The drawing scheme of owls. How to draw owl pencils in stages for beginners and children? How to draw a beautiful, cartoon, smart owls in glasses, head owls

The drawing scheme of owls. How to draw owl pencils in stages for beginners and children? How to draw a beautiful, cartoon, smart owls in glasses, head owls
The drawing scheme of owls. How to draw owl pencils in stages for beginners and children? How to draw a beautiful, cartoon, smart owls in glasses, head owls

Now we will look at the drawing of the owl pencil in stages. To draw owl, we must understand the structure of the pen and wings. Feathers are different small and fluffy, which are located on the head, chest, paws, medium size, which are located in the top of the pen, and the long, which are located in the middle and lower part of the wing. We have already considered the structure of the wing in the lesson.

Step 1. We need to draw an accurate sketch. Thin lines draw the contours of the head, body and wing. Clay on the image to enlarge it.

Step 2. Draw the beak, area of \u200b\u200blegs and feathers.

Step 3. Draw your eyes and pupils, they are incomplete circles. Now we need to erase the contour (lighten) and on the place of its lines of different lengths create the appearance of feathers. Then draw your paws and trunk.

Step 4. In this picture, the light source on the left, so the right shade is darker. Add inclined line of hatching on the heads representing small, soft feathers. Pay carefully on the directions of the strokes, they are important because they help convey the illusion of the depth of various shapes. Sketch feathers of different shapes and lengths on the wing. Add a few twisted strokes on the feet of the paws to show the direction in which the tiny soft feathers grow.

Step 5. Remember that the hatch lines used to draw feathers differ in different lengths and shades. The contours do not break down sharply, but rather have the shape of the pen (or uneven) to transmit a more realistic appearance.

Pencil 2H Easily plug the feathers on the left and central parts of the paw, the bottom of the body. Pencil 2B Make an intermediate shadow on the right. Then using 2V and 4V pencils and add dark shades of feathers to the bottom of the body, on the right shoulder, under the beak and under the wing. Draw a circle around the perimeter of the iris eye as an external rim.

Step 6. Strip these external trimming pencil 2b. With the help of a pencil of 6V, put the pupil, leaving the glare and draw a dark shade on the beak.

Step 7. Using the 2N and HB pencil, squeeze the eyes and the beak.

Step 8. Use hard pencils to add more strokes on all parts of the head. Use 2H for light areas, and 2B and 4B for darker. Add a few tiny ovals on the feathers on the forehead and on the heads of the head. The following picture shows the finished type of these ovals and in an enlarged resolution. If you want some of them to highlight more, then you just walk through your eraser to show and evil the central parts of each.

Step 9. Use the sharpened solid pencil and short strokes for drawing soft dyed feathers on the chest and sovu paws.

Step 10. Strip feathers on the tail at Owl. Each pen has a dark shade on the right, which smoothly goes into a light shade on the left. Add diagonal lines to individual feathers. Look carefully on the drawing and note that the diagonal lines drawn on each of the feathers make shading completed and emphasize the details.

Step 11. Strip feathers in the top area of \u200b\u200bthe wing, while the area is darker from above, as the shadow falls from the head of the owl.

Step 12. Use pencils of different softness and hatching lines of different lengths to convey the feathers texture at the top of the wing. Separate feathers have bright areas on the tips.

Step 13. Add dark shadows to claws, while leaving places. Use the hatching of different lines to create a branch texture.

Step 14. If necessary, add more lines to your discretion, so that the drawing looks complete. To create light areas, use the eraser, so that the dark - apply an additional hatching. Put the date and sign the drawing.

Step 1. Start your picture from drawing two ellipses, as shown in the figure.

Step 2. Now we can draw contours of our future owls. Using ellipses as guide elements, add details as shown in the figure. Keep in mind that elliptic guide lines will be removed by the eraser at a later stage.

Step 3. Add additional lines and contours. Just do not forget to make them very bright, so that in the future it is easily erased from paper.

Step 4. Now that we have a good drawn base of owls, we can proceed to hatching. Because you work on each pattern of the drawing, I recommend it slightly erase all the contour lines so that they can be barely visible, and then you can start shadowing the area. But I want to note that it is not necessary to wash all the contours, otherwise it will be difficult for you to paint the owl. Will erase only those lines that directly belong to the pattern of the drawing, which you work on. The contours will help you to visualize the form of owls in more detail. Use a piece of fabric or twisted piece of paper to blur the shading.

Step 5. Now we can start adding details to feathers. Observe the oval borders around some of the darkened areas, as I did to form a variety of plumage. As you often consider the image from which you make sketch, it will help you more realistically and correctly depict the Owl's feather coat.

Step 6. Now we will add less detailed feathers to fill out some gaps in the wings. Draw and stitch small semi-sinks with a longer hatching at the ends. In my opinion, this type of feathers is reminded by scales.

Step 7. Now add more dark items to increase the contrast of the pattern. Moreover, this trick will help make feathers more realistic and three-dimensional. Again, if you draw from another angle, make sure that you carefully take into account the shadows, without this point your drawing will not look realistic.

Representatives of the Soviet detachment live in all continents of the Earth, with the exception of Cold Antarctica. But boast that I saw one of them in nature, maybe not every child. All because predatory birds are predominantly night. Pictures for children with owls will allow you to consider them near.

Also the attention of curious kids and their parents a selection of interesting facts about sovushki.

Photo owls for children

The Soviet detachment includes two hundred species of birds, most different in size, habitat and some sobs. But all of them have common features. For example, on these pictures for children with owls, you can see that the birds are characterized by a large head, a short bent beak, round eyes, located in front of the head, and not on the sides, like most birds.

Sov does not have a bright plumage. They are more often gray and brown. From the color performs a camouflage function. Very funny white owl, which dwells in the tundra zone. It is almost invisible against the background of snow.

Funny and funny pictures of Sovukushki-owls

Owl knows how to turn the head to 270 degrees due to the fact that the skeleton of her neck consists of a double number of vertebrae - 14 instead of 7, like other birds. A unique blood supply system will protect the birds from the oxygen starvation of the brain and vascular injuries.

The eyes of the Soviek are compared with saucers. The bird can not move them, that is why she needs such a mobile neck.

Hunting at night, owl flies silently. She grabbing the victim with tenacious legs with sharp claws. Their prey, usually becomes insects, small rodents and fish.

Flying a bird of prey during a night hunt is an impressive sight. The photo of this process is very beautiful, but rare.

On birds other types of owls hunt very rarely. At the same time, cannibalism is common among them: large horned owls exterminate small striped, and striped - western screaming.

Cute owls. Photo in the forest, on a tree. Polar Owl

Owl ideally sees at night, knows how to find prey, without moving from the place, her look is wise, and the view is important.

At the same time, such funny pictures are often found.

Ovukushki prefer to dwell in a wooded area. They build nests predominantly in the voupels of trees. In the same place their offspring appears.

Inhabited polar white owls nest on the hills. Their kind of rumor.

Cartoon owls. Guess the cartoon picture

Wisdom, an unusual ability to twist heads, round huge eyes and a few clumsy species - these features that allowed the night bird to become a favorite authors of children's works and multipliers. The kids will gladly name the names of the cartoon owls and the names of the cartoons, the frames of which are depicted in the pictures.

Drawn birds. Wise and smart owls. Pictures of owl pencil

Since the time of antique Greece, this bird is a symbol of wisdom. In the drawings of the Sovice, it is often cool, depicted on a stack of books, with a pen in a paw or in a square academic hat. It is also believed that the figure or drawing of a night bird in the house will save him from misfortunes and criminal encroachments.

"Sovic" theme is very fashionable today: prints with birds decorate clothes, haberdashery, home textiles. Manicure, body art and tattoo with owls are very popular.

The most popular night hunters drawn in such a cartoon style.

With the help of strokes of various thicknesses and shades, the feathers drawn by the pencil of the sovies seemed to be overflowed.

Drawing with a pencil stages for children and beginners

A child who loves to draw and spends a lot of time for this occupation, with pleasure I will be happy to draw a pencil a stages of a pretty sympathetic Union, if you offer him one of these schemes. They are good because they teach to distribute the place on the face and take into account the proportions, which is especially difficult for young and beginner artists.

The authors of this video turns out to draw owls really easily and quickly.

Poems and video for children kindergarten and younger school

It is unlikely that the baby will give the role of Sovice or Filin. But these birds are popular characters of fairy tales and performances for kindergarten children. After the cultural event with the Karapuza, it would be nice to conduct a developing lesson with watching video about the owls and the extinguishing of short risks.

Short poems

In this small poem, it is described by the night lifestyle of the soviek.

If the mouses do not want to get into the claws of the nightly predator, they must be reliably hidden.

Video about owls for children

Children entertain the heroes of this good cartoon, wise Filin and his little grandson.

A funny sovuchka-owl is dedicated to a song-speech for the smallest.

Filin is the owl owl. He is huge and powerful. And not against living with people at all. However, to teach him something extremely difficult. The hunters learned to use Filin as a poultry catcher. Filin easily can raise or, but this is not the limit. He is so strong that he can even hunt for falcons, hawks and. And that is not all. In addition to my strength, it is still very beautiful, especially during the flight. He, as a rule, is slowly soaring over the ground and only occasionally waves with huge wings. The swings of his wings can be a length of half two meters. It is even more than the growth of an ordinary person. That is why I will gladly show how to draw philina pencil.

The first step is drawn in the center of the sheet two circles, and we denote the horizontal lines a branch on which Filin sits. Step second further Denote the circle of the head and tail. Step the third add legs and outline of the plumage. Step fourth draw eyes and key owls. Pitch fifth add a couple of feathers and some shadows. And it turns out about such a bird: Well, how does it seem? Try draw Filina Penciland show your work. I'm going to spend another contest among readers. Read the details in our VKontakte group. I recommend to try to draw other birds:

The techniques drawing owls with pencil and gouache for beginners and children.

The world of nature is diverse and rich in species and color colors of animals and birds. Therefore, a person will always be interested in drawing different fauna representatives and teach such an occupation of their children.

Fine arts in addition to aesthetic pleasure, useful for children as a simulator for the development of thinking, imagination, patience, perfection. Because our task as parents is to find an interesting object for drawing a child and help him in case of difficulties.

Continuing the themes of drawing animals and animal characters, let's talk more about the features of the image of the owls from different angles with pencil and gouache.

How to draw a beautiful pencil with a pencil in stages for children and beginners?


  • sets of solid and soft simple pencils. They are needed to draw different types of feathers at owls, as well as transmission of light and shadow,
  • eraser,
  • paper

Drawing order:

  • indicate 2 oval in the center of the sheet. One elongated right left is the head, the second is top to the torso,
  • add the stretched left right and down the triangle for the future wing,
  • draw a couple of ovals of different sizes at the bottom of the body, it will be paws,
  • on my head, tick the V-shaped sign, from which the beak, eyes will be drawn further,
  • add more details for the paw and a stick on which Owl sits,
  • detail the wing consisting of small feathers in the upper half and large, long - in the bottom,
  • draw semicircles for eyes and pupils, make rims of eyeballs by a softer pencil,
  • indicate hooked beaks,
  • the head contour is replace on the gear edge, simulating small feathers in this part of the owl,
  • add accents on bird paws covered with small feathers.

The better you have a pencil, the more accurate and draw the feathers more detailed, the game shadow and light on them. If your skills are less pronounced, then use such prompts:

  • picture a circle and oval, dyed to it,
  • add the bends of the owls folded on the body,
  • on the head, draw a triangle, passing into broad eyebrows of owls. Fuck it at the ends,
  • add sketches for eyes and beak,
  • detail them. Dorisite pupils, beak - bend, separating it on the top and bottom,
  • zigzag movements depict curly feathers around the face of owls and on her chest,
  • add doodles on the wing, located closer to you,
  • mouse over the wings lines,
  • complete the drawing drawing of thin paws, holding over the branch.

Below photo instructions drawing owls from different angles with a pencil:

How to draw a pretty, cartoon owl?

If you are planning to please the child with a cheerful cartoon owl drawn pencil, act like this:

  • picture a circle with cross-shaped marking
  • dorisite at the top of the ears, shoved to the head
  • indicate the eye zone and oval for beak
  • divide the eyeball on pupils and squirrels, siny first
  • dorisuite dustped to the head truncated from above and below the rhombus
  • add a line of folded wings on the sides of it
  • draw 3 strips on your head and wave lines on the chest
  • erase auxiliary lines
  • at the request of the child Ready drawing coloring with him together

Or another version of owls:

  • picture 2 circles that will be the eyes of the bird
  • highlight in each pupil and stitch it
  • between your eyes downstairs Dorisite the beak
  • add the contour of the body-head, which is like a medieval shield
  • on the sides of the body, spend soft bent inside the line, marking the places of folded wings
  • move the rim around the eyes of the owl
  • on the heads, tick the ears, at the bottom of the body - paws
  • body and wings of birds decorate lines imitating the plumage

Below in pictures, step-by-step photos of Owls:

How to easily draw owls by cells?

  • First, decide on the level of complexity of the pattern and the time to create it. The fewer the requirements at this stage, the easier and faster you draw it.
  • Secondly, consider the presence / absence of parts that are not inherent in the bird in nature. For example, dress, long paws, multicolored clothes.
  • Thirdly, prepare a sheet of paper and a pencil distinted.
  • Find the desired diagram or turn on your fantasy.
  • Start drawing from a paw or branches, on which Owl will sit. That is, the direction of the image is from the bottom up.

As inspiration, add a number of ready-made schemes of owls, performed by cells:

How to draw a flying owl?

Prepare the necessary materials for drawing, act like this:

  • perform body sketch in the form of oval, revealed tail - fan and wings - semicircles,
  • on the top of the body, highlight oval for the head and in it a circle for the face of the bird,
  • recognize eyes, beak, ears, small feathers on the head,
  • go to the detail of the wings. On their very edge, there is a number of large feathers, depicting them
  • closer to the body of feathers on wings become smaller, show it with a pencil,
  • draw the tail consisting of well-viewed large feathers,
  • add paws that are folded together,
  • walk around the drawing of a solid pencil and draw in detail feathers.

Step-by-step photos of the image of the owls in flight See below:

How to draw the head of owls?

The head of the owls can be pictured easier or more detailed.

In both cases, be sure to depict:

  • eyes
  • face-made face

In a detailed version, Dorisite:

  • small feathers and game shadows in them,
  • the darkened triangle in the middle of the head, starting from the beak and the exciting areas over the eyes.

In case of creating a picture, a novice artist or a cartoon owl for a child, a bird's head is often one with a torso. Therefore, just highlight the accents so that the bird is recognizable.

As an example, add a simple head drawing sequence:

How to draw owl gouache?

You need:

  • paper
  • the gouache of those colors that are suitable for owls
  • tassels of different diameters
  • rag
  • color mixing board

The order of drawing owls:

  • depict an oval for a torso and head brown,
  • highlight 2 circles for the eyes of the same tone
  • put black dots in their center, and on the sides, draw the rays of yellow-brown paint,
  • add one or 2 wings in the form of leaves. Note that they are false to be different sizes. That which is closer to the viewer - more. Color for wings Take darling, but not black,
  • triangle tick the tail, fill it
  • add 2 small triangles for light brown paws,
  • claws Draw 3 pieces on each paw in black,
  • in the free order, mark feathers throughout the body of the owl. Be sure to mix and combine the colors of the paint,
  • the last barcode is an image of the branch on which Owl sits.

Pictures of owls for children with pencil and watercolor for drawing: Photo

In order to do not write step-by-step instructions in the drawing of the owls, look at the finished paintings of birds made by pencil and watercolor. Choose your favorite and draw with a child at your leisure.

So, we looked at a few techniques for owls, sitting on a branch and with open wings, learned how to draw heads of heads, secured the skills of gouache.

If your baby is interested in the world around him, introduce them through drawing. Invent interesting stories in the process of creating a picture and at its end. These moments will continue in the memory of the child for life.

Video: How to draw owl pencil?