Dictionary of concepts and terms on history. Dictionary of the most important terms and concepts

Dictionary of concepts and terms on history. Dictionary of the most important terms and concepts

ABACUS - (Greek. ABAX - Board) Upper Plate Capitals . In classical architectural orders, Abak usually has square outlines with straight (in doric and ionicordarordors) or concave (in Corinthicor) edges. [A brief dictionary of architectural and artistic terms, 2004].

Abbot - (Lat. abbas, from Aramaisk. ABO - Father) 1) Abbot of the Catholic Monastery - Abbey (Abbatis Truck). 2) The title of the French Catholic Priest [Popular Encyclopedic Dictionary, 2002].

ABBREVIATION - (Ial. Abbreviature. - Reduction) 1) noun, educated by the reduction of phrases and readable in the alphabetic name of initial letters (MSU) or by initial sounds (Foreign Ministry, university) of the words included in it. A. Distributed in the main European languages \u200b\u200bin the twentieth century. 2) Signs of abbreviation and simplify entries in a notebook [Popular Encyclopedic Dictionary, 2002].

Aborigines - (Lat. aboriginesfrom aB ORIGINE - From the beginning) the autochthonous population, the indigenous population, the community of people (as a rule, one nationality) of any significant in the area of \u200b\u200bthe region, related to these region, solid economic, social and other relations. The indigenous population is formed during, as a rule, hundreds of years [Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1985].

Abris -(it. - Essay, drawing) Linear outlines of the figure of the figure or subject without a three-dimensional interpretation. The same as the contour. [A brief dictionary of architectural and artistic terms, 2004].

Absolut -(Lat. absolutus. - unconditional) concept, opposition relative and expressing full and completed perfection of any object. Most often, the properties of the Absolute are attributed to God, spirit, idea, mind, duty, will, intuition. The absolute of the qualities of these objects does not depend on their subjective perception by man [modern philosophy: Dictionary and Reads, 1995].

Abstraction - (lat. Abstract - distraction) The result of a mental operation consisting in distraction, separation of a feature, quality of things, phenomena or process; Act of the decomposition of syncretic integrity per number of components. In everyday consciousness - a unit of thinking at all, the same as the concept, idea, thought. In the classic idealism, especially in Hegel, A. - the elementary form of the thought process, the result of the work of the mind, forming the presentation, the beginning and the background of thinking in the proper sense of the word - the material from which the mind recreates a holistic, systemic, rich in content, i.e. . Concrete knowledge in concepts. According to the logic of absolute idealism, there are abstract things (ontological aspect), as well as the ideas about them (a gnoseological aspect), the processes are specific, in the first place - the process of thinking. In Russian religious philosophy, a peculiar return to the pre-Gegelevsky understanding of A. is traced as reality, identical thought. Life in concepts and mind is often interpreted as A., but not from the object (like Locke and Lenin), but from life in the spirit. Thinking, with all the specificity of its purely intellectual content, can only act as A. from the experience of spiritual (religious, church, mystical, intuitive). Building life at the "distracted basis", on A. (science, democracy, technology) turns her in A. in the "World of Shadows", into the void. A person is not a microcosm in Macrocosm, but an atom in emptiness. In this regard, the criticism of the distracted began with Slavophiles, continued by VL. Solovyovaya "Full Communions", especially V. Ern, is the condemnation of the new European lifestyle as a really existing A. [Russian Humanitarian Encyclopedic Dictionary, 2002].

Abstract art - (IT. - Distracted) Direction in painting XX century, which has reduced artistic creativity to the creation of impreitated plastic, color, rhythmic, etc. Compositions exciting free associations that generate the movement of thought, emotions, but not representing any specific content. The authors revealed their idea through declarations, program statements, etc. Basically, their ideas were reduced to the following: Abstractionism - the highest stage in the development of visual creativity, which creates forms inherent in only art. "Freeding" from copying reality, this art turns into a means of image of an incomprehensible spiritual beginning of the universe, eternal "spiritual entities", "cosmic forces". In the art of abstractionism there were several directions. One was a consequence of creative searches for members of the Munich "Blue Rider", which were experimenting in the field of color combinations. Developing in their work emotional abstactivism (it is believed that the first job of this plan created in 1910. V. Kadinsky), operating with color stains, artists sought to express lyrism and drama of human experiences. At the same time, painting came closer to music, turning into some color symphony. Another direction takes its beginning in the work of P. Sezanne, who has proclaimed that "nature should be observed according to the cylinder scheme, cone and ball," and cubists (see cubism). His supporters for more abstract geometric motifs: the creation of all sorts of geometric shapes, color planes, direct and broken lines filling the artistic space. In Russia, this is "Cubefuturism" by K.S. Malevich, in Holland - the group "Style" headed by P.Mondria. And finally, the third, irrationalist (see irrationalism), the direction of abstractionism proclaimed a complete refusal to the possibility of a conscious perception of the plots depicted. The main thing in the work was the expression of the senses of the artist, the means of achieving this expression could be the most different ("raysmism" M.F. Larionova and N.S. Balovarova; "Universedness" L.S.Popova and O.V. Rosanova, creativity M . Matyushina, P. Filonova). Recognition of the impossibility of the image of the spiritual essence of the world with means of realistic art and the refusal of such an image was not random. It is the abstactivist trends in art that expressed the most adequate process of alienation of the artist of the beginning of the century from nightmares of reality. So, the German Abstactivist P.Kleye wrote in 1931 : "The more terrible world becomes, the more abstract art becomes." During the XX century. Abstactivism was more or less present in almost all directions of avant-garde and in the work of individual artists. [World Culture: Dictionary of Terms, 2010]

Abstract expressionism -(english ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM) The New York School is a flow in abstract painting, which emerged in the USA circa 1942. His feature is the limiting spontaneity, the improvisation of a creative act, often the use of ripping (splashing or squeezing paint directly to canvas). This method eliminates purposefully constructed form, the picture captures the artist's sequence. One of the characteristic signs of abstract expressionism is a large scale of the work (sometimes more than five meters in length). [Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. Art, 2001]

Abstractionism -(from lat. abstractus. - Distracted ") General name of a number of currents in the pictorial art of the XX century., Refused to understand art as imitation of nature, reproducing the form of reality. [Big Encyclopedic Dictionary, 2001].

Absurd -(Lat. A bsurdus.- ridiculous) philosophical and cultural concept, characterizing such a limit state of intention, to which, under certain circumstances, any reasonable or meaningful state of affairs, order, state and even reality as a whole can be brought. The reception of intentionally turning the point is used in modern dramaturgy, film and teleposts in order to look at the other side of the usual state of affairs, expand the horizons to be familiar or emphasized that there are such bonds between the phenomena that were missed in the usual perspective, which actually detect Essence of the event. M. Standetskaya determines A. Like a trap, in which consciousness enters, as a fee for blinding the evidence of the concept. For rationalists A. - the edge, separating the right world of consciousness from messy chaos. The absurd in one dimension (universe, space, paradigm, the method of thinking, culture, era) may not be so in the other. Many scientific theories contradicting common sense, at first seemed absurd, for example, the theory of relativity Einstein. He said that he had a paradoxical, unusual thinking. In this case, A. acts synonymous with paradoxical. In Russian, there is a word, semantically absorbing the concepts of A. and nonsense, - nonsense. Nonsens and nonsense largely have similar meanings: nonsense - not a simple lack of meaning, but rather the active impossibility of the existence of meaning; The nonsense is the impossibility of manifestation of actions by a subject, this meaning is deprived of the impossibility of actions. One of the most significant theories of nonsense was developed in a circle of "Chinarians" (A.Vedensky, Ya.Druskin, A. Lipavsky, V.Laynikov, D. Gamers), existed in the 20-30th. His representatives proceeded from the thesis on the turnover of thought and language; There were two types of nonsense: a) the nonsense of speech, where words are introduced into the context unusual for them (using the destruction of associative and logical connections, created a new language in which even a separate word could be overcrowded to the meanings of hermetic metaphor); b) ontological nonsense resembling border situation in existentialism. Perhaps the first apostle A. 19 V. He was F. Nitsche, who created a peculiar "revelation of absurdity". His nihilism, according to Rose (Hieromona Seraphim), there is the very root from which all tree A. Two famous statements in Nietzsche "God died", i.e. Vera died in God in our hearts, and "TERNES NO", i.e., we abandoned the bogotrous truth, on which the European civilization was once erected, lie at the basis of Apocalypse A. 20 V. Two phrases: "God died" and "the truth is not" - the same thing is exactly the same; This is a revelation on the absolute absurdity of the world, in the center of which, instead of God, turned out to be. Among the existentialists is gray. 20 V. The most fully idea A. Expressed an outstanding French writer-philosopher A.Komyu in the work specifically dedicated to this problem ("Myth about Sisifa. Essay on absurdity"). A.Komyu A. - This is a feeling that penetrates all the pores of life and the catches of the human soul, that is, a peculiar disease of the spirit, to which neither metaphysics, nor faith are not mixed. The feeling of A. is not equivalent to the concept of A. The feeling is based on, this is a point of support. It does not boil down to the concept. The phrase "this is absurd" means "it is impossible", and besides, "this is contradictory." In all cases, from the simplest to the most difficult, absurdity is the greater, the stronger the gap between compared things. In each case, absurdity is generated by comparison. Essentially, A. is split. It is not in any of the compaable items. It is born in their collision. Y.Ruz believes that A. - this is not an external, but an internal phenomenon: not in the world, but in the person itself disappears the meaning and consent. A.Kamyu suicide is a natural outcome of A. Mind, who launched a deadlock when solving some of its own, intellectual problems, gives a team to destroy the body, which is not obeyless. This is A., lying on the basis of human existence. Our mind is looking for the meaning of life and, not finding it, it does not destroy himself, and the body, which for existence, no sense is needed, he needs food and comfort. We get used to living long before you get used to thinking, A.Kamey writes. If you resort to metaphor, it can be said that our culture is a guide or a huge map A., and our mind is a guide in this chaos. The main occupation of the mind is to distinguish true from false. Nostalgia for one, the desire to absolute is expressed by the essence of human drama. The drama of human existence is that the unity of the manifold is in itself. Being-to-death, as the Heidegger will say later, is the basis of human existence. Perhaps, if you use Metaphor A.Komyu, this is the last circle of hell leading to non-existence, i.e., to A. Thus, from A. Not anywhere. He is total. The absurd man exhausts everything and is exhausted himself; A. is the limit voltage supported by all his forces in full of loneliness. Life really represents only the premiere at which the viewer falls not only for the first time, but also the only time. A person lives only once, and before this truth depreciates any attempt to leave the performance ahead of time. Gone - it means never returned. It causes a person to cling to life, although it is absurd. Hydegger believed that a person was holding this absurd world, swear his beaches and looking for a path among the ruins. Jaspers was confident that the exit from the deadly game was unavailable to us. He eagerly erected L. Sustov, who endlessly proved that even the most closed system, the most universal rationalism always stumble on the irrationality of human thinking. For the Shestova, the adoption of A. and A. Sixime himself. To state A. - it means to accept it, and all the logic of Sixth is aimed at revealing the absurdity, to release the road of the immense hope, which from it follows [Culture and Culturology: Dictionary 2003].

Avangard -(FR. Avant-Garde advanced detachment) 1) part of the troops (fleet), which is ahead of the main forces when driving towards the opponent.2) Advanced, leading part of society; People who are heading any social movement. 3) the same as avant-garde. The artistic course of the XX century, characterized by the desire for a rootary discontinuation with the traditions and principles of classical realism, the search for new, unusual expressive means [a dictionary-reference book on speech culture for schoolchildren, 2005].

Avant-garde -(FR. A vantgarde- Advanced detachment) The term denoting flows in the art of the XX century, which, glowing with a realistic tradition, see in the breakdown of the established aesthetic principles, methods for building artistic form the main way to achieve the art of their destination. Being an extreme expression of the wider direction of modernism, A. sees in the absolutization of traditional art principles, the tendency towards the allocation of it into a special self-sustaining aesthetic sphere. Hence the attacks of avant-garders on the aestheticism of traditional art, the search for various, often extraesthetic, ways to directly affect the recipient (reader, listener, viewer). Among these methods: underlined emotionality, appeal to the immediate feeling (expressionism) , the cult of machines, opposed imperfection of a person, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Officiality" of the word (futurism), the destruction of any meaning (Dadaism) , "Mental automatism", the impact on subconscious impulses (surrealism), etc. Avant-gardeists refuse such elements by art, as a plot, in nature, considering them as a manifestation of a false "ideological" approach to reality. Creative Nature A., according to some art historians, is largely related to the dynamics of scientific and technological progress, a strongly changed appeal and rhythms of the modern world, with the development of abstract thinking, which caused the art of associative structures (the transfer of accent from the external to the internal, with the appearance of aesthetic objects for their experience). The elite tendency in A. is connected with this, the desire to create an almost physically tangible tension between the impermeable structure of the work and the perceiving consciousness ("new novel" containing impersonal registers of things, "specific poetry", in which only the formal structure is evident, the drama of the absurd demonstrating alogure We are familiar to the type of reality, etc.). In general, the destruction in A. established canons and forming elements as interference to the immediate and most adequate, from the point of view of its adherents, the perception of reality is carried out in the form of either intuitive development (including and unrelated, mythologized), or visual statement. The principal impossibility of such a development due to total alienation from reality. A. began to grow rapidly in the 10-20th century. XX century, when with a special force, the collapse of the bourgeois ideology was found. As the phenomenon of artistic culture A. was extremely heterogeneous and from the point of view of the social positions of his adherents, and in terms of the stylistics of their artistic creativity. Russian A. In the visual arts include, for example, such very different, original, talented artists. , like yeah. Chagall, P.N. Filonov, K.S. Malevich, V.V. Kandinsky . The principal antiideological orientation of many representatives of A. in the West led them to the 60s. To the closure with the position of "new left radicalism", expressed in the denial of culture under the pretext of its "ideologicalness" and in approving the counterculture opposing it. Various forms of A. are developing in contemporary art [Aesthetics: Dictionary 1989].

AUGEAN STABLES -in Greek mythology, the huge and highly contaminated stables of the king of Elida Avgoy, purified from uncleanness in one day by Hercules, who sent the river water in them (one of his 12 feats) [Popular Encyclopedic Dictionary, 2002].

Autochetal Church - (auto ... and kephale. - Head) in Orthodoxy administratively independent (placed) church. In the beginning. 1990s. It was 15 A.Ts., who, according to the Russian diptyth, honor and antiquity are located in this way: Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Russian, Georgian, Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Cyprus, Eleladskaya (Greek), Albanian, Polish, Czechoslovak, American . Under the jurisdiction of the Jerusalem Church, the Sinai Autocephalous Church is located, Constantinople - Finland Autochetical Church, Russian - Japanese Avtochefal Church (since 1970) [Popular Encyclopedic Dictionary, 2002].

Autonomy in education -(Greek. AUTONOMOMIA - Independent) One of the basic principles of state policy in the field of education, providing for the independence of educational institutions in the selection and placement of personnel, scientific, financial, economic and other activities in accordance with the legislation and their charters, approved in accordance with the procedure established by law [Additional Vocational and Technical Education on labor protection and industrial safety: Training Terminology Dictionary, 2007]

Self-portrait - Portrait in which the artist depicts himself mostly with a mirror or mirror system. Self-portrait expresses an assessment by the artist of his personality, its role in the world and society, their creative principles. Self-portrait is a special kind of portrait genre [Art: Encyclopedia, 2002].

Authoritarian upbringing -the pedagogical concept, according to which educational relations are built on the unquestioned authority of the educator and subordinate to the pupil of His will. Suppressing the initiative and independence of children, A. in. prevents the development of their activity, individuality, leads to confrontation between educators and pupils. As a result, a person grows by passive, irresponsible, prone to a conform. A. in. Confront the concept of natural education and free education. [Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary, 2002].

Authoritarianism -(Lat. Auctoritas. - power, influence) dominance of the power of one person in the state or in the team; Especially accompanied by deformation for this purpose for previously established laws and norms [Political Science: Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1993]

Authority -(Lat. Auctoritas. - Power, influence) The influence of any person, group or organization, based on knowledge, virtues, vital experience. It is expressed in the ability of carriers of the authority to direct, without resorting to coercion, thoughts, feelings and acts of other people, as well as in recognition by the carrier of the authority of the right to leadership, in willingness to follow its instructions and advice. The value of the authority in the upbringing is determined by the role of the teacher's identity in this process. From how much in the eyes of children is authoritative to specific teachers and the entire pedagogical team depends on the success of creating a raising situation [Leisure pedagogy: Terminology Dictionary, 2007].

The authority of the teacher - Consorable recognition that allows you to have a beneficial effect on children, the most important means and a decisive condition for the effectiveness of pedagogical activities [GD Bukharova, O. N.Arefiev, L.D. Starikov Forming System, 2008].

Pedagogue authority -(Lat. Auctoritas. - Power, influence) The necessary condition for the positive impact of the teacher on the effectiveness of training and education based on their knowledge, moral meritors, vital experience. At the heart of A.P. lies confidence of listeners to him, conviction in his rightness, their inner readiness to divide with the teacher responsibility for the decisions taken by him [Encyclopedia vocational education, 1998].

Culture agents - 1) individuals and groups that provide personal, direct impact on the formation of the cultural potential of the personality, creating, evaluating or distributing cultural products; 2) also institutions that promote the creation, development, conservation and transmission cultural values and products. For those and others, i.e. individuals and institutions, referred to the subjects of culture. Energy of the institution of culture is allocated to an independent category and called cultural institutions . Since the terminology in this case has not yet established, both items should be considered equally used. As. Related: a) large social groups, first of all, ethnic groups (tribe, nationality, nation), which are sustainable interconnected communities of people united by a common historical destiny, common traditions and culture, features of life, unity of the territory and language; 2) Professional groups of creators, researchers, keepers and artists of artistic works, in particular, musicologists, local history, art historians, historians, ethnographers, philologists, philosophers and physicists, critics, censors, architects, builders, restorers; 3) unprofessional groups, in one form or another introduced to culture, for example, viewers, readers, fans; 4) audiences - reader, auditorium, mass, specialty, newspaper magazine, scientific, popular, youth, elderly, female, etc.; b) Small social groups, in particular, voluntary professional associations, uniting cultural creators who contribute to their professional growth, protecting their rights and contribute to the spread of cultural values. These primarily include creative unions of artists, writers and composers; 2) specialized associations and mugs, for example, a circle of Petrashevtsev; 3) the circle of fans of certain types of art, musical group, adherents of a certain flow in art, fans of a particular form of fashion, adherents of a certain religion (for example, Buddhists), religious sect, etc.; 4) cultural media representing a blurred (indefinite) set of people belonging to the intelligentsia and carrying out spiritual support or culture as a whole or its separate species and directions; 5) a family in which primary socialization and human inculturation occurs; c) depositors are a special category of culture subjects. Depositors are people who contribute to positive changes in culture. This category disintegrates into several groups: 1) Creators of artistic works - poets, writers, composers, artists; 2) patrons, sponsors, i.e. investors of culture; 3) distributors of cultural property - publishers, entertainers, lecturers, speakers; 4) consumers of cultural property - public, audience; 5) Censors - literary editors, chief editors, literary censors who follow the compliance with the rules; 6) Organizers. As. or cultural institutions should include institutions and organizations that are creating, which are stored, distributing artworks, as well as sponsoring and educational population of cultural values, in particular, academy of sciences, schools and universities, ministries of culture and education, galleries, libraries, stadiums, educational - Active complexes, theaters, etc. This is the first, but not the only understanding of the cultural institution. The second value of it displays us to well-established social practices. For example, censorship is not always presented, like a museum or library, a multi-storey building or an extensive organization. Censorship can carry out a single official authorized by the state to track the ideological direction of literature. As a censor, the chief editor, a scientific editor and even the author himself can be. As the social practice of censorship goes its roots in deep antiquity. Throughout history, she repeatedly changed her forms, leaving unchanged main function - ideological (sometimes moral) control. Censorship should be called social or cultural practice, and not a institution. Literary critics and observers, jury, awarding prizes and premiums, as well as public libraries, schools and universities are also called cultural institutions that contribute to the promotion of literature on the market and distribute among readers. Cultural institutions are supporting such groups of the population and phenomena, which at first glance is difficult to count them. For example, among cultural institutions Call English butler, industrial instructors, institutions of guardianship, private education, governess [Culture and Cultural Studies: Dictionary 2003].

HAGIOGRAPHY - (Greek. - Saint and I write) The type of church literature describing the lives of Saints [Culture and Cultural Science: Dictionary 2003].

Agutki- early genre council; Short films like posters and leaflets [Vosoboboinikov, V.N. History of world and domestic culture, 1996].

Agnosti3m -(Greek. Agnostos. - Unknown, unknown) philosophical doctrine on the principal unknowability of being, denying the possibility of identifying its patterns and comprehending objective truth. It can not be submitted as a concept that deny the very fact of the existence of knowledge, because this fact is not rejecting this fact. He is not talking about knowledge, but to clarify its capabilities and that it is in relation to real reality. Elements of agnosticism can be found in various, including opposite, philosophical systems. Therefore, it is incorrect to identify all idealism with agnosticism. Representatives of agnosticism caught some real difficulties of the process of knowledge: the impossibility of "complete comprehension" of the ever-changing being, his subjective "refraction" in the senses and human thinking - limited in their capabilities, etc. Meanwhile, the most decisive refutation of agnosticism is contained in sensitly objective activities of people. If they, know those or other phenomena, deliberately reproduce them, the "unrecognizable things in themselves" there is no place. From the second half of the twentieth century. The term "agnosticism" is used in the literature most often when the characteristics of certain exercises found in the history of philosophy [Modern philosophy: Dictionary and Reads, 1995].

Agon -(Greek. agon. - Competition) A distinctive feature of Greek life - an irrepressive desire for any competition in almost all spheres public Life [Cultural Science: Teaching and Methodical Complex, 2008].

Agonality - (Greek. - Competition, Fighting) Distinctive feature of an ancient Greek culture, expressed in an uncontrolled desire to perfection, to any competitions in almost all spheres of public life. As the polis ratio develops, it became the fundamental beginning of the existence of a Greek civil corporation, proceedings, rhetoric, science, art. In practical terms, I found my incarnation in the system of sports and artistic competitions, the main of which were Olympic, Istimian, Nemoye and Dolphic Games [Cultural Studies: Teaching and Methodical Complex, 2008].

Agora -(Greek - Market Square) People's, Judicial or Military Assembly in the time of Homer. Later - a place of public meetings, trading, a public life center in ancient Greek culture. Altari, sanctuary, temples, boilers were located (room for meetings of the Council - Bule), stand, portico, mint, workshops, shopping shops [Culture and Culturology: Dictionary 2003].

ADAGIO - (IT. - Calm, slowly) the designation of a slow pace in music in the performance of a work or a separate part; The ballet is a dance composition of a lyrical, singular nature. Adagio is part of complex classic dance forms (Pa-de-de, Pa-de-Troita,) in slow Tempe. In a ballet exercise - a complex of slow motions of dancers at the stick and in the middle of the hall to develop sustainability, harmony of combination of legs, hands and hull [Art: Encyclopedia, 2002].

ADAPTATION - (Lat. adaptation.- Adaptation) The ability of the body or system, changing, adapt to various conditions of the external environment. In pedagogy - Optimal A. To the conditions of training and education. In the AndraGogic context active A. Not a simple device, but the successful implementation of other professional and official functions based on newly acquired knowledge, the ability to interpret the existing work experience and the ability to independently extract the missing information in order to use it in practice. Function A. It is mostly from two variables: the first - the trend towards self-realization, to achieving success and satisfying the needs for countering environmental factors that limit personality self-realization; The second is a tendency to an increased self-control with the refusal to achieve momentum needs for the sake of conservation of congruent relations with the environment. As for the psychological adaptation factor, it is associated with neuropsychic, emotional stability (stability) of the person, which cannot be considered in the separation from: (1) cognitive (cognitive) activity; (2) productivity of thinking; (3) Communicative competence; (4) organizational abilities. "BUT." Most often, it is considered as a process, and "adaptability" - as a feature line, but in the other case, we also appeal to the motivational sphere of a specialist in order to diagnose: 1) the dominance of socially significant motives, motives; 2) needs to achieve success at work; 3) the desire for self-affirmation; 4) Installations for the conquest of professional prestige, authority and respect for colleagues (brigades) [additional vocational education on labor protection and industrial safety: Training Terminology Dictionary, 2007].

Cultural adaptation - adaptation of human communities, social groups and individual individuals to changing natural-geographical and historical (social) living conditions by changing the stereotypes of consciousness and behavior, forms of social organization and regulation, norms and values, lifestyle and elements of paintings of the world, livelihood methods, directions and technologies of activity, as well as the nomenclature of its products, mechanisms for communicating and broadcasting social experience, etc. A. K. - one of the main factors of cultural-genesis, the historical variability of culture, the generation of innovation and other processes of sociocultural transformation of the message, as well as changes in the features of the consciousness and behavior of individual personalities. In the works of Evolutionists 19 V. (Spencer, L. Morgan and others) A.K. It is postulated as a dominant factor that determines the cultural diversity of mankind, the pace, the direction and the specifics of the sociocultural evolution of the community. Coriferations of cultural studies of the 20th century. (Neoevolutionists, structural functionalists, etc.), recognizing A.K. One of the most important mechanisms of cultural variability, nevertheless they did not absolize it, believing as significant factors of the development of people's interest in the knowledge of the new, their desire to rationalize their activities, saving time and labor costs, the internal logic of technology development in specialized areas of activity, etc. P. In general, the evolution of the methods of adaptive reactions can be considered as one of the basic characteristics of the evolution of life forms on Earth. In this case, the path of adaptation is traced by changing the morphological species in plants, through adaptation, combining the variability of biological signs with changes in behavioral stereotypes in animals (depending on the fundamental, radicality and duration of changes in environmental conditions), to purely human A.K. By changing the forms of vital activity (behavior) and images of consciousness in humans. From this point of view, the dynamics of the genesis of man and its culture itself is a gradual displacement of the process of the biological evolution of hominids (anthropogenesis) by the process of evolution of activities (socio and culturegenesis), i.e. A.K. It becomes the main means of human adaptation to the medium. Moreover, in contrast to animals, whose adaptation (even behavioral) is predominantly passive adaptation to the changed environmental conditions with minimal response to it, A.K. People gradually increasingly turns into active adaptation of the environment to their own needs and the construction of an artificial subject-spatial, socio-activity and information (symbolically marked) environment of their habitat. If the primitive and archaic stages of the historical development of the communities, the main adaptable factor was primarily a complex of natural conditions of existence (ecological niche, accommodating the landscape), when ethnographic cultural traits of the social practice of the rural population were formed in the process of developing technologies of sustainable self-sustainment Ranned-class pre-industrial civilizations (slavery, feudalism) increases the meaning of A.K. Communities to the historical conditions of their existence (that is, to the social environment in the person of other communities) in the forms of exchange of products, resources, ideas, etc., and the struggle of the territory, resources, political and religious dominance, etc., and sometimes For the survival and possibility of social and cultural reproduction. At this stage, the main features of the socially stratified political and confessional urban culture of the class type are formed. On the industrial and post-industrial stages of the sociocultural evolution of the priority, AK is gradually becoming gradually becoming The needs of sustainable reproduction of the community economy and its constant resource support, to the peculiarities of an increasingly technically saturated artificial habitat of people. The process of continuous consumption of products manufactured by the economy, accelerating the cycles of the use of things for the speedy acquisition of new, intensification of the socialization technologies and its involvement in social practice, the standardization of the content of mass consciousness, consumer demand, forms of social prestigidity and the like will generate a new type of culture - National with his Specific methods A.K. At the individual level (in addition to the participation of an individual in collective adaptation social Group) A.K. First of all, it is connected with the induction of an individual to a new social or national environment (migration, a change of profession or social status, service in the army, imprisonment, loss or acquisition of material means of existence, etc.) or the radical change of social and political conditions for it Life (Revolution, War, Occupation, Radical Reforms in the Country, etc.). At the same time A.K. Individual, as a rule, begins with the stage of accuraturation, i.e. combining the former stereotypes of consciousness and behavior with the process of mastering new ones, and then can also lead to assimilation, i.e. The loss of the former cultural patterns (values, samples, norms) and the total transition to new [cultural studies. XX century. Encyclopedia, 1998].

Adaptation Professional -the adaptation, addictive person to the requirements of the profession, the assimilation of the production and technical and social norms of the behavior necessary to perform labor functions. A.P. Bind usually S. initial stage professionally- labor activity man. However, in fact, it begins during the training of profession , when not only learned knowledge, skills, rules, norms of behavior, but the lifestyle characteristic of the workers is characteristic of the workers. The total duration of the period A.P. It depends on both the characteristics of a particular profession and the individual abilities of a person, his inconsistencies and interests. Degree of A.P. It can be measured by sociological and psychological methods. In sociological analysis, indicators characterizing quantitative and qualitative results Labor, the attitude of the employee to the nature, content and conditions of work activities, its inclusion in the labor collective, orientation on the preservation or change of place of work, profession, positions, advanced training and other results of sociological research A.P. Used in planning social development of labor collectives, training, selection and placement of personnel, in organizational and educational work with young people [Russian sociological encyclopedia, 1998].

Social adaptation -1) active adaptation of a person to changing social medium conditions and the result of this process. The ratio of these components, which determines the nature of the behavior depends on the purposes and value orientation of the individual, the possibilities of their achievement in the social environment. Despite the continuous nature of the process A. s., It is usually associated with periods of the cardinal change of the activities of the individual and its social environment; 2) the process and the result of developing new individual for him social roles and positions that are significant for the individual itself and its social environment [Continuing Economic Education: Dictionary of Basic Concepts, 2004].

Sociocultural Adaptation -the process of mastering traditions, norms, customs, values; Entry into another culture, the adoption of its fundamental principles [A.A.Okanov, I.G. Hangeldiyeva Theory of Culture: Tutorial for universities, 2003].

Adequacy of education - Compliance of the education obtained with objective needs of human and personality development [GD Bukharova, O.N. Arefiev, ld Starikov education system].

Azekura - (Yap.) The style of wooden pile structures in the architecture of Japan, designed to store grain and for religious rites associated with the completion of field work. Buildings of this type are a log cabin of trigger intersecting on corners of logs, without windows. The style has developed in the IV-III centuries. BC, served as the prototype of the first shinoshist and royal treasures. [A brief dictionary of architectural and artistic terms, 2004].

Aditon - (Greek. - Inaccessible) The inside of the ancient Greek temple, located for Nao and reported with him. Obviously, the cult relics were kept here, so the entrance to Aditon was strictly limited and only priests were allowed there. [Culture and Cultural Studies: Dictionary 2003].

Administration -1. Management, institution, the ability to practically organize executive and administrative and production activities. 2. The bureaucratic management style characterized by one-sided orientation on the methods of coercion, excessive hobbies of penalties as allegedly the only effective incentives for the proper behavior of members of labor organizations; Non-optimal solution to the issues without entering the creature of the case, but within the limits of formal requirements. [F. Broccus, I.A. Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary. Modern version, 2002.]

Adorand - (Lat. - ask, worship; and fr. - Read, adore) the statuette of a praying person, an intercession that makes the rite of reverence of the deity. Previously, the adorands arose in Mesopotamia, where they were put in the temples in front of the statues of the gods. They had to turn to the gods and assure them in their devotion, pray for the person who put them. On many figures, more often on the back, less often on the shoulder, the name of the person who settled and dedicated them was cut off. In a later period, a request, with which the Customer addressed God was attached. Statuettes were cut out of soft rocks - limestone, sandstone, local alabaster. Their sizes vary from 10 cm to 1.5 m, but most often reach 30-40 cm. There was no single fine canon, but you can select the most characteristic image rules. First of all, it should be noted a refusal to transmit proportions human body, distortion and hypertrophy of individual traits of man, lack of portrait similarity. In such a sculpture, according to the Canon, the head is straightforward, the eyes are disproportionately, ears are disproportionate. Huge ears They symbolized comprehensive wisdom, because the words denoting the ear and wisdom sounds at the Sumerian language equally - Ngeshtug. Eyebrows and eyes, beard and hair are almost always encrusted (see inlay). In the interpretation of posset statuettes, clothes and, especially, details of the patterns on it is allowed to be varied. It is stylistically distinguished by the figures of the adorates of the North and Southern Mesopotamia. Northern statuettes are distinguished by elongated slender proportions, more thorough part of the details. Southern figurines are more squat, heavy, with big heads. The adorates figures were used in antique (see Antiquity) and early Christian art. [Voskoboinikov, V.N. History of world and domestic culture, 1996].

Adjunct -(Lat. adjunctus. - Attached) face passing scientific internship. In Russia, the titles and positions of A. were envisaged at the Academy of Sciences, a number of state universities (until arrival. 20th century) and universities (up to 1863). Since 1938 A. - An officer learning in an adjuncture (similar to graduate school) at universities of the armed forces. [Popular Encyclopedic Dictionary].

Asian cultures - 1) traditional cultures of countries and indigenous peoples in the geographical space of Asia; Each of those A.K. interpreted as a relatively self-sufficient, but associated with other formal communities; 2) recognition of A. K. As a combination of several large cultural communities, including different countries and peoples of Asia, closely connected with each other. cultural history and traditions of great culture. Traditional cultures of the countries and peoples of Asia, which are included in these large cultural communities, have common systems for them by worldview, values, ideas and stereotypes of behavior. The framework of these generals outlines or very widely inclusive in the cultural and historical spheres of the Great Asian civilizations - Arab-Persian (Islamic), Indian (Hindu-Buddhist) and Chinese (Confucian), which actually leads to the complete identity of the concept of A. K. with the concept "Eastern cultures", or locally limited to the areas of Eastern, Southeast and South Asia, which allows you to more accurately and clearly define the specifics of A.K. In their community and features. German orientalist O. Veggel (Hamburg. Institute of Cultural Research) recognizes the geographical and cultural boundaries adopted with this approach, the most precisely corresponding concept A. K. Although "Asia" (in the work of a German researcher, these are areas of eastern, Southeast and South Asia; The areas of the Middle and Middle East, Central, Central and Northern Asia are not included in the concept of Asia, as well as the cultures of the peoples of these regions in the concept of A. K.) - this is rather geographical than the cultural concept. In the use of the term A. K. There is a great point because it includes general characteristic for different countries, peoples and cultures of Asia features that allow us to talk about their cultural identity: having historically deeper roots and geographically more extensive than in other parts of the world, statehood; predominance in cultures asian peoples Historically more ancient than in other cultures, autochthonons (most advantage) religions. Nevertheless, Asia is perceived by the inhabiting nations as a single cultural whole. According to Veggel, in the values \u200b\u200bof A. K., in the image of the thinking of Asian peoples there are common orientation for them to the holistic perception of peace and its phenomena, sharply different from the European-American desire for differentiation and sampling. For many years, a comparative study of Western and Asian crops in science has a stereotypes, in which the dynamism of the first opposes the staticity of the second, "youth" of the first - "old age" of the second, focus orientation - orientation on despotism, conceptual culture - emotional, historical and pretentious dominants of thinking - Neistoric and otherworldly, materialism - spirituality. These opposition are equally controversial, however is unreliable, since a lot of ascribed by Western culture is not at least characteristic (or at least it was characteristic) for Asian. The main difference is that A. K. They strive for a holistic, undifferentiated perception of the world, to harmony, and Western adhere to opposite orientations. The origins of this feature A.K. - in their agricultural nature. Agricultural dominant retains its power to this day. Its essence is determined by the recognition of the harmony of three began - heaven, earth and man. Any false note in this harmony creates a disharmony that in itself is very dangerous. In the picture created on this basis, there is no place to be random, nothing may arise from nothing or disappear without a trace (significant in this respect is the Hydroph-Buddhist doctrine of karma). Everything that happens in one of the three spheres has its own parallels or analogies in others: so, for example, today in Asian countries, they often believe that political riots are accompanied by natural disasters. The parallelism of the three spheres of heaven, earthly and human - existed in the past and continues to exist today in all A. K. In Confucianism, Hinduism and Taoism, the thought of the analogies of the three spheres is clearly traced. In the world constructed on the principles of analogy, the dominance of the general and the same for these areas of laws and orders is recognized. The holistic worldview and the desire for harmony determined the nature of the attitude of Asian peoples to nature, economic activity and power structures. Instead of a typical western man, the desire to dominate nature, exploit it, for the worldview and behavior of Asian peoples are characterized by the desire for life in harmony with the natural world, with nature, to the creation of unity between man and its habitat, the integrity of the micro and macrocosm. The religious consciousness of Asian peoples is much less differentiated than European: for the Chinese or the Japanese, for example, it is also difficult to answer the question of which religion it works - Buddhism, Shintoism or Taoism, as a Europeans to answer the question of his blood type. For Asians, with the exception of Asian Muslims, is characterized by violence. Eastern religious thought has never become the source for the emergence of new, different from religious, regions of knowledge and nonetological concepts, as it took place in Western Christianity. Moreover, Asian religions have never been exposed to art of rationalism. In the overall picture of A. K. It is possible to distinguish five subcultures. The first - Metakonfutian, including Cultures of China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and countries of Eastern and Southeast Asia with the Chinese population prevailing them (above all Hong Kong and Singapore). For countries with metacophusian culture, strong "schoo" groups are typical, the ideology of state centralism, focused on economic achievements of the valuables system. The second subculture is formed by the cultures of peoples confessing Teravada-Buddhism - Thai, Lao, Burmanskaya, Khmer, Singalskaya. In them, the lifestyle and human behavior was formed under the influence of production dominant areas in these areas, structures characterized in the literature usually as "loose". These structures determined quite individualized personality behavior and required the presence of strong state power. The third type of Asian subculture is Hindu. It includes various, but at the same time associated with the whole Local Culture of Industrial. It is characterized by the organization of everyday life based on the fine system and the rules of caste relations, penetrated deeply and in religious consciousness. Hindu subculture makes focus on group orientations implemented in family or intra-sophisticated structures. In the fourth type - Islamic - strongly influenced local doubtful traditions. Wereghel allocates two subgroups in this type: Malaysian-Islamic - Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Philippines, partly Singapore and Indo-Islamic - Bangladesh, Pakistan, Maldives. The fifth type of Asian subcultures is a Catholic, which includes the majority of the Philippines population. Filipino Catholicism experienced a strong influence of pre-Christian local traditions. The psychology of a large family is one of the most important characteristic features of this type of subculture. [Culturalology. XX century. Encyclopedia, 1998].

Ayvan. - (Persian. - Eyvan, Ivan, Lebanon) AUTO HALL OK Outdoor from the courtyard (receiving halls in Parfi's Palaces and Sassanid Iran, in the mosques and palaces of Central Asia, Iran and Afghanistan in the Middle Ages). This term also denote the terrace in Central Asian dwellings, mosques - flat coating on columns or pillars. [A brief dictionary of architectural and artistic terms, 2004].

Academism -1) Pure theoretical direction, traditionalism in science and education. 2) The cutoff of science, art, education from life, social practice. 3) Direction in Fine Arts 16-19 centuries. [Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary, 2002].

Academism in art -(from Greek. Academia -school) 1. Careful attitude towards traditions, high professionalism, "immunity" to fashionable, but short-lived and superficial trends in art. At the same time, A. He has its negative side, often turning into traditionalism, leading to the canonization of tested manners and techniques in artistic creativity, stagnation of artistic thinking, giving rise to the salon, externally beautiful, "united", but deprived of acute life content and spiritual fullness of art . Artistic culture, highly appreciated and guarding A. in his positive manifestation, creates against the negative tendencies of A. in the face of the primitive, studio theaters, creativity of amateurs and other forms focusing creative search and innovation . In the modern situation of increasing eclecticism in the art and expansion of mass culture. Receives its abilities to preserve and develop cultural tradition and national heritage, and in this its relevance. 2. Direction in plastic arts, formed in European culture since the Bologna Academy of Brothers Carragechi (1585) and the beginning of two largest styles in the art of the XVII-XVIII centuries. - classicism and baroque, and subsequently the formation and broader principles of art. The Bologna School argued the status of a professional and free artist for aesthetics, proclaimed the need for artists of theoretical and practical possession various styles, cultivated the study of artistic ideas first graphically and only then picturesquely, laid the foundation for the development of picturesque standards. At the same time, the practice and the theoretical program of the Bologna school created the ground for epigalism of eclecticism in plastic arts, as well as to revaluate the technical side of skills to the detriment of the meaningful search and expression of individual originality. The experience of the Bologna Academy contributed to a wider organization in the XVII-XIX centuries. Academies of "Fine Arts" (Dance, Dramatic Art, Music), which marked the formation of the principles of systematic education and training to art, transfer the accumulated experience in the field of professional skills, mastering the classical Nazithemi national traditions. Some of these academies were transformed into theaters, conservatory, higher educational institutions of an artistic type. [Aesthetics: Dictionary, 1989].

Academic Freedom -(Asademic Freedom) freedom of members of the academic community, everyone individually or everyone together, in the desire for the development and transfer of knowledge through research, development, discussion, documentation, creative activity, teaching, lecturing and creating scientific work. In order to create conditions for the emergence of new knowledge and teaching technologies of the past and present, the government must refrain from using the education system as a tool for propaganda. They should also provide the teaching staff and students of all higher educational institutions for the autonomy and freedom of teaching and research activities without a police or military supervision or persecution. A.S. Includes open access to public affairs and the affairs of your institution, the ability to share information with your colleagues in your country and abroad. [Culture and Cultural Studies: Dictionary 2003].

Academy -the name of many scientific institutions and educational institutions. A. The leading form of the organization is scientified, activities in the face of the HTR. Comes from the school of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato - the so-called Platonic Academy, which was located in the suburb of Athens in a grove dedicated to the mythical hero Academy. The name A. receives emerging from the XV century. Scientists' mugs in various European countries that develop turbulent research, literary and teaching activities. Some of them, having received financial support from governments, began with the time of official scientific institutions. The first ANs arose as National Scientific Centers: in 1660, the Royal Society in London, in 1666, the Ann in Paris, 1700. Prussian An in Berlin, 1724- Petersburg Anima, and so on. They pursued in The main research objectives (provided primarily the conditions for experimental workAlthough in some cases the functions of educational institutions have taken on behalf of themselves). The London Royal Society, for example, originated from a circle that conducted unofficial scientific meetings, which included both scientists and noble "Lovers of Sciences", which made contributions for conducting experiments. A. began to publish printed works, which were placed, in particular, reports of inventions. In general, the applied aspects of science was originally paid significant attention; A. conducted an examination of technical inventions. There were many people engaged in practical activities (engineers, doctors, shipbuilders, etc.). However, already in the XVIII century. Interest A. To issues of technology decreased. It was associated with improving the organization of science. Due to the increase in the front of the research. A. Focused on solving fundamental scientific problems. New forms of scientific and pedagogical activities in the field of technology - engineering societies, higher technical schools, engineering factory laboratories, and then industry research institutes and design bureaus are also arising. [Scientific and Technical Progress: Dictionary, 1987].

ACANTHUS - (Greek . akanjov -plant "Bear Pilate » ) Plastic ornament in the form of stylized Akan's leaves. Originated in ancient Greek art in the middle of V c. BC e. It was used mainly to decorate the capitals of the Corinthian order (see Architectural Orders). In ancient-Roman art, Akan leaves have become an element of decoration capitals Corinthian orders, consoles, friezes and eaves . This kind of plastic ornament was developed in the culture of revival, the style of Baroque [theory of culture: studies. Feed., 2008].

Akathist - (Greek. - I do not sit down) Pupping church songs in honor of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and Saints, performed with praying standing. [Voskoboinikov, V.N. History of world and domestic culture, 1996].

Watercolor -(franz. Aquarellelat. . Aqua. - Water) Water-adhesive paints made of finely broken pigments, divorced in water and easily it washed. Watercolor you can write on dry or raw paper and cardboard. The main qualities of watercolor painting are the purity of the colors, tenderness and transparency of paints, through which the tone and the texture of the base are transmitted. Technique graphics and painting with these colors; The work performed in such a technique [A brief dictionary of architectural and artistic terms, 2004].

Aqueduct -(Lat. Aquaeductus., OT. aqua. - Water I. duco. - lead a water conduit (canal, pipe) for water supply to settlements, irrigation and hydropower systems from their sources located above. The aqueduct is also called a part of the waterway in the form of an arched bridge over the ravine, the river, the road, in which the walls and the bottom of the tray or pipes are carrier spans. [A brief dictionary of architectural and artistic terms, 2004].

CHORD- Consonal, including three or more sound, which is perceived as a consistent whole. [Art: Encyclopedia, 2002].

Accreditation - The right of the educational institution for issuing to its graduates of a state-owned document on education, on the inclusion in the system of central government financing and on the use of stamp printing. [GD. Bukharova, O.N. Arefiev, ld Starikov education system].

Accounting -the process of changing material culture, customs and beliefs occurring in direct contact and mutual influence of different sociocultural systems. The term A. is used to designate both this process itself and its results. Such terms as "cultural contact" and "transcultura" are close to it. The concept of A. Beginning to be used in American cultural anthropology at the end of the 19th century. In connection with the study of the processes of cultural change in the tribes of the North American Indians (F. Boas, W. Holmes, W. Mak-Ji, R. Lowie). Initially, it was used in a narrow value and denoted predominantly the processes of assimilation occurring in Indian tribes due to their contact with the culture of white Americans. In the 30s. This term firmly entrenched in American anthropology, and the processes A. became one of the main topics of empirical research and theoretical analysis. A. was the subject of field research Hearrsovitsa, M. Foreign Ministry, Redfield, M. Hunter, L. Spyer, Linton, Malinovsky . In the second half of the 30s. There was an interest in a more systematic study of the accounting processes. In 1935, Redfield, Linton and Herskovitz developed a typical model of Research A. They determined A. As "a set of phenomena arising from the fact that individuals with different cultures are included in permanent direct contact, which occurs in the initial cultural patterns of one of Groups or their both. " An analytical difference between the recipient group, the initial cultural patterns of which undergo change, and a donor group, from the culture of which the first draws new cultural patterns: This model was convenient for empirical research of cultural changes in small ethnic groups due to their collision with Western industrial culture . Redfield, Linton and Herskovitz allocated three main types of recipient group to the situation of cultural contact: adoption (complete replacement of an old cultural pattern with a new, learned from the donor group); adaptation (partial change in the traditional pattern under the influence of the culture of the donor group); Reaction (full rejection of the cultural patterns of the Donor Group enhanced attempts to maintain traditional patterns in constant condition). This analysis scheme has provided a beneficial effect on empirical research and has received further development. In the works of Herskovits, the processes of a combination of cultural elements of contacting groups were investigated, as a result of which fundamentally new cultural patterns are developing (studies of syncretism in the Negro cultures of new light, in particular syncretic religious cults). Linton and Malinovsky analyzed the negative reaction " primitive crops"On the situation of contact with the Western Industrial Culture (Linton introduced for this purpose the concept of" nationwist movements "; Malinovsky used the term" trabalism "). Linton has developed the typology of nationwist movements ("Nativista Movements", 1943). An important theoretical value for the study of A. had the work of Linton "Accounting in the seven tribes of the American Indians" (1940), where two types of conditions were allocated in which a.: 1) could be freely borrowing to the contacting cultures of each other's elements under the absence of military - Polytic domination of one group over another; 2) The directional cultural change in which the group dominating in military or political attitude shall pursue a policy of violent cultural assimilation of the subordinate group. Up to the 50s. Study A. was limited to a study of the change in traditional cultures under the influence of Western civilization; Starting from the 50-60s. There has been a tangible expansion of the research perspective: the number of studies on the interaction and mutual influence of non-vote cultures and such processes as Spain, Japan, China, and the like, characteristic of individual cultural regions (J. Foster, J. Felan, etc.); Methods of research A. were applied to the study of the process of urbanization in complex societies (R. Bils). If earlier the focus was focused on the influence of the "dominant" culture on the "subordinate", now the subject of the study has become the opposite influence (for example, African musical forms on modern Western music). An explicit or implicit identification of A. with assimilation gave way to a wider understanding of A. as a process of interaction of cultures, during which their change occurs, the assimilation of new elements, education as a result of mixing various cultural traditions of fundamentally new cultural synthesis. [Culturalology. XX century. Encyclopedia, 1998].

Accumulating function - (Lat. AssitiTio -accumulation) acts as a role human memoryWith its help, the most important spiritual and cultural values \u200b\u200bof a universal and national character are selected and stored. Y. Lotman rightly noted that culture is one of the forms of human memory, but being subordinated to the laws of time, has a unique mechanism to overcome it, holding multiple elements of the past in its treasury. A. f. Cultures are designed to resist the collapse of the communication of times. [A.A.Okanov, I.G. Khangeldiyeva Theory of Culture, 2003].

Axism -(Greek - the highest degree of something, blooming force) the current in Russian poetry of the 1910s. (S.M. Gorodetsky, M.A. Zenkevich, G.V.Ivanov, M.A. Kuzmin, E.Yu.Kuzmina-Karavaeva, Early N.S.Gumilev, A.A.ahmatova, O.E. Mandelshtam). The theoretical substantiation found in the works of N.S.Gumileva (Article "Heritage of Symbolism and Akmeism", 1913), S.M. Rodetsky (article "Some currents in modern Russian poetry", 1913), O.E.Mandehstam (The article "Morning Akmeism", published in 1919). Aqmeists united into the group "The Poets Workshop", which existed from 1911 to 1914., and then regenerated in 1920-1922. Adjacent to the magazine "Apollo", and in 1912-1913. Published his own magazine "Hyperbori" (editor M.L.Lozinsky; total was 10 numbers of this publication), Almanaci "Poets shop". Aqmeists opposed the mystical aspirations of symbolism to the "unrecognizable" "element of nature", declared the concrete sensual perception of the "real world", the return of the word of its initial, not symbolic, meaning. But unlike realists (see Realism) they treated reality, Esteretized it. Their poetry peculiar to individual modernist (see modernism) motives, to the camera and poetization of the senses of the "man of nature". [Yu.S.S.Tepanov Constants: Dictionary of Russian Culture, 2001].

Acmeology -(Greek. ACME.top, blooming time, logos -doctrine ) science, which arose at the junction of natural, public and humanitarian disciplines and studying the patterns and phenomena of the progressive development of a person to the level of maturity and, especially when they reach the highest level in this development (A.A. Bodaliev, A. A. Derkach, N. V. Kuzmina). A. Exists developing man As an individual, subject matter, personality and individuality. At the origins of the formation of acmeole

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mu on Earth, putting it with the properties of objects and phenomena of wildlife. But deanthropomorphization is the liberation of natural things from the properties inherent in man.

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Asthenia- physical, neuropsychic weakness, manifested in increased excitability, instability of mood, intolerance, etc.

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Thrift- moral quality, characterizing a caring attitude towards material and spiritual benefits, to property.

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Biology(Greek. bios.- a life, logos.- Teaching) - Science on the laws of life, the totality of sciences about the wildlife and its development.

Bionics- Applied science, which studies the characteristics of the structure and vital activity of organisms in order to create and apply new technical mechanisms, devices, systems.

Biopolitics- The doctrine of a holistic system of scientific and theoretical developments and practical measures to ensure the conservation of life and its diversity on Earth. Studying and developing the use of biological approaches, methods and data in policies and political activities.

Biopsy(Greek. bios.- a life, opsis- Consideration) - an act of a lifetime taking of a small volume of fabric for microscopic examination for the purpose of diagnosis.

Biosphere(Greek. bios.- a life, sPHAIRA.- The ball) is a concept that means the sphere of life on Earth.

Biotaor BIOS (Greek. bios.- Life) - a holistic aggregate of all living on Earth.

Biomedical ethics- Applied part of bioethics associated with problems of biomedicine and moral principles of behavior in scientific and clinical cases of doctors and other medical workers In the renewing health system. Biomedical ethics now covers areas such as ethical problems of abortion, suicide, genetic engineering, organ transplants and many others who are directly related to the health conservation of people.

Biodiversity- A combination of all types and forms of living, interdependent, interconnected and necessary to each other, which causes the tough requirement of the careful attitude towards him and the care of a person about its conservation.

Biofil(Greek. bios.- life and phileo.- I love) - a man who loving all the living. The concept was introduced into the scientific turnover of E. Fromm.

Bioethics(Greek. bios.- life and ethos.- Behavioral custom) - the concept relating to complex discipline, which is at the junction of philosophy, science, biology, medicine. She became the key to the direction of modern moral philosophy. Bioethics - the doctrine of the savings of natural life on Earth. It is based on the moral right of a person to be recognized as a person. This term is proposed by the American scientist V.R. Potter in 1969

Good- Universal concept used to designate what is useful to people. It indicates the positive values \u200b\u200bof things, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

Reverence in front of life- The principle of humanistic philosophy and ethics of saving the life and active activities of people proposed by a famous doctor, a philosopher-humanist, the laureate of the Nobel Prize of the world A. Schweizer. This is absolutely necessary and basic principle of bioethics.

Thanks- High feeling of respect and love for another person for their privacy. This is a good attitude of a person to another person (group of persons), who has enforced him as a kind of service, expressing in a special sense of readiness to respond with mutual benefit and in relevant practical actions.

Governing and identical to him- Conscious action that plays a positive role in interpersonal communication of people with each other and assessed by moral consciousness as good.

Prudence- The principle of human behavior, who orients him to achieve the most moral of the maximum good. This principle attracts special attention when searching for answers to the moral dilemmas of modern biomedicine, determining its status in medical science and the clinical practice of doctors.

Nobility- moral quality, characterizing the actions and actions of people from the point of view of sublime moral motives, which they are dictated.

Disease- Violation in the natural process of functioning of any body, expressed by physiological and structural changes that occur under the influence of certain emergency irritants of the external and internal habitat.

Pain- the psycho-physiological state of a person when he has a negative feeling under the influence of external or internal forces. Pain - the protective reaction of the body, it is playing

it is a positive role in damage to the lives of living beings in the body and the psyche.

Marriage- Voluntary Family Union of Men and Women, who defines their civil rights and obligations towards each other and their children.

Life- Standing the daily life of people. In the field of life, a person restores his strength, develops needs and ability. In everyday life, he is significantly more granted to himself and subjectively refers to him as his personal business.

Being- one of the key philosophical categories, with which something is understood to be considered in the world of things, objects and phenomena of nature as suit- the only true, existing in itself, i.e. Out and regardless of man and his consciousness. Introduced this concept in the speech turnover of the ancient philosopher Parmenid (515-450 BC).

Politeness- moral quality, evaluating behavior of people. It includes attentiveness, delicacy, tact.

Veresaev V.V.(This surname - Smidovich) (1867-1945) - a Russian doctor, thinker and writer, author of the famous book "Notes of the doctor." It is devoted to the philosophical understanding of the ideals and principles of medical ethics. This book contains a lot of ethical judgments about the possibility and conduct of medical research on animals and man.

Fidelity- The moral quality of a person pointing to the line of his social behavior, which is regarded as a moral principle in joint affairs.

Probability(or the opportunity) is a scientific category expressing the numerical measure of the objective possibility of the occurrence of a random event.

Mutual assistance- Relationship between people arising in the conditions of necessary support for each other.

Vitalism(Lat. vita.- Life) - the doctrine of principled difference Live systems from non-living.

Vitamins(Lat. vita.- Life) - organic substances, indispensable nutrition factors necessary for normal life.

Attractions- An unconditional personality desire to change the created state or position in the random search process to meet the unconscious need.

Will- The ability of the personality to regulate activities and behavior in society. This is a free and conscious aspiration of a person to the goal; The spiritual ability of a person to additional efforts necessary to achieve a specific goal as a certain value. Voluntarism announces the will of the Higher Principle of Human Being.

Medical ethics- The type of professional ethics, which is based on a traditional idea of \u200b\u200ba particularly humane appointment of the medical person. One of the main requirements is to help all patients without distinction, regardless of public situation and wealth, even a wounded enemy.

World Health Organization(WHO) is a specialized United Nations agency, the largest international medical and pharmaceutical organization, which has proclaimed the meaning and purpose of their social activities to achieve all nations is the highest level of human health. Founded in 1946

Choice- The moral act of free activity of the individual, which precedes decision making and predetermines the content of future practical action. The choice is ensured by mind, love and will. The choice of a doctor who conjugates the choice and its patient is determined primarily by the ideas and principles laid down in bioethics.

Hedonism(Greek. hedone -pleasure, enjoyment) - philosophical and ethical teachings, according to which the highest moral value and the meaning of people's life is considered to achieve sensual pleasure and pleasure, which gives them an idea of \u200b\u200blife joy, happiness from communicating with other people. In traditional ethics, hedonism is most often transformed into eudemonism as a philosophical and ethical system about ways to achieve genuine happiness. Hedonists were in the antiquity of Aristipp from Keenecia and French philosophers-materialists of Gelving, Limetry.

Gene- This is the material carrier of the heredity of living organisms, the unit of hereditary information.

Genetics(Greek. genesis- The origin) is the science of heredity and the laws of the variability of the body.

Medical genetics- the leading industry of human genetics, which is devoted to the study of the role of hereditary factors in the vital activity and human pathology. It is closely connected with philosophical anthropology and all sections of modern clinical medicine.

Genetic Engineering- Applied direction in genetics, within which genetically modified organisms are created, the possibilities of gene therapy of certain human diseases are being implemented.

Genotherapy- the method of treating diseases associated with violations of genes; It consists in introducing proper genes to the body.

Hermenevics(Greek. hermeneutikos.- The art of interpretation of texts) is the direction of modern Western philosophy, which considers its main task to interpret and understand the content of texts.

Heroism- A special form of human behavior, which in moral terms is a feat.

Hygiene- The section of preventive medicine, which studies the effect of the external environment on human health, its performance.

Hypothesis(Greek. hypothesis- The basis, assumption) is a scientific assumption or assumption that has been put forward to explain any phenomenon. Unlike the axioms, the hypothesis should have experienced confirmation for its universal recognition.

Hippocrates(460-377 BC) - the famous antique doctor and thinker. The reformer of ancient Greek medicine, revered as "Father of Medicine". The founder of an individual approach to the patient. It is rightfully considered the founder of a professional medical school, in which he connected medical goals and objectives with the principles of humane philosophy and medical ethics. With his name is due to the view of high moral The doctor and morality of his professional behavior is the hippocratic oath. Her chief Principle "do no harm".

Pride- High moral feeling, which expresses human respect for himself, the expression of the identity of self-consciousness of the individual.

Epistemology(Greek. gnosis- Knowledge, logos.- Teaching) - Philosophical theory of knowledge. To denote the theory scientific knowledge in philosophy instead of term epistemologymore often used epistemology.

Coarseness- Negative moral quality of a person who does not know the norms of etiquette and neglects the culture of behavior.

Humanism(Lat. humanism- Human) - a worldview or a system of views, giving a person to the importance of a particularly priority value in the form of manifestation of love for a person, as a person, respect for human dignity and care for the welfare of all people. This is human in man. This is a deep faith in its infinite creative and creative opportunities and its ability to self-improvement.

Humology- The humanistic direction in the sciences of a person, which is based on a new humanistic paradigm, ensuring the resolution of the contradiction between anthropocentrism and new ethical principles arising from the state of modern social development and technological progress. There is an expansion of the principle of humanity beyond the biodiversity Homo Sapiens.

Deduction(Lat. deduction- removal) - the conclusion leading from the common to the private, i.e. The removal of new ideas is purely logical.

Demagogy(Greek. demos.- people I. agogos.- presenter demagogos.- politician) - term used for the negative moral characteristics of the personality and the image of its actions; View of hypocrisy.

Deontology(Greek. deon.- due to I. logos.- Teaching) - section of ethics about public debt, personal responsibilities and behavior of a person as a person and a specialist. In medicine, it is considered as professional ethics of physicians - the doctrine of their debt in moral terms to patients, the manifestation of their professional duties and personal responsibility of all health workers.

Demiurge(Greek. demiurgos)- architect world or god-creator of the universe. Unlike Demiurge, the medieval God is primed in all respects.

Determinism(Lat. determinare.- Determine) - Philosophical teaching, proclaiming universal conditionality of all phenomena. This is an universal doctrine of the causal relationship and the interdependence of all phenomena and processes occurring in the real world.

Dialectics(Greek. dialektike.- lead a conversation) This term has different semantic shades: 1) the art of conducting a philosophical dispute, controversy; 2) the doctrine of the universal method of reflexive thinking; 3) Logic form and method of resolution of objective contradictions.

Deviant(Franz. deviation- Deviation) - deviating from the moral norms of behavior adopted in society.

Good- The ethical concept of the moral consciousness of the person, expressing the particularly positive moral importance of all phenomena of public life in their correlation with the vital ideal.

Confidence- The concept characterized by a good attitude towards the actions of another person and himself. Cheating trustworthy - grave moral misconduct.

Debt- The concept of ethics characterizing moral requirements for the personality. The concept of debt is associated with other ethical concepts that assess the moral activity of the personality and specialist: responsibility, self-consciousness, conscience, etc. The doctrine of the doctor is to fulfill them all the requirements associated with its work and the achievement of the main goal - success in the diagnosis and recovery of the patient.

Donor(Lat. donare.- Given) - the person, organs and tissues of which are transplanted in therapeutic purposes to another person.

Dignity- The concept of moral consciousness, expressing an assessment of the morality of the person.

friendship- The form of fraternal relations of people with each other in the field of personal connections.

Eugenics(Greek. eugenes- Pornish) is "refining" human nature or improving the genetic qualities of human individuals and populations by special selection of marital couples with optimal hereditary qualities. IN last years Eugene received new opportunities for development due to the rapid progress of molecular genetics, cloning and other biomedical research. In this regard, there was a need to take into account bioethical ideals and principles, carry out competent regulation and control of the development of this science based on the humane philosophy of preserving the human population.

One(Lat. unum- Integrity) - a philosophical concept, in which the integrity of the thing, phenomena, process as the beginning of the indivisibility of something. "One" in the medical sphere indicates the beginning as the only source of life for any organism in its multiple species manifestation.

A life- A special form of matter existence, characterized by integrity and ability to self-organization. Life of man

it is a central bioetic and professional medical problem.

Envy- hostile feeling towards the successes of other people. This is an indicator of painful selfish and vanity.

Healthin everyday life, it is considered as a natural condition of any living organism, which is characterized by its equilibrium with the environment and the lack of some painful symptoms. Health, as a rule, is a majority of people feeling both free and comfortable possession of their body, painless flowing of all internal processes and getting pleasure from any physical movement. Therefore, human health can be represented as freedom achieved at different levels of their lives. On physical - freedom from pain, well-being. On emotional - freedom from exposure to passions as a state of calm and serenity. On mental - freedom from its egoism, unity with the truth. As for the official definition of health, it has long been given WHO as "the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical defects."

Evil- The concept of ethics, according to its content the opposite concept of "good".

Knowledge- The content of human thinking about the object under study, the result of knowing the world, society and man. Acquired or disabled verbal, shaped, symbolic or operational information, arbitrarily reproducible and actively used by the person in their speech or actions.

"Gold rule of morality"- The most ancient principle of ethics of behavior, calling for not to do another person of what you do not want myself. In the biblical commandment it is said: "In everything, as you wish, so that others come with you, so do you and you with them." As a rule of everyday wisdom, it pays the danger of the origin of egoism, and as the principle of morality assumes that each person, regardless of other people, determines that it is moral for him.

Ideal(Greek. idea.- The idea) is the concept of moral consciousness, a sample of the highest moral perfection or the highest goal of human aspirations in its vital activity. According to Kant, the ideal is an unattainable primary, which can never become reality.

Idealism(Greek. idealisme.- Following the idea) - Philosophical teachings that approve the priority of consciousness. Subjective idealism (Kant, Berkeley, Fichte) is engaged in understanding the role of human consciousness. Idealism objective (Plato, Hegel) considers consciousness as something objective, independent of people. The idealists of different systems have gained a significant array of positive knowledge.

Idealization- The mental procedure associated with the creation of abstract (theoretical) objects, concepts, categories, laws, etc. This is a form of philosophical design of abstract schemes that do not actually exist.

Ideal- A combination of ideas, principles characterizing the subjective image of objective reality. Sometimes under ideal understand the whole spiritual inner world Human: thoughts and feelings, moral and mental plants, interests and values.

Idea(Greek. idea.- Idea, concept) - shape, essence, philosophical term, which systematically used Plato. The word "idea" literally means "see the meaning of things." From the standpoint of modern knowledge, the content of the idea has no one-time definition. In science, she came to replace the term "concept."

Treason- Violation of loyalty to a common cause or betrayal.

Immanent(Lat. immanens.- inherent inherent) - a philosophical concept denoting qualities that are also active inside the phenomenon or subject matter and their natural nature.

Individuality- The unique peculiarity of a particular personality and its creative activity.

Initiative(Lat. initiare.- Start) - amateur participation of the person in different areas Social and cultural life and activity. This is a form of manifestation of the personal activity of a person mating with his work and courage. In moral terms, the initiative is characterized by the fact that a specialist, especially a scientist and medic, takes a great measure of responsibility than it requires simple compliance with generally accepted moral norms.

Intellectual- A person engaged in complex types of mental activity requiring deep abstraction.

INTENTION(Lat. intention- Intention, desire) - the doctrine on the target direction of consciousness for any subject, phenomenon.

Interest- The purposeful attitude of a person to something that is the object of its natural need. Interest

sitter from human life conditions. In ethics, the concept of interest is considered in the relationship with the concept of "debt."

Interpretation(Lat. interpretation- understanding, interpretation) is the concept of conformity between a logical act (conclusion), verbal expression and real material. Logical substantiation, methodological explanation of the semantic content of one thoughts, statements, text.

Intuition(Lat. intueri.- internally feeling, flair, guess) - philosophical direction in traditional ethics. It characterizes mystical, direct knowledge without experience and mind.

Informed consent- Rule of biomedical ethics, assuming that medical interventions and followers with the participation of a person as a subject permissible only after this person gives free consent, having received sufficient information about the goals, procedures and consequences of these interventions or research.

Irony(Greek. eironeia.- pretense) - the reception of ethically thin, hidden or even loose ridiculation, the heating, in which the search for truth is being found in a friendly attitude to the interlocutor or the subject of the dispute, scientific discussion.

Artificial insemination- Use of medicine of new technologies of conception of the human embryo. Among the methods of artificial fertilization today, artificial insemination of a sperm of a donor or a husband and the method of extracorporeal fertilization with the subsequent transfer of the embryo to the uterine cavity are distinguished.

Sincerity- moral quality, characterizing a person and his actions. It makes up the subjective side of the conviction at the right of their ideas and actions.

Redemption- Removing guilt for perfect misconduct by means of full recognition of their guilt and correct caused damage.

True(Greek. aleteia.- Uniscomed) - a value-theoretical concept denoting the ideal of knowledge and a way to achieve accurate knowledge about whom or anything.

Careerism(Ial. carriera.- running) - negative moral quality, which characterizes a person as a seeming thing to achieve personal successhaving neglected the interests of other people, society.

maxim Your Will could be at the same time the basis of universal legislation. " This is an unconditional moral personality behavior to be a man.

Cognitive(Lat. cognition- Knowledge, knowledge) - the philosophical concept of knowing the world and on the correspondence of the cognition of reality.

Cloning- The method of non-proper reproduction of organisms, in which the offspring is genetically identical to the parent. The target of therapeutic cloning is to obtain a genetically identical patient with embryonic stem cells, which are then supposed to use for the treatment of various severe diseases.

Moral Code- Arch of moral principles, norms and rules prescribed to people to universal consequences. This is the requirement of voluntary, but compulsory execution of them in society. It usually covers those moral norms, principles and rules that are practiced by an overwhelming majority of members of a particular society.

Confidentiality(Lat. confidentia.- Trust) - a rule that prohibits doctors without permission to disclose its information obtained by them as a result of the fulfillment of professional duties.

Conceptualism(Lat. conceptus.- Thought, concept) - one of the directions of philosophical thought associated with the understanding of general concepts, universal, and also believing that the general is found in thinking and is manifested in speech. In contemporary art, conceptualism is a major avant-garde movement, where the transition from a specific sensory perception to intellectual understanding.

Space(Greek. kosmos.- order, harmony in the universe) - In ancient Greek philosophy, the world was understood as something structurally organized by the whole. With the development of cosmonautics, this concept began to make mercy with the development of the universe.

Coevolution- The concept of modern philosophy of science, which considers that the joint or simultaneous evolution of biological and cultural factors in human vital activity occurs.

beauty- Philosophical concept revealing the main aesthetic value - the unity of truth and good (Hegel).

Culture of behavior- A combination of rules and forms of human behavior in accordance with the generally accepted morality and the standards of etiquette.

Cumulacivism(Lat. kumulatio.- accumulation, increase, summation) - the fundamental philosophical principle of epistemology, interpreting the process of scientific knowledge as a consistent accumulation of increasing new knowledge committed by theories.

Personality(Lat. persona.- Mask) - term denoting a holistic person in the unity of his individual abilities and the fulfillment of social and cultural functions.

Logos.(Greek. logos.- The word, concept, thought, mind) is the category of ancient Greek philosophy, which does not have clear content, but carrying meaning in all areas of knowledge in the form of a reasonable principle.

Cowardice- Negative moral quality, indicating the weakness of the will of the person.

Manners(Franz. . Maniere.- an image of action) - rules and techniques of etiquette, the way to properly keep yourself in society.

Materialism(Lat. materialis -real) - the philosophical direction of the thought in which the issue of matter is the main issue. All realities are treated as derivatives from matter. At the same time, materialism meets with difficulties: he does not manage to express the relative identity of consciousness, the creative abilities of a person. There are different types of materialism (instead of the term materialismphilosophers often use term realism).Along with dialectical materialism, pragmatic, functional and other varieties are distinguished.

Mentality, mentality (eng. mentAl- Mental, mental) - a steady mood of the inner world of people. This is a feature of consciousness associated with a mental warehouse of the nation and a separate personality. The mentality reflects unconscious views, beliefs, values, traditions, as well as models of behavior and activity of various ethnic and social groups, layers, society classes.

Metaphysics(Greek. meta Ta Physika.- The fact that after physics) is the philosophical doctrine of universal life, the limit grounds for the development of the world, the origins and principles of all things. Under this title, lectures and notes of Aristotle on the "First Philosophy" were combined. IN the general sense This is a philosophical teaching about ultra-wall principles and laws of being, synonymous for the terms "Philosophy", "Ontology".

Method(Greek. methodos -the path of research) is a set of different ways to know the world, including certain rules, techniques and principles for the study of nature, society and humans.

Methodology- Philosophical doctrine on the development and use of principles, funds and methods in various areas of knowledge.

Dream- One of the forms of moral consciousness, which is an emotionally sensual manifestation of the ideal in an individual consciousness, which acts as a desire and ability to see their excellent future.

Worldview- A holistic view of the phenomena and processes occurring in the world around the world. This is a complex of representations and concepts of a person about the development of the world at all and himself.

Monism(Greek. monos.- One, the only one) - the philosophical system of views, striving to reduce all the variety of peace, events, phenomena to a single primary - or matter, or spirit.

Morality(from lat. mores.- Morals) - the concept of ethics, serving to express the sphere of spiritual values. This is a special form of public consciousness and one of the ways to regulate the behavior of people in a specific historical society with the help of the rules and rules of the joint hostel. It arises from the need to establish interpersonal communication on the basis of humane values, guaranteeing the preservation of the human race and the dignity of each person belonging to it.

Think- One of the spheres of consciousness. This is all that is aware of people through ideas, concepts, judgments, conclusions.

Skills- Methods of action, which a specialist learned in the process of education and upbringing. This is an automated execution of an operation that does not require constant monitoring of consciousness.

Intention- Decision to make an action and achieve a positive result. This is a rational and volitional installation of a person as the desire to solve problems.

The science(Greek. epistema.- The sphere of knowledge) is the most complicated phenomenon in the sociocultural history of mankind: targeted activities, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of knowledge of the world, society and man. This is one of the spheres of public consciousness.

Natural philosophy,or in modern interpretation of the philosophy of nature, - an abstract-speculative concept of nature development in its unity and integrity, seeking to fill the data of natural sciences.

Science community- Interconnection and union of academic professionals.

Neokantianism- Philosophical current second halves XIX. in. It was overcome by the individual provisions of Cant philosophy, based on the denial of ontology and recognizing philosophy as criticism of knowledge, limited by experience and including priori principles and norms.

Nihilism- This is a moral principle that characterizes the negative attitude of a person to the moral values \u200b\u200bof society.

Norm(Lat. norma.- Rule, sample) - morally legalized establishment, recognized by society the order of moral behavior.

Moral,like morality, is the main ethical concept. As an integral part of the individual retention of morality in the life and activity of a particular person, serves as an indicator and criterion of his spiritual culture. The most significant manifestation of morality in man is conscience. At the same time, the morality of a separate person does not always comply with the prescriptions of morality that dominates in society.

Morals- Customs having moral importance in society.

Education- The system of assimilation by the subject of the teachings of a certain system of elements of the objectified experience necessary for successful activities in the selected field of social practice recognized by the Company as a certain level of personality development and its preparation for targeted activities in this area.

Communication- The interaction of two and more people, consisting in the exchange of information between them. Usually communication is included in the practical interaction of people (joint labor, teaching, collective work).

Society- conjugation of objective relationships and relations, subjective interests of people in their creative activities.

Duty- a moral requirement, acting as a manifestation of debt.

Odarity- A combination of those deposits that make up a natural prerequisite for the development of abilities to certain activities, combined with a tendency to this activity.

Orthodox(Greek. orthodoxos -direct, correct) - steadily adhering to his belief or fixed by authoritative instances in philosophy, science, religion, politics.

A responsibility- ethical category characterizing the identity attitude to other people and society in general in terms of

implementation of moral requirements. This is a tendency of man to behave in accordance with the interests of other people. This category expresses the ability of the personality to manage their activities, to respond to all its actions and actions and make the right choice, to achieve a certain result, consciously and voluntarily perform moral requirements and competently carry out tasks facing it. Responsibility is associated with the burden of the world in the world, which must be implemented.

Evaluation- This is a statement of a particular value (significance). This is moral approval or condemnation of various phenomena and processes in the vital activity of people. In self-esteem, such moral feelings as conscience, pride, repentance, etc. play a particularly important role.

Paracels(1493-1541) - scientist, doctor and philosopher Middle Ages. His name in ethics is associated with the principle of medicine: "Do good."

Paternalism(Lat. pater- Father) - a concept pointing to the primacy of the authority of the father in the family. In the past, the dominant principle in the relationship between the doctor and patients.

Personalism(from lat. persona -the creature, personality) - the doctrine, recognizing the personality of the primary creative reality, and all the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the individual - the highest meaning of civilization.

Behavior- A combination of a person's actions committed in specific conditions. If the concept of activity is characterized by targeted and morally motivated actions, the behavior covers all actions of a person.

Utility- One of the forms of assessing a person's actions from the point of view of meeting any needs or interests of people.

Understanding sociology- The direction in the philosophy of sociology, special attention to the analysis of significant, semantic elements of the life of people, based on the ideas of the philosophy of life, hermeneutics, phenomenology, linguistic philosophy.

Concept- Thought fixing the general signs of objects and phenomena displayed in it, allowing you to distinguish these items and phenomena from adjacent to them. This is a product of thinking, reflecting common patterns, essential parties, signs of phenomena that are fixed in abstract and general definitions.

Need- the inner essential force of the body, which encourages it to implement qualitatively defined forms of active activity. This is a form of communication of all living organisms with the outside world. The highest needs of a person reflect his relationship with the socio-cultural communities of different levels, as well as the conditions for the existence and development of the social systems themselves. Relevant needs are organized and the course of cognitive processes.

Initiative- actions of individuals or groups that served as the beginning of the new movement, changes in the forms of social and cultural life.

Pragmatism(Greek. pragma.- The case, action, practice) is the course of American philosophical thought, in which the action, practice is used as the main principle of knowledge and practical value.

Practice(Greek. praktikos -active, active) - a key concept in dialectical-materialistic (Marxist) philosophy - active sensual-subject, converting material activity.

The crime- The concept of moral consciousness, evaluating the misconduct of people from the point of view of the measure, in which they violate the requirements of ethics and rights. Crimes usually include those misconducts, which are a special danger to humanity, are trapped by generally accepted ideas about humanism and justice and are performed on mercenary, immoral reasons.

Principle(Lat. principium -the basis initially) is the main or starting position in knowledge, behavior, activity of people. The concept of principle is similar to the concept of the inner conviction of a person. Following the principles makes a person principled, faithful idea in behavior.

Misconduct- in its content presents a certain violation of morality and morality requirements.

Contradiction- Dialectic principle in thinking, having the basis of real contradictions of things in the world. This is the relationship between two terms when one contradicts the other. In logic, there are contradictions that are two statements, of which one denies the other, which causes confusion in thoughts.

Psychic(Greek. psyche.- Soul) - a special property of highly organized living matter. This is a form of reflection by the subject of the properties and patterns of objective reality and understanding of its own life and activity that occurs, developing

and functioning B. different types external and internal human activity.

Psychoanalysis- The philosophical and psychological concept and medical methodology of psychotherapy and psychology, putting into the center of attention all unconscious mental processes and motivation. Developed by Austrian psychiatrist, psychologist and philosopher Z. Freud (1856-1939).

Psychopathology- Anomalies of the individual characterized by the resistant disharmonicity of its mental warehouse behavior in everyday life and society. Mostly wears an innate character.

Equality in morality- The formal principle of morality, according to which all socio-cultural requirements should equally apply to all people, regardless of their social status and living conditions. In medicine - between doctors and patients.

Development- Quantitative and qualitative changes in psyche and organs of living beings, the improvement of mental and physical empowerment, the formation of new abilities and mental structures, which make it possible to use new methods for it.

Mind and reason- Two levels of mental activity. The mind is the ability of the mind to grab, understand the rational relationship in knowledge. The reason is the ability of the mind to a logical reflection.

Repentance- recognition of the person of their own guilt and the conviction of the mistakes made. It manifests itself either in vowel recognition to those who envoys their guilt and the willingness to carry punishment, or in a special sense of regretful of the actions committed or thoughts about them.

Rationalism(Lat. rationalis -reasonable) - the system of knowledge, based on razio(Mind) and feasibility, validity in contrast to the teachings based on revelation or feeling.

Realism(Lat. realis -real, valid) - as a rule, the same as materialism. However, medieval realism is not suitable for this principle, for it is a type of idealism: all the concepts, ideas exist by themselves, i.e. objectively.

Jealousy- Deep egoistic feeling towards successes, achievements, abilities, happiness of other people. This is not

prynibly hostile attitude to the popularity of anyone. The subject of jealousy feels personal impairment and humiliation due to the alleged unjust assessment of his qualities and advantages compared to his "rival" and does not hide his envy in relation to him and his affairs.

Relativism(Lat. relativus -relative) - a philosophical and methodological concept, according to which there is no absolutely true in the world - everything is relative. In the field of knowledge, sometimes leads to skepticism and agnosticism.

Reputation(Lat. reputation- Meditation) - created a common opinion about the advantages or disadvantages of anyone.

Reflection(Lat. reflexio.- appeal back) - self-observation, analysis and understanding of the foundations of the culture and its works, as well as the content of knowledge, feelings in the life and activities of man. This is the leading method of philosophy of knowledge. One of the leading forms of reflection is aimed at understanding the person of his own thoughts and actions.

Recipient- A person who is transplanted into therapeutic purposes of organs or tissues of another person.

Self-awareness- knowledge and assessment by the person of himself as a creature of a particularly thoughtful, i.e. Concept and creative. This is an integral side of consciousness, allowing a person to realize himself as a person and its role in the world of nature and society.

Sanction(Lat. sanction.- Decide) - confirmation of moral principles by approval or condemnation of actions and actions of people, primarily specialists.

Superconscious- mental activity, deterministic knowledge of the future; It arises in the process of interaction of the individual with the world of cultural property, with the accumulated experience of humanity. It is with super-conscription that the creative intuition is associated.

freedom- Activities not caused by external activities with reasons. This is the ability to initiate, change or terminate the subject of activity at any point of its flow, as well as the refusal of it. This concept has a special attitude towards the realization of freedom of thought, freedom of will, freedom of conscience and beliefs.

free will- The philosophical and ethical category, defining in the general sense, the ability of a specialist to independently make decisions and act at its discretion.

Sensationalism(Lat. sensus -feeling, feeling) - Philosophical teaching, which recognizes the only source of knowledge of the feelings on which all new knowledge is based.

Synergetic(Greek. synergeia.- cooperation, joint action) - interdisciplinary direction in modern science and philosophy. Its main task is to explore and comprehend the role and importance of the functioning of complex self-organizing systems. Synergetics is a modern general scientific theory of self-organization, focused on finding objective relationships and relations of the integrity of the world of nature and society. It acts as a philosophical component base of bioethics as science.

System(Greek. systema.- A whole, composed of parts) - a philosophical concept, which expresses the ratio and conjugation of all elements in natural bonds with each other and with the medium forming a certain integrity, unity.

Death- Natural end of the life of someone or anything. This cessation of the livelihood of a living organism and as a result of this, the death of a particular individual as a separate system. Opened modern medicine opportunities to push the death of people contribute to changing attitudes towards death.

Brain death- The condition of the body, characterized by irreversible and incompatible with the life of the brain damage.

Cleanly death- A special type of living organism, a terminal state, the border of being and non-existence of a living. This is the process of dying as a transition of one quality to another. From a biological point of view, with clinical death, there is still enough elements of life. It lasts a few minutes and is replaced by a biological death, in which the restoration of life functions is impossible.

Humility- moral quality, characterizing the negative attitude of a person to itself and expressed in the accuracy of his personal dignity, in disbelief in their potential forces and in the derogation of their capabilities, in humility towards the external forces and circumstances.

Conscience- Socio-psychological category, which is directly related to ethics. This personality ability to exercise critical moral control over themselves and their behavior. This is an integral onset of universal morality.

Socrates(469-399 BC) - the famous ancient Greek philosopher, father of moral philosophy (ethics).

Somatic(Greek. soma.- body) - body.

Socialization- Qualitative and quantitative changes in the value system, socially significant moral beliefs and installations, value orientations, humane ideals, personality moral qualities necessary to achieve success in society and achieved in the process of their own activity of the individual.

Sophism(Greek. sophism- Consciously false minds) - ancient skill of eloquence. Specificity of philosophy (V-IV centuries. BC), which took place to the task of the skillful use of the most common concepts to substantiate their interests.

Skepticism(Greek. skepsis -doubt, uncertainty) - a philosophical school created in IV century. BC, in which abstained from judgment. His goal of skeptics was given to the denial of the dogmas of all schools, for them any knowledge is either completely true or completely mistaken.

Meaning of life- Method of perception human lifewhich gives the personality feeling of its significance in the world of nature and in the history of society.

Consciousness- Maximum wide philosophical category, expressing the ability to direct a person's attention to the subjects and phenomena of the outside world. Consciousness - a product for a long, not only biological, but also socio- cultural Development. As a public phenomenon emerged and develops due to the emergence and development of the human community.

Consciousness- In the philosophical-ethical meaning of the word coincides with the concept of freedom of will, which is the ability to make a decision with the knowledge of the case and carry personal responsibility for this.

Solidarity(Lat. solidus.- Durable) is the unity of beliefs and actions, mutual assistance and support based on common interests.

Sympathy- One of the forms of manifestation of humanity. This is a humane attitude of a person to man. Especially characteristic of medicine.

Compassion- Sincere sympathy, pity for a person in relation to a suffering or sick person. It is aimed at the provision of assistance to the suffering person and the word, and the case.

Justice- Regulatory ethical concept that plays a large role in the public consciousness of people. It is both one of the key principles of moral and moral consciousness. Justice has a specific historical nature and itself depends on these conditions. In bioethics, the concept of justice occupies a key place. It expresses universality of moral norms in relations between people as a value consciousness that is emerging as a result of education.

Suffering- A ethical concept, which reflects the emotional state of a person generated by difficulties and life problems.

Fear- short-term emotion or sustainable feeling, generated by a person actually or imaginary danger.

Stress(eng. stress- pressure, voltage) - nonspecific human reactions in response to extremely strong extreme stimuli.

Substance(Lat. substantia.- Essence) - philosophical category, expressing the original properties of the subject, phenomena as integrity. She became the basis for understanding all the processes occurring in the world.

Substrate(Lat. substratum.- base, underlying) - the basis, base, carrier of all properties, connections, interactions and laws of reality.

Surrogacy- tooling the embryo of one woman in the uterus another.

Happiness- The concept of moral consciousness denoting such a state of a person who corresponds to its greatest internal satisfaction with the terms of its life, the completeness and meaningfulness of his life and activities, the implementation of all its requests and aspirations.

Mystery of medical- Human value and principle of medical ethics, preservation of information about the diagnosis and condition of the patient, non-disclosure without knowledge or without consent to the patient. This principle is based on the doctor's trust relationship and the patient.

Thanatology(Greek. thanatos.- Death I. logos.- Word, teaching) - philosophical category and section of medicine, studying signs, causes and mechanisms for the occurrence of death; The course of the dying process, as well as bioethical issues of medical intervention in

dying processes and facilitating the death suffering of the doomed patient (euthanasia).

Creation- This is the highest form of activity and creative activities of a person who creates new spiritual and material values, which have not existed in the world of nature and society.

Theology(Greek. theos.- God, logos.- Teaching, word about God) - a set of religious doctrines about the essence, existence and action of God. The system of dogma of Christian creed.

Theory(Greek. theoria.- Contemplation, research) is a logical form of reflection, summarizing the knowledge of an experimental study. Systematic complex of ideas or knowledge.

Tolerance- moral quality Personality characterizing her particularly loyal attitude towards people, their needs, interests and beliefs.

Tolerance(Lat. tolerantia.- patience) - a philosophical-ethical category, expressing tolerance for other views, opinions, norms of behavior, communication and activity. The so-called tolerance philosophy proclaims the principle of equality between people. In bioethics, she implies benevolence and generosity. It acts as a principle of maintaining health in people, despite their social, national, sexual, age and other position in society.

Tradition (lat. tradition- Transmission) - Lifestyle transmitted from generation to generation. For tradition, characteristic: careful attitude To the well-established customs that pretended to the methods of human behavior.

Transplantation(Lat. transplantation.- Power) - Method of treatment, when organs and tissues are transplanted: liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, intestines, bones, joints, limbs, brain cells, etc.

Demand- The simplest, but urgent element of moral relations in which the person and society are located among themselves.

Transcendental(Lat. transcendere- to go beyond some limits) - literally leaving the limits of sensory and mental knowledge of the world and building knowledge with a priori (forces) forms. In the philosophy I. Kant, a priori forms of knowledge of the world allow us to be aware of all experienced data. This is a philosophical reflection on a cognitive act, independent of the object of knowledge.

Transcendent- All other and external coordinated to any particular sphere or the world as a whole.

This is a theological concept. All transcendental inaccessible knowledge, it must be believed. Transcendental knowledge regardless of the empirical bodily individual and from the community of others.

Beliefs- Spiritual values \u200b\u200bconsciously adopted by a subject for personal decision making. This is a product of assimilation of a selected system or a set of elements of objectivated experience. In conviction, the value orientations characterizing the moral self-consciousness are included.

Respect- The most important requirement of morality, implying such an attitude towards people in which the dignity of the person as a socio-cultural phenomenon is practically recognized.

Skills- The quality of the identity of a compound or activity that allows it to be consciously and with the necessary level of quality of transformation in the world and society.

Universals(Lat. universalis- Universal related to the whole) - categories in which the most common characteristics of the object or subject are recorded, for example, "Man", "Society", "Consciousness", "Truth" and others.

Utilitarianism(Lat. utilitas.- benefit, benefit) - the philosophical-ethical system of views, based on the desire to achieve a certain benefit.

Phenomenon(Greek. phainomenon.- It is a philosophical phenomenon, the subject given in sensual contemplation as an unusual event.

Phenomenology- Philosophical teachings, seeks to clear the consciousness from certain installations, identify the original foundations for the knowledge of human existence and culture. The method of analyzing the "pure" consciousness. It was founded by the philosophical direction German philosopher E. Gusserl (1859-1938).

Philosophy(Greek. philosophia.- The doctrine of love and desire for wisdom) - a special form of understanding (critical) of all knowledge about peace, society and man as a targeted search for wisdom in human life and activities. Philosophy is a historical form of the theoretical systematic self-consciousness of humanity.

Huberty- Negative moral quality, evaluating the identity and its actions from the point of view of the hypocritical fulfillment of moral requirements. Hubbee usually hides distrust of people, suspicious, jealous attitude towards people.

Charisma(Greek. charisma.- The divine gift) is an exceptional identity of the individual with special qualities: holiness, all-in-law, infallibility.

Character(Greek. charakter.- A special feature) - a set of moral qualities of the personality, pointing to its mind and willpower. The moral character of a person or another manifests itself in his behavior and social acts.

Holism(Greek. hylos.- whole) - the philosophical doctrine on the essence of the phenomenon of integrity. The highest form of integrity is a person (personality), where there is a conjugation of objective and subjective, material and spiritual.

Hospice- A socio-medical institution providing palliative care and socio-psychological support is hopelessly sick and members of their families. But the hospice is not only a specialized institution where dying people receive real opportunities to meet death in favorable conditions and with dignity, but also the philosophy of attitude to life and death. This is a kind of "House of Mercy".

Integrity- Completion, Totality, Other and Own pattern of things. From the middle of the twentieth century This concept began to be used as the principle of bioethics, nominated by philosophers and scientists to indicate that it provides both physical, mental and mental identity identity, its self-identification, and therefore the whole should not be subject to manipulations and even more damage. And some medical interventions aimed at maintaining health, improving the state of a person are often associated with violation of integrity.

purpose- Key concept in concepts describing human behavior or any organic system. This is a predeterpable and desired result of a person. It is converted to all the means necessary for its achievement. In society, "nothing is done without a conscious intention, without the desired goal" (F. Engels).

Value- The philosophical and ethical concept in which the most clearly defined the grounds for human life and activity. This is the limit, unconditional foundation of creative-creative human life. Philosophical and ethical teachings studying and comprehensive valuables, now is axiology (Axio.- Value I. logos.- Word, teaching). This is a study

referring to the positive or negative value of objects, things, processes and phenomena for the productive life and human activity. Value can be material or spiritual. In the XXI century, the recognition and development of universal values \u200b\u200baimed at survival and further progress of world civilization takes great importance.

Human- Central philosophical category, indicating a special kind of part, the highest level of development of living organisms on Earth, and maybe in space. A person is a unique being that is most famous for itself in its empirical actuality and the most difficult in its essence by means of ordinary formal definition. Search for a response to the question "What is a person?" Performs the whole history of human culture, including bioethics.

Humanity- moral quality, expressing the principle of humanism in relation to the daily relationships of people and primarily medical and all social workers.

Honesty- This is a moral quality of personality, reflecting one of the most important ethical requirements for a person and his life. The opposite of honesty is deception, lies, hypocrisy.

Honor- The concept of moral consciousness and category of ethics, in many ways similar to the category of personality dignity and appeal to conscience. Like dignity, the concept of honor reveals the attitude of a person to itself as moral personality. The concept of honor implies in relation to the personality of that measure of respect, which she deserved.

Suitless- moral quality of a person, characterizing his attitude towards other people and the whole living world. This is the main principle of bioethics.

Schveser Albert.(1875-1965) - an outstanding modern thinker, doctor, public figure, a theologian. He put forward the principle of "reverence (worship) before life", which was today the main principle of bioethics. According to the Switzerland, morality is not only the law of truly human life, but also the condition for the existence and development of all life on Earth.

Eudemonism(Greek. eudemonia.- Happiness, bliss) - a philosophical society, which is based on the idea that only happiness is the highest value, which is determining all the actions of a person, the purpose of his life. And happiness is complete satisfactory

the conditions of its existence achieved the realization of its human destination. Representatives of Eudemonimism were Socrates, Epicur, Spinosa, Leibniz, Bentam, Marx, etc.

Euthanasia(Greek. eU- Good I. thanatos.- Death) - the concept used in the context of biomedical ethics in relation to the field of medical and biological research. It is defined as a light and painless death of a person or the lack of action to prevent death. This term is introduced into the scientific turnover by F. Bacon (1561-1626), English scientists and philosopher.

Existentialism(Lat. ekxistentia.- existence) - the so-called philosophy of existence, the doctrine on the uniqueness of human existence as direct undecided integrity.

Experiment(Lat. experimentum- Sample, experience) - the method of scientific knowledge offering the active impact of a person in nature to clarify the objective properties, relationships and relationships.

Explication(Lat. explikation- Explanation, clarification of the word value, its deployment) - in detail, it is detailed to disclose the essence of the presentation, i.e. News from everyday consciousness to accurate scientific concepts.

Extracorporal fertilization- fertilization of a woman's egg cell, carried out outside her body, in a "tube".

Elimination(Lat. eliminare.- to endure behind the threshold, delete) - deletion, exclusion of something from the teaching or text.

Empiricism(Greek. empeiria.- Experience) - the key philosophical and gnoseological doctrine on the priority of the sensual perception of the world. According to him, all knowledge goes only from experience.

Epistemology(Greek. episteme -knowledge I. logos.- Teaching) - section of philosophy, theory of scientific knowledge. From gnoseology, it is distinguished by the study of the methods of knowledge used by science.

Ethics(Greek. ethos.- The place of shared stay and custom, as well as character, temper) - the philosophical doctrine of morality and morality as a system of norms and principles, values \u200b\u200band ideals, rules governing public behavior of people. This is a doctrine, reflecting the needs of people in finding a response to the question: how to live to live and act in the world of nature and people in their mind and in agreement with conscience, i.e. humanly. The philosophical meaning of ethical knowledge is manifested in the fact that they are based on the ideas and categorical apparatus of philosophy. Ethics now rightly refer to practical philosophy, i.e. teaching about building the right life of people

based on the general ideas about the meaning of peace, society and the place of man in them.

Ethics Humanistic- Philosophical teaching, which is particularly focused on man, his life, freedom of action and personal interests. It considers a person as a personality in its television integrity, so the foundations of the virtues of the person are laid in its worldview, and the vice - in indifference to their "I".

Dictionary on social science from A to Ya.

Absolute Truth - This is a complete matching of the form of the psyche (for example, judgments, image, etc.) and the object of knowledge.

Absolute misconception - This is a complete inconsistency of the shape of the psyche and the object of knowledge.

Angling - This is the type of contract, according to the terms of which the agent for the remuneration is obliged to commit legal and other actions on their own behalf, but at the expense of the principal.

Socialization agents - These are individuals, groups or organizations that conduct training and help a person to master the roles, this is a family, school, media, a group of adolescents.

Agitational period - The period during which pre-election campaign is allowed.

Agnosticism - This is a theory of principled inability to know the surrounding world, as the surrounding world does not exist, and there are only our consciousness and our sensations.

Addictive behavior - This is a behavior that is escape from reality through the reception of various psychotropic products - alcohol, drugs, toxins, tobacco smoking.

Administrative offense (offense) - This is an action or inaction, encroaching on public order, rights and freedom of citizens.

Axiology - This is a science of values.

Stock - This is a valuable paper sold by the investor for money going on the development of the company, and gives him the rights of co-owner of the property of the company and to receive future profit of the company (dividends).

Promotion ordinary - This is such an action that gives the right to participate in the management of the enterprise and receiving a part of the net profit.

Privileged action - This is an action that gives the right to receive dividends of a fixed value, regardless of the amount of profit, but does not give the right to participate in the management of the company.

Altruism - This is the willingness to sacrifice for other people.

Amnesty - This is a liberation from further serving the punishment of individual categories of persons (but not personally), which is announced by the State Duma due to a significant date or event.

Profile - This is a multiplicated document containing several dozens of questions.

Anomie - This is a state of lawlessness, immunity, which exists in modern big cities, comes in the country during the revolution or rebellion.

Antisocial behavior - It is a behavior that is the accomplishment of actions contrary to ethics and morality.

Anthropology philosophical - This is the doctrine of a person.

Apartheid - This is a system of separate residence of white and "color" in South Africa in the recent past.

APAYROON (on the theory of Anaximandra) - This is infinitely divisible.

Apriya (translated from Greek) - This is an hopeless position, a logical contradiction or puzzle.

Apostles - These are students of Jesus Christ.

Rent - This is a type of contract, according to the terms of which the landlord undertakes to provide the tenant property for temporary possession and use.

Aristocracy - This is a form of government at which there is the power of a good minority of citizens.

Artifacts - this is the creation of human hands

Asceticism (from Greek "I exercise") - This is the limit restriction of your needs.

Atheist "This is a person who does not believe in the existence of God, this is a bootiness."

Atman (in Buddhism) - This is emptiness, God.

Bank - This is a financial intermediary for receiving deposits, providing loans, organization of calculations, purchase and sale of securities.

Bankruptcy (failure) of the enterprise - This is the inability to give debts to creditors.

Barter - This is the direct natural exchange of one product to another product.

Cashless cash - These are the amounts in the accounts of citizens and organizations in the bank, while calculations are carried out by changing records in accounts.

Unemployed - These are people who wish and can, but do not have the opportunity to work due to the fact that they cannot find a job.

Biosphere - This is a land shell, this is an open system created by alive organisms.

Behaviorism (from English Behavior - Behavior) is a science of behavior.

Economic benefits - these are funds to meet human needs

Bohemia - This is the culture of artists and artists.

Marriage - This is a voluntary union between a man and a woman with the purpose of creating a family.

Bourgeoisie - This is the class of entrepreneurs.

State budget - This is the estimate of state revenues and expenses.

Budget (fiscal) policy (from the ancient Roman "Fiscus" - "Money Cart") - The use of the state budget (and it consists of taxes and expenses) to regulate business activity, stimulating economic growth, overcoming the decline, combating inflation, and the like.

Budget deficit - This is the excess of government spending over revenues covered either by loans or by cash emissions

Bureaucracy - This is a hierarchical organization built on administrative control and backstage clike for power.

Gross National Product (GNP) - This is the cumulative market value of all goods produced in the country for the year of goods and services.

Bill - This is the obligation of one person to another to pay a fixed amount of money at a certain point in time.

The value of the sentence - This is the volume of a certain kind of goods in a natural dimension that sellers want and can offer over a certain period of time at a certain level of the market price.

Verification Procedure - This is a test of philosophical concepts for research, for compliance with the facts.

Veto - This is the right of one authority to accept or reject the proposed decrees, decrees or laws adopted by another authority.

Wines - This is a negative judgment of yourself.

Political power - This is the ability to exercise social control over the activities of people in the political sphere.

Perception - This is an image consisting of several sensations.

Elections - This is a democratic procedure, with the help of which performers are defined as presidential posts, deputy or governor

Higher or Operator (by Marxist Terminology) Class - This is a group of people who are controllers in society.

Heliocentric theory - This is the theory of the rotation of the Earth and the planets of the solar system around the sun.

Geographical direction in sociology - This is the theory, whose representatives believed that geographical factors affect society.

Geopolitics (from Greek land + state affairs) - This is a social science of control over space.

Geocentric theory - This is a false theory about the rotation of the sun, planets and stars around the Earth.

Geoeconomic - This is a global economy.

Gerontocracy - This is the board of old people.

Georia - This is the Council of Elders (in Greek - Heronts).

Hypnosis - This is a suggestion of behaviors through the immersion of a person in trance.

Global Society - This is a modern society on the entire globe, when a single earth civilization appeared instead of a variety of isolated local civilizations.

Epistemology - This is the theory of the knowledge of the world by a man.

Homeostasis - This is the process of maintaining equilibrium.

State - This is a political organization that controls the activities of citizens in society.

Civil plaintiff - This is a person or organization that suffered material damage from the crime and require it to compensation.

Civil defendant - This is a person or organization that, by virtue of the law, carry material liability for damage to a civilian.

Civil society - This is a combination of people, groups and non-governmental organizations that should be able to control the activities of bureaucracy.

Group marriage - This is a marriage between several men and several women.

Traffic - This is a movement in space for a certain segment of the Social Movement, these are the current groups of people whose goal is to establish a new building of life.

Devaluation - This is depreciation of the national currency.

Deviant behavior - It is deviating from the norm behavior.

Deduction - This is condescension from abstract to a specific, from axioms to consequences and forecasts that should be checked.

Accuracy - This is the ability to make transactions and contracts

Acting crowd - This is an aggressive crowd.

Demagogue - This is a person who knows how to influence the crowd in personal unacceptable interests.

Demography - This is a science of numbers, composition and change in population.

Democracy - this is political regimein which the ruler can only control the political sphere, but within the framework of the Constitution.

Democracy is extreme - This is a form of government at which power belongs to most citizens, which is bad.

Polis or Political Democracy - This is a form of government at which power is in the hands of most citizens, which is good.

Dumping - Sale of goods at low prices in order to ruin competitors, and becoming a monopolist firm begins to breed prices and with an excess to compensate for the loss of profits from dumping.

Money mass - This is the sum of the denominations of all cash and non-cash money in the country.

Monetary policy (monetary policy) - Events of the Central Bank, aimed at increasing or reducing the money supply in the country in order to regulate the economic situation, deterrencening inflation, stimulating economic growth and the like.

Money - This is a special product that is accepted by all people in exchange for any other products.

Deposits - These are deposits in the bank.

Deficit - This is the market situation when buyers at the existing price level are ready to buy a greater volume of goods than sellers are ready to offer.

Labor budget deficit - This is the excess of government spending over income.

Defalt - This is a rude deception, the government's refusal to pay debts to its creditors.

Discrimination price - This is the sale of the same goods on the same market to various customers at different prices.

Dialectics - This is the art of dispute.

Dictatorship - This is a strong power that often means tyranny.

Dynamics - This is a description of the sequence of stages of development of the structure of the social organism, that is, the emergence of new and new organizations and groups.

Trust Property Management - This is the type of contract, under the terms of which the founder of the Office conveys the Trustee for a certain period of interest in trust management and the trust manager undertakes to manage the Founder in the interests of the founder.

Treaty - This is an agreement of two or several persons on the establishment of civil rights.

Strike (strike) - This is a way to conduct an administrative conflict by hired workers, which means stopping work until the employer agrees to the increase in wages.

Country and Credit - This is the type of contract, under the terms of which the borrower takes money in the bank and undertakes to return the amount received and pay interest on it.

Law - This is the norm and rule of behavior.

Pledge - This is value (for example, gold and jewelry), which the lender can acquire in the case when the debtor violated the terms of the contract.

General costs - These are the cost of acquiring the resources necessary for the production of a certain amount of products.

Mortgage - This is the key to land plots, enterprises, buildings, structures, apartments and other real estate.

ID - This is an instinctive identity core.

Idealism subjective - This is the theory, according to which things are complexes of our sensations, there are not things, but only our consciousness.

Ideology - This is a theoretical system that justifies certain values \u200b\u200band norms.

Excess of goods (overhang) - The situation on the market, when sellers offer the volume of goods more than buyers can buy.

Isomorphism - This is the similarity of various systems.

Social hierarchy - This is a pyramid.

Empire - This is a country built by conquest.

Impeachment (eng. Impeachment - accusation, condemnation) - The procedure for removing from the post of president of the country by parliament.

Import - This is a purchase of goods abroad.

Investments - These are capital invested in production.

Investment - This is the direction of money for the purchase of additional capital.

Induction - It is climbing from concrete to abstract, from experienced data to theory.

Industrialization - This is the creation of industry.

Instinitivism - This is the theory according to which social processes are explained by the instincts of people.

Symbolic interactionism - This is the theory, whose representatives believe that people are exchanged by information, conflict and control the activities of other people with the help of symbols - gestures, playing scenes and creating an image.

Introvert "This is a person whose interest is aimed at himself, he is guided in his behavior only internal principles.

Intuition - This is the perception of the world around the world by a man or animal with the help of an unconscious, when on the basis of past experience and without any reflection, from somewhere from the depths of the subconscious, they pop up the ready recipe for solving problems or finished plan action in the form of premonition.

Inflation (from Latin "bloating") - This is the process of increasing the overall price level in the country leading to the depreciation of the monetary unit.

Economic infrastructure - It is the construction of a transport network, ports, means of communication, gasification and electrification.

Irrationalism - This is a flow in philosophy that insists on limiting the role of mind in history and knowledge, where the main role is not played by the mind, but instincts, intuition and feelings.

Art - This is a specific form of reflection of the surrounding world using artistic images.

Corrective work - It is held from earning a convicted person during a period defined by the court's income in the amount established by the court sentence.

True - This is a confirmability, consistency and efficiency.

Cadastre - This is the book of taxpayers.

Capital physical - It is equipment, machines, buildings, structures that are created by the work of people.

Capital is an inventious (invisible) - It is knowledge, skills and information (patents, licenses, copyrights, skills of people, trademarks).

Cartel - This is an agreement between oligarchs about the marketing market, coordinating sales and price levels for each of them.

Caste - These are groups of people in a social hierarchy, where social elevators are completely turned off, so people have no opportunity to make a career.

Qualifications of crime - This is the compliance of the crime and article of the Criminal Code.

Imported quota - This is the utmost import value for the year from a certain country.

Social class - This is a large group of people who occupy a certain place in the social control system.

Click (from the French "Shaka", "Banda") - This is a small group of comrades, closely cohesive among themselves for the achievement of unacceptable goals at any cost.

Clergy - This is a hierarchical pyramid of priests with a harsh discipline inside this pyramid.

Koacevati - These are protocol, organic structures, surrounded by fatty membranes.

Code of Law - These are a lot of laws describing the norms of behavior in some area of \u200b\u200bactivity - in the economy, family sphere, and the like.

Collective agreement - This is a legal act regulating the relationship between the employer and employees at the enterprise.

Command Economic System - This is a way to organize an economy, in which land and capital are in state ownership and the distribution of resources is in the hands of state central bodies in accordance with state plans.

Commission - This is the type of contract, under the terms of which the commissioner undertakes for remuneration on behalf of the other Party (Committee) to make one or more transactions on its own behalf, but at the expense of the Committee.

Inferiority complex - This is a deep all-permissive sense of own inferiority compared to other people.

Communist Movement - This is one of the directions of the socialist movement, the Communists in fact, following the example of Lenin, seek to seize power without elections or cancel free elections after their coming to power in elections, establish a tyrant or oligarchy instead of representative democracy, cancel private property and market.

Competitiveness raising - This is an improvement in quality and price reduction.

Competition Market - This is an economic conflict for the right to receive economic resources.

Conservative traffic - This is the movement, whose representatives are intended to guide public order, sometimes even return to the past, the preservation of the power of the old elite, bureaucracy or aristocracy, the preservation of traditional moral, family and religious values.

Contract - This is a type of contract, under the conditions of which the producer of agricultural products undertakes to transfer the harvest to the preparation or sale.

Counterculture - This is a type of culture, the norms of which contradict the norms of the dominant culture.

Social control - This is the type of social interaction, in which the controller forces the object of controlling the implementation of the norms by the threat of the application of positive or negative sanctions, by introducing stereotypes.

Confederation - This is a form of a territorial device, where almost all powers and tax revenues remain at the periphery.

Social conflict - This is a kind of social interaction in which participants are trying to win over their opponents with the help of various means in order to physically destroy the enemy, turning it into the object of control or conquest of someone else's impact and resources.

School conflict - This is a school in sociology, whose representatives believe that social conflicts are inevitable, but they need to be resolved.

Conformism - This is the readiness of a person to obey pressure or threats.

Commercial concession - This is the type of contract, according to the terms of which the right holder provides the user for the remuneration of the right to brand name and trademark.

Market conjugure - This is the ratio of supply and demand.

Corner - This is a secret agreement between merchants or manufacturers about temporary withdrawal from the market of some kind of product, in order to artificially create a temporary deficit and the rise in prices for this product, after which the scarce goods are ejected to the market, and conspiracy participants receive increased profits.

Indirect intent in the crime process - This is such intent when the face did not want, but allowed the dangerous consequences of his actions.

Lending (from Latin "Creditum", that is, "loan", "Duty") - This is the provision of funds for temporary use of commercial organizations for a certain price.

Creation of borrowers - This is an opportunity and the ability to return the debt to the bank.

Blood resist - This is the custom of the members of the primitive tribe to provide each other assistance in the process of revering for damage caused by strangers.

Xenophobia - this is fear and dislike for other cultures and other people's customs

Cult - This is a ritual system, symbolic items, musical instruments that have the function of an amplifier effect in the hands of a priest.

Culture (from Latin "COLERE" - cultivate or cultivate the soil) - This is a system of values, ideas about the world and rules of behavior, overall for some group of people.

Material culture - These are material values \u200b\u200bcreated by members of society, from weapons to cars.

Intangible culture - This is the world of ideas created by members of society from Altruism to Buddhism.

Purchase sale - This is the exchange of goods for money.

Laconic style of speech (from the name of the region in Sparta - Laconia) - This is a brief and clear style in the expression of thought.

Legitimate - This is legal.

Liberal movement (from the English word Liberty - Freedom) - This is a movement, whose representatives are aimed at carrying out gradual peaceful reforms and the introduction of political freedoms.

Leasing (Financial rental) is a type of contract, according to the terms of which the landlord undertakes to acquire property specified by the tenant property from the seller defined by him and provide this property to the tenant for temporary possession and use for entrepreneurial purposes.

License foreign trade - This is the permission issued by the state on the import or export of certain types of goods from the country.

Liquidity of stocks or money - This is the confidence of buyers in the fact that they will be able to sell them at any time.

Lobby - These are groups of pressure.

Formal logic - This is the science of the laws of proper thinking.

False - This is unforgettable, inconsistency and inefficiency.

Locut (from English "slam in front of someone door") - This is the closure of the enterprise for several weeks without salary salary.

Love - This is the attraction between a man and a woman.

Lumen-proletariat - This is a social group to which the bottoms of society are the criminals, tramps and beggars.

Majoritarian system - this is the election system at which voters are not voting for the party, but for specific candidates

Macroeconomic policy - This is the regulation of economic activity by impact on the level of consumption and investment, as well as a monetary offer with the help of budget and monetary policy.

Maximalist "This is a person who wants to get everything from life or nothing, he does not receive a half-term.

Small group - is not a large number of People - from 2 to 15 people, between which the relations of moral leadership are established.

Margin (from the Latin "Margin", that is, the "border") - This is the income of the bank obtained for the provision of a loan to commercial organizations, which goes to the cost of banker for business and profit of banker.

Marketing - This is a study of supply and demand in the market.

Weight - This is the nuclear majority of people, this is a combination of people who concerns the same problem, but they are not in close proximity to each other.

Matter - That's all that surrounds us, except for ideas and feelings, this is a substance and physical fields.

Melancholik (from the Greek "Melssa Hole" - black bile) - This is a weak type of temperament.

Meritocracy (from English Merit - "merit") - This is "the power of deserved people."

Mechanism in sociology - This is the theory, whose representatives believed that society is similar to the unit of elements, each of which can be studied independently of each other.

Mysticism (from Greek - "Mystery") - These are supernatural phenomena and spiritual practice, aimed at contact with the otherworldly world and over-abnormal forces.

Mobility social - This is the movement of people on the social "stairs."

Mobility vertical - It is moving people up or down the social "stairs" during life with an increase or decrease in social status.

Mobility horizontal - This is a movement on one stage of the social staircase without changing social status.

Fashion - This is the desire of the bottom to imitate the elite.

trendy things - These are identifying signs pointing to the elite belonging.

Monetarism - This is the direction of economic thought, denying - as opposed to Keynesianity - the need for state regulation of economic activity. Prefers anti-inflation policy aimed at maintaining the stability of the monetary system.

Monogamy - This is a marriage of one man and one woman.

Monopoly Foreign Trade - This is the situation when only the state, and not private firms, has the right to conclude foreign trade transactions on the export and import of goods.

Monotheism - This is monotheism.

Multiplier (in Keynesian theory) - This is a coefficient characterizing the increase in national income as a result of an initially spent amount of money - government spending or investment.

Cash - These are paper money and a swinging coin.

Taxes - These are mandatory payments charged by tax authorities from organizations and individuals in order to finance the state and municipalities.

Nativity - This is an ethnic group that managed to create his own state.

Naturalism in sociology - This is the point of view that social phenomena are subject to the laws peculiar to nature - the laws of physics, mechanics, biology, geography.

Nationalization of enterprises - This is a ransom or by the state of enterprises in private owners.

The science - This is a person's activities upon receipt, systematization and testing of knowledge

Nation - This is an ethnic group that managed to build a capitalist society - a common national market, democracy, private ownership, legal state, national culture.

Incompetent - This is a citizen who, as a result of a mental disorder, cannot understand the significance of his actions, only the court can recognize the citizen.

Arrears - The amount of unpaid tax.

An unfinished crime - This is a preparation for a crime or an attempt on a crime.

Juvenile - These are persons who have not reached the age of 18 years old.

Penalty, fine, penalty - This is some amount of money defined by the contract, which the debtor is obliged to pay the creditor in case of violation of the terms of the contract, for example, in the event of a delay in debt payment.

Lower or operated (by Marxist terminology) class - This is a group of people who are subject to control in society.

Nirvana (in Buddhism) - This is the achievement of the state of complete maliciousness and indifference, higher bliss, happiness and calmness.

Nomenclature - This term initially meant the "list of posts", and later began to mean the ruling layer under socialism

Noosphere - This is the Earth Shell, which is the result of human activity.

Normal products - It is products, the demand for which increases with the growth of income of the population.

Norma - These are rules of behavior.

Morals - This is the system of taboos, they delimit due and unhappy,

Accused - This is a person at the stage of the trial.

Bond - This is a security certifying that its owner lent some amount of money by the company or the state and has the right to receive it back along with some award.

Exchange theory in sociology - This is the theory, whose representatives believed that in the process of social interaction, people exchange goods, services, information and thanks, before entering into social cooperation, people weigh future remuneration and costs.

Society - This is a progressively developing system consisting of groups and organizations, which is built on the relationship of conflict and controlling people.

Customs of people - These are moral norms that delimit the correct and offensive.

Mandatory work - This is a fulfillment of the time of free social and useful work convicted.

Restriction of freedom - This is the content of the convicted person who has been 18 years old, in a special institution without isolation from society under the conditions of supervision.

Oligarchy - This is a form of government, where the authorities are in the hands of few and unworthy citizens - oligarchs.

Omonimi - These are words that are not one, but two or more meaning.

Opposition Party - These are parties that lost in the last election.

Output survey, or exit-half - Informal proposal voted to record their choice to control the actions of the election commission.

Organization - This is a system of interrelated and specialized statuses. Organizisism in sociology is the theory, whose representatives believe that society and the body are similar to each other.

Orthodoxy - This is the desire of some scientific workers to backwardness.

Convicted - This is a person after submitting the court sentence.

Ostracism - This is an extreme sanction of the group, expressed in refusing to talk, bullying, persecuting.

Open system - This is a system that has an input and output is exchanged with the environment with the substance and energy and supports internal equilibrium.

Relative truth - This is a partial matching of the shape of the psyche and the object of knowledge.

Glochpathy (from Greek fucking crowd) - This is the power of the crowd, face, gangsters.

Feeling - This is the most elementary form of sensual knowledge.

Memory - This is the ability of a person to save and reproduce the wound received information.

Pancalavism - This is the cultural and political course among Slavic peoples, which are based on ideas about the ethnic and language community of Slavs, the need for their political association.

Pankov (from English. Punk - garbage, scum) - a counterculture, a characteristic feature of which is the love of fast and energetic rock music (punk-rock) and freedom, protest against establishment, conservatism, authoritarianism, nationalism and radical capitalism, as well as the commitment to the ideals of anti-graysism and anti-fascism

Paradigm (from the Greek- "sample", "pattern") - This is a scientific principle, a model or sample for a study or scientific formula.

Parliament - This is the legislative authority.

Parliamentary republic - This is a state where the government is fully responsible for its activities to parliament.

The consignment - This is an organization created for victory in elections and mastering government leadership

Passionarity - This is passionism, will to life, the power of character.

Patriarchal marriage - This is such a form of marriage, where the husband has great power over other family members,

Pacifism - This is the desire to preserve the world and the ban of wars.

First Esnival in ancient Greek physics - This is what everything consists of.

Peripatetics (from Greek "strolling") - School in Greek philosophy, to which Aristotle's students belonged.

Permanent revolution - This is a global, continuous revolution on a chain in different countries.

Plagiarism - This is "theft" of ideas in science.

Tribe - This is an ethnic group that managed to streamline the reproduction of people, eliminate the occurrence of children with hereditary diseases caused by the influence and create their own dialect, customs, conquer its territory.

Pluralism - This is an ideological diversity.

Absorption - Purchase of competing firms that are knocked down by the monopolist.

Suspect - This is a face at the stage of the investigation.

Contract - This is the type of contract, under the terms of which the Contractor undertakes to fulfill work on the task of the other side (Customer) for the fee.

Polyandry - This is a marriage of one woman and several men.

Polygyny - This is a marriage of one man and several women.

Polytheism - This is a multi-grade.

Political science - This is the science of the political structure of society.

Pardon - This is a liberation from further serving a sentence that the president announces for individuals.

Concept - This is the designation and name of things.

Understood - These are uninterested in judicial business citizens who are caused by the investigator in the amount of at least 2 people in the manufacture of search and inspection.

Victim - This is a person who has a crime harm.

Customs duties - These are taxes in favor of the state levied from the owner of the goods when he crosses the border to sell this product within the country.

Right - This is a system of norms established by the state and rules of conduct, the execution of which is ensured by the power of state coercion.

Constitutional state - This is such a state where the law is ruled, and not an official, where even an official, even the President of the country is obliged to comply with the law.

Ownership - This is the right to own, use and dispose of your property.

Legal capacity - This is the ability to have rights, it occurs at the moment of the birth of a person and disappears at the time of death.

Ruling party - These are parties that won the last election.

Pragmatism - This is a philosophical theory, from the point of view of which, the thought is true at all, because faith in her is beneficial for our life.

Business activities - This is an independent activity aimed at systematic receipt of profits from the sale of goods or the provision of services.

Representation - This is an image of a previously perceived or created subject.

Presidential republic - This is a state where the president winning the general election is the head of the executive branch, and the legislative power is concentrated in the hands of the parliament.

The crime - This is a social and dangerous act provided for by the criminal law.

Profit - This is the excess of the amount of income from sales of goods over the cost of the production of these goods.

Privatization - This is a transition to state ownership in private with the help of the sale at the auction of state-owned enterprises in the hands of private owners

Progress - This is a complication, appearance in the system of new connections and elements.

Progressive income tax - This is a tax that is going on the principle: the greater the amount of the income of the taxpayer, the greater the percentage of income tax, which the tax authorities charge is charged.

Living wage - This is a "basket" of products and clothing items that provide a person with a necessary minimum for a simple survival.

Labor productivity - This is the number of goods produced per unit of time.

Arbitrary - These are illegal actions of the authorities.

Rental - This is a contract, according to the conditions of which the landlord undertakes to provide the tenant movable property for a temporary possession and use fee.

Proletariat (by Marxist Terminology) - This is the class of hired workers.

Proportional system - This is a system of elections that determines the rating of political forces proportionate to which places in parliament are distributed.

Protectionism - This is the policy of protecting domestic manufacturers from competition from foreign manufacturers.

PROFF - This is the excess of income on costs in the state budget

Interest rate - fee charged for money provided on credit.

Direct tax - This is the collection in favor of the state levied from every citizen or organization. Direct intent in the crime process is that the face wanted to achieve the dangerous consequences of his actions.

Psychologist in sociology - This is a direction, whose representatives believe that the laws of society can be reduced to the laws of psychology.

Development - This is a complication or simplification of the system.

Revolution (from Latin Revolution - Turn, Change) Social - this is a way to change social StructureIn which the innovations are often held during the bottom by mass riots or armed seizure of power, this is a process, when one social group of weapons takes away political power from another social group.

Regression - This is a simplification of the system, the disappearance of some of some connections and elements.

Reincarnation - Myth about the resettlement of souls.

Ridelia - This is a power seizure of a competing enterprise with the help of criminals.

Rent - This is the type of contract, when one side (recipient of rent) transfers the other part to the property of the property, and the rental payer undertakes to periodically pay the recipient to the Rent in the form of a certain amount of money.

Respondent - This is a person to whom the issues of the sociological questionnaire are addressed.

Referendum - This is a nationwide vote on any question.

Reform (from Latin reformo - transform) social - This is a way of developing a social structure, in which innovations are conducted from above, from the government, peaceful way.

Recession (from Latin Recessus - retreat) in the economy - This is a moderate decline in production, characterized by zero increasing gross national product or its fall for more than six months, the recession is one of the phases of the economic cycle, following the boom and replacing depressions.

Rigidity - This is the inability of a person to adapt to new people or to the new environment environment,

Rhetorician - This is a teacher of oratory art.

Rhetoric - This is a science of eloquence.

Social role - This is the behavior expected from who has a certain social status.

Market stock - This is the stock market.

Ruble - This is a legal payment throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

Self-realization - Higher man's desire to realize their talents and abilities.

Sanguinik (from Latin "Sangvie" - Blood) - This is a strong, balanced movable temperament type.

Sanction - This is a reward or punishment, thus, sanctions are positive or negative.

Sansara (in Buddhism) - This is a circle of rebirth in the process of reincarnation.

Saving - Part of income, not spent on consumption that can be used for investment.

Collection - This is a mandatory contribution charged from organizations and individuals in exchange for issuing rights or permits.

Freedom political - This is the absence of arbitrariness of the authorities.

Transactions - these are the actions of citizens and legal entities to establish, change or terminate civil rights and obligations

Segregation - This is the African-Americans from whites in the southern states of the United States in the recent past.

A family - This is based on blood relations, marriage or adoption a group of people associated with the generality of life and responsibility for raising children.

Senate - Legislative Assembly of Aristocrats in Ancient Rome.

Symbols - It's all that carries a special meaning recognized by the people of one culture.

System - This is the amount of elements and connections between them.

Political system - This is an open developing system, which consists of elements such as government, parliament or other legislative authority, political parties, army, court, police and bureaucracy.

Skinheads - Culture "Brithogol" (from the English skinheads).

Layers - These are groups of people in a social hierarchy, where social "filters" do not create any artificial obstacles to those who want to make a career, the only condition for this is the presence of a talent and financial resources from the applicant.

Class - These are groups of people in a social hierarchy, where the strict "filters" strongly limit social mobility and slow down the "elevators" movement.

Sofists (from Greek Sofos - Wisdom) - These are paid teachers think, prove and speak beautifully.

Social Darwinism - This is theory, whose representatives believe that the mechanism of social evolution does not differ from the mechanism of biological evolution, so the strongest surrounds in society.

Socialization - This is a training for the execution of social roles.

Socialist move - This is such a movement, whose representatives promise to improve the position of hired workers, they have achieved the introduction of benefits on poverty, old age, disability and unemployment.

Sociometry - This is a method for identifying the composition of small groups and persons leaders.

Spicryters - These are people who write speeches for too busy politicians.

Demand of ajotty - This is the demand that occurs in case of fears of rapid prices when people take any goods to the future.

Middle class - This is a group of people who are outside the control system or occupy an intermediate position in the social control system.

Stag admiration period - this is the period when the prices are extremely rapidly growing and at the same time there is a decline in production

Statics - This is a social structure or anatomy of the social organism at a given historical moment, as a system of organizations that resemble organs in the body.

Social status - This is the position of a person in society, this status has a corresponding list of rights and obligations.

Stereotype - This is a sample to imitate, which is being introduced into the consciousness of people through the media and culture.

Cost - this is money amountwhich is paid or received when buying or selling goods.

Strati - These are social layers.

Social stratification - This is the bundle of society.

Streaming (from the English Stream - flow, flow) - This system of sorting students in Britain for four streams, depending on the success in study (from test results).

Social structure - This is a system of social groups and organizations, roles and status.

Shame - This is the painful feeling that other people do not approve of our actions.

Sovereignty State - This is the independence of one country from other countries.

Suicide - This is suicide

Sublimation - This is a way to get rid of anxiety with the help of a safe energy output on other channels (through sports, art, politics, and so on)

Judgment - This is a statement or denial of the connection of two concepts.

Subculture - this is a type of culture, the norms of which do not contradict, but differ from the norms of the dominant culture

SuperEgo - This is the moral side of the person who is purchased in the process of socialization, that is, learning.

Scholasticism (From the Greek "School Philosophy") - it is a medieval philosophy as the synthesis of Christian theology and the logic of Aristotle, this is a philosophy that sought to find common ideas - universals, and out of them to withdraw and explain all the wealth of the world around

Taboo - Strict ban from primitive people.

Tautology - This is a circle in definition.

Theocracy - This is the form of a board in which the church controls the government is the power of priests.

Theology (theology) - This is the theoretical substantiation of the existence of God and the human soul.

Theory of rational expectations - Anti-Jinsian direction of economic thought, it justifies the meaninglessness of state intervention in the work of the market mechanism in order to regulate economic activity.

Technocrats - these are people who believe that the development of technology will solve all environmental, economic and other problems,

Technological determinism - This is a direction in sociology, whose representatives believe that the technique is developing independently of the will of the person under the law of the infinite improvement of technical parameters.

TechnoFoby - These are people who believe that humanity will die from technology, for example, from poor ecology or as a result of war people against robots, so you need to break the equipment or escape from it to a uninhabited island.

Timocracy - Military power.

Tyranny - This is a form of government at which power has one person who abuses its position in selfish interests.

Product - This is a subject for exchange for other goods.

Products of prestigious demand - It is the goods with which people demonstrate their success in life

Good demand goods - These are the goods that increase less increases than the price of this product is reduced.

Elastic demand products - These are the goods, the demand for which increases more than the price of this product is reduced.

Crowd - This is a large number of people who face to face.

Trade - This is a voluntary exchange of goods and services for money in the form of purchase and sale.

Totalitarianism - This is a political regime, in which the ruler controls all spheres of society

Trust - associations of various enterprises in order to agree among themselves the volume of procurement of raw materials, the conditions for obtaining financial resources, the sales volumes of goods.

Work - This is the activities of people in the production of economic benefits.

Labor contract - This agreement between the employee and the employer, according to which the employee undertakes to perform work on a particular specialty, and the employer undertakes to pay wages and provide good working conditions.

Review - This is the withdrawal of new knowledge, a new judgment of two or several source judgments.

Unitary state - This is a form of a territorial device, where the entire amount of taxes collected in the country and all powers are focused in the center.

Urbanization - This is the creation of cities and resettlement there from rural areas of a significant part of the population.

Services - This is a labor activity based on hiring or in exchange for goods.

Social utopia (translated from Greek is the "place that is not"). - This is a non-abundant dream, a fairy tale for adults about a social structure, a false theory, which calls for the regression of the social structure and the violent abolition of great social inventions.

Utopists - These are thinkers who justified the opportunity to build utopia in the future.

Production factors - These are resources used by people to create life benefits.

Fanatic - This is a man blindly believing in an externally attractive idea and ignoring all the facts and arguments that contradict this idea.

Federation - This is such a form of a territorial device, where powers and tax revenues are divided as a result of a budget agreement for three parts between the center, state and the city.

Physics ancient Greek - This is the study of nature and the search for the first acquisition of all things, that is, what everything consists of.

PhysiCrats - These are such economists who believed that the only source of wealth is nature, therefore, the larger the nation produces agricultural products, it is richer.

Individuals - These are individual citizens. Philosophy translates as love for wisdom.

Firm or enterprise - This is an organization that manufactures products for sale.

Phlegmatic person (From the Greek "FLEGMA" - mucus) is a strong, balanced, inert ("brake") type of temperament.

Phobia - This is fear and anxiety.

Folklore - This is a folk culture.

Form of government - This is the form of the device of the supreme power in the country.

Formal logic - This is the science of proper thinking.

Formation - It is the level of development of society.

Fratery - These are the initial bodies that later broke up to secondary childbirth.

Functionalism - This is theory, whose representatives believe that each organization, every custom, idea or beliefs have its own function in society.

Charisma "This is the ability of the leader to inspire faith that he can work wonders that he is God or the" wizard ", this is grace, the gift of God, the gift of the wondering and prophecies.

Natural farm - This is the economy without sharing goods and trade.

Choleric (from the Greek "Hole" - Yellow Bile) - It is strong, unbalanced, with the predominance of excitation type of temperament.

Holdings are sectoral - This is a buying a controlling stake in competing firms, which allows to negotiate between them on sales volumes and prices.

Kingdom - This is a form of government at which power has one outstanding person.

Property qualification - This is the minimum limit state of the state of the person in monetary terms, which allows you to take a position.

Censorship - This is a state organization that monitors the media, art and science in order to prohibit the criticism of the prevailing ideology.

The price is equilibrium - This is the price that allows you to sell the entire volume of goods that manufacturers are ready to offer at this price.

Security - This is a document certifying property rights

Values - These are fundamental standards and requirements (imperatives) in society about dignity, beauty, piety, these are the cultural standards of good and bad.

Civilization - This is a society built on a specific set (list) of great social inventions. One civilization differs from another civilization with a set (list) of these inventions.

Cycle in the development of society - This is an alternation of progress and regression.

Receipt - This is a monetary document containing a written order to the bank to pay some amount of money to the checkpoint at the expense of money on the account of the Chekodator.

Human - This is a reasonable animal having the ability to instrument activities, oral speech and abstract thinking.

Strachbrechors (from the German "broaching strike") - These are temporary workers, consonants to work for the previous fee instead of strikers, for this strikers considered them traitors.

Egalitarian family - This is a family where the power and rights are distributed almost equally between husband and wife.

Ego - This is a rational part of the person, whose task is to draw up a real action plan in accordance with the limitations of the external world to meet the requirements of the instincts, on the one hand, and ensure their safety on the other side.

Egoism - This is the desire to love only yourself, not other people.

Existentialism (from English Existence - "Existence") - This is the direction in Western philosophy of the 20th century, from the point of view of which, the man is internally free from the equipment and the economy, he is looking for the meaning of life in this meaningless world, this meaning of life opens to a person in the period of deep shocks.

Transport expedition - This is the type of contract, under the terms of which the freight forwarder undertakes for the remuneration to fulfill the following services: receiving documents, sending and receiving goods, fulfilling customs formalities, loading and unloading.

Economy - This is 1), (farm) The organization of people's activities to create the goods needed for consumption, 2), the science that studies the behavior of the participants in the process of economic activity.

The economic growth - This is the growth of gross national product.

Economic cycle - Regular shift of the phases of lifting and recession of the level of business activity in a market economy.

Export - This is the sale of goods abroad.

Expressive crowd - This is a dancing crowd that is formed when religious sect occurs.

Extravert. - This is a person whose interest is directed outside, he is guided by external circumstances and public opinion.

Extremism political - These are movements and organizations that have a goal to capture power without elections.

Elite - This is a layer of the best people who occupy the statuses of controllers in society.

Embargo - This is a ban on trade in your country for entrepreneurs from another country in order to force this country to go to certain concessions.

Money emission - This is a release into an additional amount of monetary signs.

Ethics - This is reasoning about the nravas, about what is good and what is bad.

Ethnos - This is a group of people associated with blood relations.

Ethnocentrism - This is a desire to judge other cultures from the position of superiority of their own culture.

Economic efficiency - This is a way of organizing production, in which production cost is minimal.

Effective demand - This is a solvent demand for goods and services of consumer and industrial purposes.

Entity - This is an organization that owns property and is responsible for its obligations to these property, it can enter into contracts and transactions, carry duties, to be the plaintiff and the defendant.

Language - This is a means of transmitting a culture using symbols.

Admiral- The highest of marine ranks, 1st grade in "Table of Ranks".

Academy of the Three Calcificent Arts (Russian Imperial Academy of Arts)- Higher Educational Institution, established in 1757 in St. Petersburg, leading preparation in the field of plastic arts. In the XVIII-XIX centuries. Played a progressive role in the preparation of domestic architects and artists. Abolished in 1918

ACTUARY- In Russia, XVIII century. A stationery employee in government agencies, registering acts or their component.

Altyn- the ruble fraction, the monetary unit containing 6 money or 3 kopecks. From 1654, he was minted from copper, from 1704 - from silver, from 1814 to 1916 - copper and silver.

Amir.- One of the highest officials in Sefavid Iran.

Lectern- High stand in Orthodox churches, for which church books are put to read during worship, put icons and a cross.

Artillery and Engineering Shuttle Corps- a noble educational institution, in 1756 the united artillery and engineering schools, which received the name of the Shuttle Corps in 1762

Archimandrite- The head of an outstanding value or in antiquity of the monastery.

Asessor- From the Latin "Assesor" - a harvest in central government agencies.

Assembly- Assembly and balls, suitable in homes of noble people.

Assignments- Paper money equal to metallic money.

Astrolabe- Angle device that served in the XVIII century. To determine latitudes and longitudes in astronomy, as well as horizontal angles with land units.

Ataman -the highest head of the Cossack troops is originally elected. In the 40s of the XVIII century. The choice of military attacks is canceled.

Baroque- From the Italian "BAROCCO" - fright. In European architecture - special art style XVI-XVIII centuries, distinguished by gradation, massiveness, luxurious decorative buildings.

Bastion- From the French "Bastion" - pentagonal fortification in the form of a protrusion of a serf fence for shelling the area ahead and along the fortress walls and pvvs, as well as a separate strengthening.

Batogi- Sticks used for bodily punishments in Russia until the XVIII century.

Brown cheek- Check, not limited in time.

Beliest- Persons whose yards (places) were dismissed.

White (Slobods, Peasants, etc.)- freed from carrying tax.

Birichi- Officials in Languya.

Middle Duma- Council of especially proxies of the king, received from the middle of the XVII century. Official status, close to the functions of the Boyar Duma.

Middle Chancellery- The state body arising in 1699 and carried out the direct administrative authorities of the country. In November 1708, the near office was transformed into the Consides of Ministers.

Bobyl- A person who has no land put on.

Scorer school- School, opened in 1698 with the Preobrazhensky shelf to prepare artilleryrs.

Boyar- The first, the highest rank of Boyar Duma.

Boyarskaya Duma- the highest body of state power in Russia XVI - beginning. XVIII centuries.

Boyar books- Murals of representatives of the highest layer of feudal data with data on local and monetary savings, service activities, etc., compiled by the discharge order in the XVI-XVII centuries.

Brander- From the German "Bralander" - a vessel loaded by explosives, which was fired and allowed toward the enemy or used to harbor in the harbor.

Brigantine- From the Italian "Brigantino" - in the XVII-XIX centuries. In the Navy of European states - a sea sailing two-way vessel with straight sails on the front mast (fock mast) and oblique on the rear (grotty mast). In the XVIII century In Russia - a sailing-rowing vessel for transportation of troops and goods in coastal areas that had 2-3 guns.

Burmister Chamber (Town Hall)- The authority of the urban population, created in 1699, who was responsible for collecting direct taxes, customs and kabatki money, contributing to the centralization of the collection of filing. In 1708-1710. With the creation of the Gubernia Town Hall turned into a Moscow institution.

Burgher- From the German "Burger" - a city dweller.

Bureaucracy- from the French "Bureau" - the Bureau, the Office, and the Greek "Kratos" - power, power, domination; For the XVII-XVIII centuries. - Professional officials, the main source of income of which is the salary received for the service of the state (soup).

Vassal state- a state dependent on another state. Terms "Vassal" ("servant"), "Vassalitet"they originated in the Middle Ages in Western Europe and mean a system of relationships of the personal dependence of one feudalists - vassals from others - senors.

Upper Zemsky Court- According to the reform of 1775, one of the three courts of the provincial city, who ends with the court against the nobility.

Upper grief- According to the reform of 1775, one of the three courts of the provincial city, which made the court in relation to the peasantry.

Supreme Secret Council ("Sungovers")- Higher advisory state institution of Russia in 1726-1730. Included 7-8 people. Catherine I created, dissolved by Anna Ioannova.

Welcome- Ruler Moldova, Valahia.

Voevoda- a representative of the central government in the local government with military administrative authority.

Voivodeship- In the XVII century. In Ukraine, the unit of territorial and administrative division corresponding to the county in Russia.

Military circle- the general-official assembly of the Don, Volga, Yaiksky, Grade and Terek Cossacks in the XVI-XVIII centuries; The highest authority, who eased officials.

Volost- Association of villages, villages and breeding in areas that did not have urban centers.

"Film Economic Society"- The first Russian scientific society, founded in 1765 in St. Petersburg and ceased work in 1915, published the first statistic-geographical study of Russia, who contributed to the introduction in agriculture new agrotechnology.

Beach- Land ownership transmitted by inheritance.

Choice- The top of the service cities.

Failure (en) lands- Earth remaining without heirs.

Pull collection- Collecting money in the world budget.

Galley- From the Italian "GALERA" - a wooden rowing military ship.

Midshipman- From the French "Garde-Marin" - the title in the Russian Navy, established in 1716 for the pupils of the elder mouth of the Maritime Academy, and later the Cadet Marine Corps in the direction of the fleet to practice.

Howitzer- From the German "Haubitze" - an artillery tool for hinged firing at holing purposes.

Guard- From the Italian "Guardia" - selected, privileged part of the troops. It appeared in Italy in the XII century, in European countries - in the XV-XVII centuries., In Russia, the Guard (Life Guard) was created by Peter I in the 90s of the XVII century.

Admiral General- Higher Naval Chin in Russia XVIII century. Until 1908, corresponding to the rank of Feldmarshal General in the Ground Forces.

Governor-General- Head of the metropolitan or important strategic importance of the province, sometimes several provinces.

Generalissimus- From the Latin "Generalissimus" - the "most important" - the highest military rank in the armed forces. In Russia, Peter I was introduced in the XVIII century.

Lieutenant-general- (in 1730 - late XVIII century - Lieutenar General) - the third Army Chin in the "Table of Ranks".

Major General- The fourth Army Chin in the "Table of Ranks".

Prosecutor General- The head of the Senate Office, independent of the Senate, who was only the court of the king (emperor), whose official duty was to observe the legality of the state apparatus.

General Rekkemaster- Official in the Senate, which collected complaints about the decisions of other institutions, including the colleges, personally investigating them, which constituted reports for the Senate.

General Feldmarshal- Higher Military Chin, the first rank in the "table of ranks".

Feldshmeister General- The chief head of artillery in the Russian, French and Prussian armies.

Coat of arms- distinctive sign of the state, city, class, genus depicted on seals, coins, flags, etc.

Geroldia- Geroldmakersteskaya office, Geroldia Department - In the Russian Empire, the body as part of the Senate (1722-1917), who guided the departure of the nobles in the public service, guarding their class privileges, leading pedigree books, which was the coat of arms.

Hetman- Polish "Hetman" from the German "HAUPTMANN" - the boss. In Poland XVI-XVIII centuries. army commander; From 1539 in the Commonwealth speech - 2 hetman: great corona- in Poland and his deputy putman- in Lithuania. In Ukraine, XVI - the first half of the XVII century. Hetman - Head of the Registry Cossacks; From 1648 - the ruler of Ukraine and the head of the Cossack troops; Since 1657 existed hetman Right Bank(until 1704) and hetman Left Bank of Ukraine;since 1708, he was appointed royal government; In 1722-1727 and 1734-1750. not prescribed; In 1764 abolished.

Gymnasium- middle School of General education. The first gymnasium in Russia appeared in 1726 in St. Petersburg.

Main folk schools- training, four-class establishments, organized since 1786 in the provinces that carried out the training of initial literacy, the basics orthodox faith, universal and natural history, geography, mechanics, physics, architecture.

Gauntledge Cossacks- the bottom of the Cossack society.

Gorny.- heated building, built on a bunch.

City Clause- Institute of Local Department, known from the XV century, permanent and ubiquitous institution with widespread competence (military administrative, financial and applied, land, etc.).

Urban head- In pre-revolutionary Russia from 1785 - the head of the urban government agencies.

Gofamarshal- The court chin and the position of the 3rd class in the "table of ranks", whose duty is the management of the court economy (supply, method of receptions, etc.).

Grenadiers- type of infantry in the European armies in the XVII-XX centuries.

Grandmaster Order"The Grand Master is the head of the Catholic spiritual and knightly order, elected by members of the Order for life and approving Roman dad.

Governor- From the Latin "Gubernator" - "ruler." In pre-revolutionary Russia, the Supreme Government official in the province, the main territorial administrative unit of the state.

Province- Unit of territorial administrative division in Russia of the XVIII - early XX century.

Loom- Local estate and representative office.

Lipstone- The electoral official in the local government, elected from the nobles.

Two hundred- The custom is baptized with two fingers (fingers), common in the Russian Orthodox Church before adopting in the second half of the XVII century. innovations of the reform of Nikon.

Butler- The head of the palace administration in the Russian state of the XV-XVII centuries., In the XVII century. - Court title.

Den (b) ha- fraction of the ruble, a coin equal to 0.5 kopeck; In the ruble - 200 money.

Monetary salary- the amount of monetary payment of seruners in accordance with the post.

Decade tax

Tentine Pushnya- Natural service in favor of the state of Russian peasants Siberia.

Boyar children -the lowest discharge of the servant nobility, small landowners. They distinguished children of Boyar Moscow (assigned to Moscow), city (assigned to cities), Tsaritsyn China (who stood in the service of the Tsarits), heads of church dioceses.

Distract- In Russia, XVIII century. Lowest territorial administrative unit.

Personal books- Official documents drawn up by the results of the doses.

Motorker- Member of the recovery aimed at solving controversial issues.

Home Cossacks- The wealthy part of the Cossacks.

Draguns- view of cavalry in the European countries and the Russians of the XVII-XX centuries, intended for hostilities in horseback and within walking; appeared in France in the XVI century.

Duma nobleman- The third rank of Boyar Duma.

Theological Seminary- secondary educational institution, preparing servants of religious cults and giving theological education.

Spiritual colleges- Spiritual educational institutions open from the 20s of the XVIII century. In all the dioceses, whose training programs, along with theology, included a number of secular items (languages, mathematics, history, geography, etc.).

Dyak- "Minister", head of local institutions (eats), head of central institutions - orders or his assistant. From the XVI century The most high-ranking of devils are spiritual devils (the lowest rank of Boyar Duma).

Eger Shelves- View of light infantry and cavalry in the European and Russian armies of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Until the middle of the XIX century. Formed from the best shooters and acted in the loose system.

Unanimous singing- In Russian worship, the consistent execution of various chants.

Diocese- territorial administrative unit of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Esaul- From the Turkic "boss", from the XVI century. - Position, from the XVIII century. - Chin B. cossack troops, equivalent in 1798 to the rank of Rothmistra in Cavalry.

Efimok- Polish "Joachymik" - the Russian name of the Western European Silver Talera, from which in Russia the XVII-XVIII centuries. silver coins minted; In 1704, adopted for the weight unit of the silver ruble.

Plugged gram- grades providing various benefits.

Zhilts"The nobleman of the Moscow rank, which was standing on the service staircase above the county nobleman, whose duties were duty on the royal yard. Also served in primary people in Connection and infantry.

Girongists- political grouping of the period of the Great french revolutionrepresented mainly republican trade and industrial and agricultural bourgeoisie. The name comes from the name of the locality of Girond, from where there were many groups of groupings. August 10, 1792 after overthrowing in France the monarchy became in power; counteracted the further development of the revolution. The authorities were lost as a result of the uprising on May 31 - June 17, 1793, part of the girondists of KazNenna, others in 1794 were joined to counter-revolutionary forces.

Zhuz.- Horde of Kazakhstan. In the second quarter of the XVIII century. Kazakhstan was divided into three Zhuza: Small, medium, senior.

Race- Tax collection in favor of the head of the diocese.

Zaporizhzhya Sch- Organization of the Ukrainian Cossacks in the XVI-XVIII centuries. Behind the Dnieper thresholds. The name comes from the title of the Mainstream (Side - Islands, on which the first settlements of the Cossacks were located). Until 1654, the Kazachey "Republic", the main body of the government - the Schechy Rada led by Koshev Ataman. In 1709, the Old Sich was eliminated, in 1734 the Russian government created a new section, liquidated in 1775 after the suppression of the uprising under the leadership of E. Pugachev.

Request money- A kind of emergency fees, which is coming to the salary to serve people.

Zemskaya Razba- local election management body.

Zemsky referee.- Zemstvo court institutions operating in the northern territories.

Zemsky Cathedral- Central estate and representative control body.

Zemsky Starost.- The elected official who led the Zemskoy and beened from the Poshess.

Zipun.- Short peasant caftan.

Igumen.- from the Greek "Hegumenos" - "presenter", the abbot of the Orthodox monastery.

Isograph- icon painter.

Eminent citizens- According to the "compared certificate of cities" (1785) - one of the six official categories of the urban population, which included merchants with capital over 50 thousand rubles, bankers with capital at least 100 thousand rubles, as well as city intelligentsia (architects, painters, scientists) .

Name Decree- Legislative Act, compiled only by the king, without the participation of the Boyar Duma.


Cabinet Ministers- in Russia in 1731-1741. The Supreme State Body as part of the three Cabinet-Ministers, the Official Council under Queen Anne Ioannovna.

Cadet Shutball Corps- Educational institution, founded in 1731, intended exclusively for the training of noble children by military and partially civil sciences (geography, jurisprudence, etc.), is later called "land".

Casual Chamber- the provincial authority of the Ministry of Finance in the Russian Empire 1775-1917, who has ends with tax collecting, government property, wine spruits and other financial affairs; According to the provincial reform of 1775, which was part of the provincial government.

Treasurer- The head of a stateless order.

Camisole- From the French "Camisole" - a tight-pulling case Men's clothing length.

Chancellor (Valid Secret Advisor)- Higher from civilian ranks, grade 1 in "Tabeli on Rangs".

Captain-Corp.- According to the provincial reform of 1775, the head of the county administration, elected by the nobles of the county and approved by the highest instances.

Capral- From the French "Caporal" - the military rank of junior commanders in some foreign armies. In the Russian army, the title of Croral existed in the XVII-XIX centuries.

Caftan- View of swinging men's clothing that crumbled into the waist.

Kirassira- The type of severe cavalry in the European armies of the end of the XVI - early XX century. (in Russia - from the XVIII century). They had kirase (consisting of 2 metal plates, curved on the shape of a back and chest and connected by buckles on the shoulders and sides) and a helmet, armament - the Palash, Carabiner and a gun.

Classicism- From the Latin "Classicus" - exemplary, style and direction in the literature and art of the XVII - early XIX century.

Cool- the mandatory element of the peasant yard, where the property of the family (clothing, dishes) was kept, as well as grain; Circled on a block.

Kokoshnik- in architecture, more often - church, XVI-XVII centuries. A semicircular or a Cilent Common is the completion of a part of the outer wall of the building, repeating the outlines of the arch, having a decorative purpose, often located tiers.

College- In Russia of the XVIII - early XIX century. Central institutions made by individual branches of public administration. Institutions by Peter I in 1717-1721. Instead of orders, abolished with the formation of ministries.

College recorder- The lowest of civilian ranks, the 14th grade in the "Table of Ranks".

College Counselor- Civilian (Stat) Chin, the 8th grade in the "table of ranks", the receipt of which served as the basis for obtaining a personal (not transmitted by inherited) nobility.

Commission in Moscow- The temporary body of the XVI-XVII centuries, which coordinated the activities of state structures during the absence of the king in the capital.

Condition- The conditions for joining the throne of Empress Anna John, nominated in 1730 by the Supreme Secret Council in order to limit the monarchy.

Consil Ministers- The Supreme Body, created in 1708 from the members of the neighboring office and managing Moscow and the country in the absence of the king.

Consulate- Special political regime in France, established since 1799, when three consuls acted at the same time, the first of which was Napoleon. From August 1, 1802, Napoleon is a lifelong consul with the right to appoint his successor. After the royalist conspiracy, disclosed in February 1804, Napoleon is proclaimed by the emperor and crown December 1-28, 1804

Conference at the highest yard- The state authority established on May 14, 1756 to discuss the problems of international politics, gradually focused in his hands internal management, had the right to send its instructions to the Senate (in the form of "protocols", "extracts").

Confession- From English "Confess" - "Religion", church organization. The Xristian organizations building their creed and confession of the Bible on one faith symbol belong to one denomination.

Cordon systemeuropean system The combat construction of the army, according to which the troops were distributed evenly along the entire line of the front.

Feed- Regular offerings, hotels in places central authorities.

Feed money- The type of monetary content that went to ensure the service in the shelves formed by the Government in the XVII century.

Kravcha- Palace (court) Chin - Moscow Rus position; Head over craftsmen.

Peasant Observant- A serf peasant, released by the owner for the development of the lifesta, who joined the relationship of free hiring with the employer (in particular with the owners of Manufactory).

Peasant Odnodvorets- From 1714-1718 - unrespensive and not having peasants of the face, expelled from the noble class, which became the lesames-landowners, personally free, which felt the pillow.

Kurfürst"From the German" Kurfursten "- in the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation - Princes (spiritual and secular), who chose the emperor. Brandenburg - Initially, the Mark-County of medieval Germany, became a crook from 1356, since 1618 he was united with Prussia to the Brandenburg-Prussian state, since 1701, which became the kingdom (the capital - Berlin).

Landrichter- Judge, one of the provincial officials of the XVIII century.

Legitimacy- from Latin "Legitimus" - legal, legality.

Lednik- Women's clothing with sleeves-wings hanging from the shoulders and leaving the open sleeves "red" shirt.

Leshead- Parquet from oak, sometimes painted powder.

Battleship- In the sailing naval fleet of the XVII - the first half of the XIX century. Large-size three-volume combat ships with 2-3 decks (decks), which had from 60 to 130 guns and up to 800 people of the crew.

Love- Court (Palace) Chin - the position of the XVI-XVII centuries., In the XVIII century. - Eggermaster.

Magistrate- from 1720 by the authority of the government, who consisted of elected representatives of urban classes; Since 1775 (provincial reform) - one of the three courts of a county city, who peaked in relation to the urban population. The judicial reform is abolished in 1864

Magnata- Large feudal of Poland and Hungary, born and rich to know. In modern Russian, the term is used in a figurative sense to designate representatives of large industrial and financial capital.

Madrigal- From the French "Madrigal" from the XVII century. - a small poem-complement.

Major- Military Chin, 8th grade in the "table of ranks", the awarding which served as a basis for receiving a personal (not transmitted by inherited) nobility.

Mayoita- The system of inheritance from the Father to the eldest son (authorities, land), established in Western Europe in the Middle Ages.

Small folk schools- Two-year educational institutions organized from 1786 in counties.

Order of Malta- Spiritual-knightly order, founded in Palestine Crusaders at the beginning of the XII century. The initial residence of John (Hospitallers) is the Jerusalem Hospital (a house for pilgrims) St. John. At the end of the XIII century. We left from the east. In 1530-1798 settled on about. Malta (Maltese Order). Since 1834, the residence of John - in Rome.

Manifesto- from the Latelantine "Manifestum" - a call, a special act of the head of state or the highest authority of state power, facing the population due to important events.

Manufactory- A large enterprise based on the division of labor using manual labor.

Mercantilism- Economic policy aimed at creating an active trade balance (the predominance of exports over imports).

Locality- The distribution system of official places in the feudalists in the Russian state from the XIV-XV centuries. Until 1681-1682, when, when appointing to the service (military, administrative, court), the origin, the official position of the ancestors and personal merits took into account.

Messenger- in Russia 1775-1917. Arenable estate consisting of urban artisans, urban old-timers, small merchants, homeowners, employees, etc., united at the place of residence in community with some rights of self-government.

Min.- the dynasty of the Chinese emperors, which ruled by the country from 1368 to 1644

Michman.- The lowest from the marine ranks, the 14th grade in the "table of ranks".

Multi-loving- In Russian worship, the simultaneous performance of several different chants introduced in the XVI century. To reduce the church service, the final consumption in the 1st half of the XVIII century.

Sea shuttlecock- a closed educational institution for noble children established in 1752

Mortar- From the Dutch "Mortier" - an artillery tool with a short trunk for mounted shooting, intended mainly for the destruction of particularly strong defensive structures. It was used from XV until the middle of the XX century.

Moscow Spiritual Academy- Higher spiritual educational institution, preparing servants of religious cults and giving aologian education.

Murza (Mirza)- "Prince", "Prince", the younger khana, major military heads that occurred from the feudalizing tribal aristocracy of the Turkic nomadic peoples.

Messenger- Government instructions newly appointed officials indicating their powers.

Governor- In the XII-XVI centuries. - an official who headed the local government and carried out power at the subordinate territory by the name of the Grand Duke; In the XVI - early XVIII century. - The title assigned to the face that fulfills diplomatic orders.

Naryshkinskoye Barochko- Architectural style of the XVII century, the distinctive features of which are the parade, elegacity, the use of a tower type of construction, the frequent combination of red bricks for the main masonry and white for finishing.

Irregular (gradual) citizens- In the XVIII century. (since 1720) Category of citizens (personally free, not owned by the sale of their workforce), which are not electoral rights to the bodies of urban self-government.

Independent gram

Netchurch- Located "in the bus" - in the run.

Lower Zemskoy- According to the reform of 1775, one of the three courts of a county city, who made the court in relation to the peasantry.

Low-resistant gram- a grades issued when delivered to priests.

Ober-Changer- Head of the court stables and hunting.

OberprovantMister.- One of the provincial officials of the XVIII century, responsible for the fear of food for the needs of the army.

Ober prosecutor- a secular face leaning the synod.

General Gradskaya Duma- According to the "humble diploma of the city" (1785) - the establishment of the system of urban self-government, whose members were elected at the meetings of citizens of each of the 6 categories of the urban population. The most important duty of the general Grad Duma is the election of the members of the Hexagonal Duma.

Restrictive (Condelted) Record- A document containing any obligations in the fulfillment of which a person who assigns them to himself, kissing the cross in this case. Crustanic records of elected kings of the Troubles period - evidence of the incompleteness of their power.

Ozumentnik- Plot for storing grain crops.

Oh yeah- From the Greek "Ode" - a song, a genre of lyrical poetry and music, a solemn, pathetic work.

Ocolnic- The second rank of Boyar Duma.

Oligarchy- From the Greek "Oligarhia" - a regime in which political power belongs to a narrow group of persons.

Opashen- Women's swing clothing made of colored cloth (velvet, brocade) with long sleeves and an extensive collar that worn both in a fastened form and a Vnkin.

Gunsmanic- Head of the weapon order.

Consecrated cathedral- The highest collegial control body in the Russian Orthodox Church, the first Kuria of the Zemsky Cathedral.

Prison- Fortified points of Russian immigrants in Siberia. In the future, administrative centers, many of which have grown in the city.

Response Chamber- The diplomatic authority, leading negotiations in Russia (as a rule - in Moscow) with representatives of foreign powers.

Watery- The peasant's right to go to work and join the contractual relations with the employer.

Pension- Type of educational institution for noble children, spreading in the second half of the XVIII century.

Parsuna- From a distorted word "person", the conditional name of the works of Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian portrait painting of the end of the XVI-XVII centuries, which preserves the techniques of icon painting.

Passport (vacation passport)- Since 1724, the newly introduced document - "vacation", which gave the peasant to go to work into another locality; Subscribed by a landowner or cruel, when leaving the limits of the county - the Zemsky Commissioner, was wounded by regimental seal.

Foam money- Penalties.

Overcome diplomas- Permission to the priest for the transition to another church.

Scribe- A participant in the censuses, fixing the current state of affairs.

Pickbooks- Official documents drawn up by the results of the censuses.

Cell- In Europe - the Arkebus, a heavy wick dust-charging gun, one of the original samples of the manual firearms, known from the XV century. I was charged with a blow original one, then lead bullets. The powder charge taught from the hand through the seeding hole in the trunk. Also an artillery gun XV-XVII centuries.

Right letter- anonymous, secret denominations, campaigns, a means of social struggle in Russia of the XVI-XVII centuries.

Subtle- a unit of taxation with a male soul introduced during the correspondence activities in 1718-1722. Significantly affected the evolution of serfdom in Russia in the direction of strengthening the personal dependence of the peasants from the landowner.

Subhychy- an official in the gaze of the exhaust and central institutions.

Shelves "new (ingenic) building"- Military parts formed in the XVII century. In Russia, from free people, Cossacks, foreigners, later - dreated people on the sample (organization, learning) of Western European armies.

Poltina (Filling)- Rubble fraction, coin worth 50 kopecks. The first was released in 1654 initially minted from copper, in 1699-1915. - from silver, in 1756, 1777-1778. - From gold.

Head- Fraction of the ruble, the smallest coin of Moscow Rus, equal to / penny, from 1700 - the smallest denomination of the Russian coin system, which was minted from copper until 1916

Local salary- the amount of payment of serve people in the form of land possessions in accordance with his post.

Estate- Until 1714 - conditional land tenure, which is a means of payment for service, from 1714 (a decree of the unionlessness) - preserved as a domestic concept, in a legal sense, transforming into hereditary possession, previously denoted by the term.

Pominik- Gifts, offering as a sign of gratitude. In international relations - the annual tribute to the Crimean Khan.

Light- Women's peasant clothing, reminiscent of modern skirts, which was worn over the shirt.

Land- part of the city in which the trade and craft population lived; It was divided into hundreds and subdiquots, including at the place of residence of artisans engaged in one type of activity.

Seating peasants (workers)- In Russia, XVIII - the first half of the XIX century. The category of peasants belonged to private enterprises.

Fimble- Hemp Fabrics.

Embassy Congress- The most significant and responsible form of negotiations of Russian and foreign diplomats. For XVII century Characterized congresses with Polish-Lithuanian and Swedish representatives. In the local era, participation in the Embassy Congress - the privilege of the most informable part of the aristocracy.

Bedding- Palace (court) Chin - the position of Moscow Rus, whose carrier was responsible for the bed tsarist treasury, the inner regime of the royal chambers, led the workshop of the Chamber, kept the royal seal.

Promise- A gift, a party, brought to the decision of the case, bribe.

Ensign- The lowest of the military ranks, the 14th grade in the "Table of Ranks".

The leader of the nobility- The head of the nobility meeting of the province or county (respectively - the provincial leader of the nobility or the county leader of the nobility), elected from the knowledge and permission of the Governor-General (governor) every three years.

Adorable letters- Documents outgoing, as a rule, from the camp of the rebels in the XVII-XVIII centuries, containing the basic requirements of their program. Comes from the word "choose".

Prieste- In the Orthodox church, a small crucible extension from the southern or northern facade, which has an additional altar for worship.

Order- In the XVI - early XVIII century. Central executive and judicial institution, with time replaced by colleges, later by ministries.

Order of public charity- According to the provincial reform of 1775 - the establishment of the Gubernsky Management system, which occupied the affairs of schools, hospitals, shelters, and so on.

Appointment peasants- In Russia, XVIII - the first half of the XIX century. - State and palace peasants, instead of paying feudal petas who worked in state and private factories.

Provinces- Administrative and territorial unit in Russia 1719-1775. As part of the province divided into share and distributors.

Prosecutor- In the XVIII century. - an official with each college, supervising the legality and submitted to the prosecutor general.

Simple cooperation (labor)- The form of labor organization, ensuring the coherence of joint actions of employees in the production process, in which employees perform homogeneous work, in contrast to complex cooperation based on the division of labor.

Protectorate- One of the forms of colonial dependence, in which the state proceeded remains only some independence in the internal affairs, and its external relations, defense, etc. is carried out by the Metropolis State.

Protectionism- patronage, stimulating domestic trade and craft activities, including due to restriction of trade rights of foreigners.

Protestantism- One of the directions in Christianity, breakacied from Catholicism in the XVI century. For Protestantism, the refusal of a complex spiritual hierarchy, the hard opposition to the clergy of the Mijanam, the lack of monasticism, the lack of the claim of the clergy, simplified cult, etc.

Protopop.- The source name of the Archpriest is a senior Orthodox priest. In the XVII century - Abbot of the Cathedral.

Plente money- A type of emergency fees from the population produced in the 10-30s of the XVII century.

pleasedhistorical title Folk Assembly and Councils of Representatives in Ukraine, in Belarus, Lithuania, Poland.

Discharge books- Vaults of records (discharges), appointments for military, civil and court services in the XVI - the beginning of the XVIII century, which was carried out on the discharge order.

Collected Chamber- The official state body established by the Board of Fyodor Alekseevich to prior discussion of issues introduced into the Boyar Duma. Considered controversial civil cases on requests from orders and complaints of citizens.

Roundtroke- Dissected on the front construction of infantry units and a hurried cavalry in the offensive at the end of the XVIII-XIX centuries. In the Russian army was first applied by P.A. Rumyantsev during the seven-year war 1756-1763.

Rathauses- The urban rule of the provincial city, which appeared in Pavlovskaya era, part of which was appointed by a bureaucratic way, the others were elected merchants with the subsequent approval by the governor and the Senate.

Audivian soul- In the XVIII century. The face of the male, carrying a pillow, and noded in the list of taxes, from which it could be excluded only during the next census (revision) of the population.

Regulations- Legislative acts of the Russian state of the first quarter of the XVIII century, compiled on the initiative and with the personal participation of Peter I; defined states, structure, functions, procedure for central public institutions, organization of the army and fleet, the procedure for passing military and civil services.

Regular citizens- In the XVIII century. (since 1720) Category Citizens (merchants, small merchants, artisans, etc.), which uses electoral rights to the bodies of urban self-government.

Redoubt- from the French "Redoute" - field fortification in the form of a square, a rectangle or polygon, prepared for circular defense; Support paragraph in the system of fortified positions.

Registry- Polish "Rejestr" - list, list, inventory. Registered Cossacks - part of the Ukrainian Cossacks in the XVI - the first half of the XVII century, adopted on the service of the Polish government and entered into a special list - the registry.

Raitara- From the German "Reiter" - "Rider", the type of heavy cavalry in Europe of the XVI-XVII centuries, in Russia XVII century. - First regular cavalry.

Recruit Meal (Recruitchina)- The method of recruiting the Russian regular army in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Recruited subsidiaries were submitted (peasants, gentlemen, etc.), which exposed a certain number of recruits from their communities. In 1874, replaced by military service.

Riga- Shopping building for throat.

RIXDAG- Riksdag - Parliament in Sweden.

Rhetoric- Science of oratorical art.

Ruga- The content of churches and monasteries at the expense of the state treasury, which included funds for food and the minimum needs of a certain number of monks.

Sacralization- Employment of the nature of the royal authority by elements of divine origin.

Svetlitsa- Initially, the premises for the needlework, over time, turned into a residential premises, the mandatory attribute of which were windows, in the articles of which the pieces of mica were inserted, and later - glass.

Saint Dan.- A complex of tax fees in favor of the head of the diocese.

Secular culture- Acquisition of a secular character, exemption from the influence of the Church.

Secularization of church lands- from Latelatinsky "Saecularis" - worldly, secular; - Appeal by the state of church property in secular.

Selitreated Factory- factory that made gunpowder.

Senate- In Russia, 1711-1917. - Higher state body subordinate to the emperor. Established by Decree Peter I of February 22, 1711 as an emergency and temporary authority. From 1719 included the presidents of all the colleges, from 1722 - only the presidents of the military, Admiralty and foreign college. Next after the king is the highest judicial body, the highest appeal instance. From the 1st half of the XIX century. - the highest judicial authority supervising the activities of government agencies and officials. According to the judicial charters of 1864 - the highest cassation instance.

Sentimentalism- From the French "Sentiment" - the feeling, the course of the second half of the XVIII and American literature of the second half of the XVIII - beginning of the XIX century. Proclaimed the cult of natural feeling, nature, paid attention to the feelings and experiences of the ordinary person.

Sefvida- The Dynasty of Iranian Shakhov, which was ruled in Persia from 1501 to 1722

Syllabic system of poems- In poetic lines containing the same number of syllables, there is no periodic repetition of shock syllables.

Synod- From the Greek "Synodos" - "Collection" - the highest organ of church administration in Russia, created during the Petrovsky transformations instead of the Patriarchate Institute. I marked the final submission to the Church by the state.

Skop- organized performance of masses of people against the king and representatives of the royal administration.

Slavic Greco-Latin Academy- The first highest educational institution in Moscow, founded in 1687 called the Hellen-Greek Academy. In 1701-1775 - Slavic-Latin Academy - Personnel training center for the needs of the state and church, teachers of educational institutions, listeners for medical schools and universities. In 1814, it was transformed into a Moscow spiritual academy and translated in Trinity-Sergiev Lavra.

Verbal doctrine- Educational course common in the first half of the XVII century. and included literacy learning, letter, account, hiking, literacy.

Services for Fatherland- representatives of estates released from government files adopted for public service.

Serve people in the device- Representatives adopted representatives.

Smolny Institute- Educational institution for the Women of the Nobility and Meshchansky ranks, established in 1764, leading training on general education objects, housekeeping and needlework.

Meeting of a country society- According to the "humble diploma of the city" (1785), the main urban government body, which convened once every three years and eating responsible persons (urban head, burmusers, assessors of the magistrate and the assessors of the conscientious court).

Soviet court- The provincial court in Russia is 1775-1862, who considered civil cases (in the order of the conciliation procedure) and some criminal cases (juvenile, unbearable, etc.).

Council at the highest yard- the highest advisory body of Russia 1769-1801, consisting of an approximate emperor. Discussed projects of local government facilities in 1775-1785.

Falconer- Head of the Sokolnichnaya order.

Soldier- ordinary regiments of the infantry soldier system.

Sleeping bag- Palace (court) rank - Position in Moscow Rus, the immediate duty of the bedroom - on to be on duty in the rooms of the king.

Old Believers- A combination of religious groups and churches in Russia who have not adopted church reforms of the mid-XVII century, which have become opposition or hostile official Orthodox Church.

Tagnet- Female high fur hat.

Stolnik- Palace (court) rank - Position in Moscow Rus, the immediate obligation of the Claus - to serve the princes (kings) during the trapes; Under Patriarch, the title of the great sovereign arises a category of patriarchal solts.

Streletsky money- A single submit, introduced into the reign of Fyodor Alekseevich and who went to various state needs, primarily the content of troops.

Strana- Palace (court) Chin - Position in Moscow Rus, the immediate duty of Strana - to accompany the king during his departures and exits.

Schima- Leaving the monks.

Scholasticism- From Greek "Sholastikos" - "School", "Scientist" - a type of religious philosophy, characterized by a compound of the thewolic-dogmatic prerequisites with a rationalistic technique and interest in formal logical problems. In a figurative sense - fruitless diet from life.

Gouring hollow- local government authority, including representatives of the central government.

Tariffs- the rate system by which the fee for services is charged; For customs tariffs - for the provision of goods across the border.

Tarkhan- Liberation from the jurisdiction to local authorities.

Tatt- Thief.

Terlik- Male male clothing, short caftan made of lightweight fabric, tightly fitted shape, stitched from colored smoothly painted, most often silk fabrics.

Title- Translated from Latin "Titulus" - Honorary title; In Moscow Rus XVII century. The titles of the Tsarsky distressed (to its formulas were the great sovereign, the Grand Prince, etc.); Patriarch (Great Mr.); titles of representatives of the generic aristocracy (prince; from the XVIII century - Baron, Count); Vouble titles, i.e. titles assigned in connection with the implementation of diplomatic orders (Vicar Vladimirsky, governor of Kazan, etc.).

Tyun.- The head of the Tyun hut in Moscow.

Tonic poemy system- built on the periodic repetition of the shock syllables, is the basis of modern renovation, the founders of the system - M.V. Lomonosov and V.K. Trediakovsky.

Treatise- International Treaty.

Treba- The liturgical rite.

Throer- The custom is baptized in three fingers, spreading in the Russian Orthodox Church after Nikon's reform.

True- Complex of taxes and duties in favor of the state.

True yard- A unit of taxation.

Killus- Special head towel, closing his head, part of the face and shoulders, which wore married women.

County- territorial-administrative unit of the XVII century, uniting the city and the territory adjacent to it.

County court- According to the reform of 1775, one of the three courts of the county city, who made the court against the nobility.

Uniate- Supporters of the Uniate (Greek Catholic) Church - the Christian association created by Brest Unia in 1596, who submitted to Pope Roman, who recognized the main dogmas of the Catholic Church while maintaining Orthodox rites.

Unification- From the Latin "Unus" - one, rational reduction in the number of objects of the same functional purpose, creating a more uniform system.

Teaching grammatical- Educational course, assumed to learning seven free arts (grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic, music, geometry, astrology).

Feldmarshal- Higher military rank in the army of some states. In Russia, XVIII century. - 1st grade in "Tabel about ranks". In the XVI century In German states, in the XVII century. In Austria, later in Russia, a higher rank of General Field Marshal was introduced.

Philosophers-enlighteners- Representatives of the progressive ideological course of the era of the transition from feudalism to capitalism (second half of the XVII-XVIII centuries), who advocated the establishment of the "Mind Kingdom", based on "natural equality", for political freedom and civil equality. Great importance To achieve a new public order gave knowledge to the dissemination. The largest representatives: J. Locke in England; Voltaire, J.Zh. Rousseau, Sh. Montesquieu, P.A. Golbach, K.A. Gelving, D. Didro in France; G.E. Lessing, I.G. Gerder, F. Schiller, I.V. Goethe in Germany; T. Jerferson, B. Franklin, T. Pain in the USA.

Fiscal- In Russia, 1711-1729. The public servant for supervision of government agencies and officials whose most important function is the fight against official crimes (Fiscals were headed by Ober-Fiscal - a member of the Senate Office, subordinate to the prosecutor general).

Flagship- The ship on which the flagis is located (commander of the fleet or joining the ships - squadron, etc.). The flagship ship itself is also abbreviated called the flagship. On the flagship ship rises the flag assigned to this flagship.

Frigate- From the Dutch "FREGAT" - in a sailing military fleet - a three-volume warship (the second largest after the linear ship), which had up to 60 guns.

Bread- Economic building, in the midst of which a large bakery stove stood.

Halop- In the XV - early XVIII century. The legal term, meaning a person who was in the personal ownership of the landowner, who did not pay. According to the Petrovsky law on pillow, the basement has become a submitted unit, brings together with the peasantry. The concept of "Hop" lost legal meaning.

Casel- The elected official in the local government system, according to the tradition of "purposeful" cross when identifying certain functional duties.

Church Cathedral- In the Orthodox and Armenian-Gregorian churches - the assembly of shepherds and teachers of the Church, compiled, according to the church rules and laws of the state, to approve the truths of faith, the benefit of church affairs, to establish, maintain and develop the procedure and discipline in the church. In the XVII century In patriarchs, church cathedrals were distinguished by the Great and "from the most percentage" bishops in Moscow; Under Petra I, instead of temporary church cathedrals, a permanent consecrated cathedral was established under the site of the Patriarcharchy throne, in 1721 - the sacred government synod, after which the meeting of temporary church cathedrals ceased.

Come- associations of urban artisans (one or related specialties), which appeared in Western Europe in the XIII-XIV centuries. To protect against the encroachment of the feudal and ensure the members of the monopoly shop on the production and marketing of craft products; In Russia - the workshop was introduced in 1722

Qing- Dynasty of Chinese emperors of Manchurian origin, which ruled by the country from 1644 to 1912

Typical school- In 1714-1744. In Russia, state primary general education schools for the boys of all classes, except the peasantry. Taught literacy, writing, arithmetic with the beginning of geometry. Transformed into garrison, bishops and mining schools.

Cheerful, Chelobyte- Appeal to solve various issues.

Black (parish, hundreds, peasants, etc.)- Carriers.

FOOLS (Poliopottina, half defensive)- Rubble fraction, silver coin in 25 kopecks. Periodically minted from 1701 to the beginning of the XX century.

Check- the main unit of taxation in the XVII century, which included a certain number of peasant and bobyl burghers depending on the location of the county.

Hexagonal Duma- According to the "humble diploma," 1785) is the main executive, permanent authority in the city.

School "Mathematical and Navalskogo Art"- Opened in 1701 in Moscow in the Sukhareva Tower for the training of personnel for the army and fleet.

Gentry- From Polish "SzLACHTA" - the name of secular feudalists, Polish-Lithuanian origin, which corresponds to the nobility.

Shlektich- In Poland and in Russia, the XVIII century. - One of the names of the nobility.

Country- Head of the Netherlands.

Yuft- The isolated top-quality skin.

Casual from meal- Collection in favor of the head of the diocese in the priests of one-time services.

Yam's money- tax providing maintaining state communication funds.

Yanychary- Regular infantry in turkish armycreated in the XIV century and liquidated in 1826

Yasak- Fur tax from the local population of Siberia and the Far East.

Yasnelnichi- In the XVI century. - Assistant Konya Boyarin is the head of the stable order, in the XVII century. - Head of the stakeholder.

Abstractionism -direction in the art of the XX century, refused by image real objects and phenomena.

Absurdism(Lat. "Reliable") is a flow in European literature, mainly in the drama and theater, which emerged at the beginning of the 50s. Twentieth century. Absurdist plays create a picture of the unfortunateness, the aless and the aloghrism of human words of actions.

Avangard - Russian avangard (from Fr. Avant-Garde is an advanced detachment). The term "Avangard", denoting innovative phenomena, bringing together with the classical continuity in art and literature, is used in use in the middle of 19 V.

Avant-garde(Fr. "Advanced Detachment") is an artistic phenomenon of the 20th century, which combined various schools and directions under the unified slogan of the fundamental update of artistic practice.

Altar(Lat. Altaria - Altus - high) - the eastern part of the Christian temple, where the throne is located; In the Orthodox Church, the altar is separated from the rest of the temple by the iconostasis.

Ampir (Fr. "Empire") the artistic style in the architecture and applied art of the late classicism, which is based on the imitation of antique samples.

Amphitheater- Spectator for the theater, stadium, circus, located stepped rows. Initially, amphitheaters were open.

Antiquity- The history and culture of ancient Greece and Rome, as well as states that were under their cultural influence in the period from the I millennium BC. e. 5th century n. e.

Apse- the protrusion of the building, overlapped by a semi-footpoint or a tinsel; appeared in the ancient Roman basilica; In Christian temples is located in the eastern (altar) part of the temple.

Arch -arcuate overlap of openings in the wall between two supports, such as windows, doors, gates.

Architecture(Greek. "Chief Builder") - 1. The system of buildings and structures organizing the spatial environment for the life and activities of people. 2. Art forming this spatial environment, create a new reality, which has a functional value, bringing a person to benefit and delivering aesthetic pleasure.

Assist - Golden rays covering clothes depicted in ancient Russian painting, symbolically denoting heavenly lights.

Basilica- The oblong building consisting of several non-parts of the room separated by pillars or columns. In the ancient era of Basilica were used as market, judicial buildings, later they became the first Christian churches.

Baptistery- A special building, which was built in antiquity solely to commit the sacrament of baptism.

Drum- the crowning part of the building having a cylindrical, and sometimes a multifaceted form; carries a dome (chapter) and towers over the main, wider part of the building; If there are windows, called light.

Bas-relief- type of sculpture, where the image performs from a plane in less than half of its volume.

Baroque(IT. "Forest, strange") - style that has developed in 17 and the first half of the 18th century. Artistic features of the style were determined by the new (compared to the Renaissance) understanding of a person's place in the universe, the flourishing of a religious feeling, the restoration of the role of the Church in the formation of a human spiritual world.

Household genre of painting Deals events and scenes everyday life.

Vazopis -decorative painting of vessels, ornamental or visual. It is usually performed by a ceramic method, i.e., with special paints with subsequent firing.

Vignette - Graphic decoration used in the design of books, magazines, invitation tickets, greeting cards and other printed works as screensavers, ending or as an addition to initial letters (initials).

Stitched(Fr. Glazed windows or glass door, partition) - paintings or ornamental compositions made of glass or other material transmitting light and used in decorative purposes, mainly as filling window, less often door openings.

Revival (Renaissance) - era, covering 14-16 centuries in Italy; In countries north of the Alps ( north revival) - 15-16th centuries; It is significant to revive interest in antiquity.

Volute- Decoration in the form of a spiral, indispensable affiliation Capitals columns of an ionic order.

Himatiy- cloak. In aggregate with Hiton, the clothes of the wandering preachers were interpreted, in which the icon paintings are most often depicted by Jesus Christ in the events of his earthly life and the apostles.

Tapestry- Fr. Handmade woven carpet and very high quality articles made in Paris on the so-called tapestry manufactory and designed to decorate the walls.

High relief- The type of sculpture, where the image performs from the plane more than half of its volume.

Gothic- The conditional designation of the style that dominated the art of the countries of medieval Europe from about 12 to 14-15 centuries. The center of the culture of this period is a city.

Engraving- Carved on a smooth surface drawing and his imprint.

Graphics(Greek. "I am writing, drawing") - one of the types of visual art, which has artistic features that define its place in a number of other arts and human life. The main means of expressing graphics is a drawing.

Graffiti(IT. Graffiti - scratching) - direction of painting of the twentieth century; Screaming bright drawings made by sprays in the avant-garde manner.

Count -a drawing scratched with a sharp tool on the soil.

Grisaille(Fr. "Gray") - monochrome (monochrome) painting in gray tone, mainly decorative purposes. In the form of a decorative wall painting or panel, usually mimics the sculpture relief.

Soil -in painting, covering canvas, tree, cardboard, etc. The layer on which paint is applied.

Dadaism(Fr. "Konk, Wooden Horse", "Children's Badge") - Literary and Artistic Current, formed in 1916-1922. Dadaists created deliberately alogichic, sometimes abstract, sometimes compiled from real household items of the composition.

Deesus.(Greek. "Dairy") - a series of icons, in the center of which Triptych: Christ, to the right of him, the Mother of God, on the left - John the Baptist, the prayer-stretching hands to Christ.

Decadence(Fr. "Decade") is a term denoting a combination of crisis ("fallen") phenomena in the art of the late 19th - early 20th century. The art of decades is inherent in the underlined individualism, indifference or rejection of the surrounding life, hopelessness, apathy.

Decor -decoration of architectural structure or product.

Decorative and applied art(Lat. "Decorating") is a kind of art that has its own special feature and its decorative imagery and at the same time directly related to the domestic needs of people.

Doric order -marked by courageous simplicity. The column has no base. The Captile consists of half an arm - echin and the upper square plate - Abaki.

Genre(Fr. Genre - Rod, View) - 1. The division of each type of art according to certain features: the topic, the structure performed by the functions. 2. Historically established, steady variety of artistic work.

Genre painting(Same as household painting) - paintings depicting the daily life of people.

Painting -one of the main types of visual arts; Artistic image of the world on a plane through colored materials.

Sketching - Drawing from nature, made predominantly outside the workshop to keep in memory landscape, human appearance, any motive that produced a strong aesthetic impression on the artist; Also in order to collect material for more significant work or for the exercise.

Grains - Jewelry technique; Small gold, silver or copper balls are attacked on the product, decorated with scan.

An ideal aesthetic - Externally, the sensual expression of the perfect state of the world and man, which the artist predicts in life and is trying to embody by means of one or another art.

Tiles (tiles) -ceramic tile for facing of fireplaces, stoves, walls.

Icon(Greek. "Image", "Image") - picturesque, cutting embossed images of Jesus Christ, Our Lady, Saints, Events of Holy History, who serve as a religious reading objects as images that take a feeling of praying to the depicted primortion.

Iconography -system options for image specific character, face, events, christian holiday, interpretations of the plot. In antiquity and in the Middle Ages there are strictly defined iconographic canons who followed the artists.

Iconographic canon - The sample of the rules of the image of the plots and the images of Christ, the Mother of God, other characters recorded in icon-painted darishes ..

Icon - The area of \u200b\u200beasel religious painting, the works of which serve as an object of cult, worship, mainly in the states where the eastern branch of Christianity (Orthodoxy) approved.

Iconostasis - wall with installed in a certain order icons; In the Orthodox church separates the altar part of the room for praying; Developed from an altar barrier existing in early Christian temples.

Impressionism(from Fr. . "Impression") is an artistic direction in visual art, which has arisen and reached a heyday in France in the 1860s and early 1880s. One of the creators of the new current was Mana, rising against official academic art. Impressionists argued a new vision of the world, based on a direct visual impression, observing nature.

Inlay -images from wood, metal, pearl, embedded into the surface of the product.

Ionian orderhas a database. The cannelled column is narrowed up and the capitals are completed, the main feature of which large curls are swirling on both sides of the top of the trunk - volitions.

Isicham.(from Greek. "Peace", silence ") - inner calm, extension - the mystical course arising in Byzantium. In a broad sense, the ethic and ascetic doctrine of the path to the unity of a person with God through the purification of the heart by tears and self-service consciousness.

Art- A special form of consciousness and human activity, in which the artistic knowledge of the world with creativity according to the laws of beauty is organically combined.

Historical genre- An image of any significant events that happened without the life of the artist, but much earlier.

Canon(gr. Kanon - norm, rule) a combination of strictly established rules defining the main set of plots, norms of iconography, proportions, compositions, sculptures, drawing, color for this type of works.

Kapitel- Finishing the upper part of the column.

Caryatid(from Greek. "Carriage Virgin") is a women's statue that performs the role of a column, that is, which is a carrier part of the architectural structure.

Kinovar -mineral paint. different shades scarlet.

Kitsch (from him. "Hutura", "cheap" or eng. "Kitchen") - a specific phenomenon of mass culture, imitating art, but deprived of his artistic value.

Classicism(Lat. Classicus is a first-class, exemplary) - artistic style in the European art art of the XVII - early XIX century, one of the important features of which was to appeal to antique samples.

The ark -1) a slight recess in the board cooked for the icon for the main composition of the plot; 2) The shape of the temple, interpreted as a ship, a symbol of salvation of believers from the puchin of sins.

Kokoshnikov - In the Russian architecture of the XVI-XVII centuries. Decorative completion of walls and arches, framing the drums and tents of churches; have the form of the archer with a filled field, sometimes with a pointed riding (cylinder); often arranged by tiers.

Flavor - Combination of colors in the work of art; By character, it can be cold (blue, green shades) or warm (dominate red, yellow, orange tones), calm or tense, light or dark; According to the degree of saturation and strength of color - bright, discreet, blackcloth, etc.

Konha - half a gun serving for overlapping semi-cylindrical parts (apse, niche) of the building; It was often drawn up in the form of a shell.

Corinthian orderit has the form of capitals in the form of a basket of stylized leaves and curls - wolves.

Cross-dome temple -type of Christian Temple, which emerged in the architecture of Byzantium: the dome on the sail (elements of the dome design in the form of spherical triangles) relies on four columns in the center of the building, from where mutually perpendicular passages are diverted.

Cubism- Artistic direction the beginning of the 20th century, which was distributed in Europe. In this direction, the shape of the real world objects are interpreted volumetric and reduced to simple geometric bodies.

Culture- A combination of material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bcreated by man in the process of socially historical practice.

Dome- Convex overlap of the building installed on a round or polygonal base having a central axis.

Levkas- Soil covering the board on which icon is written.

Chronicle - consistent description of historical events by their witness or participant; The oldest type of narration of the ancient Russian literature.

Manherism - Artistic flow in the Italian art of the 16th century, marked by the Renaissance Sunset.

Mass culture - A variety of culture focused on the "average" mass consumer, on commercial success and actively replicated by means of mass communication.

Mafory - Long bedspread to the knees, mandatory accessory of Palestinian and Syrian clothing. In Maforia, always depict the Virgin and Holy Women.

Meander - A widely common variety of geometric ornament, formed by the broken under right angle continuous line and having a general type of a narrow strip in general.

Mentality - depth level Collective and individual consciousness, a set of installations and preferences of an individual or social group, defining actions, thoughts and feelings of people, as well as their perception of the world.

Miniature(from the name of the red paint - minium, which was used to cleanpress the capital letters in handwritten books) - but)picturesque images decorated and illustrated medieval manuscripts; b)the picturesque work of small size, as well as a small musical or literary work.

Myth (gr. Mythos is a legend) - a legend as a symbolic expression of some events.

Mythology (gr. "Tradition" and "Word", "Knowledge") The combination of legends expressing the globility and the world of antiquity people. A holistic "picture of the world", the narrative of how ordered space arose from a certain initial undecided state; About the acts of gods and heroes that caused the current state of the world.

Modern(from FR. "Modern", the same - "AR Nouveau") - the direction in the European and American art of the late 19th - early 20th century. The priority value of architecture in the formation of the stylistic features of other types of art, as well as the creation, means of various arts, a sophisticated aesthetic ideal.

Modernism - A lot of relatively independent artistic currents of the 20th century, the general basis of which is a decisive departure from the traditions of classical art.

Mosaic- A variety of monumental painting, a picture or ornament, scored from separate small particles. These particles can be marble, precious and diverse stones, smalt cubes.

Monumental art- Art, designed for massive perception and, in contrast to machine art, acquiring a final figurative completion in the appropriate ensemble - architectural or natural.

Museum(from Greek. "Temple of Mus", a place dedicated to muses) - a facility in which they are going to store, are exhibited, the works of different types of art are studied, as well as monuments and documents related to other areas of spiritual and material culture, samples of natural wealth and etc.

Sketch -in fine art the work of small sizes, fluent and quickly executed by the artist in order to fix individual observations.

Folk art - The type of synthetic art, originally associated with human labor activities, representing the material and spiritual culture at the same time.

Irdish images, petroglyphs - Images made by ancient man on the rocks and walls of the caves in the places of its settlements in Europe, Africa, North America, Siberia, etc. during the late Paleolithic period (approx. 40-30 thousand 10-8 thousand BC. e.)

Still life(FR. Nature Morte -Netful nature) - in the visual art - an image of inanimate objects, unlike portrait, genre, historical, landscape topics.

Nave (Lat. "Ship") Differed by pillars or columns stretched out of the length of the basilica or temple.

Nimb -the circle surrounding the head of the Savior, the Virgin and the Saints on their images, as a sign of eternal from them, and therefore having a round, "initial" shape, light.

Salary - Decorative coating icon or book binding. It is performed from gold, silver, gilded or silver copper, decorated with chasing, grain, scan, black, enamel, pearls, precious stones or their imitation.

OP-ART.(English. Sokr. "Optical Art") - the current in European and American art - painting and graphics of the 1940s. (Founder V. Vazareli, France). Rhythmic combinations of homogeneous geometric shapes, lines and colors that create the illusion of movement are used as a neoavanticardistic variety of abstract art or as a purely decorative effect - in applied and investigative art, industrial graphics, poster.

Architectural warrant(from Lat. "Stroy", "Order") - certain combinations of carrying and incomparable parts of the structure, their structure and artistic processing. Classic Greek orders: Doric, Ionian, Corinthian.

Ornament(Lat. Ornamentum - Decoration) - a pattern consisting of rhythm-ordered elements.

Etching -a) The method of engraving in which the in-depth printing elements are obtained by multiple etching with nitric acid. A pre-copper or zinc plate is covered with protective soil, on which the strokes of the image are shown; b) print off the board, engraved in the specified manner.

OK - Mineral paint yellow color of various shades, from brown to pink.

POVOLOCA - The fabric pasted on the board on which the icon is written. Levkas is applied over the passwalk.

Palladium - The shrine that makes up a pledge of public happiness and well-being, protected and the patronage of which there is a certain human community and populated by the terrain.

Papyrus - Scroll of glued strips of a perennial herbaceous plant called Papyrus. Ancient Egyptians and some other ancient peoples wrote on this type of paper. So manuscripts on such scrolls are also called papyrus.

Scenery(Fr. "Terrain, country") - a genre of painting dedicated to the image of a natural or modified man of nature.

Perspective (from Lat. "To penetrate the eyes", "see through") Such an image of space and objects on the plane that gives a feeling of depth and volume.

Pilyast(from lat. "Pole") - a flat vertical protrusion protrusal protrusion on the surface of a wall or a pillar resembling a flattened column; It has the same parts and proportions as the column. It serves to membership of the wall plane to decorate it and identify the tectonic features of the building or furniture.

Pussy -the painted egg, the common appearance of folk decorative art, ascending to the ancient pagan rites, later included in the celebration of the Christian Easter.

Poster(from lat. "Certificate") - a widespread type of graphics, artistic features which is determined by its campaign and explanatory function.

Plastic - a) sculpture, creating volumetric images; b) expressiveness.

Plenuer(Fr. "Open", letters. "Full air"); The work of the painter "At the Plenuel" - work on the etudes and landscapes directly from nature, unlike working in the workshop.

Pop Art(English. Sokr. "Public Activities") is an artistic course that emerged in the 2nd half of the 1950s in the United States and the UK. Refusing the usual methods of painting and sculpture, Pop Art cultivates intentionally accidental combination of ready-made household items, mechanical copies, fragments of mass printed publications.

Portico- Gallery on columns, usually before entering the building.

Portrait- Genre dedicated to the image of a person.

Primitivism(from Lat. "Initial") is one of the artistic directions in the art of the 20th century, whose representatives in their desire to return the directness of the perception and naive reflection of the world to appeal to folk creativity - to "primitives."

Prophet -biblical term for the designation of special flaws of the Wolley of God.

Pointillism(from Fr. "Point") is an artistic course arising with the purpose of developing the achievements of impressionism in the field of light and color. Guided by the law of spectral analysis, representatives of this direction decomposed the color on the components, covering their canvas with separate point strokes of pure paint based on their optical mixing in the process of visual perception.

Rationalism - a) the philosophical direction that recognizes the intelligence source of true knowledge; b) the architectural direction of the 20th century, whose representatives use modern building materials and industrial construction methods to create the most rational (appropriate, economical) architectural decisions.

Realism - (from Lat. "Realnaya", "Valid") - a term having in art historian's two main meanings: 1. The artistic direction that has replaced by romanticism and the middle of the 19th century in the European and Russian art and the second half of the 19th century. Realism implies "truthful reproduction of typical characters in typical circumstances" (F. Engels). 2. - Synonym for truthfulness in art, its ability to display anything really existing both in the soul of man and in the outside world.

Religion(Lat. Relegio) - One of the forms of social consciousness is a set of spiritual ideas based on faith in the existence of God or gods, in oversized forces, as well as appropriate behavior and specific actions.

Relief(from Ital. "The protrusion", "bulge"; from the lat. "Raise") Sculptural image on a plane that serves as a background to him. In relation to the background plane there are an in-depth relief (counter-relief) and a convex, divided into low (bas-relief) and high (core).

Reproduction(from lat. "Again," again "and" Products ", from Fr." Reproduction ") - In applied to fine art Mass reproduction of the artistic original printing agents, mainly in a reduced scale.

Rococo (FR. "Pattern of stones and shells") - direction in art, whose characteristic feature was the departure from real life into the peace. It is characterized by the strengthening of the decorative start in all kinds of art, primarily in architecture.

Romanticism - Direction in art end of XVIII - The first quarter of the XIX century, opposing the canons of classicism and characterized by the desire for the national and individual peculiarity, to the image of the ideal heroes and feelings.

Sarcophagus- artistically decorated coffin of stone or other materials.

Sentimentalism(From Fr. "Feeling", "Sensitive") - direction in the European art of the second half of the 18th century, which received the name from Roman L. Stern "Sentimental Journey" (1768), where thin, deeply intimate experiences and impressions of the hero are described in detail. Sentimentalism was drawn up in counterweight classicism. Pafos of this direction is the sympathetic poetization of mental life, fate, appearance, life of an ordinary person.

Symbolism (from Greek. "Symbol", "sign", "identification sign") - direction in the European art of the late 19th - early 20th century. For symbolists, the surrounding world is not significant in itself, but as a symbol of another, invisible and unrecognizable reason for reality.

Skan -from the ancient Russian "SCALE" - to trim, twist, type of jewelry technology; The same thing is filigree. Often used in the manufacture of gold and silver salary icons.

Sculpture(from lat. "To", "carving") - type of visual art. The sculpture is called the very work of this art - bust, statue, bas-relief, etc.

Smalta -special, opaque glass cubes.

Socialist realism - From the mid-1930 to the beginning of the 1980s G.G. He was the official theoretical principle and artistic direction in Soviet art. Its basic principles were: Communist ideological, party and nationality, which determined the circle of plot-thematic compositions, typed portraits, thematic landscapes, paintings, etc.

Machine art -the genus of fine art, combining works of painting, sculptures, graphs that have an independent artistic value (not elements of any complex, part of the decor of the building, etc.).

A statue - Significant product of a round sculpture, depicting usually a human figure, less often - other real or imaginary creatures.

Suprematism(from lat. "Higher") is a type of abstractionism, founded in 1913 by Malevich. By refusing the image of the surrounding world and from any association with him, Suprematism was looking for a figurative expression of higher-order patterns with simple geometric shapes.

Sphinx -a fantastic creature with a body of a lion and a man's head, especially often found in the art of ancient Egypt.

Surrealism(Fr. "Superdealism") is an artistic direction arising in France after the First World War. Relying on the doctrine of the subconscious, representatives of surrealism sought to get rid of the pressure of logic, reason, various norms and traditions, which "roll" creativity.

Tablet -modern adopted in science. The name of small icons existing in the ancient Russia, written not on the board, but on the tissue tissue (the Old Russian title "Towel").

Tempera(from Ital. "Mix paints") - painting with paints bonding substance in which are emulsions from water and egg yolk, as well as from a waterborne plant or an animal glue, mixed with oil (or oil and varnish).

Translatcross Naves or Several Nebel Crossing at the right angle the main longitudinal oil.

Triptych(from the Greek. "Three folded") is the work of painting (occasionally graphics or sculptures in the form of relief), consisting of three independent parts and dedicated to the general topic.

Facade - Outdoor, usually the front side of the building.

Fayum portrait - Surveral picturesque portraits in ancient Egypt in the technique of wax painting on the board, then inserted into the blades of the mummies on the place of the deceased.

Fovisov(FR. Fauves - wild) - the first, definitely declared itself, the direction in the visual art of the 20th century; The period of the highest activity featherism refers to 1905-07. He headed the direction of Matisse. Patterns of walkers defiantly bright, sonorous paints.

Folklore(English. Folklore - Folk wisdom) - the name of folk creativity adopted in international scientific terminology.

Fresco(IT. "Fresh, raw") - painting on raw, not yet grabbed and easily absorbed paint plaster.

Gable- Triangular completion of the Greek Temple, subsequently - palace facades, doors and windows of other buildings.

Futurism(from Lat. "Future") - direction in the art of the 20th century, whose adherents sought to create a new dynamic style that destroys all traditions, canons and techniques of old art.

Hiton -wide, casual clothing. In aggregate with Himmaima, it was interpreted as clothes of the wandering preachers, in which Jesus Christ was depicted in the events of his earthly life and the apostles.

Expressionism(from lat. "Expression") - direction in European art of the first third of the 20th century. In expressionism, the artist's desire to express himself, its inner world with maximum nidity and sharpness.

Elite art -the art that is consciously focuses on the "Elite of the Company": the narrow circle of readers, viewers, listeners who, unlike most others, are considered to understand and evaluate the works of such art.

Hellenism- The period in the history of ancient culture with IV IV. BC e., from the word "Ellin" - Greek.

Encaustic(from Greek. "Burning") - wax painting; It is performed by the hot way with paints mixed with molten wax.

Epoch (gr. Eposhe)- The time point with which a new development or a certain period of time begins.

Estamp(Fr. "Print") - usually so called the subscription imprint of the machine graphics, hand-made by the author.

Aesthetic ideal- an idea of \u200b\u200bperfect beauty, the highest criterion of aesthetic assessment.

Paganism- Religious belief that denying a single God and the sticking of the general.