Similar for money urgently - technique of fast enrichment. Syneurian rituals for new moon

Similar for money urgently - technique of fast enrichment. Syneurian rituals for new moon
Similar for money urgently - technique of fast enrichment. Syneurian rituals for new moon

With the help of magic, you can change a lot in the sphere of welfare, business and work for each person. Conspiracies for wealth and money are practiced among people since the time of Ancient Russia.

The modern ritual for money allows not only to achieve a simple wage gain, but also to help rapid career growth. With the help of magical rites, you can reveal your creative potential, recharge your powerful energy, as well as achieve an increase in the loyalty of the bosses and the team in relation to yourself.

Surely, not every successful businessman confesses that he is obliged to cash conspiraces, who highlighted his success and income growth. Successful and successful people who know what big money is known and use many cash magical rituals, but are divided by the rules of them reluctantly and very rarely.

Despite this, we managed to learn several ways to get rich, but the main thing is not a spell, but faith and compliance with certain rules for rituals.

Rules for cash rituals:

  1. Do not resort to magic if your plans include enrichment at the expense of other people. That is, one should not count on someone helplessness, naivety or generosity. Focus on helping over and on your own forces.
  2. Do not let the case on a self-shot, waiting for a miracle. Make magic to work! Money can not fall on you from the sky, magic helps to earn, but does not work wonders. After the rituals, your eyes will open, and you will become the right way, granting the opportunity for you. It is the magic that sends happy cases, "throwing" good luck to your side.
  3. Look really on things, that is, with conspiracies and rituals, we must only talk about real money amounts.
  4. Initially make yourself believe in success, otherwise the case is doomed to failure. Monetary magic has a close connection with your emotions and thoughts, so believe in yourself!
  5. Do not apply to your plans, keep everything with yourself. Magic is a sacrament, so save it.

Types of cash rituals

Before using monetary magic, it is necessary to pre-figure out the goal and the essence of the rituals that you need. There are two forms of magical influence:

  • Attracting magic - attracts money, good luck, new job, etc.;
  • I expelled magic - eliminates black stripes, debts and bad luck.

Attracting rituals are carried out on the growing moon, and the expelled rites are on the descending. To open a new case, search for work or replenish your personal piggy bank, a period of time from the beginning of the growing moon is used to the full moon.

Poverty should be expelled in full moon and finish before the new moon. Thus, in full moon rituals for money, both attracting and expelled.

Association of Material Welfare During Cash Rituals

For money rituals, it is also necessary to adhere to the color symbolism. During magical actions, you can get into the clothes of certain colors, decorate the room with color accessories, etc.

  • Green color - prosperity and fertility;
  • Golden color - money;
  • Orange color - financial well-being, career growth;
  • Red - return debt and income increase.

Also, plants that are associated with material well-being are widely used to give strength to ritual rites.

The list of the most sought-after plants and fruits for monetary magic includes:

orange, banana, grapes, pomegranate, peas, blackberries, buckwheat, male, pepper, onions, sesame, almonds, alfalfa, oats, nutmeg, cashew, pecan, wheat, tomatoes, rice, elder, basil, fragrant pepper, elder, Honey, jasmine, ginger, golden, cinnamon, cedar, mayoran, lion zev, moss, poppy, socket, mint, plane, patchouli, tulip, patchouli, garlic and dill.

The objects and symbols of monetary magic are considered:

$ -dance dollar, stars, silver dollar, gold and silver beads, cup, wheat spacing, precious stones, boxes, necklaces and bracelets, piggy banks, blasting and four-lean clover.

For money rituals, the energy of four elements is used:

  • Earth - stabilization of financial savings;
  • Air is the expulsion of poverty and attracting "happy cases";
  • Fire - creative self-expression and "burning" of poverty;
  • Waters - attraction of abundance and prosperity, as well as disposal of negative energy associated with poverty.

Cash rituals

Ritual Moneyth path - the source of the magic rite goes into distant antiquity, therefore, it is indisputable. The proven old "secret" of wealth is surprisingly simple: to begin with the money path.

From the first number of any month should begin to postpone the money. To begin with, we lower 1 ruble into the piggy bank, 2-numbers put 2 rubles, the 3rd numbers 3 rubles, etc., it follows every day, strictly exactly the number of rubles that corresponds to the number on the calendar sheet.

A few days later in the piggy bank will be 10 rubles with separate bills that should be exchanged for the top ten. Then dozens need to be changed for hundreds, etc. After 30 days in the box will be exactly 465 rubles.

If the accumulations are made for the family, then 15 rubles should be added to the piggy bank (4 + 6 + 5 \u003d 15; 1 + 5 \u003d 6 - the family's monetary symbol). If the piggy bank belongs to one person, then it is necessary to report 35 rubles to obtain the sum of 500 rubles as a result, which in numerology is the number of winner.

Accumulated funds should not be spent, under no circumstances! This money is now the beacons leading to your home of their fellow.

Rituals Simonons for money - can work wonders, because of your thoughts. Simonov - the magic of optimists and merry, so believe in yourself, and you will succeed, create from the heart and do not think about your actions.

The ritual "Rich Moon" - with a growing moon, go out into the street, taking a wallet with him. Look at the moon and shift the money, saying: "I authorized abundance and wealth to come to my life."

The ritual "Coins in your pocket" - Take three of any coins and put in your pockets of the clothes that you hope for you, saying: "Voditsa to the shores, and money towards money."

Ritual "Charging Wallet" is an effective method that is aimed at the conspiracy of its own wallet by the method of special actions. First, it is necessary to complete the wallet in silver or gold paper and bind it to the same thread.

Then it is necessary to say eight times the spell: "I allow money to multiply in my wallet to improve my well-being, which I will gladly share with our way."

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Video "4 installations for wealth"

Marina Crup
Especially for "Psychology of Relations"

Welcome to the game Psychotechnics of the fulfillment of desires ""!

Simonov is a school of wizards, founded by the famous psychologists from Kiev, married couple, founded at the end of the nineties of the last century Peter and Peter Burlan. By the way, the school exists to this day, which indicates the special popularity of this "magical" movement.

The essence of this wonderful desires for the desires is to hold funny, funny, sometimes very funny, but very effective rituals.

Synevel Rituals - This is a rattling mixture of creative energy, sparkling humor and light magic. These funny rites help the achievement of many goals and desires, from the most cherished to incredible!

The range of their application is almost implanious. In this magic technique you will find techniques for performance of any desire. Synoronian rituals are practiced for money, for love, health, work, marriage, on an apartment, for sale, to attract clients, slimming, for good luck and even on ... Pregnancy!

On our site collected the best rituals Simonov and this cheerful collection is constantly updated.

Syneurian rituals for money

These "monetary techniques" are always held on a growing moon when the energy of abundance "goes into growth" and the ritual effects are repeatedly enhanced.

If a financial crisis has come in your life and your finances begin to "sing romance" - it's time to spend the rituals of the Simon to attract money.

Rituals Symerys for love

To meet the love of all your life, find your soul mate, attract in your life of the very only thing - the dream of any woman. And the magical rituals of the Simoron help this dream to make reality!

The use of cheerful techniques for attracting love makes it possible, first of all, to attract the energy of love that is so lacking many of us.

Syneurian rituals for work

Want to change jobs? Would you like to climb the career ladder? Looking for a job of your dreams?

Psychotechnics Simonov will open the doors for you and in this direction! Rites to work are designed to this - help you in employment and in everything, with this related.

Rituals Simons for the fulfillment of desires

Do you want to fulfill the cherished desire to start noticeably accelerate? Want your goal to get to approach you rapidly? Want to become a real magnet of desires?

There is nothing easier - spend synemone Ritual!

Syneurian slimming rituals

Who does not dream of a slim figure? What girl or woman do not strive to look "all hundred"?

If you have overweight problems or you just decided to "slightly reduce the waist", then the rites of the symbol for the purchase of perfect forms - for sure for you!

  • ("Magic Steps", "I sit on a diet", "Anti-Fat", "Elixir of Slomens", "Thumbelina")

Syneurian rituals for good luck

If you do not have enough "little luck" and sometimes it seems to you that Fortuna turned away from you - urgently spend the techniques of the Simon to attract good luck! You will not have time to look back, how to turn into a real luckier and dashes of fate!

Simonene rituals are magical rites, which are presented in the form of a game or easy fun. Externally, they differ from the usual rituals of white and black magic. In their actions, humor, creative fantasy and ease of execution with elements of the game were surprisingly intertwined.

At first glance, they may seem non-serious, and skeptics will hurry to question their effectiveness. But in fact, all these rituals are supported by a powerful psychological impact, visualization and work with concrete images.

Magic Simor in everyday life

Simonene rituals have been widely used in all areas of human relationships and livelihoods. With their help, it will be laid with your loved ones and seek a satellite of life, attract good luck and save savings, and there are rituals that help to lose weight and get pregnant. On the Internet you can find a lot of reviews from people who have experienced Syononene magic in action. Among them are lucky businessmen, wives who returned husbands, and just lucky who, who finally came true all the cherished desires.

What do synonene rituals look like, and what do they imagine?

Each ritual is configured to a specific goal. There are rites attracting money, good luck or new work, and there are configured for love and feelings.

Rituals Syonon for Money

  • Shower of money.

The growing moon has always been considered a symbol of wealth and well-being. It is enough to remember the vintage rites that our ancestors used. This ritual can be called "bathing in money." It will take a bath with warm water, an orange essential oil and a candle.

Type in a bath of water and burn a candle of red or brown. It is advisable to take more expensive candle, with some golden ride in the form of decoration. It is necessary to make it so that everything reminds wealth and luxury. Drip in the bath of the essential oil and sit in it. Take metal coins and dip them into the water, as if you bathe them. Talk with money, praise them and sorry so that they do not take offense and did not leave you.

The fact that money should be loved, and then they will return to you even more, everyone knows all the fans of Fen-Shuya. You can not mive and tear paper money and treats neglecting to the little things. So that they are working, acquire new wallets, and from the holes without regret you get rid of. Our ancestors showed a wallet with coins with a young month and asked him to fill money.

After the end of this ritual, you can go to the next. Fortunately, it is also held in the bathroom.

Monetary souls

Many synonene rituals are associated with water. Clean water is one of the strongest attributes in white magic. It is a conductor of energy that embodies all our desires in reality. Standing under the shower, cover your eyes and meditate. Imagine instead of a jet of water, the money rain, as if not a drop of droplets, and wake-up coins are falling and large and small bills slide on your body.

Spend this ritual daily, And to enhance the effect, say: "The money stretches to me, I am the center of attraction."

Syneurian rites for love

  • Prince from space.
  • Slippers.
  • Carrot and love.

This is a very efficient and proven way to establish your personal life and get rid of loneliness. Its meaning is to attract male power in the house of a single woman. It is very important to choose correct items for the rite. You will need new men's slippers, preferably acquired on the market, but in the store. As you already understood, all items in rites should be as attractive as possible and expensive, as far as you can afford it.

Having bought cheap rubber slags, you will attract the same man. No wonder before using them, they are advised to hold shoes in an expensive car or sprinkle a good perfume. If there is such an opportunity, let them be in the boutique of men's clothing. Just leave them in an inconspicuous place for a week, let them charge the necessary energy.

When all the conditions are completed, you can start a rite. As soon as the midnight breaks, stand on all fours, and put slippers at the entrance, socks from the door. Open the door and call the following words with approximately: "Suggested and crumbled, come to me." In the hands take sneakers and keep them several times. You can not allow anyone to wear these slippers, and best hide them away. Remember that the rites should not see none of the outsiders.

Prince from Cosmos

An interesting ritual, in which you can specify in detail which man you need. Mages do not advise being too demanding, so make an additional list of several drawbacks that you are willing to endure from your chosen one. It is desirable to take a pink paper - your beloved shade of the planet of love Venus. One list you will write on the pink paper and be worn with you in the bag, and another place as an ad and hang unnoticed on the street.

Nothing is bad if it is a small corner. The phone and the address should not be specified in order not to attract jokers. After all, it is more important for us that the announcement see other forces from the Universe.

Carrot will help us

The whole point of this ritual in the eating of carrots. Moreover, it should be not easy, but with a fantasy. Sutitate the vegetable on the grater and lay out the name of your beloved, drink carrot juice and think about how you will be fine soon. Dream and meditate for carrot dishes. It should be not from occasion to occasion, but all day. Turn on the carrot for breakfast and lunch, and the carrot juice drink on the afternoon foot.

Rituals for work

  • rite with raspberry;
  • pillow;
  • toffee

This is a simple and pleasant ritual, however, like all the synonene rituals. You will need a bank with a passing raspberry and a gift ribbon. On small paper leaves are written wishes to find a job. You can restrict ourselves to several words or, on the contrary, to paint in more detail. The sheet tie to the bank with a gift ribbon and beautifully tie on a bow. Next, twenty four times the word is pronounced the word work on an open bank. After that, the bank is closed with a lid and carry into the refrigerator.

Now you have to eat at least one tablespoon of the conspiracted jam every day until you find a job.


For this, the ritual will need help relatives. You write a word "work" on a piece and pin it to the pillow. Natives should hide it, and you - find a pillow. As soon as you find, sit at it immediately. Use the pillow to be destined, but just do not chop up the note as long as you will find a job.


Large candy dip in the honey and put on a beautiful saucer. They put it on any convenient place for you, where you most often have. You will need to constantly talk to Iriski for any kind and neutral topics. It will take place a little time, and Iriska will attract you a new and good job.

Simons for the fulfillment of desires

  • magic millionaires;
  • dreams Come True;
  • cook the potion

You will need photos of famous millionaires who built their business honest way. For example, Bill Gates, Ilon Mask, Mark Zuckerberg and so on. Photos Print from the Internet. Do not use the photo of actors or people with an ambiguous reputation, no matter how rich they are. Photos should be somewhat. One of them you will carry with you in the wallet, other attach another on the desktop, and the rest hide into the container with a cereal.

The main thing is not to miss when they begin in trouble, and then urgently carry a photo of the loser. In your gallery should be millionaires only with growing capital.

Dreams Come True

On the sheet of paper they are written wishes so that you want to have. It should be written twice, and after writing a list you should hide, and for a while forget about it. For 12 days, you buy some bauble every day. Do not spend money on expensive things, otherwise you risk staying without money. Let it be something symbolic but pleasant. After time, you will notice how your desires will begin to fulfill.

Cook the potion

In fact, we will cook soup. Only during cooking every portion of products should be accompanied by a spell: "Let everything I have been doing", and also be sure to say the desire to loud. Even if it is salt or pepper, they are still considered ingredients and require separate attention.

When you pour soup into a plate, you will repeat. After you eat three spoons, be sure to remind the potion about your request. Thus, you will communicate every day with a conspiracy suprekik, and the desire will not slow down. This technique is very effective. In female forums, you can find a lot of stories confirming the effectiveness of the magical teaching of the Simor.

Attracting luck

  • flower good luck;
  • faste the belt

Flower luck

As a flower, good luck is the usual violet. The flower should be not only beautiful, but also fragrant. Pot with violet is placed on the Western or Southwestern side. Twice a day is poured with a pipette, measuring 24 drops of water. It is necessary to do it for 24 days. Every time you repeat over the flower spell: "I water the flower, I attract good luck." For greater efficiency, make the flower renaming on any male name you like.

Fasten the belt luck

Good luck is important not only to get, but also to hold. Therefore, so that it does not stop, spend the next ritual. Choose from your wardrobe things on which there are lightning or buttons. In the near future you have to wear only such clothes. When you wear it, slowly fasten the zippers or buttons, saying the following words: "Button (zipper) I fastened, I fascing good luck."

Simonene Rituals for Pregnancy

  • magic pills;
  • licherberry


Every day, for twenty-seven minutes, go with a doll tied to the stomach. It is not necessary to sit at this time, you just continue to perform your usual duties, but only with a rounded belly. For convenience, tie a toy under clothes, simply simulating an interesting position.

Magic pills

Purchase any vitamins or simply ascorbic acid and take them daily at a certain time. Every time inspire yourself that these are pills for pregnancy. For convenience, the following words can be pronounced: "Baby will appear from the tablet."

Rituals for weight loss

  • wash off fat
  • distribute kilograms

Wash off fat

The ritual is carried out in the bathroom, where with the help of the soul you will wash off extra kilograms. Take all your bath accessories: shower gels, scrubs, foam and body creams. Each of them write the "weight loss means". It will also need a drinking water tank, which should also write - "Water for harmony". Thus, you will use these items daily, drink water and simultaneously gym. Water is a very active magic instrument. With it, there are many effective rites.

Distribute kilograms

Write a thin pencil on paper money: "I will give extra weight" or "I will give a kilogram". Make an inscription invisible, at first glance, so that money does not lose your attractiveness. After that, the bills should be picked up. It is very important to give them precisely, and not to make purchases on them.

All listed synonene rituals in everyday life are very effective and have a lot of positive feedback on the worldwide network. If you quickly do not occur, do not despair, but continue to hold rites. Ultimately, you will achieve the desired and carry out all your cherished dreams.

ATTENTION, only today!

Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

Specialty in rustic magic. Conspiracies, rituals, attractions.

Posted articles

Financial stability is an important component of a successful and stable life. It is money for many that are a symbol of success, consistency, allow a person to enjoy life, surround himself with all the benefits. However, reality does not always turn out to be so cloudless, as I would like. If money from your life is dried, like water, try to apply for help to the highest forces. Famous synonene rituals will help stabilize the financial situation, strengthen and increase it.

Syneverse rite - what it is

Simon is a special technique that is aimed at fulfilling the most cherished desires. The main difference from magical rituals:

  • the technique is not built on magic, but on the impact on the subconscious of man;
  • at first glance, every Syneverse rite seems a bit absurd, for example, a ritual with red shorts on chandelier or green socks.

Money prefers easy attitude towards them, which is why the technique of Simon is positive and cheerful.

Some features of the Simor

1. Vera in the method.

First of all, faith in success in the head of each person is the main principle referred to in the Bible. The Holy Script says that people are given by their faith, if we sincerely believe the effectiveness of the rites of the rites, they will definitely change their lives for the better and will help solve financial problems. If you begin to ritual with doubts and disbelief, then the result will be appropriate or not at all.

2. One Simor technique is not enough.

Many mistakenly believe that you can spend the rite and calmly wait for money in the wallet. This is an incorrect approach that is observed for failure. The main goal of the Synoron Ritual is to open new financial opportunities before a person, to suggest ways to solve material problems and increasing profits.

The result of a ritual can be a proposal of a new, more paid work, a person can visit the idea useful in the professional sphere, which will receive a salary or a premium.

3. Money loves attention.

Consumer attitude money is not tolerated from such people quickly, without lingering. That is why it is important to take care of finances and you need to start with the purchase of a beautiful, spacious wallet, in which there is a worthy branch for bills. It is also necessary to periodically revise money, remembered bills to smooth out. And be sure to thank money for the fact that they came to your life.

Red panties on the chandelier will bring material wealth in the family

Such a ritual is suitable for those who urgently need money and who have enough brave for the ritual.

P Two subjects will come true:

  • red panties;
  • beautiful chandelier.

First of all, you need to go to the underwear store and choose red panties. It is important that you really like the purchase. Houses acquired goods should be wrapped in order to wash off the energy of all people who touched the lingerie. When the red panties are dried, they are put on and not removed throughout the day. It is desirable at this time as often to think about money and repeat the installation:

See also: We get married with the help of a rite

"I love money, and money love me! My life is changing for the better, the money of the continuous river flows into my hands! "

Now the red panties need to be removed and cast them with clean water. This will help rinse the negative energy, but to leave the energy of the wishes - to improve the financial situation. To reinforce the intention to get rich, say words:

"Negative reliced, leave my desire!"

After that, the red panties are transformed into a magic subject for a ritual in the nearest new moon. Directly the ritual lies in the next - at midnight you need to include beautiful music that inspires you, put on red panties on the head and in this a few crazy atmosphere to start dancing. When the music is over, the pants must be thrown on the chandelier, repeating at the same time:

"Briefs on the chandelier - money in the house!"

This phrase activates the action of the talisman and is already very soon red panties will begin, like a magnet, attract money to you. The red color symbolizes the color of money and financial well-being, and the red panties on the chandelier are a mounted fire for money, which, like a moth, will start flying into the light. How much laundry hang on the chandelier? There is no restrictions on this issue - the minimum period is a day, and the maximum month. When a young month will appear in the sky again, the ritual is repeated, and the underwear turns out to be on the chandelier.

Clean money for money

It happens that a financially successful person suddenly begins to experience material difficulties, in this case you need to urgently clear the road for money. This will require a vacuum cleaner after several cleaning. It is necessary to slowly and thoughtfully clean the device, representing how the road for financial proceeds appears with dust and mud. It is impossible to lose the idea of \u200b\u200bmoney and material well-being at the end of the process of cleaning the vacuum cleaner.

Note: As a rule, money disappears when a person does not closely relate to them and take care of them. Such a road for finance is the first step towards the right attitude towards money.

Charge water

Considering that Water is an excellent energy conductor, such a ritual is very effective. To hold it, it is necessary to dial clean water into the glass, put in front of you, sit down in a comfortable chair, close your eyes, as clearly and in detail to present your own materially independent and successful life. It is advisable to submit a source of receipt of funds: winnings in the lottery, gave debt, increased the salary. Then you need to open your eyes and drink the water as if the event you are represented, already happened.

We accept "Monetary Bath"

If you need money urgently urgently, spend the ritual at the same time in water treatments. For this you need:

  • prepare some coins grieving, it is desirable that money be from different countries;
  • prepare one paper banknotes of maximum dignity, this money is extremely important to earn their work, in no case do not blame;
  • chopping cabbage;
  • cut lemon slices;
  • small items will be required that symbolize wealth and good luck - a frog, ware, photos of money and financially successful people.
  • In the evening, type in the bathroom, add naval salt or foam of necessarily green, decorate the bathroom with prepared figures, photos and symbols. The monetary bill must be put on the most prominent place. Put cabbage and lemon and easily enjoy the water procedure. Imagine that cabbage and lemon are money sticking to you.

If a person wishes once and forever to spread with money difficulties, he should try to try a very high-quality ritual to attract money on the technique of Synoronian rituals. With the help of such a rite, a person will succeed as a week to fix his money. First you need to assimilate the fact that the Simonov is a special technique for the implementation of desires, which is not based on magic, but on the faithful subset of the consciousness and the level of its subconscious.

It is important to note that the rituals of this kind can very often seem completely absurd and even stupid, however, it is in that and consists of their main force. Money adores fun and positive, because they need to be involved with a sincere smile!

This rite is better to carry out when growing month Since specifically, at this time interval, the energy of money is the most active.

For this Syneurian ritual, a new green socks are useful to a person. The fact is that this shade manit money and provides real energy for money growth.

  • Should be put in each sock on a coin five rubles and hang them all night on your window.
  • In the morning you need to pull the pyataks, wear socks and go on business. In the evening it is necessary to remove the socks and re-put coins in them.
  • Such operations are needed to do for a week.
  • A week later, green socks will lead the legs of the owner to new monetary capabilities and sufficiency.

Current Syneurian ritual foran ahead wallet

This ritual to attract money will help constantly manag cash in the wallet. Often a person charges a mobile phone? By itself. And how many times did he charge his own wallet? Definitely, never in life. And in vain, because it also requires energy method!

Man should imagine that wallet drinks from electricity, And if it is constantly not to recharge it, then money will not come to him. You should have a habit of habit every night when preparing to sleep in a sleeve charge from a smartphone in a socket, and the end of the wire is covered in the hole in. By morning the wallet will be charged and ready to attract money. Man and himself will not notice how the wallet will become a magnet for money.

Reproduction of bills

You can try to multiply your money. To this end, you can arrange a real date for money. We must wait for the evening, take the two largest bills that are available and then send them to the window. You need to light two candles, turn on romantic songs, pour 2 glasses with red wine and put about bills. This is a true romantic evening for money, which will end in a stunning night of love. It is after it the couple will begin to multiply.

Cleaning money

If the stream going to a person's money suddenly dried up and does not want to resume, he should be implemented such a Symons. Need to take a hairdryer or ordinary vacuum cleaner and start slowly, but at the same time confidently cleanse the space from dust, Mentally think about how quickly the path is released for the flow of money.

It is necessary to concentrate on thoughts and do not cease to conduct meditation until the vacuum cleaner itself is cleared by a person from the assembled dust. In the sooner time, money will return to its owner and become eternal satellites in life. But at the same time a person needs to be confessed to them in love and give them attention, as if in love.

Water charge

Great way has long been water Charge Method Material SupplySince water is a very powerful energy conductor. To attract cash thus, pour boiled water into the glass and put the container in front of it. Then you need to get a job as convenient, to close your eyes and start detailed visualization of different images of wealth and well-being.

A person should be represented as he receives the necessary amount, won in the lottery or learned about a sudden increase in revenues of ten times. After such representations follows drink water At the same time, true bliss, as if what a person was represented is the event that has already happened, which greatly pleases. The rite is required to repeat three times in a month or more.

Money bath

Incredibly efficient and very high-quality equipment.

  1. Pre-cook in advance several grinding coins of different dignity and from any state.
  2. After you take the largest bill, which has a person, while it is better to try to find the maximum nominal value in advance. This journal, a person should take away himself without taking her to debt.
  3. Then need chopping cabbage and cook beautiful lemons.
  4. All of the above must be decomposed on the bathroom, taking more and other various symbols of wealth, for example, monetary toad, wants or other facing figures. If a person has no such talismans, it can take advantage of the photo of money, rich or presidents.
  5. Then water is closed in the bath, added green salt And under the ceiling drawn photos, the figures are put around. A large bill is put so that you can look at it. Solutions of lemon and cabbage are also lowered into the water.
  6. From now on, you can dive into the bathroom and receive true bliss from the awareness of full wealth. Abandon-sticking cabbage leaves are cash.
  7. Completing such a pretty procedure, it is necessary to collect cabbage and slices of lemon, and throwing them into the toilet, to say: "Swim and all the money tell me to come to me."

Light and urgent money

You need a lot of balls with helium, which are inflated, and they are tied to them. Let the balls with monetary bills fly around the apartment. Man should be happy to jump and catch them.