The role of military registration and enlistment offices in the military historical education of youth. Military enlistment offices: mission feasible

The role of military registration and enlistment offices in the military historical education of youth. Military enlistment offices: mission feasible

On April 8, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars adopted the "Decree on the Establishment of Volost, Uyezd, Provincial and District Military Commissariats," whose activities made it possible to create a strong Red Army in the shortest possible time. April 8 marks the 100th anniversary of the creation of military commissariats. On April 8, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars adopted the "Decree on the Establishment of Volost, Uyezd, Provincial and District Military Commissariats", whose vigorous activity subsequently made it possible to create a strong Red Army in the shortest possible time, equip it with privates and command personnel, arm and provide everything necessary for the conduct of hostilities. Military commissariats played an extremely important role during the Great Patriotic War. Thanks to their active and intense work, the courage of the military commissariats, in the very first days of the Great Patriotic War, it was possible to mobilize human resources and equipment from the national economy. During the war, military commissariats drafted more than 30 million people into the Red Army, supplied thousands of pieces of equipment from the national economy, provided general military training for citizens, thereby making a major contribution to achieving victory over Nazi Germany. In the post-war years, the staff of the military registration and enlistment offices took on a large burden of meeting, registering and employing the victorious soldiers who were subject to demobilization. An enormous amount of work was done by the military commissariats in recruiting the troops performing their international duty in Afghanistan and taking part in the establishment of the constitutional order in the North Caucasus. Great service of the military commissariats and in the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Thanks to the professional activities of the military enlistment office employees, hundreds of thousands of citizens were called up for special gatherings from the reserve to carry out emergency work and thousands of pieces of equipment from the national economy were attracted, thereby ensuring the implementation of a huge range of work to eliminate the consequences of a nuclear accident. At present, military commissariats are entrusted with tasks, the timely and high-quality implementation of which determines the state of combat and mobilization readiness of the Armed Forces: preparing young people for military service, accounting for mobilization human and transport resources, planning mobilization on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organizing and conducting the conscription of citizens for military service. Military commissariats also bear a great social burden, ensuring the implementation of measures of legal and social protection of citizens dismissed from military service, and their family members, family members of killed (deceased) servicemen. On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the military commissariats, an exhibition and conference on the topic "The history of the formation and development of military commissariats" was organized for the participants of the gathering. Under the leadership of the GOMU of the General Staff, the military-historical work “Military commissariats: the history of creation and development. Work is underway to issue a commemorative coin and a postage stamp. A significant contribution to this work is made by the veteran organization created in the GOMU of the General Staff, the chairman of which is the former head of the GOMU of the General Staff, retired Lieutenant General Valery Astanin. It should be noted that at present more and more reserve officers who served in the General Staff wish to join the veteran organization, thereby passing on their precious practical experience, preserving the continuity of generations and delighting us with their presence.

The army starts with a draft board. Photo by Reuters

Over the entire period of the existence of military commissariats, almost the entire male population and part of the female sex of our country were in one way or another necessarily associated with them.


In terms of the scope and specifics of the tasks performed, military commissariats are a unique body of military command on the ground, not only in Russia, but also in the world. It is through them that invisible threads pass, connecting the army with the people, from which the army of today begins and the army of the future is born. For many Russians, military commissariats are a symbol, a living history of the fact that the power of the army comes from the efforts of the entire people.

The military commissariat is a territorial body of the Ministry of Defense in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which is the main source of military registration of human resources intended for manning the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations of Russia in peacetime and in wartime.

Decades fly by, the state is changing, but the solution to the tasks of ensuring the security of our country by military commissariats remains practically unchanged. At the same time, the rapidly changing political situation in the world today dictates the introduction of new priority areas, which can make adjustments in all spheres of life of these unique structures.

For many years, military registration and enlistment offices, in cooperation with local executive authorities, have been developing plans for mobilizing human and transport resources for wartime, organizing military registration, conscription of citizens for military service, booking workers and employees behind enterprises in the interests of the Armed Forces and other law enforcement agencies.


From the very beginning of the creation of military commissariats, it was believed that military mobilization activity is a phenomenon of a grand strategy on which the fate of the state depends. The number of military-trained reserves, the possibility of replenishing the Armed Forces in the course of a war and the formation of new formations and units directly depends on the clarity and coordination of the work of these structures.

In the near future, a mechanism for the stay of citizens in the mobilization manpower reserve will be launched in the military commissariats. (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 933 "Regulations on the procedure for the stay of citizens in the mobilization manpower reserve.") This is a completely new structure for our state of the voluntary admission of reserve troops to the reserve army, which will significantly increase the work of the military registration and enlistment office with military formations and units to staff them with the specified contingent.

A huge layer of work is carried out today by the military registration and enlistment offices for registering citizens who took part in hostilities to defend the Fatherland in zones of armed conflict, as well as persons who participated in eliminating the consequences of accidents and natural disasters. A record of servicemen who have lost their ability to work while undergoing military service on conscription is carried out, the relevant documents are drawn up to help them in solving social and domestic issues. Documents are being prepared, and the presentation of awards to reserve servicemen and front-line soldiers is organized. Employees of the military registration and enlistment office participate in perpetuating the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland, putting in order the places of military burials. Provide pensions to citizens dismissed from military service and their family members, family members of killed (deceased) servicemen, assigning pensions, benefits to these persons, providing compensation and making other payments provided for by current legislation.

The attestation of citizens who are in the reserve is constantly carried out to assign them the first and next military rank of an officer.

Despite the established recruitment points under the contract, the main work on providing troops with this category of servicemen in practice continues to be carried out by military enlistment offices.

However, a special place in their work today is occupied by the organization and conduct of the conscription of citizens for military service. It is here that cooperation with all bodies, institutions and public organizations that to one degree or another participate in this work is especially fruitful. It is here that instilling in young people the sense of justice, their adherence to the current legislation on defense issues, as well as constant work to improve the prestige of military service among them are the priority areas of the work of military enlistment offices. It is here that a young man really learns the basics of legal education - his rights and obligations to the state.

Thanks to the steps taken in recent years to improve the pre-conscription training of young men for military service, the military registration and enlistment offices ensured a guaranteed, high-quality recruitment of the Armed Forces and other troops with physically, morally and psychologically prepared replenishment with positive motivation for military service.

The military commissariat is one of the coordinators of the preparation of young people for military service in the country at the regional and regional levels. It is he who, together with local authorities on the ground, conducts purposeful work to form in pre-conscription and conscription youth loyalty to the Motherland and readiness to defend it. Takes an active part in promoting a healthy lifestyle and sports events.


Patriotic education of the younger generation is a long-term program, and real patriotism is impossible without a certain ideology and constant information support. The state needs to invest money in it, since this is one of the main tasks of any country that wants to educate a new generation capable of fulfilling and defending all the leading directions of its development in the future.

It is today, in the conditions of information confrontation and propaganda attacks of our "liberal-well-wishers" on negative coverage of patriotic and military-patriotic topics in relation to the younger generation in our country, the need to adopt new forms of competitive struggle against them is ripe.

After all, the maintenance and dissemination of negativity on these issues continues with the actions of a number of human rights organizations and public associations, as well as some radio and television channels. On various sites on the Internet, a kind of information cocktails are published, consisting of distorted and unverified facts, as well as outright lies about the military development of the state.

That is why in order to cover (communicate) military and military-patriotic topics to the majority of Russian youth, in my opinion, it is necessary to take urgent measures to attract Internet resources for the systematic work of military enlistment offices in a constantly changing information field.

First of all, this refers to the widespread use of social networks in working with young people, which today are an integral part of their lives. At present, it is easier and more convenient to convey information to them via the Internet, and not by phone or through parents. The print media are not very popular among them today, since young men read newspapers to a lesser extent, and more often use Internet resources to obtain various information. In this space, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of a modern informational dialogue with young people in order to organize targeted work to counter the deliberately negative and false information that appears on the army theme and to distort historical events in the life of our state.

We need to constantly be ready for obligatory explanations of the real position of the Ministry of Defense on various publications, regularly post information materials on various sites most visited by young people that contribute to increasing the prestige and attractiveness of military service under conscription and contract. And this should have been done yesterday.

In social networks, it is necessary to change the current situation in which any positive coverage of the military-patriotic topic causes a flurry of negative statements on behalf of the coded "truth-lovers". A similar information warfare is taking place in almost all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, especially in metropolitan cities. That is why one of the steps to really counteract the emerging negative information can be the organization in social networks of the systematic work of military commissariats as a structure that is closest and understandable to the absolute majority of pre-conscription and draft youth.

A general model for creating such a system in the military commissariats of the constituent entities can be created taking into account the size of the population in the region, consisting of 3-5 people.

This group will need to constantly post on social networks photo and video materials covering the work of the military registration and enlistment office for holding such events as the days of the conscript, the five-day training camp, the training process at DOSAAF, the process of sending recruits to the assembly point and to the troops, as well as the work of various patriotic public associations. Arrange thematic discussions on the most significant historical dates in the country. In addition, it is also possible to publish lists by district of those citizens who for a long time do not appear in the military registration and enlistment office on calls (dodgers). Also organize meetings of citizens dismissed from military service in social networks, so that they share their impressions of their military service with pre-conscripts. Invite recruits and their parents to the group. Such measures will significantly expand the circle of communication of the military registration and enlistment office with the conscript contingent, will allow the army to form public opinion on the attractiveness of the army service not only by conscription, but also by contract, will provide significant assistance to young men in their decision to enter military schools.

It is the involvement of the Internet resource that today can be used in military registration and enlistment offices with the greatest benefit to create a stable positive image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and such communication will significantly reduce the correspondence of the military registration and enlistment office, reducing the number of complaints and statements.

In addition, the military commissariat will become a real conductor of the ideas of building a modern army among the population of the country, especially among young people, bringing them information from primary sources through social networks.

Aranovich A.V.,
President of the Regional Public Organization
"St. Petersburg Military Historical Society",
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

The origins of military-historical reconstruction in Russia lie in the distant past. You can, for example, recall the large-scale reconstruction of the Battle of Poltava, played out for Catherine the Great, or the knightly merry-go-rounds organized by Nicholas I. Photographic material from the early 20th century. demonstrates numerous subjects related to the reconstruction of military historical costumes prepared for the anniversaries of the Guards regiments and for the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812.

Military-historical reconstruction in the USSR emerged in the late 1980s independently, but in parallel with a similar process in Europe. It began with the unification of people passionate about recreating a military-historical costume, originally mainly a colorful uniform from the Napoleonic era. According to the memoirs of one of the founders of the movement in Russia, Ph.D. Sciences, Assoc. St. Petersburg State University O.V. Sokolov, it all started in 1976 with a campaign in Koporye in uniforms of the Napoleonic era. The movement came out of the shadows thanks to the captain of the Airborne Forces Anatoly Novikov, who, having connections in the Central Committee of the Komsomol, "broke through" the campaign from Moscow to the Berezina, which took place under the leadership of O. V. Sokolov in the summer of 1988. It was attended by about 80 people in the Russian and French uniforms.

In the late 1980s, the history of the First World War and the Civil War became a topic no less popular than the history of the Napoleonic era. Lovers of the medieval era united around P.A. Vasin - the founder of the "Prince's squad" club. Soon lovers of military history from all eras, from the Middle Ages to World War II, united in the ranks of the St. Petersburg Military Historical Association.

An integral part of the military-historical reconstruction is the organization and holding of military-historical festivals, both on the territory of Russia and abroad. Very often festivals are also organized on the territory of culturally significant objects, for example, such as the Museum of Artillery, Engineering Troops and Signal Corps. Depending on the era, participants in the "reenactment" movement try to take part in events held at the sites of historical battles, such as Borodino field, Staraya Ladoga, Vyborg castle, Kulikovo field and at many other historical sites where the defenders of the Fatherland performed their military feat.

Now in St. Petersburg there are numerous military history clubs and associations dealing with various historical eras - from Ancient Rome to the war in Afghanistan. The main goal of these associations is to popularize the glorious military past of our Fatherland, educate the younger generation, and deeply study military history based on applied historical knowledge. The involvement of young members of associations in research work has prepared many candidates and several doctors of historical sciences.

Great contribution to the study of Russian and Soviet military history of the XX century. brought in such associations as "Epochs" and "Krasnaya Zvezda". An important event was the restoration of the Russian military-historical society, which is headed by the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V.R. Medinsky.

The activities of military history clubs and associations, which include more than tens of thousands of people, are of great importance for the military-patriotic and historical education of young people, attracting them both to reenactment and research work.

An integral part of the military-historical reconstruction is the organization and holding of military-historical festivals, both on the territory of Russia and abroad. Depending on the era, participants in the "reenactment" movement try to take part in events held at the sites of historical battles. In Russia, such as Borodinskoe field, Staraya Ladoga, Vyborg castle, Kulikovskoe field, and at many other historical sites - where the defenders of the Fatherland performed a military feat. However, very often festivals are also organized on the territory of culturally significant objects, for example, such as the Military-Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering Troops and Signal Corps.

Chapter I. Historiography and characteristics of the sources of the problem.

§ 1. Historiography of the problem.

§ 2. Characteristics of the source base of the study.

Chapter II. Formation and development of domestic military museums as cultural and educational institutions in the period from 1918 to 1991.

§ 1. Military museums in the system of education of military personnel.

§ 2. Creation and development of the legal framework for military museums.

§ 3. Activities of state and military administration bodies to improve the organizational structure of the military-museum network.

Chapter III. Cultural and educational work of military museums during the study period.

§ 1. Activities of military museums for excursion services for visitors.

§ 2. Stationary and traveling exhibitions as a form of cultural and educational work of military museums.

§ 3. Organization of public and search work.

Chapter IV. Popularization and publishing work of military museums in the period from 1918 to 1991.

§ 1. The work of military museums to popularize their funds and collections.

§ 2. The role of the publishing work of military museums in the cultural services of military personnel.

Dissertation introduction 2009, abstract on history, Kuznetsov, Andrey Mikhailovich

At present, the state and military administration bodies are faced with a serious task - strengthening the moral and psychological state of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The practice of educational work has developed many directions, forms and methods of its solution, but the skillful and professional use of the capabilities of the centuries-old culture of the country, the armed forces, especially its material component, stands apart. The material component of culture is a collection of tangible objects that express the uniqueness and originality of a particular culture that has existed in human history. These can be tools of labor, samples of household utensils, items of clothing, architectural structures and, which is important for a military audience, items of military activity. Already at the dawn of their history, people began to collect and pass on to descendants the most significant and valuable objects of material culture, which served as the basis for the continuity of the traditions of this or that nation. To ensure the safety of objects, the possibility of displaying them, special rooms began to be created, which later received the name of museums. With the development of civilization, museum business improved, acquired new features and began to develop in certain directions. This is how historical museums appeared, specializing in the collection, study and display of various objects of the history of a particular state, art museums that collect and promote art objects, technical museums telling about the development of technology, etc. A special place among them began to be occupied by museums that collected and stored objects of the "material history" of the military practice of mankind.

The history of the creation, formation, development and functioning of Russian military museums testifies to the fact that they carried and carry in themselves a huge educational and cultural potential aimed at forming in the Russian army a sense of love for their Motherland, the armed forces, and devotion to the best military traditions.

The study of the historical experience of the activities of domestic military museums at various stages of their development will expand the practical possibilities in organizing the leisure of military personnel, will contribute to the education of personnel on the examples of the heroic past of our Motherland.

One of the most significant periods in the development of Russian military museums was the period from 1918 to 1991. At this stage, the military-museum network was practically re-created by the state and military administration bodies, legal documents were developed, which formed the basis of its work.

The activities of military museums during the Soviet period have repeatedly passed the test of time. The events of the Civil War and foreign military intervention, the interwar period, the Great Patriotic War, the postwar period, the period from the 1960s to the beginning of the 1980s, and perestroika showed that the work on the preservation, accumulation and use of items of military history in educational and cultural and educational work with military personnel was quite effective. In this regard, for military historians it is of particular interest to study the experience of the functioning of domestic military museums in the Soviet period, the activities of cultural services for military personnel and their families, which may be in demand in the practice of educational work and socio-cultural activities in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The relevance of the study of this problem is due to the following circumstances.

Firstly, its insufficient development, the absence of large generalizing scientific works on this topic, revealing the activities of domestic military museums in 1918-1991. and their role in cultural and educational work with military personnel.

Secondly, the study of the activities of military museums in the specified period meets the requirements of the State Program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010", orders of the Minister of Defense

RF No. 265 of June 10, 2001 "On military-historical work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" and No. 79 of February 28, 2005 "On improving educational work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

Order No. 265 of June 10 *, 2001, in particular, states: “The use of military-historical knowledge in the education of servicemen is carried out in order to develop their abilities to realize and deeply understand their military duty and personal responsibility for defending the Fatherland. It is carried out as part of the performance of official duties by the respective commanders (chiefs), together with the educational work bodies of the Armed Forces in the course of studying the military history of the Fatherland in the system of public and state training, as well as carrying out activities to promote it through the popularization of the heroic deeds of Russian soldiers, the activities of outstanding commanders and military leaders "1.

Historical items that are in the funds and expositions of military museums are the material basis for conducting military history work and contribute to a more substantive formation of patriotism among Russian soldiers.

Order No. 79 of February 28, 2005 states that cultural and leisure activities are part of the complex of educational work organized in the RF Armed Forces. One of the forms of cultural and leisure activities is visits by military personnel on weekends and holidays to museums.

In addition, the order contains a provision stating that commanders of all levels must take measures to develop and update expositions of military museums, museum-type formations, rooms of military glory. For their effective work, appropriate councils must be elected2.

To implement these provisions into practice, it is necessary to closely study the relevant experience of the activities of military command and control bodies, the military-museum network, accumulated in the period from 1918 to 1991.

1 See: Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 265 of June 10, 2001 "On military-historical work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." - M., 2001 .-- S. 3-4.

2 See: Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 79 of February 28, 2005 “On improving educational work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”. - M., 2005 .-- S. 15-16.

Third, the increasing role of military museums in the education, education and cultural services of servicemen and their families.

Fourth, the need to improve the activities of state and military administration bodies, educational structures in the field of cultural services for the personnel of the Russian Armed Forces on the basis of the experience accumulated by domestic military museums.

Fifthly, the increasing public attention to the objects of material culture of military activity and everyday life of the domestic armed forces, stored in military museums, and the possibility of their use in the patriotic education of the younger generation.

The relevance, insufficient degree of development of the problem determined the choice of the topic, determined the object, subject, scientific problem, chronological framework, goal and objectives of this dissertation research.

The object of the research is Russian military museums in the period 1918-1991. The author considers it necessary to note that only those institutions that were under the jurisdiction of the military department will be considered under military museums. Museums of other ministries that stored, among others, items of military activity and everyday life (culture, internal affairs, state security, etc.), were not included in the research object.

The subject of the research is the activity of state and military administration bodies, museum management on the formation and development of a network of military museums, the organization of their cultural and educational work with military personnel in the period under review.

Substantiation of the chronological framework of the study.

The events of October 1917 marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of national statehood, which was associated with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, who guided the country towards building the world's first socialist state. For his armed protection, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on January 15 (28), 1918 adopted a decree on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), and on January 29 (February 11), 1918, on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet (RKKF) ... From that moment on, the military museums of the Soviet Republic were focused on working with the servicemen of the RKKA and RKKF.

On December 8, 1991, the heads of the republics of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus, in an agreement signed by them, announced the termination of the existence of the USSR and the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Along with the collapse of the Soviet Union, its Armed Forces and the military-museum network ceased to exist, the activities of which, first of all, were aimed at educating and providing cultural services to the servicemen of the Soviet army and navy.

The scientific problem of the dissertation research is to comprehensively investigate and summarize the historical experience of the activities of state and military bodies, museum leadership on the formation and development of a network of military museums in the country, the organization of their work on cultural services for military personnel in the period from 1918 to 1991, to identify the characteristic features and trends, formulate scientific conclusions, historical lessons and practical recommendations.

The purpose of the work is to carry out a systematic and comprehensive study of the activities of state and military administration bodies, museum leadership on the creation and development of a network of military museums, the organization of their cultural and educational work with military personnel in the period under review, to draw scientifically based conclusions, formulate historical lessons, practical recommendations and development trends of military museums of the Russian Federation.

To achieve this goal, the candidate formulated the following main research objectives.

1. Assess the degree of elaboration of the problem and characterize the source base of the study.

2. Determine the role of Soviet military museums in the education of military personnel, taking into account the previous experience of the military-museum network of imperial Russia.

3. Investigate the activities of state and military administration bodies to create and improve the legal and organizational foundations of military museums in the period under review.

4. To reveal the work of military museums on cultural services for the personnel of the army and navy in the period from 1918 to 1991.

5. Analyze the popularization and publishing work of military museums during the study period.

6. Make scientifically grounded conclusions, formulate historical lessons arising from the activities of domestic military museums in 1918-1991, practical recommendations for further study and use of the results of dissertation research, trends in the development of military museums in the Russian Federation.

The dissertation proposal offers the following research concept.

The revolutionary events of October 1917 and the creation in January 1918 of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, and then the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Navy, determined the new content of the activities of military museums and served as the starting point of the Soviet stage in the development of military museum affairs.

During the years of the Civil War and foreign military intervention (1917-1920), the state and military authorities made efforts to preserve the rich historical and cultural heritage stored in military museums, as well as to create a fundamentally new military-museum network, which should was to become at the service of education and cultural service of the command and rank-and-file personnel in the spirit of the new ideology.

In the interwar years (1921-June 1941), the foundations of the legal and organizational development of the Soviet military-museum network were laid, the tasks and directions of its development were determined. During this period, the material base of the existing military museums was significantly strengthened, the construction of new ones began. These processes took place under the control of the bodies of party, state and military administration.

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 became a test of the strength of the established Soviet military-museum network. The experience of military museums in solving the tasks assigned to them confirmed the correctness of the position that their role in educational, cultural and educational work with the soldiers of the army and navy was very significant.

The functioning of military museums in the USSR in the post-war years was closely linked with the need to collect and preserve documents and materials showing the greatness of the feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, improving the legal and organizational structure, material and technical base, and building new museums.

With the development of the country, quantitative and qualitative changes in the Soviet Armed Forces, the state and military administration bodies adjusted the tasks of military museums in the field of training soldiers. The main directions were the education of the personnel of high discipline, the desire to master weapons and military equipment, loyalty to the military oath, respect for their history and the heroic traditions of the Armed Forces.

Late 1980s and early 1990s were marked by turbulent processes in Russian history. During this period, two trends were outlined in the development of military museums. On the one hand, the lifting of bans for ideological reasons, publicity, and the availability of previously unknown sources made it possible to expand the exposition complexes of military-historical museums, "saturate" them with new museum items.

On the other hand, the transition to market economic relations, the lack of proper attention from the state led to the fact that many military museums have become unprofitable enterprises. The consequence of this was a dilapidated material fund, the departure of qualified employees, the leasing of their premises to commercial organizations, the transformation of military museums in some cases into warehouses, hostels, etc.

Military museums of the Soviet period were actively involved in cultural and educational work among military personnel and their families. It was aimed at promoting moral and aesthetic education, establishing glorious combat traditions in military collectives, raising the cultural level, and participating in the organization of full-fledged leisure of servicemen.

The generalized experience of the work of military museums of the Soviet period on the education and cultural services of military personnel can be used in the practice of the activities of a modern military museum network.

The structure of the thesis includes an introduction, four chapters, conclusion, list of sources and literature, applications.

Conclusion of scientific work dissertation on the topic "Military museums and their role in cultural and educational work with military personnel"

Chapter Conclusions

In the period from 1918 to 1991, Russian military museums carried out popularization and publishing work, which significantly influenced the quality of cultural services for visitors.

Promotional work focused on those people who had insufficient knowledge about a particular museum and its work. Its main goal was to provide primary information about the museum, its objects and collections and to attract as many visitors as possible to the museum halls. Publishing work, in turn, was aimed at a trained audience, which sought to obtain additional information about the museum and its activities. Its purpose was to systematize, expand and deepen knowledge about various aspects of museum activities, exchange experience in museum work.

The first provisions concerning the conduct of popularizing and publishing work by military museums were reflected in the legal documents regulating the activities of the military museum network in the 1920s and 1930s.

The work of military museums to popularize their funds and collections in the 1920s and 1930s. was quite specific and meaningful. A large place in it was given to the cooperation of museum collectives with representatives of the media. This made it possible to expand the possibilities for information support of various areas of museums' activities, cultural events.

Starting from the 1950s-1960s, military museums began to actively use the possibilities of cinema in their popularization work, which implied, firstly, cooperation with the central film studios of the country in the production of informational and educational products, and, secondly, the creation of for these purposes their own film studios.

An important event that influenced the expansion of the geography of the popularization work of military museums was the entry of the USSR into

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) in 1957. This made it possible to establish a mutual exchange of experience in this direction with their foreign colleagues.

In the second half of the 1980s. the changed political4 and socio-economic conditions have made changes in the work of military museums to popularize their objects and collections. This was expressed, on the one hand, in the strengthening of the technical base for its implementation, the acquisition of the right by museum collectives to independently choose the forms and methods of popularization work, and, on the other hand, in the reduction of state funding, which led to a decrease in the indicators of its effectiveness.

The publishing work of military museums in the period under review was a complex of activities for the production of printed materials, which reflected important issues of museum activities. The direction of its development was the transition from the publication of small-circulation literature of one or two types (guidebooks, catalogs) to the publication of large volumes of literature and many types (catalogs, guidebooks, booklets, brochures, own periodicals, etc.).

When it was organized in the first years after the October Revolution of 1917, military museums adopted the corresponding experience of the military-museum network of imperial Russia.

Despite the fact that the issues of publishing work of military museums were reflected in legal documents that appeared in the 1920s-1930s, in practice it developed at an insufficient pace. The reasons for this were the weak material and technical base of military museums, the lack of qualified personnel, and the lack of proper attention to publishing on the part of the museum leadership.

In the 1940-1960s. there was an increase in the volume of publishing work of military museums, which was associated with the creation of editorial and publishing groups in their states. Their main task was the preparation and production of printed materials corresponding to the profile of the museum and areas of activity. One of the types of printed publications that came out during this period were guides to military museums, which played a large role in educational and cultural work with military personnel.

In the 1950s. the largest Soviet military museums began to prepare and publish their own printed periodicals, which became a platform for discussing the most important issues of museum activities. A significant place on the pages of the publications was devoted to the coverage of various aspects of cultural and educational work with visitors.

In the 1970s-1980s. orders of the USSR Ministry of Defense were issued, which adjusted the goals and objectives of publishing in accordance with the realities of the time. In addition, large military museums have issued a number of internal documents that specified the procedure for the preparation and publication of printed materials.

Significant changes in the publishing work of military museums took place in the second half of the 1980s. The weakening of military censorship, the acquisition of high-quality printing equipment and technology, and the expansion of the independence of military museums in planning and publishing printed products were supposed to bring the publishing work of military museums to a qualitatively new level. However, this was prevented by the collapse of the Soviet Union and its military-museum network.

Chapter I. Historiography and characteristics of the sources of the problem.

§ 1. Historiography of the problem.

§ 2. Characteristics of the source base of the study.

Chapter II. Formation and development of domestic military museums as cultural and educational institutions in the period from 1918 to 1991.

§ 1. Military museums in the system of education of military personnel.

§ 2. Creation and development of the legal framework for military museums.

§ 3. Activities of state and military administration bodies to improve the organizational structure of the military-museum network.

Chapter III. Cultural and educational work of military museums during the study period.

§ 1. Activities of military museums for excursion services for visitors.

§ 2. Stationary and traveling exhibitions as a form of cultural and educational work of military museums.

§ 3. Organization of public and search work.

Chapter IV. Popularization and publishing work of military museums in the period from 1918 to 1991.

§ 1. The work of military museums to popularize their funds and collections.

§ 2. The role of the publishing work of military museums in the cultural services of military personnel.

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  • Formation and development of the Armory as a museum institution, 1806 - 1918 2000, Candidate of Historical Sciences Nikolaeva, Anna Sergeevna

  • Russian military museums in the first third of the twentieth century: From the history of org. and activities 1997, Candidate of Historical Sciences Natalya Vladimirovna Alexandrova

Dissertation introduction (part of the abstract) on the topic "Military museums and their role in cultural and educational work with military personnel: 1918-1991."

At present, the state and military administration bodies are faced with a serious task - strengthening the moral and psychological state of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The practice of educational work has developed many directions, forms and methods of its solution, but the skillful and professional use of the capabilities of the centuries-old culture of the country, the armed forces, especially its material component, stands apart. The material component of culture is a collection of tangible objects that express the uniqueness and originality of a particular culture that has existed in human history. These can be tools of labor, samples of household utensils, items of clothing, architectural structures and, which is important for a military audience, items of military activity. Already at the dawn of their history, people began to collect and pass on to descendants the most significant and valuable objects of material culture, which served as the basis for the continuity of the traditions of this or that nation. To ensure the safety of objects, the possibility of displaying them, special rooms began to be created, which later received the name of museums. With the development of civilization, museum business improved, acquired new features and began to develop in certain directions. This is how historical museums appeared, specializing in the collection, study and display of various objects of the history of a particular state, art museums that collect and promote art objects, technical museums telling about the development of technology, etc. A special place among them began to be occupied by museums that collected and stored objects of the "material history" of the military practice of mankind.

The history of the creation, formation, development and functioning of Russian military museums testifies to the fact that they carried and carry in themselves a huge educational and cultural potential aimed at forming in the Russian army a sense of love for their Motherland, the armed forces, and devotion to the best military traditions.

The study of the historical experience of the activities of domestic military museums at various stages of their development will expand the practical possibilities in organizing the leisure of military personnel, will contribute to the education of personnel on the examples of the heroic past of our Motherland.

One of the most significant periods in the development of Russian military museums was the period from 1918 to 1991. At this stage, the military-museum network was practically re-created by the state and military administration bodies, legal documents were developed, which formed the basis of its work.

The activities of military museums during the Soviet period have repeatedly passed the test of time. The events of the Civil War and foreign military intervention, the interwar period, the Great Patriotic War, the postwar period, the period from the 1960s to the beginning of the 1980s, and perestroika showed that the work on the preservation, accumulation and use of items of military history in educational and cultural and educational work with military personnel was quite effective. In this regard, for military historians it is of particular interest to study the experience of the functioning of domestic military museums in the Soviet period, the activities of cultural services for military personnel and their families, which may be in demand in the practice of educational work and socio-cultural activities in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The relevance of the study of this problem is due to the following circumstances.

Firstly, its insufficient development, the absence of large generalizing scientific works on this topic, revealing the activities of domestic military museums in 1918-1991. and their role in cultural and educational work with military personnel.

Secondly, the study of the activities of military museums in the specified period meets the requirements of the State Program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010", orders of the Minister of Defense

RF No. 265 of June 10, 2001 "On military-historical work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" and No. 79 of February 28, 2005 "On improving educational work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

Order No. 265 of June 10 *, 2001, in particular, states: “The use of military-historical knowledge in the education of servicemen is carried out in order to develop their abilities to realize and deeply understand their military duty and personal responsibility for defending the Fatherland. It is carried out as part of the performance of official duties by the respective commanders (chiefs), together with the educational work bodies of the Armed Forces in the course of studying the military history of the Fatherland in the system of public and state training, as well as carrying out activities to promote it through the popularization of the heroic deeds of Russian soldiers, the activities of outstanding commanders and military leaders "1.

Historical items that are in the funds and expositions of military museums are the material basis for conducting military history work and contribute to a more substantive formation of patriotism among Russian soldiers.

Order No. 79 of February 28, 2005 states that cultural and leisure activities are part of the complex of educational work organized in the RF Armed Forces. One of the forms of cultural and leisure activities is visits by military personnel on weekends and holidays to museums.

In addition, the order contains a provision stating that commanders of all levels must take measures to develop and update expositions of military museums, museum-type formations, rooms of military glory. For their effective work, appropriate councils must be elected2.

To implement these provisions into practice, it is necessary to closely study the relevant experience of the activities of military command and control bodies, the military-museum network, accumulated in the period from 1918 to 1991.

1 See: Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 265 of June 10, 2001 "On military-historical work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." - M., 2001 .-- S. 3-4.

2 See: Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 79 of February 28, 2005 “On improving educational work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”. - M., 2005 .-- S. 15-16.

Third, the increasing role of military museums in the education, education and cultural services of servicemen and their families.

Fourth, the need to improve the activities of state and military administration bodies, educational structures in the field of cultural services for the personnel of the Russian Armed Forces on the basis of the experience accumulated by domestic military museums.

Fifthly, the increasing public attention to the objects of material culture of military activity and everyday life of the domestic armed forces, stored in military museums, and the possibility of their use in the patriotic education of the younger generation.

The relevance, insufficient degree of development of the problem determined the choice of the topic, determined the object, subject, scientific problem, chronological framework, goal and objectives of this dissertation research.

The object of the research is Russian military museums in the period 1918-1991. The author considers it necessary to note that only those institutions that were under the jurisdiction of the military department will be considered under military museums. Museums of other ministries that stored, among others, items of military activity and everyday life (culture, internal affairs, state security, etc.), were not included in the research object.

The subject of the research is the activity of state and military administration bodies, museum management on the formation and development of a network of military museums, the organization of their cultural and educational work with military personnel in the period under review.

Substantiation of the chronological framework of the study.

The events of October 1917 marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of national statehood, which was associated with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, who guided the country towards building the world's first socialist state. For his armed protection, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on January 15 (28), 1918 adopted a decree on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), and on January 29 (February 11), 1918, on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet (RKKF) ... From that moment on, the military museums of the Soviet Republic were focused on working with the servicemen of the RKKA and RKKF.

On December 8, 1991, the heads of the republics of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus, in an agreement signed by them, announced the termination of the existence of the USSR and the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Along with the collapse of the Soviet Union, its Armed Forces and the military-museum network ceased to exist, the activities of which, first of all, were aimed at educating and providing cultural services to the servicemen of the Soviet army and navy.

The scientific problem of the dissertation research is to comprehensively investigate and summarize the historical experience of the activities of state and military bodies, museum leadership on the formation and development of a network of military museums in the country, the organization of their work on cultural services for military personnel in the period from 1918 to 1991, to identify the characteristic features and trends, formulate scientific conclusions, historical lessons and practical recommendations.

The purpose of the work is to carry out a systematic and comprehensive study of the activities of state and military administration bodies, museum leadership on the creation and development of a network of military museums, the organization of their cultural and educational work with military personnel in the period under review, to draw scientifically based conclusions, formulate historical lessons, practical recommendations and development trends of military museums of the Russian Federation.

To achieve this goal, the candidate formulated the following main research objectives.

1. Assess the degree of elaboration of the problem and characterize the source base of the study.

2. Determine the role of Soviet military museums in the education of military personnel, taking into account the previous experience of the military-museum network of imperial Russia.

3. Investigate the activities of state and military administration bodies to create and improve the legal and organizational foundations of military museums in the period under review.

4. To reveal the work of military museums on cultural services for the personnel of the army and navy in the period from 1918 to 1991.

5. Analyze the popularization and publishing work of military museums during the study period.

6. Make scientifically grounded conclusions, formulate historical lessons arising from the activities of domestic military museums in 1918-1991, practical recommendations for further study and use of the results of dissertation research, trends in the development of military museums in the Russian Federation.

The dissertation proposal offers the following research concept.

The revolutionary events of October 1917 and the creation in January 1918 of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, and then the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Navy, determined the new content of the activities of military museums and served as the starting point of the Soviet stage in the development of military museum affairs.

During the years of the Civil War and foreign military intervention (1917-1920), the state and military authorities made efforts to preserve the rich historical and cultural heritage stored in military museums, as well as to create a fundamentally new military-museum network, which should was to become at the service of education and cultural service of the command and rank-and-file personnel in the spirit of the new ideology.

In the interwar years (1921-June 1941), the foundations of the legal and organizational development of the Soviet military-museum network were laid, the tasks and directions of its development were determined. During this period, the material base of the existing military museums was significantly strengthened, the construction of new ones began. These processes took place under the control of the bodies of party, state and military administration.

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 became a test of the strength of the established Soviet military-museum network. The experience of military museums in solving the tasks assigned to them confirmed the correctness of the position that their role in educational, cultural and educational work with the soldiers of the army and navy was very significant.

The functioning of military museums in the USSR in the post-war years was closely linked with the need to collect and preserve documents and materials showing the greatness of the feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, improving the legal and organizational structure, material and technical base, and building new museums.

With the development of the country, quantitative and qualitative changes in the Soviet Armed Forces, the state and military administration bodies adjusted the tasks of military museums in the field of training soldiers. The main directions were the education of the personnel of high discipline, the desire to master weapons and military equipment, loyalty to the military oath, respect for their history and the heroic traditions of the Armed Forces.

Late 1980s and early 1990s were marked by turbulent processes in Russian history. During this period, two trends were outlined in the development of military museums. On the one hand, the lifting of bans for ideological reasons, publicity, and the availability of previously unknown sources made it possible to expand the exposition complexes of military-historical museums, "saturate" them with new museum items.

On the other hand, the transition to market economic relations, the lack of proper attention from the state led to the fact that many military museums have become unprofitable enterprises. The consequence of this was a dilapidated material fund, the departure of qualified employees, the leasing of their premises to commercial organizations, the transformation of military museums in some cases into warehouses, hostels, etc.

Military museums of the Soviet period were actively involved in cultural and educational work among military personnel and their families. It was aimed at promoting moral and aesthetic education, establishing glorious combat traditions in military collectives, raising the cultural level, and participating in the organization of full-fledged leisure of servicemen.

The generalized experience of the work of military museums of the Soviet period on the education and cultural services of military personnel can be used in the practice of the activities of a modern military museum network.

The structure of the thesis includes an introduction, four chapters, conclusion, list of sources and literature, applications.

Similar dissertations in the specialty "Domestic history", 07.00.02 code VAK

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  • Public museums of the Kursk region in the everyday life of the population: 1920s - 1991 2013, candidate of historical sciences Besedin, Vladimir Grigorievich

  • The activities of local history museums in the context of the reform of the Russian state at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries: Based on materials of local history museums in the Central region of the Russian Federation 2003, candidate of historical sciences Titova, Valentina Vasilievna

  • History of museum work in the Altai Republic: 1918-2009 2010, candidate of historical sciences Belekova, Emilia Alekseevna

  • Formation and development of museums in the Russian Far East, 1884-1917 2001, candidate of historical sciences Korneva, Larisa Vladimirovna

Conclusion of the thesis on the topic "Domestic history", Kuznetsov, Andrey Mikhailovich

Chapter Conclusions

In the period from 1918 to 1991, Russian military museums carried out popularization and publishing work, which significantly influenced the quality of cultural services for visitors.

Promotional work focused on those people who had insufficient knowledge about a particular museum and its work. Its main goal was to provide primary information about the museum, its objects and collections and to attract as many visitors as possible to the museum halls. Publishing work, in turn, was aimed at a trained audience, which sought to obtain additional information about the museum and its activities. Its purpose was to systematize, expand and deepen knowledge about various aspects of museum activities, exchange experience in museum work.

The first provisions concerning the conduct of popularizing and publishing work by military museums were reflected in the legal documents regulating the activities of the military museum network in the 1920s and 1930s.

The work of military museums to popularize their funds and collections in the 1920s and 1930s. was quite specific and meaningful. A large place in it was given to the cooperation of museum collectives with representatives of the media. This made it possible to expand the possibilities for information support of various areas of museums' activities, cultural events.

Starting from the 1950s-1960s, military museums began to actively use the possibilities of cinema in their popularization work, which implied, firstly, cooperation with the central film studios of the country in the production of informational and educational products, and, secondly, the creation of for these purposes their own film studios.

An important event that influenced the expansion of the geography of the popularization work of military museums was the entry of the USSR into

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) in 1957. This made it possible to establish a mutual exchange of experience in this direction with their foreign colleagues.

In the second half of the 1980s. the changed political4 and socio-economic conditions have made changes in the work of military museums to popularize their objects and collections. This was expressed, on the one hand, in the strengthening of the technical base for its implementation, the acquisition of the right by museum collectives to independently choose the forms and methods of popularization work, and, on the other hand, in the reduction of state funding, which led to a decrease in the indicators of its effectiveness.

The publishing work of military museums in the period under review was a complex of activities for the production of printed materials, which reflected important issues of museum activities. The direction of its development was the transition from the publication of small-circulation literature of one or two types (guidebooks, catalogs) to the publication of large volumes of literature and many types (catalogs, guidebooks, booklets, brochures, own periodicals, etc.).

When it was organized in the first years after the October Revolution of 1917, military museums adopted the corresponding experience of the military-museum network of imperial Russia.

Despite the fact that the issues of publishing work of military museums were reflected in legal documents that appeared in the 1920s-1930s, in practice it developed at an insufficient pace. The reasons for this were the weak material and technical base of military museums, the lack of qualified personnel, and the lack of proper attention to publishing on the part of the museum leadership.

In the 1940-1960s. there was an increase in the volume of publishing work of military museums, which was associated with the creation of editorial and publishing groups in their states. Their main task was the preparation and production of printed materials corresponding to the profile of the museum and areas of activity. One of the types of printed publications that came out during this period were guides to military museums, which played a large role in educational and cultural work with military personnel.

In the 1950s. the largest Soviet military museums began to prepare and publish their own printed periodicals, which became a platform for discussing the most important issues of museum activities. A significant place on the pages of the publications was devoted to the coverage of various aspects of cultural and educational work with visitors.

In the 1970s-1980s. orders of the USSR Ministry of Defense were issued, which adjusted the goals and objectives of publishing in accordance with the realities of the time. In addition, large military museums have issued a number of internal documents that specified the procedure for the preparation and publication of printed materials.

Significant changes in the publishing work of military museums took place in the second half of the 1980s. The weakening of military censorship, the acquisition of high-quality printing equipment and technology, and the expansion of the independence of military museums in planning and publishing printed products were supposed to bring the publishing work of military museums to a qualitatively new level. However, this was prevented by the collapse of the Soviet Union and its military-museum network.

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