Max boric personal life interview. Max Barsky: Interview and Clip

Max boric personal life interview. Max Barsky: Interview and Clip
Max boric personal life interview. Max Barsky: Interview and Clip

Max, you have already managed to play 35 concerts in 45 days in 6 countries. How do you withstand such a schedule?

The scene is always pleasure for me, but the preceding tedious road takes a lot of energy, strength and health. Sometimes the body does not withstand: recently we have forced to cancel the concert in Germany for health. This in my tour of my touring practice happened in the first and hopefully for the last time.

Why? After all, before you could see at least three times with concerts in Kiev?

I want to do big shows to show everything we are capable of. Small sites technically constrained us in the desire for perfectionism.

In such an insane graph, you have enough time for yourself? On your personal space and life?

Only Tuesdays are free in my life. Recently, I began to live on tour. There is a thin line between touring schedule and touring life, without observing which you can get away from the coils. If it relates to this as a lifestyle, not work, then endless moving, flights, new hotels and constantly present new people will begin to seem so terrible. It happened that we flew 15-17 hours to the city and spent there exactly 5 hours: I came, spent the soundchek, performed and flew on.

How does your day begins?

My day begins with a glass of warm water. Then some delicious breakfast.

What day do you like more: at work, with concert and rehearsals or day, when are you a duty?

What I do is a lifestyle.

I can't like many to take and change the generation of activities, or rather, I can, but I lose harmony.

I have already said that the only unpleasant moment in my life is the flights, the constant move from place to place will empty you, but even until you went to the scene. It is always like at home - you understand that, where, for what, the most important thing is to whom all this is dedicated.

In the tour you travel a lot. Where do you feel at home?

Do you know what the most hijacked tour? It's not even that you do not have time to go and see something, you do not have time to look out the place from the car window, because in the car you look at the phone or laptop screen - you need to answer letters, finish what I did not have time at home etc.

Do you easily fall asleep in moving and flights?

I used to sleep anywhere. Not now. Even after the concert, it is possible to fall asleep after three or four hours: the adrenaline obtained after. And when the dream is finally coming, it's time to go to the airport. It is unpleasant.

What do you think before bedtime?

I think that time is fleeting, that I need to have time and this, and that, and still be sure to fall in love so that everything else in my life has fed.

What is your motto in life?

There is nothing more beautiful than life!

You changed my style several times. Recently even performed in latex pants. What clothes are you comfortable in all?

Latex pants are not the most inconvenient from what I had to wear for the scene. By the way, in them madly hot to perform! Therefore, scenic costumes and comfort are often incompatible things. I love comfortable clothes. Recently, I began to like strict or discreet style.

Do you follow fashion? Do you have favorite brands?

Especially do not follow. I am more interested in what is new in the world of music. But with fashionable novelties and trends I am introduced my friends stylists.

In your songs, there is often some kind of appeal: "Invalid", "let's take love to", "You are my heroin." Is this a message to some particular person or just artistic reception?

More part of my songs has a specific addressee. I am writing myself, I'm important in my imagination to see not just a blurred image, but a particular person. Another question is that in the songs I can award the image of the features and qualities that in the life of this person is not very inherent (laughs).

What is your own love song?

My favorite song has not yet come out. This one, on which I work at the moment.

And what is your music in the playlist?

I listen to different kinds of music. In my playlist thousands of songs, artists, groups, and say so immediately that in my playlist, it will be difficult. From the artists whose albums I love and always wait - Lana Del Rey, Lykke Li, The XX, Radiohead, Frank Ocean and Beyonce.

Surely you have a favorite musician who would like to be like / who inspires you. Who is he?

In general, to look like someone - a very strange desire. Something is in this insolvent. But inspiration is another thing. At different times, various musicians inspired me - from Jim Morrison to Beyonce.

You have a huge number of fans and many would like to look like you. Is it in a burden or joy?

Being an artist, you are always responsible for everything you sing, say, do. There will always be people who will want to repeat or look like you. As a rule, it occurs in younger people who are in finding themselves. Then, with age, we still understand that there is nothing better than our individuality.

What will you definitely ever do?

I never betray. It is unworthy.

What do you dream about?

Flew in the world journey!

Former participant in the Ukrainian "Star Factory", Artist number 1 in the CIS countries, sex symbol and just a guy from Kherson Max Barsky (28) - the figure is mysterious. He does not tell his personal life, he releases his hit for a hit, gives concerts around the world, sleeps, it seems, only in airplanes and works in the same place - to meet him on an interview just unreal, so he answers all questions at an altitude of 10 thousand meters when flies from one speech to another. Today, he released another bomb - a clip in the style of the 80s on the song "Beach" (director, of course, Alan Badoev).

On the day of the premiere, we learned from Max why he is not friendly with his colleagues from show business, which he taught him a meeting with his father after 16 years of separation and why he does not like the sex character status.

I know that your close friends call you Barsikom - is it cute or annoying?

Yes, Barsikov call me only the most closest friends, and everything is allowed to them. ( Laugh.) Although recently my fans have been very often a nickname, but it does not annoy me, but rather, even pleases. It's cute.

You live in airplanes, constantly ride from Russia to Ukraine. How many times a year can you fly back back?

From Ukraine to Russia is the shortest distance that I have to overcome. The geography of my speeches and flights is much wider: this is all Eastern Europe and the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, the Baltic countries). Of course, it is insanely exhausting, and sometimes I just do not understand where tomorrow I wake up. This is an unconditional part of the life of any sought-after artist, and in these cities and countries are waiting for me and want to hear my songs. And for me it is valuable. It feeds and gives extra forces even when they are not. I am not afraid to fly in airplanes: I believe that what is destined to come true, not to power. Sky gives wings.

Jacket, Pants, Shorts, Louis Vuitton; Anorak, subterranei; Sneakers, Dior.

Does such a wild worker of personal life prevent?

Such a schedule devastates me very much, because I write songs myself, and sometimes it is just necessary to be in peace and silence. And with every opportunity, I break up in Los Angeles, in my apartment, where I can just be a stake Bortnik and think about what I want to tell in my new songs.

Jacket, Longsel, Jeans, Louis Vuitton; Boots, Dior.

How did you stand such a splash of attention to yourself after the exit of the album "Fumans"? Star sickness started?

I am not writing songs to be popular, but because I want to tell people my story, share it with others. It so happened that it found such a wide response, and I was definitely happy to this. But there are no reasons for starry disease. I am standing on the stage, but on the other side the same people, like me, and they also have their own story. If my stories are needed, then this is just a valuable luck, and I am very grateful to every person who takes close to the heart what I sing.

Which of the artists can you call your friends?

I am outside the show business and is not friends with colleagues on stage. My friends are a very limited circle of people with whom I am still with school, it is a competence from my city of Kherson. We have really very close relationships with them.

Tell your third parties to Mickolai.

MICKOLAI is a sweat, an experiment. This is where I try to find different other forms other than Max Max Barsky. Since I am a musician, it is important for me to develop, it is important to try. This is such a creative bridgehead, where I carry ideas, which then partly can flow in Max Barsky.

You tell you very little about your childhood, relationships with parents, in particular with dad. Is it still a sick topic?

My father and I did not see each other and met only on the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe clip "February," he was invited by Alan Badoev. Behind the scenes we are so many and honestly talked, sometimes even just silent ... it changed a lot in me. I learned more to understand my parents, more understand their actions and forgive. I'm just a child of my parents, I really respect them and love them. (Max's father died in February 2018. With his son, he had not seen 16 years old - Nikolai Bristor left the family when Max was only 11. The future musician and his older brother and sister brought up mom. - Approx. red.)

What did you taught the "Star Factory"?

The main thing that I taught me the "stars factory" is how much I love freedom. For me, freedom of action, freedom of decision is the main thing, and any factor that puts me in the framework, very quickly leaves my life, and I immediately move in another direction. It is very important for me to remain yourself in any proposed circumstances.

Sweatshirt, dior pants; shirt, louis vuitton; Trench - Maison Margiela (Leform); Sneakers, Adidas.

A couple of years ago, you moved to Los Angeles. Why did you take such a decision?

On the eve of the presentation of the clip of Max Barsky "fogs" "KP" In Ukraine "sawing with the conqueror of the musical charts, chairs of sea buckthorn tea and frankly talked" for life. "

Max opened with an unexpected side - a medium musician with a warm aura, thinly feeling and very simple that in our time there is a rarity.

"Role Play Games" with Misha Romanova

- The other day you acted in the show "Evening Quarter" in the most sarcastic guys of Ukrainian TV. Do you think the person is humorous? Can you think, play friends and did you think to become the object of the draw?

In my life, it seems easier to find moments when I do not fool and when I am serious. All my friends know it and love me for it - it's difficult to be sad with me. The emphasized seriousness is a sign of insecurity! A few years ago, on your birthday, I had to play with a concert (it was in Donetsk) and, my friends who knew about the difficult period in my life, decided to cheer up. We go to the hotel, and here the Miloid girl at the reception with an angelic face gets from somewhere a huge cake in the form of a bed and trying to call them a face ...

- She succeeded?

Of course not. I have an excellent reaction, so I dodged (laughs).

- There are jokes for which you can be offended?

Absolutely normal to all react and not going to laugh at himself. At the beginning of his career on any pricky comments and jokes reacted violently and a little bit of offend, but over time, the growing up, became confident in herself. I practically do not hook me now. Often, people treat themselves too seriously because of high self-talks, I feel sorry for them - they are once again not allowed to smile, they feel discomfort, and just - not happy. What can be laughing me? Adventure with friends. Once with Misha Romanova, we fondered - then I "Dad", and she is my "daughter," then she is my "mother", and I am her son "(laughs).

- Wow, role-playing games?

Well, something like that. And we begin, having gone into the role, absurd questions to each other to ask and could laugh to tears.

At this moment, the elderly man is satisfied right in the midst of the restaurant, because of the loud conversations of which we and Max had even had to move into the opposite end of the hall.

- Max, well, you sing "I want to dance" - and everyone around you dance. And what kind of music does your body begins to move?

Music is not obligatory should make me dance. There are tracks for improving the mood, for sadness, there is music for sexual mood. As for the dances - now recently we at home with friends rolled up a party. I have a smoke machine and laser, - at any time I can turn my apartment in the mini club. We put songs from 2009, 2011 (Western, Ukrainian tracks were not in the playlist) and danced before you fall!

- At the beginning of a career, your name flashed in the press with the prefix "Poskuna Alan Badoev" and only in the last year and a half, as it seems to me, you managed to move away from it. You can designate the moment when you didn't just turn into a self-sufficient unit of the Ukrainian show biz from the protege of the popular directory, but also checked for producing?

Over the past three years, I internally matured and, might say, obstacle. He opened himself for himself. I evaluate spiritually, I try to be honest in front of him and people in his work. People probably notice this and respond to reciprocity, and on the career it is reflected directly. At 17 - 21 I was still a young maximalist and studied by Alan - like a person is very experienced in creativity, in business. He gently directed me, but was never a dictator - we worked on trust conditions. There were situations (for the most part, they happened on the set, due to disagreements in the vision of the material), when we could have matched and the week not to talk, but then they still came to a common denominator. And now I am already engaged in musical producing. When Alan decided to engage in Tatyana Reshetnyak, invited me to work as a soundhrightener. I think Tatiana is insanely talented and confident that she is waiting for a big future

- On last year's premium M1, you became the best singer of the year. This year, Monatik received a reward and, interestingly, the first one who congratulated him was you. How do you feel about competition?

Above, stronger and faster - it is not about music. They work here - as it seems to me - other principles: thinner, deeper and more honest. I madly love talented people and never hide my good relationship to them.

"Max, you managed to convert the hooligan romanticism of the 90s into a fashionable dance sound and turned the stylist of" Lidi-nineties "in the trend of modern pop music of the CIS. This is especially clearly traced in your album "Fogging" (the record has become an absolute sales leader in Ukrainian iTunes, ed.) What is so manitis in the stylistics of the 90s? This time you did not really have time to remember, as he himself was born in 1990.

I love the 90s ringtone and the album "fogging" - just the fruit of inspiration by this era. Interestingly, in childhood I preferred to listen to Western music - Dr. Alban, Dj Bobo. But Mom constantly listened to Allegrov, Igor Nikolaev, ... "Guests from the Future" sounded in the kitchen, then at the stop. And so, Moldoval, I discovered the touching soulful's songs of that time! Once, resting on Bali, I wrote a song "I want to dance" (then, by the way, a new period began in my life ...) Singing, fought the melody on the recorder, - I had a couple, but I didn't understand what kind of chorus began. Much time passed, and once at night I put the chorus. It is as a source from above opens - Batz, and ready! (Clicks my fingers) We were shocked as people picked up a song and how quickly she became a hit. It was this song that gave birth to a whole stylist of subsequent works of the album - "Girlfriend - Night", "Hlop, Hlop, Hlop" ...

I represented that I am Ani Lorak

- Max, you gave a lot of hits by the Ukrainian and Russian artists of the song of your authorship there is in the repertoire of Ani Lorak (hold my heart), Tina Karol (loved), Natasha Mogilevskaya (all well) ... how you, a man, manages to talk, fix and voice in Texts internal experiences of women?

You know, I myself asked myself this question. When I write a song by artist (and no matter, the girl is or a guy) I forget who I am that I am trying to be this man. For example, when I wrote "Hold My Heart" for Lorak - I looked at all of her works in a few years, early creativity. I closed my eyes, represented the situation, "disconnected" from the awareness that I am Maxim. I represented that I am Ani Lorak and tried to feel what I would like to say. So the story was born. Many of the songs I wrote for women could sound in male execution (if they are correctly translated). But it was in the songs for girls that I added a little more sensuality, softness, elegance. But at the moment I decided to "boost" writing songs for other artists. I understand that I have such a talent - create music and transfer emotions, but I do not want to waste. It takes a lot of time and strength. Especially after the success of the album "Misty" - I also want to create "your", share feelings with the world.

- I wonder how your random meeting with Christina Orbakaite in the US has gross in cooperation?

Christina heard the song of Mogilev "All well" with a retro-motive, contacted me through acquaintances, and since we were both passing in Los Angeles - met and discussed with Christina. She told me about his experiences - creating a song, I need to find out from a man that he wants to tell the viewer that he had inside. Without this song will not live, it should become one whole with a person who performs it. By the way, quite recently, the song "My" received in Russia "Song of the Year."

Question Edge

- Recently, you are together with other Ukrainian artists - Loboda, Ani Lorak, VIA Gra, Potap and Nastya, Time and Glass, Alekseev, received music awards in Russia .. There were no concerns that you will begin to "train" in Ukraine for touring in the Russian Federation ?

You know, I don't think about it and do not attract it to myself. It seems to me that those who listen to my music are as far from politics as me. It does not matter at what point the planet and where my fans were born. We are all brothers and sisters, all happened from God and the fact that we call each other "Ukrainian" or "Chinese", and even inventing that we should call each other "enemies" - great nonsense. I go to give people emotions, and political games - the lot of politicians who cannot share power and drown in their greed.

Energy sex eyes

- Surprise learned that at each concert you always sing "for one person." About what speech?

- The man whose eyes are you choosing, always understands what you look at him?

Yes! (I write about it in social networks in PM). I look out for kindness in the eyes of people, I look out for the lights of happiness. I will definitely have a look at such and I will give even more joy! I note, the public is also difficult and not always in return awards you with energy. But whatever I was tired, then leaving the scene, I absorb like a sponge, the public was singing. There is such a kind of energy sex. We spinning energy, blast, and its fragments are dug into each separately, in me, and go home happy. But if the concert was "not very" (or the public "dead" or I did not work in contact) - about this behind the scenes immediately "report" my manager Sasha Kazhen.

Mickolai is my musical Arthaus!

- Whose other things are you trusting? You have a person, the number of which can be dialing among the night and say: "Listen, something like that on the soul of figs ..."

Alan and Sasha.

- Max, at the end of the year, many Ukrainians feel the "blown effect": the batteries are already practical on Nola, there is no strength to creat ... What saves you, where are you looking for "Emergency Litters" for refueling? By the way, many of it literally occurs - people pour liters of high-modes "fuel."

Crazy graph inevitably leads me to exhaustion. I feel, I'm already "on the outcome", and the thoughts of "leave somewhere" are creeping. It always saved me! At the beginning of this year, three months I lived and worked in Los Angeles - this place is incredibly charged with creativity (it was there I wrote a couple of songs for the album "Fumans" - it's easy to work there, no one presses you, no one to rush ...) now I try to work to work, it's time to create a material for a new album, but I understand that it is very hard. The last time such a feeling appeared, I went to the tiny island in the Maldives (it could be circumvented in half an hour), lived in a house in the jungle. And that week I was enough to realize many creative questions, the answers to which I did not find before. In general, I realized that the main thing is not even a place for me, but the feeling of internal privacy.

"Now let's go down to the sinner's land and talk about the quotation of the Ukrainian radio." I notice the trend - the artists are now more recorded songs in Ukrainian, anticipating a slight way into rotation. Maybe cool Ukrainian-speaking songs will soon appear in your repertoire?

They were and so they were. For example, "colish" or "sky". By the way, the last in connection with quotas is now actively rotating onto the radio.

- And who is Mickalai, under the pseudonym of which you perform English-speaking songs?

First, this is my real name. The creation of songs for your musical alter-ego is engaged in parallel with writing the material for Max Barsky. Previously, I had a separate folder, in which I stored the tracks recorded "for the soul", created under the impression of other music, movies, books. There has been accumulated as much material that Alan and I made it in the album "EP". Mickolai is my musical laboratory in which I release everything I want - without regard to the Max Barsky genre. This is my own musical Arthaus!

Lowish cases

"I remember the story when the apartment, in which you just moved," cleared "under zero, and you have forced to move back to your girlfriend Mishe Romanova. Now the apartment question decided?

Extremely mystical situation. I dreamed about that apartment for 5 years, but as soon as I moved - I robbed me, exclude a computer with all materials in addition to money. By the way, I immediately felt a strange atmosphere in that house ... That is the only night when I spent the night there, I woke up from noise. I went out into the living room and froze: the sound of the jumping ball is clearly heard: Pummum, Puummmm ... from one corner and to the second. It was crazy and uncomfortable. And in front of this house, in a meter of five - an abandoned building. Anyone can go there and follow you from the balcony. In general, I decided to move out of the house, the atmosphere of which is able to suck all the juices from you, and literally after two weeks they found the incredible "dream apartment." A small, cozy, it smells like creativity, I want to build it there, and there is still a cool balcony overlooking the Maidan. I put there beautiful furniture and loved the "hang" outdoors in the summer.

- And how are you with plans for the purchase of your own housing?

So far, I do not hurry with this - you used to rent apartments. In a year or two, they seem to be "out of", "there is no energy in them, and then I move without regrets. And if you buy my own - you can't go anywhere, and therefore, the apartment must be incredible, such that the thought immediately: "I want it forever." Buy and sell apartments too. In addition, I would like to live for a while, to work in the United States, soaring the local culture.

- Max, I remembered that you are an artist on education (the singer graduated from the Kherson Tauride lyceum of the arts). Will you write pictures for your pleasure?

It has long been not painted. But in La I have been waiting for my time cans, paints. When I return - I will remind myself like this. In my life, it will definitely be a period when I completely come to the painting and make a collection of paintings dedicated to a certain topic. But only when I will tell you about people and when I'm getting tired of music.

Body in the case

"You talked the heads to fans, starring in an erotic photo shoot for Pink." Someone praises your "sexy clavits", someone sings ODD to your "cubes", and some recommend drinking protein - they say too thin. Tell me, what are you talking about your own body?

In childhood, I did not love my body. I believed that I was too thin - ugly. But it is unclear where the thin line, where you are no longer a "dsch", but not yet "Zhird"? (laughs) Razzlov, understood: I need to make everyone to please? I can be like a hall, but I have nothing to swing, some bones, and the bones do not punish (laughs). I'm trying to eat more to gain a lot, but still it does not work - I have a quick metabolism and you need to eat thousands of calories per day to recover. I eat everything in huge quantities - and nothing! But other problems begin when you "be driving" - the stomach starts to clutter ... Could and three times a day, hamburgers will fly with potatoes ... Now I have the most useful food (with me, Max ordered a carpaccio from salmon), I can even cook my soup, omelet to fry. My housekeeper does not prepare, so I eat in the restaurants, but I recently tried a special food delivery service, but I refused quickly - with my schedule it is unreal. I did not have time to eat, I had to throw out.


- When you drive into a search engine "Personal life of Max Barsky", your name is solely in a bundle with Misha Romanova (one of the soloist "VIA GRON". - Ed.). Appears. It seems that in Misha, the Light is a wedge, and besides her, you never had any other girls!

A year ago I wanted a relationship, but now I postponed this idea - with such a schedule you will not build a serious relationship. We are familiar with the Misha since childhood, and just because she became famous, we became in Google "a couple" (smiles). Now I have no relationship.

- And do you not plan to create a family in the near future?

I plan, but a year later. It is necessary to be realized, get along, open your production center, and then give all the power of the relationship - what is this family, if all the time in the roads? By the way, in the 22-23 years I often thought about the children. And then I got a dog, and I realized that I was not ready for responsibility. Even behind the dog I can't look normally - she made me, sorry, all laminate, and I had to give her mom.

Blitz for Max Bars

The last time I ...

... cried, looking at the movie

... if you ask my friends - they will say that I am easier to die than I will pay! In humans, I never pay, but I recently stumbled over an unrealistic touching film "One day". And when the heroine died, I turned the whole pillow ...

... spent a big amount of money

... When I took off the studio and scaled the equipment of professional with the aqualizers, monitors, compressors. She spent normally, about 15 thousand dollars.

... exceeded speed

... constantly (laughs). Especially when food on the highway to his home in Kherson and there is no way "traffic cops"

... kissed

... passionate or in a cheek? Mmmm, first? Month ago.

... saw Son.

... I do not know, it was a dream or reality. In the middle of the night I open my eyes and in front of me - a black silhouette near the bed. I understand that I can not move and I can not say, I wanted to wake a little sleeping nearby. And I began to publish some intrauterine sounds so that it wakes up ... Fuhh, still goosebumps from this memories! Once I went to astrologers that they said that I have a projection of the third eye. There are times when it "exacerbates" and I can create more than more than in the usual condition. By the way, I often happen to feel the feelings of realistic dejasu - I clearly remember where and under what circumstances did this fragment seen. I read in one of the books that when we are born - we see "your dream", the freedom of fate, - fragments. And then throughout the life we \u200b\u200bfollow this path. However, we always have the opportunity to choose, and we can "bypass" one or another situation.

... drove

…Day before yesterday. Well, although not. There I drank little. But in Minsk (about Minsk, the artist resembles Sasha Kahiyan) ... Yes, in Minsk I was just "in meat" (laughs). Getting less and less often with age. If you used to "pick up" on the weekend, and it was normal, then I dreamed about it with friends and still, then I curse the idea.

... most of all in people annoys me ...

Greed, hypocrisy, arrogance, indifference.

... the qualities that I want to develop in myself ...


... I can't resist temptation if this temptation ...

... Mountain boiled crayfish (with ancocker) and beer "Live" cold on

... I would like to have super ...

…To fly! I flew very often in dreams. Maybe I was a bird in the past life? When I jumped with a parachute, clearly remembered the feeling of a coolest flight - this is how I felt it in a dream!

Max Barski songs firmly strengthened in the tops of musical charts and iTunes ratings. The singer himself linger for a long time in one place is not used to, he calls himself a free flight.

Photo: Yaroslav Bugaev

OK! Caught the artist on tour in Turkey and found out what was happening now in his life - and on stage, and beyond.

M.aKS, judging by how difficult we could organize this interview, You do not have a minute free time. How do you withstand such a rhythm of life? How and what are you charging?

Every morning, before taking into the hands of the phone, open mail or any other means of communication, I set up for a day, I simply smile peacefully and with a positive accept those tasks that I stand for today.

Because by twenty seven years, I very well learned one truth: you can live in ideal conditions, but if there is chaos and fear inside a person, no external and material tools will help him be happy.

I will not smash, sometimes failures occur and I stop controlling my mood, but these are just outbreaks - they disappear as quickly as they arise.

Recently, there are increasingly alarming news about your health and cancellations of concerts due to overwork. However, even in these circumstances, you do not take the big pauses in your work. Is it fanaticism towards his profession or responsibility before fans?

Yes, I can call himself a fan of his profession. But you know, I do not belong to the caste of artists who dream to die on stage. And in this thoughts I convinced me a recent case when I had to cancel tour in Germany because of the overwork. Sometimes it is worth to take a small timeout in the middle of the road, bring yourself in order and with new forces to continue the path. By the way, we will return to Germany with concerts in September of this year.

The other day the premiere of your new single "My Love" took place. As far as I know, it is this song that you call one of your loved ones. Why?

I think, because in it I am frank a little more than in other songs.

Will it become the same hit as, for example, "fogs", what do you think?

I definitely did not write it with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a hit. I generally created it more for myself. It seems to me that you should not compare the "fogs" with the song "My Love". They are different and different. By the way, I was not sure about the inclusion of this song in the album "Tumani" and accepted this decision at the last moment. Probably because I wanted her to sound the counterpoint in the new album. So it happened.

Video on this special song During the already established traditions trusted to shoot Alan Badoev?

Sure! Alan - director of all my clips. In the process of working on the video, we decided to give a new song to the track and later when the new version was ready, gave her a new name - "My Love." And in the album, the song is called "I will ask." So I want to clarify this moment for everyone who listened to the album "Fogging": this is the same composition, but with a new breath.

What makes you come back to work with Alan again and again?

Absolute freedom of self-expression and confidence as a result, because Alan is a professional and artist to the bone's brain.

Your creative union with Badoev is a rare example of professional devotion. Is this constancy for you are characteristic of everything?

We together are developing and experimenting in creativity - do not stand still. This is the foundation of our professional and creative relationships, thanks to which we work together so many years. Probably, I am a man of mood. But I will never betray and never make bad people who sincerely love. I am not so often revealed to people, but those who do I trust, become my friends for life. This is confirmed by five to six best friends since school bench.

One of the most discussed moments of the past "MUZ-TV Award" was your kiss with Svetlana Loboda. Was it improvisation or scheduled part of a joint performance?

We are familiar with the light so long ago that we can afford everything. Especially on the scene.

It looked like a real provocation. In life, you also throw people a challenge or is it only a scenic image?

Outside the scene, I am a rather modest person. I have enough adrenaline while performing or filming. But yes, I will not hide, sometimes I love something to do so. Provided that there are well friends and beloved people.

Recently there were a lot of rumors about your novel with a soloist of the group "VIA Gra" Misha Romanova. You both have so far have been very evasively answering the question of our relationship, and therefore everything is perplexed: what is really going on?

Yes, I myself am perplexed: who are we each other? We are with her from one city, studied at the same school, then together moved to the capital to enter the music school. For several years lived together. Then they were driving. And just a month ago I went again. True, this time I moved to her, and not she to me. I practically do not exude in Kiev, so I got rid of my bachelor apartment and from most of the fact that it was filled, and moved to Mishe Romanova. She, as well as me, does not happen in the city, so we do not have time to get bored with each other when our charts coincide and we find out at home.

Live with soloist "VIA GRA" and kissing with Svetlana Loboda ... impressive! No wonder you already called a sex symbol.

The status of the sex symbol is the most useless status that could be assigned to me and to which I would seriously pay attention.

I am much more important than music and self-development. If I can fill people with meaning and love - it means I am happy.

In fact, your relationship with Misha is very similar to a serious prolonged novel. About creating a family not yet thought?

I think the family is a matter of the future. Now I like the wind: I fly around the world and fully give myself music. And the family, in my opinion, requires a complete emotional and physical immersion.

Each of your song laid the image of a specific woman.

You already have acting experience. Are you planning to develop in this direction?

You really noticed, it was an experience, and I really liked it. I feel in yourself the acting potential, but, to be honest, I have not had any plans about the actors yet. It was very interesting for me to work with Laro Fabian on the set of Mademoiselle Zhivago music project - she is not only a beautiful singer, but also a sensual actress.

Does painting still fond of you?

I continue to draw, but no longer with paints, but sounds. Periodically, I take a brush in my hands, but for me it is more hobby than a professional occupation, despite the art education.

You have almost half a million subscribers in Instagram, with which you share workers and personal moments. Would you be able to give up this?

Reply honestly? I am with my octo to social networks because of the too aggressive presence of gadgets in the life of every person. Everyone saw photos from the meetings of friends, who, instead of communicating with each other, buried noses in the screens of phones and put likes. A couple of years ago it disappointed me so much that I just took and deleted my account.

But then they still restored.

Periodically, I arrange my vacation from the Internet, but, of course, I'm not going to give up him at all - it is utopia for a person living in 2017. In this matter, as in the rest, the measure is important.

Paradox: The Internet gives us the possibility of an instant relationship with people who are at the other end of the world, and on those who are near, the modern man often lacks time.

In fact, I am very rarely writing for someone, for me it is a kind of victim. It is easier for me to give the song to the girl, a woman than singer. And the point here is not in competition, but rather in feelings: when I write for a girl, I live not my life. Creating from the male name is always autobiographical. And I am not ready to give my own story of life to another singer.

Max Barsky in an interview ok! He spoke about the search for himself, love and relationships, as well as on preparing for the main show in his career.

Photo: Dr.

Max Barsky from the category of people who are not sitting in place. A couple of months ago, he had fun at the Brit Awards ceremony in London among world celebrities, two weeks earlier recording new songs under the skyscrapers of Dubai, and before that he enjoyed winter landscapes in the Switzerland Mountains. He, as a truly creative person, is in constant search for himself, collects impressions and greedily draws emotions to then express them in his music. Recently, Max released a new single and clip "Make louder", and a large event is a large event in front of May 25 May 25. "The most spectacular and large-scale career", as the artist itself is recognized.

Max, looking at your instagram, surprise the geography of movements. That's just over the past few months: Arab Emirates, Switzerland, United Kingdom, America ... It's difficult for you to stop in one place?

My profession implies a large number of flights and gives me the opportunity to travel. Of course, it is not always possible to enjoy every city in full, but I can get acquainted with local people at my concerts. I love to be in different countries. I find something inspiring in it. Each new place gives a range of emotions and the feelings that I endow my music and my stories.

If you do not take into account the work trips and tour, who usually travel with?

Recently, I love to do it alone. Thanks to the journey I am restored. At such moments, I manage to abstract from the fuss, gain new forces and inspiration. Of course, at twenty concerts per month it is difficult to carve time for yourself, but at the first opportunity I, without hesitation, take a ticket to those places where there was not yet. In general, I think it is necessary to just take and love the reality of which it is, with all its advantages and minuses. Then the fatigue will become pleasant, and stress will leave.

But, agrees, whatever positive attitude to you, new places are not only pleasant emotions and impressions, but also heavy flights, moving, changing time zones, hotels. Are you important to household comfort while traveling?

Not always. If we are talking about an extreme holiday, I can gladly sleep in tents and outdoors somewhere in the middle of the desert. There are no problems with it. Although, what to hide, I will swim with the same joy in the ocean on the beach of some five star hotel ( Smiles). To his 28 years, I very well learned one truth: you can live in ideal conditions, fly by private aircraft, to be on the best resorts of the world, but if chaos is happening inside a person if fears are being pursued, no external and material resources will help him be happy.

Have you already found a place on Earth that could be called your home?

At the moment, every time I return to Los Angeles, I have a pleasant feeling as if I returned home.

It was difficult to move to America. It was a way out of the comfort zone, I grew very internally

What do America attracts you so much? You have already lived in Los Angeles for some time ago and now returned to the States again ...

I moved to Los Angeles a couple of years ago, because there I was always waiting for the sun, the ocean and inspiration. I am a fish on the sign of the zodiac, very dependent on the external environment. In my favorite Kiev, I became uncomfortable, including personal circumstances. Therefore, I decided to change the place of residence for a while. Of course, it was difficult to move to another country, thousands of kilometers. It was a way out of the comfort zone, I grew very internally. And this metamorphosis was reflected in my work. When you fly to the abyss, you can reflect on any theme exciting you, but when you already fell and hurts hurt - you have two options. The first is to surrender and continue to lie without moving, the second is to get up and go further. There is no third.

Speaking about the exit from the comfort zone, do you mean different mentalities? Are there any features, the characteristics of the nature of the Americans who strain you?

I do not live so long in the States to talk about the American mentality. Especially when the mentality of people living in New York and Los Angeles is extremely different from those living in other states. There are nice people in any country, and not very. It all depends on your life mood and the energy you emit. I am sure that we all attract themselves like.

What kind of people do you attract?

I am a sufficiently sociable person, despite the fact that in nature I am an introvert. I love extraordinary personalities who know how to think wider, see further, feel more. Such a person needs to be interested in interest.

Is it difficult to introvert to be a public profession?

Publicity has the pros and cons. Outside the scene, I have a sufficiently relaxed and modest man. I do not use my popularity as something special. Although, I will not hide, it is nice when I know me, for example, the airport staff, help go to register without a queue. Or in a restaurant, just the other day I did a surprise - brought a branded dish from the chef at the expense of the institution ( Smiles). But I never abusively abuse my publicity and I do not try to put my popularity as an extraordinary one.

By the way, the word "extraordinary" quite accurately characterizes your scenic image. You know how and are not afraid to rapidly - bold costumes, frank photo sessions, provocations during performances. Admit, is it clearly planned marketing moves or impulse solutions?

I'm used to living in the moment here and now and always do the way I feel. I have, like a creative person, there are ways of self-expression. Someone seems like a rampant, someone is quite natural. We live in the modern world, where the edges of the vest and unauthorized, where there is a place for any manifestations of themselves. I am just a person who is experiencing different emotions, is experiencing different stories of his life. And I share it in my music.

That is, all your songs are autobiographical?

Of course, my songs are my personal experience. Even when I created compositions for other beautiful performers, they were about my feelings, about my experiences. That is why at some point I realized that, probably, I would not want to continue to write not for myself.

When you fly to the abyss, you can reflect on any theme exciting you, but when you already fell and hurts hurt - you have two options. The first is to surrender and continue to lie without moving, the second is to get up and go further. There is no third.

You write a lot about love, about jealousy, about relationships, about strong and sometimes even destructive feelings. Do you tend to fall in love with unconsciousness?

I want to fall in love with unconscious! I believe that it is love that is the meaning of our life. True, mankind persistently tries to prove the opposite: we fight, we kill, robs, destroy nature, show the monstrous cruelty to animals ... At the same time, we confess the religion, which is based on humanism and sympathy.

This is if we argicably globally. But back to you. There is an opinion that the longer a person lives in the status of a loner, the more difficult to build a serious relationship with age with age, and in general to let anyone else in his life. Do you have no fear to stay eternal bachelor?

Not. I am sure that everything is your time. Another year or two ago I wanted a relationship, but now I don't think about it. I have already said that twenty days a month I am on tour. With such a schedule it is very difficult to establish a personal life. I would not want, for example, that my paternity limited to a biological factor. In my understanding, Dad is a person who opens the world to the world and lives the world of the child. When I understand that I achieved everything, I wanted, in creativity - I'll do a family.

Do you believe in the Institute of Marriage?

When the feelings are real, then marriage, civil union or guest marriage, perhaps, is a purely technical nuance. The stamp in the passport does not solve anything. On the contrary, it seems to me that he delivers more problems and bureaucratic troubles. Now people disagree after several years of living together, if they understand that no longer be together. And the stamp here is definitely not a panacea. If you really marry, then only when you are one hundred percent confident in feelings and in your partner. And for this you need to go through a lot.

What would you like to give your children from the fact that once, perhaps, have been known to you by your parents?

Many love, attention and faith. Probably, this is what I did not have enough in childhood. But no one knows who I was now, if everything was different. I believe that the whole thing has the meaning. Any situation is a lesson, anyone - teacher.

I would not want, for example, that my paternity limited to a biological factor. In my understanding, Dad is a person who opens the world to the world and lives the world of the child. When I understand that I achieved everything, I wanted, in creativity - I'll do a family.

Your loved ones, as far as I know, did not encourage your passion for music ...

My mother, perhaps, was the only person in the family who believed in me. Thanks to her understanding and support, I could do creativity. She seemed to want me to repeat her mistakes and implemented his creative potential completely.

Do not bear the resentment on loved ones because they did not believe in you?

I do not like to keep offense. I always say directly what I think and feel, I will ask for forgiveness if it was wrong. Resentment is what destroys us from the inside.

Who, in addition to Mom, inspired you to move forward?

Alan Badoev, with whom we cooperate from the first days of my career. He is always the first listener of my songs, his professional opinion is extremely important for me. It is in such a creative tandem - music plus video - we manage to create something real! What Touch! What hurts the listener and the viewer for living.

On April 5, your new single and clip "Make louder" came out. The director, of course, was Alan Badoev. Can you say that you trust him absolutely in everything 100 percent and he knows you like no one else?

In working with Alan, it never happens easily - I either frown in the ocean or breaking the wall. And in the case of "Make Lose", I had to forget about a few days. And also sit on the edge of the 25-storey house, the belling of the legs, at a temperature of -15 ° C. But it is only more interesting to work together! I want to put complex tasks and implement them. Alan, like no other, can reveal the potential of the artist in front of the camera lens.

What is your new track "Make louder"? What message do you add to your fans this time?

Today, young people are egocentric, they are focused on their desires, on personalization and implementing themselves. The world is open to them, and dreams are real. I sing about a person who, in the call of his heart, begins the way from scratch, opens a new country, not afraid to be unnoticed and unnecessary. His heart knocks louder, he strives for anything to know the world and his place in it. It is important for me to convey to the listener a simple meaning: if you listen to my heart, then you are on the right track!

It is important for me to convey to the listener a simple meaning: if you listen to my heart, then you are on the right track!

On May 25, an important event will happen in your life - a large solo concert in Moscow. Already, this show is announced as an incredible conceptual performance. Boiding the secret, what to wait for your fans?

To date, it will be the largest and most spectacular concert for the whole career. The lattice show "Fogging" will be the spirit of the 90s. Crazy images and bright visualization, 350 tons of lighting equipment - this is what the viewer will see, coming for a concert. The first thing that rushes to the eye is the absence of a scene in a traditional understanding. Instead, there will be a giant skull, some "creative lobotomy", where and will be speaking. The project was preparing exactly five months - from the first sketch until his work on the stage. An technologically complex design will collect and disassemble the skull into components, changing levels, height and position in space. To recreate the conceived, we had to scan my face three times. 3D mapping that we did should have been perfectly approaching all the bends and features of the skull structure - and this is a very scrupulous job. The project is 90% made by our manufacturers, which is the subject of pride for us. We will need no less than three cargo trucks for transporting only one skull, it will take 12 hours and 24 people to assemble. I will not disclose all secrets. The most interesting we will show on May 25 during the show!

It is important to you that your new show, your single or your clip is evaluated by professional prizes and awards? Are you ambiguous?

You can reproach me in the delicacy, but I am absolutely indifferent to premiums. It's nice, honorable and often beautiful, I do not argue. But absolutely nothing gives my inner self-absolution. I used to seem to me that the limit of my dreams is "Grammy". But now I understand the heart and head: another thing is important - what a mark left the author and the artist in the soul of the viewer. If he left my concert inspired, if, having come home, he remembers with gratitude and the pleasure of at least a moment of our meeting, I will consider myself the happiest man!