Black Sea, environmental problems and ways to solve them. White Sea: Ecological Sea Problems

Black Sea, environmental problems and ways to solve them. White Sea: Ecological Sea Problems
Black Sea, environmental problems and ways to solve them. White Sea: Ecological Sea Problems

The White Sea belongs to the Northern Ocean Basin and is a semi-insulated intra-radical reservoir. Seas of this type relatively a bit. The Black Sea, Mediterranean, Baltic, as well as goodzons of the bay possess similar features. The white sea is the smallest of them. It is made to divide into two unequal parts - the northern (external) and southern (internal). They are connected by a relatively narrow strait, which is also called the throat.

In modern times, few water bodies that are not exposed to pollution and the white sea here is no exception. Anthropogenic pollution of the White Sea began immediately after the appearance of man on his shores and over time it became so significant that the consequences can be observed today.

For a relatively short era of shipping, some areas of the bottom, especially in small lips, where it is convenient to estimate during the storm, were so falling asleep by the coal slag that the emoted bottom biocenoses were not restored there. These ecological problems of the White Sea cannot be considered modern, although no smaller harm from them.

The woodworking industry has no less influence on the ecology of the White Sea. The waste of production at the sawmill plant of one Keretian industrialist, was covered with the shed between the two islands on which it is located. Forest industry is one of the key environmental problems of the White Sea.

The ribbed forest fused on the rivers leaves his contribution to the pollution of the rivers. The bark of trees boosts and falls off in the river, the bottom. In some places, the resistant layer reaches two meters. This interferes with the reproduction of salmon, and other fish too. The rotting wood takes out oxygen from water, instead producing decomposition products, not at all accompanying life prosperity. The decomposition products are taken out into the sea. A part of the organic is carried out in the Barents Sea, the main part accumulates in the White Sea, and this is a completely bad environmental factor. The cellulose and forest industry pollute the sea mainly phenols, lignosulfates and methyl alcohol.

When the forest is transported to woodworking plants, most of the logs lags behind the rafts and after a long marine travel approaches the shores. In some sections of the coastal zone, whole log cemeters are formed, which rot there are decades there.

The mining industry is not less than forest helps creating environmental problems for the White Sea. A greater pollution is leading, copper, zinc, nickel, chrome. The fact is that many heavy metals accumulate in marine plants and animals, making them poisonous. Fortunately, there is no such thing in the White Sea. But if the contamination of this kind will continue to continue all the same, the same pace, eat the gifts of the White Sea will be dangerous. Rains in the Belomorsk region are screamed. Although they carry weak acid, they are harmful to freshwater reservoirs, biocenoses and coastal population. Directly by the sea, they do not carry much danger, since acid equilibrium in sea water is not quite simple.

Well, like the rest of the seas, white, is experiencing a negative effect as a result of entering the marine water of oil. This is a well-known modern pollutant, called "black gold." TECHNICAL OILs and fuel fall into water in various ways, but the main is a leakage with refuse. Oil is more terrible with its physical properties, rather than chemical. Feathers of birds, wet in this thick liquid, is deprived of the heat-insulating layer and the ability to fly, as a result of which the birds die either from hunger or from the cold. The oil film prevents the normal exchange of air oxygen with water. Fortunately, most often spilled oil is able to rapidly collect and neutralize. What remains in the sea is knocked down by waves in lumps and goes to the bottom, where in the future it is overlapped with bottom sediments and neutralized. Such oil lumps eventually destroy bacteria.

Small receipts into the water of this product are much more dangerous for ecology. No matter how bad "black gold" did not dissolve with water, though this process occurs over time. Thus, poisonous substances contained in this black product fall into the hydrosphere. Not harming immediately, they are included in the cycle of substances and cause various diseases from marine flora and fauna. This is a slowdown bomb, yes, even invisible. Invisible, of course, in quotes. Oil spills, as a result of the accidents of tankers, occur in the White Sea.

Agriculture, compared to other industries, causes less harm. It is developed in Pomorie weakly. Basically, it replenishes the sea pool, drains from animal farms, pesticides and a small amount of mineral fertilizers. However, there is no special threat to the White Sea and from entering synthetic detergents. But the White Sea is not insured from this in the future.

Speaking, on the assessment of the ecological problem of the White Sea, it will not be superfluous to mention the numbers, let the exemplary, but still. Each year in the White Sea comes about 100 thousand tons of sulfates, 0.750 synthetic detergents, 0.150 phenols and 100 thousand tons of fuel and lubricants. So, the annual pollution of the White Sea can be estimated at about 800 thousand tons - one million.

And anyway, while another white sea is relatively clean. Perhaps the most pure reservoir of this kind in the world. But the development of humanity is a kind of catalyst for the creation of the Belomorsk region.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

federal State Autonomous Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov "

Geography and geoecology

(Chair name)

Tomilov Kirill Sergeevich

(surname, first name, patronymic student)


By discipline


Environmental Problems of the White Sea

(Topic Name)

as a result of anthropogenic activity

Mark about testing




(initials, surname)

Arkhangelsk 2013.


The White Sea belongs to the Northern Ocean Basin and is a semi-insulated intra-radical reservoir. Seas of this type relatively a bit. The Black Sea, Mediterranean, Baltic, as well as goodzons of the bay possess similar features. The white sea is the smallest of them. It is made to divide into two unequal parts - the northern (external) and southern (internal). They are connected by a relatively narrow strait, which is also called the throat.

Objective: To study the environmental problems of the White Sea associated with anthropogenic activities.

The problems of the White Sea and the seas of the Northern Ocean are very relevant today and attract great attention not only to Russian scientists, but also foreign specialists.

  1. Explore the environmental problems of the White Sea
  2. Rate the state of the White Sea today
  3. Suggest ways to solve the environmental problems of the White Sea

To solve the tasks set, I will analyze scientific articles from journals and textbooks on the environmental problems of the North.

Chapter 1. Environmental Problems of the White Sea

Russia is one of the most polluted countries in the planet. The economic situation in the Russian Federation continues to exacerbate the environmental, the sharpness of the prevailing negative trends is growing. The decline in production was not accompanied by a similar decrease in the amount of harmful emissions into the environment - in crisis conditions, the enterprises are saved on environmental costs.

Water resources are important and most vulnerable environmental components. Under the influence of man's economic activity leads to the exacerbation of the following problems.

Water resources are distributed over the territory of the country uneven: 90% of the total annual flow rate falls on the pool of the Northern Ice and Pacific Oceans

The White Sea belongs to the Northern Ocean Basin and is a semi-insulated intra-radical reservoir. Seas of this type relatively a bit. The Black Sea, Mediterranean, Baltic, as well as goodzons of the bay possess similar features. The white sea is the smallest of them. It is made to divide into two unequal parts - the northern (external) and southern (internal). They are connected by a relatively narrow strait, which is also called the throat.

In modern times, few water bodies that are not exposed to pollution and the white sea here is no exception. Anthropogenic pollution of the White Sea began immediately after the appearance of man on his shores and over time it became so significant that the consequences can be observed today.

The first important ecological problem of the White Sea is shipping. For a relatively short era of shipping, some areas of the bottom, especially in small lips, where it is convenient to estimate during the storm, were so falling asleep by the coal slag that the emoted bottom biocenoses were not restored there. These ecological problems of the White Sea cannot be considered modern, although no smaller harm from them. The problem of the death of seals is also relevant, due to sea transport routes. A large number of cubs of Greenland seal died due to

very large development of shipping tracks. Employees of the Polar Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography held a study in the White Sea, aimed at identifying the influence of ice wiring on seals (Fig. 1.).

Figure 1- Ledge of seals

A lot of layers of these animals are now located on the lively shipping tracks, so the ships are caused by the death of Belkov. The problem is that small individuals with great difficulty can be adapted to the established conditions.

The woodworking industry has no less influence on the ecology of the White Sea. Waste production on sawmill factories are polluted by large rivers of the pool of the White Sea. Forest industry is one of the key environmental problems of the White Sea.

When the forest is transported to woodworking plants, most of the logs lags behind the rafts and after a long marine travel approaches the shores. In some sections of the coastal zone, whole log cemeters are formed, which rot there are decades there (Fig. 2).

You can compare the pollution of water by enterprises of the pulp and paper and woodworking industry, housing and communal services, the court of the river and sea fleet in different parts of the White Sea.

Figure 2 - Breed Cemetery

The main source of pollution of the White Sea is the river drain, with which the main mass of pollutants from the enterprises of the cellulose and paper industry, the Ministry of Energy, housing and communal services, the vessels of the river and sea fleet (Table 1, Table 2) comes into the coastal water of the White Sea. In 2004, 2351 tons of petroleum products were released with river waters in the White Sea, 499 tons of phenols. A significant source of pollution of sea waters is to discharge wastewater by enterprises of cities and towns located in the coastal areas and the mouths of the rivers. According to the General Directorate of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection in the Arkhangelsk Region in 2004, 265,661.2 thousand m3 of wastewater were reset in the bays of the sea and the mouth seats of the rivers, of which more than 90% accounted for the Dvina Bay. In the Kandalaksha bay over the year passed 11,483 thousand m3 of wastewater. With the wastewater of enterprises and cities in 2004, 5.358 tons of petroleum products, 0.225 tons of phenols and 4.873 tons of spawning were reset, 0,225 tons of phenol and 4,873 tons, in Kandalaksha Bay - 0.003 thousand tons of petroleum products, 0.001 thousand tons of iron.

Sea area, settlement

Total thousand m 3

Including without cleaning

Dvina Bay, total:



The mouth area r. Onega

Usting region R. Mezen.

Kandalaksha Bay

Table 1 - the volume of wastewater entered into certain areas of the White Sea in 2004

Table 2 - the flow of pollutants in the White Sea (in tons) in 1998-2004. (Total in Dvina, Onega and Kandalakschsky Bay)

The mining industry is not less than forest helps creating environmental problems for the White Sea. A greater pollution is leading, copper, zinc, nickel, chrome. The fact is that many heavy metals accumulate in marine plants and animals, making them poisonous. Fortunately, there is no such thing in the White Sea. But if the contamination of this kind will continue to continue all the same, the same pace, eat the gifts of the White Sea will be dangerous. Rains in the Belomorsk region are screamed. Although they carry weak acid, they are harmful to freshwater reservoirs, biocenoses and coastal population. Directly by the sea, they do not carry much danger, since acid equilibrium in sea water is not quite simple.

Well, like the rest of the seas, white, is experiencing a negative effect as a result of entering the marine water of oil. This is a well-known modern pollutant, called "black gold." TECHNICAL OILs and fuel fall into water in various ways, but the main is a leakage with refuse. Oil is more terrible with its physical properties, rather than chemical. Feathers of birds, wet in this thick liquid, is deprived of the heat-insulating layer and the ability to fly, as a result of which the birds die either from hunger or from the cold. The oil film prevents the normal exchange of air oxygen with water. Fortunately, most often spilled oil is able to rapidly collect and neutralize. What remains in the sea is knocked down by waves in lumps and goes to the bottom, where in the future it is overlapped with bottom sediments and neutralized. Such oil lumps eventually destroy bacteria.

Small receipts into the water of this product are much more dangerous for ecology. No matter how bad "black gold" did not dissolve with water, though this process occurs over time. Thus, poisonous substances contained in this black product fall into the hydrosphere. Not harming immediately, they are included in the cycle of substances and cause various diseases from marine flora and fauna. This is a slowdown bomb, yes, even invisible. Invisible, of course, in quotes. Oil spills, as a result of the accidents of tankers, occur in the White Sea. Agriculture, compared to other industries, causes less harm. It is developed in Pomorie weakly. Basically, it replenishes the sea pool, drains from animal farms, pesticides and a small amount of mineral fertilizers. However, there is no special threat to the White Sea and from entering synthetic detergents. But the White Sea is not insured from this in the future. Speaking, on the assessment of the ecological problem of the White Sea, it will not be superfluous to mention the numbers, let the exemplary, but still. Each year in the White Sea comes about 100 thousand tons of sulfates, 0.750 synthetic detergents, 0.150 phenols and 100 thousand tons of fuel and lubricants. So, the annual pollution of the White Sea can be estimated at about 800 thousand tons - one million.

Work description

The White Sea belongs to the Northern Ocean Basin and is a semi-insulated intra-radical reservoir. Seas of this type relatively a bit. The Black Sea, Mediterranean, Baltic, as well as goodzons of the bay possess similar features. The white sea is the smallest of them. It is made to divide into two unequal parts - the northern (external) and southern (internal). They are connected by a relatively narrow strait, which is also called the throat. Objective: To study the environmental problems of the White Sea associated with anthropogenic activities. The problems of the White Sea and the seas of the Northern Ocean are very relevant today and attract great attention not only to Russian scientists, but also foreign specialists.

The water of the Black Sea is unique. Its exclusivity is that 87% of the volume occupy water saturated with hydrogen sulfide. This zone begins at a depth of about 100 meters, and the border over the years is gradually rising.

The hydrogen sulfide region is deadly for living organisms. In the Black Sea, there are about 2,000 species of animals, 100 species of underwater plants and 270 species of bottom multicellular algae. The Black Sea researchers revealed the crisis state of the environmental situation: the chemical composition of water shows significant pollution, the biological diversity decreases. It is experiencing a significant burden that leads to the loss of self-cleaning.

Black Sea pollution by wastewater, toxic substances and petroleum products

The ecology of the Black Sea causes much to be desired, large problems are associated with the release of waste.

More waste to the sea come with the waters of Dnieper, Danube and Prut. From utility services of large cities and resorts, industrial enterprises go wastewater streams. Increased leads to the extinction of many types of fauna, catches are reduced.

Oil pollution occurs for the most part due to catastrophes with marine courts, as well as emergency emissions of industrial enterprises. The most commonly pollution by the oil film is observed along the Caucasian coast and near the Crimean Peninsula. In an open water area, the level of pollution is relatively small, but in coastal waters the maximum permissible norms of contaminants are often exceeded. Emergency spills are relatively small, but the construction of new refinery significantly increases the threat.

But along the shores there are zones with an overlapping of toxic copper ions, cadmium, chromium, lead. Pollution with heavy metals is carried out by the wastewater of industrial enterprises, car exhaust gases

Infection of heavy metals at the moment is not yet too significant, as well as pesticides, is largely due to decline in agriculture.

Eutrophication of water

Eutrophication processes (blossoms), i.e., the formation of oxygen shortage zones are characteristic of the Black Sea. With the waters of the rivers they receive not only heavy metals and pesticides, but also nitrogen and phosphorus from the fields. Phytoplankton, obtaining excess nutrients from fertilizers, brewing violently, water "blooms". Then the bottom microorganisms die. In the process of rotting, they use an increased amount of oxygen, which leads to the hypoxia of the bottom animals: crabs, squid, mussels, oysters, sturgeon juice. Zones of the zone reach 40 thousand square meters. km. All coastal waters of the North-Western water area are rebuffed.

Accumulation of solid household waste

The bottom of the coastal zones and the coast are contaminated with a huge number of domestic garbage. It comes from ships, noomers organized along rivers and washed floods, from the shores of the resorts. In saline water, such garbage decomposes decades, and plastic - century. Disintegration (MSW) leads to the release of toxic substances into water.

So you can briefly describe the environmental problems, the Black Sea associated with human vital activity.

Biological pollution of the Black Sea ecosystem alien species

As a result of the extermination of bottom biocenoses, the entire load on cleansing and filtering water lay down on the rocky mussel. But in 2005, it was almost completely destroyed by Rapana, the predatory molluste, which fell here with the ballast waters of the courts. Due to the absence of natural enemies, Rapana significantly reduced the number of oysters, scallops, mussels, a sea cutter.

Another conclusion - the Grevenik Mnemiopsis, which feeds on young mussels and plankton. As a result, the sea does not have time to absorb organic pollution, the filtering of waters with molluscs decreases, energizing occurs. In addition, the Grebnevik has grudgely multiplied and broke the fodder base of the inhabitants of the Black Sea, which caused a reduction in the number of fish. The environmental problems of the Black Sea are concerned about the scientists of the whole world.

Reducing biological diversity. Cooking flora and fauna

A number of factors lead to reducing the number of biological species of the Black Sea. Along with the biological pollution of alien species, these are pollution as a result of human activity, uncontrolled fish fishing, the destruction of bottom biocenosis.

Don communities are destroyed by the totality of the reasons, the main of which is pollution of coastal waters and trawling. Especially large damage causes bottom-trawling by industrial vessels, which does not allow the ecosystem to self-clean, as it destroys biocenoses, filtering and purifying water.

Also, the constant rise of the upper limit of the saturation zone of hydrogen sulfide changes the structure of the biological community: the bottom field of algae philloofors disappears, almost extinct fish-predators, significantly decreased the number of dolphins, many are born with serious vices. The number of meduz-aurelium - contamination companions is increasing. In 1965, there were 23 types of fishing fish in the Black Sea, at the moment there are five species.

Reducing forest area and specially protected areas in coastal areas

The Black Sea coast is rich in unique broadband forests and pistashkovo-juniped paltles, more than half of which are relict. Separate territories of various-grass-cereal steppes are preserved - the richest in the species diversity of ecosobs. The tragedy is that natural wealth is located on the territory exposed to active economic development.
Unfortunately, their environmental value is often not taken into account. On the territory of the reservations in the construction of oil pipelines, hectares of juniper forests are destroyed together with animals living there.

Ways to solve at the state level of environmental problems

The problems of the Black Sea are solved in Russia at the state level. This requires a number of measures aimed at improving the environmental situation, as well as substantial financial costs. Economic problems are closely connected with environmental.

  • The development of a fundamentally new concept of environmental management is necessary, the creation of a structure responsible for the Black Sea environmental situation.
  • Hard control over the use of trawling and transition to other methods of fishing. Building under water "lying police" - massive artificial reefs made from special concrete and without fittings inside.
  • Tightening control over harmful emissions, commissioning of deep-water wastewater collectors.
  • Creating conditions for the lives of algae, shrimp, mollusks that are in themselves powerful sewage treatment facilities. Construction of underwater habitats.
  • Purchase technology for clearing the coastal strip from contamination.
  • Restoration of barrier forestry over the perimeter of agricultural land and reconstruction of irrigation systems to reduce the emission of fertilizers from fields.
  • Creating a modern system of export and utilization of MSW.
  • The invention of methods for calculating the material damage caused by the region as a result of the inappropriate use of relict forests and the coast for the construction of petroleum and oil pipelines.

What should people do to improve ecology

  1. Take away From the coast, not only your waste, but also part of someone else's garbage.
  2. Cut Water consumption to unload cleaning systems.
  3. Wrapping The territory of its settlement.
  4. Maximum limit Eating hard-defined packaging.
  5. Follow Conditions and rules for the disposal of poisonous substances and household waste.
  6. Require from the administration of settlements of careful control over the environmental situation.

The Black Sea is a closed water management, so the pollution issues in it acquire special sharpness. The active participation of inhabitants of coastal cities, non-equivalent to ecology problems can save the Black Sea and prevent natural disaster.


by ecology

on the topic:

Environmental problems of the northern seas

The Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic Ocean - Barents, White, Karsky, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukotka - wash the territory of Russia from the north. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe seas of the Northern Arctic Ocean, adjacent to the coast of our country, is more than 4.5 million km2, and the volume of sea water is 864 thousand km2. All seats are located on the shelf of the mainland and therefore shallow water (average depth - 185m).

Currently, the Arctic seas are very polluted as a result of human activity. Negatively affect the environmental condition of the water: mainland stock; widespread use of ships; mining of various minerals in the area of \u200b\u200bthe seas; The burial of radioactive objects. The poisoning substances come both through aqueous streams and due to the circulation of air masses. The most severely broken ecosystem of the Barents and Kara Seas.

Open part Barents Sea Regarding other Arctic seas, it is dirty robust. But the zone where the ships are actively moving, covered with oil film. The water of the bays (Kola, Terbine, Motovsky) is susceptible to the greatest pollution, mainly petroleum products. In the Barents, the sea goes about 150 million m3 of polluted water. The poisoning substances are constantly accumulated in the sea soil and can cause secondary pollution.

Rivers that fall into Kara Seahave a relatively small level of pollution. However, Obi and Yenisei water have a large concentration of heavy metals, which adversely affects the ecosystem of the sea. Negatively affect the ecological condition of the sea of \u200b\u200bcourt. The places of their frequent movement are contaminated with petroleum products. Water belonging to the Bays of the Kara Sea, specialists are characterized as moderately contaminated.

Coastal waters sea Laptev contain a large concentration of phenol, which comes along with the waters of the river flow. The large content of phenol in river and coastal waters is due to the huge number of sunken wood. The most polluted are the water of Nelov Bay. Water expanses of the Bay Tiksi and Bore-Haya are contaminated. Ecological standing of water resources Bulunkane bay is noted as a catastrophic. The content of a large number of poisoning substances in coastal waters is due to the discharge of Tiksi's crude water. Also, the sea contains a large number of petroleum products in the areas of developed shipping.

Water East Siberian Sea are relatively clean. Only in the svek bay, there is a slight pollution of water, but recently the ecological situation is improved here. The waters of the Chaunsk lip have a slight pollution by an oil hydrocarbon.

Chukotka Sea Located far enough from the main large industrial centers. In this regard, serious violations in the ecology of this sea are not observed. The only strong source of pollution is submarines coming from North America. These aqueous streams contain a large number of aerosol materials.

Consider in more detail the environmental problems of the northern seas.

The first problem is a reduction in marine biological resources. Anthropogenic burden on biological resources has always been great. Back in the XVI-XVII centuries. The merchants sent special expeditions to study the northern seas and searches for a parish of the Far East. These studies were accompanied by the opening of large wobbies of whales. But if the Aborigines of the Arctic for centuries moderately used marine biological resources, the Europeans quickly brought the danger of complete destruction of populations of sea cats and Greenland whale. Although at present the situation has stabilized somewhat, the future of whales remains unclear. There was also a threat of extermination of narvalov and walrus populations, which became objects of uncontrollable hunting for their fangs.

In the Arctic ecosystems, an extremely fragile equilibrium is maintained, and biological uniqueness is under threat.

With regard to the species abundance and population density, there is a significant depletion in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean to the central part of the Arctic Ocean and further to the Chukotka Sea. So in the Barents Sea, the number of animal species is close to 2000, in the Kara Sea - a slightly more than 1000. The sea of \u200b\u200bLaptev and East Siberian has the poorer. The density of fauna from the outskirts into the depths of the Arctic Ocean is reduced by 3-4 times. However, this is due to geographical features and does not indicate a distinguished environmental situation.

The incidence of valuable fish of fish increases and the accumulation of harmful pollutants in it (in muscle sturgeon tissues there is an accumulation of chlororganic pesticides, salts of heavy metals, mercury).

The current ecological condition of the water of the northern seas is also characterized by constant melting of glaciers.

According to the new Arctic maps made from satellite shots, the ice shell area decreased to 4.4 million square meters. km. The previous record fixed in September 2005 was 5.3 million square meters. km. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the eternal Merzlot hips on four centimeters per year, and in the next 20 years its border will be shifted by 80 kilometers. Western environmentalists argue that the process of defrosting the Arctic entered the irreversible phase and by 2030 the ocean will be opened for shipping. Russian scientists tend to believe that warming is cyclical, and should soon be changed by cooling.

Meanwhile, the process of melting continues. The fauna of the region suffers. For example, white bears can live and eat only on ice. And since the summer ice is retreating further north, in some colonies animals already has hunger. As a result, in the coming years, the population of bears can significantly reduce.

In addition, in connection with the melting of permafrost, the risk of methane from the soil will increase. Methane - greenhouse gas, its selection causes an increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the atmosphere. But the main thing is to increase the concentration of gas will affect the health of the northerners.

Another problem is a sharp increase in the risk of floods. By 2015, the waterproof of the northern rivers will increase by 90%. Level time will be reduced by more than 15 days. All this will lead to an increase in the risk of floods twice. So, the transport accidents and floodings of coastal settlements will be twice as much.

In addition to the melting of ice and destroying the population of many species of marine animals of the Nordic Seas, there for a long time experiencing the effects of testing of nuclear weapons of the USSR and the United States.

For example, on the islands, the new land has existed a polygon for nuclear tests for a long time, including tests of high-power charges and research exposure to nuclear explosion factors for various types of weapons and military equipment, including surface ships and submarines. Currently, the work of the landfill is discontinued, but it is no doubt an emergency level of radiation pollution. There is no need to speak about the ecological purity of this region.

In connection with the economic development of the depths of the Arctic Ocean, at present, at the international level, the issue of improving and stabilizing the ecological state of the region is arising. The solution to this problem is seen only on the global (world) level, since a separate country, both with physical and from a legal point of view, cannot be solved. However, the solution to this problem is clearly difficult to currently the fact that some states in pursuit of hydrocarbon raw materials are engaged in dividing continental shelves.

It has been established that oceanic waters located near oil and gas-producing platforms can be attributed to an environmentally dangerous. Transportation of oil and petroleum products along the Northern Seaside causes special concerns among the ecologists. There are many evidence that every year the state of the water area deteriorates. Spills of petroleum products on the coast, in locations of terminals, when transshipment, oil occur regularly. Sometimes the closeness of the zones of responsibility of the Northern Fleet interferes with the operational and timely react to the spills of petroleum products. On the territory of the Murmansk Sea fish port there is a single point on the reception of oil-containing water.
In recent years, the control over the quality of sea waters is somewhat weakened and is carried out according to the reduced program due to insufficient financing.


The environmental situation in the waters of the northern seas are far from favorable. Currently, the world community has faced the problem of solving several environmental problems associated with the seas of the Northern Ocean.

The first problem is a massive extermination of marine biological resources, the disappearance of certain types of marine animals inhabitants in the conditions of the Far North.

The second global problem is the widespread melting of glaciers, the thawing of the soil and the transition of it from the state of permafrost in a frostbed state.

The third problem is radiation pollution.

The fourth problem is the pollution of the ocean ocean due to the development of the oil producing industry in the ocean.

And if one of the environmental problems - the destruction of certain types of marine animals - it is possible to decide to a certain extent by establishing prohibitions and restrictions on extermination, then the rest of the problems still remain unresolved.

List of references:

Internet resources:

1. Online Encyclopedia "Circlevet" http: // www. arktika.html

2. Ecological portal "Ecosystem"

3. Geographic Dictionary Slovar /

The White Sea is half an insterprintable reservoir, which belongs to the North Ocean pool. The square is small, divided into two uneven parts is the southern and northern, connected by the strait. Despite the fact that the water of the hydraulic system is very clean, the sea is still exposed to anthropogenic influence, which in turn leads to pollution and. So at the bottom of the reservoir there is a huge number of coal slags that destroyed some types of marine flora.

Wood water pollution

Negative to the ecosystem influenced the woodworking industry. Wood waste, sawdust were reset and washed into the sea. They decompose very slowly and contaminate with water. The bark rotates and falls on the bottom. In some places, the seabed is cooled at two meters. It bothers the fish to create spawning and postpone the caviar. In addition, the tree absorbs oxygen, which is so necessary for all maritime residents. Phenols and methyl alcohol are released into water.

The big damage of the White Sea ecosystem is delivering a mining industry. Water is polluted with copper and nickel, lead and chrome, zinc and other connections. These elements poison organisms and kill marine animals, as well as algae, because of what whole food chains die. Negative influence on hydraulic effects are provided.

Many sea of \u200b\u200bplanets suffer from water pollution by petroleum products, including white. Since oil is mined in the sea shelf, it does not do without leaks. It covers the water surface with an oily film that does not transmit oxygen. As a result of plants and animals, under it, suffocate and dying. To avoid negative consequences, in the event of an emergency, leaks, spills, oil should be immediately eliminated.

Slow receipts of petroleum products into water are a kind of slow motion bomb. This type of pollution causes severe diseases of representatives of flora and fauna. Also changes the structure and composition of water, dead zones are formed.

To preserve the ecosystem of the sea, it is necessary to reduce the influence of people on the water, and the wastewater is required to clean regularly. Only well-thought-out actions of people will reduce the risk of negative impact on nature, will help save the White Sea in its normal vital mode.

Video of Pollution of the White Sea