Message Kurrun Biography briefly. Life and creativity Cookick: Quick description

Message Kurrun Biography briefly. Life and creativity Cookick: Quick description
Message Kurrun Biography briefly. Life and creativity Cookick: Quick description

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. On August 26 (September 7), he was born on August 26 (September 7) in the century - died on August 25, 1938 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian writer, translator.

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin was born on August 26 (September 7) of 1870 in the county town of Varovka (now Penza region) in the family of an official, the hereditary nobleman Ivan Ivanovich Kurin (1834-1871), who died a year after the birth of the Son.

Mother, Lyubov Alekseevna (1838-1910), Born Kulunchakov, took place from the genus of Tatar princes (nobleman, prince Titula Did not have). After the death of her husband, she moved to Moscow, where childhood and adolescence of the future writer passed.

At six years, the boy was given to the Moscow Razumovsky Pension (orphan), from where it came out in 1880. In the same year he entered the second Moscow Cadet Corps.

In 1887, he was released in the Alexander Military School. Subsequently describe its " military Youth"On the titles" on the fracture (cadets) "and in the novel" Junker ".

First literary experience Kuprina were poems that remain unpublished. The first work that saw the light is the story "Last Debut" (1889).

In 1890, the Kubrin in the rank of the podernoye was released in the 46th Dneprovsky Infantry Regiment, which was in the Podolsk province (in Proskurov). The officer life he led during four years, gave a rich material for his future works.

In 1893-1894 in the St. Petersburg journal " Russian wealth"His story" Full up ", stories" Lunar at night"And" Inquiry ". On the army theme of Kupper several stories: "Overnight" (1897), "Night shift" (1899), "Cam".

In 1894, Lieutenant Kubrin resigned and moved to Kiev, without having no civilian profession. In the following years I wandered a lot in Russia, trifting many professions, greedily absorbing the life impressions that became the basis of his future works.

During these years, Kuprin met I. A. Bunin, A. P. Chekhov and M. Gorky. In 1901, he moved to St. Petersburg, began to work the secretary of the "magazine for all". In St. Petersburg magazines appeared stories Kurin: "Baloto" (1902), "Konokrad" (1903), "White Poodle" (1903).

In 1905, his most significant work was published - the story "Fight", having had big success. Speeches of the writer with reading individual chapters "fight" became an event cultural life capital Cities. Other works of this time: Stories "Staff-captain of Rybnikov" (1906), "River of Life", "Gambrinus" (1907), Essay "Events in Sevastopol" (1905). In 1906, he was a candidate for deputies of the State Duma I convocation from St. Petersburg province.

Creativity Kuprin in the years between the two revolutions opposed the decadent moods of those years: the cycle of essays "Litriped" (1907-1911), stories about animals, Sulamif's stories (1908), " Garnet bracelet"(1911), fantastic story "Liquid Sun" (1912). His prose has become a noticeable phenomenon of Russian literature. In 1911, with his family settled in Gatchina.

After the beginning of the First World War, he opened a military hospital in his house, and agitated in citizens in the newspapers to take military loans. In November 1914, was mobilized to the army and sent to Finland commander of the infantry company. Demobilized in July 1915 for health.

In 1915, Kuprin completes the work on the story of "Yama", in which he talks about the life of prostitutes in Russian public houses. The story was subjected to condemnation for excessive, according to critics, naturalism. The department of Nuravukin, who released Kurrin in the German publication, was attracted by the prosecutor's office for responsibility "for the distribution of pornographic publications."

Nikolai II renunciation met in Helsingfors, where he was treated, and he took him with enthusiasm. After returning to Gatchina, he was the editor of the newspapers "Free Russia", "liberty", "Petrogradsky leafleka", sympathized with Esramen. After the capture of power by the Bolsheviks, the writer did not accept the policies of military communism and the terror conjugate. In 1918 he went to Lenin with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village - "Earth". He worked in the publishing house "World Literature" based on. At that time, made the translation "Don Carlos". He was arrested, she spent three days in prison, was released and entered into the list of hostages.

October 16, 1919, with the advent of Gatchina Whites, he entered the rank of Lieutenant to the North-Western army, received the appointment with the editor of the Army newspaper "Private Krai", which General P. N. Krasnov was headed.

After the defeat of the North-West Army went to Revel, and from there in December 1919 in Helsinki, where he stayed until July 1920, after which he went to Paris.

By 1930, the Kuprin family was depleted and mired in debt. His literary fees were scarce, and alcoholism accompanied all his years in Paris. Since 1932, his eyesight has constantly worsened, and the handwriting has become much worse. Return to the Soviet Union has become the only solution Material I. psychological problems Cooker. At the end of 1936, he still decided to seek a visa. In 1937, at the invitation of the Government of the USSR returned to his homeland.

The return of Kupper to the Soviet Union was preceded by the appeal of the USSR Pol Air District in France. N. I. Yezhov. Ezhov sent a note of Potemkin to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CSP (b), which on October 23, 1936 decided: "Allow entry into the USSR to the Writer A. I. Kuprina" ("For" I. V. Stalin voted, V. M. Molotov . Ya. Chubar and A. A. Andreev; abstained by K. E. Voroshilov).

Died on the night of August 25, 1938 from the cancer of the esophagus. He was buried in Leningrad on the literary walkways of the Volkovsky cemetery next to the Mogula I. S. Turgenev.

Tale and Novels of Alexander Kupina:

1892 - "Faulty"
1896 - "Moloch"
1897 - "Evaloor Army"
1898 - "Olesya"
1900 - "On the fracture" (Cadets)
1905 - "Fight"
1907 - "Gambrinus"
1908 - "Sullaph"
1909-1915 - "Yama"
1910 - "Pomegranate bracelet"
1913 - "Liquid Sun"
1917 - "Star Solomon"
1928 - "Dome of St. Isaacia Dalmatsky "
1929 - "Wheel of Time"
1928-1932 - "Junker"
1933 - Zhaneta

Tags Alexander Kurina:

1889 - "Last Debut"
1892 - "Psyche"
1893 - "Lunar Night"
1894 - "Inquiry", "Slavic Soul", "Lilac Kuste", "Neglace Audit", "To Glory", "Madness", "On the Drive", Al-Issa, "Forgotten Kiss", "On How Professor Leopard put me a voice "
1895 - "Sparrow", "toy", "in Zveznz", "Supreme", "Picture", "Scary Minute", "Meat", "Without title", "Overnight", "Millionaire", "Pirate", " Lolly "," Holy Love "," Lokon "," Counterpoint "," Life "
1896 - "Strange case", "Bonza", "Horror", "Natalia Davydovna", "demigod", "Blessed", "Bed", "Fairy Tale", "Klyach", "Alien Bread", "Friends", " Marianna, "" Dog Happiness "," On the River "
1897 - " Stronger death"," Chara "," Caprice "," Firstborn "," Narcissus "," Bregest "," First Counter "," Confusion "," Wonderful Doctor "," Barbos and Zhulka "," Kindergarten"," Allez! "
1898 - "Loneliness", "Forest Wilderness"
1899 - "Night shift", "happy card", "in the bowels of the earth"
1900 - "Spirit of the Century", "Dead Power", "Tapper", "Palach"
1901 - "Sentimental Roman", "Autumn Flowers", "By order", "Hike", "in the circus", "Silver Wolf"
1902 - "At rest", "Boloto"
1903 - "Coward", "Konokrad", "How I was an actor", "White Poodle"
1904 - "Evening Guest", "Peaceful Life", "Ugra", "Zhidovka", "Villary", "Empty Daches", "White Nights", "from the street"
1905 - "Black Fog", "Priest", "Toast", "Staffs-Captain of Rybnikov"
1906 - "Art", "Killer", "River Life", "Happiness", "Legend", "Demir Kaya", "Resentment"
1907 - "Brad", "Emerald", "Melon", "Elephant", "Fairy Tale", "Mechanical Justice", "Gigaters"
1908 - "Sea disease", "Wedding", "Last word"
1910 - "Family", "Lenochka", "in the cage of the beast"
1911 - "Telegraph", "Chief of Traction", "Royal Park"
1912 - "Herbal", "Black Lightning"
1913 - "Anathema", "Elephant Walk"
1914 - "Holy False"
1917 - "Sasha and Yashka", "Brave Fugitives"
1918 - "Powers of Horses"
1919 - "The last of the bourgeois"
1920 - "Lemon Cork", "Fairy Tale"
1923 - "One-handed commandant", "Fate"
1924 - "Tailor"
1925 - "Yu-Yu"
1926 - "Daughter of the Great Barnuma"
1927 - "Blue Star"
1928 - "Inna"
1929 - "Violin Paganini", "Olga Sur"
1933 - "Night Philloy"
1934 - "Recent Knights", "Ralph"

Essays Alexander Kurina:

1897 - "Kiev types"
1899 - "on the delay"

1895-1897 - Cycle Essays "Student-Dragun"
"Dniprovsky Savior"
"Future Patty"
"Apartment hostess"
"Supplier of cards"

1900 - Travel Pictures:
From Kiev to Rostov-on-Don
From Rostov to Novorossiysk. Legend of Circassians. Tunnels.

1901 - "Tsaritsynsky Fairy"
1904 - "Memory Chekhov"
1905 - "Events in Sevastopol"; "Dreams"
1908 - "Little Finland"
1907-1911 - Cycle Essays "Litriped"
1909 - "Do not touch our tongue." About Russian-language writers-Jews.
1921 - "Lenin. Instant photo »

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin - famous writer-Ralist whose works found a response in the hearts of readers. His creativity was distinguished by the fact that he sought not only actually correctly reflect the events, but most likely the fact that Kuprin inner world The person was interested in much more than just a reliable description. Below, the brief biography of Kupper will be described: childhood, youthful years, creative activity.

Children's years writer

Childhood, Krurin could not be called carefree. A writer was born on August 26, 1870 in Penza province. Kurrov's parents were: the hereditary nobleman I. I. Kuprin, who held the position of official, and L. A. Kulunchakov, who originated from the genus of Tatar princes. The writer was always proud of the origin by the mother, and the Tatar features were overlooked in his appearance.

A year later, the father of Alexander Ivanovich died, and the writer's mother remained with two daughters and young son in her arms without any financial support. Then the proud love of Alekseevna had to be humiliated with the highest faces to attach his daughters to the Kazynaya Pension. She herself, taking his son with his son, moved to Moscow and settled on the maintenance of a widow house, in which the future writer lived together with her two years.

Later, he was enrolled in the government account of the Moscow Guardian Council to the Orphan School. Childhood Kuprin there was a messy, full of grief and thought about the fact that in man they try to suppress the feeling of his own dignity. After this school, Alexander entered the military gymnasium, later converted to the Cadet Corps. These were prerequisites for the formation of an officer career.

Youth writer

Childhood Kuprin and was not easy, and even study in cadet corps Also was not easy. But it was then that he first had a desire to engage in literature and he began writing the first poems. Of course, strict living conditions of the cadets, the military moisture hardened the character of Alexander Ivanovich Kurin, strengthened the will in him. Later his memories of children's and youth years They will find reflections in the works of "Cadets", "brave fugitives", "Junker". After all, it is not for nothing that the writer has always emphasized that his creations are in many ways autobiographical.

Military youth Kurin began with his receipt to the Moscow Alexander Military School, at the end of which he received the rank of a sampler. Then he went to serve in the infantry regiment and visited small provincial towns. Kuprin not only performed his official duties, but also studied all sides of army life. Permanent Mushra, injustice, cruelty - all this was reflected in his stories, such as, for example, "Lilac Kuste", "Hike", the story "the last fight", thanks to which the All-Russian Glory came to him.

The beginning of a literary career

His entry into the ranks of writers dates back to 1889, when his story "Last Debut" was published. Later, Kuprin said that when he left military serviceThe most difficult for him was that he had no knowledge. Therefore, Alexander Ivanovich began to thoroughly study life and read books.

The future famous Russian writer Kubrin began to ride across the country and tried himself in many professions. But he did it, not because he could not decide on the further type of activity, but because he was wondering. Kuprin wanted to thoroughly explore the life and life of people, their characters to reflect these observations in their stories.

In addition to the fact that the writer studied life, he did his first steps on the literary field - published articles, wrote Faken, essays. A significant event in his life was cooperation with the authoritative magazine "Russian wealth". It was in it in the period from 1893 to 1895 "in the dark", "inquiry" were published. In the same period, Kuprin meets I. A. Bunin, A. P. Chekhov and M. Gorky.

In 1896, the first book of Kurin is published - "Kiev Types", a collection of His essays and published a story "Moloch". A year later, a collection of "miniatures" stories, which Kubrin presented Chekhov is coming.

On the story "Moloch"

Kurris stories were distinguished by the fact that the central place was not given to politics here, but the mental experiences of heroes. But this does not mean that the writer did not worry questions plight common population. In the lead "Moloch", which brought fame to the young writer, talks about severe, even disastrous, working conditions for workers of one major steel plant.

The work got this name is no coincidence: the writer compares this company with pagan god, Melting requiring constant human sacrifices. Exacerbation social conflict (Bunk workers against the bosses) was not the main thing in the work. Kupper more interested in how modern bourgeoisie can adversely affect a person. Already in this work, you can notice the interest of the writer to the personality of a person, his experiences, reflections. Kubrin wanted to show the reader who feels a man who collided with social injustice.

Tale of love - "Olesya"

Not less works It was written about love. In the work of Kupper, love occupied a special place. He always wrote about her touchingly, thrifty. His heroes are people who can worry, experience sincere feelings. One of these stories is "Olesya", written in 1898

All created images have a poetic character, especially the image. main heroine Olesy. The work tells about tragic love Between the girl and the storytellor, Ivan Timofeevich, a novice writer. He came to the wilderness, in Polesie to get acquainted with the way of the life of the residents of the residents, their legends and legends.

Olesya turned out to be a polesk witch, but there is nothing in common with the usual way, it does not have. It combines beauty in it internal power, nobility, little naivety, but at the same time it feels a solid will and and a small toliary of power. And its fortune tells are not connected with maps or other forces, but with the fact that it immediately recognizes the character of Ivan Timofeevich.

Love between the heroes sincere, all-consuming, noble. After all, Olesya does not agree to marry him, because he considers himself not evenly. The story ends sadly: Ivan did not succeed a second time to see Olesya, and in memory of her only red beads remained. And all other works on a love theme are characterized by the same purity, sincerity and nobility.


The work that glory to the writer and who took an important place in the work of Kuprin, became the "duel". He was published in May 1905, at the end Russian-Japanese war. A.I. Kubrin wrote the whole truth of army morals on the example of one shelf, which was in the camp town. Central theme The work is the formation of a person, her spiritual awakening on the example of the Hero Romashov.

"Fight" can be explained and as a personal battle between the writer and the binding weekdays of the royal army, which are all the best that is in man. This work has become one of the most famous, despite the fact that the final is tragic. The ending of the work reflects those realities that existed at the time in the royal army.

Psychological side of works

In the stories, Kuprin acts as an expert in psychological analysis precisely because he always sought to understand that he drives a man what feelings would manage. In 1905, the Writer goes to Balaklava and from there he drives to Sevastopol to make notes about the events that occurred on the rebel cruiser "Ochakov".

After going into the light of his essay "Events in Sevastopol", it is sent out of the city and forbid there to come there. During his stay there, Kubrin creates the story of Litriginov, where major persons are simple fishermen. The writer describes their hard work, the character that was close in the spirit of the writer himself.

In the story "Staff-captain of Rybnikov" psychological talent of the writer reveals completely. The journalist leads the hidden struggle with the secret agent of Japanese intelligence. And not with the aim of exposure, but in order to understand what the person feels that they drive, what an internal struggle in it occurs. This story was highly appreciated by readers and critics.

Theme of love

Special place occupied in the work writers of works on the love topic. But this feeling was not passionate and all-consuming, rather, he described the love disinterested, selfless, faithful. Among the most famous works "Sullaph" and "pomegranate bracelet".

It is such a disinterested, perhaps even sacrificial love, perceived by heroes as higher happiness. That is, the spiritual power of a person is that you need to be able to put the happiness of another person above your own well-being. Only such love can bring true joy and interest in life.

Personal life writer

A.I. Kuprin was married twice. His first wife was Maria Davydov, the daughter of the famous cellist. But the marriage lasted only 5 years, but during this time they had a daughter Lidiya. The second wife of Kuprin became Elizabeth Morithovna-Gainrich, with which he married in 1909, although before this event they had lived together for two years. They had two girls - Ksenia (in the future - a well-known model and artist) and Zinaida (who died in three years.) The spouse survived Kurrina for 4 years and graduated from suicide during the blockade of Leningrad.


The writer took part in the war of 1914, but because of the illness he had to return to Gatchina, where he from his house was lazay for wounded soldiers. Kubrin was waiting for the February Revolution, but, like most, he did not accept those methods that the Bolsheviks used to approve their power.

After the white army was defeated, the Kuprin family goes to Estonia, then in Finland. In 1920, he comes to Paris at the invitation I. A. Bunin. The years spent during the emigration were fruitful. Written works by him enjoyed success among the public. But, despite this, the KUPRUP was all stronger in Russia and in 1936 the writer decides to return to his homeland.

Last years of the writer's life

As well as the Childhood, Kuprin was not easy and last years His life was not easy. His return to the USSR in 1937 made a lot of noise. On May 31, 1937, he was met by a solemn procession, which included famous writers and fans of his work. Already at that time, Cook was serious problems Health, but he walked in his homeland to restore the strength and continue to engage literary activities. But on August 25, 1938, Alexander Ivanovich did not become Kurp.

A. I. Kookin was not just a writer who told about various events. He studied human nature, sought to know the character of every person with whom he met. Therefore, reading his stories, readers empathize with heroes, sad and rejoice with them. Creativity A.I. Kupper occupies a special place in Russian literature.

A bright representative of the realism, charismatic personality and just a well-known Russian writer of the beginning of the 20th century - Alexander Kuprin. Its biography is saturated with events, rather heavy and overflowed by the ocean of emotions, thanks to which the world has known his best creations. "Moloch", "Fight", "Pomegranate Bracelet" and many other works that have replenished the Golden Fund of World Arts.

The beginning of the way

7.09.1870 was born in a small town to verch, Penza District. His father is a public servant Ivan Kuprin, whose biography is very short, as he died when Sasha was only 2 years old. After that, he stayed with his mother's church, which was the Tatar of Princely Blood. They suffered hunger, humiliation and deprivation, so his mother accepted a difficult decision to give Sasha to the department for young orphans of the Alexander Military School in 1876. The pupil of the military school, Alexander, graduated from her in the second half of the 80s.

In the early 90s after the end of the military school, he became a servant of the infantry Dnieper regiment No. 46. Successful military career remained in dreams, as the disturbing, rich in Events and emotions, Kuprin's biography. Summary Signatures say that Alexander failed to enroll in the highest military school due to the scandal. And all because of his hot short, under the action of alcohol, he dropped from the bridge to the water of the police officer. Having reached the title of Lieutenant, in 1895 he retired.

Temperament writer

Personality with incredibly bright flavor, greedily absorbing impressions, wanderer. He tried a lot of crafts to himself: from black-worker to a dental technology. Very emotional and extraordinary man - Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, whose biography is overflowing with bright events, which became the basis of many of his masterpieces.

His life proceeds quite violently, there were many rumors about him. Explosive temperament, excellent physical form, it was still drawn to try himself, which gave him invaluable life experience And strengthened the Spirit. He constantly sought towards adventure: immersed under the water in special equipment, I was flying on the plane (because of the catastrophe almost died), was the founder of sports society, etc. In the war years, together with his wife, equipped with Lazare own home.

He loved to know a man, his character and communicated with the people of a wide variety of professions: Specialists with higher technical education, stray musicians, fishermen, card players, poor people, clergymen, entrepreneurs, etc. And in order to better know a person, feel his life for himself, he was ready for the most insane adventure. The researcher, the spirit of adventurism of which simply shook - this is Alexander Kuprin, the biography of the writer only confirms this fact.

He worked with great pleasure to be a journalist in many editors, published articles, reports in periodicals. Often traveled on a business trip, I lived in the Moscow region, then in Ryazan, as well as in Crimea (Balaklava district) and in the city of Gatchina of the Leningrad region.

Revolutionary activities

He was not satisfied with the then social order and reigning injustice, and therefore how strong personality He wanted to somehow change the situation. However, despite its revolutionary sentiment, the writer negatively belonged to the October coup under the leadership of representatives of the Social Democrats (Bolsheviks). Bright, rich in events and various difficulties is the biography of Kupper. Interesting facts from life positions are about the fact that Alexander Ivanovich collaborated with the Bolsheviks and even wanted to release the peasant publication called "Earth", and therefore he often saw the head of the Bolshevik power V. I. Lenin. But soon he suddenly moved to the side of the "White" (anti-Bolshevik movement). After they were defeated, Kubrin moved to Finland, and then to France, namely in her capital, where he stopped for a while.

In 1937, he took an active part in the press of the anti-Bolshevik movement, in parallel, continuing to write his works. The troubled, filled with the struggle for justice and emotions, that was exactly the biography of Kupper. The summary of life position states that during the period of time from 1929 to 1933 such was written famous novels: "Wheel of Time", "Junker", Zhanet, and a lot of articles and stories have been published. Emigration has adversely affected the writer, he was unclaimed, tolerated deprivation and missed native land. In the second half of the 1930s, believing propaganda in the Soviet Union, he, together with his wife, returned to Russia. Overshadowed returning the fact that Alexander Ivanovich suffered from a very serious illness.

Popular Life Eyes Cook

The literary activity of the jade is impregnated classical for Russian writers of the manner of compassion to the people, who is forced to dwell in a wretched environment of life. A volitional personality with a strong way to justice - Alexander Kuprin, whose biography states that he expressed his sympathy in creativity. For example, the novel "Yama", written in the early 20th century, which tells about the heavy life of the confusion. As well as images of intellectuals suffering from the deprivities that they are forced to endure.

His favorite characters are precisely such - reflecting, slightly hysterical and very sentimental. For example, a tale "Moloch", where the representative of such an image is Bobrov (engineer) - the character is very sensitive, compassing and worrying for ordinary factory workers who work hard while rich rolling like cheese in butter on other people's money. The representative of such images in the story "Communication" is Romashov and Nasansky, who are endowed with the great strength of physical, in counterweights of the trembling and sensitive soul. Romashova is very annoyed military activities, namely, vulgar officers and scored soldiers. Probably, no writer did not condemn the military environment as Alexander Kuprin.

The writer did not apply to tearful, populous writers, although his work was often approved by the famous critic population N.K. Mikhailovsky. His democratic attitude towards his characters was expressed not only in the description of their hard life. A man from the people at Alexander Kuina not only had a thrill soul, but also was a volition and could give a decent story in the right moment. The life of the people in the work of Kurris is a free, spontaneous and natural course, and the characters have not only troubles and sorrow, but also joy, consolation (cycle of stories "Litripeda"). A man with vulnerable soul and realist - Kubrin, a biography of the dates of which states that this work took place in the period from 1907 to 1911.

His realism was expressed in the fact that the author described not only the good features of his characters, but did not hesitate to show them dark side (aggression, cruelty, rage). Bright example It is the story of "Gambrinus", where Kubrin described the Jewish pogrom very detailed. This work was written in 1907.

Perception of life through creativity

Kubrin is idealist and romantic, which is displayed in his work: heroic actions, sincerity, love, compassion, kindness. Most of his characters are the emotional people, those who fell out of ordinary life gauge, they are looking for truth, more free and full of being, something beautiful ...

The feeling of love, the completeness of life, this is how the biography of Kupper is satisfied, interesting Facts It says that no one else can also poetically write about feelings. What brightly reflects in the story "Pomegranate bracelet", written in 1911. It was in this work that Alexander Ivanovich exalted true, clean ,,, chopped up, ideal love. He very accurately displayed the characters of a variety of society's layers, in detail and in detail described the situation around his characters, their way of life. It was for his sincerity that he often received a reprimand from critics. Naturalism and aesthetics are the main features of Cookick's creativity.

His stories about the animals "Barbos and Zhulka", "Emerald" perfectly deserve a place in the Word World Art Foundation. A brief biography of Kupper states that he is one of the few writers who could feel so feeling natural, of real life And so well reflect it in your works. The bright embodiment of this quality is the story "Olesya", written in 1898, where he describes the deviation from the ideal of natural being.

Such an organic worldview, healthy optimism is the main distinguishing properties of its creativity, in which the lyrics and romance are harmoniously merged, the proportionality of the plot-composite center, the dramatic of actions and the truth.

Master of literary art

Virtuoso Words - Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, whose biography says that he could very accurately and beautifully describe the landscape in literary work. Its external, visual and, can be said, the olfactory worldview was just excellent. I.A. Bunin and A.I. Kubrin was often competed on determining the smell of different situations and phenomena in their masterpieces and not only ... In addition, the writer could display true His characters very carefully to the little things: appearance, temper, communication style, etc. He found the complexity and depth, even describing animals, and all because he loved to write on this topic.

Passionate fancy, naturalist and realist, it was precisely that Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin. The brief biography of the writer states that all its stories are based on real events, and therefore unique: natural, bright, without obsessive speculative constructions. He heard about the meaning of life, described true love, told about hatred, volitional and heroic actions. Emotions such as disappointment, despair, the struggle with themselves, the strengths and weaknesses of the person became the main in its works. These manifestations of existentialism were typical for his work and reflected a complex inner world of a person at the junction of centuries.

Transient Time Writer

He is really a representative of the transitional stage, which undoubtedly affected his work. The bright type of the "off-road" era - Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, short biography Which says that this time left the imprint on his psyche, and, accordingly, on the works of the author. His characters are in many ways resemble Heroes A.P. Chekhov, the only difference is that the images of the junk are not so pessimistic. For example, a technologist of Bobrov from the story "Moloch", Kashintez from "Zhidovik" and Serdyukov from the story "Boloto". Main characters Chekhov sensitive, conscientious, but at the same time broken, exhausted people who have lost themselves and disappointed in life. They are shocked by aggression, they are very compassionate, but they can no longer fight. Realizing its helplessness, they perceive the world only through the prism of cruelty, injustice and meaninglessness.

A brief biography of Kurpric confirms that, despite the softness and sensitivity of the writer, it was a volitional person, loving life, and therefore his heroes are like him. They have a strong thirst for life for which they are very tightly grabbed and not let go. They listen to the heart, and reason. For example, the French addict, who decided to kill himself, listened to the voice of the mind and realized that he had loved her life too much to finish everything and forever. The same thirst for life lived in Serdyukov (a student from the work of Boloto), who very much sympathized with the foreman and his family dying from the infectious disease. He spent at home and for it a short time I almost went crazy against pain, experiences and compassion. And with the onset of the morning, he seeks to get out of this nightmare as soon as possible in order to see the sun. He seemed to be fled from there in the fog and when, finally, ran into a hill, just choke from an unexpected tide of happiness.

Passionate Loves - Alexander Kuprin, whose biography says that the writer loved the happy finals very much. The end of the story sounds symbolic and solemnly. It says that the fog was spread at the foot of the guy, about the pure blue sky, about the whip of the green branches, about the golden sun, the rays of which "ranked the journal celebration of victory." What sounds like a victory of life over death.

Alignment of life in the story "Duel"

This work is a true apotheosis of life. Kuprin, a brief biography and creativity of which are closely connected, described the cult of personality in this story. The main characters (Nasansky and Romashev) are bright representatives of individualism, they stated that the whole world would die when they were not. They holy believed in their convictions, but were too weak in spirit to bring their idea to life. It is this disproportion to the exaltation of his own personalities and the weakness of its owners caught the author.

Master of his business, an excellent psychologist and realist, precisely such qualities the writer Kubrin possessed. The biography of the author states that "duel" he wrote during the time when he was at the peak of glory. It was in this masterpiece that the best qualities of Alexander Ivanovich were connected: an excellent beauty, psychologist and lyrics. Military theme was close to the author, given his past, and therefore no effort was required for its development. A bright overall background of the work does not overshadow the expressiveness of its main characters. Each character is incredibly interesting and is the link of one chain, while not losing his individuality.

Kuprin, whose biography states that the story appeared during the Russian-Japanese conflict, criticized the military environment in the fluff and dust. The work describes military life, psychology, displayed pre-revolutionary life Russians.

In the story, as in life, the atmosphere of death and depletion, sorrow and routine reigns. The feeling of absurdity, rawness and incomprehensibility of being. It is these feelings who defeated Romashev and were familiar to residents of pre-revolutionary Russia. In order to drown out the ideological "off-road", Kubrin described in the "duel" of the dissolved temper of the officers, their unfair and ill attitudes towards each other. And of course, the main defect of the military - alcoholism, which flourished among the Russian people.


It is not necessary to even make a plan for the biography of Kuprin to understand that he is spiritually close with his heroes. These are very emotional, durable personalities that compassion, indignant because of the injustice and cruelty of being, but cannot fix anything.

After the "fight", a work appears under the name "River of Life". In this story, completely different moods reign, many liberation processes occurred. He is an embodiment of the finale of the Intellectual Drama, which the writer tells about. Kubrin, creativity and biography of which are closely connected, does not change itself, the main character There is still a kind, sensitive intellectual. He is a representative of individualism, no, he is not indifferent, rushing into the vortex of events, understands that new life Not for him. And glorifying the joy of being, he still decides to leave life, because he believes that he does not deserve it, what and writes in suicide note Comrade.

The topic of love and nature is those areas in which the optimistic mood of the writer is pronounced. Such a feeling like love, Kubrin considered a mysterious gift that only selected elected. This relationship is displayed in the novel "Pomegranate bracelet", which is only worth the passionate speech of Nazansky or the dramatic relations of Romashev with Shura. And the narrative of the carrine about nature is simply fascinating, at first they may seem too detailed and suitable, but then this multicolor begins to admire, because the awareness comes that these are not standard speech turnover, but the author's personal observations. It becomes clear how he was captured the process, as he absorbed the impressions, which then displaced in his work, and it simply enters.

Mastery Kuprika

A virtuoso of the pen, a man with excellent intuition and a ferventness, which was Alexander Kuprin. Biography Brief says that it was an incredibly deep, harmonious and internally filled person. He subconsciously felt the secret meaning of things, could associate the reasons and understand the consequences. As a wonderful psychologist, he had the ability to allocate the main thing in the text, because of which his works seemed perfect, from which they would not remove anything and not add. These qualities are displayed in the "Evening Guest", "River of Life", "Communication".

Alexander Ivanovich, Alexander Ivanovich, did not pay anything particularly. However, in the late works of the author, such as the "River of Life", "Staff-Captain Rybnikov" there is a sharp change in the direction of art, it clearly stretches to impressionism. Stories are becoming more dramatic and compressed. Kuprin, whose biography is saturated with events, later returns to realism. This refers to the novel chronicle "Yama", in which he describes the life of public houses, he does it in the usual manner, everything is also natural and without hiding. Because of which periodically receives the conviction of critics. However, this did not stop him. He did not strive to new, but he tried to improve and develop the old.


Biography Cookick (briefly about the main thing):

  • Alexander Ivanovich was born 7.09.1870 in the town of Varovchat, Penza District in Russia.
  • He died on 08.28.1938 at the age of 67 in St. Petersburg.
  • He lived a writer at the junction of the centuries, which was invariably reflected on his work. Survived the October Revolution.
  • The direction of art is realism and impressionism. The main genres are the novel and the story.
  • Since 1902, he lived in marriage with Davydova Maria Karlovnoy. And from 1907 - with Heinrich Elizabeth Morithovskaya.
  • Father - Kubrin Ivan Ivanovich. Mother - Kupper Lyubov Alekseevna.
  • He had two daughters - Ksenia and Lidia.

Best sense of smell in Russia

Alexander Ivanovich was visiting Fedor Shalyapin, who called him the most sensitive nose of Russia upon a visit. At the evening there was a perfumer from France, who decided to check it out, offering Cookpina to call the main components of his new development. To the greatest surprise of all those present he coped with the task.

In addition, Kuprin had a strange habit: at a meeting or acquaintance he sniffed people. Many this was offended, and some admired, they argued that thanks to this gift, he would recognize human nature. The only competitor to Kurrov was I. Bunin, they often arranged competitions.

Tatar roots

Kuprin, like a real Tatar, was very hot-tempered, emotional and very proud of his origin. His mother is from the genus of Tatar princes. Alexander Ivanovich often climbed into the Tatar robe: a bathrobe and color tubette. In this form, he loved to attend his friends, relax in restaurants. And in this closure, he sat down as a real khan and pushed his eyes for more similarities.

Universal man

Alexander Ivanovich changed a large number of professions before found his true vocation. He tried himself in boxing, pedagogy, fisheries and in the acting business. He worked in a circus on a fighter, Amermer, a pilot, a stray musician, etc. And his main goal was not money, but invaluable life experience. Alexander Ivanovich stated that I would like to become an animal, a plant or a pregnant woman to experience all the delights of childbirth.

Start of writing activity

He received the first writer experience in a military school. It was a story "the last debut", the work was quite primitive, but he decided to send him to the newspaper. It was reported by the management of the School, and Alexander was punished (two days in Karzer). He gave himself a promise to never write anymore. However, words did not restrain, because I met the writer I. Bunin, who asked him to write small story. The Kubrin was at the time on Meli, and therefore agreed on the money earned bought itself products and shoes. This is the event and pushed him to serious work.

Here is such a well-known writer Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin, a strong physically man with a gentle and vulnerable soul and with his quirks. Large love and experimental, compassioning and having a large traction to justice. Naturalist and realist Kuprin left a large number in heritage magnificent workswhich perfectly deserve the title of masterpieces.

1. years of study.
2. Resignation, beginning of literary activities.
3. Emigration and return to their homeland.

A. I. Kurrin was born in 1870 in the county town will vocate the Penza province in the family of a small official, secretary of the world congress. His father Ivan Ivanovich Kuprin died of cholera in August 1871. Alekseevna's widow, almost three years later moved with three children to Moscow, gave daughters to closed educational establishments, Alexander lived with his mother before the six-year-old in Kudrinsky widow house. The next four years, Kuprin studied at the Razumovsky orphan boxing, where since 1877 begins to write poems. About this period of his life is the story "Brave Fugitives" (1917).

After graduating, the boarding school enters Moscow military gymnasium (Cadet Corps). He studies in the Cadet Corps of eight years, there writes lyrical and comic poems, translates from French and German. This period of life is reflected in the story "on the fracture" ("Cadets") (1900). Enters the military Alexander school, in 1890 ending with his journalist. In 1889, the Russian Satyric Listka magazine printed the first story of Kuprin "The Last Debut". The author considered the story that did not succeed. For the publication, the Kubrin received two days of Caracera - Junkers were forbidden to speak in print. This is described in the novel "Junker" (1928-1932), in the story "Typographic paint" (1929).

The service in the infantry Dnieper regiment in 1890- 1894 was the preparation of Kupper to a military career, but because of the lamb of Homle, it was not accepted into the Academy of the General Staff (Silad Kuprin dropped the police in the water).

Lieutenant resigned. His life was stormy, he happened to try himself in a variety of areas, from a strangeness to a loader and dentist. He was an exclusive adventurer and researcher - descended under the water as a diver, flew at the airplane, created an athletic society. Many life impressions, he laid the basics of his works. Years of service reflected in the military stories "Inquiry" (1894), "Bush of Lilac" (1894), "Night shift" (1899), "Cam" (1901), "Overnight" (1895), in the story "Fight" (1904 -1905), "Wedding" story (1908).

In 1892, Kuprin began working on the story "Fog." In 1893, the manuscript was transferred to the editorial office of "Russian wealth", Almanah, who published V. G. Korolenko, N. K. Mikhailovsky, I. F. Annensky. The story was published in the summer, and at the end of the autumn in the same Almanna printed the story of "Lunar Night".

In early works, Kurrova can be seen how his skill grew. Less imitation, a tendency to psychological analysis. The stories of army topics are distinguished by sympathy for simple man, acute social orientation. Fakelov and essays with juicy paints draw the life of a big city.

After the resignation of Kurpource moves to Kiev, it works in newspapers. Kiev period - fruitful time in the life of Kuprin. He meets the life of citizens and the most interesting thing tells in the collection "Kiev types". These essays appear at the end of 1895 in the newspaper "Kiev Word", and next year they come out with a separate book. Kurpouris works as a tale in the steel plant in the Donbas, writes the story "Moloch", the story "Wonderful doctor", the book "Miniatures: Essays and Stories", it is involved, meets I. A. Bunin. In 1898, he lives in the family of his sister and son-in-law, forester, in the Ryazan province. In these wonderful places, he began working on the tag "Olesya". The inhabitants of the Polessian forests, such as Olesya rich in the inner and external beauty, continue to be interested in Kurrick as an object for an image - in the story of "Konokrad" he draws the image of a Konokrad Buzigi, a strong, bold hero. In these works, Kuprin creates its "ideal of a natural person."

In 1899, a story "Night shift" was published. Kurin continues cooperation in the newspapers of Kiev, Rostov-on-Don, in 1900 publishes the first version of the "Cadets" in Kiev newspaper "Life and Art". Leaving in Odessa, Yalta, where it meets with Chekhov, it works on the story "In the circus". In the fall, again leaves to the Ryazan province, taking a row to measure six hundred and ten peasant forests. Returning to Moscow, in the same year he enters the Literary Circle of N. D. TVESov "Wednesday", meets with L. N. Andreev, F. I. Shalyapin.

At the end of the year, Kurin moves to St. Petersburg to establish the fiction department in the "magazine for all". Presented by I. A. Bunin Publisher of the magazine "The World of God" A. Davydova, he publishes there a story "in the circus". The story will penetrate the mood of the death of the whole beautiful. Kuprin revises the "ideal of a natural person." The man in nature is beautiful, is able to inspire the artist, but in life the beauty is adjusted, therefore it causes a sense of regret, Kubrin believes, Chekhov estimated the story in such a way: "" In the autumn "of the Bunin is made in non-free, intense hand, in any case the Kuprinskoe" in the circus "much above. "In the circus" is a free, naive, talented thing, moreover, written, undoubtedly, knowledgeable person" He also informed Kurpov, that L. N. Tolstoy also read the work, and he liked it. IN family life Cooks occur change - he marries M. Davydova, the daughter of Lydia is born. Now he is a magazine dedicator together with A. I. Bogdanovich and F. D. Batyushkov. His L. N. Tolstoy, M. Gorky. In 1903, the story "Baloto" appears in the press, the first volume of works is coming.

In Crimea, the writer makes the first sketches of the story "Fight", but destroys the manuscript. On the impressions of the meeting with the stray circus, the story "White Poodle" writes. In early 1904, Kuprin refuses the editorial in the journal. The story of Kupper "Peaceful Life" has been published. He leaves for Odessa, then in Balaklava.

Kubrin was far from revolutionary movementBut the approach of the revolution was reflected in his work - it acquired a critical exposure start. Essay "Ugra" (1904), in which expressed ideological position Kupper, satirically depicts the "owners of life", the contrast among the quiet lyrical southern night is shown the fun of the idle public. In the stories of "King", "Good Society" and "Priest" is a conflict between "good society" and the democratic intelligentsia. The "Good Society" calibration turns out to be mosted in frauds, these are rotten people with imaginary virtue and disguised nobility.

The Kuprin works for a long time on the manuscript "fight", reads excerpts to Gorky and gets its approval, but during the search of the gendarma, part of the manuscript was seized. Going to the seal, the story brought the author to the author and caused a big resonance in criticism. With its own eyes, the writer is watching the uprising on the cruiser "Ochakov", for this he goes from Balaklava every day to Sevastopol. He became an eyewitting cruiser's shooting and shelled the saved sailors. Petersburg newspaper "Our Life" publishes an essay of the Cupper "Events in Sevastopol". In December, Kurrina was sent from Balaclava and forbidden to live there in the future. This city he dedicated the cycle of sketches "Litripeda" (1907-1911). In 1906, the second volume of Kurin stories came out. In the magazine "Mir of God" - the story "Staff-Captain of Rybnikov". Kubrin said that the first of his real thing believes the "duel", and the best - "Staff Captain Rybnikov".

In 1907, the writer divorces and marries E. Heinrich, the daughter of Ksenia is born in this marriage. Kubrin writes "Emerald" and "Sullaph", issues the next stories. In 1909 he receives Pushkin Prize. During this time, he creates a "river of life", "pit", "Gambrinus", "Pomegranate bracelet", "Liquid Sun" (science fiction with elements of anti-wasteopia).

In 1918, Kuprin appears with the criticism of the new time, it is arrested. After liberation, he leaves for Helsinki and then to Paris, where actively printed. But it does not help the family to live in prosperity. In 1924, he is offered to return, and only thirteen years later, a seriously ill writer comes to Moscow, and then to Leningrad and Gatchina. Churpore is exacerbated by the disease of the esophagus and in August 1938 he dies.

A.I. Kubrin - bright representative Russian critical realismwhose work accounted for the most difficult years and post-revolutionary years of the XX century.

Writer Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich (1870 - 1938).

Young years

Alexander was born in a small town to century (today it is the Penza region) 08.26.1870. He is very early orphaned (his father died when a child was fulfilled; for a mother with a little son, a period of considerable material difficulties came). Mother managed to give Sasha Education: Having moved to Moscow, he studied at the Moscow Razumovsky boarding house.

In 1887, Alexander was accepted in the number of students of the Alexander Military School. Years of study have become for him a period of accumulation of experience and first literary Labor. In 1889, he published a story that was given the name "Last Debut".

Stormy youth and the beginning of maturity

After studying for about 4 years, Kuprin served in the Dnieper infantry shelf, and then, having resigned, traveled to the south of Russia and tried himself in various professions: from the loader to the dentist. At this time, he is already starting to actively write. The story "Moloch", the story "Olesya", who later became the classics of the stories "Sullaify" and "Pomegranate bracelet". From under the writer's feather, the story of the "Fight" took him the literary fame.

During the First World Couple, he opened a military hospital in his own home, participated in hostilities. I was interested in politics, in my views I was close to Esera.

Emigration and return home

The Oktyabrskaya Revolution, Kubrin did not accept, jumped to white movement, in 1919 emigrated. For 17 years, lived in Paris, continuing to work. One of the most significant works of this period is the story "Junker", based on memories. Diseases, poverty, nostalgia in Russia forced the writer in 1937 to return to the Soviet Union. But he remained only a year of life - Alexander Ivanovich died on August 25, 1938

His works, whose heroes are representatives of the poor intelligentsia and simple people - did not lose relevance and in our time. The heroes of Kupper love life, try to stand, resist the surrounding cynicism and vulgarity. They live in a natural, changing world, where they are always intertwined and lead to each other endless dispute and evil.

Information about Cookina briefly.