Lesson on iso new year. Drawing lesson “Hello, New Year! with a snowman and a bird

Lesson on iso new year. Drawing lesson “Hello, New Year! with a snowman and a bird

Sadieva Venera Galinurovna,

art teacher

MBOU "Bolshegondyrskaya secondary school"

"Art". 1 class
Lesson topic: Christmas tree.
Lesson type: Lesson in learning new material.

Technology used: The technology of problematic dialogue.
The purpose of the lesson. Development of aesthetic perception of nature and observation through the transfer of characteristic features, shape and color.

During the classes

Lesson stage and its goals -Well, guys, keep quiet.The lesson begins.We all love to paintYou just have to watch!
-Guys, tell me please, what time of year is it outside now?-You like this time of year, why? -Let's read the poems that are prepared on your tables (children read poems in groups) -Guess the holiday that adults and children are looking forward to.He comes on a winter eveningLight candles on the tree.He starts a round dance.This is a holiday ... (New Year).
Soon, soon the New Year!He's in a hurry, he's coming!Knock on the door to us:Children, hello, I'm here!

What is it impossible to celebrate the new year without? - So what will our lesson be about? (Discovery of new knowledge). - What steps do we take when discovering new knowledge? (“What I don’t know?”, “I’ll find a way myself”)

-Guys, please tell me how people are preparing to celebrate the new year?
-What is it impossible to celebrate the new year without?
What kind of guest came to us?How smart and slender.A star is burning up aboveAnd the snow glistens on the branchesAnd all the way to the top of the head,All in toys and crackers.
What kind of guest is this? (Christmas tree).The topic of our lesson is the New Year tree.Guys, please see what color is our Christmas tree?
- Before we start painting our tree, what should we do?(Learn to mix paints using primary colors, paint our Christmas tree, only then decorate the Christmas tree with toys).In front of you Primary colors 1) Red, blue, yellow. 2) - Choose the colors you can use to get green? What color is superfluous? ? We will give an exact answer to this question when we try to mix paints. - Decide what colors you choose? be The purpose of the lesson. Find out what kind of Christmas tree it is? You already have some idea about this amazing tree. - Tell "What is our Christmas tree?" (green, fluffy, prickly) - H - In order to answer this question more fully and accurately, that we must find out what color there are Christmas trees? 1) 1) Mix red and yellow. 2) Mix red and blue 3) 3) Mix yellow and blue 4) - We made a plan for discovering new knowledge.

Abstract of GCD for Fine Arts - activities in the middle group "Portrait for a Christmas tree"

Agrafonova Tatiana Anatolievna
Place of work: teacher MBDOU DS "Zhemchuzhinka", Volgodonsk
Work description: My notes will undoubtedly be useful for kindergarten teachers, as well as additional education teachers when working with preschoolers.
Target: Teaching children how to draw a Christmas tree using non-traditional drawing materials.
To acquaint children with new visual materials and techniques.
Learn to mix colors.
Learn to highlight familiar geometric shapes in objects when drawing.
Activate the child's dictionary with the concepts: shade, color mixing, composition.
Develop imagination, fine motor skills.
To educate accuracy when working with visual materials and tools.
To cultivate the ability to listen, to perform certain actions according to the teacher's verbal instructions.
Materials: artificial Christmas tree with balls; geometric shapes on magnets (triangles), of different sizes, simple pencils, an eraser, a foam rubber sponge, napkins, anti-roll jars, gouache 6 colors, sheets of white thick paper, preferably cardboard, plasticine 8 colors, cotton wool, PVA glue.
Preliminary work: drawing, application of Christmas trees, learning a song about a Christmas tree, reading poems, playing with Christmas trees.

GCD move:

Educator. Guys, an unusual guest will come to us today, but try to guess who it is.
Needles grow on it
Thick and prickly
And the cones are resinous,
Sticky, fragrant.
She is on New Year's Eve
Will come to visit us!
Slim, fluffy
With golden lights.
Children. Christmas tree !!!
Educator. Of course! Well done!
Oh, guys, look, why is our Christmas tree so elegant?
Children. Children's answers.
Educator. Let's make a present for our guest, draw her portrait, and decorate, each one as he likes!
Children. Yes!
Educator. First, let's prepare our fingers so that they are nimble and fast.
Finger gymnastics "Yolka"
The Christmas tree turns out quickly
if the fingers interlock.
Raise your elbows
spread your fingers.
Palms away from you, fingers are passed between themselves (palms at an angle to each other). Put your fingers forward. Do not press your elbows to the body.
Educator. Guys, take a close look, what figure does the Christmas tree remind you of?
Children. Triangle.
Educator. And if you look closely, you will see many different sized triangles. How are they located?
Children. Large below, small above.
Educator. Right. Now let's draw 3 triangles of the corresponding size with a pencil. (showing with magnets on a board and a schematic drawing on a sheet of paper).

Educator. Guys, look, the tree is in the air. Is it possible?
Children. No. The Christmas tree grows out of the ground.
Educator. Our Christmas tree is New Year's, and this is a winter holiday, can we see the earth in winter?
Children. No. The earth is hiding under the snow.
Educator. See what looks the most like snow on your table?
Children. Cotton wool is like snow.
Educator. Now you can put the tree in a snowdrift. (children glue cotton wool with PVA) Oh, and now the whole sheet is white, around the Christmas tree, is there something missing?
Children. The sky is not enough.
Educator. What color is the sky in winter?
Children's answers(blue, light gray, etc.)
Educator. Blue can be obtained by mixing blue and white, and gray is white and black. (children mix colors and tint the sheet with a sponge)
Educator. Oh, something our guest is bored. Let's cheer her up!
Round dance:"It's fun along the path ..." (while the gouache dries)
1.The track is fun
Our legs walked
And to an elegant Christmas tree
We came to visit.
Chorus: Oh-oh-oh, ay-ay-ay
Big Christmas tree,
Oh-oh-oh, ay-ay-ay
That's so beautiful.
2. Under an elegant Christmas tree
Everyone wants to dance.
Christmas tree waving branches
Chur, keep up!
3.We will pet you all
Just do not inject.
With bright lights
Light up the Christmas tree.
Educator. Do you think the Christmas tree liked our song? You can now finish your portraits. Pay attention to the Christmas tree - fluffy needles! And we can create volume with the help of plasticine. We roll small balls between the fingers and "paint" the Christmas tree. What color of plasticine do you need?
Children. Herringbone green. (children attach plasticine inside the outline image)
Educator. And now we decorate!
The New Year tree is in the room
And, shining with toys, he speaks to us.
The Christmas tree with sadness remembers the winter forest,
Full of sonorous songs, fairy tales and miracles.
New Year tree, do not be sad in vain, -
We are your funny, faithful friends.
So sparkle with a festive rainbow for us,
Be happy, herringbone, as we are now!
Lesson summary:
Well done boys! Do you think you liked the Christmas tree, the portraits that we painted? Educator (referring to the Christmas tree): Christmas tree, do you like our gifts? Look how it shone, that means you liked it. Then come to us next year. And now an exhibition of our works.

Everyone knows that the best gift is a handmade gift. After spending quite a bit of time, you can create a beautiful exclusive picture or a New Year's postcard, drawing on the ideas of their article.

It will be about how:

Landscape is perhaps the easiest option if you decide to paint a beautiful winter drawing. Where to begin? Of course, with the choice of technology:

  1. Pencil or crayons... The most ideal option for the first attempt, since it does not require serious financial investments. In addition, with a pencil, you can create New Year's drawings or postcards for 2018 simply on a sketchbook.
  2. Graphics... At first glance, everything is simple. All you need is a simple pencil. But, in practice, this technique can be much more difficult, since every stroke is important here.
  3. Watercolor... In every home where there are children, there are also inexpensive watercolors with which you can draw excellent winter-themed drawings for the New Year 2018.
  4. Acrylic... This is a more serious option. You can paint with these paints on canvas. They dry quickly. But, be careful, because acrylic can cause allergic reactions.
  5. Butter- the choice of professionals. Such a picture, painted on canvas, will delight the eye for many years.

We offer you to watch a master class on creating a winter landscape.

You can buy canvas today in specialized stores.

What to draw? Most often, drawings dedicated to the New Year are winter nature, village houses, snow-covered tree crowns, and in 2018, the landscape can be supplemented with an image of a dog.

How to draw New Year's characters

What a festive drawing or postcard without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! Don't worry, even if you don't know how to draw people beautifully. Depicting cartoon characters is not difficult at all. Here are some quick sketches of the main characters. Professional advice will help you create beautiful New Year's drawings in 2018.

We also suggest watching a video that shows in stages how to draw Santa:

It is convenient that in the analysis the drawing is depicted on a sheet of paper. If you are just learning how to draw, barely trace a sheet - this will facilitate the task.

The smallest of the artist will enjoy coloring New Year's pictures with Santa, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and other characters of the New Year's holidays.

Any drawings of New Year's characters you like can simply be saved to your computer, printed and colored as you wish.

How to draw a dog - a symbol of 2018

The symbol of the year - the dog - will become an invariable element of many New Year's drawings in 2018. Although the red earthen dog will become the patron saint of the year according to the eastern calendar, you can choose a representative of any breed for a postcard or picture, starting from individual preferences.

Not so long ago, a cartoon about the life of pets that appeared on TV screens added a couple of cute faces to the army of their favorite children's characters. Thinking of interesting New Year's drawings for the coming year of the dog, in 2018 you can use new heroes - Max, Mel, Gidget and Buddy.

Also look at the video for a detailed analysis of how to draw Max:

We also offer to download any of the dogs you like and use when creating your own New Year's picture:

We also offer you to get ideas for original New Year's cards with a video that tells in detail how to create a reactive gift with your own hands.

How to create a digital postcard on your computer

2018 is approaching, which means that it's time to master not only pencils and paints. And graphic editors. In practice, creating a beautiful postcard or drawing author's New Year's drawings using a PC is much easier than learning how to draw people and animals with a pencil.

To create electronic postcards and drawings, in which, by the way, you can add photos or images of your favorite characters, you can use programs such as:

  • Paint - the simplest graphics editor built into Windows;
  • Avatan - online version of the graphical environment that allows you to process photos, create collages and a variety of postcards;
  • Online Photoshop is a free online version of one of the most popular bitmap graphics editors, which does not require installation of the program.

Of course, you can install the full-fledged Adobe Photoshop CS6, while getting a lot of possibilities. But, be prepared for the fact that it will take some time to master the program.

We suggest starting with a simple postcard with a photo, which will take just a few minutes to create a cat:

Of course, in this program you can create a wide variety of New Year's drawings by loading the background of the postcard and adding afterwards various stickers (do not forget that 2018 is the year of the dog), inscriptions and effects.

Try it and you will definitely succeed!

Lesson topic: Christmas tree

The purpose of the lesson:

    Development of imagination and imagination when creating a certain image.

Lesson Objectives:

    Form and develop creativity; artistic and graphic skills;

    Introduce different forms of the image of the Christmas tree using various techniques;

    To develop an emotional perception of color as a means of conveying mood, festive atmosphere, one's attitude to the depicted image.


    Video projector;

    Flash drive with recordings of New Year's songs;

    Gouache, watercolor; brushes, palettes, siphons;

Lesson plan.

    Organizing time.

    Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    Presentation of new material.

    Independent work in stages.

    Exhibition of works. Summing up the lesson.

During the classes

I come with gifts

I shine with bright lights

Cheerful, smart

I'm in charge for the new year!

What is the topic of our lesson?

Where do we start working on the sheet.

First, let's decide on the location of the sheet.

Next, let's decide on the background of the picture: what should be the background to convey delight, joy, festive mood. To do this, consider two paintings by artists and the guys are determined with the choice of warm colors. Completing the background, students mix paints with white paint on a palette of different colors, obtaining soft, pastel colors.

After completing the background, we move on to the main task of our lesson, drawing a Christmas tree. And the question helps us in this: "What does the tree look like in shape?" Children name the figures associated with the shape of the Christmas tree: a triangle, an umbrella, a female figure in a long dress. Associating the tree with a female figure, the harmony of the forest beauty is emphasized. This association immediately creates a tree image that is correct in proportions.

"If the tree is a woman in a long dress, how will the folds lie on it?"

Let's start drawing step by step.

1. Draw a triangle. Draw a star at the top of the triangle.

2. Draw the upper part of the tree, consisting of three branches, as shown in the picture. The ends of the branch lines should be attached to the star.

3. Add two to three more rows of fir branches. In each subsequent row of branches, add one more. Thus, 1 row - three branches, 2 row - four branches, 3 row - five branches, etc.

4. Then draw a trunk under the tree.

5. We erase all auxiliary lines.

6. Let's start coloring.

7. Decorating the Christmas tree.

Reflection. There is a Christmas tree hanging on the board. We need to decorate it. Each of them has three Christmas tree decorations on the table: red, yellow, blue. It is necessary to hang a toy on the Christmas tree, the color of which corresponds to the emotional mood by the end of the lesson (blue toy - did not like the lesson, yellow - so-so, red - liked the lesson very much).

Good afternoon, today I am uploading a great article that will help you choose a theme for a New Year's drawing, spy on the idea and think over its embodiment in your creative drawing. On New Year's Eve, schools and kindergartens often spend "New Year's drawing competition" and we, parents, begin to puzzle over the search for a simple idea that will be within the power of our child. Exactly such easy to implement I have collected pictures on the New Year's theme here in one big pile. Here you will find stories with snowmen, penguins, polar bears, deer and Santa Claus.

Today in this article I will do the following:

  1. I will show you how you can draw snowman(in different poses and angles)
  2. I will give you step-by-step drawings of New Years characters(penguin, polar bear).
  3. I will teach you
  4. I will suggest simple techniques for the image Santa Claus.
  5. And we will also learn draw beautiful Christmas decorations.
  6. And drawings- landscapes with the image of the New Year's holiday.

So, let's start our journey into the world of New Year's drawings for children and their parents.

How to draw a SNOWMAN

(simple ways)

In our New Year's drawings, we are used to depicting a snowman in the form pyramids of three round topped with a bucket rectangle. An established stereotype.

But this is the same as portraying a person only “ at attention, hands at the seams". If seasoned artists depict a person in various angles and poses, then young artists can depict their snowman in the same angles.

Here's an example portrait drawing of a snowman... We draw only the head of a snowman in a creative hat and add a New Year's plot twist to our drawing - for example, we hang a Christmas ball on a carrot nose.

You can put a bird on the nose of the snowman. Or try to portray live emotions on the face of a snowman - pink cheeks, a tilt of the head, a soft smile - and notice the direction of the carrot. It is not necessary to draw carrots strictly horizontally sideways. A carrot drawn down and sideways (diagonally) gives the snowman a touching look. And a New Year's hat with a pompom will add the spirit of the New Year to our drawing.

Our portrait of a snowman can have a lively emotion - he can look at a flying snowflake with touching tenderness. Or pull a twig to the falling snow and throw your head back for a long time to look at the skies generous to the snow.

A portrait of a snowman may have a touch of solidity- a high hat, a clear symmetry of the nose and an elegantly knotted scarf. Or the snowman in the New Year's drawing could be a dull-witted bummer catching his hat, which was torn off by the wind, on the fly. Nice work for the children's New Year's drawing competition.

Here is an example of a New Year's drawing of a portrait of a snowman - simple and step-by-step master class.

New Year's plots

with a snowman and a bird.

A drawn snowman can hold a small bird in his hands. If you are good at drawing with gouache, then you can draw such a bright snowman in a knitted hat and with a woolen scarf - with a red bird in hand.

And if you are a novice artist, then you can depict the same touching plot with a bird in watercolors. And then, with a black pencil, draw a clear silhouette contours and small details in the form of buttons and a nest with a sparrow. A very touching New Year's drawing.

Here is such New Year's duet of a snowman and a bullfinch bird even a child can draw. Simple shapes, and a light overlay of shadows along the cap (darkening on one side, white highlighting on the other side of the cap - this creates a visual volume-bulge). And around the snowman's face, we also apply light shadows - add a little light gray-blue to the white one - and with this "under-blue" white we draw shadows around the circumference of the snowman's face - so we get the effect of a convex spherical face.

And here is the idea for a New Year's drawing for the same plot, where the bird sleeps wrapped in the tip of a long snowman scarf

Snowman with a friend teddy bear.

And here is another drawing oil on canvas... Or you can gouache draw the same. First, draw simple silhouettes ... then paint over each element in its main color (white, green, light brown) them in one color. And then we add additional shadows to each color (with a darker shade of the same color scheme, we shade the snowman's belly near the scarf and the circle around the bear's nose). And then with white gouache and an almost dry brush, add white dusting on the face and belly of the bear and the hat and scarf of the snowman.

That is, you just need to carefully look at the sample and poke with a shaded brush in the same places where shadows are superimposed in our New Year's drawing. And continue until your drawing looks like the original.

And here are some more simple examples of New Year's drawings with a snowman. In the left photo, the snowman is holding in its paws-branches Christmas garland of bulbs... Simple silhouette - simple shadows of a light blue hue on the snowman's round beads. And whitish strokes of white paint over the black silhouette of the hat. It's simple, if you look closely and figure out exactly how this is done.

And here is also on the right photo above - GIRL wraps a snowman in a scarf... It seems that the drawing is complicated, but in reality everything is simple. Let me describe how to make such a New Year's drawing for the school competition with my own hands. So that each of you CLEARLY AND CLEARLY REALIZED that the most complex drawings are actually created in very simple and understandable stages. As in principle, any work is done on the general principle - start, continue and finish. So it is with pictures. So let's see how a complex New Year's plot of a drawing is born from simple steps.

MASTER CLASS: How to draw a snowman.

STEP 1 - You must first divide the sheet of paper into a white and blue background - cover with gouache. Dry this background.

STEP 2 - draw a silhouette of a snowman with white gouache. Dry and add blue uneven shadows on the white sides of the snowman. As they smeared the shadows, they smeared them - evenness is not needed here. Dry.

STEP 3 - Draw a silhouette of a girl with a pencil. The lines are simple. But if you doubt your abilities, then you can copy the girl's template directly from the screen of your laptop onto a sheet of paper placed on the screen, and transfer it under a carbon copy to your canvas. If you need to zoom in on the screen girl size, you push buttonCtrl with one hand and simultaneously with the other hand turn the mouse wheel forward- the image on the screen will be enlarged. The wheel back - will decrease. And if the image has moved sideways beyond the border of the screen when enlarged, then the left / right arrows on your keyboard will help to move the screen.

STEP 4 - Paint each element of the girl with your own color - gently with a thin brush, without rushing.

STEP 5 - Dry the girl's face and then gently draw a bang on it with an almost dry brush. With the back tip of the brush handle, paint the eyes, mouth and blush of the cheeks.

STEP 6 - Then draw the lines of the scarf around the snowman. Paint it red. Dry - and on the scarf (and on the girl's hat too) with a thin brush with white gouache, apply a pattern of white stripes and crosses.

STEP 7 - Draw small silhouettes. The nose, eyes, smile and buttons of a snowman. Girl's coat pocket. Tie ropes at the girl's hat.

STEP 8 - Draw dark silhouettes of houses and trees in the background along the horizon. Put blue shadows on the snow under the snowman and under the girl.

As you can see, everything is simple. If you decompose all the work in stages - into simple and understandable steps. In order not to overwork, you can take the first 3 steps in one evening, and leave the rest of the steps for the second evening. It is more pleasant to work this way - without fatigue and stress.

Snowmen busy

(children's plot drawings).

You can draw a whole group of merry Christmas snowmen riding on a swing. Or come up with your own plot... You can spy it on the canvases of famous artists... And to make a parody of a famous work of art, just the way it would look in the world of snowmen. Snowy Mona Lisa, with a mysterious smile, for example.

New year characters

The BEAR in the child's drawing.

Now let's talk about other characters with a New Year's look. These are, of course, polar bears. Wearing red caps with white pom-poms.

Bears can be drawn in different styles. In different cartoon genres. Here are some options for a children's drawing competition.

The leaders of the drawing circles can draw such a cute New Year's bear in gouache. The drawing, mind you, is taken from an ordinary table paper napkin.

But New Year's drawings with bears whose eyes are dreamily closed. One teddy bear looks forward to the opening of a gift. Another polar bear listens to the song of a bird. Cute New Year's motives - simple plots for children's drawings for the New Year. It can be depicted on a greeting card or as work for a New Year's drawing competition at school.

Here a small workshop on drawing a Christmas bear on a greeting card.

But you can draw a bear not only in the classic red and white Christmas hat. The bear in your drawing may have a wide variety of New Year's paraphernalia(fancy dress, funny jumpsuits in the style of "Santa Claus", knitted sweaters with deer, skis, skates, etc.). And you don't have to be able to draw the whole bear - you can do more cunningly. And draw only the head of a bear sticking out behind a pile of gift boxes(ka in the right picture with the photo below).

PENGUIN on the New Year's drawing

for school competition

And of course, a winter drawing with a New Year theme - these are funny penguins. These birds are also considered northern, although they live at the south pole. But even at the South Pole there are snowy winters - so the penguin is also a New Year's character.

Here are options for New Year's drawings with penguins, which are also easy to depict with childish powers, with a little parental help.

You just need to look closely and understand what steps you need to take in turn to get the final image (in gouache, watercolor, or crayons). The main thing is not to rush and let one painted element dry before painting over the second.

Below is a fairly simple gouache drawing made by children's hands. It only seems complicated - because there are many small black sketches on it (black lines on a scarf, rounded curls on fur, loops on balls. But in fact, look carefully at each element - and you will understand how simple it is.

STEP 1 - First, paint over the background of the sheet with blue gouache - stains and stains are welcome - let the background color be uneven.

STEP 2 - The penguin itself is an ordinary oval. At first he was painted with white gouache. And then they made a black thick stroke along the edges (with an approach to the protrusions of the wings).

STEP 3 - Then we draw a white hat - wait for it to dry - and apply stripes on it in different colors in turn. Then we draw a scarf - also in white gouache - dry it, and apply stripes.

STEP 4 - Draw a New Year's side in white on top - dry it - and apply red oblique stripes on it.

STEP 5 - Finish the legs, beak. On the background, draw white lines of snowflakes (cross to cross and diagonally, and round dots at the tips).

STEP 6 - Christmas balls - also just round spots with white gouache - and on top of the circle is already colored gouache.

You can draw this penguin in the shape of a skittle- in a long New Year's cap. Also an easy-to-execute penguin model.

And here are several step-by-step New Year's drawing master classes, where you can see how to draw a penguin step by step yourself.

Your penguin can be decorated with a variety of hats and gifts.

How to draw a New Year's deer.

The simplest deer images are TWO PALS DEER (left picture in the picture below). Or deer FRONT VIEW. Everyone drew such a deer in childhood (a face ball, leaf ears, twig horns, and two columns of legs with hooves).

You can paint a deer in a sitting position (a round belly-pouch, two front legs hang down at the sides, and the lower legs are slightly apart).

And your deer can also be funny fat man. A sort of fattened by Santa Claus, a specimen. It's easy to draw such a deer yourself - its figure resembles an inverted coffee cup - we add short legs with hooves, a red nose - eye points, and cute horns. Highlighted belly (in the form of an arch), hat and scarf. Everything is simple and accessible.

Your New Year's drawing is not obliged to contain the ENTIRE DEER BODY - from antlers to hooves. You can limit yourself to a very schematic (triangular) depiction of a deer head - as in the left picture below.

Or draw a deer head in a CROWNED VIEW (as if he looks out of the corner of his nose into your window) - as in the right picture below

Here master class showing how to draw a New Year's drawing with a deer yourself.

Most often, a New Year's deer is drawn with Christmas decorations on the horns.

This technique can be performed in different styles of drawings. It could be a child's drawing of a deer (as in the picture above).

Or your deer can be a graceful female with bushy eyelashes, modestly downward. The Deer Lady is glamorous and dignified.

How to draw NEW YEAR

in the city, on the street.

And if you want to draw a NEW YEAR on the streets of the city, a festive atmosphere, cozy winter streets, Christmas trees in the city squares, then here is another selection of ideas for such New Year's drawings.

Please note that all objects here are painted with paints. Then around the lines of houses was made a narrow gray border around the paint contour(so that the elements of the picture become more contrasting and the picture acquired a general stylization). The silhouettes of passers-by are round spots of faces, and trapezoidal silhouettes of jackets (just a spot of a jacket is painted with paint). Then when the jacket silhouette dries up we take black felt-tip pen(or marker) and on the spot of the coat we draw cut elements, pockets, collar, buttons, belt, cuff lines, etc.). In the same way, with a black marker, we highlight subtle elements of the picture- lines of roof tiles, window frames, etc.

If the size of a sheet of paper is not large, then it will be difficult to place an entire street with houses. You can limit yourself to a Christmas tree in the square and draw several children.

And here is a great idea for a New Year's drawing, where children ride a skating rink.

And here's another idea for a New Year's city. True, here the city is depicted not in the figure, but in the form applications from textiles. But the compositional idea of ​​the arrangement of houses and a Christmas tree in the picture.

You can draw the city from TOP VIEW, as if from the wing of an airplane. And then place on the wide dome of the sky Santa Claus flying on a sleigh.

Or you can not draw a crowded and multi-house city, but just draw a small forest hut and an elegant Christmas tree nearby. And the departing Santa Claus, who has just left his presents under the tree.

These are the ideas for New Year's drawings, I have collected for you today in one pile. I hope that your drawing for the school competition will turn into a happy family gathering with brushes and paints. I wish that everything will work out - in a magical New Year's way. Let the soul of the New Year touch the tip of your pencil or brush and pour over your New Year's drawing.
Happy New Year to Your Family.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to Olga Klishevskaya, the author of this article.