How the Greek comedy is arranged and why the people scold well. Comedy of ancient Greece

How the Greek comedy is arranged and why the people scold well. Comedy of ancient Greece

This is an oldest out of famous forms Comedy, which developed in ancient Greece V - III centuries. BC e. (mainly in the Attics). This direction Takes its origins from folk rituals that were arranged in honor of fertility. Such festivals, mostly, consisted of funny songs, jokes, ridicule and obscenities, which, according to ancient Greek society, were needed for praising and improving the forces of nature. Most often, comedy ideas were arranged during the holidays in honor of the Great Dionysia. They were the final stage of each of the 3 days of the festival. It is believed that the first ancient Greek comedy playwright was Epharm. (ancient Greek comedyographer, philosopher and poet).

The subsequent stage of ripening was in the development of an ancient attic comedy. She has already had greater expressiveness and had some features and characteristic features. For example: the basis of the entire action was any thesis. He became the subject of disputes and at the end of the presentation was proved.

An important part of the comedy was part that consisted of the treatment of choir to the public.

All plots scenic action They took from ordinary everyday life and revealed public problems. In ancient Greek comedy, not only scenes from life, but also real personalities.

There are many generally accepted principles of the classification of the comedy, built on the basis of certain structural components theater work. One of them is the classification of an ancient Greek comedy in the process of its development. Total allocated 3 periods:

  • 1. Ancient Attic Comedy - Early view literary comedy. In ancient Greece, who received distribution in the attic. The beginning of the "ancient" comedy dates back to rural festivals in honor of God Dionysus. The first information about the ancient attic comedy is approximately 5 BC. e. The "ancient" comedy was political. I constantly affected it state Device, activities of individual institutions of the Athenian Republic, her foreign Policy, Public education of children and youths, representatives of power, poets, philosophers were displayed in caricature form. The artistic heyday ancient attic comedy reached in the work of Aristophane (a completely 11 comedians written to them came to us.
  • 2. Average attic comedy Got the spread in Athens in the IV century. BC e. The characteristic feature of the middle attic comedy was the image of everyday life and household types: chefs, fish traders, aliens, etc. None of the average attic comedy reached us entirely. Only names (about 50) of poets (Anaxandrid, Anti-Fan, Ebbul, Alexid, Timocl, and others are preserved.
  • 3. New Attic Comedy (V-III centuries. BC. E.) - the final stage Development of an ancient Greek comedy. Main features: focusing interest in private conflicts and love intrigue; The desire for everyday believing. Main representatives - Menandr and Phileton. The new attic comedy had a decisive influence on the Roman comedy, and through it - to the European playwright up to the Moliere.

Aristophane, Comedy "Clouds": From the very beginning, the "clouds" is the author's mockery over the passion for the sophistry, which was dominated in ancient Greece in 50-40. BC. In the comedy "clouds" are set important problems. First of all, this is the problem of faith, and even not so much belief in some kind of deities or strength, how much the problem of morality and religiosity. Creativity Aristofana completes one of the most brilliant periods in history greek culture. It gives a strong, brave and true, often deep satire on the political and cultural state of Athens during the crisis of democracy and the upcoming decline of the policy. In the curve of the mirror, his comedy reflects the most diverse layers of society, men and women, state figures and commander, poets and philosophers, peasants, city inhabitants and slaves; Caricature typical masks get the character of clear, generalizing images. It reaches the simplest techniques of the most acute comic effects.

Ancient Greek comedydramatic genre, Developed in ancient Greece in V - IV centuries. The ancients themselves were highlighted in it 2 varieties: the Dorian (or Sicilian) comedy, deprived of the choir and wearing mostly household and parody-mythological character (epharms), and attic, named as an attic area where she arose and passed a long path of development. IN modern literary studyAccording to the antique philologists, it is indicated by 3 periods of ancient Greek comedy, differing in informative and formal signs. Source-conditioned chronological boundaries between them have the following type: 1) from 486 (1st representation of an ancient Greek comedy on the Great Dionisias) at 404 (Comedy of the Peloponnese War) - "Ancient" Attic Comedy; 2) from 404 to 323 (a year of death of Alexander Macedonsky) - "Average" Attic comedy; 3) With 323, the stage of the "new" attic comedy, which formally continues until the time of the Roman Empire begins.

The origin of the ancient Greek comedy Aristotle associated with the seals of phallic songs, the execution of which within the framework of the fertility ritual made it possible to contribute to the element of social inversion. Thus, when decorated at the beginning of the V c. Ancient Greek Comedy As a genre Choir from the very beginning acquired an accusatory character, which was the main sign of an ancient attic comedy. Another source is a speech episcode with the participation of 2 - 3 actors - goes back to a folk household scene with a passage and blows that suprate on the winning side (cf. rus. Parsushki). As a result of the unification of the accusatory choir with dialogic episodes, a peculiar structure of an ancient attic comedy was arose: the core of the choir from 24 people followed the extensive prologue, who immediately interfered with the effect. Then, the episcodia alternated with choral batches, while the struggle of two opponents did not reach the top in Ogon - a dispute on some important public theme.

The Reniece of Eppodiyev after the agona was called to visually present the results of the victory or, less often, its illusory character. A special place was held in the ancient Comedy of Parabas - her ancient choir core. For the time of the ancient attic comedy, about 60 names of the authors and excerpts from their works are known, not counting Aristofan, from which 11 comedies remained. Along with him, Katina and Epolida, which are currently presented to the antique time, presented at present only by fragments. As can be seen from the reached material, the ancient attic comedy opposed the Peloponnesian War, which suffered mainly the attic peasantry, but did not have objections against the very being of the Athenian state device. Ideal her - in the era of the glorious marathon fighters ("riders" of Aristofan); From this point of view, an ancient attic comedy raised new flows in the spiritual life of Athenians, religious skepticism and the critical focus of the exercise of the Sofists, Dramaturgia of Euripid ("Clouds", "Frog" Aristophane). Vigorly noting the meaning of the conflict in public Life, ancient attic comedy found permission only in the world of fairy tales and social utopia, without stopping before bringing out of the world of dead Great husbands of the past ("Demos" of Evpolida).

IN art plan Ancient attic comedy was distinguished by a specific method of typing: Raze negative traits They personified in real existing person (Clean, Socrates), whose name attached concreteness of a demagogue mask or a charlatan scientist. Characteristic for an ancient comedy also materialization metaphors: the duration of the peace treaty corresponded to the content taste in various bottles, the foundation poetic word It is checked by weighing on scales, etc. With the fall of the potential of the Athenian democracy, the ancient attic comedy has exhausted. The average attic comedy who came to replace it, not leaving ridicule over individuals, generally lost its socio-political tendency. It immediately affected the significantly reduced role of the choir, and the scenes began to prevail the mythological parody and household topics, and the masks later had a mask in the framework of the attic comedy environment, and then the Roman comedy: a young man, a harsh father, boastful Warrior, a pioneer, hetera, a cunning slave, a cook, etc. Total in the field of medium comedy was created by St. 50 poets, the largest were antiphan and alexide, currently represented by fragments.

The loss of ancient texts was especially tangible for a new attic comedy. Among her about 60 authors antique criticism highlighted Menandra, Diffil and Phileton. The works of the 2nd are known to be a few fragments or (sometimes) by alterars of Roman authors. Only Menander, thanks to two waves of papiral finds (in the beginning of the 20th century. And in the 50s - 60s) became famous much better. In the new attic comedy, stereotypical situations were preserved, found in the middle comedy; They were based on such motifs as the involuntary relationship of the girl with some unknown rapist, asked and eventually found children; In the end, all the threads were unraveling, and the matter ended with the wedding. Menander introduced deep psychol in standard stories. Motivirovka, awakened sympathy for victims of violence and deception, varied and individualized permanent comedy types. In his work, a 5-acting comedy was firmly formed; The intervals between actions were filled with a dancing chorus, lost all connection with the content


The interest of the directories to the ancient drama existed always. The more long term Life passes the theater, the natural rethinking of their origins. Refer to K. antique works Decoders different generations and aesthetic views. This is exactly what explains the relevance of the topic of the abstract.

Greek comedy arises in the VI century. BC. Of the following four elements: a) noisy and fun household scenes parody and caricature character (especially common among Doriians); b) dramatized songs of the accusatory nature of Selenian, who went to the holidays of the residents on the holidays of Dionysus; c) Orgiastically sacrificial cult of Dionysus; d) songs in honor of the gods of fertility on Dionisians.

As a result of the combination of these four elements, funny, rayful festive marchs and a carnival type scene filled with a festive junning, sharpness and even obscenities, with songs, dances, rich in different animals (goats, horses, bears, birds, roosters), love adventures And the porushka. The very word comedy comeds from Comose, that is, a festive-cheerful crowd, a goulab (or, in a different way, from Sota - "Village" and Os1e ~ - "Song").

These unbridled games of rearranged free landowners received very acute socio-political importance in the struggle against the richest city entrepreneurs who pulled the country to new conquests, to the naval expansion and revealing a small free producer. An ancient attic comedy was an acute dramatic pamphlet against refueling democracy and sophists and sermon ancient landowner and agricultural ideals.

The classical comedy developed under the strongest influence of the growing antagonism between the free private small landowners (both the peasantry and the conservative aristocracy), on the one hand, and on the other - the city trade and industrial and militant democracy, which increased in the middle of the V c., After the Greek-Persian wars.

To disclose the features of the topic in the abstract, it was decided to disclose the following aspects:

Consider the concept, story and features of an ancient comedy;

Pay attention to a more detailed study of antique comedies of Aristophan in a new time;

Reveal the features of the "ancient project" E. Zhuravkin, which operates in National Reserve "Chersonese Tauride."

Antique comedy: concept, history, features

The term "comedy" goes back to the ancient Greek word Comoidia, literally denoting the "Commos song", i.e. The song of the participants of the festive rustic procession dedicated to the glorification of the life-giving forces of nature.

Another source was the elementary and as an ancient form of the People's Balagan - comic Scene, in which the stupid rich, Plut, the thief is trying to deceive, concerue the interests of the main character, but always tolerate defeat, and with disgrace leaves the stage, accompanied by the blows of the stick and the friendly choir of the audience.

One of the most remarkable signs of the structure of an ancient attic comedy is the active role of the choir, the carrier of the main journalistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe play, although it is often clothed in the bizarre costumes of birds, animals, clouds, etc. Participation of the choir created a special compositional structure An ancient comedy, reflecting the main features and origin from the choral (accusatory) and dialogic (feas farce) elements.

Aristophane is the only representative of the ancient comedy, whose plays reached us (namely, 11 plays, he wrote more than 40 plays). The flourishing of his work coincides with the time of the Peloponnesian war. Its gravity lay down the hardest burden on the people of Attica, who ruined. Therefore, the topic of the condemnation of the war with force sounded in the works of Aristophan (the comedy "Mir", "Akharnyan", "Lisser") Kun N. Myths and the legends of ancient Greece. Edited by E. Rodina. - M.: Olma-Mediawards, 2011, p.52 .. Aristophane played a significant role in the development of satire, having laid its main techniques, widely using grotesque, caricature, fiction.

The comedy of Aristophan, this "pronounced tendency poet" and now amazes fearlessly with his satire.

Menander wrote over 199 comedies, but according to the testimony of the ancient authors won on dramatic competitions only 8 times. Menander is almost the only representative of a new attic comedy, whose works reached us. He acquired the glory of the great playwright with his great ownership of art. psychological characteristicsallowing it to create individualized human characters, betraying traditional masks truly human traits, diversify and deepen the conditional types of Washing theater Cornel Pierre. Reasoning for utility and parts dramatic work. Translation N. P. Kozlova // Pierre Cornel. Pieces. - M.: Beck, 2010, p.41 ..

Menander enjoyed a tremendous need for ancientity, the collections of his checkouts, famous in ancient Russia, were very widely distributed.

Menander's comedy had a great influence on the subsequent development of world dramaturgy.

Terency (195-159 BC) created 6 comedies, and they all reached us. They reached brief instructions to them, of which we learn about the time of setting comedies and their performers.

The first comedy terenation - "Andriyanka" was put in 166., the second - "mother-in-law" was raised for the first time in 165, but the view was torn, because Spectators in the middle of the play were ran away to watch fisting fighters and ropes. The second time of the terents set comedy in 160, but the audience after the first act rushed to the games of gladiators. In the same 160, he still managed to put a comedy "mother-in-law" in the same place, p.43 ..

The third comedy terenation is "self-healthy" set in 163, the fourth "EUNU" - in 161, the fifth - "Formion" - also in 161 and the sixth comedy - "Brothers" - in 160

Terentics puts in his plays family questions, life, education, promotes the ideas of humanity, respect for a woman. Characteristic conflicts in comedies Terentation are conflicts between fathers and children, between husband and wife.

The terenation heroes speak elegant literary language. There are no gross ascent expressions in their speeches, there are almost no archaism, but in it and the sucanity that is characteristic of the language of plavery characters.

Highly appreciated the terenation in the XVIII century. Theorists of the so-called "tearful comedy", they considered him a kind of progress of this genre.

Float is a prominent Roman comedian (middle III. - 184 BC). There are no reliable information about his life. Float is attributed to about 130 comedies, but in 1 c. BC. The famous Roman scientist and an expert on the literature Varon allocated 21 comedy from this quantity, considering them genuinely plavet, and these comedies reached us. The most popular of them "treasure" (or "pot"), "Kurkulion" (or "Parasita"), "Mehemy" (or "Gemini"), "boastful warrior", "pseudol" (or "Slacher" ), "Prisoners" and "Amphitrion" Cornel Pierre. Reasoning about the utility and parts of a dramatic work. Translation N. P. Kozlova // Pierre Cornel. Pieces. - M.: Beck, 2010, p.49 ..

The Float loved to portray deft, smart, energetic slaves, which usually cut off their far from smart and passive gentlemen. The Comedy of Float was very popular in the plebeian masses, captured witty, dynamism, an extraordinary juability of the language.

Laughter B. european literature and culture - as well as everything that is in European literature and culture - begins with antiquity. And perhaps, an antique comedy became the first form of organized laughter. Of course, Greeks, like all normal people, laughed, apparently, always, but in the V century BC, we first faced the fact that the laughter becomes a conscious part of the culture, and even more than literature. This phenomenon is called an ancient attic comedy.

Ancient Attic Comedy is an amazing phenomenon in the history of culture, even from a modern point of view, because it is not only a genre of literature, but also part of life at least one city is Athens. Moreover, the comedy is one of the most important components of the current life of the city, since the presentation of the comedies (and tragedies) was part of the central holidays, which in Athens were celebrated quite often: the Small and Great Dionysies (dedicated to God Dionysus, who was considered the patron of the theater) and some others.

Where did the comedy come from? This is a separate I. difficult questionwhich is not even accepted to do especially. Regarding him there is something about the same decision that in due time the French Academy of Sciences accepted a relatively eternal engine: new versions should not be considered.

Nevertheless, it is clear that the comedy has mythological, folklore, religious origins, but what exactly we do not know. We have many ancient stories that previously people Walked around the villages and sang all sorts of people, how we would say, crumbling or dinner songs to their fellow citizens - and it seems to be a comedy from these songs and born. Indeed, such holidays exist in different cultures - And they have even been preserved in the form of some carols. Probably there were some other roots.

But one way or another, the comedy occurred from a very deep mythological idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to scold a person - well, because it certainly balances the state of the world: if you are scolding a person, then everything will be fine with him, and if you praise, then they can be all sorts of trouble. This presentation has been preserved in many signs and rituals, such as the newborn child can not praise. Approximately the same was in Greece.

It is wonderful that this Rugan becomes a component of the most important act in the history and life of a very developed cultural Center Greece - Athens V century BC.

The comedy appeared in the theater. The Theater of Ancient Athens is absolutely not what we understand under the theater now. The Athenian Theater did not reach us in his original form, but from 10 to 20 thousand spectators were placed on different estimates. This means that there has been a significant part of the adult population of the city for the submission of tragedies and comedies. In addition, visitors were present in the theater, since these holidays were simultaneously a place where Athenian allies were gathered. In other words, this view was addressed to the city, and the world. And this in the case of a comedy is particularly interesting, because thereby the comedy Rugan became the subject of attention not only of the whole city, but also the sucked people.

The first component of the laughter of an antique comedy, to understand which may be the most difficult, is a momentary laughter, laughter over what is happening now.

Many names of various figures of Athenian culture of the V century, we only know thanks to the comedy: if they were not wounded (and they are rarely talking about comedies well), we would just not know anything about them. Naturally, sometimes it is very difficult for us to guess what was meant by any alluses, hints and jokes - as if people after two thousand years will watch modern films or views, they will not understand some modern allusions. But these political momentum allys and hints played an extremely significant role: in the comedy it was necessary to laugh primarily over those who live now. And what more important person, the more you need to laugh at him.

The second, what the comedy laughed, is the daily life of the city, including religious, since the comedy was part of the religious holiday. And this for us is also extremely unusual and interesting.

Comedy ultimately became the first genre that understood himself as literary genre. Being an event of the daily life of the city, she simultaneously spoke about intellectual life, about literature, and above all about his partner - tragedy. That is, an antique comedy is a reflexive genre: she talks about modern condition Thoughts and literature.

The comedy was an important part of the life of the city also because it was originally put on city money. The city was responsible for the fact that the comedy, like the tragedy, should be presented at the festival. Later, the city began to give the right to perform a comedy and tragedy of prominent and rich people who competed in order to give money to this production. This is also important: to put a comedy was extremely prestigious. Basically, such a person was that he hired a choir, which was the main part of the comedy. Costumes were bought, the members of the choir trained, fed, and for all this paid the one whom we would be called the producer.

In addition, in comedy, as in every theatrical representation, highly important role The purely external component played, and we should not forget about it too, when we read the texts of an ancient comedy. The comedy was ridiculous also because she was funny visible. We can not fully appreciate the scenography, but sometimes we can imagine it at least.

For example, there was a comedy called "Silence", or "Peace". Her the main character At some point, it was supposed to go to Olympus on the Big Dung Beetle. First, it was in itself scary ridiculous, because it's just ridiculous. Secondly, it was extremely funny, because it was, as always in a comedy, a joke with a double, if not a triple bottom: it paroded famous myth About the hero of the Bellerfonte, which took off on his cow the horse Pegasus to Olympus to compete with the gods. Bellerofont, by the way, cumshot badly, and the comedy hero cums well. And one of the most exciting problems for modern researchers Comedy is how this beetle was presented - and whether it was generally represented. Apparently, it was: he was somehow inflated, and this, of course, was also extremely fun to spectators.

So in the comedy, apparently, a rather complex engineering was used, and the beetle was one of the examples of this.

The type of members of the choir was also ridiculous. Going to the stage, they immediately showed that they were the actors of the comedy, because they were dressed in bright costumes, wearing animal masks and had all sorts of attributes demonstrating comedy. In the comedy, it was extremely popular that the choir portrayed animals, and, by the way, it can also talk about her mythological origins, because it is believed that the animal choirs are also very ancient folklore Motif. Regardless of whom the choir depicted, his actors went on stage with exaggerated signs of fertile bodies - and this also proves the mythological origin of the comedy: it is obviously related to the idea of \u200b\u200bfertility, the revival of the world, and it is in this world renewal through laughter, in particular, And there is a sense of comedy. With such hypertrophied authorities, the actors portrayed the gods could also be released: for example, there are pictures of Zeus, thus presented as a comedic hero. And of course, when such characters appear on stage, it is also extremely funny.

In the comedy there were traditional scenes that always caused laughter. Always someone had to beat, it was necessary to dance an obscene dance, it was desirable to run on stage with the shouts "Fire! Fire!" Or something like that. All this was extremely occupied by the public. It is remarkable that Aristophane, the only comediograph of the V century, from which a certain set of works came to us in a more or less complete form (from the rest - only fragments, although comediographs had a lot), in one of his comedies argues that his comedy is very high , Extremely exquisite, only words are important in it and no one runs with the cries of "Fire! Fire! ", Nobody dances a puffy dance and a young man does not hurt his father. But this is a lie: Aristophan has all this, and something is right in that comedy, which says that this is not. Because it should be. Apparently, such things were extremely attractive, although not the most important.

Comedy is the genre in which the audience takes an active part. First, the public judges who is better, and who worse; and in the tragedy, and in the comedy jury chose from ordinary citizens, and not from literary critics. Secondly, the public is constantly appealing, both in the positive and negative sense. When the hero says: "Yes, little here knowledgeable people", At the same time he makes a gesture towards the hall - and, accordingly, the Athenians understand that they are not very knowledgeable. At the same time, in the same comedy, this hero can say: "What wonderful people Around us "- and also make a gesture to the public. The comedy was even a special section, the so-called parabas, when the choir, dancing some dance, directly turned to the audience, calling them to support the author or saying some important ideaswhich the author considered it necessary to convey, as we would say now, to the broad masses.


Aristotle distinguishes the tragedy and comedy on the following grounds:

  • heroes of tragedy - people of high position, comedy - every rare;
  • the subject of the tragedy - the events of the Great social significance, comedy - everyday incidents from private life;
  • tragedy is usually based on historical events (myths), while the plot of the comedy is completely invented by the author.

Ancient comedy

Main article: Ancient comedy

From the whole ancient attic comedy to the new time only 11 plays of Aristophan, although not less than those who worked at the time of comediographers are known. The most early of the preserved comedies - "Ajornyan" - was delivered in Athens about 425 BC. e. The plot is not available. By their form, the comedy of Aristofan - a chain of comic situations commenting questions political life Athens. The comedies of Aristofan are ruded by junning, dances, songs, investments, often the surrounding property. Choir often was dressed in animal skins, the actors performed in grotesque masks, the action was completed by the universal feast.

Unreachable ridicule, which were famous for comedies V-IV centuries. BC E., Sometimes they passed all the boundaries permitted. There are attempts to limit the liberty of comedes by law.

Medium comedy

The younger contemporaries of Aristophane and senior contemporaries Menandra are customary to relate to the transitional stage - so on. Medium comedy. It is reliably about this period of development of the genre little known. Samples are practically not preserved. It is assumed that during this period comedy loses its political orientation . The value of the choir and its role in the development of the plot is reduced. The template characters are getting distribution - heteros, philosophers, boastful warriors, slaves, slaves, survivors. Parting of the plots of famous tragedies and well-known myths are included.

In the 4th century, the comedy's popularity extends far beyond the limits of Athens: it is known about comedy productions in Great Greece and Sicily.

Novoattic comedy

Main article: New comedy

New (Menandrov) Comedy Chronologically corresponds to the first six decades of Hellenism, followed by the death of Alexander Macedonsky in 323. Actually, the comic element is given to the subordinate importance, the satirical charge is dispersed at all: the comedy is reborn into the household drama. In connection with the decline of political life in attic policies, all the attention of the authors focuses on the tricks of conditional intrigue (as a rule, love). Inherited from the middle comedy, typical characters are treated in a mask (a miser father, in love with a young man, etc.).

About the newatical comedy has to be judged by a very small number of surviving fragments. It is known that the largest comedographers - Menandron, Philemon, Defil - wrote more than a hundred plays each. From the newatical comedy in Rome was born Plavtova Comedy, which, in turn, served as a grain for the formation of the European Comedy of the New Time (Ben Johnson, etc.).


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