Charm for home - drip enemies and protect close ones. Slavic charms for home

Charm for home - drip enemies and protect close ones. Slavic charms for home
Charm for home - drip enemies and protect close ones. Slavic charms for home

site - August 18, 2015

The ancient peoples sincerely believed in the magical power of each stroke, carefully and with respect to their use. Young girls were expanded by clothes, artisans and craftsmen made personal helegations, and the honorable elders laid out the runes in search of answers to eternal questions.

Ancient Slavs worshiped with natural forces: the sun, land, water, fire, animals, appealed to the helmsitis. The houses, yard, leishes, baths and other spirits could, how to help and protect a person and bring trouble. And the protection and protect against the evil creatures of the type of vampires, water, iswolves and nozzles, attackers on workers at noon, were simply necessary!

Without ready-made answers, textbooks, research results, everything was given a magical significance, many obvious answers today, they did not yet know. Nevertheless, the ancient Slavs not only tried to understand the essence of phenomena, but also interacted with them with the help of symbols designed to defend themselves, their home and their loved ones. And even in order to become a magnet of pleasant events, attract love, happiness and good luck in your life!

For example, on the holiday, the semit was believed that the girls become girls, the brides in the issuance. To this day was preparing in a special, preparing decorations and outfits, brazed braids with ribbons, extending clothes with patterns "for love and happiness." At first, the girls drove away dances, exchanged scarves, rings, and then they joined them to choose guys.

The whole culture of the ancient Slavs was permeated with symbols, they were called in different ways: vaults, swastika, runes, charms. However, the value from this did not change. Consider some of them that reached our days with a specific interpretation.


It was believed that Mariche is able to give good luck in affairs and the fulfillment of material desires - the truth is, only if the money is needed for good goals. It was useless to ask for people who are notchard.

§Govovik, Romarich

Slavs always sought to strengthen the strength and glory of their kind, in which they drew the strength. These two characters have formed a pair, personifying generations, a happy past and future of the genus.


Symbolized peace and peace in the family, reconciled arguing relators. This conspiracy symbol was portrayed on the walls, embroidered on napkins and tablecloths. To him appealed in the quorry minutes.


Symbol, personified love and female happiness. As far as strong and powerful, the same and dangerous for those girls who wanted to use their beauty to destroy someone's families. It was possible to apply for fire only, and only with pure thoughts.


The magical power of this symbol was experiencing young girls. Many of them managed to acquire a narrowed, to gain beauty and happiness with the help of the Golden Roguery of Lady, whom all the Slavs worshiped.


This pagan symbol defended from evil spirits, extended female beauty, gave health, aggravated forces. He was embroidered on the shirts and sundresses, bedding, decorated the children's cradle. It was believed that Slavsa strengthens the effect of the others in the house of the Oberegov.


The symbol used during or immediately after the wedding ritual. It was believed that he binds the young forever, makes them the union in unreasonable before the gods and people.


In many areas, the celebrations in honor of the package do each year. This is a symbol of joy, happiness, summer, fun, fertility; Patron of lovers and their defender. The Kupolskaya night was considered sacred when love flourished in the heart of everyone.


Callrad is a symbol of update, getting rid of the cargo of old errors and the beginning of a new life. Often, parents who wanted to protect their children were addressed to his magical strength and ask for them a happy share, happiness, love.


One of the oldest, very important characters for the Slavs, to which they were treated in cases of material, everyday, family problems. It was believed that Sollard personifies the Mother Earth, which is proactious, and will save, and protect. And only criminals and suicides she does not favor.


The striding is a symbol of the eternal update of nature, carrying the spring, peace and wealth to the house. He was still considered the patron saint of a young generation. The carriage was the God of the Winter Sun, and his holiday was celebrated on the days of the winter solstice.


Lelia is the goddess of love and spring and the ancient Slavs, the daughter of Lada. Personifies love, beauty, happiness. As the carriage kept the young men and boys, so Lelia was a protector and patroness of girls. She treated mother families who wanted joyful fate to daughters.


This symbol defeated children from the moment of appearance. They were decorated with a cradle so that he would protect the baby from the dark forces of evil, who started the battle for his soul immediately after birth. Radinee gave the baby strong sleep, allowed to grow healthy and wet.

§ Okoden-grass

It was believed that in the gifts of nature is enough forces in order to heal the person from any hands. Estimate-grass symbolized the unification of the magical forces of nature with the desire of the person himself to be healed, endowed the patient with force, helped cope with the ailment.


Extremely powerful symbol, the embodiment of Divine Light. In honor of him, temples were built, sacrifices were committed. The holiday in honor of the light was held after the end of harvest.


Magic healing sign, endowed with solar gods. Established from fatigue, returned the bodily forces, expelled the ailment, took off the curses and damage to the disease and death.


This sign symbolized wisdom, calm, a clear mind. It was applied in cases where it was necessary to find a common language, agree, reach agreement. It was believed that Molviana extends disputes, reconciles opponents, forces them to stop the enmity and solve the issues of the world.


Another symbol of female happiness, love, beauty, cozy homemade hearth. The hostess decorated them the rooms, wanting to attract peace and wealth to their home.


The symbol of protection of the house, which the ancient Slavs cut out on chocks - wooden pillars on the borders of their possessions.


Very important symbol for the ancient Slavs. Welded was considered the creator of earthly laws and the master of the earthly world. It was believed that he had power to protect the travelers from diseases and misfortunes, to endow wise men with the ability to see the past and the future, as well as cruelly caraa those who live not according to his laws.


Gignitza is a protector of Slavs, a female symbol, foundation of a female start. The birthday festival was celebrated in Russia in early September, after the harvest was removed. Since there is a certain connection between fertility and women's start, in many localities this holiday is celebrated to this day, tying it with harvest and the end of agricultural work.


This symbol personified the power and power of human, protected by travelers and warriors. Therefore, the magovnik sign was decorated with weapons and armor. It was believed that he favors travelers, keeps them in the far bearing, protects against adversity.


For the Slavs, who led the natural economy, it was extremely important to protect their harvest, cattle, garden and garden from damages. Yarovik is a symbol to which they approached to protect the first shoots, heal the sick cattle.


A sign patronized fishermen and sailors, whose life somehow had a relation to a big water. Defended from storms and storms, gave a rich catch.


This is a symbol of Perun, God of war. The ratie helped on the battlefield, raised the warhead warriors, expelled fears.


Lynx was considered the sacred beast of the god of the war of war, and the magic symbol of the lyrine personified secret knowledge, wisdom and the desire for the knowledge of the world.


A very important symbol of truth, wisdom, justice and laws giving gods for the Slavs.

Call for the help of the magic of the ancient Slavs and become stronger. Just do not forget that powerful characters help people with pure thoughts. Following this principle, you will get a unique tool to manage your destiny.

In ancient times, people did not know how to explain what was happening around them. To the aid, they came myths and legends. All items and animals were endowed with human qualities. According to our ancestors, they had a soul, possess a positive or negative impact on human life and human health. Of particular importance was attached to rites, magic spells and symbols. They had different nations.

To enhance the protective properties, the coated symbols often embroidered on clothing

To protect and acquire special qualities, the ancient Slavs used amulets of various shapes. Magic symbols served as an embroidery ornament, decorated bracelets and necklaces. They were made for women, children, warriors. In the form of symbols, runes and amulets, they endowed their owner courage and determination, filled with internal force. Let's look at the famous Slavic overalls, we learn what value, the description and interpretation exists.

General and individual Slavic charms and amulets

Slavic wubbles could accommodate anywhere: in houses, on household items, clothes, decorations. Posted within the huts, defended the dwelling and each family member by hanging their energy and inner force.

Slavic zodiac consisted of 16 characters

For individual protection used amulets and charms. Slavs had sixteen zodiac signs, each corresponded to his own symbol. The name of the charm was chosen based on the birthday of a person he was intended.

Before putting on behalf of the story with the zodiac, it was necessary. Then his action was directed to a specific person by hanging it with certain qualities. Otherwise, such an overlap would only harm the owner.

In order to charge the Slavic charm into account, they took all personal information of a person, given all individual characteristics. It was important that the name was given at birth. Personal talismans were protected by their owner, strengthened him.

Girls embroidered protective symbols on clothes of their beloved

When creating Slavic faiths, they were charged to giving the person the qualities of which he lacks or those who use him in life. Typically, gave Giveni. Mothers made them for children, girls masterly or embroidered on clothes for beloved. Amulets charged for wealth, good luck, giving courage, protection, etc.

What did Slavic charms and amulets do?

The amulets were made of affordable materials, it could be a precious and simple metal tree. Often the material served the bones of animals or. The ancestors believed if they make an amulet from the part of the animal, then his power would certainly move to you. Such Slavic Obereg kept the owner from the invisible forces of evil.

Because of its magical properties, silver has long been used for the manufacture of charms.

Folk legends and beliefs say that the evil spirits do not tolerate silver, so this metal was chosen for protective faces. The material from which the amulets did, performed another important function - determining the status. The most valuable were metal products, especially gold.

The main aurgers of the Slavs and their meaning

Slavic amulets used as protection against evil forces and enemies, used in magical rituals and rites. They could be intended to protect housing and its owners, separately for men and women. There were also registered bracelets and charms that were intended to concrete person. They were not chosen at random, and not by beauty. Each sign had certain magical properties that must match their owner.

Among the basic characters for the observes are distinguished by such:

  • Agni;
  • Talisman Belobogo;

Agni is the main sign that was used to protect their home and the sanctuary to worship the gods. A protective symbol was also considered a talisman with a runee belly. He was placed inside the house to protect themselves from evil.

Alatyr was perceived as the center of all things and the basis of the Universe

Slavic wubble Alatyr wore young girls. He helped find love and rather get married. Children was intended mascot with Rule Veles to give wisdom, talent and clairvoidance. The Walkira symbol was placed on Slavic charms for men. This is a sign of a warrior who was supposed to protect in battle and donate courage.

Other Slavic charms and their meaning

The main signs could be complemented by other images that were placed not only on the chambers of the Slavs, but also on personal things, military uniforms, they were drawn even on their bodies. They accompanied absolutely all events in the life of people. Known such additional signs:

  • Yarovik.

Gromovik helped men in all endeavors, attached strength

Truly male symbols were considered a bond and a carwdnik. The first defended the warriors during battles, the second defended in everyday life. A range of the car beads attached to men of power in heavy work.

Women's coastal signs are Makos and Ladynets. Decorations with the image of the Ladinet defended the keepers of a homely focus and saved from the unkinded evil. Makoshi sign was certainly wore a married girl and mother, he saved home and family.

The overlap-grass faith helped recover from many diseases and to recover after ailments faster

The symbol of the ease-grass prevented illness or helped you get rid of them as soon as possible. The sign of the Yarovik was placed everywhere, he was responsible for the safety of the harvest, defended the house and livestock.

Slavic wubbler kind

Some signs of Slavs attached a special meaning. For example, the genus is the symbol of the beginning, the birth of land and man. It was very serious. He meant the unity of the human race, the relationship between ancestors and descendants through the transmission of knowledge and wisdom, which do not go beyond the genus. Sometimes he was depicted in the form of a laughing sun with numerous rays, at the end of which were balls.

The character of the kind - the personification of the creative start, he carries only positive energy

The normal desire of a person is to protect not only their lives, but also his own home. Each ancient people are assembled a whole storehouse of faces for the house, most of which need to be made with their own hands. Only such a keeper of the house can be faithful to you faithful assistant and defender. Your energy in the creation process puts into it the value of well-being, which is most desirable for you.

Make home overalls - a completely simple task. It is important to figure out the symbols to make them the most effective working on your well-being. Most elements and components used for the overama are simple and understandable. You only need to combine them at your request, in harmony with the rules.

One of the most common home faces is a broom. He received quite legitimate fame, and already has its own rules for creating and its symbolism.

  1. Oil, cereals, legumes - wealth in the house, full life, good inventory.
  2. The house - the figure is made of salt dough and baked in the furnace. Symbolizes the world in the family, mutual understanding between households, comfort.
  3. Napti - can be as an element when they make a broom charm with their own hands, as well as working talisman. Symbolize a pleasant atmosphere in the house, the desire to return to the native walls.
  4. Coins are important to attract financial well-being, protection against the beggar of fate.
  5. Garlic - protection of the house from unclean power. In addition, if refile of the magic component, the use of garlic was justified by its strong smell, designed to fight the pests insects.
  6. Pod of dry pepper - for the owner of the house should symbolize its fecundity, male strength, potency.
  7. Dried rosehip - a female start symbol. Women gives the energy of fertility, forces to childbirth.
  8. Sunflower seeds or pumpkins - symbolize good and healthy rats, many kids.
  9. Corn gravel - protection of kind, fertility, relief in childbirth, change of generations.
  10. Bay leaf - victory and successes in work and affairs.
  11. Nuts - the health of all family members, family fortress, cohesion.
  12. Dried fruits - it is customary to hang up to sweeten your life, fill it with pleasures.
  13. Bagels - hospitality, many friends, generosity, responsiveness.
  14. Red ribbons or threads - love, feelings, loyalty. Guard the heart attachment of their owners.
  15. Green ribbons - attracting financial flows, improving material wealth in the house.
  16. Yellow ribbons - joy, good mood, good.
  17. Flowers - longevity and youth.
  18. Needles and pins - protection against damage and evil eye.
  19. Dried herbs (chamber, wormwood, nettle) - walked from magical impact of unfriendly.
  20. A piece of Lyk - Poland in everyday life, business, leaning and the practicality of households.
  21. Bell, bell - children's laughter, the fertility of the owners of the house. Must be helped in that situation when the owners have trouble confusion.

Composing these elements in their own behavior, we invest a certain code and meaning in it.

Note! When the hosts are constantly born by girls, then attaching more beans to the home of the guard, you can attract the energy of the boy's birth.

Charming from folk traditions of Slavs

In addition to a broom, there are other overalls that have not been distributed in the modern world. Nevertheless, they with great success served our ancestors faithful guards well-being in the house.

Pot for wealth

Should be purchased a new large ceramic pot. In these traditionally kept cereals and flour in the house. From the past generous harvest, the selected wheat is poured into the pot. It serves as the basis for the overag. Then add some details from the characters listed in the alphabet.

Since the symbolism of parts and items is similar in the semantic load, it corresponds to almost all regions. In the ancient tribes, the meaning of the elements usually differed, so choose them at their own wishes.

  • The number of elements is usually three, seven, twelve.
  • The selected parts should be hide in a full grain.

This pot becomes the place where the house will keep the spirit of your dwelling. Therefore, correctly, if the guard will stand at the stove or in the storage room - these are iconic places for your invisible assistant.

Napti - Charm for Family Happiness

To make such a charm, it is enough to buy decorative lapties. But adding them to some detail, you can get quite a functional and efficient talisman for the house.

Napti gives the spirit of your home so that the house is pleased and answered you with his efforts. There are several characters to your discretion for encoding to perform certain tasks.

Note! It was accepted that Napty hung at the threshold on a red ribbon. This is like a rite that the hostess bonded the connection of her husband with a house. Wherever the man had, he would still pull into his home to the family.

Such an overlap kept the owner on the road from the temptations, did a strong connection with his family and the house. Especially when the man is a state and prominent, a good owner, they tried to make such an overlap so that no one fell asleep and walked her husband's mistress.

New Year's boots for the house

This style waffers echoes the new year from other nations hung a gifts for gifts. Also, our ancestors have their New Year's charm - boots.

To make it, you need to put a gingerbread, coin and a handful of wheat in the boots. They put it in the corner near the stove - the traditional place where the house lives. Such a New Year's gift should serve as the housing keeper backwards, and it will be gentle to you in return, it will not be stitched and harmful to his owners. By making such a guard, it was still hoping that you could withdraw from the house about the hidden treasure if other owners lived in the house.

Folk embroidery is a successful example of using the life of the ornament. Earlier, embroidery was hardly the only way to decorate lightweight outerwear, festive shirts, scarves, canvas white sundresses, hats, tablecloths, towels, curtains, wedding seats and made by their own hands.

According to some assumptions of our ancestors, it can be concluded that embroidery decorated basically those parts of the clothing through which unclean forces could penetrate into the body. It is from here that the basic meaning of the ornament and embroidery is to guard, protect. Such a protective pattern was embroidered, cuffs, gates and a neckline. The fabric was considered impenetrable for evil spirits, since various protective ornaments were used during the manufacture. That is thus made the wubbles of the ancient Slavs.

For embroidery, the preference was given to red threads - this color was given absolutely particular importance. However, shades were used, for example: poppy, brick, currant, scarlet, cherry and lingonberry.

Vintage embroidery was performed by counting seams, where the filaments of the fabric are considered for each stitch. The drawing on the fabric was not translated, but only came out its size and location. Accounting seams "Set", "Painting" and "Curren Sloalk" were the most popular and distribution.

What is the essence of the oversee

The name fully corresponds to the essence and vocation of any overawe - to protect, protect a person from any adversity. In other words, the charm should guard the owner from diseases, failures, damage or evil eye. Among other things, the charms for home can protect a person and from any impacts on the emotional sphere, on the soul or psyche. They will perfectly protect a person from Privotov, severe depression, imposing someone else's will and suddenness from outside.

Therefore, magic items became overalls, for several centuries, proven that they can protect and protect people from the forces configured unfriendly. The overalls are distinguished by a large variety - it can be bracelets, patterns stylized under the symbols of patrons of the genus or ancient deities, beads, decorations on platbands, shutters, windows, above the gate, roof or a porch of the house.

Today, the skills of the ancestors in everyday protection are almost completely lost. The disappearance of constant reliable protection turns us into a rather light and defenseless prey for unwanted influences of dark forces, and we are not even able to notice it. But this could be avoided, do we, for example, a doll wrapped with their own hands. Then it would not have had to seek so often for help to doctors, complaining of headaches, general ailment, irritability, weakness or insomnia.

A doll-wubble "Zalennitsa" always worn with them. She sewing a new ribbon or buttons to her, asked about the execution of desire, while the desire was made by a whisper, her in the ear.

The "Decade" doll helped to have time to bring up to children, etc.

How do you work in charms?

First of all, the impact of the faith is directly related to the color of the human aura. Thus, putting the guard of the right color, we get the opportunity to painlessly and quickly remove the energy breakdowns in aura, which may well be dangerous for life or health.

It remains to understand which charts can really come in handy. Naturally, your personal charms passed by inheritance are the most strongest: rings, rings, beads, earrings or any other thing that brings happiness. Typically, such objects are more often transmitted on the women's line and much less frequently on the male - in the form of a belt buckle or knife. In the event that there was no such practice in your family, and accordingly, such guards are not observed for the house, then you will have to make them yourself.

In this case, consider the most efficient and simple means - coasting embroidery. It is best to embroider figures that have a traditional guarding meaning: silhouette of a rooster, dogs, a fabulous bird with a face of a woman, horse and flowers. These characters live from the times of friendly and proteging people of the pagan gods. This option is especially successful for coasting applications and embroidery on children's clothing, since more convenient for the child than heavy bracelets, rings or beads.

In general, there is such a rule: really a strong charm cannot be bought. It must be found among those things that were transmitted in your family by inheritance.

Nevertheless, it happens quite rarely. But after all, any tradition is needed the founder, isn't it? So why don't you independently create an overlap, so that he was transferred to your descendants, whether children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren?

Wubble embroidery materials


For permanent protection against damage and the evil eye, the choice of cotton filaments will be more suitable.


Len carries a peace and best "works" if you use ancient patterns and symbols, for example trees, sun, birds and stars.


Those who evil already touched will protect the wool well, as it can close the trobs in the energy sector. It is best to perform embroidery wool in the field of solar plexus, neck, the bottom of the belly, the heart, in other words, where the main chakras of people are.

Typically, the silhouettes of those animals are embroidered, which like themselves, are somewhat less common - fruits and trees. It is not recommended to embroider woolen threads of stars and birds. But the sun is quite suitable, because it will be able to protect from darkness and cold on the life path.


Silk, in turn, perfectly helps in various difficult situations associated with work and career, because it saves clear thinking.

Errors in the manufacture of faiths

Do not embroider several coasting patterns of various purposes and material on one thing. Preferably, for each embroidery, choose from the wardrobe a separate thing, otherwise a similar wubble will bring the energy to the energy task instead of the desired result.

Remember, you should not use different thread material in one pattern.

It is important to consider that the coated embroidery must be smooth, without nodes. The nodules can break the necessary energy connection of embroidery and its owner, making it difficult and correct energy.

Selecting the location of the embroidery

  • the protection of the kid from trouble is a silhouette of a rooster or horse embroidered with black or red threads; For older children, for example, schoolchildren - purple-blue gamma, protecting against mental overwork;
  • protection of the sphere of relations (love) - cross-shaped and circular forms of patterns embroidered by orange-red threads;
  • successful business management in any field of activity - golden green or blue embroidery.

Types of ornaments

The emergence of the ornament refers to the time when the appearance of writing was still far away. This is confirmed mainly by the fact that an ancient man, swaying devils, dressed in the skins of the dead animals and warmed by the fire, necessarily adorned most of the household items with various ornaments. On the tools of labor and clay vessels of the people of that time, the simplest patterns can be seen: wavy and straight lines, points and diamonds.

Everyone knows that in ancient times a man was a hunter. Of course, he knew that the main power of the beasts was in their animals - real weapons in the struggle for life. The waist itself or its cut was depicted in the form of a rhombus. This sign contained power and strength. It is for this reason that ancient people painted it on the surrounding items and their own body.

Roma, incurred on each other, were a sign of good luck, fertility and successful hunting. The man asked for the earth, the sun and the sky of good luck and worked the desired spells so that his fields were yields. For this, he had to repeat patterns.


  • horizontal lines symbolized the Earth;
  • points between lines - grain thrown into the ground;
  • wavy lines - water;
  • kosy lines - a rain symbol crossing the road to the sun.

In antiquity, the masters often painted signs symbolizing the sun - solar signs. For the Millennium, the sun received a huge number of variations of the image, among which there are various types of crosses, whether in a circle or without it. Some similar crosses defined by the circle resemble the images of the wheel, and it is not just like this: people saw that the sun was moving around the sky like a fiery wheel. Heavenly shovel, or rather his eternal movement, denoted by a swastika, a hooked cross, denoted not only the sun, but also the wish of well-being. Most often you can meet on the northern embroidery of the shoes, towels and in grain weaving.

Old ornaments can tell us a lot of secrets. Solving the values \u200b\u200bof the characters, we understand that this language of the characters transmits us the attitude of the ancestors to nature. The masters took the desired spells in the form of an ornament, asking for the nature of the patronage, protection and grace, bowing to its power. After that, the people with special care took away and kept those signs that contributed abundance, good, good luck and good crop.

Traditional symbolism used in embroidery and overalls


  • Square (less than a rhombus), separated by a cross on an equal four parts (plowed field) or having inside the point (seeded field) - fertility and land signs.
  • Wavy line - The sign of the element of water, where underground waters, "pebbles of heaven" and rivers are depicted by horizontal stripes, and rain - vertical.
  • CraftShe is a lattice - a symbol of fire element. Krand is a funeral or sacrificial fire.
  • Gromovnik, I am depicted with a six-pointed cross in a hexagon or a circle, is a thunder sign (Perun) - warrior charm or wubble from lightning.
  • Bells (The cross, outlined circle) is a symbol of the Sun, a sign of closedness, scares evil.
  • Another sign of fire - cockscomb With seven speakers.
  • Ambition (a coma or direct equilateral cross) - the sign of God the fire of Aguni.
  • Cornucopia - corresponds to the name, i.e. symbolizes wealth.
  • Month - Moon sign. Pendant "Lunnica" was often made.
  • Yarp. Otherwise - swastika, Kollet, Kolovrat. There are different options for drawing Yargi - Sun sign, the gods of the Sun of Horse and Dazhbog. In the direction of rotation, the sign of the Light-Sun of Javi and the sign of the Dark-Sun Navi are distinguished. Javi - beneficial, creative strength; Navi is the destructive strength. According to Slavic myths, after sunset, the sun illuminated the underground (Nava), from there and the name. There are two interpretations for determining the direction of rotation of the sign; Traditional is as follows: the ends of the rays bend against the direction of rotation.
  • Wood (Usually spruce) is a symbol of interrelation and long life.
  • Spiral - wisdom; If the color combination of blue-violet - intimate knowledge. The strongest disgusting sign for shadow entities is if the color is white, black or red.
  • Triangle - human; Especially if accompanied by dots or circles from the top. Symbolizes communication between people.


Makosh - this is a woman's image with raised palms, if the palms are omitted - this Lada. Often they are shown surrounded by deer on the sides. These amazing goddesses are identified with the northern constellations of a small and large bear. Earlier in Russia, the constellations had the name of the elk.

Image of goddess Makos.

Goddess Makos in Embroidery

Live creatures

  • Voron - Sign of death and wisdom, Veles.
  • Snake - Sign of wisdom, land, Veles. Located with the lower world.
  • Bull - The sign of Veles.
  • Bear - Also the sign of Veles.
  • Wood - Sign of the Universe (World Tree), as well as a sign of fertility and life.
  • Cock - Fire sign, fire.
  • Horse - Sign of solar gods and sun sign.
  • Pig - a sign of abundance and fertility.
  • Wolf - Zarily sign.
  • Swan - Winter sign, death, mary.
  • Losiha Or deer (Vamenta) - a sign of rolling and goddesses of fertility.
  • Goat - sign of fertility and fertility.
  • Eagle - Thunder sign, Perun.
  • Cuckoo - Sign of life, alive.
  • Falcon - Aguni sign, fire. There is a theory that "trident" (the emblem of modern Ukraine and Rurikovich) is a stylized image of a flying falcon.

Color solutions in the manufacture of faiths

The colors of the overag are directly related to the protection of one particular chakra of a person, from seven existing ones.

For located at the very bottom, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tailbone, which is responsible for the musculoskeletal system, the rectum and the urinary system - red color.

Orange - Ideal for the second chakra, which is slightly below the navel and is responsible for the kidney and sex.

The third (solar plexus area) is suitable yellowAs for the area where vital energy is centralized, which monitors all organs in the abdominal cavity.

Cardiac Chakra, the fourth in a row, is necessary green Color because it is responsible for the activities of the heart, hands, spine, lungs and emotions.

Responsible for the organs of hearing, breathing, skin and throat the fifth - the throat chakra is important to indulge blue, because it is also responsible for human creative potential.

For the "third eye" zone (sixth), dismantled with intellectual abilities - blue.

Seventh Chakra (Tekhko), which is a linking link with God and the highest forces - purple.

What do these colors mean?

Red - Fire, Heavenly Fire, Blood (Symbol of Life Force).

Black - Earth.

White is associated with the feeling of priesthood, light, purity (white king, white light), while also the color of mourning and death.

Golden - sun.

Green - life, vegetation.

Purple color is practically not found in Russian embroidery.

Blue - water, sky.

When creating champions, it is necessary to take into account certain rules:

  1. No one has the right to force or simplify anyone to faith for himself, since such things can be made only from the pure heart and by goodwill.
  2. The charms can not be made for yourself. (For yourself, you can only make Makos!)
  3. The most reliable and strongest are those who are made by blood relatives: brother, father, children or mother.
  4. According to tradition, marital connections are not counted as blood, but if it is a harmonious marriage, then mutually created charms will have a greater force.

    It is worth noting that there is no need to come up with something, since wedding rings are the strongest warrant for spouses. It is desirable, of course, so that they are silver, as in the old days, and not gold, as is customary. In addition, wedding rings should be without stones or patterns, but simply smooth. Rings, unlike other magical objects, lose most of the strength from different inserts, even if it is the most precious stones. Wedding rings must be worn without removing even before bedtime, that is, constantly.

    Protective forces are weakened, even if the ring removed only one of the spouses, since they are very interconnected with each other. This also applies to other pair magic things.

  5. It is necessary to seriously and carefully treat the selection of materials for the manufacture of faces, since there are cases of cases that the material suitable for you (for example, wood or stone) is absolutely not suitable for the person you create this charm.
  6. While you are working on the creation of the guard, you should continuously think about the person for whom your charm is being done, it is important to feel its character, energy, needs, mood and keep his image in front of a mental look.

In case you are strictly followed by all these rules, it is most likely that the guard made by your hands will really be able to protect your owner from a considerable number of misfortunes and troubles.

Coast embroidery is still one of the most powerful defenders.

The most comfortable, safe and affordable materials for the creation of the faucenes is considered to be ordinary threads: linen, wool and cotton, because it is an embroidery since ancient times is the most simple faith. It has traditionally been manufactured on any clothes, fabric and towel. The most important condition in the coated embroidery is a pattern and color. The color gamut must be appropriate to protect the part of the spectrum.

It remains to fold together the type of thread, color and pattern, after which it is to perform the coated embroidery for a person close to you. Before that, decide why you need one or another wubble, whom it will protect and bring joy.

Tips for the manufacture of embroidery-overag you will find on the forum in the subject


The house is a wub in our fleet to people especially need to feel about protecting and safe somewhere. And the natural place giving such a feeling is the home. No wonder the people's saying says: "My house is my fortress." But so that the house is home, it needs to be built correctly and equipped. Today, everyone has an arbitrariness of the Feng Shui house, which came to us from China, a little less people know the ancient Indian "Wasta-Shastra". However, our ancestors - Slavs had their own art of home arrangement, folded for thousands of years and consonant with our generic spirit. In the ancient Slavic Volkhov art of "Volarg" there was a whole section dedicated to the device and arrangement of the house, which was called "Lady House" or "House-Obereg".

If you turn to the world viewing of our ancestors, then we will see that all the universe for them was built on the principle of similarity, where small - Yar reflects the Great - Yarg. So the house was the likeness of the Universe, a kind of universe, the workplace owner and his binding with the outside world. But so that the house becomes like a living universe should be filled with his life force - a residential. To do this, it was necessary to observe a number of conditions, the first of which is the choice of the right place for future housing.

Places are strong, neutral and sleeves. On the latter, it is impossible to build housing, such places include cemeteries, places near the operating temples and sanctuations, or places where temples and sanctoes stood and were destroyed. Also to the places where the steep emitters of rivers should not be seen, the place where the road was held - it was believed that in such a place in the house will not be delayed happiness and wealth. The strong place is rich in underground keys, the trees and shrubs on it grow smooth and high.

There was a special rite to help determine whether the place was chosen for the construction of the house.

The location of the house was also important, it was coordinated with the parties of light and, accordingly, with the so-called. geomagnetic network or, according to the old - Navi lines. The house itself was built in the traditional span system of measures, which was tied to the human body. So, it was originally sweet with his owner, was created exclusively for him. And the man in such a house felt free and cozy. The internal layout of the house was agreed with Kolovrats, generated by the elemental flows of heaven and land. The exterior decoration of the house was framed by the coated patterns to attract positive natural streams into the house and eliminate the effects of thin flows. In the houses of the house there were special items of power dedicated to the patrus of these parts of the houses.

When building a house, a mortgage was laid under his foundation - special chapters with rune symbols and conspiracies that had to attract, attracted to the house lived. The same charms and signs were placed or cheat on the floor under the top coating were laid in the corners, under the plinth and jamps of doors and windows.

The house itself was arranged on a certain principle and each part of him was interconnected with the gods. Horizontally, the house was divided by a Perunov Cross into four sectors, correlated with four gods - the organizers of the house space. Moreover, each of these sectors could also be divided according to the principle of nespaces. Vertically, the house repeated the three-part structure of the world: the lower part is the foundation and an underground or cellar - Nav, the past, the basis; The middle part is residential - yawn, the place where the life of households passes; The attic and the roof are the heavenly arch, right - the abode of the higher strength. Through the roof in the house there are heavenly streams, which is why the roof of any house was with skates, so that the power from heaven was not stuffed and did not create an extra voltage, but washed the house, like the rain. The duct roof was usually located in the direction of East-West, and horse heads, symbolizing the chariot or yard of the djbog-sun, in which he floats through the sky.
The southern side of the house was considered the stronger, the party in which the elements ruled on the earthly colover of the Earth, and on Heavenly Kovovrat - Strib of Sun Fire. It is on the south side that the sun walks the facade - the face of the house. From this side it was usually the most over the entire windows.

In the south side of the house there was also a living room and a kitchen, since the south side is the side of fertility, good and health. And the living room was closed with the eastern side, for the Eastern side carries the streams of vagabond, nomadic - just the guests to tell. Pressing the living room Belobogo - the organizer of an explicit life and Streper - the owner of the space, the father of the winds. Therefore, all important family matters were solved in the living room, family councils were conducted and the guests came to the house. The kitchen was closed with a side of Western, since the West carries the streams of material wealth and stability. There is a kitchen under the control of the number of time custodian, numbers and deities of account and calculations and Macoshi - Heaven's straight, patroness of women. The kitchen space from the furnace to the southern wall was called a female kut - here the woman was a full mistress. The kitchen is also located one of the most significant points of the house - the furnace. According to the ancient Slavic legend, the first thing that the heavenly Koval Svarog was groaning - there was a stove. And the first words of him were: "May there be a fire in this focus!" And the light, already from the fire, in itself appeared. The first liver was God Svarog, because all the masters of the Choves - the Svords of the brothers. The furnace is the gate to the Nava - the ancient world of mankind. Behind each oven lives the God of the beginning, our first-enders. He now lives there, only people have forgotten about it, who is friends with the furnace, he can see him. Usually it appears in the flame in the form of a fire. Women's launo arranged in the image of the oven, inside which the weld placed the fire in the life-giving. Invest raw in it, and you get ready, with a spirit and soul. The furnace from death translates from last to the future. The hearth in the house is life in the house. The house without a hearth is not at all, even in a temporary house there is a hearth. Modern apartments in the kitchen are gas, electric, but ovens. Fire all can be nature. Any oven is the child of the Divine Card. Any fire that is warming up and on which food is preparing, the house in the temple turns. It is necessary to contact the hearth with an understanding, according to all the rules: keep clean, as you contain your body clean, wipe each day. If the furnace is well asked, she and the house will save from anything of uncleanness, and the disease rolongs, and sadness all. In the furnace, you can burn your sorrow, to run any trouble. And the firebed fire can be misunderstood, the premonitions are bad. The furnace is almost like God, Almighty! Prabogue lives in the world, called Nav, there live Navia - the souls of the ancestors, and we will leave there after death. From there, new souls come to the world. The furnace is the image of Mother Earth. The oven is praying for future children and straighten the premature and sick. In the furnace, the wild fire turns into manual and serves a person.

From the West to the south side, it is usually adjacent, an excitement or a veranda. With that, the entrance to the house should be from a dump side so that the flows of wealth of material and stability flowed into the house. There is an entrance hall and entry running Perun - it rules streams driving into the house. And standing on guard by mezhi separating the space of the house from a foreign world of the backburn, ruled the flow in the house. From the outside, on the porch above the entrance door, it is usually a stream, I have definitely visited a horse and the found yourself. To attract happiness and wealth hang her horns up., Laying so horseshoe semolisites the full bowl in the house. But from the inner side, a needle or knife is usually sticking to the platband to kill the course of thin flows and drowning into a house with thin intentions. The platbands themselves on the entrance door and the fronton of the porch are decorated with carved signs of Perun - gradines.
From the dipped side of the house should be solved all material values, it is money, jewelry or storerooms with stocks of products. Then in the house continuously will be dominated by wealth and well-being. In the West, you need to equip and business place, then any case will bring a tangible material result.

These are just some principles of arrangement of the root house by our ancestors capable of being an overlap and a real generic nest for those inhabiting it. The Slavic knowledge of home arrangement, very extensive, and include including information on the creation of household overalls, which distinguishes misfortunes and diseases, and impeiling benefit, the ancient rites calling for the house and grace the gods and elements. And many many others.

And even if you do not live in my own house, and in the apartment of a high-rise building, using the wisdom of our ancestors you can turn it out of a gray-type cold crypt into a warming soul and the heart of the native corner.