State Historical Museum. State Historical Museum (SHM) Exhibitions and excursions

State Historical Museum.  State Historical Museum (SHM) Exhibitions and excursions
State Historical Museum. State Historical Museum (SHM) Exhibitions and excursions

The State Historical Museum is one of the best museums in the country, located in the very center of the capital on Red Square.

The unique exposition reflects all the milestones in the history of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century; more than 5,000,000 exhibits are stored in the museum funds. State Historical Museum is the largest museum in Russia.

The museum was founded by the decree of Emperor Alexander II on February 21, 1872, and received its first visitors on May 27, 1883. The building for the Historical Museum on Red Square was designed by outstanding architects V.O. Sherwood and A.A. Semenov in a pseudo-Russian style with elements of terem architecture, interior decoration was performed by famous artists Aivazovsky, Repin, Vasnetsov, Korovin and others.

In 1990, the building of the State Historical Building as part of the Red Square facilities was included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

During the years of Soviet power, the interiors of many halls were changed: the paintings were whitened, decorative details were destroyed. In the 1990s, the building and interiors were restored and brought back to their original appearance.

A grand entrance hall with rich murals and lions. On the ceiling there is a “Family Tree of Russian Sovereigns”, 68 portraits of Grand Dukes, Tsars and Emperors.

The permanent exhibition is located on two floors in chronological order, each hall corresponding to a specific historical era. At the beginning of the path, there are exhibits from the times of the primitive communal system - stone tools, genuine mammoth tusks, sculptural portraits of ancient people.

Found on the territory of the Voronezh region, a huge 7.5-meter canoe, hollowed out with stone axes from solid oak:

Hall of the Bronze Age. In the center there is the Kolikho dolmen, an ancient structure made of stone slabs, which was recently transported to the State Historical Museum from near Tuapse.

The bronze idol found in the Galich treasure in the Kostroma region is considered an attribute of the shamanic cult. The second photo shows bronze women's forehead adornments found near the village of Podbolotye in Murom.

Passage from the hall of the early Middle Ages of Eastern Europe and Asia to the hall with the exhibits of the Old Russian state.

The museum helps to remember the dramatic events of Russian history: fragmentation, the Mongol invasion, the war with the Swedes and the Battle of the Ice, the Battle of Kulikovo and the Time of Troubles.

Showcase with armor and weapons of the Russian warrior during the Battle of the Ice, the seal of Alexander Nevsky and the helmet and shield of a Western European knight.

The second photo shows the steel armor and saber of the Polish Winged Hussar. Behind the armor was a "wing" with swan feathers, which gave the rider a spectacular and formidable look. I saw reenactors in a similar outfit last year in Kolomenskoye on.

Hall "Russian culture in the 16-17th" centuries.

Icon "Our Lady of Kazan" with gold and silver frames, precious stones - sapphires, emeralds, rubies, pearls, spinels and almadines.

A particularly valuable exhibit is the Dutch company Blau's globe, acquired by Peter the Great during a trip to Western Europe.

Another floor shows the politics, economics and culture of the Russian Empire from Peter the Great to Alexander III.

The first Russian Emperor - a casting made from a mask removed by sculptor Rastrelli in 1719.

Camisole of Peter the Great.

The halls of the reigns of Catherine II and Alexander I.

The museum regularly hosts interesting thematic exhibitions. One of them is “Gold. The metal of the gods and the king of metals. " Here are presented luxurious gold items and jewelry, coins and orders, exhibits of a religious nature of the East and West of the last two millennia from the funds of the Historical Museum.

Historical Museum in Moscow (Moscow, Russia) - expositions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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Working hours:

The main building of the museum, the Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Exhibition Complex: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday - from 10:00 - 18:00, Friday, Saturday - from 10:00 - 21:00. Closed on Tuesday.

New showroom: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday from 10:00 to 19:00, Friday, Saturday from 10:00 to 21:00. Closed on Tuesday.

Price: 400 RUB, students and pensioners 150 RUB, family ticket (for two adults and two children under 18) 600 RUB. Children under 16 have the right to visit the museum free of charge.

Branches of the Historical Museum

  • Intercession Cathedral (part of St. Basil's Cathedral) - The central church of the Cathedral is not available for inspection due to restoration work. Cost: 500 RUB, students, seniors - 150 RUB
  • Chambers of the Romanov Boyars; Address: st. Barbarian, 10; Working hours: Daily - from 10:00 - 18:00, Wednesday from 11:00 - 19:00, closed on Tuesday. Cost: 400 RUB, students, pensioners - 150 RUB, children under 16 years old - free
  • Exhibition complex; address: Revolution Square, 2/3; prices vary depending on the exhibition
  • Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812; address: pl. Revolution, 2/3; cost of visit: 350 RUB, concessional 150 RUB

Prices on the page are for October 2018.

The huge red brick building that encloses Red Square makes it truly "red". Two elongated towers are in harmony with the Kremlin and GUM, and the abundance of kokoshniks, platbands, flies, and tents give the building the appearance of a tower. However, it is not at all as ancient as it seems.

In the northern part of Red Square since the 16th century. the Zemsky Prikaz was located, for which in 1699 a stone two-story building with a tower and platbands in the Naryshkin Baroque style was built. Later, part of the premises came under the jurisdiction of the Main Pharmacy, and in 1755 the opening of the Moscow University took place here, which moved to the building on Mokhovaya only in 1793. Then, the offices of the city administration were located in the old building of the Zemsky Prikaz. The Moscow Duma in 1874 allocated this site for the construction of the Historical Museum - this idea was put forward in 1872 during the Polytechnic Exhibition, timed to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Peter I. Its historical exposition dedicated to the Crimean War became the core, around which began to form a museum collection.

Initially, there were plans to preserve the Zemsky Prikaz building in the courtyard of the Historical Museum, but, alas, they were not implemented, and in 1875 it was demolished. In its place, construction began on a large museum building designed by V.O. Sherwood and engineer A.A. Semenova. Its appearance was made in the pseudo-Russian style, which corresponded to the idea of ​​the Historical Museum as reflecting the past of Russia. The facades are replete with small decorative elements, the two main towers are crowned with double-headed eagles, and the small side tents are crowned with figures of lions and unicorns. Until the end, the project was not implemented: the idea of ​​revealing the building with polychrome tiles turned out to be expensive. "Pseudo-Russian" and interiors, but each of the halls had its own characteristics, corresponding to its exposition. The design of the halls was attended by G.I. Semiradsky, I.K. Aivazovsky.

On May 27, 1883, the grand opening of the "Museum named after His Imperial Highness the Sovereign Heir to the Tsarevich" took place. Its long-term head and the author of the first exposition was an outstanding historian and Moscow scholar. The collection was formed by the whole country: members of the imperial family, nobles and merchants, churches and monasteries. The museum has become a recognized scientific center. During the Soviet era, his funds increased significantly due to the nationalized private collections and the values ​​of closed churches. There were plans to demolish the building to open a wide avenue from the north of Red Square and a passage for demonstrations, but the plans remained on paper. The interiors of the museum were changed, some were destroyed, but the exterior of the building only lost the weathercocks - they were restored in the 1990s. during a large-scale restoration of the museum. Today it is reopened and has the status of the largest museum in Russia. It has branches: the Intercession Cathedral on Red Square, the chambers of the Romanov boyars on Varvarka, the Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812 in the former building of the Moscow City Duma.

The State Historical Museum in Moscow, a cultural heritage of federal significance, was born relatively recently. The majestic red brick building, which complements the ensemble of the country's main square, solemnly opened its doors to visitors in 1883. During the Soviet era, its funds were repeatedly replenished with nationalized private collections and treasures from the walls of closed churches and disbanded museums. Now the largest collections of coins, unique old manuscripts and books, archeological monuments important for history, weapons and priceless works of art are presented here.

Ticket prices in 2019

The cost of visiting the main exposition for adult citizens of the Russian Federation and the EAEU countries is 400 rubles. The ticket price for citizens of other countries is 500 rubles. A reduced ticket price of 150 rubles applies to the following categories of visitors:

  • full-time students of Russian universities, colleges and technical schools;
  • persons aged 16 to 18;
  • holders of international cards ISIC and IYTC;
  • pensioners of the Russian Federation and the EAEU countries;
  • other preferential categories of citizens of the Russian Federation and the EAEU countries (a full list can be found on the museum's website).

For a family visit (two parents with one or two minor children), the ticket price for citizens of the Russian Federation and the EAEU countries is 600 rubles. For children between the ages of 16 and 18, an additional ticket must be purchased for 150 rubles.

The price of a complex ticket, including an audio guide "Sightseeing tour" in Russian, is 800 rubles, in a foreign language 900 rubles. Entrance tickets to lectures, thematic exhibitions and other events are paid separately, and their cost is indicated on the official website of the State Historical Museum in Moscow.

The main entrance to the Historical Museum of Moscow - Yandex Maps panorama

Opening hours

The opening hours of the museum are set depending on the season.

From September 1 to May 31, the complex is open from 10.00 to 18.00 on all days except Friday and Saturday. On these days it works from 10.00 to 21.00. The day off is Tuesday.

The opening hours of the ticket offices ends 1 hour before the closure of the State Historical Museum.


The decree on the establishment of the State Educational Museum-Center was signed on February 9, 1872 by Emperor Alexander II. The museum collection is based on an exposition about the Crimean War of 1853-1856 from the Sevastopol Department of the grandiose All-Russian Polytechnic Exhibition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Peter the Great.

The first stone in the foundation of the State Historical Museum in Moscow was laid by Alexander II himself. the presence of the Duke of Edinburgh in August 1875, but the emperor was not destined to live to see the opening. On May 27, 1883, his successor Alexander III and his wife Maria Feodorovna dropped in for the ceremony that presented the world with a new cultural monument.

Museum collections were quickly replenished with the hands of benefactors, among whom were a representative of the Nizhny Novgorod nobility A.A. Catoire de Bioncourt, Dostoevsky's widow, the Chertkovs, Burylins, Obolensky, Sapozhnikovs and many others.

PI Shchukin, who deservedly remained in the history of the country as the Great Patron of Russia, in 1905 donated his unique collection of the expert collector to the museum. The Shchukin exhibits formed the basis of the State Historical Museum expositions - their share is approximately 15% of all modern funds of the museum. Thanks to him and similar benefactors who disinterestedly donated their priceless collections for the good of the country, the State Museum has turned into what it is now - one of the largest and most famous historical museums in the world.

In its history, as well as in the life of the Russian people, for whose glory it was created, there were both joyful and tragic moments. The museum witnessed changes in the system and power, a silent participant in revolutions and an unwitting spectator of military parades in 1941 and 1945. In Soviet times, they even thought to demolish it in order to open a wide avenue from the northern part of Red Square and have more space for parades, but, fortunately, these plans were never implemented. From 1986 to 2002, large-scale restoration work was carried out in the building. Today it works again, has the status of the largest museum in Russia and has several branches - the Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Boyar Chambers in Zaryadye and the Intercession Cathedral.

The building of the Historical Museum in Moscow

In the 15th-16th centuries, there was a postal yard, then the Sytny surcharge yard, and then the Zemsky Prikaz - the central authority. In 1699, a separate building was erected for him - a beautiful two-story mansion in the Naryshkin Baroque style, sporting a turret and platbands. Some of its premises were subsequently given to the Main Pharmacy. From 1755 to 1793, the Moscow University is located here, and after that - the offices of the city authorities. In 1874, this territory was allocated for the construction of the building of the Historical Museum.

According to the original plans, the old Zemsky Prikaz was to be preserved in the courtyard of the new complex, but in 1875 the house was demolished. The building of the State Historical Museum, built according to the architectural design of A. A. Semenov and V. O. Shervud, is made in the pseudo-Russian style in the form and likeness of a tower - it reflects the historical past of great Russia. The two main towers are crowned with double-headed imperial eagles, the smaller side tents are decorated with lions and unicorns, and the facades are striking with an abundance of skillful small decor - kokoshniks, flies, arches, weights, icon cases, drawn cornices and platbands. Unfortunately, the full implementation of the project was never carried out: the cladding of the huge structure turned out to be too costly. There are also pseudo-Russian motifs inside the building, but each of the many halls has its own "zest". The most famous masters - V.M. Vasnetsov, I.K.Aivazovsky, G.I.Semiradsky were involved in their design.

In 1889, the museum building was expanded with a transverse building, installed between the small and large courtyards and designed for 500 seats. In 1914, on the site of the dismantled lecture hall, an archive, a library and a department of manuscripts were created. The project was directed by I.E.Bondarenko.

The building of the State Historical Museum is under the protection of UNESCO as an integral part of the Red Square ensemble.

Exposition of the Historical Museum in Moscow

The exhibition area of ​​the museum is 4,000 square meters, is located on two floors and is divided into 39 exhibition halls. The collections available to the public include over 22,000 exhibits covering all stages of Russia's development.

This allows visitors to learn more about the life, culture and history of the country in different periods of its existence. The museum funds store more than 15 million rare written sources from the history of Russia in the 16th-20th centuries. The most significant of them are considered to be one of the oldest handwritten books of Ancient Rus - "Izbornik" by Svyatoslav, the Moscow Code II and the Khludov Psalter - one of the three preserved psalters in the world of the 9th century.

The principle of forming expositions is still the same as when the museum was opened in 1873. To "serve as a visual history", it is necessary to collect in strict chronological order "all the monuments of significant events" from the history of the Russian state. According to museum curators, the mentality of the State Historical Museum is different from that of museums in Western Europe. Its purpose is enlightenment, not surprise, and the method is not fun, but serious study, designed to give a foothold in the past and create the right future.

Sometimes real treasures are found in museum exhibitions: for example, a monumental wrought-iron lattice from the gates of the Novodvinsk fortress of Peter the Great times, Ivan the Terrible's hair shirt, the Russian empress's masquerade sleigh decorated with carved gilded eagles, and the mysterious Galich treasure - a unique find full of mysterious cult objects. The collections continue to grow. The main part of the museum replenishment is made up of the results of the work of archaeologists, the smaller part is special purchases and donations from patrons.

Exhibitions and excursions

Even if you have been to the State Historical Museum of Moscow more than once, something new will await you every time you visit. In addition to the permanent main exposition, thematic exhibitions devoted to the history of the royal family, traditional Russian crafts, photography, painting or the creation of icons are regularly opened here. For a live immersion in the past, museum staff organize "Historical Saturdays", opening unknown pages of Russian history, "Moscow secrets", telling about the detective mysteries of the capital, conduct informative lectures, organize film screenings and festive performances. For the most curious, the museum hosts theatrical excursions and unusual quests. The exact schedule of exhibitions and events can be found on the official website of the Historical Museum in Moscow.

AND Historical Museum... It is these four buildings that surround the main street of Russia. And it is the museum that can be considered the main entrance to Red Square. It is no coincidence that it is from his side that foot troops and heavy equipment come out during the annual Parade on May 9.

The Historical Museum is rightfully considered the owner of the richest collection of exhibits not only in Russia. Just think - 4 thousand square meters, more than 20 thousand permanent exhibits and 5 million items in museum funds. It is not surprising that the Historical Museum, even for those who visit it regularly, each time opens from a new, previously unknown side.

And by the way, not only the interiors and exhibition halls look attractive. The building itself is a work of architectural art. It is no coincidence that it is included in the list of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites.

History of the creation of the museum

The idea of ​​founding the Historical Museum was born in 1872. And the initiator of its construction was the Emperor Alexander II himself. The first exhibits were the trophies of war accumulated after the Crimean War. Thus, the sovereign wanted to perpetuate the memory of the glorious past. it was decided to build near Red Square. Before that, the Zemsky Order was located here - in a modern manner it can be called the Ministry of Regional Development).

A competition was announced among architects. The main condition was that the building had to be sustained in the general style, which by that time had already developed around Red Square. V. Sherwood and A. Semenov became the winners, although the former subsequently refused to complete the project. And at the final stage, the construction of the museum was directed by Alexander Popov. The construction of the building lasted almost 6 years - from 1875 to 1881. It took another two years for the interior decoration and filling the exhibition with exhibits. And thus, the date when the Historical Museum of Moscow first opened its doors to visitors was May 27, 1883.

After the Revolution, there was a serious risk of looting the exhibits of the Historical Museum. But among the Bolsheviks there were connoisseurs of high art and antiques. The exhibits were taken under the protection of the People's Commissariat, and there were even plans to further expand the collection. So, in the period 1922-1934, objects that were previously in St. Basil's Cathedral, and a number of churches and small storage facilities were added to the exposition.

True, the communist era did not pass without a trace. First, as propaganda, some of the decorative finishes were painted over or destroyed, as it symbolized the royal order. For example, the Bolsheviks dismantled beautiful sculptures of lions, unicorns and, of course, two-headed eagles that adorned the facade of the building.

The modern history of the Museum is primarily associated with a large-scale reconstruction, because of which visitors could not contemplate the collection for 11 years (1986-1997). But as a reward for patience, you can now see the building as it was intended at the very beginning. Thus, the spiers of the towers are again crowned with gilded sculptures of lions and eagles. Of course, these are not the same ones that "disappeared" in Soviet times, but their exact copies.

Inside, the Historical Museum now looks like a real royal palace. Suffice it to mention that the main entrance is a huge "Genealogical tree of Russian sovereigns", on which portraits of 68 tsars, emperors and grand dukes are presented in gilded frames. As for the rest of the collection, for better perception, it is divided into 39 rooms, and each one tells about a specific era in the country's development. And among the most valuable exhibits it is worth highlighting - an 8-meter boat made with stone axes in the prehistoric era, knightly armor from the time of Alexander Nevsky, the icon of Our Lady of Kazan, the globe of Peter the Great and his ceremonial camisole.

In 2017, the State Historical Museum celebrates the 145th anniversary of its foundation. On February 9, 1872, Emperor Alexander II decided to create a museum of Russian national history in Moscow. For this memorable date, an official video was prepared for the Historical Museum, filmed by the creative team of the Media 1 company from St. Petersburg.