About Japanese martial arts.

 About Japanese martial arts.
About Japanese martial arts.

Japanese martial arts are part of the enormous diversity of Japan martial arts. At least three Japanese term are often used as synonyms of the English phrase "Japanese Martial Arts": "Budo" (武 道), which literally means "combat path", "Budzutsu" (武术), which does not have a literal translation, but also means that "It seems to be science, art or crafts of war, as well as" Buegi "(武 芸), literally meaning" martial art. " The term "budo" is modern. It is usually designed to indicate martial arts practices, as a lifestyle, and includes physical, spiritual and moral aspects with an emphasis on self-improvement, self-realization and personal growth. The terms of Budzutsu and Buegi are more different definitions, at least from a historical point of view. Budzutsu applies specifically to the practical application of combat tactics and technology in real combat. Buegie refers to adaptation or clarification of tactics and methods in order to facilitate systematic learning and distribution within the framework of the formal learning environment.

Types of Japanese Martial Arts:
  • Aikido
  • Gosoku Ruu
  • Judo
  • Karate
  • Kudo
  • Cando.

Currently, the Japanese words of Budzutsu and Budo without a special difference in the sense are used to designate a wide range of skills necessary in martial arts, from fighting without weapons to possession of tools resembling a sword or spear. But in the Edo era (XVII - middle of the XIX century), the words of Budzutsu and Budo had a completely different subtext. Budzutsu was called confusion of battle, and Budo marked "military path", an ideal lifestyle, which should be conducted by a samurai, which owns Budzutsu technique.

Fragment from Sinka-Ryu Hayho Mokuroku, which opens the secret adhesions of the style of the ownership of Sinka-Yagy

In those days there were 18 martial arts (Bugay Dzuuhappan), which included archery, horse riding art, holding a cold weapon, throwing a spear, self-defense without weapons (Judzyutsu) and an instrument shooting.

Practice Budzutsu originated in antiquity. By the middle of the Hayean era (X-XI century), a military class was born to protect newly acquired agricultural and land interests. This class of warriors perceived Budzutsu as part of his culture. Later, in the Epoch of Kamakura (1192-1333), the military began to play a political role. They were engaged in a number of martial arts, especially three types of riding archery: Kala Taigaake (using umbrellas as targets), Yabsame (running arrows on wooden targets) and Inu-Omono (shooting on running dogs).

Online shooting competitions in Sandsesengendo, Kyoto.

In the era of Muromati (approximately 1333-1568) Masters of Budzutsu, who called Höhomono or Haygezin, used their military experience, studying and improving the technique of martial arts. They developed a number of new styles (called RU), for example, Ogasavara-ryu - Horse shooting from Luke, Haki-Ryu - Archery, Otsubo-Ryu - Horse riding and iceca gear - Military strategy.

A number of other martial arts styles developed during the civil university, which continued from the middle of XV to the end of the XVI century. They included Tsuda-Ryu - tool shooting, tanoyuti-ryu - a fight without weapons, and Casimasinto-Ryu, Sinka-Ryu and ITTO, which were founded, respectively, Tsukhara Sokuden, Kamiids Nobutsun and ITO to fight for swords.

Since the Edo Sögunat at the beginning of the 18th century combined the country, which followed the merge stability weakened the Military Spirit of Budzutsu. The technique of martial arts was improved through a system of training, which the main emphasis was made to kata (in forms, or formal movements). It was believed that they would help achieve the perfect state of spirit based on the doctrine of Zen and Confucius. Thus, the practice of martial arts developed from a simple study of movements that helped the mastering of combat techniques, to strict training that contributed to a healthy spirit in a healthy body. In other words, Budzutsu turned into Budo, which included philosophy that supported the idea of \u200b\u200ba certain way of life. At the time, when samurai had to master both the art of a pen and the art of a sword, Budo was the ideal, to achieve which the military class should strive.

The two famous styles of the cold weapon were Sinka-Yagyu-ryu, founded by Yagy Munesei, and Nitaniti-Ryu, developed by Miyamoto Musashi. The first school was preference to the Tokugawa family, which at that time dominated the policy, her segun himself studied, Tokugawa Iamitsa.

The basic principles of the art of ownership of the sword were set forth in such books like Hayho Cadenxe Yagy Munanory (son Munesei) and Gorin but Syo Miyamoto Musashi. These classic textbooks explain the sword possessions and describe the perfect state of the spirit and a philosophical view that those who own the sword should be achieved.

By the middle of the Edo era (the end of the XVII - middle of the XVIII century) for a long period of the world, the art of ownership of the sword went off the battlefield and turned into the practice of suitivated formal exercises. New schools, responding to this circumstance, suffered an emphasis with exercise in the forms of kata on training in combat forms using mail and wooden swords (Sinai). Two of these schools were Dziksinkage-Ryu and Nakanisi-ryu.

Self portrait of the famous master of ownership by the sword Miyamoto Musashi.

The desire for political changes and pressure from foreign countries lit a spark of the Renaissance of Budzutsu, which began from the end of the XVIII century. Soon the martial arts of staining to train in schools based in feudal possessions across the country. Strict class differences collapsed with the collapse of Sögunat, which made it possible to master the sword of men, who did not belong to the class of samurai. Dodzo in different cities opened their doors to people from all over Japan, who wanted to learn Sintennan-Ryu, Hokusin-ITTU and other styles of the sword. Competitions were organized in which opponents represented various Ryu.

Dzüdzutsu (the arts of the battle without weapons). Some of the famous existed schools -TuNoyuti-ryu, Quito-Ryu, Sakiguti-ryu and the Eustin Ryu. All schools professed the ideal, expressed in the phrase "Dzu, the Christmas Eve about Sayu", which can be translated as: "Weak can overcome strong."

Archery from Luke (Cyuyutsu) became the first combat art that turned into a contest. Day and night were held competitions on the long veranda of Sanzusangando Temple in Kyoto. The archers stood at one end of the veranda 2.2 meters wide and allowed arrows to the target at the other end, removed by about 120 meters. This competition was seriously perceived, since the honor of the feudal ownership of the archer depended on the results. According to the surviving record, one of the vasalov Daimo Tokugawa from Kisu, Wasa Daikhatiro, was able to send to the long end of the veranda of 8 133 arrows at the total number of shots 13 053. This is a strikingly high percentage, considering what a huge force is needed to release the boom almost horizontally, so that She did not hit the ceiling of the veranda of 5 meters high. The best archery of our days is difficult to get into the target even once. The face arts in their sports aspect
At the beginning of the Meiji era (1868-1912), Budu and Budzutsu almost disappeared. But in 1895, during the national efforts on the revival of the warlike spirit, an association called Dai-Nihon Bouquet-Kai was created. Built in 1905, a school of training teachers of martial arts over time became the school of martial arts. By 1882, Kano Jigoro has already established his judo style - - Kodokan, giving it a form of sports based on traditional judgus principles. Over time, Kando and Judo introduced into school curricula, and in 1931 they became mandatory objects for boys across the country. During the Second World War, the spread of Budo in the school system was part of the campaign on the introduction of militarist nationalism. The ideals of Budo were encouraged in military training.

At the end of the war, Japan turned out to be the occupied allies. Classes of martial arts were prohibited in order to avoid a new lift of militarism. But since the 50s, martial arts are again introduced into school programs and become a popular sport. Budo also attracted attention as traditional sports discipline, developing Ki and Ma, which contribute to the achievement of such a state of mind, in which physical and mental sensations are in harmony with each other.

Judo is the most competitive of all disciplines. She became an Olympic sport and has many followers all over the world. Cando also gained international recognition, although his true goal was not victory, but the promotion of the development of a healthy spirit in a healthy body. " Some Schools - Aikido, Surinji Campo and other ancient martial arts - do not die the tradition, promoting the practice of formal kata, others - their will focus its combat aspects. The workshops of one of these schools, Dito-Ryu Aikibudzutu-Sagawa-Ha, founded by Sagawa Yukiyusi, is a combination of various Japanese martial arts (such as Cando, Judo, Spear and Stick), they contribute to the very essence of Japanese martial arts.

As you can see, for many years, martial arts developed as part of Japanese culture and experienced political events of their time. The most valuable aspect of the Japanese martial arts is their ability to promote the comprehensive development of a person by exercises leading to the mastery of depotable, workshop, which are based on respect for the tradition, years of creative thought and creative actions.

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Jeido - This is a special art of an unexpected sharp attack or counterattack with the use of Japanese sword. In Jewid, it is not studied by fencing on swords, but only the instant killing of the opponent with an initially hidden blade. "Instant murder" is the ability to quickly expose the sword to apply a blow when the danger occurs. In this combat art there is no protection, as in: helmet, protective vest and gloves.

The predecessor of this martial art was to be trained. In this discipline there were 2 basic ideas. The student was supposed to train with a real sword, not afraid to injure his opponent or mentor. Also, the student was to learn to act instantly in situations when it was necessary to sharply go into attack or protection without the use of a sword. therefore iyidzutsu You can consider as an addition to the art of fencing on swords.

Now, in our time, the fencing sword is no longer used in real life and is studied by a rather small number of lovers. Among these people, several groups can be distinguished. The first trained in training to effectively get a sword from the scabble, others consider this art as an opportunity to comprehend themselves and their body, and in this process of self-knowledge plays only an additional role. Engaged jeidoEveryone can determine that in this art is the main thing for him.

According to the modern classification, the Japanese themselves share their martial arts to traditional military arts, which have arisen before the restoration of Maidzi (1868-1889) - Koryu Bujutsu - Budsutsu - 古流 武術, I.martial arts of modernity - GENDAI BUDO -ganda Budo -現代 武道 - these are styles and schools, most of which originated at the end of the XIX - the first half of the 20th centuries.Literary can be translated accordingly - "Mighting Methods of the Old School" and "Military Arts of Modernity".

Pay attention to a number of words and the corresponding hieroglyphs that are often designated various martial arts and styles: 1) - Jutsu - technique, skill, method, art; 2) - before - the path, art, practice; 3) 会 Kai - Community, Meeting, Association; four)館 - Kan - Palace, House, School; 5) 流 - Ryu - flow, style, manner. In addition, in the names of schools and styles, you can often meet the geographical names of a particular area, as well as the names of the founders or hieroglyphs, of which they consist.

Aikido - Aikido - 合気道 - The path of harmonious mood (mood) -

only one of the options for the translation of this term. Founder - Wesib Morihei - 植芝 盛平 (December 14, 1883 - April 26, 1969) took lessons from many martial arts masters, below you will face one of them - it Sokaka Takdy. Aikido was formed from the beginning of 20 "x to the end of 40" x years of the last century and is a bright exampleganda Budo -現代 武道 . Morihei Wassib brought up a lot of gifted followers, which on the one hand continued his work, on the other, they brought a lot of new and interesting in the practice of Aikido. Next, you can familiarize yourself with some of them and their schools ...

Styles and schools:

  • Aikikai - Aikikai - 合気 会 - You can translate as the "Iqua Principle Community". FROM til Aikido, at the head of which are the descendants of Morihei Wesiba. Organization's heads carry the title 道主 (follower path): Son -Kisosomar Wassiba (from April 26, 1969 to January 4, 1999) and grandson - Moritar Wassib (from January 4, 1999 at the present time). 1940 consider the date of the founding of the organization.
  • Yoshinkan - Yoshinkan - 養神館 - "School of Cultivation of the Spirit" , founderSoda Huzo - 塩田 剛 三 (September 9, 1915g.-7 July 1994) - Representative of the first generation of students Morihei Wesiba. Style base in 1955. Read more in the "About Aikido" section.
  • Iwama Ryu - Iwama Ru - 岩間流 - "Current of Iwama" (Ivama岩間 - Literally - Rocky Area - Geographical name of the place of the first dojo of this school) , the founder is Saito Morihiro - 斉藤 守弘 (March 31, 1928 - May 13, 2002) - one of the nearest students of Wesiba, during the age of 23 remained crucia 内弟子 (A student living in the House of Teacher) O-Sensei.
  • Kokikai - Cokicai - 気気 会 - can be translated as the "Silent Mood Community" , Based herez Maruyama (born on April 1, 1940) - one of the student of the last generation of Wince.
  • YOSHINKAN SEISEIKAI - 晟晟 会 - Literal translation - "Community of the Spirit Filled by Sun", Founder of Tarada Kiyuyuki 寺田 精 之 (April 20, 1922 - July 13, 2009) - Assistle Hommel Soda and actually Eshinkan Aikido Style Coordinator, Never Menia This school is significantly different from classic Yoshinkan a number of technical features.

  • Renshinkai - Rentinsinkai - 錬身会 - literally - "Community quenching (training)", founder - Tida Tutomo - 千田 務 (born October 4, 1950) - one of the first students of Hommelo Soda.
  • Shinwakan - Coinvacan - 親和館 - "School of Friendship", Kanche - 井井 強 一 Inoue Kyuti (Born on September 10, 1935), Comanor and Senior Student Godzo Soda.
  • SIN SIN TITSU - SIR SIN TORITS - 心身統 - literally - "Heart (spirit) controls the body" (alternative name - ki aikido). Founder Tohei Koichi - 藤平 一 (January 20, 1920 - May 19, 2011).
  • Tomiki RYU - Tomiki Ryu - 富木流 - "School of Tomiki" or Shodokan Aikido - Sydokan Aikido - 昭道館 合気道 - "School of Light". Founder - Tomiki Knezi - 富木 謙治 ( March 15, 1900 - December 25, 1979).

Daitoryu Aikijujutsu -大東流 合気柔術 - D.ayto Aikidzyudsuitsu - School of Judzyutsu of the Great East and Harmonious Mood (literary translation here is unlikely to do, rather, the name is a pair of symbolic idiom).

One of the most famous judzutsu styles 柔術 (Magnah technique, skill), Based taja Sokaku - 武田 惣角 (October 10, 1859 - April 25, 1943). Described in more detail in the "About Aikido" section.

Judo - Judo - 柔道 - G.ibky P.belly.

Rodonader - Kano Jigoro 嘉納 治五郎 (October 28, 1860 - May 4, 1938) studied dzüdzutsu 柔術 Many of the masters of their time. Based on this practice, refusing particularly attendant techniques, actually created a new kind of struggle. 講道館 - Kodokan (School Studying the Way) - The first Dojo Kano was created in 1882. This year is considered the year of judo. Through judo classes were many famous personalities in the Budo world. Judo in young years did Maed Mitsuyu (前田世 - 11/18/1878. - 11/28/1941.) - Founder of Brazilian Jiu-Jitzi, Vasily Sergeevich Oshcheckkov (25.12.1892. - 10.10.1937.) - One of the founders of Sambo, many of the High-level Aikido masters came to Aikido already having practice in Judo.

Karate - karate - 空手 - empty hand,

the initial version of Writing - 唐手 - Chinese hand - an alternative Japanese art of conducting a hand-to-hand combat, who came to Okinawa with one of the student Shaolin Kung Fu, some Sakugawa Kanga 佐久川 寛賀 (1733-1815), on the nicknamed Sakugawa Satunsi or Tode Sakugawa.

Styles and schools:

  • Shotokan - Sitokan (often - Schotokan) - 松涛館 - "School of Covenant Pines" or "Pine Style and Sea". Founder of Funakosi Gichin (船越義珍 - 10.11.1868 - 26.04.1957) On the emblem Syotokan is depicted a tiger, which is a totem patron of style. A distinctive feature of the style is low racks and sharp movements by the hips during strikes. One of the fundamental principles of Syotokan - "Ikcan Khisatsu" (一拳必 殺) can be translated as "cut from one strike."
  • Goju Ryu - Grozu Ru -剛柔流 - "School of Softness and Hardness." One of the main styles of Okinawa karate, which by the end of the twentieth of the last century, created Miyagi Tödzun ( 宮城長順 - 25.04.1888. - 10/08/1953). The master has repeatedly visited China and studied there various styles of Wushu. It is these practitioners that he expanded the style of Karate Naha-TE ( 那覇 ), who studied himself under the leadership of Higanna Kanry (東恩納 寛量 - 10.03.1853 - 15.10.1915).
  • Wado Ryu - Vado Ru - 和道流 - "School of Peaceful Way" or "Road of Consent". The style was created in 1939 by Otsuki Hironori (大塚 博紀 - 06/01/1892 - 01/29/1982) by a professional physician. The emblem is a circle with a white pigeon image with painted wings and a compressed fist over it. Hironori since childhood studied various styles by Jüdzutsu. For thirty years, Karate became interested and a lot succeeded on this field, founding his own school. In Karate Vado Ryu reflected a fascination with Judysutsu techniques. This style is saturated with a large number of pain controls, shifted techniques, chains, steps that are not characteristic of other karate styles of the time. In addition, the fight itself is less built into open confrontation, career from the attack line has rather than rigid blocking them. In connection with such tactical leading, Hironori introduces a number of racks that imply great mobility and the dynamics of movements that are not characteristic of most karate styles. For example, a frequently used position in other styles of Karate Kiba-Dati (騎馬立ち - literally - rider stand) It is replaced here on Nek-Asi-Dati (猫足立ち - the rack of a cat or a feline foot).
  • Shito Ryu - Sito Ryu -糸東流 - You can translate as a "School of Eastern Nighty". The style was developed by Mabuni Caneva (摩文仁 賢和 - 1889 - 1952). The name is associated with two other masters of Karate, who studied Mabuni, and contains hieroglyphs from which their names are. This is Yasutsunet (糸洲 恒恒 - ITOSU ANCO 1831-1915) - prominent master of Okinawa karate, who had many masters who were consequeled to their schools, and Higanna Kanry (東恩納 寛量 - 1852-1915). School karate.The sieve of a significant time of training pays the Kata, which is about fifty in it, which significantly exceeds the number of kata in other styles.
  • Kyokusinkay - Kyokusinkai - 極真 会 - "Community of the highest truth." Founded by Olya Masutatsu (大山 倍 達 - a pseudonym taken in Japan Korean - 07.27.1923 - 26.04.1994) in the 50s of the last century.
  • Ashihara Karate - Asihar Karate - 芦原 空手 - Karate Hideyuki Asihara (芦原 英幸 - 05.12.1944 - 24.04.1995) in 1980.
  • Koshiki Karate - Karate Kosika - 甑空手 - The first hieroglyph here means a metal pot, therefore, can be translated - "karate, like metal", in other words - "hard karate". The foundation date is called 1977.

Kendo - Cando - 剣道 - P.sweat

(earlier -Kenjutsu - Kendwitu - 剣術 - the art of the sword, or the art of possession of the sword) was founded in 1920 on the basis of various schools Candwits existing from the period of early Middle Ages. The philosophical doctrine of the school is reflected in its slogan, which sounds: Ki Ken Tai No Ichi -体 の 一 - Kean Tai ki, but Ichi, which is literally translated, like: Spirit, Sword and Body - all one.NowadaysCando is often taught in Japan schools to strengthen the spirit and body of students.

From the beginning of the XII century, fencing, on a series of possession of a speech and shooting from Luke, was a mandatory skill of samurai warriors, but before the beginning of the XVII century, it was more likely held a secondary position in their training. During the EDO era (1603-1868), upon an occurrence of peaceful time in Japan, a number of Candwits schools arise in Japan, some of which exist and so on. An essential step in the further development of Kinzyutsu was the reform of the master Naganum Kunitsato 長沼 国郷 (1688-1767). In training at that time, a wooden sword of Boksen was mainly used, which often injured students. Mentor Cunisato introduced into the workout process Bamboo Sword Sinai (竹刀 ) or tharmite (竹光 ), which consists of four bamboo strips of skin fastened with slices and linked rods. A similar design substantially softens the blow and is used in modern kendo.

TENSIN SHODEN KATORI SINTO RYU - 天 真正 伝香取 神道流 - Tennsin Syden Katori Sito Ruu - literary way to translate very difficult, however, literally - the School of the Spirit path is common than genuine simplicity.

perhaps, one of the oldest schools of the martial arts of Japan, implied by an integrated approach in teaching her adepts. A typical example of Buduzutsu - 古流 (combat systems of the old school). Here, on a row with the fundamental fencing technique, a sword - Candwits (剣術), there are a number of sections of parallel learning:

Iyidzuitsu - 居 合術 - the art of instant exposure of the sword with a simultaneous blow.

Nagagatadzutsu - 長 刀術 - the art of possession of the naginata.

Rocotodzütsu - 両 刀術 - fencing techniques with two swords at the same time and fighting a few attackers.

Kodatijutsu - 小 太 刀術 - fencing indoors with a small sword.

Bodzyutsu - 棒術 - Skills of owning a combat sixth.

Sodzuitsu - 槍術 - Practice of fighting by Japanese spear.

Syrichendzyutsu - 手裏 剣術 - throwing knives and blades.

Dzüdzutsu - 柔術 - Keeping hand-to-hand combat.

Ninjutsu - 忍術 - art surveillance and espionage.

Tychudzyutsu - 地区 場術 - the art of fortification of the construction of defensive structures.

Gunbai Hayho - 軍 配兵法 - Military art of strategy and tactics.

Tammon-Tirigaku - 天文 地理学 - Heavenly phenomena, astronomy, astrology and predictions.

School adepts call 1447 years of school's date, historians are inclined to believe that 1480 is to a greater extent corresponds to the actual time of this event. Be that as it may, it is already quite difficult to maintain both one and another version.

Kasima Sin Ryu - 鹿島神流 - Kasima Sin Ryu - the literary translation is hardly possible, the first two hieroglyphs - "Casima" (鹿島 ) - Obviously, the name of one's own, imaginary, or the name of one of the founders, or the name of the terrain, literally - deer island (also known ancient Temple of Casima in Ibaraki Prefecture 茨城 県 ), in this way -Casima Sin Ruu - "School of SpiritCasima.

Early mention of school date back to the XVI century.Exactly the same as Catori Sinto Ruy (see above), the school suggests an integrated approach to the study of Budzutsu. A number of disciplines are considered here, where it is working with various kinds of weapons (Buca Vadza 武器技 ), so without it (Tajyutsu 術術). Neither Menia, it is primarily practiced by the ownership of the sword - Candwits - ( 剣術 ).

Katana was used primarily as a cutting weapon, sometimes both stitching, allowing both two-handed and one-handed grip. The oldest school of ownership of the sword rolling takes their origin in the XV-XVI centuries.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Japanese art of ownership of the sword (Kendwitu) and the technician-based technicians (such as Jewid) lies in the fact that the longitudinal axis of the sword during the attack should go to the target not at a right angle, but along its plane, causing cutting strikes. Therefore, it is more appropriate to speak not about blows - in the form in which they are characteristic of Western techniques of the sword - but about cuts. That is why the blades have a curved form.

The famous Japanese master Mike Miyamoto Musasi wrote the book "Gorin but Syo" ("Book of five rings"), in which he reveals his technique of two swords (Nitan-Ryu) and in Esoteric perspective explains it. Working with rod and Vakidzasi is similar to Escrima Takes (modern name - Arnis de Mano). Candyutsu, the practical art of fencing with a sword, was reborn in modern species - Ganda Budo. The art of a sudden attack and counterattack is called Jewid and is a meditative type of battle, which is conducted with an imaginary opponent. Cando - the art of fencing by a bamboo sword (Sinai), in which it is necessary to carry a set of protection similar to the fencing European and consisting of a helmet with a lattice closing face and armor. This type of fencing on swords, depending on the specific style (RU), can be practiced as a sports discipline.

In Japan, there are still numerous traditional fencing schools who managed to survive after the universal ban on Emperor Maidzi to wearing swords. The most famous are Casim Sinto Ryu, Casima Sin Ryu and Catori Sinto Ryu.

Katana in the media (media)

From the second half of the 20th century, the romance to the Middle Ages, the Far and Middle East and especially the Japanese culture began to gain frantic popularity. Contact with the Japanese culture in the West occurs mainly through anime, manga and Japanese cinema; Thus, the cinema samurai fights and duels of Heroes Anime are the main foundation for the ideas of Europeans about Japan, which are often perceived at all without any criticism. Nowadays, the trend of romanticization of Japanese blacksmith art is noticeable, which significantly reflected in the popular science documentation produced by National Geographic, Discovery Channel, History Channel, as well as in the Russian popular format "Military".

The most popular opinion that is supported by many popularizer specialists, which says, as if the Japanese sword is an absolute top of the forge art in the entire history of mankind. This opinion, nevertheless, does not withstand any archaeological, historical and metallographic criticism. Composite Japanese blades do not really represent anything "unusual" or "exceptional", as the archaeologists found Celtic blades of the V century BC. e. (that is, almost a thousand years older than Japanese), consisting of various purposefully cooked varieties of steel. Research of Roman Gladiusov and Roman-German welded revealed complex welded structures and selective hardening of many swords. For example, individual Roman gladiuses not only turned out to be selectively hardened, but also showed the hardness of the blade to 60 units on the Rockwell scale. In particular, the welded blades of the early Middle Ages are made at a very high level of skill. This is proved first of all the work of Stefan Meduse, who, in the framework of a special project, together with Japanese polishing plants of higher ranks polished European Rated Westerns (two Scratsaks and One Welded Spaw) in the Japanese method. The results clearly show that even the grimacs of the Germans consisted of excellent refined steel, folded and cited at no less than Japanese steel blades. Selective hardening were also discovered and at least two varieties of steel. This proves that composite blades from various varieties of steel, raffination methods and selective quenching have never been solely Japanese. Middle Eastern and Central Asian blacksmiths owned all these methods as far as their European and Japanese colleagues. Swords and knives of the same quality, as well as Japanese, were made in Europe since the time of the Roman Empire, that is, at a time when the development of the local technology of the cheese furnace began in Japan. From a historical and metallographic point of view, the superiority of the Japanese sword over all the other is unproved and is the product of the western popular culture of the 20th century.

Properties of material

It is often mentioned that as if because of the soft footage (core) and a very hard cutting edge, Japanese swords are almost not affected and cut with the same efficient solid steel and organic materials. In fact, this opinion was influenced by anime and romantic interpretation of Japanese legends. From the point of view of physics, heat-treated steel in 45-60 units of Rockwell can not be cut (and not just broken) exactly the same steel. Iron as a material is not comparable to steel, so the popular show where the rolled knobs cut into soft tin sheets in half a millionth, are not proof. Also there are also no historical sources, confirming the ability of any swords to "cut as oil" steel plates from 1 mm and above 30 units of Rockwell, so these opinions are considered as a pure product of cinema, fantasy and romantic literature. Along with this, there are a number of European and Japanese historical and literary sources that inform about the bent, bezed and broken swords. The soft volatility allows it to be relatively easy to be stuffed in the case of "overvoltage", because it is thus the ferritic core depreciates internal stresses and a very solid martensitic edge of the katana will remain intact, which was required from the Japanese sword. This explains the bends and jar on the originals of Japanese swords. There are also reports on the use of a sword against solid metal things with deposits for blade. The above properties of the katana (the ability to bend, but do not break) are the source of myth about its "non-deepebility." Scenes from movies, anime and numerous computer games, where the heroes are dried by one blow stones, lamellar armor and hard metal objects without visible resistance of the material are fantasy, which amid the limits of iron strength, stone and become fundamentally contrary to physics.

Phenomenal sharpness as the exceptional property of the Japanese sword is often found in popular publications about Katan. This property is most often due to the extremely high solidity of the cutting edge of the Katana (according to H. Tanimura 60-65 HRC Japanese katana against 50-58 HRC European swords). Here the error appears due to the confusion of sharpness and stability of sharpening. Katana can compally for a long time to sharpen, but is not "self-folding" - this myth originated mainly due to the erroneous attitudes of the Katan properties of the Tiglevo Bulat with carbide microzbinnos and recently discovered microstructures. As a result, the ability of the sword "cut steel as oil" or "to disseminate silk rolls" is historically unproved in the air. So often quoted "simultaneous hardness and elasticity" are not a combination of mutually exclusive properties, but a compromise within the laws of physics.

Fencing and scope of application

Quite often the art of ownership of the Japanese Kanaya Candyzutu (one of the most ancient schools of which Tencin Sydan Katori Synto-ryu) are not distinguished, and sometimes mixed with modern sports like Cando or Aikido, thereby mistakenly calling, for example, Kando as "ancient combat art". This occurs mainly from samurai films, Hollywood shields and (which is typically for children and adolescents) of such anime series as "Bleach" or "Kencin". Due to this, very popular popular myths about European weapons, emanating from the XVIII and XIX centuries, is very common that the Japanese Katana exceeds all other types of speed and accuracy due to their allegedly low weight and low blade thickness. This statement in itself is incorrect, if we take into account that the average katana is as well as the European combat sword (X-XIV types according to the classification of Evarte Okshott), weighed 1100-1200 grams. There are preserved copies of the sabers (0.9-1.1 kg), rapiers (up to 1.4 kg), checkers and Roman-German guests (0.6-1.2 kg), they weigh less than eight hundred grams. Thus, Katana is more likely to average than low weight. The thickness of the Japanese blade fluctuates on average from 6 to 9 mm and, as a rule, almost does not decrease towards the edge, which is characteristic of the saber blade. European swords have at the Garda on average 4-8 mm, which smoothly decrease to 2 mm at the island. Thus, European swords are actually more subtle than Japanese, which is also historically displayed in the form of unusual chopping advantages. From the point of view of physics, sharpness and stability of the blade depend on its geometry, which, in principle, depends on the thickness of the blade only indirectly. Two-handed grabs of a weakly sparkled blade between 70 and 80 cm also has its analogues in other parts of the light (for example, the German Gross Messer). Thus, the evidence that Katana is to some extent, there is no more quick or perfect, there is no logical point of view. Arguments like the historical absence of full-fledged martial arts and high-quality swords from other peoples outside the Japanese-Chinese culture are not taken into account, since the scientific point of view does not correspond to archaeological and historical facts.

There are popular misconceptions, which also go in the opposite direction: often voiced by the opinion that Katana is exclusively cutting weapons for the duel of the robbery soldiers. This is due to the fact that today the overwhelming majority of authentic blades produced by Honored Masters of Japan are intended for collections or sports like "Tetsychiri" or "Jewy". Japanese swords produced before the Edo period ("one" - "old swords"), but are very diverse with respect to the geometry of the blade, curvature, center of gravity, weight, etc. while preserving the concept of nighborhood during the centuries. These swords were perfectly adapted to defeat traditional Japanese armor and had for this, as a rule, the required elasticity of the blade and the geometry of the cutting edge. Katana, which it is shown in the media (a rather soft core and very sharply solid cutting edge), appeared only during the Edo period. Thus, Japanese swords are historically multifunctional and were not limited to dispense of compete opponents. In the media, almost always the fact that the fencing Katana, which we know it today arose only in the XVII century from the Utigatan, which in the XV century happened from Tati. Combat swords Before the Sengokok and Edo period were not a fencing ridge as such and were not used accordingly - it is necessary to distinguish these two types of swords.

The specific scope of use of katana in most cases or is not exactly voiced, or distorted. So theses are born, which says that Katana is not only perfectly adapted to defeat all the varieties of armor, but also applies to any combat situation. In such assumptions, however, the effect of modern films about ninja and samurai, which, as a rule, has nothing to do with historical martial arts, weapons and tactics, is clearly visible. Prior to the Edo Samurai period was mainly horse archers who used the sword only in extreme cases if the spear of Yari or Naginat was out of reach or lost. Only by the decree of Sögun Tokugawa Ieais Katana became the "soul of samurai" and his personal fencing and status weapons, similar to the rapier and a sword in Europe, in the process of which the former civil wars and battles in full armor on horse are forever went into the past. Thus, the classical katana samurai starting from the XVII century was originally a duel arms designed for compete opponents, and, as a rule, did not come into contact in duels with traditional Japanese armor - the suitability of rolled for a dive or puncturing of armor or its absolute versatility. Thereby do not have historical foundations. . Tati's cavalry swords (often inherited) remained samurai parade weapons, but they were worn differently and actually rods were not. The European, Middle Eastern and Central Asian bladed weapons were adapted to defeat scaly, colts and lamellar armor, and the extreme load should have to withstand for this. Japanese armor did not contain so much metal, as they were Rather Archer, rather than a speaker, so the Japanese sword did not need to withstand similar tests.

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Faced with the limitations of its effectiveness, the carriers of the martial arts of the West took over the improvement of weapons. Faced with the same limitations, the Japanese warrior took over the improvement of himself.

Dave Lori

Although on the other hand, in my opinion, all these Japanese martial arts have long been outdated - and do not really represent any practical interest - the world changes something says - something appears new. Better, more relevant to the spirit of the times.

But in the meantime, very many people continue to get involved in various Japanese martial arts and find a lot of curious and interesting for themselves.

And most importantly, this is the most unique opportunity to touch carefully preserved and therefore still a living spirit - ancient Japanese warriors - try on it, so to speak.

So, all martial arts of Japan ...

Abe-Ryu -(Yap. 倍流倍流) or Abe Tate-Ryu (Yap. 倍倍 立流), also known as Abe-Rya Cando (Yap. 倍立剣道倍立剣道) - Classic Japanese Martial Art (Kori), founded in the XVII century Mastery Abe Erito (Yap. 倍倍 頼任). The school is a branch from Thai-Ruu style, which, in turn, experienced the influence of Sinka-Ryu.

Abe-Ryu is known as the first serious school of Candwits, which applied the term cando. (Yap. 剣道) Back in 1673, although such hieroglyphs were known in China. The essence of Cando, or cen-No-Miti ("Swine's path"), within the framework of this style, was more in spiritual and moral training, rather than in physical. That Cando, which was practiced by the Abe-Ryu school, has nothing to do with the modern practice of Cando, created after the restoration of Maidzi.

Aizz Cague Ryu - (Yap. 会 津 陰流, "Shadow School of Aizz") - Ancient School Candwits, Classical Japanese Martial Art (Kori), based approximately in 1490 Aiju Hyuga-Kami IKO (Yap. 愛洲 移香 斎久忠), also known under the name Aidza Ikosai Hisatada (Yap. 愛洲 移香 斎 尚 忠)

Aidza Cague Ruu's school was founded by Samurai Aidz Hyuga-Kami ICO in 1490, during the time of the period of Muromati. Aidza Ikosai was a member of the clan Aidzu and a representative of the Kii family (KII) branch of the city of Kumano, which was put at the head of the five fortresses by Syogun Morinaga Sinno (Yap. 親王 森永, 1308 - 1335) during the period of Muromati

The main orientation of the school is the fight against the sword (Kendwitu). The term "KAGE" is translated as "Shadow" and transfers the essence of the exercise, which is focusing on the definition of intention, strategy and spiritual state of the enemy by studying his / her body language, facial expressions and other signs.

Today, Aidza Cague Ryu no longer exists, but its knowledge and technicians are used in schools such as Sinka-Ru Yagyu and Casim Sindan Dziksinkage-Ryu, as well as many others.

Iki-Dzüdzutsu - Japanese military equipment, which is the predecessor. Currently, the term "Iki-Dzutsu" (合気術) is used by many modern Dzu-Dzutsu schools to determine the technical partition using the principles aiki. (合気).

Dito-Ryu Iki-Dzüdzutsu - (j. 大東 流合気 柔術 Dito: -Rell: Iki-DzüdzutsuRomadzi: Daitō-Ryū Aiki-Jujutsu) - Japanese martial art created by Town Sokaka. Dito-Ryu was created on the basis of the Iki-Jutsu, which in turn roots goes to the beginning of the second millennium of our era.

Jujutsu (Dzüdzutsu, Yap. 柔術 [ dzu: Dzutsu] (inf.)) - from Yap. 柔 [ dzu.] (soft, flexible, malleable, compliant) and 術 [ dzutsu] (Technique, method) - "Softness Art" - a general name used for Japanese martial arts, including techniques for working with weapons without it. I.e jujutsu - The art of a hand-to-hand combat, the basic principle of which is "soft", "piercing" technique movements.

Dzigan Ruu(Yap. 示現流, literally "Exposed Reality") - Ancient Japanese Martial Art (Kori), founded in the XVI century of Togo (Yap. 東郷 重位, 1561 - 1643) in the province of Satsuma, modern Kagosima Prefecture, based on school TENCIN Syden Korimator Synto-Ryu. Mostly focuses on Candwits methods.

Dzittzyutsu(Yap. 十 手術 Jittejutsu., "The Art of Wand") or Jetteadzitsu (English. Juttejutsu.) - Japanese fighting of battle with the help of DZTTE.

Judo(Yap. 柔道 dzu: Before:, literally "soft way"; The name "Flexible Way" is also often used in Russia) - Japanese martial art, philosophy and sports martial arts without a weapon, created at the end of the XIX century on the basis of Judzutsu Japanese Martial Art Master Jigoro Kano (Yap. 嘉納 治五郎 Kano: Jigoro: 1860 - 1938), Which also formulated the basic rules and principles of training and exercises.

Jukundo -japanese bayonet art.

Yosekay (school branch)(Yap. 合氣 道 耀 耀 會 Aikido: E: Syu: Kai) - School Aikido, created and headed by Japanese master Takasi Kusida.

Yoshin Ruu(Yap. 楊心流, "School of Willow Heart") - Ancient School of Judzütsu, Classical Japanese Martial Art, founded in 1632 by the Akiyama Syrobay of Yositoki (Yap. 秋山 四郎 兵衛 義時). Akiyama Yoxin-ryu line is one of the most influential Judysutsu schools that existed in Japan.

Yoshinkan(Yap. 養神館, the name consists of three hieroglyphs: E (Yap. 養) - "cultivate or develop", Sin (神) - "Spirit", Kan (館) - "House". This combination of hieroglyphs can be translated as " House of Development of Spirit ") - Aikido Style (Yap. 合気道), founded by Japanese Master of Human Soda (1915-1994)

Yosyoka Ruu- Ancient School Candwits, Classic Japanese Martial Art (Kori), founded in the XVII century Yoshio Campo (Yap. 吉岡 拳法). The school was highly popular in the second half of the XVII century, when her creator was appointed instructor of fencing Sögunat Asicagi in Kyoto.

Iyidzutsu- You should distinguish Jaido and Jijutsu. Jaidzuitsu is the art of instant exposure of a sword, which has a purely practical orientation, while Jeido (especially after World War II) is largely a discipline designed to educate the Spirit. Initially, the Iyidzuitsu (Thus, the Jaidzutsu section is contained at the Budzutsu school Tencin Syden Katiko-Ryu, founded in 1447). Jaido is the path of self-improvement by performing an EIA technique.

Jeido(Yap. 居合道 jeido:literally art meeting sitting) - This is the art of a sudden attack or counterattack using Japanese sword (Katana). Unlike the Cando, it is not studied here, namely instant defeat of the opponent With originally cleaned with a clinic sheath. Under the "instant lesion" is understood as the rapid exposure of the sword, with the subsequent strike of the strike, with danger, for example, when a person sitting ahead, shows signs of aggression, or takes the sword. Also in this form of fencing there are no armor, as in Cando: a protective helmet, vest and gloves.

Ivama Ruu (岩間流) - one of the old directions of Aikido, created by Morihiro Saito, a close student Morihery Wassiba, the founder of Aikido. He behaves from the town of Iwam, where in 1942 with the beginning of World War II WESIB moved from Tokyo. Here he opened the dojo where he spent training until his death in 1969.

Iga Ryuha Katsusin-Ryu (Yap. 為 我 流派勝 流流) - Ancient School of Judzutsu, the Classic Martial Art of Japan, based on the Master named Fudzisaki Tominodse, Esimiti. Roots of the Iga Ryuha School Katsusin-Ryu go from Yiga Ryu Jüdzutsu (not to be confused with Yga-Ryu Nindzutsu), which is a combination of other martial arts styles. Yeh-ryu was founded by the master named Ebata Mokumon Mitidzane (Yap. 江畑 杢右 衛門 満眞). Ebata since childhood he studied martial arts. He studied Fujiima-Ryu (Judzyutsu, Iyidzuitsu, Kogusoku; under the leadership of Sukugawa Tadayashi (Yap. 助川忠良)), Yoshiyoka Ryu (Judzyutsu; under the leadership of Raddzawa Matai Tanetsegu (Yap. 深沢 又 市 胤 次)) and Bug'u-ryu ( iai).

Ikkaku-Ruu - Ancient School Dzittzutsu, Classic Martial Art of Japan, founded in the XVII century Master named Matsudzaki Kinuemon Tsungakatsu. School technology are not taught separately, but included in the Sito Muso-ryu school school training program. Djittzutsu's art in Ikcaku-ryu considers Dzutte as a way of self-defense against an attacker, armed with a sword (rolled).

IPPO-RU - The ancient school of Candyzutsu, the classic martial art of Japan, based approximately in the XVI century master by the name of Toda IPPO.

Isin-Ryu - Ancient School Kusarigamadzutsu, Classical Martial Art of Japan, formed in the XVII century. Unlike Kusarigam, used by other combat traditions, this weapon in the style of Ostin-ryu has a slightly different and unusual design. So Kusarigama Isin-ryu has a non-traditionally long chain and direct double-edged blade unlike most other schools. Ancient documents describing weapons report that the blade length was about 30 to 31 centimeters, and the chain length is 3.6 meters. The handle is made of wood solid rocks and its length is equal, approximately 36 centimeters.

Yttcu-ryu. - Traditional School Khodzödzutsu, Classic Japanese Martial Art (Kori), founded by the XVII century Master named Matsudzaki Kinuemon Tsungaatsu. To date, the tradition of the style of Yttcu-ryu is included in the Sito Muso-Ru School.

ITTO Syden Moto Ryu (Yap. 一刀 正伝 無 刀流, "School of true transmission of the system of the system without sword ITTO") - Ancient School Candwits, Classical Martial Art of Japan, founded in the second half of the 1800s Master named Jamaok Tentsutar Takayuki, more famous for Yamaoka Tessi (Yap. 山岡 鉄舟)

ITTO-RU.(Yap. 一刀 流, "School of One Sword") - Ancient School Kendwitu, Classical Martial Art of Japan, founded in the XVI century by the famous samurai named Ittosa Kagakhis.

Cague Ruu - Ancient School of Batthodzütsu, Classical Japanese Martial Art (Kori), founded by Yamamot, Khisat Masakhatsu (Yap. 山本 久弥正胜). Cague Ryu has nothing to do with the styles of Aizz Cague Ryu and Sinka-Ryu. The school focuses on the techniques of the long sword, known as töken. (choken.).

KAMAADZUTSU -traditional Japanese battle art with sickle - kama.

Kaemaki-Ruu - The ancient school of Candwits, the classic martial art of Japan, based at the end of the XVI or the beginning of the XVII centuries, the Master named Kaemaki Subsai.

Casima Sin-Ryu- Traditional military art, the basic principles of which were developed in the XVI century. Secrets of skill were transmitted from generation to a generation of a family. The modern form of Kasima-Sinry acquired thanks to the efforts of Sihanke 18 generation of Kunya Zengy (years of life 1894-1966, Sihanke in 1914-1966) in school study Candwits (fencing technique for swords), Nagagatadzutu (Alabard Fighting Technology), Sodvorus Spear), Batthodzütsu (technique of instant exposure of a sword with cutting), Judzütsu (hand-to-hand combat technique) and Bodzyutsu (fear of the sixth).

Casima Syndhan Dziksinkage-ryu(Yap. 鹿島 神傳 直心 影流, "Divinely transmitted, honest reflection of the heart of School Casima"), also referred to as Jikisinkage-ryu (Yap. 直心 影流) or Casima Syndner - School Candyutsu, Classical Martial Art of Japan, based in 1570 For years, the master named Matsumoto Bijsen-no-Kami Tokatasu. Kasima Synden Dziksinkage-Ru, founded in the middle of the XVI century, is one of the few ancient Japanese schools of martial arts that have come down to the XXI century and still existing today.

Casumi Coto-Ryu Kendwitu(Yap. 霞 神道流 剣術) or Synto-Rya Candwits (Yap. 神道 流 剣術) - the names used to designate a series of training forms (kata) devoted to working with a sword against sword practiced exclusively at Soto Moos-Ryu school. The system consists of 12 forms, 8 of which are devoted to a long sword (odati), and 4 - short (codati).

TANNNEN RICYIN-RU j. 天然 理心 流, "School of Natural Understanding of the Spirit" or "School of Unmandant Consciousness") - Classical Japanese Martial Art (Kori), based approximately in 1789 by the wizard Condo Kuranosuk Nagahiro (Yap. 近藤 内蔵助 内蔵助). It is widely known by what was practiced by members of synsengum.

TENCIN SYDEN CORTORY SINTO-RU (天 真正 伝香取 神道流) - one of the oldest currently existing schools of traditional Japanese martial arts and the oldest of integrated martial arts systems of Japan. The founder of the school, Jidzas Tyusyi Ienao, was born in 1387 in the village of Eidzas (at the moment the city of Tomati in Tiba's prefecture). The school itself calls the date of its foundation 1447, but some researchers argue that 1480 is a more accurate date.

TENCINSE DZIGEN-RU - Ancient Budzutsu, the classic martial art of Japan, founded in the 1500th year by the master by the name of Satoguti Bijsen-no-Kamimo. The main focus of the style is the practice of Candwits and Jijutsu, but the training program also includes such disciplines as Dzüdzutsu, Sodzu and Nagamaki.

Tessyndzyutsu (Yap. 鉄扇術, "Art Tessan") - Japanese fighting of battle with the help of a combat veser entitled tessen (Yap. 鉄扇), popular among women who belonged to samurai class in feudal Japan. Tessyndzyutsu is based on the use of a solid or foldable metal veser, which is often equipped with 8 or 10 wooden or iron knitting needles.

Thazzyutsu (Yap. 鉄棒術, "Art Tatsubo") - Japanese art of fighting with a steel baton tatsubo. One of the ancient types of weapons that fell into Japan in the Asian continent was made of solid iron the subject of an extended form close to the stick - tatsubo. Because of its sizes and weight, it was rather difficult to treat such a weapon, so there was a whole combat discipline - thazzyutsu. She pursued the goal to develop the physical force of the Warrior and teach it to the techniques of fighting with the help of a steel baton both at a horse and within walking. Based on thazzyutsu It is the principle of using inertia developed by weapons when driving through various trajectories. Techniques thazzyutsu Used to apply crushing blows, breaking the armor, knock out the enemy from the saddle, and sometimes as a portable taran.

It is not known what military tradition formalized the use tatsuboHowever, the use of this type of weapon has become the prerogative of only those soldiers who were strong enough to master them.

TUDZO-RU. - Ancient Japanese art (Kori), one of the oldest forms of Candwits, founded in the XIV century Master named Tudzo Nagahide (Yap. 伊庭秀伊庭秀), who studied fencing in Nane Dzion ( Nenami Okuyama Jion.), founder Nan-Ryu.

UNKO-RU. j. 雲弘流, "School of all-encompassing / comprehensive clouds") - ancient school Candyutsu, classical combat arts, founded in the middle of the XVIII century Master named Higuti Citiro.

Uti-Ru (Yap. 上 地流 Weti Ryu:, "Weti Style") - one of the styles of Okinawa martial art of Karate, who founded Master Camboon Uti (1877-1948).

Fudan Ruu - Ancient School Sodzuitsu, Classic Martial Arts, Founded at the beginning of the 1600s Master named Nakaya Ganbei Yoshinari (Yap. 中山 吉成).

Fukibaridzutsu (Yap. 吹き 針術, "Art Fukibari") or fukiydazyutsu (Yap. 吹き 矢術, "Art Fuchia") - Japanese Eagle throwing (Jap. 針, Romadzi: hari.) With the help of a fuch tube: Fukibari (Yap. 吹き針) or Fuki (Yap. 吹き矢).

Fussen Ruu - Ancient School of Judzyutsu, classical combat arts, based approximately in the XIX century Master named Ticad Mozhege.

Hasegawa Eisin-Ryu- Ancient School Candyzuitsu and Jijutsu, the classic martial art of Japan, based between 1716 and 1736 by the master named Hasegawa Tikaranosuk Eisin (Yap. 長谷川 主税助 英 信). To date, Khasagawa Eisin-ryu style is studied in such schools of martial arts as Muso Dzikiden Eisin-Ryu and Muso Syndan-Ryu.

Hyoeho Nitan IT-Ryu (Yap. 兵法 二天 一流) - Ancient School Candwits, Classic Japanese Art (Kori), based between 1604 - 1640, the famous Miyamoto Musasi fencing master. Nitan Iti-ryu is known primarily by fencing techniques with two swords, Katana and Vakidzasi, who Musashi called Nitan-Ii. (Yap. 二天 -, "Two sky as one") or Nito-Ii. (Yap. 二 刀 一, "Two swords as one")

Higo Ko-Ryu- Ancient School of Nagagatadzutsu, Classical Martial Arts, Founded in the 1600s Masters by Kami Garusige.

Khodzan-Ruu (Yap. 宝山流), also known as Tsutumi Khodzan-Ryu (Yap. 堤宝山 流) - Buduzutsu, classic Japanese art (Kori), based at the end of the XIV or the beginning of the 15th century Master named Tsutumi Khodzan (Yap. 堤宝山).

Khodzödzyutsu (Yap. 捕 縄術 hodzo: Dzutsu) or navadzyutsu (Yap. 縄術) - Traditional Japanese binding art with rope. It was used on the battlefield for the capture and conjunction of prisoners, and in peacetime - with the arrest of criminals. In the practice of martial arts, khodzödzyutsu It was extremely rarely accepted as the only studied discipline, but it could be found as one of the parts of the curriculum of various complex schools of Budo, often as an in-depth study of the principles and technician Judzüts.

Hodzoine-Ruu - Ancient School Sodzuitsu, Classic Japanese Martial Art (Kori), based approximately 1560 by Khodzoine Kakudzenbo Inneem (Yap. 宝蔵 院 胤栄, 1521 - 1607)

Hoki-Ruu - The ancient school of Cendwits and Jaidzuitsu, Japanese classical martial art, based approximately in the XVI century Master by the name of Katyam Hisayasa Khoki (Jap. 片山伯 耆 守藤 原久原久, 1575 - 1650). Taking IEE-no As a base, Hisayas and later generations of the Katoyam family and Khosino developed and introduced more than seventy technician to the arsenal with a sword. Many of them were lost by a majority of modern branches, practicing Hoki-ryu. Currently, fifteen basic forms make up the basis of almost all Hoki-ryu branches (some groups have retained various kata). These 15 basic forms are divided into two levels: Omothe (6 technician) and Tyudid (9 technician). Most of them practices from a position sadeza.

Hokusin ITTO-Ryu - Classical martial art of Japan, founded in the 1820s by the master named Tiba Susaka Narimas. The school is part of Nihon Kobudo Kokai.

Hontai Yusin-Ryu - Budzutsu, classic Japanese martial art (Kori), founded in the 1660s Master named Takagi Sigetosi. Hontai Yoxin-Ru is part of the organization Nihon Kobudo Kokai.

Khoten-Ruu - Ancient Budzutsu, the classic martial art of Japan, based in the 1600s by the master named Takidzava Mind Hoten (Yap. 滝澤 美濃 守 法典). The school's school learning program includes the study of the technician Kendwitu, Jaidzütsu, Dzёdzyutsu, Sasumata, Hibuki and Kabuki (secretive and old weapons), Kusari and Kushardsundo, Tessyndzyutsu, Syrichendzyuk, Sodzu, Kusarigamadzyutsu and Tekken.

Hagezo Muteki-Ryu- Ancient School Candwits, Classical Japanese Martial Art (Kori), based approximately in 1668, Mastery of Yamanuti Rencinsai (Yap. Yamanouchi Renshinsai.). Is one of the first schools who used the concept cando..

Yaghu Sinan-Ryu - Classical Japanese martial art (Kori), Budzutsu, based approximately 1600.

Yagya Sinka-Ru (Yap. 柳生 新 陰流, "New Yagy Shadow School") - Ancient School Kendwitu, Classical Japanese Martial Art (Kori), based approximately in 1568, one of the most significant pupils of Kamihodsumi Nobutsuny Munetosi on the basis of the knowledge of the Sinka-Ryu school. To date, Sinka-Ru Yagyu remains one of the most famous schools of Japanese fencing.

Yadeome / Yadeon-Dzitu - the art of beating flying items.