Pavel dmitrienko was released. Pavel dmitrichenko

Pavel dmitrienko was released. Pavel dmitrichenko

Image copyright RIA Novosti Image caption Dmitrichenko was the first performer of the role of Ivan the Terrible after the resumption of ballet shows in 2012

Evil genius in Swan Lake, Ivan the Terrible, Spartak and Abderakhman in Raymond. Prior to his arrest in the spring of 2013, the former Bolshoi Theater soloist Pavel Dmitrichenko was one of the favorite artists of the famous choreographer Yuri Grigorovich.

On January 17, 2013, the artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet Company, Sergei Filin, was splashed in the face with acid near his house in the center of Moscow, as a result of which the victim received burns to his face, partially lost his sight and underwent several expensive surgeries abroad.

Pavel Dmitrichenko and his friend Yuri Zarutsky were charged with causing grievous bodily harm to Filin. Zarutsky received 10 years as a perpetrator, Dmitrichenko was sentenced to six years in a strict regime colony for organizing the attack.

According to investigators, Dmitrichenko was dissatisfied with how Filin distributed roles in the troupe, and therefore he decided to organize an attack on the artistic director. To do this, he hired his neighbor in the dacha Zarutsky, who was brought to the house of Filin by another person involved in the case, Andrei Lipatov.

At the end of May, Pavel Dmitrichenko gave an interview to the BBC Russian Service. I spoke with the former soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina Savina.

To keep healthy

BBC: Pavel, you spent three years in a colony near Ryazan, you were released on parole, but Sergey Filin's lawyer claims that you were released illegally.

It is sad that the lawyer does not know legal norms. I do not want to comment on the illiteracy of lawyers.

BBC: How long did you end up serving?

P.D .: Three years. I want to once again express my point of view - I was sent to prison on a trumped-up case. I didn’t admit my guilt in court, and I don’t admit it now.

BBC: Did you have any complaints during your stay in the colony?

P.D .: A person who is being deprived of freedom, especially when he understands that it is illegal, - of course, it is difficult to realize this. But I'm not going to cry and say how hard it was. This is not my style.

BBC: What did you do there, what kind of work?

Image copyright RIA Novosti Image caption Pavel Dmitrichenko was sentenced to six years in prison, but on May 31 he was released on parole

P.D .: What is happening there should not spill out. This is not interesting to ordinary people. Let others come out and tell horror. And I want to forget everything as soon as possible.

BBC: You are a dancer, you have to be in shape all the time. Did you have the opportunity to train there?

P.D .: I kept in shape as best I could. Of course, not our classic exercises, but those that were available - squats with weights, exercises with a barbell. It's more of a fitness, but I can say that when ballet dancers are injured in order not to get out of shape, they also continue to practice, but not at the bar, but on the floor. But the main thing in the colony is to maintain health.

Noise and PR

BBC: You succeded?

P.D .: Partially yes. Partially.

BBC: How did the inmates treat you, the colony administration?

P.D .: As an ordinary person. Although sometimes it was difficult because of too close attention.

BBC: Which ballet have you missed the most?

P.D .: In general, I love Grigorovich's ballets. I missed them the most, for me they are my favorite.

BBC: You say that your case is fabricated. But how, by whom, and in whose interests?

P.D .: I think those people who are still trying to put me back there are shouting in the media that I need to be brought back. Their position is to create noise and get promoted.

BBC: What was the situation at the Bolshoi Theater when you were accused of attacking Owl?

P.D .: I can only judge by the actions of people, more than 300 employees of the theater signed a letter in my support. And, as I understand it, there was pressure on the artists who supported me. They knew the whole truth of this process.

The fight is not known

BBC: Didn't he do it to himself?

P.D .: What did you do? You know? Or just from the media? I cannot declare anything with certainty, I have not seen him.

BBC: Do you doubt the diagnosis of the doctors who examined the Owl?

P.D .: I judge by facts, I don’t want to discuss his health, I don’t want to discuss him at all, he is not interesting to me. He has already expressed many insults to me, I do not want to be like him.

BBC: Former director of the Bolshoi Theater Anatoly Iksanov in an interview with "Russia-24" argued that the motive for the crime could be that the criminal wanted to take the place of Filin.

Image copyright RIA Novosti Image caption Former head of the Bolshoi ballet company Sergei Filin was treated in Russia and Germany after the attack

P.D .: I don’t know who Iksanov meant, he certainly didn’t mean me. The CEO knows very well how leaders are appointed. At that time I was 29 years old, and, you know, I still have a whole career ahead of me, and to become an artistic director ... I'm not interested in this. Funny and ridiculous.

Let's imagine this situation - I am appointed - but who am I? I am a simple artist who has his own point of view, who does not depend on anyone, only on Grigorovich, who gave me his ballets to dance. Maybe there was some kind of struggle going on at that time, but I don't know anything about it.

BBC: And what kind of relationship did you have with Yuri Zarutsky, who was convicted of a crime and received 10 years?

P.D .: None. Absolutely none. Everyone who had summer cottages in the same area knew him. There are many artists, more than 100 people. He worked in a store. Who knew him from among the artists? The one who came to shop knew.

Was there a motive?

BBC: The media claimed that you complained to him about politics at the Bolshoi Theater.

P.D .: Where did you read this? On Wikipedia? People don't know anything, they don't know the details - only what the other side said. For example, what was my motive? If there is a motive, there is a crime; if there is no motive, there is no crime. Do you know what the motive is?

BBC: There were many different versions. Including the fact that Owl offended your girlfriend, ballerina Angelina Vorontsova.

P.D .: This is not my girlfriend, this is my friend, a student of Tsiskaridze. The version was not confirmed even in court. I don’t want to say why I was imprisoned. I said it once and left for three years.

BBC: I am quoting you: "I told Yuri Zarutsky about the politics that is being carried out at the Bolshoi Theater, about the violations that exist there, about corrupt practices."

P.D .: Zarutsky is no one to me to tell this, but he could hear something. The artists and I discussed a lot.

BBC: That is, you had the wrong relationship to give him such assignments?

P.D .: Yes, I've seen him nine times in my entire life. And these times are less than a minute. I went to the store, bought it and left. I think he worked there as a security guard. He was not even my neighbor, as they say everywhere. We have a village exclusively for artists of the Bolshoi Theater in the Stupino region.

No proof

BBC: You claim your innocence and that the case is ordered. Who could want to get rid of you to this extent?

P.D .: The goal was, and the investigators forced me to sign a paper that the organizer of the attack was Nikolai Tsiskaridze (Tsiskaridze appeared in court as a witness and stated that he did not believe in Dmitrichenko's guilt - BBC note). I think that, having not received the necessary information from me, they settled on me.

Initially, the representative of Mr. But there is A4 paper, on which Owl wrote a statement with his own hand. He accused me, Tsiskaridze and his assistant. According to the application, a criminal case is initiated and the process has begun. The case started, they beat me, forcing me to testify.

My lawyers filed a petition trying to understand what substance they poured over Filin. The answer comes: "Unable to provide, the liquid has evaporated." How can material evidence evaporate if, according to the Criminal Procedure Code, evidence must be kept pending trial and only then destroyed. The bank is an instrument of the crime - it was not presented in court. As a result, there is no evidence, only from the words of people who wanted to make this story scary and beautiful.

BBC: But, according to the investigation, there is a motive.

P.D .: Initially, there was a motive - revenge and dislike. I asked the investigator: "For what revenge, for what reason dislike?" He thought about it and a week later they brought me another paper. It said that I was dissatisfied with the distribution of roles and salaries for artists and performers. For you to understand, there are 250 artists in the troupe. It turns out, I approached everyone and asked: "What is your salary? - Aaaaa, I don't like it." This is so ridiculous. From such actions of mine, people would not have increased their salaries and they would not dance anymore. The decision is made by the art council, a whole commission. Owl alone did not have such powers.

No more intrigue

BBC: Nevertheless, in the spring he was almost reassigned ...

P.D .: Let's speak in our own words - he was removed and made the head of the youth ballet troupe. And an absolutely wonderful person became the artistic director - Makhar Vaziev. This is a huge gift for the Bolshoi Theater, for artists. He directed the Mariinsky Theater, then left for the La Scala Theater. The troupe is happy, they really do art. There are no intrigues or scandals.

BBC: What are you going to do?

Image copyright Image caption Pavel Dmitrichenko as Spartacus

P.D .: To continue my creative path, to engage in art, which I have been doing since I was six years old.

BBC: Do you have any suggestions to join any troupe?

P.D .: A lot, but I still consider the Bolshoi Theater my home, and the director officially said that I could safely return to the Bolshoi Theater. This was not an official invitation, but I can apply on a general basis. I am fit, I have a lot of experience, I worked on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater for 10 years.

BBC: Let's simulate the situation: you return to Bolshoi, or just go there for negotiations and meet Owl. What is your reaction?

P.D .: As usual, as always.

BBC: Will you say hello to him?

P.D .: I am a cultured person, I always say hello. He didn’t interest me, and it doesn’t interest me now. It's time to stop. I let go of this situation.

My phone and computer were immediately taken away from me. I couldn't even call anyone. When the search was over, the order was ordered to dress. I tried to understand the reason for such furious activity and coming to me already three months after what happened: "If you think I am guilty of something, indict me." But they insistently repeated that they had an order. So, having cut off my connection and without presenting any charges, they put me in a car and drove away ...

I was in the department until late at night. They did not give me anything to eat or drink. The interrogation began for many hours. They immediately began to put pressure on me. In what form it happened, I don’t want to remember, I’ll say one thing: it was a difficult watch. I was persuaded to testify against Nikolai Tsiskaridze. But I did not slander my colleague, even to save my own skin.

They held him in the remand prison for eleven days. At first, I did not have a lawyer. There was no one to hope for - in fact, I was on my own. I understand that the task was simple: psychologically break the detainee.

Only on the fifth day I was able to convey to relatives and friends a note: "Trust nothing!" I didn’t have the funds to hire a lawyer, and neither did my retired parents. So the artists and employees of the Bolshoi Theater collected money.

- And how did your parents perceive your arrest?

Hard. I was very worried about those close to me: besides me, my parents have two more daughters. I am the youngest - the only breadwinner in the family. My mother has diabetes mellitus, she is a disabled person of the second group, she should not worry. But they were great, they were holding on.

Mom gave birth to me at forty-two, so I'm a late child. She, as a ballet dancer, was already retired. I was named Pavel in honor of my grandfather, my father's father, a military pilot. And my great-grandfather from my mother's side was a priest.

Only two weeks after the arrest were they finally allowed a meeting with their parents. We sat facing each other, separated by two thick glass panes and bars, with telephone receivers in our hands. I saw that my mother was barely holding back her tears, and my father could hardly even try to smile, although it’s not easy in such conditions. But we joked, encouraged each other as best we could. We tried to hide the excitement. I know that my parents never doubted my innocence for a second. As, however, friends and colleagues.

Thanks to everyone who supported not only me, but also my parents in difficult times. Surprisingly, while I was in prison, I made a lot of new friends who wrote letters to me. They helped me through this difficult time.

- What was happening in the theater then?

On March 7, two days after my arrest, a meeting was held. The whole troupe was summoned to the stage - in addition to ballet, there were opera and orchestra artists. The meeting was attended by representatives of the investigation and Filin's lawyer. It was said that the case was solved, Dmitrichenko was guilty. The troupe was outraged: "How can you blame a person, after all, there is still an investigation going on ?!"

The purpose of the meeting was clear: to turn everyone against me. But the artists, with whom I worked side by side for eleven years, knew perfectly well what I really am. They were difficult to manipulate. My colleagues fought for me, despite the fact that they were under pressure. All the theater artists rallied and came out as a united front in my defense. Immediately after the meeting of three hundred colleagues, including Nikolay Tsiskaridze signed an open letter. It said that there is the presumption of innocence and that a person cannot be blamed before trial, much less use the media in a dirty information war.

In the near future Bolshoi Ballet soloist Pavel Dmitrichenko charged with attempted murder of the artistic director of the ballet troupe Sergey Filin... The police notes that the motive for the crime was personal hostility against the background of professional activities. We tried to find out how the conflict between the artist and his leader was brewing.


The teachers speak positively of Pavel as a brilliant artist. But some of the Bolshoi ballet dancers exposed the other side of the 29-year-old Dmitrichenko to us, and also told their version of the scandal.

Pasha is a very peculiar person: stubborn, easily inspired, very hot-tempered, one might even say explosive, - say Dmitrichenko's colleagues. - Before the New Year, Pasha's relationship with Sergei Filin was strained, but we could not even think that everything would end in tragedy. You see, the ballet world is a very closed society, full of intrigues and scandals. Without support, no dancer will actively come up with ideas. Therefore, Dmitrichenko was going to a crime against Filin himself, obviously from someone's filing. More authoritative ill-wishers turned the slave Pasha against the Owl, so as not to light up themselves. And this tragedy is something else, an outpouring of Paul's negativity towards Filin! Dmitrichenko was incited so that he put an end to not only his brilliant career, but also his life!

We managed to find out that Pavel Dmitrichenko communicates well in the company of Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Ruslan Pronin and Anton Getman... According to one version, these people could also cheat the artist. After all, each of them has their own reasons to conflict with Filin. Tsiskaridze is already not even to the director of BT Anatoly Iksanov. Ruslan Pronin, the head of the ballet troupe, is probably not happy with Filin's vigorous activity. He leads the troupe with all his heart, and Pronin got practically one paper job. But the dancers of the troupe do not know about the omissions at the highest level, between Hetman and Filin.

Dmitrichenko knew him best of all in the theater. rehearsal teacher Alexander Vetrov, but he declined to comment on his student's deed.

Pasha is very talented, I do not intend to discuss him, - Vetrov told us only briefly.

In turn Bolshoi ballet premier Semyon Chudin, who also studies with Vetrov, was generally shocked by the news that Dmitrichenko was a criminal.

In recent days, Pasha walked dejected, but I did not understand what this was connected with, - says Chudin. - I do not believe that Pasha is guilty... On the contrary, he was grateful to Sergei Yuryevich, because under him Dmitrienko became the leading soloist and got the role of Ivan the Terrible in the play of the same name!

If he adheres to the version that Dmitrienko was really turned against Sergey by more weighty ill-wishers from the theater, then you can see how they mercilessly played on his feelings. The artist was brought to the boiling point by a strange the incident with the 21-year-old soloist of the Bolshoi Ballet troupe, the artist's bride Angelina Vorontsova, whose personality deserves a separate discussion.


Back in 2008, when young Vorontsova lived and studied in Voronezh, her abilities were noted at the Arabesque ballet competition held in Perm. After that, Sergei Filin learned about the ballerina's talent, who took Angelina under his "protection" and helped the girl with the move to the capital. Sergei Yurievich arranged for Angelina at the Moscow State Academy of Choreography. A little later, Owl found an apartment and job for the parents of the young ballerina. Since at this time Sergey was the artistic director of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater, Vorontsova was supposed to perform on the stage of this theater immediately after graduation.

But then he intervened in the fate of a promising dancer Filin's longtime opponent - Nikolai Tsiskaridze... Not many people know that Nikolai and Sergey studied at the same school, Tsiskaridze was a classmate of Filin's sister, Elena. Later, all three studied at the Moscow Choreographic School, and then the friendly relations between Filin and Tsiskaridze soured. Many years later, the relationship of the ballet stars has not changed, and even affected Angelina.

And so, in 2009 Tsiskaridze "lured" Angelina Vorontsova by offering her a job at the Bolshoi Theater. For a young girl from Voronezh, who just a year ago moved to the capital, it was a dream proposal! Forgetting the support of the Owl, the ballerina immediately took shape in the Bolshoi Ballet troupe and began to rehearse under the direction of Tsiskaridze.

Ironically, in 2011 Sergei Filin was appointed Artistic Director of the Bolshoi Ballet. Ballet gossips instantly spread rumors that Angelina would no longer see promising roles for her "betrayal". However, Owl was not going to mess with the girl. On the contrary, she became a soloist, got 13 roles in three years (among them such performances as Don Quixote, Swan Lake, Giselle and others), and participated in two premieres.

But Angelina clearly counted on more. It is likely that such self-confidence in the girl was instilled by the opponents of Owl, who later brought the ballerina's groom to the crime. Eventually, 21-year-old Vorontsova began to mark the prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, to the level of the famous Maria Alexandrova and Svetlana Zakharova! This is confirmed by the fact that at the end of last year the candidacy of Angelina Vorontsova was nominated for one of the leading roles in the premiere production of the ballet La Bayadère.

The commission for the approval of roles, to put it mildly, wondered why the young girl and her teacher swung so high, - says the source "VM". - Of course, they did not put Vorontsova in the main performers. The commission was headed by Sergei Filin, he advised Angelina to work out under the guidance of women - tutors in order to improve her qualifications and develop the technique of performance.



Vorontsova's refusal to play the bright role of La Bayadere was the last and powerful impetus to the crime. Blinded by hate Dmitrichenko took revenge on Filin for his beloved, which turned out to be not yet ready for higher roles. And, as we already know, before the New Year, an attack began on the artistic director - they scratched his car, created fake Facebook pages, where they posted provocative letters from Sergei Filin's allegedly hacked mail, later his cell phones were overwhelmed by hundreds of calls from undefined numbers. January 17

The artistic director's defense filed a petition to attach medical documents about Filin's treatment to the criminal case.

Yesterday Sergei underwent another operation on his eyes, - said the lawyer Tatyana Stukalova. - We received certificates from the clinic in Aachen, according to which the investigators will determine the severity of the harm to health.

If the guilt of Pavel Dmitrichenko is admitted, then he faces up to 15 years in prison... However, having put Dmitrichenko behind bars, the investigation of the Filin case cannot be considered fully disclosed. After all, it is still unknown who stood over him. And the main motive was formed not only because of the situation with Vorontsova.

Therefore, we can safely assume that In the near future, investigators will expand the circle of faces implicated in the crime against the Owl. But so far, the capital's main board reports only about three accused: the organizer is Pavel Dmitrichenko, the performer is 35-year-old Yuri Zarutsky, and the accomplice is 31-year-old Andrey Lipatov.

And already rehearsing new roles

Ex-soloist of the Bolshoi Pavel Dmitrichenko, who was sentenced to 5.5 years in a general regime colony as the organizer of the "acid attack" on the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater ballet Sergei Filin, returned to the Bolshoi Theater. As a reminder, on May 18, he was released after serving half of his term on parole (three years and three months from the moment of his arrest in March 2013). As it became known to "MK", ​​Dmitrichenko has been going to the Bolshoi for a month in the morning classes to the teacher Vladimir Nikonov in order to regain his form and subsequently try to return to his native stage.

Pavel Dmitrichenko himself prefers not to communicate with journalists, but how did the troupe react to his appearance? One of the Bolshoi Theater soloists agreed to tell us about this on condition of anonymity (the artists still do not want to be frank with the press) ...

He served his sentence, and it is believed that in this case the person has atoned for his guilt and, according to the law, he has the right to return to the profession. That is, to return your life, creativity, to start all over again, from a blank sheet. And I treat this decision with respect and positively. It's another matter whether Pasha, after 3 years in prison, when there were no necessary conditions for ballet classes, will be able to return to the stage of the Bolshoi Theater? Although I know that he did not stop studying even under these conditions. And how much, after all that happened, does he have the right to work at the Bolshoi? This is a question ...

Is it known who gave him a pass for classes and rehearsals in the classes of the Bolshoi Theater? And is the management of the theater aware of this?

I don’t know, I didn’t ask, and it’s hardly appropriate ... Anyone could have made a pass for him. He has been studying theater classes for more than a month now, and I have no doubt that the management knows about this.

- Did you see him in class?

He goes to Vladimir Nikonov's morning class. If we objectively speak about his form, now he is not, he has not grown fat ... But he has become more massive, perhaps, if I may say so, more pumped up, which, of course, is not very good for ballet. But I know that he is a stubborn person ... Even a very stubborn ... Pasha is able to achieve the goals set for himself, and he is quite capable of getting into the appropriate form. And so in the classroom he does everything well ... I heard out of my ear and even saw on Facebook a photo from the performance (if it’s not a photoshop) that he even, more recently, for the first time after his imprisonment, went on stage and was already dancing Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake "With some kind of entreprise, or maybe in a concert. That is, the person really wants to return to the profession.

How did you react to his appearance? After all, after the attack, the troupe was divided in this respect, some condemned him, but the majority did not believe in his guilt and signed letters in his defense ... What is the situation now?

Everyone reacted calmly to this, favorably ... Many, of course, when they saw him for the first time after a long absence, could not hide their surprise. I know that he himself was afraid to come to the theater for some time ... Even in the summer before the end of last season, he several times came to the service entrance, met with friends, but did not go to the theater itself, because he was worried about how the team would meet him. And he was pleasantly surprised by the benevolent attitude towards him. There is absolutely no negative towards him. Maybe a few didn’t take it too well ... But I don’t even know such people ...

Nevertheless, we talked with the ill-wisher:

Yes, I went to classes, came, they say, in a new Mercedes. But they haven't seen him for a week ... Urin gave him a pass for 2 or 3 months. Without the director's order for such a long time, it is simply impossible to get a pass. Ignorant people think that he has served his time and is clean before society. But let me remind you that he did not repent of anything and was released only on parole, that is, for the next 3 years, he will remain under observation. So with dancing on the stage of the Bolshoi - all this is a hopeless idea. He himself, probably, in general, understands this. At least in the theater, his claims to dancing are not taken seriously.

General Director Vladimir Urin is also cautious in his predictions about Pavel Dmitricheko's dancing future on the Bolshoi stage. In an interview with the Dancing Times, he said: “There are rumors that Pavel Dmitrichenko is returning to Bolshoi, and this will be a difficult situation. However, after 3 years in prison, he is no longer the same dancer, physically and emotionally. Therefore, the main question is whether he will be able to return to the form that is necessary for a Bolshoi dancer? Big is work, and it should be built on professional principles. "