Vintage customs. Traditions at the wedding: Russian signs and customs to start a happy family life

Vintage customs. Traditions at the wedding: Russian signs and customs to start a happy family life
Vintage customs. Traditions at the wedding: Russian signs and customs to start a happy family life

As in the old days they were accompanied by the soldiers.

In the old days, men in the soldiers served for 25 years. Since at that time there was no railway, designed to soldiers there and here had to go on foot. For this we had to go long weeks. And who went to the soldiers, they soon forgot about them in the village, they were not given the land upon return. Therefore, at that time there were deserters, biased from calls, which hid and lived in the forests located close to the village. Such people were called "Tarkan". For a long time, the persons designed to the army were escaped with all the honors. We were invited to visit, gave scarves, etc. The future soldier sang a song preducive to the soldiers' service with his friends and peers, waving a lunch of numerous headscarves and passed on all the streets of the village. Relatives and neighbors invited the future soldier and his friends to their home and put the prepared table with hot rooms for a pre-prepared table. The hosts treated everyone beer, and on the shoulder of the soldier hung an embroidered towel. At the same time, everyone read the prayer, turning to God with the words: "Yes, God keeps you and will return you home alive and unharmed!". Running from the house for 25 years in the soldiers were accompanied as if he was going to death. Relatives on the road were preparing food and supplies into a special bag. Somewhat later, in some places who have already returned soldiers began to recognize as respected people. If such people have acquired families and children appeared, then "Father Soldier Ivan" indicated in the church during registration and baptism. Many of these customs in the army are still preserved in the village. For example, going to the army sings a pre-consuming song with their friends, passing through the streets of the village and swinging the blades. Relatives and acquaintances invite him to their home and bless the soldier's service, and at the same time hangs embroidered towel.

As He greets when meeting.

This custom is described in the handwritten book: "Previously, decent people of each other were respected, at a meeting with each other we were put out, exchanged good words. Poor people and rich in this plan were equal: they were loud or without other persons. People are somewhat black, when they walked down the street, reaching the courtyard of some Ivan or Peter, shouted, for example, hello to Ivan or Peter, or Bread and Sol Ivan, Peter. These words were as if respecting these people. The first greet younger. " Nowadays, these customs are mainly observed by the elderly people. At a meeting with each other, they shook hands, bow to the removal of health, the worship of a friend of health.

Religious rituals.

Before adoption in our village orthodox faith, The villagers prayed not in God, but respect religious rituals similar to the experts. For example, in the book of Andrei Mikhailovich, the Rituals of the Rituals of the Knevants are described in this way: "The rituals of the drovers spent in the place where the water mill was located. At that time, and now, there is the so-called "Ivan Mountain". People got here in a certain time And prayed, and after that they dined from the total big boiler. Cups and spoons brought each for themselves. In addition, the peasants prayed every day, leaving the house, in the yard, bowed towards the barn to an unknown God. " Such rituals called "kirimet". After the adoption of Orthodoxy, all residents of the village have regularly visited the churches and prayed. In this case, observed everything orthodox rituals, baptized newborns and walked only in churches. There was no church in our village, and there is no she now. Therefore, residents of the village went to the church of the village of Highlovka, which exists and is still. The village of Highlovka is located in the north-west of our village.

How young married and got married.

IN winter time Women and young girls were engaged in spinning of wool on homemade wooden machines. Such classes took place not only in the outstands, but also in black warm baths after washing the family. Despite the bench lifestyle, young girls got married. At the same time, the rite of walling was always observed. For walling to the house of the bride, the bridegroom invited the closest relatives. The parents of the groom took an embroidered towel, loaf of bread, beer barrel and home cheese circle. They were symbols of abundance and well-being of the future family. During the walling, parents agreed on the timing of the wedding, which ransom had to pay the bridegroom for the bride, who from relatives to make a planted father. The grooms tend to go beyond the bride on good horses, like Zaradanian cavalryrs on the sidls. At the moment when the bride came out of his father's house, the bridegroom "treated" her nagayka 3 times. From the moment she allegedly was his wife's groom. This meant also that from this moment the father of the bride passes it into the hands of the groom. Often there were cases when the brides kidnapped forcibly, and then the bride and the bride, the parents stored for the night of the barn. After that, they were already leaving church to wedding. After the wedding took place, as writes in his book Andrei Mikhailovich, they did not have the right to divorce. They loved each other or not, they had to live their age only together. Currently, some customs have been preserved: walling rite, wedding.

How to the thieves punished.

In his book "Reflections alone", Andrei Mikhailovich writes how in our village he was punished in the old days: "At a time when rustic houses They built without designation the concept of "Street", - Totam, in another place, far from each other, all this for rogues and bandits was on hand. Come in, take, kill - no one hears. Tsarist gendarmes then were too far from the village. For this reason, the barn was built by the doors towards the hut, and people built two-storey barns. Moreover, less valuable things were stored on the lower floor, and at the top floor are more valuable. The richer in our village was only 1-2 families. Such family roofs of the house and barn were covered with wooden testers, awesome - even leaf iron. In the beginning of the construction of the village in our places there were a lot of Rues, whichever, not only products agricultureBut even women and animals. However, when the houses began to build on each other, according to the principle of "Street", the rogues became harder to frankly engage in theft of agricultural products, small animals. Therefore, they began to steal horses not only during their presence in the pasture, but also in the conditions of their content in the courtyard. In 1910, the cost of one working horse reached 30-40 rubles, which was 70-80 pounds of rye, which was very beneficial for robbers and thieves. At that time, if the peasant remains without a horse, it meant almost death of the family. There is no place to work around any enterprises where you can have been made, there is nothing to sell the peasant to maintain a family. Even if a good tide, the horse for the content of the horse, the crooks managed to kidnap horses, dragging Ilihares of Labaz, use for this logs, thick boards of rope. However, if local residents caught such thieves, there were no mercy. In 1913, an unknown, previously convicted, was intended to steal a horse from the peasant Zinoviev Kirill. However, the Local residents noticed the thief. Locals said that he was spent somewhere. And where and in what country - no one knows. Earlier, local residents had the right to take measures to take, such as to work out somewhere in the construction of houses, cellars, sheds, etc. And with respect to killers, large robbers had the right to send them to references to Siberia for up to 25 years. In our village, the peasant named Terenistry after the link returned from Siberia and lived in the village until 1913 and died in old age. In 1890, in our village of a person by name, we destroy the systematic hooligan deeds to solve the village of the village was sent to Siberia for 25 years. He returned from there after the revolution of 1917. After which he worked on railway before old age. In the old age, no one looked behind him. At that time, the peasants did not respect the thieves and rogues, and hated frankly. There were cases when the small rogging will be caught, the philizer people were punished or drove such in the village and made shouting: "I am a thief, a rogue, so that no one has ever engaged in theft." Horse, and suspicion Palo on one-bedroom Vaschalya. For this, allegedly mistakenly, he was beaten before half seeing. The other case, when the peasant named Dmitriy kidnapped the two vehicles of non-molded sheaves and bring home. For this, his locals beat the foot of the feet. This man after this is blind and soon died as soon as possible. Even in 1921, for theft of potatoes, taking a rogue by the hand, drove around the village and made shouting that he was a rogue. With crooks and thorats, residents did not communicate at all, did not sit down with them even dinner. There was two cases when the feet of horses beat to death. In general, at returned from references to the village looked at the predatory animals. According to the records of the author, with royal power Provinous prison did not plant. They just punished on the spot at discretion local residents. The author brings an example of how one was slaughtered during harvesting, the other was killed by a knife in the office of the volost executive committee. In the present, the thieves do not punish this, the relevant police and prosecution authorities are engaged.


IN summer time Before the beginning of the harvesting of cereals in the field, young guys and girls were going closer to the evening at a pre-installed place, where they sang songs, danced, played all kinds of games. All this was heard from afar. The impression is that the whole village is celebrating. Such cheerful companies Diar to only with the onset of darkness. Molden people in order to meet more often with each other visited the church, markets, fairs. The very closest bazaar at the time was S. High-tool. It is a village in 4 kilometers from us and there was the church there, where young and elderly gathered on Mondays. Almost everything you needed in the bazaar: a peasant: a cheap manufactory, scarves (called red goods) shoes, shirts, trousers, etc. Here, almost near the church, where everything went after visiting the bazaar. The most acceptable entertainment destination for young people was the village of Small Kibech. Such holidays were called the carnival in honor of the day of the king's coronation. Here on this day, young and old rejoiced, drunk, noble people rewarded their hands and up, so several times. There were also holidays, the so-called "Trinity Holidays". Such holidays were held after the end of the sowing campaign on the outskirts of the forest called "backy". In the day appointed for the holiday, the young and old residents of the villages of Small Kibechi, medium kibechi, lower kibechi, the upper divliserovo, Crib-Kibechi were gathered here. Here showed all sorts of performances, artistic amateur collectives, organized dancing and dance, as well sport competitions. Old men and old women went there for the purpose of possible selection for their sons of brides. Even in the winter, people, especially the youth, have found time for entertainment. For this purpose, they were going to parties somewhere in a closer room (hut, sauna). Such parties in Chuvashski were called "ulah". Here the girls were rushed, embroidered, and the guys chose the brides. Guys and girls met here using all sorts of religious dates. For example, baptism, New Year, carnival, shints, christmas, easter.

How to celebrate Easter (Monkun).

Easter celebrated a whole week. Guys and girls in the ravine rode on sleds, danced right on the street without music. In the old days used for such purposes in the village musical instruments Husli and shyris (bagpipe). Easter is a holiday celebration of the Spring New Year on the Old Chuvash Calendar. The name Monkun is translated into Russian as a "Great Day". Adults on this festive week went to relatives. We must certainly be invited to visit the names of the names and mothers of newborn children, new inventions and woven, as well as other relatives. We went to visit with large quantity Hotels, as well as everyone brought their beer. On the table there were always painted eggs. Guests and hosts took one egg to one egg and knocked them alternately. The last non-broken egg was put to icons, believing that it would bring good luck to the house. A large number of Hotels should have contributed to the wealth and well-being of the owners. In turn, the owners also tried hard to give guests. Fathers and mothers - admirers of children brought them along a shirt. Children were supposed to be granted by shirts at their wedding. It was believed that children bring happiness, health and well-being in the house. Therefore, if a boy came to the house on the first day of Easter to the house, it was believed that the cows would bring bulls, sheep - rams. But chicks and bright were desirable. Therefore, the boys tried to miss her girls ahead. The first in the hands of the hands were transferred to the front corner and imprisoned, laying the pillow, on the chair in front of the table, treated as much as possible. The children at the same time were to sit comfortably, otherwise, allegedly, birds will not surround chicks. Some of these customs have been preserved until now: the dyeing of eggs, walking towards relatives with hotels, the first appeal to visit the pillow, treat as much as possible.

The synthetic form of culture are rites, customs, traditions and rituals, i.e. What is called samples of behavior. Ritals are standard and recurring team events held at the prescribed time and on the special occasion to influence the behavior and understanding of the employees of the organizational environment. The power of the rite in its emotional psychological impact on people. In the rite there is not only the rational absorption of certain norms, values \u200b\u200band ideals, but also empathizing the participants of the ritual action.

Rituals are a ritual system. Even certain management decisions can become organizational rites that employees interpret as part organizational culture. Such rites act as organized and planned actions that have an important "cultural" value.

IN everyday life Enterprises rituals perform a double function: they can strengthen the structure of the enterprise, and on the other hand, at the expense of shading true sense Action performed - to relax. In positive cases, rituals are scenic productions Works with fundamental importance. Rituals symbolize beliefs that play a significant role in the enterprise. In combination with outstanding events, rituals directly and indirectly highlight the image of the enterprise and dominating value orientations that dominate it.

Rituals, expressing recognition, such as anniversaries, celebrating success in the external service, public promotion, participation in encouraging trips, - all these events should demonstrate, which is the interests of the enterprise, which is rewarded and what is solemnly noted.

Such a function is performed by the so-called initiating rituals that are customary when joining the team. They must clearly demonstrate to a new member, which is appreciated by the firm in reality. If the freshly bred graduate engineer, who graduated from the Elite University, on the first days of his official career in the representation of the company in South America award is given to a broom and is offered for a start to start the room, then in young man It can cause frustration and confusion. At the same time, he immediately makes it clear that in this enterprise, it is primarily a formal education, but personal participation in affairs. You can draw a parallel with enterprises specializing in the production of high-quality products, where almost everyone, regardless of education, begins in the sphere of sales.

In the negative case, the relationship between rituals and value orientations is lost. In this case, rituals turn into an excessive, prim and ultimately a funny formality, with which they try to kill time, to avoid decision-making, avoid conflicts and confrontation.

A typical example of this in ordinary life There are negotiations on the conclusion of tariff agreements, especially when this was preceded by the performance of workers. To come to an agreement during the working day prohibits drama. No, you need to fight all night, and new tariff agreement It must be signed as soon as possible before dawn, so that the representatives of the trade union and employers, completely exhausted, in the first rays of the Sun could appear in front of the television.

And in enterprises you can often observe how rituals turn into an end in itself, as they become ballast in the process of implementing the main activities.

As part of the culture of the enterprise, rituals occupy an important place. At the same time, it is necessary to check whether the value orientations are really transmitted with their assistance, which are relevant and for everyday

Custom is perceived from the past form of social regulation of activities and the relationship of people who is reproduced in a certain society or social group And is familiar to his members. Custom consists in a steady consequence perceived from the past prescriptions. Various rites, holidays, production skills, etc. can be appropriate. Custom is an unwritten rule of behavior.

Traditions - elements of social and cultural heritagetransmitted from generation to generation and persistent in a specific community for a long time. Traditions function in all social systems and are prerequisite their livelihoods. The dismissive attitude towards tradition leads to a violation of continuity in the development of society and culture, to the loss of value achievements of humanity. The blind worship before the tradition creates conservatism and stagnation in public life.

Vintage wedding rituals

Wedding rituals In Russia, there was about the XV century. The main components of wedding rituals are as follows:

Matchmaking - Wedding rite, in which the preliminary agreement of the relatives of the bride to the wedding was obtained.

Looks - Wedding rite, in which Swaha / (Swat), the groom, the parents of the bridegroom could see the future bride and evaluate its advantages and disadvantages. Looks arranged after the walling, before hand.

Hands (Credit, Top, Haruch, Wedding, Vaults) - part of the wedding rite, during which the final agreement was achieved about the wedding.

Revelation - Wedding rite, ritual crying. Happens on half of the bride. The goal of him is to show that the girl has a good girl in the house, but now you have to leave. The bride was forgated with his parents, girlfriends, will.

hen-party - Wedding ritual, day before the wedding, or days from the hand to the wedding.

Ransom, brand - Wedding ritual in which the groom took the bride from the house.

Mystery of wedding

Church marriage or wedding is the Christian sacrament of the blessing of the bride and groom, who have been a desire to live together, as a husband and wife for subsequent life.

Wedding Pier - Wedding ritual in which a wedding celebrated with jokes and toasts for food and drink.

Festive rites


IN Picks day (October 14) The girls of splashing fled to the church and put a candle to the holiday. There was belief: who will put the candle before, he will come to marry before.

Soon, girls, cover,

Soon we are a gulyan,

Soon will soon play

Cute Talianochka.

Fun cover you will spend - you will find a friend.

In some localities in a glass of the bride and the bride, it is customary to put coins. Newlyweds follow these coins at their desk under the tablecloth, which will always ensure wealth in the house.

If a girl has a drink on a tablecloth for lunch, it foresees a drunk man.

In other parts, the newlyweds didn't sleep on rye snip. And these sheaves should be a linear number, say, 21. If this condition was kept, it meant that they would not fight anything.

On the holiday, the girls go to church and put candles in front of the icon of the Condos of the Virgin and sentenced: "Pokrov - Holy Mother of God, I cut my poor head with pearl kokoshnik, golden poddle car. And if at such a moment the guy who liked the girl liked his head on his head on his head, then she was unquestioned by his wife - noted one Arabic writer who visited Russia in the XII century.


Saty fortune telling

Young people of both sexes are going for the evening, take rings, rings, cufflinks, earrings and other small things and put them under the dish with pieces of bread, over all run pure Towel, Salfetko or width (fabric segment). After those who participate in the fortune study sing a song dedicated to bread and salt and then other reflubs (soda, fortune-class) songs. At the end of each, turning away, from under the closed dish, one thing takes out one thing that came the first on hand. This is something like a home lottery. A song was used to this rite, from the content of which foreshadow was removed. But since things from under the dishes are not always come across to those who belong to, the redemption of things is awarded on this occasion. The last thing that has already had the last thing from under the dish, sing the PSN is usually wedding, as if foremost a quick marriage. Then the ring in the floor, watching to which it will ride: if to doors, then for the girl - the proximity of the marriage for the guy is departure.

New Year's fortune telling

In order to find out what faint or bride, big or small growth, you need to go to the barn with firewood under the New Year and immediately take it. If large, then great growth, and vice versa.

If the girl cares or a leaf of a finger to blood in new Year's EveShe will definitely marry next year.

They freeze water in a spoon for the new year: if the ice is convex and with bubbles - to a long life, if the yam in the ice is to death.

But how the Bulgarian girls were ghadowed under the New Year: they were going together somewhere at the source, the well, buried in full silence Water bucket, which was attributed to special magic power. In this bucket, every girl threw a handful of oats, a ring or a bunch with her mark. Little girl took out these items in turn, under singing of special ritual songs: the words of the songs treated the future husband of a girl whose ring was taken out. Then the girls took from the bucket a bit of oats and put them under the pillow in the hope that the narrowed was dreamed.

Not all fortune-telling were only a love property, it happened that the girls were guessing on the weather in the coming year, and through it they built forecasts for the future harvest.


Before Christmas shelled The 40-day Filippov post. Miaso was not eaten in food, managed fish. The whole house stays, and the old men are combined. First pancake on Christmas Eve - Sheeps (from Mora)

IN Timber Christmas (On the night of December 24-25) do not eat to the first star. On the first day of Christmas, be sure to bake the wheat test figurines of cows and sheep. They are stored before baptism, in the baptism of the same afternoon, the hostess, these figures swollen in holy water and gives a livestock (for the range, for fun).

Older rites take their origin during paganism. Even Christianity could not destroy their strength. Many traditions reached our time.

How did older rituals appear

The most important older rites are associated with the natural forces, or rather with their natural mystical side. The basis of the life of each peasant was a heavy land, so most traditions were associated with the rain, the sun and harvest.

In the seasons used a certain amount of aimed at improving the crop and protection of livestock. Among the most important sacraments in the first place is baptism and communion.

BOLD is a ritual of Christmas holidays, during which, participants of the rite receive treats for the performance of special songs in the homes of relatives and acquaintances. It was believed that in the shints, the sun receives great amount Energy for the awakening of the Earth and nature.

Now the bond remains a tradition related to slavic historyboth in Ukraine and in Belarus. One of the components of the ritual is considered to be divination. Many specialists of the mystical sphere claim that during this period you can get the most accurate predictions.

The end of March is considered to be an equinox period in which carnival rituals are carried out. As an personification pagan god Yarilo, the traditional dish of this holiday is pancakes.

No carnival will be considered a full-fledged without burning stuffed on the last day of the celebration. The doll symbolizes the end of the junior cold and the arrival of spring. At the end of the burning of the carnival transmits its energy to the fields, giving them fertility.

In mythology, he is considered a powerful deity associated with the worship of the power of the Sun. In early days, he was performed on the day of the summer solstice, but over time, they were tied on the birthday of John the Baptist. All ritual actions occur at night.

The symbol of the rite is considered floral wreaths that are used for divination. On this day unmarried girl They allow their wreath on the river to find the narrowed.

There is a belief that a rare florid flower is blooming on this night, pointing to the ancient treasures and treasures. but simple man It is almost impossible to find it. The constant part of the holiday has become chants, dances around the fire and jumping through fire. This contributes to the cleansing of negative and improved health. In addition, separate are carried out.

Among all sorts of ancient customs, you can stumble upon rather strange and incomprehensible rites:

  • Snohy

So the intimate relationship between the son of the son and his wife was called. Officially, it was not approved and was considered a small sin. Fathers tried to send their sons under any pretext for a long time, so that the Snow was not able to refuse. Nowadays, law enforcement agencies are dealt with such things, and in those days it was somehow to complain.

  • Saw sin

Now this sin can be observed in special films of German production, and many years ago it was satisfied with Russian villages. After traditional actions, the couples went to look for fern flowers. But it was only a reason to retire, and to get to the carnal uteuch.

  • Gasky

Custom is known from the words of Rokcolini traveler. All the young people of the village converged in one house, sang songs and danced under the Luchin. When the light of Gas, everyone began to be attached to the carnal joy with the first hand. Whether traveler himself was unknown in such a rite.

  • Frowing

The rite was used in cases of a premature child in the family. If the mother's body was unable to give the necessary power of the baby, he should have reserved him. The newborn was wrapped in fresh dough, leaving one nose, and baked, pronouncing special words. Of course, the furnace should be warm, then the convolution was laid out on the table. It was believed, it cleans the baby from diseases.

  • Pug it pregnant

Our ancestors treated greatly to childbirth. They believed that during pregnancy, the child passes a hard way to the world of living. The process itself is very complicated, and the hangouts made it even harder. Near the woman in labor loud barasters and shot so that with the fear of the mother, the child was easier to go out.

  • Soloning

In addition to Russia, such a ritual was carried out in France and England. He provided for the addition of strength to children from salt. The child was completely rubbed the salt and wrapped in fabric, more wealthy people buried in her completely. With the child could get the whole skin, but at the same time he became healthier.

  • Jite dead man

By other, this ritual is called a wedding. Ancient times white dress And veil considered funeral clothing. The marriage is associated with the new birth of a woman, but for the new birth need to die. Hence the belief that the bride needs to mourn as the late man. The groom when transferring a redemption, as if I was looking for it in the world is dead And led out. Bride's girlfriends performed as guards of the afterlife.

In Russia, traditions are touched, transmitted from generation to generation. Some traditions appeared a little earlier, and some later. In this article we will consider those customs that have been preserved to this day.

Fortune telling on the narrowed

After the baptism of Rus, the traditions of paganism and Christianity intertwined. On the eve of large festivities of Christianity (Christmas, baptism and others), it was customary to be collapse, guess. To date, there is also such a tradition, the same fortune tells. Gadgets gathered in whole groups to learn about their future (wealth, family, children). For divination, various items were used - dishes, clothes, mirrors. Today, girls are also going and guess, but now it is more being done for entertainment, rather than in order to learn their destiny.

Also, the people were going to the group and in order to sing carols. People gathered, went around at home. Everyone wanted to the owners of all the best, sang songs, and instead they wanted the brigists, coins, treats.

On the festive festivities on the occasion of the wedding, fairs and other events, it was customary to dress up in the mask, dress in animals. People wrap themselves with the bells to be like a noisy around. People danced and having fun.


We have reached us and tradition to spend a guest on the eve of Christmas. Children and young people gathered in groups, came to the house without demand, threw the grain to the floor, sewing songs. Such a rite promised the owners a rich harvest, happiness. The crumbling kids thanked, gifted them with coins and sweets.


This tradition is very fun, and the children like it. First, because you can have fun, and secondly, because they get sweets and coins. At the same time, you can sleep not in Christmas, but in the old new year. At Christmas, usually wear a bun.

In the carnival week we eat pancake, and on the last day of the week I burn the scarecrow. This rite also came to us from long. Scarecrow was made of straw. This rite was farewell to winter and greeting spring.

When did the tradition appear to celebrate the New Year?

Previously, the new year came on September 1. But then Peter the first published a decree that the new year comes on January 1. In addition, Peter ordered to decorate the houses with coniferous branches, to start a cannon salute. And all people had to congratulate each other and wish all sorts of flaping.


Champagne drank not always. Russians got acquainted with a sparkling drink after the war with Napoleon. Champagne filed all secular events, in particular, on New Year's festivities.


During the reign of Catherine, balls and masquerades with dancing and music were held. To know beautifully dressed, everyone tried to stand out. This tradition can be correlated with our new year celebration.

Tradition to celebrate the old new year

Foreigners are always surprised when the name of this holiday is heard. It is impossible to say that this tradition began since ancient times, but she has almost shouted for 100 years. After the revolution, 1917, the government moved to the Gregorian calendar, and between them was the difference of 13 days. But people did not cease to celebrate the New Year in the old style. And over time appeared new holiday - Old New Year. This day is always widely celebrated, and love all the inhabitants. It is not prepared as largely as the new year, but still notes. As a rule, in a circle of loved ones.


Traditions a lot. Almost all of them came long. It cannot be said that everyone follows them everywhere. But most people honor them. We cannot say which traditions will come to us later. And we cannot say how long they will come true, whether they will follow entire generations. But we know exactly that these traditions exist for a long time, and, for sure, they will follow and further.

How did the tradition appear to celebrate the New Year in January

National culture is what the memory of entire peoples makes up, as well as what makes this people are different from others. Thanks to the traditions, people feel the connection of generations through time, feels the continuity of generations. People have spiritual support.


For every day the calendar accounts for your rite or holiday, and even church sacrament. The calendar in Russia had a special name - month. The calendar was also designed for a year and every day was painted - traditions, rites, phenomena, signs, superstition, and so on.

Folk calendar The agriculture was devoted, so the names of the months were similar name, as well as signs with customs. Interesting factthat the duration of the season is connected with climatic phenomena. It is for this reason in different areas The names did not coincide. Listfall can be like October and November. If you look at the calendar, you can read it as an encyclopedia that tells about the life of peasants, about holidays and ordinary days. In the calendar it was possible to find information on various issues of vital activity. The people's calendar was a mixture of paganism and Christianity. After all, with the advent of Christianity, paganism began to shift, and the high schools were banned. Nevertheless, these holidays received new interpretations and moved over time. In addition to those holidays that had certain daysThere were also Easter-type holidays that were not fixed at a certain day, and Mobile became.

If we talk about rites that passed on large holidays, here a great place occupies folk art:

  • Songs
  • Horovodov
  • Dancing
  • Scenes

Calendar and ritual holidays of Russians

The peasants worked notably, so they loved to relax. The main holiday took on holidays.

How is the word "holiday" and where did it come from?

This word comes from the word "possession" (Vine Slavic). This word means idleness, rest.

There was a lot of celebrations in Russia. A very long orientation was not one calendar, but for three more:

  • Natural (change of seasons)
  • Pagan (as well as the first he corrected with nature)
  • Christian (marked holidays; if you talk about the largest, then only there were 12).

Christmas and shints

The main and favorite holiday of antiquity was Christmas. Christmas to celebrate Christmas began after the introduction of Christianity. Christmas was combined with the Old Slavic Holie.

The importance of Christmas

This holiday for Slavs was the most important. Winter work came to the end and preparation for spring began. And people rest was in joy, because They waited for him for a very long time. Nature has a rest, after all the shine bright sun, days have become longer. On December 25, in an ancient calendar was called the Day "Spiridona Solventrot". In antiquity it was believed that when the new sun was born, there were ancestors to the ground, which was called saints - and the name "Sky" appeared.

The shiklia celebrated long enough - from the end of December and the first January week. This multi-day holiday was not allowed to mention death and quarrel, focusing and committing reprehensible actions. It was a time when each other could only give joy and pleasant emotions.

Evening before Christmas was called Christmas Eve. Compliance with rites was preparing for Christmas. According to the rules on this day they fed to the first star. And only after the evening dawn appeared, it was possible to sit at the table. On Christmas Eve, hiking was taken to visit their gods cross Father And mothers. They carried them kun and pies. The godfall had to treat godsacks in response and give them money. The Christmas Eve was a rather quiet and modest holiday, cozy and family.

What follows the Christmas tree?

And the next morning the fun began. The holiday began with children who went from one house to another, holding a star and the pests. They sowed the poems that Christ chant. The star was made of paper, painted and inside the closed candle. As a rule, the star carried the boys - for them it was very honorable.


Vertips represented a box of two tiers. In Vertpe, wooden figures depicted scenes. In general, all this composition with children can be characterized as a reminder of the Bethlehem star, and the Vertpets is the puppet theater.

Slavichels received gifts for their Menia. These were either pies or money. To collect cakes, one of the children carried the body, but to collect money wearing a plate. Someone at noon, the Slage began in adults. Previously, absolutely all people took part in this, regardless of the estate.


None of the sneakers were held without muddy. Out foolished, showed various ideas, went into the hut. A kind of fun boggles.

Also among rituals can be distinguished and bond. It was quite common. This is a remote reminder of an ancient wheelchard. The carols are called Christmas songs, who are aimed at the Hosteos Play Play, wishes to him joy, prosperity, well-being to him and his family. For carollands, the hosts were treated with a delicious reward. In case the owner turned out to be a stupid and did not treat any quarrellies, he could really really hear unpleasant wishes.

Christmas and shints in Russia

Favorite darling were fortune telling. Divination appeared from the unauthorized desire to find out what is waiting ahead and, perhaps, even affect the future. In the time of paganism, divination was used exclusively on economic purposes - harvest, cattle, health of loved ones. In the hut, the stena brought in the shints, and then the teeth were pulled out Solomina and blades. If the ear was complete, the owner waited a rich harvest if there was a long blade, then a good hay. Over the time of divination, it began to be popular exclusively for young people, girls predominantly. Everything that was in this rite is pagan - it has long been lost, only fun on the holiday remained.

But why do you need to guess at this time?

It is recommended to guess at it, because by old legend This time shows evil spirits, which can tell about further fate. The main purpose of divination among girls is to know if they will marry this year. In the deaf night, when all the homemade fell asleep for a long time, the girls launched a rooster in the house. If the rooster escaped from the hut, the girl coming to the coming year does not promise marriage, and if the rooster went to the table, then the girl marry will come out.

Bird in fortune telling

There was also another type of fortune telling. The girls went to the hut in the dark and caught the bird. If there was a female, then continue to walk in girls, and if the male - then the marriage is coming.

Idle or widower?

Such questions were also attended by fortune. The girl secretly went out of the house and approached the tint, or hedge. She wrapped her with two hands and moved each tankin one hand. At the same time, it was necessary to pronounce the words "idle, widower, idle, widower." What word will the tyne end, then married and will come out.


To find out which side of the narrowed to wait, the girls per gate threw a shoe. Where the end of the shoe showed, on the side was narrowed and lived. You can experiment.

Wax on fate

To find out what fate, Zhgli wax. The resulting figures talked about what awaits the girl. If the outline of wax was like a church, then the girl was waiting for a wedding if the cave, then to death.

Fortune telling with dish

The most popular fortune-up was subjustable. In the dish, the girl folded their rings and covered with a handkerchief. Sang songs, and after the song shake the dish. The fortunewrite pulled out one ring. Whose ring stretched to that girl and there was a song, or rather, its content. Here is such a prediction of fate.

Mirror and candles

The most exciting I. scary fortune There was a fortune telling with a mirror and a candle. It was necessary to look into the mirror through the candle flames. In this reflection, it was possible to see anything.


Divination was allowed during the shield, i.e. until January 19 (when baptism was noted). This holiday is installed by the Prophet John the Forerunner in memory of the baptism of Jesus Christ.

On the eve of the spring, everyone was waiting for a merry holiday - Maslenitsa. This holiday came from pagan times - this is a holiday celebration of spring, as well as winter wires. The name of the holiday appeared for no accident. The last week before the post is such that the meat to eat can no longer, and dairy products can be, and in the carnival eating pancakes with dairy products, which includes oil. So, thanks to the main festive dish, the name of this holiday appeared. And earlier, the carnival was called "meat" - also the speaking name. Also, like Easter, the carnival is not attached to a specific day and it is celebrated in the week in front of the grave. This event is Christian waiting for a very long time.

Name of day

Every day the carnival had its own name and every day had actions that were banned. Such actions treated some rituals, rules of behavior. Monday is a meeting. Tuesday was the name of the ray, and the environment called Lacque. On Thursday was rampant. Friday was known to the streams in the evening. Saturday was satisfied with Zolikina attempting and on Sunday forgiven day and wires.


In addition to official namesAttached by day were also the names of the whole week, which were used in the people - honest, wide, cheerful and other, mistress-carnival.

On the eve of Maslenitsa

On Sunday, the day before the carnival, the father of a young wife with a treat (as a rule, it was cakes) drove to the matchmaker and asked to go to visit the son-in-law with his wife. Shatov also invited the whole family. As usual, the young came on Friday, which was looking forward to the whole village. The mother-in-law had to be care for the son-in-law, baked pancakes and others delicious dishes. It is from these customs, Friday on Maslenitsa is called Leschiki in the evening. The next day belonged to Cola (sister of her husband), now her turn was to care for guests.

Among the main carnival actions, you can allocate a meeting and wires. By Thursday they were made by a doll from straw. The outfit of this doll either bought expound, or dressed her in pickups. It was stuffed up across the countryside, sang songs and booms, laughed and smelling.

Ignition fires

The most common way of carnival wires was the ignition of fires. In the carnival Sunday evening there was a march to laimels, it was there that was burned on the fire. By the fire could be seen absolutely all. People sang songs, joked, sang bouts. There were still straw in the fire and said goodbye to the carnival and called it the next year.

Newlyweds from Gorki

Favorite custom in Maslenitsa was skating with an icy mountain of newlyweds. On this riding young put on their best outfits. The duties of each husband came to rolling the wife from the mountain. Catania was accompanied by bonquers, kisses. A cheerful crowd could stop the sleigh and then the newlyweds had to be offended by the pool kisses.


Do not miss the chance to ride. Rolling rolling in principle is considered one of the favorite entertainment. From the slides rode, both children and adults starting from Monday. The slides decorated with lanterns and christmas trees, ice statues.

Fun on Maslenitsa

On Thursday, instead of rolling, the slides went to riding horses. In width, there were three with buboins. They rode like a row, and just for fun. There were harsh entertainment. Such entertainment can be attributed to the fist fights. All beat on one on one, there were fights wall on the wall. As a rule, fought on the ice of frozen rivers. The battles were gambling, merciless, all beat in full power. Some fighting ended not only injury, but also death.

Taking a snowy town

Another shackles of the passenger week - taking a snow town. A week before the start of the carnival, small guys were built from the town of the town. The guys tried their best, creating masterpieces. Next, the city was chosen, whose duties came to guard the city from the attack of Carnival. Taking the city was engaged in the last day of the carnival. The purpose of taking the city is to capture the flag on the city and also governing.

On the last day of the celebration was forgiven Sunday. On this day, it was customary to ask for forgiveness of both the living and the dead. In the evening it was customary to visit the bath, where everything was cleaned and joined Great post.

The great post was marked by the celebration of Annunciation. The church dedanium states that on April 7, the Virgin Mary was Archangel, who said that she would give birth to the baby who would be conceived wonderful way. It is believed that all alive on earth is blessed on this day. Despite the fact that the holiday passes to the great post, on this day it was allowed to eat fish.

Maslenic walking

Every year in the spring of Christians celebrate Easter. This is one of the oldest celebrations. Among the main Easter rites, you can distinguish baking cakes, painting eggs. But not only this commemorates Easter for a believer. Still known to the all-sleeping day procession And Christ. The latter is a congratulation with kisses with this bright day. On the "Riseline", it is customary to answer "truly resurrected."

Why do this holiday so read from the Russian people?

This holiday is the most important and incredibly solemn, because This is the feast of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, who accepted martyrdom. The fact that the Day of Easter Celebration is moving, the course of events that are associated with this festive cycle changes every year. So, the dates of the Great Post and Trinity are changing.

A week before Easter celebrates Palm Sunday. In the church, this holiday goes into memory of the entrance to Jerusalem Christ. And the people at this time threw her palm branches. It is the willow and is a symbol of these branches. It was customary to sanctify twigs in the church.

Week that follows Verbonda Sunday, called passionate. This week is a week of preparation for Easter. People went to the bath, found everything in the house, removed him and led him in a festive look and, of course, baked cakes and painted eggs.


On the fifties day after Easter celebrated the Trinity. This holiday is rooted in Vine Slavic Time. Then a similar holiday was called the semic and it was made to spend in the forest. The focus on this day was riveted to birch. Tapes, flowers hung on the birch. Around the birch drove dance with chants. For these purposes, birch has been chosen for no accident. After all, it is birch that one of the first after the winter put on its emerald crown. From here there happened and believing that the birch has the power of growth and must certainly use it. Birch branches were used as home decoration - it was hanging on the windows and doors, on the temples, yards, because Want to get it healing power. And in the trinity it was accepted Birza to bury, i.e. Stop in water to cause rain.

It is worth noting that the battle is pagan, and he did not have a name. And he received the name when this holiday coincided with the Christian holiday - Christmas of John the Baptist.

Other name

Also this day had the name of the day Ivan herbalist. There is a belief that therapeutic herbs that are collected at this time are miraculous. On Kupala cepete dream It was a fern - see how it dismisses. It was at such a time that the green treasures and burned emerald lights went out of the ground.


Also everyone wanted to see the rupture-grass. It was believed that one touch with this grass can destroy the metal, as well as open any doors.


The Slavs believed that the period of rustling growth of herbs was a period of rampant unclean. To get rid of the uncleanness, the fire was mined an ancient way, burned fires and jumped through them with couples crowned with flowers. There was a sign that said that the higher the bonfire, the better the bread harvest would be. Also in the fire threw old things, the clothes of patients.

In the evening after visiting the bath, everyone went splashing to the river. It was believed that not only the fire at this time had miraculous power, but also water. Orthodox Church did not take this holiday, considering it pagan and obscene. This holiday was pursued by the authorities and after the 19th century it was almost ceased to celebrate in Russia.


Russians folk holidays - These are bright walks, full fun and interesting events. They are very diverse, although, unfortunately, some of them have not been noted for a long time. But there is a bit of hope that the lost culture will begin to revive and will be transmitted through generations again. Rus is a country that is rich in traditions and customs. A large number of holidays for this confirmation. These traditions were filled with joy and interesting events. The life of our ancestors. These traditions need to revive and transmit to descendants.

Ivan Kupala - how to celebrate