Doll Per and Pearl from the "Great Night Cliff Reef" series Monster High DHB47. Doll Per and Pearl from the series "Big Night Climbing Reef" Monster High DHB47 Monster High Nightmare Reef Dolls

Doll Per and Pearl from the series
Doll Per and Pearl from the "Great Night Cliff Reef" series Monster High DHB47. Doll Per and Pearl from the series "Big Night Climbing Reef" Monster High DHB47 Monster High Nightmare Reef Dolls

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Hello everyone, not so long ago we were simply covered with the head wave of new products, therefore, let's see that Mattel will present us in the second half of this year. All previews are real and sent by Mattel shopping in electronic format. Perhaps some of these new products, we will even see in the upcoming comedian horse in San Diego, but so far we will only anticipate the emergence of new dolls, unusual and very interesting.

First of all, let's start with one of the most sudden collections that simultaneously confirmed the new full-length cartoon Monster High in 2016 - Great Scarrier Reef.

Great Scarrier Reef / Large Scarming Reef / Large Horrible Reef

The big scory reef was known to us from the start of the Monsters School. First of all, because this place is the birthplace of Lagoon Blue. In the spring of 2016, we are waiting for a new marine adventure and first of all, very unusual and partly resembling cartoon Haunted. The big scory reef itself is based on a real place -, Australia.

Why does it remind Haunted? For the reason that our heroes will reincarnate again in other monsters, namely, in marine creatures - mermaids. This is a pretty courageous and unusual solution from the side of the match, but only after the first present photos, we will be able to accurately understand - did they do something really unique and interesting?

The "Great Scarrier Reef" collection is especially new characters, rather unusual at first glance. Let's see them closer.

New characters "Great Scarrier Reef":

Parl and Peri Serpentine | PERI & PEARL SERPENTINE

Parl and Peri Serpentine - new characters from the cartoon "Great Scarrier Reef". It is very difficult to say about them as "characters" and I want to call them one - after all, the doll has two heads and two necks on one body! How long have we waited for such a monster, there were many customs and about. Miracle, Mattel heard our prayers, presenting us a new 2015 doll from the Great Scarrier Reef collection.

Parl and Peri - Daughters Hydra, and therefore from the two-headedness is well justified. The name Parl comes from the English word "Pearl", meaning "pearl". Pary allegedly comes from the word "peri", meaning "to be nearby, next door." Perch is just next to Parl - literally cheek to the cheek. Their surname "Serpentine" is formed from "Serpentine" - snake.

As can be seen in the photo - the main feature of this doll is two heads on one body. The body itself is a dairy-white color with long fins on the elbow. Mold Parl and Peri reminded many Molds from the Monster Exchange collection. Whether they are chard or, this is another hybrid of old moldes - we will only learn to see the real photos and comparisons of moldes. Presumably, the head with greater dust blue hair is peri, and the one who has more white - Parl. However, we can not say confidently yet - this is only an assumption.

The body of sisters serpentine is a long and thin, blue. The peculiarity of these bodies is the knee hinge, which was not a siren background bu. On the tail are bright blue and purple fins. Will the doll be able to stand - the question is controversial. Most likely no, since the sirens held it a large luxurious fin at the end of the tail, and Pary and Pearl judging around, the tail is quite thin. On girls - a black T-shirt with a multi-colored pattern and luxurious gold jewelry that are fixed on the necks of each and on the belt.

Cook has funny duality - one head has blue hair and white strands, and in another - white hair and blue strands from the back. Eyes in both serpentine - blue. Lipstick is a dark purple and coral.

A large feature of dolls - they will shine in the dark (presumably, their tails and fins). The approximate price of these beauties is 21.99 dollars (which at the time of writing the article is 1,300 rubles).

Cala Mer'ri | Kala Mer'ri

Another new character - Cala Mayor'ri, which we will see in the cartoon Great Scarrier Reef. The name and surname of Kala comes from the English word "Calamary" - squid. Unlike other girls, its lower part is not in the form of a rushed tail, but in the form of a large blue tail with a pink-yellow gradient and squid tentacles. Judging by the structure of the tail - such a doll will be able to stand independently, and perhaps her tentacles will also move. In addition, the doll glows in the dark.

The upper part of the doll is a saturated-purple color. Another chip of the kala is four hands, on the structure of Vidona's hands, which has six hands. The face of Kala Mayor'ri is a bit plump and terrible, which is adding to her charm with bright red make-up and blue-orange hair. On three of the four hands, her bracelets are two long and one small. Perhaps on the original doll there will be four. In the ears of the kala - the blue earrings, and the outfit is completely quite unusual - black and yellow open jacket with a throat. In the middle - the top and blue belt.

The approximate cost of the doll at the moment: 19.99 dollars (which at the rate on 30.06 is 1,200 rubles).

Pose Reef | Posea Reef

After the departure S. A. Kiupid, the reception of the daughter of Eros, in the regiment of the daughters of the gods again arrived and this time presented to us daughter Poseidon - Saint Reef. Her name is formed from two words "Poseidon" - Poseidon, her father and "SEA" - the sea. The last name is consonant with the name of the collection in which it is included - "Great Scarrier Reef". "Reef" is a reef, rocky elevations under water or above it.

Saint Reef - again a unique body, like all the characters of the Great Scarrier Reef collection, Monster High 2015 new products. The base is a blue body with a bunch of supreets, braided with transparent algae and various marine creatures - grills, sea skate, skeletons of fish, acne and the like. Very interesting and unique body. Is there a hinge in it - is still unknown. Perhaps the base has the same knee hinge as the previous new characters Monster High.

The body itself is a reef - pale blue. Unlike Per and Parl - there are no fins on hand, only transparent green bracelets. The upper part is covered with a purple top with a multicolored pattern, on top of which an unusual decoration in the form of purple corals. In her ears - earrings in the form of blue octopus, which is pretty cute. The eyes of the Saint Reef are pale blue, and the lips are emphasized by dark raspberry lipstick.

Hair is long and painted in dark raspberry with the addition of dark-turquoise. Part of the hair is removed into an unusual curl, on top of which there is a decoration, similar to a black plug. Is there really a reference to Ariel, which I liked to comb your hair for a fork? :)

Judging by the structure of the body, it can be assumed that the doll will be able to stand herself. Saint Reef will definitely glow, as we promise to preview, presumably - her tail and decorations. The approximate cost of the doll at the moment is 19.99 dollars (which at the rate of 30.06 equals 1,200 rubles).

Other characters

In addition to three new characters, three major heroes of the Monsters School of Monsters - Lagoon Blue, Strauli Straight and Franki Stein appeared among the preview of Monster High 2015. However, the "Great Scarrier Reef" series pleased us not just the next main characters in the aligning outfits, and the characters that turned into the most real mermaids of different subspecies. It sounds rather strange, but this collection gives us the opportunity to see the main characters in new images. There will be other heroes in the ways of mermaids - it is still unknown, because the match in the sleeve always has a couple of trumps in the form of surprises.

Prototypes of the head of the lagoon, thoralets and fries "Great Scarrier Reef" by:

Blue Lagoon

It is quite unusual to see the lagoon in the image of the mermaid, knowing that she is the daughter of marine monsters. Yes, Laguna is able to swim and without mermaid the tail, but who knows - suddenly, to be a mermaid you need to have a different goal? :)

The biggest difference is of course, a large blue tail with transparent patterned wings on the back and a huge patterned fin at the end of the tail. The tail itself is covered with a multi-colored print from bizarre patterns of pink and yellow colors.

Very interesting, whether the doll can stand herself, as well as on the preview. In addition to the tail, another feature of this collection is the glow in the dark. Perhaps the doll will light only in the tail, and maybe her decorations or even eyes will also bure out the darkness.

The leather of the lagoon at the promotional photo of the new collection "Great Scarrier Reef" seems more bluish, rather than usual. The fins on the hands became more and the other form, as well as made of the more dark plastic. From the clothes - a small blue top with a throat to the tail with a pink pattern, and on top - decoration of the color of the fuchsia in the form of a jellyfish, powered by its hand, neck and connecting with the belt. The difference and the make-up - the eyelashes have become more and more predatory, the eyes are gently pink shadows, and lips are blue. The hairstyle is quite simple - high tail, but at the same time the hair of three colors is blond, blue and crimson. It seems, Mattel liked to change the lagoon the color of strands in each collection.

Presumably based on volatile fish:

Straight Strai

It was quite unusual to see our cat in the marine collection "Great Scarrier Reef" in the form of one of the mermaids. However, it is pretty funny - combine the cat and a maritime creature by sending it to the depths of the sea. Perhaps we are waiting for a sea of \u200b\u200bjokes on this subject and how the thoralets cope with such a long fish tail. Like the lagoon - the thoralets have three points of articulation of the rushed tail - the top, connecting the ordinary body with the tail, the knee joint and the tail hinge.

In the thoralee, of course, predominantly appears on orange and black color, which are perfectly suitable for it. Its special part, tail. Made in red color - the top is slightly darker, the bottom is a bit lighter. The upper part is painted in the same way in black stripes, and fins at the end of the tail - alternate red and black transparent plastic. Feds are on its back in the form of thin small shells of orange-black color with the addition of white stripes. Another unique part is the redhead handles of the tori "Great Scarrier Reef" with fins.

Make consists of green shadows and pale orange lipstick, which looks pretty good in such a sea. Hairstyle at thoralets - red tail with black strands, braided back. Cheyka is absent.

The base for the thoralee, most likely became a zebra-winner:

Frankie Stein

Another unusual member of the New Year 2015 team from Monster High - Frenca Stein. Pretty amazing - Franki, also in water? Doesn't it kill everyone there a discharge? But I hurry to calm you - for it is still allocated in the role of a trembled mermaid. It is unlikely that Mattel will leave a hole in the plot "Great Scarrier Reef" and do not justify this fact. And perhaps, only use it for the benefit? For example, frangies will let the discharge and slightly presses the main villain, which is still unknown to us. Preview most likely prototype, as many details of Franki - scars and bolts simply absent, and the face is drawn quite curved and more like a prototype than the final version. Do not worry - it often happens even with late previews when prototypes or defective dolls fall on the promo.

It is worth noting immediately that as we saw above, everyone's tails are different - and it is very delightful. Frankie has a pale turquoise tint tail bordering green. At the tail below there are blue fins and the tail is painted in yellow lightning. We are not visible on the preview, but apparently the tail is long and thin, like eel. The doll glows in the dark.

Frank "Great Scarrier Reef" has fins on their hands, but there are no them between the fingers. There are no them on the art either, so it is possible that it's not an error - and the idea. As in no way, the eels have no fins, like fish. The top is pretty simple - the Blue Tag with a Lightning Print, like the branches of growing throughout the print. Over T-shirts - a small black belt. Makeup is quite calm - pale purple shadows and red lipstick. Hair partly reminds us frangies from the Swim Class collection - blue is added to the usual color of her hair, and the hair themselves are removed in the tail.

The basis for Frank, most likely served as an electric eel:

Ghoul's Getaway / Monsters Vacation

One of the Lines presumably associated with Great Scarrier Reef became Ghoul's Getaway, which suddenly appeared among the innovations of 2015. The name itself is pretty ambiguous. On the one hand, it means escape somewhere, on the other hand - vacation. However, vacation is escape from school labor, therefore, we will not catch it at it.

Three monsters were announced in the collection: Ginafaer Long, which was occupied with the appearance in the new collections, the spectrum of the Vondergeist and suddenly, the Muyule, to which her twig of PurrSephone was not announced.

The first association, which comes with a look at this collection - Fashion Aboriginal. Decorations, patterns - everything comes to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe hot islands and bright tribes, indigenous people of this island. That is why I suggested that this collection is related to the Great Scarrier Reef. Let's look at the girls, bright and tropical, which cannot but rejoice in such hot weather.

Ginafer has a rather unusual image - first of all, in addition to purple and red colors, used pale yellow. Dark makeup - made in purple color. The hair of a tiny color with a black strand and a straight bang, which gorgeously goes Gina in the new Ghoul's Getaway collection. On the top of the decoration with a purple flame from behind, resembling decorations from tribes with feathers or bones. In the ears at Ginafer, the fancy earrings of purple color, and the purple set complement the bracelets of the same color. Dark red dress itself with a purple-yellow pattern. It is worth seeing to the very pattern - yes, there is a mask of the Aborigines and the tribe, to which they may well get during their adventure. Perhaps our guesses about tropical adventure are not so far from the truth?

On top of the dress - a pale yellowish decoration, moving from the neck to the belt, decorated with the same masks and flame languages. On the legs of the new doll, Ginafer - red open shoes, on which, judging around, too, there are in front of one mask. Quite interesting and unusual image.

The spectrum is more overloaded with massive details than Ginafer Long and Muyas Out of the New Year 2015 Wave. First of all, these are massive yellow chains that decorate both her head and the upper body. Chains are also featured in earrings, slightly loading its image. In addition to chains on decorations, large flowers of pink colors are applied. Hair in this collection at the spectra of Vondergeist bright violet shade with oblique bangs.

Shadows in the doll spectra "Ghoul's Getaway" - blue with pale pink lipstick, looks quite well and beautiful in its image. Dress short, sleeveless, bright yellow. Covered with yellow-purple pattern of colors and chains. On the legs of the novelties are high shoes on an unusual golden sole with bright pink flowers.

My mongow became a kind of surprise for those who are used to seeing it only in sets with Purrsefon. It is still unknown, possibly purrsephon will still appear in the Ghoul's Getaway collection, and perhaps it will be the first solo debut of Purrsefoni dolls in 2015. The hair of meal is combed and decorated with an orange wreath with tropical colors, a red long earrings can be seen on the ear. In her hair at first glance, there is no additional "striped" color, which was used in the early collections of Monster High. On the shoulders - orange decoration, similar to pendants from bones and various twigs that wear aborigines. Images are quite unusual and most importantly, the subjects are easily recognized through small details.

The daunting dress is as simple as her "girlfriends" in the collection - it is black, short and covered with a pattern in the form of skeletons of fish, scratches and the like. On the legs - orange boots with a skeleton of fish and on the shoulder part of the hand - red bracelets.

Boo York, Boo York: The Monsterrific Musical! / BU-YORK, BU YORK: MONSTRY MUSICS!

Boo York City Bundle

No matter how strangely mention this collection, the 90% already released, the Mattel suddenly presented us with a small surprise in the form of a 3-Pack set "City Ghouls". Surprisingly, in this set, the most familiar main characters in the form of Claudin, Franki or Draculaura were not at all, and new characters in their urban, simple outfits -, and it is rather unusual for the reason that new characters never went out immediately in the same Collections with Seth, also in other clothes.

At the moment, the qualitative promotion of this set is absent, only a small preview from the Mattel service site with the set description. As you can see, the box is the largest among Boo York boxes, Boo York. On the usual lantern, there are three pointers and art - immediately three: Moon, Mausades and Elle. We have already seen these arts on the official website of the Monster High, which we showed the everystroasses. Attention, those outfits that dolls from single boxes are concert, and not ordinary. As you remember, all three were on a holiday in honor of the arrival of a crystal comet.

The moon in this set is still a mustache, and wings, but the outfit is more modest. But there are wonderful glasses in the form of a huge moth. The dress itself is completely gone into her favorite gothic style and the Night City is depicted on Podol. Instead of high boots - small black boots. The hair is removed in the tail, the hairstyle was not particularly changed, despite the profile art, where her checkell is absent at all. ACCESSORIES This time is smaller, especially for those who would like a doll, but to whom all this chic and brilliance of Bu-York-skinned sparkling costumes got a bone in the throat.

Mausadesa as in his previous version - on a small body and with chic gentle pink curls. In her hair sticks out a cute blue bezel, which makes Mausades still younger in our eyes. She's dressed quite simply - in a yellow T-shirt and turquoise skirt with a bizarre pattern. It is possible that this is a fusion dress, but to say for sure - you need to wait for real photos. On the legs - pale-red shoes with ribbons tied with a bow. Very cute and good image.

Elle Go is delightful. She is harsh and face it is practically no difference from the other friends, but her outfit is luxurious, the real bu-york modern fashion! On the neck of her turquoise decoration in robo-style. Its dark-turquoise dress is covered with a print in the form of wiring and various boards. On top wearing a short blue jacket. Special pride - purple high boots that many wanted and very upset that concert versions came out.

Arthritis profile for which monsters are made in the "Boo York City Bundle" set


Monster Exchange Wave 2 / Monsters for exchange. Second wave.

Monster Exchange's first wave came out with Laurry, Marisol, Draculaura and Lagoon, as we presented the next one, in which three new characters and one old, but no less beloved. There is no good preview, but one of the store workers showed a page from the electronic catalog sent by the match. On it we see four novelties Monster High 2015 - Icy Downenser, Kersty Trollons and Batsee Clare. The fourth shadow is not a new student at all, but Finnegan Wake, who is also a student of exchange and entered Monster High, having heard a lot of good about this school. But let's talk more about every one later, and at the same time we will analyze their unusual and wonderful names.

The second wave "Students in exchange" will be released in the second half of July, after comic-horse. Perhaps these dolls we will see at the comic-horse itself, which will be held from July 9 to July 11. The Monster High Panel will be presented with a new film - July 11th!

Bag and most likely, stand and diary are attached to every girl and Finnegan. What about Finnegan - is unknown, whether the stand will be with him, since he sits in his stroller and in essence, it can quite serve him a peculiar stand.


Icy Downenser - Daughter of Spirit-deer. Her delay origin is hidden not only in the image, but also in her name "ISI" - which means literally "deer, oneene-like". The last name "Dawndancer" would literally translated as "dancing until the morning, dancing to dawn." In addition to the name characteristic of indigenous Americans, ICI looks suitable - directly impregnated by the Indian spirit. ICI comes from Bu-Hexico (New Mexico).

First of all, ICI is brown with ears, but her horn is missing - instead, the horns are located on the decoration of red. Hair - dark blue, something seemingly similar in color with the hair of the nefer. There is no bang, and the face is painted partly white, which is visible both on the promo and on the art.

The jaci mossy jacket with a traditional pattern from published reminiscent of poncho. The sleeves are very broad, which creates such an impression on a slightly cooked preview. The image is supplemented with long black pants with patterns to the most turquoise shoes. The hoofs, as expected - no. Bag of turquoise rounded color, presumably similar to tambourine or dream catcher.

Kerty Trollson / Kjersti Trollson

Kersti - Troll's daughter from Norway (Gorvoegia). The most difficult thing is her name, which someone reads as a kyrest, someone as the worms, and someone like the more English. Let's figure out a little. First of all, the name is Scandinavian, Norwegian. However, in the American slang there is a very interesting word "Kjersti", which is little connected with Norway and above all means a cute American girl - cool, witty and very fun. If the slang word in this case is true - it can be assumed what character will be in the troll. Trollsonn (for some reason, Mattel is walking both both Trollson and like Trolsonn) - another reference to its roots with the usual Scandinavian suffix "Son" and "Troll" - troll. The suffix "SON" translates the whole name as "Troll's Son", but it sounds rather strange despite the fact that the kardis is a girl.

The kyrest is made on the children's body of pink, along the preview - darker of draraculaura. Helmet hat, as on art above, for some reason, it is not represented on the preview, but perhaps it will just go close to the box or appear in the final version. The hat itself is very similar to the Viking Helmet, but judging by all, the root of the kard "Monster Exchange" - no and they will only be on the header.

Trolnson - Gamerhörl, Gamer Girl. She has pixel glasses that for some reason look like on previews. Fluffy hair and bulk, with a small strand, falling on the forehead. Painted in pink-blue color. In the picture of the eye of the koressy, too, as if pixel and hope, it will remain on the doll too. Doodle Troll's daughter in a black t-shirt with a white pixel print and a lilac skirt with a blue pad. On the legs - blue socks and pale purple shoes. A gray bag walks to the kersty, from afar with something like a joystick.

Batsey Clare / Batsy Claro

Batsey Clare - the daughter of a white bat-vampire mouse, which is often referred to as chic. "Batsy" primarily from the very name of the volatile mouse in English - "Bat". CLARO also has several values. One of the most suitable in Spanish is "bright, light yellow." Bati Right from Costa Shrika (Costa Rica). The skin of the doll on the preview - pale pink colors with a red blooming on-site nose. Hair - white-salad, spinning of which is knocked out from under a green grass bandage with a white flying mouse. Wings at Batsey - unusual and patterned, light pink. Dressed Batxi in a green blouse, a bright skirt with a multicolored print and rather strange open shoes, the side of which are long pieces of rubber or plastic shoes.

Finnegan Weik (Wake) / Finnegan Wake (Rider / Rider)

Finnegan Wake - the son of mermaids and a secondary character, which appeared for quite a long time, in the third season of the series Monster High, but according to the results of fan voting, he received a chance to become a doll. Just day ago, he entered the company's new Monster High, which should appear in 2015. Conditionally, he enters the "Monster Exchange Monster Exchange" collection as the fourth and imprisoner. Will he be an exclusive - is still unknown.

As some know, earlier the Finnegan was called just Rider / Rider. For fan voting, he was given the official name and what is funny, it is almost literally connected with the novel of James Jones - "Poms in Finneganus", which in the original is registered as "Finnegans Wake". Caught a reference?)

Art and doll Finnegana Weika:

Finnegan managed Mattel to fame - very huge resemblance to the original, as we see on art in comparison with the photo above.

One of the big features of the novelty of 2015 - Finnegan is not just a river, but Rusal on a wheelchair. It is not necessary to immediately call it "disabled" - Finnegano may well move around himself, but not on land. Since Siren is a ghost, she can fly, but the Finnegana has to act itself, turn the wheel. This is justified by his powerful top of the body, painted in blue and large hands. On his hands, he is drawn black gloves, as well as tattoos. On top of the right hand he was dressed with a bandage that we see and on arth. Dress Finnegan in a yellow shirt with the number "01", and on the neck it hangs swimming points with a brown elastic band.

The tail of the winner of the fan-vote Monster High is blue, but more subtle than on arth. Perhaps the tight mobility did not allow the company to make its wider version, since in the tail three points of articulation (as in the Great Scarrier Reef collection) - the connecting part (with the body), the knee joint and the tail. Another feature is the Finnegan on the head - a tightly divided Iroquais. But in contrast to the same Gila or Dewa, he has no scales. Eyebrows, eyes and lips - blue. Many are dissatisfied with the fact that he is smiling widely on the profile, and there is no doll with this smile. The lips are quite flattened, because of which his expression becomes neutral. Smile could simply spoil the face.

Stroller Finn - a special detail that we all waited with impatience. It is made on all canons - a black wheelchair with silver handles. Ahead - small wheels, and behind huge wheels with plastic orange flame languages. Behind the brown backpack hangs, which once again says - Mattel very carefully approached this character and did not forget all the details that we saw in the show.

Finnegan Wake becomes the first doll on a wheelchair in the Monster High line. As you know, the Mattel produced earlier such dolls, for example,

The Monster High Series with Finnegan Wake (season 3) - "I am ready for arrival!":

FRIGHT-MARES, WAVE 2 / FRAIT MEURS (Monsters-Centaur), Wave 2

Not so long ago, we saw the first wave of Fright-Mares, as the second one already came up. Let's take a look at these unique and funny little creatures. In the Russian localization, these horses have already managed to get the name "Monsters-Centaur". The second wave also consists of four centaurs: Flame Blaise, Pheepow Poimtail, Skila Bonsgate and Foundin Fallowart.

Centaurs have no joints in their hands, but there is a hinge in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt and the hoofs can in principle move, let them have additional points of articulation, like Avia Trotter. All their clothes are either jewelry, or drawn on their body. Each centaur is not just a multicolored horse, but also a hybrid with another monster - ghosts, butterflies, pegasses and the like.

Flare Blaze / Flara Blaze

Flare Blaise - Phoenix from the FRIGHT-MARES collection of 2015. As always, consider the name a little more. Flara comes on behalf of "Clara" and the words "Flare" - an outbreak, burn with a bright flame. "Blaze" - shine. Literally, her name and surname could be translated as "bright radiance or flame flash", but the names are not translated literally :)

The bentabid part of the flare is painted in a brightly raspberry, and tail in bright orange with flames. The back leg is covered with a flame feather pattern, and on the front legs - two orange jewelry in the feathers. Part of the usual body is painted in orange, and on top of the preview of the red tank with an orange pattern (although purple is depicted on the art). A purple decoration with a neck was pierced on the shoulders, and the elegant golden wings of the phoenix, bright and detailed were inserted behind. The hair on the preview is dark red, and in the middle - the first purple scallop (on the arts of the redhead).

Penepal Steamtail / Penepole Steamtail

Pheepow Pimetail is a butterfly, so the bronze wings with gears are visible from behind. The first association, which comes with the name "Penepole" is the insight version of the name "Penelope" - Penelope. "SteamTail" is divided into two parts "Steam" - "Couples" (remember the steam) and "Tail" - the tail.

Pheepow we have a kind of unknown, and therefore she has a pink horn on her head, under the color of the entire basic body. The body of the Centauro is the dark crimson, very similar to the color with Flara Blaise, another new year of 2015 from the Fright-Mares series. The tail at Penepal is purple and twisted, similar to a cloud of a couple, and in the rear hooves - yellow patterns of gears and curls. On the front empties - blue decorations with the same "steampunk" theme - various straps, gears, curls. On the belt, decoration with chains and gear in green color is dressed, and a blue shirt with a molding strap and a yellow pattern with a gear is drawn on the body. Another feature of this nightmarish horse is yellow glasses that have not yet had from other cones.

Skyla Baunsgate / Skyla Bouncegait

Scaila Baunsgate - Ghost and Centaur. The main feature of this monster-centavric in its transparency is both the main body and the centaur-part are made of transparent plastic. The name "Skyla" is American. In Skyla slang, he means a gullible and very caring person who will never betray you. Also, its name can be associated with the word "SKY" - the sky. "Bouncegait" can be disassembled to "Bounce" - vigor, as well as "Gait" - allyur, running in horses.

Skila's face - pale blue with blue eyes and lips. The main body of transparent blue plastic. The lower centauro is made of white-milk transparent plastic. Tail of blue and decorated with bow. On the rear empties we see a blue drawing with a horn, and on the front - the shoes with pompoms. To this, the scaila is dressed in a white and blue cheerleaders costume with a silver belt, on which Horseshoe and Giri hang. All these details create an image of a bodic and bright chirdomy-ghost. Is it really very nice?

On the head of Skyly, small horns, and the blue-purple hair is braided into two trigger tails.

Foundin Fallowhart / Fawntine Fallowheart

Foundin Fallowhart - deer. This can be understood from her name, because FAUN means deer. "Fallow" means a brownish yellow color, and the whole surname may be a modified expression "Follow Heart" - to follow the heart.

The main feature of the deer - huge brown horns with white birds and bird turtles. In the middle of the horns are decorated with pink flowers. The head is pale brown, and the body is a lighter and warm brown shade. The eyes of the Foundin Green, like its freckles, lips - pink. The eyebrows are very unusual - they are drawn like small branches. The hair is the opposite, very bright, with green strands from behind. The body of the centaur - dark brown with a deer tail. A green pattern of leaves and vines is drawn on the body, and the belt and decorations on the front empties are also mimicing leaves and vines, creating a forest image for Foundin from the second wave of Fright-Mares new products, which are expected in 2015. The topic is as painted by the body - it is pink with a green leaf pattern.

Budget dolls / Budget Dolls Line

At the end of June 2015, a rather unusual line of dolls suddenly announced, which caused a rather negative reaction from most communities. First of all, because this lineup is a simplified version of dolls, which in the hands there are no joints, very simple hairstyles and outfits, as well as repeated shoes.

Immediately need to say that such rules are developed primarily for children. The absence of hinges in the hands allows the child to play with a doll and not pull her hands or brushes, losing them. The absence of hinges and simphemoncy allows the company to set a smaller price than for the usual doll. At the moment, this doll is given a preliminary price of $ 9.99, which translated on rubles about 500-600 rubles per doll.

Accessories and shoes dolls are not prolocated, the old cloth from other collections is used in clothes. All girls are dressed in small dresses, pretty simple and not overloaded.

The man's hair is long, without excess colors (except for her familiar pink) and there is no bang. She has small pink shoes and a dress in a cage with a pink collar and white sleeves. Jiji has gold shoes in her familiar style with a sharp sock and a small dress from blue and pink flowers. Hairstyle is cleaned in the tail.

Claudin hairstyle is dissolved and purple strand, like Skarizhskaya or Freaky Field Trip. The dress is made of purple fabric, similar to the one that was used in the Coffin Bean collection. On top - green belt and green boots from the School's Out collection, but in this case - repainted. Frankie hairstyle without bangs, blue strands are added to white-black hair. Makeup recalls a collection of "School's Out" with dark color of shadows and lipstick. On Frankie a blue dress, the top of which is made by the mesh, and the bottom - a cloth with a pattern of diamonds. The bracelet on the left hand complements its image and is well suited to the red tie. On the legs - simple shoes, also red.

Monsters heads look completely unable to budget and quite interesting, however, like their outfits. However, it is worth recognizing this collection is not useless - the price of dolls will be useful to people who make Ooac and want to practice on the original, on which they are not sorry to make a mistake or just try and those who do not want to allow the original doll or do not want to spend. A similar budget version of Monster High dolls will like small children, which is the main thing that the doll was original and looked like his or her favorite character. So far, only Draculaura, Jiji, Claudin and Francons are announced in the budget line. Perhaps the budget dolls will be good - we are waiting for other characters of the budget cheap line of the Monsters School.

Scarnival / Scary Carnival

The very name of the collection became known literally recently, as well as confirmation of this collection. We have already seen Caalaceras and Claude Wolf, the prototype Skeseli was shown along with the Freak Du Chic prototype, and Claude was shown only the side side of the box. However, the fresh series of the animated series showed us their real outfits, which means that you can anticipate these novelties Monster High this year.

If Monsters with Ghoul Fair make money, then Scarnival is dedicated to Freak Du Chic Fair and various entertainment on it.

Skesel Calaveras / Skelita Calaveras

The daughter of skeletons - Skesel, pleased with the new prototype. However, you will be surprised - what is this novelty, if the fabric is taken from River Styx. I hurry to dissuade you - for prototypes, old heads are often used and old fabric to sew the first trial outfits and make the first trial firmware before run full-fledged work. And perhaps Skesel just got into another workshop and was stitched with River cloth, but will not fall in this form on sale.

Together with Skesel, there are cups and a ball, which is one of the famous games in which you need to guess. Where is the ball.

What will be a new doll Skesels Calaveras "Scarnival", we can see on the screenshot of the Monster High - Freak Du Chic. ACT 2:

First of all, it is an unusual red-turquoise strand and a brought face tail. Shadows around the eyes - turquoise, lips - red. The dress of the same style, as in the box, but painted completely differently, in a Mexican style. The basis of the dress - orange, patterns are greenish and red, a bow tied on the belt.

Most likely, the Scarnival collection is firmly connected with Freak Du Chic, since we saw them in these outfits already on the presentation.

Claude Wolf / Clawd Wolf

Claude became a kind of surprise that remains for us still unsolved secret. From the shown we saw only the side of the box with art, but but, Claude also appeared in a new series of animated series, which means we can consider it a little more.

Claude in the animated series:

On it is the same turquoise cap, like the basic, turquoise hammer for a silometer and a yellow sleeveless shirt with gray stripes and a drawing of bones. Dark gray pants on suspenders. At the fair of Claude will clearly have fun, checking his silicon.

Draculaura appeared next to him and also in an unusual outfit, although her skirt is clearly from the basic. Whether the UL itself appears in the "Scarnival" collection - unknown. But in the Freak Du Chic or Ghoul Fair line - she did not appear, unlike her friends, Claudin or Franki. Will she give another chance?


Abby Bominable / abbey bominable:

EBBI figurine repeats its base outfit and first of all covered with shiny, like the doll itself. On the head - her fur session, and long white hair with drawn strips of three colors, fall to the worst and hold the strength for the figure. It is not different from the basic doll, with the exception of the convex parts and the lack of fur rolves on their hands and legs.

Rochelle Goyle / Rochelle Goyle:

Rochelle was pretty pretty and made like all the figures, in its basic version. Figurines have both ears and wings, as well as black bezel, over long pink hair with blue strands. Compared to other monsters in the collection of vinyl figures - Rocher's hair is the least "fluffy" and not so massive.

Dews Gorgon / Deuce Gorgon

Duus Gorgon became the first boy who appeared in the Monster High Vinyls lineup. He has enormous massive snakes and, unlike girls, hair does not reach the floor. However, his body is not much different from the body of the girl - it is the same thin and legs increase to the bottom itself. Hands are slightly larger, and on the face - red glasses. His pose differs from other figures - it is more dynamic. Venus McFlighttrap / Venus McFlytrap

Venus came out especially cute - it was performed in gentle pink and green colors, as well as others, repeating their basic doll-version. A noticeable difference from other Vinyls is plastic shaved side. Venus's vines in this case are not convex, but drawn on the most figurine.
Chase-figure Venus (Figures, Limited Circulation, Sophisticated Exclusive) / Venus McFlytrap Chase Figure

Chase figures are distinguished by a rather unusual design with patterns that suit this character on topics. From Chaise figures, we have already seen Franki and Draculawur, and now we are presented to Venus. This Venus - the hair is completely green and more "lacquered". The body itself is completely black, the eye or mouth in the doll is not drawn. But throughout the body, flowers, vines and mukholovka green and blue-rose gradient are drawn.

Other dolls and figures not related to collections above:

Draculaura WITH SNAP-On Fashions

An interesting feature, a little bit like the draraculaura from Anime Monster High. At the moment, except for promotional photos about it, nothing is known. Perhaps the closest comic-con in San Diego will reveal to us the cards on this little and cute draraculaura.

The figure is made in black and pink and quite a nice style, resembling anime heroines - big eyes with huge pupils. Figures have hinges on their hands and legs, and the figure itself is slightly less than the doll itself, which can be seen on the preview of the new Monster High figurine.

Details of the figure, such as hair - removable, and therefore, they can be changed and dressing other details, combine each other. The clothes are also removable, made of plastic and fastened to the body of the figure. Perhaps such figures will be calculated for children, and possibly on collectors who are not indifferent to anime and very nicely pretty gothic lolita and kawai vampires.

2011 2018 ,. All rights reserved.

Large nightmare doll Laguna Blue Doll "Underwater Resident" - Overview

Lagoon and Algae)


This review is devoted to the magnificent and terribly cute mermaid of the Blue Lagoon from the collection of a large nightmare reef.

In the "Budget" collection of Mermaid "GLOWSOME GHOULFISH" ("Underwater inhabitants" in the Russian version) entered only the old, already familiar with the characters: Laguna Blue, Strauli Straight, Frankie Stein (Draculaura and Claudin came out a little later and "separated" from the first triple ).

So, our heroes in the plot of the cartoon fell into the whirlpool, suddenly appearing in the school pool, and in the end they became mermaids.

Mold 2008, Made in Indonesia.

Mermaid - character of Slavic mythology, representing the spirit of a woman or a young girl, often drowning, with very long hair, walking forests, fields, or any reservoirs or even a turbulent people. The legends and myths of the peoples of Europe are talking about maritime virgins - the same mermaids, but unlike the Slavic myths, they have a tail of fish instead of legs. In fact, there is no particular image of the mermaid: it can be human-like, and with a tail of fish, and a disadvantaged spirit or even a ugly woman.

But now about lighter and rainbow - we will turn to the review of the dolls directly.

I'll start with the box.

Most of the packaging is a showcase part of a wavy relief blister operating overview of the doll with four sides. Cardboard made only a backdrop, the MH logo, decorated with a tentacle and an art heroine with the name of the series in different languages \u200b\u200binstead of one big logo series. By the way, this art personally I do not really like it - too crazy. But I managed to find a very beautiful Mattel Art Lagoon-Mermaid ( see photo below in the article).

The doll is made in Indonesia.

Unpack the doll was complicated - you need to cut off the blister attachments. At the bottom of the box it is indicated that the dolls are disconnected by handles and wings, and the tail fin is attached, which is initially disconnected from the tail. Also, the instructions with the drawings of the dolls of the entire series are hidden.

Box without doll.

Instructions at the bottom of the box.

The blister is the main part of the packaging, thanks to which you can consider a doll from different sides.

General view of the pupa in front.

Now you can go to the doll itself.

I also managed to find photos of the same lagoon with loose and curly hair. Looks wonderfully and very beautiful!

The color of the skin near the lagoon is normal for it - a very pale blue with a grayish tinge. Molds in the 2008 doll with a new very bright makeup: the shadows on the moving age of light yellow, then almost to the eyebrows are pink, made as many of the specks. These specks also go over eyebrows and under the eyes. On top of the pink specks flashed yellow-orange, but in small quantities. Sponges blue and as if closed. Corners of printed lips above corners of the Molda, but the doll does not look smiling. Neat freckles of the lagoon cute complement the bright Majk-Ap.

Lagunin hair color blond diluted large and noticeable strands of contrasting colors - blue and bright pink. They go from the temples for two each color, as well as in the shirling strands, leaving in a high tail, twisted below. The hair is rigorous, however, there is an effect of fatness and hair as if heavy.

Part of the hairstyle is a flagellum, going from the forehead and straight to the tail.

In this issue of Laguna looks surprised and even a bit cunning.

Drawing of shadows on eyelids part is part of a rigid-point pattern on a sailboat's dorsal fin.

The ears without holes under the earrings - only the mark of them.

Folds of the lagoon this time another form are long, wavy and unknown. A part of the hand from the elbow to the wrist is probably cast under the color of the fins, and the loan is painted in the color of the skin of the doll. Cross-blue fins, with pearl gloss. They are very beautiful in the world, because translucent and as if shy. The membrane is not painted - they are simply under the color of the body of the doll.

General view of the rear.

Unusual beads made of pink pearls with a flower fastened on the button.

Now the most interesting is a rusher tail.

The prototype of the Lagoon's Lagoon's prototype is a sailboat fish. The tail fins of the lagoon are very similar in shape with the fins of this fish, but the puppet tail is more elegant and the vessels.

Tail of dark blue, with reliefs of scales. The front on the tail is the patterns of pink and yellow flowers under the mill. The tail fin is the same color as the fins of the doll and the light also looks beautiful.

The tail is hollow inside, why the doll is more easy. It has three points of articulation: near the hollow doll can be tilted forward, but not back, thereby putting it; In the "knee" you can not only bend the tail, but also turn it around your axis, right as the shoulder joints; The tail fin also rotates and snacks in any direction. On it a doll and should stand. But the lagoon can stand on the tail only when it is reserved back. The tail fin is impressive: standing on a straightened fin Laguna reaches about 40 cm in growth! Above all dolls in the series.

Photography for comparison of growth.

Wings, or as I call them "spinal fins," the color is pale of the tail fin. They are also not too transparent. But they will glow in the dark with green light, and while very bright. They can be disconnected from the doll and put again, but I decided not to risk anything and do not break anything.

The doll can sit in this way, but the backup is needed. But if you put the handles, then she quietly sits on their own.

Patterns on the tail are not similar to the patterns of the sailboat, so they can be considered quite peculiar.

The belt is removed.

Very beautiful art of lagoon-mermaids.

New fins lagoon wavy and very long, just like her prototype - a fish-sailboat.

In the light of the fins are great!

Fed wings on the back look like a dorsal fin fish-sailboat, but the dolls are small and montrical torn in marshy.

Outfit dolls is only the top with a "turned" V-neck from below and a high throat. It has two velcro: on the throat and on the back, respectively. The top is made of a pleasant to the touch of a dark blue tissue with drawings of bright pink starfiers.

Each wing moves independently of each other.

The glow in the dark is extremely beautiful!

The lagoon has not only the highest "growth" among the budget series, but also the greatest number of jewelry: large beads with a flower, like a base lagoon hairpin; bracelet to become beads; Belt, covering the body of the body doll and the tail of the fish.

Now you can sum up and call pluses-minuses.

Pros: The doll is independently, she has glowing details in the dark, it does not need shoes, it is more mobile than the first mermaids MH (as well, and the whole series of underwater inhabitants).

Cons: Fatty hair. Also, specifically the lagoon is often falling and need to be supported so that it finally stood smoothly.

Personally, I and the character, and the doll like. Before this doll I was indifferent to the lagoon, but in the image of the mermaid she conquered me. I consider it an ideal mermaid with all its fins and membranes, with a long tail and fish muzzle. If you are looking for your perfect mermaid or lagoon in an absolutely fresh way, then I can safely recommend this doll.

Well, this is such a lagoon scarring reef with loose and smokeless hair. Immediately we see a hint of the waviness of some strand.

I was pretty tortured it in order to make a similarity of more or less beautiful hairstyles. This is just samples, of course.

A completely unusual discovery was a sample closer to the right half of the head. The sample to the top, then you mean to the middle of the head.

The sample did not expect at all, thought that the head was stitching with a solid and only the strands that were before the harness, stitched almost remotely. And it is out as it turned out.

Now about the thing that enters me a little in a dead end - firmware. This is somewhere a middle.

This left half of the head, it seems to be all right.

But with the right side we are trying, but since these dolls are considered to be budgets, then they are fortunately.

Now the result.
Hair fatty, but after calculating everything is at least better. Heavy, because of this do not fit, they will turn, it is also the cause of the visibility of the firmware where it is not necessary. Do not rout.
Long, soft and very pleasant to the touch. The sample is in general charm.
Well, a photo in the style of new monsters)

I also removed the wings, they lighten in themselves insanely brightly, you can bring her hand to them and look at your fingers.
The belt takes off by turning it on the waist of the doll.

  • Saint Reef Monster High, Overview
  • Torary, Kala, Posya, Per and Pearl, photo dolls Monster High
  • Monster High, photo dolls Great Scarrier Reef
  • Monster High Great Scarrier Reef
  • Laguna Blue, photo dolls
  • Lagoona Blue with Pet, 13 Wishes, Monster High
  • We Are Monster High, Lagoon Blue, Overview
  • Lagoon Blue, Monster Exchange Program. Monsters for exchange
  • Doll-Mermaid Siren Background Bu, Monster High
  • Cleo, Claudin and Lagoon, Basic Dolls Two Wave Monster High
  • Cheerleading Monster High
  • Monster High Shriek Wrecked: Draculaura, Laguna, Rochelle, Promo Photo
  • Ghoul "s beast pet, doll series Monster High
  • Monster High Lagoon Blue with Scooter
  • Draculaur and Moiarnik, Laguna Blue from the Welcome to Monster High series
  • Monster High, game sets with Frankie and Lagoon

    Well, add a bit. Draculaur sits in the floor of the turnover, because the skirt opens the panties) spectrum, also without a stand, was not left without help - sits next to Laura and Twile. In Gulia, the umbrella falls, but it is possible to install it. With the stand of Katty Jamb - whether the marriage, or a broken, but she is with a weak waist holder, so falls. Kuipid and Cheriz are cool and confident next to the Yasminina.
    Dolls, as I understood, played a little and for a long time stood on the shelf and dust. Now you need to wash them, especially the handles and faces, as well as to be erased, especially Laura, Spectra and Ceziz. But this is in principle of trifles, the main thing is the dolls themselves, of course.
    Oh, didn't I get involved in oskazny? ☺

    A very good list, unequivocally cost everyone!
    But have this beauty seen?

    I just have no words, how do you want!

    Not only dolls, clothes are also very important. The main thing is to wash the best rags separately. I had a Barbie's clothes, washed together a package, a little painted. You can simply rinse with liquid soap, and dried on the battery, almost without pressing.
    Rosskazni about dolls - it can be read infinitely! ☺

    Yes, I'm already watching all the news, where Zombie Gaga flashed. Previously, I really liked the work of this singer, her images, now just attracts a little. Song "Telefone" is the most favorite at the moment. The doll simply conquered, even despite the more delicate image than in the clip. They tried to fame, did something interesting, worthy of attention.
    Already washed by manually small jade, dried on the battery, but no more experience in the washing of puppet snaps. I think it's like handkerchiefs or socks: carefully, with your own hands, with water and soap wash, as you wrote, and also gently dry and admire the result.
    Katty would like to move, her shoes are beautiful, as it were, the classic even, the outfit is also beautiful, but I would like to see something more calm and neuropric on it.

    To be honest, I don't even imagine that she sings with her work. Probably, on the radio in transport ever came across, if it is twisted, but I did not listen to it separately. Just the name is familiar. But the doll, of course, was impressed.

    Well, I think if I was asked if I was worth listening to some songs of Lady Gaga, I would say that it was worth. And her rapid costumes! It is something! I most like suits from the Poker Face clip. In the video "Telefone" I counted 11 different costumes at Gaga and 4 costume at Beyonce. They are terribly cool)
    In the photo, where the zombie gaga doll and the monsters in the costumes in her style, they hooked me all. Just very cool they are on this photo.

    I will try then, maybe at leisure see-listen.

    Today, the whole day was devoted to the doll. At first it was necessary to undress everyone, then distribute with whom what to do. Then the clothes were erased. Then the napkins were wiping faces and bodies. I had to clean the seams on the legs of the Laura and the spectra. Lore, Gulia and the lagoon were my hair. If everything is in order with Laura and lagoon, then Gulia will be rehearsed again - the crown in a terrible state, as if glued with honey, I don't know what to do. Her head is like a stone.
    Cattle Cattle failed. We'll have to redo it again.
    As it turned out, Laura, Gulia and Katty are the most tight hinges. The spectra seem the elbows and the right thigh. Twile is also the right thigh "lame". Knee Cheriz seems to be published some strange sound._. Siei falls the ring, stuck it on a transparent nail polish, which if something can easily be construed.
    So passed all day, almost five hours. I did not expect, of course. Decent dose

    I still have such a question: Katti Mold Torah? Just a year on it 2011, Ushko torn, cheekbones are similar ... So suspicions crumbled.

    I'm afraid of buying used dolls because of the hinges, more precisely, I never buy. Well, probably only if in the box and never removed. Although, of course, everything depends on the price, after all, 6 dolls immediately get for 3000 - it's great.
    With the hair of dolls still boiling water, you can try, carefully, the head itself is not soak, and the hair in boiling water is lowered, the glue can come down, or what.

    I don't know with Mold, but it seems to me, most likely it is. They are both cats. So do not understand, they are different colors and are drawn differently, but the Molda and True one may turn out to be.

    The smell is yes, a strong thing, because of this, I can't buy bukinistics. Sometimes nothing, and sometimes you can buy, and the book only on the garbage can, it is unpleasant and the smell does not destroy.
    I tried boiling water only with the German and Soviet classical dolls, he helps his hair well. From Barbie also tried, so you can also with MX-Eah. Infrequently comes to him, only when it is completely fatty or confusing.
    The photo is interested in how the dolls put in order look. ☺

  • Finally, there was a watch for a photo.
    Chess, our today's acquisition, have become a wonderful background for a photo.
    I'll start with Katty.
    Losinki got her Lore, but she got a guliny glasses. They approached her so, I liked it in them ...

  • That's how it stands on the shelf.

  • Chelyuchka tried three times to post the foam, so far so, perhaps again to worry.

  • And of course its luxurious hair.

  • I need it to be immediately with her, so Kolchan over the belt. Like Merida.

In 2016, there is a new full-length cartoon Monster High - Great Scarrier Reef. A collection of dolls in which several new characters appear at once. These dolls - new Monster High 2015-2016.The cartoon is dedicated to the underwater adventures of the students of the Monsters School, which will turn into mermaid. More precisely, each heroine represents a mixed image of a marine inhabitant (electric rod, flying fish).

All dolls from this collection can stand alone on their tails.

Great Scarrier Reef is a big scory reef - a big terrible reef, of course, very consonant with a great barrier reef (Australia), so that the series is waiting for an incredible - underwater!

The big scory reef is the birthplace of Blue lagoon, and with a new cartoon and a series of dolls we are waiting for a new marine adventure.

Heroes will reincarnate in other monsters, this time - in sea creatures, mermaids.

The Collection of Great Scarrier Reef dolls is interesting in new characters, very unusual at first glance. Everything here is the images of mermaids, but what about what they are diverse!

Feature of these bodies - knee hingewho did not have a siren background bu, the first mermaid Monster High.

Another sign feature of dolls - they will shine in the dark.

Finns for all dolls series are different.

News Series

Concept drawings for Characters Draculaura and Clawdeen Wolf in the Great Scarrier Reef series.

The painted areas in the drawings indicate dolls, glowing in the dark.

New characters Monster High,
great Scarrier Reef Series

Parl and Peri Serpentine


Per and Pearl Serpentine - in fact, are a single whole - the doll has two heads and two necks on one body! This Mattel has not yet done!

1) Hydra in ancient Greek mythology - Water Snake, Deva-Dragon, the embodiment of a destructive female start.

2) Hydra - the genus of freshwater sedentary intestinal. It dwells in standing reservoirs and rivers with slow flow.

Pearl and Peri (what kind of pearls they have names!) - Daughters Hydra, no wonder they have two heads.

Pearl - from English "Rearl", Pearl. Pary - "Peri", i.e. be nearby.

Surname "Serpentine" - "Serpentine" - Snake.

The body is long and thin, blue - the truth is like snake! On the tail bright blue and purple fins.

Luxury gold jewelry (on the belt and neck dolls). Blue eyes, lips - dark purple and coral.

Freshwater hydra:

Parl and Peri Serpentine, photo dolls:

Cala Mayor "Ri

Marine Calmar.

Cala Mayor "Ri (the name is so written - with the apostrophe), the name and surname - from the English" Calamary "- Kalmar.

Cala Mary is Kraken's daughter. Kraken is the legendary mythical marine monster of giant sizes, a cullen mollusk, known according to the descriptions of Icelandic sailors. Kraken - Animal "Floating Island" Animal, which is able to grab the tentacles and tighten even the largest combat ship to the bottom.

Its lower part is not made in the shape of a tail of mermaids, but as a large blue tail with different shades and tentacles of squid. It seems that she can stand alone.

Feature Kala - four hands, as the hands of Vidona Spider, who has six hands. The face of Cali Grozny, bright red makeup and blue-orange hair, on their hands - bracelets. In the ears blue earrings, a unique costume.

Sow Reef


Goddess, daughter Poseidon - named Saint Reef. The name is formed from "Poseidon" - Poseidon, and "SEA" - the sea. Surname - Reef, from Great Scarrier Reef.