How to increase the ass at home fast folk remedies? How to pump big buttocks is the right way.

How to increase the ass at home fast folk remedies? How to pump big buttocks is the right way.
How to increase the ass at home fast folk remedies? How to pump big buttocks is the right way.

Strive to get lush and elastic buttocks, like Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce, Nikki Minaz or Sofia Vergara? A lot of hard work and perseverance is required to get the right forms in the right places. Effective exercises, healthy eating and lifestyle can significantly improve both the size and form of your priests. Want to know how? Read on.

It is important to understand that in order to pump up the buttocks, you must work with both muscles on your feet and fat on them. There are three groups of thigh muscles: large, medium and small buttock muscles. The more you will train them, the more they will grow, giving the buttocks a rounded look. For large, elastic and strong buttocks, be sure to take care of the fat layer above the muscles. Depending on the current number of fat around the buttocks, you will have to either lose weight, or gain a mass.

So, let's see how you can get the "delicious" buttocks naturally.

1. Exercises

It is the study of three muscles of your buttocks that will build and strengthen them.

This is a good exercise for the workshop of the berium muscles. At first it may seem a bit complicated, but from the second day you will be more comfortable.

Execution technique:

  • Lie on the back, bent my legs.
  • Place the extra weight on the pelvis area.
  • Raise the pelvis from the floor, and then lower it back to the rug.
  • Repeat it 10-20 times.

Breed bridge on one leg

This is another exercise for warm-up, the so-called charging for the hip joint. If you sit down a lot during the day, then this exercise is perfect for you.

Execution technique:

  • Lie on the back, bending the knees; The feet are exactly on the floor.
  • Keep one leg on earth, and roll over and lift up.
  • Move your weight on the heel of the foot on the ground and exhale.
  • Squeeze the buttocks during the inhalation when you reach the top position. Then return to the starting position.

Diagonal Mahi.

This exercise perfectly worked out a large buttock muscle and creates you a beautiful Brazilian ass, and attend the gym to fulfill it is completely optional.

Execution technique:

  • Stand on the floor on all fours.
  • Let your knees and palms maintain body weight.
  • Now bring the right knee to the chest, and then take the right leg back, as above.
  • Repeat it with the left foot.
  • Make 10 times per approach.

This is one of the best exercises to raise the tone of the buttocks. Try to connect additional weights when you do this exercise. Just pay close attention to the technique, since incorrect execution can lead to the pumping of the hip biceps.

Execution technique:

  • Stand straight, legs place at a distance - 3 cm apart.
  • Make a step forward with the right foot and bend the left foot in the knee.
  • Make the same thing with the left foot.
  • Repeat 10 times per approach.

This exercise will help you toning the muscles of the buttocks and the inner muscles of the thighs.

Execution technique:

  • Stand straight and extend the legs more than the width of the shoulders.
  • Look straight, bend the right knee and sneeze.
  • Return to the center and repeat the same for the left side.
  • Make 10 times per approach.

This is a great way to tone the buttocks, as well as the muscles of the lower press.

Execution technique:

  • Lie on the back on the rug. Pull your hands completely, palms down.
  • Slowly raise both legs.
  • Now raise the right leg at an angle of 45 degrees and lower the left foot up to the distance - 7-10 cm. From the Earth.
  • Change your feet.
  • Repeat at least 15 times.

This is another exercise for more elastic buttocks, as well as the muscles of the lower press.

Execution technique:

  • Lie on the rug, hold legs at a short distance from the floor in the air.
  • Tightly pressing hands to the body, lift the hips from the ground.
  • Hold this position for five seconds.
  • Repeat from 10 to 15 times with both legs.

Execution technique:

  • Place the bar on the shoulders next to the trapezes.
  • Arrange the legs a little wider shoulders and make sure that when you are satisfied, the chest did not go far ahead, and the knees did not come in and socks.
  • Run into the critic.
  • Repeat this movement slowly for 15-20 minutes.

Plie squat

Execution technique:

  • Stand straight and arrange your legs widths.
  • Ensure that the fingers of the legs are directed outward.
  • Raise your hands forward to support body balance.
  • Run into the critic.
  • Squeeze your buttocks and thighs when returning to its original position.

Execution technique:

  • Keep dumbbells in front of the hips.
  • Knee hold straight when you make hips back and lean forward, dropping dumbbells on the legs.
  • When your back is parallel to the floor, straighten back to finish the repetition.


This is a simple exercise. Just rise and go down or dance under your favorite music. You can also accelerate or slow down. Do it for 15-20 minutes to pull the muscles of the buttocks.


Running is generally good for general health. However, be careful not to overdo it. You can perform intervals, i.e. run and walk alternately.


When you press the legs on the pedals, you toned the muscles of the hips and buttocks. The bike is a good outdoor training, which you can enjoy with friends, spouse or just with you.

Raise (run) on the stairs

This type of training is great for your hips, buttocks, cortex muscles and heart muscle. Also this is an excellent cardio, promoting weight loss. However, please do not do it if you suffer from any disease that does not allow you to load the cardiovascular system.


Yoga is another option for elastic buttocks and a toned thigh surface. Find a good yoga coach and go to it at least 3 or 4 times a week.

2. Spit well

In addition to the above exercises, you also need to change your diet. In principle, you need to focus on adding more protein so that the muscles have a material for the "construction" of a beautiful priest.

The use of proper food helps in the regulation of hormones. Moreover, healthy nutrition also improves the effect of exercises, the main thing is to find out its exact calorie rate.

  • Proteins

There are many ways to add protein to your diet. Some good sources of protein: skimmed milk, eggs, low fat yogurt, fish, turkey, legumes, meat.

  • Fat.

Muscles are covered with a layer of fat. To get a larger and most beautiful home assistance, you should eat unsaturated fats: fish oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, fatty fish, sunflower oil, olive and peanut butter.

Consult your nutritionist or upload a calorie counting application to find out how many fat you can consume per day.

  • Microelements

Microelements are nothing more than vitamins and minerals that are very important for the proper functioning of our body. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans are excellent sources of micronutrients. As you train, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables so that your body does not get tired of lack of energy.

  • Carbohydrates

Consume carbohydrates (you cannot fully ignore them). The amount of carbohydrate depends on the intensity of training. Good sources of carbohydrates: brown rice, barley, corn, wheat bread, apples, potatoes and grapefruit.

3. Change lifestyle

(1) go to bed early, get up early

I can say from my personal experience that this is one of the best tips I received over the past few years. Estate bed and slip under the blanket, turn on soothing music and go to the country of dreams. Wake up early in the morning so that you have time and work out, and check the news, email and breakfast.

(2) Available at least 7 hours

When you train, you actually break and injure the muscles. And it is when you sleep, your body restores and builds them. Therefore, if you want to be the same attractive as Jay Lo, sleep with a strong sleep at least 7 o'clock. It also rejuvenates the cells of the brain and will support energetic and cheer you throughout the day.

(3) You can create a small illusion

Wear clothes that makes your buttocks visually larger. You can wear high waist jeans / shorts / official trousers, jeans that narrow next to ankle, denim short skirts, corsets, silk bathrobes, etc.

(4) Drink water

Water is a universal solution to all problems. Toxins that accumulate for a long time, when you exercise, output only with water and no more. Increasing the level of toxins can cause feeling fatigue, and you can stop training. Consequently, drink at least 3-4 liters of water per day.

4. Tips for rapid buildings of muscle mass in the field of buttocks

We will have to follow a diet for several months and train for significant progress. But there are several cunning tips for faster results.

1. Watch your walking style

Change the way you go. It is important to do it right. This will affect the appearance of your body. All you need to do is to remove your shoulders back and align them.

2. Use inserts to increase the buttocks

Another effective way to get large buttocks quickly is the use of special pads. You can buy them in online stores. They are designed specifically for visual increase in jeans and trousers.

3. Thin Waist

A waist reducing will make your ass more noticeable. You can always deceive people, just tightening the waist. The best trick is a compression or tightening linen.

If you are inconvenient to use it, you can also wear a belt over your shirt. However, be sure to wear this belt on the narrowest part of the waist. So it will be highlighted in the best light. It is recommended to use dark, wide or medium belts widths.

Although surgical procedures are already available and provide a rapid improvement in the buttocks, the exercises together with the correct diet can provide long-term results without too large investments and side effects. But everyone, of course, decides for himself.

5. Frequently Asked Questions

How long will the girl need so that the buttocks become more?

I would say this: "Be realists and put realistic goals." Depending on your current body weight, training, eating preferences and changes in lifestyle, you will gradually begin to notice that your jagged muscles have already pulled into the end of the third week.

Why does my ass getting bigger?

Have patience. Your current body weight, disease, training, eating habits, etc. are important factors that you need to consider and control to get the most beautiful buttocks. Download the calorie counting application and check the consumption of protein, fat and carbohydrates daily.

Can I get a big ass, shaking it, but without observing the power mode?

If you eat only fatty food, there is no guarantee that fat will grow in buttocks; He can accumulate anywhere in your body. This eventually makes you look full, not sports. Invite a girlfriend to workout so that you are not bored.

Now you know everything! Dare!

If your ass is not appetizing enough, you probably are looking for a way to increase it a bit. So that your ass has become a few sizes more, you need not so much - wearing the right trousers, perform certain exercises and adjust your weight. Zoom ass is possible if you follow the next steps.


We work with the body

  1. Change your gait. The way you hold on may be emphasized or veiled various parts of the body. Scroll through the shoulders and enter the bottom of the back. This will not only make your ass more outstanding, but will make a slimmer torso and visually increases the chest.

    • Imitate the gait of models on the podium. Imagine that on Earth, a straight line, which passes exactly under the navel, centered between the feet is stuck. When you take a step, move the foot towards the center of the body, that is, put it on this imaginary line. Then become the same line of the second stop, accurately before the first. Continue to go this way - one foot before the other - and compress the buttocks.
    • To further emphasize the bends of your body with the help of a feminine manner hold on, follow the advice on how to walk like a diva.
  2. Increase the muscle mass of the priests. You can make the ass more and round, strengthening her muscles, namely the buttocks. To quickly achieve results, follow the following exercises at least three times a week:

    • Bridge for priests. Lie on the back - knees bent, hands on the sides. Raise the ass towards the ceiling, then lower it. Make 3 approaches of 10 repetitions.
    • Squats. An ideal exercise to increase priests - full squat. Start straight, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands stretched in front of them. Bend legs in the knees to the corner in ninety degrees, while holding the back strain, and then return to its original position. Make 3 approaches of 20 repetitions.
    • Drops. Start straight, legs about the width of the shoulders. Hold your right leg straight, and left - bend to make the lunge. Return to the original position, then make a drop to another leg. Make 3 approaches of 20 repetitions.
    • Warheading back. Stand on one leg. Loose leg sharply and maximize back. Repeat 10 times and do the same exercise on another leg. To strengthen resistance, use cramping for ankle.
  3. Strengthen the muscles of the bark. Work on the muscles of the bark will help bring the belly into the tone, and it will look more flat and small compared to the booty. For a better result, do the torso exercises at least three times a week. Start with such:

    • Lifting legs. You might think that the uplifts are most developed, but, in fact, the abdominal press is involved in their implementation. Lie on your back and pull your legs in front of you. Bend your legs and lift them, thumbs need to point forward. Straighten your legs so that they point to the ceiling. Slowly lower your legs, stopping about a couple of centimeters from the floor. Repeat 5 times, then rest 30 seconds.
    • Twisting. Lie on the back on the floor and bend your legs. Hands behind the head, with bent elbows. Open one shoulder from the ground and take twisting in the opposite direction. For example, if you raise the left shoulder, twist the body to the right. Repeat, alternating shoulders. Make 10 times per face.
  4. Take on those sports that have a beneficial effect on the muscles of the legs and buttocks. A pleasant hobby can simultaneously help you pump up the ass. Here are some successful options:

    • cycling;
    • swimming;
    • gymnastics;
    • skiing;
    • volleyball;
    • football;
    • field hockey;
    • chirilding.
  5. We dress differently

    1. Pick the right pants. Successfully selected pair of jeans can visually change your ass - it will seem round and raised. Next time, when choosing jeans, pay attention to the following:

      • Jeans should sit tightly. Baggy pants "drown" your bends, they cannot be seen under the excess fabrics. Skinny jeans or elastic jeans are ideal for demonstrating your priests. If you are not very convenient to you, pick jeans that just sit behind.
      • Pay attention to the location of the pockets. Small high pockets on the pee will visually increase it. In addition, pockets with decorations - sparkles, seams or colored threads, are incorporated and attracting your eyes to your way. Do not wear jeans with too big pockets or without pockets.
      • Try jeans with a high waist - the top of jeans should trim your waist in the very narrow place so that it will look thin, and the ass is big.
      • Jeans with a low waist (sitting on the hips in the widest part) with a shirt in the tightness also visually increase the size of the priesthood.
      • Do not wear dark jeans in which the ass and legs will look less (especially if you are light top). Instead, try white, pastel or light blue jeans.
    2. Tighten the waist. If you emphasize the waist, your ass will look proportionally more. You have a little belly or not, try these tips to make a profitable impression for you:

      • Wear a belt on the waist. Find a narrow or wide belt and draw it on the waist in a narrow place, over the blouse or shirt (the best belt looks on top of the shirts on buttons, sweaters or free blouse). For a larger effect, put on the dark strap over the bright shirt.
      • Try the belt-corset. If your waist is a little more than you would like, try to wear a belt-corset. It must be shifted excess from the abdomen on the ass and hips. Corset can be bought in most clothing and linen stores.
      • Do not wear anything horizontal strip or with patterns on the waist. An overloaded ornament or too bright fabric emphasizes the stomach and extensively increases it. Instead, stop on dark basic colors from above. So your ass will look big and sexy!
      • Do not wait for immediate results. To achieve the best time required, so focus and keep patience.
      • Working on the buildup of the jagged muscles, make sure that your diet has enough protein to grow muscle.
      • Exercises every day. If you make them daily, do not stop! To motivate yourself a little, turn on the vigorous music during training, and before you realize, you will already have a wonderful figure!
      • Do not stop there, just fit it right. Take yourself for the habit of performing squats every day, otherwise you can lose the figure that has achieved.
      • Develop a balanced diet and work correctly.
      • Always stick to a healthy diet and never give up!
      • Do not stop exercises if you are already satisfied with the result.
      • Do not stop the exercises immediately as soon as you reach the desired type, otherwise you will probably return to the original state.
      • When you achieve your goal, you should not relax.
      • While you have not achieved your goal, love yourself as you are.
      • Go swimming.


      • Remember that the constant wearing of high heels may forever damage your feet and knees.
      • Extremely carefully weigh any possibility of surgical intervention.
      • Compliance with the mode of increasing priests (RUP) is an important choice. Remember that at the disposal of your favorite stars with appetitive forms there are coaches, money (for operations) and genetics that help them achieve such appearance.

They say someone else's soul - dot. This is true. A visual example is the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. They spend a huge amount of time in front of the mirror in order to find another drawback in their appearance. Strange, of course, but the fact. At the same time, women tirelessly follow the fashion, trying to fit her. Today, probably, each knows how to lose weight, but how to make a ass more to give her an appetitality? It is this question that has become the main topic of the article, because I am worried about really many women.

To begin with, it is worth noting that there is not a single faster and efficient way, how to make the ass more than plastic surgery. However, not every girl will agree to surgery only to get the desired forms, and it is worth it at all silent. Therefore, we offer another option - long and hard work on yourself.

So, what exercises are aimed at an increase in priests? The very first, basic and most effective of them - squats. This will confirm any fitness coach. The starting position is the legs placed on the width of the shoulders, and the hands on the belt (for a larger result, you can take some cargo in the hands). At the same time, you need to squat slowly, as low as possible, so that the ass performed a little back. In the lowest position you need to linger a little (just a couple of seconds). Squats must be performed in two or three approaches (17 times each).

Harvesting back - is also a very good way to enlarge the ass. You can perform it, standing right either on your knees. Selecting a more appropriate position, remove the foot back, holding it in 15 seconds, and then return to its original position.

During training, you can make attacks. This exercise should be done slowly, while you can use the cargo, and you can also do without it.

Giving advice, how to make the ass more, some fitness instructors recommend that all the above exercises add another one. Lying on the back, hands should be pulled out along the body. Legs should be raised up, bending them at an angle of 90 degrees in the knees. Slowly lowering one leg, you need to try to get it to the floor. It is important that the feet remain in perpendicular position relative to the floor. It is recommended to do the exercise until you get tired.

It is worth saying that after a while, regular training may seem like it became less. It may be so it will be. Indeed, under the action of physical exertion, extra fats burn out. However, it is not necessary to worry about this. Continuing classes, you will achieve the fact that the fat will completely disappear, the ass will become an elastic and begins to grow a berical muscles.

Working on how to make the ass more, it is important to adhere to some rules in nutrition. For example, it is best to give preference not but difficult: they are not so soon recycled into fat and at the same time give the body a lot of energy.

It should also ride a bike, walk, walk, arrange morning and evening jogging, jump with a skip. All this will help improve the shape of your priests and maintaining her beauty. In conclusion, I would like to remind, engaged in exercises to increase the priests, it is very important not to "throw" them, because It threatens with muscle response.

We have collected all the exercises for the buttocks that can be practiced at home, using the minimum inventory. With proper diligence, your ass, if suddenly she is sad, will soon have fun. Forward, for a beautiful view of the rear!

Body muscles are 3 paired muscles: large, medium and small berry.

Large beetal thigh muscles - The largest muscles of the whole organism. It begins at the pelvic bone, attached to the rear surface of the femoral bone just below the hip joint. The function of this muscle is to blend the thigh with a slight rotation outside. When fixing the thigh, it deflects the pelvis back. This muscle is responsible for the volume of the buttocks. When training this muscle, Pop becomes muscular, fleshy, large.

Mid-sized muscle It begins on the jagon surface of the iliac bone, goes into a short wide tendon and is fastened to a large skeleton of the thigh. Fastened on the side surface of the pelvis. This muscle is responsible for leading the leg forward, back, for stabilization when extension. This muscle seems to be "hiding" under a large berry. When training, it will not give some extra volume, but it will give a beautiful outline of the buttock.

A large and middle jagged muscles are easily controlled to the degree of activity. In training, they are tested and responsible for the overall elasticity of priests.

Small jagged muscle Located under the middle berium.

The appearance of the priest depends on how much fat tissue between the skin and the muscle. From various factors, this fat can be transformed and stretched.

Factors responsible for deterioration of the appearance of priests:

  • dry weight loss or weight set
  • gravitis
  • passive lifestyle
  • bad habits
  • lack of sports.

All this leads to ptosis of the berry muscles - Saving buttocks.

Features training

If you have a small pelvis, and you just need to pull the buttocks and make them elastic, choose workout with high weights. Train 2 times a week, between each workout should take at least 2 days. Make 4-5 approaches of 5-8 repetitions. If there is a chase pain - do not be afraid, just take the bath or make cardio.

If you want to make the buttocks visually less, refuse scales or make exercises with small weights. But it will have to do 5-6 times a week. Make 5-6 approaches, 18-20 repetitions.


  • Raise pelvis with stretched upside

Lie on the floor, pull the leg up and lift the pelvis, squeezing the muscles. Make 15 repetitions in each approach, 6-8 approaches. To swing up the ass more effectively, the leg can be loaded with a drift with a fraction (sold in any sportswear).

If it is difficult to do with a raised foot - just raise the pelvis, squeezing the muscles of the buttocks.

  • Mahi back and sides (from the bottom block or with a simulator lever)

Fantasticly simple exercise - just grasp the back of the chair and make mahs. Only not the machine too fast - on the contrary, it will be more efficient to do Mahi slowly. Do not rest at the bottom point of Mach - immediately start the next max. At advanced level and in the gym, connect the bottom unit or simulator for the buttocks.

  • Fallen forward

The most important exercise for beautiful priests. For weight loss, they are ineffective, as they help to grow muscle mass. When they are fulfilled, a small buttock muscle and the front surface of the hip and the legs are working. Take the dumbbells in your hands, pull your hands along the body and proceed to the lunges. You can make them on the spot, and moving forward around the room. The wider step is the stronger the jagged muscles are involved.

Keep straight housing and back;

Knee set back his legs should touch the floor;

Hands with dumbbells. Keep parallel to the case.

  • Squats

    No doubt squats - the most efficient exercise for the buttocks

The king of exercises on the ass, also improve the tone of the four-headed muscles and popliteal tendons. Hold it like this: first squat without weight to avoid stretching and injuries.

Squate techniques:

Stand straight, the legs are slightly wider than shoulders. Sat, reducing the buttocks back and as if sitting on an invisible chair. Having reached an angle of 90 degrees, climb, also carrying the weight back. Each fourth squats do, lingering on 10-30 seconds at the bottom point.

At an advanced level, take the dumbbells in your hands or squeeze with a barbell or bodybar. The burden seriously enhance the load.

Make 4-5 approaches of 10 squats, rest not more than a minute between approaches. Squats are made deeply, the ass must be laid as much as possible, the back is straight. Sat to the lowest possible position: the lower you are squatting, the more buttocks will be involved in the satisfaction. Legs should stand on so width so that you can make it easy to do deep squats.

When squatting the following muscles are used:

  1. quadriceps (Four Thigh Muscles)
  2. large buttocks muscles
  3. muscles of the thigh
  4. cambalo-shaped muscles (shin)
  5. ilicor muscles
  6. biceps hips

And when squatting with burdens, the muscles of the back and press are also worked out.

So squats - the exercise is not at all isolated and not directed solely on the ass: it is basic and trains everything at once. Therefore, before its execution, it is necessary to make a workout to avoid injuries.

The squats are effectively eliminated from cellulite and improve the shape of the thighs (make shameless squats on the hips). When performing squats 3-5 times a week, the results will be noticeable in a month. And the more squats you do, the faster your ass will be seductive!

  • Bridge (lifts pelvis)

When performing this exercise, rely on your hands, then the load will be distributed evenly, and the vertebrate department will not overvolt. Lie on the floor, stretching your hands along the body, bend your legs and move them closer to the buttocks. Now raise the pelvis, making the bridge and straining the muscles of the buttocks. You can linger in this position if you feel the effect, for example, trembling. Do this exercise "Lestenka": 3 approaches 15, 12, 10 repetitions.

  • Mahi back on all fours

Mahi on all fours - very useful exercise. Just stand up on all fours and make mahs back, let's say, 50 and 50 other foot per day. The exercise will be effective and the implementation of the exercise "Lestenka: 3 approaches of 15, 12, 10 repetitions. For efficiency, you can put a dumbbell under your knee and raise your leg with it - just not fast, so as not to drop the dumbbell. Do not relax the muscles of the buttocks.

Variation of exercise: lifts bent legs. Lift the leg as much as possible as if the heel want to sell the ceiling. Do not be lazy, follow the technique of execution.

Exercise helps to increase small and medium bodies. Lie on the floor on the side, pose your head with your hand. Having inhaled, lift the foot from the floor, leaving the knee straightened. The foot should be an angle of no more than 70 degrees with a body. Keeping isometric effort, hold your leg, then lower.

  • Stool

Squeeze your back to the wall and sneeze, as if sowing on an invisible chair. Street so 30 seconds, then rest and take another 2 approaches. Try to increase the time for 10 seconds every day.

  • Foot breeding on the simulator

The increased tone of the thigh gives them roundness, which visually favorably narrows the waist. Exercise pulls up and strengthens the muscles of the legs. To perform an exercise, sit on the simulator, take a breath and maximize the hips. If the backs of the simulator is rejected back, the average tank muscle is largely included. With a vertical position of the back, the top department of a large jagged muscle works. To cover both bundles of the muscles, change the slope of the back right during the approach.

  • High rise

Lie on the stomach, bend your legs in the knees. On the exhalation, lift your legs up, delay in this position. Make 2 approaches for 15 seconds each.

  • Slope in cross

Stand and cross legs. Take the dumbbells and lean forward, holding your back straight. Then change the foot crossing and repeat.

  • Lifts with bent feet

Lie on the back, straighten one foot and bend the other. In this position, lift the pelvis as high as possible by holding the legs in the original position.

Find a stable stable pedestal with a height of about 30-40 cm and jump on it. Make 4 approaches of 10 repetitions. If this exercise begins to be given to you easily, take the dumbbells in your hands or put on your feet.

Stand in the original position, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands behind your head. Sit down to an angle of 90 degrees, then sharply jump out of this position. Make 4 approaches 12 times.

  • Sumo squats

Arrange the legs wide, expand the feet of the inner surface forward, come from this position as deeply as possible. Make 4 approaches 12 times. When the exercise begins to be given too easy, take a dumbbell.

Stand up to the "leg of a little wider shoulders", take the dumbbell or barbell and start tilting down, feeding the body forward, and ass setting back. Make 4 approaches of 10 repetitions.

Performing this exercise, you should not replace dumbbells on the bar. Dumbbells allow you to "feel" the muscles of the buttocks are more clear. A rodged rod with a barrel strains mainly muscles-spin spins, while dumbbells make the muscles of the back surface of the thigh and the buttock muscles.

POWER Platform Feet - Effective exercise on the muscles of the buttocks and hips. To increase the load specifically, put your feet closer to the top edge of the platform. To further increase efficiency, make the floor platform by one foot.

In order not to overload the quadriceps and make the focus on the buttocks, put a foot closer to the edge of the platform. And if you leave on the platform only heels, buttocks will literally "burn." The lower you put the feet on the platform, the stronger the quadriceps are loaded. Usually girls do not need. More from the secrets of the study of the buttocks - to put legs wide and deploy socks to the side. To use the buttocks, lower the platform as low as possible. Trust your knees literally to the ears.

Beautiful shape of the buttocks decorates a woman and draws attention to men. But what to do if nature did not give an attractive priest. You can correct the case in different ways, including by organizing a special system. You need not just lose weight, but also build up muscle mass where necessary.

Approximately half of all muscle fabric women are in buttocks. And it is not by chance. It depends on their state:

All the buttock muscles of the priests are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Large quadrangular berry muscles. They are located symmetrically connected to the bones of the pelvis and the hips. Cells of the fat layer are concentrated around them, providing a characteristic form and bulge of priests.
  2. Medium triangular buttock muscles. Participate in the formation of the thighs. The beauty of the hip line depends on the degree of development of these tissues. They cover the protruding pelvis, making them imperceptible. Gentle skin with a small fatty layer, envelops muscle tissues, making them smooth and smooth.
  3. Small flat jagged muscles. They have a triangular shape and completely hidden under the middle muscles. Their mass contributes to the formation of the form of priests and hips, supporting medium and large buttocks.

Beauty of female priests

The beauty of female priest depends:

  • On the degree of development of the borodic muscles of all groups;
  • From the width of the beaches of the waist and small pelvis;
  • From the ratio of width and length of the beaches of the waist, small pelvis and hips;
  • From the state of the subcutaneous fat layer on the waist and buttocks.

4 types of forms of women's buttocks are distinguished:

  1. "Inverted heart" or "A-shaped berry". It is characterized by a thin waist, rounded buttocks, lack of folds and spangles on the sides. The ratio between the waist circle and the hips is 0.7. Such buttocks have a small upper part, but a very bulk middle with a developed muscle tissue. The transition from the waist to the bottom of the legs is very sharp. Such a probe looks great in tight clothes, in thongs, bikini and, naturally, in their absence. It is possible to increase this ass visually, without actually increasing the mass of muscle tissue. On the contrary, due to diet food, the volume of the waist is reduced and on its background, the buttocks begin to look very attractive.
  2. "The round form of the buttocks" - decorate women with the same width of the waist bones and a small pelvis. The volume of muscles is big and makes the privation of prog convex, but tightened. Such women stand out in a lush look, which is visible under any clothing. Increase such a ass is easy, but you need to follow so that it remains elastic and has not saved. It should be understood that the form of priests is important than its mass and volume.
  3. "The V-shape of the buttocks" is highlighted by a saturated muscular mass under the waist, which then begins to noticeably decrease closer to the legs. This type cannot be considered beautiful and most women dream of adjusting it to look feminine.
  4. The "square shape of the buttocks" is characterized by equal width of the waist bones and a small pelvis and a flat back. Basins are practically absent. Buttocks are more like male. The clothes are hanging on them and they look very unattractive. To look attractive, a woman needs to increase the volume of priests below the back otherwise it will be similar to the board.

Every woman dreams about beautiful buttocks, but they are different to achieving goals. One is enough to preserve what nature has given them, and others will have to make a lot of effort to increase their buttocks.

How to eat to have a beautiful ass

Beautiful ass is the berous muscles and fat, covered with leather. All these lively fabrics need rational food. Any diet provides that a person will eat a certain set of products on the designated scheme. A woman who concerned about the problem of increasing his buttocks should have exactly those products that will make her back beautiful and attractive.

Power must be built so that the body gets the required quantity:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates.

Protein is a building material for muscle tissues. Without it, they will not grow, and those that already exist will be fading and withering. The rich source of protein is:

  1. Quail and chicken eggs. Cook them must be screwed, there is no mayonnaise. Before cooking should be placed with water to check for freshness. Fresh eggs will drown, others will pop up.
  2. Meat turkey and chicken without skin. You need to boil or stew, but not fry.
  3. Veal or beef cooked for a couple. You can stew. Pork is excluded.
  4. Fish: Gorbow, Tuna, Som, Sudak. You need to cook, stew, but not fry.
  5. Cottage cheese.
  6. Beans and beans.

Fats are necessary to replenish energy reserves in the body. They are part of the cells and contribute to the suction of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. In the diet, it is necessary to introduce 10% of fats. It is recommended for this, there are the following products:

  1. Vegetable oil: olive, linen.
  2. Nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts.
  3. Fatty fish varieties: salmon, trout, salmon.
  4. Fish fat.
  5. Salo pork salty. A small piece of up to 50 grams per day. Smoked is categorically excluded.

Carbohydrates for the growth of priests

Carbohydrates constitute the bulk of the body's nutrition. They are necessary to maintain vital activity. There are only products containing the right carbohydrates:

Crupes should be used to prepare a porridge, but from the pasta you need to refuse.

All food should prepare from fresh products. Women should abandon fast food dishes.

Sausages and smoked products are excluded. Cakes, ice cream, cookies and other sweets are significantly limited. About fast food should be forgotten. All these products are well quenched hunger, but make a woman shape with ugly. Buttocks are losing the shape, become loose and unpleasant. It is necessary to increase the consumption of pure water without gas to 3 liters per day. Fresh air walks before meal will also benefit.

Beautiful buttocks of women can be compared with treasure. But they need to be careported. Proper nutrition to allow the buttocks to increase and save their attractiveness.