Arguments from literature in the direction of "courage and cowardice. What does it mean to be brave in everyday life: arguments for writing, essay

Arguments from literature in the direction of "courage and cowardice. What does it mean to be brave in everyday life: arguments for writing, essay

Cofuity is a negative trait of character in which a person is afraid to resist his fears, such a person often fears to make a decision and be responsible for his consequences. But despite it is difficult to be brave always. Sometimes even strong and honest people with high moral principles can be frightened.

To show the right point of my definition, I want to give an example from the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Captain's daughter". An example of cowardice in this work is Schvabrin as when the Emelyan Pugachev attacked on the fortress, Schvabrin immediately moves to the side of Pugacheva, forgetting his oath and an oath. They drive fear for their own life.

Another example of cowardice is Evgeny Onegin and Vladimir Lensky, from the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". When Lensky summoned Evgeny Onegin on a duel, Eugene did not refuse the way the public opinion was afraid. And the same thing happened to Lensky, he did not want to go on a duel with Onegin, but he was also afraid that he would begin to condemn.

Cowardice - dependence on the opinions of those you despise.

Or you can give an example from the work of Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". A coward can be called Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorina to Duel Gregory. Hushnitsky knew that Pichorin's gun was not charged, but said nothing to him. But in spite of this, Pechorin knew that his gun was not charged, he wanted to give a chance to grudish, but he refused.

Thus, it can be concluded that cowardice never leads to anything good.

Updated: 2017-12-23

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  • Not always self-sacrifice associated with risk to life
  • Make the heroic actions of a person prompts love for the Motherland
  • Man is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of whom he really loves
  • To save the child, sometimes it is not a pity to sacrifice the most valuable thing that there is a person - his own life
  • Only moral person can make a heroic act
  • Preparedness for self-sacrifice does not depend on the level of income and social status
  • Heroism is expressed not only in actions, but also in the ability to be faithful to his word even in the most difficult life situations
  • People are ready for self-sacrifice even in the name of the salvation of an unfamiliar person


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Sometimes we do not suspect that a person can make a heroic act. This confirms an example from this work: Pierre Duhov, being a rich man, decides to remain in the departed by the enemy by Moscow, although it has all the opportunities to leave. He is a real person who does not attend his financial situation. I do not regret myself, the hero saves a little girl from the fire, making a heroic act. You can also turn to the image of Captain Tushina. At first he does not produce a good impression on us: Tushin appears before the command without boot. But the battle proves that this person can be called a real hero: the battery under the command of Captain Tushina selflessly reflects the attacks of the enemy, without having a cover, without sorry forces. And it doesn't matter what the impression on us produce these people when you first get acquainted with them.

I.A. Bunin "Lapti". In the impenetrable blizzard, Nefed went to the nurses in the six versts from the house. To make it prompted the requests of a sick child to bring red lapties. The hero decided that "you need to get", because "the soul wishes." He wanted to buy lapties and paint them fuchsin. By night, the oil did not return, and in the morning the peasants brought his dead body. He found a bubble with Fuchsin and new Napti. Nefed was ready for self-sacrifice: knowing that he exposes his danger, decided to act for the benefit of the child.

A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter". Love for Marya Mironova, Captain's daughter, repeatedly encouraged Peter Greens to expose her life danger. He went to the captured Pugachev, Belogorsk Fortress, to snatch the girl from the hands of Schvabrin. Peter Grinove understood what was going on: at any moment people could catch Pugachev, he could be killed by enemies. But nothing stopped the hero, he was ready to save Mare Ivanovna even at the cost of his own life. The readiness for self-sacrifice was manifested and then when Grinev was under investigation. He did not talk about Marya Mironova, the love of which led him to Pugachev. The hero did not want to make a girl involved in a consequence, although it would allow him to be justified. Peter Grinov has shown his actions, he is ready to endure anything for the happiness of his dear person.

FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment." The fact that Sonya Marmeladov went on the "yellow ticket", is also a kind of self-sacrifice. The girl decided on it herself, consciously to feed her family: father-drunk, stepmother and her little children. No matter how dirty occupation was her "profession", Sonya Marmaladova deserves respect. Throughout the work, she argued her spiritual beauty.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". If Andry, the younger son of Taras Bulba, turned out to be a traitor, then the left, the eldest son, showed himself as a strong personality, a real warrior. He did not betray his father and his homeland, fought until the latter. Ostap executed in front of the Father. But no matter how hard it, it hurts and terrible him, during the execution he did not publish a sound. Ostap is a real hero who gave life for his homeland.

V. Rasputin "French Lessons". Lydia Mikhailovna, an ordinary teacher of French, was capable of self-sacrifice. When her student, the hero of the work, came to school beaten, and Tishkin said that he played for money, Lydia Mikhailovna did not hurry to tell the director about this. She learned that the boy was playing due to the fact that he had no money for food. Lydia Mikhailovna began to study with the student of French, who was not given to him, at home, and then he suggested playing with her in the "frozen" for money. The teacher knew that it was impossible to do this, but the desire to help the child was more important for her. When the director learned about everything, Lydia Mikhailovna fired. It would seem to be the wrong act turned out to be noble. The teacher donated to his reputation for helping the boy.

N.D. Tempets "Home". Some, so wishing to return to his native edges, on the way I met a stranger grandfather. They walked together. On the road, the boy fell ill. An unknown attributed him to the city, although he knew that he could not appear there: the grandfather had run from the cattle for the third time. In the city of Grandfather caught. He understood the danger, but the child's life was more important for him. The grandfather sacrificed his calm life for the future of a person unfamiliar to him.

A. Platonov "Sandy teacher." From the village of Khoshutovo, located in the desert, Maria Naryshkin helped make a real green oasis. She was all given to work. But nomads passed - there were no trace from green plantings. Maria Nikiforovna went to the district with a report, where she was suggested to translate to work in Safut to train the sand culture overlooking the sidelines. She agreed, in which her readiness for self-sacrifice was manifested. Maria Naryshkin decided to devote himself to a good cause, not thinking about the family or about the future, but helping people in the difficult struggle with the sands.

MA Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". For the sake of Master Margarita was ready for everything. She decided on a deal with the devil, was the queen on the Ball of Satan. And all in order to see the wizard. True love made the heroine to go for self-sacrifice, pass all the trials prepared by her fate.

A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin". The main character of the work is a simple Russian guy, honestly and selflessly fulfilling his soldiers. His crossway across the river became a real heroic act. Vasily Terkina did not scare cold: he knew that it was necessary to convey the Lieutenant's request. What did the hero seems impossible, incredible. This is the feat of a simple Russian soldier.


1 "courage and cowardice" - arguments for the final composition The essay in the context of this aspect can be founded on comparison of opposite manifestations of the personality from decisiveness and courage, manifestations of the will of the will and the strength of the spirit of some heroes to the desire to get away from responsibility, to hide from danger, to show weakness, which may lead even to betrayal. Examples of manifestation of these qualities of a person can be found in almost any product of classical literature. A.S. Pushkin "Captain's Daughter" As an example, you can take a comparison of Greeneva and Schvabrina: the first will be ready to die in the battle for the fortress, directly expresses his position to Pugachev, risking his life, left the oath of death, the oath was left, the second was frightened for his life and moved to the side of the enemy. The daughter of Captain Mironova is truly courageous. The "Course" Masha, who shuddered from the shots on the teaching in the fortress, shows the depth courage and hardness, confronts the claims of Schwabrin, being in its full power in the fortress occupied by Pugachevs. Capital Hero Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" was essentially a coward, he completely subordinated his life to the opinion of the Company, which he himself despised. Understanding that it is to blame for the dueling duel and can prevent it, he does not do it, since the opinions of light and woven about himself. To avoid prosecution, he kills his friend. A vivid example of the truth courage The main character of the Roman M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don" Grigory Melekhov. The First World War picked up Grigory and twisted in the vortex of turbulent historical events. Gregory, as a true Cossack, is completely given to battle. He is determined and dare. Easily takes captive three Germans, deftly beats off the enemy battery, saves an officer. Certificate of his courage Georgievsky crosses and medals, officer's rank. The courage of Gregory shows not only in battle. He is not afraid to radically change his life, go against the will of the Father for the sake of his beloved woman. Does not tolerate Gregory and injustice and always openly speaks about it. He is ready to cool to change his fate, but not to change himself. Grigory Melekhov showed an outstanding courage in search of truth. But for him she is not just an idea, a certain idealized symbol of better human existence.

2 He is looking for her incarnation in life. In contact with the multitude of small particles of truth and ready to accept each, he often detects their inconsistency in a collision with life, but the hero does not stop in search of truth and justice and goes to the end, in the final of the novel, making his choice. It is not afraid to completely change his life and a young monk, the hero of the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSI". The dream of a free life was fully captured by Mcsi, a fighter by nature, the strength of the circumstances of forced to live in a hated gloomy monastery. He, who did not live on freedom, independently decides to the brave act of escape from the monastery in the hope of returning to his homeland. Only on the will, in those days that Mcyri spent outside the monastery, all the wealth of his nature was revealed: freedom, thirst for life and struggle, persistence in achieving the goal, inflexible will, courage, contempt for danger, love for nature, understanding her beauty and power. Courage, willing to victory manifests a MTSER in the fight against the leopard. In his story about how he descended from the rocks to the flow, contempt for the danger: but his youth is strong, and death seemed not terrible. Mcyri failed to achieve his goal to find their homeland, his people. "I left my prison on me," so he explains the reason for his failure. Mcyri fell victim to the circumstances that were stronger than him (the steady motive of fate in the works of Lermontov). But he dies adamant, the Spirit is not broken. Big courage is required to preserve yourself, his identity in the conditions of totalitarian regime, not to abandon its ideals and ideas, including in creativity, do not obey the conjuncture. The question of courage and cowardice one of the central in the Roman MA Bulgakova "Master and Margarita". The words of the Hero of the Roman Ga-Nochri approves the idea that one of the main human defects is cowardice. This thought is traced throughout the novel. All-seeing wave, opening the "curtain" of time, shows that the course of history does not change the human nature: Judah, aliasis (traitors, judosters) exist at all times. But at the heart of betrayal, too, most likely, the cowardice of the vice, which always existed, a vice, which underlies many serious sins.

3 Did the traitors are not panties? Is the lets not panties? And if a person is lying, he is also afraid of something. Back in the XVIII century, the French philosopher K. Gelvedi argued that "after courage, there is nothing more beautiful than recognition in cowardice." In his novel, Bulgakov argues that a person is responsible for improving the world in which he lives. Position non-participation is not acceptable. Is it possible to call the masters a hero? Most probably not. The master failed to remain a fighter to the end. Master is not a hero, he is only a servant of truth. Can not be a master hero, since he Stroyl refused his book. He broke with adversities who fell on him, but he broke himself. Then, when I escaped from reality to the Stravinsky clinic, when she assured himself that "no need to wonder the big plans," he commemorates himself to the inaction of the Spirit. He is not a creator, he is only a master, so he is given only by "peace." Yeshua is a wandering young philosopher who came to Urshalaim to preach his teachings. He is a physically weak man, but at the same time he is spiritually strong personality, he is a man of thought. The hero under no circumstances refuses its views. Yeshua believes that a person can be changed for a better good. It is very difficult to be kind, so good is easy to replace all sorts of surrogates, which often happens. But if a person does not bewit, will not refuse his views, then such good is all possible. The "tramp" managed, "weak man" to turn the life of Pontius Pilate, "Almighty Ruler". Pondi Pilate Representative of the power of the Imperial Rome in Judea. The rich life experience of this person helps him understand Ga-Nochri. Pontius Pilate does not want to ruin the life of Yeshua, trying to incline him to a compromise, and when it fails, he wants to persuade the high priest Kaifa pardon Ga-Nochri on the occasion of the occurrence of Easter holiday. Pontius Pilate feels both pity for Yeshua, and compassion, and fear. It is fear that determines the ultimately his choice. This fear is born by the dependence on the state, the need to follow his interests. Pontius Pilate for M. Bulgakov is not just a coward, apostate, but he is also a victim. He retreating from Yeshua, he ruins himself and his soul. Even after physical death, he is doomed to the mental suffering, from which only Yeshua can save him. Margarita in the name of his love and faith in the talent of his beloved overcomes fear and its own weakness, even the circumstances wins.

4 Yes, Margarita is not an ideal person: becoming a witch, she threatens the house of writers, participates in the Satan Ball with the greatest sinners of all times and peoples. But she did not hold. Margarita is fighting for his love to the end. Not in vain the same Bulgakov based on human relations to put just love and mercy. In the novel "Master and Margarita", according to A.Z. Vulisa, there is a philosophy of retaliation: what he deserved, and received. The biggest vice cowardice will necessarily entail the retribution: the flour of the soul and conscience. Back in the "White Guard" M. Bulgakov warned: "Never run away between the rat winning to the unknownness from danger." Take responsibility for the fate of other people, perhaps more weak, is also a great courage. Such, the hero of the legend from the story of M. Gorky "Staruha Izergil". Proud, "the best of all" man, Danko died for people. At the heart of the old-told Izergil legend, an ancient legend of a person who saved people, indicating the path from the impassable forest. Danko possessed a volitional character: the hero did not want to slave life for his tribe and at the same time understood that people would not be able to live in the depths of the forest without the usual space for them, light. Peaceful resistance, internal wealth, true perfection in biblical legends was embodied in externally beautiful people. That was how the ancient representation of a person about spiritual and physical beauty was expressed: "Danko is one of those people, a young handsome man. Beautiful always bold. " Danko believes in its own strength, so it does not want to spend them "on the Duma and longing." The hero seeks to bring people from the darkness of the forest to freedom, where much heat and light. Having a volitional character, he takes on the role of the leader, and people "everyone went together for him to believe in him." The hero was not afraid of difficulties during a difficult way, but he did not consider the weakness of people who soon became raped, since they did not possess the resistance of Danko and did not have a solid will. The culmination episode of the story was the scene of the court over Danko, when people who were tired by the severity of the paths, hungry and evil, began to accuse their leader in everything: "You are an insignificant and harmful person for us! You told us and tired, and for it you will deceive! " Without making difficulties, people began to shift responsibility from themselves to Danko, wanting to find the guilty of their misfortunes. The hero, unselfishly loving people, understanding that everything would die without him, "he ripped his chest to his hands and pulled his heart out of her and raised him high above his head." Lighting the dark path from the impassable forest to his

5 Heart, Danko brought people from Darkness to where "the sun shone, the steppe sighed, glitter grass in the rain diagrants and the golden river glitter." Danko looked at the picture that opened before him and died. The author calls his hero Gordem Mobbled, who died for people. The final episode makes the reader think over the moral side of the figure of the hero: Whether the death of Danko was dismissed, whether people of such a victim are worthy. The image of the "careful" person, who appeared in the epilogue of the narrative, frightened something and coming "to the proud heart of the foot". The writer characterizes Danko as a better person. Indeed, the main features of the character of the hero are spiritual resistance, the power of the will, selflessness, the desire to serve people, courage. He sacrificed his life not only for those who brought out of the forest, but for himself: he could not do differently, the hero was necessary to help people. The feeling of love filled the heart of Danko, it was an integral part of his nature, so M. Gorky calls the hero "the best of all". Researchers celebrate the connection of the image of Danko with Moses, Promethem and Jesus Christ. The name of Danko is associated with the single words "tribute", "ladies", "giving". The most important words of a proud, bold man in legend: "What do I do for people?!" Many works of classical Russian literature raise the matter of fear of life in different manifestations. In particular, many works of A.P. are devoted to the topic of fear, cowards. Chekhov: "Fears", "Cossack", "Champagne", "Beauty", "Lights", "Steppe", "Man in a case", "Death of the official", "Ionch", "Lady with a dog", "chameleon" , "Chamber 6", "Fear", "Black Monk" and others. Hero of the story "Fear" Dmitry Petrovich Silin is afraid of everything. According to the author of the story, he "sick fear of life." The hero, according to Chekhov, scares incomprehensible and incomprehensible. For example, Silin is afraid of terrible events, disasters and the most ordinary events. He is afraid of life itself. All that is incomprehensible to the surrounding world, for him a threat. He reflects and is trying to find answers to exciting questions about the meaning of life and human existence. He is convinced that people understand what they see and hear, and he daily poison himself with his own fear. The hero of the story is trying to hide and retire. He seems to run away from life: leaves the service in St. Petersburg due to the fact that he is experiencing fear and fear, and decides to live alone in his estate. And here

6 gets a second strong blow when his spouse and friend betray it. When he learns about treason, fear drives him out of the house: "His hands trembled, he was in a hurry and looked at the house, it was probably scary." It is not surprising that the hero of the story compares himself with a newborn midge, whose life consists of some horrors. In the story of "Chamber 6" the topic of fear also goes to the fore. Andrei Efimovich's story hero is afraid of all. Most of all he is becoming reality. Nature itself looks terrible for him. The most ordinary things and items are frightening: "Here it is reality!" I thought Andrei Efimovich. There were scary and the moon, and a prison, and nails on the fence, and a distant flame in the Kostopolnaya Plant. " The fear of incomprehensibility of life is presented in the story "Man in a case". This fear makes the hero to move away from reality. The hero of Belikov's story is trying to "hide from life" into the case. His case is made of circulars and regulations, for the execution of which it is constantly watching. His fear is indefinite. He is afraid of everything and at the same time nothing concrete. The most hated failure of the rules and the retreat from the regulation. Even insignificant little things plunge Belikov in mystical horror. "The reality annoyed him, frightened, kept in a constant alert, and, perhaps, in order to justify this sobbiness, his aversion to the present, he always praised the past and something never happened; and the ancient languages \u200b\u200bhe taught , were for him, in essence, the same Kalosh and an umbrella, where he was hiding from the actual life. " If Silin is trying to hide in his estate in front of life, Belikova, Belikov, fear of life makes hide in a case from the rules and strict laws and in the end forever hid underground. The Hero of the story "On Love" Alekhin is also afraid of everything and also prefers to hide, retaining in his estate, although he had a good opportunity to engage in literature. He is afraid even his love and torments himself when he dubts this feeling and loses his beloved woman. The problem of fear is devoted to the fairy tale M.E. Saltovkova - generous "Wheel Pescar". The reader sweeps the life of Pescar, simple in its device, based on fear in front of potential hazards of the world order. The father and mother Hero lived a long life and died by their death. And before you move to the world of others, you visited the son of being careful, because all the inhabitants of the water world, and a person in any

7 Moment can destroy it. Young Pescar has so well learned the science of his parents, which literally sharpened himself in the underwater hole. From her he went out only at night, when everyone slept, he had fallen out and the round day "trembled" just not grabbed! In this fear, he lived as much as 100 years, really surviving his relatives, although he was a small fish that everyone could swallow. And in this sense, his life was a success. It came true and his other dream to live so that no one would have learned about the existence of the wisdom of Pescar. Before death, the hero is thinking about what it would be if all the fish lived just like him. And it turns: the genus of Pescares would cease! Over the opportunity to make friends, to create a family, grow children and give them their own life experience. It is clearly aware of this before his death and, deeply thinking, falls asleep, and then unwittingly violates the boundaries of his hole: "Rowing it" from the hole is shown outside. And then the scope for reader fantasy, because the author does not report what happened to the hero, but it only stating that he suddenly disappeared. There were no witnesses of this incident, so not only the task of to live was imperceptible to be reached with peckery, but also the "topsack" just as imperceptibly disappear. The author with bitterness summarizes the life of his hero: "I drank trembled, and dying trembled." Often bold helps to become anxiety, care for loved ones. Non-light courage shows a little boy from the story of A.I. Cook "White Poodle" in the story All the most important events are associated with the white poodle of Arto. The dog is one of the artists of the stray troupe. Grandfather Skodzhakin really appreciates him and speaks about the dog: "He feeds, Sort and dress us two." It is using the image of the puddle the author reveals human feelings and relationships. Grandpa and Seryozha love artist and belong to him, as a friend and family member. That is why they do not agree to sell a favorite dog for any money. But the mother Trillie thinks: "Everything is sold, what is bought." When her spoiled son wanted a dog, she offered a fabulous money to artists and did not even want to listen that the dog is not for sale. When Arto could not buy, he decided to steal. Here's when Grandfather Imboke showed weakness, Seryozha shows a decisiveness and goes to a brave, decent adult act an act: by all means returning the dog. With a risk to life, almost having a janitor, he frees a friend.

8 to the theme of cowardice and courage has repeatedly addressed modern writers. One of the most striking works of the story of V. Zhetznikov "Stuffed". In one of the provincial schools comes a new student Lena Zrazolev. She is the granddaughter of the artist leading a closed lifestyle, which was the reason for the removal of citizens from him. Classmates openly give to understand the new girl whose rules here. Over time, the inscycling is beginning to despire for her kindness and soft-heartedness, classmates give her nickname "Stuffed". The Lena is a good soul, and she is trying in every possible way to establish contact with classmates, trying not to react to an offensive nickname. However, the cruelty of children led by class leaders has no boundaries. Only one person feels a feeling of pity for the girl and begins to be friends with Dima Somov. Once the children decided to strive lessons and go to the movies. Dima returned to the class to pick up the forgotten thing. He was met by the teacher, and the boy was forced to tell the truth that his classmates escaped from lessons. After that, children decide to punish Dima for betrayal, but unexpectedly Lena, who retained the neutrality all this time, stands up for his friend and begins to justify him. Classmates quickly forget the sin of Dima and carry their aggression on the girl. Lena declared a boycott to teach her. Brutal children burn the scarecrow, symbolizing Lena. The girl is no longer to withstand such a blowing, asks the grandfather to leave this city. After the Besseltseva left, the children experience the torment of conscience, they understand that they lost a really good, honest person, but it's too late. An explicit leader in the class is the iron button. Her behavior is determined by the desire to be special: volitional, principled. However, these qualities are inherent in her only outwardly, they need to keep leadership. At the same time, it is one of the few who kindly sympathizes Lena and highlights it among the others: "I did not expect this from the stuffed, finally silent the iron button. All embedded. Not each of us is capable of it. It is a pity that she turned out to be a traitor, and then I would make friends with her and you are all the cocks. You yourself do not know what you want. " And the reason for this sympathy, it is aware of only at the very end, at the time of farewell to the ingredes. It becomes obvious that Lenka is not like the rest. It has inner strength, courage, allowing to resist lies and preserve the spiritual principle.

9 A special place in the system of the story of the story occupies Dimka Somov. At first glance, this is a person who is not afraid of anything, does not depend on others and it differs from his peers. This manifests itself in his actions: in his attempts to protect Lena, in how he freed the dog from the roller, in the desire to be independent of his parents and earn money. But then it turns out that, like redhead, he depended on the class and was afraid to exist separately. Fearing the opinions of classmates, he was capable of a repeated betrayal: he betrays the ingredes when he does not admit his misconduct when, together with everyone he burns the scarecrow, when he tries to scare her when, along with the rest, she throws her dress in a circle. Its external beauty does not correspond to internal content, and in the episode of farewell to the ingredes, he causes only pity. Thus, none of the class did not stand the moral test: they did not have enough for this moral basis, internal strength and courage. Unlike all the characters, Lena turns out to be a strong personality: nothing can push it into betrayal. Several times she forgives Somov this testifies to her kindness. She finds the strength to survive all the insults and treason, do not get out. It is not by chance that the action unfolds against the background of portraits of the ancestors of Lena, especially the bold general of Raevsky. Apparently, they are designed to emphasize the courage, characteristic of her kind. Courage and cowardice in extreme situations, in war. The most striking true qualities of the human personality are manifested in extreme situations, in particular, in war. Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" not only and not so much about war, how many human characters and qualities that manifest themselves in difficult conditions for choosing and the need to make a deed. Important for the writer are reflections on true courage, courage, heroism and cowardice as personalities. Brighter than these qualities are manifested in military episodes. Drawing heroes, Tolstoy uses the reception of opposition. What kind of different we see Prince Andrei and Gherkov in battle near Shangraben! Bagration sends Gherkova with an order to retreat on the left flank, that is, where the most dangerous is now. But the horses are desperately a coward and therefore jumps not to where shooting, but looking for chiefs "in a safer place where they could not be." Thus, a vital order by this adjutant

10 Not transferred. But he transmits another officer Prince Bolkonsky. He is also scary, the nuclei fly right above him, but he prohibits himself to be crazy. Before the battery, Trozil's barbell takes, and on the officer dinner, boldly and loosely laughed at an amazing hero, but a ridiculous and timid man captain carcass. Not knowing how the battery was masculously acted, Bagration Raw Captain for left an instrument. None of the officers did not find courage to say that the battery Tushina was without cover. And only Prince Andrei was indignant by these riots in the Russian army and inevitution to appreciate the true heroes and not only justified the captain, but his soldiers called him and the true heroes of the day, which is obliged to the troops. Timokhin, inconspicuous and no outstanding in ordinary circumstances, also demonstrates true courage: "Timokhin with a desperate cry rushed on the French with one sapeter, came to the enemy, so the French disassembled weapons and ran". One of the main characters of the novel, Andrei Bolkonsky, possessed such qualities as pride, courage, decency and honesty. At the beginning of the novel, he is dissatisfied with the void of society and therefore goes to military service, in the army. Going to war, he dreams of committing a feat and earn folk love. In war, he shows courage and courage, the soldiers characterize him as a strong, bold and demanding officer. In first place he poses honor, debt and justice. During the Austerlitsky battle, Andrei makes a feat: picks up the banner who fell out of the hands of the wounded soldier and fascinates the soldiers fleeing in a panic. Another hero, which passes through the test of its nature Nikolai Rostov. When plot logic leads him to the field of Shenagraben battle, the moment of truth occurs. Until this time, the hero is absolutely confident in his courage and is that it will not be disgraced in battle. But, having seen the true face of the war, coming to the measurement closely, Rostov is aware of the impossibility of murder and death. It can not be that they want to kill me, he thinks, running away from the French. He is confused. Instead of shooting, he throws his pistol in the opponent. His fear is not fear of the enemy. They own a sense of fear for their happy young life. Petya is the youngest in the family of growth, mother's favorite. He hits the war very young, and the main goal for him to make a feat, become a hero: "... Petya was in a constantly happy excited state

11 joys on the fact that he is big, and in a constantly enthusiastic hasty, not to miss some incident of the present heroism. " He has few combat experience, but a lot of youthful dust. Therefore, he boldly rushes into the smallest of combat and falls under the fire of the enemy. Despite the young age (16 years old), Petya desperately dare and sees his destination in the ministry of Fatherland. The Great Patriotic War gave a lot of material for thinking about courage and cowardice. True courage, the courage in war can show not only the soldiers, a warrior, but also a simple person, the circumstances of the circumstances involved in the terrible cycle of events. Such a story of a simple woman is described in the Roman V.A. Spun "Mother Human". In September 1941, Hitler's troops were far advanced into the depths of Soviet territory. Many areas of Ukraine and Belarus turned out to be occupied. It remained in the territory-busy territory and lost in the steppes of the farm, where a young woman Mary, her husband Ivan and their son Valkytka lived happily. Having captured the previously peaceful and abundant land, the fascists ruined everything, the farmers burned, hijacked people to Germany, and Ivan and Vasyatka hung. One Mary managed to escape. Lonely, she had to fight for his life and for the life of his future child. Further events of the novel reveal the greatness of Mary's soul, which became truly a man's mother. Hungry, exhausted, she does not think at all about himself, saving a girl to Sanya, mortally wounded by the fascists. Sanya replaced the deceased Vasyatka, became a part of the life of Mary, which fascist invaders pulled out. When the girl is dying, Maria is barely crazy, without seeing the point of its further existence. And yet she finds courage in order to live. Having experienced a burning hatred for the fascists, Maria, who met the wounded young German, hesitantly throws on him with the forks, wanting to take revenge on his son and for her husband. But the German, defenseless boy, shouted: "Mom! Mum!" And the heart of the Russian woman fluttered. The great humanism of a simple Russian soul is extremely simple and clearly shown by the author in this scene. Maria felt his duty in front of people hung up to Germany, so it began to collect a harvest with collective farm fields not only for ourselves, but also for those who may be back home. The sense of executable debt supported it in heavy and lonely days. Soon she had a large farm, because Mary's looted and burned outlook

12 It was all living. Maria became like the mother of all her land, mother, buried her husband, Vasyatku, Sanya, Werner Braht and a completely unfamiliar, killed on the forefront of glory. Maria was able to take the seven Leningrad orphans under his shelter, the will of the destroyed fate on her farm. So met this courageous woman Soviet troops with children. And when the first Soviet soldiers entered the burned farm, Mary seemed that she gave birth to the light not only of her son, but also all the disadvantaged children of the world of the world ... In the story of V. Bynikov "Sotnikov" the problem of genuine and imaginary courage and heroism is emphasized which is the essence of the plot line of the work. The main characters of the Tale - Sotnikov and Fisherman - in the same circumstances behaved differently. Fisherman, embodiment, agreed to enter the police, hoping at a convenient case to return to the partisan detachment. Sotnikov chooses heroic death, because he is a man with an exacerbated sense of responsibility, debt, the ability to not think about himself, about his own destiny, when the fate of the Motherland is being solved. The death of Sotnikov became its moral triumph: "And if anything else cared for him in life, it is the last of his duties towards people." The fisherman also discovered the shamedy fabulous, the cowardice and for his salvation agreed to become a policeman: "The opportunity to live is the main thing. Everything else". The huge moral power of Sotnikova is that he managed to accept the suffering for his people, to preserve faith, not to succumb to the thought of the fisherman. In the face of death, a person becomes such what it really is. Here it is checked by the depth of his beliefs, civil durability. This thought is traced in the story V. Rasputin "Live and Remember." Before the heroes of the story, the Nastya and Guskov is a problem of moral choice. A deserter husband, who and deserter became by chance: after the injury, he followed his vacation, but for some reason he was not given, immediately sent to the front. And, driving past the native home, honestly fought soldiers does not withstand. He runs home, perhaps the fear of death, becomes a deserter and a coward, condemning the death of everyone, for the sake of whom he left, who loved so much: Wife Nastya and the child they were waiting for ten years. And the swollen walls can not withstand the severity that fell on her. Not

13 withstands because its soul is too high, her moral thoughts, although she may not even know this word. And she makes his choice: goes along with his unworn child in the Water of Yenisei, because it is asking to live in the light. And not only a deserter addresses Rasputin's "Live and Remember". He addresses us, alive: live, remember that you always have a choice. In the story k.d. Vorobyeva "killed near Moscow" is told about the tragedy of the young Kremlin cadets sent to death during the offensive of the Germans near Moscow in the winter of 1941. In the story, the writer shows the "merciless, terrible truth of the first months of war." Heroes Tale K. Vorobyeva The Writer talks about what is the birthplace for them, war, enemy, home, honor, death. All the horror of the war is shown by the eyes of cadets. Vorobyov draws the path of the Kremlin cadet of Lieutenant Alexei Yastreb to victory over himself, over the fear of death, the way of gaining courage. Alexey wins, because in a tragically cruel world, where the owner of everything is now war, retained the dignity and humanity, good nature and love of their homeland. The death of the company, the suicide of the Ryumin, death under the caterpillars of German tanks, who survived after the cadet, all completed the revaluation of values \u200b\u200bin the consciousness of the main hero. In the story V. Kondratieva "Sasha" discloses the whole truth about the war, the missing then and blood. Fights under Rzhev were scary, exhausting, with tremendous human losses. And the war appears not in the pictures of heroic battles it is just difficult, hard, dirty work. A man in war is in extreme, inhuman conditions. Will he be able to stay by a person next to death, blood mixed with mud, cruelty and pain for the validation land and died friends? Sasha ordinary infantryman, he has been fighting for two months and saw a lot of scary. Two months from one hundred and fifty people left sixteen. V. Kondratyev shows several episodes from Sasha's life. Here it is mining felt boots for the road, risking life, goes back under the fire, to say goodbye to the guys and give off his machine, here he leads to the wounded, without relying on the fact that they will deal with themselves, here it takes captive Germans and refuses His shoot ... The desperate courage exhibits Sasha takes the Germans with bare hands: he has no cartridges, he gave his disc to the Rotty. But the war did not kill in him kindness and humanity.

14 did not want war and ordinary girls of the heroine book B. Vasilyeva "And dawns here are quiet." Rita, Zhenya, Lisa, Galya, Sonya entered unequal struggle with the fascists. Simple yesterday's schoolgirls made a courageous warriors, because he always flared up a spark of heroism in an important epoch of life in an ordinary person ... ". Rita Osyanina, volitional and tender, she is the most courageous and fearless, because she is a mother! She protects the future of his son, and because it is ready to die so that he can live. Zhenya Comlkova Cheerful, Muchy, beautiful, mischievous to adventurism, desperate and tired of war, from pain and love, long and painful, to a distant and married man. She, without thinking, guessess the Germans from Vaskov and the wounded Rita. Saving them, the dies itself. "And it could be aimed, says waskov later, but did not want." I did not want, because I realized that she saves others that Rita was needed to her son she should live. Willingness to die to save the other is not this real courage? Sonya Gurvich The embodiment of student student and poetic nature, "Beautiful Stranger", who came out of the Tomika poems by A. Blok, rushes to save the vasus of Vaskov and dies from the hand of the Fascist. Lisa Brichkin ... "Ah, Lisa-Lizaveta, did not have time, could not overcome the bog of war." But without unnecessary thought, she ran back, towards his mind. It was scary? Yes of course. One among the swamps is necessary and went, not a minute not doubting. Does not the courage of the war generated? The main character of the work of B. Vasilyeva "The lists did not mean" Lieutenant Nicholas Plugs, recently graduated from a military school. This is an enthusiastic young man, full of hopes and thinking that "... Every commander must first serve in the troops." Talking about the short life of Lieutenant, B. Vasilyev shows how the young man becomes a hero. Having received an appointment to a special western district, Kolya was happy. As in the wings, he flew to the city of Brest-Litovsk, in a hurry to determine the part. His wiring around the city was the Girl of Mirra, who helped him get to the fortress. Before going to the duty officer on the shelf, Kolya went to the warehouse to clean the shape. And at that time the first explosion rang out ... so the war began for Plugnikov. Hardly time to jump out the outside of the second explosion, taking the entrance to the warehouse, the lieutenant began his first fight. He sought to make a feat, thinking with pride: "I went to a real attack and, it seems that someone killed. there is

15 What to tell ... ". And on the next day, he was frightened by German car gunners and, saving his life, threw the fighters already trusted to him. From this point on, the consciousness of Lieutenant is beginning to change. He blames himself for cowardice and puts himself a goal: in order not to give enemies to capture the Brest Fortress. Plugs realizes that true heroism and feat requires man of courage, responsibility, readiness to "put his soul for his other." And we see how awareness of debt becomes the driving force of his actions: it is impossible to think about yourself, because in danger of the homeland. Having passed through all the cruel tests of the war, Nikolai became an experienced fighter, ready to give everything in the name of the victory and firmly believe that "a person cannot be defeated, even killing." Feeling blood connection with the Fatherland, he remained faithful to military duty, having encouraging the enemies to the end. After all, the lieutenant could leave the fortress, and it would not be a desertion from him, because he did not mean in the lists. Plugs understood that his sacred duty to protect his homeland. Leaving one in the destroyed fortress, the lieutenant met the elder of the seven, who from the very beginning the siege of Brest wore the banner of the shelf on his chest. Dying from hunger and thirst, with an interrupted spine, Starin kept this shrine, firmly believing in the liberation of our Motherland. Plugs received a banner from him, having received an order to survive by anything and return the scarlet staging Brest. Much had to go through Nikolai for these harsh days of testing. But no misfortunes could break in him and repay his fiery love for patronycia, because "in the important epochs of life, the spark of heroism begins in an important epoch of life." The Germans drove him into the caasemont, from which there was no second exit. Plugs hid the banner and went out into the world, said to be sent to him: "The fortress did not fall: she just bleed. I am the last drop ... "How deeply disclosed in your human essence Nikolai Plugs in the final scene of the novel, when he is accompanied by Ruvim Svitsky comes out of the caasemate. It is written if you seek an analogy to musical creativity, according to the principle of the final chord. All those in the fortress were surprised to look at Nicholas, this "uncompressed son of unoccupied homeland." Before them stood "incredibly thin, no longer had the age of a person." Lieutenant was "without cap, long

16 Gray Hair touched the shoulders ... He stood, strictly straightened, threatening his head high, and, without stopping, looked at the sun with blind eyes. And from these non-moving terrible eyes, tears flowed uncontrollab. " Having affecting the heroism of Pluzhnikov, German soldiers and the general gave him the highest military honors. "But he did not see these honors, and if he had seen, he would still be anyway. He was above all imaginable honors, above glory, above life, above death. " Lieutenant Nikolai Pluggers was not born a hero. The author tells in detail about his pre-war life. He is the son of the Khmishnikov Komissar killed from the hands of Basmachi. Still in the school Kolya considered a sample of the general who participated in the Spanish events. And in the context of war, a nonstunted lieutenant was forced to make independent decisions; When I received an order to retreat did not leave the fortress. This construction of the novel helps to understand the spiritual world not only Pluzhnikov, but also all courageous defenders of the Fatherland.

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It has long over the war. But the memory of our great-grandfather is stored in the hearts of people. My grandfather will be 50 years old, and he was not in war. But he told me about my great-grandfathers. Kachanov Nikolai Abramovich fought

In the work of the "Fate of Man" M.Sholokhova Andrei Sokolov repeatedly manifests itself a bold man, brave person. For example, in an episode with a German commandant. His determination and fearless soldiers struck even his opponents: he was going to death with a highly raised head, boldly looked into the enemy's eyes, knowing that his life had his life in his hands. Andrei Sokolov saves himself: German warlords could not shoot such a brave man, because even they respect fearlessness. That determination that reigned in the soul of a soldier at a critical moment was the highest level of the courage of Andrei Sokolov.

In the work of A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" with its courage, Peter Grinev is striking us. With the battle for the Belogorsk fortress, he manifests himself a brave and fearless soldier. A young man directly expresses his position Pugachev, under the fear of death Peter remains faithful.

Grinemen personifies the whole brague that exists in the soul of every soldier, ready to beat his homeland. Pugachev lets the main character and his beloved Masha, because even being the enemy of Peter, a man respects a young officer for his courage and dedication.

Roman-epic L.N.Tost "War and Peace" is full of bold and brave characters. So Prince Andrei Bolkonsky shows heroism and determination in war. Recall the episode when, with the battle of Pratka, dozens of warriors, seeing their enemies close to their enemies, turned to flight. But the prince was not one of these panties. It was he who grabbing a banner in his hands, joined the attack of soldiers. The courage, the dedication of Andrei Bolkonsky, allowed to fulfill his dream to him: show himself in the battle of a worthy warrior, to behave in the offensive of people.

Cook and fearlessness are moral categories associated with the spiritual side of the individual. They are an indicator of human dignity, demonstrate weakness, or on the contrary, the nature of the character, which is manifested in difficult life situations. Our history is rich in such peripetias, so the arguments in the direction of "courage and cowardice" for the final essay in abundance are presented in the domestic classics. Examples from Russian literature will help the reader to figure out how and where courage shows itself and get out of the outside.

  1. In the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" One of these situations becomes a war that puts the heroes before choosing: to give up fear and save your own life, or, despusting the danger, to preserve the power of the Spirit. Andrei Bolkonsky in battle shows the depth courage, first throws into battle to pick up the soldiers. He knows what can die in battle, but the fear of death does not scare him. Desperately fights in war and Fedor Solohov. The feeling of fear is alien to him. He knows that the brave soldier can affect the outcome of the battle, so bravely throws into battle, despised
    cowardice. But the young cornet of the horses is inferior to fear and refuses to convey the order for the retreat. A letter that was never delivered to them, it becomes the cause of the death of many soldiers. The price for the manifestation of facilitates is prohibitively high.
  2. The courage wins the time and perpetuates the names. The cowardice lies with a shameful spot on the pages of history and literature.
    In Roman A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" by an example of courage and courage is the image of Peter Greeneva. He is ready for the price of life to defend Belogorsk Fortress under Natius Pugachev, and the fear of death is alien to the hero at the time of danger. The aggravated sense of justice and debt does not allow him to escape or abandon the oath. Schwabrin is awkward and small in their motivations in the novel by Antipode Grneev. He goes to the side of Pugacheva, committing betrayal. They drive fear for their own life, the fate of other people mean nothing for Swabrin, ready to escape, substituting the other. In the history of Russian literature, his image entered as one of the archetypes of cowardice.
  3. The war is revealed by the hidden human fears, the most ancient of which is the fear of death. In the story of V. Bykov "Crane Creek" before the heroes, it would seem that it would be no understanding the task: to delay the German troops. Each of them understands that it is possible to fulfill the debt only at the cost of one's own life. Everyone must decide for himself that it is more important for him: avoid death or to fulfill the order. Wheat believes that life is more expensive than a ghost victory, so it is ready to give up in advance. He decides that to surrender to the Germans much more intelligent than in vain to risk life. Solidarity with him and oats. He regrets that he did not have time to escape before the arrival of the German troops, and most of the battle sits in the tag. In another attack, he makes a cowardly attempt to flee, but Goehik shoots him, not allowing to hide. Glechik himself is no longer afraid to die. It seems to him that only now, at the time of complete despair, he felt responsible for the outcome of the battle. The fear of death for him is small and insignificant, compared with the idea that height he can betray the memory of the dead comrades. This is a genuine heroism and fearless hero, immigrained to death.
  4. Vasily Torkin is another hero-archetype, which entered the history of literature as an image of a bold, merry and brave soldier, going into battle with a smile on the lips. But it is not so much in a cup of fun and a taking jokes attracts the reader how many genuine heroism, courage and resistance. The image of Turkin was created by Tvardov as comic, however, the author represents war in the poem without embellishment. Against the background of the military realities, the simple and such plenty image of the fighter of Törkin becomes the popular embodiment of the ideal of a real soldier. Of course, the hero is afraid of death, dreams of a family comfort, but he knows that the defense of the Fatherland is his main debt. Debt to the Motherland, before the dead comrades and before himself.
  5. In the story "Brutal" V.M. Garshin brings the characteristic of the character in the title, thereby seeing in advance by assessing it, hinting for the further course of the narration. "The war decisively gives me peace," the hero writes in his notes. He is afraid that he will be taken to the soldiers and does not want to go to war. It seems to him that millions of ruined human lives cannot justify the Great Goal. However, in reflections over their own fear, he comes to the conclusion that it can hardly blame himself in cowardice. He rushes the idea that it is possible to take advantage of influential acquaintances and evade the war. The inner feeling of truth does not allow him to resort to such a fine and unworthy tool. "I will not run away from the bullet," says the hero before his death, thereby taking it, realizing his relationship to what is happening. His heroism - in a voluntary refusal of cowardice, in the impossibility of acting otherwise.
  6. "And the dawns here are quiet ..." B. Vasilyeva - the book is by no means about cowardice. On the contrary, about incredible, superhuman courage. And her heroes prove that the war may have a female face, and courage is not only a male lot. Five young girls lead an unequal battle with a German squad, the fight, from which they hardly come out alive. Each of them understands this, but none stops before dying and with humility goes to meet her to fulfill his duty. All of them are Lisa Brichkin, Rita Osyanina, Zhenka Komelkova, Sonya Gurvich and Galya Fauche - die from the hands of the Germans. However, there is no shadow of doubt in their silent feat. They know exactly that there can be no other choice. Their faith is unshakable, and resistance and courage are examples of genuine heroism, direct proof that there is no limit to human capabilities.
  7. "Creator I am trembling or I have?" - Wrongs Rodion Raskolnikov, confident that he is rather the second than the first. However, on the incomprehensible life irony, everything turns out to be exactly the opposite. The soul of Raskolnikov turns out to be a soul, despite the fact that he found the strength to commit murder. In an attempt to rise above the mass, he loses himself and crosses the moral trait. Dostoevsky in the novel emphasizes that it is very simple to get up on the false path of self-deception, but to overcome the fear and incur a punishment that the splitters are so afraid, it is necessary for the spiritual cleansing of the hero. For the help of Rodion, who lives in constant fear for the deed, comes Sonya Marmaladov. Despite all its external fragility, the heroine has a persistent character. She instills confidence and courage to the hero, helps him to overcome cowardice, and even ready to share the punishment of Raskolnikov to save his soul. Both heroes are struggling with fate and circumstances, their strength and courage appears in this.
  8. "The Fate of Man" M. Sholokhov is another book about courage and courage, the hero of which is becoming an ordinary soldier Andrei Sokolov, whose fate is dedicated to the page of the book. The war forced him to leave the house and go to the front to pass the test of fear and death. In battle Andrei honest and brave, like many soldiers. He is faithful to debt, for which she is willing to pay even his own life. Stunned by a combat shell, Sokolov sees approaching Germans, but does not want to run, deciding that the last minutes need to be carried out worthy. He refuses to obey the invaders, his courage is impressive even the German commandant who sees a worthy enemy and a valiant soldier in it. The fate is ruthless to the hero: he loses the most expensive - loving wife and children. But, despite the tragedy, Sokolov remains a person, lives according to the laws of conscience, according to the laws of a brave human heart.
  9. Roman V. Aksyunova "Moskovskaya Saga" is devoted to the history of the History of the History, who spent his whole life on the ministry of the Fatherland. This is a novel trilogy, which is a description of the life of a whole dynasty, closely related related bonds. Heroes are ready to sacrifice many for the sake of happiness and well-being. In desperate attempts to save loved ones, they exhibit short-lasting courage, call conscience and debt for them - determining, leading all their decisions and deeds. Each of the heroes in his own way brave. Heroically protects the Motherland of Nikita Gradov. He gets the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The hero is uncompromising in his decisions, under his leadership, several military operations are successfully held. It goes to war and the adoptive son of the Goldov - Mitya. Creating heroes, immersing them into the atmosphere of constant anxiety, Aksenov shows that the courage - the lot is not only a separate personality, but also a whole generation brought up by respect for family values \u200b\u200band moral debt.
  10. Feats - the topic, eternal in the literature. Cowardice and courage, their confrontation, numerous victories of one over the other, and now become the subject of disputes and searches for modern writers.
    One of these authors was the famous British writer Joan K. Rowling and her hero famous for the whole world - Harry Potter. Her series of novels about the boys-wizard conquered the hearts of young readers fantasticity of the plot and, of course, the courage of the heart of the central character. Each of the books is the history of the struggle of good and evil, in which the first always wins, thanks to the courage of Harry and his friends. In the face of danger, each of them retains durability and faith in the final celebration of goodness, who, in a happy tradition, the winners are rewarded for courage and courage.
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