Heroes of the Russian folk fairy tale Snow Maiden story. Snow Maiden Brief characteristic of heroes

Heroes of the Russian folk fairy tale Snow Maiden story. Snow Maiden Brief characteristic of heroes
Heroes of the Russian folk fairy tale Snow Maiden story. Snow Maiden Brief characteristic of heroes

A lot of good, interesting fairy tales, which have long been folk exist for children. One of these fairy tales is the "Snow Maiden", which was written by the famous Russian writer Alexander Ostrovsky in the distant one thousand eight hundred seventy-third year. Despite the fact that the Snow Maiden is still a winter character, this fairy tale turned out to be spring, breathtaking and intriguing.

All the effect of this fairy tale unfolds in the fictional country of Berendev, and the main heroine, certainly becomes the daughter of the already entering into

Spring's own rights and not yet retreating frost, Snow Maiden.

On the history, the main character turns out to be all someone else. But, despite this, it is very attracted by human songs, conversations, games and fun. Snow Maiden trying to understand all the might, those feelings that people experience, then rejoicing, then crying.

She is incomprehensible to this feeling, but the stronger it entails her.

By nature, the main heroine is still quite a child, and her children's darling sleeps sweet sleep, and no one can wake these feelings in it. Despite this, not yet knowing the feelings of love, she is able to experience the feeling of real envy to someone else's happiness and someone else's joy. The main character feels broken, after the usual rural shepherd Lel prefers her hot, rustic girl Kupava.

The main heroine in sadness appeals to the mother in spring asking for her gift to love. In response to this mother gives her a wreath that helps the main heroine to remove the dormant with the soul and understand what love is.

At the same time, proud, wayward and strong Mizgir turns out to be the chosen of the Snow Maiden. Having experienced the present, the human sense of love her heart becomes real, human, alive and Snow Maiden dies. Her concent completing the fairy tale as if resums the balance of the kingdom of Berendev.

And the Snow Maiden becomes a kind of atoning victim for the grace of Grozny and Mighty Yaril.

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Music play-tale "Snow Maiden" (another name - "Spring Fairy Tale") was completed by the famous Russian playwright Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky by March 31, 1873. It has a prologue and four actions. However, despite the name, this work is not a children's fairy tale.

Less than a month and a half, in May, the play was already delivered on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. Music to the fairy tale wrote 33-year-old Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

In the article, we will give an analysis of the play and the heroes of "Snow Maiden" Ostrovsky. The main plot moves of the work will be presented, its history of the creation and further fate of the stage of theatrical layouts will be described.

History of writing

Why is the analysis of the "Snow Maiden" is appropriate to remind you how this play was created? The fact is that it was in 1873 that the building of the Small Theater was closed for repairs and the troupe had to be accommodated in the Bolshoi Theater. In order not to waste time in simple, management decided to a great formulation in which all three troupes would be involved - opera, ballet and dramatic. The main thing was to find the author of the textual part and the composer for such an unusual collaboration. And they turned to the most famous domestic playwright A. N. Ostrovsky at that time, which then became interested in the ideas of the researcher and collectors of Russian folklore Alexander Afanasyev.

As the basis for the plot, the Ostrovsky took the Russian folk fairy tale "Girl-Snow Maiden". This story about the girl from snow named Snow Maiden (Snevinochka) appeared in the book of Afanasyev who was published in 1869. Proof of the fact that in the process of writing the plays island relied on this folk fairy tale, is the fact that on the plot of both works Snow Maiden dies (melts). Whereas there were other fairy tale options in which the heroine was resurrected.

main characters

Analysis of the heroes of "Snow Maiden" by Ostrovsky Let's start with the central character of the play. This is how you can guess from the name, Snow Maiden. But in the play she, as in a fairy tale, is not at all the daughter of Ivan and Marya, a childless married couple, who dreamed of a child. She is the child of Santa Claus and spring-red. According to the description, this is a beautiful girl who is pale face and blonde. She looks like a boyars daughter, not a peasant, on it a white-blue fur coat, fur hat, mittens.

In the nature of the main character, there would seem to be inequal about: coldness - from the Father (Frost) and the desire to love, but not the ability to this feeling. When spring gives the Snow Maiden's ability to love, the girl dies. This happens during the summer holiday of the Slavs dedicated to the God of Sun Yarile.

But another central character play. Lel - Slobodskaya Channel, windy and non-permanent beloved Snow Maiden singing beautiful songs. He speaks about himself like this:

Without caress, it is impossible to live shepherd!

He does not plow, he does not sow; with youngsters

Sun is lying on the sun; Leleet

Spring him, and the breeze caresses.

And the shepherd is not enough for free will.

In mind one: maiden woman, only

And you think about her.

Mizgir is the son of a rich merchant, the groom Kupava, who, seeing the Snow Maiden, forgot about the bride. His death at the end of the play occurs not so much because of the lost love, as much as the wives of the gods, at least, Mizgir himself thinks so.


For further analysis of the tale "Snow Maiden" island, consider secondary characters.

Bakula Bakula and Bobylich Bobyl - Favorite Snow Maiden Family. By the way, Bobylyami in Russia called the poorest peasants who did not have land. Therefore, Santa Claus hopes that for such a "bride", as a reception daughter of beas, no one will hurt. By the nature of the Bobyl - a walk and a lazy, and Bobylich dreams of warmth, wealth and nonsense without any difficulty.

Kupava - Murash's daughter, a rich resident of Sloboda. This is a local beauty to which Mizgir first launched.

King Berendia is a worried about the future of his people and about the favor for him of God Yaril. His neighbor is Boyman. The wife of Bermates - Elena is beautiful.

Rainbush, Malusha - Sloboda girls, Kupava girlfriend.

Brusilo, kid, smoking - Slobodsk guys.

Summary. Prologue

The action of the play occurs in the country of Berendev's people in the old days. Spring comes to the red hill, she is accompanied by birds. It is still very cold, but Spring promises that tomorrow will warm the forest and the earth and the sun will come and will end the cold.

In the prologue, Spring tells the story that they have with the old frost her daughter named Snow Maiden. Its future causes the parents to the spores and quarrels: Spring wants the girl to live among people and having fun with young people, and the Frost claims that the Berendevsky God of the Sun Yarilo gave an oath that he would destroy the Snow Maiden as soon as she would love. So let it better live in the parent forest terme among the beasts and never goes to people. Spring and frost conversation, as always, ends with quarrels. But finally, the spouses find a compromise: they decide to give the Snow Maiden to raising a childless bob, living in Slobodka. They believe that guys on a bobyl daughter will hardly look around. The girl admits that he is very glad to choose that she loves human songs and her sheluz Lel like. Santa Claus is frightened and punishes daughters:

Snow Maiden, run from Lelia, Fear

His speeches and songs. Yarm Sun.

He is penetrated ...

The fourth phenomenon of the prologue ends with the departure of the frost to the north, herself to protect the Snow Maiden, which happens to her to attack someone in the forest. Are in the middle of the sled, on which the scarecrows of the oils are carrying, they accompany the winter and sing songs.

Bobyl, Bobylich and other berendies see the Snow Maiden and are surprised:

Hearing! Live? Live.

In Tuluochik, in shoes, in mittens.

Snow Maiden says that she wants to live in Sloboda at Bobills, and those by accepting her for a haunting, rejoice in unexpected happiness.

To analyze the play of the Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden", it should be borne in mind that the appearance of Snow Maiden in the Sloboda can be considered a string story.

First action

It begins in Sloboda from the announcement of Biryuch about the appointed holiday in honor of the God of Yarily's Sun. Next, there is a conversation beast with the Snow Maiden. Those to the girl that she would need to find a groom to grace to ensure the future of new parents, because she denies everyone who watched her. Snow Maiden answers that there is a scaper on her caress, which is waiting for love, and it's not all.

At the trip to the Bobyl family, Shelu Lel comes, which in turn will spend the night at different spreads. He sings Snow Maiden songs, she is unexpected for himself crying and gives him a flower. Lel promises that he will keep it, but as soon as his other girls call, throws a gift and runs away.

When analyzing "Snow Maiden" Ostrovsky, it is necessary to clarify that the relationship between these two characters is the main thing for understanding the work.

Kupawa tells the heroine about his meeting and love for Mizgira, who is "the father's son of a shopping guest from Tsarskoy Posad". For the coming day, the twist of Yaril has a wedding.

In the next phenomenon, Mizgir comes with gifts to "buy out" Kupava from girlfriends and guys. He sees the Snow Maiden and unexpectedly drives the bride, wanting to stay near the new love. Kupava with crying runs away, the proclip of the traitor.

Second action

Events develop in the palace of King Berende. He crushes that heat on earth is becoming less and less, the summer is all shorter, and the winter is increasingly longer. It means, he says that people were hung with hearts.

For struing of our senses

And the Yarilo-Sun is angry at us

And Study Mstit.

In the analysis of the "Snow Maiden" is briefly briefly explain that it is the king of Berendie withdraws the usual problem of a love triangle to the plot about the origin of the Divine Forces of Nature.

Before the eyes of the king is Kupava, which complains of the traitor of the Mizgius. The angry Berendei tells to deliver to him well done and collect people to court. Mizgyr is blamed, Murash and Bermaist offer the king to marry him on Kupava. But Mizgir dreams only about the Snow Maiden.

The king decides that the best appeal to Yaril and the victim to him is the wedding of beauty, and is prettring at the Snow Maiden who her beloved. But she responds that her heart is silent. The king appeals against the grooms: who will be able to excite the love of the girl, he will become her husband and get a reward from him. Misgir and Lel are caused (the latter by the appeal of the fear of Elena is beautiful). Games in honor of Yarily are appointed for the upcoming night, the wedding - in the morning.

Action third

This action is developing on the forest glade, where the tents are placed. Girls and guys in wreaths water dance. Lel, who promised the Snow Maiden to choose her as a bride, brings Kupava to the king. In tears looks at him the main heroine. But Lel confesses to the Snow Maiden, that nor to one girl does not lie his heart that he just can't hurt anyone. Once again, he gives a promise to the Snow Maiden to choose her in his wife and disappears. Mizgir appears and invited her invaluable pearl for her to become his wife. But the girl runs away. To hide from the persistent groom in more often the forest helps her and the forest itself, which fools the head of Misgir, sending him the ghosts of Snow Maiden.

The heroine is waiting for his Lelia again. But he convinces her to wait aside, and himself occurs with Kupava. They persuade to get married the next morning. Snow Maiden, realizing that the beloved does not believe in her feelings, crying, turns to spring.

O Mother, Spring-Red!

I run to you and with a complaint, and asking:

Love please, I want to love!

Give the Snow Maiden Maiden's Heart, Mom!

Give Love Ile Life My Take!


Spring comes from the lake in Yarilina Valley. She resembles a girl that love can cost her life.

Let me die, love one moment

It is more expensive to me for longing and tears.

Spring puts her wreath on her head, and the girl acquires the feelings unknown by Dotol. Mother warns her that her love will get the first one who she will meet. But she should immediately hide from the sun, so that Yarilo did not know that the Snow Maiden could love.

The first girl meets the Mizgius. He wandered all night through the forest, looking for her. Snow Maiden is fascinated by his speeches. Mizgir hugs her, but she begs to hide it from the destructive rays of the sun. However, the young man does not understand, considering it with a whim. And with the first sunlight of the Snow Maiden melts. Mizgir in despair rushes from the mountain into the lake.

Follow the play of Berendeya's words, addressed to their people:

Frost Rogue -

Cold Snow Maiden died.

Now, with her wonderful death,

Frost intervention stopped.

Fate setting

The premiere of plays and critics, and the public accepted with some bewilderment. According to the description and analysis of the "Snow Maiden" is a real spring fairy tale fee. But by the playwright, by that time there was a prevailing reputation of satiric-realist, a life-fosteer and an accuser of human vices. And then the Russian national fairy tale. Such a violation of the usual amplua, many caused questions. It is probably from here and one of the epithets, as a sentence with critics with critics - "Durable".

However, eight years later, in 1881, the Russian composer N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov was written by Opera, based on the play of the Ostrovsky, whose premiere was held in February 1882. And she had a deafening success.

We have led the description and analysis of the works of the Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden".

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\u003c\u003c Snow Maiden \u003e\u003e A. N. Ostrovsky and folk fairy tale

By the course \u003c\u003c Oral folk creativity \u003e\u003e

Students of the 1st year of the group of 203 Holweetsk N. P.

Barnaul 2010.

The work of the Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden" is an amazing fairy tale, which shows the beauty of the surrounding world, love, nature, youth. The work is based on folk fairy tales, songs, legends and legends. Ostrovsky only joined fairy tales, legends and songs together and gave folk creativity a very peculiar flavor. In the "Snow Maiden" the main place is occupied by human relations. At first glance, the plot looks completely fantastic. But then it turns out that living human characters are visible in this phantasmagoria.

Where did the Snow Maiden come from? There is still no accurate answer. But there are a lot of options for its origin.

The image of a fabulous heroine Snow Maiden Formed in the folk consciousness gradually over the centuries. Initially arose in Russian folk fairy tales as an image of an ice girl - granddaughters, which were blinded by a childless old old man with an old woman in consolation, and people to joy. However, there is an assumption that the Snow Maiden's fairy tale arose on the basis of the ancient Slavic rite of the funeral of Kostroma. And it means that it can be argued that Kostroma is not just the birthplace of Snow Maiden - she is the same Snow Maiden.

Kostroma portrayed in different ways: it was either a young woman wrapped in white, with an oak branch in her hands, walking in accompanied by a dance, or straw scarecrow women. Kostroma means a gaming character and the game itself, at the end of which the Kostroma is ill and dies, and then gets up and dancing. The final episode of the game and the rite, death and subsequent Resurrection of Kostroma, gave a reason for the perception of the image of Kostroma as a seasonal spirit (the spirit of vegetation), which relates it to the image of the Snow Maiden.

In the fairy tale "Girl Snow Maiden" V. I. Dalka, an old man with an old woman watched other people's guys, "how they ride some of the snow, they play snowballs" and decided to make her daughter. "The old man brought a lump of snow to the hut, put in the pot, covered with a ham and put on the window. Sun sinks, noded the pot, and began to melt the snow. " So the girl "white, like a snowball, and a round, like a lump" appeared.

Fabulous Snow Maidet melts, jumping with girlfriends through a big hot bonfire, and turns into a small cloud, flying into the sky.

Over time, the image of the heroine was transformed in the folk consciousness: Snow Maiden becomes granddaughter of Santa Claus and is associated with Christmas and New Year holidays.

Snow Maiden - a purely Russian phenomenon and anywhere else in the world on New Year and Christmas holidays such a character does not appear.

New color acquires an image under the influence of the spring fairy tale A. N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden". From a little girl - Heroine's granddaughters turns into a beautiful girl who can burn the hearts of young Berendev with a hot sense of love.

"Snow Maiden" is perhaps the least typical of all the plays of Alexander Ostrovsky, sharply distinguished among other creativity by lyricity, unusual problems (instead of a social drama, the author paid the attention of the drama personal, referring the topic of love as a central theme) and completely fantastic entourage. The play tells the story of the Snow Maiden, which appears in front of us with a young girl, desperately thirsty, which she never had - love. Preserving the loyalty of the main line, the Ostrovsky parallel reveals some more: the device of its semi-ridiculous-semi-nice world, the morals and customs of Berendev, the topic of continuity and reward, and the cyclicalness of life, noting, even in allegorical form, that life and death always go hand in hand.

History of creation

The appearance of the play on the light of the Russian literary world is obliged to a happy accident: at the very beginning of the 1873 year, the building of the Small Theater was closed for major repairs, and the actor group temporarily moved to the big one. Having decided to take advantage of the capabilities of the new scene and attract the audience, it was decided to arrange an unusual performance-enchantment for those times, using a ballet, dramatic and opera component of the theater team immediately.

It is with a proposal to write a play for this extravagania and turned to Ostrovsky, who, using the opportunity to implement a literary experiment, agreed. The author changed his usual to look for inspiration in the unsightly sides of real life, and in search of a material for the play turned to the work of the people. There he found a tale of the girl-Snow Maiden, which became the basis for his magnificent work.

At the beginning of the spring of 1873, Ostrovsky worked on the creation of the play. And not one - since setting on the stage is impossible without music, the playwright worked together with another young, then Peter Tchaikovsky. According to critics and writers, it is precisely in this that one of the reasons for the amazing rhythm of the "Snow Maiden" - words and music were composed in a single impulse, close cooperation, and penetrated each other's rhythm, initially constituting one whole.

It is symbolic that the last point in the "Snow Maiden" put on the day of his fifty-year-old anniversary on March 31. And just over a month later, on May 11, the show of the premiere play took place. He received quite different reviews among critics, both positive and sharply negative, but already in the 20th century, literary crituals were firmly agreed that the "Snow Maiden" is the brightest milestone in the work of the playwright.

Analysis of the work

Description of the work

The plot is based on the life path of the Snow Maiden girls, born of the Union of Frost and Spring-Red, their father and mother. Snow Maiden lives in the fictional Island Berendev kingdom, but not native - from Father-frost, which guarded it from all possible troubles, she left, - and in the family of Bobyl and Bobyli. Snow Maiden craves love, but can't love - even her interest in Lela is dictated by the desire to be the only and unique, desire to the shepherd, evenly gives all the girls warm and joy, was gentle with her with one. And Bobyl and Bobylich and are not going to give it with his love, they have a task more likely: to prove on the beauty of the girl, giving her married. Snow Maiden indifferently looks at Men-Berendev, for the sake of her who change their lives, rejecting brides and violate the social foundations; It is internally cold, she is alien to the full life berendies - and therefore attracts them. However, and the stuff of Snow Maiden falls on a misfortune - seeing Lelia, favorable to another and rejected it, the girl rushes to his mother asking to allow them to love - or die.

It is at this moment that the Ostrovsky to the limit clearly expresses the central thought of his work: life without love is meaningless. Snow Maiden can not and does not want to put up with the void and the cold, existing in her heart, and spring, which is the essence of the immaculation of love, allows the daughter to experience this feeling, despite the fact that she has a bad thing.

Mother turns out to be right: those who loved the snow Maiden melts under the first rays of hot and clear sun, have time, however, to discover the new world, filled with meaning. And her beloved, before the bride who left the bride and the expelled King Mizgir, parted with life in the pond, seeking to reunite with the water, which the Snow Maiden became.

main characters

(Scene from the ballet - Snow Maiden)

Snow Maiden - the central figure of the work. The girl of extraordinary beauty, desperately wanting to know love, but at the same time a cold heart. Clean, partly naive and absolutely alien to people-Berendeum, it turns out to be ready to give everything, even his life, in exchange for knowledge about what love is and why everything is so crazy.
Frost - Father Snow Maiden, Grozny and Strict, strive to protect her daughter from all sorts of trouble.

Spring-Krasnova - the mother of a girl who, despite the premonition of the trouble, could not go on his nature and her daughter's plenty and endowed her ability to love.

Lel - windy and cheerful shepherd, the first aroused some feelings and emotions in the Snow Maiden. It was because of the fact that it turned out to be rejected by him, the girl rushed to spring.

Mizgir - a shopping guest, or, in other words, the merchant who loved the girl so much that not only suggested all his wealth for her, but also left Kupava, who was unwounding his bride, thereby violating the originally observed customs of Berendev Kingdom. In the end, he gained the reciprocity of the one who loved, but not for long - and after her death he himself broke up with life.

It is worth noting that despite the large number of characters of the play, even the secondary heroes turned out to be bright and characteristic: that the king of Berendey, that Bobyl and Bobylich, that the former Bride of the Misgi of Kupava - they are all remembered by the reader, possess their distinctive features and features.

"Snow Maiden" - the work is complex and multifaceted, including compositionally, and rhythmically. The play is written without rhyme, but thanks to a unique rhythm and singer, which is literally in every line, sounds smoothly, like any rhymed verse. He decorates the "Snow Maiden" and the rich use of spacious revolutions is quite a logical and justified step of the playwright, which, when creating a work, relied on folk tales, telling about the girl from the snow.

The same statement about versatility is fair and in relation to the content: for an externally simple story of the Snow Maiden (reached the real world - rejected people - she got love - he felt like the human world - died) not only the statement that life without love is meaningless, but also many Others, no less important aspects.

So, one of the central topics is the relationship of opposites, without which the natural course of things is impossible. Frost and Yarilo, Cold and Light, Winter and warm time, externally conflict with each other, enter into an irreconcilateral contradiction, but at the same time the red line in the text passes the idea that one without another does not exist.

In addition to the lyricity and sacrifice of love, the social aspect of the play, displayed on the background of fabulous obscures, is of interest. The norms and customs of Berendev Kingdom are observed strictly, the exile is threatened for violation, as happened to Mizgiry. These norms are valid and to some extent reflect the representation of the island about the ideal Old Russian community, where the price is loyalty and love of neighbor, life in unity with nature. The figure of Tsar Berendeya, the "good" king, who, although forced to take harsh decisions, regards the fate of Snow Maiden as a tragic, sad, causes unequivocally positive emotions; Such king is easy to sympathize.

At the same time, in the Berendevsky kingdom, justice is observed in everything: even after the death of Snow Maiden, as a result of her adoption of love, anger and spores of Yarily disappear, and Berendevtsy can enjoy the sun and warmth. Ceremonies harmony.

Read the list of prolonged persons. What are the heroes of the prologue did you meet in the works of Folklore?

In the list of applicants of the prnogue seven names. In the works of folklore, especially in fairy tales, you met many of the main characters of this spring fairy tale. Most often - Santa Claus. But they have spring-red, and Leshe. Birds that are named here in folklore there are rarely in spring. They are more likely to have independent participants in fairy tales, songs.

Describe the kingdom of Berendev. What is his description, which is in the remarks of the play, is different from the descriptions in fairy tales?

The fabulous kingdom of Berendea is described as each of us would tell about a really existing place. This description was created to ensure that artists managed to depict the kingdom on the scene. It differs from the place of events, which describes any tale, the fact that it is given decoration, against which events will occur.

I remember the first remark.

"The beginning of spring. Midnight. Red hill covered with snow. To the right bushes and a rareless leafless birch; left solid frequent forest of large pines and spruce with bruises hanging from the severity of snow; in depth, under the mountain, river; Halfwill and corruses are addicted by the Yelane. Behind the River Berendev Posad, the capital of Tsar Berendeya: Palaces, houses, huts - all wooden, with bizarre colored thread; In windows lights. Full moon silver all open terrain. They scream the roosters. " This description talks about how the scenery of the prologue should look like to the Snow Maiden play.

Reference. Decoration is the design of the stage of the play, the set, which creates a visible look of where events occur.

Why is there already in the first remark about the places where the prologue will occur and all four actions of the fairy tale?

The fact that all events will occur in the tiny kingdom of Berendea, which can be placed in one glance, we will find out by reading the whole play. However, the first remark shows the place of events. This description convinces us that

A. N. Ostrovsky wanted the audience to immediately see all the fabulous kingdom of Berendev.

Many believe that the tie of the play is the solution of the Bobyle and Bobyli to take the Snow Maiden to themselves. There is another opinion: the tie is the solution of the Snow Maiden to get out of the forest and go to people. You should think about your decision.

What kind of snow maiden did you imagine? What is in her eyes and behavior answers the name of the daughter of Spring and Frost?

Snow Maiden - Spring and Frost daughter. Therefore, in its appearance, views and behavior there are signs of parents. Name Snow Maiden from Father - Santa Claus. But from the mother of spring - beauty, cheerful temper and the desire to be with people.

What episodes remind you of folk tales? What folk songs are in prolog?

The fairy tale resemble such episodes of the prologue: Spring falls on the ground, surrounded by his retinue; Spring meeting with frost and their dispute; The appearance of Leshego; Farewell Snow Maiden with Forest (Trees and Bushes Lay Snow Maiden).

The prologue is a bird chorus, which is close to a folk song. Snow Maiden remembered the songs that Lel sang.

Carefully read the poetic speech of the plays. What artistic technique is most often found in her lines? Find the reception called the transfer, in the farewell replicas of spring and frost.

Snow Maiden, daughter! You will not have time to remove the sheafs, and I will come back. See you.

Spring It's time to change the anger to grace. Summer blizzard! The people are lucky, the crowds are widespread by crowds ...

How many transfer numbers are you in these two replicas?

Reference. Transfer - transfer part of the proposal from one line of poem to another. This transfer allocates the values \u200b\u200bof individual words.

You can emphasize the reduced proposals in the text. We see that in the conversation of frost and spring, almost all phrases are divided into parts of the transfer. Thanks to this, we make pauses when reading, which emphasize the meaning of each part of the text.

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The image of a fabulous heroine of Snow Maiden was formed in the folk consciousness gradually over the centuries. Initially arose in Russian folk fairy tales as an image of an ice girl - granddaughters, which were blinded by a childless old old man with an old woman in consolation, and people to joy. However, there is an assumption that the Snow Maiden's fairy tale arose on the basis of the ancient Slavic rite of the funeral of Kostroma. And it means that it can be argued that Kostroma is not just the birthplace of Snow Maiden - she is the same Snow Maiden.

Kostroma portrayed in different ways: it was either a young woman wrapped in white, with an oak branch in her hands, walking in accompanied by a dance, or straw scarecrow women. Kostroma means a gaming character and the game itself, at the end of which the Kostroma is ill and dies, and then gets up and dancing. The final episode of the game and the rite, death and subsequent Resurrection of Kostroma, gave a reason for the perception of the image of Kostroma as a seasonal spirit (the spirit of vegetation), which relates it to the image of the Snow Maiden.

In the fairy tale "Girl Snow Maiden" V. I. Dalka, an old man with an old woman watched other people's guys, "how they ride some of the snow, they play snowballs" and decided to make her daughter. "The old man brought a lump of snow to the hut, put in the pot, covered with a ham and put on the window. Sun sinks, noded the pot, and began to melt the snow. " So the girl "white, like a snowball, and a round, like a lump" appeared.

Fabulous Snow Maidet melts, jumping with girlfriends through a big hot bonfire, and turns into a small cloud, flying into the sky.

Over time, the image of the heroine was transformed in the folk consciousness: Snow Maiden becomes granddaughter of Santa Claus and is associated with Christmas and New Year holidays.

Snow Maiden - a purely Russian phenomenon and anywhere else in the world on New Year and Christmas holidays such a character does not appear.

New color acquires an image under the influence of the spring fairy tale A. N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden". From a little girl - Heroine's granddaughters turns into a beautiful girl who can burn the hearts of young Berendev with a hot sense of love. It is not by chance that A. N. Ostrovsky is a daughter of frost and spring. The compromise laid in this contradiction makes the image of Snow Maiden tragic, causes sympathy, interest, makes it possible to compare it with other fabulous heroes of Russian folk fairy tales, as well as to conduct analogies with the heroes of Russian and foreign literature.

The image of Snow Maiden attracted many poets, writers, composers, artists. Known sketches of the artist M. A. Vrubel. V. M. Vasnetsov performed the scenery for setting the Opera "Snow Maiden" by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.

N. K. Roerich filed four times to design the play "Snow Maiden" on the opera and dramatic scenes.

The performances were obtained in the theaters of St. Petersburg, London, Chicago, Paris. B. M. Kustodiev Drew sketches of scenery to the play "Snow Maiden".

And every new understanding enriched the image of Snow Maiden, making his loved ones. Today, the Snow Maiden as a fabulous symbol can attract different categories of tourists: children, youth and adult tourists, for whom it is loved by childhood and makes it possible to relax from their problems.

Description of the image of the Snow Maiden, compiled on the basis of its mythological, historical and literary roots, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe significance of the theme for a wide range of people of different ages, different nationalities, direct involvement of Kostroma to this image.

Kostroma four times the birthplace of Snow Maiden:

  • first birth - the emergence of the image from the rite of funeral Kostroma, which gave birth to the city,
  • the second birth of the Snow Maiden - in the spring fairy tale A. N. Ostrovsky - writer and playwright, born and creating his creations in the Kostroma land,
  • the third birth - filming the film "Snow Maiden" by director Pavel Kadochnikov in Berendevka (forest park in the territory of Kostroma).

the fourth is the embodiment of the image in a living person who plays the role of Snow Maiden, traveling with Russian Santa Moroz in Russia.

The image of Snow Maiden is unfixed in Russian folk ritual. However, in Russian folklore, it appears as a character of a folk fairy tale about a girl made from snow, which came to life.

Tales of Snow Maiden were investigated by A. N. Afanasyev in the second volume of his work "Poetic views of Slavs in nature" (1867).

In 1873 A.N. Ostrovsky, influenced by the ideas of Afanasyev, writes the play "Snow Maiden". In it, the Snow Maiden appears as the daughter of santa-frost and spring-red, which dies during the summer ritual to honor the God of the Sun Yarily. It has the appearance of a beautiful pale blonde girl. Dressed in white and blue clothes with fur edge (fur coat, fur hat, mittens). Originally, the play was not successful in the public.

In 1882 N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov set the same opera on the play, which had a huge success.

Further development The image of the Snow Maiden received in the works of teachers of the late XIX - the beginning of the 20th century, which were preparing scenarios for children's New Year's Christmas trees. Even before the revolution, the figurines of the Snow Maiden were hanging on the tree, the girls dressed in the costumes of the Snow Maiden, was made to draw fragments from fairy tales, Ostrovsky or opera plays. At this time, the role of the leading Snow Maiden did not speak.

The image of the Snow Maiden received its modern look in 1935 in the Soviet Union, after the official permission of the celebration of the New Year. In the books on the organization of New Year's Christmas tree of this period, the Snow Maiden performs on a par with Santa Claus, like his granddaughter, assistant and an intermediary in communicating between him and children. In early 1937, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden were for the first time together for the holiday of Christmas trees in the Moscow House of Unions.

On the issue of the origin of the Snow Maiden, there are 3 versions, and the 1st and 2nd items are connected.

  1. image of daughter frost
  2. the image of Kostroma
  3. symbol of frozen water

Read more.

1. Serebina E.: The image of Snow Maides is known for the folk tale about the snow made of snow and the revived girl. This snowy girl comes in summer with girlfriends in the forest on the berries and is either lost in the forest (and in this case the beasts save it, bringing her home), or melts, jumping through the fire (likely Kupalsky). The last option is more indicative and most likely is the original one. It was reflected a reflection of the myth of natural spirits, dying when changing the season (born in winter from the snow of the creature at the occurrence of summer melts, turning into a cloud). There is a connection with the calendar (Kupalsky) rite of jumping through a bonfire, which is initiative (at that moment the girl turns into a girl). Snow Maiden as a seasonal (winter) Character dies with the arrival of summer ...

Sketch for the play by A. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden"

Vasnetsov V. Snow Maiden

It would be in vain to look for in Western New Year and Christmas mythology its analogues. Neither Malanka (participating in Galicia, Podolia and Bessarabia on December 31 in the ritual), nor Katerina and St. Lucius, on the day of their tezo-estaters speakers from some European peoples in the role of donel, nor Italian befana, on the night of a hospital, throwing children in gifts, do not resemble the Russian Snow Maiden and none of them has a male "partner". Female characters associated with the New Year and the Christmas tree, in the West there is no ...

2. WORLDS.RU: The tale of the Snow Maiden originated from the ancient Slavic rite of funeral Kostroma. Kostroma buried in different ways. The straw scarecrow depicting the Girl of Kostroma, or heat the river, or burn, like Maslenitsa on a fire. Kostroma itself has one root with the word bonfire. Burning Kostroma is at the same time winning winter. The rite is intended to ensure the fertility of land. Also, the Snow Maiden lived to spring and died at the fire.

Recall the origin of Snow Maiden. For many options, she, in essence, revived snowbab. This means that the Snow Maiden was one of the symbols of winter / death, strength, hostile to people and almost otherworldly, associated with the afterlife. After all, Kostroma also has two meanings. This, on the one hand, the agricultural goddess, whose death is necessary for the future harvest. On the other hand, the Kostroma is also a laid dead man, that is, the dead man who died unnatural death and dangerous for living. According to Slavs, a person who died not with his death, unexpectedly or committed suicide, turns into a special kind of unclean strength - a stagnant. The beddown deadman lives the term laid on Earth after death and at the same time trying to harm people in every way and close to people. Not only suicides are becoming incorporated, but naked babies, children, cursed by their parents, people who died from drunkenness.

The rite of funeral Kostroma and a similar children's game were fixed with folklorists on the Volga lands up to the first half of the 20th century. In some embodiments, the rold of Kostroma was depicted suddenly deceased. As a rule, she died, having taking wines on a cheerful peer, that is, was a stove of the late. In one of the ritual songs it hits like this: "As Kostromin, the father began to collect guests, a big feast is soaring, Kostroma went to dance. Kostromushka broke out, the Kostromushka was playing. Wines with Poppy gazed. Suddenly Kostromka fell. Kostromushka died." Merger in the image of Kostroma and the agricultural goddess, and the beddown of the dead is not surprising. After all, the beddown is one of the varieties of the deceased ancestor. And the honors of the dead ancestors and the opinion that they are the embodiment of a huge force of good or angry, characteristic of all archaic myths.

Of course, after the adoption of Christianity, who pushed her paganism in Russia, the dead began to be considered exclusively as evil, devilish forces. About the pantheon of Slavic gods is known to be extremely few. And therefore it is difficult to say what place the Kostroma occupied in it. Judging by the recently preserved games with elements of ancient ritual actions, Kostroma could be the personification of evil, hostile man forces. Hence the role of the dead man. But maybe otherwise. Since Kostroma was burned or drowned in the name of the coming fertility and crop, it could well belong to the number of dying and rejoicing good deities. The cults of such gods existed all over the world. Recall at least Egyptian Osiris. Be that as it may, Kostroma was clearly a powerful creature. But the power of it was gradually forgotten. She herself over time turned from a formidable goddess into a delicate Snow Maiden. And her solemn burning became a random jump through the fire. Now the ritual value of all this story is forgotten. A sad romantic fairy tale has grown from an ancient agrarian myth.

There is another interpretation of Kostroma, which also refers it to the beddowed dead, but gives a different history of the image.

Kostroma is a daughter of a swimsuit and aimmarg, sister Kupala. One day, when Kostroma and Kupala were still small, they ran into a purely pole to listen to Sirin's death bird, and there was a misfortune. The bird Sirin took the car to the Dark Kingdom. Many years have passed, and here Kostroma (sister) walked along the banks of the river and splash wreath. The wind wreath disrupted from the head and took it into the water, there he picked up. Kupala and Kostroma fell in love with each other and got married, not knowing about their relationship, and when they found out - they decided to get drowned. Kostroma became a mermaid or magician.

The image of Kostroma is associated with the celebration of the "green shiny" - wires of spring and summer meeting, rites, sometimes taking the shape of the funeral.

Kostroma could depict a young woman wrapped in white sheets, with an oak branch in her hands, walking in accompanied by a dance. With the ritual funeral of Kostroma, it embodies straw scarecrow. Scarecrow bury (burned, tear apart) with ritual mourning and laughter, but Kostroma is resurrected. The ritual was called upon to ensure fertility.

3. The bladder version of S. Since the image of Santa Claus originates in the ancient mythological Varuna - the God of the night sky and water, then the source of the image of the Snow Maiden, constantly accompanying Santa Claus, must be found next to Varuna. Apparently, this is a mythologized image of the winter state of the sacred river Aricov Dvina (the arms of the ancient Iranians). Thus, the Snow Maiden is the embodiment of frozen waters at all and the water of the North Dvina in particular. She is dressed only in white clothes. No other color in traditional symbolism is allowed. The ornament is performed only by silver threads. Headdress - an eight-beam crown, seated with silver and pearls.

Snow Maiden .. Mithhological roots

Snowy girl coming to us under the New Year - a unique phenomenon. None in any other New Year mythology, except the Russian, there is no feminine character! Meanwhile, we ourselves know little about her ...


They say it is blinded from snow ... and melts from love. So, at least, presented in 1873. Snow Maiden, the writer Alexander Ostrovsky, who can safely be considered the receiving dad of the icy girl.

The true roots of the kinship of Snow Maiden go to the pre-Christian mythology of Slavs. In the northern regions of pagan Rus, there was a custom to make idols from snow and ice. And the image of the revived Ice girl is often found in legends of those times. A. N. Afanasyev studied the tales of the Snow Maiden in the second volume of "Poetic Reviews of Slavs in Nature." The book fell into the hands of Ostrovsky, he inspired and wrote a "Snow Maiden" play, where he shed the light on the origin of a cold beauty.

The parents of Snow Maiden were frost and spring-red. There was a girl alone alone, in a dark cold forest, not showing the fiber of the sun, gone and stretched to people. And once came to them from the age.

In the fairy tale, the Ostrovsky Ice Snow Maiden was distinguished by feasts and modesty, but there was no forelaw in it. Staying in frosting calm, somewhere inside the beauty of the gloodal of longing: I wanted a snowmobile to experience real warm emotions. But if her heart is loved and become hot, Snow Maiden will die! She knew it and still decided: I poured the ability to loving the ability to love.

Cute femininity, for the brittleness and tremitality of the detecting real courage - who will not conquer such a character? Therefore, the Snow Maiden passed among people.

As she looked, the artists of Vasnetsov, Vrubel and Roerich demonstrated. It was thanks to their paintings that we learned that the Snow Maiden wears a pale blue caftan and a hat with the edge, and sometimes Kokoshnik.

Such her for the first time and saw children at the festive Christmas tree of 1937 in the Moscow House of Unions.


Snow Maiden came to Santa Claus not immediately. Although even before the revolution, the Christmas trees were decorated with figures, the girls dressed in sugars suits, and from fragments of fairy tales, the plays of the Ostrovsky or the Opera Roman-Korsakov was made by New Year's drawing.

In Soviet Russia, officially celebrate the New Year was permitted only in 1935. Outside the country began to install Christmas trees and invite Santa Claus. But next to him suddenly an assistant appeared - a cute modest girl with a scythe shoulder, dressed in a blue coat. First, my daughter, then - is unknown why, - granddaughter. The first joint yield of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden took place in 1937 - since it was happening. The Snow Maiden drives away the dance of children, gives the grandfather frost their requests, helps to distribute gifts, sings the songs and dancing together with birds and animals.

And the new year is not a new year without the glorious assistant to the main wizard of the country.

Place of residence

The residence of our Santa Claus, as is known to everyone, is in the Vologda region, in Veliky Ustyug. Snow Maiden with him does not live. And where?

For the title of "Generic Nest" Daughters of Frost and Spring claim two places. In the estate of the Schekovo Kostroma region, Ostrovsky came up with his play based on the old fairy tale - that's, it seems, and the birthplace of Snow Maiden. But in the village of Viktor Abramtsevo near Moscow, Viktor Vasnetsov was born an image of ice beauty. Here the artist created the scenery to the first theatrical layout on the play of Ostrovsky and, again in Abramtsev, on the stage of home tetra Savva Mamontov first sounded the opera of Roman-Korsakov.

Dilemma. And the Snow Maiden is mysteriously silent and does not open the address of his stay. Probably fear of annoying reporters.

In 2006, another residence of Santa Claus was opened in Kuzminka Moscow Park. Here they also built a two-story house and for his granddaughter. Wooden terme is made in the "Lukovichny" style for the project of Kostroma masters. They say, the Snow Maiden in it really likes.