressive development of capitalism.

While the official press was printed by Alexander II Manifest of February 19, 1861 on the first page, the "contemporary" placed only excerpts from the royal decree at the end of the book, in the form of an application, without being able to directly disclose the nature of the reform. In the same room, the poems of the American poet Longfello "Songs about blacks" and an article about the slavery of African Americans in the United States were published. Readers understood that he wants to say this edit.

Socio-economic views

For the Chernyshevsky community - the Patriarchal Institute of Russian Life, in the community there is a "comrade form of production" in parallel with capitalist production, which will eventually be abolished over time. Then the collective production and consumption will be finally approved, after which the community as a form of production association will disappear. The transfer period from the work of the land by the private forces of a separate host to community processing of a whole worldly cottage was estimated at 20-30 years. Used the ideas of Fourier and its main student of the consideration. In the "essays from the political economy" with some reservations, the Utopist's teachings about labor, pointing to the need for large production, and explains the disadvantage of the labor of the hoe. Chernyshevsky believed that "the product consumer must be its master manufacturer." According to the views of Fourier, Chernyshevsky pointed out the exaggerated value of trading in modern society and the disadvantages of its organization. In the novel "What to do?" Repeatedly depicted the Falanester (the fourth dream of Vera Pavlovna).

Addresses in St. Petersburg

  • 06/19/1846 - 08/20/1846 - Prilutsky's profitable house - Catherine Canal (now - Griboyedov Canal), 44;
  • 08/21/1846 - 07.12.1846 - Appeal home Vyazemsky - Nab. Catherine Canal (now - Canal Griboyedova), 38, square. 47;
  • 1847-1848 - Frieders House - Vladimirskaya Street, 13;
  • 1848 - Solovyov's profitable house - Voznesensky Avenue, 41;
  • 09/20/1849 - 10.02.1850 - Apartment L. N. Torsinskaya in an apartment building I. V. Koshansky - Large stable street, 15, square. eight;
  • 12.1850 - 12.03.1851 - Officer Street, 45;
  • 05/13/1853 - 01.08.1853 - Officer Street, 45;
  • 1853-1854 - Apartment I. I. Vvedensky in the Borodino's incomplete house - the embankment of the Zhdanovka River, 7;
  • 08/22/1855 - end of 06.1860 - Cook Alley, 13, square meters. 6;
  • end of 06.1860 - 07.06.1861 - Profitable house V. F. Gromova - 2nd line of Vasilyevsky Islands, 13, square meters. 7;
  • 06/08/1861 - 07/07/1862 - Esaulova's profits - Bolshaya Moscow Street, 6, square meters. four.


  • In the USSR, Chernyshevsky became the cult figure of the history of the revolutionary struggle due to the heading of V. I. Lenin about the novel "What to do?".
  • Chernyshevsky as a revolutionary ideologist and the novelist mentioned in the statements of K. Marx, F. Engels, A. Bebel, H. Boteva and other historical personalities.
  • G. V. Plekhanov noted: "My own mental development was accomplished under the worst influence of Chernyshevsky, the analysis of the views of which was a whole event in my literary life."
  • Information about Chernyshevsky is contained in the memoirs of the public figure of Russia L. F. Panteleeva.
  • Writer V. A. Gilyarovsky after reading "What to do?" Sent out of the house on the Volga - in Burlaki.
  • One of the most expressive monuments of Chernyshevsky created the sculptor V. V. Leshev. The monument was opened on the Moscow Prospect in Leningrad on February 2, 1947.
  • With the elements of satire, the image of Chernyshevsky was presented in the novel "Dar" (1937) V. V. Nabokov.

Pedagogical theory

In the philosophical and pedagogical views of Chernyshevsky, you can trace the direct relationship between the political regime, material supply and education. Chernyshevsky defended a decisive, revolutionary alteration of society, for which it is necessary to prepare strong, intelligent, freedom-loving people.

The pedagogical ideal for Chernyshevsky is a comprehensively developed personality, ready for self-development and self-sacrifice for the sake of public goods.

The shortcomings of the modern education system Chernyshevsky considered the low level and potential of Russian science, scholastic teaching methods, Mushtru instead of education, inequality of female and male education.

Chernyshevsky defended the anthropological approach, considering man a crown of creation, a variable, active being. Social changes lead to a change in the entire society as a whole and each individual individual individually. He did not consider hereditary bad behavior - this is a consequence of bad education and poverty.

One of the main properties of Human Nature Chernyshevsky considered activity, the nature of which is rooted in the awareness of insufficientness and the desire to eliminate this insufficiency.



  • 1862-1863 - What to do? From the stories about new people.
  • 1863 - Tale in Tale (illegal)
  • 1867-1870 - Prologue. Roman from the beginning of the sixties. (illegal)


  • 1863 - Alferreev.
  • 1864 - Minor stories.
  • 1889 - Evenings in Princess Starobelskaya (not printed)

Literary critics

  • 1849 - About the "Brigadier" of Fonvizin. Candidate work.
  • 1854 - about sincerity in criticism.
  • 1854 - songs of different nations.
  • 1854 - Poverty is not a vice. Comedy A. Ostrovsky.
  • 1855 - Writings of Pushkin.
  • 1855-1856 - Essays of the Gogolian period of Russian literature.
  • 1856 - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. His life and writings.
  • 1856 - Koltsov poems.
  • 1856 - N. Ogareva poems.
  • 1856 - Collection of poems V. Benedictova.
  • 1856 - childhood and adolescence. Military stories Graph L. N. Tolstoy.
  • 1856 - essays from the peasant life of A. F. Pisemsky.
  • 1857 - Lessing. His time, his life and activity.
  • 1857 - "Gubernsky Essays" Shchedrin.
  • 1857 - writings V. Zhukovsky.
  • 1857 - N. Shcherbin poem.
  • 1857 - "Letters about Spain" V. P. Botkin.
  • 1858 - Russian man on Rendez-Vous. Reflections on reading the story of the city of Turgenev "Asya".
  • 1860 - Meeting of Miracles, Tale borrowed from mythology.
  • 1861 - Is it not the beginning of the change? N. V. Uspensky stories. Two parts.


  • 1856 - Overview of the historical development of the rural community in Russia Chicherin.
  • 1856 - "Russian conversation" and its direction.
  • 1857 - "Russian conversation" and Slavophilism.
  • 1857 - About the stomkerel property.
  • 1858 - spooky system.
  • 1858 - Cavenik.
  • 1858 - July monarchy.
  • 1859 - Materials for the decision of the peasant question.
  • 1859 - Superstition and Rules of Logic.
  • 1859 - Capital and work.
  • 1859-1862 - Politics. Monthly reviews of overseas political life.
  • 1860 - History of civilization in Europe from falling the Roman Empire to the French Revolution.
  • 1861 - Political and economic letters to the President of the United States of the United States of K. Carey.
  • 1861 - On the causes of the fall of Rome.
  • 1861 - Count Cavour.
  • 1861 - Dispostestness to authorities. Regarding "Democracy in America" \u200b\u200bTokville.
  • 1861 - Barsky peasants from their goodwires bow.
  • 1862 - In the expansion of appreciation Letter to g.<ари>well.
  • 1862 - Letters without address.
  • 1878 - Letter Sons A. N. and M. N. Chernyshevsky.


  • 1861 - N. A. Dobrolyubov. Obituary.
  • 1883 - Notes on Nekrasov.
  • 1884-1888 - Materials for the biography of N. A. Dobrolyubov, collected in 1861-1862.
  • 1884-1888 - Memories of Turgenev's relations to Dobrolyubov and about the breakdown of friendship between Turgenev and Nekrasov.

Philosophy and Aesthetics

  • 1854 - a critical look at modern aesthetic concepts.
  • 1855 - aesthetic attitudes of art to reality. Master's dissertation.
  • 1855 - sublime and comic.
  • 1855 - the nature of human knowledge.
  • 1858 - Criticism of philosophical prejudices against community ownership.
  • 1860 - Anthropological principle in philosophy. "Essays of issues of practical philosophy." Composition of P. L. Lavrov.
  • 1888 - The origin of the theory of the benefit of the struggle for life. Preface to some treatises on botany, zoology and sciences about human life.


  • 1858-1860 - "The history of the eighteenth century and nineteenth to the fall of the French Empire" F. K. Schlossor.
  • 1860 - "The foundations of political economy D. S. Mill" (with his notes).
  • 1861-1863 - "World History" F. K. Skhotser.
  • 1863-1864 - "Confession"

Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky. 12 (24) July 1828 was born in Saratov - died 17 (29) October 1889 in Saratov. Russian Utopist philosopher, revolutionary democrat, scientist, literary critic, publicist and writer.

Born in Saratov in the family of the priest, Saratov Cathedral Archpriest Gabriel Ivanovich Chernyshevsky (1793-1861).

Until the age of 14, he studied at home under the leadership of the Father, a multilateral educated and very religious person and a cousin, L. N. Dypina. Archbishop Nikanor (Brovkovich) pointed out that from early childhood, a governor-Frenchman, who "in Saratov also attributed the original direction of the young Chernyshevsky" to him.

The reading of Nikolai hit others. As a child, he even had a nickname "bibliophage", that is, the Book Eater. In 1843 he entered the Saratov spiritual seminary. In the seminary, he stayed three years old, "Being unusually thoroughly developed by year and is educated far above the seminar course of its peers." Without graduating her, in 1846 he entered the University of St. Petersburg to the historical and philological department of the Faculty of Philosophy.

Over the years, the university has developed the foundations of the worldview. The influence on the formation of his views was the Circle of I. I. I. Vited. At this time, Chernyshevsky began writing his first artwork. In 1850, he graduated from a candidate, received a appointment to Saratov gymnasium and in the spring of 1851 began work. Here, a young teacher used his position for the preaching of revolutionary ideas.

In 1853, met the future wife, Olga Socratan VasilyevTogether, after the wedding, he moved from his native Saratov to St. Petersburg. The highest order January 24, 1854, Chernyshevsky was defined by the teacher in the second Cadet Corps. The future writer has established itself as an excellent teacher, but his stay in the corps turned out to be short. After the conflict with the officer Chernyshevsky was forced to resign.

Literary activity began in 1853 in small articles in the St. Petersburg Vedomosti and in "Patriotic Notes".

In early 1854, he moved to the "Contempor" magazine, where in 1855-1862 he was the leader along with and, led a decisive struggle for turning the magazine to the tribune of revolutionary democracy, which caused the protest of Liberal writers (V. P. Botkin, . V. Annenkov and A. V. Druzhinin, I. S. Turgenev), who collaborated in the "contemporary".

On May 10, 1855, the dissertation of the "Aesthetic attitudes of art to reality" is defended, which has become a large social event and was perceived as a revolutionary performance, in this work he exposed a sharp criticism of the aesthetics of idealists and the theory of "art for art."

The Minister of Education A. S. Norov prevented awarding a scientific degree, and only in 1858, when Norow as the Minister replaced E. P. Kovalevsky, the latter approved Chernyshevsky to the degree of Master of Russian Literature.

In 1858, he became the first editor of the magazine "Military Collection". A number of officers (secerakovsky, Kalinovsky, Shellengunov, etc.), was involved in the revolutionary circles. Chernyshevsky's work was well aware of Herzen and Ogarov, who sought to bring the army to participate in the revolution. Together with them is the Rodonchalnik of Publicolism, involved in the creation of a secret revolutionary society "Earth and Will".

In June 1859, Chernyshevsky went to London to Herzen to explain about the article "Very Dangerous!" ("Very dangerous!") Printed in the "Bell".

From September 1861, he is under secret police supervision. The chief of gendarmes of Dolgorukov gives such a characteristic of Chernyshevsky: "Suspected in the preparation of the" Velikorussi ", in the participation of the compilation of other appeals and in the constant initiation of hostile feelings to the government." He was suspected of involvement in the fires of 1862 in St. Petersburg.

In May 1862, the magazine "Contemporary" was closed for 8 months.

On June 12, 1862, Chernyshevsky was arrested and placed in a single chamber in custody in the Alekseevsky Retalier of the Petropavlovsk Fortress on charges of drawing up the proclamation "Barsky peasants from their goodwhelters." The appeal to the "Barsky peasants" was rewritten by the handle of Mikhailov and was transferred to Vsevolod Kostomarov, which turned out to be as soon as it turned out, a provocateur.

In official documentation and correspondence between the gendarmerie and the secret police were called the "enemy of the Russian Empire number one". The appearance for arrest was intercepted by the police letter to N. A. Srno-Solovievich, in which the name Chernyshevsky was mentioned in connection with the proposal to publish a prohibited "contemporary" in London.

The investigation lasted about a year and a half. Chernyshevsky led a stubborn struggle with the investigative commission. In the form of a protest against the illegal actions of the Investigation Commission, Chernyshevsky announced a hunger strike that lasted nine days. At the same time, Chernyshevsky continued to work in prison. For 678 days, Chernyshevsky's arrest wrote text materials in an amount of at least 200 copyright sheets. The most full-scale utopian ideals of Chernyshevsky's arrestant were expressed in the novel "What to do?" (1863), published in 3, 4 and 5 rooms of the "contemporary".

On February 7, 1864, the Senator M. M. Carnio-Pinsky was declared a verdict in Chernyshevsky's case: a reference to focus work for a period of 14 years, and then the settlement in Siberia for life. Reduced the term of labor work up to seven years, in general, Chernyshevsky stayed in prison, at Katorga and in the link over twenty years.

19 (31) May 1864 in St. Petersburg on horseal square held a civil execution of the revolutionary. Was sent to the Nerchinsky Cathedral in the Cadayan prison; In 1866, Translated to the Alexander Plant of the Nerchinsky District, in 1867 to an Akatuyskaya prison, in 1871 in Vilyuisk. In 1874, his liberation was officially proposed, but he refuses to submit for pardon.

The organizer of one of the attempts to liberate Chernyshevsky (1871) from the reference was G. A. Lopatin. In 1875, I. N. Myshkin tried to release Chernyshevsky. In 1883, Chernyshevsky was transferred to Astrakhan (according to some reports, in this period, Konstantin Fedorov worked as a correspondence.

Thanks to the troubles of the son of Mikhail, on June 27, 1889, he moved to Saratov, but already on October 11, the same year sick malaria. Chernyshevsky died at 12:37 pm at night 17 (29) October 1889 from hemorrhage to the brain. October 20 was buried in the city of Saratov on the Resurrection Cemetery.

Chernyshevsky bibliography:

Chernyshevsky novels:

1862-1863 - What to do? From the stories about new people.
1863 - Tale in Tale (illegal)
1867-1870 - Prologue. Roman from the beginning of the sixties. (unfinished)

Test Chernyshevsky:

1863 - Alferreev.
1864 - Minor stories.
1889 - Evenings in Princess Starobelskaya (not printed)

Chernyshevsky literary criticism:

1849 - About the "Brigadier" of Fonvizin. Candidate work.
1854 - about sincerity in criticism.
1854 - songs of different nations.
1854 - Poverty is not a vice. Comedy A. Ostrovsky.
1855 - Writings of Pushkin.
1855-1856 - Essays of the Gogolian period of Russian literature.
1856 - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. His life and writings.
1856 - Koltsov poems.
1856 - N. Ogareva poems.
1856 - Collection of poems V. Benedictova.
1856 - childhood and adolescence. Military stories Graf L.N. Tolstoy.
1856 - essays from the peasant life A.F. Pisemist.
1857 - Lessing. His time, his life and activity.
1857 - "Gubernsky Essays" Shchedrin.
1857 - writings V. Zhukovsky.
1857 - N. Shcherbin poem.
1857 - "Letters about Spain" V. P. Botkin.
1858 - Russian man on Rendez-Vous. Reflections on reading the story of the city of Turgenev "Asya".
1860 - Meeting of Miracles, Tale borrowed from mythology.
1861 - Is it not the beginning of the change? Stories N.V. Assumption. Two parts.

Publicistics Chernyshevsky:

1856 - Overview of the historical development of the rural community in Russia Chicherin.
1856 - "Russian conversation" and its direction.
1857 - "Russian conversation" and Slavophilism.
1857 - About the stomkerel property.
1858 - spooky system.
1858 - Cavenik.
1858 - July monarchy.
1859 - Materials for the decision of the peasant question.
1859 - Superstition and Rules of Logic.
1859 - Capital and work.
1859-1862 - Politics. Monthly reviews of overseas political life.
1860 - History of civilization in Europe from falling the Roman Empire to the French Revolution.
1861 - Political and economic letters to the President of the United States of the United States of K. Carey.
1861 - On the causes of the fall of Rome.
1861 - Count Cavour.
1861 - Dispostestness to authorities. Regarding "Democracy in America" \u200b\u200bTokville.
1861 - Barsky peasants from their goodwires bow.
1862 - In the expansion of appreciation, the letter to the city of Z (Ari) well.
1862 - Letters without address.
1878 - Letter Sons A. N. and M. N. Chernyshevsky.

MEMUARS Chernyshevsky:

1861 - N. A. Dobrolyubov. Obituary.
1883 - Notes on Nekrasov.
1884-1888 - Materials for the biography of N. A. Dobrolyubov, collected in 1861-1862.
1884-1888 - Memories of Turgenev's relations to Dobrolyubov and about the breakdown of friendship between Turgenev and Nekrasov.

Chernyshevsky philosophy:

1854 - a critical look at modern aesthetic concepts.
1855 - aesthetic attitudes of art to reality. Master's dissertation.
1855 - sublime and comic.
1885 - the nature of human knowledge.
1858 - Criticism of philosophical prejudices against community ownership.
1860 - Anthropological principle in philosophy. "Essays of issues of practical philosophy." Composition of P. L. Lavrov.
1888 - The origin of the theory of the benefit of the struggle for life. Preface to some treatises on botany, zoology and sciences about human life.

Chernyshevsky translations:

1860 - "The foundations of political economy D. S. Mill" (with his notes).
1861-1863 - "World History" F. K. Skhotser.
1863-1864 - "Confession" J. J. Rousseau.
1884-1888 - "Universal history of Weber" (with its articles and comments managed to translate 12 volumes).

Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky was a prisoner of the "solid materialistic tradition" in Russia. Hence the special meaning of his philosophical views set forth in a few articles and otherwise expressed in the whole totality of its journalistic works. Note that philosophical materialism was known in Russia to Chernyshevsky. The ideas of the enlighteners of the XVIII century left a deep mark in the history of Russian public thought. In a number of glorious figures of the Russian revolutionary-democratic movement, Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (1828- 1889) is rightfully occupied by one of the first places.

Chernyshevsky's activity was distinguished by unusual polyhedral. It was a militant philosophical materialist and dialectic, he was also an original historian, sociologist, the largest economist, criticism, an outstanding innovator in aesthetics and literature. He embodied the best features of the Russian norrive mind, a persistent character, a mighty desire for freedom. His life is an example of the great civilian courage, selfless service to the people. All his life, Chernyshevsky pretended to the struggle for the liberation of the people from feudal fastener, for the revolutionary-democratic transformation of Russia. He dedicated his life to what it is possible to characterize the words of Herzen, said about the Decembrists, "wake up a young generation to the new life and clear the children born in the Wednesday of the Challenge and Rolanpia." With the writings of Chernyshevsky, philosophical thought in Russia significantly expanded the sphere of his influence, while going from a limited circle of scientists on the pages of a common magazine, declaring himself in the "contemporary" of every Article Chernyshevsky, even not devoted to special philosophical issues. Specially about the philosophy of Chernyshevsky wrote very little, but his whole scientific and journalistic activities are penetrated. Chernyshevsky - the philosopher walked the same way as his predecessors - Belinsky and Herzen went. Philosophy for Chernyshevsky was not distracted theory, but a toe of changes in Russian reality. Chernyshevsky materialism and his dialectic served as theoretical substantiation of the political program of revolutionary democracy.

1. The main stages of the life path N.G. Chernyshevsky.

Chernyshevsky Nikolai Gavrilovich (1828 - 1889) - Publicist, literary critic, Prose, economist, philosopher, revolutionary democrat.

Born in Saratov in the family of the priest Gavrily Ivanovich Chernyshevsky (1793--1861). He studied at home under the leadership of the Father, a multilaterally educated person. In 1842 he entered the Saratov spiritual seminary, the time of stay in which used mainly for self-education: studied languages, history, geography, the theory of literature, Russian grammar. Without finishing the seminary, in 1846 he entered the University of St. Petersburg for the department of the general literature of the Faculty of Philosophy. Along with the Russian poet N. A. Nekrasov and literary critic N. A. Dobrolyubov headed the editorial board of the contemporary magazine. In the work of Chernyshevsky, a change in lifestyle in Russia was recorded and a new moral of the younger generation is indicated, further disclosed in Journicalist D. I. Pisarev. Together with A. I. Herzenom was a hence of populism ...

Over the years of study at the university (1846-1850), the foundations of the worldview were developed. The conviction of the need for the revolution in Russia, the conviction of the revolution in Russia was combined with the sobriety of historical thinking: "Here is my image of the thought of Russia: an irresistible waiting for a close revolution and thirst for her, although I know that long, it can be quite long, nothing will come out of this Good that, maybe, the oppression will only increase, etc. - What needs? .. Peaceful, quiet development is impossible. "

Chernyshevsky tried his hand in prose (story about Lily and Goethe, a story about Josephine, "Theory and Practice", "Sliced \u200b\u200bLump"). Coming out from the University by a candidate, after short-term work, the tutor in the second Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg, served as a senior teacher of literature in the Saratov gymnasium (1851-1853), where he spoke in the class "such things that smell Katorgoy."

Returning in May 1853 in St. Petersburg, Chernyshevsky taught in the second Cadet Corps, while preparing for exams on the degree of master, and working on the dissertation "aesthetic attitudes of art to reality." The dispute on the dissertation presented in the autumn of 1853 was held on May 10, 1855 and was the manifestation of materialistic ideas in aesthetics, causing irritation of the university authorities. The dissertation was officially approved in January 1859. In parallel, the magazine began, started in the summer of 1853 by reviews in the journal "Public Notes".

But since the spring of 1855, Chernyshevsky, who retired, was engaged in magazine for the "contemporary" N.A.Nekrasov. Cooperation in this journal (1859-1861) accounted for a period of public lifting associated with the preparation of peasant reform. Under the leadership of Chernyshevsky and Nekrasov, and later and Dudrolyubov decided the revolutionary-democratic direction of the magazine.

Since 1854, Chernyshevsky led in the "contemporary" department of criticism and bibliography. At the end of 1857, he handed him to Dobrolyubov and focused mainly on political, economic, philosophical topics. Making advantage of the robbing character of the upcoming reform, Chernyshevsky boycott is a predetermined hype; According to the promulgation of Manifesto on February 19, 1861, the contemporary did not directly responded to him. In the "letters without the address" written after the reform and addressed actually Alexander II (published abroad in 1874), Chernyshevsky accused the autocratic-bureaucratic regime in the robbery of the peasants. Holding to the peasant revolution, the circle - the "contemporary" led by Chernyshevsky resorted to the illegal forms of struggle. Chernyshevsky wrote a revolutionary proclamation to the "Barsky peasants from the benevolers of the bow."

In the situation of a growing poreform reaction, the attention of the III branch is increasingly attracted by Chernyshevsky. From the autumn of 1861, a police surveillance was installed behind him. But Chernyshevsky was a skillful conspirator, there was nothing suspicious in his papers. In June 1862, the edition of the "contemporary" eight months was prohibited.

On July 7, 1862, Chernyshevsky was arrested. The letter for arrest was intercepted on the border of the letter of Herzen and Ogarev, which was proposed to publish a "contemporary" in London or Geneva. On the same day, Chernyshevsky became the prisoner of Alekseevsky Roddinina Petropavlovsk fortress, where he stayed before the sentencing - the civil execution, held on May 19, 1864 in the Mantie Square. It was deprived of all the rights of the state and was awarded to 14 years of cautious work in the mines, followed by a settlement in Siberia Alexander II reduced the cautious time to 7 years. The lawsuit in the Chernyshevsky case stretched very long due to the lack of straight evidence.

In the fortress, Chernyshevsky turned to artistic creativity. Here, from December 14, 1862 to April 4, 1863, the novel "What to do? From the stories about new people. " For him, the remaining unfinished story "Alfeyev" (1863) and the novel "Tale in Tale" (1863), "Minor Stories" (1864). I saw the light only the novel "What to do?".

In May 1864, Chernyshevsky was sent to Chernyshevsky to Siberia, where he was first at the mine, and from September 1865 - in the prison of the Alexandrovsky plant.

Katorga, the term of which has expired in 1871, turned out to be in anticipation of the worst test - settlement in Yakutia, in the city of Vilyuisk, where the prison was the best building, and the climate was destructive.

Here Chernyshevsky was the only exile and could communicate only with gendarmes and the local Yakut population; Correspondence was difficult, and often specially delayed. Only in 1883, under Alexander III, Chernyshevsky was allowed to move to Astrakhan. A sharp change of climate has greatly damaged its health.

The years of fortress, cortics and references (1862-1883) did not lead to the oblivion of the name and writings of Chernyshevsky - His glory of the thinker and revolutionar grew. Upon arrival in Astrakhan Chernyshevsky hoped to return to active literary activities, but the publication of his work, although under the pseudonym, were difficult.

In June 1889, Chernyshevsky received permission to return to his homeland in Saratov. He built big plans, despite the dramatically deteriorating health. He died from hemorrhage into the brain and buried in Saratov.

In the versatile heritage of Chernyshevsky, an important place is occupied by work on aesthetics, literary criticism, artistic creativity. In all these areas, he acted as an innovator, which to this day disputes. His own words about Gogol as a writer from among those, "love for which requires the same mood of the soul, because their activities are serving a certain direction of moral aspirations."

In the novel "What to do? From the stories about the new people, "Chernyshevsky continued to open Turgenev in the" fathers and children "the topic of a new public figure, mainly from the allocating, who replaced the type of" excess person. "

The romantic pathos of the work - in their aspiration to the socialist ideal, the future, when the type of "new person" will become "publicly natroyu all people." The prototype of the future is the personal relations of "new people", allowing conflicts based on the humane theory of "calculation of benefits", and their labor activity. These detailed illuminated areas of the lives of "new people" are correlated with a hidden, "Ezopov" plot, the main character of which is the professional revolutionary of Rakhmetov.

The theme of love, labor, revolution is organically connected in the novel, whose heroes are confessing "reasonable egoism", stimulating the moral development of the individual. The realistic principle of typing is consistently set aside in Rakhmetov, the harsh courage of which is dictated by the conditions for the revolutionary struggle of the early 60s. Calling to a bright and excellent future, Chernyshevsky's historical optimism, the major finals are combined in the novel with the awareness of the tragic fate of his "new people": "... a few years old, perhaps, not years, and months, and they will curse them, and they will Signs from the scene, discharged, terrible. "

The publication of the novel caused a whole storm in criticism. Against the background of numerous accusations of Chernyshevsky in immorality and otherwise, the article is standing out by the seriousness of the work of R.R.Strakhova "Happy people". Recognizing the life foundation and "tension of inspiration" of the author, the "organic" critic challenged the rationalism and optimism of "new people" and the absence between them deep conflicts.

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, expressing the sympathy of the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel, noted that in its incarnation the author could not avoid some arbitrary regulation of details. "

A N.G. Chernyshevsky believed: "... Only those directions of literature reach a brilliant development, which arise under the influence of the ideas of strong and alive, which satisfy the urgent needs of the era. Each century has its own historical work, their own special aspirations. The life and glory of our time make up two aspirations, closely related to each other and serving one another: humanity and concern for the improvement of human life. "

It is known that Chernyshevsky represented a "positive" moral person as a "man is quite", solid and harmonious in which the root of all movements - and mercenary, and disinterested - the same, namely, "love for yourself." However, the "theory of rational egoism" did not interfere with Chernyshevsky to believe in almost miraculous personal power and so much to sympathize with all those who "oppressed by living conditions."

Positions of positivism, faith in science and representatives of nationality, radicalism and socialism were also divided into science. Along with the problem of a person, the question of the relationship to religion also invariably worried the enlightened Russian society of those years. The trend towards the secularization of society, that is, extraction from religion and church, to replace which the idea of \u200b\u200bsocialism is already in a hurry, replacing a religious worldview in people's minds, it becomes most acutely tangible and painful when a shift in the direction of democratization occurs (the liberation of peasants in 1861 year), and various flow of secularism becomes more bold and active. However, even by taking the forms of goggle, these movements were associated with tense spiritual quest, with the need to satisfy religious demands of the masses. Back in 1848, the 20-year-old Chernyshevsky records in his diary: "What if we should wait for a new religion?<…> It is a sorry to part with Jesus Christ, which is so good, so mil with his person who loving humanity. " 1 But for a few years later on the pages of his novel, he places elevated Gresses about the upcoming kingdom of good and justice, where there is no religion, except for religiously painted love for a person ...

Chernyshevsky was not only the ideological leader of the discharge intelligentsia, he made an invaluable contribution to the moral capital of the Epoch. Contemporaries unanimously celebrate its high moral qualities. He with a heroic humility made a booth and link. This preacher of practical benefits and popularizer of the theory of "reasonable egoism" fought for freedom, but did not want freedom for himself, because he did not want him to be reproached in a core.

The circle of interests Chernyshevsky was extremely wide: he studied philosophy, natural sciences, political economy, history, knew European languages. However, the cultural level of Chernyshevsky, as in most differences, was much lower than the level of culture and the formation of idealists of the 40s. These are at all times the inevitable costs of the democratization process! However, Chernyshevsky's like-minded people forgived him and lack of literary talent, and the bad language of his journalistic and philosophical articles, because it was not the main thing. His thought, clothed in the heavily shape, forced to think about the best minds not only in Russia, but also in enlightened Europe. Marx specially engaged in Russian to read the works of Chernyshevsky in economics.

The differences of the 60s - the wrestlers for universal happiness inspired by the ideas of Chernyshevsky, were sanitious and at the same time askets, they deliberately refused hope for the otherworldly life, and at the same time they chose in earthly life deprivation, prisons, persecution and death. In the eyes of radically tuned young people, these people had a favorably differed from those hypocritical Christians who were firmly held for earthly goods and humbly counted on a reward in the future life. Chernyshevsky was by no means only the mouthpiece of their ideas, which from a quiet cozy office inspired them to the sacrificial feat, he was one of them. Let him be mistaken on his public field, but still it was a congestion, because he gave life for all the unfortunate and disadvantaged. Vladimir Nabokov, having sharply assessing his literary and ideological heritage, completed the chapter dedicated to Chernyshevsky (it constitutes part of the novel "Dar"), such poetic lines:

What will tell you a distant great-grandchildren,

that is the famous, then easily swearing?

What was your life terrible? That other

could happiness be? What didn't you wait for another?

That your feat was not in vain, - Dry labor

in the poetry of good along the way

and white man's shoe man

one air and closed feature?

The tragedy of Chernyshevsky and his generation is mainly a contradiction, who split the consciousness of "new people": they were dreamers and idealists, but they wanted to believe only in "favor"; They were inspired by faith in the ideal, but at the same time they were ready to reduce all human feelings to elementary physiology. They lacked culture of thinking, but they despised him, considering the thought that was not related to practical benefit, meaningless. They denied any religious faith, and the sacred themselves believed in their utopian dreams and, like Chernyshevsky, sacrificed themselves to the future, denying the very concept of victim ...

By summing up all the above, it is undoubtedly a doubt that the dominant driving forces of the Russian public thought of this period are still religious idealism on the one hand and materialistic biologism on the other. The role of positivism (in the Russian understanding of this word) in this "great confrontation" seems to be very unequivocal. Positivism acts here as a mechanism or tool of knowledge and explanation from the "scientific" point of view of all the existing between the world of spirit and matter.

2 Philosophical views I.G. Chernyshevsky

At the time when Chernyshevsky began his conscious activities, the advanced public thought was still influenced by Hegel's philosophy. Having gave proper depth and the noble nature of this teaching, Chernyshevsky considered it outdated and unable to specify a reliable way to freedom and happiness of the people. Hegel's philosophy was a fantastic reflection of the great historical drama of an old society. She recognized the suffering of mankind by the normal board for all the achievements of culture and progress. Hegel molded sentimental illusions, sweet utopias of people who called society back to the "natural state", this imaginary primitive idyll in the village of Nature. Cleisse good wishes! The story is not at all similar to the peaceful stagnation of the Philem and Bavda. Development requires victims, civilization occurs on the ruins of many local and national cultures, wealth creates poverty, factory and manufactory claim their successes on the poverty of the numerous class of people. People are striving for happiness, but the epochs of happiness in history are empty pages. So teaches Hegel, and for him the satisfaction of human needs can not be the goal of history - it protects its universal law only the interests of development. Any stop on this path, all satisfaction with material well-being becomes a treason of the world spirit, a seductive obstacle that the nature puts him, materiality. Therefore, the more beautiful life blooms, the sooner condemns it on the death of the fatal law of world development:

Beauty flowers only in chanting, and freedom - in the area of \u200b\u200bdreams.

Chernyshevsky believed that much was true in the philosophy of Hegel only "in the form of dark premonitions", however, suppressed by the idealistic worldview of the genius philosopher.

Chernyshevsky emphasized the duality of Hegelian philosophy, seeing one of her most important vices, noted the contradiction between its strong principles and narrow conclusions. Speaking about the colossality of Gegel's genius, calling him a great thinker, Chernyshevsky criticizes him, indicating that the truth of Hegel performs in the most common, distracted, indefinite outlines. But Chernyshevsky recognizes the hegerel of merit in the search for truth - the supreme goal of thinking. Whatever truth was not, it is best that is not true. The debt of the thinker is not to retreat any results of their discoveries.

Truth must be sacrificed to everyone; She is the source of all benefits, as a misconception - the source of "every single". And Chernyshevsky indicates the great philosophical merit of Hegel - its dialectical method, "amazingly strong dialectic".

In the history of the knowledge of Chernyshevsky, Hegel's philosophy is a great place and speaks of its meaning of the transition "from abstract science to the science of life."

Chernyshevsky pointed out that, for Russian thought, Gegelian philosophy served as a transition from fruitless scholastic melting to a "bright look at literature and life." Hegel's philosophy, according to Chernyshevsky, approved in the thought that the truth is higher and more expensive in the world that a false criminal. She approved the desire to strictly explore the concepts and phenomena, instilled "deep consciousness that reality is worthy of attentive study", for the truth and the result of a strict comprehensive research of reality. Along with this, Chernyshevsky considered the philosophy of Hegel already outdated. Science developed further.

Unattended by the philosophical system of Hegel, Chernyshevsky appealed to the writings of the most prominent philosopher of the time - Ludwig Feyerbach.

Chernyshevsky was a very educated person, he studied the works of very many philosophers, but only Feuerbach called his teacher.

When Chernyshevsky wrote his first major scientific work, the dissertation on aesthetics, he was already in the field of philosophy was a fully established Thinker-Feyerbakhian, although at the very dissertation he had not mentioned the name of Feyerbach, then forbidden in Russia.

In early 1849, the Russian Fourierist Petrashevsa Khankov gave Chernyshevsky, for familiarization, the famous Fairbakhov "Essence of Christianity". Where Feuerbach his philosophy argued that nature exists independently of human thinking and is the basis on which people grow with their consciousness, and that higher beings created by the human religious fantasy are only a fantastic reflection of human essence.

After reading the "Essence of Christianity", Chernyshevsky noted in his diary that he liked "his nobility, directness, frankness, sharpness." He learned about the essence of a person, as Fairbach understood her, in the spirit of naturally scientific materialism, learned that the mind, will, will, thought, heart, love, such an absolute person, the essence of man as a person and the purpose of his being, are peculiar to a perfect person. True creature loves, thinks, wants. Higher law - love for man.

Philosophy should not come from some absolute idea, but from nature, vibrant reality. Nature, Being is a subject of knowledge, and thinking is derived. Nature is primary, ideas - its generation, the function of the human brain. These were for young Chernyshevsky real revelations. He found what he was looking for. Especially struck his main thought, which seemed to be quite fair - that "the person always imagined the human god in his own concepts about himself."

In 1877, Chernyshevsky wrote from the Siberian reference to sons: "If you want to have a concept that it is in my opinion. Human nature, find out this from the only thinker of our century, who had completely faithful, in my opinion, the concept of things. This is Ludwig Feyerbach ... In my youth, I knew entire pages from him by heart. And how much I can judge by my sweatful memories of him, I remain the faithful follower of it. "

Chernyshevsky criticizes the idealistic essence of Gnosetology Hegel and his Russian followers, indicating that she turns out the true state of affairs from his feet, that it is not from the material world to consciousness, the concepts, but, on the contrary, from the concepts of real objects that she considers nature and man as a generation of abstract concepts, divine absolute idea.

Chernyshevsky defends the materialistic solution of the main issue of philosophy, shows that scientific materialistic epistemology comes from the recognition of ideas, concepts that are only a reflection of real things and processes occurring in the material world in nature. It indicates that concepts are the result of generalizing these experience, the result of the study and knowledge of the material world, that they cover the essence of things.

"By compiling an abstract concept about the subject," he writes in the article "a critical look at modern aesthetic concepts," we drop all certain, living details with which the subject is in reality, and make only its common essential features; In a truly existing person, there is a certain growth, a certain color of the hair, a certain color of the face, but the growth of one person is big, the other is small, the color of the face is pale, the other ruddy, has one white, with another dark, in the third, as Negra, completely black, - all these diverse details are not determined by a general concept, are thrown out of it. Therefore, in a valid person, there are always much more signs and qualities than, how much is in the abstract concept of a person at all. In an abstract concept, only the essence of the subject remains. "

The phenomena of reality, Chernyshevsky believed, very heterogeneous and diverse. A person draws his strength from reality, a real life, knowledge of it, to reduce the use of nature forces and the qualities of human nature. Acting according to the laws of nature, a person modifies the phenomena of reality according to its aspirations.

Of serious importance, according to Chernyshevsky, there are only those human aspirations that are based on reality. Success can be expected only from those hopes that are initiated in a person reality.

The truth, according to Chernyshevsky, is achieved only by strict, comprehensive research of reality, and not arbitrary subjective clarification. Cherryzhevsky was a consistent materialist. The most important elements of his philosophical worldview struggle against idealism, for recognizing the materiality of the world, the nature of nature and recognition of human thinking with a reflection of objective, real reality, the "anthropological principle in philosophy", the struggle against agnosticism, for recognizing the knowledge of objects and phenomena.

Chernyshevsky materialistically solved the main issue of philosophy, the question of the relation of thinking to being. He, rejecting the idealistic doctrine of the superiority of the spirit over nature, argued the primacy of nature, the condition of human thinking with a real being, which has its basis in itself.

For its time, like the whole Philosophy of Chernyshevsky, it is mainly directed against idealism, religion, theological morality.

In his philosophical constructions, Chernyshevsky came to the conclusion that "a person loves himself first of all." He is a egoist, and egoism - the motivation, managing the actions of man.


M. G. Chernyshevsky Russian philosopher materialist, revolutionary - Democrat, Thinker-Encyclopedist, theorist of critical utopian socialism, ideologue of the peasant revolution. Relied on the works of ancient, as well as French and English materialism 17 - 18 V.V. In addition, a lot of attention paid to the writings of naturalists - Newton, Laplace, the ideas of utopian socialists, the classics of political economy, the anthropological materialism of Fairbach Dialectics of Hegel. Chernyshevsky's philosophy is directed against dualism, as well as idealistic MONISM. He substantiated the provision on the material unity of the world, the objective nature of nature and its laws. Chernyshevsky also relied on the data of experienced psychology and physiology. Developed the concept of anthropological materialism. In his works, purposefully carried out the idea of \u200b\u200bthe socio-political conditionality of philosophy with theoretical and methodological meaning.

In Sociology, Chernyshevsky spoke about the inevitability of social revolutions, material and economic needs. Radical by solving social problems considered the People's Revolution. Opposed the doctrine of morality to religious asceticism. The criteria excellent removed from the real experiences of a person, the features of his psychology and taste.


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