Pictures on the asphalt lungs. Draw on asphalt with children: ideas for a steep summer photo shoot

Pictures on the asphalt lungs. Draw on asphalt with children: ideas for a steep summer photo shoot
Pictures on the asphalt lungs. Draw on asphalt with children: ideas for a steep summer photo shoot

Of course, any of you at least once in my life saw graffiti on the walls, in reality or in the photo - it does not matter. However, there is such a kind of drawings as 3D graffiti. Pictures are so real that it is difficult to believe your eyes!

With these drawings, the streets of Russian cities turned into a real gallery of the arts of street Street Art.

Our Russian artists decided to surprise citizens not for a joke. These volume graffiti can hardly be distinguished from reality. Cars in the pit, huge cliffs on the road and much more in this selection.

Exhibition of works of municipal artists in Samara.

The work of an unknown Russian artist.

The group of admiring spectators discusses the wonderful work of the master.

Artists from Belgorod do not lag behind their colleagues.

The townspeople gathered to look at an incredibly realistic 3D drawing in Dzerzhinsk.

The drawing looks so realistic that the authorities of the suggestion will disappoint it, so that the audience is not accidentally spoiled.

As a real.

Beautiful composition.

Unique work of Perm masters.

Picture "Asphalt, devouring Lada Kalina." Unknown author.

You just look at this volumetric pattern of frozen water and stuck in it cars.

Ryazan Stritis Masters.

Fascinating 3D drawing from Yaroslavl.

True, it seems as if it's real?

Very natural.

Some conceptual art.

Residents of Chelyabinsk photograph the work of local artists.

In Tyumen, the Masters created not just a drawing, but a real art installation.

Sochi. Roads connecting once Olympic objects. In fact, the asphalt is perfectly smooth, the illusion of the volume creates the skillful work of artists.

Samara, city center. If you do not know that this is a drawing, you might think as if indeed right before the building of the provincial Duma opened the Earth.

Artists tried to show how their city would look, if he was subjected to air bombardment.

It seems as if the truck really goes underground, but this is a skillful work with the prospect.

The large-scale work of Omsk artists. From the side, you might think that cars are not driving on the road, but on the water.

Drawings on the asphalt, made in the 3D photo technique, the video is simply amazed by their realism and the illusion of volume. Only a real talented artist will be able to fulfill the work of such complexity. After all, for this it is necessary to own the technique of vision of the prospects, to know all the conditions for building the composition and a lot of things to be able to know, in order to get the most funny pictures of 3D pictures on the asphalt. I was always struck by these unusual, you can say magic pictures, when absolutely voluminous plots suddenly appear on a flat surface, it can not leave indifferent. And these images are so realistic and similar to reality that certain respect for the master who drawn this miracle, arises automatically.

The technique of creating a picture of 3D drawings on the asphalt is very complex, not every person, even possessing certain abilities in the field of visual art will be able to perform similar masterpieces. Here at first glance, a talented master's hand is felt, a professional of his business and just a brilliant artist. 3D drawings on the asphalt are striking any person with its realism, no wonder many people try to keep these pictures for memory, and of course to play on the background of this miracle. Such things need to be looked at your own eyes, the photo of course it is wonderful, but everything looks like even more interesting and inspiration. True, we have few similar images in Russia, at least I have not seen such a miracle in any city, but I hope someone will disgust and create masterpieces and in our homeland. So, let's admitting together to these masterpieces of fine art and see the cool 3D drawings on the asphalt pictures, and at the end of the selection of photos you are waiting for the most cool video - a cat against an inflatable cat.

3D Pictures on Asphalt Pictures 3D Drawings on Asphalt Photo 3D Drawings on Asphalt Photo

Collection of jokes:

How 3D drawings are made:

How 3d drawings are made 2 part. Video

Children and adults are loved to draw chalk on the asphalt. Why not combine drawing with a steep summer photo session?! We share ideas in our selection.

Draw with colored crayons, but not on paper, but on asphalt is happiness for a small artist. Parents remain only to catch smiles and photograph the result of a children's street. In order for family photo archive to be replenished not just plenier sketches, but really commemorative frames, the plots of asphalt paintings need to be thought out in advance. Perhaps the photo session will require additional props, perhaps you need to carefully think over the clothes of a small model.

Young captain went to distant swimming. He is not terrible to him neither the storm, no wind, no cold flows or bloodthirsty sharks. In the subligament pipe, he looks out of the uncharted islands and distant Dali. And mom at this time takes pictures ...

This young Shumacher clearly like everything connected with equipment and speed. Today he is driving a papino steep harley.

Someone dreams to learn to fly, and someone just takes - and flies!

Imprint the achievements of our children in a bright and unusual frame. Firework! Winning in our hands!

Such fun photos can be used as greeting cards. Excellent and not beaten idea!

Beautiful summer postcard in just a couple of minutes! The phone is always at hand, and color chalks we put in advance in your pocket.

Want to thank someone right now? Shames in your hands!

Why not admit to the love of the one who is now far? For example, dear granny?

What are you dreaming about? Picture it with chalk on asphalt - and dreams will become a jaw!

Each girl a little fairy. And it is not necessary to grow wings behind your back and wait until the godfather will give a magic wand - all this can be drawn right now.

In a hot year-old day, we dream of a cool rain and rainbow in the sky. Voila! Here they are!

Mom asked to look after the brother? Everything's under control!

3D drawings on asphalt will help create just masterpieces. Inspiration can be drawing anywhere: favorite cartoons, familiar fairy tales.

For such realistic drawings on asphalt, of course, it will take a lot of time and effort, but it is worth it. If only the rain did not go.

It seems that something curious happens here ...

Want to go fishing? And here is a suitable puddle.

Your children still believe that the stork brought them? So maybe he is wearing in school?

Adult girls are also not averse to the chalk and praise.

This is what happens to those who do not follow the rules of the road.

Play golf. We draw small ones on the asphalt track and with the help of a stick I drive a washer or pebbles in the "Lunka", the role of which can perform the mouth of the hungry lion or what will tell the brown child fantasy. Mom, of course, aiming photographs, it is necessary to capture such a cheerful duel to the memory.

Dear readers! We are waiting for your ideas and drawings on asphalt. Let this world become brighter, and the children are happier.