On Palm Sunday you can fish. Fish consumption

On Palm Sunday you can fish. Fish consumption
On Palm Sunday you can fish. Fish consumption

Many people who have decided to comply with the great post, are interested, is it possible to eat fish at this time, and if so, what days? The most stringent restriction on the 49-day period between the burning of the carnival and the celebration of the Light Christ's Light Christ is superimposed on meat and meat products. Products of animal origin fairly refer to the types of food that are most saturated with energy. But these calories are "beasts", and in significant volumes can have a negative impact on the physical and spiritual human health. The bad imprint imposes and the violent death of a living being, whose body subsequently decorates the tables of people and saturates their stomachs.

One of the explanations of this restriction can be found on the pages of the Bible, in which it is in fact that it is initially living in paradise, people fed only vegetable food. In addition, angry perfumes may enjoy in animals. The unclean essence, entering the body of a living being, lives in it and defile its flesh. Since a person cannot guess, in which of the animals there is an evil spirit, and in what no, it is better for some time not to use meat to cleanse from everything bad.

In the Holy Scripture, it is also about the fact that all the livestock created by the Almighty is needed by a person. Our attitude to "smaller brothers" should be appropriate. Therefore, during the Flood, all kinds of animals managed to save.

But the fish is a product that is not attributed to the category "meat", since the Bible has no mention of it, as about Assistant Adam. Therefore, in the days of the post, which come on weekdays, it is not allowed to eat in food, but a strict ban is not imposed on holidays on this product. Yes, and during the World Flood, Nooo did not need to save the fish, because they did not threaten anything.

In addition, the fish refers to those creatures, the mind of which is most different from the human. Therefore, it is possible to consider the fair opinion that when the death of a person, the fish is not able to experience those negative emotions that are inherent in other animals.

What days of a great post can eat fish without fear of violating the rules?

The church provides for two days, in which the fasting can slightly diversify their menu. The first day is the Annunciation, annually celebrated on April 7 and in most cases falling for the period of the Great Post. The second day, when it is permissible to eat fish - this is a Palm Sunday. His date is different every year, since this holiday always falls on Sunday, which precedes a bright Christ day. If you say easier, then in the 49-day Easter post, the Church allows you to eat fish at any year on April 7 and on Sunday, which precedes a passionate week.

People suffering from diseases that do not allow much to limit themselves in food, church law advises to replace the fish usual meat meats. After all, the fish is easier food, and its composition is ideal for food, whose body is acute a wide range of macro and trace elements. Such a diet is also shown to pregnant women and the younger generation.

How to cook fish in the post?

Having prepare fish, you should consider the requirements for the rest of the lean dishes: the lack of seasonings, sauces and refueling. To fry this product is also not recommended (only saline, cook or stew). The taste of the fish should be the most natural possible, in order not to "annoy" taste receptors, which is why the abstinence is dulled. The main fish dishes in the post are ear, fish-vegetable cutlets for a couple and fish stewed with vegetables. Low-headed fish (not subjected to heat treatment) is primarily recommended to use those people who include this product in the menu with the goal of a set of valuables.

Is it possible in the days of the post, allowing you to eat fish, make seafood in the menu?

If we consider this question from the point of view of the church charter, it should be remembered that the main criterion for foster is the use of exclusively vegetable food. A squid, shrimp, mussels and other marine inhabitants are representatives of the animal kingdom. Fish, the consumption of which is allowed by the charter only on holidays, is recognized as a semi-subsidy food. Seafood can be attributed here.

If you have fun in allowable days to include seafood in your diet in order to replenish the balance of beneficial substances, it is permitted. He welcomes the church charter and the initiative of those people who are trying to replace with seafood because of the restrictions of health to be replaced by seafood so you need "rapid" food (meat, eggs, cottage cheese, butter). The fact is that it is seafood that is rich in the so necessary human organism (especially patient or growing) essential fatty acids, iodine and other substances.

People who are extremely serious about the issue of compliance with the 49-day post, but not able to strictly follow him because of work related to heavy physical exertion, can avoid the use of seafood. But they will need to approach the priest in advance to get a blessing to the light of the post.

If a person simply wants to withstand the post, without depriving himself the usual pleasure, then this can be called an ordinary diet. She is undoubtedly bringing results. But only if the fasting did not put such a high goal as spiritual cleansing.


For people who observe the Great Post not only by the body, but also to the soul, the consumption of fish and seafood is permissible only on holidays and in the presence of a valid reason. And those who do not have any restrictions in terms of health, but wants to eat delicacies and in the post, it should be remembered that such a "sampling" is nothing like complacency and ordinary weight loss, unlike the holiday of the Great Easter.

Statutory Remains in the Great Post

The spiritual life, as well as the life is worldly, is not uniform. After a long working day, we rest, thanks to God for sleep. After a difficult case, a passage is followed. So in the post: not all the days equally strict. The most rigorous post falls on the first one (the first two days stand out) and the passionate saddles of the Great Post (the Great Heels stand out on passionate, which should be carried out with the greatest severity in the whole year, remembering the suffering of the Savior). Many are also trying to make the media saddimitsa - cerebral.

The church charter of food is prescribed to light on Saturday and Sunday, and we are preparing lean, but more delicious and festive dishes, comforting our family these days. Each hostess is more visible to what a dish in her family is more festive. For some of these will be pies (but it is bad for those who bake pies two or three times a week), for others - dishes from good mushrooms or from more rare and expensive vegetables, or dishes that collect in the kitchen for work all semen: Dumplings or manta.

It should be especially noted by the holidays when the relaxation significantly concerns the composition of the products: it means in mind the permission to fish into the Annunciation (if this holiday does not fall into the passionate week) and the Palm Sunday, as well as on the fish caviar in Lazarev Saturday.

Fish Caviar to Lazareva Saturday

The simplest thing is to buy a jar of salt caviar, anyone that is available at a price. Attention should be paid to the composition, now there is a "surrogate" caviar made of fish minced meat, eggs and other components, and for an inexperienced opinion such a caviar is almost indistinguishable from natural.

The most familiar to cook with caviar sandwiches, smeared bread, croutons, slices, or even sweet buns with lean margarine, putting a certain amount of caviar from above. Such sandwiches can be decorated with greens, olives or capers, serve with lemon.

A more democratic price will be buying caviar with fish. Fish can be separated for cooking on Palm Sunday, and caviar, spilling or prepared in a different way, to file Saturday to the table in Lazarev.

Pate Ichorny

A caviar from salt fish or a simple cannon caviar (not elite, red or black, but, for example, a caviar of pollock or cod). Cook a little thick manna porridge, slightly salted. Caviar to lose a spoon, cut a very fine onion. Mix everything: porridge, caviar, onions, and mix thoroughly, add some oil during the mixing process. It is possible and other, technological solution: the components are crushed and mixed with the combine, instead of liquid vegetable oil to take a solid or margarine, and it can be taken more than a larger amount, reducing the percentage of porridge - we are approaching "ICORNYY OIL". Caviar preferably interfere in the end, a spoon, because When stirring in the combine, the eggs are crushed, the color of patesta and its feeling of taste varies significantly: the eggs are no longer bursting with a crunch on the teeth.

Icra under Maroyadom

Caviar of Sudak, Pike, Carp, Nalima or other fish well rinse, fry in the oven until readiness and cool. After that, the caviar put into porcelain or ceramic dishes, pour the marinade and withstand 3-5 hours in the cold. Feeding to the table, put the caviar in the salad bowl, sprinkle with chopped greenery parsley, dill or green onions. For the preparation of the root marinade and the onions, clean, cut into straw, fold into the pan or pan and slightly squeeze. Then put the spices, pour water and boil 10-15 minutes. After that, pour vinegar, to fill with sugar and salt. On a glass of water, one root (carrots, onions and others, which is at hand), a chamber of table vinegar, a teaspoon of sugar, salt, bay leaf, pepper peas.

Fish caviar baked under sauce

Chang fish, freed from films, roasted on vegetable oil, but do not overcame. Then the caviar is cut into small pieces, connected with a parated onion and spices with a steady, lay in the pot, poured soy mayonnaise and baked in the roast cabinet until readiness. Approximate proportions for one small pot: on 200 g of caviar, the head of the replist onion, vegetable oil, a pair of tablespoons of a lean mayonnaise, salt and various spices to taste.

Fish dishes for the Annunciation and Verbal

Ear simple

The ear is good because it can be cooked from very different fish, from residues (heads, fins, ridge), fish little things. Fish must be prepared: Clear from scales (except for the little things that you are not going to further consume and throw out after the broth is welded), indoors, gills. To obtain a delicious fish broth, it is necessary to lay fish into cold water, when boiling, add salt, spices, onions, carrots - entirely, and cook on slow fire on the boiling border of the forty minutes. Next, we act in terms of the situation: if the fish are enough, then carefully take it out of a calming broth (he cooled a little and became transparent), we will analyze, we divide into portion pieces and let's give with broth. Otherwise, in broth we enter potatoes and, if desired, some cereals, they say. Fish can be divided with smaller and introduce into almost ready-made soup.

Salted red fish

Fish salting methods There is an excellent set: entirely with pieces, marinated, brine, with spices. We give the one that we quickly and without much effort will lead to the goal, so as not to spend the amount of forces that are unseen for lean time.

Slices: Fish cut into thin slices ready for use (already without bones, just on the sandwich). To lay layers into a container with high edges, speaking each layer with a small amount of salt, spices, and adding a little bit of vegetable oil, close the lid. After a few hours, fish is ready to use.

In brine: To 500 ml of cool boiled water, add 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar and several peas of fragrant pepper. Removable average fish clean and cut into pieces 1-1.5 cm thick. Slices to put in the dishes, speaking each layer onions and greens (if any), and pour the prepared brine, you can slightly press. Put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. This way you can cook simple herring.

Carp stuffed.

We take 5 pretty big carps. Carefully clean from scales. Cut your head. Very carefully through the resulting hole, clean the insides, carefully remove the skin from the fish from the head to the tail, while it is desirable that there are no holes and fins with a tail in their place. Then we take fish without "clothes" and purify meat from bones and make minced (big bones not throw away). Through the meat grinder we skip the meat of the fish, a broken bun, onions, then add salt, pepper, some vegetable oil and mix well. With this minced meal of fish skins (enough about 2-3 skins). On the bottom of the large pan to put heads, bones (for broth), beets (chopped circles). All this must be put so that it closes all the bottom. From above put stuffed fish and pour water. Salt. Cook for approximately 4 hours. On the table to serve chilled.

Pike perch stuffed

Fish cut through the abdomen. Remove the insides and carefully separate the ridge, so that the outer shell: the head, the skin of the fish, most of the fillet, the torso with fins and tail was integer. Fish wander salt. Now in the cavity of the abdomen put mince (walnuts, raisins, greens and slightly oils) and sew thread. Fish lay out on the baking sheet. Melt oil and pour fish. Put in the oven. During baking, periodically water the fish with liquid on the contrary.

Avva Arseny the Great explained the hunter (on the example of the stretched onion) the need for relaxation times in a feat

The catcher came to catch wild animals at Harva Anthony. Seeing that Avva laughs with brother, he was seduced by this. The elder, wanting to calm him and show that it is sometimes necessary to provide brothers to some relaxation, he told him: "put the arrow in the bow and stretch it." The hunter did it. The elder said: "Stretch still." The hunter pulled onion tightly. The old man tells him again: "Stretch even more." The hunter answered: "If over the measure, stretch the bow, then it will break." Avva Anthony said: "It happens in the matter of God. If you are over the measure to strain the strength of the brethren, then they will soon disappear from the affairs of God; It is necessary at times to give them a relaxation. " The catcher, having heard this, expressed his consent and went from an elder with a lot of benefit, and the brotherhood, established in the correctness of the views on his feat, were separated by Keels. (Ep. Ignatius. Sech. P. 38. No. 196.)

To the great post, the dates of which in 2017: from February 27 to April 15, it is impossible to eat fish. It is allowed to eat fish only twice during the post - for the celebration of the Annunciation and on Palm Sunday. But what church charter talks about seafood?

The great post before Easter was established in honor of the forty-day post of Jesus Christ, whom he adhered to, going alone in the desert on the eve of his baptism. The post is set to clean the body and soul from sins and prepare for the Great Easter holiday. Many are interested in the question when you can eat fish to the Great Post 2017.

Since the great post refers to the most stringent posts in the series of Orthodox posts, the fish is practically prohibited. Fish in a great post is allowed only for the Annunciation, which in 2017 is celebrated on April 7 and on Palm Sunday, which in 2017 is celebrated on April 9. Also on April 8, in Lazarev Saturday, you can eat fish caviar.

Prohibited products during the Great Post:

* Meat and fish (except for two days);

* Milk and any dairy products;

* Eggs and mayonnaise;

* Alcohol, smoking tobacco;

If, if you can eat a great post, everything is clear, then a controversial question arises about seafood. The church charter does not prohibit it to eat, therefore, you can easily move from the meat menu to seafood in an unlimited quantity. In fact, the priests say that even if the charter does not strictly punish the seafood, this does not mean that they can be indulged. They are argued by the fact that the post is the time of abstinence. If you can afford to eat seafood, then no questioning can go about anyone. Therefore, the servants of the Church equates seafood to the fish. So they also apply to the ban.

Why can you eat fish in the Annunciation and Palm Sunday

These days for church charter are considered to be big holidays. They always fall out for the period of the Great Post, but are not considered lack of days. These holidays you can have fun and eating fish ,.


Great post in 2017, when you can eat fish - falls on April 7, it is considered a holiday. On this day you can eat fish, despite the fact that the Great Post has not yet been completed. Annunciation is the very first events in a series of information from God that soon his son, Jesus Christ, will come to Earth. On this day, God sent Angela Gabriel to the Virgin Mary and her husband Joseph. Angel announced the virgin that she would give birth to the light of the Son of God from immaculate conception. Angel told Mary that his son would be called Jesus. The date of the celebration of this holiday is associated with the date of the Nativity of Christ. Between the Annunciation and Merry Christmas smoothly nine months.

Palm Sunday

The second day, when you can eat fish to the great post. This holiday is celebrated in the sixth week of the Great Post. The holiday is established in honor of the entrance of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. Jesus met in Jerusalem palm branches, but the Orthodox this holiday is called Palm Sunday. Why? Everything is simple here, because the southern tree palm simply does not grow in our territories. It is for this reason that the palm branches replaced the branches of our territories available during this period of the year. The main tradition of this holiday is to consecrate the branches of the Willow in the Church, it is believed that these twigs will need to put at home, and throughout the year she will protect the house from the attack.

The folk signs of the holiday belongs the number of kidneys on the willow. If there appeared a lot, then the year will be a yield and fertile. In Palm Sunday you can eat fish, because it is a great holiday. On this day, it is also impossible to work. When cooking eats on a festive table should not be forgotten that this is all the same this post period, therefore, the table should be modest.

Now you know two large church holidays when you can eat fish to the Great Post 2017. This is an allege - April 7 and Palm Sunday - April 9. You should also not forget about the possibility of coming in Lazarev Saturday (April 8) fish caviar. For example, you can do at home.

You should also not forget that the true goal of the Great Post is not a refusal of food. This is the time to develop the soul and strengthening faith. You can talk to the priest and discuss some rules for the weakening of the Great Post. After all, all that is how it is written in the church charter, only the priests must be performed. Different mitigations are allowed for laity. It is also important to know that the church does not require abstinence in food during this period from pregnant and lactating, sick and older people, as well as children under the age of 14.

Compliance with the Great Post from February 27 to April 15, 2017 does not require from believing fasting. Not in the traditions of the Orthodox Church, to demand from the parishioners of the rules, if they can harm human health. It is necessary to adhere to a rational approach to food during this period of restrictions and prohibitions.

Eating fish in church post is the topic of permanent disputes and stocking. And on the Internet, and in Orthodox publications, information about whether you can eat fish in the post or not, full of contradictions. Some argue that the use of this seafood during the post is unacceptable, others are that the fish in the Christian post is permitted. In fact, everything is simple and difficult at the same time, and depends on the fact that you will fast for you and for what you will stop. Why did I do the emphasis on this? Because depending on the purpose of the post, it is necessary to determine the measure of its execution for yourself. I think it's not a secret for anyone that most does not realize why it does: someone wants to health, someone else - lose weight, and the third simply put an experiment - they say, I have the power of will or not? Yes, with the purpose of fasting to decide really important, and that is why. The fact is that the meaning of abstinence from food to the post is not to prove something to God, for himself, and people, but to help the soul will cleanse the shipment of sins.

By and large, it doesn't matter, eat the fish in the great post or not if the power supply you selected and approved by the Orthodox priest helps you remove from passions and find strength for prayer and other spiritual feats. After all, believers refuse the moment for the post for this, and not for a tick.

Is there any Orthodox believing fish to the great post

Nevertheless, no one prohibits an Orthodox Christian to strictly adhere to the post if he feels such a need. This is especially true for the Great Post - it is his most often believers strive to follow all the rules. According to the monastic charter, the fish to the great post is allowed twice: in the celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (April 7) and the Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem (or Palm Sunday, there is a week before Easter). On the eve of the Palm Sunday - Lazareva Saturday, where you can eat fish caviar.

In Asspensky (August 14-28), the post is also prohibited, the only relaxation is made on the Holiday of the Ascension of the Lord (August 19).

Much softer Christmas (November 28 - January 7) and Petrov (Monday after the day of all saints - July 12) posts. In the Christmas post, the fish can be found on Saturdays and Sundays from November 28 to December 19, after which the post becomes more stricter, and until his ending, the fish and fish products are prohibited. During Petrov, the fish can also eat on Saturdays and Sundays, but before its end.

Who shows the mandatory use of fish in the post?

As you know, the fish is an invaluable source of omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, protein, iron, and a number of vitamins of group B. Elimination of fish in the Orthodox post for a long time from the diet, especially for residents of distant regions, very harmful.

Therefore, doctors insist on the use of fish in the post (especially great, since he is the longest and falls on the poorest vitamins of the year) children, teenagers, students, pregnant and nursing women, people who have problems with thyroid gland, as well as employed in harmful industries.

In addition to fish, in the Christian post these people should eat and dairy products, which are a source of calcium: cheeses, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. One of the apostles once said that when he eats, it does it for God, and when he does not eat - either not for God's sake. So those who are contraindicated strict post, should not be discouraged: more pray, go to church, give up the bad habits (smoking, alcohol), more time to give the family - and God will take your sacrifice. And from the fish you can refuse to the most stringent days - Wednesday and Friday - most of the modern laity of this more than enough.

Annunciation is a very important holiday that must be mentioned. Believers should go to church in the morning, pray, then have breakfast of consecrated prosforas, drink a sip of the kagora and then sit down for a festive table. Despite the fact that the Annunciation refers to the category of holidays having a permanent date - the seventh of April, each time it is noted in different ways.

And it all depends on when the great post begins and ends. If the post to the seventh of April has already ended and the believers celebrated Easter, then the Annunciation is also noted with a scope. But if the post lasts, then almost all restrictions on this day are saved, there are only a few exceptions.

When the holiday coincides with the great post, the parishioners ask the same questions: "Is it possible to innumerable fish?" Is it eating fish for the appearance? " What are they answering this in the temples?

Fish consumption

This year, the Annunciation just coincides with the great post, so the question "Is it possible to eat fish for the Annunciation in 2018?" relevant.

In general, when the believers celebrate on April 7. Annunciation can be found. But when Easter is celebrated earlier, a passionate saddemic coincides with the holiday, then the fish dishes need to be abandoned. However, this happens not so often.

Important! In 2018, the Annunciation coincides with the passionate Saturday, therefore, there is a fish on this day forbidden!

This year there is no fish. But when the holiday does not fall on a passion week - you can eat anything, but the church recommends choosing the one where there are few bones. Method for making fish Each hostess can choose. Fish can be baked, fry or pickled. But it is worth remembering that it is impossible to make fish with mayonnaise, because it contains eggs. You can put out fish with bow or make fish with semolina.

Fish days in the Great Post 2018

There are 2 days when it is allowed to eat fish - it is an adolesmification and verbal sunday. But, as we have already written above, it is allowed for the Annunciation, only if the holiday does not fall on a passionate week. As for the Palm Sunday, there are no exceptions - there is always a fish on this day.

In 2018, Palm Sunday is celebrated on April 1 - this day is obtained the only one in 2018 when the fish is allowed.

There is another day of relaxation, though it can rather be called an orinous. This day is Lazareva Saturday. It falls on March 31. Then you can only eat caviar, but immediately the next day you can enjoy fish.

There are a lot of versions, why fish is allowed, and for example, not a chicken - after all, this bird is also considered dietary. Nutrition specialists note that, in general, the calendar of the power calendar during the post is compiled correctly. And the fish is a product rich in greasy acids, iodine and other utilities. Fish dishes help strengthen the bones, give a person strength and vigor, and also favorably affect the nervous system. Therefore, it is very good that there are days when you can make such an exception from the general rules of the post.

But the church explains the permit to use fish at some days of the fact that these inhabitants of rivers and seas are a symbol of Christianity.

In the Roman Empire, Christianity was banned, so people who professed this religion were forced to hide their beliefs. And to communicate with each other, Christians came up with various characters. In such a secretion, it was very often possible to see the image of the fish.

Also, the fish symbolizes the very Jesus Christ, and such holidays as an adolescence and Palm Sunday are just directly connected with God's Son. The fact is that in Greek the word fish sounds the same as the name of the Savior.

In the New Testament, too, often figures the fish. It is enough to remember the episode when Jesus Christ fed a huge number of people with seven breads and several fish. Representatives of the Church often compare Christians themselves, that is, the followers of Christ with the fish who floated behind the Savior in the "water of eternal life."