Biography of N.V. Gogol

Biography of N.V.  Gogol
Biography of N.V. Gogol

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol- a prose writer and playwright, whose work developed at the intersection of Russian and Ukrainian cultures and combined romantic and realistic features. As the author of a number of works on the Ukrainian theme, Gogol appeared in Russian literature as the discoverer of the Ukrainian cultural world. As the author of works about Russian reality in the 1830s and 1840s, he gained fame as the creator of a panorama of the life of landlord-serf and bureaucratic Russia in the 19th century.

The life of N. Gogol in dates and facts

April 1, 1809 - was born in the village of Sorochintsy, Mirgorodsky district, Poltava province, in the family of a landowner who was fond of home theater and wrote plays in Ukrainian. Soon after his birth, his parents transported him to the village of Vasilyevka in the same district where their estate was located.

1821-1828- studied at the Gymnasium of Higher Sciences in Nizhyn. The preference in the gymnasium was given to humanitarian education, so many gymnasium students showed an interest in literature and theater. Among them was Gogol, who tried his hand at writing and shone on the stage of the gymnasium theater.

V 1828 g. after graduating from the gymnasium, Gogol moved to St. Petersburg, where he made several attempts to gain a foothold in any field: to get a civil servant, enter the theater stage, go out to the public with his own composition - a romantic poem Ganz Kuchelgarten, written back in Nizhyn and published under the pseudonym “V. Alov ". However, all these attempts ended in failure. At the end of the same year, the writer went on a trip abroad. Upon returning to his homeland, he entered the selected literary society, met V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, P.A. Pletnev.

1831-1832- two volumes of the collection of "Ukrainian" stories by N. Gogol were published "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka"... They were enthusiastically received by writers, critics and readers.

April 19, 1836 at the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, the premiere of Gogol's "Inspector", which received, despite the emphasized benevolence of Emperor Nicholas I for her and the obvious success with the public, critical assessments. Dissatisfied with the reaction to the play, Gogol went abroad again.

1836-1848- years of stay abroad. During this time, the writer traveled almost all over Western Europe, twice visited his homeland (in 1839-1840 and 1841-1842), sailed in the Mediterranean Sea, made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, to the Holy Sepulcher. The longest - about four years - he lived in Italy.

1842 g.- publication of the first volume of the poem "Dead Souls", which became the most significant work of Gogol. After the publication of this volume, the author set about writing the second part.

V 1845 g. in a state of severe mental crisis, Gogol set on fire the almost finished manuscript of the second volume of Dead Souls. Material from the site

V 1848 g. Gogol fulfilled his long-standing dream "to travel around Russia" in order to get to know her life more deeply. During this trip, he visited his "small homeland", lived in Odessa for six months, visited the famous Optina Pustyn, where he met with clergy, but spent most of the time in Moscow. His main literary work of this period was the second volume of Dead Souls.

V 1852 g. as a result of a new mental crisis, the writer again burned the manuscript of the second volume of Dead Souls (the five chapters preserved in incomplete form were already published posthumously).

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The last years of the life of the great Russian prose writer and playwright Gogol were spent in a painful struggle between the artist and the Orthodox thinker. This inner discord served as a deadly weapon for him, which killed him. However, the significance of his many famous works for Russian literature has become extremely important and profound. Gogol's brief chronological table contains only dry facts. In fact, a lot of incredible events took place with Gogol, which will make us consider him a great mystic, although in fact he was a real Christian.

20.03. (01.04) 1809

N.V. was born in Velikiye Sorochintsy (Poltava province of Mirgorodsky district). Gogol.

He and his brother Ivan study at the district school in the city of Poltava

Brother Ivan died.

The writer lives with G. Sorochinsky, a teacher from Poltava, and works diligently with him.

Studying at the Nizhyn gymnasium.

Gogol's father died (V.A. Gogol-Yanovsky).

At the end of his studies, Gogol moved to St. Petersburg. The writer is seriously underfunded. Works under the pseudonym V. Alov and publishes the work "Hans Kuchelgarten".

He travels to Germany and creates "Italy".

Writes the story "Bisavryuk, or Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala".

1830 - 1931

Coming closer to V.A. Zhukovsky and A.S. Pushkin, which will certainly affect his further literary destiny.

Gogol creates Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka.

Works as a teacher at the Patriotic Institute.

Receives an adjunct position at St. Petersburg University.

Member of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, which was organized at Moscow University.

Gogol publishes two collections of works "Arabesque" and "Mirgorod", including the works "Taras Bulba", "Old World Landowners", "Viy", etc.

Beginning of work on the first volume of "Dead Souls".

The comedy "The Inspector General" is finished. His first performances began at the St. Petersburg and Moscow theaters. After Gogol went abroad (Germany, France, Switzerland and Rome).

Return to Moscow. Publication of the work "Dead Souls" and the story "The Overcoat".

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Jerusalem).

Gogol settles in Moscow in the house of his old friend A. Tolstoy.

Burning of the second book of Dead Souls.

21.02. (4.03.) 1852

Death of Gogol in Moscow. In 1931 the writer was reburied at the Novodevichy cemetery.

This is where Gogol's chronological table ends. In fact, it is worth carefully studying the biography of this great man, it is really very unusual and interesting.

Biography of Gogol: short

Gogol was born into an impoverished family of landowner Gogol-Yanovsky. Gogol's chronological table contains only the most important dates from the writer's biography. And therefore I would like to describe its events in a little more detail.

So, it was in the Nizhyn gymnasium that the future Russian writer began to show literary, artistic and acting talents.

Dream of becoming a lawyer

However, with all this, Gogol dreamed of becoming a lawyer, so he went to St. Petersburg. Having got to know more closely the entire bureaucratic life of the capital, he did not want to work in justice. Then he tries himself in other fields. He even worked as a history teacher, but literature took over, this was facilitated by his acquaintance and cooperation with Pushkin, which had a huge influence on him. The celebrity came to Gogol with the work "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". And then in drama, Gogol will begin to shine thanks to his "Inspector General".

Deadly longing

But because of the caustic satire, literary critics took up arms against him. Therefore, falling into a deep depression, he was forced to leave Russia and spend 12 years abroad. He rarely visited his homeland. In Italy, he will write his famous work "Dead Souls", which will cause such a great public outcry that cannot even be compared with the comedy "The Inspector General".

Gogol died of nervous and physical exhaustion and loss of strength in Moscow at the age of 43.

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Gogol's chronological table is a convenient textbook in which, in a concise and accessible form, the thesis tells about the main dates of the life and work of the famous writer. Such a table will be useful for schoolchildren, as it helps to quickly remember the main milestones in the life of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, his main works. Teachers, on the other hand, can use the chronological table as a synopsis, so as not to be mistaken in the dates when presenting material in the lesson. All works and biography of N.V. Gogol in the table is a wonderful didactic material that will be useful for both teachers and students.

1809, March 20 / April 1- N.V. was born in Velikiye Sorochintsy (Poltava province of Mirgorodsky district). Gogol.

1818-1819 - He and his brother Ivan study at the district school of the city of Poltava

1819 - Brother Ivan died.

1820-1821 - The writer lives with G. Sorochinsky, a teacher from Poltava, and works diligently with him.

1821-1828 - Studying at the Nizhyn gymnasium.

1825 - Gogol's father died (V.A. Gogol-Yanovsky).

1828 - At the end of his studies, Gogol moved to St. Petersburg. The writer is seriously underfunded; works under the pseudonym V. Alov and publishes the work "Hans Kuchelgarten".

1829 - He goes to Germany and creates the work “Italy”.

1830 - Writes the story "Bisavryuk, or The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala."

1830-1831 - Is getting closer to V.A. Zhukovsky and A.S. Pushkin, which will certainly affect his further literary destiny.

1831-1832 - Gogol creates Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka.

1831-1835 - Works as a teacher at the Patriotic Institute.

1834-1835 - Receives an adjunct position at St. Petersburg University.

1834 - Member of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, which was organized by
at Moscow University.

1835 - Gogol publishes two collections of works "Arabesque" and "Mirgorod", which includes works "Taras Bulba", "Old World Landowners", "Viy", etc.

1835-1842 - Beginning of work on the first volume of "Dead Souls".

1836 - Completed the comedy "The Inspector General"; his first performances began at the St. Petersburg and Moscow theaters; goes abroad (Germany, France, Switzerland and Rome).

1839 - Return to Moscow; publication of the work "Dead Souls" and the story "The Overcoat".

1848 - Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Jerusalem).

1851 - Gogol settles in Moscow in the house of his old friend A. Tolstoy.

1931 - The writer was reburied at the Novodevichy cemetery.

The most popular materials in February for your class.

(Dedicated to the 200th anniversary of his birth)

"... There is hardly a higher of pleasure than the pleasure of creating ..."

N.V. Gogol

Chronology of N.V. Gogol's works:

1809 , March 20 (April 1) - N.V. Gogol was born.
1829 - poem "Italy" (unsigned).
the poem "Ganz Küchelgarten", was published under the pseudonym V. Alov.
1830 - the story "Bisavryuk, or Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala" (published in the "Notes of the Fatherland" without a signature).
1831 - 1st part of the story "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka"; "May Night, or the Drowned Woman", a story; "Sorochinskaya Fair", a story; "A chapter from a historical novel"; "Teacher" from the Little Russian story "The Terrible Boar"; "Woman", the first work published under the real name of the author.
1832 - 2nd part of the story "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka"; "Terrible revenge", a story.
1834 - "Nevsky Prospect", a story; "Portrait", a story; "Notes of a Madman", a story; "The Marriage", a comedy.
1835 - "Arabesques" (collection of articles); "Mirgorod" ("Old World Landowners", "Taras Bulba", "Viy", "The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich"); "The Nose", a story was written; written "The Inspector General", a comedy; "Dead Souls", a poem, was started.
1836 - the publication of the first issue of Sovremennik, which published the "Carriage", "Morning of a Business Man" and the article "On the movement of magazine literature in 1834 and 1835".
1841 - "The Overcoat", a story.
1842 - Dead Souls released; Publication of the works of N. V. Gogol, where the "Overcoat" and "Theatrical patrol" were first published.
1843 - "Works of Nikolai Gogol" in 4 volumes,
1846 - "The Inspector General's Denouement" and the preface to the second edition of "Dead Souls" were written.
1847 - "Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends", "Author's Confession".
1852 , on the night of February 11-12 (O.S.) - the burning of the second volume of Dead Souls.
1852 , February 21 at 8 o'clock in the morning N. V. Gogol died.

2009 declared by UNESCO as the year of N.V. Gogol

"Gogol must be recognized as the founder of a new, real trend in Russian literature: willy-nilly, all later writers adhere to him, no matter what shade their works may be."


“Gogol was our first national, exclusively Russian poet; no one understood better than him all the shades of Russian life and Russian character, no one so amazingly faithfully portrayed Russian society; the best contemporary figures of our literature can be called the followers of Gogol ... "

D. I. Pisarev

“... None of our writers expressed so vividly and clearly the consciousness of their patriotic significance as in Gogol. He directly considered himself a man called to serve not art, but the Fatherland, he thought of himself: "I am not a poet, I am a citizen."

N. G. Chernyshevsky

“Gogol is an extraordinary person, with a high mind and a correct view of art ... He studied and observed human feelings, in a word, he was the most interesting person who could introduce himself for acquaintance. For all this he has a kind heart. "

A. A. Ivanov

“… His irony and his laughter are bitter everywhere, but not haughty. Laughing, Gogol suffers. Denouncing vice, he first of all denounces it in himself, which he admitted more than once, suffered and cried, dreaming of approaching the "ideal." And it was given to him not only to get closer to great artistic discoveries, but also to painfully comprehend the truth of being, the greatness and rashness of human morality. "

V.P. Astafiev

“My life, my highest pleasure died with him ... When I was creating, I saw only Pushkin in front of me ... I did nothing, I did not write anything without his advice. All that I have good, I owe him. "

N.V. Gogol about A.S. Pushkin.

Marveling at the great mind,
He is not persecuted, not slandered,
And his contemporaries
During his lifetime, the monument is being prepared ...

But fate has no mercy
To one whose noble genius
Became the denouncer of the crowd
Her passions and delusions.

N.A.Nekrasov on the death of N.V. Gogol

Gogol's aphorisms ...

"You have to be honest with words."

"Reason is incomparably the highest ability, but it is acquired only by the victory over the passions."

"The higher the truths, the more you need to be more careful with them: otherwise they will suddenly turn to commonplaces, and they no longer believe in commonplaces."

"Youth is happy that it has a future."

"Take away with you on the way, leaving the mild youthful years in the harsh, hardening courage - take with you all human movements, do not leave them on the road: do not pick it up later!"

"Glory cannot saturate and give pleasure to the one who stole it, and did not deserve it; it produces constant awe only in the one who is worthy of it."

“The Russian man has an enemy, an irreconcilable, dangerous enemy, if not for whom, he would be a giant. This enemy is laziness. "

"Anger is everywhere inappropriate, and most of all in the matter is right, because it darkens and muddies it."

"No matter how silly the words of a fool, and sometimes they are enough to embarrass an intelligent person."

“Poets do not come from somewhere over the sea, but come from their own people. These are the fires emanating from him, the foremost messengers of his powers. "

“Art certainly strives for good, positively or negatively: does it show us the beauty of all the best that is in a person, or laughs at the ugliness of all the worst in a person. If you expose all the rubbish that is in a person, and you expose it in such a way that every spectator will receive complete disgust for it, I ask: isn't this already a praise for all that is good? I ask: isn't this a praise for good? "

Screen adaptation of N.V. Gogol's works:

1. Biographies of writers: video encyclopedia at 2 cash desks. Cass. 2: Griboyedov, Lermontov, Gogol. - M .: (Tsentrnauchfilm; Video studio "KVART").
2. Evenings on a farm near Dikanka: based on NV Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas" - 1961. - (Gorky Film Studio / LLC "Gorky Films", 1999 / LLC "Master TAPE". - Ed. Scenes and dir. A. Rowe.
3. Viy: based on the story of the same name by NV Gogol. - 1967. - (K / st. "Mosfilm" / "Close-up", 1999) - (Literary classics on the screen). - Scenes. A. Ptushko, K. Ershova, G. Kropacheva. Fast. K. Ershova, G. Kropacheva.
4. Players: based on the comedy of the same name by N. V. Gogol. - 1978. - M .: (State Television and Radio Fund USSR / State Television and Radio Fund, 1995; LLC "Master TYPE", 2001). - (Theater on the screen).
5. Inspector: based on the comedy of the same name by N. V. Gogol. -1982. - (State Television and Radio of the USSR. / State Television and Radio Fund, 1995. / Master TYPE LLC, 2000. - (Theater on the screen). - Director-post V. Pluchek.
6. Inspector: based on the comedy of the same name by N. V. Gogol. - 1952. - (K / st. "Mosfilm" / LLC "Prestige Studio-M", 2004). - (Through the pages of literary classics). - Scenes. And post. V. Petrov.
7. Dead Souls: a satirical comedy based on the poem by N. V. Gogol. - 1960. - (K / st. "Mosfilm" / "Close-up", 2002). - (From the collection of films of the State Film Fund of Russia. Literary classics on the screen). - Scenes. development and post. L. Trauberg.

MUK Myasnikovsky district
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An exposer of passions and delusions [Text]: informational - biobibliographic almanac for the 200th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol / MUK MR "ICB"; comp. A. A. Barashyan, comp. K. V. Haspekyan's set. - Chaltyr: MUK MR "MCB", 2009. - 6 p. - (10 copies).

13 June 2015

The last years of the life of the great Russian prose writer and playwright Gogol were spent in a painful struggle between the artist and the Orthodox thinker. This inner discord served as a deadly weapon for him, which killed him. However, the significance of his many famous works for Russian literature has become extremely important and profound. Gogol's brief chronological table contains only dry facts. In fact, a lot of incredible events took place with Gogol, which will make us consider him a great mystic, although in fact he was a real Christian.

20.03. (01.04) 1809

N.V. was born in Velikiye Sorochintsy (Poltava province of Mirgorodsky district). Gogol.

He and his brother Ivan study at the district school in the city of Poltava

Brother Ivan died.

The writer lives with G. Sorochinsky, a teacher from Poltava, and works diligently with him.

Studying at the Nizhyn gymnasium.

Gogol's father died (V.A. Gogol-Yanovsky).

At the end of his studies, Gogol moved to St. Petersburg. The writer is seriously underfunded. Works under the pseudonym V. Alov and publishes the work "Hans Kuchelgarten".

He travels to Germany and creates the work "Italy".

Writes the story "Bisavryuk, or The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala".

1830 - 1931

Coming closer to V.A. Zhukovsky and A.S. Pushkin, which will certainly affect his further literary destiny.

Gogol creates Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka.

Works as a teacher at the Patriotic Institute.

Receives an adjunct position at St. Petersburg University.

Member of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, which was organized at Moscow University.

Gogol publishes two collections of works "Arabesque" and "Mirgorod", which includes the works "Taras Bulba", "Old World Landowners", "Viy", etc.

Beginning of work on the first volume of Dead Souls.

The comedy "The Inspector General" is finished. His first performances began at the St. Petersburg and Moscow theaters. After Gogol went abroad (Germany, France, Switzerland and Rome).

Return to Moscow. Publication of the work "Dead Souls" and the story "The Overcoat".

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Jerusalem).

Gogol settles in Moscow in the house of his old friend A. Tolstoy.

Burning of the second book of Dead Souls.

21.02. (4.03.) 1852

Death of Gogol in Moscow. In 1931 the writer was reburied at the Novodevichy cemetery.

This is where Gogol's chronological table ends. In fact, it is worth carefully studying the biography of this great man, it is really very unusual and interesting.

Biography of Gogol: short

Gogol was born into an impoverished family of landowner Gogol-Yanovsky. Gogol's chronological table contains only the most important dates from the writer's biography. And therefore I would like to describe its events in a little more detail.

So, it was in the Nizhyn gymnasium that the future Russian writer began to show literary, artistic and acting talents.

Dream of becoming a lawyer

However, with all this, Gogol dreamed of becoming a lawyer, so he went to St. Petersburg. Having got to know more closely the entire bureaucratic life of the capital, he did not want to work in justice. Then he tries himself in other fields. He even worked as a history teacher, but literature took over, this was facilitated by his acquaintance and cooperation with Pushkin, which had a huge influence on him. Celebrity came to Gogol with the work "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka." And then in drama, Gogol will begin to shine thanks to his "Inspector General".

Deadly longing

But because of the caustic satire, literary critics took up arms against him. Therefore, falling into a deep depression, he was forced to leave Russia and spend 12 years abroad. He rarely visited his homeland. In Italy, he will write his famous work "Dead Souls", which will cause such a great public outcry that cannot even be compared with the comedy "The Inspector General".

Gogol died of nervous and physical exhaustion and loss of strength in Moscow at the age of 43.