Musical games and contests for any holiday. Urban competition of solo singing "Vocal Serpentine MBUK urban Palace of Culture, ul

Musical games and contests for any holiday. Urban competition of solo singing
Musical games and contests for any holiday. Urban competition of solo singing "Vocal Serpentine MBUK urban Palace of Culture, ul

Traditional Russian way to have fun: Favorite songs are still popular, especially among the older generation, but new musical entertainment, games and contests, which are added to the entertainment programs of holidays, warmth and badges are added.

The most beloved musical entertainment on the holiday is: karaoke, various songs - alterations, musical quiz, songstocks with tasks or execution of the text of a famous song in another style: rap , folk, musical, etc. If a musical company is going, then the whole script can be refined like a show, let the guests show their talents all the evening - for example, "become a star" (you can see).

Musical Games and Contests Of our collections are very diverse: absolutely new and long-lived, lyrical and fun, drinking and gaming.

1. Musical game "Noise designers".

(for download - click file)

6. Music warm-up.

Remember the competition "Workout" KVN, and arrange the same improvisation on the festival, just not the jokes, and from the songs. Teams must exchange issues and answers from songs, i.e. One team recalls a question line from songs, another affirmative, suitable in meaning. Then change roles. For example, the question is: "What are you standing, swinging, thin rowan?", Answer: "I got drunk, I would not get to the house!" Or: "Where are you, Marusya, who are you walking with?" - "... I am on the sleepers, again on the sleepers I go home by habit."

You can play until the fantasy runs out.

7. Music compliments.

In the program of any holiday, a, especially, corporate, you can include musical exchange of compliments between the male and female half hall. Make it is very simple: the women's team remembers the flattering lines of songs about men, and the men, on the contrary, sing passages from songs that can be regarded as ladies compliments. And in turn begin to exchange these musical compliments.

As an example, Praise Cavalers The presenter can exchange such lines from the songs A. Sviridova:

"How good! You can trust a man!

How good! And do not think about anything! "

Like a song curtains towards beautiful ladies - a boss from Hit Yu. Antonova:

"Attention, men! For laughter there is no reason!

Today there is a woman in every case to become

And we are in good kind of other people learn roles,

The team wins, which for ten minutes will call more musical compliments, although the counting can not be guided, let the friendship wins.

This stream of song compliments can be directed in one direction, for example, on the female holiday on March 8, to arrange a musical congratulation - Popourry, which will consist of passages of songs-compliments.

8. The song Encyclopedia.

For this song, it is possible to divide the hall for several teams (depending on the number of guests) and cook cards in advance with alleged songs: animals, birds, plants, travel, love and so on. Each team pulls three - five cards. The meditation gives five to seven minutes.

Then the draw method of the Topics, each team presents its musical illustrations, for example, the "stones" theme: "Give me a moonstone", "He has granite pebbles in his chest", "I can do everything, everything I can - my heart is not a stone." The singing of both one line from the song and the whole poplet or the chorus is allowed. The main thing is to correspond to the meaning of the task.

For each in the topic this answer - the point. The winners are determined by the amount of earned points.

9. "Orchestra of virtual instruments."

Of the guests (10 - 15 people) create a virtual instruments orchestra - everyone pulls the card with a written tool, everyone naturally different. The game on the tools should be portrayed very expressive so that it is clear who is what is musitis.

Then the lead explains that it will be a conductor, but playing, also on the drum. However, the lead-conductor will "switch" to any other tool all the time, and that player whose tool is currently depicting a presenter, should instantly stop their movements.

In this way, those "musicians" are gradually dropped from the game of the virtual orchestra, who "promoned" the new movement of the lead. The most attentive player wins.

10. Music ABC.

g., Zheleznovodsk,

MBC city Palace of Culture, ul.

Founders and competition organizers:

♫ Public organization of contests and festivals "Firebird"

Supported by:

♫ Administration of the resort of Zheleznovodsk,

♫ Department of Culture of the Administration of the resort of Zheleznovodsk,

♫ MBC city Palace of Culture.

Objectives and objectives of the competition:

♫ Development of cultural and youthful creativity.

♫ Improving the professional skill of participants and managers of creative teams.

♫ Exchange of experience and establishing creative ties between cultural institutions.

Regulations on the competition

All-Russian contests "Sing me" and "Dance Serpentine" are combined

in the All-Russian competition of young tensions "Music serpentine"

1. Conditions of the competition:

Teams and individual performers from 6 to 26 years old can take part in the competition for the main genres:

· "Vocal"

· "Choir"

· "Choreography"

· "Theater mod"

v. Vocals(Soloists, duets and ensembles) - Pop, folk, academic, jazz.

Participants represent two songs, preferably dirty. Songs are performed only under the "minus" phonogram, a duration of no more than 4 minutes. In the nomination "Soloists" back-vocals allowed fragmentary, without recording the main party. In the nomination "Ensembly" back-vocals is not allowed.

Evaluation criteria - intonation purity, voice range; artistry and scenic culture; Select the repertoire, matching the participant's image.

v. Khor.folk, academic.Participants represent 2 works, with general sound time

up to 8 minutes. Age categories in the "choir" genre - 6-10 years, 11-14 years, 15-19 years, 20-26 years, mixed.

Junior and middle categories (6-10 and 11-14 years old) are performed by two-haired works. The performance of A'Capella's work is welcome. The criteria for estimates - unison, intonation, the presence of cantilene, sound, understanding text and phrazing.

Youth and senior categories (15-19 and 20-26 years) perform three-voice works, one of which A'Capella. Criteria for estimates - vocal choir skills, including the quality of unison choir and parties, the quality of cantileneous singing, breathing, sounding, diction and phrase, understanding of the text, a sense of style.

v. Choreography(Soloists, duets and ensembles) - pop dance, folk dance, folk

stylized dance, modern dance, classic dance - Represent one composition in one nomination of one age category lasting up to 5 minutes.

Evaluating criteria - the selection of the repertoire; executive skill; Dance composition; Costumes and props.

v. Mod Theater -theatrical display of the collection of suites suites made on the basis of a single

artistic design - folk or historical costume, musical or literary work); The synthesis of several types of creativity aimed at creating artistic images through the director, show (defile), music, scenography and choreography. Participants represent one composition of up to 5 minutes. Age categories - 6-10 years, 11-14 years, 15-19 years, 20-26 years, mixed. Criteria for estimates - stage image, directorial solution.

Soloists and ensembles are evaluated separately in each nomination in each age category.

The sequence of the participants is established by the number of the submitted applications in the reverse order. The rooms presented at the past competitions "sing with me" and "dance serpentine" are not allowed to the competition!

Replacing the repertoire is possible no later than 3 days before the competition. Replacing the repertoire at the competition is prohibited.

To participate in the competition, you must fill out the application of the established sample and send it to the email address: ***** @ *** RU. Detailed information on our website www. *****

2. Technical requirements:

The phonogram is recorded on a separate MD, CDR. single track. Each sound recording should be indicating the name of the work, the name of the ensemble or the surname of the artist. Phonograms on work disks and flash cards to the competition are not allowed. The flow of phonograms of sound engineer, as well as the entrance for the scenes is made for 5 rooms before performing.

3. Rewarding:

Owner The Grand Prix Determined in each genre. They are becoming one of the laureates of the I degree, who scored the most votes.

Gran possession - when as a prize receives a certificate for free participation(for soloist), Or preferential participation(for ensemble) inIV International Festival - The Sea Pearl Competition,

LaureatamiI., II., III degreeparticipants won 1, 2, 3 places in each nomination in each age category, they are awarded diplomas, cups and souvenirs, collective participants are awarded with medals. In addition, some laureates get gold and silver firebird diplomas, which give the right to preferential participation in the SOKF-Bird competitions, as well as the Crystal Cup and Special. Diplomas "Crystal Voice" and "Crystal Shoe".

DiplomaIV andV. degree Participants who have won 4 and 5 places in each nomination in each age category are rewarded with diplomas and souvenirs.

Also provided specials. Prizes and specials. Diplomas: "For the will to victory", "for artistry", "for the best stage", "prize of sympathy", "the most young artist", etc.

Participants who have not conquered the main awards of the competition receive diplomas of participants.

All participants in the competition are awarded souvenirs with the logo of the competition or the Ookf "Fire-Bird".

The holders of the Grand Prix and Laureates of the I degree take part in the gala - concert.

Information about the winners of the competition will be posted on the official website of the SOKF "Firebird".

4. Competition jury:

The jury of the competition includes highly qualified specialists, artists from Moscow and other cities of Russia. The Organizing Committee of the Competition is not related to the estimates of the jury!

The jury has the right not to award, as well as duplicate individual places at your discretion!

The decision of the jury is final, and the discussion is not subject to discussion!

5. Accommodation of participants:

Category in:Participants in the competition, organizing accommodation and food on their own, or who have come only to participate in the competition. At the venue of the competition in the Palace of Culture will work a buffet.

6. Financial conditions:

ATTENTION! Every 21st place for free!

At the request of the participant, the stay can be extended to any number of days in coordination with the organizing committee of the competition. The cost of extra day is 1500 rubles.

Payment in the amount of 100% is made to the Ook-Bird Ookf Settlement Account - until November 23, 2012 in the amount of 20% (for booking places in the sanatorium), until November 30, 2012. - remaining amount. Our details:

To pay an organizational contribution in the appointment of payment to specify strictly:

Organizational fee for participation in the competition "Music Serpentine"

(indicating the name of the participant / name of the ensemble)

To pay a target contribution in the payment assignment to specify strictly:

Target Contribution of the Competition "Music Serpentine» (With an indication of the name of the participant / name of the ensemble).

Note For organizations that guide participants: an agreement is drawn up at the invoice, and is issued together with the act of work performed and the invoice at the competition. On the need to compose

Contracts otherwise report in advance. At the competition, as well as after the contest, the contract is not compiled.

Applications for participation in the competition are accepted until November 30, 2012. inclusive. For each nomination, the application is filled separately. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to stop accepting applications to the deadline
If the limit of the categories of the nomination is exhausted. Application form Common for all contests Ookf "Firebird". Also, an electronic application can be filled on our website. Receiving an application to check by phone. If a trip is refused, please report to the Organizing Committee.

7. Preliminary program:

December 7, Friday: from 08.00 - check-in participants, accommodation in the sanatorium, registration (category A)

Solemn opening of the competition.

Evening dating, disco.

10.00 - Competition Vocal, choir.

08.00 - 09.30 - Registration of participants, rehearsal in the Palace of Culture (Category B)

09.30 - Choreography competition, mod theater.

18.00 - Gala - concert of the winners. Award.

ATTENTION! A detailed program of the competition will be posted on the site at the end of acceptance of applications.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to make changes and additions to the program.

8. Additional information:

Managers / Parents of the participants of the Competition When submitting an application automatically confirm acceptance with all items of this provision, as well as the consent that the participant will be involved in competitive events until 24.00.

Awarding participants will be held only on the gala concert. Previously, diplomas are not issued, the results are not announced. Diplomas and prizes to participants after the competition are not expelled.

The Organizing Committee has the right to disqualify the participant, the creative team, the head for the gross violation of the rules of the internal regulation of the competition, violation of discipline and unethical behavior against the organizing committee, members of the jury and other participants in the competition.

ATTENTION!!Be sure to fill out a list of visits for booking places in the sanatorium, indicate the date and time of arrival, train number and car:



Date of birth

Arrival Day

Departure Day

Number of days

* To the city of Zheleznovodsk can be reached by reaching the railway and bus stations of the city of mineral waters (distance 21 km), or to the railway and bus stations of Pyatigorsk (distance 23 km).

9. Contacts:

Public organization of contests and festivals « Firebird" Nevinnomyssk

bodies /; ; 8 (9.

E-mail: ***** @ *** RU Website www. *****

1. General Provisions.

1.1. This provision determines the goals and objectives of the urban competition of solo singing "Vocal Serpentine" (hereinafter - the competition).

1.2. The organization of the competition is aimed at implementing the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the state "concept of a nationwide system for the identification and development of young talents", the provisions of the "State Cultural Policy Strategy for the period up to 2030" and "Strategies for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, "the state program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012-2018)" The development of the formation of the city of Moscow ("capital education") ".

1.3. The competition is carried out among students of the 5-11th grades of educational organizations in Moscow.

1.4. The subject of the competition is the performances of students of educational organizations in Moscow with the performance of folk, academic and pop vocal works.

1.5. The organization of the competition is aimed at increasing the interest of schoolchildren to vocal art.

1.6. This provision regulates the procedure and conditions for holding the competition.

2. The purpose and objectives of the competition

2.1. The purpose of the competition is to promote the formation of the spiritual culture of the personality of the studying through the development and execution of the best samples of classical and modern art.

2.2. Competition's tasks:

- promoting the development of the creative potential of participants;

- identification of talented young vocalists, providing them with the opportunity for self-expression;

- Propaganda and popularization of Russian classical and modern vocal music;

- Improving the executive skill of the participants of the competition.

3. Organizing Committee Competition

3.1. The organizers of the competition are the Moscow State Institute of Music. A. G. Schnitke (hereinafter - MGIM. A. G. Schnitke) and the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow (hereinafter - the GMC Dogm).

3.2. The Organizing Committee is created for the organization and holding of the competition, which includes employees and teachers of MGIM. A. G. Schnitka and employees of the MMC Dogm.

3.3. The Committee carries out the following activities:

- promptly communicates to the information of the contestants and their representatives regarding the competition;

- accepts applications for participation in the competition;

- forms the composition of the jury;

- determines the time and place of competitive events;

- Develops a system of encouragement, awarding participants.

3.4. Composition of the organizing committee:

  • Shcherbakova A.I. - I.O. Rector MGIM. A.G. Shnitka;
  • Reshetnikov D.V. - Head of the Department of Concert and Educational Work MGIM. A. G. Schnitke;
  • Lebedeva M. V. - Director of the GMC Dogm;
  • Antonov N. V. - Deputy Director of the GMC Dogm;
  • Kizin M. M. - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor MGIM. A. G. Schnitke;
  • Belousova A. S. - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor MGIM. A. G. Schnitke;
  • Commissioner L. G. - Senior Methodist GMC Dogm;
  • Silina M. G. - Methodist of GMC Dogm.

3.5. The jury includes qualified teachers of MGIM. A. G. Schnitke - Voice, solo singing specialists.

3.6. This provision, as well as other materials relating to the competition, are posted on the MGIM website. A. G. Schnitke and on the site of the GMC Dogm.

3.7. The work of the organizing committee is based on this provision.

4. Competition participants

The competition is carried out among the students of the 5-11 classes of general educational organizations in the city of Moscow, who scored the largest number of points in the city festival of the children's and youth creativity of the "Marks - 2018" in the vocal genre.

Competition is held in two age groups:

Average group (students of grades 5-8);

Senior group (grades 9-11 students).

5. The procedure and timing of the competition

5.1. The competitive audition will take place in MGIM. A. G. Schnitke (Moscow, ul. Marshal Sokolovsky, d. 10).

5.2. Competitive auditions are held publicly in groups.

5.3. Competition participants perform 2 (two) variekter (or distributed) works with a total duration of up to 7 minutes. The sequence of performance of works is at the request of the participant. All works should be performed by heart, in the original language. The jury has the right to stop the participant's speech exceeding the regulations of the speeches.

5.4. Speech at the competition involves concert clothing for all participants.

5.5. The presence of a teacher of the educational organization who prepared the participant of the competition is desirable.

5.6. Participation in the competition means consent with all its conditions set forth in this position.

5.7. Responsibility for the life and health of the participants of the competition carry accompanying teachers, team leaders, parents (guardians).

5.8. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to change the timing of the Stages of the Competition Festival.

6. Criteria for evaluating the speech of the participants of the competition

6.1. Academic and People's Singing

The academic work is fulfilled:

Accompanied by piano or other acoustic instruments;

The folk repertoire is executed:

Accompanied by nursing tools;

Academic vocals and folk singing do not imply the use of microphone and other reinforcing equipment. The use of phonograms is not allowed.

6.2. Criteria for evaluation:

Music, artistry, art interpretation of the image;

Intonation purity;


Highly artistic content of the repertoire;

Compliance with the repertoire of the age and individual possibilities of the Contractor;

Stage culture.

7. Jury Competition

7.1. The distribution of places is made on the basis of the jury protocol and the number of points scored by each participant.

7.2. The jury has the right to not award a prize place, award two prizes, appoint additional incentive nominations. In the case of particularly prominent results, the jury reserves the right to award the Grand Prix.

7.3. The decision of the jury at all stages of the competition is final and no appeal.

7.4. The jury has the right to stop the speech of the participant who violated the requirements specified in the contest position.

8. Awarding of participants and winners of the competition

8.1. All participants in the Vocal Serpentine Vocalist Competition receive certificates of participants.

8.2. In each age group, prizes are determined, participants who have taken them are awarded with diplomas. It is also possible to reward the participants in the contest in the nominations, the most brightly manifested themselves in one of the aspects of the speech; The decision on additional nominations is accepted by the jury.

8.3. Awarding the winners of the competition is held in the solemn atmosphere at the Gala concert of the city festival "Art Reference - 2018", which will take place April 12, 2018 at 16:00.

9. Registration of an application for participation in the competition

Application for participation in the competition must be compiled in form. Applications are issued by the Specialist of the HMC Dogm and are provided in MGIM. A. G. Schnitke.