Templates for theater red hat. Home Puppet Theater "Red Hood

Templates for theater red hat. Home Puppet Theater
Templates for theater red hat. Home Puppet Theater "Red Hood

This amazing book game turns into a real desktop theater, where stories are playing unusual actors - shadows.
In it you will find:
Folding scene of the theater of shadows;
The set for cutting the silhouette images of characters and scenery for two theatrical productions, created by the work of the wonderful artist Elizabeth, Beth;
Two famous fairy tales presented in the form of plays;
New interesting ideas!

Come up with your own production! Choose a fairy tale that I would like to see on stage or come up with your own story. Divide it into several parts (scenes), consider the characters' dialogs. Use the scenery and silhouettes from this set or create your own. Create new characters is completely easy. If you do not have black cardboard, draw on white, and then just fidgeting the silhouette of black paint. Try using various materials for decorating your scenery or characters: feathers, lace, cloth, colored cigarette paper.

Puppet show! When the children hear these words, joyful sparkles will light up in their eyes, cheerful laughter is heard, and children's hearts are overwhelmed with joy, anticipation of a miracle. The puppet theater can not leave indifferent, whether it is a baby or an adult. The doll in the hands of parents and teachers is an indispensable assistant in the creation and training of a child of preschool age. When an adult communicates with a child with a toy, a children's heart, like a sponge, absorbs each word. The child believes the "revived" toy and seeks to do what she asks.

Little Red Riding Hood

The narrator: And good, and cheerful, and by yourself, and, although it is still small, everyone will always help. Mother is proud of her and the soul does not make up. Well, my grandmother is like a day - misses. Although it lives near, on another edge, but it is not easy to walk through the woods of the old woman.

Red Cap: She sewed, sitting by the window, I will update it - the head of scarlet cloth with cantic silk.

All for that nickname.

Freech up the baby.

Wolf (quiet and spiritually)

Know where they grow

I will show the place.

Along the path of that go ...

Wire not become.

Knocked in the door.

Grandma appears in the window.

The house begins to go to the walker.

Wolf: Well, let's see who whom!

As always pleased.

Little Red Riding Hood

AM-GA! Who's there?

All why, why!

To listen to you!

A red hat retreats, the wolf is approaching.

A red hat retreats, the wolf is approaching.

They are me and eat!

Top meat grinder!

Fit, but with difficulty!

Delicious what!

An hour passed, and no one.

Boring - no strength!

Derne for a laugh.

Hunter (viewers)

All (choir)

All bow out. The end.

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"Abstract of presentation Puppet Theater" Red Hap ""

Puppet show! When the children hear these words, joyful sparkles will light up in their eyes, cheerful laughter is heard, and children's hearts are overwhelmed with joy, anticipation of a miracle. The puppet theater can not leave indifferent, whether it is a baby or an adult. The doll in the hands of parents and teachers is an indispensable assistant in the creation and training of a child of preschool age. When an adult communicates with a child with a toy, a children's heart, like a sponge, absorbs each word. The child believes the "revived" toy and seeks to do what she asks.

Little Red Riding Hood

Scenario for setting Charles Feet Perp in the Puppet Theater.

Acting faces: Red Cap, Mom, Gray Wolf, Grandmother, Hunter, Narrator.

In the foreground on the left there are several trees and a house of a red hat, on the right of a dense forest. In the middle grows several flowers. In the second plan, the field and edge of the forest.

Narrator: The forest is sweet sleeping sweetly. On the hill of the pillow, the lodge is small on its edge. In the house, the girl lives, and believe me, the children that there is a charming one for the whole light.

From the house there is a red hat and begins to tear flowers through one.

The narrator: And good, and cheerful, and by yourself, and, although it is still small, everyone will always help. Mother is proud of her and the soul does not make up. Well, my grandmother is like a day - misses. Although it lives near, on another edge, but it is not easy to walk through the woods of the old woman.

Red Cap: She sewed, sitting by the window, I will update it - the head of scarlet cloth with cantic silk.

Narrator: And from the pores of that without her, the crumb did not see. Red hat her

All for that nickname.

Mom comes out of the house with a basket. A red hat throws a bouquet and runs up to her.

Mom: I baked my grandmother's patty with potatoes. You go to her, my friend, take Lukoshko.

Mom transmits a red hat with a basket.

Mom: And she takes her a cow's Maslice yes better to ask her health. There is no news from her, I'm already in alarm.

Red Cap: I will collect her bouquet new on the road! Florayed bearish horns, sinks yes cigrinka!

Mom: Be careful, daughter, be it! Do not go with paths.

A red hat slowly goes to the forest, tearing out the remaining flowers on the road. Mom waves her hand and goes to the house.

Narrator: There were no fairy tales from us, and there was a point here, if Matushkin had no daughter forgotten. She walked her, and suddenly a gray wolf towards. Red riding cap comes to the forest. She comes out the wolf.

Wolf: Hello, hello, cute friend! Are you far?

Red Cap: To the grandmother I am going on my own and carry in the butter of the butter of cream to her yes cake with potatoes.

Wolf (aside): It is not easy to guess where the old woman lives.

Red Cap: Yes, not far away! On another extrusion!

A horny of the ax is heard, one of the trees falls, and the wolf runs away. Red hat is also hiding in the forest. The house of red hats disappears.

Narrator: I would have a new friend, but judge by yourself,

How can you eat when they are arranged by axes. And solved a cunning wolf

Freech up the baby.

A red hat with a big bouquet comes out of the trees on the left. Right in front of it arises a gray wolf with flowers and blocks her road.

Wolf: I will not take something in a sense where are you hurrying so? Even all your flowers

This will not compare with this. But if you really want you, let's change!

A red cap throws his bouquet and takes flowers from a wolf. In the distance again knocking axes. Wolf looks around.

Red Cap: Oh, how sweetly bloom! Candy petals!

Wolf (quiet and spiritually)

Know where they grow

I will show the place.

Along the path of that go ...

The wolf shows on the trees on the left.

Wolf: You will go to the glade. Yes, you are on the way

Wire not become.

Red cap is hidden behind the trees on the left.

Wolf: Well, let's see who of us will get. Before the hut an extra hour she will have to go!

Gray wolf is hidden behind the trees on the right. As soon as he leaves the trees on the right, the house of grandmothers appears.

Narrator: And the gray wolf rushed on a straight path, the teeth are clang: "Click! Click! " Stand wool on the back

The gray wolf appears because of the trees on the left, breathing heavily and, looking around, stealing to the grandmother's house.

Narrator: I came running, barely breathe, to the house burst. Looked at slowly

Knocked in the door.

The wolf knocks on the door. Wolf Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!

Grandma appears in the window.

It's me! Granddaughter in the Red Hat! Yes, let me, here is unsafe!

I brought a patty, myculic pot!

Grandma: come in speedy, friend! Dinner behind the laugh!

The wolf pulls for the lace and rushes into the house. The grandmother in the window disappears.

Quantizer: he pulled the gray door for him and opened.

The house begins to go to the walker.

Wolf: Well, let's see who whom!

Grandma: Oh, the trouble happened! Help!

The grandmother appears in the window again, but the wolf pulls it back and appears in the window already in glasses and with a sepper on the head.

Wolf: How I gave birth to nice! I will decide while me

Dinner did not spend! The wolf puts his head to the paws and falls asleep, from time to time sorkening.

Narrator: She was preyed by Dothemna Tropskoy Owl, and she was she

As always pleased.

Because of the trees on the left, a red hat appears with a huge bouquet of flowers and goes to home.

Red Cap (sings): I went along the path, I went, I went!

And the flowers found, nice found!

Red hat knocks on the door. The wolf ceases to snore.

Little Red Riding Hood

AM-GA! Who's there?

Red Cap: This is your granddaughter! Brought the hotels to you: Maslitsa for porridge Yes with Patoshai Pattik!

Wolf: Come rather! Dinner, baby, for the lace. I am old, sick!

A red cap pulls for the lace, enters the house, but immediately retreats back, dropping flowers and Lukoshko.

Narrator: Only grandmother has changed her very much. The wolf also comes out and begins to approach her. The girl retreats.

Wolf: Hello, my dyatko! Ali what happened? Hug you now!

Red Cap: You would not hurry! Hands, grandmother, you are very big!

Wolf: It is to hug, it was prohibited! Tell about the house, about my mother. All well safe?

A red hat retreats, the wolf is approaching.

Red Cap: Oh! Tell me, to tear such ears?

All why, why!

To listen to you!

A red hat retreats, the wolf is approaching.

Wolf: Dinner has long been time far to a night? You from my morning

Flaw your head! What do you stick here for a whole hour, as if they were sewn to the pni?

Red Cap: very eyes with you, grandmother, big! How to burn fire, on the back of goosebumps!

A red hat retreats, the wolf is approaching.

Wolf: It's to consider me, fool!

Red Hat: And tell me, why do you need such a teeth?

They are me and eat!

Top meat grinder!

The wolf rushes on the girl and eats it.

Wolf (loaf and stroking belly)

Fit, but with difficulty!

Delicious what!

That's what will happen to those who keep in a row in a row! I will return there,

Langu on the threshold, because the prey never happens a lot. Maybe someone else will come to visit the old woman.

The wolf returns to the house and peeps out of the window.

Quantizer: The wolf attached and waits, looks at the edge.

An hour passed, and no one.

Boring - no strength!

Narrator: And from the satiety of him soon bowed to sleep. The wolf begins to snore loudly.

Narrator: And at that time, the young was a hunter past. Because of the trees on the left, a hunter with a gun on his shoulder and goes to home.

Hunter: I don't see smoke over a neighbor pipe. Well, in the door I will notify,

Derne for a laugh.

The hunter is included in the house and immediately peeps out of the window.

Hunter (viewers)

Wolf! By God! I'm not kidding! Sleep like angel!

Several shots are heard. A wolf runs out of the house. Hunter for him.

Hunter: U, damned! Now I will arrange you. Shot, like a squirrel, in the eye, vividly shyly!

The wolf falls awkwardly. Hunter with a gun gets over him. The wolf pumps off a gun.

Do not shoot! Not to blame! I suffer! I and a quarter of a hare, brother,

Help! Wolf (looking around) Who screams? Hunter (suspiciously) the voice of the old woman. The coast raises the gun again. The wolf begins to beat himself along the stomach.

Wolf: This is in the stomach rich. Seen with hunger. Voice of red hawp

Wolf ate us! The wolf beats himself through the stomach. Voices of grandmother and red hats (chorus) save us!

Wolf: Hey, you are, hiding, and it will not kill now if you are heard!

The hunter shoots a wolf. The wolf falls.

Hunter: the wolf here the end came.

Wolf (with a sigh) did not hit by. Granny and red hat appears.

Red Cap: And the hunter found us as integrideways.

All (choir)

Collecting sometimes sinks yes cigrinka,

Do not go anywhere from your path!

All bow out. The end.

Source: krokotak.com

We offer to make a desktop theater with your own hands from paper for children in all the famous fairy tale "Red Hood". Theatrical activities contribute to the development of speech, shallow motility, coordination, imagination, train memory and attention. The kid will play a familiar plot, learn to develop it or invent a new one. In children at the age of 5-6 years, the mastery of finger the theater prepares his hand to the letter.

Necessary materials:

  • scissors;
  • the pencils;

How to do

Download and print templates on cardboard or tight paper. The first page is one-sided print, second and third page print on both sides of the paper sheet. As a result, you get the coloring on two sheets.

Offer the child to paint with pencils of characters and scenery for finger theater. Help cut out the main characters (wolf figures, red hats, grandmothers and woodcutters) and holes for fingers, make bends in places marked with a dotted line and slot in the grandmother bed. Paper finger theater for children ready! Merry games for you!

Recommended on Labirint.ru.

Set of puppet gloves for drawing chalk fairy tale.

If you want a holiday for a long time in your house, and friends and acquaintances appreciated your talents, everything you need is to make a presentation of a home doll theater!

In domestic performances, children can be not only viewers, but also actors, directors, artists, sound operators, soufflers, tickets, reveal their talents and realize their creative abilities, having received a powerful incentive for their further development. He learned the roles, preschoolers and younger schoolchildren train memory, learn to be beautiful and correctly talking, and at rehearsals learn to act together, overcome the fear of public speeches, increase their self-esteem and strengthen friendship with all participants in the presentation. Staging a home performance is always an unforgettable event and for actors, and for viewers.

This set of puppet gloves will allow you to revive the well-known chalk fairy tale Perro "Red Hood". In your performance, she once again reminds small actors and their audience that it is necessary to obey parents and avoid communicating with suspicious strangers. Replicas in verse are easy to remember, so not only schoolchildren can become actors in this performance, but also senior preschoolers.

The duration of the performance: 30 minutes; For production requires from 3 to 6 actors from 5 years and older. The age of the audience: from 3 years.

The set includes: A book with paint-tale scenarios painted in verses, recommendations for the production and drawings of screen and scenery, as well as 5 puppet gloves: a red hat, mom, grandmother, wolf and a hunter. Character costumes are made of bright natural fabrics, and heads are painted manually with high-quality resistant safer paints. Hair dolls - red hats, moms and hunters can be combed and stacked in different hairstyles to your liking. All dolls-gloves set are hygienic, the heads can be washed with soap, and the costumes wash. The heads of the dolls are attached to the glove-suit with the help of a sewn into the neck of the gum, so if necessary, you will not be difficult to separate them from each other to wash the costume in a washing machine or "disguise" a doll into a suit of another character.

© Manufacturer: LLC "Russian Style of Moscow region". 2005-2012

The company "Russian Style of Moscow region" is a leading manufacturer of children's theater toys in the Russian market. It continues the best production traditions of the domestic toy industry, putting the developing properties of the toy, their physical and psychological safety above the savings on the materials, product quality and chase for the deliberated one-day brands. The puppet theaters of the Russian style of the Moscow region in an affordable form are familiar with children with the best works of Russian and foreign literature, making them receivers of the cultural heritage of their native country and all mankind, helping to develop the ability and disclose talents. The company "Russian Style of Moscow region" does everything possible to ensure interesting and useful toys are available for the price of as much as possible customers and justified their best expectations.