What can not be done before Easter? The Great Saturday before Easter: believers need to know what can not be done, and what can be.

What can not be done before Easter? The Great Saturday before Easter: believers need to know what can not be done, and what can be.
What can not be done before Easter? The Great Saturday before Easter: believers need to know what can not be done, and what can be.

Before Easter, many believers have a question when, from what time there are painted eggs and cakes shine? From which hour, how many and how many can you come to the temple to do this?

By tradition, the church must come to the Great Saturday. This year it can be done on April 7, 2018.

When the churches are beginning to sanctify cakes

When, how much and to which the hours consecrate the cakes - depends on each church. But, as a rule, the rite of consecration of food is carried out throughout the entire Saturday day - in the morning and to night. Then the festive Easter service and the procession begins in the temple.

It is possible to consecrate the food at the beginning of a festive worship, and then the rite of sanctification is not carried out. The great consecration of Easter cakes begins at night, at the end of the Divine Liturgy - about 3 o'clock in the morning.

Put in the Easter food basket of food as much as you can eat - because the sanctified products can not be thrown away. Culich, painted eggs, some meat and cheese. It will not be superfluous to sanctify salt and spices. But wine and other alcoholic beverages are better left at home.

When the cakes are shine on Saturday - to which the hour

In addition to the great consecration, there is still consecration of kulichs and other Easter food on Saturday. The solemn rite begins after the liturgy of the Great Saturday.

In each temple, several of their traditions, which also change the year at the same time. Therefore, it will be appropriate to call the Temple on the Temple and politely ask the guard or at the minister, how much and to which Kulichi is sanctified on Saturday.

So, in the temple, where many employees of priests are sanctified almost constantly (in a passionate Saturday from 11-00 to 23-00 hours). And it happens, somewhere there is no such possibility, because the father and singers have to relax and prepare for the night festive service on Sunday and to a cross-head.

Does it be sure to sate a cake for Easter: the opinion of the Church

And it will not be superfluous to make mercy, as if you can allow it to afford, and treat the eggs and silences of all needy. Many may argue that cakes and eggs that shine in the holy place will ease the people are unclean.

However, it is not necessary to worry here - every person himself decides how to do. And if someone comes to the church for the sake of the curmonary, sin falls on his conscience.

The priests are confident that the consecration of food is a natural desire of a person, and even more so if it comes to the most important holiday of Christians - Easter. Here, for example, the opinion of the Archpriest Maxim is Promozvsky.

What can not be done in the Great Saturday before Easter

Well penetrate the atmosphere of the Great Saturday, learn a brief story, which lies in the traditions of this day, and what he means. Then it becomes clear what exactly should not be done in such a dramatic clock.

First of all, this is a day in which you need to try to restrain all the earthly passions. It is unacceptable to swear, all the more foul language and in general to annoy. So, all the clarification of the relationship is better to leave for later. After all, Easter is coming, and it's time to adjust on the bright waves of the holiday.

If possible, it is better not to devote time to fun parties, transfer the celebration of any dates. It is undesirable to do homework, hard work. It is better to plan your time so as to fulfill routine responsibilities before the sorrowful hour.

Of course, you do not need to laugh, you are unrestrained to have fun on Saturday before Easter. After all, we would probably not do this in the days of memory about our close. And if we are talking about the fact that a good half of humanity recalls the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, it is clear that it only increases our responsibility.

What can be done on Saturday after a passionate Friday

Because we are talking about the fact that on this day believers especially remember Christ, it is important to pay enough attention to their spiritual life. It will be correct to visit the church worship, which begins from early morning and continues throughout the day. And in the evening it moves to the vigil, and then the bright resurrection comes.

And the people of Saturday is also called beautiful (or red), since the hostesses are completing the latest preparations for light Easter. In the house there are eggs, baked cakes, bake bezhenin. Although traditionally it is customary to finish all the homework in a clean Thursday (to get out in the house, wash), the church does not prohibit business and on Saturday.

Of course, on such a day you can read the Bible, to create prayers, to make good deeds, help the needy. Here you can focus on your inner voice. Perhaps someone has long needed your attention - then you should visit a person and to help him.

We will not be able to ask for forgiveness and forgive other people. After all, making even the smallest affairs, we really change the world for the better and fill it with joy.

What you can eat in a passionate Saturday in the post

And you can take care of tomorrow's celebrations - traditionally hostesses begin to collect Easter baskets to consecrate the festive food in the church. In this regard, the question arises: what eating on Saturday before Easter?

In fact, this is the last day of the Great Post, so it is better to try to withstand restrictions. In addition, it is long to stand for a long time - tomorrow you can eat any dishes.

And in Saturday itself, you can only be content with such a menu:

  • bread (not satiest);
  • fruits and vegetables in any form;
  • water.

The Great Saturday is the last day of the Great Post, and it is very strict (bread and water). And if we talk about when Saturday meal is allowed before Easter, - then only after the end of the vigil in the temple. In fact, the Great Post ends on Sunday: After serving, believers solemnly pronounce: "Christ is risen! Truly Rissed! "

And then you can already taste the apartments, eggs and other food. After that, parishioners diverge down home, rest and go to bed. But the real holiday Easter comes a few hours after the Easter Night - and it lasts at least a week.

Folk signs and beliefs in the Great Saturday

As we know, this is a particularly dramatic day: the body of the Savior has already removed from the cross and put in the coffin. Of course, on such a day it is worth refraining from any quarrel, and even irritation is better to leave for later. And you still need to pay attention to such folk signs and beliefs:

  1. On a passionate Saturday, it is better not to plan any noisy parties. If a birthday even falls, it should be noted as modest as possible. And if you arrange a feast to the whole world, then this is an unkind sign: a year can work out and not as well as you planned.
  2. Also, the people are believed that it is not necessary to endure garbage on Saturday and nothing (any item) from the house, including it is impossible to lend. Till Sunday - after all, if you disobey, it can produce small troubles, failures and harm you.
  3. If the cakes in the Great Saturday turned out to be fame, this is a very good symbol: the year will be formed and delights close to pleasant events.
  4. If you wake up during the Easter dawn and see it - a new light strip will come in affairs.
  5. If the late relative was dreamed of Easter at night, this sign is very good. It is believed that then in the coming year all family members will be healthy, and they will not touch them any misfortunes.
  6. It is better to try not to sleep the morning worship and generally get up early. Failed to church - an unkind sign.
  7. Interestingly, the original system of Easter symbols and signs even have hunters. If you describe all their signs, you need a whole book. But the most important rule - in such a day it is categorically impolve the blood of animals, it is considered a big sin. Therefore, with hunting (and fishing) you need to postpone.
  8. If on Saturday before Easter, it was clear and warm - then all summer will be clear and sunny. And if the cloudy weather was issued - to be cold and rainy summer.

Saturday, which comes in the passion week before Easter is a special day. Therefore, often interested in the question that you can and what can not be done in this watch. A detailed response and comments from the priests of first-hand are presented below.

  • What does the Great Saturday passionate
  • What can not be done in the Great Saturday before Easter
  • What can be done on Saturday after a passionate Friday
  • What you can eat in a passionate Saturday in the post
  • Folk signs and beliefs in the Great Saturday
    • You can start the reasoning from what kind of Saturday comes in front of a bright Sunday. Interestingly, this day has several names at once:

    1. Great.
    2. Passionate.
    3. Drying.
    4. Quiet.
      1. The main name is due to the fact that Saturday is the last day of the passionate week. These days were the last in the earthly life of Jesus Christ.

        In the passionate Friday the Savior crucified, and all Saturday his body lay in the tomb. And the sorrow of close people in the coffin of Christ was very difficult, because hardly someone hoped for what he would rise.

        That is why the Great (Passionate) Saturday is a very dramatic day. And therefore it is undesirable:

      • arrange
      • visit parties
      • sing dance,
      • organization of some celebrations (wedding, birthday, etc.)
      • put out the carnal joy.
        • In this regard, the day of Saturday is also called quiet - believers really better to refrain from worldly noise.

          It is also better to abandon work in the garden, hunting and fishing.

          Well penetrate the atmosphere of the Great Saturday, learn a brief story, which lies in the traditions of this day, and what he means. Then it becomes clear what exactly should not be done in such a dramatic clock.

          First of all, this is a day in which you need to try to restrain all the earthly passions. It is unacceptable to swear, all the more foul language and in general to annoy. So, all the clarification of the relationship is better to leave for later. After all, Easter is coming, and it's time to adjust on the bright waves of the holiday.

          If possible, it is better not to devote time to fun parties, transfer the celebration of any dates. It is undesirable to do homework, hard work. It is better to plan your time so as to fulfill routine responsibilities before the sorrowful hour.

          Of course, you do not need to laugh, you are unrestrained to have fun on Saturday before Easter. After all, we would probably not do this in the days of memory about our close. And if we are talking about the fact that a good half of humanity recalls the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, it is clear that it only increases our responsibility.

          Because we are talking about the fact that on this day believers especially remember Christ, it is important to pay enough attention to their spiritual life. It will be correct to visit the church worship, which begins from early morning and continues throughout the day. And in the evening it moves to the vigil, and then the bright resurrection comes.

          And the people of Saturday is also called beautiful (or red), since the hostesses are completing the latest preparations for light Easter. In the house there are eggs, baked cakes, bake bezhenin. Although traditionally it is customary to finish all the homework in a clean Thursday (to get out in the house, wash), the church does not prohibit business and on Saturday.

          Of course, on such a day you can read the Bible, to create prayers, to make good deeds, help the needy. Here you can focus on your inner voice. Perhaps someone has long needed your attention - then you should visit a person and to help him.

          We will not be able to ask for forgiveness and forgive other people. After all, making even the smallest affairs, we really change the world for the better and fill it with joy.

          And you can take care of tomorrow's celebrations - traditionally hostesses begin to collect Easter baskets to consecrate the festive food in the church. In this regard, the question arises: what eating on Saturday before Easter?

          In fact, this is the last day of the Great Post, so it is better to try to withstand restrictions. In addition, it is long to stand for a long time - tomorrow you can eat any dishes.

          And in Saturday itself, you can only be content with such a menu:

          • bread (not satiest);
          • fruits and vegetables in any form;
          • water.
            • The Great Saturday is the last day of the Great Post, and it is very strict (bread and water). And if we talk about when Saturday meal is allowed before Easter, - then only after the end of the vigil in the temple. In fact, the Great Post ends on Sunday: After serving, believers solemnly pronounce: "Christ is risen! Truly Rissed! "

              And then you can already taste the apartments, eggs and other food. After that, parishioners diverge down home, rest and go to bed. But the real holiday Easter comes a few hours after the Easter Night - and it lasts at least a week.

              As we know, this is a particularly dramatic day: the body of the Savior has already removed from the cross and put in the coffin. Of course, on such a day it is worth refraining from any quarrel, and even irritation is better to leave for later. And you still need to pay attention to such folk signs and beliefs:

            1. On a passionate Saturday, it is better not to plan any noisy parties. If a birthday even falls, it should be noted as modest as possible. And if you arrange a feast to the whole world, then this is an unkind sign: a year can work out and not as well as you planned.
            2. Also, the people are believed that it is not necessary to endure garbage on Saturday and nothing (any item) from the house, including it is impossible to lend. Till Sunday - after all, if you disobey, it can produce small troubles, failures and harm you.
            3. If the cakes in the Great Saturday turned out to be fame, this is a very good symbol: the year will be formed and delights close to pleasant events.
            4. If you wake up during the Easter dawn and see it - a new light strip will come in affairs.
            5. If the late relative was dreamed of Easter at night, this sign is very good. It is believed that then in the coming year all family members will be healthy, and they will not touch them any misfortunes.
            6. It is better to try not to sleep the morning worship and generally get up early, informs the portal C-IB. Failed to church - an unkind sign.
            7. Interestingly, the original system of Easter symbols and signs even have hunters. If you describe all their signs, you need a whole book. But the most important rule - in such a day it is categorically impolve the blood of animals, it is considered a big sin. Therefore, with hunting (and fishing) you need to postpone.
            8. If on Saturday before Easter, it was clear and warm - then all summer will be clear and sunny. And if the cloudy weather was issued - to be cold and rainy summer.

Passionate saddemic is the last and most strict week of the Great Post. During this period, it is important to comply with all traditions and bans to properly prepare for Easter and avoid trouble.

The last week of the Great Post is called passionate. This period is devoted to memories of the earthly life of our Savior, about his suffering and torment, death and resurrection. Ends passionate week a holiday of Light Easter.

In 2018, the Easter celebration date drops on April 8. A week before her offensive, Orthodox believers will celebrate Palm Sunday. Accordingly, the passionate saddime will begin on April 2. Unlike previous weeks of the Great Post, it is one of the most stringent, because after it comes the most important religious event - the Resurrection of the Lord. To prepare for it correctly, all traditions and prohibitions should be observed that the site experts will tell you.

What can be done before Easter in 2018

In a passionate week, it is better to abstract from borrowed entertainment and fuss. It is advisable to spend your free time in the temple, or you can take the prayer to the Lord God at home. All things, including homework, must be completed before clean Thursday, since from this point on the believers actively begin to prepare for Easter, sanctifying cakes and eggs and attend pre-worship services.

Great Monday. On this day it is desirable to limit the number of food meals up to two times a day. Portions should be small. From this day, it is necessary to start cleaning around the house to complete it before the onset of pure Thursday. On the first day of the passionate week, it is recommended to visit the temple to honor the memory of the Patriarch Joseph, which was the victim of betrayal.

Great Tuesday.On the second day of the passionate week, they remember the preaching of our Savior in the Jerusalem Temple of death, resurrection and terrible court, as well as about tribute to Cesare and the parable of ten devies. Orthodox believers still continue to prepare for the Great Easter.

Great Wednesday. On this day they remember the Icyarote Judas, who betrayed his teacher, and about a sinful woman who prepared Jesus Christ to the burial. Great Wednesday - Day of intensive preparation for Easter. By the evening of the Wednesday, all household matters should already be completed.

Maundy Thursday. In pure Thursday it is customary to visit the church and take prayers facing the Savior. Traditionally, real Easter preparations begin, namely the preparation of cakes and painting eggs. No wonder the great Thursday was called "clean." On this day, believers must wash out, and then pray Jesus Christ to cleanse from sins and adequately meet the resurrection of God's Son.

Good Friday - Day of great grief. On this day, believers should take prayers, remembering the suffering of Jesus Christ and his painful death. It is advisable to refrain from meals until the end of the evening worship.

Great Saturday - The final day of the Great Post. Believers go to church, sanctify Easter, cakes, painted eggs and koror. By tradition, the preparation of Easter dishes is completed on this day.

Light Easter. In 2018 it will be April 8th. It should be postponed all the cases and go to the temple. Presence at Easter Services - an important tradition of the holiday. Orthodox believers remember the wonderful Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is dedicated to this event. After the service, it is customary to cover the festive table and collect guests. Congratulations traditionally begins with Easter greeting: "Christ is risen!",- What is customary to answer: "Truly risks".

During the passionate week, the church is also accepted daily. During this period, each believer should imbued with the events that occurred many years ago, and mentally pour in the last days of the earthly life of Jesus Christ. Do not forget to raise prayers in honor of the Savior.

What can not be done on the passing week

In a passion age, it is necessary to observe all the limitations of the Great Post. The use of meat, fish, eggs and dairy products is still prohibited. It is impossible to worship and drink alcoholic beverages. Each meal must be rapidly, and the dishes are allowed exclusively.

Sew, knit, cook, clean - all this can be done until pure Thursday. From the fourth day of the passionate week, all households fall under the ban, since from this moment the time comes from Easter preparations and regular visits to the temple.

During this period, it is forbidden to attend noisy entertainment places, to behave synthely, sin, insult other people and lie. Sins committed during a passionate week are unforgivable, so it is better to spend this time at home for prayer or in the temple. It is necessary to fully concentrate on the upcoming holiday and eliminate entertainment such as singing, dancing, watching the TV and the Internet on the Internet.

Get rid of negative feelings: envy, wrath and sadness. In a passion week, you should only experience positive emotions and engage in godly affairs instead of spending time on the alarm and useless experiences.

Great Friday - a sorrowful day, which means to rejoice, have fun and laugh is forbidden. Do not forget that once on this day, Jesus Christ was suffering, therefore, it is necessary to behave restrained. To avoid trouble, it is not recommended to go to bed to the morning of the Great Saturday. According to the reference, so as not to bring trouble on yourself, it is impossible to pour the land in the Great Friday.

Food that will remain from the festive table, not recommended to throw out. It is preferable to give it homeless or burn into the ground. Throwing easter dishes, you risk persuading yourself for trouble.

The great post is the strictest and long of all known. During this period, believers should limit themselves in entertainment and seriously. Despite the fact that this measure is voluntary, everyone who wants to achieve unity with God, should not neglect church laws. Let your faith be sincere and do not forget to click on the buttons and

What can not be done before Easter and Easter?

What can not be done before Easter?

Reader question:

What can not be done before Easter? How to distribute your time on the passing week? I want to go to the temple, but it is completely incomprehensible how you can have time and with matters, and visit so many services. When does Easter begins? I heard that Saturday is a festive day, right?

Replies Archpriest Andrei Efanov:

Before Easter, it is impossible to ignore those great events that the church remembers these days: a secret evening, betrayal, court, crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ.

If before that post for one reason or another was not respected, then these days you need to limit yourself at least something. According to the charter on Friday before Easter, it is impossible to eat at least before the removal of the shroud (usually the vein vessel is served at 14.00) or even all day. But the health and circumstances of life allow you to make such a lean exploits not all. Therefore, to enhance your post as possible, the main thing in Good Friday does not pass by those terrible events, which accomplished on this day two thousand years ago.

Before Easter, it is impossible to prefer prayer and reading the holy writing of entertainment, entertainment activities, empty pastime or excessive daily bustle. Of course, it is impossible to leave all things and worries, but you need to try to visit, if not all, then at least some worship of the passionate weeks who are committed only once a year.

On Saturday, before Easter, it is impossible to start celebrating ahead of time. Before the resurrection of Christ, nothing remains, and all this day is already filled with expectation. But you should not forget that the Great Saturday is the day of silence: "Every flesh is silent," when the Lord himself brought himself sacrificing.

Reader question:

At Easter there is no post and finally there are no restrictions, but there is something that can not be done for Easter? Some say that it is impossible to work for Easter. I know that it is impossible to swear on Easter with loved ones. What is still categorically impossible to do on Easter day and why?

And earlier, we had free buses from the Metro to the cemetery. And recently I heard that it turns out that it is impossible to walk on Easter on the cemetery? Why?

What can not be done for Easter and why?

The Apostle Paul says: "Everything is permissible to me, but not everything is useful." And the truth, Easter comes - the post ends, ends our long spiritual doing. But does this mean that we should immediately relax? Not. We must carry the lessons and purchase of the post in life. In the post, we learned to be more tolerant and less angry with loved ones, so really the most joyful Easter period we will darken with quarrels and swearing with them? In the post, we learned to be abstained in food and entertainment, so really you need to jeighten and get enough to bad well-being, and have fun - through the edge, until you fall?

For Easter, you can not know the measures. Otherwise, all our acquisitions and Easter joy will squander on the first day of the holiday. (However, you always need to know.)

As for the question, it is possible or can not work for Easter, then, of course, this day itself and the entire subsequent week is good to devote the joy about the Sunday Christ, to be in the temple, where these days there are special very beautiful worship services, congratulate friends and loved ones, but We all have daily concerns. It can not throw their affairs doctor ambulance or subway driver. At Easter, you can not forget about the great joy, which is filled with all around these days. And if you have to work hard - there is nothing wrong with that.

What is categorically impossible to do on Easter day?

It is categorically impossible for Easter to follow signs that, oddly enough, still exist in the people and in large quantities apply to the Internet. Supervironment and "especially strong Easter" plots and love spells - can not bring happiness. Appeal to such "methods" Church considers a dangerous sin. Real, deep joy can be found only in communication with Christ.

Why is it impossible to go to the graveyard?

At Easter, believers people are not customary to walk in the cemetery, because Easter is a holiday of victory of life over death, this is a time of joy, not sorrow. It is necessary to spend it in the temple, meeting the resurrected Christ, and for the commemoration of the dead closest church in the Easter period, a special day was installed - Radonitsa. Radonitsa falls on the second after Easter Tuesday.

At the Easter week, memories are not performed. If someone dies and the funeral comes to a light week, the funeral is made by special Easter rank. On the day of Easter Eggs does not happen.

Tradition to visit cemeteries at Easter arose in Soviet times when the temples were closed, and people had the need for some ritual action. But now, when you can stay freely to pray in the temple, you shouldn't go to the cemetery for Easter, because the Church of Mudro shares the time of joy and time of sadness, and it allows a person to feel more deeply Easter joy, and then with great attention and love to pray for his dried relatives.

The last week of the Great Post is called a passionate and every day symbolizes events from Jesus's life before crucifying. About the secret evening with students, about the terrible betrayal of Judas, an unfair court and a ruthless sentence. Good Friday - the most sorrowful day of the week. It was on Friday that the Savior carried his cross on the mountain of Calp, where he was crucified. On this day it is impossible to do anything at all. Finishing the day before Easter, Saturday, the post end and the main holiday of Orthodox is approaching the resurrection of the Lord.

Saturday before Easter: Double holiday or what to do this day is not worth

Passionate Saturday in 2018 fell on April 7 and coincided with another great holiday - Annunciation. It was on this day that Archangel Gabriel was the Virgin Mary to tell about the appearance of the son of Son - Jesus Christ. Therefore, the name of the holiday.

First of all, all entertainment activities are prohibited. Even those who were born on April 7 better to postpone the celebration on another day. On Saturday, it is impossible to use alcoholic beverages before Easter and indulge in any carnal joy.

It is clear that neither one of the church holidays is not allowed to sew, chop firewood, wash and even fish. Any physical work should be postponed until the end of the holidays. It is in the passionate Saturday that in no case cannot be quarreled and swear. No strong emotions. Do not even laugh.

The situation is glowing a long post and abstinence from food. Nerves are increasing and people are often susceptible to nervousness and bad mood. Adds Emergency preparation. Mistols proscipe and prepare festive dishes. Often worried that something will not have time. That is why the risk is not particularly offended by close people on this day especially high. It is necessary to realize and do not succumb.

Everyone must try to show a maximum of tact, care and attention to discharge the situation in the family and avoid conflicts.

Saturday before Easter: What are your business to do on the last day before Easter

It is on Saturday that festive services begin in the temples. Best will go on one of them. At night, it is elegantly to dress and consecrate the basket with disadvantages. Already on Sunday, there will be no restrictions on food and everyone can enjoy a variety of food at the festive table.

The day is best to spend in sincere prayers. It is advisable to put candles in the church to the icon with Jesus and ask for health for loved ones. It is time to paint eggs and a cake oven who did not have time to do so in pure Thursday. In the people, Saturday before Easter is called beautiful. There is a sign that the first consecrated paint should be given to a poor and needy person.

The post continues, because of this food should be plant origin. Use the animal is allowed no earlier than Sunday. I came to forgive everyone. Whatever pain and resentment the man did not have, you need to forgive and let go.

A good tradition on Saturday to Easter to help people, sacrificing and engaged in charity. Even if at first glance it seems to help no one, then you just need to look at. There are always nearby a children's house, a hospital, a large family. It is not about to give a lot or last. Estimated contribution and not necessarily financial. Sacrifice can time, knowledge and strength. The main thing is to share what is with other people. And not only once a year, and much more often.