The origin of the Russian people. Russians

The origin of the Russian people.  Russians
The origin of the Russian people. Russians

History of the Russian people initially took place in vast geographic spaces. The Old Russian state, emerging in the 9th century, stretched from Of the White Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south, from the lower reaches of the Danube and the Carpathian Mountains in the west and the Volga-Oka interfluve in the east. It was the chronicle Russian land and the area of ​​settlement of the ancient Russian nationality, which already in those distant times was distinguished by a strongly conscious unity with its land. The concept of Rus came into the history of Kievan Rus from the previous centuries. It has an ancient chronology and is localized in the southeast of the East Slavic area - this is the right bank of the Middle Right - Don region - Azov region. On this territory in the 6th-7th centuries there was a strong tribal Russian union, which served in the 9th-10th centuries. the nucleus for the formation of the Old Russian nationality, which included almost all the East Slavic tribes.

The word Rus belongs to Indo-European family languages. The dual vowel of the root Ros / Rus is a reflection of the ancient Indo-European vowel alternation in its local variant. The original meaning of the word Rus is associated with the concept of light, white. Russian folk vocabulary retained this understanding until the twentieth century. The word Rus as the whole world or Tver concept in Russia, i.e. in an open place, open space, in the Jura.

As the East Slavic farmers settled in the Old Russian state, an incessant process took place internal development lands, accompanied by ethnocultural contacts with multilingual peoples and, first of all, with the most geographically settled Balts (Balts are peoples of Indo-European origin, speakers of the Baltic languages, inhabiting in the past and inhabiting today the territory of the Baltic States from Poland and the Kaliningrad region to Estonia) and the Finno-Ugrians. In the 10th-12th centuries, the Slav-Russians began the mass development of the Volga-Oka basin, where the nucleus of the historical-ethnic territory of the Russians was later formed. The ancient Russian state perished under the onslaught of the Batu invasion (1240), which was accompanied by the mass extermination of the population and the destruction of cities. The result of the disintegration of statehood and the great-princely strife was the isolation of ethno-territorial associations, which in the historical perspective led to the addition of the Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples.

The development of vast territories by the Russians is a distinctive feature of the history of Russia. Very early the Russians explore the basins of the great northern rivers - Pechora, Onega, Northern Dvina; in the thirteenth century, Russians already compactly populate North-Eastern Russia; in the sixteenth and fifteenth centuries. they develop the Middle and Lower Volga regions, the Northern and Southern Urals, abandoned by the raids of nomads, the forest-steppe and steppe of Don Rus, as well as the North Caucasus. The peculiarity of the movement of the Russians to the northeast and east is characterized by two important factors. This is, first of all, the abundance of free land, which allowed the Russian settlers not to clash in their interests with the indigenous peoples. Secondly, almost uninhabited areas were developed: in the northeast - a huge region of Pomorie with rugged forests and forest-tundras, with a cold subarctic climate; in the east - the Volga region with dense forests and, beyond the Urals, southern Siberia, Altai and Transbaikalia; in the southeast - huge areas with semi-deserts up to Central Asia... The development of Siberia and the Far East was of outstanding geo-territorial importance for the Russians. As a result, from the 15th century the Russian state became Eurasian. This is the outstanding phenomenon of the Russians who managed to unite the Eurasian space into a single state.

In the old Russian lexicon there is a capacious and proud word pathfinders. This was the name of the first handful of brave people who discovered new lands for themselves and developed them economically (in contrast to the colonial conquests of the Europeans). During the entire foreseeable historical period, the Russians have mastered 21 million square meters. km of land. This became possible thanks to the creation of Russian statehood and the developed self-awareness of the people. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Russians were the second largest nation in the world. Together with them, the population of the empire increased. If under Peter I the population of Russia was slightly more than 13 million people, then in 1913 it was 174 million. This increase was mainly due to the rapid population growth; to a lesser extent due to the annexation of new lands. By the beginning of the twentieth century. Russians in the European part of Russia accounted for 90% of the population. The total number of Russians in 1913 was about 76 million people.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century. the number of Russians, despite significant losses as a result of two world wars and other socio-economic cataclysms, almost doubled. According to the 1989 census in the USSR, the number of all Russians was 145 million, including 120 million in Russia. This is explained not only by a significant natural increase in the population, but also by merging with the Russians. selected groups other nations. Since the 1970s, the growth rate of Russians began to decline noticeably due to a sharp decline in the birth rate, and since the 1990s, also a sharp increase in mortality. According to the 2000 census, the number of Russians in Russia was 126 million. The increase by 6 million people in the number of Russians in Russia compared to the 1989 census occurred solely due to the influx of the Russian population from the former Soviet republics to Russia (approximately 4 million people), as well as due to a change in ethnic identity among a part of the population of other nationalities living in Russia; in addition, since 2000, indicators of natural population growth have slightly stabilized.

The picture of settlement is also changing. Already during the 1980s, there was a decrease in the migration of Russians outside Russia, with a simultaneous outflow from the former Soviet republics. In the 1990s, ethno-transformational processes (the process is called ethno-transformational, when, with a change in individual components of an ethnos, the ethnic self-consciousness of the people entering it changes, and at the same time, the ethnicity of a person also changes) intensified. The flow of Russian migrants to the far abroad has increased. As a result of depopulation processes (depopulation processes - a decrease in the rate of population growth, a decrease in its size), demographers predict a significant reduction in the size of the Russian population by the middle of the 21st century.

The Russian language belongs to the East Slavic subgroup of the Slavic group, which is part of the Indo-European family of languages. It is the most spoken language in the world, one of the six official and working languages ​​of the United Nations, and one of the five working languages ​​of the Parliamentary Assemblies of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Before the collapse of the USSR total number there were about 250 million Russian speakers. The Russian language inherited its written language from Ancient Rus. The modern Russian alphabet is based on the Cyrillic alphabet - one of the oldest Slavic alphabet.

Orthodoxy played an ethno-consolidating role (ethno-consolidation - people's attitude to language, national-cultural ideology) at all stages of Russian history. This historical mission Russian Orthodoxy continues in modern conditions... Folk traditions of celebrating Easter, Trinity, Nativity of Christ, Assumption and many temple (patronal) holidays contribute to the strengthening of family-related and territorial ethnic ties.

The ethnocultural unity of the Russian people throughout the entire area of ​​its settlement did not exclude the diversity of differences and characteristics in different aspects of life. These features and differences were formed during ethnic history Russians under the influence of a variety of natural and climatic conditions and, accordingly, territorial and economic ways of life. Therefore, ethnographic literature traditionally distinguishes ethnocultural areas (from area - area, space), characterized by the specifics of dialectal dialects, anthropological types, the presence of ethnographic groups of the population, ethnocultural characteristics in economic activities, crafts and material culture, a variety of local customs and rituals with the unity of the common model ritual and festive culture. For example, ethnographers traditionally distinguish northern and southern ethnocultural areas on the European territory of Russian settlement, and between them an intermediate center. This division is based on differences in dialects and elements. folk culture... Even at the beginning of the twentieth century. these differences between the North Russian and South Russian areas were quite tangible. During the twentieth century. some ethnocultural differences were being smoothed out (especially in clothing, as well as in language, local dialects are smoothed out - there are almost no regional dialects left). But their own characteristics in the life of northern and southern Russians will remain, since the tangible difference in natural and climatic zones also affects the specifics of everyday culture.

Every nation on earth is a biosocial and cultural-historical phenomenon. Each nation has made its own special contribution to civilization processes. Russians have done a lot on this path. But the main thing, according to a certain historical craft that the Russians had to carry out, is to unite the vast Eurasian expanses from the Baltic to the Pacific Ocean into a single historical, socio-cultural and, at the same time, ethnically diverse space. This is the outstanding cultural and civilizational phenomenon of Russians.

Russian people - East Slavic ethnos , is the largest ethnic group in Europe. According to various sources, lives in the world from 129 to 160 million people. Russian diaspora huge and concentrated in countries the former USSR: in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova and other countries. 86% of Russians live in their historical homeland - in Russia. Two-thirds of the Russian population are adherents of Orthodox Christianity. The national language is Russian.

The origins of the Russian people

Peoples related by origin: and. Assumptions about the origin of the Russian people several. Here are the most famous ones:

1. Danube theory.

The chronicler Nestor worked diligently on the Tale of Bygone Years. The author determined the territory of settlement of Slavic tribes along the Danube. Subsequently, the chronicler's version was developed by historians Klyuchevsky and Soloviev. Many linguists and researchers still adhere to this theory.

2. Scythian theory.

The outstanding Russian genius Mikhail Lomonosov adhered to the Scythian-Sarmatian version of the origin of the Russian people. In his work "Ancient Russian History" Lomonosov pointed out that the Russian people were formed as a result of a mixture of Slavic tribes and the Finno-Ugric tribe. According to the historian, the pagan beliefs of our ancestors have much in common with ancient culture.

3. Baltic theory

The hypothesis about the origin of the Russians is based on DNA research of various peoples. According to the assumption of the scientist Gellenthal, the roots of the Russian population are certainly connected with the Trans-Baltic peoples and the migration of the Altai peoples. Alexey Shakhmatov also calls the territory of the Neman and Western Dvina the ancestral home of the Russians.

Nuances of Russian culture

Russian culture- this is an immense layer, consisting of centuries-old traditions and vivid rituals, unshakable spiritual values, a specific way of life, everyday habits. The very same Pushkin "Russian spirit" is acquired by a person born in the vastness of our Motherland. Russian man- this is strong in spirit personality. The breadth of the soul, simplicity, kindness characterize the Russian ethnos. Throughout history, the Russian people have experienced colossal trials: wars, famine, devastation, natural disasters, enslavement by the Tatar-Mongol yoke. A harsh disposition, a simplified attitude to everyday difficulties, hard work and lack of fear of the enemy characterized the Russian people in the Middle Ages. Mysterious Russian soul modern man does not immediately reveal itself to strangers.

The pride of Russian culture Is a legacy famous artists and writers, composers and architects. Surnames such as Pushkin, Tolstoy, Shishkin and Levitan, Tchaikovsky and Glinka pop up with lightning speed when it comes to Russian geniuses. But not only in creativity, but also in other fundamental areas, be it medicine, military science or rocket science, Russians will proudly join the list of eminent world personalities.

Ancestral traditions

In the modern way of life of the Russian person, of course, much has changed. High-speed cars, everyday comfort, glossy clothes, trendy gadgets have penetrated into every home. However, and this is fortunately, in the most significant moments for a Russian person, he returns to the imperishable Slavic traditions and rituals.

Russian wedding certainly begins with matchmaking, and at the festivities there are still elements of old traditions: the ransom of the bride, the family loaf, the presenting of the young. Baptism and funeral rites have hardly changed. In many families, farewell to the deceased is still going on according to ancient traditions (hanging mirrors, funeral rite, memorial food). The solidarity of the Russians was manifested not only during the sad events, but also in the holding of festivities.

It is still celebrated on a grand scale Pancake week... The tradition of burning scarecrows, the ritual of forgiving offenses and eating delicious pancakes gives a special appeal to this holiday. Among church holidays the most revered among Russians are Christmas and Easter... V winter time the kids are having fun, walking from house to house and singing carols. For the glorification of Christ, children receive sweets and money from the owners. For Easter, every home will have a fragrant cake and colored eggs. The tradition of visiting cemeteries these days, remembering departed relatives and friends, has not been eradicated.

The Russian people are representatives of the East Slavic ethnos, the indigenous inhabitants of Russia (110 million people - 80% of the population Russian Federation), the largest ethnic group in Europe. The Russian diaspora numbers about 30 million people and it is concentrated in such states as Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, in the countries of the former USSR, in the USA and EU countries. As a result of the sociological research it was found that 75% of the Russian population of Russia are followers of Orthodoxy, and a significant part of the population does not classify itself as a particular religion. The national language of the Russian people is Russian.

Each country and its people have their own meaning in modern world, the concepts of folk culture and history of the nation, their formation and development are very important. Each nation and its culture are unique in their own way, the color and uniqueness of each nation should not be lost or dissolve in assimilation with other nations, the younger generation should always remember who they really are. For Russia, which is a multinational power and home to 190 peoples, the issue of national culture is quite acute, due to the fact that for recent years its erasure is especially noticeable against the background of the cultures of other nationalities.

Culture and life of the Russian people

(Russian folk costume)

The first associations that arise with the concept of "Russian people" are, of course, the breadth of the soul and the strength of the spirit. But after all national culture people form, it is these character traits that have a huge impact on its formation and development.

One of the distinguishing features of the Russian people has always been and is simplicity, in the old days slavic houses and property very often were plundered and completely destroyed, hence the simplified attitude to everyday life. And of course, these trials, which fell to the lot of the long-suffering Russian people, only tempered their character, made them stronger and taught them to get out of any life situations with their heads held high.

Another of the traits that prevails in the character of the Russian ethnos is kindness. The whole world is well aware of the concept of Russian hospitality, when "they will feed, and give, and put to sleep." A unique combination of such qualities as cordiality, mercy, compassion, generosity, tolerance and, again, simplicity, which are very rare in other peoples of the world, all this is fully manifested in the very breadth of the Russian soul.

Diligence is another of the main features of the Russian character, although many historians in the study of the Russian people note both her love for work and great potential, and her laziness, as well as complete lack of initiative (remember Oblomov in Goncharov's novel). But all the same, the efficiency and endurance of the Russian people is an indisputable fact, against which it is difficult to object. And no matter how scientists around the world want to understand the “mysterious Russian soul”, it is unlikely that any of them can do it, because it is so unique and multifaceted that its “highlight” will forever remain a secret for everyone.

Traditions and customs of the Russian people

(Russian meal)

Folk traditions and customs represent a unique connection, a kind of "bridge of times" linking the far past with the present. Some of them are rooted in the pagan past of the Russian people, even before the baptism of Russia, little by little their sacred meaning was lost and forgotten, but the main points have been preserved and are still observed. In villages and towns, Russian traditions and customs are honored and remembered to a greater extent than in cities, which is associated with a more isolated lifestyle of urban residents.

A large number of rituals and traditions are associated with family life(this is matchmaking, and wedding celebrations, and the baptism of children). Carrying out ancient ceremonies and rituals guaranteed a successful and happy life in the future, the health of descendants and the general well-being of the family.

(Colorized snapshot of a Russian family at the beginning of the 20th century)

Slavic families have long been different big amount family members (up to 20 people), adult children, already married, remained to live in home, the head of the family was a father or an older brother, all of them had to obey and unquestioningly carry out all their orders. Usually weddings were held either in the fall, after the harvest, or in the winter after the Epiphany (January 19). Then the first week after Easter, the so-called "Red Hill", was considered a very good time for a wedding. The wedding itself was preceded by a matchmaking rite, when the groom's parents came to the bride's family together with his godparents, if the parents agreed to give their daughter in marriage, then the bride was held (acquaintance of the future newlyweds), then there was a ceremony of conspiracy and mating (the parents decided on the dowry and the date of the wedding festivities ).

The rite of baptism in Russia was also interesting and unique, the child had to be baptized immediately after birth, for this, godparents were chosen, who would be responsible for the life and well-being of the godson throughout their lives. At one year old, the baby was put on the inside of a sheep's sheepskin coat and sheared, cutting off a cross on the crown, with such a meaning that impure forces would not be able to penetrate his head, and would not have power over him. Every Christmas Eve (January 6), a slightly grown godson must bring kutya (wheat porridge with honey and poppy seeds) to the godparents, and they, in turn, must present him with sweets.

Traditional holidays of the Russian people

Russia is a truly unique state, where, along with the highly developed culture of the modern world, they carefully honor old traditions their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, going back centuries and keeping the memory of not only Orthodox vows and canons, but also the most ancient pagan rituals and sacraments. And to this day, pagan holidays are celebrated, people listen to the signs and age-old traditions, remember and tell their children and grandchildren ancient traditions and legends.

Major folk holidays:

  • Christmas Jan. 7
  • Christmastide January 6 - 9
  • Baptism January 19
  • Pancake week from 20 to 26 February
  • Forgiveness Sunday ( before the onset of Lent)
  • Palm Sunday ( Sunday preceding Easter)
  • Easter ( the first Sunday after the full moon, which occurs not earlier than the day of the conditional vernal equinox on March 21)
  • Red hill ( first Sunday after Easter)
  • Trinity ( Sunday at Pentecost - 50th day after Easter)
  • Ivan Kupala 7 july
  • Day of Peter and Fevronia July 8
  • Ilyin's day August 2
  • Honey Savior August 14
  • Apple Spas August 19
  • Third (Khlebny) Spas August 29
  • Cover day October 14

There is a belief that on the night of Ivan Kupala (July 6-7), once a year a fern flower blooms in the forest, and whoever finds it will gain untold riches. In the evening, near rivers and lakes, big fires are kindled, people dressed in festive Old Russian robes lead round dances, sing ritual chants, jump over the fire, and let wreaths go downstream, hoping to find their soul mate.

Pancake week - traditional holiday of the Russian people, celebrated during the week before Great Lent. For a very long time, Shrovetide was not a holiday, but a ritual, when the memory of departed ancestors was honored, placating them with pancakes, asking them for a fertile year, and spending the winter by burning a straw effigy. Time passed, and the Russian people, thirsty for fun and positive emotions in the cold and dull season, turned the sad holiday into a more cheerful and daring celebration, which began to symbolize the joy of the imminent end of winter and the arrival of the long-awaited warmth. The meaning has changed, but the tradition of baking pancakes has remained, exciting winter fun: sledding and horse-drawn sledding downhill, burned straw effigy Winters, the whole Shrovetide week, a relative went to pancakes to the mother-in-law, then to the sister-in-law, the atmosphere of celebration and fun reigned everywhere, various theatrical and puppet shows featuring Petrushka and other folklore characters. One of the very colorful and dangerous entertainments on Shrovetide was fist fights, in which the male population participated, for whom it was an honor to take part in a kind of "war effort", testing them for courage, courage and dexterity.

Especially revered Christian holidays Christmas and Easter are considered among the Russian people.

The Nativity of Christ is not only a bright holiday of Orthodoxy, it also symbolizes the rebirth and return to life, the traditions and customs of this holiday, filled with kindness and humanity, high moral ideals and the triumph of the spirit over worldly concerns, in the modern world are reopened and rethought by society. The day before Christmas (January 6) is called Christmas Eve, because the main dish of the festive table, which should consist of 12 dishes, is a special porridge "sochivo", consisting of boiled cereals sprinkled with honey, sprinkled with poppy seeds and nuts. You can sit down at the table only after the first star appears in the sky, Christmas (January 7) is a family holiday, when everyone gathered at the same table, ate a festive meal and gave each other gifts. 12 days after the holiday (until January 19) are called Christmastide, earlier at this time girls in Russia held various gatherings with fortune-telling and rituals to attract grooms.

Bright Easter has long been considered a great holiday in Russia, which people associated with the day of general equality, forgiveness and mercy. On the eve of Easter celebrations, Russian women usually bake cakes (festive Easter bread) and Easter, clean and decorate their homes, young people and children paint eggs, which, according to ancient legend, symbolize drops of blood of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. On the day of Holy Easter, smartly dressed people, meeting, say "Christ is Risen!"

The culture of the peoples of Russia is one of the most diverse in the world. More than 190 peoples live on its territory, each of which individually has its own unique culture, and the larger the number, the more noticeable the contribution of this people to the culture of the whole country.

Most numerous in Russia Russian population- it is 111 million people. The three most numerous nationalities are closed by Tatars and Ukrainians.

Russian culture

Russian culture has a huge historical and cultural heritage and dominates the state.

Orthodoxy is the most widespread religion among the Russian people, which had a huge impact on the development moral culture of the peoples of Russia.

The second religion in number, although incomparably losing to Orthodoxy, is Protestantism.

Russian housing

A log hut with a gable roof is considered a traditional Russian dwelling. The entrance was a porch, a stove and a cellar were built in the house.

There are still many huts in Russia, for example, in the town of Vyatka, Arbazhsky district of the Kirov region. There is an opportunity to visit the unique Museum of the Russian hut in the village of Kochemirovo, Kadomsky district, Ryazan region, where you can see not only a real hut, but also household items, a stove, a loom and other elements of Russian culture.

Russian national costume

In general, men's folk costume consisted of a shirt with an embroidered collar, pants, bast shoes or boots. The shirt was worn outside and picked up with a belt made of fabric. A caftan was worn as outerwear.

Women's folk costume consisted of a long embroidered shirt with long sleeves, a sundress or a skirt with a frill, and a woolen skirt on top - a poneva. Married women wore a headdress - a warrior. The festive headdress was a kokoshnik.

V Everyday life russians folk costumes are no longer worn. The best examples of this clothing can be seen in ethnographic museums, as well as at all kinds of dance competitions and festivals of Russian culture.

Traditional Russian cuisine

Russian cuisine is known for its first courses - cabbage soup, hodgepodge, fish soup, pickle, okroshka. Porridge was usually prepared as a second course. “Shchi and porridge is our food,” they have said for a long time.

Very often, cottage cheese is used in dishes, especially when making pies, cheesecakes and cheesecakes.

The preparation of various pickles and marinades is popular.

You can try Russian dishes in numerous restaurants of Russian cuisine, which are found almost everywhere in Russia and abroad.

Family traditions and spiritual values ​​of the Russian people

The family has always been the main and unconditional value for the Russian people. Therefore, from ancient times it was important to remember your family. The connection with the ancestors was sacred. Children are often named after grandparents, sons are named after fathers - in this way they show respect for relatives.

Previously, the profession was often passed from father to son, but now this tradition has practically died out.

An important tradition is the inheritance of things, family heirlooms. This is how things accompany the family from generation to generation and acquire their own history.

Both religious and secular holidays are celebrated.

The most massively celebrated public holiday in Russia is the New Year holiday. Many people also celebrate the Old New Year on January 14th.

The following holidays are also celebrated: Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day, Victory Day, Workers' Solidarity Day ("May" holidays on May 1-2), Constitution Day.

The largest Orthodox holidays are Easter and Christmas.

Not so massively, but the following are also noted Orthodox holidays: Baptism of the Lord, Transfiguration of the Lord ( Apple saved), Honey Spas, Trinity and others.

Russian folk culture and the Maslenitsa holiday, which lasts a whole week until Lent, are practically inseparable from each other. This holiday is rooted in paganism, but is now celebrated everywhere and Orthodox people... Shrovetide also symbolizes the farewell to winter. The visiting card of the festive table is pancakes.

Ukrainian culture

The number of Ukrainians in the Russian Federation is approximately 1 million 928 thousand people - this is the third largest population among the general population, and therefore Ukrainian culture is an important component of the culture of the peoples of Russia.

Traditional Ukrainian housing

Ukrainian hut is an important component of the Ukrainian traditional culture... A typical Ukrainian house was wooden, small in size, with a hipped roof made of thatched. The hut was necessarily whitewashed inside and out.

There are such huts in Russia, for example, in the Orenburg region, in the western and central regions of Ukraine, in Kazakhstan, but almost always the thatched roof is replaced with slate or covered with roofing felt.

Ukrainian folk costume

The man's suit is made up of a linen shirt and wide trousers. An embroidered front slit is characteristic of the Ukrainian shirt; they wear it tucked into their pants, girded with a sash.

The basis for the women's outfit is a long shirt. The hem of the shirt and the sleeves were always embroidered. A corset, skirt or andarak was worn on top.

The most famous element of traditional Ukrainian clothing is embroidered shirt - a men's or women's shirt, characterized by complex and varied embroidery.

Ukrainian folk costumes are no longer worn, but they can be seen in museums and at festivals of Ukrainian folk culture. But embroidered shirts are still in use and are even gaining more and more popularity - Ukrainians of all ages like to wear them, both as a festive outfit and as an element of everyday wardrobe.

The most famous Ukrainian dish is red beet and cabbage borsch.

The most popular product in Ukrainian cuisine is lard - it is used to prepare many dishes, eaten separately, salted, fried and smoked.

Wheat flour products are widespread. National dishes include dumplings, dumplings, verguns, lemishki.

Ukrainian cuisine is loved and popular not only among Ukrainians, but also among many other residents of Russia - it will not be difficult to find a restaurant of Ukrainian cuisine in large cities.

The family values ​​of Ukrainians and Russians are largely identical. The same goes for religion - Orthodox Christianity occupies a large part of the religion of the Ukrainians living in Russia; traditional holidays are almost the same.

Tatar culture

Representatives Tatar ethnic group on the territory of Russia there are approximately 5 million 310 thousand people - this is 3.72% of the total population of the country.

Tatar religion

The main religion of the Tatars is Sunni Islam. At the same time, there is a small part of the Kryashen Tatars, whose religion is Orthodoxy.

Tatar mosques can be seen in many cities of Russia, for example, the Moscow Historical Mosque, the St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque, the Perm Cathedral Mosque, the Izhevsk Cathedral Mosque and others.

Traditional Tatar housing

The Tatar dwelling was a four-walled log house, fenced off from the facade and remote from the street, with a passage. Inside, the room was divided into a female and a male part, the female part was at the same time a kitchen. Houses were decorated with bright paintings, especially the gates.

In Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan, there are many such estates left, not only as architectural monuments, but also as residential buildings.

The costume may differ depending on the subgroup of Tatars, however, it has a great influence on a single image national costume rendered clothes Volga Tatars... It consists of a shirt-dress and wide trousers for both women and men, and a robe was often used as an outer garment. The headdress for men was a skullcap, for women - a velvet cap.

In their original form, such costumes are no longer worn, but some elements of clothing are still in use, for example, scarves, ichigi. See traditional clothes possible in ethnographic museums and at thematic exhibitions.

Traditional Tatar cuisine

A distinctive feature of this cuisine is that not only Tatar ethnic traditions have influenced its development. From different cultures, Tatar cuisine has absorbed bal-may, dumplings, pilaf, baklava, tea and other various dishes.

Tatar cuisine boasts a variety of flour products, among them: echpochmak, kystyby, kabartma, sansa, kyimak.

Milk is often used, but most often in processed form - cottage cheese, katyk, sour cream, syzme, eremchek.

A lot of restaurants throughout Russia offer a menu of Tatar cuisine, and the best choice, of course, in the capital of Tatarstan - Kazan.

Family traditions and spiritual values ​​of the Tatars

Starting a family has always been the highest value for Tatar people... Marriage is considered a sacred duty.

The moral and spiritual culture of the peoples of Russia is in one way or another connected with the religious culture, and the peculiarities of Muslim marriage are that it is inextricably linked with religious culture Muslims. For example, the Koran forbids marrying an atheist woman, an agnostic woman; marriage with a representative of another religion is not too approved.

Now Tatars get to know each other and marry mainly without the intervention of the family, but earlier the most common marriage was matchmaking - the groom's relatives went to the bride's parents and made an offer.

The Tatar family is a family of the patriarchal type, married woman was completely at the mercy of her husband and on his maintenance. The number of children in a family sometimes exceeded six. The spouses settled with the husband's parents; living with the bride's parents was a shame.

Unquestioning obedience and respect for elders is another most important feature of the Tatar mentality.

Tatar holidays

The Tatar culture of the celebration includes both Islamic and original Tatar and all-Russian state holidays.

Major religious holidays are considered Uraza Bayram - the holiday of breaking the fast, in honor of the end of the month of fasting - Ramadan, and Eid al-Adha - the holiday of sacrifice.

Until now, the Tatars also celebrate Kargatuy, or Karga Butkasy, a folk holiday of spring, and Sabantuy, a holiday on the occasion of the completion of spring agricultural work.

The culture of each people of Russia is unique, and together they represent an amazing puzzle that will be incomplete if you remove some part. Our task is to know and appreciate this cultural heritage.

How the Russian people came about. Now (at modern system education in Russia) less and less Russian people know about the origin of their people. The most that they now know that the Russians lived in Ancient Kievan Rus. But even that doesn't suck right. At the time of Kievan Rus there was still no Russian people, in those distant times the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian people were a single whole people and this people was called Rusich (Rus). At first I wanted to write the history of the origin of the Russian people, starting from modern times and further deepening into the depths of the centuries, and even began to write like that. But I realized that it would still be more understandable to write this article, starting from the most ancient times (I will start from 17 million years ago) and gradually (chronologically) describe this history (with ethnic maps) with stops and description of ethnic processes on Earth and the East. Europe, with stops (and maps) in the following years: So let's start with the most ancient times. 17 million years ago (see the map) As you can see from the map - then only asuras (Lemurians) lived on Earth, they were giants with black skin. Now the descendants of these black giants are the aborigines of Australia, the Papuans, the Veddoids of Ceylon, the Khoisans and the pygmies of Africa. It was the first people to exist on Earth 17 million years ago. They were the only people on Earth. His name is Asuras (some researchers call them Lemurians, the Greeks called them Titans, this people has many names). Indeed, the representatives of this people were very tall - from 38-50 meters, gradually this growth decreased - up to 6-7 meters. How this people appeared on Earth, I will not tell here. This is a separate long story. I can only say one thing, highly developed civilizations participated in the creation of this people. 4 million years ago. As you can see from this map, it was around this time that the division began on Earth. the only people(asuras) into three other peoples - Atlanteans, later Asuras and Muans. 1 million years ago. At that time the Atlanteans were the dominant people on Earth. There were, of course, other peoples - the Muans and the later Asuras, but they were completely subordinate to the civilization of the Atlanteans (Toltecs). 79 thousand years BC What happened about 80 thousand years ago. The Atlanteans play the main role on Earth, but they are no longer so united and strong. There are large groups of tribes - Akkadians, Turanians, Australoids (descendants of the late Asuras and Muans) and other mixed peoples, many descendants of the Atlanteans appear in Europe, who migrated from the dying continent of Atlantis. The world map takes on a form similar to the modern one. Lemuria and the mainland of Mu are long gone, the island of Poseidonis remained from Atlantis. 22 thousand years BC We will now consider only a part of the world map, namely Eastern Europe, and we will start with the northern part of Europe, since we need it most of all to consider our history. Let's see what happened in northern Europe about 22,000 BC. On the site of the modern islands - Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land, there was then a large continent called Arctida (sometimes it is called Hyperborea), where the Hyperboreans lived (these are the northern Atlanteans who moved here from the dying continent of Atlantis and the Poseidonis Island). As we can see, in addition to the Hyperboreans, tribes of the Sungir culture and the tribes of the Kostenko culture still lived in the center of Eastern Europe. Some modern historians believe that all Indo-Europeans descended from the Sungir people, and all Caucasian peoples descended from the Kostenko people, but this is not so. We are not investigating these questions. We are only interested in the origin of the Indo-Europeans. And we found the ancient homeland of the Indo-Europeans (and hence the Slavs). But let me remind you that the Hyperboreans are also the ancestors of all Uralic (Finno-Ugric) peoples. 12 thousand years BC What happened in 12000 BC? At this time, there was still a large glacier in the north of Europe, it appeared around 12,500 BC. This glacier destroyed (covered with ice) the northern continent of Hyperborea. The Hyperboreans had to go south (to the north and middle Ural ). There was the legendary country Biarmia (Great Perm). The Biarmians (Boreans) are descendants of the Hyperboreans. They are also the ancestors of all Indo-Europeans (including Slavs) and also the Uralic (Finno-Ugric) peoples. To the south of the Boreans lived the Gagarin tribes - these are the descendants of the late Atlanteans who migrated from Europe. Historians call them the descendants of the Cro-Magnons. 6500 BC As we can see at this time, tribes of the Shigir culture lived on a vast territory from the Middle and Southern Urals to the Baltic. These tribes are descendants of the Boreans (Biamians, descendants of the Hyperboreans). These were the ancestors of all Indo-European peoples and Uralic (Finno-Ugric) peoples. In these times, it was probably still difficult to draw the line between the future Indo-Europeans and the Urals. A little later, the Butovo culture emerged from the general mass of Shigirs (this is also a part of the Shigirs, but they are nevertheless closer to our ancestors (ancient Slavs), especially since the habitat of the Butovo people coincides with the ancestral home of the ancient Slavs. not Slavs. 4800 BC By 4800 BC, three new groups of peoples (Indo-European) emerged from the Shigir culture - the Narva culture (Narvians), the Upper Volga culture (Volga) and the main group of Indo-Europeans (Indo-Europeans). the tribes living to the south are not the ancestors of the Indo-European peoples. The Volga continue to settle to the south. 4100 BC By 4100 BC, on the basis of the Upper Volgians advancing southward, a new culture was formed - the Sursko-Dnieper (Surtsy). in place of the remaining Boreans and the remnants of the northern tribes of the Shigir culture, only the ancient Finno-Ugrians remained. ). These tribal groups were new groups of Indo-Europeans. 3100 BC By 3100 BC on the Middle Volga, the Balakhna culture (Balakhna people) was formed. In the steppes of Eurasia (from the Irtysh to the Danube), a new culture was formed - Yamnaya (Yamniki). These are new groups of Indo-Europeans (Yamniks can already be called "Aryans", this is the eastern group of Indo-Europeans. In the north of Belarus, the North Belarusian culture (Severtsy) was formed. In the upper reaches of the Oka, the Belevka culture (Belevtsy) was formed, to the south of the Oka, the Ryazan culture (Ryazan) was formed. to the ancient Slavs - the Dnieper culture (Dnieper) - these are the descendants of the tribes of the Upper Volga culture.At this time there was also the Upper Volga culture (Volga), but by this time the Volga tribes were no longer Indo-Europeans, many Uralic (Finno-Ugric ) tribes. On the maps I will be all groups of tribes that influenced the formation of the Slavic (and later Russian) peoples, I will also sign in letters. 2500 BC By 2500 BC - in the center of Eastern Europe (in the upper reaches of the Don), a new culture was formed - the culture of Corded Ware (Cord Ware). This culture was formed on the basis of the Yamnaya culture and other cultures of Eastern Europe, akin to the Indo-Europeans (Belevskaya, Ryazan, Balakhna). The Corded Ware tribes were the Indo-Europeans - herders to the "shepherds" who began their movement westward to Western Europe. The settlement of Europe by Indo-Europeans began. All new cultures that began to appear west of this hearth were also Corded Ware cultures (but with different names). Since 2500 BC, the massive penetration of Indo-Europeans into Western Europe began. Since that time, the Yamnaya culture mainly included only the ancestors of all ancient Iranians and Indians. The tribes of the Yamnaya culture are often called Aryans. On the basis of the Valdai and North Belarusian cultures, the Neman culture (the Germans) was formed. These were the ancestors of the Western Indo-Europeans. 2100 BC By 2300 BC the following significant ethnic events took place. By this time, the Corded Ware tribes (Indo-Europeans) began to move westward to Central Europe. In the basin of the Middle and Upper Dnieper, the Middle Dnieper culture (Dnieper-2) arose. In Scandinavia and the Baltic States, a culture of boat-shaped axes (Ladievites) was formed (these are also Indo-Europeans - lords). According to the "Legend of the Princes Slovenia and Ruse", it was at this time (on the site of modern Veliky Novgorod) that the city of Slovensk was founded, and on the site of modern Staraya Russa- the city of Russa. At this place in those days there was a Fatyanovskaya culture (these are also Indo-Europeans, who also participated in the formation of the Slavs and Russes). The Volyn megalithic culture (Volyntsi) was formed. In the northwest of the Caucasus, the Maikop culture (Maikop people) was formed. These tribes are the ancestors of the Hittites, Luwians, Palaians, who later migrated to Asia Minor, as well as the remaining Sinds and Meots. Around the same time, the center of all Aryan (Indo-Iranian) tribes appeared - the city of Arkaim (on southern Urals). Later - by 2100 BC - on the basis of the culture of boat-shaped axes in the Baltic States, the Baltic culture (Balts) was formed. In the east of Poland and the west of Belarus, the culture of zlot (zloty) appeared. This is a continuation of the movement of the Indo-Europeans to the west (this is also the Corded Ware culture). On west coast Usatovskaya culture arose in the Black Sea. (usatovtsy). 1900 BC In the lower reaches of the Volga, Don and Dnieper, the catacomb culture (catacombniks) appeared. These are the ancestors of the Cimmerians and Scythians. In the North Caucasus, the North Caucasian culture (North Caucasians) was formed. In western Ukraine appeared urban culture(city dwellers). In the south of Romania and the north of Bulgaria, the clay (clay) culture was formed. In western Romania, the Peryamosh (Peryamians) culture appeared. If someone asks which culture tribes were the ancestors of the Slavs, then I will answer that it was the Middle Dnieper culture (Dnieper 2), but the formation of the Slavs was also influenced by the tribes of neighboring cultures. 1600 BC By this time, the tribes of the bell-beaker culture (akin to the ancient Iberians) had advanced to the territory of Western Ukraine (having occupied the whole of Poland). Culture appeared on the territory of the Baltic States - the southeastern Baltic. On the territory of Romania, the culture of monteoru (monteors) appeared. In the north of Bulgaria, new people- Greeks (these are Dorians, Ionians, Aetolians). But the Indo-Europeans continued their movement westward. 1300 BC By 1500 BC, the Seima culture (Seimians) appeared in the Middle Oka basin. In the upper reaches of the Don and on the Middle Volga, the Srubnaya culture (Srubniki) appeared. On the territory of Poland and Ukraine, the Trzynets culture (Trzynets) appeared. The Andronovo culture (Andronovites) was formed in the corner of the Urals and in the north of Kazakhstan. In the lower reaches of the Danube, the tei (tei) culture appeared. A new people formed in the Balkans - the Thracians (Thracians). Later - by 1300 BC - the Kuban culture (Kubans) was formed in the Kuban valley - these are the ancestors of the future Sinds and Meots. In Western Ukraine, the Komarov culture (Komarovtsy) was formed. In the Center of Europe, a culture of burial mounds (Long-legged Buzzards) was formed. These are most likely the ancestors of the ancient Celts. 1100 BC By 1100 BC, the Lusatian culture (Lusatians) had formed in the center of Europe. These are the ancestors of not only the ancient Slavs, but also the Germans. In the north-east of Romania and on the territory of Moldova, the culture of noa (noa) was formed. On west bank In the Middle Dnieper, the Belohrudov culture (Belohrudovtsy) arose. 900 BC By this time, the Yukhnovskaya culture (Yukhnovtsy) had formed in the Desna basin. On east coast In the Middle Dnieper, the Chornolis culture (Chornolis) was formed. The Vysotsk culture (Vysotsy) was formed in western Ukraine. In the steppes east of the middle Dnieper, the Bondarikha culture (Bondarikha) arose. 700 BC By 800 BC, a new people had formed in the Northern Black Sea region - the Cimmerians (Cimmerians). Later - by 700 BC - the Baltic Kurgan culture (Balts-3) was formed in the southern part of the Baltic region. In the Northern Black Sea region, in the basin of the Lower Don, a new people formed - the Scythians (Scythians). In the lower reaches of the Volga and the Urals, a new people appeared - the Savromats (Savromats). Tribes of the Hallstatt culture (Hallstatt) appeared on the territory of Yugoslavia. Hallstates are the ancestors of the future Celts. By this time, the most probable ancestors of the Slavs are the Chornolis and the High, although the eastern Lusatians were also the ancestors of the Slavs. 500 BC By 550 BC, the Dnieper-Dvinsk culture (Dvintsy) arose in the upper reaches of the Dnieper and Volga. On the western bank of the Dnieper, the Zarubintsy culture (Zarubintsy) was formed. Greek colonies (Greeks) appeared on the shores of the Black Sea. And by 500 BC, between the Middle Volga and the Upper Don, the Gorodets culture (Gorodtsy) was formed. On the Middle Dnieper, the Milograd culture (Milogradians) was formed. The Pomor culture (Pomors) was formed on the territory of Poland. In the Baltic States and north-west of Belarus, a culture of hatched ceramics (hatched) was formed. The Upper Oka culture (oktsy) was formed between the Volga and Oka. 300 BC By this time, the Poinanesti (Poinanesti) culture appeared on the territory of Moldova. In the southeast of Poland, the Guba culture (Gubins) arose. The tribes of the Laten culture (Celts) penetrated the territory of Slovakia. On the territory of Yugoslavia, a new people was formed - the Illyrians (Illyrians). 150 BC By this time, a new people appeared in the steppes of the North Caucasus - the Aorses (Aorses). This is an Iranian-speaking people, it stood out from the composition of the Savromats. In the south of Poland and the west of Ukraine, the Przeworsk culture (Przewors) appeared. In the north of Poland, the Oksyvskaya culture (Oksyvtsy) was formed. All historians believe that the people of Przewor and Milograd are Slavs. AD 200. On the map of 200, the northern neighbors of the Slavs were the Finno-Ugric tribes. The eastern and southern neighbors of the Slavs were Sarmatian tribes (these are Indo-European nomadic tribes). In the southwest of the Slavs (the territory of Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria), there lived Thracian tribes (these are also Indo-Europeans). Further west of the Slavs (in the center of Europe) lived the Celts and Germans (they were also Indo-Europeans). 450 A.D. But note that if the Turkic tribes were the southern neighbors of the Antes, then the Slavic tribes of the Sklavins lived west of the Antes. The Sklavins are the Eastern Slavs. Without them, it is impossible to trace our history. There were times when both the Eastern and Western Slavs were one large group of related tribes - the Slavs. 950 A.D. As you can see from this map, several groups of East Slavic tribes lived on the territory of ancient Russia (from north to south) - Ilmen Slavs, Krivichi, Polochans, Vyatichi, Krivichi, Radimichi, Drevlyans, Northerners, Polyana, Volynians, Dulebs, White Croats, Tivertsy, catch it. Often these tribes all united in alliances in the face of a common threat. One of them is known. When the Huns (Turkic-speaking nomads with Central Asia), at Eastern Slavs there was a union known as the anta. This is reflected in an even older map of 450. 1300. This map shows that in 1300 the people were still united and bore the same name - Rusichi. By the 13th century, Kievan Rus had turned into a fragmented state, in which all power was no longer in Kiev, but in a number of feudal states, headed by princes. This was the reason for the weakness of this territory. 1600 year. By 1600, Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians were already separate (kindred) peoples. Why did these kindred peoples split up? Because by the 13th century Kievan Rus had turned into a fragmented state, in which all power was no longer in Kiev, but in a number of feudal states, headed by princes. For this reason, these states were subordinate to other states. Most of the (eastern) was subordinated to the Golden Horde (the Mongol-Tatar state) and the Russian people began to form on this territory. The southeastern part of the former Kievan Rus was subordinated to the Polish state for a long time and its population became Ukrainians. Now you can briefly trace the path of the formation of the Russian people, of course this table describes a simplified path: Hyperboreans - Boreians Boreians - Shigir culture Shigir culture - Upper Volga culture and Eastern Indo-Europeans. Upper Volga culture - Sursko-Dnieper culture Sursko-Dnieper culture - Dnieper-Donetsk culture Oriental Indo-Europeans - Yamnaya culture Yamnaya culture - Corded ceramics culture Corded ceramics culture - Middle Dnieper culture Dnieper-Donetsk culture - Middle Dnieper culture Middle Dnieper culture - Trzynetska culture Tshtsinets culture Luzhitsk culture - Pomeranian culture Pomeranian culture - Przeworsk culture Oksyvskaya culture - Przeworsk culture Przeworsk culture - Slavs Slavs - Anty Anty - Rusichi (a large group of East Slavic tribes) Rusichi - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians. At the end of this article, I want to say. After reading this article, it is not necessary to say that it is the Russian people who are the descendants of the most ancient people - the Asuras. All the peoples of the world are the descendants of this people.