Leps have serious health problems. Seriously ill Leps fell on stage during a concert

Leps have serious health problems.  Seriously ill Leps fell on stage during a concert
Leps have serious health problems. Seriously ill Leps fell on stage during a concert

A video is circulating on the Internet, which has already gained hundreds of thousands of views. The author of the video claims: "Drunk Grigory Leps in Rostov-on-Don."

The video shows a one-minute fragment of the performance, in which the singer sings the song "I am happy". On it, the artist approaches the edge of the stage and begins to flirt with the audience with his trademark gesture, urging him to sing along. In the words “I happy yo a hundred "the singer unexpectedly falls on his right side and on bent legs, trying to maintain balance, backs away. At this moment, he is picked up by one of the guards on duty at the stage.

In spite of everything, the song continues to be performed, although it is clear that Grigory Viktorovich is clearly confused. Another seconds. The artist copes with the situation and continues his performance. With the words "so happy and go away," he friendly pats the guard who saved him from the fiasco.

During the loss, Leps shows with a gesture that everything is fine. And then he turns to the audience: "I almost fell." And as if nothing had happened, he continued: "Now we will sing all together ... I will sing, and you repeat."

By the way, the author of the video claims that it was made in the Don capital, where, indeed, two concerts have already taken place at the Maxim Gorky Theater - on November 5 and 15. Ticket prices range from two to ten thousand rubles.

However, in the video, the artist clearly speaks after the words about the incident, "Thank you, Moscow." The same was confirmed to the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda-Rostov" in the singer's fan-group. On his wall official page A video of that very concert appeared on Vkontakte for a few minutes. But later it was removed.

- The performance took place on November 11 in the Safisa banquet hall in Moscow, - told "KP" Anastasia Mironets... - It was anniversary concert... Friend's name is Vladimir, he is 60 years old. The corporate was hosted by Nikolai Baskov, and Soso Pavliashvili also spoke.

According to the interlocutor, earlier this was not noticed for Grigory Leps. As for the execution:

- Specifically in this song - to the soundtrack, - she gave her opinion, - Concerts are always excellent, people get a sea of ​​emotions, performs best hits with full dedication - two hours without a break. It doesn’t do without “branded” gestures, juggling with a microphone and jokes. Concerts are always warm, people give a lot of flowers and applause.

By the way, one more concert of Grigory Leps will take place in Rostov-on-Don on November 27, and before that - Krasnodar, Stavropol and Essentuki. The artist's fans are sure that this excess will not affect people's love to him. And them popular singer will hold his performances with a constant sold-out, once again, delighting with his creativity and songs that are adored by millions.

Drunk Grigory Leps performing in Rostov-on-Don.

About falls on stage (and off stage!) foreign artists have been making up legends for a long time. Either they choose a dress that is too long, then they will spin in a dance so that they cannot resist on their feet ...

The list of "shooting stars" was recently added and Russian performer Grigory Leps. The singer collapsed out of the blue. A few minutes later, the video of the fall was already actively discussed on the network.

Someone sympathized with the artist, but gossips immediately issued: too much alcohol! So much for the result.

Leps did not make excuses. But the official representative of the singer could not stand it and stood up for the idol of millions, shaming all his ill-wishers.

“It is very funny and ridiculous to read the accusations against an artist who really stumbled on stage because of poor health that evening. I would not like to tell the whole country and give medical reports about the health of Grigory Viktorovich, but I consider it necessary to answer the lie about his alleged "drunken fall", - said the director of the artist Maya Serikova, writes Life. - On this day, Leps turned to his doctor, who strongly advised him not to go on stage in the evening. Moreover, behind there were three flights per day from other concerts and events. The fact is that Grisha has long been experiencing problems associated with pressure - these are the costs of the profession and constant flights. "

Rostov spectators also spoke out. According to them, this video has nothing to do with the last concert at all.

Firstly, the video shows that this is not the Rostov Theater of Gorky, where Leps performed, - says Irina. - There the stage is much larger and higher. And the steps are attached to the stage. By the way, the theater staff removed these steps before the start of the concert, so that the person Leps was holding onto would simply not be able to stand there. Secondly, I can say with confidence that the singer was sober and sang live. A person in an altered consciousness would not be able to communicate with the public the way Leps communicated. He tossed the microphone, turned it in his hands - this was an element of the show. The whole concert Leps behaved agilely, walking from one side of the stage to another, the performance was very emotional.

Nikolai Baskov, a colleague in the shop, also defended Leps. The artist also noted that the video walking on the network has nothing to do with tour, and was filmed at a private party in Moscow.

“And the fact that they write that Grisha was drunk is complete nonsense! He came to my dressing room before the performance, to ask how I am doing and how I feel. I complained to him that I had a headache because of the weather. Grisha said that he was not feeling very well either, as he had pressure that day. What kind of drink are we talking about? - Nikolay is perplexed. “He didn’t use anything, the person felt bad - it happens to everyone”.

That's it! Innocent ?!

A video recording of Grigory Leps losing his balance during a performance appeared on the Web this weekend and the press immediately suggested that the artist's fall was due to his alcoholic intoxication. However, representatives of the star denied this information and said that the singer was not drunk, but sick, and it was the disease that caused the incident.

A video in which Leps almost falls off the stage during the performance of "I am happy" was posted on the Web on November 19. Fans and journalists were perplexed - did the artist really play the concert drunk, because this had not been noticed before. It turned out that the recording and the signature to it, talking about the singer's drunkenness, is nothing more than a provocation. Maya Serikova, director of Grigory Leps, told Life about the illness of the star. A spokesperson for the artist said the "drunk video" was leaked online to discredit the singer.

“It is very funny and ridiculous to read the accusations against an artist who really stumbled on stage because of poor health that evening. I would not like to tell the whole country and give medical reports about the health of Grigory Viktorovich, but I consider it necessary to answer the lie about his alleged "drunken fall". On this day, Leps turned to his doctor, who strongly advised him not to go on stage in the evening. The fact is that Grisha has long been experiencing problems associated with pressure - these are the costs of the profession and constant flights, ”said the director of Leps. She also added that the singer was offered to refuse to perform because of poor health, but he did not want to let people down and played the program.

In addition, Serikova stressed that Leps has not been drinking alcohol for several years for medical reasons. “The only thing he drank that evening was tea with honey and freshly squeezed juice,” she assured.

In addition, although the caption to the video tries to convince us that the crash occurred at a concert in Rostov-on-Don, the incident actually took place at a private event in Moscow's Safis. Serikova suggests that such a "setup" was made by the envious Leps, who is now on the wave of popularity. “To spoil the reputation of Gregory in the eyes of the audience, so that, as they say,“ to free the clearing ”? Well, such setups are quite in the spirit of our show business, ”the director of the singer said disapprovingly.

It is worth saying that Leps and his stage colleague Nikolai Baskov supported him. The artist said that there could be no question of any drunken performance, because behind the stage, before the start of the concert, Leps himself complained to him about poor health and problems with pressure. “He came to my dressing room before the performance, to ask how I was doing and how I was feeling - I complained to him that I had a headache because of the weather. Grisha said that he was not feeling very well either, as he had pressure that day. What kind of booze are we talking about? ", - said Baskov, adding that anyone can become bad on stage and therefore it is not necessary to reduce everything to the topic of alcoholism.