Forms of game activity in the ICDOU. The game

Forms of game activity in the ICDOU. The game
Forms of game activity in the ICDOU. The game

Aristova Irina Eduardovna
Position: Educator of a nursery group
Educational institution: MBDOU № 188 "Kindergarten Compensating View"
Locality: City of Ivanovo.
Name of material: Consultation for teachers and parents
Subject: Independent gaming activity of young children
Publication date: 05.10.2018
Section: preschool education

Independent gaming activity

Children of early age

(from personal experience)

Independent gaming activity is one of the most important ways.

education child early age. In an independent game, he improves

what taught his adult. The child has an expansion of knowledge about the surrounding

During the game, children produces independence in choosing toys, in

application of various methods of action with objects. Independent game

activities contribute to the formation of interest and manifestation of individual

features ..

Having mastered various ways of action with objects, the child begins

display in your game what sees. A plot-display game is born. TO

three years older appears.

Children themselves can not learn how to use the subject. Organize the game S.

toys. Adults develop skills and skills, send the game.

In my work with the children of the second year, I use didactic games. They are

used and are conducted systematically, having great influence on

independent game activity of children.

After the educational activity, many children in an independent game

reproduced actions with a doll (wrapped in a blanket, put to sleep in the crib,

fed), with other toys (built a house for a rooster and bunny, rolled in a wheelchair),

built various buildings from cubes and bricks (house, turret, track, etc.).

For the right organization of an independent game, we create the appropriate

conditions. In the day of the day we assign special time for self-game

activities, it is free from regime processes and educational activities.

Independent games are held both in the morning and in the afternoon.

I am in my work I attract the attention of the child to those toys with whom

educational activities were carried out. Toys, toys were put on prominent

places, it was necessary to interest the child.

Watching the game, I sought to find out not only what toys play with

children, but and what actions with them they produce and what words are pronounced.

In the process of organizing an independent game of children over a year and a half, I help

fasten the actions previously learned and the child's exercise. If a child does something

wrong. Helping him to correct the mistake, encourage the child to do the same.

In the period of independent gaming activity, I follow the fact that children do not

switched from one toy to another, and could be someone to play some

Some children prefer to play with any one toy (for example, with

doll or typewriter) and do not play with the building material at all. Maybe I.

on the contrary: the child plays for a long time, for example, with cubes, but does not play with

scene toys. But, given these individual features, switching it

attention to other toys. If the child plays with a doll, then I propose together

build a chair for a doll, table, put a doll on the chair, put the table and

feed a doll. If the child is fond of construction, then, using its buildings,

i encourage organize the game with the involvement of plot toys. For example, help

build a house, put a dog in the house, bear, bunny, I ask the child to feed them

and lay sleep, etc.

We take into account the specifics of our preschool institution (compensating garden

species), features of the development of children. There are children too excitable (by virtue

diseases): They are not caught in classes, often distracted, can not be calm

to make to the end, do not play a long one toy, quickly lose interest to her

methods of action in an independent game are not reproduced. Such children are very movable

excribing, often cry.

Child need to switch from one toy to another so that he plays with

different toys, encouraging it to perform various actions with the same

toy. For this, I'm interested in a child by the toys with whom

actions were carried out. Limiting motor activity and try to focus

his attention to anything defined. For example, I attract to joint

child observation that play on the site. Such a child should be on time

switch to another type of game, such as the game with the ball.

Some children with great difficulty get used to joint games. They are gradually

you need to teach this, combining with children more calm.

In actions with colored balls, I vaccinate the skill with colored sleeves

exchange toys (for example, the red bushurs give Vadim and Ana, and blue -

Alina; After a while, on the contrary. As a result of this in children

a calm attitude is produced to the fact that they have to give some or another.

toys, thus, in the process of gaming activity, children are involved in communicating

between themselves.

Independent gaming activities and educational activities related

between themselves. Than a variety of content of educational activities, the richer

independent gaming activity of children. Watching the game of children, I analyze it

improve work.

The development of independent activities of children depends on the content and form of direct communication of the teacher with each child. This communication, whatever pedagogical techniques, should proceed in the form of an equal friendly friendly cooperation of an adult with children. It should direct kids to independent reproduction of knowledge, skills, ways of action with objects obtained in classes and in joint activities with adults. Teacher should be encouraged by the manifestation of activity, initiatives and fiction of children.

Planning a system of pedagogical measures, on the one hand, should send children to the mapping in the game of various, new phenomena for them, on the other hand, complicates ways and means of reproducing this reality. Knowledge of children about the surrounding life, obtained from different sources, determine the content of gaming tasks, the subject of the plot. The formation of the game itself depends on the skillful complication of methods and means of solving game tasks.

The expansion of children's knowledge is envisaged in class or during special observations. At the same time, the relationship between the past experience of children and new knowledge is established. The acquired information and impressions of children are taken into account when planning work on the game leadership.

The educational value of the game largely depends on the professional mastery of the teacher, from the knowledge of the child's psychology, accounting for its age and individual characteristics, from the correct methodological guidance of children's relationships, from a clear organization and carrying out all sorts of games.

Imprint adults in the game is associated with the work of the imagination. The child does not copy reality, he combines different impressions of life with personal experience.

Children's creativity is manifested in the plan of the game and in finding a means to implement it. How much fiction is required to decide which journey to go, what to build a ship or a plane, what to prepare the equipment! In the game, children simultaneously act as playwrights, butafors, decorators, actors. However, they do not wear their idea, do not prepare for a long time to fulfill the role as actors. They play for themselves, expressing their dreams and aspirations, thoughts and feelings who own them at the moment. Therefore, the game is always improvisation, and therefore - the activity is developing.

Creative collective game is a school of fostering feelings in children. Moral qualities formed in the game affect the behavior of a child in life, at the same time skills that have developed in the process of everyday communication of children with each other and with adults receive further development in the game. It takes great art and ability to help children organize a game that would encourage good actions would cause best feelings.

Reproducing various events of life, through the game - episodes from fairy tales and stories, the child reflects on what he saw what he read and heard; The meaning of many phenomena, their meaning becomes more understandable for him.

In the game, the mental activity of children is always associated with the work of imagination; It is necessary to find a role, imagine how the person who wants to imitate that he speaks or does. Imagination manifests itself and also develops in finding funds to perform conceived; Before going to the flight, you need to build a plane; For the store you need to choose suitable goods, and if they are not enough - to make it yourself. So the game develops the creative abilities of the younger schoolboy, the ability of the child.

Interesting games create cheerful, joyful mood, make the life of children full, satisfy their need for active activity. Even in good conditions, with full nutrition, the child will be poorly developed, will become sluggish if it is deprived of a fascinating game.

Most games reflect adult labor; Children imitate their homework moms and grandmother, the work of an educator, a doctor, teacher, driver, pilot, astronaut. Consequently, the Games are brought up with respect for any work, useful for society, is approved by the desire to take part in it.

The game and work often naturally combine. Often, you can observe how long the children are passionately, getting ready for the game in a certain image; Sailors are building a ship, make rescue circles, doctors and nurses to equip the clinic. Sometimes a child introduces a game image. So, putting on white apron and a golk to make cookies, it turns into a working confectionery factory, and removing the plot, becomes a janitor.

The main way of education in the game is the effect on its content, i.e. To choose the topic, the development of the plot, the distribution of roles and the implementation of game images. The theme of the game is the phenomenon of life that will be depicted: family, kindergarten, school, travel, holidays. The same topic includes various episodes depending on the interests of children and fantasy development. Thus, various plots can be created on one topic. Each child depicts a person a certain profession (teacher, captain, driver) or family member (Mom, Grandma). Sometimes the roles of animals, characters from fairy tales play. Creating a game image, the child not only expresses its attitude to the chosen hero, but also shows personal qualities. All girls are mothers, but each gives the role of their individual traits. Also in the played role of pilot or cosmonaut combines the features of the hero with the features of a child who depicts it. Therefore, roles may be the same, but the game images are always individual.

The phenomenon is multifaceted, it can be considered as a special form of existence of everyone without exception of the human life and the team. As much shades appears during the use of the game in the pedagogical guidance of the educational process.

The game is a form of activity in conditional situations. Real actions performed during the game, often requiring complex mental work, specific skills and skills, occur in a situation of conditional reality, conscious as such by the player.

The skill of the educator is brighter than all in the organization of independent activities of children. How to send each child to a useful and interesting game, not suppressing his activity and initiative? How to alternate games and distribute children in a group room, on the plot, so that it is convenient to play, not interfering with each other? How to eliminate misunderstandings between them and conflicts? From the ability to quickly solve these issues depends on the comprehensive education of children, creative development of every child.

In pre-school pedagogy there are many methods and techniques for the influence of children, the choice of which depends on the specific situation. Sometimes caregivers acquaintance with advanced pedagogical experience (in print, while viewing open classes, games), new techniques of manual and design of game zones are revealed and mechanically transfer them to their work without receiving the desired result.

Methodological techniques bring the result in cases where the educator applies them systemically, takes into account the general trends in the mental development of children, the patterns of emerging activities, if the teacher knows well and feels every child.

The main attention in the works of leading Didakt teachers appeals to the plot role-playing creative game and the pedagogical conditions in which the most effectively formed the meaningful gaming activities of children and their relationship. Games invented by children are designated in preschool pedagogy as creative, plot-role, plot role-playing creative. D.V. Majeritskaya consistently defended the name "Creative Games", leaning on HP Vygotsky, who noted the appearance in the gaming activities of children of preschool age design, implementing which the child reflects social reality, but does not copy it, and combines his ideas about it, transfers its attitude to the depicted, i.e. Create. Confessioning the legitimacy of the concept of "creative game", Maczheritskaya paid attention to the fact that the term "plot-role-playing" leads to inaccuracies characteristics, for many movable and didactic games also have the plot and roles. It is from these positions that she studied the pedagogical conditions that promote the development of a gaming plan in the preschooler, creativity, fantasy.

She did not cease to prove that it was in close connection with the development of creative abilities that all directions of the child are formed that from the first years of life, the child does not copy, but converts reality through the prism of his imagination. Therefore, she was interested in games reflecting modernity.

The game is a multifaceted phenomenon, it can be viewed as a special form of existence of everyone without exception of the bandwidth of the team. As much shades appears with the game in the pedagogical guide by the educational process.

A huge role in the development and education of the child belongs to the game - the most important type of childhood activity. It is an effective means of forming the identity of the preschooler, its moral and volitional qualities, the game is being implemented by the need for the world.


Classification of games

1 Age Address Games

2 plot role-playing game

3 Methods for holding plot-role games

Requirements for the game

Planning games

Organization of the subject and spatial environment for organizing gaming activities

1 Safety toys




"In the game, as in the mirror, a picture of an understanding of the child of the outside world is reflected, his attitude towards him is - that is, the inner world of the child. It discloses its ability to interact with the environment, transform it and yourself "

Pre-school childhood - the age stage in a decisive degree defining the further development of a person. L.I. Bozovic, G.M. Brizlav, K. Bühler, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, G.G. Kravtsov, A.N. Leontyev, M.I. Lisin, J. Piaget, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin recognize that this is the period of the birth of the person, the initial disclosure of the creative forces of the child, independence and the formation of the foundations of individuality. The most important condition for the development of children's individuality is to master the position of the subject of children's activities. The game is one of the leading activities of the child in preschool childhood. In the game, the child seeks to learn what he still does not know how, in the game there is direct communication with peers, moral qualities are developing.

The game is a self-valid form of activity of a child of preschool age. According to L.S. Vygotsky, O.M. Dyachenko, E.E. Kravtsova, the replacement of the game by other activities is impoverished by the imagination of a preschooler, which is recognized as the most important age-related neoplasm. V.V. Vetrov, M.I. Lisina, E.O. Smirnova L.M. Clarin, B.I. Loginova, N.N. Falks believes that the replacement of the game by other activities is hampered by the development of communication both with peers and with adults, impoverished the emotional world. Consequently, the timely development of gaming activities, the achievement of creative results in it is particularly important.

purpose of work- To study the forms of game activity in the MKDOU Kindergarten "Malinka", modern requirements for the organization of gaming activities.


1)study pedagogical literature on the problem of research;

)allocate the features of the organization of gaming activities in different age groups;

)determine the methods of working older education when assisting educators in the development of children's gaming activities.

Research methods - Studying the literature, analyzing game activities in the MKDOU of the kindergarten "Malinka".

Object research is playing activities in the MKDOU Kindergarten "Malinka".

Subject of research are the features of building and organizing the game activity of children of different age groups

The game is a cross-cutting mechanism for developing a child (paragraph 2.7. GEF to), through which the content of five educational areas is being implemented:

"Socially communicative development";

"Cognitive development";

"Speech Development";

"Artistic - aesthetic development";

"Physical development".

1. Features of the organization of gaming activities in Dow

The game is the main activity of children, as well as the form of children's activities.The specific content of game activity depends on the age and individual characteristics of children, is determined by the tasks and objectives of the program, this is reflected in the standard of pre-school education. In paragraph 2.7. GEFs are defined by the features of the development of the child's game activity:

in infant age (2 months - 1 year) Direct emotional communication with adults, manipulation with objects ...;

in early age (1 year - 3 years) - subject activity and games with composite and dynamic toys ... Communication with adults and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult ...;

for kids preschool age (3 years - 8 years) - gaming activities, including plot-role-playing game, game with rules and other types of games, communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers).

For the development of the child, it is important to develop game activities because it will achieve formation of social and regulatory age characteristics (paragraph 4.6 of the GEF to):

the child seizes the main cultural methods of activity, manifests the initiative and independence in various activities - the game, communication, cognitive and research, design, etc.;

able to choose a deal of classes, participants in joint activities;

the child actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. It is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, to empathize and rejoice in the success of others, adequately manifests their feelings, including the feeling of faith in oneself, tries to resolve conflicts;

the child has a developed imagination, which is implemented in different activities, and above all in the game;

the child owns various forms and types of the game, distinguishes the conditional and real situation, can obey various rules and social standards;

the child owns a good speech well, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express their thoughts, feelings and desires, building a speech statement in a situation of communication.

2. Classification of games

Classification of preschool children's games (according to E.V. Zvorygin and S.L. Novoselova).

1.Games arising from the initiative of the child (children):

Independent games:

Game - Experimentation

Independent story games:

Scene - displayed

Scene - role



2.Games arising from an adult initiative:

Educational games:



Music and didactic

Leisure games

Games - Entertainment


Festive - carnival

Theatrical - staged

) Games coming from historically established traditions:

Traditional or folk.

1.1 2.1Age Address Games

Game addresses (years of children's life) ClassificePodvids12345671234Games arising from the initiative of the child's experimentation game by animals and people With natural objects Communication with people With special experimental toys Scene amateur-and-imaging Scene - role Directorical Theatrical Games related to the original Initiative Adult Educational Games Autodidactic Subsection Scene - didactic Movable Musical Educational - subject didactic Leisure games intellectual Fun Entertainment Theatrical Festive carnival Computer Folk games coming from historical traditions of ethnos ritual games iconic Family Seasonal Training gameintellectual Sensomotine Adaptive Leisure Game Figure Silent Introducing-and-track

1.1 2.2Scene-role game

D.B. Elkonin called the plot-role-playing activity of a creative nature in which children take roles and in generalized form reproduce the activities and attitudes of adults using substituent items. Collecting first actions with objects, then with substituents, the child in the game gradually begins to think in the inner plan.

Researchers identify various structural elements of the game - the main and transition to the plot-role-playing game occurs at the moment when the child takes roles. At the age of 3 to 5 years, children are at the initial stage of the plot-role-playing game. Children are happy to display household episodes from the family life in their games. With enrichment of ideas about the world around the world, adult activities are increasingly displayed. Thus, the main component of the plot game is the plot, without it there is no scene-role-playing game. The plot of the game is this sphere of reality that is reproduced by children.

Depending on this scene-role games are divided into:

games for household scenes: in "House", "Family", "Holiday", "Birthdays" (a great place is given to the doll).

games for manufacturing and public topics, which reflect the work of people (school, shop, library, mail, transport: train, plane, ship).

games for heroic-patriotic topics, reflecting the heroic feats of our people (heroes of war, cosmic flights, etc.).

games on the topics of literary works, film, television and radio programs: in "sailors" and "pilots", on the content of cartoons, movies, etc.

Before you start playing, the children come up with the idea, they find an embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200bvarious events. Junior preschoolers are quite often needed by an adult help in order to appear the plan of the game. The educator creates a game situation, makes a new toy. As they enrich gaming and life experience, children begin to determine what they will play.

So, complication in the development of the game skill is expressed as follows:

first, the plan of the game appears on the initiative of an adult;

then - with an adult;

in the future, the child defines the plan of the game on his own initiative.

The intentions of children's games can be both monotonous and diverse. The more diverse the idea, the more interesting the game, and this directly depends on the impressions of the world around. Therefore, so that the plans of the games are diverse, and the games are meaningful, a serious approach to planning and conducting work on familiarization with the outside world is required (educational area "cognitive development" (paragraph 2.6 of the GEF to).

Cognitive development involves the development of the interests of children, curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive actions; the formation of consciousness, the development of imagination and creative activity; Formation of ideas about themselves, other people, objects of the surrounding world, etc.). The decision of the teacher of the tasks of this educational region will allow children to successfully develop in integration the content of other educational areas, including OO "Social and Communicative Development": Communication and Interaction in the plot-role-playing game, the ability to be attentive to feelings and emotions of others, etc. .

2.3 Methods of organization of plot-role games

As the main method of organizing plot-playing games, you can use the integrated method of pedagogical support for amateur games (E.V. Zvorygin and S.L. Novoselova). The content of the work is organized in accordance with the age of pupils:

An early age group - the acquisition of children to different games: subject (including composite and dynamic toys), the simplest plot, movable; Transfer of subject action into action semantic in the context of the gaming situation.

-I'ner group - enrichment of playing experiences of children through together with adult games(individual and small subgroups), formation and development of game action, the simplest game interaction, understanding the conventionality of the gaming situation.

Medium group - mastering and developing role-playing behavior, support for game associations of children, enrichment of game interaction, expansion of the thematic focus of the story games, enriching the game experience of children through admonition to games with rules, (mobile, leisure, theatrical, people's games).

Senior group - enrichment of gaming experience in the development and complication of the game plot, on the organization of the subject space of its own game through joint with the educator of the game subgroups; Creating conditions and support for the amateur game of children, the introduction of children to different types of games (mobile, with rules, leisure, didactic, people, intellectual, etc.)

Preparatory Group - formation and pedagogical support for the children's team as a playing children's community, support for independence and initiative when choosing and implementing children of games of different types; Support for moving to dialog games, games - fantasy, games in a homemade objective environment.

3.Requirements for the game

In the game with children, an adult may have two main strategies.An adult can organize the game on the basis of a pre-thought-out general direction of the plot and prepared objective and gaming materials, or he can join the already playing children. He participates with the children in the game on equal terms and can influence the content and overall course of the game the same ways that other players use. In a storyline, he may come up with the plot of the game, to make an interesting suggestion about its plot continuation, introduce a new character to the game, to create a problem situation, etc.

Directions Guidelines gamezadachi leadership playing the content of the game1. Configure to transfer events from everyday life to the game and thereby master the appointment and properties of objects. 2. Problematize the ability to put a variety of game tasks. Forming subject ways to solve game problems3. Walk unfolded game action with toys with a variety of content. 4. Together form gaming actions with subjects - substituents. 5. Subject to use game actions with imaginary objects. 6.Ind to understand the replacement of individual gaming actions by the word. 7. To ensure that children used a variety of subject ways to solve the gaming tasks. Developing autonomy8. Women in each child independence in the formulation of a variety of gaming tasks. 9. Configure children to independently choose various subject ways to solve the gaming tasks. Confessing the interaction in the game10. Increases interest in peer games. 11. To play, not interfering with each other.

To the older preschool age, the game of the child acquires "Polymethematism". The game becomes independent activities. Children always determine the idea of \u200b\u200bthe game or support the proposal of peers. They independently put game tasks.

Since the game methods of displaying the surrounding world are sufficiently formed, the children easily cope with the choice of the most suitable for the specific gaming situation of the subject and role-playing methods for solving game tasks.

Role-playing actions in the game are accompanied by a role speech, at the initial stage of the plot-role-playing game - role statements (the area "Speech Development", "Socially Communicative Development", p. 2.6 GEF to). As life experience enters, the development of sound and intonational culture of speech roles are becoming more diverse, which directly depends on the presentation of children about the environment.

Specially teach children with certain play actions is not recommended. It is important that the children themselves come up with which role actions include in the game, only in this case the game will be truly creative.

Role-playing should be expressive, which is ensured by the performance of characteristic movements, gestures, facial expressions.

For example, in the role of Mom, one girl demonstrates that mom is affectionate, fun, and the other girl in the same role is frowning, strict. At the same time, both expressively fulfill the actual role, but they have different expressive means.

Thus, during the formation of role-playing actions, attention is drawn on both a variety and emotional expressiveness of movements, gestures, facial expressions.

Scene-role-playing game involves cooperation with other players, so you need to teach children to handle role statements to the partner.

The increase in the number of role-based statements gradually leads to a role conversation. The initiator of the conversation can be adult.

Based on complication in the development of the game, the tasks of players are complemented by the following:

Protect children to take a variety of roles.

It is possible to use various emotional expressive roles in the performance of the roles.

To promote the formation of the ability to accompany role-playing roles with role statements facing a toy - partner, imaginary companion, adult and peer.

In the older preschool age, the game becomes independent activities. Playing try to independently resolve conflicts arising about the game.

The complication of the tasks of the game players is presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Directions of the guidance of playing the guidance of playing the Games of the game1. Hog the theme of games, contribute to the emergence of interesting designs, to implement them to put reproductive and initiative gaming tasks. 2. Do not reflect the various actions of adults, relationships, communication between people to solve gaming tasks3. It is in charge of originality, independence in the use of objectives of solving game problems. 4. Small emotional expressiveness and diversify the role actions used to display the result. 5. Connect to the manifestation of the initiative in communicating with adults and peers about the game, contribute to the emergence of role-playing and role talking in the game6. Do not put the game problems with peers. 7. Taking children to take game tasks set by peers, or tactfully refuse them, negotiate about the gaming interaction. 8. To the long-term interaction in the game independity9. To develop independence in the choice of various, interesting intentions and in the formulation of various game tasks for their implementation. 10. Select the choice of original subject and role methods to implement designs in the game. 11.Click yourself negotiate with peers in the game

4. Planning game

age Role Scene

Planning the game by type of activity during the entire educational process can be organized as follows:

Continuous directly educational activities will include a variety of didactic games in accordance with the content of educational work on the relevant areas.

Educational activities in the day of the day involves the organization of leisure, mobile, theatrical games, games with rules, as well as the organization of joint-ups with the teacher of plot games that contribute to the enrichment of the playful experience of children. Here the teacher acts as a gaming partner, a carrier of gaming culture, which transfers children in the process of joint activities.

Independent activities are accompanied by the organization of pedagogical support of amateur children's games (plot-role-playing, directorial, experimentation games), as well as organized on the initiative of children themselves with rules, mobile, leisure, folk. The educator encourages the manifestations of various gaming activity, initiative, independence; Provides the possibility of free choice of topics, partners, methods and means of implementing their own activities. So conditions are created for the formation of age-related neoplasms.

5. Organization of a spatial developing environment for organizing game activity

One of the basic principles of pre-school education (paragraph 1.4 of the GEF to) is amplification (enrichment) of the conditions for the development of preschoolers. Therefore, in the third section of the standard - "Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of pre-school education" among the conditions necessary to create a social situation of development of children corresponding to the specifics of preschool age (§ 3.2.5), is emphasized:

creating conditions for the free choice of children's activities, participants of joint activities;

support for children's initiative and independence in different activities (gaming, research, project, cognitive, etc.);

support for the spontaneous game of children, its enrichment, ensuring game time and space.

This is the most important part of the work of teachers, which depends on the successful development of the child, which will allow the teacher to achieve the formation of targets designated in the standard.

In the requirements of GEF to a developing subject-spatial environment (clause 3.3.) Defined (clause 3.3.1 to 3.3.3), which:

1.The developing objective environment ensures the maximum implementation of the educational capacity of the organization's space, group, as well as the territory adjacent to the organization or located on a small removal, adapted to implement the program (hereinafter referred to as the site), materials, equipment and inventory for the development of preschool children in accordance With the peculiarities of each age stage: for third children The years of life is free and large space where they can be in active movement - Lazania, Catania. On the fourth year Life The child needs an expulsted center of plot games with bright features of attributes. IN middle - senone Preschool age is manifested by the need for a game with peers, create your own world of the game (the director's game: small toys, designer, layouts, etc.), in addition, the formation of psychological entities in different years of life should be taken into account in the objective and developmental environment.

2.The developing subject-spatial environment should provide the possibility of communication and joint activities of children (including children of different ages) and adults, motor activity of children, as well as opportunities for privacy.

The subject-spatial developing environment must be relevant to the requirements of the standard before (paragraph 3.3.3).

1.The developing subject-spatial medium should be a substantial-saturated, transformed, polyfunctional, variable, affordable and safe.

1) Saturation The medium must comply with the age-related possibilities of children and the content of the program. Toys have great importance. Their thematic diversity is directly related to the existing impressions of the world around the world and the gaming interests of children. Performances on the world enriched gradually, in accordance with this, a set of shaped toys is gradually expanding. Consequently, the gaming corners should not be equipped with the same toys from the beginning of the school year and to the end. We should not forget about such a simple reception in equipping the gaming environment, when some toys are removed for a while, and then return again. The newly appeared familiar toy raises a desire to play with her. In groups of the educational organization, centers of plot role-playing games are created: "House", "Shop", "Hospital", "Hairdresser", "workshop" and other center of theatricalization; various types of theaters; Shirma; Attributes, center of rude, music center, furnished furniture, toys: dolls, cars, etc. Minor toys for directorial games, wall-printed games, lotto, domino. Designers of different types, cubes, building material. Didactic material for educational activities. Layouts, cards, models, dules, group schemes, substituent items.

) Transformabilityspaces involves the possibility of changes in the subject and spatial environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children; The possibility of a diverse use of various components of the objective environment, such as children's furniture, mats, soft modules, shirm, etc.

) Polyfunctionality Materials involves: the possibility of various use of various components of the objective environment, such as children's furniture, mats, soft modules, shirm, etc.; The presence in an organization or group of polyfunctional (not having a rigidly attic way to use) objects, including natural materials suitable for use in different types of children's activity (including as substituent items in the children's game). So, along with shaped toys, a generalized material must be presented, first of all, substituable items. Their combination allows children to implement the most courageous ideas in the game.

) The variability of the medium suggests: Availability in an organization or group of various spaces (for playing, designing, solitude, etc.), as well as various materials, games, toys and equipment, providing a free choice of children; Periodic changeability of gaming material, the emergence of new items that stimulate the game, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

) Accessibility environment Supplements: accessibility for pupils, including children with APP and children with disabilities, all rooms where educational activities are carried out. Using major gaming material, children replace in the game not one thing, and a whole complex of objects, for example, built a ship, and cubes or plates - boats or ice floes. Make a variety of design and help in implementing the design of removable panels - paintings.

It is also free access to children, including children with disabilities, to games, toys, materials, benefits providing all major types of children's activity; Feebility and safety of materials and equipment.

) Safetythe subject-spatial environment involves the compliance of all its elements to ensure the reliability and safety of their use: cases of falling from height, falling out of the side surfaces of products, blows and bruises as a result of the latter instability, injury about sharp corners, etc.

5.1Safety toys

The security of the toy is evidenced by the availability of a certificate. In any case, the toy should not have obvious mechanical or chemical signs of danger to the health of the child. There should be no obvious signs of provoking the child to aggression and cruelty or causing fear and alarms.

In the toy or in its description there should be no coarse naturalism, including the sexual context, which goes beyond the age of the child's age competence. The toy should not humiliate human dignity or insult religious feelings, cause a negative attitude towards racial peculiarities and physical disadvantages of people. The toy should not cause psychological dependence to the detriment of the full development of the child.

The organization independently determines the means of learning, including technical, relevant materials (including expendable), game, sports, wellness equipment, the inventory necessary for the implementation of the program.

The thoughtful selection of gaming material contributes to the fact that children's games become thematically versatile. The expansion of gaming interests leads to the fact that children seek to display in games more and more diverse events.

It is important to carry out the support of the spontaneous game of children, to enrich it, ensure the time and space for the game of preschoolers.


The social order of the state of the education system is formulated in the main regulatory and legal documents, in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Federal State Standard of Preschool Education - is the education of an initiative, responsible person, ready to independently make decisions in a selection situation. Each type of childhood of preschool age has a peculiar impact on the development of different components of independence, so, the game contributes to the development of activity and initiative. Initiative and independence are most brightly manifested in games with rules. According to A.N. Leontiev, master the rule - it means to master your behavior. Therefore, the task of the educator to motivate the game actions of children, directly participating and emotionally placed in children's games. In the role of the organizer of the game, the educator introduces the rules to the life of a child, and in the role of a suspended observer - analyzes and controls the actions of children. Only the combination of these roles can ensure the development of will, arbitrariness, independence of preschoolers as the main social and regulatory age characteristics of children at the stage of completion of pre-school education.


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Development of social emotions in preschool children: psychological research / ed. A.V. Zaporozhets, Ya.Z. Neverovich. M., 2006.

Smirnova E., Kholmogorov V. Games aimed at the formation of a benevolent attitude to peers. // pre-school education. - 2003. - № 8. - P. 73-77.

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With the topic right now, to learn about the possibility of receiving consultation.

Gaming activities occupies a very important place in the life of the child. The game helps him adapt to the environment, communicate, think. To the children's games need to teach from the first months of life: starting with primitive and ending with those who provide their own thinking of the baby. Together with parents, close relatives, friends, and educators in kindergarten and teachers at school take part in the upbringing and becoming a child.


Throughout the life path of the person accompany the three main activities that replace each other. This is a game, teaching and work. They differ according to the peculiarities of motivation, the organization and by end results.

Labor - the main activity of a person, the final result of which is the creation of a product that is significant for the public. As a result of gaming activity, the product does not occur, but it acts as an initial stage of personality formation as a subject of activity. Training is the direct preparation of a person to work, developing mental, physical and aesthetic skills and forms cultural and material values.

Gaming activities of children contributes to their mental development and prepares them to adult peace. The child here itself acts as a subject and adapts to imitated reality. A feature of gaming activity is its freedom and non-inflammatoryness. No one can make a child play not as he wants. The game proposed by adults should be interesting and entertaining for the kid. Teaching and work should have an organizational form. Work begins and ends at the set time for which a person must submit its results. Pupils and students also have a clear schedule and a plan that everyone is steadily adhered to.

Types of gaming activities

According to the common classification, all games can be attributed to one of the two large groups. The difference in the form of children's activity and adult participation.

To the first group, whose name is "independent games", refers to such a child's game activity, in the preparation and conduct of which an adult does not take direct participation. In the foreground - the activity of children. They must put the goal of the game, develop it and solve themselves. Children in such games show the initiative, which indicates a certain level of their intellectual development. This group includes cognitive games and plot, whose function is to develop a child's thinking.

The second group are educational games that provide for the presence of an adult. It creates the rules and coordinates the work of children before reaching the result. These games are used for the purpose of learning, development, upbringing. This group includes entertainment games, dramatization games, musical, didactic, moving games. From the playing type game, you can smoothly redirect the child's activity to the learning step. These types of gaming activities generalize it, you can select many more subspecies with different scenarios and various purposes.

Game and its role in the development of the child

The game is a mandatory type of child's activities. She gives him freedom, he plays without coercion, with pleasure. From the very first days of his life, the baby is already trying to play with some rattles and trinkets hanging over his cradle. The game activities of children of preschool age teach them to order, teaches to follow the rules. In the game, the child tries to show all his best qualities (especially if it is a game with Single-day). He shows passionism, activates his abilities, creates a surroundings near himself, sells contact, finds friends.

In the game, the kid learns to solve problems, find a way out. The rules teach it to honesty, because their non-compliance is punishable by indignation by other children. In the game, the child can show the qualities that are hidden in everyday life. At the same time, the games are developing competition between children, adapt them to survival by settling their position. The game has a positive effect on the development of thinking, imagination, wit. Gaming activities gradually prepares the child to enter adulthood.

Gaming activities in infancy and early childhood

Games will differ, depending on the age of the child, their organization, form, functional purpose. The main element of games in the younger age is toy. Its multifunctionality allows you to influence mental development, on the formation of a system of social relations. The toy serves to entertain and fun.

Babies manipulate a toy, they develop perception, preferences are formed, appear orientations to the new, are captured in the color and form memory. In infancy, parents play an important role in creating a child's worldview. They must play with their children, try to speak their tongue, demonstrate to them unfamiliar subjects.

In early childhood, the game for a child is almost all his free time. He was singing, I slept, played, and so all day. It is already recommended to use games not only with entertainment, but also with a cognitive component. The role of toys is increasing, they become small models of the real world (cars, dolls, houses, animals). Thanks to them, the kid learn to perceive the world, distinguish between colors, shapes and sizes. It is important to give the child only those toys that can not bring him harm, because the baby will definitely pull them to the mouth to try tooth. At this age, it is impossible to leave children for a long time, they are not so important toys like a loved one.

Games for preschool children

Preschool age children can be divided into younger and senior. In the younger, the game activities of preschoolers are aimed at knowing things, connections, properties. The older preschoolers have new needs, and they prefer role-playing games, games among the same year. Interest in collective games is manifested in children on the third year of life. In preschool age, a noticeable place is occupied by manipulative, movable, informative games. The child likes to design both the designer and from any girlfriend (sand, furniture in the house, clothing, other items).

Didactic games

The development of children in gaming activity is one of the most important destinations of the game. For this, caregivers are spent with children didactic games. They are designed for the purpose of education and training, with certain rules and expected results. The didactic game is at the same time both game activities and form of training. It consists of a didactic task, game actions, rules and results.

The didactic task is determined by the purpose of learning and educational impact. An example can be the game in which the account skills is fixed, the ability to make a word from the letters. In the didactic game, the didactic task is implemented through the game. The basis of the game is the game actions carried out by the children themselves. What they are more interesting, the more fascinating and effective will be the game. The rules of the game asks the teacher who manages the behavior of children. Upon completion, it is necessary to sum up. This stage provides for the definition of winners, those who coped with the task, but also need to note the participation of all the guys. For an adult didactic game is a way of learning, which will help make a gradual transition from the game to training activities.

Gaming activities in Dow

The games accompany the child throughout the entire period of childhood. An important role in the development of children is played by the organization of game activities in children's preschool institutions. The game occupies a prominent place in the system of aesthetic, labor, moral, physical and intellectual education of preschool children. She satisfies his social needs and personal interests, increases the life of the child's vital tone, activates his work.

In kindergartens, gardens should be a complex of games that are aimed at the physical and intellectual development of children. These games belong to creative, which allow children to determine the purpose, rules and maintenance. They reflect the human activity in adulthood. The category of creative games includes plot-role, theatrical, dramatization games, design games. In addition to creative on the formation of the child's game activity, didactic, mobile, sports, folk games are influenced.

An important place in the game takes up toys that should be simple, bright, attractive, interesting, safe. They are divided into three types: ready-made (dolls, airplanes, cars), semi-prepared (designers, pictures, cubes) and materials for creating toys. The latter allow the child to fully disclose fantasy and demonstrate the skills, creating toys on their own.

Gaming function activities

Any type of activity has a specific functional destination. Gaming activities also perform a number of functions in the development of the child.

The main function of the game is entertaining. It aims to awaken the child's interest, inspire, delight, entertain. The communicative function is that in the process of the game, the kid learns to find a common language with other children, developing its speech mechanisms. The function of self-realization is to choose a role. If a child chooses those who require additional actions, this indicates its activity and the leader's leadership.

A playerpeutic function provides for the overcoming of children of various nature, which arise in other activities. The diagnostic function of the game will help you to know your child with your capabilities, and the educator - to identify the presence or absence of deviations from normal behavior. With the help of the game, you can make carefully positive changes in the structure of personal indicators. The features of the game activity also in the fact that the child is involved in socio-cultural standards and assimilates the values, the rules of the human dormitory and are included in the system of social relations.

Child's speech and development game

To a large extent, the game affects the development of speech. In order for the child to successfully turn on the game situation, it needs a certain level of development of communication skills. The development of connected speech is stimulated by the need to be explained with peers. The game as a leading activity is carried out enhanced development of the characteristic function of speech using the replacement of one subject to others. Substitution items act as signs of missing items. Any element of reality that replaces the other may be familiar. The substituent object transforms in a new verbal content, mediating the connection of the word and the missing item.

The game contributes to the child's perception of the signs of a double type: Iconic and individual. The sensual properties of the first to the replaceable object are close to virtually, and the second in their sensual nature have little common with the subject matter, which is denoted.

The game also takes part in the formation of reflexive thinking. So, for example, the child suffers and crying, as a patient when he plays a hospital, but at the same time he is satisfied due to a good performance.

Effect of gaming activities on the mental development of the child

The development of gaming activities of preschoolers is directly related to the development of their mental state. The game helps to form personal features and mental quality of the child. It is from the game with time other activities that take place in the future life of a person are published. The game like nothing else contributes to the development of attention, memory, because it requires a child to focus on objects for a successful entry into the game situation. Role playing affect the development of imagination. The child learns to take over various roles, to replace some objects with others, create new situations.

Gaming activities affect the formation of a child's personality. He learns to establish contact with peers, acquires communication skills, meets the relationship and the behavior of adults. Closely merged with the game such activities as designing, drawing. They are already prepared by the baby to work. He does something he himself, with his own hands, while trying and worrying for the result. In such cases, the child must be praised, and it will become an incentive for him to improve.

The game in the life of the child is also important as studying for a schoolboy or work for an adult. It must be understood as parents and caregivers. It is necessary to develop the interests of children in every way, to encourage their desire for victory, for a better result. As the baby is growing up, you need to provide it with toys that affect mental development. Do not forget to play with your child, because at these moments it feels the importance of what makes.

Tasks. To form communicative competencies in children: contribute to mastering effective ways to interact with environment, joint activities in a group, different types of speech activities in communication situations. Learn to ask questions correctly to conduct a dialogue, search and find compromises.

Duty in the corner of nature.

Tasks. To actualize and teach children to use in practice knowledge of leaving houseplants. Learning to notice changes occurring with plants. Relieve careful attitude towards plants, cause a desire to care for them, to observe their development.

Conversation about the wizard - water.

Tasks. Suggest children to tell about the importance of water in our lives, to summarize, specify and add the answers of the guys. Tell me where and in what form there is water.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: exercise "Napkins".

Tasks. Learn children consciously fulfill the rules of behavior at the table, follow the rules of etiquette, learn to use a table knife, a napkin. Rail around the culture of behavior at the table.

Number 6. Preliminary work on the plot-role game "Library"; To learn the passage of the poem B. Skoderika "About books". In the hours of leisure, you read your favorite books to children, organize various types of independent activities with a book: viewing illustrations, exchange views on the read text, retelling favorite works, etc.

Tasks. Promoting the enrichment of a familiar game with new solutions (adult participation, change in attributes, deposit items or introducing a new role). Create conditions for creative expression of playing, for the emergence of new games and their development.

№ 7. Song creativity: Learning to find songs intonation to the specified text: Exercise "Tale about a cat."

Tasks. To teach children improvise, create songs in the text of the fairy tale using dynamic shades.

The didactic game is "loud-quietly mop."

Tasks. Remind children familiar songs to them; form a need for music; learn to accompany singing fulfillment of simple work; Use lovelie songs in gaming activities, arrange mini concerts.



Observation: the appearance of primroses.

Tasks. Suggest children to consider the stock and stepmother plant, pay attention to the fact that the plants first appear flowers and only then the leaves. Help the children to conclude that the first flowers appear in the first time.

Games with the ball "Ball in the time".

Tasks. Teach children to follow the rules of the game, accurately and quickly perform game actions. Develop agility, coordination of movements.

Labor in nature: Preparation of the garden to plant planting.

Tasks. To clarify the presentations of children about how to prepare a garden to plant plant, offered to choose and perform a post office (remove last year's foliage, garbage, step by land in beds). Encourage the desire to work, to benefit.

Health jogging through the territory of the kindergarten "Find your house".

Tasks. Improve the technique of performing major movements when running, exercising in orienting in the territory of the kindergarten, to develop a cardiovascular system of the children's body. To form a habit of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Independent activities of children.