Historical events January 11. The selection experimental station began to create

Historical events January 11. The selection experimental station began to create

On this page you will learn about the past significant and memorable datesJanuary 11.What kind of well-known people were born on this winter day, events took place, we also talked about folk signs and the Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays of different countries from around the world.

Today, as well as any day, the events have happened for centuries for centuries, each of them I remember, no exception has becomeJanuary 11., Which also remembered its own dates and days of the birth of famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. We always have to remember and know about those who left their indelible trail in culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of development of man and society.

Day of January, left his indelible trace in history, events and memorable dates, like someone born in this winter day, once again confirm it. Find out what happened this dayJanuary 11., what events and a significant dates he noted, what is remembered to humanity, who was born, what folk signs characterize it and much more, which should be known about, just interesting to know.

Who was born on January 11

Konstantin Khabensky Konstantin Yuryevich Khabensky. Born on January 11, 1972 in Leningrad. Russian actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of Russia (2012).

Andrei Malakhov. Born on January 11, 1972 in the city of Apatity (Murmansk region). Russian television journalist, showman, leading studio programs of special projects OJSC "First Channel", editor-in-chief of the magazine "Starhit" and teacher of journalism courses in the RGGU.

Anton Khabarov (01/11/1981 [Balashikha]) - Russian actor theater and cinema;

Anna Nerladjatskaya (01/11/1990) - Russian actress;

Anna Bulygin (01/11/1984 [Salekhard]) - Russian biathlete;

Lyudmila Shiryaeva (01/11/1981 [St. Petersburg]) - Russian actress;

Sergey Amoralov (01/11/1979 [Leningrad]) - participant of the group "Outways";

Amanda Pete (01/11/1972 [New York]) - American Cinema and Television Actress;

Anatoly Bondarenko (11.01.1966 [Konstantinovka]) - producer and soloist of the Nancy group; Victoria Platova (01/11/1965) - writer, author of detective novels;

Jason Connery (01/11/1963 [London]) - British actor;

Sergei Fedotov (11.01.1961 [Perm]) - Honored Artist of Russia, director, creator and artistic director of the Perm Theater "At Bridge";

Larisa Savitskaya (01/11/1961 [Blagoveshchensk] - 13.10.2013) - a woman survived after a plane crash and fall from a height of 5,200 meters;

Oleg Taran (January 11, 1960 [Ordzhonikidze]) - Soviet Ukrainian football player, coach;

Irina Derdygina (January 11, 1958 [Kiev]) - Honored Master of Sports in Rhythmic Gymnastics;

Matteo Renzi (11.01.1975 [Florence]) - Italian politician and the State Department;

Judith Exner (01/11/1934 [New York] - 09/24/1999) - American, who is considered the mistress of the US President John Kennedy;

Jean Corene (01/11/1934 [Svinigan (Quebec Province)]) - Ex-Prime Minister of Canada;

Lion Demin (01/11/1926 [Moskva] - 18.12.1998 [Star Town]) - Soviet cosmonaut, Candidate of Technical Sciences (1963), Hero of the Soviet Union (1974);

Viktor Avdyushko (01/11/1925 [Moskva] - 19.11.1975 [MOSCOW]) - People's Artist of the RSFSR (1974);

Jacqueline Mallan (11.01.1923 [Paries-le-monal] - 05/13/1992 [Paris]) - French actress;

Kathleen Bayron (01/11/1921 [London] - 01/18/2009 [London]) - British actress;

Vladimir Vengerov (01/11/1920 [Saratov] - 15.11.1997 [St. Petersburg]) - Soviet filmstanrist and director;

Bernard Brye (11.01.1916 [Buenos Aires] - 29.03.1989 [Saint-Kl]) - French film actor;

Laurence Hammond (01/11/1895 - 07/01/1973) - an American inventor of an electric corporal called him name;

Ringold Gliere (11.01.1875 [Kiev] - 06/23/1956 [MOSCOW]) - Russian composer, conductor, teacher;

George Kerzon (11.01.1859 [Kedlston County Derbishir] - 03/20/1925 [London]) - Marquis, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain in 1919-1924, English politician and diplomat;

Vladimir Probrezov (01/11/1857 - 09/17/1932) - Union-slain Nikolai II in service in the Life Guard of the Hussar Regiment, General Adjutant, General from Cavalry;

John McDonald (11.01.1815 [Glasgow] - 06.06.1891 [Ottawa]) - First Prime Minister of Canada;

Alexander Sherler (01/11/1772 - 1824) - Famous Russian Chemist, Academician of St. Petersburg An.

Events January 11.

Day of creation of the first state reserve

January 11 - the day of the creation of the First State Reserve Reserve Reserves and National Parks originates from January 11, 1997 when, on the initiative of the Wildlife Protection Center and the famous World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), and this day was established.

Day 11 was chosen not just like that - on this day In 1916, the first State Reserve was formed in Russia - Barguzinsky.

Earlier until January 11, 1916, Russia was considered to be protected by the territory where the direct hunt of the princes, boyars on wildlife, that is, their land. By 1916, problems with the fauna and its population began to appear in Russia, which is why on January 11, the first state-wide reserve was created and its main goal was the preservation of a Barguzin sable and other animal species in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Baikal.

It can be said that from this moment on, the leadership of the country began to interfere with the regulation of the population of wild animals in our country (by saving them)

In 1986, the decision of the UNESCO to the Barguzinsky reserve was assigned the status of a biosphere, which means that it was included in the international network of biosphere reserves. Today, this reserve is an integral part of the World Natural Heritage Site "Lake Baikal" together with the rest of the reserves and national parks belonging to the "Reserved Necklace" (Barguzinsky, Baikal, Baikal Lena Reserves, the Trans-Baikal National Park).

For today, Russia has about 100 reserves with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 33 million hectares (this is 1.6% of the entire territory of Russia) in addition to 35 national parks with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 7 million hectares (0.41% of Russia). The task of nature reserves is to preserve the species wealth of flora and fauna countries.

In 1939, the time of the time of the world and the Nazi policy of Italy, the time of Albania fell victim, so on January 11, she was occupied by fascist Italy. A fascist party was created in the country that canceled the Constitution and actually took the Board into their own hands, in addition, in 1940, the Albanian army was included in the Italian.

As expected, the desire of the people of Albania to independence and freedom did not make himself wait for a long time in the same 1940, the formation of anti-fascist partisan teams, headed by regional leaders, representatives of the intelligentsia and religious figures. So on November 8, 1941, the Communist Party of Albania was created.

As a result of a changing military-political situation, fascist Germany began claiming the territory of Albania. Already by September 1943, Albania turned out to be occupied by the troops of fascist Germany.

But in October 1944, under pressure from the partisan resistance detachments, the planned liberation of Albania began. Naturally, it was connected with the general weakening of Germany as a result of the unsuccessful stroke of the world for the Germans, when the Soviet Union and the Allies have already finally taken the initiative of war in their hands, and Albania has not been the main goal.

November 29, 1944, Albanian was released from the occupiers. In January 1946, the People's Republic of Albania was proclaimed.

Dates January 11.

International Day of "thank you"

This is the most polite date of the year, because it is on this day the inhabitants of the whole world show a maximum of courtesy to others. Blagovospitality in the life of people is of great importance. They are just necessary, and people must use them in everyday life. We very often utter words of gratitude, but we never think about what sense is the one or another phrase.

Many expressions actually have a huge magic value, and carry people joy, express attention, with the help of them people are divided by positive emotions. Without words of gratitude, our life really becomes gray and monotonous.

No accident in different tourist guides for foreign countries, it says that, you need to communicate with the locals to speak the word "thank you" with the accent of the country in which you are. This word understand almost everything, it contributes to an increase in service speed, and generally creates the conditions to organize a calm and pleasant stay. Russian word "thank you" pulls your roots since the 16th century, and is a kind of derivative of the phrase "save God."

The English analogue of this word has a deeper value than ordinary thanks. In general, any "thank you" is an integral part of absolutely different cultures and peoples. Interestingly, the Old Believers are not used this word because they think that it happened from the phrase "save bai".

Old Believers are confident that Bai is one of the pagan gods. Psychologists have the opinion that such words such as "thank you" are used as a "oral smoothing", which is capable of improving peace and warmth in the soul. Words of gratitude need to be pronounced from a pure heart, it is believed that it is then that they will have the meaning that invested in them initially.

Day of Reserves and National Parks

According to historical data, it was celebrated this day in 1979. His instratchors were representatives of the Center, who was engaged in the protection of wildlife and a specialized fund that worked in the same direction. The date of this holiday was not chosen at all by chance, on this day in Russia in 1916 the first Barguzinsky reserve was formed.

In antiquity in Russia, increased attention was paid to various natural territories, because then the then know, kings and princes hunted.

Created the first reserve in order to take under the guard of the Barguzin Sable, which is inhabited there, and other animals. According to the decision of the adopted UNESCO in 1986, a biosphere ostrich brought to this reserve, after that the reserve was included in the international list in which biosphere reservations arrive.

To date, this reserve consists of a worldwide natural heritage, which belongs to Lake Baikal, like other reserves, and national parks in the "Reserved Necklace". It contains Barguzinsky, Baikal, Baikal-Leninsky Reserves, and the Trans-Baikal Park.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the number of reserved zones exceeded a hundredth mark. To date, the area is denoted by the number of 34 million hectares, which corresponds to about 1.5% of the entire territory of the state.

Natural heritage has national parks of all of their 35 pieces, occupy an area of \u200b\u200b7 million hectares. Thanks to all these lands, a large number of representatives of the beautiful vegetable and animal world remain. Due to the constant deterioration in the overall environmental situation in all world countries, this protected necklace is of particular value for the state.

Signs January 11 - Joseph Day Wrap

Folk signs on January 11 - Joseph's Day Wrapped This day is honored by the memory of 14 thousand killed babies, about which the king of Herod, ruling by Bethlehem, was ordered to detect and kill the baby Jesus Christ. It is believed that if a person was born on January 11, he will be unlucky and will always face difficulties in life. As a guard, such people are worth wearing a stone onyx.

January 11 - the period of the strongest frost. The peasants on this day rested from hard work in the fields and expected thaw. It was believed that Joseph's day of the wrap was very "terrible", and therefore, in the dark, on January 11, people tried not to go outside, but spent time for fortune tells and gatherings, telling each other by the bikes, legends, terrible stories. This day is also associated with their own, special signs.

On the day of Iofis, the wrapper especially bold children, because it was believed that the unclean power begins to hunt on January 11. Children forbidden to leave the house, put the babies in the cradle of a dried thistle flower to scare the evil. It was believed that iron objects (for example, hammer, sickle) can also be used as an overlap. They were balancing them on the lulle on the night. Parents went to church to pray for their children.

Folk signs on January 11

If the northern wind blows on January 11, and there are no clouds in the sky, it means that strong frosts will come soon

It is believed that an unclear power is active on Iofis, and therefore many can see it with their own eyes.

If January 11, the fire is in the yard, then all the troubles and sorrows, anxiety and illness burned down

If the horse sleeps standing - wait for the stupus and cold days. If the horse fell on the ground - he warmer soon

If on the day of Joseph the wrap, the blizzard swears, it means that the month of July will be cloudy

If the snow is on January 11 falls from the sky with large flakes, you can expect thaw in the near future

If the smoke goes in the post - the cold will soon be grew. If he is steel on the ground, snow falls out or rain will fall

If the chickens sat on the Nature - a sign to the fact that there will be a chance. If you climbed high, then frosts will be protracted and harsh

Shimmering stars in the sky - to the cold

If the forest is noise - soon, on the signs, warm days will begin.

Low clouds foreshadow harsh cold

Fortune telling for a wedding and coming on January 11 on this day - the most faithful. You can leave in a barn suspended comb, and in the morning to see what color hair on it remained, which will help determine the color of the groom's hair.

We hope you were interested to familiarize yourself with the material of this page and you were satisfied with the read? Agree that it is not superfluous, but very useful to know the story of events and dates, and more those who are born today, on this day of winter on January 11What a trace left for his actions and affairs this person in the history of mankind, our world with you.

Also confident that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some subtleties and nuances. By the way, with their help, you can check in practice the accuracy and truthfulness of people will accept.

Good luck to all of you, more read the right, important, useful, interesting and informative - reading expands the horizons and develops fantasy, find out about everything, develop versatile!

Events January 11, 2018 - Dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events on January 11, 2018, learn who was born from famous people, folk signs and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eleventh yankling number of the eighteenth year.

Events January 11, 2019 - Dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events on January 11, 2019, learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eleventh January number of the month of the nineteenth year.

Events January 11, 2020 - Dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events on January 11, 2020, learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eleventh January number of the twentieth year.

Events January 11, 2021 - Dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of January 11, 2021, you will learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eleventh January number of the twenty-first year.

Events January 11, 2022 - Dates today

Here you will read about dates and events on January 11, 2022, learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eleventh January number of the month of twenty-second year.

Events January 11, 2023 - Dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events on January 11, 2023, you will learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eleventh yankling number of the month of the twenty-third year.

Events January 11, 2024 - Dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events on January 11, 2024, you will learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eleventh January number of the twenty-fourth year.

Events January 11, 2025 - Dates today

Here you will read about dates and events on January 11, 2025, you will learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eleventh January number of the twenty-fifth year.

Events January 11, 2026 - Dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events on January 11, 2026, you will learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs, and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eleventh yankling number of the twenty-sixth year.

Events January 11, 2027 - Dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of January 11, 2027, you will learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs, and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eleventh yankling among the twenty-seventh year.

Events January 11, 2028 - Dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events on January 11, 2028, you will learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs, and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eleventh January number of the twenty-eighth year.

Events January 11, 2029 - Dates today

Here you will read about dates and events on January 11, 2029, learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs, and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eleventh January number of the twenty-ninth year.

Events January 11, 2030 - Dates today

Here you will read about dates and events on January 11, 2030, learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the eleventh yankling among the month of the thirtieth year.

In Russia, established (1995) Counting Chamber

Day of Reserves

Day of the reserves has been celebrated since 1997. In 1917, the first reserve "Barguzinsky" was created on the territory of Russia, located on the northeast coast of Baikal. On the territory of the Saratov region - 124 Monuments of Nature, among them - the State National Natural Park "Pohshansky".

Russia joined the Versailles Agreement against Prussia

In 1757, Russia joined the Versailles Agreement against Prussia.

Adopted Resolution on Stalinist (State) Prizes

In 1942, a decree on Stalinist (state) awards was adopted.

The first flight of the prototype of a multi-purpose helicopter Ka-32

In 1980, the first flight of the prototype of a multi-purpose helicopter KA-32 was performed.

The beginning of the work of the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Russian Federation

In 1994, the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Russian Federation began work.

World Day "Thank you"

Catherine II decree established Saratov governance, divided into 10 counties with his coat of arms

In 1780, Catherine II decree established Saratov governance, divided into 10 counties with his coat of arms.

In Saratov opened the Feldsher School (Medulum)

In 1900, a Feldshera school (medical school) opened in Saratov.

In Saratov, a newlywed house opened

In 1961, the house of newlyweds house opened in Saratov.

The selection experimental station began to create

In 1910, land was assigned to a selection experimental station. Now NGO. Elite Volga region ..

Music Date January 11, 1845 - the son of the owner of the Musical Instrument Factory Adolf Sax, who did not leave attempts to improve the bass clarinet, created a new tool - a saxophone. The authorship of Saks was confirmed by a patent obtained by a year later. Saxophone divided his first successes with military marchs. And the new tool acquired a special popularity at the beginning of the 20th century, when jazz entered the fashion.

On January 11, in 1859, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom Lord George Kerzon was born. It is known, first of all, in connection with the Linius of Kerzon, the current Eastern border of Poland and the Ultimatum of Kerzon, presented to the Soviet government on May 8, 1923. Kerzon demanded compensation for confiscated British fishing vessels and for British subjects, shot on charges of espionage, as well as stopping communist propaganda in the East. At first, the Soviet government rejected Kerzon's ultimatum, but after two weeks I lost almost all items.

11 Junkar of 1866 Ilya Tchaikovsky tried to convince his son Peter to throw classes with music and enjoy the right.

"... Your passion is commendable to music," the father wrote the future to the great composer, "but my friend, this is a slippery way, a remuneration for ingenious labor is long-long later. Look at the poor musician Serov, working with passion, he just gave silver hair, not silver. "Judith" he worked for 14 years, but as much "Rogneda", and what did it work out? Glory, at the price of 1,500 rubles a year, so far, that is: barely barely bread ... Glinka died the poor man, and others our talents are cheaply appreciated. Who knows your game and other musical abilities, that and without Rubinstein will appreciate you, spit on them - and again do the service ... I still advise you to adhere to justice ... "

Peter Ilyich did not return to the deputy councils, otherwise we never heard his "Eugene Onegin", nor the "Nutcracker", nor "Swan Lake", not the 1st piano concert, no other works of musical genius. Fortunately, Tchaikovsky was found and a rich patron - Nadezhda vintage Mecc.

On January 11, 1874, the wedding of Mary, the daughter of the Russian emperor Alexander Second, and Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, and the Son of the English Queen of Victoria, took place in St. Petersburg. This marriage actively opposed both families. The wounds of the Crimean War were not yet heard, a new conflict between Russia and the UK was granted. In St. Petersburg, found offensive the proposal of the Queen Victoria to the bride: to appear in London "on looting". However, lovers managed to overcome all obstacles. The daughters of the Russian emperor did not like the climate or a rather cool attitude towards her royal family. Nevertheless, the spouses lived in love and consent of the 26 years, to the death of Alfred.

Well, Maria died in the 1920s. It is curious that under the pressure of Mary Alexandrovna her daughter - also Maria - did not accept the suggestions of the grandson of Queen Victoria and married the Romanian Prince, and then - King, Ferdinand.

On January 11, 1875, Ringold Moritsevich Gliere was born, composer, conductor, teacher, three times laureate of the USSR State Prize (in 1946, 48th and 50th).

In 1927, Gliere wrote a "red poppy" - the first ballet on a revolutionary topic with a place of action in China. In 1950, the composer happened to attend this ballet by a group of Chinese leaders led by the famous ideologist Chen Boda. Seeing the actors in the makeup, the guests were indignant: "Does these horrorists really - the Chinese? Is that you imagine us?! This is monstrously!" With difficulty, Soviet diplomats kept the Chinese from the scandalous demarche - leaving the Bolshoi Theater. After the performance, Comrade Chen said: "The name" Red Poppy "is discouraged by us. The plant poppy Chinese is perceived as an impersonation of opium. And the opium is our worst enemy, he ruined our people!" And Chinese comrades refused to get acquainted with other masterpieces of Soviet theatrical art. After that, Gliera's ballet was renamed in a "red flower", but the content was left unchanged.

Before coming to power, the Bolsheviks of people in Russia were buried in one way: in the Christian custom, he ordered into the ground. But in 1918, the decree of Sovnarkom, sanctioning cremation. The innovation did not come true. The first crematorium appeared in the USSR only after eight years. It was decided not to build it from scratch, but adapting to this case located in the south-west of Moscow Seraphim Sarovsky and Anna Kashinsky in the Don Monastery.

But before building Columbarium (the burial ground with the burial of ash in urns) it was necessary to eliminate already existing burials. And here in the "evening Moscow" between the articles "Lenin about abortions" and "the theatrical young man" appeared an ad called "Transferring the Deaders". In it, citizens were offered on a ten-day period to reburial their relatives at any other cemetery. Otherwise, it was stated in the publication, the graves will be destroyed.

And on the day of our review - January 11, 1927 - trial cremation took place. If you believe the Soviet documents, there were incredibly aware of the burning, and I had to select the most worthy of the first cremated. Stopped on the body of the former revolutionary Baltic sailor, and then the Moscow Procelet and a member of the WCP (b) Comrade Solovyov. Kremirovattered - and immediately adopted a resolution to consider urn with his landmark by the monument of first cremation in the USSR. This urn can now be seen in the main ritual hall of the Don Monastery.

Tarautkin grew up in Leningrad, and this city, remembering Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Blok, could not leave the mark in his soul. It seems that he was brought up by the atmosphere itself of this amazing city, and Dostoevsky and the block and today remain their favorite authors of the actor.

He was really lucky from the very beginning. Yesterday's studio noted and risked to invite the Roman Kulijanov himself to the role of Roman Kuljjanov himself on the role of Roman Kuljjanov himself. The fact that the 23-year-old actor played Skolnikov was difficult and subtle, was not an accident. Not only the external features of Tarautkina and his hero were coincided: some kind of special, inherent ascetic and nervous people. In the inner world of Skolnikov, a lot was close to Tarautkina - and martyrdom, and fatal pain from other people's suffering, fierce pride and ambition. The film revealed the acting essence of Tarautkina, his ability to selflessly surrender roles, not to play, and live the life of his hero. This role brought all-Union fame to Georgy Tarautkin. Along with other creators of the film "Crime and Punishment", he became in 25 years! - Laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR.

Today he is 62 years old. He is still one of the most famous Russian actors. One of the last roles of Tarautkina - Pavel Olegovich Zhdanov, the father of Andrei Zhdanov, the chief hero of the 200-serial television film "Do not bother beautiful."

Georgy Tarautkin - People's Artist of Russia, Kavaler of the Order "Sign of Honor", First Secretary of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia, Member of the Union of Cinematographers, Professor Vgika.


John Lodge Elleton - English composer.
Dates of life: January 11, 1801 - January 3, 1873.

Christian Augustus Sinding - Norwegian composer.
Dates of life: January 11, 1856 - December 3, 1941.

Ringold Gliere (Name at birth. Ringold Ernest Gliere) - Russian composer and conductor, born in Kiev.
Life dates: January 11, 1875 - June 23, 1956.

Lawrence Hammond. - American engineer and inventor.
Dates of life: January 11, 1895 - July 3, 1973.

Maurice Düryoufla - French composer and organist.
Dates of life: January 11, 1902 - June 16, 1986.

Izler Solomon - American conductor.
Dates of life: January 11, 1910 - December 6, 1987.

Slim Harpo (James Moore) - American musician and singer.
Dates of life: January 11, 1924 - January 31, 1970.

Wanda Wilcoma (Wanda Alfreda Joanna Wiłkomirska) - Polish violinist, composer and musical teacher.
Life dates: January 11, 1929 - May 01, 2018.

Clarence Clems - American musician, Saxophonist E Street Band.
Life dates: January 11, 1942 - June 18, 2011.

Tony Kay. (Anthony John Selvidge) - British musician.
Date of birth: January 11, 1946.

Wiki Peterson - American guitarist and vocalist, participant of The Bangles group.
Date of birth: January 11, 1958.

Anatoly Bondarenko - Ukrainian singer and composer, producer and soloist of the Nancy group, director of the Studio "Mentol Music Corporation".
Date of birth: January 11, 1966.

Mary Hensen - Guitarist and vocalist of the British group Stereolab.
Dates of life: January 11, 1966 - December 9, 2002.

Tom Dumon - American musician, guitarist NO Doubt Group.

Vasily Smolentsev - Russian musician, former guitarist of Kalinov Bridge Group.
Date of birth: January 11, 1968.

Mary Ja Blyjj (Mary Jane Blyjj) - American singer in the genres of R & B, Soul and Hip-Hop, songwriter, musical producer and actress.
Date of birth: January 11, 1971.

Christian Jacobs. - American musician, singer and producer, participant of The Aquabats group.
Date of birth: January 11, 1972.

Jamelia (Jameliya Nile Davis) - British singer, songwriter, model, actress and TV presenter.

Tom Maigan. - British musician, Kasabian Rock band vocalist.
Date of birth: January 11, 1981.

Maria Elena Kiriaku - Cypriot singer, representative of Greece on.
Date of birth: January 11, 1984.

Anna Rudneva - Russian singer, composer, songwriter, rhythm guitarist and actress.
Date of birth: January 11, 1990.

Roxana Hengel (Roksana "Roxie" Węgiel) - Polish singer, winner.
Date of birth: January 11, 2005.

Memory days

Domenico Chimarozoza - Italian opera composer.
Dates of life: December 17, 1749 - January 11, 1801.

Francis Scott Ki. (or Kay) is an American lawyer and poet, the author of the text of the US State Hymn.
Life dates: August 01, 1779 - January 11, 1843.

John Field - Irish composer, founder nocturne.
Life dates: July 26, 1782 - January 11, 1837.

Marchell Zembrich (Martselin Praksda Kohan, on her husband - Shtengel) - Polish singer.
Dates of life: February 18, 1858 - January 11, 1935.

Vasily Kalinnikov - Russian composer.
Dates of life: January 13, 1866 - January 11, 1901.

Oscar Strauss - Austrian composer.
Life dates: March 06, 1870 - January 11, 1954.

Elena Gerhardt - German opera singer (mezzo soprano).
Life dates: November 11, 1883 - January 11, 1961.

Yuri Biryukov - Soviet composer.
Dates of life: April 27, 1908 - January 11, 1976.

Einar Anderson (EINAR ANDERSSON) - Swedish opera singer (lyrical tenor).
Life dates: July 13, 1909 - January 11, 1989.

Bill Rousseau - American jazz composer.
Life dates: June 25, 1928 - January 11, 2003.

Georgy Garananyan - Soviet and Russian jazz, classic and pop saxophonist, artistic director of a number of musical ensembles.
Dates of life: August 15, 1934 - January 11, 2010.

Spencer Dryden - American musician, drummer Jefferson Airplane.
Dates of life: April 07, 1938 - January 11, 2005.

Fabrizio de Andre (Fabrizio Cristiano de Andre) - Italian author-performer and poet.
Life dates: February 18, 1940 - January 11, 1999.

Jimmy Griffin - American guitarist, participant of the Bread group.
Dates of life: August 10, 1943 - January 11, 2005.

Mick Green (Michael Greenbaum) - British guitarist.
Dates of life: February 22, 1944 - January 11, 2010.

Mark sofa (Marcus Löffel) - German DJ.
Life dates: November 27, 1966 - January 11, 2006.


1940 - The premiere of the ballet "Romeo and Juliet" was held in Leningrad.

1958 - The release of the Single "Jailhouse Rock" was transferred.

1962 "Cliff Richard took 1st place in the British Chart with the Single" The Young Ones ".

1963 - Opened the first American disco Whiskey A-Go-Go in Los Angeles.

1964 - Johnny Casha's album "Ring Of Fire" became the first record in the style of the country, climbing on the top of the American Chart.

1967 - The Jimi Hendrix Experience group recorded the song "Purple Haze".

1967 - Pink Floyd group made its first high-quality studio record.

1969 - The debut album of the Jethro Tull group "This WAS" came out.

1986 - Pet Shop Boys group first ranked 1st place in the UK with the song "West End Girls".

1987 - The Kalinov Bridge group gave its first concert. He passed in the Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute.

1987 - Frankie Goes to Hollywood went to your final tour.

1990 - The group "Cuibul" is formed.

1992 - Nirvana performed at the Saturday Night Live show. NBC TV channel.

1997 - The group "Militari Jane" (SPB) was renamed "Pilot".

1998 - The OASIS Plate "Be Here Now" was recognized by the album of the year.

2009 - Lady Gaga took the 1st place in the British Chart with the song "Just Dance".

More about these musicians and events - .

1569 - the first stage mentioned in the history of the lottery in England. Held in the building of the Cathedral of St. Paul
1693 - Sicilian earthquake, more than 60,000 dead
1700 - Julian calendar was introduced in Russia instead of the Byzantine calendar. After December 31, 7208, it came on January 1, 1700. The beginning of the year was postponed to January 1.
1785 - The Continental Congress is going to New York.
1787 - William Herschel opened the existence of satellites of the planet Uranus, Titania and Oberon
1803 - Monroe and Livingston went to the sea travel from the United States to Paris to buy New Orleans, as a result of which the United States acquired the entire state of Louisiana.
1863 - End of the three-day battle for Fort Hindman, Arkansas.
1864 - Charing Cross Station opened in London.
1892 - A permit was received for the establishment of society of the Ryazan-Ural Railway
1892 - Ryazan-Kozlovskaya Railway entered the society of the Ryazan-Ural Railway
1899 - Russian Foreign Minister Count Mikhail Nikolaevich Muravyov appealed to other powers with a note, which contained proposals to hold an international peace conference on disarmament and conservation of peace. Such a conference was convened in May of the same year in the Hague.
1909 - Participants of the first female auto racing were departed from New York to Philadelphia.
1917 - The first reserve was created on the territory of Russia - Barguzinsky. Since 1997, there has been a day of nature reserves.
1919 - Sovnarkk adopted a decree on the introduction of the product.
1922 - Fourteen-year-old Canadian Leonard Thompson became the first person in the world, for the treatment of which insulin was applied from diabetes.
1923 - Introduction of Franco-Belgian troops to the Ruhr pool (Rurassic conflict)
1935 - American woman Aviator Amelia Erhart made a single flight through the Pacific Ocean.
1940 - The premiere of the Ballet of Prokofiev "Romeo and Juliet" was held in Leningrad
1946 - After the overthrow of the King of Zoga in Albania, the People's Republic was proclaimed.
1962 - more than 3,000 people died in Peru during a landslide
1963 - The first disco called the Whisky-A-GO-Go opened in Los Angeles.
1966 - more than 340 people died according to the official data in Rio de Janeiro during flooding and landslide.
1973 - Watergate thieves began in Watergaton.
1974 - In Cape Town, Sue Rosenkovits was born six twins and for the first time all the births of both the children survived.
1976 - Military junta captured power in Ecuador, overthrowing President Gillermo Rodriguez Laru.
1981 - The team of three Britons under the leadership of Sir Ranulf Finnes was completed the most extended and short expedition to the intersection of Antarctic, reaching the Scott base after 75 days of the road, during which 2500 miles were passed.
1994 - The new Parliament of Russia began work - the Federal Assembly, elected December 12, 1993 and consisting of two chambers: the Upper - Council of Federation and the Lower State Duma.
1994 - The Government of Ireland abolished a 20-year ban on the television and radio broadcast of the speeches of the nationalist organization Irish Republican Army (IRA) and its political wing "Shinn Fein".
2003 - Illinois State Governor pardoned 150 convicts on the highest measure of punishment - all the prisoners-suicide of Illinois.
2004 - Incident with train No. 1908, during which, due to the mental disorder of the driver, a heavy cargo train weighing 5175 tons drove a number of stations, despite prohibiting readings of traffic lights. They stopped it only by turning off the electricity.
2011 - the overall support of the Windows XP Service Pack 3 operating system is discontinued.