Illustrations of Ivan Bilibin to fairy tales: Magic world in Russian painting. Bilibin Ivan from biography and

Illustrations of Ivan Bilibin to fairy tales: Magic world in Russian painting. Bilibin Ivan from biography and
Illustrations of Ivan Bilibin to fairy tales: Magic world in Russian painting. Bilibin Ivan from biography and

Just quite recently, exactly America,
opened the old art rus,
Vandali crippled, covered dust and mold.
But under the dust she was beautiful, so beautiful that the first minute gust of those who opened it was completely understood:
return! return!
Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin, 1876-1942

Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin (illustrations for Russian fairy tales)

Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin (1876-1942) - Russian artist, book illustrator and theater designer.

The most famous poetic and colorful illustrations of Ivan Bilibin to Russian fairy tales and epics, recreation of the fabulous and fantastic world of Russian folklore.

Creating a formulation cycles since 1899 (Vasilisa Lovely, Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka, Fullist Clear Falcon, Tsarevna Frog ..., including Pushkin Targets about Tsar Saltan and Golden Cockerel), Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin Developed - in the technique of drawing in a battered watercolor, is a special style of book illustration, based on the sophisticated stylization of the motives of people's and medieval Russian art (Lubka, embroidery, wood threads, miniature manuscripts ...). This colorful style, polished by the Russian Spirit, is rightly called bilibinsky!

Vasilisa beautiful (Russian folk tale)

... Vasilisa passed all night and all day, only by the next evening I went to the clearing, where the hut of the Yaga-Baba stood; Fence around the huts from human bones, on the fence sticking out the skull of human, with eyes; Instead of pillars at the gate - legs of human, instead of constipation - hands, instead of a castle - mouth with sharp teeth. Vasilisa Obomalla from horror and became like inserted. Suddenly rides again: Black himself, dressed in all black and on a black horse; Scroll to the gate of Baba-Yagi and disappeared, as it fell through the ground, - the night came ...

Vasilisa beautiful

Baba Yaga

Black horseman

§ Baba Yaga surrounded by mermaids on a green page "Which of the Bogatyurians defeated the Snake Gorynych?" - Solution of logical tasks with means of logic algebra.

Ruslan and Lyudmila :: Finghala Cave
... but suddenly before the twity of the cave;
In the cave light. He is right to her
Go under dormant vaults
The peers of nature itself ...
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Sadko :: Night on the shore Ilmen Lake
... Sadko's light summer night came out on the steep coast Ilmen Lake, sat on Bel-Guryuch the stone and thought sadly. "Listen, you, wave zybucha, you, Razdazyitsa wide, about my fate is bitter yes about the dumushki cherished" ...

§ Poetics, I suggest enjoy the lunar light on the green page "The Moon in Painting".
§ about variability and impermanence colors of the Moon Read on the green page "Description of the Moon in Poetic Works" - walk through the lunar poetry and painting.

Tale "Tsarevna Frog"
... let the older brother put an arrow - she fell on a boyars courtyard, right against the maiden of the Terem; The middle brother was launched - the arrow flew to the merchant to the courtyard and stopped at the red porch, and on there the porch was the shower-girl, the daughter merchants, let the younger brother, got an arrow into a dirty swake, and picked up her frog-kibush.
Says Ivan-Tsarevich: "How can I take a cube for myself? Cuckoo not even me! "
- "Take! - answers the king to him. - Know, the fate of yours is such "...

"Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, Fire-Bird and Gray Wolf"
... The gray wolf pulled these speeches, hit the land of the earth - and became a beautiful Korolevoy Elena, so it was impossible to find out that it was not that it was. Ivan-Tsarevich took a gray wolf, went to the palace to the king Afron, and the wonderful Royal Elena ordered to wait outside the city. When Ivan-Tsarevich came to the king Afrona with Mnimo Elena, the king raised his heart to his heart, which received such a treasure, which he had long wished ...

"Princess Frog"

"Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, Fire-Bird and Gray Wolf"

Fairy Tale "Pyryshko Finist of Clear Falcon"

Sketches of costumes
to Opere Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov "Golden Petushok", 1908

Graphically ornamental style of their illustrations Ivan Bilibin used in theater works. In 1908, Ivan Bilibin creates a series of decorations and sketches of costumes to opera Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov "Golden Cockerel" (1909, Opera House Sergei Ivanovich Zimin, Moscow) and "Tale of Tsar Saltan" (1937, Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater named after Sergei Mironovich Kirov).

On June 6, the admirers of the creativity of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin celebrated his birthday. Today we would like to show you illustrations to the fairy tales of the writer, performed by a wonderful Russian artist. Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin. Of course, someone is familiar with childhood. Especially pleased to take a look at the drawings, who have fallen in love.

Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin (1876-1942) fulfilled illustrations for Russian folk tales "Tsarevna-Frog", "Pyryshko Finista-clear Sokol", "Vasilisa lovely", "Mary Morrevna", "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "White Duck" , To fairy tales A. S. Pushkin - "Tale of Tsar Saltan" (1904-1905), "Tale of the Golden Cockerel" (1906-1907), "Fishing about fisherman and fish" (1939) and many others.

The artist developed a system of graphic techniques that have given the opportunity to combine illustrations and design in one style, subordinate to their plane of the book page. Characteristic features of the Bilibino style: the beauty of the patterned pattern, the exquisite decorativeness of the color combinations, the subtle visual incarnation of the world, a combination of bright fabulousness with a sense of people's humor and others.

Bilibin sought to ensemble decision. The plane of the book page it emphasized the contour line, lack of illumination, colorful unity, conditional division of space on plans and the union of different points of view in the composition.

One of the significant works of Bilibin was illustrations for the "tale about Tsar Saltan" A. S. Pushkin. Her Ivan Yakovlevich illustrated the first. Here is a page where Tsar Saltan overhears the conversation of three maidens. On the courtyard night, the month shines, the king hurries to the porch, falling into the snow. There is nothing fabulous in this scene. And yet the spirit of the fairy tale is present. Izba is the real, peasant, with small windows, elegant porch. And in the church of the Tent. In the XVII century Throughout Russia, such churches were built. And the coat of the king is real. Such fur coats in ancient times sewed from velvet and brocade brought from Greece, Turkey, Iran, Italy.

This fairy tale with her multi-colored paintings of the ancient Russian life gave rich food of the Bilibino fantasy. With striking skill and great knowledge, an artist vintage costumes and utensils. He reflected the main episodes of the Pushkin fairy tale.

However, various stylization sources are noticeable between the sheets of the series. The illustration with the image of the Saltan, peering into the Svetlitsa, is distinguished by emotionality and resembles a winter landscapes I. Ya. Bilibin from nature. Scenes reception of guests, the pir is very decorative and are saturated with the motives of the Russian ornament.

The illustration with a barrel sailing by the sea reminds the famous "big wave" of the Japanese artist Katsusiki hocus.

Katsusiki Hokusai. Engraving on the tree "Big Wave in Canhanwa". 1823-1829.

The process of execution I. Ya. Bilibin graphic drawing resembled the work of engraving. Sketching on paper on paper, he clarified the composition in all the details on the tank, and then translated to Watman. After that, a column brush with a cropped end, liketing it with the cutter, conducted a clear wire contour of ink with a pencil drawing. In the mature period of creativity, Bilibin refused to eat the pen, which sometimes resorted in early illustrations. For the impeccable hardness of the line, the comrades jicely nicknamed his "Ivan-hard hand".

In the illustrations I. Ya. Bilibium 1900-1910, the composition, as a rule, is deployed parallel to the sheet plane. Large figures appear in the magnificent frozen poses. The conditional division of space on plans and the combination of different points of view in one composition allow you to maintain flatness. The lighting completely disappears, the color becomes conditionally, an important role is acquired by an immature surface of the paper, the method of designation of the contour line is complicated, the folding strict strokes and points system are complicated.

Further development of the Bilibino style is that in later illustrations, the artist from the cheating receptions has passed to the principles of the Old Russian painting: the colors become sound and rich, but the boundaries between them are now not a black wire contour, but a tone condensed and thin color line. Paints seem shining, but retain locality and flatness, and the image sometimes resembles the septo-enamel.

For more than twenty years, as I was not on the tiny kitchen of our first apartment. The time is considerable, and I still can remember the picture with the image of the Russian hero, carved with a grandmother from some magazine and glued to the refrigerator in the smallest detail. It always seemed that this wonderful Russian warrior was about to depart on his wonderful horse through the window, tells the Vanka Vanka from the third entrance, and then certainly marries me. And Ivan Bilibin painted the picture - the magnificent master of the "Old Russian" illustration.

Special "Bilibinsky" style will be recognizable today at first sight: this is the perfect possession of the art of book graphics, when the cover, and text, and font, and drawings, andornaments subordinate to one general idea of \u200b\u200bthe book, and the virtuoso drawing of the ancient Russian clothing and household items, andreturn to the traditions of ancient Russian and folk art, with thempatternosis and decorativeness, I. A peculiar interpretation of epic and fabulous images.

But the main thing is that Bilibin from the clumsiness of peasant buildings, carved platforms, embroidered tablecloths and towels, painted wooden and clay ware was able to create an atmosphere of Russian antiquity, epic and a real fairy tale.

Family Ivan Bilibin brought illustrations for Russian folk tales. For four years, he illustrated seven fairy tales: "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "White Duck", "Tsarevna-Frog", "Mary Morrevna", "Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, Fire-Bird and Gray Wolf", " Pryony is a nasna-falcon's finist "and" Vasilisa lovely ".

Publications of fairy tales, survived with me - these are small large-format bookbooks in terms of volume. All six books are the same cover with which Russian fabulous characters are watching. In reprinting from the IDM, everything is also under a cover. There are a fairy tales, the page fairy tales are filled with ornamental frames, like rustic windows with carved platbands.

Pushkin fairy tales with Masters drawings also had a huge success. The Russian Museum of Alexander III bought illustrations to the "tale of Tsar Saltan", and the entire illustrated cycle of the "Tales about the Golden Cockerel" acquired the Tretyakov Gallery. "The luxurious royal chambers are completely covered with patterns, painting, decorations. Here the ornament covers the floor, the ceiling, the walls, the clothes of the king and the boyar, that everything turns into a certain unsteady vision that exists in a special illusory world and ready to disappear."

How it is not better for the words of the Bilibine itself to reprint the books with his illustrations of the Publishing House of Meshcheryakov: "Only quite recently, exactly America, opened the old artistic Russia, covered with dust. But she was beautifully covered with dust, it was beautiful that the first minute gust is understood. Opened it: Return! Return! "

And in this impulse, Most recently, I released a book into the world, which included all the works with Bilibin illustrations, previously published in two separate publications: and Fairy tales of Pushkin, and Russian folk tales, and epics. Seeing this edition alive I thought - and not to buy? And this is despite the fact that I already have everything the same thing in some books. Unfortunately, there were no old editions with me to compare in detail, but the new collection of the cavity differs only by the fact that the paper was coated, and not offset, and the balance of the Majean color is normal. The quality of the book is at the height. Inside - also that under the cut, only more. In general, I advise everyone.

in "Maze"
About those who want a little bilibium for the diversity of the children's library, the IDM also took care of, and released a novelty - a budget version in the Library series of the Three Science Kingdom "- the collection in which two Pushkin fairy tales:" Tale of the golden cock "and" Fishing Tale and fish. "
in "Maze"
And again amphora in my beloved series "Artists Children," about which I have already written posts for a million times. Book quality is excellent: cozy reduced format, which is convenient for self-viewing by kids, solid glossy cover, very dense white offset paper, large font. It is a pity that with the illustrations of Bilibin in the series only two books, each in two fairy tales: Tsarevna -Lagushka and Marya Morrevna, Vasilisa beautiful I. Pries of the finist of clear falcon.

There is a collection of Russian folk fairy tales with drawings of Bilibin to the "fairy tales of horses", published in 1936 in Paris. In Russia, this book with the works of the French period of the artist before was not fully published. But I have not seen her alive, so I can't judge the quality.
Illustrated collection of Pushkin, where Bilibin drawings, including:
Andersen, who already wrote:

Bilibin Ivan Yakovlevich is a Russian painter, author of many paintings, graphic drawings and bright illustrations for Russian folk tales, legends and epics. In addition, he was engaged in the design of theatrical productions. Illustrations of Ivan Bilibin to fairy tales are especially unique and colorful, as they are created in a unique manner.

Path to creativity

Then she went to Munich, where he studied in the workshop of the famous artist Anton Ashebe at the time. Upon graduation, he returned to his homeland, in his favorite St. Petersburg, where he continued learning the skill of painting at the very Ilya Efimovich Repin.

The expression "Russian folk fairy tale" - beyond any doubt - gives rise to the fantasies and understanding of the person a terrible and terrible Babu Yagu in a step, beautiful Vasilisa and Ivan Tsarevich.

Yes, this is definitely so, because they were born and crashed into the memory of many generations, thanks to the fantasy, works and artwork of the Russian painter - Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibina. Without exception, his paintings are imbued with the spirit of modernism and love for their land, its culture, rites and legends.

For his short life, Ivan Bilibin created many pictures, but there are among them, of course, the most famous works that are valid around the world. Below are the most famous paintings-illustrations of Bilibin to fairy tales and epic.

"Ivan-Tsarevich and Firebird" (1899), to the fairy tale "Ivan-Tsarevich and a gray wolf"

True magic this hot-bird, not like others. It is this bird that it is possible to cut down and grab the tail (as luck) Ivan Tsarevich. But it is still not possible to catch it, only the feather of the wondrous ptah remains in his hand. This canvas combines tangible images and important ideas, thanks to which the picture is filled with a huge meaning.

"Vasilisa is beautiful leaves the house of Baba-Yagi" (1899), to the fairy tale "Vasilisa lovely"

The picture displays a completely different side of the evil Baba Yaga, which, despite its temper, still helps beautiful Vasilis in her daily works and problems. In the picture a large number of bright colors, in addition, the unity of a person with a mother-nature is proportionally represented.

Baba Yaga (1900), to the fairy tale "Vasilisa beautiful"

In this picture, the image of the evil Baba-Yaga is displayed in a step that flies over the earth itself. Such an image indicates a landed belief of people of that time. In addition, the image of the old jaga is symbolic, because in her hand broom, with which many believes of the Russian people were connected at that time.

"There was a king" (1900), to the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog"

Russian king is the Russian soul. The whole scene is filled with brilliant color and decorated with numerous shades, resulting in a pleasant inner harmony.

"Ivan-Tsarevich good well done and three of his sisters" (1901), to the fairy tale "Mary Morrevna"

It can be seen with the naked eye that the artist created this canvas, relying on older manuscripts. The result was a beautiful picture that continues to delight our contemporaries with their beauty.

"Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka" (1901), to the fairy tale of the same name

It all starts with the beauty of the Russian Earth. Landscape, Nature, Flora and Fauna - A whole ensemble is depicted on this canvas, against which brother and sister, the main character of the plot of fairy tales. Thus, the master expresses his love for their native country, its nature, history and culture.

"Wolga with a friend" (1903), to the eponym "Wolga"

The central plot of this canvase was Russian life in ancient times and the struggle of the Russian people for the right to be free. Ornamental wealth is striking and remains relevant even today.

"At all time, he stood for the fence" (1904), to the "Tale of Tsar Saltan"

This illustration of a fairy tale shows the individuality and non-sewer of the Bilibin style on the works of other authors. Tsar Saltan is endowed with individual qualities, a fit of the temper and a special soul. The picture is impressive abundance of ornaments and ancient Russian patterns that are decorated even the smallest parts of the canvas.

"Starry before Dadon" (1906), to the "Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

Not easy plot composition, possessing its character and special color illustrations. It is noticeable that each detail is worked out by the artist, so unique and unique. All the characters of the paintings are pronounced, which is why the canvas becomes much natural.

"Strelchikha in front of the king and retinue" (1919), to the fairy tale "Look there - I do not know where"

This Russian plot, brightly reflecting the entire depth of the Russian soul, the culture of the people of the Russian, its tradition and the foundations of the time. This canvas is filled with a huge amount of paints, thanks to which it looks for one.

Without exclusion, the illustration of Ivan Bilibin is filled with meaning and unique graphics, have their own structure and a special mood. Of these and real ornaments, as well as detailed trifles, the artist created half a real, half a fictional world. In addition to the above illustrations, a wonderful Russian artist Bilibin Ivan Yakovlevich still created a huge number of different illustrations to the fairy tales of Great Rus and its epic.

Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin - famous russian artist, illustrator. On August 4, 1876, in the village of Tarhovka, St. Petersburg province - went away on February 7, 1942 in Leningrad. The main genre in which Ivan Bilibin was worked, the book schedule is considered. In addition, he created various paintings, Panel and made scenery to theatrical productions, was engaged in creating theatrical costumes.

Still, most of the fans of the talent of this wonderful Russian knows him according to the merits in visual art. I must say that Ivan Bilibina had a good school to study the art of painting and graphics. It all started with the drawing school of society the promotion of art. Then the artist's workshop A. Ashbe in Munich; In the School-workshop of Princess Mary Tenisheva, he studied painting under the leadership of Ilya Repin, then, under his leadership, there was a higher art school of the Academy of Arts.

Most of his life I. Ya.Bibin lived in St. Petersburg. He was a member of the unification of the World of Art. Began to show interest in the ethnographic style of painting after saw on one of the exhibitions a picture of the great artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "Bogatyry". For the first time, he created several illustrations in his recognizable "Bilibino" style after accidentally fell into the village of Exga in Tver province. A Russian depthint with her dormant uncompressive forests, wooden houses, similar to those of Pushkin's fairy tales and paintings by Viktor Vasnetsov, inspired him as his originality that he, who would not think that, he began to create drawings. It is these drawings that have become illustrations for the book "The fairytale about Ivan-Tsarevich, a fire-bird and a gray wolf." It can be said that it is here, in the heart of Russia, in its distant, wounded in the forests, settlements, and the whole talent of this wonderful artist manifested itself. After that, he began to actively attend other regions of our country and write more and more new illustrations for fairy tales and epics. It was in the villages that the image of ancient Russia was still preserved. People continued to wear ancient Russian costumes, held traditional holidays, decorated at home intricate carvings, etc. All this captured Ivan Bilibin on his illustrations, making them on the head above the illustrations of other artists due to realism and precisely fitted details.

His creativity is the traditions of the ancient Russian folk art on modern way, in accordance with all the laws of book graphics. What he did is an example of how modern and culture of the past by our great country can coexist. Being, in fact, an illustrator of children's books, he attracted his attention to the much greater public of the audience, critics and connoisseurs of the beautiful.

Ivan Bilibin illustrated such fairy tales as: "The fairy tale of Ivan-Tsarevich, a fire-bird and a gray wolf" (1899), "Tale of Tsar Saltan" (1905), "Wolga" (1905), "Golden Cockerel" (1909 ), "Tale of the Golden Cockerel" (1910) and others. In addition, he made the covers of various magazines, including: "The World of Art", "Golden Fleece", the publication of "Rosehovnik" and "Moscow publishers".

Not only with its illustrations in the traditional Russian style, Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin is famous. After the February Revolution, he painted a two-headed eagle, who first was the coat of arms of the temporary government, and from 1992 to this afternoon decorates the coins of the Bank of Russia. The great Russian artist in Leningrad died, during the blockade on February 7, 1942 in the hospital. The last work was the illustration for the episodes "Duke Stepanovich". He was buried in the fraternal grave of professors of the Academy of Arts near the Smolensk cemetery.

Ingenious words Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibina: "Only quite recently, exactly America, opened the old artistic Russia, Vandali crippled, covered with dust and mold. But she was beautiful under dust, so beautiful that the first minute gust of those who opened it was completely understood: Return! return!".

Ivan Bilibin paintings

Baba Yaga. Illustration to the fairy tale Vasilisa beautiful

White rider. Basilisa beautiful fairy tale

Stock Illustration To Wolga

Illustration to a fairy tale white duck

Tale of Marya Morrevna

Illustration to a fairy tale about the golden cockerel

The Tale of Tsar Saltan

Illustration for a tale of tsar Saltan

Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, Fire-Bird and Gray Wolf

Illustration for a fairy tale about Ivan Tsarevich, a fire-bird and a gray wolf

Illustration To Fairy Tale Pries One Clear Falcon