What to choose a pseudonym. Beautiful surnames for girls

What to choose a pseudonym. Beautiful surnames for girls
What to choose a pseudonym. Beautiful surnames for girls

Pseudonym people take no reason: Some - in order not to issue real data, others - to sign analytical and professional work, as well as in order to characterize their name from a certain side, for example, for children's transfer it is perfectly suitable for pseudonym with magical or fabulous Notes, and for Fashion Journal, of course, with a fashionable and stylish name.

How to choose a pseudonym? You can use the fantasy and reveal yourself a sonorous name, you can consult with friends or use other methods. However, one of the effective ways to find its "name" is to use the help of numerology.

To do this, you need to calculate the number of your name. For example, you call Irina Shmatko, we count and get 12 letters: 1 + 2 \u003d 3. It means that the aliases should be chosen such that in the end the triple turned out. If you already have a pseudonym, then you can learn from numerology what it means, because because of the wrong chosen name, problems may arise on a professional field.

You can calculate the number of your pseudonym and find out below what it means:

If your real name corresponds to one, then when choosing a pseudonym, stay alone, imagine ahead of a large crowd. Very soon you will come to mind the desired phrase, which will be successful. By the way, the unit is enveloped by mysticism and magic, so you can choose a new name associated with literary and kinherooms, as well as with the names of famous people, you can change a couple of letters, for example, can be turned into a butarino.

Before you start choosing, look at yourself by submitting how other people, evil or kind, white or black, heart or cold see you, and then choose a pseudonym. But do not forget that it should be double, for example, Mamin-Sibiryak, Pankratov-black, etc.

The main thing, when choosing a pseudonym, people "Troika" should think about their best quality and proceed from it. For example, you are clean, it means that you can turn out clean, fun - funkina, etc. Often, this alias take television leading, models, as well as bloggers associated with fashion.

Choosing a pseudonym for the "fourth", be sure to note that it is suitable for people creative, for example, writers, actors, artists, etc. Just necessarily imagine yourself surrounded by the admirers who glorify you, hear the name spoken by them.

Think before proceeding to the choice of a pseudonym, whether all of you suits you in your life, since thanks to the new name you can make serious adjustments that will bring success and good luck to creative and business undertakes. The pseudonym should not be playful and cheerful - conservatism and clarity - these are two important components when choosing a name.

Among those who went to Sixer, a lot of people helpful and submissive, so the alias should have the opposite meaning, of course, if there is a desire to change your life. These may be the names of people-rigs, you can rearrange a couple of letters, but keeping their number, for example, Mayakovsky can be replaced by Rayakovsky, then the letter P adds a greater rebellious effect.

The alias should be associated with beasts, then all the conceived will happen easily and simply. Only it is important, for which you choose a name, so for a fashion magazine, something graceful, associated with cats, pants, or with the sounds published, for a political blog, is good to choose a great animal - elephants, cameludenko, etc. Imagine who you are associated with, and turn on the fantasy. It will prompt the correct option.

The number of infinity is a symbol of people's philosophical warehouse, so it is desirable to find the names of mystical and magical, even if the alias are selected for everyday life, for example, to communicate in chats. It is such a name that will bring good luck and will attract a large audience of admirers. However, it is necessary to keep the letter of the present name. For example, if you call Natalia, then your pseudonym must begin with the letter N.

If the number 9 fell, then you need to write nine different pseudonyms that the first will come to mind, spend them around the room and periodically look at the written. Maybe you will like the invented pseudonym or you will withdraw it, but the foundation will remain the same. Intuition will tell you that you will suit the most. The main thing is to believe in it and not to give up the invented name, otherwise good luck should not be expected. Rather, on the contrary.

What is a pseudonym? Many people probably heard this word, but represent its meaning, meaning, origin and other interesting features only in general terms. In the article, we will get acquainted in more detail with this concept, and you will learn what a pseudonym is also eating.


Alias \u200b\u200bare a fictional, non-secrecy name that man uses not to issue real data recorded in the documents.

Foreign and Russian pseudonyms are equally good, but some people (both "ours" and foreign) deliberately use foreign letters that the finished new name looks as much as possible. In well-known personalities, "luminous" on the screens, there is a more complete name: an artistic pseudonym or, as it is called differently, a stage name.

Synonyms of the word nickname. They do not always mean the same thing, but they can be called the most close to the concept discussed.


Despite the similarity of the concepts of "nickname" and "pseudonym", they still differ slightly. At least because the nicknames appeared earlier. What is a pseudonym? Fictional name. And the nickname is also a name, but most often a person who gives a person by other people for some of his features and features.

The origin of the pseudonyms can be traced even before the appearance of the product book, but the roots come precisely from writing ranks. It was the authors that began to use fictional names for the first time. True, even before, people began to use nicknames, as already mentioned a little higher. Just once to some person "glued" a new name, ridicuing its shortcomings or emphasizing his dignity, as a result of which these data was at all forgotten. Then there was more active use of both nicknames and pseudonyms, and now they can hardly ever refuse them.

Why use pseudonyms

Causes can be different. The most common are shown below:

1. The reluctance to shine real data to the public. For this, again, there are branches. Unwillingness can be caused:

  • Fear of persecution. Do not always people write or expose to a public court what everyone will like. Sometimes real data are revealed, for example, about criminals, and therefore someone can be involved find a writer and revenge. Decay a person with a real name is much simpler than the hiding pseudonym.
  • Insufficient status. Especially it concerned the former centuries. People from might not be perceived by the people seriously only because of their origin. This is unfair and offensive, so the authors had to hide their native surname.
  • Fear of "settled". Novice authors never definitely know how to take criticism and ordinary people - the success of them is waiting or failure, so the pseudonyms inspired more confidence: with the unsuccessful "first pancake" you can try again, and no one will treat biased because of the previous mishai .
  • Natural modesty. Not everyone becomes known people for the sake of glory, some of it goes almost by chance. To at least to protect strangers from ourselves, modest people take pseudonyms.

2. Dislike for real name. Due to the fact that the real name given by the parents does not like a person, but for personal reasons he does not want to change it officially (for example, because of paper rolls with documents), the author can embody his dreams about the new name in other way.

3. The insolidity of this name. The real name may be to the impossibility of banal and ordinary, because of which its owner has to invent a creative pseudonym, which is really able to please the public. This applies to both all singers and musicians, and more highly specialized people like fortune-law, cooks and local (urban, rural, roadside) "stars."

4. Entertainment of the new name. It can manifest it in:
  • Mysterious pseudonym. People try to solve the secret, which is hidden for an unusual and strange name, try to understand why the author chose exactly such a nickname, etc.
  • Associations. The author specially creates a pseudonym that involuntarily will be associated with most people and / or identify with someone / something.
  • Curiosity. The author is carefully hidden, leaving only a pseudonym for himself, because of which people become incredibly interesting, who stands for one or another nickname, what kind of person he is real and so on.

5. "Automatic" pseudonym. This option applies to those who do not reveal their nickname. Serial killers, such as well-known thieves or other people who appear alias thanks to the public and the media relate to this category.

Who most often have pseudonyms?


It was worth one person called the fictional name, as others began to repeat. Most often, the pseudonyms used public figures that constantly in sight of whom people know. It can be writers and writers who do not want to shine on the covers of books by these data, singers and singers who simply cannot speak with the name Ivan Ivanov, as it is too trite and ordinary, artists and people of other creative professions that have become world-famous criminals (take The same Jack Ripper), as well as political figures (for example, Lenin).


Of course, modern writers and people of art and other areas continue to use pseudonyms, as before, as it will never come out of the stars, but another category of people who almost have to use this way of concealing the real name. Aliases use almost every more or less active Internet user: nicknames that must be inventing regularly with numerous registrations - these are the same pseudonyms.

How to come up with a pseudonym?

  1. Own quality. Melnik, Obelchka, hero, fool, etc. - all these words characterize a person. Thanks to the definition of their advantages or disadvantages - for those who do not alone self-irony, - you can come up with any nicknames and concepts close to them.
  2. Drawing up from the already existing names / aliases of the new. Marilyn Manson, for example, took a name from the singer Marilyn Monroe - sex symbol, singers and actresses, and the name of Charles Manson - the once famous killer.
  3. Anagram. With this, that is, it is possible to rearrange the syllables, sounds or letters, you can create an incredible number of new, unusual, but at the same time mysterious pseudonyms. Sniper can turn into Nipier, though in hell of warp, etc., sometimes learn in the new word old is almost impossible.

Writers (and poets) using pseudonyms

The most common to sign books is not your name from writers. But, since these people are connected with literature, they have truly interesting nicknames. Writers' pseudonyms are often well remembered and originally sound. But not so much to shock the reader, and therefore it is not always immediately clear, the false or present is the name.

So, the most famous pseudonyms of writers:
  • Agatha Christie.
  • Andrey White.
  • Anna Akhmatova.
  • Arkady Gaidar.
  • Boris Akunin.
  • Voltaire
  • Demyan poor.
  • Jack London.
  • Igor Northerner.;
  • Lewis Carrolol.
  • Max Fry.
  • Maksim Gorky.
  • Mark Twain.
  • O.Henry.
  • Richard Bakhman.
  • Sasha black.

Actors and TV presenters using pseudonyms

This includes anyone who glows on the screens or theaters. By the way, the modern world allows you to offer you not only film and / or theater actors or TV presenters, but also video brokers.

So, famous "screen" personalities using aliases:
  • Antonio Banderas.
  • Bruce Lee.
  • Demmy Moor.
  • Jackie Chan.
  • Jody Foster.
  • Ilya Maddison.
  • Kate Clapp.
  • Marilyn Monroe.
  • Nicolas Cage.
  • Roma Acorn.
  • Sophia Loren.

Singers and musicians using pseudonyms

Of course, in addition to writers and televisions, fictional names are used and singers, which also quite a lot. The most famous:

  • Alena Apina.
  • Bono.
  • Vera Brezhneva.
  • Dima Bilan.
  • Zhanna Friske.
  • Masha Rasputin.
  • Jacomo Meyerber.
  • Marilyn Monroe.
  • Marilyn Manson.
  • Tina Karol.
  • Freddie Mercury.
  • Elton John.

Other figures

Others are all others: criminals, politicians, circuschi, etc.

So, the most famous and best pseudonyms of people who are not related to literature, music and movies:

  • Jack Ripper.
  • Joseph Stalin.
  • Konstantin Stanislavsky.
  • Lion Trotsky.
  • Lenin.
  • Paracels.
  • Pele.
  • Sandro Botticelli.
  • Student.
  • Tintoretto.


Now you know what a pseudonym is, moreover, you can come up with your own. The main thing is not to be afraid to exercise fantasy - and then the new fictional name will become truly attractive, interesting and memorable.

Do not forget that your pseudonym is your business card. Your nickname will be the first part that people who interact on the Internet will notice. Make sure you yourself like the pseudonym, because you will see it quite often.

Create various pseudonyms for different services. Different pseudonyms can approach various sites. If you register on a professional site, you may need to choose a different pseudonym than the one you use on game forums.

  • You will have to distinguish your use of the Internet into two different categories: professional and personal use. Later you can use one pseudonym for professional resources, and the other for personal resources. Thus, it will be easier for you to remember your pseudonyms.
  • Stay anonymous. Avoid any personal information that can tell anything about you through a pseudonym. This applies to your name, surname or dates of your birth.

    • Use such a pseudonym that you will be easy to remember, but others will hardly guess that it is you. Use your patronymic that rarely pronounce, for example, and write it backward.
  • Do not give up if your pseudonym did not come up. Most large Internet resources already contain a lot of standard pseudonyms in their database. If you want to register in a fairly old online community, then the likelihood is that the aliases will be already used by someone. Instead of using proposals for a possible pseudonym from a web resource - be inventive!

    Follow your hobbies. If, for example, you really like Brazil - look in the network names of plants, warriors or just heroes of fairy tales associated with this country. If you like to collect old cars, make your nickname from the engine name of your favorite machine manufacturer.

    Come up with a composite pseudonym. Use your interests to create your Nick. Connect together several different words so that one pseudonym turned out. Thus, your username will become unique, and the chances that it will not be registered on another resource will increase significantly.

    Overcome the language barrier. Look in words from other languages. Perhaps the name of the user "Writer" will already be occupied, but Ecrivain is its French equivalent, will be available. You can use nickname using a invented language, such as an elf or Klingon.

    Brevity is the soul of wit. You will not want to use too long a pseudonym - do it shorter! Reduce long words (for example, instead of Mississippi, you can use Missi or just Miss) and do not make too long a pseudonym.

  • Use characters instead of skipping and letters. Most Internet resources will not allow you to use skipping in your pseudonym, but the skipping can be imitate using the "_" symbol. You can also use numbers to replace letters, such as "7" instead of "T", or "3" instead of "E". Typically, people in computer games are used in this way.

    • Points can also be used instead of spaces.
    • Do not use the year of your birth at the end of the pseudonym, especially if you are still young, because it will be easy to understand how old you are.

  • The surname is given to a man at birth and accompanies all his life. Surname is a connection with the ancestors, it is transmitted from generation to generation. Some scientists argue that the surname of a man protects him, because in it the power of all previous media of this name, through the last name all the genus protects the current owner. But there are people who change their surname to another, take the so-called pseudonym. What makes people do it?

    To begin with, we'll see what the beast is this alias. This word happens from the Greek "pseudo" - false. Accordingly, the pseudonym is a false, fictional name.

    Why is it needed? Why do people do not suit their own names and surnames? There are many reasons for this phenomenon. For an ordinary person, such a reason is most often the non-malgue of the existing name. Well, for example, Mikhail Gay or Ivan Loch. You will not explain to everyone that the surname of Gay is not connected with the sexual orientation of the owner, but with a call cry "Gay!", Which means - "hear, listen, look here."

    It is possible that Mikhail's ancestors were harsh or cow drivers, which thus constantly cried cattle. And Loch - he is not a fool at all, which is easy to have, just most likely his ancestors were either fishermen (shouted salmon during spawning), either the signs who knew how to treat shrub shrub.

    Well, with ordinary people everything is clear, but what about the many pseudonyms of famous people? They usually have some other reasons for changing the surname. The most common is too simple, unail surname. A bright example - Natasha Pust. The surname is not at all for the scene, here is a queen - another thing. So appeared in the sky Star Star Natalya Korolev. And the modest David Cotkin became the Grand David Copperfield. Another reason is the desire to replace too long in the surname. So Marina Vladimirovna Polyakova-Baydarova became just marina, taking a shortened patronycle instead of a long double surname. And Alexander Grinevsky, who wrote "Scarlet Sails", is known to everyone as Alexander Green. The Italian sculptor Donatello took a pseudonym, because his real name and surname Donato Di Niccolo di Betto Bardi remember very problematic.

    Next reason for the appearance of a pseudonym - the desire to take a "speaking" name associated with the selected activity. The proletarian writers who sought to be closer to the simple people, peasants, took appropriate pseudonyms. Mikhail Epstein became Mikhail Hungry, Efim Codvorov - Demyan Poor. And the Russian singer Nadezhdaeva took the nadezhda Babkin's pseudonym.

    Another reason for changing the surname is the presence of a famous namesake or relative. Not everyone wants to be associated with other well-known people. So, due to the presence of the famous brother Samuel Marshak, the writer Ilya Marshak became Mikhail Ilyin, because he did not want to be in the shadow of his brother.

    Also, it is impossible not to remember such a reason as the desire to hide its origin, nationality. It's no secret that earlier the names of the type Levenshtein and Science for famous people were undesirable. That is why Lazar Winsbane became Leonid Utösov. And the director of the film in which Semyon Fradman was filmed, he said that such a name in the credits would not write and personally came up with his pseudonym Semen Farrad.

    Some pseudonyms arise from a combination of the name and surname. For example, Nikolai Kornechukov made a pseudonym from his last name - he became Kornee Chukovsky. And Bon Jovi was John Bondjovi.

    Well, how not to remember the famous political pseudonyms, which were called upon to hide the real name of the owner from enemies. So everyone appeared known by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Joseph Stalin, in the passport of which were completely different surnames - Ulyanov and Jugashvili. And Hitler is not really anyone else as a chiclgruber.

    By the way, Lenin pseudonyms had a great many, as much as 146. The most famous of them - Basil, Bolshevik, Uncle, Ivan, Ivanov, V. Ilyin, Ilyich, Karic, Karpov, Konstantinov, Kubyushkin, Kupriyanov, Lenizsev, Meyer, Mirianin, Observer , Neliberal Skeptic, Osipov, Petrov, Piryukhev, Strying, True, Richter, Silin, Employee, Old Man, Statistics.

    Well, finally, a few pseudonyms of our stars:

    Apina Alena - Lyochkin Elena
    Allegrova Irina - Klimchuk Inessa
    Bilan Dima - Bellan Victor
    Borzov Nike - Barashko Nikolay
    Valeria - Perfilova Alla Vitas - Grachev Vitaly
    Glucose - Ionova Natalia
    Gubin Andrey - Clementev Andrei
    Decl - Tolmak Kirill
    Larisa Valley - Myakinskaya Larisa
    Jasmine - Semendueva Sarah Lvovna
    Kelmi Chris - Kalinkin Anatoly
    Circle Mikhail - Vorobiev Mikhail
    Lada Dance - Volkova Lada
    Lel Katya - Chuprinina Catherine
    Malinin Alexander - Viguzov Alexander
    Rasputin Masha - Ageev Alla
    Rousseau Abraham - Ufrjian Ephraim
    Tutta Larsen - Galystyan Tatyana

    Names in history. Fateful names. What kind of mystery is in the name of a person?

    "Honest name is the most magnificent tomb as you can have" - \u200b\u200bso at one time Pierre Bouast spoke.

    The name appears in our birth and leaves us in the grave. Many are trying to find out what their name means, some even manage to know the character and fate. Most likely, everyone knows what value hides his name and what it means. But no less interesting to learn about the names at all, because in the world so much unusual facts are connected with them.

    For example, did you know that there are fatal names?

    And the scientist and doctor of the XVIII century Eisena Paulini conducted a study and found that such names are. Henry's list was in the list of such names (all the kings of France with the same name did not die with their death), Donald (Scottish kings with this name also did not die of natural death), Nikifor (all of the governments of Byzantium, this name brought misfortune), Philip (squeezing in the Spanish throne Philipses are badly cumulating), Richard (English kings with the same name died for an enforced death).

    Pablo Picasso, a brilliant abstractionist artist, the personality of everyone known. Does all his full name and surname know? Together they make up 93 letters: Pablo Diego Hose Francisco de Paula Juan is unsubscribed Crispin Crispiano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruizo and Picasso. Although such a long name is explained, because the artist is from Spain, and there are such names in the order of things.

    Sostrath, famous for the creation of the Great and Famous Farm Lighthouse, was incredibly proud of his creation and, of course, wanted everyone to know the creator of this masterpiece. But the king of Ptolemy decided that only his name and drawing should be captured on the lighthouse. Then the inventive Sostrat went to the trick - he still wrote his name on the wall of the lighthouse, but put the plaster on which he wrote "Ptolemy". The king was pleased. But years have passed, Ptolemy died, the plaster sat down and left only the name of the creator - Sostrat.

    The famous book "Taras Bulba" is popular not only in Russia. She was transferred even to Japanese. And in Japan, by tradition, the names of the heroes of the book are replaced by hieroglyphs that symbolize the character of the hero.

    How were our famous heroes in the rising sunshine? Tarasa Boulabu called Tadatsuh Furuba, which means "the faithful continuer of traditions of the antiquity." The son of Taras Ostap, walking in the footsteps of his father, received an appropriate name - Okidat ("Raising Tadatsugu's High Defense"), and Henri became a betrayal of Andri ("Extracting cheap benefits for himself").

    In Catholic families, parents tried to give the child as many names as possible, because every new name meant the appearance of a new Saint patron in heaven, which will protect the child from troubles and misfortunes.

    But at that time, the Catholic Church required a fee for each new name. The output was found inventive French who did not want to spend money. In order not to give a child a lot of different names, they came up with one name that combines all heavenly patrons, "Tusten.

    Everyone knows about gadania by hand, on the cards, on the coffee grounds. And about fortune telling by name? But it was created for a very long time. He was created by Pythagoreans and called Onomantia. If you know how to use Onomantia, it's easy to answer the question why Wellington won Napoleon, Clinton - Bush, Kapa Blanca won the Lasker, and even why Achilles struggled hetero.

    Do not know the answer? And onomania knows. Because, according to gadania by name, the winner should become the one whose name is longer.

    On the letter from the Romans, all names were reduced. This was due to the fact that the Romans had quite a few personal names - only 70 from the strength, and it was generally about 20 of them. And in their records it was possible to cut to 1-3 letters, because there would be no coincidences. The name of the public could be reduced only to 1 letter P., because other names on the letter n did not have and confuse him with another name it was impossible. For the same Romans in antiquity, it was customary to give a full name only by the first four children, and the rest simply call in order quintus (fifth), Sextus (sixth), septimus (seventh) and so on.

    Representatives of creative professions often use aliases, the reasons for this can be the most different, it was always interesting for me why people take themselves another name, and in general it can be surprising to find out that the name of the writer to whom you are accustomed to - unreal. I decided to make a selection of famous writers who used a pseudonym.

    1. Boris Akunin, He is Anatoly Brusnikin and Anna Borisov - Pseudonyms Grigory Chhakishvili

    Initially, its works published as B. Akunin. The Japanese word "Akunin" (Yap. 悪人), according to one of the heroes of the novel "Diamond Chariot" translates as "Scoundrel, Villain", but the giant scale, in other words, an outstanding person standing on the side of evil. And it was precisely such villains who had met by the career of Erast Fandorin. Decoding "B" as Boris appeared in a few years, when the writer began to be interviewed often.

    Critical and documentary works publishes under its real name.

    2. Georges Sand is a real name of Amandin Aurora Lucille Dupin, in marriage - Baroness Dydevan.

    At the beginning of his writer's career, Aurora wrote along with Jules Sando (French Belletist): Novels "Commissioner" (1830), "Roses and Blanche" (1831), who had a great success with readers, went out of his signature, as the stepmother of Casimir Dyuduevana ( Her husband Aurora) did not want to see his surname on book covers. Already independently Aurora began a new job on the novel "Indiana", the theme of which was the opposition of a woman seeking perfect love, sensual and a vain man. Sando approved a novel, but refused to subscribe to someone else's text. Aurora chose a male pseudonym: it became a symbol of getting rid of the slave position for which the contemporary society condemned a woman. Having retained the surname of the Sand, she added the name of Georges.

    3. Richard Bachman - a pseudonym, under which Stephen King published the books "Rage", "Long walk", "Road works", "Running man", and "Lowing"

    There are two versions about the reasons that prompted King to take a pseudonym. The first is whether his alter ego can achieve the same success as he himself. The second explanation is that the standards of the publication of that time allowed only one book per year. The surname Bakhman was not taken by chance, he is a fan of the Bachman-Turner overdrive musical group.

    4. Joe Hill Real Name - Joseph Hillstrom King, Son Stephen King.

    Wanting to achieve literary success on their own, not using the famous Father's name, he took the pseudonym "Joe Hill". He was also a reduction from his real name Joseph and the second named after Hillstrom, and hinted at a person, in honor of whom, in fact, and received the name of Joseph Hilestrom - the famous American activist of the working movement of the beginning of the 20th century and writer Joe Hill songs, who was unfairly accused of Murder and executed in an American prison in 1915.

    5. Robert Galbright - Pseudonym Joan Rowling, used for a detective cycle about the nuts strike.

    According to the rowling itself, the publication of the book under the pseudonym saved her from the pressure, because of which it is necessary to justify the expectations of readers and correspond to the fixed level of quality, and, on the contrary, made it possible to hear the criticism of the work on which there is no name. She stated to Sunday Times magazine that he was hoping for a non-disclosure of her involvement in writing a novel.

    The site of the publishing house argued that Robert Galbreit was a pseudonym for the former member of the Special Draising Department of the Royal Military Police, who resigned in 2003 and went to a private security business

    6. George Elliot real name Mary Ann Evans

    Like many other writers of the XIX century (George Sand, Marco Vovka, Sisters Bronte - Carrer, Ellis and Eton Bell, Krestovsky-Khvoschinskaya) - Mary Evans enjoyed a male pseudonym, in order to call serious attitude towards his writings and caring for integrity of his personal life. (In the XIX century, its essays were translated into Russian without disclosing a pseudonym, which was inclined as male name and surname: "Roman George Eliota").

    7. Kir Bulychev Real Name Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheko

    Fantastic works published exclusively under the pseudonym. The first fantastic work is the story of "Duty of Hospitality", was published as "Translation of the story of the Burmeter Writer Maown Sein Ji". With this name, Bulychev subsequently used several times, but most fantastic works were published under the pseudonym "Cyril Bulychev" - the pseudonym was made from the name of his wife - Cyrus and the Mother of the Writer's Mother's name. Subsequently, the name "Cyril" on the covers of books began to write abbreviated - "Cyrus.", And then it was "reduced" and the point, and the famous "Cyrus Bulychev" was now. The combination of Kirill Vsevolodovich Bulychev met. The writer kept his real name in secret until 1982, since he believed that the management of the Institute of Oriental Studies would not consider fiction a serious occupation, and was afraid that after the disclosure of the pseudonym would be dismissed.

    8. Arkady Gaidar, real surname of Golikov

    Vladimir Soloohin in the art-journalistic book "Salted Lake" cites the story, according to which the alias "Gaidar" is associated with the activities of A. P. Golikov as the head of the 2nd combat area of \u200b\u200bChon Achinsky district of the Yenisei province (now the Republic of Khakassia) in 1922-1924 years:

    - "Gaidar" - not in a hurry, as usual, Misha spoke, - the word pure Khakasskoe. Only correctly, it sounds not "Gaidar", but "Haidar"; And it means not "forward going" and not "forward-looking", but just "where." And this word was sticking to him because he asked everyone: "Hydar?" That is where to go? He did not know other Khakass words.

    The name "Gaidar" reminded the writer his school years, bearing in mind that "G" in this name meant "Golikov", "Ai" - "Arkady", and "Dar", no matter how rebeling with the hero of Alexander Duma d'Artagnan, "To the French manner" meant "from Arzamas." Thus, the name "Gaidar" is deciphered as "Arkady Arzamas Golikov".

    The third version of the origin of the pseudonym and the surname: from the Ukrainian "Gaidar" is a shepherd of sheep. Arkady Golikova with Gaidars is connected childhood, since he spent several years in a row with them for several years. And these places and childhood memories so much liked that he chose himself a pseudonym Arkady Gaidar

    9. TEFFI Present Name Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Lohvitskaya

    For the first time, the name of TEFFI (even without initials) appears in the 51st issue of the magazine "Theater and Art", in December 1901 (this is the second publishing of the writer). Perhaps TEFFI took a pseudonym because long before its literary activity began, her elder sister - poetess Mirra Lokhvitskaya, which critics called the "Russian Safa". (By the beginning of his literary career, TEFFI was already separated from the first husband, according to which Buchinskaya was called). According to the researchers of the creativity of TEFFI E. M. Trubilova and D. D. Nikolaev, the pseudonym for Hope Alexandrovna, who loved the hoax and jokes, and was also the author of literary parodies, fechens, became part of a literary game aimed at creating an appropriate image of the author.

    The version of the pseudonym is set forth the writer itself in the story "Pseudonym". She did not want to sign their texts with the male name, as it was often done by the modern writer to her: "I did not want to hide behind the male pseudonym. Cutely and cowardly. It is better to choose something incomprehensible, neither one. But what? You need such a name that would bring happiness. Best of all the name of some fool - fools are always happy. " She "remembered one fool, really squeezed and in addition, which was lucky, means, the fate itself for the perfect fool recognized. His stepan called, and his homely called him Steffee. Having dropped from delicacy the first letter (so that the fool was not sought) ", the writer" decided to sign his "TEFFI" ". After the successful premiere of this play in an interview with a journalist to the question about the pseudonym, TEFFI replied that "this is ... the name of one fool ..., that is, such a surname." The journalist noticed that he was told that it was from a kipling. " Taffphi, who remembered such a name in Kipling, as well as the song "Taffy Was a Walesman / Taffy Was a thief ..." from Trillby, agreed with this version.

    10. Mark Twain Real name Samuel Langhorn Clemens

    Clemens argued that the pseudonym Mark Twain was taken to them in his youth of the terms of river navigation. Then he was an assistant pilot on Mississippi, and the crown "Mark Twain" (eng. Mark Twain, literally - "Double label") meant that according to the lottle mark, the minimum depth was achieved, suitable for passing river vessels - 2 sea sohenes (≈ 3 , 7 m).

    However, there is a version of the literary origin of this pseudonym: in 1861, in the journal Vanity Fair, the humorous story of Artemus Ward (Artemus Ward) (real name Charles Brown) "Northern Star" about three sailors, one of whom was called Mark Twain. Samuel loved the humorous department of this magazine very much and read the works of Ward in his first performances.

    In addition to "Mark Twain,", Clemens once in 1896 subscribed as "Sir Louis de Cont" (Fr. Sieur Louis de Conte) - under this name, he published his novel "Personal memories of Jeanne d'Ark Sira Louis de Conpt, her Page and secretary. "

    11. Max Fry Literary Alias \u200b\u200bTwo Authors - Svetlana Martinchik and Igor Stupina

    The book cycle was written by Svetlana Martinchik in collaboration with Igor Stepinin and published under the pseudonym "Max Fry". The authors retain some anonymity, without revealing the pseudonym and not appearing in public exactly as the authors of the novels (at the same time they were known as artists). On the website of "Physiomy of the Russian Internet" under the name of Max Fray, a portrait of an unknown Negro was concerned. Along with the jokes of the publishing house "ABC" that Max Fry is a blue-eyed ebony, it served as hearing a rumored that under the pseudonym they write "literary negros".

    My pseudonym is chosen thanks to my hero. I wanted the name of the author and the name of the character from which the story was kept, coincided.Svetlana Martynchik

    Maria Zakharova notes that the language game characteristic of Max texts is also manifested in the choice of a pseudonym: "For example, Max Fry - Max Frei (it.) -" Maximum Free "" and "It is important to note that Max Fry, and Holm Van Boy - fictional, "gaming", pseudonyms of Russian-speaking authors "" "

    12. O. Henry Real Name William Sydney Porter

    In the prison, Porter worked in Lazarut Pharmacist (a rare profession in prison was useful) and wrote stories, looking for a pseudonym. In the end, he opted for O. Henry (often incorrectly recorded like the Irish surname O'henry - O'Henry). The origin of it is not entirely clear. The writer himself argued in an interview that Henry's name was taken from a column of secular news in the newspaper, and the initial O. was chosen as the easiest letter. He reported one of the newspapers that O. decoded as Olivier (French name Olivier), and indeed, several stories he published there under the name Olivier Henry.

    According to other sources, this is the name of the famous French pharmacist Etienne Ocean Henry (Etienne Ocean Henry), whose medical directory was popular at the time.

    Another hypothesis put forward a writer and scientist Guy Davenport: "O. Henry "- nothing but a reduction in the prison name, where the author was sitting - Ohio Penitentiary (Ohio State Penitentiary). Also known as Arena District, which was burned down at 21 April 1930.

    Al Jennings, who was sitting with a porter in prison and became known as the author of the book "Through Darkness from O. Genry" (there is an option for transferring the name "from O. Genry at the bottom"), in his book it is reported that the aliases are taken from the famous cowboy song where there are such lines: "Returned beloved at 12 o'clock. Tell me, about Henry, what sentence?" .

    It is believed that "the famous American writer W. Porter took the pseudonym O. Henry in honor of the physics of J. Henry, whose name was constantly with admiration uttered a school teacher:" Oh! Henry! It was discovered that the discharge of the capacitor through the coil was wearing a oscillatory character! "" The first story under this pseudonym - "Christmas gift Dick-whistle", printed in 1899 in McClure magazine (McClure's Magazine), - he wrote in prison.

    13. Joard Orwell. Real Name Eric Arthur Blair

    Starting with the story based on an autobiographical material, "Pounds of Lich in Paris and London" (1933), published under the pseudonym "George Orwell".

    14. Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov

    Ilya Ilf - Ilya Arnoldovich Finezilberg pseudonym formed from part name and first letter of the name: Ilya Finezilberg. Evgeny Petrov - Evgeny Petrovich Kataev The younger brother of Writer Valentina Katava did not want to use his literary fame, and therefore came up with a pseudonym formed from the father's name.

    15. Alexander Green Real Surname Grinevsky

    The pseudonym of the writer was the children's nickname Green - so at school reduced Grinevsky's long surname.

    16. Fanni Flagg Real Name Patricia Neal

    At the beginning of his acting career, she had to change the name, as despite the temptation, the same name was the owner of Oscar.

    17. Lazar Lagin Real Surname Ginzburg

    The pseudonym larin is a reduction from Lazar Ginzburg - the name and surname of the writer.

    18. Boris Field Present Surname Campov

    Pseudonym Field turned out as a result of the proposal of one of the editors of the Family Campov "Translate from Latin" (Campus - Field) into Russian. One of the few pseudonyms invented by non-carrier, but by other persons.

    19. Daniel Harms Real Surname Yuvachev

    In about 1921-1922, Daniel Yuvachev chooses the pseudonym "HARMS". The researchers put forward several versions of its origin, finding the origins in English, German, French, Hebrew, Sanskrit. It should be noted that in the manuscripts of the writer there are about forty pseudonyms (Hharms, Khaarms, Dandan, Charm, Karl Ivanovich Schusterling and others). When submitting an application for joining the All-Russian Union of Poets on October 9, 1925, HARMS is answered by questionnaires:

    1. Surname, name, patronymic: "Daniel Ivanovich Yuvachev-Kharms"

    2. Literary pseudonym: "No, I write HARMS"

    20. Maxim Gorky real name - Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov

    The pseudonym M. Gorky first appeared on September 12, 1892 in the Tiflis newspaper "Caucasus" in signatures to the story "Maka Miranda". Subsequently, the author said: "Do not write to me in the literature - pawns ..."

    21. Lewis Carroll Real Name Charles Lutvijd Dodgeson

    This pseudonym was invented on the advice of the publisher and writer Yets. It is formed from the real names of the author "Charles Latviphe", which are the correspondes of the names of Karl (Lat. Carolus) and "Louis" (Lat. Ludovicus). Dodzhon chose other English compliance of the same names and changed them in places.

    22. Veniamin Caveryin Real Surname Zilber

    The pseudonym "Cavery" was taken to them in honor of Husar P. P. Caveryin, a friend of the young Pushkin, led by him under his own last name in the first chapter "Eugene Onegin"

    23. Voltaire's real name Francois-Marie Aruise

    Voltaire - Anagram "Aruet Le J (Eune)" - "Arue Jr." (Latin Writing - Arovetli

    24. Kozma Prukov

    The literary mask under which in the magazines "Contempor", "Spark" and others performed in the 50-60s of the XIX century Poets Alexey Tolstoy (the largest in quantitative contribution), Brothers Alexey, Vladimir and Alexander Pelzhzhnikov (actually - the collective alias of all four)

    25. Standal Real Name Marie-Henri Bale

    As a pseudonym, I took the name of the hometown of Winkelman, whose laurels claimed. Why a pseudonym booth is often added Frederick - this is a mystery.

    26. Alberto Moravia

    His present last name was Pinkerle, and later pseudonym Moravia - the surname of his Jewish grandmother on his father's line.

    27. Alexandra Marinina Real Name - Marina Anatolyevna Alekseeva

    In 1991, Marina Alekseeva, together with his colleague, Alexander Gorkin wrote a detective story "Six-colored Seraphim", which was published in the magazine "Militia" in the fall of 1992. The story was signed by the pseudonym "Alexander Marinina" composed of the names of the authors.

    28. Andrei Platonov - Real Name Andrei Platonovich Climes

    In the 1920s, he replaced his last name from the climens on Platonov (a pseudonym was formed on behalf of the Father writer).

    29. Eduard Limonov Real Last Name Savenko

    Pseudonym "Limonov" came up with the artist-cartoonist Vagrich Bakhchanyan

    30. Joseph Kell - the novel "Inside Mr. Ederby" was released under this pseudonym, Anthony Bergess

    Funny fact - the editor of the newspaper, where Budgess worked did not know that he was the author of the novel "inside Mr. Ederby, so he instructed Bergess to write a review - thus the author wrote a review on his own book.

    31. Tony Morrison Real Name - Chloe Ardelia Wofford

    Studying at Harvard acquired the pseudonym "Tony" - a derived from her second named after Anthony, which, according to her, was given to her during the transition to Catholicism at the 12th age

    32. Vernon Sullivan

    The pseudonym Boris Viana, who used 24 pseudonym, Vernon Sullivan is the most famous of them.

    33. Andre Morua real name - Emil Erzog

    Subsequently, the pseudonym became its official name.

    34. Mary Westmakott (Westmakott) - pseudonym English writer, masters of detectives, Agatha Christie, under which she released 6 psychological novels: "Giant bread", "unfinished portrait", "sprinkled in spring" ("missing spring"), "Rose and Tis", "Daughter is a daughter "," Nosha "(" Lord of Love ").

    35. Moliere Real Name Jean-Batist Plente

    36. YUZ Aleshkovsky real name Joseph Efimovich Aleshkovsky

    37. Sirin V. - Pseudonym Vladimir Nabokova

    38. Pamela Travers Real name Helen Lindon Goff

    39. Daria Dontsova - the real name - Agrippina

    40. Knut Gamsun Real Name Knud Pedersen

    41. Anatole France Real Name - Francois Anatole Tibo

    42. Daniel Defo - Real Surname FO

    43. AYN Rand Certain Alice Zinovievna Rosenbaum

    44. Irving Stone real name Tennenbaum