Alexander Rosenbaum awards. Biography of Alexander Rosenbaum

Alexander Rosenbaum awards.  Biography of Alexander Rosenbaum
Alexander Rosenbaum awards. Biography of Alexander Rosenbaum

Every Russian person is familiar with creativity famous singer and the poet - Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum. His heartfelt songs touch the subtle spiritual strings of the audience; this performer is the idol of many people in Russia.

The talent of Alexander Rosenbaum in childhood

Pinochet overwhelmed only three thousand of those who opposed the regime in arms. An ordinary tavern labukh Viktor Khara also got there, from which they made God knows what. And he just went with everyone, to excite.

Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich

Birthday music artist- September 13, 1951. Alexander was born into an intelligent family of doctors. The father of the future singer was a urologist, and his mother was an obstetrician-gynecologist.

The talent of the future celebrity was manifested even in early childhood... He combined his studies at school with piano lessons. He was trained by some of the best music teachers at that time - Larisa Ioffe and Maria Glushenko. After a year of studying music, Alexander had already participated in various competitive events showing your unique talent.

Unjustified hopes of Alexander's parents

Subsequently, the father and mother insisted on the training of A. Rosenbaum foreign language... He studied French at a school on Vitebsky Prospect. But Alexander was completely indifferent to his studies, since he was not interested in anything except music. He often skipped lessons. French... In the classroom, the future singer was engaged in composing his own compositions and did not attach importance to the discontent of the teachers.

Study at the Medical Institute

Pretty long musical creativity it was just an outlet for the singer and a pleasant pastime. In 1968, his parents forced him to go to college in a medical direction. Upon admission to this educational institution the singer already had an arsenal of his own songs.

The one who did not know the trouble, he did not find the least bit of happiness.

Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich

In 1980 he decided to take up music on professional level... Alexander began performing with various musical groups, choosing for himself the pseudonym "Ayarov". Alexander Yakovlevich did not find in any ensemble musical direction to your liking.

(b. September 13, 1951, Leningrad, USSR) - Soviet and Russian author-performer, actor and writer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1996), National artist RF (2001).

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum was born on September 13, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of classmates of the 1st Medical Institute Yakov Shmarievich Rosenbaum and Sofia Semyonovna Milyaeva, professional activity which later was associated only with medicine, which largely predetermined the choice of the profession of a doctor and their son Alexander.

Yakov and Sophia graduated from the institute in 1952, and then the Rosenbaum family went to live in East Kazakhstan, in the city of Zyryanovsk, where there was railroad... Yakov, a urologist, became the chief physician of the city hospital there; Sophia's profession is an obstetrician-gynecologist. For six years, Sasha's father and mother have been treating residents of Zyryanovsk.

In 1956, the Rosenbaum family was born younger son Vladimir, who, unfortunately, is no longer alive. In memory of Alexander Rosenbaum - best years communication with a brother in childhood, adolescence and older age.

The Rosenbaum family lived in house number 102 on Nevsky Prospekt. Alexander began to study music from the age of five. He graduated from school on Vosstaniya Street - school number 209, the former Pavlovsk Institute for Noble Maidens, his parents used to study here, then his daughter. In grades 9-10 he studied at school number 351 with in-depth study of the French language on Vitebsk Prospect 57. He graduated from music school number 18 in piano and violin, first under the guidance of Larisa Yanovna Ioffe, and then - the talented teacher Maria Aleksandrovna Glushenko. His grandmother's neighbor was famous guitarist Mikhail Aleksandrovich Minin, from whom he learned the basics, learned to play the guitar himself, participated in amateur performances, then graduated from the evening music school in the class of arrangement. I played for my friends, played at home, played in the yard. According to Alexander Yakovlevich, he has been “on stage since the age of five”. I went to figure skating, at the age of 12 I switched to the boxing section “Labor Reserves”.

In 1968-1974 he studied at the First Medical Institute in Leningrad. He still gives concerts there every year. By chance, he was expelled from the institute, but was not taken into the army due to poor eyesight. Alexander Rosenbaum went to work at the hospital. A year later, Rosenbaum recovered at the institute and completed his education. In 1974, having passed all state exams with excellent marks, Alexander received a diploma as a general practitioner. His specialization is anesthesiology and resuscitation. I went to work in ambulance driver, to the First substation, located on Professor Popov Street, 16B, not far from his native institute.

He studied at the evening jazz school at the Palace of Culture. S. M. Kirov. He began writing songs in 1968 at the institute for skits, student performances, vocal and instrumental ensembles and rock bands.
In 1980 he went to the professional stage. Played in various groups.

The family life of Alexander Rosenbaum began early, but the first marriage did not last long.
Since 1975, Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum has been married to Elena Viktorovna Savshinskaya. Their daughter Anna, a professional translator, got married and gave them two wonderful grandchildren.

He performed in groups and ensembles: "Admiralty", "Argonauts", VIA "Six Young", "Pulse" (under the pseudonym Ayarov, from "A. Ya. Rosenbaum".

In 2003 he was elected to the State Duma of Russia from the party " United Russia". He stayed in office until 2005.

Vice President and Artistic Director of the Concert Department of the Great City Society.

In 2011 (March 26), a participant in the annual National Prize"Chanson of the Year" at the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Lives and works in St. Petersburg.

Official website:

Musicians who previously played with Alexander Rosenbaum:

Nikolay Serafimovich Rezanov (1982-1983; 1993-2006) †
Anatoly Nikiforov (2002-2012)
Arkady Aladin (2002-2012)
Victor Smirnov (1993-2002)
Alyosha Dulkevich (1982-1983; 2001-2010)
Vitaly Rotkovich (1992-2001; sound engineer)

Current composition:

Alexander Alekseev (Keyboard. Since 1988)
Vyacheslav Litvinenko (Guitar. Since 2005)
Yuri Kapetanaki (Keyboard. Since 2002)
Mikhail Volkov (Bass guitar. Since 2012)
Vadim Markov (drums. Since 2012)
Alexander Martisov (Sound engineer. Since 2004)

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum a native Leningrader - and that already says a lot.
Remember how your acquaintance with his work began. Maybe you have heard a rewrite reel with Odessa songs performed many times by "some emigrant"? Or did you buy the "Epitaph" disc by an unknown author? Most likely, you first listened to many of his songs, which are impossible to pass by: "Waltz-Boston", "Draw me a house", "Cossack", "Esaul", " Duck hunt", "Prophetic fate"," Sadness flew in "," Babi Yar "," Black Tulip "and many others, absorbed their own special and unexpected meaning, and only then became interested in the author.
You can still meet people whose attitude towards Rosenbaum is based on gossip and rumors of the 80s and 90s, of which there were and remain many. Until now, television, radio and the press often bypass the category of people who at all times have their own, clearly expressed DIFFERENT opinion - namely, Alexander Yakovlevich can be attributed to such people. "You cannot deceive the people" - it is sung in his song dedicated to Joseph Kobzon.
So let's clarify the situation with Rosenbaum's biography from the moment of birth to the beginning of solo activities.
Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum was born on September 13, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of classmates of the 1st Medical Institute, Yakov Rosenbaum and Sofia Semyonovna Milyaeva. Sasha's parents graduated in 1952, Last year Stalin's reign, was marked by known case Kremlin doctors and the surge of anti-Semitism in the USSR.
The Rosenbaum family was forced to go to live in East Kazakhstan, in a very small city Zyryanovsk - there were not even laid there railways... For six years, Sasha's father and mother were engaged in healing the residents of Zyryanovsk - mostly Kazakhs and a few exiles who got there after the concentration camps. Yakov, a urologist by profession, was the chief physician of the city hospital, Sophia's profession is an obstetrician-gynecologist. During this period, another son was born in the family - Vladimir Rosenbaum.
At the age of five, Sasha Rosenbaum began going to a music school organized by the exiles, and learned to play the violin. He learned to read early, but only his grandmother, Anna Arturovna, immediately saw her unrealized talents in him and said: "Sasha is exceptional."
With the coming to power of Khrushchev and the well-known liberalization, the Rosenbaums returned to Leningrad and settled again in house number 102 on Nevsky Prospekt. 20-meter room in communal apartment No. 25, in which they lived for the next six for the next nine years, and the Leningrad courtyard-well had such a strong influence on Alexander Rosenbaum that 30 years later he would say: "I still live in this world, I really miss it."
The Rosenbaum brothers went to school on Vosstaniya Street - school number 209, the former Pavlovsk Institute for Noble Maidens. "My parents graduated from this school, and I recently - my daughter, so we can call it our home school."
The boys spent a lot of time in the courtyard, in companies held together by their courtyard fraternity, where Sasha was the ringleader. Mom sent him to the figure skating section, but his hobby for boxing affected: at the age of twelve he was admitted to the boxing section "Labor Reserves". "Boxing taught me how to calculate my actions, on the stage too, presenting it as a ring."
Musical education had to continue, learning to play not the violin, but the piano, first under the guidance of the future teacher of the conservatory Larisa Yanovna Ioffe, and then - the talented teacher Maria Alexandrovna Glushenko. Sasha studied reluctantly, clearly preferring stubborn piano lessons to the yard game of football or boxing. However, at some point, Sasha was impressed by the performance jazz ensemble to serve the dances, especially the pianist. "I decided to become a pianist. I was drawn to the piano. I began to select my favorite melodies and accompaniment to them by ear." Graduation Diploma music school Sasha got it only at the insistence of his mother, and then he came in handy at the Lenconcert.
The grandmother's neighbor in the apartment was the famous guitarist Mikhail Alexandrovich Mini, from whom Sasha learned his first guitar techniques, and later he learned to play the guitar on his own. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, his first poems appeared: rhymes were involuntarily born in the mind on school and home topics, sometimes he amused friends with humorous rhymes. He began to listen to and repeat the then forbidden songs of Galich, Vysotsky and Okudzhava. This period in the life of Alexander Rosenbaum directed him towards the author's song.
My further destiny he decides to associate with the profession of his parents - medicine. Having withstood a huge competition, Sasha, right after school, in 1968, entered the First Medical Institute in Leningrad. Responsive, companionable, he willingly participated in student gatherings, singing his poems. For an institute skit, they were almost simultaneously, with ease, written Odessa songs, inspired by the hero of Isaac Babel Beney Krik. "... I couldn't just write at 23 if someone didn't take the hand:". Even in the first year, one of the songs, performed by Alexander at a city-wide show at the Lensovet House of Culture, was included in the recordings for the Kiev festival, where it was awarded the prize "for audience sympathy".
In Sasha's life at the institute there were trips to a construction brigade in distant Ukhta, where he receives the qualification of a fourth-class sawmill, and an unsuccessful "tail" left for the fall, and even skipping a traditional student trip to harvest potatoes, for which he is strictly expelled from the institute ... Astigmatism and myopia do not give Sasha the opportunity to go to serve in the army, and he gets a job as an orderly in the postoperative department, to the most serious patients.
The introduction to practical medicine prompts him to evaluate the possibility of learning and when, after a year, the authorities allow him to return to school, he masters the medical course persistently, with excellent results. He chose therapy as his specialization and showed outstanding medical intuition in its assimilation.
The first marriage of Alexander Rosenbaum lasts only 9 months. A year after the divorce, he marries for the second time, to Elena Savshinskaya, a student of the same medical institute, and after a while a daughter, Anya, is born into the Rosenbaum family.
In 1974, having passed all state exams with excellent marks, Alexander received a diploma as a general practitioner. His specialization is anesthesia, resuscitation. Therefore, I went to work in a non-prestigious ambulance, at the First substation, located on Popova Street, 16-b, not far from my native institute.
Rosenbaum worked for nearly five years as an emergency doctor - at the forefront of the medical battle for human life... Subsequently, he will say: "A doctor for me, if he is not an artisan, although there is nothing wrong with the craft, but if he is a doctor-doctor, then he is first of all a psychologist, that is, when you come to a patient, you must quickly establish with him psychological contact and feel it. " And one more thing: "The fact that I grew up in a dressing gown, one might say, was born in a dressing gown - it brought a person's recognition: when I heard from my parents a lot about their patients, a lot of tragic things, and when I rushed to the sick, like an ambulance doctor, I matured to create on behalf of people.Therefore, I am not afraid of conceit - I think in a mass of people: and not because I am a certain Jesus Christ, but because my humanity is always great amount people who are sick, with difficult fates, which I am not because of my talent, but because of my normal medical profession learned, absorbed, experienced. Without medicine, as a singer-poet, nothing would have come of it. "
At the same time, having already felt the urge to write and perform his songs, Alexander entered the evening jazz school at the Kirov Palace of Culture. Three times a week, in the evenings, he tried to comprehend the basics of arrangement, the skills of jazz compositions, and as a result receives a diploma from the evening jazz school.
Subsequently, Rosenbaum recalled that the decision to change came with unexpected swiftness, within three days. This is only partly true. What he called the dictates of fate had been brewing for several years, when, as a doctor, he performed songs even in pop groups(see section "Rock").
He always, as he confessed, "wanted to be the best in what he did." The doctor was "okay as long as the song was a hobby." And when she essentially became a second profession, I had to choose. "And inevitably" I felt that I was sitting on two chairs, that this was not only inconvenient, but also dishonest. You have to be either a doctor or an artist. "
The beginning of his solo activity can be considered a memorable performance on October 14, 1983 at the House of Culture of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after Dzerzhinsky. To such a bold step as organizing a singer's concert with Jewish surname Rosenbaum, the director of the house of culture, Raisa Grigorievna Simonova, decided.
(The material is based on the book by Sophia Khentova "Alexander Rosenbaum: the power of a song")

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum is a native of Leningrad - and that already says a lot.
Remember how your acquaintance with his work began. Perhaps you have heard a rewrite reel with Odessa songs performed many times by “some emigrant”? Or have you bought a disc "Epitaph" by an unknown author? Most likely, you first listened to his songs many times, which it is impossible to pass by: "Waltz Boston", "Draw me a house", "Cossack", "Esaul", "Duck Hunt", "Prophetic destiny", "Sadness has flown" , "Babi Yar", "Black Tulip" and many others, absorbed their own special and unexpected meaning, and only then became interested in the author.

You can still meet people whose attitude towards Rosenbaum is based on gossip and rumors of the 80s and 90s, of which there were and remain many. Until now, television, radio and the press often bypass the category of people who at all times have their own, clearly expressed DIFFERENT opinion - namely, Alexander Yakovlevich can be attributed to such people. “You cannot deceive the people” - it is sung in his song dedicated to Joseph Kobzon.

So let's clarify the situation with Rosenbaum's biography from the moment of birth to the beginning of solo activities.

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum was born on September 13, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of classmates of the 1st Medical Institute, Yakov Rosenbaum and Sofia Semyonovna Milyaeva. The year of institute graduation of Sasha's parents - 1952, the last year of Stalin's rule, was marked by the well-known case of the Kremlin doctors and the surge of anti-Semitism in the USSR.

The Rosenbaum family was forced to go to live in East Kazakhstan, in the very small city of Zyryanovsk - no railroad tracks were even laid there. For six years, Sasha's father and mother were engaged in healing the residents of Zyryanovsk - mostly Kazakhs and a few exiles who got there after the concentration camps. Yakov, a urologist by profession, was the chief physician of the city hospital, Sophia's profession is an obstetrician-gynecologist. During this period, another son was born in the family - Vladimir Rosenbaum.

At the age of five, Sasha Rosenbaum began going to a music school organized by the exiles, and learned to play the violin. He learned to read early, but only his grandmother, Anna Arturovna, immediately saw her unrealized talents in him and said: "Sasha is exceptional."

With the coming to power of Khrushchev and the well-known liberalization, the Rosenbaums returned to Leningrad and settled again in house number 102 on Nevsky Prospekt. The twenty-meter room in communal apartment No. 25, in which they lived for the next six years, and the Leningrad courtyard-well had such a strong influence on Alexander Rosenbaum that 30 years later he would say: “I still live in this world, I have it I miss it very much. ”

The Rosenbaum brothers went to school on Vosstaniya Street - school number 209, the former Pavlovsk Institute for Noble Maidens. “My parents graduated from this school, I and recently - my daughter, so we can call it our home school.”

The boys spent a lot of time in the courtyard, in companies held together by their courtyard fraternity, where Sasha was the ringleader. Mom sent him to the figure skating section, but his hobby for boxing affected: at the age of twelve he was admitted to the boxing section “Labor Reserves”. “Boxing taught me how to calculate my actions, on the stage too, presenting it as a ring.”

Musical education had to continue, learning to play not the violin, but the piano, first under the guidance of the future teacher of the conservatory Larisa Yanovna Ioffe, and then - the talented teacher Maria Alexandrovna Glushenko. Sasha studied reluctantly, clearly preferring stubborn piano lessons to the yard game of football or boxing. However, at some point, Sasha was impressed by the performance of the jazz ensemble to serve the dances, especially the pianist. “I decided to become a pianist. Drawn to the piano. I began to select my favorite melodies and accompaniment to them by ear ”. Sasha received his diploma of graduation from the music school only at the insistence of his mother, and later it came in handy at the Lenconcert.

The grandmother's neighbor in the apartment was the famous guitarist Mikhail Aleksandrovich Minin, from whom Sasha learned his first guitar techniques, and later he learned to play the guitar on his own. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, his first poems appeared: rhymes were involuntarily born in the mind on school and home topics, sometimes he amused friends with humorous rhymes. He began to listen to and repeat the then forbidden songs of Galich, Vysotsky and Okudzhava. This period in the life of Alexander Rosenbaum directed him towards the author's song.

He decides to link his future destiny with the profession of his parents - medicine. Having withstood a huge competition, Sasha, right after school, in 1968, entered the First Medical Institute in Leningrad. Responsive, companionable, he willingly participated in student gatherings, singing his poems. For the institute's skit, Odessa songs were written almost simultaneously, with ease, inspired by the hero of Isaac Babel Beney Krik. “… I could not just write at 23 if someone didn’t take the hand:”. Even in the first year, one of the songs performed by Alexander at a city-wide show at the Lensovet House of Culture was included in the recordings for the Kiev festival, where it was awarded the prize “for audience sympathy”.

In Sasha's institute life there were trips to a construction brigade in distant Ukhta, where he receives the qualification of a fourth-grade sawfly, and an unsuccessful "tail" left for the fall, and even skipping a traditional student trip to harvest potatoes, for which he is strictly expelled from the institute ... Astigmatism and myopia do not give Sasha the opportunity to go to serve in the army, and he gets a job as an orderly in the postoperative department, to the most serious patients.

The introduction to practical medicine prompts him to evaluate the possibility of learning and when, after a year, the authorities allow him to return to school, he masters the medical course persistently, with excellent results. He chose therapy as his specialization and showed outstanding medical intuition in its assimilation.

The first marriage of Alexander Rosenbaum lasts only 9 months. A year after the divorce, he marries for the second time, to Elena Savshinskaya, a student of the same medical institute, and after a while a daughter, Anya, is born into the Rosenbaum family.

In 1974, having passed all state exams with excellent marks, Alexander received a diploma as a general practitioner. His specialization is anesthesia, resuscitation. Therefore, I went to work in a non-prestigious ambulance, at the First substation, located on Popova Street, 16-b, not far from my native institute.

For almost five years, Rosenbaum worked as an emergency doctor - at the forefront of the medical battle for human life. Subsequently, he will say: “A doctor for me, if he is not an artisan, although there is nothing wrong with the craft, but if he is a doctor-doctor, then he is first of all a psychologist, that is, when you come to a patient, you must quickly establish with him psychological contact and feel it ”. And one more thing: “The fact that I grew up in a dressing gown, one might say, was born in a dressing gown - it brought a person's recognition: when I heard from my parents a lot about their patients, a lot of tragic things, and when I rushed to the sick like an ambulance doctor, I matured to create on behalf of people. Therefore, I am not afraid of conceit - I think in a mass of people: and not because I am some kind of Jesus Christ, but because my humanity is always a huge number of sick people, with difficult fates, which I am not because of my talent, but because of my normal the medical profession has learned, absorbed, experienced. Without medicine, as a singer-poet, nothing would have come of it. ”

At the same time, having already felt the urge to write and perform his songs, Alexander entered the evening jazz school at the Kirov Palace of Culture. Three times a week, in the evenings, he tried to comprehend the basics of arrangement, the skills of jazz compositions, and as a result receives a diploma from the evening jazz school.

Subsequently, Rosenbaum recalled that the decision to change came with unexpected swiftness, within three days. This is only partly true. What he called the dictates of fate had been brewing for several years, when, as a doctor, he performed songs even in pop groups (see the section "Rock").

He always, as he confessed, “wanted to be the best in what he did”. The doctor "was fine as long as the song was a hobby." And when it became essentially a second profession, it was necessary to choose. " And inevitably “I felt that I was sitting on two chairs, that it was not only uncomfortable, but also dishonest. You have to be either a doctor or an artist. "

The beginning of his solo activity can be considered a memorable performance on October 14, 1983 at the House of Culture of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after Dzerzhinsky. The director of the House of Culture Raisa Grigorievna Simonova decided to take such a bold step as organizing a concert for a singer with a Jewish surname Rosenbaum.

(The material is based on the book by Sofia Khentova
"Alexander Rosenbaum: The Power of Song")

Tools guitar, piano Genres pop, jazz, romance, bard song, rock, chanson Aliases AYARov Collectives Awards Audio, photo, video at Wikimedia Commons

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum(born September 13, Leningrad, USSR) - Soviet and Russian author-performer, poet, musician and composer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (), People's Artist of the Russian Federation ().

Collegiate YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Alexander Rosenbaum - Best songs TOP 10

    ✪ Alexander Rosenbaum. The best


    ✪ Moscow Region tango - Alexander Rosenbaum

    ✪ Alexandra Rosenbaum - The dream of a thug poet



Alexander Rosenbaum was born on September 13, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of fellow students from the 1st Medical Institute, Yakov Shmarievich Rosenbaum and Sofia Semyonovna Milyaeva. Yakov and Sophia graduated from the institute in 1952, and then the Rosenbaum family went to live in East Kazakhstan, in the city of Zyryanovsk, where there was no railway. Yakov, a urologist, became the chief physician of the city hospital there; Sophia's profession is an obstetrician-gynecologist. For six years, Sasha's father and mother have been treating residents of Zyryanovsk. In the same period, another son was born in the family - Vladimir Rosenbaum.

The Rosenbaum family lived in house number 102 on Nevsky Prospekt. Alexander began to study music from the age of five. He graduated from school on Vosstaniya Street - school number 209, the former Pavlovsk Institute for Noble Maidens, his parents used to study here, then his daughter. In grades 9-10 he studied at school number 351 with in-depth study of the French language on Vitebsk Prospect 57. He graduated from music school number 18 in piano and violin, first under the guidance of Larisa Yanovna Ioffe, and then - the talented teacher Maria Aleksandrovna Glushenko. His grandmother's neighbor was the famous guitarist Mikhail Aleksandrovich Minin, from whom he learned the basics, he learned to play the guitar himself, participated in amateur performances, then graduated from the evening music school in the class of arrangement. I played for my friends, played at home, played in the yard. According to Alexander Yakovlevich, he has been “on stage since the age of five”. I went to figure skating, at the age of 12 I switched to the boxing section “Labor Reserves”.

He studied at the evening jazz school at the Palace of Culture. S. M. Kirov. He began writing songs in 1968 at the institute for skits, student performances, vocal and instrumental ensembles and rock bands. In 1980 he went to the professional stage. Played in various groups.

Rosenbaum's family life began early, but the first marriage did not last long. A year later, Rosenbaum married again, this time to his classmate Elena Savshinskaya, and they had a daughter, Anna. Alexander Rosenbaum had a choice between the profession of a doctor, in which he had already worked for 5 years and found himself in it, and pop career... The choice was made in favor of music.

He performed in groups and ensembles: "Admiralty", "Argonauts", VIA "Six Young", "Pulse" (under the pseudonym Ayarov, from "A. Ya. Rosenbaum").

The beginning of his solo activity can be considered a performance on October 14, 1983 at the House of Culture of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after F.E.Dzerzhinsky. Later he became artistic director theater-studio "Creative workshop of Alexander Rosenbaum".

Among 42 well-known Petersburgers, he signed an open letter to President Dmitry Medvedev in support of the construction of the Okhta Center.

January 22, 2010 was taken to the Institute of Emergency Medicine. Sklifosovsky. According to doctors, the singer had a deep knife wound in his forearm - the knife reached the bone. The 58-year-old artist told the doctors that he cut himself by accident - "dabbled" with a recently purchased blade and accidentally injured himself. The singer was given first aid, he refused hospitalization.

In 2014 he took part in the dubbing of the Ukrainian documentary"The Secret of the Royal Battalion", dedicated to the death of the 1st battalion of the 682nd motorized rifle regiment of the 108th motorized rifle division of the USSR Armed Forces in April 1984, during the Afghan war. In this film, Rosenbaum acted as a voice-over narrator and performer of the final song "Caravan".

In December 2015, for his political position and views on the Ukrainian events of 2013-2014 Rosenbaum was blacklisted Russian artists, who are "persona non grata" on the territory of Ukraine.

Lives and works in St. Petersburg.


Rosenbaum is a co-owner of the Tolstoy Fraer beer chain in St. Petersburg.



Poet and musician

Alexander Rosenbaum is a composer, author and performer of his own songs. Many of him early songs belong to the genre of thieves' songs, and their hero is the classic image of the Odessa raider of the NEP era. This image was compiled based on “ Odessa stories"Isaac Babel. A number of his early songs are also related to the work of a doctor.

Also, his work is characterized by an interest in the history of Russia in the post-revolutionary years of the XX century ("Romance of General Charnota"), gypsy themes (for example, the songs "Song of the horse of gypsy blood", "Oh, if it were possible ...") and the Cossacks ("Cossack", "Kuban Cossack", "On the Don, on the Don"). Among his songs there is also philosophical lyrics ("Prophetic Destiny"). The military theme, in which most of the songs are associated with the Great Patriotic War("I often wake up in silence", "Show me off, daddy, but to the war ...", etc.), nautical theme("38 knots", "Song of the old destroyer"). A special part of his creative work is devoted to the war in Afghanistan (Monologue of the Black Tulip Pilot, Caravan, Life-Long Road). The singer often visited the locations of Soviet military units, giving concerts in Afghanistan. In 1986, at the Film Studio of the USSR Ministry of Defense, the song "In the mountains of Afghanistan" was inserted into the film "Pain and Hopes of Afghanistan" to the chronicle of hostilities - in fact, the first video for the songs of the performer was created.

With some exceptions, Alexander Rosenbaum writes his songs almost exclusively for the Russian seven-string (he plays in seven string guitar without the fifth string, this tuning is called OPEN G) guitars. Among the exceptions, it is worth noting joint concerts with the Zhemchuzhny brothers). Characteristic Rosenbaum's performances - effective playing of a twelve-string guitar, always using paired metal strings, giving the instrument a bright, timbre rich sound. He uses several types of guitar striking without using a pick. Also, in his songs, he approaches the extraordinary use of harmonies when playing the guitar, which gives them some originality. According to Rosenbaum himself, it is impossible to determine the style of music in which he works, since he is a very versatile musician. Rosenbaum's poems are replete with specific vocabulary (technical, hunting, military, prison, etc.). After the collapse of the USSR, Jewish, Israeli motives appeared in Rosenbaum's work. Rosenbaum has a strong manly voice of a baritone nature.

The song "Waltz-Boston" with a melody and complex harmony replete with altered triads gained all-Union popularity in the late 1980s.

In form, Rosenbaum's work is close to the genre of bard song. However, while the bard song in Soviet years was a hermit, a pariah of the stage, spreading only on tape tapes in self-made recordings, Rosenbaum enjoyed official recognition and performed as an artist of Lenkontsert long before the collapse Soviet Union and the abolition of censorship. In the anthology "Author's Song" (compiled by Dmitry Sukharev), his name is not mentioned.

Most famous songs

Year of writing I line Name Notes (edit)
1968 - Come to us ... - Was included in the magnetic album “In Memory of Ark. Northern ", which was preceded by the following introduction: “Today marks 2 years since the death of Arkady Zvezdin-Severny. Alexander Rosenbaum, with the participation of the Pearl Brothers, dedicates his songs to his memory ".
1968 GOP stop! We approached - from around the corner ... GOP stop Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982). "Gop-stop" (corner) - robbery
1968 It's such a good day ... Cab Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982). Continuation - the song "18 years later"
1968 I will forget - sadness, sadness, longing ... Fair (?)
1968 What's the difference ... Clever girl Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982).
1968 On the street - Gorokhovaya - the excitement ... Travel from Odessa to Petrograd Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982).
1968 I came back - late ... on a moonlit night ... Chervonchiki Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982), in which it was performed without 2 final stanzas.
1971 Oh, don't blame me for that ... Bunches of rowan Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982). Dr. title: "Imitation of Okudzhava". It is performed slowly and expressively.
1968 Traffic lights, give ... Song about "Ambulance" Author's introduction: "2 songs about 2 of my works. I is" Song about an old job ", and II is" Oh new job". I "Song about" Ambulance "" to music by Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky "(meaning the song "Morning Gymnastics"). Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982). Dr. title: "Song of an ambulance doctor"
1968 I dangle - like a ball - around the cities ... About new job Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982). Dr. title: "Touring"
1968 Well, do it ... - Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982).
1968 Fraer, fat fraer ... - Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982).
1968 Look: Angels are flying - over the very ... Near the window Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982). Option I line: "In the sky, Angels fly over the very ..."
1968 From call to call ... - Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982).
1968 The chief from the detective sang-whispered to me ... Bullfinches Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982).
1968 Ninka, - how ... Ninka (?) Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982). The song was also performed by M. Shufutinsky.
1968 I can't be jailed. I know this for sure ... - Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982).
1968 There is a Moldavanka in Odessa ... Ligovka Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982).
1968 On Odessa, on the Maidan ... ? Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982). The song was also performed by M. Shufutinsky.
1968 The door opened - and in a moment I melted ... - Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982).
1968 Oh, if only they knew ... - Was included in the magnetic album "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982).
1968 We grew up with him ... ? Author's introduction: “This song ends life path the hero of my thieves and Odessa works - Semen ". last song magnetoalbum "In memory of A. Severny" (April 1982).
1968 I am a homeless boy ... Street child -
1968 On a trendy beach on a hot summer day ... Sergio Taccini -
1968 I was tied 1 time in 13 years: I climbed into a stall - I wanted cinnamon rolls ... Silver Kolyma -
1968 It was ... ? -
1968 I'll get up early in the morning ... - -
1968 On the carpet - of yellow leaves, in a simple dress ... Waltz Boston One of the most famous songs the author
1968 Sadness came ... Sadness has flown -
1968 I breathe into my fingers ... On the Road of Life -
1968 I often saw a restless dream ... Sleep in hand -
1968 I love to return to my city, unexpectedly towards evening ... Return to the city -
1968 Or maybe there was no war ... And people dreamed all this? ... Or maybe there was no war ... -
1968 Don't shoot white swans ... - -
1968 Lost, I don't know where! ... Prophetic Fate -
1968 Show me Moscow - I ask ... Show me Moscow -
25.12.1979 When I return, I'll buy my son a bunch of toys ... - -
25.7.1980 Over the snowy garden ... The road to Vagankovo Dedicated to the memory of V. Vysotsky.
25.7.1980 Serve for me, serve ... Serve for me, serve Dedicated to the memory of V. Vysotsky.
~1986 The month-prince lovebird ... Seeing off -
~1986 The delicate thin ... Flagship march -
~1986 Sometimes on a fine day, long ... 18 years later Continuation of the song "Carrier"
~1986 There is a Moldavanka in Odessa ... Collage Potpourri of 3 songs
~1986 Already 30 years have passed - after childhood ... Meditating on a walk -
~1986 Draw me a house - yes, one that matches the suit! ... Draw me a house Was included in the plate of the same name (1986).
? And how he died ... Dedication to initiates Dedicated to V. Vysotsky?

Rosenbaum's "old army"

The current composition

  • Alexander Alekseev (Keyboard. Since 1988)
  • Vyacheslav Litvinenko (Guitar. Since 2005)
  • Yuri Kapetanaki (Keyboard. Since 2002)
  • Mikhail Volkov (Bass guitar. Since 2012)
  • Vadim Markov (drums. Since 2012)
  • Alexander Martisov (Sound engineer. Since 2004)

Musicians who previously played with Rosenbaum

  • Nikolay Serafimovich Rezanov (1982-1983; 1993-2006) †
  • Anatoly Nikiforov (2002-2012)
  • Arkady Aladin (2002-2012)
  • Victor Smirnov (1993-2002)
  • Alyosha Dulkevich (1982-1983; 2001-2010)
  • Vitaly Rotkovich (1992-2001; sound engineer)

Official discography

(date of recording is indicated, not edition)

To the cinema

Acting work

Films featuring A. Rosenbaum's songs


Recognition and awards

Military rank

State awards

Honorary titles

  • Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1996).
  • People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2001).

Other awards


"Golden Gramophone Award":

  • 1996 - song "Ay"
  • 2002 - song "We are alive"
  • 2012 - song "Love for an encore" (duet with Zara).

"Chanson of the Year":

  • 2003 - songs "Cossack" and "Glukhari"
  • 2004 - songs "Let me write you" and "Waltz-Boston"
  • 2005 - the song " Night call»
  • 2006 - songs "Clouds" (duet with Lyubov Uspenskaya), "I see the light" and "Old horse"
  • 2007 - songs "Susumanskaya lyric", "In memory of Nikolai Rezanov" and "Marusya" (duet with Lyubov Uspenskaya)
  • 2009 - the songs "The Fellow Traveler" and "God Protects the Preserved"
  • 2010 - songs "The Dream of a Thug Poet" and "Zoya"
  • 2011 - songs "Unbuttoned shirt" and "Koresha"
  • 2012 - songs "It was good time"And" Odnoklassniki "
  • 2013 - songs "Will" and "Golden Cage"
  • 2014 - songs "Once upon a Ligovka" and "Old thrush".

Films about A. Rosenbaum

  • 1987 - "Face to Face"
  • 1987 - "Two hours with bards" (Galich, Okudzhava, Vizbor, Vysotsky, Rosenbaum, Makarevich)
  • 1988 - "Insomnia"
  • 1993 - "To survive"
  • 1997 - Waltz Boston
  • 2010 - "Men Don't Cry" (confession concert)
  • 2011 - "My amazing dream ..."


Biography of Alexander Rosenbaum

Alexander Rosenbaum was born on September 13, 1951 in Leningrad in a family of doctors. His parents, Yakov Shmar'evich Rosenbaum and Sofya Semyonovna Milyaeva, were at that time students of the 1st Medical Institute, from which they graduated in 1952. After the Rosenbaums, they moved to the Kazakh Zyryanovsk. Alexander's father, who received the profession of a urologist, headed the local city hospital, and his mother worked there as an obstetrician-gynecologist. Here Alexander got younger brother Vladimir, who later became an ambulance doctor.

In Zyryansk, young Sasha began to study music: at the age of five he became a student of a music school in piano and violin. Then Alexander went to study at a regular school.

Alexander Rosenbaum: “I grew up as a normal guy. Like most boys, of course, he brought trouble to his loved ones: he didn't eat on time, broke glass, played late with a friend without calling his parents. They went crazy with worries, and on my return I got a kick in the ass. Dad put me over the knee and half-heartedly so that there were no abrasions and bruises left, he flogged me with a front belt. "

Neighbor, famous guitarist Mikhail Minin, taught Alexander to play the guitar. As a child, Sasha was not only fond of music, but also went to the figure skating section, and at the age of 12 he began to actively engage in boxing. After graduating from school, he decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents and entered medical school. By this time, the family had already moved to Leningrad, where Sasha was studying to be a doctor. Immediately after graduation, he got a job as a doctor at a hospital, and then at an ambulance station. It is interesting that Alexander's younger brother, Vladimir, is also a physician by training. He worked for a long time as a doctor at an ambulance station.

Alexander Rosenbaum about working as a physician and studying: “To go to medical school after school was as natural for me as it was for the son of a career officer to go to a military school. My mom and dad are doctors. The continuation of the dynasty in such families is normal. V different years True, I dreamed of being both a geologist and a professional hunter, I wanted to be closer to nature and animals, but when it came time to decide on a profession, I deliberately took the documents to the medical one. And my parents did not question my future either. I was born into a family of first-honey graduate students and literally grew up in a hospital. In the house, all the talk was only about medicine, all the friends of the parents were doctors ... Well, what profession could I still choose? "

Musical career of Alexander Rosenbaum

While working as an ambulance doctor, Alexander managed to study in an evening jazz school, in addition, he began to write songs intensively. A few years later, Rosenbaum left medicine - to the stage. At first he performed in various groups: "Admiralty", "Argonauts", VIA "Six Young", "Pulse", then he began to sing solo and soon rose to the rank of leader theater studio"Creative workshop of Alexander Rosenbaum". Soon the audience began to come to the concerts of the bard, and Rosenbaum turned into popular singer and a performer of copyright songs. At one time he was even called the second Vysotsky, but he was categorically against any comparisons.

Alexander Rosenbaum: “In the regional party committee, and maybe even in the Central Committee, they believed: Rosenbaum should not exist. Not in newspapers, not in concert announcements. That is, it was possible to perform, but it was considered indecent to write the name on the posters. I was not going to become the second Vysotsky either. We are all different! Music, poetry, voices! He is a Muscovite, I am from St. Petersburg. And I don't consider myself a bard. Most of these people come to the song from poetry, with music they are not doing well. I came to the song from music, began to write poetry, and today, I dare to hope, I can be called a poet. Good or bad is another matter. I started as a vocalist, performing other people's works. He sang the entire Beatles' repertoire, a huge number of Soviet songs. But today no serious musician will tell you what genre I belong to. Even I myself do not know this. I have jazz ("Waltz-Boston"), rock-ballads, rock-n-roll, romances, symphonisms performed on the piano ... And there is "Gop-stop" - a song that is called a thug or a street one. So most likely my genre is Rosenbaum. And I want to be called simply an artist. "

At the end of the 80s of the XX century, Alexander, who recorded during this decade such albums as "Home Concert" (1981), "In Memory of Arkady Severny" (1982), "Dedication to Initiates" and "New Songs", "Concert in Vorkuta" (1984), "Epitaph" and "My Courtyards" (1986), "Draw Me a House", "A Life-Long Road", "Concert at LOMO" and "New York Concert" (all - 1987), " Cossack songs"And" Anathema "(1988), wrote one of his most famous songs- "Waltz-Boston", which is characterized by complex harmony and an interesting melody.

Alexander Rosenbaum: “I came to the stage at the age of 30 with a diploma from the medical institute, an ambulance doctor. And in fact - Soviet employees in good sense this word. That is, as I went out on shift from eight in the morning to eight in the evening, so I still go out to work. Only now on stage. I do not know how to walk on corpses, I do not know how to intrigue. For me, wildness - behind-the-scenes scandals about who will close the concert, who will sing how many songs ... I sincerely do not understand the 22-year-old girl who hires a detachment of bodyguards, fearing that fans will probably rip off her outfits. Yes, the mentality of our people is not the same! They don't have it in their genes! They recognize you - well, no - it's okay. But why do you need six men with pistols? Who needs you? .. I don’t know why we need 18 towels in the dressing room and cognac on demand. Have you seen enough foreign films, read about Western stars? .. I don’t want to offend my colleagues who are trying to make our show business civilized, but for me it is still funny and disgusting in many ways ”.

In the nineties, Rosenbaum recorded a number of albums that his fans loved - "Gop-Stop", "Nostalgia", "Top Ten", "Slow Schizophrenia", "Pink Pearl", "On the Plantations of Love", "Return to Argo" , "Trans-Siberian Railway" and others. In 1996, for the first time in his career, the musician was awarded the Golden Gramophone prize, which was brought to him by the song "Au". At the same time, the singer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Since 2003, Rosenbaum, who has not stopped releasing albums and actively continues his touring and concert activities, takes part in the "Chanson of the Year" award. This award was awarded to his singles "Cossack" and "Glukhari" (2003), "Let me write you" and "Waltz-Boston" (2004), "Night Call" (2005), "Clouds" in a duet with Lyubov Uspenskaya, "I see the light" and "Old horse" (2006), "Susuman lyric", "In memory of Nikolai Rezanov" and "Marusya" in a duet with Lyubov Uspenskaya (2007), "The fellow traveler" and "God protects the bearded" (2009), "The Dream of a Thug Poet" and "Zoya" (2010), "Unbuttoned Shirt" and "Sidekick" (2011), "It Was a Good Time" and "Classmates" (2012), "Will" and "Golden Cage" (2013) , "Once upon a Ligovka" and "The Old Thrush" (2014), "Queen" (2016), "Waltz on the Swan Groove" and "Queue for Bread" (2017), "Evening Drinking" and "We Are Leaving" (2018) ...

Alexander Rosenbaum is often invited to various TV shows... So, he repeatedly became a guest of the media play "Evening Urgant", performed in the programs " Superstar"(2010), where he had a chance for the first time in his entire career to change his usual stage costume and dress up for each room, experimenting and trying on different looks: with a Cossack saber, in a soldier's overcoat, in a chauffeur's suit or, for example, a dashing robber, "Guess the melody", "The Republic's property", "Alone with everyone", etc. . In 2014, Rosenbaum became a member of the refereeing team music show"Three Chords", where he appeared in the second season (2017), and then in the third (2018).

Film career of Alexander Rosenbaum

In 1985, Alexander Rosenbaum appeared in cameo v music picture"Start over again" with Andrey Makarevich. Then he starred in a number of documentaries, including the film about the Grushinsky festival " Two hours with the bards"(1987) and the tape" How more people with guitars"(1989). In 1991, with the participation of Alexander, the drama Afghan Breakdown, directed by Vladimir Bortko, was released, where Michele Placido, Tatiana Dogileva, Mikhail Zhigalov, Philip Yankovsky, Alexei Serebryakov, Nina Ruslanova and other actors starred. At the same time, Rosenbaum performed one of the key roles in the fantastic adventure story “ Escape to the ends of the world"With Ekaterina Strizhenova.

In the 1990s, the artist also appeared in the action movie " To survive"(1992), where he played an emissary of the former" party mafia "named Jafar, and starred in musical film based on his songs "Waltz-Boston" (1997). In 2005, viewers saw the musician in the guise of the "big" military commander Rostislav Petrovich in the drama film by Stanislav Govorukhin " Not by bread alone"With Svetlana Khodchenkova and Mikhail Eliseev. In 2008, Rosenbaum starred in the melodrama directed by Marina Migunova with Vera Glagoleva " Side step”(2008), where he had to embody the image of a former professional boxer. After the composer was involved in the projects "The Best Summer of Our Life" (2011), " Troublemaker"(2016) and others.

Personal life of Alexander Rosenbaum

As a student, Alexander got married for the first time, but his marriage did not last long - only nine months. He remarried a year later. A classmate became his chosen one Elena Savshinskaya... By profession, she is a radiologist, who, unlike her husband, continued her medical career. On October 20, 1976, the couple had a daughter, Anna, who later received the profession of a philologist and translator. In 1999, the singer became a grandfather - his daughter gave birth to a son named David Chucky-Rosenbaum. In 2005, the artist had a second grandson, Nicky Chucky-Rosenbaum, and in February 2014 Anna gave her father-artist two more grandchildren - Daniel Chucky-Rosenbaum and Anthony Chucky-Rosenbaum.

In 2003, Alexander Rosenbaum was a deputy of the State Duma of Russia from the United Russia party. Moreover, as the artist himself noted, he did not have aspirations to enter the political elite.

Alexander Rosenbaum: “Frankly, it's nice to know the president, but believe me, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin interests me no longer as the head of state, but as my peer, with whom we grew up at the same time, in the same area , in the neighboring streets. Let Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin not take offense at me, but I did not seek to meet him when he was president. We are with him from different times. I am friends with Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov not as with the governor of the Moscow region, but as with my close friend, brother, fellow soldier, if you like. And I will be friends, no matter what position he occupies. "

The singer is a co-owner of the Tolstoy Fraer beer chain.

Discography of Alexander Rosenbaum

  • Home Concert (1981)
    "In memory of Arkady Severny" (April 1982) (together with the Pearl Brothers)
    Dedication to Initiates (1983)
    "New Songs" (November 1983) (together with the Pearl Brothers)
    "Concert in Vorkuta" (1984)
    Epitaph (1986)
    "My Courtyards" (1986)
    "Draw Me a House" (1987)
    Life-long Road (1987)
    "Concert at LOMO" (1987)
    New York Concert (1987)
    "Cossack Songs" (1988)
    Anathema (1988)
    "Gop-stop" (1993)
    Nostalgia (1994)
    Hot Ten (1994)
    "Sluggish schizophrenia" (September 1994)
    "Pink Pearl" (August-November 1995) (together with the Pearl Brothers)
    "On the plantations of love" (March-May 1996)
    Birthday Concert (October 4, 1996)
    Return to Argo (February 1997)
    "July Heat" (November 1997)
    "Trans-Siberian Railway" (November 1999)
    "A Real Soldier" (April 2001)
    "Old Guitar" (2001)
    "Strange Life" (2003)
    "I see the light" (July-August 2005)
    "Fellow travelers" (2007)
    "The dream of a thug poet" (February 2009)
    "Unbuttoned shirt" (May-June 2010)
    "Shores of Pure Brotherhood" (July 2011) (with Grigory Leps)
    "Metaphysics" (entry 2014–2015)

Filmography of Alexander Rosenbaum

  • Actor
  • The troublemaker (TV, 2016)
  • Oleg Mityaev. "Fantasy tomorrow"(2011, documentary)
  • Thirty years of solitude. Yan Arlazorov (2009, documentary)
  • Side-step (2007) ... Georgy Shakhov
  • Not by bread alone (2005) ... Rostislav Petrovich, great military commander
  • Waltz Boston (1997)
  • Wait, Steam Locomotive (1994, documentary)
  • Once upon a time there was an artist ... (1992, documentary)
  • To survive (1992) ... Jafar
  • Escape to the End of the World (1991)
  • The More People With Guitars (1989, documentary)
  • Two Hours with the Bards (1988, documentary)
  • Start over (1985)
  • Vocals
  • Another Major Sokolov (TV series 2014)
  • Chief 2 (TV series 2013)
  • Night swallows (TV series 2012)
  • Sea Knot (2002)
  • Tram-tararam, or Coves-flounders (1993)
  • Paid for everything (1988)
  • Friend (1987)