"Winter entertainment" Summary of GCD for the development of speech in the senior group. Summary of GCD for speech development in the preparatory group on the topic: Drawing up a story based on the picture "Winter entertainment

"Winter entertainment" Summary of GCD for the development of speech in the senior group. Summary of GCD for speech development in the preparatory group on the topic: Drawing up a story based on the picture "Winter entertainment

« Storytelling training

according to the picture« Winter fun »

Type of direct-educational activities: speech development, communication. Older preschool age 5-6 years old.

Target: Teach children purposeful looking at the picture- targeted perception, consistent consideration separate independent episodes, assessment of the depicted; develop the ability to compose logical, emotional and meaningful story.


1. Educational:

Expand and enrich children's knowledge of features winter nature;

Learn tell about the content of the plot paintings;

Stimulate the creative activity of children, form the ability develop plot image on picture.

2. Developing:

Continue develop speech as a means of communication;

Activate words related to the topic in the speech of children "Winter";

Enrich speech with adjectives;

Improve the dialogical form of speech.

3. Educational:

To shape friendly relations between children, joint interaction;

Bring up respectful attitude to nature.

Integration of educational areas.

Educational area "Communication":

Improve and activate speech;

-develop free communication with adults and children.

Educational area "Cognition":

-develop the ability to observe natural phenomena, notice their changes;

Raise interest in knowing the world around;

Anchor the signs of winter.

Educational area "Socialization"

Foster friendly relationships between children;

Form the habit of listening to the interlocutor and not interrupting him unnecessarily;

-develop compliance with the rules and norms of behavior.

Activities: cognitive, communicative, motor.

Forms of organizing joint activities: subgroup.

Methods and techniques: reproductive and search questions, didactic game "Let's build a slide", conversation, drawing up story by picture, scheme - mnemonic table, finger gymnastics.

Revitalization and enrichment vocabulary: harsh, windy, snowy, blizzard.

Materials and equipment for Gcd: magnetic board, diagram - mnemonic table "Winter", painting« Winter fun » .

Preliminary work:

Reading poems about winter

viewing illustrations,

Conversations on this topic;

Observing the weather while walking;

End result per child (planned results)

Enriched vocabulary child;

Ability to compose story by plot picture .

Course of the lesson

Children, together with the teacher, are included in the group.

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to the guests.

Children: Hello.

V. Well done.

B. Guess the riddle:

Snow in the fields

Ice on the waters

Blizzard walks

When does this happen?

B. Right. Today we will talk about winter. What happens in nature in winter?

D. It's getting cold. The sun warms a little. It's cold outside.

V. Well done. What trees are worth?

Q. What lies on the rooftops and on the street?

C. Answer full offer.

Q. What do people wear in winter?

D. Hat, fur coat, warm boots.

Q. How do animals and birds live in winter?

D. Difficult.

Q. Why? How can you help them?

D. Make feeders, feed them.

B. Right. We must take care of the wintering birds.

Q. What do you know winter Games ?

E. You can play snowballs, make a snowman, sled, ski, slide.

B. Right. Winter is a wonderful time of the year to play. When I was little, I also loved tobogganing downhill. And the slides, we poured from the snow. You know, you can even build a slide from words. Want to try to build a slide of words?

Q. We will invent, name words and build a slide. Let's see how high the slide you get. / Attaches cotton balls to the board /.

B. Getting Started:

What winter?




What snow?




Q. What good fellows you are, you named a lot different words about winter, you have got a high slide!

Conversation on picture« Winter fun » .

C. We sit on the chairs. / Before the children is an easel, painting« Winter fun » /. Guys, take a close look at picture and tell me what time of year is captured? Why do you think so?

D. / name their answers / On picture winter because snow lies on the ground, trees and bushes.

B. What was the weather that winter day? Once upon a time warm winter day the children went for a walk. Everyone found something to their liking. What were the children doing?

D. Children went for a walk, skiing, sledging.

V. Well done, right. / listens and evaluates the answers of children /.

One child immediately ran up the hill. Artemy, continue what he did on the hill. / The teacher gives the floor to the child /.

D. / a child's story /.

V. Well done, Artemy. Guys, look at the snowman. What are the girls doing?

D. The girl attaches a broom to him, and the boy puts a bucket on his head.

Q. Guys, what kind of snowman did you get?

D. Handsome. In a bright scarf, carrot nose.

Q. What is the mother of the child doing?

D. Mom is lucky little child sledging.

Q. And who is running nearby, squealing joyfully?

D. A dog is running nearby.

Q. Where are the older children going?

D. They are going to ski.

B. Right. See what kind of birds you see on picture?

D. With red breasts - bullfinches.

B. Guys, now we need to make story about the picture as a whole... Will try tell Arina.

D. / tells /

V. Well done, Arina. Nastya wants to add to story something interesting... / The word is given to Nastya / ... Well done, guys.

Q. What is the mood of the children? Why do you think so?

E. Children have fun, they have joyful faces, they smile.

B. Guys, whose the story was more interesting?

V. / If children told well, do not give a sample /.

Guys, did you like painting which the artist wrote?

B. What else can you call picture? What is the best title fits: "Winter has come", « Winter fun » ?

D. / offer their answers /.

Physical culture break:

Like snow, snow on a hill,

And under the hill there is snow, snow.

And on the tree there is snow, snow,

And under the tree there is snow, snow,

And a bear sleeps under the tree

Quiet, quiet, don't make any noise.

Clarification of the vocabulary on the topic "Winter" according to the mnemonic table, finger gymnastics:

One, two, three, four, five (We bend our fingers one by one)

We came to the yard for a walk. ("We go" on the table with the index and middle fingers)

They sculpted the Snow Baba, ("Sculpt" a lump with two palms)

The birds were fed with crumbs, (Crumbling motion with all fingers)

Then we rode down the hill, (We carry out forefinger pr. r. in the palm of your hand l.)

And they were lying in the snow. (We put our palms on the table with one side, then the other)

Everyone came home in the snow. (We shake off our palms)

We ate the soup and went to bed ... (Movement with an imaginary spoon, hands under the cheeks)

Q. Guys, let's remember what we did for class today?

D. / children's answers /.

B. Learned to compose story by picture« Winter fun » ... Yes, winter is a magical time of the year, the snow is clean, fluffy outside, it is easy to breathe, the frosty air infuses us with cheerfulness and we are glad to the mischief of mother winter.

Well done, guys, clever! The lesson is over.

Abstract direct educational activities, Fatkhullina Alfia Mukhamadeevna, educator of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten 18 "Mishutka", the city of Surgut.

development of speech, communication. Senior preschool age 5-6 years.




Expand and enrich children's knowledge about the features of winter nature;

Teach to talk about the content of the plot picture;

Stimulate the creative activity of children, form the ability to develop the plot of the image in the picture.


Continue to develop speech as a means of communication;

Activate words related to the theme "Winter" in the speech of children;

Enrich speech with adjectives;

Improve the dialogical form of speech.


To form friendly relations between children, joint interaction;

To foster a respect for nature.

Improve and activate speech;

Develop free communication with adults and children.

Develop the ability to observe natural phenomena, notice their changes;

Raise interest in knowing the world around;

Anchor the signs of winter.

Foster friendly relationships between children;

Form the habit of listening to the interlocutor and not interrupting him unnecessarily;

Develop the implementation of rules and norms of behavior.

Create simple compositions;

Build skills teamwork.

Activities: cognitive, communicative, motor, visual.

: subgroup.

Methods and techniques: reproductive and search questions, the didactic game "Build a Hill", conversation, drawing up a story based on a picture, a mnemonic table diagram, finger gymnastics, collective collage application.

harsh, windy, snowy, blizzard.

: easel, scheme - mnemonic table "Winter", painting "Winter fun", Whatman paper, blanks of figures of people, Christmas trees, paper napkins, glue, glue brushes, oilcloth, wet wipes.

Preliminary work:

Reading poems about winter,

Viewing illustrations,

· Conversations on this topic;

· Observing the weather while walking;

Spray blue gouache on a drawing paper.

· Enriched vocabulary of the child;

· Ability to compose a story based on a plot picture.

Course of the lesson

Children, together with the teacher, are included in the group.

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to the guests.

Children: Hello.

V. Well done.

V. Guess the riddle:

Snow in the fields

Ice on the waters

Blizzard walks

When does this happen?

D. In winter.

V. Right. Today we will talk about winter. What happens in nature in winter?

D. Getting cold. The sun warms a little. It's cold outside.

V. Well done. What trees are worth?

D. White.

V. What lies on the roofs of houses and on the street?

D... Snow.

V. We answer with a full offer.

V. What do people wear in winter?

D. Hat, fur coat, warm boots.

V. How do animals and birds live in winter?

D. Hard.

V. Why? How can you help them?

D. Make feeders, feed them.

V. Right. We must take care of the wintering birds.

V. What winter games do you know?

D. You can play snowballs, make a snowman, sled, ski, slide.

V. Right. Winter is a wonderful time of the year to play. When I was little, I also loved tobogganing downhill. And the slides, we poured from the snow. You know, you can even build a slide from words. Want to try to build a slide of words?

D. Yes.

V. We will invent, name words and build a slide. Let's see how high the slide will turn out for you. / Attaches cotton wool snowballs to the board /.

V. Begin:

What winter?




What snow?




V. What good fellows you are, you have named many different words about winter, you have got a high slide!

V. We sit on the chairs. / In front of the children there is an easel, on which the painting "Winter Entertainment" /. Guys, take a close look at the picture and tell me what time of year is captured? Why do you think so?

D. / call their answers / The picture is winter, because the snow lies on the ground, trees and bushes.

V. What was the weather like that winter day? On a warm winter day, the children went out for a walk. Everyone found something to their liking. What were the kids doing?

D. Children went for a walk, skiing, sledging.

V. Well done, right. / Listens and evaluates the answers of children /.

One child immediately ran up the hill .. Arseny, continue what he was doing on the hill. / The teacher gives the floor to the child /.

D. / child's story /.

V. Well done, Arseny. Guys, look at the snowman. What are the girls doing?

D. The girl attaches a broom to him, and the boy puts a bucket on his head.

V. Guys, what kind of snowman did you get?

D. Beautiful. In a bright scarf, carrot nose.

V. What does the mother of the child do?

D. Mom is carrying a small child on a sled.

V. And who is running nearby, screaming joyfully?

D. A dog is running nearby.

V. Where are the older children going?

D. They were going to ski.

V. Right. See what kind of birds do you see in the picture?

D. With red breasts - bullfinches.

V. Guys, now we need to compose a story about the picture as a whole. Rasul will try to tell.

D. / tells /

V. Well done, Rasul. Elvira wants to add something interesting to the story. / The word is given to Elvira / ... Well done, guys.

V. What is the mood of the children? Why do you think so?

D. Children have fun, they have joyful faces, they smile.

V. Guys, whose story was more interesting?

V. / If the children told it well, do not give the sample /.

Guys, did you like the picture that the artist wrote?

D. Yes.

V. How else can you call the picture? What is the best title: "Winter has come", "Winter fun"?

D. / offer their answers /.

Physical culture break:

Like snow, snow on a hill,

And under the hill there is snow, snow.

And on the tree there is snow, snow,

And under the tree there is snow, snow,

And a bear sleeps under the tree

Quiet, quiet, don't make any noise.

/ At the end of the work, the teacher offers the cut-out figures to stick on whatman paper. /

V. Well done boys! Beautiful picture we did it. What time of year did you portray? How can you call this picture? / children's answers /.

V. Guys, let's remember what we did for class today?

D./ children's answers /.

V. We learned to compose a story based on the picture "Winter Entertainment". Yes, winter is a magical time of the year, the snow is clean, fluffy outside, it is easy to breathe, the frosty air infuses us with cheerfulness and we are glad to the mischief of mother winter.

Well done, guys, clever! The lesson is over.




direct educational activities, Fatkhullina Alfia Mukhamadeevna, teacher of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 18 "Mishutka", the city of Surgut.

Topic: "Learning storytelling from the picture" Winter Entertainment "

Type of direct educational activity:development of speech, communication. Senior preschool age 5-6 years.

Target: To teach children purposeful viewing of the picture (targeted perception, sequential consideration of individual independent episodes, assessment of the depicted); to develop the ability to compose a logical, emotional and meaningful story.



Expand and enrich children's knowledge about the features of winter nature;

Teach to talk about the content of the plot picture;

Stimulate the creative activity of children, form the ability to develop the plot of the image in the picture.


Continue to develop speech as a means of communication;

Activate words related to the theme "Winter" in the speech of children;

Enrich speech with adjectives;

Improve the dialogical form of speech.


To form friendly relations between children, joint interaction;

To foster a respect for nature.

Integration of educational areas.

Educational area "Communication":

Improve and activate speech;

Develop free communication with adults and children.

Educational area "Cognition":

Develop the ability to observe natural phenomena, notice their changes;

Raise interest in knowing the world around;

Anchor the signs of winter.

Educational area "Socialization"

Foster friendly relationships between children;

Form the habit of listening to the interlocutor and not interrupting him unnecessarily;

Develop the implementation of rules and norms of behavior.

Educational area "Artistic Creativity":

Create simple compositions;

Build teamwork skills.

Activities: cognitive, communicative, motor, visual.

Forms of organization joint activities : subgroup.

Methods and techniques: reproductive and search questions, the didactic game "Build a Hill", conversation, drawing up a story based on a picture, a mnemonic table diagram, finger gymnastics, collective collage application.

Activation and enrichment of the vocabulary:harsh, windy, snowy, blizzard.

Materials and equipment for GCD: easel, scheme - mnemonic table "Winter", painting "Winter fun", Whatman paper, blanks of figures of people, Christmas trees, paper napkins, glue, glue brushes, oilcloth, wet wipes.

Preliminary work:

  • reading poems about winter,
  • viewing illustrations,
  • conversations on this topic;
  • observing the weather while walking;
  • Spray blue gouache onto a drawing paper.

End result per child (planned results)

  • The vocabulary of the child is enriched;
  • Ability to compose a story based on a plot picture.

Course of the lesson

Children, together with the teacher, are included in the group.

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to the guests.

Children: Hello.

V. Well done.

V. Guess the riddle:

Snow in the fields

Ice on the waters

Blizzard walks

When does this happen?

D. In winter.

V. Right. Today we will talk about winter. What happens in nature in winter?

D. Getting cold. The sun warms a little. It's cold outside.

V. Well done. What trees are worth?

D. White.

V. What lies on the roofs of houses and on the street?

D. Snow.

V. We answer with a full offer.

V. What do people wear in winter?

D. Hat, fur coat, warm boots.

V. How do animals and birds live in winter?

D. Difficult.

V. Why? How can you help them?

D. Make feeders, feed them.

V. Right. We must take care of the wintering birds.

V. What winter games do you know?

D. You can play snowballs, make a snowman, sled, ski, slide.

V. Right. Winter is a wonderful time of the year to play. When I was little, I also loved tobogganing downhill. And the slides, we poured from the snow. You know, you can even build a slide from words. Want to try to build a slide of words?

D. Yes.

V. We will invent, name words and build a slide. Let's see how high the slide will turn out for you. / Attaches cotton balls to the board /.

B. Getting Started:

What winter?







What snow?








V. What good fellows you are, you have named many different words about winter, you have got a high slide!

Conversation on the painting "Winter Entertainment".

V. We sit on the chairs. / In front of the children there is an easel, on which the painting "Winter Entertainment" /. Guys, take a close look at the picture and tell me what time of year is captured? Why do you think so?

D. / call their answers / The picture is winter, because the snow lies on the ground, trees and bushes.

V. What was the weather like that winter day? On a warm winter day, the children went out for a walk. Everyone found something to their liking. What were the children doing?

D. Children went for a walk, skiing, sledging.

V. Well done, right. / Listens and evaluates the answers of children /.

One child immediately ran up the hill .. Arseny, continue what he was doing on the hill. / The teacher gives the floor to the child /.

D. / child's story /.

V. Well done, Arseny. Guys, look at the snowman. What are the girls doing?

D. The girl attaches a broom to him, and the boy puts a bucket on his head.

V. Guys, what kind of snowman did you get?

D. Beautiful. In a bright scarf, carrot nose.

V. What does the mother of the child do?

D. Mom is carrying a small child on a sled.

V. And who is running nearby, screaming joyfully?

D. A dog is running nearby.

V. Where are the older children going?

D. They were going to ski.

V. Right. See what kind of birds do you see in the picture?

D. With red breasts - bullfinches.

V. Guys, now we need to compose a story about the picture as a whole. Rasul will try to tell.

D. / tells /

V. Well done, Rasul. Elvira wants to add something interesting to the story. / The word is given to Elvira / ... Well done, guys.

V. What is the mood of the children? Why do you think so?

D. Children have fun, they have joyful faces, they smile.

V. Guys, whose story was more interesting?

V. / If the children told it well, do not give the sample /.

Guys, did you like the picture that the artist painted?

D. Yes.

V. How else can you call the picture? What is the best title: "Winter has come", "Winter fun"?

D. / offer their answers /.

Physical culture break:

Like snow, snow on a hill,

And under the hill there is snow, snow.

And on the tree there is snow, snow,

And under the tree there is snow, snow,

And a bear sleeps under the tree

Quiet, quiet, don't make any noise.

Clarification of the dictionary on the topic "Winter" on the mnemonic table, finger gymnastics:

V. Well done boys! And now, we will be artists, we need to write "Winter picture" on this blank Whatman paper / on whatman paper is sprayed blue paint/. And we will write in an unusual way using collage. / Distributes tasks between children: Arseny, Rahim, Elvira cut out a snowman from blanks, Katya, Vova, Lera cut out figures of "children", Ilyas, Sasha, Arthur cut out Christmas trees, Dasha, Rasul make snowballs out of paper napkins. / During collective work, remember to have a conversation with children, remember poems about winter /.
/ At the end of the work, the teacher offers the cut-out figures to stick on whatman paper. /

V. Well done boys! We got a wonderful picture. What time of year did you portray? How can you call this picture? / children's answers /.

V. Guys, let's remember what we did for class today?

D. / children's answers /.

V. We learned to compose a story based on the picture "Winter Entertainment". Yes, winter is a magical time of the year, the snow is clean, fluffy outside, it is easy to breathe, the frosty air infuses us with cheerfulness and we are happy with the pranks of mother winter.

Well done, guys, clever! The lesson is over.

Afonina Tatiana Mikhailovna

Educator, MBDOO Kindergarten No. 15, Sarov

Afonina T.M. Summary of the lesson on the development of speech "Composing a story based on a plot picture" Winter fun"// Owl. 2016. No. 3 (5) .. 02.2019).

Program tasks:

1. Continue learning to compose descriptive story according to the plot picture.

2. To consolidate the ability, in detail and logically consistently, to present the content of the picture. Independently come up with events preceding and following those depicted in the picture.

3. Exercise in making sentences with words of a synonymous series (words quickly, instantly, dashingly, like a bullet, like the wind, swiftly, in full spirit, etc.) and the inclusion of these words in a coherent statement.

4. Enrich the children's vocabulary with words, definitions, comparative phrases.

5. Exercise in the coordination of nouns in gender (man, cf., f).

6. Form the skills of joint learning activities.

Dictionary: noun: kids, sledges, skis, skates, fortress, entertainment, fun, snowballs, mood, slides, hats, fur coats, felt boots, skating rink.

App .: snowy, harsh, frosty, funny, beautiful, elegant, cold, blizzard, fluffy, white, light, soft, cold, prickly, sticky, sparkling, crumbly, crispy, silvery, wet, cheerful, joyful, festive, New Year's , sad, naughty, good, beautiful, bad.

Verbs: ride, sculpt, build, go down, eat, jump, eat, rush, slide, have fun, laugh, laugh, blush.

Adverbs: quickly, swiftly, dashingly, in full spirit, headlong, arrow, in an instant, immediately, in the distance.

Material: paintings "March Day", "Sasha and the Snowman", "Walking in the Winter", "Winter Fun", flannelegraph, flat "snowballs", flat sleds, book blanks, paper, marker.

Preliminary work; conversations with children about winter and winter entertainments, selection of definitions, selection of synonyms for the word.


1. Educator:

Powdered the tracks

Decorated the windows

I gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled.

Short conversation about:

Guys, what is this riddle about? (about winter)

Which one of you loves winter? What can you do in winter? (Tobogganing, skiing, skating, building fortresses, making snowmen ...)

Educator: When I was little, I also loved tobogganing and skiing downhill. We made the slides out of snow. You know, you can build a slide from anything, even from words. Want to try to build a slide of words? I suggest you build a slide of words.

We will name the words-signs, and put the lump-word on the board. Let's see how high the slide turns out. Begin:

WINTER what? (Snowy, Severe Frosty Cheerful Beautiful Elegant Cold Blizzard)

What SNOW? (Fluffy White Light Soft Cold Spiky Sticky Sparkling Loose Crispy Silver Wet)

What mood? (Cheerful Joyful Festive New Years Sad Naughty Good Fine Bad)

What good fellows you are, you called a lot of different words, we got a high slide.

Educator: And to ride this slide you need a sled. But the sled will go when you say how quickly you can slide down the mountain.

I will descend from the mountain in full spirit - and you ...

(I will go down the mountain quickly. I jump down the mountain swiftly. I will descend from the mountain in a whirlwind. I will go down the hill with an arrow. I am jumping down the mountain with dashing speed.)

You have chosen very precise words, even the wind whistled in my ears, how quickly we rolled down.

Educator: We started talking about sledding, and I remembered the quatrain:

I rush like the wind on a sleigh

Along the forest edge.

Mittens on my hands

Hat on the crown. (Sasha Cherny)

Educator: Many poets, writers and artists depicted winter in their works. And in our picture gallery there are several works about winter.

(V-l draws the attention of children to the pictures: "March Day", "Sasha and the Snowman", "Walking in the Winter", "Winter Fun")

I really like one of the paintings, and which one, you try to guess.

I will name the clue words, and you try to guess which picture will be discussed.

Listen: Frosty day, Joyful mood, Winter fun, Children fell from a sled.

That's right, you listened carefully and quickly guessed

Educator. Children, winter is a wonderful time of the year! Let's take a closer look at this picture together. Demonstrating the picture "Winter Entertainment".

What time of year is shown in the picture?

Pay attention to nature, what day, weather?

Who do we see in the picture?

What else can you call them?

How are the children dressed?

Where did the children come?

What is depicted on foreground paintings?

What are the children doing?

What is the mood of the children?

Why do you think they laugh?

And what happened to the children who have already rolled down the hill?

Is it a shame for the boys that they are laughed at?

If you come closer, what can you hear?

What is depicted in the background, in the distance?

What are the children doing?

How would you name the picture?

D / and “Complete the sentence”.

Once, on a winter day, when the weather was fine and frosty ... (the guys came to the hill.)

Children dressed warmly: (in winter hats, fur coats, felt boots).

Frosty air and games blushed (cheeks for the guys).

Many children gathered on the hill. Everyone wanted to slide, but (a funny incident happened on the way).

Two comrades decided to dashingly slide down the mountain on a sled (but halfway through the road they turned over into the snow). They have fun, they laugh and wave to their friends.

And in the distance, on the skating rink, (boys slide on ice on skates).

All the gathered children have cheerful faces (good, joyful mood).

They love winter (for wonderful fun).

Educator. Let's try to put together a story about this picture.

In order to make the story interesting, do not forget:

In the beginning, tell about what day it was ...

In the middle, why did the children come to the hill, and what happened there ...

At the end of the story, tell me what mood the guys were in, why did you decide that ...

Think of the words that will embellish your story and make it interesting. What time of year, part of the day, what happens on the hill, near the hill. Think of how you can end your story in an interesting way. Who wants to start a story ... continue ... finish. Who will tell the whole story. 2-3 stories are listened to.

You tried today, made up different interesting stories... I suggest you create a book in which all your stories will be recorded. It seems to me that this story will be interesting to listen to at home and for your moms and dads.

  • Consolidation of ideas about winter and its subjects.
  • Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Winter and winter fun". Activation of the verb dictionary, the dictionary of adjectives.
  • Improving the grammatical structure of speech (aligning adjectives with nouns, composing simple sentences, using simple prepositions).
  • Improving the skills of sound analysis of words (highlighting a consonant against the background of a word).
  • Correctional and developmental goals. The development of a long smooth exhalation, dialogic speech, visual attention, thinking, general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

    Correctional and educational goals. Formation of benevolence, independence, responsibility.

    Equipment. Typesetting canvas, plot painting "Winter fun", plot pictures-fragments, ball, picture with the image of a blizzard, stripes-schemes of words (according to the number of children), colored pencils.

    Course of the lesson

    1. Organizing time(announcing the topic of the lesson, creating an emotionally positive background. Activating the dictionary on the topic "Winter", improving the grammatical structure of speech)

    Children go into the office and stand next to their chairs.

    Consolidation of ideas about winter and its subjects. Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Winter and winter fun". Activation of the verb dictionary, the dictionary of adjectives. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (aligning adjectives with nouns, composing simple sentences, the use of simple prepositions). Improving the skills of sound analysis of words (highlighting a consonant against the background of a word).

    Now sit down the one who picks up the words on the theme "Winter".

    The speech therapist pronounces adjectives, and children select nouns for them.

    Snowy (what?) .... Frosty (what?) .... Strong (what?) ....

    Snowy (what?)… .Icy (what?)….

    White (what?)…. Cold (what?)….

    Speech therapist: Well done, they chose the right words.

    2. Consideration of plot pictures - fragments for the plot picture "Winter Fun", independent compilation of sentences based on pictures - fragments (expansion of the verb dictionary, development of dialogical speech)

    Pictures - fragments are exhibited on the typesetting canvas. The children are given time for free consideration, and then the speech therapist asks questions

    Who is shown in the pictures?

    What are the children doing?

    What time of year can these games be played?

    3. Ball game “Which one? Which? Which?" (activating the dictionary of adjectives)

    The speech therapist invites children to stand up and play with a ball.

    Speech therapist: Now I will throw the ball to you and ask a question, and you will catch it and give an answer to this question.

    What snow? - white, cold, squeaky.

    The wind in winter is prickly, cold and strong.

    What air in winter? - fresh, frosty, cold.

    What slide? - Icy, slippery, high.

    What ice? - shiny, slippery, smooth.

    The speech therapist invites children to approach the typesetting canvas and places a picture of a southern winter day on it.

    Speech therapist: This picture shows a blizzard. What is a blizzard and how can a blizzard be called differently (blizzard, storm, strong wind)?

    Now we will play a game - Blizzard, you will sing the sound "y" now softly, now loudly, depending on whether I raise or lower my hand. The higher the hand, the louder you should sing, the lower the lower you sing.

    5. Conversation on the plot picture "Winter Fun" and its fragments (development of coherent dialogical speech, visual attention)

    The speech therapist places the picture "Winter Fun" and its fragments on a typesetting canvas, invites children to compare the picture as a whole and picture fragments, together they come up with a name for the picture, make sentences.

    6. Exercise "Snowman" (coordination of speech with movement, development of general speech skills).

    The speech therapist invites the children to walk on the carpet and perform the exercise.

    Come on, buddy, bolder, buddy, They go in a circle, pretending
    Katie your snowball in the snow. As if rolling a lump.
    It will turn into a thick lump "Draw" a circle with their hands.
    And it will become a lump of a snowman. "Draw" a snowman.
    His smile is so bright! They smile.
    Two eyes, hat, nose, broom. Show your eyes
    Cover your head with your palm
    They touch their nose, hold a broomstick.
    But the sun will bake slightly - Squat
    Alas! - and there is no snowman. Shrug their hands
    V. Egorov

    7. Drawing up a story based on the painting "Winter Fun" (development of coherent speech, visual attention)

    Speech therapist: Let's compose a story based on the picture, remember what time of year it is depicted on it, who is depicted in it, what are the children doing in the picture, what winter activities are depicted on it?

    Children make sentences, a speech therapist helps if necessary, asks leading questions.

    8. Exercise "Determine the place of sound in a word" (improving the skill of sound analysis of words - highlighting a consonant against the background of a word)

    The speech therapist invites children to go to the table, on which there are strips of word schemes. On the typesetting canvas, there are pictures with images: a cat, a sock, a peach, a mosquito, a window, a branch.

    Speech therapist: Please look at the task. It will be necessary to paint over the corresponding cell, determining the place of the sound (k) in the names of the pictures. The first cell is a sound at the beginning of a word, the second is in the middle of a word, and the third is a sound at the end of a word.

    Children complete tasks and comment on their actions.

    9. End of the lesson (assessment of the work of children)

    Children are invited to recall all the tasks that were performed in the lesson, to say what they liked best to do.

    Winner of the all-Russian competition « Most requested article of the month » JANUARY 2018

    Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution the city of Kogalym "Bell"

    Age Group: Senior Group Name: "Buratino" Prepared by: Educator: 1st category D.R. Nutsalova Kogalym 2017

    Drawing up a story story from pictures "Winter fun" .

    Purpose: to teach children to compose a story based on a plot picture "Winter fun" .

    Educational tasks:

    • teach children to compose a story from a picture "Winter fun" , when describing events, indicate the place and time of action
    • teach children to answer questions about the content of the picture, grammatically correct speech.
    • know that there are three parts to the story (start, middle and end)
    • exercise children in clear pronunciation of sound "H" - "with" ... Improve phonemic perception

    Developmental tasks:

    • develop a monologue form of speech; attention, observation; the ability to listen and evaluate the answers of peers.
    • activate the speech of children, enrich vocabulary
    • consolidate and expand knowledge about winter fun.

    Educational tasks:

    • cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers
    • foster a desire to use "Winter fun" on a walk.

    Integration: physical development, social and communicative development.

    Methodological techniques: conversation-dialogue, storytelling, physical education.

    Equipment: painting "Games on fresh air» (Winter fun); cut pictures "Winter fun" , a picture of a snowman, the use of ICT.

    Forms and methods: visual - viewing pictures "Outdoor games" ; verbal - guessing riddles about a snowman, a game "Choose an affectionate name for winter words" ; repetition of a pure phrase; practical - drawing up a story story based on a painting "Winter fun" .

    Preliminary work:

    • Conversations about winter.
    • Examining illustrations about winter, winter entertainments.
    • Reading fiction.
    • Observations on a walk for winter nature, games of children.

    Material: multimedia projector, selection of slides on the topic of the lesson, picture "Winter fun" .

    The course of the lesson.

    Organizing time:

    Children pass, stand in a circle. The game: "Hello"

    Hello right hand
    Hello left hand
    Hello friend, hello friend
    Hello, all our, friendly circle

    I love my kindergarten
    It's full, full of guys
    Maybe 100, maybe 200
    It's good when we are together

    Educator: Is everything in place?

    Educator: Is everything here?

    Turned around, looked

    And smiled at each other

    Educator: Let's smile at the guests and say hello

    Let's play finger game "We went for a walk in the yard"

    One, two, three, four, five
    We came to the yard for a walk.
    Babu snowflakes,
    The birds were fed with crumbs,

    Then we rode down the hill,
    And they were lying in the snow.
    Everyone came home in the snow.
    We ate the soup and went to bed.

    Guys look carefully tell me what's new in our group (Magic chest).

    This chest was given to us by a snowman. Let's see what's in it?

    Here are envelopes with assignments (opens the first envelope, reads)... "Hello guys. I really love winter and everything connected with it. Therefore, I am giving you pictures related to winter.

    I suggest to play a game "Name it affectionately" .

    Sophia put the pictures on the table. Now take pictures that are related to winter and stand in a circle. Please choose some kind names for winter words: 1) winter is a winter; 2) snow is a snowball; 3) snowman - snowman; 4) sleigh - sleigh; 5) snowdrift - snowdrift; 6) Snow Maiden - Snow Maiden; 7) ice - ice; 8) icicle - icicle; 9) fur coat - fur coat; 10) snowflake - snowflake; 11) slide - slide; 12) felt boots - felt boots; 13) mitten - mitten; 14) scarf - scarf; 15) frost - frost; 16) ice-cold - ice-cold; 17) Christmas tree - tree; 18) bump - bump; 19) hare - hare.

    Pictures not related to winter:

    girl in a summer dress, green tree, autumn rain.

    Well done! Why didn't you take these pictures? (because they are not related to winter)

    Sit on the chairs.

    Guys, here's the next task for you, "I know a wonderful winter phrase-mongering try to repeat it" :

    OZY-OZY-OZY- outside the window frosts,
    ZI-ZI-ZI - carry the sleigh.
    OZA-OZA-OZA- there is an ice rose on the window,
    OZE-OZE-OZE- you will freeze in the cold.

    ISKO-ISKO-ISKO- in winter the sun is low.
    ASKA-ASKA-ASKA - a fairy tale around the snow,
    ISTO-ISTO-ISTO- the snow hid everything clean. "
    Educator: Well done, cleanly, clearly pronounced a pure phrase. Let's rest now?

    Physical education:

    We play snowballs in winter, we play, we play.
    We walk through the snowdrifts, we walk, we walk.
    And on skis we run, we run, we run.
    On skates we slide on the ice, we slide, we slide.

    And we sculpt the Snow Maiden, we sculpt, we sculpt.
    We love winter as a guest, we love, we love.

    (Sit down)

    Let's see what else the snowman sent us.

    Look, the snowman sent us some interesting pictures.

    And what the pictures you will learn by guessing the riddle.

    Child: How much snow has covered
    It became clean and light
    And the frost is almost to tears
    Pinched my nose

    I have already come to know
    The real ... (Winter)
    Do you like winter?
    Winter is a wonderful time of the year

    The snowman offers to compose a story based on these pictures.

    What time of year are shown in these pictures? (Winter)

    Let's take a closer look at these pictures. What are these pictures about? (these pictures are about how children play different games)

    How are the children dressed? (They are dressed in winter, warm clothes)

    What is the weather like in the pictures? (Winter, sunny day. A lot of snow fell)

    1 picture

    Now consider what the children are doing in this picture? (Children make a snowman).

    Educator: -How do children mold it? (They rolled snowballs: one is large, the other is smaller, the third is the smallest. A head was made of a small one, eyes were made of buttons, a nose was made of carrots. They put a bucket on my head. Wonderful snowman turned out)

    2 picture

    Educator: - Look at this picture, how the kids play snowballs? (They throw snowballs at each other, you can see from their faces that they are having fun, they shout loudly, something may "Beware!" , "Pli!"

    3 picture

    Educator: - Consider the kids who are sledding downhill. (Children are sledding down the hill. You can see from their faces that they are having fun, because the sleds roll down the hill quickly.)

    4 picture

    Educator: - But the guys are skating. How do they dress, how do they ride? Give them names. (Sasha and Masha put on skates, warm sport suit, hat and went to the skating rink. They circled, glided over the ice. We drew beautiful patterns with a skate blade).

    Educator: - Look, guys, there are still boys playing hockey at the rink. What's in their hands? (They've got clubs).

    What are they doing? (They're driving the puck).

    I think they have a lot of fun.

    5 picture

    And here children go skiing

    What are they doing? (They're on the trail).

    What's in their hands? (They have in their hands ski poles to push them off the snow)

    There was a lot of snow, the skis glided easily over the snow.

    And if you come closer to the children, what can you hear? (You can hear noise, laughter of children, funny screams, voices)... They have a cheerful, good mood.

    Educator: -You told about all the children in the picture, now we have to finish the story. For example: “The guys played and walked for a long time until they froze, tired and happy went home to rest and warm up” .

    Educator: - Well done, now listen to my story.

    “Winter, sunny day. All the ground and trees are covered with white, fluffy snow. The guys put on warm clothes and went for a walk. Everyone found something to their liking. Some children started making a snowman. They rolled up snowballs: large, medium, and made a head out of a small one. They put a bucket on their head and a carrot on their nose. It turned out to be a wonderful snowman! Not far from them, boys are playing snowballs. And here is the slide! On it, children quickly slide down on sleds. The other guys are skiing, they have ski poles to push off the snow. And at the rink, the guys skate, play hockey. The guys walked for a long time until they froze. Tired and happy, they went home to rest and bask. Fun for children in winter! "

    Educator: - Now you try to tell your story. (We listen to the story of 4-5 children, the teacher helps if difficulties arise, achieves a complete and detailed answer. Monitors the correct construction of sentences).

    Educator: - Well done, guys! What kind good stories you come up with.

    The snowman really liked our story.

    And now, we will show the snowman how we walk in winter.

    Physical education:

    We are skiing with you
    Cold ski snow licks.
    And then - ice skating,
    But we fell. Oh!

    And then they made snowballs,
    And then they rolled snowballs.
    And then they fell exhausted
    And we ran to kindergarten.

    D / game: Solving riddles (use of ICT)

    Wooden two horses
    Down the mountain they carry me.
    I am holding two sticks in my hands.
    But I do not beat the horses, I feel sorry for them.

    And to speed up the run
    I touch the snow with my sticks.
    Children's answers: skiing
    Who is ten kilometers

    Shaking my hand to the beat
    Runs faster than the wind
    Bending over like a poker?
    Children's Answers: Speed ​​Skater

    Sticks in hand, puck on ice.
    We are with ram's horns
    A brave goalkeeper in full view.
    This team is no friendlier.

    This game is called ...
    Children's answers: hockey.
    We are with ram's horns
    Down the hill we rush ourselves,

    And how to climb a mountain,
    We start to resist.

    Children's answers: sledges.


    What did we talk about today?

    What did we do?

    What did you like the most?

    And the snowman will love your stories too.

    He sends you these coloring pages, because winter has only White paint, and you can color them with your own colored pencils.