Scenario of an excursion around the mini-museum "Russian hut". Mordovian courtyard

Scenario of a tour of the mini museum
Scenario of an excursion around the mini-museum "Russian hut". Mordovian courtyard

Galina Trofimova

Software content: To form in children ideas about the history, culture and life of the Mordovians; to expand the ideas of preschoolers about the household items of the Mordovians; systematize and consolidate the knowledge that children have about history and traditions Mordovian people; to cultivate benevolence, hospitality, politeness, ability, to act jointly.

Preliminary work.

Examination of the Mordovian national costumes.

Consideration of books - albums and presentations: "My land", "Poems and songs of Mordovia", "Hello, Mordovia!"

Conversations and viewing pictures about the life of the Mordovians.

GCD for artistic creation- display of elements in children's works national ornament and utensils.

Guessing riddles.

Memorizing proverbs, nursery rhymes, chants.

Listening to national Mordovian music.

Conducting Mordovian outdoor games.


Exhibits in the mini-museum "Mordovskaya hut", album sheets 15 * 15 for each child, colored pencils. Phonogram with Mordovian songs.

The course of the excursion.

Q: Guys, today we will visit the museum of the Mordovian hut, which is located in our garden. But before we go there, let's remember the rules of conduct in a museum:

1. The objects in the museum are old and are called exhibits. They cannot be touched, only viewed.

2. In the museum, you need to look, listen and answer questions, but not in any way mischief, not push or shout.

Children with a teacher enter the hut.

Q: A long time ago, the Mordovians built their houses from logs. Such houses were called huts. Look around how unusual everything is here, not like in modern houses.

What was the first thing you saw when you came here? (children's answers)

Of course the stove, because it takes up a lot of space. Tell me, what was the stove in the hut for? (Answers of children)

The stove was the basis of life, a family hearth. The stove gave warmth, they cooked food and baked bread in it, washed children in the stove, and got rid of ailments in the stove. And how many fairy tales are told to children on the stove. It is not without reason that it is said: "She is both a drinker, a nurse, a body warmer."

See what you think stands next to the stove in the corner? (There is a poker, a grip, a cast iron in the corner)

The teacher asks riddles:

1. Iron horse

Rides into the fire. (poker)

2. Stands in the oven, covered with a lid ...

Fire caresses a solid side.

The stove illuminates the flame with a flash.

The cabbage soup is cooked in the stove (cast iron pot)

3. Horn, but not a bull,

Enough, but not full,

Gives to people

And he himself goes to rest. (grip)

The teacher shows how they took out the cast iron from the stove using a grab.

Q: What else do you see unusual in the hut? (Children's answers) Right. Big table. In the old days, Mordovian families were large. Mom, dad and many children lived in each hut. At dinner, a large Mordovian family sat at a large table on benches.

Please note that there are no beds in the hut. Since there was not enough room for everyone in the hut, at night all family members slept on benches and on the stove. Little children were put to bed in such a shaky place. It is nailed to the ceiling so mom can swing it when Small child crying.

Q: Almost everything in the hut was done by hand. Long winter evenings everyone, young and old, cut bowls, spoons from wood, girls embroidered, sewed clothes. Performing manual work, young girls and boys sang Mordovian folk songs, danced in circles, played games.

Mordovian outdoor game "Paradise - Paradise"

Two children are chosen for the game - the gate; the rest of the playing - a mother with children. Gate children raise their clasped hands up and say:

Paradise - paradise. I miss

And I leave the latter.

Mother herself will pass

And he will lead the children.

At this time, the children, having become a train, follow their mother through the gate. The children-gates, with their hands down, separate last child and in a whisper they ask him for two words - a password (for example, one child is a shield, the other is an arrow). The respondent chooses one of these words and joins the command for the child whose password he gave. When the mother is left alone, the gate loudly asks her: a shield or an arrow? The mother answers and joins one of the teams. Gate children stand facing each other, hold hands. The rest of the members of each team clung to their half of the gate in a string. The resulting the two teams are pulling each other. The overrun team is considered the winner.

Game rules: Children should not eavesdrop or give out the password.

Q: We played, and now we will continue our inspection of the Mordovian hut. Here is a spinning wheel. What do you think it was intended for? (Children's answer).

The yarn was spun correctly on the spinning wheel. This is how the wool was laid. And they spun it with the help of another device - a spindle.

The more I spin

The thicker I get.


Q: Look at Mordovian national dress... Fabric for clothes was woven by hand, then women, sitting for long evenings behind a torch, embroidered it with beautiful Mordovian designs. Let's remember what are the main colors of Mordovian embroidery and what elements of Mordovian ornament are familiar to you (children's answers) Well done.

Q. I propose to sit at a large table and decorate these napkins with Mordovian patterns.

Children go to the table and begin to complete the assignment.

Lesson summary:

Q: Guys, today we visited the museum of our kindergarten "Mordovskaya Izba".

Did you like it? (Children's answer).

What new have you learned? (Children's answer).

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CHAKHALYAN LYUDMILA NIKOLAEVNA Musical director of the highest category MADOU of Nizhnevartovsk DS No. 41 "Rosinka"

Guides children from 6-7 years old (one child leads the tour or the text can be divided into several children) Hello, dear guests! A guest on the doorstep is joy to the owner. This is the room of the Russian hut, it is also called -
Our great-grandmothers used to have this in the village. The central place in the house was occupied by
, they heated it with wood and so that they burn well they were stirred like this
The stove heated the house and cooked food in
cast iron pots
... The pot was placed in the oven, and from it they took out
so that the hostess does not burn her hands. The main food was porridge. There is a Russian proverb; "Cabbage soup and porridge - our food. They ate food with wooden spoons. Eating with a wooden spoon, you will never burn yourself.

- one of the main parts of the hut. It was made large so that the whole family could immediately fit behind it on wooden benches. There was a large
and all peasant family drinking hot tea with honey, pies and pancakes. The samovar has become a symbol of kindness, home comfort and family peace. There were chests next to the shops and they kept not only things, but all valuables in them. “What kind of lady is this? She takes the wool into the comb, With a thin fluffy thread - gives the yarn? " (
spinning wheel
On the long winter evenings, the hostesses spun threads on it, and from the threads they knitted rugs, weaved linen, sewed clothes, and from the scraps they collected bedspreads. They ironed the linen with a wooden iron called a ruble. There was always a cradle near the spinning wheel - a small crib for babies. The first cradle of a child was a cradle or it was also called a cradle. The cradle was hung from the ceiling. The mother will put the child in the cradle, swing, and at this time she spins yarn and hums lullabies. There was no water in the house and women with a yoke walked on the water to the well. They washed the linen in a wooden trough, on such a washing board. Traditions in Russia are alive, whatever the path, We cannot retreat from antiquity, the traditions of Russia, we must observe! All of these items are collected by the pupils' parents and staff. kindergarten.
Goodbye dear guests! (bow)

C The purpose of creating our museum is to preserve and study the culture, customs and traditions of the Mordovian people. The upbringing and acquaintance of the younger generation with cultural traditions peoples native land.

Just as a tree cannot live without roots, so without knowing itself, its kind, the roots of its culture, there cannot be a real citizen who sincerely loves his Motherland.

Mordva is an exoethnonym,attributed to two related Finno-Ugric peoples of the Volga-Perm subgroup Moksha and Erzya living in Russia. As scientists note, each of them has anthropological characteristics inherent only to it and its own literary language... The main territory of residence of Moksha is the Moksha River basin, Erzyan is the Sura River basin.

The Mokshan language is Mokshan, the Erzyan language is Erzyan, both belong to the Finno-Volga group of the Uralic family of languages.

Mordva is the largest association of the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia.

The Republic has a glorious and rich history, which is interesting and exciting to study. The traditions of peoples living on the territory of one country create its image, establish history, predict the future. Therefore, it is so important to know the traditions and customs of peoples and nationalities that have lived side by side for centuries, preserving their identity.

The strength of Russia lies in the unity of its people. Many peoples live in our republic, Russians, Mordovians, Tatars, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Armenians and other peoples, representatives of different nationalities and religions. But, despite the spiritual, qualitative and worldview differences, they are all friendly and united.

For culture to have an effective impact on moral development personality, and the person felt the need for a true culture, it is necessary to give deep knowledge traditions and customs. The preservation and development of the culture of the Mordovian people is relevant for multinational Russia.

And how can you not remember the great Russian master

words by A.S. Pushkin -

"There is a stupa with Baba Yaga

It walks, wanders by itself ... "

Many remain today traditional customs, with Seasonal rituals of the Mordovians are associated with labor activity people. They are divided into ceremonies with fixed and non-fixed dates.

They originated and formed in ancient times: they were timed to the beginning or end of agricultural work (plowing, sowing, harvesting, pasturing livestock in the field, etc.). These days were full of religious and magical rituals. Through ritual attributes (gifts, prayers, conspiracies), people tried to influence nature in order to ensure the fertility of the fields, the offspring of livestock, to protect the family, home, agricultural land from misfortune.

The winter ritual cycle began with Roshtuvan kud (Roshtovan kudo), in which the games of mummers occupied a special place. Spells and carols were also used.

Currently Maslenitsa is widely celebrated.

On the eve of Palm Sunday(first Christian holiday spring-summer calendar) girls walked around the village from house to house and whipped the sleeping willow branches to transfer the power of the plant to man, to make him healthy.

A particularly strong mixture of Christian and pagan elements is seen in the rituals of this holiday. A large group of rituals were performed at Easter.

In the middle of the 19th century. in some Mordovian villages, Easter was celebrated in Great Saturday... A festively dressed girl and a young man, personifying Easter, walked around the village. The owners of each house came out to meet them with refreshments. On this day, the Mordovians arranged a commemoration of their ancestors, asked them for assistance in obtaining a good harvest, breeding livestock, and protecting them from disease and evil. Before the start of sowing, family and ancestral training sessions were organized. The last big holiday of the spring cycle, timed to coincide with the end of sowing, was Trinity.

In ancient times, Mordovian peasants performed prayers, which were supposed to ensure favorable weather, good harvest, health to people, livestock, well-being on the farm (m., E. ayan ozks, Velen OZKS, baban ozks, or baban porridge, and etc.). This holiday absorbed pre-Christian customs associated with the worship of plants: they were used to decorate houses, streets, churches. Main subject ritual cycle there was an elegant birch that was carried through the village. At the end of the holiday, traditional festivities were held dedicated to seeing off spring (m. tundan prvazhama, NS. tundong iltyamo; still exist in many Mordovian villages).

In the summer, ceremonies were held that were supposed to ensure the safety of crops, the required amount of precipitation (m. pisemon anama ozx, NS. piseme ozx- "prayer for rain", Erzyan edge of the ozks "prayer at the boundary"). Autumn ceremonies were timed to coincide with the ripening of bread and fruits. Before the harvest, prayers were held in honor of the gods - the patrons of fertility (Mastorava, Norovava, etc.).

The completion of all spring-summer rituals was the Trinity holiday itself. Greenery and flowers induring summer holidays, houses, streets, churches were decorated. During the entire Trinity week, the girls went on festivities wearing wreaths of leaves, flowers, or simply stuck flowers into their hair above their ears and weaved them into a braid. A birch tree was decorated on Trinity. Trinity birch in the songs was called "summer day" - kizonshi(m.), kizenchi(e.), which the girls "brought" to the village. Before that, the birch tree was dipped into the river several times, asking To witch"Wash a summer day." Then they carried her all over the village.

From generation after generation, the Mordovian people passed on their tales and legends. One of them tells about the girl Nuyanze.
Once upon a time there was a Mordovian girl Nuyanza, a needlewoman and clever. She knew how to do everything. AND spin and weave, and weave baskets. A Nuyanza grew up - they began to call her Nuyanza - an artisan, i.e. a sorceress.
And now look at what magic chest collected NUYANZA.
What is there not only!

Lapti CARD. On long winter evenings, all the men in the family wove sandals. They were winter and summer, festive and everyday: They were woven from 5,7,10 bast skins. It was necessary to weave a lot of bast shoes for a large family, since they served only 2 weeks.

And here's the towel- NARDAMO, which was embroidered by Nuyanza the master with her own hands.
They not only wiped themselves with a towel, but also wrapped the newborn and mother to protect them from the evil eye and other misfortunes.

The Mordovian bride was supposed to embroider a whole set of towels for the groom's relatives for the wedding: mother-in-law, sister-in-law, groom. The embroidered towel was also tied by Mordovian women on the head and served as decoration.

A Mordovian wedding is one of the distinctive phenomena in the life of Mordovians. Both Erzya and Mokshan wedding ceremonies were distinguished by great complexity and variety. A traditional Mordovian wedding can be called a folk wedding musical drama, in which dramatic episodes associated with the departure of the bride from her father's house (crying, monologue songs, addresses to parents and friends, to their native places and the surrounding nature) are interspersed with cheerful scenes taking place in the groom's house.

Marriages have traditionally been the business of their parents and relatives. Often when choosing a bride, the main attention was paid to the property status of her family, hard work and health of the girl.

The wedding cycle began with matchmaking - ladyama (m.), Ladyama (e.). Before going to woo the bride, the groom's father made sacrifices to the patron gods of the house, court, and deceased ancestors. Then he cut off a piece of bread from the bread, took out the crumb from it and filled it with honey. At night, on horseback, he rode to the bride's house and put the top on the gate post and left. The girl's father agreed or returned the bread and honey. The wedding train was equipped for the bride.

Number traveled (e. somewhere) must have been odd. The main person was the matchmaker ( kudawa). She could not be a girl, a pregnant woman, or a widow. The second person in honor and importance was the toron of the kanda (m.), Uredev (e.). His duty is to protect the groom and the entire train from damage and to dispose of the table.

Caring for offspring began from the moment of marriage, which is reflected in wedding ceremonies... To find out the sex of the unborn child, a pregnant woman was observed: the presence of age spots on her face indicated the birth of a son; large oblong belly facing the left side - girls, and vice versa .

The deities influencing childbirth were considered by the Mordovians to be the goddess of water Witava and the goddess of the forest Virava... At the prayers held in their honor, they asked to give people "full shops of children." There was a belief that Witava steals newborns and even unborn children. Therefore, if a woman did not have children, she went to the river and turned to the patroness of water with a prayer: "After all, Ava, mother, forgive me, maybe I offended you and therefore I do not give birth to children.".

Currently, the horse has been replaced by a car and is decorated with ribbons, balls and a doll. But, surprisingly, the doll is dressed in a Mordovian outfit. Many people at home dress up dolls in Mordovian clothes, which emphasize the beauty of the costume.

The museum constantly replenishes its funds by establishing contacts with the parents, grandmothers and grandfathers of the pupils. Here we conduct excursions for children and parents, holidays, meetings with veterans. This allows you to expand the understanding of the culture and life of the Mordovian people, improves the artistic and aesthetic education of children and maintains the connection between generations.

We admire our small homeland. It is the homeland of all peoples living on its territory. And all of us who live here want our homeland to flourish, transform and be compatible in terms of living standards with other advanced republics and regions.

The museum was created by the efforts of the employees of the MBDOU Kadoshkinsky kindergarten "Solnechny".

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten number 16 "Sun" of the compensating type

Shchelkovsky municipal district of Moscow region


excursions to the mini-museum

"Russian hut"

(by activity)

with children of the preparatory group for school

with general underdevelopment speech.

Compiled and conducted:

Stepankova G.G.

educator MBDOU No. 16


Abstract: "Excursion to the mini-museum" Russian hut ".

Educational area : "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Integration educational areas : « Speech development"; "Social and communicative development"; " Cognitive development»

Target: Continue to acquaint children with handicrafts.



Continue to acquaint children with the types of folk applied art (Gzhel, Khokhloma, Dymkovo, Bogorodsk toys, Pavlovo Posad shawls) and their characteristic features.

Encourage the desire to compose stories, express judgments, their own understanding of the artistic image.

To improve the artistic and speech performance skills of children when reading poems.

Initiate the decoration of paper figures - decoration with elements decorative painting based on the Dymkovo toy.

Developing :

Develop aesthetic feelings, emotions, interest in folk art.


Arouse children's interest in Russian national culture.

Foster a culture of listening and visual perception.

Raise interest in the art of the native land, instill love and respect to the works of Russian masters.

Instill interest in visiting the museum.

Vocabulary work : folk crafts, applied arts, elements of painting.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the exhibits of the museum, memorizing poems; conversations with children about folk arts and crafts;

modeling of toys, painting silhouettes; examining illustrations with decorative painting patterns; repetition of the rules of conduct in the museum.

The intended result is:

1. The horizons, imagination, artistic taste, creativity will expand.

2. Children will get acquainted with ancient and modern products of folk craftsmen.

3. Vocabulary enriched with the names of cities and villages - the homeland of folk crafts.

Materials and equipment: items of Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymkovo painting and other items folk arts and crafts, clearly - illustrative material of the elements of the Dymkovo painting, figures cut out of paper based on Dymkovo toys, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, audio recording "Russian tunes".

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Hello guys! I invite you to take a tour of our museum. We will remember and again admire those items of folk crafts that are collected in our museum, and get acquainted with new ones. A lot of beautiful things were created by Russian masters. You can't even call them things. These are real works of art!

Consider these antiques with you

They tell us beauty secrets,

Will lead us into world of Russia,

Giving and goodness.

They will talk about folk

Miracle - to the masters!

Educator: Today we have guests, and we are always glad to see guests. I invite them to join our excursion to see and hear about our exhibits, and you will help me with this.

-Well guys, come on -

Look at the toys.

(children approach the exhibition of Dymkovo toys, they are met by Dymkovo turkey)

And here is our first guest. What can you tell him about these toys.

(children talk about the Dymkovo toy)

Educator: The guys used to paint toys with dry paints mixed on an egg with kvass, using sticks and feathers instead of brushes. The painted toy was again covered with a beaten egg, which made the faded colors shine and bright. And there weren't so many paints, but now what colors do craftsmen use to paint toys? (children's answers)

Turkey : Well done boys! How much do you know about the Dymkovo toy.

And I am a noble toy,

Foldable, but okay.

I'm famous everywhere

Maybe you will like it.

Educator: Have you guessed what kind of toy it is? (children's answers, the turkey spreads its tail)


Yes! This is a Dymkovo turkey!

Big turkey

All sides are painted.

He surprised everyone with his outfit

He spread his wings importantly.

Look: curvy tail

It's not at all simple for him -

Like a sunny flower;

A tall scallop

Red paint of grief, -

Like a king's crown!

The plumage of the turkey was made more and more skillfully from time to time, which is why the figurine was no longer suitable for play. From now on, she began to take pride of place on dressers and decorate any other furniture. Dymkovo toy is made by hand and painted every time in a new way, so there are no two identical figures, each is a single copy, each haze is unique, each toy is warmed by a craftswoman with her own hands.

Turkey: I want to give a souvenir toy for your museum! (Kovrovskaya lady)

Educator: Look what a beautiful lady. What do you think this toy is? (Children's answers) In fact, this toy is our compatriot. It was made by craftsmen from the city of Kovrov on the Klyazma River. It is very similar to Dymkovo, the same bright, painted, but still different. Look, her painting elements are completely different ... ... ... Thank you dear guest for your gift!

Here's our next guest.

Matryoshka : Scarlet silk handkerchief

Bright flower sundress

Hand rests

Into wooden sides

And inside there are secrets:

Maybe three, maybe six.

Blush a little.

This is Russian .... (matryoshka) (children's answers)

Matryoshka : Well done guys! You recognized me, and if you still tell me where I come from. (Children's answers)

Saint Sergiev Posad -

home for nesting dolls!

Dolls over a hundred years old

delight the whole world!

Educator : Look how many nesting dolls are collected in our museum. They are all so different. In what parts of Russia this toy is not made. Matryoshka is considered a primordially Russian souvenir that foreign guests try to bring from Russia.

But you know, the figurine of the Japanese god became the prototype of the Russian nesting doll, which, like the matryoshka, moved apart, representing itself as a receptacle for a smaller figure. Russian craftsmen decided to make their own toy. Master V.P. Zvezdochkin carved the first figurines of dolls (three- and six-seater), which were inserted into one another. These nesting dolls have not survived. Therefore, the first matryoshka is considered to be an eight-seat doll depicting a peasant girl with a rooster, soon christened by the people by the popular name Matryoshka (Matryona). The toy consisted of eight figures - girls and boys. The latter depicted a swaddled baby. Craftsmen tirelessly competed with each other, increasing the number of nesting figures. Historical Museum there is also a 100-seat matryoshka in Moscow. It is made in a single copy.

Guys, what other nesting dolls do you know? (children's answers) And what are they made of? (children's answers)

Educator: There is a belief that if you put a note with a desire inside the matryoshka, it will certainly come true, and the more work is put into the matryoshka, i.e. the more places there are in it and the higher the quality of the matryoshka painting, the faster the wish will come true.

Matryoshka: What good fellows! Here is a gift for your museum. (Gives a nesting doll)

Educator: Thank you Matryoshka! Guys, what other products of folk craftsmen made of wood do you know? (Children's answers: (Gorodets, Khokhloma, Bogorodskaya toy)

That's right, Golden Khokhloma!

Khokhloma painting

A scattering of scarlet berries,

Admire how the master tried to please us with his work. Wooden dishes are beautiful and comfortable.

Guys, you know, if you eat cabbage soup or porridge with such a spoon, it does not burn your mouth.

And why is it called - Golden Khokhloma? (children's answers)

(The teacher leads the children to the exhibition of the Bogorodskoy toys)

And what are these magic toys, who can tell me?

(children's answers)

Bogorodsk toy -

wooden animal.

Bear, bunny, cockerel -

admire it, my friend!

The masters got down to business -

cut from white linden

or a blacksmith bear,

or in the dance of a daredevil!

Yes, this is a Bogorodsk toy. Why is it called that? (children's answers)

And this village is located in the Moscow region.

These toys have a trick that the Bogorodsk masters came up with, they know how to come to life. Take them in hand, play with them. (children look at toys)

All toys are made of linden, which takes about four years to dry. The wood is soft and easy to work with.

Educator: Proceed to the next exhibition (children come to Gzhel)

We have one more guest.


Porcelain teapots,

Candlesticks, clocks,

Animals and Birds

Unprecedented beauty.

Village in the suburbs

She became famous. Now

Known to all the people

Its name is(Gzhel)

(children's answers)

Educator: That's right, but how did you guess that this is Gzhel? (children's answers)

It is interesting that even in ancient times, when the Gzhel craft was just in its infancy, the Gzhel was multi-colored. Dishes, figures of people and animals were painted bright colors: green, yellow, red. And nowadays, Gzhel is known for its blue and blue patterns painted on a white background. The blue and white Gzhel that has become traditional is not natively Russian - Russian masters spied on these colors from the Dutch.

What patterns do Gzhel masters like to paint their dishes with? (children's answers)

Gzhel is also our compatriot, she is in the Moscow region.

Gzhel : Well done, here's a gift for your museum. (Gzhel gives a Gzhel mug)

Educator: Thanks! Oh, what kind of beauty is this? (Puts a scarf over his shoulders) Who will tell me?

(children's answer)

Multi-colored scarves

Printed shawls

How many women in Russia

Decorated on a holiday.

The masters have learned

Pavlova Posada

Draw a pattern of herbs

Forests, meadows, gardens.

Educator: Pavlovsky Posad is another city on the banks of the Klyazma River. Painted scarves and shawls brought fame to the whole world to Pavlovsky Posad. They were worn and simple people, and noble persons. Previously, many women wore brightly colored headscarves on their heads, shoulders, and sometimes even just folded on their arms as an adornment (demonstration). Many wealthy families had forty shawls at the disposal of young ladies. It was the scarf that was one of the most coveted gifts. And also, in the Pavlovo-Posad region, magic is being created today. After all, it is here, in the village of Danilovo, that there is a factory of Christmas tree decorations "Hoarfrost". Glass Christmas decorations- a real miracle. After all, each such ball, bump, figurine is created by hand. This means that they are unique and inimitable. The factory conducts excursions for children and adults, so that everyone has the opportunity to see the whole process of creating toys with their own eyes.

These are the wonderful products of folk craftsmen that our beloved Moscow region is rich in! Guys, did you like our excursion? And how many more interesting things I can tell you about the Filimonov toy, and about the Golden Khokhloma, and about the painted Zhostovo trays! And we will certainly meet another time in our Russian hut and continue our acquaintance with folk craftsmen and their wonderful products.

And now, I invite you to introduce yourself as folk craftsmen and paint a sketch of the future Dymkovo toy. Come to the hall, choose workplace... But before we get to work, let's knead our fingers.

Finger gymnastics:

Oh left and right hand

Look, two hands:

Right and left! (we stretch our arms forward, showing)

They can clap their hands -

Both right and left! (clap our hands)

They can pinch my nose -

Both right and left! (in turn we pinch the nose with the right and left hand)

They can cover their mouth with a palm -

Both right and left! (cover the mouth of both)

They can show the way -

Both right and left! (we show the direction with the right, then with the left hand)

I am always friends with hands -

And with the right and the left! (friendly handshake)

And they can be affectionate

Both right and left!

They will hug you, they will press you to me -

Both right and left! (wrap your arms around yourself - "hug")

(children together with their parents paint the silhouettes of Dymkovo toys)

Educator: You have made wonderful toys.

In conclusion, I want to say one thing that folk art does not go into the past as long as it is interesting to someone, that each generation somehow likes it. This means that folk art will live for many more years, and craftsmen will glorify their country.

List of used literature:

Lykova I.A. Visual activity in kindergarten. Senior group... - M .: "KARAPUZ-DIDAKTIKA", 2006.

Ermolaeva N.V. Aesthetic education of preschoolers through decorative and applied art. Partial program. - SPb. LLC "Publishing house" CHILD-PRESS "2011

« Organization of holidays and events in preschool educational institutions "


AbstractExcursions to the Russian Gornitsa Museum. Integration of educational areas: "Security", "Socialization", "Communication", "Cognition", "Reading fiction"," Artistic creation ".

V.V. Zinovieva - musical director MADOU "Kindergarten combined type No. 2 "Fairy Tale" of the Troitsky settlement, Gubkinsky district, Belgorod region.

Target: the formation of the spiritual culture of preschoolers through the organization of excursion activities. Tasks:

to acquaint with the subjects of Russian folk life and customs that existed in the old days;

to cultivate respect for working people - craftsmen, masters;

to cultivate love for their big and small homeland;

develop the need for self-realization and communicative qualities baby through play activities, musical folklore;

develop memory, logical thinking, imagination.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the exhibits of the museum, memorizing the text of the excursion, learning songs, viewing illustrations, didactic games playing spoons and children's musical instruments.


reproductive (visual-verbal): display of exhibits, the story of a teacher, preschoolers;

game: aimed at developing a culture of relationships, memory in preschoolers, logical thinking, imagination.

Equipment: all exhibits of the museum, button accordion, tape recorder, recordings of folk songs.

Tour progress:

M.R. At the beginning of the third millennium in the history of Russia comes new era- the era of spiritual and moral guidelines in the policy of the state, the era of the formation of a new person. And the revival of Russia is associated not only with the decision of political, economic, social problems, but, above all, with the upbringing and enlightenment of a person, the formation of spiritual and moral qualities in him, corresponding to the original Russian mentality. So, in the kindergarten, a subject-developing environment was created, the Museum of Russian Antiquity "Upper Room", and on May 18, 2011, the museum received the status of the Ethnographic Museum "Russian Upper Room". Museum "Russian Chamber" directs the younger generation in the mainstream of morality, strengthening the memory of ancestors. Keeping the traditions of age, you lie all in the day to come,

This is what you see, Russia, you are in reality to me and in my dreams.

Glory to our side, glory to our antiquity.

And I will begin to tell about this old time,

So that people can know about the affairs of their native land.

Come, dear guests, to our history museum peasant life, plunge into the atmosphere of ancient times, visit the hut of our forefathers, look at the items they used. Our guides will tell you about the exhibits of the museum, about the arrangement of the dwelling of ancient times. Guests enterthe upper room.

Children: Hello, invited guests, welcome guests! Welcome to our "Gorenka"!

M.r... Our guests are interesting and distant, and ours are local!

Everything: Let's all be familiar (bow) in our guest house!

M.R. Guys, what is the name of our country?

Child. Our country is called Russia.

M.r... That's right, Russia is a big, beautiful, rich country, but was it called in the old days?

Everything: Russia.

M.R. Guys, do you know the laws of Russian hospitality?

Everything: And how!

Children: 1.According to the old Russian tradition dear guests They are greeted with bread and salt, but with a kind word they welcome. (dthe little girl takes out bread and salt)

2. We meet dear guests with a round, lush loaf. We offer you loaf, bowing down, we ask you to taste it.

M.r... We are glad to welcome our guests: Children: 1. A kind word! 2. Affectionate look! 3. Delicious treats! 4. And a fun song!

Karagod « In gorenka, in the new "river. n. NS.

M.R. What is our museum?

Child: Our museum is an exposition of a Russian hut. We affectionately call it "Gorenka". M.R. Why exactly a hut? Because, a home for any person, this is the first principle, this is where he starts life path, where he acquires Mother and Father, the warmth, care and tenderness of his father's house. The Russian hut is built wisely and simply. Do you know what the houses were built from?

Child: The huts were cut with wood axes.

M.R. The Russian people worked hard. They did everything with their own hands: they built huts, made furniture, made dishes, sewed clothes. Huts in old Russia were usually cut from wood (from whole pine or spruce trunks peeled from bark). To make the house happy, you had to follow the traditions of your ancestors. A hole was made in the wall or in the roof of a new house so that all troubles and misfortunes flew through it. When everything was ready, a cat or a chicken with a rooster was first allowed into the dwelling, which determined whether it was possible to live here. In the house, they cut through low doors with a threshold and small windows, so they saved warmth and, entering the hut, the guest found himself facing the icons, to which he was baptized, bowed, and only then greeted the owners.

Children: 3. The main one in "Gorenok" is "Red Corner". Here are the icons Orthodox literature, the exhibition "Bread is the head of everything".

M.R. Sitting the guest in the red corner, they said:

Everything:"Meet not with flattery, but with honor."

Children: 4. Opposite is Arina, her long mouth open. In winter she eats everything and screams, but in summer she sleeps hungry! What can you guess? (bake)... Well, of course, our fatty oven.

M.R... The stove was multifunctional: food was cooked in it, it heated the house, the old people and children slept on the stove, in the stove before people even washed, and the stove was the main decoration of the house. The larger the stove was, the more heat was from it, so sometimes it took up a lot of space in the hut. The internal layout of the house depended on its location. That is why the saying arose: "To dance from the stove."

5. Next to her is a matchmaker - an evil and horned grip! He grabs everything from the oven, but puts it on the table as soon as possible. Well, the poker's aunt went down the street (waves his hand). And here their daughter is a shoulder blade - the beautiful Dunyatka stands guarding the cast iron.

6.Look, the rocker hung on the carnation, and the brownie Kuzka bends down and plays with it.

M.R... The brownie moved to the new hut with the people - he was taken in a shabby bast shoe, into which they poured earth from under the stove of the old house.

7. There are two fatty wooden bellies lurking in front, and their mortar names are Marfushki and pushers - Ilyushki.

8. Near the stove there is a wooden trough, washed from flour and cabbage. His name is Gavryushka. They stand with the churn Dunyashka, talking quietly about something so that the churn with the washing board won't hear them.

9. In the corner there is a broom-brother, a mischievous boy Senya

He runs around the whole house and again stands in a corner (shakes her finger) He is such a naughty prankster that he always stands in the corner.

10. On the shelf there are important jugs, a jug, a pot, makitra and all sorts of simple things ... In a word - "Babi kut".

M.R. In the old days, dishes were made of clay and wood. With the help of an ax, they planted such small wooden spoons... (show). And the craftsmen painted them.

Child. But the tsar had such a painted spoon - nothing will spill out of it, the cabbage soup is tastier from it, and the porridge is kinder! And we play on spoons more fun! For 12 years in our gorenka, a club of the ensemble of spoon-makers "Russian Souvenir" has been working.

"Korobeyniki" rn.m., performed by the ensemble of spoon-makers "Russian Souvenir" .

MR... Here - a mock-up of a home garden occupies a corner. Parents sewed and knitted pets and birds from threads.

11.Oh, what is this dump?

12. Yes, this is ours spinning wheel! Her name is Nastasyushka - a needlewoman. She spins threads from animal hair, and knits blouses, socks and mittens from threads.

M.R. Well, here see for yourself: scissors, scales, sickles, lamps, awl, in a word, household utensils. - Living quarters were traditionally illuminated by a torch, fixed in the light, in the south - by a grease (clay bowl with a wick). Candles were rarely used, usually in wealthy families or on holidays during prayer. V late XIX- the beginning of the twentieth century. kerosene lamps became widespread.

13. But the pavlukh irons do not spare their belly, they iron everything, iron the linen.

M.R... Guys, here are the charcoal irons. The coals were placed inside the case and covered with a lid. (Show iron.) To make the coals warm better, they made special holes on the sides and waved the iron so that it did not cool down. Let's see what kind of iron our great-grandmothers used to iron their linen with! The first Russian iron does not look like an iron either. Take a look! (Show the ruble). The wet cloth was wound on a roller and driven along it with a corrugated board - a ruble. This is how the linen turned out ironed, but without folds and wrinkles. And, as a rule, it was located on the chest.

14.At the wall there is a chest, pouted like a turkey. The outfits of the girl-bride were kept there, i.e. "Hope chest".

M. R. Russian costumes were festive and everyday (for every day). In our "Gorenka" there is an old women's clothing: jacket-chill, skirt-poneva, self-woven belts, kokoshnik-magpie. I want to note that a headdress must be matched to any costume, female or male, festive or everyday. . Old cloth, woolen shawls, painted Pavlo-Posad shawls. Clothes made by craftsmen were inherited. - All this was done by hand (sewing, embroidery) - the "Linen Bride" exposition tells about:

Lace crocheted and knitted by Trinity craftswomen. Famous for their beauty Vologda lace, and weave them with "bobbins" - small wooden sticks (from 8 to 200 pieces).

At the stand "From linseed to woven towels" we get acquainted with the sequence of flax processing, we learn "how the shirt grew in the field."

Each hostess tried to decorate her life, her home. The decoration of the gorenka was embroidered with satin stitch or cross-stitch paintings and towels.

- Oh, who is crying there?

15. This is Dasha's granddaughter lying in a crib - called a cradle ... When the baby was put to bed, he was sung "lyuli-lyuli"

16. And my grandfather's bed was made of iron, covered with a patchwork quilt, a satin stitch embroidered linen, pillows in capes, a carpet painted with woolen paints.

17. In the middle there is an oak table, covered with a self-assembled tablecloth. And around there are Eroshka's benches - on four legs.

18. A fat man lives on the table - a sidekick on his hips. He hisses and boils, he tells everyone to drink tea. Samovar is Goshka.

« Tea ditties "r.n.p.

19. The exposition "My home is Russia!" introduces veterans-fellow villagers of the Second World War, material about the country's commanders. Here are collected photographs about the village of Troitsky, the city of Gubkin, about the shrines of the Belgorod region.

20. The exposition "Blessed Land of My Fate" presents a model of Troitsky settlement, a chronicle about the history of the village, an album "Labor Glory of a Kindergarten", "My Genealogy" - they tell about the past, those who are now living and those who have recently been with us.

M.R... Look, there, by the window, there is an exposition "Folk Crafts". Ancient images in modern folk toys: Kargopol toy, Dymkovo toy, samples of the masters of Palekh, Khokhloma, Zhostov, Gzhel, nesting dolls of the Zagorsk masters, whistles of the Goncharov sisters allow you to see the creation of human hands.

M.R... And here aunt Akulinka started a karagod with hand-rolled dolls. The "Fun for Children" exhibition tells about the toys of our great-grandmothers: a twisted doll, a straw miracle, a rag doll. Children will learn that rag dolls have been around since ancient times. They are associated with the veneration of a female deity, fertility, home.

21. In the exposition "Time for business - hour for fun ...": accordion, balalaikas, gusli, gramophone are all guests are amused. People in the past did not only work. No wonder the people say:

Children:"Finished business - walk boldly!"

Dance "Barynya" R.N.m .

M.r... We showed you what is in our "Russian Upper Room". And now I want to ask: what did you feel when you entered the Russian hut, what feelings did you experience when you saw the objects of Russian antiquity? (answers). The old is leaving, but you need to know and cherish it. Russian antiquity is all permeated with good, and this is very important today. We also wish you well and hope that everything that you heard and saw today will remain in the soul of each of you!