Oblomov, Roman I. Goncharov "Oblomov" (reflections over read)

Oblomov, Roman I. Goncharov "Oblomov" (reflections over read)

Roman "Oblomov" is part of a peculiar trilogy I.A. Goncharov, dedicated to the reflection of the writer about the fate of the modern Russia and Russian man. In the "Oblomov" the author shows a turning point in the life of the country, when Europeanized, capitalist Russia comes to replace Patriarchal Russia.

How will this affect Russian mentality, will acquire or lose from this country, what will happen to Russian culture and Russian man? Goncharov tries to comprehend these questions, reflecting all parties to his modern life.

There are many tragic moments in the novel. And, first of all, the conflict is traged here - between Patriarchal Rus and capitalist Russia.

Rus in the face of Oblomov is kindness, hospitality, soulfulness, but also inertness, laziness, fear of change. "New" Russia, represented by gallery and partly by Olga Ilinskaya, is a business grip, energy, rationality, but also spiritual coldness, cynicism, even heartlessness.

We see that in the youth of Ilya Ilyich, I tried to "find myself" - while studying at the university, the hero thoughtfully reflecting, for which he was intended to be prepared as he was prepared. Sciences did not inspire Oblomov, he did not see practical benefits in them. Studing the works of philosophers and naturalists, the hero was tormented by thought all the time: "When to live?"

As a result, "Changing Service and Society, he began to solve the task of existence otherwise, was thought of in his appointment and finally discovered that the horizon of his activity and living - to be lifted in it. He realized that he got into the lot of family happiness and care for estates. "

But here Oblomov waited for failure, since the inert mind, laziness and fear of action, before his life, did not allow him to fulfill his intentions. We see Ilya Ilyich for all day after the sofa, trying to start a reform plan in the estate or at least solve the urgent cases associated with it, but ... can not. No strength is able to make Ilya Ilyich begin to act!

Where in this hero so much contradictions, so exitted apathy and laziness? The answer lies in "Oblomov's dream", which tells about the childhood Ilya Ilyich and reveals the origins of his character.

The ideal of Oblomova is a patriarchal lifestyle: a quiet, measured, cozy, lazy. In such a model of the world, a person does not need to take care of his existence, worry about something - all here is granted to him by the sovereign, serfdom and the Lord God. Oblomovtsy were pleased with the small joys of their limited Mirka, their "Arkady", and did not want anything more. All the signs of another, "big and cold", life scared them.

Little Ilyusha absorbed and all positive what was in the crushing, but also all the flaws of that life. We understand the hero is absolutely not adapted to adult, independent, responsible life, life, tailor, unrest, changes. He is trying to burn out from all his cozy bathrobe. Fear defeats all other feelings and instincts. And in this, in my opinion, the tragedy of this character.

The life of the hero is sad and the life of the hero - he dies from the re-hit caused by an increment and laziness. And this death is all the more sad that Nature Oblomova taled many talents, peace of mind, generosity, love. But only a few close hero could feel this: gallery, Olga Ilinskaya, perhaps the son of Oblomov.

Tragic and the fate of the servant of Oblomov - Zakhar, who did not see himself without his owner. Accustomed to think in the framework of the "Barin - Forty", this person could not recover after the death of Oblomov. He turned into a beggar half-blind old man who lives alms, but until the end of his life cared for the grave of the owner.

Thus, Roman Goncharov "Oblomov" is a deep socio-psychological essay. In my opinion, the nature and fate of the main character of this work is tragic, tragic and the conflict of the novel is an insoluble contradiction between the old and new, original and coming. However, all this in "competened" in "Oblomov" with a large number of funny, which is "woven" into the characters of heroes and makes them unique, alive, meaningful.

In 1859, I.A.Goncharov was published a novel "Oblomov". However, he was conceived back in 1847, at the same time his central head "Sleep Oblomov" was published. She tells about that social environment that gave rise to the lazy and apathetic chief hero of the work and the famous one now the grunce. A. Sprinin wrote: "I.A.Gongcharov in his novel wanted to convey to the reader the thought about how despite the environment could be an environment ..." Sleep Oblomov "and should explain why Ilya Ilyich became the way it is shown at the beginning novel. " The breakdown is expressed not only to the main hero of the novel, but also in social strictly, the whole era of that Russia. The image of Oblomov is a reflection of a national Russian nature, its ambiguity and versatility. We see and inconsistency of Oblomov: the hero is generated by the Oblomovskaya era, the hero denies modern society and does not find himself places in it, which ranks him with a number of "unnecessary people" in the literature.

The ambiguity of Oblomov's image is observed already in the first chapter of the work. I.A.Goncharov used the reception of speaking names and surnames: the heroic name-patronymic name Ilya Ilyich was delivered next to the surname of Oblomov, as if taking place from the word "chip". And throughout the novel, we meet with the contradictions of the hero. Oblomov can not be unambiguously called neither positive nor negative hero, both those and other features are present in its character. Negative sides of Ilya Ilyich are immediately striking. Of course, this is its apathy, constant laziness and reluctance to move from place, weakness, empty dreaminess. In the rooms of the hero, it is not removed, on the table there is one - the only ducting book, from everything itifies nestiness and negligence. Oblobomov, a thirty-year-old man, can not even wash and dress on their own, and throughout the entire first chapter does not even get up from his sofa. All this repels the reader and causes him if not disgruntment, then mock. But it should be in the Goncharovsk hero at least something positive? He is soft character, has a good heart and truly knows how to love - these are the inherent part of the parties who paint any person. In the novel with Olga Ilinskaya, for example, the hero is truly revealed, and we see its best sides. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is actually a thinking person, he himself aware of his position and even wonders the question of "why am I?". The hero despises the fume of the surrounding society, aware of his emptiness and meaninglessness. He, without finding himself places in him, decides that the best way of existence is something, the same people considers unhappy. Is it wrong to obcomments? In my opinion, the thought of Oblomov about the void of the surrounding society is extremely true. He comes correctly, wanting to burn himself from the stupid secular bustle, which leads to the depletion of the soul and mind. However, I treat the lifestyle of Oblomov negatively. Ilya Ilyich has a huge potential, but grafted in the crushing laziness and the lack of interest in life interfere with him. The hero could write books, travel, engage in sciences - he has all the possibilities for this, but, unfortunately, there is no willpower. This is a vivid example of how the environment can ruin the development of the personality.

Oblons - a prefabricated image of a typical Russian man, a dreamy, contemplative personality, which always hopes for the best and true happiness sees in the monotony and tranquility. To determine Ilya Ilyich as a definitely positive or negative character can not. He attracts in his own way, but also causes an antipathy with his laziness and passivity, which indicates the multi-faceted character of the character, its inner depth and powerful unrealized potential. As the critics indicate, Ilya Ilyich Goncharov largely written off from himself, which makes the novel even more interesting for the reader.

Updated: 2018-03-31

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Roman Goncharov "Oblomov" is a sign of the 19th century literature, affecting both witness and many philosophical problems, remaining relevant and interesting to the modern reader. The ideological meaning of the novel "Oblomov" is based on the opposition of an active, new social and personal start with obsolete, passive and degrading. In the work, the author reveals these starts in several existential levels, so for a complete understanding of the meaning of the work requires a detailed consideration of each of them.

Public meaning of the novel

In the novel of "Oblomov" Goncharov, first introduced the concept of "Oblomovshchina" as the generalized name of obsolete patriarchal-obstrive obstacles, personal degradation, and the life of the whole public formation of the Russian branchism, who won't make new public trends and norms. This phenomenon was considering this phenomenon on the example of the main character of the Roman - Oblomov, whose childhood was held in a distant crushing, where everyone lived quietly, little, more than wondering and almost nothing worried about. The Hero's Native Village becomes the embodiment of the ideals of the Russian Old Asian Society - a peculiar hedonistic idyll, "canned paradise", where it is not necessary to learn, work or develop.

Depicting Oblomov as a "excess person", goncharov, unlike Griboedov and Pushkin, who have the characters of this type ahead of society, introduces the hero in the narration of the hero who is lagging behind the society that lives far away. Active, active, educated Wednesday oppresses Oblomov - he is alien to the ideals of the gallery with his work for the sake of labor, even the beloved Olga is ahead of Ilya Ilyich, going to everything from a practical side. Stolz, Olga, Tarantyev, Mukhoyarov, other familiar Oblomov - representatives of the new, "urban" type of personality. They are more practicing than theorists, they do not dream, but do, create a new one - someone honestly working, someone deceiving.

Goncharov condemns the "Oblomeness" with her grave to the past, laziness, apathy and a full spiritual death of the person, when a person in essence becomes a "plant" around the clock lying on the sofa. However, the images of modern, new people of Goncharov also depicts ambiguous - there is no peace of mind and inner poetry, which was at Oblomov (remember that gallets only resting this calm, and already married Olga sadness for something far and afraid to dream , justifying the husband).

At the end of the work of Goncharov does not make a certain conclusion, who is right - practiced gallery or a dreamer of bugs. However, the reader is clear what exactly because of the "Oblomovshchina", as the phenomena of a sharply negative and long ago, "disappeared" Ilya Ilyich. That is why the public sense of Roman Goncharova "Oblomov" is the need for continuous development and movement - both in the continuous construction and creation of the world and work on the development of self.

The meaning of the name of the work

The meaning of the name of the novel "Oblomov" is closely connected with the main theme of the work - it was named by the name of the main character of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, and also conjugately described in the novel by the social phenomenon "Oblomovshchyna". The etymology of the name is interpreted by researchers in different ways. So, the most common version is that the word "brooms" comes from the words "chip", "peeling", "breaking", denoting the state of the spiritual and social character of the landlord of the nobility, when it turned out in the borderline state between the desire to maintain the old traditions and the foundations and necessity To change the requirements of the era, from a creator person becomes a person-practitioner.

In addition, there is a version of the title of title with the Old Slavonic root of "Oblom" - "round", which corresponds to the description of the hero - its "round" appearance and its quiet, calm character "without sharp corners". However, regardless of the interpretation of the name of the work, it indicates the central storyline of the Roman - the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

The meaning of the crushing in the novel

From the plot of the novel "Oblomov", the reader from the very beginning will recognize many facts about the crushing, about what this is a great place, as it was easy and good hero and what is important to return there. However, throughout the entire narrative, the event never tolerates us into the village, which makes it in the truth of the mythical, fabulous place. Picturesque nature, gentle hills, a calm river, a hut on the edge of the ravine, which the visitor needs to be asked to become "to the forest with the back, and to him before" to enter the inside, - even in the newspapers about the crushing never mentioned. No passion was worried about the inhabitants of the crushing - they were completely torn off from the world, conducted their boredom and tranquility, arranged on permanent rites.

Childhood Oblomov took place in love, parents constantly indulged Ilya, hidden all his desires. However, Nianny stories, who read him about the mythical heroes and fabulous heroes, had a special impression on Oblomov, who was closely related to the native village with folklore in memory of the hero. For Ilya Ilyich, the crushing is a distant dream, the ideal, comparable, perhaps, with the beautiful ladies of medieval knights, who were angry, who sometimes had never seen. In addition, the village is also a way to escape from reality, a certain semisradant place, where the hero can forget about reality and be yourself - lazy, apathetic, completely calm and renounced from the world.

The meaning of the life of Oblomov in the novel

The whole life of Oblomov is connected only with that distant, quiet and harmonious broom, but the mythical estate exists only in the memoirs and dreams of the hero - the paintings from the past never come to him in the cheerful state, the native village appears in front of him as a distant vision, in its own way, unattainable , like any mythical city. Ilya Ilyich opposes the real perception of his native crushing - he still does not pay the future of the estate, long pulls out the answer to the letter to the letter, and in the dream it seems to not notice the dysfunction of the house - the smoked gate, which has sefed roof, the steasing porch, launched garden. Yes, and he actually doesn't want to go there - the bugs are afraid that he saw the dilapidated, ruined, not having anything to do with his dreams and memories of a crushing, he will lose the last illusions, for which all the forces are enough for the sake of which.

The only thing that Oblom has full happiness - these are dreams and illusions. He is afraid of real life, it is afraid of marriage, which dreamed of many times, is afraid to break himself and become different. Having looked into the old bathrobe and continuing to lie on the bed, he "preserves" himself in the state of "Oblomovshchina" - in general, a robe in the work is a part of that, the mythical world, returning the hero in the state of laziness from the extinction.

The meaning of the Hero's life in the novel of obcomments is reduced to gradual dying - both moral and mental and physical, for the sake of holding their own illusions. The hero does not want to say goodbye to the past that he is ready to sacrifice a full life, the opportunity to feel every moment and find out every feeling for the sake of mythical ideals and dreams.


In the novel of "Oblomov" Goncharov portrayed a tragic history of human extinction, for whom the illusory past became more important than the multifaceted and excellent real - friendship, love, social well-being. The meaning of the work indicates that it is important not to stop in place, the Tesha itself illusions, but always strive forward, expanding the boundaries of the "Comfort Zone".

Test on the work

Roman "Oblomov" is part of a peculiar trilogy I.A. Goncharov, dedicated to the reflection of the writer about the fate of the modern Russia and Russian man. In the "Oblomov" the author shows a turning point in the life of the country, when Europeanized, capitalist Russia comes to replace Patriarchal Russia.

How will this affect Russian mentality, will acquire or lose from this country, what will happen to Russian culture and Russian man? Goncharov tries to comprehend these questions, reflecting all parties to his modern life.

There are many tragic moments in the novel. And, first of all, the conflict is traged here - between Patriarchal Rus and capitalist Russia.

Rus in the face of Oblomov is kindness, hospitality, soulfulness, but also inertness, laziness, fear of change. "New" Russia, represented by gallery and partly by Olga Ilinskaya, is a business grip, energy, rationality, but also spiritual coldness, cynicism, even heartlessness.

We see that in the youth of Ilya Ilyich, I tried to "find myself" - while studying at the university, the hero thoughtfully reflecting, for which he was intended to be prepared as he was prepared. Sciences did not inspire Oblomov, he did not see practical benefits in them. Studing the works of philosophers and naturalists, the hero was tormented by thought all the time: "When to live?"

As a result, "Changing Service and Society, he began to solve the task of existence otherwise, was thought of in his appointment and finally discovered that the horizon of his activity and living - to be lifted in it. He realized that he got into the lot of family happiness and care for estates. "

But here Oblomov waited for failure, since the inert mind, laziness and fear of action, before his life, did not allow him to fulfill his intentions. We see Ilya Ilyich for all day after the sofa, trying to start a reform plan in the estate or at least solve the urgent cases associated with it, but ... can not. No strength is able to make Ilya Ilyich begin to act!

Where in this hero so much contradictions, so exitted apathy and laziness? The answer lies in "Oblomov's dream", which tells about the childhood Ilya Ilyich and reveals the origins of his character.

The ideal of Oblomova is a patriarchal lifestyle: a quiet, measured, cozy, lazy. In such a model of the world, a person does not need to take care of his existence, worry about something - all here is granted to him by the sovereign, serfdom and the Lord God. Oblomovtsy were pleased with the small joys of their limited Mirka, their "Arkady", and did not want anything more. All the signs of another, "big and cold", life scared them.

Little Ilyusha absorbed and all positive what was in the crushing, but also all the flaws of that life. We understand the hero is absolutely not adapted to adult, independent, responsible life, life, tailor, unrest, changes. He is trying to burn out from all his cozy bathrobe. Fear defeats all other feelings and instincts. And in this, in my opinion, the tragedy of this character.

The life of the hero is sad and the life of the hero - he dies from the re-hit caused by an increment and laziness. And this death is all the more sad that Nature Oblomova taled many talents, peace of mind, generosity, love. But only a few close hero could feel this: gallery, Olga Ilinskaya, perhaps the son of Oblomov.

Tragic and the fate of the servant of Oblomov - Zakhar, who did not see himself without his owner. Accustomed to think in the framework of the "Barin - Forty", this person could not recover after the death of Oblomov. He turned into a beggar half-blind old man who lives alms, but until the end of his life cared for the grave of the owner.

Thus, Roman Goncharov "Oblomov" is a deep socio-psychological essay. In my opinion, the nature and fate of the main character of this work is tragic, tragic and the conflict of the novel is an insoluble contradiction between the old and new, original and coming. However, all this in "competened" in "Oblomov" with a large number of funny, which is "woven" into the characters of heroes and makes them unique, alive, meaningful.

Roman Goncharova "Oblomov" makes the reader think about the meaning of life. Who is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov? Ordinary lazy or a person who does not see absolutely no meaning in life? The image of Oblomov deserves close attention to at least in order to draw up an exhaustive opinion about this person.
The life of Oblomov is empty and is meaningless. Is it possible to call his existence of life? Ilya Ilyich does not have absolutely no aspirations, each of his day looks like the previous one. He dwells in his plant existence without distracted by anything.
Oblomov opposes those who are trying to raise him with a cozy sofa. The outside world is represented by the Oblomeness of alien and hostile. Bakes are neither ill nor disappointed in life. It's just convenient for him to live as he lives, - in complete inaction. It lies all day in its gown from Persian matter. Moreover, "Lena in Ilya Ilyich was not needed, like a patient or like a person who wants to sleep, nor the accident, like that who was tired, nor enjoying, like a lazy person: it was his normal state."
How can there be an inaction with the normal state of a person? Human life is a constant movement, a constant search for something new, new impressions, pleasures, a constant desire to do something, something to change. It can be said that human life is meaningless in its essence. One person is not able to change the world, besides, not everyone can do something significant. But the meaning is not at all to make a great discovery or change the world.
The share of each person falls a certain need to cope with everyday affairs. Without this fulfillment, all life fades, absolutely losing all means. It is enough to remember the unlocked and neglected room Ilich Ilyich to state that the self-respecting person should not admit this. "The room where Ilya Ilyich lay, at first glance, it seemed perfectly removed ... But a person's experienced eye with a clean taste is one of a quick look at everything that was here, I would read the desire only to observe the dekorum inevitable decenings, just to get rid of They ... on the walls, near the paintings, it washed in the form of festoons of a web, drilled dust; Mirrors instead of reflecting items, could serve whether to record on them, on dust, some notes for memory ... The carpets were in spots. On the sofa lay a forgotten towel; On the table, a rare morning was not stood not cramped from yesterday's dinner with a straw and with a grinding bone and bread crumbs were not lying. "
Such a spare quote allows you to see the situation in which Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is located. It would seem what effect the room can have on it? But nevertheless, the lack of due attention to his housing characterizes a person far from the best side. Ilya Ilyich willingly reproach Zakhara for laziness and slope. And he, in turn, objects: relative to dust and dirt - "What to clean it, if she gets up again" and that the bugs and cockroaches did not invenue, they are in all.
Ilya Ilyich can not make even his own servant, unless there are significant changes in his native village of Oblomovka? Of course not. And yet, the bugs lying on the sofa constantly builds rainbow plans for reorganization in the village. All the dreams and plans of Oblomov are completely tearned from life, he cannot direct them on something specific, real. Is it young to call the Oblomov dreamer? Of course, young. All the dreams of Ilya Ilyich warm him the soul, but no one is at least somehow close to life.
It is interesting to observe for the Oblomovo himself, when he is in a state of thoughtfulness: "The thought walked in a free bird in the face, fluttered in his eyes, sat down on the half-eyed lips, hid in the folds of his forehead, then completely disappeared, and then in the whole of the face there was a smooth mind of carelessness. . ".
There is no doubt that obcomments are actually an amazingly careless man. He does not think about his own well-being, it is satisfied with absolutely everything. And that's exactly what makes him happy. In my opinion, it is impossible to deny that the bugs are a truly happy man. He does not accept the fuss, secular society tires him. He lives in his own world, and, despite his laziness and indifference to the surrounding life, his inner world is rich enough. Oblomov is interested in art, he appreciates good people.
It turns out a dual picture on the one hand, Oblomov can be called a happy man. Because happiness is primarily harmony with you and with the outside world. And the life of Oblomov is very harmonious. He does not regret anything, does not experience that he does not work. He satisfied with his life, quite satisfied with himself.
On the other hand, it is absolutely fair to be called a breakdown by an unhappy person. His life is empty, nothing pleases him, he constantly stays in a half. He does not disturb his bright feelings and experiences, he does not even show any emotions.
Ilya Ilyich, in essence, is absolutely helpless. He is so used to his lifestyle, which cannot even imagine himself in a different situation. Bakes are tied to his servant Zakhar. And in this habit, these features are also revealed as conservatism and reluctance to change something. "As Ilya Ilyich didn't know how to get up, neither to go to bed, nor be combed and shown, nor dine without the help of Zahar, so Zakhar did not know how to imagine another Barin, except Ilichi Ilyich, another existence, how to wear, feed him, to tear him, Slut, lie and at the same time internally fade in front of him. "
Oblomov is a type characteristic of its time. It has absolute indifference to everything that surrounds it. Oblomov inert and apatichene, he does not change his life, because she completely suits him. But if you think about why she suits him? First of all, Oblomov arranges absolutely because it does not know another life. By him passes a rapid life stream, a series of cases who are taking the surrounding, love is going on by love, the possibility of family happiness, the opportunity to make a brilliant career, and he lies and lies on his sofa, immersed in his transcendental dreams.
The tragedy of Oblomov is precisely in this reluctance to look behind the narrow framework of his inner world to see a big and beautiful world external. Immersion in yourself, in your thoughts and dreams - of course, good quality. But at the same time it can be called unpromising and useless. Oblomov gradually descends, his appearance speaks for himself. He is indifferent to him, as he looks like, what impression produces on others. He is indifferent to him that was yesterday and that will be tomorrow. It is important for him only to be a cozy sofa so that no one disturb him and did not make anything.
Constantly staying in idleness, man is lowered, degrades. In the life of Oblomov, this is what happens. In his life, nothing remains, which could be called the word "meaning". Full meaninglessness of existence - this is exactly what we see in the novel. Gradually disappears any desire to do something, and the person rolls on the inclined. Goncharov Roman "Oblomov" makes the reader understand how much life can be if a person does not see any sense in it.