Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko biography. Maestro Cossack troops

Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko biography. Maestro Cossack troops
Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko biography. Maestro Cossack troops

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Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko

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    Acquaintance with the work of V.G. Zaharchenko.

    Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko (1938) (Slide12). A future composer was born in the village of Dyadkovskaya, the Koren district in the Cossack family. Father died in the first year of war. Mother sang well. Of the four children, the musical gift went to one Victor. At 17, not knowing musical letters, he composed music. V.G. Zakharchenko is a bright original composer, the author of a number of people who loved the people of songs. He is awarded numerous state and international awards. On his initiative in Krasnodar, the center of People's Culture of Kuban was opened. They are collected over 30 thousand folk songs. The State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir knows and love in Russia and abroad, but, of course, especially in our Kuban. Motherland highly appreciated merit V.G. Zakharchenko, his contribution to the development of Kuban culture. He was awarded many orders and medals. Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko - People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine, Winner of the State Prize of Russia, Honorary Citizen of the village of Dyadkovskaya and the city of Krasnodar.

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    V. Zakharchenko and family, sister faith.

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    "I am a Cossack for birth and upbringing. People and spiritual songs heard from childhood, absorbed Cossack traditions. Incredibly, a strong desire to become a musician was always with me. But there lived some absolute inner confidence in me that I would definitely be. " V.G. Zakharchenko

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    Viktor Zakharchenko - a student of the Krasnodar Music and Pedagogical School

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    Kuban Cossack Khor.

    Professional musical activity in Kuban was laid on October 14, 1811. In those distant years, this team was called the Black Sea Military Self Choir.

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    "I am a big admirer of the talent of Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko, he is a brilliant master of his business and a wonderful citizen of his homeland. Thanks to him, the folk art of Kuban knows far beyond our edge. Moreover, the Kuban personifies with the Black Sea, the bread field and named Zakharchenko. This is our heritage, and we must appreciate and in every way to take it the creation given to us by God, the descendants will be immensely grateful to us if we are swaying the Kuban Cossack choir - a symbol of our history and high patriotic Slavic art. We must make it in the glory of Kuban and for the benefit of Russia. " A. Pakchev Governor Kuban

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    "I was at the concert of the Kuban Cossack Choir and was almost broken. I understood: While there are such talents, such courageous people, Russia alive ... "V. Belov writer" The art of the Kuban Cossack Choir is a flood of songs and dances, music and plastics, this is the spiritual health of the nation ... For this moral ablution of the soul to the talented leader of the choir Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko and its artists Low bow. " B. Minin People's Artist of the USSR

    See all slides

    Viktor Zakharchenko's birthday is already several decades in a row on stage. Well, Viktor Gavrilovich is not used to whining candles in a close family circle. So today, in your anniversary - Viktor Zakharchenko March 22 turned 80, the legend of the Kuban Cossack Chora will come to the public. Concerts of the famous choir begin in Krasnodar.

    In the anniversary of Viktor Zakharchenko "Komsomolka" gathered five little-known facts from the biography of the Khruki Kuban Cossack choir.

    Zakharchenko defended his team

    The history of the legendary choir begins from 1811. This is the oldest and only popular national team in our country, the history of which was not interrupted since the beginning of the XIX century. Viktor Zakharchenko leads the Kuban Cossack Choir for 44 years. When she got at the helm, he was 36 years old.

    To get to the first All-Russian view-competition of Russian folk choirs, which was held in Moscow in 1975, Viktor Gavrilovich deceived the party leadership. Unheard of drying at that time! Before the concert itself in Moscow, all teams at that time showed their speeches to the Special Commission. And since at that time it was impossible to perform without propaganda of Soviet ideology, Khora Khora and included the work of Lenin about Lenin. Party ranks Repertoire approved. And already in Moscow on stage Zakharchenko showed completely other songs - Cossack. And although the jury was shocked, the first place was given to the Kuban artists. And then the speech was called "revolutionary".

    On the basis of the Kuban Cossack choir wanted to open musical hall

    At the time when Viktor Zakharchenko came to the Kuban Cossack Choir, the fate of the people's team hung in the balance. Krasnodar Philharmonic was going to reform the team. Each Khora concert accounted for a budget in a round sum, so they decided to cut the staff and rename the choir - make an ensemble from it. But Viktor Gavrilovich did not give. He drove through the villages and farms Kuban, recorded more than a thousand folk songs, which began to perform artists under the leadership of the new Derukuk. Zakharchenko, who himself was born and lived in the Kuban village, since childhood heard Cossack songs, he knew what the village lives, what kind of music I need a barbell.

    Our artists have turned into mannequins: women are all in identical dresses, with the same pink peers, made by smiles. Single steppe pavushos swims on the stage - the Swedes in the sequins, the scene is floating on stage. Yes, whether it is in life, a Russian woman! Do not recognize her - before Zaacharili! And men ... Faceless, inexpressive, all as one in satin shoes, spiderman, then said Viktor Zakharchenko and "broke", reworked the choir. Today, the Kuban team is the pearl of the folk art of Russia.

    Each rehearsal begins with prayer

    The artistic director calls his artists, and the building in which the national team is located is the "Cossack Choir House". And now 44 years in a row, every rehearsal artists start with prayer.

    Yes, and where to start? "Smiles Victor Zakharchenko, adding," we are all - one big family, believers love. " And how to perform spiritual songs without faith?

    Artists read "our own" and ask God to protect from the troubles and help in their accomplishments.

    Walk with a cane after the accident

    Viktor Zakharchenko has been walking with a cane for 22 years. The problems with the knee happened after the accident, in which the Khuruce of the Kuban Cossack Choir fell.

    While he did not lose consciousness, asked the Most High about mercy, "Viktor Gavrilovich told" Komsomolka ". - And already in the hospital, when he began to recover, heard a chant. I thought that in the church and muddy look began to look for on the walls of the icon. I met only the scattered look of my daughter and asked where the holy images and what happened? She could not explain what's the matter. Then I realized that with the father they read the prayer for health. Already later I discovered that I do not feel one leg and it is folded and closely pressed to another. Then I had to postpone the most unpleasant procedure for the input of oxygen in the knee. All prayed to God for help. Now I know for sure that such tests sent me no accident. As you can see, now I'm on my feet and even engage in sports. I have the strength to lead the choir.

    Despite the serious injury, Viktor Zakharchenko is engaged with a coach and may run 4 kilometers. And even fled with a torch during the Olympic Fire Relay in Krasnodar in 2014.

    "The choir will live with me, and without me, because God is with us"

    Five years ago, in his 75 anniversary, in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Viktor Zakharchenko admitted:

    I read that a person is reserved on average eighty years to life. And I understand that there is little time left, but I can confidently say that the choir will live with me, and without me, because God is with us!

    Viktor Gavrilovich, let the choir live long and with you!

    The history of the life of the People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko is as unusual as the fate of the Kuban Cossack choir. Everything in the world is natural, therefore, it was supposed to be born on a rich beautiful folk songs, dancing, rites of the Kuban Earth, a man with a hot heart and a clean soul that would collect these treasures according to Cossack villages and farms. They were Viktor Gavrilovich. He recorded several thousand Kuban songs, returned them to the audience in pristine at the concerts of the Kuban Cossack Choir. Zakharchenko raised the Cossack song to world sound. He perceives all his victories as personal, but how to achieve all the choir.

    "Let's from Mom, let's from the stove ..."

    I was born in the village of Dyadkovskaya on March 22, 1938. Up to 17 years old did not hear the sounds of piano. In the military post-war years there was no radio or television. But the folk songs were constantly sounded. How people sang! All sophisticated soul splashed the song. It happened, stand on your knees, as a prayer, sobs and sing. I will never forget their tears.
    I will not forget and my mother's bitter tears when she received a funeral on his father. He went to the front in August. And in November, they reported: "fell death by brave." Long did not know the places of its burial. Recently found the grave in the village of Red Beam under Novocherkassk. Mount then handed mom. How much she was bothering from unbearable sincere pain! But she, the Cossack Mother, it was necessary to raise four children. One brother died of hunger. But she found the strength to live.
    ... We all come from childhood. Children's impressions flashed flashlights in memory. Will you forget, with what wave first touched the harmonica?! Mom told that his father dreamed that one of his sons would become a real musician.
    - They say, in the fifth grade you wrote a letter to Stalin ...
    - Yes: "I want to be an artist and make music, and we have no accordion at school ..." The noise rose, Commission arrived: I was hoping - to take me to learn, but no - with a check ... And when I left the check, I got my mother from teachers: " Badly raising my son. Think, Comrade Stalin has no more than one to disassemble the children's doodle?! ". Mom justified: "How can I see for children if I'm in the morning before the evening at work?" How I wanted to learn music! Especially under the impression of the films "Prelude of Glory", "Hello, Moscow!". On the harmonica played with pleasure - wherever it is called, for a piece of bread. At weddings, at the feels. In school, I was teased by an artist.

    Roads that we choose ...

    And once I read an advertisement about the set of a music school. Caught fire. He took the harmonica, kitomka with food. Mom's money was not found, she earned a penny to their work. We went without money, on the travelers. From the Dyadkovskaya to Korenovskaya. From there to Plastunovskaya. From Plastunovskaya to Din. And there to serve before Krasnodar. He came to the music school - I did not even accepted the documents. Music preparation was required, and I did not know how to read notes from the sheet. What it was a shock! He went outside, as if in Ugar: "What to do? .." went to the station. I rose to the bridge, I looked from him - the head was spinning. Slightly down did not rush. He led to a sense of thought: "But what about my mother without me?" And suddenly a stranger approached me. Asked: "What's the matter?". Got acquainted. It turned out that Alexey Ivanovich Manzhelovsky, teacher of a musical pedagogical school spoke to me. He advised to come to his school.
    I did not sleep the night. Early in the morning went to pass documents. And entered. Sometimes I think: how would my life be enough if Alexey Ivanovich passed the other way? ..
    Since then, I sleep a little. In order to keep up for the program, it was necessary to work independently. So I stayed behind the textbooks until late at night. But I wanted to become a musician conductor. Want - means to be able. I wanted and achieved.
    ... God always sent me good teachers. Famous folkloride Evgeny Vladimirovich Hippius convinced to enter the Novosibirsk Conservatory: "It is a great honor for me if I have to learn," said the boy, a 70-year-old person, the patriarch of domestic folklores.
    In the conservatory, my teacher was Vladimir Nikolaevich Minin. He fascinated me with his pathoral speeches: "The choir is live voices, characters. Human voice is the most perfect musical instrument. " I liked to conduct a folk choir. And for chess was time. He played tournaments. I even thought to become a grandmaster. But in 1961 he recorded in the diary: "It's time to make a choice between chess and music. Since chess as music, require complete dedication. " Chose music. And impressed by the concert of the ensemble of the song and dance of the Kuban Cossacks under the leadership of Viktor Malyshev, by the way, in this team worked the bayanist Kim Nikolayevich Golovko - my teacher in the class of button accordion, left another fateful record in the diary: "I will finish the conservatory and create a Kuban Cossack choir" . Before the design of the dream remained thirteen years.
    After graduating from the conservatory, I had other temptations. My teacher Vladimir Minin moved to Leningrad and headed by Glinka's chapel. I invited me by the choirmaster: "We will come - I will be glad. You can not - I will not be offended. You Listen to your heart. " And on the same day, as I talked with mini, I was invited to the Siberian folk choir. I thought two to three days. Overpowered love for a folk song. So it remained in Novosibirsk, if not the loyalty to the youthful dream.

    Viktor Zakharchenko and his violin

    When he came to the Kuban Cossack choir, did not imagine how long the story had a long and difficult story. And perceived at first a team, as one of the other people of such folk choirs - Siberian, Urals ... Although the Kubans lost in comparison with them. How could a small group be called chorus? We needed voices. And I declared an open contest for a set in the Kuban Cossack choir. Soon the composition doubled. Now and one and a half hundreds seem to be not enough. In order to satisfy the requests of the public, two compositions are needed. Even three. One composition works at home, the other - in Russia, the third - abroad. Under such conditions, you can provide high quality. And I am responsible for quality.
    Choir is a living organism. Someone leaves, someone comes. All balanced. Only I can't accept the irrevocable loss of the singer from the god Marina Krapostina. I pray and ask: "Lord, they gone to me talented singers, the choirmisters, managers." Run prayers to God. Instead of Marina Krapostina gave me Marina Golchenko. And the repertoire of Krapostina picked up a graduate of the School of People's Art of the Kuban Cossack Choir Sophia Bovtun. This girl comes from this girl, the blamelessness that Marina has.
    The Lord sent young soloists: Paul Kravchuk, Evgenia Jowaga, Alexander Dedova, Victor Sorokina ... But the People's Artist Anatoly Lizvinsky did the next day. But he is a strong man, I believe that it will overcome the disease.
    The team is now a lot of young people. But when there are veterans near, the connection between the times and generations will not intervene. Although the artists of the very first composition almost did not remain. From the scene they still do not leave. So in the thirty-two years of my work in the choir like steep aggravations there were no. And the old songs were not forgotten, and the manner does not change. In fact, the choir is the same as before. But still another. You need to look into the future. And the future is young people. The constant constant value is the artistic director. The creative line should remain unchanged.
    - You have created a children's school based on the choir, a lot of teams, the center of popular culture. When I realized that the Cossack would not only be performed, but also to save?
    - Folklore collected back in Siberia: he recorded ten thousand songs there, some of them entered the collection of "Songs of the Comco-Irtysh Meternrech". When in his native Dyadkovskaya recorded the spiritual verse "poor bird in a cage sits" (according to my mother Natalia Alekseevna), regretted one thing: collecting folklore, passed by spiritual songs and prayers. I raised me on laughter: "What can I learn from the old people and the old women?". And I quoted the classics in response: "People creates music. We, composers only arrange it. " But music is born from the heart. Come to the rehearsal of the choir, learn how dumb hooks of a tank mill become exciting feelings with sounds. In order to happen this miracle, I must combine into a single whole team of completely different people - both by age, and views and vocal data. They must become my violin.
    I feel thin. I understand that the artists come at rehearsals, concerts with their concerns. Someone has a relative sick, someone has a child "Double" received. Sings Chorisist, and it feels that he is far from music. Stop: "You do not believe in what we sing." When the real artist begins to sing - nothing exists, except for the thoughts and feelings laid down in words and music. So nightingale sing.
    My position: In art, you need to be honest. Always rolling Eye Haltur, when artists speculate on costumes, manner, repertoire. On the modern stage, many are sinning. To the honor of our choir I will say: we have no empty song. - What kind of poetry do you like not as a composer, but as a reader?
    - Yuri Kuznetsova: He seemed to be in paradise and hell, and then described them. Nikolai Zinoviev: We repeated the song on his poems "in the steppe" at the request of the audience in Diveevo on the 250th anniversary of Seraphim Sarov. I am worried northerner, Derzhavin, Delvig, Pushkin, Fet, Tsvetaeva. In the poetry of each of them there is an answer to the question that I was asked when a car was shot down and I suffered nine operations. All tests are given to us by God for the inspection of us from pride, from awareness of our own genius. Every day I pray twice for those who worked the eternal art to me - about composers, poets who took the martyrs of singers and the choirusers. When we go to the scene, we understand that the most important thing in our art is to be extremely sincere. Most of all, the audience appreciate the truth, they can not be deceived, they very much feel false, fake. You can spend a few people, but in the hall always sit smart, deep people, we are on such spectators, we focus in our work. There remains unchanged morality. We need to take care of the traditions laid by our great grandfathers. Keep the spiritual and professional bar choir - a great honor.
    - What dreams of Viktor Zakharchenko?
    - The Kuban Cossack Choir is my cross, the meaning of my life, for the sake of him every day I get up at six in the morning and go over for midnight. I dream that his fate is in reliable hands. After all, it happens that after bright stages, the team quickly turns into nothing. Therefore, I'm talking to successors and want them to inhale life in a Russian song as I can.

    Business card Kuban.

    The most famous Kuban.
    Today, no one will argue with the fact that the Kuban Cossack Choir is the most popular professional national team. The symbol is not only the edges, but also all of Russia. He performs at the G8 Summit and other meetings at the highest state level.
    Fresh impressions of the speech at the G8 Summit. Bush in the chair under our "Kalinka" tangled. And the other presidents of him was the company.
    Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin also did not restrain the enthusiasm. I look, he shows gestures: "Great!".
    Only once in the Granovy Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin, we frightened Clinton. As they got shed, he fell out of his hand. I did not expect such power.
    And Berlusconi once said: "You conquered Italy not cannons, but songs." We acted in Venice.
    Now I have entire selection of articles from Turkish, Danish newspapers on the table. Got from our embassies. The highest marks of our creativity. In Ankara sang in the Opera and Ballet Theater. It would seem in the hall of people of another culture, faith. In the past, there were breakdown between us. Everything is forgotten. After the concert of the Turks to us - with tears and arms. Accepted and loved.
    And Gerhard Schröder also had a sacrificed when he heard a song in German in German, on Hannover Dialegte. And he comes from Hannover.
    The presidents are big people, but everyone is inclined to our art. In concert halls, they are ordinary people who applaud, do not regret the palms.
    True, not all applauded us. For example, in Vietnam and Korea, we initially confused. After each number, the public is the heads of the naval. It turned out that these peoples were not applauding, so as not to distract artists ...
    As a child, I dreamed of becoming a traveler. A dream come true. I looked at the world. And I was convinced: better Russia and Kuban there is no place. In any case, for a Russian person. I'm pulling home. I understand Yesenin, who wrote: "If the Holy Rho is crying: you are Rus, you live in paradise. I will say: I do not need paradise, give my homeland. "
    It happened, emigrants were approached abroad, they were interested in how we live in Russia, whether they can return to their homeland. After our concerts, they are sharper feeling their Russianity. I remember the words of Nikita Mikhalkov: "It is believed that you feel only in a truly Russian man in the Orthodox church. I want to add: "I also feel Russian at the concerts of the Kuban Cossack choir." So, the right cultural policy leads our team. So, I did not accidentally come to my choir, but in the fishery of God!

    Not one in the warrior field
    School named after V.G. Zakharchenko

    Regional Children's Experimental Secondary School of Folk Art of the Kuban Cossack Choir in accordance with the order of the head of the regional administration A.N. Tkachev dated January 16, 2007 "On the renaming of an educational institution in secondary school and assigning it to the name of V.G. Zakharchenko. " acquired a new status and new name.
    The artistic director of the Kuban Cossack Choir Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko stands at the origins of the creation of school. And Much made it to live and fulfill its destination. It was open more than 20 years ago in order to preserve the traditional culture of Kuban, all this time a highly professional pedagogical team prepares performers to work in creative teams of folk art. Today at five branches (folk choral singing, folk dance, decorative and applied arts, wind instruments, folk instruments) schools are studying 576 people, including talented children from many cities and regions of the Krasnodar Territory, as well as the Republic of Adygea and Stavropol Territory. And graduates make up the fame of many professional teams of Kuban, first of all, of course, the Kuban Cossack choir.
    ... I prepare for my shift a whole team that will be able to continue my business. Satisfied with grandchildren. Senior - eleven, average - six, and younger - eleven months. Senior says: "Grandfather, I want to be like you." I answer: "Well, only for this you need to learn from the" fives ". They are engaged in a brother in the children's experimental school of folk art.
    The eldest daughter Victoria helps very help. She graduated from the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts. In the choir almost a quarter century. He knows all songs. But the main role is still not paying for its children. I have hopes for those who passed the School of the Kuban Cossack Choir. On their like-minded people.
    If there was no choir, there would be no such creative teams as the "Cossack soul", "Kumov", "Rodnik" ... They are headed by famous artists, veterans of the Kuban Cossack Chora, People's Artists of Russia Tatyana Bochetareva, Raisa Goncharova. And People's Artist of Russia Veronica Zhuravleva-Ponomarenko is also ours, she is now leading the Krasnodar Philharmonic and his ensemble "Ivushka". Former Khorosister Chora People's Artist of Russia Vyacheslav Yakovlev created a wonderful chamber choir in the philharmonic. So the Kuban Cossack Choir is also the forge of managing personnel.
    I, as they say, reliable rear. In Kuban, strong roots. Brother with sister live in the village of Kanevskaya. But we are going all together infrequently. Everyone has their own business. But for the holidays of the Kuban Cossack choir, relatives go and without an invitation.
    Natasha's daughter graduated from Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts. The youngest faith is studying in the Kuban State University. All my children are churches. Camely: wherever they live, they will not retreat from faith, they will not renew from Russia.
    When I happen not in the spirit, it always warms the thought of quiet my homeland. I remember the native thresholds of the house. Standing hibarka in Dyadkovskaya. Countrymen are going to create a museum. And the street on which was born - the former Sverdlov, now called my name. So not one I am in the warrior field. Kuban and Kuban with me! (The material is prepared from the site of the Kuban Cossack Choir)

    Anniversary of the countryman
    Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko!

    Dear countrymen, meet the People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine, Honored Worker of Arts of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Adygea, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Russia, Composer, Hero of Labor Kuban, Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko! - So welcomed the leading holiday of our famous countryman, which on March 24 noted his 70th anniversary with the inhabitants of his small homeland. While the jubilee went to the festively decorated scene on the honorable corridor, built by kids from creative teams in his hands with flowers and balls, and the building of the Cossacks under the leadership of the Atamans with eating and banners, residents of Korenovsk warmly welcomed their countryman, chanting "with the anniversary!".
    Of course, a lot of warm and heart words of congratulations were addressed to Viktor Gavrilovich on this festive day. The head of the municipal formation V.N. Ardnik presented Zakharchenko testimony and medal of an honorary citizen of the Korenovsky district, memorable gifts and thanked the anniversaries from all countrymen for the opportunity to share this celebration with him and get into touch with a living spring of the song culture of the famous Kuban Cossack Choir. In the response word, Viktor Gavrilovich said: "My dear friends, imagine what I have now feeling in the soul, such attention is a huge number of people! ... I'm even awkward. I was born on this fertile land, here are my roots, I went to the boy on foot from Dyadkovskaya to Korenovskaya! Even sinful to take all these words of your congratulations on one thing, from you I took everything, this land grouped me ... Thank you, my countrymen, I hug you up and I bow to you! "
    ... Then the winners of the I folk festival of creative teams named after V. Zhaharchenko received diplomas personally from V. G. Zaharchenko.
    Among the solemn moments of this day - the signing of an agreement on cooperation between the Korensky district represented by the head of V.N. Russian and the State Scientific and Creative Institution "Kuban Cossack Choir" in the person of his artistic director V.G. Zaharchenko; Opening of the Alley of "Honorary Citizens of the Korenovsky District"; Fireworks, launching balls into the sky, sea of \u200b\u200bflowers and of course the main event - the concert of the Kuban Cossack Choir, right on the central city square, the scene with artists dense rows were surrounded by people, songs ours, Kuban, relatives, caused tears of joy, it was truly People's holiday. Countrymen were hotly thanked Viktor Gavrilovich and Chora's artists. Such concerts do not disappear from the life and memory of the people our original Russian spiritual values.
    In the evening of the same day, Viktor Gavrilovich and the Kuban Cossack choir gave concert events in St.Dyadkovskaya.

    Sections: Primary School



    SECTION:Composers Kuban.


    1. Teaching: To introduce children with the activities of V.G. Zakharchenko, with the work of the modern composition of the Kuban Cossack choir.
    2. Developing: Develop interest and respect for the history and culture of the native land, its traditions.
    3. Ripping: instill love for a small homeland through the work of the Kuban Cossack choir.


    1. To introduce students with the history of the emergence of the Kuban Cossack choir.
    2. Introduce the activities of the artistic director V.G. Zakharchenko, tell about his creative path.
    3. Systematize students' knowledge of his native land, his past and present.
    4. Develop interest in the ethnography of the native edge through riddles and sayings.
    5. Expand the knowledge of students about folk instruments. Develop the skills of the game on folk musical instruments.
    6. Develop artistic abilities of students through creative activities in the children's folk ensemble "Merry Cape"

    Type of lesson: Combined.

    EQUIPMENT: multimedia projector, multimedia board, projector; Folk musical instruments: tambourine, spoons, maracas, rattles; Flag, emblem of the Krasnodar Territory, tape recorder, CD disc with a sign of the song "Lyubo, Brothers, Loom", Hymn of Kuban.

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment.

    The boy and the girl in the costumes of the Kazakhat are spending blitz pupils poll.

    - Hello guys, we are cheerful Cape, please answer our questions.

    - What do you know about the Kuban Cossack choir?

    - Guys, do you know who V. Zakharchenko?

    - And who of you saw the performance of the Kuban Cossack choir?

    - What event celebrates our whole Kuban this year?

    Artistic director of the Kuban Cossack Choir Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko.

    The fragment of the song "Lyubo, Brothers, Loom" is performed.

    2. Paradise teachers about the life and work of V. G. Zakharchenko.

    Before you, artistic director of the State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko.

    "The Kuban land is rich in excellent folk songs, dancing, rites. Generously scattered these treasures on the Kuban Cossack villages and farms. And they needed a man with a hot heart and true love for the people to collect and return these treasures of folk creativity to people in priority. This person became Viktor Zakharchenko ... "- so Russian newspapers write.


    - I wonder how it all started?

    - What was the childhood of Viktor Grigorievich?

    - Who did he want to be when he was a child?

    Teacher: And so, everything is in order.

    2.1. Childhood Viktor Gavrilovich

    Slides 3-5.

    Vitya with family

    Vitya Zakharchenko with her sister faith

    Teacher: Viktor Gavrilovich was born on March 22, 1938 in the village of the Dyadkovskaya Krasnodar Territory. He himself speaks about himself like this: "I am the Cossack for birth and upbringing. People and spiritual songs heard from childhood, absorbed Cossack traditions. Incredibly, a strong desire to become a musician was always with me. But there lived some absolute inner confidence in me that I would definitely be. "

    Slides 6-7. V. Zakharchenko is a student of a musical pedagogical school.

    Teacher: After school, Viktor Zakharchenko comes and finishes the Krasnodar Music and Pedagogical School, further studying in the Novosibirsk State Conservatory of the Glinka, finishes graduate school in the GMPI. Gnesinic. Currently, Viktor Gavrilovich is a doctor of art historian, professor.


    - Interesting, how did Viktor Gavrilovich met the Kuban Cossack choir?

    - After all, we know that the Kuban Cossack choir was formed for a long time.

    - And well, the expensive Cossacks, tell me what you know about the Kuban Cossack choir?

    2.2. The history of the emergence of the Kuban Cossack choir.

    Slides 8-10.


    - We know that professional musical activity in Kuban was laid on October 14, 1811. In those distant years, this team was called the Black Sea military singing chorus.

    - His origin was the spiritual enlightener of Kuban Kuban Kirill Rossinsky and Regent Grigory Grechinsky.

    Kirill Rossinsky

    - In 1939, in connection with the inclusion of the dance group, the team was renamed the song and dance ensemble of the Kuban Cossacks.

    2.3. Merit of the collective.

    Teacher: Well done guys! Interestingly tell. I will continue your story. In 1974, the artistic director of the State Kuban Cossack Chora was the composer V.G. Zakharchenko, who for more than 30 years of his creative activity in Kuban managed to comprehensively implement his artistic, scientific and educational aspirations.

    In 1975, the choir became a laureate of 1 All-Russian view - the competition of state folk choirs in Moscow.

    In 1988, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the choir was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

    In 1990, the choir becomes the winner of the State Prize of Ukraine named after Shevchenko, and in 1993 the team was assigned the title "Academic".

    2.4. Zakharchenko folklorist.

    Slides 11-20.

    Currently, in addition to active gastorrhological and concert activities in the Kuban Cossack choir, a systematic work is conducted on recording, scientific study of the traditional song and dance folklore of the Kuban Cossacks. Zakharchenko-folkloride happens in the most remote corners of our region and records the songs that our ancestors sang by bringing them to the Strangers and farms.


    - Cossacks spoke on a special Kuban dialect, he was preserved today.

    - Check if you are familiar with him. These words are found in the songs of the Kuban Cossack choir:

    • Cradle (smoking tube)
    • Novel (watch)
    • Tsybul (onions)
    • Torch (bag)
    • Komochet (rooster)
    • Tyn (solid fence)
    • Dinner
    • Circassian (long caftan)
    • Barcas (big boat)
    • Rushnik (Towel)

    Teacher: The repertoire of the Kuban Cossack choir is quite diverse. One of the main topics are the fighting feats of the Cossacks. The Kuban Cossack Choir sings about the Cossack glory, about military campaigns: "Ihylas Cossacks from Don to home", "Pretthetete, Fackers, Konay!", Cossack Camcite "and others. Let's fulfill all the song that you know well.

    3. Physical traffic.

    Performance of the song "Cossack Camping".

    4. Cossack sayings, riddles.


    - Guys, do you know the Cossack sayings?

    • Cossack in the steppe only the bullet will catch up.
    • They didn't think around the campaign, and poured from the campaign.
    • Everyone whistles, but not in the Cossack.
    • With good song and the path shorter, and life is sweeter, and death is easier.
    • It's not that the Cossack that the cap is caught.
    • Cossack without a horse - orphan.
    • Cossack's blood is not a water.

    Teacher: And now guess the fighting riddles:

    1. Strike, the call is yes, who kisses, that and from the feet of the one (saber).
    2. Bird is flying, without eyes, without wing. Herself whistles, hesitably beats (arrow).
    3. Mulged a peasant - bone handle (knife).
    4. On someone else's back rides, its cargo is lucky (saddle).
    5. Six legs, two heads, one tail (rider on horseback).
    6. What shoes on fire is made? And from the legs is not removed (horseshoe).
    7. Yellow epaulets, sharp checkers, shades are long, borzy horses, the field goes with the songs to seek the king of honor, and Slava (Cossacks).

    5. Tools of folk creativity

    Teacher: Well done, guys, know the native folklore well. And now let's go back to the work of Viktor Zakharchenko.

    Slide 21. V. G. Zakharchenko with the soloist of the choir Tatyana Bochetva.

    Teacher: The Kuban Cossack Choir includes not only singers, but also dancers, musicians. The musical team of the choir plays on different folk musical instruments.

    Slides 22-23.

    Teacher: What musical instruments learned?

    But this is only a small part of the tools on which they play in the Kuban Cossack choir. I suggest you decipher the crossword "Tools of Folk Creativity." (The class is divided into three commands. From each team comes out one representative.)

    Enter the horizontal lines of the name of the musical instruments of the national orchestra. The tip will serve as the word "folk" vertically inscribed in the crossword.

    Crossword "Tools of Folk Creativity."

    1. _ _ _ n
    2. _ _ _ but
    3. _ _ _ _ _ R _
    4. _ about _ _ _
    5. d _ _ _ _
    6. _ _ _ _ n
    7. _ _ _ _ _ _ s
    8. _ _ _ _ y _ _
    1. The tool called by the name of the ancient Russian singer-narrator (Bayan).
    2. Ancient string-pin tool (Lira).
    3. Ukrainian folk string tweezky musical instrument (Bandura).
    4. The shepherds were often played on this tool, it was a shepherd ... (horn).
    5. String tool resembling balalaika (domra).
    6. Noise tool with leather membrane, stretched on the hoop with puments. You can play on it by a blow or shocking (tambourine).
    7. String tool playing by hitting strings with special spoons (cymbals)
    8. Dude with a voice of a complainant high sound (pity)

    6. Physical traffic.

    Equipment of the "Strawberry-Berry"

    Teacher: Well done guys. And now let's imagine that you are the participants of the Kuban Cossack choir. Our folk ensemble "Merry Cape" will fulfill the cheerful song "Strawberry-Berry". In three groups: dancers, singers and musicians. Musicians get folk musical instruments: maratas, tambourines, ratchets, spoons.

    Children perform a song.

    7. Final words of the teacher.

    Teacher: Well done guys! I am sure that Viktor Gavrilovich would have done your speech.

    The history of the life of the People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko is as unusual as the fate of the Kuban Cossack choir. Everything in the world is natural, therefore, it was supposed to be born on a rich beautiful folk songs, dancing, rites of the Kuban Earth, a man with a hot heart and a clean soul that would collect these treasures according to Cossack villages and farms. They were Viktor Gavrilovich. He recorded several thousand Kuban songs, returned them to the audience in pristine at the concerts of the Kuban Cossack Choir. Zakharchenko raised the Cossack song to Russian, no - world sound. He perceives all his victories as personal, but how to achieve all the choir.

    "The songs of the Kuban Cossack choir are a sip of a cool spring water in the heat. Listen to them - and forget about everything. In them, as a rule, the deepest meaning. Music pours, wonderful song. You are sitting like hypnotized, absorb the charming sounds. Here, for this, by the depth of folk art and the people of Viktor Gavrilovich and in Russia, and Ukraine, and in many other countries, where the Kuban Cossack Choir on Tours was visited, "the Kuban newspapers write. Finished our lesson by listening to the hymn of Kuban "You, Kuban, you are our homeland." Processed and recorded his artistic director of the State Academic Kuban Cossack Chora, People's Artist of Russia, Professor V.G. Zakharchenko.

    8. Listening to the hymn performed by the Kuban Cossack choir.

    Teacher: What musical work have you now listened to? Whose execution?

    9. The result of the lesson.

    Teacher: In the end, our lesson will spend a quiz.


    1. Why is the Krasnodar region sometimes call Kuban? (By the name of the river).
    2. Which of the seas of Russia is the finest, the smallest, wash our edge? (Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov).
    3. What do the colors of the Kuban flag mean? (Blue - honesty, dedication, red - courage, green - hope).
    4. What do the Kuban Flag Strips mean? (Blue - nonresident Population, Red - Cossacks, Green - Adygei).
    5. How was the Krasnodar called before? (Ekaterinodar).
    6. Who is the chief executive of Kuban songs? (Kuban Cossack Choir).
    7. Who is the chief head of the Kuban Cossack choir? (V. Zakharchenko).

    Teacher: You correctly answered all the quizzes' questions. Our lesson is over.

    Site Addresses:

    2. / ru / region

    Who said you need to throw songs in war?

    After the fight, the heart asks music doubly!

    from k / f. "One old men go to battle"

    Love for singing and music is an integral part of the soul of any people, but it is especially noticeable that, where folk poetry is richly developed. An excellent example of this is the Ukrainian song folklore, who adopted the Black Sea Cossacks. The whole history of the people brightly poured in a number of people's songs, Duma and Abn. Every period of history, any important historical event, any glorious Cossack name - forever recorded in these songs and thinks, and passes to us, today's descendants of our glorious and heroic ancestors.

    Cossacks have always loved listening to their bayans, blind-cobrants, these true keepers of the cherished folk legends and paintings of the "knightly feats". Zaporozhetsy, being in Schove, in his free time, in winter in Kurt, and in the summer outdoors were going to small handhelters and had fun in their own way: some played on the cobz, violins, warrns, lirah, "relaxes", bass, zymbalah, goats, They whistled on the sopiles and immediately danced, others just sang.

    The soul of anyone lives in his songs. They are from the distant past, from our grandfathers and great-grandfather, conveyed to us anxiety and joy, dreams and ideals. On weekdays and holidays, in happiness and trouble, the song has always been next to the Cossack, despite the one who he is Helborob or Defender of the Fatherland. The song is a connection with the homeland, with the land, on which happiness fell to be born.

    For the preservative of the Higher Spiritual Heritage of the ancestors in 1810, the enlightener of Kuban Archprises Kirill Rossinsky applied to the military office of opening at the Ekaterinodar Church "for a good worship" of the singing chapel. A year later, in 1811, it was decided to create two choirs: singing - for church worship in the temple, and later symphonic - for the Cossack holidays, parades and musical education of residents of Kuban. And since the singing first accompanied the service on the cover of the Most Holy Theotokos - a holiday especially revered by the Cossacks, - October 14 began to consider the birthday of the military choir and began to celebrate it annually.

    But not everything is so simple with the date of the founding of both choirs. Ivan Ivanovich Kiyashko, Kuban historian-local history and the archivist of the Kuban Cossack troops, in his work dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the military singing and musician choirs, writes that the "military singing choir began its first church service on October 14, 1810, on the cover of the Most Holy Virgin ... And the musician choir began its activities for almost a year and a half later, on February 1, 1812. " However, as mentioned above, for some reason, the official date of the founding of both choirs is considered to be October 14, 1811. It's hard to judge the reason for such a decision-making authority. But according to the current leader of Chora Zakharchenko Viktor Gavrilovich, this is due to the reason specified above, - both choirs were created not at the same time, but indicating a temporary gap. The centenary anniversary of the choirs was decided to hold together so as not to celebrate two separate. And, probably, therefore reduced the temporary gap.

    In his work, "military singing and musician choirs of the Kuban Cossack troops (1811-1911): the historical essay of the formation of their existence" Ivan Ivanovich Kiyashko This is how the foundation of the musician choir explains:

    "By establishing a singing chorus at the end of 1810, the army did not stop at this and already at the end of 1811 it wanted to form more and spiritual music, in order to use the ardent of Empress Catherine in 1792.II.silver Litavra and the same pipes.

    Not devoid of the interest of the word held on this issue of the Decree of the Black Sea Authority ...:

    "1811 of December 22 days by decree of his imperial Majesty, the Black Sea military office, having a blessed and ever-worthy of the memory of Empress Ekaterina, in the subject that the army of HighII.-You in the past 1792 with the already certificate, for the use of silver Litavra and the same pipes, with koim, for all kinds of necessary cases, from a long time, it is already used, and the pipes for non-sentences in the troops of mighty play on these people in this time remain unconscious As, through this aircraft, a complained troops of pipes, of course, the highest will on the establishment in the troops of spiritual music, in order to be determined: the spiritual music is decent to the pipes in the troops of sesides from twenty-four people ... "

    B711, with the permission of Ataman, General Bursak, the first regent of Choir Konstantin Grechinsky was sent to the middle of the troops to select votes to the singing chapel, for which they were chosen for the bass - Cossack Kureny Pereyaslovsky Mikhail Buddarskov, for the Distant - Tiny: Kureni Shcherbinovsky - Oniyim Shoven , Umansky - Philip Makerie and Kalnibolotsky - Semen Dmitrenko, and for Viola - Tiny Kureni: Kalensky - Pavel Sakhno and Shkurinsky - Andrei Kuchir.

    On October 29, 1813, a form for musicians was approved by decree of the military office. She had the following form: Jacket and balls from the blue factory cloth, and the collar must necessarily be, as it were, they would have been told, racking, and the jacket should be hooking from a collar to the belt, and the sharovars had to wear on suspenders; Round cap with black shame, less than three and a half tops, and the top was from a red cloth, a belt from red chinese, a sinteer of a gray simple cloth with a standing collar.

    In 1861, the Kuban region visited Emperor Alexander I. He gave the work of the choir high grades, renaming it to the Kuban military singing choir. From this time, besides church services, the team began to give secular concerts on the region, fulfilling the people, along with spiritual classical works and folk songs. The highest praise for excellent performance of music programs was awarded the choir and in 1888 when visiting Kuban Alexander III. Tsar liked the team so much that he gave the instructions of the military administration about its expansion. Wealthy citizens invited the chorus for a certain fee for execution, both spiritual chants and secular music, Cossack songs.

    In 1901, at the military musical choir, in addition to the brass, the symphony orchestra appeared, the number of which sometimes reached 80 musicians. For the management of the orchestra from Moscow and St. Petersburg, experienced Italian and Russian droplets were invited. According to the evidence of contemporaries, on weekends, Ekaterinodarts were in a hurry to the Cathedral to listen to the "excellent performance of the prayer chants". The repertoire had orchestral numbers from operas M. I. Glinki, D. M. Borttyansky, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. S. Berezovsky, R. Wagner, in A. Mozart, D. Verdie Suittes and Gaidna and Grieg, Symphony L-in. Beethoven and other famous composers. The works of Tchaikovsky were extremely popular, even his first piano concert and sixth symphony were performed.

    Evidence of the importance for Kuban many years of musical and professional activities of military chores was the celebration of 1911. From different studs of Kuban were invited to Ekaterinodar 336 former military musicians and singers. Nakaznaya Ataman Mikhail Babich in the anniversary order in the Kuban army, noting the importance of the charter's singing service, emphasized that many decades, coming to the military cathedral and listening to the wonderful tunes of their "wonderful" church choir, the Cossack "cut off everyday anxiety, as if internally cleared and He was gaining soulful forces to fight over the battle lines again. "

    The preserved documents and memories of eyewitnesses indicate that the century of military choirs was prepared in advance, the history of the team was written, a memorable silver mark was released, a festive ceremonial was compiled on the squares of Ekaterinodar, Taman and other cuban villages. Essentially, the anniversary was celebrated by the entire autumn of 1911, but the central events began three days in September - 25, 26, and the 27th of the old style. In the winter theater there was a big concert, ended by the solemn overture of the Tchaikovsky "1812". Especially for the anniversary, the musical performance of E. D. Esposito and G. V. Dobrobokok "Cossack Pradheddy" on the population of Kuban Zaporozhye Cossacks.

    In the spring of 1920, after the final statement of the power of the Bolsheviks in the Kuban, the fate of the choir is changing radically. This is due to the decision of the Cubano-Black Sea Revolutionary, which in particular said:

    "... All former military orchestras and choirs, now renamed state, with all personal members, libraries, musical instruments, property and inventory are transferred to the leadership of the arts of the hoparob (regional department of public education). All speakers, singers and other having executed instruments and notes, to hand over such immediately for registration by the head of the orchestras and the choir. Persons covering the above property will be transferred to the revolutionary tribunal. "

    It determined the fate of the team. Now he began to be called the Cuban-Black Sea state singing chorus and only thanks to the desperate efforts of the partially preserved team (27 people of the singing choir were forced to emigrate to Belgorod) continued its existence. His former regent, and now Khormster J. M. Taranenko even developed a program for the development of the team in new conditions. The choir becomes mixed, as they began to take choruses, the first set of which was in December 1918. They became Fechla Ovcharenko and Maria Belyaeva. This program provided for weekly concerts in the city center in one of the theater premises, at one concert a week "in the outskirts of the city - Dubinka, Pokrovka and Tanning Plants", at one concert per month for each city union and the like. The first point of the repertoire, he put "Russian, Ukrainian and Cossack folk songs in simple processing", then too - in the processing of "artistic", hereinafter - "choir" (free essay) composers, opera choans and fifth point - revolutionary songs.

    However, the intended implementation failed. This is what is recorded in the last protocol of the Collection of the team of July 7, 1921 recorded:

    "Taking into account that ... Many of the orchestrants are completely divided, sideways and vocative semi-wild existence, completely and nearby cases of diseases of malnutrition are repeated. Many of the orchestrants, being forced to sell the last things and living exclusively on the loan, approached the absolute implication ... And in the future there is no hard guarantee ... that many of the orchestrants, being chopboard, have in the household styles, but urgently on vacations for cleaning bread systematically rejected Decutive: to demand the dissolution of the symphony orchestra from July 10, C / g. "

    Long 15 years passed before the choir revived. This happened July 25, 1936 after the resolution of the Presidium of the Azov-Black Sea Experience, the Kuban Cossack Choir is created. Of the 800 participants - activists of the amateur entry, who came to the competition, the Commission selected 40 people. The newly revived choir was headed by Grigory Mitrofanovich Kontsevich and Yakov Taranenko, for a long time former resents of the Kuban military singing chorus. Gregorymitrofanovich specially traveled through the villages, listened to musically gifted barns, young people, children. During these trips, he was working to collect folk songs - published several collections of folk songs and dance melodies of Adygov.

    In February 1937, the team began working on a concert program in the premises of the music school. On June 30, 1937, the first concert of the choir in the actual hall of the Kuban Agricultural Institute (now is the Kuban State Agrarian University). The concert program included revolutionary and old Cossack songs, the "Choir of the Peasants" from the opera P. Tchaikovsky "Eugene Onegin", the choir "from the edge and to the region" from the opera I. Dzerzhinsky "Quiet Don" and other works. Especially warm were adopted by the listeners "Glory to Soviet pilots" A. Gediq, "Anchar" A. Arensky, Kuban folk songs "You, Kuban, you are our homeland" and "Schhedryk-Wedryk". From July 30 to August 10, 1937, the Khor with concerts visited the village of Dinskaya, Plastunovskaya, Vasyurinskaya and Ust-Labinskaya, as well as the city, Sochi, Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik, Maykop, Armavir, Tikhoretsk and Rostov-on-Don. After each performance with local residents, programs and concert performances were discussed.

    The tragic events of the 30s of the twentieth century did not bypass the famous team. In 1937, during the tour tour in Moscow, Grigory Mitrofanovich Kontsevich was repressed on a false denunciation for allegedly prepared attempted at Stalin. Here are the excerpts from this ridiculous and tragic business, drawn up three months after the arrest given in the book "Ekaterinodar - Krasnodar":

    "The case of Konsevich. The famous Kuban folklorist Grigory Mitrofanovichktsevich lived on Karasunsky swamp, near Dmitrievskaya dam. Behind him arrived at night on August 30 1937. Kontsevich was accused ... In the attempt on the life of the "leader of all nations" I. V. Stalin.

    From the arrested questionnaire: Kontsevich Grigory Mitrofanovich, Russian, born on November 17 1863. In the village of StanoniStebievskaya, from the Cossacks. Father served as a pioneer in the church. He graduated from the teacher seminary. In the parties did not. From military accounting is removed by age. The place of detention is a special building of the Krasnodar prison. "

    In the column "Service in white and other counter-revolutionary armies, participation in gangs and uprisings against compassion (when and as whom)" recorded: "Regent Kuban Cossack choir". Special external signs - "Type of a squabble old man ..."

    Then - in the first and last time - Grigory Mitrofanovich was questioned by the younger lieutenant of the state security by the Kogan. Judging by the protocol, the investigator himself perfectly understood the entire accusation absurdity, therefore he recorded his testimony without distortion. "Your arrest -he told him Kontsevich, - i consider as some kind of misunderstanding. Deeply convinced that the investigation will come to this conclusion. ".

    Here is an excerpt from the indictment:

    «… Kontsevich Grigory Mitrofanovich As an active participant in the counter-revolutionary Cossack rebel organization, which operated on Kuban, on the task of which was part of the terrorist group, which was preparing the commission of the terrorist attack on members of the Soviet government and, first of all, over TOV. Stalin.

    As the artistic director of the Kuban Cossack Choir, in the fall of 1936, it was specially sent to a counter-revolutionary organization to Moscow for the implementation of a terrorist act, timed to commit such at the time of the speech of the choir at a grand evening at the State Academic Bolshoi Theater dedicated to the anniversary of the Great October Revolution ... "

    In the indictment, signed by the Captain of Gosbeafacity G. M. Serbinov, Deputy Head of the Office of the NKVD in the Krasnodar Territory, a red pencil undertakes to the Kontravili to the revolution: former regent of the Kuban Cossack choir . It was "crime", which broke the life of a talented person.

    Kontsevich Grigory Mitrofanovich was arrested on August 30, 1937 and "... sentenced to the highest punishment - execution, the sentence was carried out on time 26. 12. 1937» . The exact burial place of Gregory Mitrofanovich is unknown, although there are some assumptions that it is buried at the Allwatch Cemetery of Krasnodar. On August 18, 1989, Grigori Mitrofanovich Kontsevich was fully rehabilitated (posthumously) by decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet of January 16, 1989.

    In 1939, the dance group was included in the choir, and the team itself was renamed the ensemble of the song and dance of the Kuban Cossacks, which in February 1961 on the initiative of N. S. Khrushchev was disbanded along with other state choirs and the USSR ensembles. At this time, being a lot of kilometers from Native Kuban, V. G. Zakharchenko, a novice musician, in his diary recorded: "The goal for me is now clear, it is determined - to revive the Kuban Cossack choir. The path will have long. With God blessing!"

    On January 4, 1969, the Executive Committee of the Krasnodar Territory decided to create a Kuban folk choir. The Honored Artistic Worker of the Arts of the RSFSR S. Chernobay was invited to the position of artistic director, who worked for 15 years in the State Northern People's People's Chore. Sergey Alekseevich - a native of the Stavropol Territory, from ornamental years familiar with South Russian talk and manner of singing, graduated from the conductor and choral faculty of Moscow Music -Pedagogical school. The dance group was headed by a well-deserved artist of the Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR of Galperin, in the past, the head of the famous ensemble of the national dance "Kabardian".

    The speeches of the choir are always bright and original musical numbers. The dance numbers "Cossack Dance", "Kovovy Cossack Cossack", "Kozzchi", "Due to the mountains of Masura," the wing "(dance of Nekrasovsky Cossacks)," Khutorskaya Polka "and many other little dance performances are driving. Cossacks from early childhood studied the art of ownership of a checker. Probably, therefore, bright solo parts, which demonstrate the virtuoso possession of the saber, make the audience to meet these numbers a squall of applause.

    In 1967, the music comedy "Wedding in Malinovka" Andrei Tutyushkin, delivered along the Operette of Boris Alexandrova, which became the leader of the rolled meter. For the year it was watched by 74.6 million viewers. In it, performed by Nikolai Slichenko, the Ukrainian folk song "Straight, Cleaners, Horses", which for many years has been a calling card of the choir.

    And from 1974 and to the present day, his nonsense is Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko.

    Viktor Zakharchenko - an inexhaustible creative personality: musician, composer, teacher, conductor, folklorist, public figure. List his awards and titles - in vain work. He is just a man who returns to our soul.

    Viktor Gavrilovich was born on March 22, 1938 in the village of Dyadkovskaya in the family of Natalia Andreevna (in Major's Major) and Gabriel Ivanovich Zakharchenko.

    Parents of Natalia Andreevna died of a rapid typhus, and therefore at eight years she remained round orphans. Natasha lived at the station Lisky Voronezh region in the family of Father Tikhon, a local priest. He brought her to the house and said: "She will be nanny." Mother splashing his hands, said: "Yes, what of her nanny? She needs her own. "But the girl is because of the fear that the owners will drive her, tried to please them that they, looking at her, noting the Snorzka and the businesslikeness of the little Natasha, which was left at themselves. Father Tikhon and Mother were so kind to her, so when Tikhon's Father's civil war was taken out of the house and barefoot drove through the snow, she sobbed along with his children.

    And then Natalia on the roof of the train traveled to Kuban. Running from the police who have caught freezers, and jumping from the roof on the roof, a 12-year-old girl was more than once on the hairs of death. But fate kept her. Or maybe not only fate? Once, on the eve of Easter, when Natalia was going to go to sate the cakes, such a story happened to her. Realizing that it was not yet time, she sat at the threshold, on the bench, and he rose. And he saw the girl of heaven and John the Baptist, and then heard a voice, questioning: "Do you now believe that there is God?" Until the end of his days, she remembered this vision in all details.

    Viktor Gavrilovich's father, a feet of Chernihiv or Poltava province, like a mother, learned the orphan childhood. Was the Cossack. I owned the art of logging a vine, participated and held the first places in competitions. True, the Cossack he was poor, silent. By profession, Gabriel Ivanovich was a shoemaker, and came to him not only to repair the old shoes, but also to order a new one. In Dyadkovskaya, he met Natalia Sokova, together created a family, built a hut and healed together ... and then the war began.

    Viktor Gavrilovich still remembers how Charaban drove up to the house, as his father sat down and how desperately trembled mother with a five-month Boris in his arms. While the children were small, mother was afraid of one - die. Who will they continue with? Indeed, in November 1941, the funeral came first, and then they reported that his father was missing. It remains for the memory of Kubank, photography yes a couple of letters in which he supported his family and wrote: "We have fun here ..." "When I first found them, one was at home", - later recalled Zakharchenko.

    From the memories of Viktor Gavrilovich about how he learned the burial place of the Father:

    "Mom waited for his father all his life. I decided that he was in captivity and hit the border. I talked to me when I left on tour: "You ask you there, what if Batko Devia is ...?" I really wanted my mother to tell the Father about all his life without him. And I learned about the death of my father ... In the book of memory I saw a record: "Zakharchenko Gabriel Ivanovich ... Private ... died ... the village of Red Beam of the Rostov region." Now I know where the father is buried. "

    But Natalia Alekseevna still waited and hoped for her husband's return. And before it believed that when the oven was melted, convened children. They shouted to the stove, called Father: "Daddy, come!". There was such a sign: the smoke on the white light will break sorrow, the person who is waiting for will hear and return. The postwar years were hungry. Especially 1947. Four children remained in the family of Zakharchenko: Nikolai (born in 1927), Zoya (1935), Victor (1938), Boris (1941). Senior Vera and Galina died in infancy. Natalia Alekseevna had to extend the old things on the products, but they were not enough. Everyone in the family thought that Victor would definitely die. Mother gave him the beet, which he already could not. Boris said so: "Vitka Umer, he is not East." But death chose the younger.

    To survive, Zoe and Viktor had to go to the farms (in his village it seemed to be galloped) and ask for bread. It happened, and the dogs were pounced, and, tired, having passed not one kilometer, the children returned unsoloned. Sometimes fed apart.

    In childhood, Vitya was fond of pigeons and chess. But he had one passion who was left for his life. The name of this passion is music. And how could it be otherwise, because he, in his full sense, absorbed with Mother's milk. Natalia Alekseevna sang perfectly with the first voice. Gabriel Ivanovich could imitate any brass tool. Well singed sister father Elena and her husband Vasily. Mother's brother, Roman Alekseevich, played Balalyke, which he did while flee from his wife to Kuban, sang and in the church choir on the pollosy and in a large choir. When I came to the Dyadkovskaya, the entire village was going to listen to him. And if he fought "there is a clutter on the Volga," then everyone cried.

    From the earliest childhood it was surrounded by folk music. Since all homework did collectively, people lived as one big family. Together Mesali Saman, together built a house. And constantly sounded a song that was in labor mental need. These were not only labor, as well as bitter widelles of mother and fellow villagers, whose husbands did not return from the front. But necessarily it was folk songs, which prompted the life calling to a little twist, since childhood he dreamed of becoming a musician. The first harmonica bought when Victor studied at school. Since then, he has become the most desirable guest on the bar holidays. The future famous musician began playing any music - walshes, polka, rocky, focus. He played everything for rumor, as not knowing the letters.

    Music attracted Victor. His childhood dream became the harmonica. Back in 1942, when Kuban was occupied, Germans lived in Zakharchenko. Once they brought a trophy harmonic in the hut. Four-year-old Vitya came to her and ... played. Mother, having heard, then said: "Quiet, probably imagining." Before that she was amazed that he decided: such abilities - an abnormal phenomenon, which means that it is destined to die.

    Studies in the second or in the third grade, Victor first heard the overall orchestra in his life. The boy was in the steppe, and the music came from the village. When he came ran into the village, he saw that in the center of the village, near the club, stood a pre-war half-timer, the musicians were sitting in it and played the march "Farewell to Slavs". Long, then, Victor depicted and sang this march, and all the time he continued to dream of harmonica. This dream has become the first goal for the boy in his life. Therefore, the mother decided: grow bull, we will sell and buy a harmonica. Vitya helped to care for a goby pass. And the boy he always remains. He had a desire to ride this bull. He began to train him: put a bag with sand on his back - teared for gravity. I drove these bags until Vitya once decided: enough. He jumped into a bull, and he ended up along acacia from barbed acacia. All in the zanozakh fell away from the bull, the unlucky rider. Bull then sold and bought a harmonic. Happiness was incredible. All the music I had to hear, Victor tried to lose right there. And when it became not enough, began to compose himself. And wonderfully he was at first that people danced under his music.

    In 1945, the film "Hello, Moscow" came out in the USSR, and in 1950 in France "Prelude Glory", telling about the musical achievements of the peers of Viti. He looked these films and wrote a letter to Stalin. On the leaflets of the student notebook, Vitya sincerely, in childish, told about what he wanted to become an artist, but there is no musical circle in school, neither musical instruments. Three months passed - and suddenly a big commission came to the Dyadkovskaya, and straight into the house of Zakharchenko. And the mother did not know that the son wrote a letter to Stalin: all day disappeared at work. Long in the village remembered this case. After him sent to the school of the new director Ivan Petrovich Fishing, which left a bright track in the soul of Young Victor. Only a real teacher, who managed to recognize talent in his student. Ivan Petrovich acquired Bayan for school and allowed him to take him home while they did not bought his own.

    In 1956, I read the ad set to the music school. Caught fire. He took a light suitcase and a harmonica, kitomka with food and go to enter the Krasnodar Music School. Mom's money was not found, she earned a penny to their work. We went without money, on the travelers. From the Dyadkovskaya to Korenovskaya. From there to Plastunovskaya. From Plastunovskaya to Din. And there to serve before Krasnodar.

    Upon arrival, the youngharmonist thought that he would be asked to play cheerful songs on the exam, "so he can fulfill it easily. Without his harmony in the village, the holiday was not walked. He could choose any melody for his rumor, the music came to good poems, he composed himself. But he was given notes. How to read them from a sheet, what can be clenched here, the guy did not know. He did not have teachers who would know a talle diploma. But there was Cossack urgentness. And therefore, after not good luck with the music school, he tried happiness in a musical and pedagogical school, there in Krasnodar. Not in vain about such as Viktor Zakharchenko say: "A person can do everything if he wants if his whole will is aimed at goal. Then he will be able to do, defeat. " After the end of the "Muzpeeda" leaves for Siberia, where the Novosibirsk state conservatory ends and his mentor was V. N. Minin. Studying in Novosibirsk, Viktor Gavrilovich learns about the closure of the Kuban choir in 1961 and, then he writes in his diary: "Now my goal determined exactly: I have to create a Kuban folk choir. Well, with God! " Next was ten years of work in the State Siberian Russian People's Choir. It is worth noting that at this time, Viktor Gavrilovich arrived three times a proposal to head the main choir of the country - State Academic Russian People's Choir. M. E. Pyatnitsky. But he rejected them, because in early childhood, a dream was a green rustic clock and over the years it was more and more strengthened about the revival of the Kuban Cossack choir, who Viktor Gavrilovich was headed in 1974 and since then is his permanent leader.

    Curious, but fact. To get on the first All-Russian view-competition of Russian folk choirs in Moscow in 1975, Viktor Gavrilovich, then another leader of the Kuban Cossack choir had to lift a little. Before traveling to the capital, the speech was viewed by a special commission,party employees were sitting in the composition. And since in the 70s, it was impossible to go somewhere in the 70s without propaganda of Soviet ideology, then Zakharchenko included the work of the work about Lenin. The party officials of the repertoire approved, and when the choir had already arrived in Moscow, he showed a completely different program, fulfilling the Cossack songs. It was in shock, but the first place to artists with Kuban was still awarded, calling the speech of the team "revolutionary".

    In the mid-1990s, the Kuban Cossack Choir was on tour in Samara. Viktor Gavrilovich could not go with a tour of the tour in the cities of Russia, as he was lying in the regional clinical hospital after another operation. But the fate of everbalance to Viktor Zakharchenko. After the concert in Samara, a small growth of the old man came to the head of the Orchestra F. Karazhov and asked the artistic director. And since Viktor Gavrilovich was not, he ordered him to convey to him a collection of Cossack songs, as it turned out that it was the manuscript of G. M. Kontsevich. Unfortunately, neither the name, nor the artists of the Choir did not ask the name, or the name of this old man, as he could have other materials Grigory Mitrofanovich.

    This is how Viktor Gavrilovich himself remembers it: "When I picked up a book with trepidation, it turned out to be a large format on thick paper manuscript G. M. Kontsevich. I did not believe my eyes. Miracle and only! I read: "Songs of the Kuban Cossacks. Collected teacher singing the Kuban military singing chore and collector Kuban Cossack songs G. M. Kontsevich. In the period - dated January 15 to February 17, 1911. " I was struck by amazing beauty Calligraphic handwriting Grigory Mitrofanovich. Each beak is discharged in mascara with love, as if the artist's hand. In the upper right corner of the manuscript, it is written by his hand with already purple ink: "Kuban scientific museum as a gift from M. Kontsevich. 1927 3 /VII. Manuscript-autograph. " This is the truly gift of God for me.

    The first thing that the eyes rushed was rushed when I began to carefully view the manuscript - this is the fundamental difference between the handwritten collection of Cossack songs G. M. Kontsevich from all the collections published. There all songs were published in three and four-voice treatment for military singing chiff. In the manuscript collection, which includes 56 Cossack songs, almost all songs are given in one-haired presentation. Three songs in a two-voice. And only one number 18 "Oh, the Dudou, oh Duda, recorded in the village of Sergievskaya, is given in four-voice processing for the singing choir.

    Second: G. M. Kontsevich for the first time in this collection also pointed out the place of recording of each song, surnames, name and patronymic of their performers and recording time: day, month and year. Thus, in this manuscript, the collector showed itself not so much regent and a talented composer-arrangers of the military singing choir, for which he collected and processed songs, but a real folklorister-ethnographer, carefully fixed the authentic sound of the songs.

    Well, the third, that I was struck in a handwritten collection - this is what the first musician-folklist and composer who recorded folk songs in my native village of the Dyadkovskaya Korenovsky district, in which I was born and grew up, was not anyone else, as the first artistic Head of the State Kuban Cossack Choir Grigory Mitrofanovich Kontsevich! This is an amazing coincidence not to explain no logic except.

    And another striking fact. The performer of the five songs recorded in the village of Dyadkovskaya G. M. Kontsevich was the Kazak Archkin Ivanovich Misko. And when I asked my mother, did it know that Cossack and he knows the hut where he lived, she replied: "And the same. I myself Bullah Divichka, and was already nichel off the archite Ivanovich Ygo Dietia. Bo I Bully Crooked Source, and LIKE SNOW BOOL. After that, the name Gregory Mitrofanovich became not only more expensive for me, but also much more relative. Songs recorded from Ivanovich's Archka, knew mom. And many other songs of this collection I wrote in youth in the village of Dyadkovskaya, in particular, my mother's favorite song "My brothers, my brothers, brothers Soloveika". These are really wonderful things of yours, Lord ".

    how composer, Victor Gavrilovich writes mainly to the poems of classics. Author's songs at the maestro already have several hundred. At the same time Zakharchenko is not afraid of exp.e terms. Not so long ago, the choir recorded a joint single with the American rock band "Ring Star". The soloist of the group, visiting the concert of the team, burst into tears, and then approached Viktor Gavrilovich and offered to cooperate.

    Now all the dreams and thoughts of Viktor Gavrilovich are aimed at the revival of two orchestras, which were with the military singing orchestra: the brass and symphonic. It would allow to perform a classical framework, both world and domestic music.

    Speaking about Victor Zakharchenko I want to say that he is a happy man because he is engaged in his loved business. That's how Viktor Gavrilovich himself talks about it:

    "I consider myself a happy person, because all my life I do that without a measure, I really love. My happiness is that I work by the head of the Kuban Cossack choir, and not some other. I would not like to be neither the chairman of the government or the president, nor the minister. I am not interested in posts. I live only folk song.

    Not in vain they say that the folk song is the soul of the people, and the soul, as you know, "... you can not kill, you will not kill." So the Kuban Cossack choir, who, together with the residents of Kuban, passed through all the agencies and tests. He survived and gives us the rich cultural heritage of our heroic ancestors.

    Viktor Gavrilovich and Kuban Cossack choir is not only the pride of Kuban, but also of all Russia. This is the embodiment of the very national idea that the best minds of Russia are looking for so painfully lately. And Viktor Gavrilovich, together with the choir, offers us this idea, as they make the necessary and important work: Return themselves. They try so that we are not remembered by Ivan Rodance. They protect and return to us a popular culture, without which the Great Russia is impossible. Thank you very much, you, for this beautiful gift and long summer.

    I want to finish my story with a poem, which was published on May 19, 1913 in the Kuban Cossack Leaf. His author O. Aspidov dedicated G. M. Kontsevich. This poem, in my opinion, best reflects the role of the song in the life of the Cossacks:

    Song Cossack, the song is native,

    What else can compare with you!

    You are more beautiful than Tsolovna Trel,

    How not to love you all soul!

    Immediately you break the heavy grief,

    Immediately fill the eyes of a tear,

    Ile stick as the flicky sea,

    Or groan like a grievous patient.

    A lot in the words of your bitter sadness,

    The most delete Cossacks in them:

    Then you are ancestors in captivity,

    That in Kurents you were born relatives.

    The life of our ancestors, the life of combat

    You, as an artist, draw yourself,

    Cossack bravery, delete

    You, like a kobzar, sneeze.

    The article prepared Sophia Apetyan

    especially for the project "Virtual Korenovsk"

    (Photo from the Internet)

    When writing the article, the following materials were used:

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    7. Products N. "I am your son, my dear Kuban ..." // Volnaya Kuban. - 1998. - March 21. - from. 2.
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