Heroes of Paper Marshak. Applique for the work with

Heroes of Paper Marshak. Applique for the work with
Heroes of Paper Marshak. Applique for the work with

A little about Sergey Mikhalkov's fairy tales. Developing classes and crafts for fairy tales S. Mikhalkov.

About the fairy tales of Sergey Mikhalkov

Many people have grown on the works of Sergey Mikhalkov in our country.

"Who does not know the uncle steppa? Uncle Stepa all sign" Just like everyone else familiar with the "Song of Friends", "My Puppy", "And what do you have", etc.

Sergei Vladimirovich wrote poems, fables, plays and other dramaturgical works, scenarios for films and cartoons, translated children's poems Julian Tuvim (from Polish) and Asen Bosev (from Bulgarian), as well as poems from the republics of the former USSR. Posted by the texts of the three anthem of the USSR and Russia: 1943, 1977 and 2001. And they were all approved on a competitive basis.

Mikhalkov received the greatest fame thanks to works for children. They are included in the programs of preschool and school education, in reading books, translated into many languages.

The most famous fairy tale S. Mikhalkov - "Three Piglets" - about the nif-nif brothers, NAF-NAF, NUF-NUFA and Wolf. This fairy tale is written on the basis of English folklore.

However, in the original version of the English folk fairy tale, the Wolf ate two lazy frivolous piglets, and tried to lure the third pig from the house, but he did not succumb to the trick of the wolf, and he reached him himself. He opened the boiler cap with a boiling water, when the wolf tried to crawl over the pipe, and then welded and ate it.

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  • Creative project "Magic world of fairy tales"

Crafts on the topic "Tales": Mastery with children from natural materials of the panel and composition.

Crafts on the topic "Tales"

Today we continue with you our autumn workshop of children's crafts. We have already done with you crafts for children's fairy tales - detailed master classes in step-by-step photos with step-by-step descriptions you will find in the articles:

And today in this article - more ideas for crafts on the topic of "fairy tales" with children of preschool age. They sent them to the "native path" Petushkova Lyubov Anatolyevna, a teacher of the Central Group No. 11 of "Star." Star "from the city of Yugorsk Tyumen region (MBOU SOSH No. 5). In the "Star group" held a family contest of crafts from natural materials on the topic "Fairy Tales". Here are some crafts on the topic of fairy tales created parents along with children.

We will be glad if these ideas and photographs of the works of children and parents will help you make your interesting crafts on the plots of different fairy tales with children.

Crafts on the topic of fairy tales about Baba - Yaga

Baba Yaga

Baba - Yaga with broom

Crafts on the topic of the tales about the kolobka

Crafts on the topic of the fairy tale "Three Piglets"

Crafts on the topic of fairy tales: Masha and Bear

This workman is made in the technique of appliqués from natural material.

Crafts on the topic "Tales of Golden Fish"

Crafts - Goldfish - also performed in the applique technique. Make it very simple. On the cardboard sheet, draw a sketch of the future craft. Introducing PVA glue one of the details of the sketch and fill out the contour with natural material. Next, fill out other details until it turns out the picture.

You can upload all the image only from natural materials, and it is possible - only a part by adding a story-drawn marker or paints with details or appliques from colored paper.

Crafts: Fabulous Hut on Courish Legs

Crafts for a fairy tale: miracle

You can learn from the detailed step-by-step master classes from the detailed step-by-step workshops in the Children.

Rimma Brynza
Application on the work of S. Marshak "Who will find a ring?"

Applique for the work with. Marshaca"Who colepko will find

The purpose is.

Continue to teach children to cut out of a rectangle Ocarrow Farms, make out of individual details of animals figurines, make figures for the game-dramatization. Develop the fantasy of children in coming up to the additional content of the game. Continue to develop in preschoolers an interest in the illustrations of the artist V. Lebedev. Pay attention to the features of the design of the book cover, on the picture of the drawing to "Elephant" Kipling, to the ability of the artist to pass the ultrasound of the beast.

Material. Multimedia equipment to demonstrate a presentation on the topic. Colored paper (rectangles and additional details - in envelopes, on whether the figurines have a sign of alternate, scissors, glue, rags on the rods.

Preliminary boot. Conducting game-dramatization on the fairy tale S. Marshaca"Who colepko will find. Using the cap with the image of animals, desktop taper (Pandeller, Box, Flat, Flanhelegraf). The game is carried out repeatedly until children remember the text by heart and will not be fantasized, inventing events with the presence of other heroes. Holding the game by appliques"Figure".

Travel course.

Pupil offers children to play a fairy tale game "Who colepko will find. It draws attention to the fact that today there will be no doll theater and children should make the heroes of the fairy tale themselves, with the help of books. Asks children: "Who drew a fairy tale illustration "Who" colepko will find How did you find out that? "

The teacher then draws the attention of children to the fact that V. Lebedev, illustrating books, already on the cover of the reader with the heroes work. At the same time, they do not just sit or stand, they act.

The teacher explains that children can choose on the table any envelope with a colored bouma. In 3rd envelope "HIDE" The riddle for which you need to give answer: "How did the hero hide here?" Need to perform a picture appliqueSo that the hero lives, acted, was something. Next suggests iteming 1-2 illustrations for the book of Kipling "Baby elephant", draws the attention of children to the simplicity of the Fourm used by the artist as an image of animals, on the creation of them with an oval, circle.

Then the Writelf offers children to cut oval and rounded shapes and create familiar figures from them, complementing their details that are in the envelope. Reminds the rule that when cutting rounded shapes from rectangular cut corns should disappear. Then the figures of animals are glued onto a sheet of paper.

The game is carried out as follows. The tutor selects 3-5 characters. Children come out with their "Heroes". The educator begins game: Rolled, rolled Olyody colek, Rolled, rolled from our porch. Who will come from the porch? Who colepko will find? Children respond in turn by the voice of the character's character, using the words of the text and explaining what his hero is busy so urgently that Ole cannot help. Educator he speaks: Do not look for rings, bear (Fox, etc., do not try so roar. Our Olenka is Mala, yes, herself went to see. At the end of the game-dramatization, the teacher must praise those who could mostly appliques Picture your hero and expressively read the text. Clarify which artist suggested with his illustrations "Elephant"It is possible to make animals from simple details.

Publications on the topic:

"Who will find a ring?". Abstract Node for FMP (orientation in space) in the middle group Who will find a ring? Abstract of directly educational activities in the middle group. OO "Cognition": FMP - orientation in space.

Conversation on the work of V. A. Osseva "just an old woman" in the senior group Objective: to introduce children with creativity V. A. Osseva. Tasks: - Improve the ability of children to behave in different life situations,.

The abstract of integrated classes in familiarization with nature on the work of K. D. Ushinsky "Bishka" Purpose: - to introduce children with the author's fairy tale - to learn children to answer questions about the fairy tale - to encourage the name and surname of the author's fairy tales.

An abstract classes in familiarization with fiction. Retelling Tales S. Marshak "Who will find a ring?" Software content: - To introduce children with children's author Samuel Marshak and his work "Who will find a ring?"; - Learn carefully.

Scenario of a musical fairy tale on the work of L. Moore "Baby Raccoon and one who sits in a pond" "Crazy Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond" The scenario of the musical fairy tale on the work of L. Moore to the music on the scene is the mother of Eotich and Baby.

Reading lesson in grade 3 on the work of K. D. Ushinsky "Our Fatherland" Reading lesson "Our Fatherland" Purpose: Development of reading technology, expressiveness, meaningful reading text. Tasks: 1. Develop reading,.

Evening of literary quiz on the work of V. G. SUEEEVA Literary quiz with children and parents in the preparatory group Objective: 1. To form interest in the artistic literature, develop.

"Crafts from natural material" - the nose is round and so! Crafts from natural material. On the sheet of green sat down, quietly the song was sang. Our piglet is an eccentric, lost in the River Pyint. Dad hedgehog said in the morning: it's time to kindergarten! It was waving his wings, hurried to meet us. Flowers of unprecedented beauty. In the summer fabulous garden, swan swims in the pond.

"Crafts for fairy tales" - we stick hands. The leader of the flock of wolves, sheltered Mowgli. Tasks for groups. The strongest girl in the world. Cut the craft patterns. Forms of project implementation. Lesson-project on the topic: "Theater on the table". Akela. The dog, who lived in the village of Uncle Fyodor. What should happen. Carlo. Ball. Put patterns with colored paper or cloth.

"Marshak Samuel Yakovlevich" - S.Ya. Marshak with his father and brothers. Most of Samuel Yakovlevich's life is associated with Moscow. About the life and work of S. Ya. Marshak for elementary school students. House on Chkalovskaya. Critic - criticism; (Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of Russian language.). Sofia Mikhailovna Marshak wife. Svienne Mikhail Mikhailovich.

"Marshak all year round" - Senokos goes in July, somewhere grumbling sometimes. June!" - Poultry chirped in the garden ... snake rushing light gown. Gold flap glue. March. Loose snow darkens in March. Many people joy after all works. All year round In the sky smoke goes post. Firewood for the winter is harvested. S.Ya. Marshak.

"Cotton crafts" - cotton in medicine. Sorting "Cotton pressed fiber bags". Riddle. White gold. Production of "cotton fiber". Cotton. Cotton clothes. Stems cotton-feed for animals. Products from nitrocellulose. Motherland cotton. Cutton harvest. Cotton burning. "White gold". Cotton seed oil.

"Crafts from eggs" - bee. Finished wreath Hang on the door. Easter chicken. Give adhesion to dry. Plant the chicken in the cup - and the handicraft is ready! Draw your eyes and wings. Draw your eyes, glue paper beaks and real feathers (from mother's pillow). At the other end of the egg, the "tail" of paper is formed.

In the competition of drawings and crafts for the work of Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak, 63 students of 1-4 grades took part. 18 letters are written to the letter contest. They are addressed to both the poet and the heroes of his works: Lenochka from the poem "Fire", a cat from "Koshkin House", a small stupid little mouse from the same fairy tale, a man scattered from the poem "Scattered man", Blinov Nicholas from Four End, Skvorttsov Grishke from the "book book", a bear from the poem "lesson of courtesy", Padherce from the play-tales "Twelve months". In the reading room of the school library, the exhibition of drawings and crafts "Tell the poems S.Ya. Marshak hands "

Shadrin Daniel 3b S.Ya. Marshak "This is what scattered" work of students of 3 classes Barova Ayuna 3g Letter to a person scattered ... I want to tell you that there is no word "cargo-wax" and "stations" can not stop near the "tram" .... ... Thank you, you introduced us to stations: Baloie, Popovka, Dibun, Yamskaya and the city of Leningrad. ... I wanted to ask you about your name named, patronymic and surnames? How old are you? Where do you live? ... my wishes you: do not be scattered! Be careful! LOOK FOR SIGNS! Do not sit in an unfair car, because he will not go! Sincerely, Bairova Aryun 3g class

Letters addressed to the heroes of the works of S.Ya. Marshak ... I really love reading books and once I met the poem "book about books" S. Ya. Marshak. I read the work, was distressed with such a cruel appeal with books ... ... I understand. That this story is invented. Books can not escape from the owner. What really sometimes would like ... ... I liked it. What your son is a smart pioneer and appreciates books. I want him to never repeat your mistakes. Viktorova Ekaterina 4D class ... From the poem, I learned that you live with my mother, and my big and friendly family consists of 5 people. The most eldest grandmother is sinking. She is 77 years old, we all love her very much and listen to her wise advice ... ... Lena, you are younger than me. Therefore, I decided to give you a few friendships ... You did not obey my mother and there was a big trouble - a fire. Try now to obey your mother and do not play with the fire! Badloyev Lisa 4D Class

Ten Andrey 4D class S.Ya. Marshak "Fire" ... I heard your sad story about how you turned with your books ... After all, so many people worked so that these books reached the reader ... ... you, Grishka, did so stupid, but I am glad that all your books cured And they found their place in the clean and cozy library, among other books from good people, the profession of which the most peaceful. This profession is a librarian ... I wish you success, all the best and kind. With respect for you, a student of 4d class of gymnasium 14. Ulan-Ude of Don Nikita

Budajaps Marat 4D Letter Blinov Nikolai from the poem "four end" Khanharayev Ardan 4D Letter from the poem "Lesson of Politeness" Dear Bear! ... So my advice: without inner culture, respect for people, manners will not save from rudeness and ignorance .... Hanharaev Ardan 4D Write me, please answer. Hello, mouse! I feel sorry for your mother, who out of his strength, while I was looking for a nanny. You need to sore mom. No one best moms tell you a fairy tale. It is impossible to be such a capricious and naughty. Your whims can lead to trouble. You are still small and stupid, do not know much and do not understand. Know that the cat is smart and tricky. It is very dangerous for small mice. No longer capricious and listen to mom! Your friend, Nadya Banzaraktsheev - 3B

After reading the poem, I came to the conclusion that my parents need to obey always, to do the way they say. They always warn us about the dangers that can happen. Lena, it is impossible to indulge with fire, you can't your mother before my departure: "The stove, hearth, not tribal. Zhelm, Lenochka, Fire! " And you did not obey her! .. And yet, without having obeying my mother, you have subjected your life and the life of your cat! And if it were not for a bold fireman Kuzma, who carried you on his hands from a burning house, everything could be worse! .. Come on, Lena, we will obey adults, do not touch matches, do not open the doors of the stove, where the fire burns, then there will be no fires ! Vampilov Zhenya 4D class Hello, dear Aunt Cat! You did not correctly. When you lived richly, I met rich friends, you were not let the threshold of our nephews - orphans. They asked for you for the night, at least for the floor to lie down and hide the chore. And when your home burned down, you asked to sleep to your friends, but no one would let you down. Shelted you only kittens who know the cold and hunger. Now you understand that you have to keep your loved ones. They will help in trouble, unlike rich friends. Bye. Sincerely, Anton Korchagin 3d.