Who is Alexander Macedonian: the biography of the great commander and the history of the conquest of the world of ruthless pragmatics. Brief biography of Alexander Macedon

Who is Alexander Macedonian: the biography of the great commander and the history of the conquest of the world of ruthless pragmatics. Brief biography of Alexander Macedon
Who is Alexander Macedonian: the biography of the great commander and the history of the conquest of the world of ruthless pragmatics. Brief biography of Alexander Macedon

In historical science, the ancient period occupies a special place. This is due to the noticeable influence of its culture on all subsequent. It was he who became a cradle of European civilization. Achievements of those times are able to hit even the most unfinished skeptic. They are so diverse that they embrace almost all spheres of human life. At the same time, these successes can be evaluated predominantly on the acts of great people.

One of these outstanding personalities of this period of time, the most famous from contemporaries, can be called Alexander Macedonian. This person managed to create the greatest empire, which occupied most of the civilized world. The conquest of the Great Commissioner had a tremendous impact on the historical path and the West, and the East. In order to appreciate all its accomplishments, it should be given enough time and attention.

Alexander Macedonsky: biography of talented commander

As this lord, who knows, remember and honor the descendants, managed to create the largest empire of the entire ancient world for just a few years, scientists do not understand today. Understanding who Alexander Macedonsky is to know that in the world every year more and more theories and hypotheses are becoming. Each assumption has the right to life, however, in most cases, it is necessary to deal with annoying miscalculations in the ideas of modern people about life in antiquity. It is worth trying to find the truth and separate the "grains from the whores".

The Munich Archaeological Assembly in two thousand and thirteenth year organized an exhibition dedicated to biographical information about the ancient commander called Alexander Der Große - Der Herrscher Der Welt ("Alexander Great - Lord of the World"). She was held in the famous gallery of Lokschuppen Rosenheim (Rosenheim) in Germany. There were more than four hundred exhibits relating to the life of the genius commander.

Characteristics of the historical person

Before delving into the biography and household details of life, let's notify in brief, which I did and what Alexander Macedonsky is known to earn glory and popular memory. The main distinguishing feature of this person is his "victoriousness". Even with the maximum numerical end of the enemy, his army still won the battle. All this is due to the mind, a mixture, natural ability to anticipate the development of events of who stood headed by an analytical thinking and a special gift.

Alexander managed to conquer Fianch and Syria, Egypt and Palestine, after which he made his capital ancient Sumerian city Babylon. It has reached real greatness, and its tactical schemes and strategic reflections today are studied at the Military Academy of the whole world. The developments of Macedonian successfully used the notorious Cardinal Richelieu during the siege of the fortress of La Rochelle in the seventeenth century. However, the lives of heroes often breaks out suddenly, and the commander, nicknamed, never lived to old age.

Birth and childhood Alexander

From the very foundation of the ancient Macedonia of the country's country, the only dynasty - argeades, which, according to ancient historians, belonged to heraklidam. Alexandra is counted for the aristocratic clan. The legend says that in the seventh century BC Tedymand Karan (the descendant of the hero in the eleventh generation) or his son Perdikka decided to move from Peloponnese on to the north.

There they built a new kingdom, the ruling dynasty of which went from the son of the last - Argey. In antiquity, Macedonia was a tiny and weak state, which strongly suffered from the Greek expansion and regular attacks of the Thracians. They talked there at one of the dialects of the Greek language, but the Greeks themselves did not consider the neighbors "brothers". They called them barbarians and savages.

They did not really do not like civilized people. Grandfather of the future commander, Aminte III, captured the power by killing the predecessor. Skillful political goats helped him help him. His son Philip is the second (Father Alexander Macedonsky) has already had clearer ideas about the management of the country. Therefore began to actively collect and arm the army, dealt with neighbors from the north and began to conquer the Greek policies alternately.

Philip's wife took the daughter of the ruler of the epirian kingdom of neopolmem I - a girl with a beautiful name of the Olympics. According to various sources, it is the twentieth of July or the sixth of October three hundred fifty-six-year-old to our era made a baby into the light. The place of birth of Alexander Macedonsky is considered the capital of the country - the beautiful and large city of Pella.


There is a legend that on the birthday of the future of the Lord of the world there was a lot of signs. First, it was at that night Herostrat, wanting to perpetuate the memory of herself, set fire to the magnificent temple of Artemis Ephesus (one of the seven wonders of the world). Secondly, the guy's father took a deposited city on this day. Thirdly, Philip reported that his horse was the fastest at the Olympic Games.

It is believed that the ancestor of the mother was an ancient Greek hero Hedgehog Achilles. Therefore, the boy since childhood was called the son of the gods. His full sister was only one - the epirian princess Cleopatra, but there are quite a lot of one-sacrobine on his father. Dad was a man loving, married seven times and managed to live with all wives at the same time. There was a brother - Arride. He could not qualify for the throne, since since childhood was distinguished by dementia.

The formation of the king of the whole world

Malts's father was constantly in military fees. So had to stay with the mother. The woman had a hot-tempered, heavy and jealous character, and his own husband deeply despised. The first teacher of the guy became a relative of the Olympics - Leonid from Epirus, who taught him to read and write. He was strict, but fair, therefore became the best friend Alexander. He was taught gymnastics, the score, literature and music, geometry and the beginning of philosophy. Later, his father sent him to a good way, where the Grand Philosopher Aristotle himself was trained.

Approximately at the same time (340-342 years BC) Philip decided to recognize the eldest son with his successor. He recalled him from the well and put the regent in Pelle, under the sensitive leadership of the two Great Macedonian military leaders - Parmenion and Antipatra, and he himself went to conquer propontides. Meanwhile, honey tribes rebelled. Without waiting for advice and parental assistance, the young man coped with the suppression of the insurrection. The new city was founded on the disheveled territories - Alexandropol.

In three hundred and thirty-sixth year, at the wedding of his own daughter, Philip The second was brutally slaughtered by his own bodyguard. They rumored that there were personal motives, but the story was dark. The real state of things remained unclear. After this, the regrettable incident of the army, which has already managed to see the heir in the case, unanimously proclaimed his king. So the victorious years of the reign of Alexander Macedonsky began, who was hardly twenty at that moments.

Heroic campaigns of a young king: the history of the conquest of the world of Alexander Macedon

The untimely death of the father, whom he never loved (perhaps because of the attitude towards him of the mother), Alexander decided to benefitly use to suppress internal enemies. He cruelly dealt with objections: someone was crucified on the crosses, someone was sent to the link, and some simply killed without trial and investigations. Under the skeins, the "kind" mother destroyed the younger of his late husband, and her daughter ordered to drown in a cane with hot butter. However, historians consider this story legendary.

To attract people and aristocrats to their side, young, but the wise commander Alexander Macedonsky came up with a tricky move. Since he canceled all taxes, despite the fact that the wind literally walked in the state treasury. Lenders demanded the return of debt in five hundred talents (approximately eight and a half tons) of silver, but he simply dismissed.

Oriental hike: from the border to Egypt

After the death of the old king, Peloponnes and Athenians staged a riot. They were even going to expel Legions left for supervision. However, the new ruler quickly suppressed the uprising and sent his shelves to conquer Persia, which many lords of the time dreamed of. In early spring three hundred thirty-fourth year, the king spoke to Asia, triggered through Gellespont (Bosphorus and Dardanelles), at the head of the fortied army, the basis of which consisted of Macedonian. Capturing Galicarnas, the troops moved further to the east, conquering all new provinces and cities.

Maceds, that Macedonian is seriously tuned, the Persian king Darius Third sent to the commander Alexander Macedon Negotiatovikov with a proposal of the world. He even promised him a redemption and promised to give his daughter to his wife. But he turned out to be adamant, and all the gifts contemptively rejected. The victorious hike was so effective that only Egypt remained uncompressed from the south side. However, the Roman legions were met by arrows and spears, but honors, like liberators. Local sincere hated Persians who enslaved them, because they gave up without a fight.

The defeat of the Persian Power

In the spring of three hundred thirty-first year, the army moved away from Egypt towards Mesopotamia, where Darius tried to collect and arm new soldiers. Already by the middle of the summer, she crossed the Euphrates, and at the beginning of the autumn - Tiger. The decisive battle at Gavgamelah occurred in early October. A magnificent army lined up against the fifty-thousandth "bunch" of Macedonian. The ruler himself, as always, led the Connection. Like a whirlwind, he broke into the slender ranks of the enemy and drew Darius in a shameful flight.

The Persian managed to catch up, retaining life, but the confidence of his own subordinates he lost forever. Satrapses (military leaders) Persians became one after another to surrender to the mercy of the winner. In April, three hundred thirtieth year Alexander went to the mussel, and then further east. One of the traitors arrested and killed Darius, and then threw the remains on the crop. Macedonian found the body of the enemy and regretted him. He ordered to bury the dust in the imperial tomb in Perside. At this dominion of Ahemenidov, an end came, and the main antagonist Alexander was Bess, the most traitor.

Golden years of the reign of Alexander

After the death of Darius, Alexander did not behave as a cruel conqueror, but tried to equalize the winners and defeated. He began to wear oriental clothes, surrounded himself as Persian nobles, and even started a real harem. However, they chose the king of Asia, and not the king of kings, so as not to imitate Persians and avoid conspiracies. In three hundred and twenty-seventh year, the "Bun Faji" was exposed. Boys, who intended to kill the ruler, threw stones to death.

The years of the life of Alexander Macedonsky were devoted to the war. As soon as he was dealt with disadvantageous in satrapy (subordinate areas), so immediately went to pacify the UsurPator of Bess, who heard himself the successor Daria and decided to reign in the east. He made a fatal mistake and did not make friends with local tribes in Sogdian, where he was hiding at that time.

He was betrayed, grabbed and took to the commander Macedonian Ptolemy Lag. On the orders of the commander, he was executed, and only one ruler remained in Central Asia - Alexander the Great. But he could not stop. I wanted to universal possession of the world. He headed to India, where the army at one point refused to move on. The troops were woven on the Hind to Delta, conquering the coastal tribes and suffering huge losses from diseases, unknown flora and fauna, as well as lack of food. I had to go home, where they arrived at three hundred twenty-fourth year before our era.

Personal life Alexander Great

The historian of Plutarchs wrote that in childhood and his youth, the future loselitus did not show any particular interest in the opposite sex. Before marriage, he "started" only one mistress, which was at that time rather strange - relations with women, and sometimes with men, were not considered immorality. Perhaps the fault of this was hostile relationship between parents who saw the boy from an early age.

Wives, children and versions about bisexuality

Alexander married three times. For the first time, he took the Bactrian Princess named Roksan to his wife, then he married Daria's daughter, and then on the daughter of Artaxerxes III - Parisatide. The total number of children is unknown, but the sons he had two.

  • Hercules.
  • Alexander IV.

Many contemporaries considered the ruler bisexual. Antique authors talk about his secret connection with the friend of children's games by Hephaestion. The ancient Greek writer and the philosopher of Athens believed that the ruler adored the young men. It was not considered in society something amiss, if he did not resettle in the absence of interest in the girls, because it was possible to stay without heirs.

Religious views and the last years of Mr. all over the world

In his youth, the future warlord confessed the traditional Ellin religion and regularly brought sacrifices. However, with the first military successes, respect for this has noticeably decreased. He even visited the famous Delphic Oracle, which is strictly forbidden. The Lord of the whole world, who considers himself a kids with celestially, diligently deified his own personality. He was sacred confident in his own right. The Egyptians did not argue and unconditionally recognized his son of God and God alive. Greek policies followed their example, and "approved" direct relationship with Zeus.

Arriving in the Suids after not too lucky Indian campaign, the warlord decided to give his people a rest. War continued without a break for more than ten years, everyone exhausted and tired. It was time to engage in internal problems. The ruler ordered to arrange a grand wedding of the Macedonian boys and Asian girls so that the peoples assimilated. The king planned and new trips, in particular, to Carthage. He wanted to hold out the Arabian Peninsula, Asia and Europe to own, but the villain fate did not allow him to realize his ambitious plans.

The death of the great commanders and the fate of the empire after Alexander's departure

The body by death was mummified, but where exactly it was buried, no one knows. The tomb of the king was built only in the fourth century, and whose dust is stored in it, it is unknown. The great commander Alexander Macedonian died, and not leaving the guidance on the heirs. The wife of Roxana a month after that he was given by the male baby, which was called in honor of the Father.

But all this could no longer be saved from the troubled, and the satrapy divided the once a great power into many small states. In three hundred, Roxan and her son were killed in three hundred and her son, and Hercules's one and his one-headed brother. Thus, the genus of Argeads prevented in the men's line, and the empire collapsed.

Memory about Alexandre.

After the death of the ruler, his name began to actively use in political propaganda. He was built temples and even created full-fledged cults. The main source of information is considered "Ephemerids" (court journal) and "hypomanteam" (records of the emperor himself).

  • In the Catholic Europe of the twelfth century, the pseudo-historical antique "Roman about Alexandra" was particularly popular, the author remained unknown.
  • Approximately at the same time, Walter Shatilonsky published the Poem "Alexandreida" in Latin, and in the eleventh century the Eastern Christian "fans" of the Lord of the world also connected. Then handwritten translations of texts appeared in Kievan Rus.
  • In the Muslim tradition, Alexander was represented by the ruler Zul-Karnayn, which is mentioned in the eighteenth Sura of the Quran.
  • In the "Book of Righteous Vedora", written by the followers of Zoroastrianism, the Macedonian King is represented as the Messenger of the Lord of Hell.
  • All over the Muslim world still run legends about him. The most famous of them is the one in which the ruler grew by the horns. Allegedly he thoroughly hid them, but he was exposed to one of the marvelists (hairdressers).

In the Renaissance Epoch, European views on the board and the life of the Macedonian have changed. For the first time, the creations of the ancient authors - Arrian and Plutarch, where more reliable information contained than in the above "Roman". In the fifth year of the twentieth century, the novel "Alexander in Babylon" writer Jacob Wasserman was published, giving a new impetus to his person. The theme of the homosexual orientation of the military man holder opens in the artist Kinolent "Alexander" director Oliver Stone. Playing there the conqueror fell COLINA FARETLU. This person is devoted to many paintings, musical works and even computer games about epic campaigns.

Alexander Macedonsky is one of the main characters. Most of us know the name of this great commander since childhood.

Art films are removed about him, they write about him in the books, and his feats are the most real legends. Our hero was born in 356 to our era. He was the son of King Macedonia Philipp II.

Parents paid special attention to the formation of the Son, among the teachers was the Aristotle himself. The boy loved medicine, philosophy and literature. Alexander was ambitious, indifferent to material values \u200b\u200band dreamed of campaigns and exploits.

In 336 BC, Philip was killed during a conspiracy. Who will take the throne? There were several applicants. But the Macedonian army, who knew the courage of the young Alexander in battles, supported him.

Going to the throne, he was first to deal with conspirators and other applicants. Meanwhile, in Greece, which was depending on Macedonia, the uprising was played. The ancient city of Fiiv refused to obey Alexander. The army quickly led the city to obedience. The defenders of the city were carved, and the inhabitants are facing slavery. The cruelty and the power of Macedonian weapons led Greece to obedience.

Having understood with internal affairs, the future great commander decided to move to conquest. His gaze rushed to Persia, where the rules Darius III. Alexander was to command the connected army of Macedonians, Greek states (except Sparta), and Thracians.

From 334 years BC 332 BC BC. The Allied Army completely captured Syria and Egypt, while almost completely defeating the enemy troops. October 1, 331 BC, the famous battle was held at Gavgamela. The Persian's army was broken, the Darius ran from the battlefield in the middle of the battle when his outcome was not resolved.

Before Alexander Great, the amazing views of Babylon and Sousse opened. The capital opened its doors before the Quearance of Asia, and the local know, who stopped trusting Glygov, passed to the Macedonian service. For some time, Alexander was actively engaged in the internal affairs of the submissive power. Communicating with Persians not as conquered by the people, but on a par. But soon it was the time of new hikes. Alexander Macedonsky did not like a peaceful life.

Only during the war he felt comfortable. Now the path of the commander lay in Central Asia, where in the territory of the current Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, he fought with local tribes, depriving them of statehood. In 326 BC Alexander the Great tried to try happiness in India. The campaign began not bad, the local tribes fell dependent on the Greeks. But then the army was rebelled, tired of campaigns, and for a long time, not seen a home and family. I had to turn back.

In 323 BC Alexander fell ill and died. Alexander Macedonsky was an amazing person. For his life, he founded more than 70 cities. Most of them were named - Alexandria, in his honor. The biggest such city was founded at the mouth of the Nile River, he was destined to become a major shopping center. The horse was called Bucephal. The horse lived for 30 years, faithfully served his owner. During the campaign to India, the horse was killed. In his honor the city of the same name was founded.

Famous by his ambitions to conquest Alexander Macedonsky took place in history, as the great ancient Ellensky commander and the conqueror.

For 10 years of military hikes, he conquered more than half of the land known at that time and did not suffer a single defeat in battles!

short biography

Alexander Macedonsky (name - AlexanderIII; nickname - "Great") born July 20-21, 356g BC In Macedonia. His father - PhilipII.was the current king of Macedonia. His mother - Olympiad, daughter king Epirus.

It is known that at 7 years old the boy began to train military art and various sciences. Alexander did not show interest in philosophy and mathematics. But in riding a horse and archery, as well as some other physical and military sciences he was not equal.

Student Aristotle

One of the teachers of young Alexander Macedonsky was Aristotle - Famous wisest ancient Greek philosopher. Thanks to the stories of their teacher about the universe and its multiple wealth and miracles, the boy began to dream of conquering new lands.

After the next news that his father Filipp defeated the next enemy and won the city, AlexanderIII came to sadness and said: "With such pace, I will not have anything ..."

Young commander

At the age of 16, Alexander passed the first combat baptism during the battle with the Athenians. His command of the Connection decided the outcome of the battle in the benefit of the Macedonians and brought the nickname young commander "Great". Warriors Philip piled him!

Father was pleased with the first practical experience of the Son and from now on, the young Alexander began to tightly study military science: Basis of fighting, features of actions falanga. - Macedonian combat division, which made their numerical minority unimportant in battles with enemies.

Tsar Macedonia

When Alexander turned 20 years old, his father was causally killed one of the approximate. It is time to take the royal throne and government management. Alexander Macedonsky did not participate in the internal administration, but actively and fruitfully showed himself as a commander and invader first neighboring cities, and in further-neighboring and distant lands.

There is a legend that during the siege of Athens to the Macedonian, the chief commander of the Greeks came out Fokion. And said the following words:

"Why do you need to fight against tribesmen, against Ellinov? You strive for fame and wealth, so go to Asia, beat against the barbarians. There you will win wealth, achieve military glory, and among the Greeks you will be glorified by kindness. "

Macedonian took advantage of the wise council of the Greek military leader, retreated from Athens and sent his 40 thousandth army (According to some data, it was about 50 thousand warriors) in a campaign on the land of Asia, Persia, Egypt.

Pharaoh Egypt.

Crouching through the Strait Gellespont, Alexander with his army accepted the first fight With the Persian army not far from Troy, on the River Brank.

The Persian army was defeated by a talented commander from Macedonia. After that, many of the cities of Persians surrendered to the young king without a fight.

In 332g. BC. Macedonian without any resistance entered Egypt and became his Pharaoh. By that time, almost all the military power of the Egyptians was in Asia Minor.

King Asia

After strengthening its position in the Egyptian lands and the construction of Alexandria, the Macedonian decides to deepen in Asian lands. By that time DariusIII, Persian king, managed to gather a large army for a new battle with Alexander.

October 1, 331 BC. e. A grand battle took place at GavgamelahIn the course of which the agers of Persians and the people subject to them were broken. Darius once again fled from the battlefield, the more further dropped his authority.

After this battle, the satrapy of many Persian lands began to call the conqueror Alexander Quearance of Asia And he opened his gate without a fight.

Persian king

Next, Alexander moved to the south, where the ancient Babylon and Suz, one of the capitals of the Persian Empire, opened his gate to him. Persian satrapa, having lost faith in Darius, began to go to the service for the king of Asia.

From the soup Alexander, through the mountain transitions headed for Persepol, the center of the original Persian land. After an unsuccessful attempt to break through the move Alexander with part of his troops, the detachments of Satrapa of Persia Arobarzan went around, and in January 330 BC. e. Persepol Pal..

The Macedonian army rested in the city to the end of spring, and before the departure, the Persian Persian kings was burned.

According to the famous legend, the fire organized the heterets of Tais Athenian, the lover of the commander Ptolemy, to stay a drunk company Alexander with his friends.

IN may 330 BC e. Alexander resumed the persecution of Darius, first in the mussels, and then to Parfia. In July 330 BC e. King Darius was killed as a result of the conspiracy of his military leaders. Bactrian satrap Besswho killed Darius, called himself a new king of the Persian Empire. Bess tried to organize resistance in eastern satrapy, but was captured by associates, issued Alexander and executed in June 329 BC. e.

Hike in India.

After the victory over the Persians, Alexander Macedonsky did not return to his native fenats, and moved to India. In battle, he defeated the army of the Indian king time and wanted to walk to Ocean. But then his army rebelled.

Macedonian did not want to fight more, they demanded a return to their homeland, accused of the king in an overwhelming thirst for wealth and fame. I had to give him down. He had ambitious plans, he wanted to conquer the whole world, thought to build a road through the desert the road, dig along her wells and much more.

The death of Alexander "Great"

Upon returning to Babylon, Alexander soon fell ill with fever. The disease progressed, the great commander fought with her 10 days, but June 13, 323 BC Alexander Macedonian died.

His body was crossed in Alexandria, where they buried with big honors in the Golden Coffin.

Alexander Macedonsky
Born: 336 BC e. of the year.
Died: 10 June 323 BC e. of the year.


Alexander Macedonsky was born alleged 20 (21) July 356 - June 10, 323. BC er) - Macedonian king from 336 BC. e. From the dynasty of Argead, the commander, the creator of the world power, having broken down after his death. In Western historiography, more famous as Alexander Great. Still in the antiquity for Alexander, the glory of one of the greatest commander in history was entrusted.

Going to the throne aged 20 years after the death of the Father, the Macedonian king Philip II, Alexander secured the northern frontiers of Macedonia and completed the submission of Greece by the defeat of the rebellious city of the hair. In the spring of 334 to n. e. Alexander began the legendary trip to the east and for seven years he fully conquered the Persian Empire. Then he began the conquest of India, but at the insistence of soldiers, tired by a long campaign, retreated.

Founded by Alexander the city, which in our time are the largest in several countries, and the colonization of the Greeks of new territories in Asia promoted the spread of Greek culture in the East. Almost reaching the age of 33, Alexander died in Babylon from severe illness. Immediately his empire was divided by his commander (diath) among themselves, and for several decades a series of Wars of Diarathes reigned.

Birth and childhood

Alexander was born in 356 BC. e. In the Macedonian Pella capital. According to legend, Alexander was born on the night when Herostrat was a question of the temple of Artemis Efesse, one of the seven wonders of the world. Already during the campaigns, Alexander spread a legend, as if Persian magicians interpreted this fire as a sign of a future catastrophe for their powers. But since all sorts of legends and signs have always accompanied the birth and life of the great people of antiquity, the successfully coincident date of the birth of Alexander is sometimes considered artificial.

Alexander's exact birthday is unknown. He is often taken for July 20, because Alexander was born on Plutarch "in the sixth day of the month of hecatomber (DR. Greek. Ἑκατομβαιών), which is called the Macedonian about Loy (Dr.-Greek. Λῷῷς)"; There are dating between July 21 and 23. It is often accepted 1 day of hecatommbamon for July 15, but the exact compliance is not proven. However, from the evidence of Aristobul recorded by Arrian, it is possible to calculate that Alexander was born in autumn. In addition, according to the testimony of Demosphen, the contemporary of the king, the Macedonian month of Loy actually corresponded to the attic boorerium (September and October). Therefore, often as the date of birth is the period from October 6 to 10.

His parents are the Macedonian Tsar Philip II and the daughter of the epirian king of the Olympiad. Alexander himself, according to the tradition, kept his genus from the mythical herakla through the kings of Argos, from which the first Macedonian king Caran would be distant. According to the legendary version, the propagation from the filing of Alexander himself, his real father was Pharaoh Nektaneb II. We expected that the child would be called an aminemant in honor of Father Philip, but he called him Alexander - probably with a political subtext in honor of the Macedonian king Alexander I, nicknamed "Phyellelin" (friend of the Greeks).

His mother provided the greatest influence on the little Alexander. Father engaged in wars with Greek polishes, and most of the time the child spent with the Olympiad. She probably tried to set up a son against Philip, and Alexandra has formed a dual attitude towards Father: admiring his stories about the war, he at the same time experienced dismeasured to him because of his mother's woven.

In Alexander from early childhood, saw a talented child. Thanks to this, he was very early to be recognized as the heir of the Father's business, and the Olympiad became the most influential from at least six Wiens Philip. However, Alexander could be the only son of Philip, worthy of adopting His kingdom. The fact is that, according to the testimony of ancient authors, his brother Philip (subsequently known as Philip III Arride) was weak. There were no other reliably known sons with Philip (CH 3] or, at least, none of them was ready to manage the kingdom of the Father by 336.

Alexandra from early childhood prepared for diplomacy, politics, war. Although Alexander was born in Pelle, he was taught along with other noble young people in good luck near the city. The choice of the place remote from the capital was probably associated with the desire to remove the child from the mother. The educators and mentors of Alexander were: a relative on Mother Leonid, to whom he retained deep attachment in adulthood, despite the strict Spartan education in childhood; The jester and the actor are lying; And from 343 BC e. - Great philosopher Aristotle. The choice as a mentor was his not accidental - Aristotle was close to the Macedonian royal house, as well as good sign Hermia, Tirana Antarneya, who supported friendly relations with Philipp. Under the leadership of Aristotle, who made the focus on the study of ethics and politics, Alexander received a classic Greek education, and his love for medicine, philosophy and literature was vaccinated. Although all the Greeks read the classic works of Homer, Alexander studied Idia, especially hard, as his mother erected his origin to the main hero of this epic Achillu. Subsequently, he often reread this work. Also from sources it is known about good knowledge by Alexander "Anabasis" Xenophon, Euripid, as well as Pindar poets, Stsisikhore, TV, Philosen and others.


Back in childhood, Alexander was distinguished from peers: was indifferent to bodily joys and indulged them very moderately; Ambolism, Alexander, was limitless. He did not show interest in women (see the article about Callixen), but at the 10th age she tamed Busophala, a stallion, because of which he refused to take King Philipp. Plutarch about the character of Alexander:

"Philippe saw Alexander from nature to stubborn, and when it becomes angry, it is not inferior to any violence, but it can be easily inclined to make a right decision; Therefore, my father tried to convince more than order. "

At the age of 16, Alexander remained for the king in Macedonia under the supervision of the Nipatra Commissioner, when Philip deposited Byzantine. Heading the troops remaining in Macedonia, he suppressed the uprising of the Thracian tribe of honey and created the city of Alexandropol in the place of the Thracian settlement (by analogy with the Filipopophem, who called his father in his honor). And after 2 years in 338 BC. e. In the battle of Jeronee, Alexander showed the personal courage and skills of the commander, heading under the supervision of experienced military leaders left wing of the Macedonian troops.

The tendency to adventures Alexander demonstrated in his youth when without the will of the father wanted to marry the daughter of Pixodar, the ruler of the Karia (see Article Philip III Arrida). Later, he was seriously ruled with his father because of the marriage of the latter on the young noble Cleopatre, as a result of which there was a breaking of relations between Philip and the Olympiad, which Alexander sincerely loved. The wedding of Philip with a notable Macedonian may have organized a part of the local aristocracy. Many noble Macedonians did not want to put up with the fact that the son of Filipp will be the son of Algens, who, besides, was under her strong influence. After that, the Olympiad tried to overthrow the Philip with the help of his brother Alexander Molos, the ruler of Epirus. However, Philip learned about the plans of the Olympiad and offered the epirskoy king to marry Cleopatra, the sister of his Alexander's heir, and he agreed. To the wedding of Cleopatra, the future conqueror reconciled with his father and returned to Macedonia.

During wedding celebrations in 336 BC. e. Philipp was killed by his bodyguard with PAsania. The circumstances of the murder are not entirely clear, and often indicates the possibility of participation in the conspiracy of various stakeholders who became the enemies of Philip due to its aggressive policy. Peasia himself grabbed and immediately killed people from Alexander's sweat, which is sometimes interpreted as the desire of the future king, hide the true customer of the attack. The Macedonian army who saw the Macedonous army who saw the Macedonian army was proclaimed in the battles (probably, according to an antipatra pointer). However, from all the children of Philip, only Alexander was worthy of the throne classes (see above).

Climbing on the throne

When joining the throne Alexander First of all, they dealt with the alleged participants of the conspiracy against his father and, in the Macedonian tradition, with other possible rivals. As a rule, they were accused of conspiracy and actions on the task of Persia - for this, for example, they executed two princes from the Dynasty of Linkstides (Arrab and Heromenon), which represented the Upper Macedonia and claimed the Macedonian throne. However, the third of the links was the son-in-law antipatram, and therefore Alexander brought him to him. At the same time, he executed his cousin Aminte and left his only sister sister Kinan widow. Aminte represented the "senior" line of Argead (from Perdikka III) and for some time nominally ruled Macedonia in infancy, until he was removed by the Filipp II guardian. Finally, Alexander decided to eliminate the popular commander Attala - he was accused of treason and negotiations with Athenian politicians. To know and the Macedonian people Alexander attracted to their side by cancellation of taxes. At the same time, the treasury after the Board of Philip was practically empty, and the debts reached 500 talents.

With the news of the death of Philip, many of his enemies tried to take advantage of the difficult situation. Thus, the Thracian and Illyrian tribes rebelled, opponents of the Macedonian domination were activated in Athens, and the phiva and some other Greek polishes tried to expel the garrisons left by Philip and weaken the influence of Macedonia. However, Alexander took the initiative to his hands. As a successor, Philip organized a congress in Corinth, which was confirmed by a previously concluded treaty with the Greeks. The contract declared the full sovereignty of Greek policies, an independent decision of their internal affairs, the right to exit agreement. For the leadership of the foreign policy of Greek states, a general council was created and the "position" of Hegenyon Ellinov, which has military powers was introduced. The Greeks went on concessions, and many policies allowed Macedonian garrisons to themselves (so, in particular, inches).

In Corinth, Alexander met the philosopher-China Diogen. According to the legend, the king offered Diogen to ask him, which he wants, and the philosopher replied "Do not shrink me with me." Soon Alexander visited Delphi, but there he was refused to accept him, referring to unusual days. But the king found Pythia (a prunerator) and demanded that she predicted his fate, and that in response exclaimed "you are invincible, my son!".

Hike to the north and conquest of FIV (335 BC)

Having behind the back is still calmer Greece, looking at the new king, it is spring 335 to n. e. Moved by campaign on the rebels of Illyrians and Thracians. According to modern counting, no more than 15,000 soldiers went to the northern hike, and almost all of them were Macedonians. At first, Alexander broke the Thracians in the battle at the Emon Mountain (Shipka): Barbars were installed on the elevation of the camp from the carts and hoped to turn the Macedonian to escape, launching their wagons under Sunshi; Alexander ordered his soldiers to organize the wagon. During the battle, the Macedonians captured many women and children, whom Barbarians left in the camp, and crossed them to Macedonia. Soon, the king was hit by the defeat of the tribal tribe, and their ruler of SIRM, together with most of the tribesmen, shelled on the island of the singing on the Danube [CH 4]. Alexander, using the few ships, who arrived from Byzantium, failed to land on the island. The harvest was approached, and the Alexander's army could destroy all the crops of triballes and try to force them to surrender before their stocks end. However, soon the king noticed that the troops of the tribe of the GETOV gather on the other coast of the Danube. Gethees hoped that Alexander would not be planted as shore engaged in soldiers, but the king, on the contrary, found the appearance of gets challenge himself. Therefore, on homemade rafts, he crossed the other coast of the Danube, broke the geta and thereby deprived the ruler of the triballes of Sirma hopes for the rare end of the war. It is possible that the organization of the crossing Alexander borrowed from Xenophon, who described the crossing through the Euphrates on home-made boats in his work "Anabasis". Soon Alexander concluded allied contracts with all northern barbarians. According to legend, during the conclusion of contracts, the king asked the barbaric rulers who they fear most. All the leaders answered that he was afraid of him most in the world, Alexander, and only the leader of a small Celtic tribe, who lived in Greece [CH 5], said that he was most afraid if the sky suddenly falls to the ground.

However, while Alexander settled business in the north, in the south at the end of the summer, under the influence of a false hearing, Alexander's death broke out a rebellion in the philipids, most affected by the Greek city. The inhabitants of FIV called for the uprising of all Greece, but the Greeks, in words, expressing solidarity with the finishes, to prefer to observe the development of events.

The Athenian speaker Demosphen called Alexander the child, convincing fellow citizens that he was not dangerous. The king, however, sent a response that soon the Athens will appear at the walls and prove that he is already an adult man. In the nearest situation, Alexander did not lose time. He perebed the army from Illyria to the pubs. Siege took a few days. Before the assault, Alexander repeatedly offers peace negotiations and receives a refusal.

At the end of September 335 began the storming of the city. Sources call various reasons for the defeat of the Fivans: Arrian believes that the FVAN troops fell in spirit and could not more restrain Macedonian, while the dioiodore believes that the main reason was the discovery of the Macedonians of the unprotected area of \u200b\u200bthe city walls. In any case, the Macedonous troops occupied the walls of the city, and the Macedonian garrison opened the gate and helped to surround the fivans. The assault city was captured, looted, and the entire population was addressed to slavery (see the article of the siege of FIV). The money (approximately 440 talents), Alexander, fully or partially covered the debts of the Macedonian treasury. All Greece was amazed as the fate of the ancient city, one of the largest and strongest in Eldead and the rapid victory of the Macedonian weapons. Residents of a number of cities themselves betrayed the court of politicians called to Bunt against the Macedonian hegemony. Almost immediately after capturing Five, Alexander went back to Macedonia, where he began to prepare for the campaign to Asia.

At this stage, the Military Expeditions of Alexander were enjoyed to the form of pacifying the opponents of the Corinth Union and the Phallinskaya idea of \u200b\u200bthe obscurity of Varvaram. All its conquest actions, Alexander in the "Macedonian" period justify the inseparable communications with the goals of the Genuine Union. After all, formally precisely by the Corinth Congress was authorized by Alexander's status in Eldead.

King Asia

Having become the rule of Asia, Alexander stopped looking at the Persians as a conquered people, tried to equalize the winners with defeated and connect their customs into a single whole. The measures taken by Alexander initially concerned the external forms like Eastern clothes, harem, Persian court ceremonies. However, he did not require them to comply with Macedonians. Alexander tried to rule the Persians as their former kings. In historiography, there is no consensus on the title of Alexander - the adoption of the title "King Asia", the new king either could indicate the continuity of his state with the empire of the Ahemenides, or, on the contrary, could emphasize the opposite of the new Power and Persia, because they did not use such titles of the achemenides as "King Kings" and others.

The first complaints of Alexander appeared by the autumn 330 BC. e. Martial colleagues who are accustomed to the simplicity of morals and friendly relations between the king and subjects, deafly rushed, refusing to take eastern concepts, in particular, glorify - stretch the NIC with the king's feet kiss. Nearest friends and court lesses without oscillations followed Alexander.

The Macedonian army tired of a long hike, the soldiers wanted to return home and did not share the goals of their king to become the Mrout. At the end of 330 BC e. A plot was revealed against Alexander a few simple soldiers (only about 2 participants). However, the consequences of an unsuccessful conspiracy turned out to be more than serious due to the interglain struggle within the surroundings of Alexander. One of the leading commander, the commander of heayrs of the Filot was accused of passive complicity (knew, but did not bottom). Even under the torture of the Filot did not admit to evil intent, but was executed by soldiers on a gathering. Father Philota, Parmenion's commander, was killed without trial and any proof of guilt due to the increased suspicion of Alexander. Less significant officers on which suspicion also fell, justified.

In summer 327 BC. e. The "conspiracy of the Faji", noble young men in the Macedonian Tsar, was revealed. In addition to the immediate perpetrators of Kaznili and Callisphen, historian and philosopher, which alone dared to object to the king and openly criticize new court order. The death of the philosopher was a logical consequence of the development of the despotic inclinations of Alexander. This trend especially clearly manifested itself in the death of Clit Black, the commander of the royal bodyguards, whom Alexander killed personally as a result of a drunk quarrel in the fall of 328 BC. e. The frequent reports of conspiracies are associated with the aggravated paranoia of Alexander.

Alexander in modern culture

In the XX-XXI centuries, the rich and multifaceted image of Alexander was interpreted depending on the needs of society. However, a new review of the role of Alexander in history was new at this time. Between the first and second world wars, the very idea of \u200b\u200bconquests, accompanied by wars, was actively criticized. The most brightly, this antimylitarian tendency manifested itself in the works of Bertold Brecht. In particular, in the 1920s and 30s, they were written several poems, where the excessive efforts of the commander for the conquest of the Earth were criticized and was indicated to attribute the merit of the entire Greek army to one-sole commander. Finally, in the radio "Interrogation of Lukulla" (1940-41), Brecht defends the opinion that the skies of Glory Alexander means nothing.

In the 1930s, the Soviet writer V. G. Yang wrote a story "Lights in the Kurgans". In a characteristic spirit for his time, he did from a noble sogdy to the speaker of the beggar charter and drew a picture of the class struggle and the struggle of the peoples of Central Asia for national liberation. He also pointed out that Alexandra should not consider the great leader: he committed both "progressive" actions and decent censures. In addition, Alexander is the central character of the poem "Water Immersion" L. I. Oshanin. The author tries to impartially treat Alexander, but indicates positive and negative aspects of his conquests.

Alexandra was often interpreted from modern positions as a forerunner of globalization and anticolonialism (cf. the book of him. The historian S. Fischer-Fabian "Alexander Great. Dream of the fraternity of peoples"); It was included in various lists of the greatest commander in the first positions. In the fictional biography of the king "Alexander Macedonsky, or a novel about God, Maurice Dreuon is present elements of psychoanalysis and mystics, so that it is knocked out among other popular biographies of the commander. Professional historian Arnold Toynby made an attempt to describe the hypothetical future of the Macedonian Empire, if Alexander lived for 36 years more.

Alexander is the hero of the set of novels: I. A. Efremova ("Tais Athens"), Mary Renault ("Divine Flame", "Persian Boy", "Feline Games"), David Gemmela ("Macedonian Legion", "Dark Prince" ), Lev Oshanin "Water Immortality (Roman in Ballades)", Javdat Ilyasova "Sogdiana", Mikhail Volokhova ("Diogen. Alexander. Corinth"), Valerio Massimo Manfredi (Alexander Macedonsky. Son of dreams, "Alexander Macedonsky. Sands Amon "," Alexander Macedonsky. Limits of the world "), James Rollins (" Kosti Volkhvov ") and others.

In children's literature, Alexander, as a rule, traditionally presented as the greatest commander of all times and peoples.

Despite the popularity of Alexander, in the XX century there was a relatively small number of films. Two Hollywood adaptations did not have much success (1956 and 1968). Some importance for cinema represents only the Greek film of 1980 director Theodoros Angelopoulos, which, however, is also not a strict biography of Alexander. The most famous, however, the film release of the 2004 Oliver Stone. The film is not a "biographical" in the full sense of the word, since there is neither the associated story about the life of the commander, nor many important moments of his biography, because of which a number of actions of Alexander seek the audience irrational. According to the artist, the role of Alexander Colin Farrell, this was the result of the director's position: Oliver Stone left only a part of the episodes of the initial scenario, "to tell the story, as he wanted." In general, the film reproduces the heroic myth about Alexander with special attention on his campaigns and conquests. The focusing on the Oedipal complex of the king and his fear of women was probably conceived for the sake of desire to do Alexander with a closer modern viewer with the help of famous Freudian motives.

Some songs are dedicated to Alexander Macedonsky: The Iron Maiden group recorded "Alexander The Great" (Somewhere in Time album), "2VA aircraft" - "Alexander Macedonsky" (the album "Girlfriend threw problems"), Sergey Babkin - "Alexander" in (album " Motor "), Snow band -" Alexander ".

Alexander is a character in a number of computer games: Civilization IV: Warlords, Empire Earth, Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots, Rome: Total War - Alexander, Alexander, Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War, Call to Power II.

In honor of the commander, the crater "Alexander" on the moon is named.

more detailed information on the biography of Alexander Macedonsky can be obtained from the articles listed below - in the block "More on the topic ..."

Alexander Macedonsky is the greatest conqueror of all time, the son of King Philipp II and the Olympiad, the daughter of the Epirian Tsar Neoplohem, was born in 356 to R. H., died in 323. The teacher of Alexander from the age of 13 was Aristotle who awakened in his pupil the idea of \u200b\u200bthe greatness, the power and rigor of thinking, which were addressed by the manifestations of Alexander's passionate nature, and killed him to show power moderately and consciously. Alexander referred to his teacher with the greatest respect, he often said that he was obliged to life, and Aristotle was what she had worthy. The ideal of Alexander Macedonsky was the hero of the Trojan war Achille. Full energy and desire for action, Alexander often, with the victims of his father, complained that he would not leave for him anything. In gymnastic and other competitions, Alexander had no equal; While still a boy, he told the wild horse of the bouquet, subsequently served as a combat horse. The battle of Heronee (338) was won, thanks to Alexander's personal courage.

Philip II was proud of his son and saw the performer in him the most bold assumptions and hopes. Subsequently, however, the removal of the Mother of Mother Alexander, the marriage of Cleopatre and a number of humiliations tested by Alexander himself, broke out the good relations between the Father and the Son; Solva attributed even to Alexander participation in the murder of Philip. Upon the accession of Alexander on the throne (in the fall of 336), he had to withstand the struggle with the plot of Attala, uncle Cleopatra, who wanted to build the sown's prestrol, and with the Greeks who were preparing an uprising against Macedonian hegemony. Attal, Cleopatra and her son were killed, and against the Greeks, Alexander hastily made a campaign to Fessenia, Fermopiles passed and entered into the hair. Athenians asked the world granted to them and all Greeks Alexander. The Messengers of Greek cities gathered in Corinth, where Alexander, by the way, met with Diogen and where the general war against Persia was solved, and Alexander Macedonsky was recognized as the Supreme Chief of All Hellenes; Refused to stick to the union only Spartans.

After the death of Daria, all the peoples of Persia looked at Alexander Macedon, as their legal rule. Only the northeastern provinces continued to resist, and Alexander, having grabbing and walking in the Caspian Sea to the vigorcourt (the current Astrabad), headed for Bactria, where he collected his army by the title of Tsar Bess. The uprising in Aria made, however, Alexander to devaway to the south. Having suppressed the uprising and founding the city here, Alexander decided to cut off the bess of the way to the south, take the peanzia and Drangian, that he managed without much difficulty. Alexander Macedonian luxury unusual for the old warriors, he surrounded himself here, and the lack of any advantages for Macedonian in comparison with the Asian subjects caused displeasure in Alexander's troops. In the autumn of 330, a conspiracy was discovered, after the disclosure of which Alexander ordered to kill the old commander Philip - Parmenion, whose son of the Filot was suspected in participating in conspiracy. Despite the strongest cold, Alexander moved from Arazhazia, where he also founded Alexandria, in Baktriya, making the move through the mountains-covered mountains of Hindukusch. Bess, without resistance, cleaned the Bactria. Alexander Macedonsky then took Marakanda (Samarkand) and moved forward to the Kirropol, and he had to overcome a new uprising that covered many provinces; At this time, Alexander also made his famous campaign to the country of Scythians. Alexander then arranged his luxury courtyard in Marakand and celebrated his marriage with Roxana with great pomp. In Alexandra, the features of Eastern despot were increasingly found. The clit previously saved to him was killed by Alexander during the dispute, and the nephew and a student of Aristotle Callisphen and two noble young men were executed for the refusal to commit the crankshake rite before Alexander.

The desire for new successes to make satisfaction with the displeased innovations of the army forced Alexander Macedonian to take a hiking in India, started at the end of 327 with a 120-thousand troops. After a number of bloody battles and victories, Alexander in the spring of 326 reached Inde, she won the king and took the king at the Gidasp River, on the West Bank, which founded the city of Bouquafal, and on Eastern - Nikay, but then depleted troops refused to go ahead, Hangu; The unfavorable predictions of the priests joined this, and Alexander in the fall of 326 began a retreat down by Gidasp, and the command of three parts of the fleet was entrusted to Nearhu, Kratra and Hephaestion.

Alexander Macedonian and king

Almost all the tribes occurred on the paths were subordinate without resistance; Only one mall tribe had resisted, and during the storming of their fortified city, Alexander was seriously injured. Alexander descended to the very Indian Ocean, won a number of victories on the way, made an extremely difficult 60-day transition through the desert to the main city of Gedrosia - Pure, and then went to Karamania, where Crater and Nearh joined him. Nearh continued the path along the bank of the Persian Gulf to the mouths of the Tiger and the Euphrates, and Hephaestion with most of the troops headed for Perside (current farce). Alexander himself, through Pasargada and Persepol, went to the SUZAM, where the abuse of his governors demanded its interventions and received strict retribution.

The fusion of the East and West seemed now achieved, and to approve it even more firmly, Alexander Macedonsky took his wife Star, the older daughter Daria; Up to 80 people approximate to it and up to 100 other Macedonian he also married Persian. The same attitude of Alexander to the barbaric and Macedonian troops again caused outrage, supplanted by Alexander's personal intervention. Conquer and almost destroying the wild tribe of Kossev, Alexander returned to Babylon, where he was diligently patronized by selling road gasket, harbor and cities. Especially occupied by his project to colonize the east coast of the Persian Gulf and, having encouraged Arabia, to establish immediate trade relations on the sea between Egypt and the region of the Euphrate. A day was already appointed for the departure of the fleet, but Alexander, after a farewell fellow who sent at the head of the fleet, a farewell Farm, fell ill with fever, gradually taking an increasingly dangerous nature; In June 323, Alexander Macedonsky died on 32 years of life. Alexander's patrum was transported by Ptolem to Egypt and was buried in Memphis, and then moved to Alexandria, especially for the arranged temple. Now after the death of Alexander, who did not leaving the successor, began the discord between his commander, and the Empire Alexander Great broke up. His conquest had, however, then the consequence that the anterior Asia sliced \u200b\u200bbefore the influence of Greek culture merged with the Greek world, having perceived many features of the Allenian civilization. The subsequent historical period is so called the era of Hellenism.

State of Alexander Macedonsky

From the extremely numerous artistic images of Alexander to us reached very few. The most correctly transmitting the appearance of Alexander is considered found in 1779 near Tivoli bust with the inscription located in Louvre. The marble statue of Alexander in his youth is kept in Munich Gliptek, and a marble head similar to it in the British Museum; The Bronze Statue of Alexander in full use was found in Herculaneum. With the name Alexander, the famous marble bust in Florence, the so-called "dying Alexander" (in fact, the image of the giant) and the largest of the preserved mosaics of antiquity. Of the new time dedicated to Alexander, works of the new time are the most famous: frescoes of Sodoma in Villa Farnesine in Rome "Wedding Alexander with Roxana", relief of Torvaldsen, depicting the entry of Alexander in Babylon and "Death of Alexander" pilot, in the Berlin National Gallery.

Sodom. Wedding of Alexander Macedonian and Roxana. Villa Farnesina, Rome. OK. 1517

Savings of Alexander Macedonsky, compiled by his employees of Callisphen, Anaximen, Clim, etc. and based on these not entirely reliable sources of the story of diodeor and the trog of Pompey, as well as the biographies of Plutarch and Arriana, give more or less reliable information about Alexander Macedonian military activities. For judgment on its ideas and purposes, political organizations and projects, we have no materials. Alexander's identity is already in antiquity, but especially among medieval poets of the East and West made a favorite plot of legendary legends. Literature about Alexander Macedonsky is very extensive.