Bad-good husband: Alexander Gordon and all his wives (rare photos). Alexander Gordon's wife, personal life with whom Katya Gordon is found

Bad-good husband: Alexander Gordon and all his wives (rare photos). Alexander Gordon's wife, personal life with whom Katya Gordon is found
Bad-good husband: Alexander Gordon and all his wives (rare photos). Alexander Gordon's wife, personal life with whom Katya Gordon is found

Katya Gordon is a famous TV presenter, a talented journalist, a beginner singer, was born 19.10.1980, a radical Muscovite.


The girl was born in a very intelligent professorship. Both her parents were university teachers: Mother - Mathematics, Father - Philologist. But they divorced when Katya was still preschoolcars. Soon the mother got married again, and stepfather decided to adopt Katya. So she got the name Podlipchuk, which became a reason for children's teasers at school.

In childhood

But it was the only problem of Kati with classmates. She grew up a very lively and sociable girl, early manifested bright artistic abilities. Katya adored everything connected with the scene - singing, dances, miniatures and performances. In addition, in elementary school, she herself began to compose small stories and poems.

In High School Katya was fascinated by the puppet theater. She wrote scenarios and independently puts whole performances with other students. In parallel, the girl managed to engage in a music school where the piano mastered. In high school classes at the insistence, she visited the economic course at Moscow State University.

The teachers quickly rated the talents of the girls and after the release of her were ready to take to the university without exams. But Katia by that time realized that boring economic specialties were not for her. Now psychology has become her new enthusiasm, and she came to study this specialty.


Catino psychology education was not limited. By the time of the end of the university, she has already tried to write scripts to the films, and now she really wanted to try to put them. She understood that without knowledge of the foundations, the director could not do high-quality cinema and went for them to script courses.

She fell into the workshop of the Mature of Russian Cinema Peter Todorovsky, and he considered her one of the most talented students. Under his leadership, Katya removed the debut short film "The Sea is worried about once", the main character of which the young journalist became the report on military events based on the stories of veterans.

Naturally, Katya reflected in the film the negative sides of the war and how much she brokes the human psyche. This was the reason that the picture was forbidden to a mass show, and the director's work did not begin.

Even the support of Todorovsky and did not allow her to get a diploma. But many years later, the picture got the main prize at the international festival "New Movie".

I managed to sell as a writer. Back in adolescence, she published the author's collection of poems. She received funds for the publication as a prize as a winner of the literary contest of young authors. This book will still play an important role in its fate.

Writing Katya continued, but switched to prose. Stormy responses caused her novel about the "golden" Moscow youth, thoughtlessly burning her life "finished". But Katya writes in different genres, raising vital topics about which journalists are preferred to be silent. So one of her last works was the novel "Kill Internet!", Dedicated to Internet addicted people.

But still, Kate's fame brought journalism. She is the author and the leading multitude of interesting radio and television programs, where also raises sharp topics and makes sure his own opinion. Katya invites political and public figures, public people, artists and reveals the audience from the most unexpected parties.

In 2009, Katya decided to try himself as a singer and created his own rock band. The Blondrock team successfully began to perform at the Moscow sites and even went to the semifinals of Eurovision, but the guys did not get to the competition itself. In 2010, they presented to the public debut album, the author of the songs for which Katya herself became.

They liked the songs not only to the audience. Katya began to cooperate as the author with other famous performers. She wrote such hits as "take a paradise", "empty heart", "go in English" and others. But the singe career Kati is not as successful, as she would like. Even from the program "Voice", in which he fell without much difficulty, she flew out in one of the first rounds.

Katya is actively engaged in public activities. She advocates the protection of the rights of animals, as well as freedom of assembly and statements. In the early 2000s, Katya became interested in jurisprudence. The reason for this was the scandal between her and the producer of the series "Ranetki", which ended only in court.

Now Katya is actively fighting for the protection of children and women, and made it the basis of its election program. She decided to run into the presidents in the peak of his eternal opponent.

Personal life

In 2000, a 20-year-old student became the wife of a famous TV host Alexander Gordon, who met in one of the restaurants. There she came to a date with a young man organized by her mother. She was very worried that her daughter, giving all the time study, until now, with anyone did not build a serious relationship. If she had just knew what this meeting was wrapped.

At Gordon, the first drew the attention of Katya herself - she more than once watched his programs and very much respected this journalist. As a reason for dating, she gave him his collection of poems, who was always in her handbag.

With Alexander Gordonon

While Katya chatted with a cavalier, Gordon managed to read the poems and suggested a girl to exchange phones. And after a month he made her a proposal that Katya adopted with delight.

The marriage launched an incomplete six years. Still, a seventeen-year-old difference at the age did its job. Katya wanted to develop, Gordon believed that first of all she should be his wife. And although at first he began to actively help her when Caeti's career went up dramatically, he did not like such competition.

The relationship ended in divorce, after which Katya actually remained on the street.

For the second time, she had no hurry under the crown. Only in 2011 Katya was ripe to become an official spouse again. This time the famous Moscow lawyer Sergei Zhorin. But this marriage lasted less than a year.

The spouse temperament turned out to be so hot that he was very soon to handuspit. Freedom-loving Katya tolerate this was not going and immediately left, being pregnant.

With Sergey Zhorin

The birth of a joint son served as a reason for reconciliation. In 2014, they even signed again, but this time, a family life lasted only a month. Both finally understood that they were not created for each other. Although Sergey's son continues to support relationships.

In winter, the 2017 fans of Kati suddenly saw in Instagram record that her second child appeared. She did not advertise this pregnancy and for a long time hid the name of the father of the child.

Teediva, singer, businesswoman and lawyer Katya Gordon in the spring of 2017 announced that the fourth time decided to marry. The chosen name she did not name, but in a joint selfie in social networks fans quickly calculated the groom.

They were a successful businessman Igor Matsanyuk, who made his millions on the field of international Internet business.

Marry early, give birth - please

Katya Gordan was married three times, and the last last time - for the same person. From the first marriage she got a loud surname, from the second - the beautiful son of Daniel and treatment in the clinic of neurosis.

She did not advertise her today's relationship And even hid it carefully.

She said that he did not want to repeat his mistakes - to marry in a marriage, as she had it with and lawyer Sergey Zheorin. However, caution did not prevent her to get pregnant and give birth to a child, who at the insistence of his father was called Seraphim.

Heavy, dramatic childbirth, after which Katya lost 4 liters of blood and survived clinical death, took place in October 2016. The father of the child met Katya from the hospital, and was very happy to the birth of a son. But the fully connected happy parents decided only six months later.

At the same time, in April 2017, when COMING OUT was coming out in social networks, the transfer of the "Million" secret with the participation of the TV host was released. Gordon has not yet revealed the name of the child's father, calling him simply "Egor", but, most likely, Yegor is the same Igor, who Matsanyuk.

In this air, she frankly told that relations with the father of Seraphim were not easy. When it became known about her pregnancy, the beloved has noticed, began to doubt whether they should now give birth to a child.

Katya with his peculiarity peculiarity put it out. All pregnancy she led an active lifestyle, worked a lot, engaged in business. Katya willingly takes over the protection of women's rights, whose maternal rights are infrigious (the former wife of Vadim Kazachenko and the former wife of Football player Kerzhakova.).

Births caught her driving car, and a girlfriend, who rode with her in the car, filmed the beginning of the childbirth of Kati and posted them in instagram.

The feminine independently reached 16 km to the maternity hospital, where she was made by Caesarean section.

After katya, Katya continued to live in his three-bedroom apartment, which herself bought. In the program "Secret by Million" she invited a group in himself, and the audience could make sure that the life of the stars were not different from the life of most residents of Russia.

Meanwhile, the father of the child, a man is far from poor, in no hurry to make a sentence. She did not wait. As she confessed, her chosen was some unfinished relationship with women, or with a woman, she did not understand. How this situation was resolved, we know, the Father, Seraphim made the proposal to be finely, and they revealed their relationships.

Interesting notes:

Non-easy bridegroom

So, the mysterious Egor is Igor Matsanyuk, following the results of 2014, occupying the 24th place in the Forbse list among the Internet millionaires. Interestingly, his ex-wife, Alisa Chumachenko, with which they created a business, occupies the 23rd stage in the same ranking.

Igor Matsanyuk was born in Murmansk in 1971
Sound Murmansk Higher Engineering School, having received a specialty engineer - electromechanics.

In 1994, Igor, together with his brother, took up business. They were driving up from Sweden to support cars, repaired, gave a commodity and sold.

In one of the trips got acquainted with the Swedish firefighter, which was worked up with the fact that it was sold to Russian sailors to the Used cars. They began to carry Russian buyers for a small commission, the size of which Matsanyuk himself characterizes as "three rubles".

By the end of the 90s, the brothers Matsanyuk had a major business for Murmann - Three auto shops, a company that supplies spare parts for large industrial enterprises of the Nickel type, and the official salon "Peugeot". In 2001, Igor had a very profitable deal, intercepting control in the company owning the premises of the Aeroflot cash desk, spent on the ransom of shares of $ 110,000, he received $ 700,000.

At that moment, he realized that he was closely in Murmansk, and decided to move to Moscow.

This turning point in the business consciousness of Matsanyuk coincided with his hobby computer games online.

He became interested in the game "Fight Club" by putting about $ 10,000 in pumping a character. The same game was played by his future wife, and the main business partner Alice Chumachenko.

The entrepreneurial veil played, and he wanted to sell his character for $ 50-60 thousand. However, the developers have opposed, as opposed to other major donates of the game in the conclusion of any transactions.

And here, Matsanyuk decided to create a game that "breaks" the "Fight Club", or in retaliation, or simply did not want to lose his ten, regarding it as an investment in his own life experience. United with Sergey Zhukov, the soloist "hands up", which was also in the conflict with the "Fight Club", they created the game "Territory". On the day of launching the game, 50,000 players were registered, and the server collapsed.

The creators were simply not ready for such a user's influx. By the end of 2004, IT Territory earned $ 100,000. For comparison, all the business of Matsanyuk before that brought $ 100,000 per year.

In 2005, Mail.Ru repulses the share of Sergey Zhukov and begins to promote the company's games with the whole strength of its resources. The next great success of Matsanyuk and his new partners was the browser game "Legend: Legend of the Dragons" (Clone World of Warcraft), which brought $ 5 million by the end of 2007 per month.

By that time he had spoiled relations with Yuri Milner, the main shareholder of He decided to get out of Mail.Ruand went out long three years. Matsanyuk hired the best London lawyers, and in the end in 2010 Mail.Ru holds an IPO in London, during which Macenuk sells all its shares for $ 85 dollars.

If you add up and those parts that managed to get during three-year-in-room operations, selling your share of Macenuk assessed at $ 110 million. There was no such effective way out.

Today, Matsanyuk - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Game Insight and Managing Party Partner By the way, the founder of Game Insight became Alice Chumachenko, with which Matsanyuk lived in civil marriage for many years and officially married in 2015. Perhaps this union and became the main obstacle to Igor's decisive actions against Kati Gordon.

It is clear that the new groom, the future husband of Kati - a man is difficult, large-scale and very strong. Such as I was looking for Katya Gordon.

Russian television and radio host, journalist, songwriter, blondrock group frontwoman.

Katya Gordon. Biography

Ekaterina Gordon (in Maiden Orekhov, Podlipchuk, Prokofiev - According to the names of the admission fathers) was born in 1980 in Moscow. She received secondary education in the Moscow Humanitarian Gymnasium No. 1507.

... In the memory of students of the junior classes of the humanitarian gymnasium, 1507 remained puppet performances set by the young director.

"I was a real ENFANT Terrible at school, so that I have been known to be a few."

In the last grades, in parallel with the gymnasium, he studied at the economic school of high school students at Moscow State University.

Higher education received at the Faculty of Social Psychology at the Moscow State Pedagogical University, graduating from his red diploma. Theme of thesis: "Television norm as a factor of a non-critical attitude to television information."

After receiving a diploma about higher education, he entered the highest scriptwriters and directories (SKSIR) in the workshop of the most famous Russian-Ukrainian director and the screenwriter (Interdevechka, "Favorite Woman Mechanic Gavrilov") P. E. Todorovsky, where, according to her own words, "It was one of the brightest disciples of his set (not only in her personal opinion)."

Her graduation film called " The sea is worried about ..."He was recognized as a rector of course by Gerasimov" Antiguman and prohibited to show at festivals. " In 2005, Ekaterina received the main prize of the festival "New Movie. 21 century".

The film tells a touching story about another young, but already a cynical cartoonist Marina (Daria Moroz), which goes to the garden partnership "Sail" to make a report to the Day of the Navy. Marina removes his own grandfather, in the past sailor, other retirements, and unnoticed communication with the old people changes something in her soul. In the final, the veterans raise the flag, the hymn sounds, Marina crying.

Since then, it has been released a few more works (the film "I walk in Moscow", 2 clips and one video for outdoor advertising of TV channel 02TV), but they have not achieved special success.

In October 2017, Gordon stated that he puts forward his candidacy for the presidency of the Russian Federation.

Radioir Ekaterina Gordon / Ekaterina Gordon

In the early 2000s worked on the radio station " Silver Rain" The leading transfer "Gloomy Morning", then on the television channel M-1. (current "home"). There she met her future husband, famous radio and TV presenter, director and actor Alexander Garievich Gordon, With whom after six years of marriage divorced in 2006, leaving him the name. During the collaboration of children, the couple was not born, but they continue to be in friendly relations.

During our marriage with Sasha I had no career. I was a man wife. The career began after the divorce, so it was very difficult to say that it was done. Another thing is that there are people who are always ready to think about you, and I will not persuade them, but those other, not configured aggressively, ready to look into the facts in the eyes, and so everyone will understand everything.

In 2007-2008 Ekaterina Gordon moved to radio "Lighthouse"where he worked the leading whole range of programs: "Personal cult", "VIP interrogation", "FM therapy", "Conversation in the case", "The newest story", as well as episodically, the ethers and radio "Culture" and " Echo of Moscow " (broadcast "Good hunt").

Catherine Gordon / Ekaterina Gordon and Radio Scandal

It is on the ether of the program "Cult of personality" On the "lighthouse" and the incident occurred, which showed the viewer Katya Gordon on the other: the guest of the studio once became scandalous leading Ksenia Sobchakwhich aggressively responding to the questions of the lead, provoked it for hysterical behavior in the literal air. After the end of the transmission, Catherine did not calm down and still bowed to Sobchak in his LiveJournal and on other resources, trying to attract as much attention as possible:

A walk, a threshing uncompatible aunt who got used to threaten, a neurotic, from which stylists run away in a week, hubalka and scared.

Katya Gordon. Creation

Katya Gordon worked the TV-Delivery and led the program " Times"(TVC TV channel)," Conversation without rules"(Channel O2TV)," Other side of legenda"(TV channel" Star»).

She also tries himself and on a literary field: Her Peru belongs to the works of "state", "finished", "kill the Internet !!!" (Roman-Utopia), "On a visit to the green friend" (Tale), "The Art of Spots" (Tale), "Homo Liberalis" (Tale), "Is the president's wife happy?" (Piece), "Time Present" (scenario).

In October 2010, Blondrock Group released a debut album " Love and freedom"In which Katya Gordon is the author of music and words. Sound Producer performed Andrei Samsonov (famous for work with the group " Aquarium", Zemfira, Butusov, Mark Almondom, Nick Kseiv.

In 2013, several performers at once included songs in their albums. Kati Gordon: Dmitry Koldun "Heart", Angelica Agurbash - "Empty Heart". November 30, 2013 Ani Lorak received the "Golden Gramophone" for the song "Take Paradise", the author of which is also Katya Gordon. From the same song Katya Gordon came to the blind listening in the fifth season of Sew "voice" on the first channel.

The scandalous well-known journalist, the TV presenter and the poetess decided that it was ripe for the whole country to declare himself as a singer. Vocal data Gordon rated Dima Bilan, and to him in the Team of Catherine, and cooled.

Katya Gordon. Personal life

From 2000 to 2006, Katya was married to Alexander Gordon. At the time of marriage, Catherine was 20 years old, and Alexander - 37. Alexander became for Kati, from her words, not only his spouse, but also a teacher in life. After a divorce, the couple saved a good relationship.

In July 2011, Katya Gordon married a lawyer Sergei Zhorin. On September 2, 2011, Tallo knows that the husband beat Katya, she got a concussion and was hospitalized in the neurosurgical branch of the Botkin hospital. After that, Catherine divorced her husband.

A year later, September 27, 2012, Catherine Gordon was born the son of Daniel. On April 19, 2014, Gordon and Sergey Zhorine played a wedding again, but this time their marriage lasted a few more than a month: 2 June 2014 Zhorin filed a divorce application.

Journalist Ekaterina Gordon and lawyer Sergey Zhorin played a wedding twice and diluted twice - in 2011 and three years later. The first time they got married just a month after the acquaintance, but the relationship did not develop. In the same year, Gordon publicly stated that her husband beat her, Katya fell into the hospital with a concussion of the brain and bruises. Despite the fact that the criminal case was not instituted, the spouses were still separated, Gordon filed for a divorce. But after three years, Sergey and Catherine got married again, their son Daniel was then two years. However, the second marriage was short-lived, just a month after the secondary registration of Gordon and Zhorin again divorced, and this time Sergey became the initiator.

Relations of Catherine and Sergey did not end on it. Two years ago, they confessed "Starkit", which was able to find a common language for the sake of a child and ready to bring up the son of Daniel together.

And now - again came on the trop of war. Sergey Zhorin spoke first. The lawyer and the human rights activist published on his page in instagram video, in which Catherine admits that he had fallen her husband and he never beat her. According to Zhorin, he did so because "the electorate is worthwhile to know the truth."

"Friends, I kept silence for a long time. Waited. I thought, maybe the lady psychological trauma, maybe she is lying on the whole country from pain and resentment that he could not build a family. I thought, maybe he also loves. I was silent for our son. I tried to protect him from dirt. Five years have passed! But Madame perceived it as my weakness. Bypassed all sorts of shows five times. Pouring me with mud and lies flow. The blocked, that I supposedly cry alimony ... And suddenly I understood. There is no pain, no love. There are meanness and thirst for PR. Revenge for the fact that I could not tolerate her lies and left. I thought and decided. The electorate must learn the truth about Madame candidate for the presidency. I have a lot of videos and photos - who will tell me the truth about Ekaterina Podlipchuk (in the world Gordon). She is lying professionally, which does not hide. It's time to tell the truth, "wrote Zhorin.

Catherine answered immediately. Gordon published another video - the recording of the "Direct Ether" program of a two-year limit, in which Zhorin, in turn, recognizes that he raised his hand to his wife, rushes in the deed and asks for forgiveness. Catherine In his appeal through social networks, noted that the video in which she admits, as if her husband did not beat her, was only an attempt to settle conflict. And also stated that she was confident: the former husband erased the video, as promised. Gordon believes that Zhorin is afraid of her success: "Sergey ... I'm sorry that time does not make you better. It is a pity that you are still small and dishonest. It is a pity that you are so afraid of my success in your work and so actively inquiry to me ... "" So she started his post.

"... I once loved you, forgot and even voluntarily went to the clinic of neuroses, since relations with you were led to a dead end. Once I was sitting opposite you, you asked for forgiveness and told me a story, about the fact that there is such a principle of the Zech - "Fish Principle". What should be trusted and falling back - and their own, they say, caught. You told it as an example of trust and some important relationship ... You told me: "Katya, if you and you and I start with scratch and jump ... We will be happy." I took the application, on health examination (you walked with me) Lgala, just to unwind you. I stopped Dobrovinsky to not start a "criminal". I loved or sick ... who already understand. So, you told me: "Kat, if you trust me and love ... Tell me on the video that I did not beat you ... I immediately sob. But I will know that I am more important than a PR and what people will think. " And I said. I sat, tortured, terrible ... and said. And you said that I erased and hugged me, "Gordon wrote.

Catherine believes Zhorin, trying to spoil her political career, goes on "In those who use yours, alas, weak nutro." "I do not regret what you believed you then. This video, Sergey, about my trust and about the readiness of any woman to give everything, without thinking, to her man. I do not regret Sergey. I saved you, your advocacy status and our love ... You do not dock me slander and packs - you are getting my soul. Thanks for the son, and I am very sorry for you because in your life, apparently, to this day there is no one brighter than me and my past love, "wrote Catherine Gordon on his page in Instagram.

Recall that Catherine Gordon first stated that he would run for the presidency, but later she took off his candidacy, noting that he would not want to "participate in the farce". At the same time, the journalist does not intend to terminate political activities, Gordon is going to create his party.

Cynic, brilliant journalist, happy spouse and father. Alexander Gordon's Biography and Personal Life are in interesting facts and scandalous details. Loud divorces, a fateful return to the homeland and a new love - a young wife who gave Gordon the long-awaited son. But first things first.

Alexander Gordon: Biography and personal television life

Alexander Gordon's biography began with a loud and important event - birth. Moreover, birth is not in an ordinary working family, but in the family of the famous poet Harry Gordon. True, the father left the family early, and Alexander has already begun to communicate with Pope. Moreover, communicating it soon turned into fruitful cooperation. In 2011, the Father and Son Gordona presented a joint film "Lights of Triton". True, Alexander Harrievich himself admits that communication with the Father has always been not easy for him.

"In my relationship with my father was different. After the first painting "shepherd of their cows", where he was a screenwriter and a director, we didn't talk for more than six months. There was a conflict of the director and the screenwriter ... "

Alexander Gordon with Harry Gordon's father

The professional career of the future journalist, TV host, director, actor and scenario of Alexander Gordon began with a student bench legendary "Pike" - theatrical schools. Shchukina.

Alexander Gordon in youth (left)

After graduating from the Alma Mater in 1987, Gordon teaches in the children's theater circle and soon decides to leave Russia. Together with the first wife, Maria Berdnikova and a small daughter he emigrates in the United States. There, Gordon is arranged to work by a journalist on Russian-speaking TV channels RTN, WMNB. Later comes out the cycle of its copyright "New York, New York", where, in particular, Alexander Gordon documented and told about buying his first American house. What Alexander Gordon looked in his youth in the early 90s, you can see in his plot about life behind the ocean.

In the mid-90s in the biography and personal life of Alexander Gordon there is a cardinal fracture. The future head returns to Russia, leaving the first spouse in the States and daughter. His Russian epic begins, full scandals, new marriages and divorces.

Alexander Gordon and his wife: Rare photos

Wife # 2 Alexander Gordon - Georgian actress Nana Kiknadze. With her TV presenter lived seven years. True, this marriage was never officially registered. As the ex-civilian wife Alexander Gordon admitted later in his interview, it was a very difficult period in her life.

Nana Kiknadze, the second wife of Alexander Gordon

According to Nanna, Gordon was a terrible jealous and jealous of it not only to men, but also to work. Alexander categorically banned his civilian wife to communicate with the model business, although Georgian beauty was "Miss Tbilisi" title and she had many proposals from famous photographers and modeling agencies. The same taboo was imposed on filming in the cinema. And one day, after another quarrel, Gordon almost killed himself and his spouse. Nana later recalled:

"Once after a serious quarrel, when I decided to finally break our relationship, he just broke the car at full speed and miraculously stayed alive. True, at that moment I was also sitting in this car. "

While still husband and wife: Alexander Gordon and Nana Kiknadze

After parting with Nano, Alexander Gordon did not last long alone. His third serious love was the journalist Katya Podlipchuk, which became scandalous as Katya Gordon. Their acquaintance was random, but soon Katya became his wife Alexander Gordon.

Alexander Gordon with wife Katya Gordon on vacation

How it all began, Katya told in one of his interviews: "When I came on a date in the sushi bar, the first one I saw in the hall, was the same Gordon! He saw beer alone. And I sit with the next contender, I am wildly bored ... I, realizing that it is unlikely to come to the poems, I took a collection and went to the table of Gordon. Of course, I knew that his father, Harry Gordon, - the poet, and decided to give him his poems, maybe for some kind of review or as a gift from the beginning of the author. How much I remember, I even had the audacity to sign a book ... "

So, the initiative manifested by the girl was approved by Alexander, and soon a couple had romantic relationships. But the relationship with the mother-in-law was not immediately delivered - Katya and Gordon-senior fought in the open, without hiding their hostility to each other.

Alexander Gordon with his wife Katya and Father

And Alexander Gordon is just amused. But increasingly the famous director and TV presenter took the side of the Father. At one fine moment, patience of a young wife burst.

"I'm tired of what I confess with windmills and do not regret me. In illness or sadness, I always remained alone! At the same time, no doubt can say that Sasha is beautiful and kind; Just he is an actor (by the way, he is an actor), a creative person, he will never be good for her ... as probably, I am my wife ... Well, and then he already left me. "

The new turn in the personal life of Alexander Gordon is an extramarital connection with the journalist from Krasnodar Elena Pashkovka and the birth of another daughter. One spicy detail: At this time, Gordon was married once again, on his young student Nina Shpilovaya

Each new wife Alexander Gordon - younger than the previous

Having learned about the birth of the extramarital daughter at Alexander Gordon, the young spouse decides to get away from him. But ... our hero is short-lived, and remained alone. Very soon, he will again lead his next young chief of the crown. In the meantime - in the biography of Alexander Gordon, successful TV projects and scandalous crossings with well-known politicians, journalists and show business representatives.