As it was done in Odessa. Online reading book Odessa Stories Odessa Stories

As it was done in Odessa. Online reading book Odessa Stories Odessa Stories

Isaac Babel

Odessa story

Wedding ended, Rabbi sank into the chair, then he left the room and saw the tables delivered for the entire length of the courtyard. There were so many of them that they turned their tail per gate to the hospital street. Blurred by velvet, the tables went around the courtyard, like snakes, whom on the belly imposed full colors, and they sang with thick voices - patch out of orange and red velvet.

Apartments were turned into a kitchen. Through the wrapped doors beat a fat flame, drunk and chubby flame. In his smoky rays, old women were baking faces, women shaking chin, pecked chest. Pot, pink, like blood, pink, like a foam of a mad dog, flowed down these piles of scared, sweetly smearing human meat. Three cooks, not counting the shipyard, prepared a wedding dinner, and eighty-year-old raise reigned over them, traditional, like a scroll, tiny and humpbat.

Before dinner, a young man was shifted to the courtyard, an unknown guests. He asked Benya Cry. He diluted beny shouting to the side.

Listen, the king, - said the young man, - I have you to tell a few words. I was sent aunt Khan with an archelorian ...

Well, good, "answered Benya Creek, the nicknamed the king, - what is this a couple of words?

A new bait arrived in the site yesterday, told you to tell Aunt Khan ...

I knew about the day before yesterday, "answered Benya Creek. - Further.

The baits gathered the plot and did the speech ...

The new broom is clean, - answered Benya Creek. - He wants a cloud. Further…

And when there is a cloud, you know. King?

She will be tomorrow.

King, she will be today.

Who told you this, boy?

That told Aunt Khan. Do you know aunt khanu?

- ... the baptized site gathered and told them speech. "We have to strangle Beyu shout," he said, "because where the emperor is there, there is no king. Today, when a cry gives married sister and all of them will be there, today you need to make a cloud ... "

- ... Then the scuffs began to be afraid. They said: If we take a cloud today, when he has a holiday, so Benya grills, and a lot of blood leaves. So backed up - a pride of me more expensive ...

Well, go, - answered the king.

What to say Tete Khan for a cloud.

Say: Benya knows for a cloud.

And he left, this young man. It was followed by a person three of the Benic Friends. They said they would return after half an hour. And they returned in half an hour. That's all.

Behind the table were not over seniority. Lustful old age is no less than a cowardic youth. And not for wealth. Lining a heavy wallet sewn from tears.

At the table in the first place was the groom with the bride. This is their day. In second place was Sender Eikhbaum, the yield of the king. This is his right. The history of Sender Eikhbaum should be known because it is not a simple story.

How did Benya Creek, the raid and the king of the raiders, the son-in-law Eikhbauma? How did he become the son-in-law of a person who had sixty milk cows without one? Here is the whole thing in the fall. Just a year ago, Benya wrote an eikbaum letter.

"Monsieur Eikhbaum, he wrote," Put, I ask you, tomorrow morning at the gate to Sofiyevskaya, 17, - twenty thousand rubles. If you do not do this, so it is waiting for such that it does not dislike, and all Odessa will talk about you. With the reverence of Benya King. "

Three letters, one more clearer than the other, remained unanswered. Then Benya took steps. They came at night - nine people with long sticks in her hands. The sticks were wrapped in a scenario pacle. Nine flaming stars lit on the livestock Eikhbaum. Benya beat off the castles in the barn and began to withdraw the cows on one. They were waiting for a guy with a knife. He overturned the cow from one blow and immersed the knife in the cow's heart. On the ground, filled with blood, bloomed torches like fiery roses, and raised shots. The shots of Benya distilled the workers who escaped to the barn. And after him, other ramps began to shoot in the air, because if not to shoot in the air, then you can kill a person. And so, when the sixth cow with a suicide flow fell to the legs of the king, then Eichbaum ran into the courtyard in some pants and asked:

What will be from this, Benya?

If I have no money - you will not have cows, Monsieu Eikhbaum. This is twice two.

Go to the room, Benya.

And in the room they agreed. Cut cows were divided by in half. Eikbaum was guaranteed inviolability and issued in that certificate with seal. But the miracle came later.

During a plaque, in that terrible night, when the cows were mocked, and the chicks slipped in maternal blood, when the torches were danced, like black maidens, and women-thrush scratched and squeezed under the dawn of friendly browning, - in that terrible night ran into the courtyard The cutting shirt of the daughter of the old Eikhbaum - Cily. And the victory of the king became his defeat.

Two days later, Benoye, without warning, returned all the rejected money and after that came in the evening. He was dressed in an orange suit, a diamond bracelet shone under his cuff; He entered the room, greeted and asked Eikhbaum's hands his daughter Tsili. The old man has enough easy blow, but he rose. There was still twenty years in the old man.

Listen, Eikhbaum, "the king told him, - when you die, I will funerally you on the first Jewish cemetery, at the most gate. I will put you, Eikhbaum, a monument from pink marble. I will make you an old-fashioned Brodsk synagogue. I'll throw a specialty, Eikhbaum, and will act in your business companion. We will have two hundred cows, Eikhbaum. I will kill all the milk, besides you. The thief will not walk along the same street on which you live. I will build you a cottage on the sixteenth station ... And remember, Eikhbaum, you were also not in my youth rabbi. Who faked the will, let's not talk about it loudly? .. And the son-in-law will have a king, not a swollen, but the king, Eikhbaum ...

And he achieved his, Benoy Creek, because he was passionate, and the passion is dominated over the world. Newlyweds lived for three months in obese Bessarabia, among grapes, abundant food and love sweat. Then, Benya returned to Odessa in order to marry a hundred-year-old sister his tweof, suffering from the base disease. And now, telling the history of Sender Eikhbaum, we can return to the wedding of the twins Creek, the sisters of the king.

At this wedding, turkeys, fried chickens, geese, stuffed fish and ear, in which lemon lakes were pulled by pearl lakes were filled with dinner. Flowers swayed over dead goose heads, like lush plumes. But did the fried chicken take the shore to the shore of the Odessa Sea?

All the noblest of our smuggling, everything that Slavna Earth from the edge to the edge, made it to that star, in that blue night his destructive, its own seductive business. The stomach dismissed wine warmed up, sweets sweetly, dope the brains and caused belching, sonorous as the call of the combat pipe. Black Coc with Plutarch, who arrived third day from Port Said, delivered by the customs trait the bubble bottles of the Jamaican Roma, Oil Madera, Cigars from Pierponta Morgan Plants and Oranges from the surroundings of Jerusalem. This is what makes the shore of the foamy surf of the Odessa Sea, that's what happens sometimes by Odessa beggar in Jewish weddings. They got the Jamaican Rom at the wedding of the twins of the cry, and therefore, peeling like trephid pigs, Jewish beggars were deafening to pound the crutches. Eikhbaum, dismantle the vest, looked around the raging assembly and lovely Ikal. The orchestra played carcass. It was like a division look. Tuck - nothing except carcass. The raids sitting with closed rows were first embarrassed by the presence of outsiders, but then they diverged. Lev Katsap broke a bottle of vodka on his head his beloved. Monia Artillerist shot into the air. But the limits of their delight reached when, according to the custom of the old days, the guests began to give newlyweds. Synagogeal Schames, jumped on the tables, eatened the number of donated rubles and silver spoons under the sounds of a burrowing carcass. And here the friends of the king showed what the blue blood is worth and the Moldovan knighthood is still. The negligent movement of the hand was thrown on silver trays Gold coins, rings, coral threads.

The aristocrats of Moldavanka, they were tightened into raspberry vests, their shoulders covered red jackets, and the skin of the color of heavenly lazuries was burst on the fleshy feet. Straightened to all the growth and protruding the stomachs, the gangsters clapped the tact of music, shouted "bitterly" and threw the brides of flowers, and she, a forty-year-old Double, Sister Beni Cry, the sister of the king, a disheveled disease, with a broken goiter and getting out of the orbits, sitting on Mountain pillows next to a prudent boy bought for Money Eikhbaum and onmighty from longing.

The rite of donation approached the end, Shames of the above and the double bass did not get along with the violin. Above the courtyard suddenly the light smell of Gary.


Wedding ended, Rabbi sank into the chair, then he left the room and saw the tables delivered for the entire length of the courtyard. There were so many of them that they turned their tail per gate to the hospital street. Blurred by velvet, the tables went around the courtyard, like snakes, whom on the belly imposed full colors, and they sang with thick voices - patch out of orange and red velvet.
Apartments were turned into a kitchen. Through the wrapped doors beat a fat flame, drunk and chubby flame. In his smoky rays, old women were baking faces, women shaking chin, pecked chest. Pot, pink, like blood, pink, like a foam of a mad dog, flowed down these piles of scared, sweetly smearing human meat. Three cooks, not counting the shipyard, prepared a wedding dinner, and eighty-year-old raise reigned over them, traditional, like a scroll, tiny and humpbat.
Before dinner, a young man was shifted to the courtyard, an unknown guests. He asked Benya Cry. He diluted beny shouting to the side.
- Listen, the king, - said the young man, - I have you to tell a few words. I was sent aunt Khan with an archelorian ...
"Well, well," answered Benya Creek, nicknamed the king, "what is this a couple of words?"
- A new bait arrived in the site yesterday, told you aunt Khan ...
"I knew about the day before yesterday," answered Benya Creek. - Further.
- Picklight gathered a plot and provided the site!
"The new broom is clean," answered Benya Creek. - He wants a cloud. Further…
- And when there is a cloud, you know. King?
- She will be tomorrow.
- The king, she will be today.
- Who told you this, boy?
- It said Tieta Khan. Do you know aunt khanu?
- I know aunt khanu. Further.
- ... the baptized site gathered and told them speech. "We have to strangle Beyu shout," he said, "because where the emperor is there, there is no king. Today, when a cry gives married sister and all of them will be there, today you need to make a cloud ... "
- Further.
- ... Then the scuffs began to be afraid. They said: If we take a cloud today, when he has a holiday, so Benya grills, and a lot of blood leaves. So backed up - a pride of me more expensive ...
"Well, go," answered the king.
- What to tell Tete Khan for a cloud.
- Tell me: Benya knows for a cloud.
And he left, this young man. It was followed by a person three of the Benic Friends. They said they would return after half an hour. And they returned in half an hour. That's all.
Behind the table were not over seniority. Lustful old age is no less than a cowardic youth. And not for wealth. Lining a heavy wallet sewn from tears.
At the table in the first place was the groom with the bride. This is their day. In second place was Sender Eikhbaum, the yield of the king. This is his right. The history of Sender Eikhbaum should be known because it is not a simple story.
How did Benya Creek, the raid and the king of the raiders, the son-in-law Eikhbauma? How did he become the son-in-law of a person who had sixty milk cows without one? Here is the whole thing in the fall. Just a year ago, Benya wrote an eikbaum letter.

"Monsieur Eikhbaum, he wrote," Put, I ask you, tomorrow morning at the gate to Sofiyevskaya, 17, - twenty thousand rubles. If you do not do this, so it is waiting for such that it does not dislike, and all Odessa will talk about you. With the reverence of Benya King. "
Three letters, one more clearer than the other, remained unanswered. Then Benya took steps. They came at night - nine people with long sticks in her hands. The sticks were wrapped in a scenario pacle. Nine flaming stars lit on the livestock Eikhbaum. Benya beat off the castles in the barn and began to withdraw the cows on one. They were waiting for a guy with a knife. He overturned the cow from one blow and immersed the knife in the cow's heart. On the ground, filled with blood, bloomed torches like fiery roses, and raised shots. The shots of Benya distilled the workers who escaped to the barn. And after him, other ramps began to shoot in the air, because if not to shoot in the air, then you can kill a person. And so, when the sixth cow with a suicide flow fell to the legs of the king, - then Eichbaum ran into the courtyard in some pants and asked:
- What will happen to this, Benya?
- If I have no money - you will not have cows, Monsieur Eikhbaum. This is twice two.
- Go to the room, Benya.
And in the room they agreed. Cut cows were divided by in half. Eikbaum was guaranteed inviolability and issued in that certificate with seal. But the miracle came later.
During a plaque, in that terrible night, when the cows were mocked, and the chicks slipped in maternal blood, when the torches were danced, like black maidens, and women-thrush scratched and squeezed under the dawn of friendly browning, - in that terrible night ran into the courtyard The cutting shirt of the daughter of the old Eikhbaum - Cily. And the victory of the king became his defeat.
Two days later, Benoye, without warning, returned all the rejected money and after that came in the evening. He was dressed in an orange suit, a diamond bracelet shone under his cuff; He entered the room, greeted and asked Eikhbaum's hands his daughter Tsili. The old man has enough easy blow, but he rose. There was still twenty years in the old man.
- Listen, Eikhbaum, "the king told him, - when you die, I will funerally on you on the first Jewish cemetery, at the most gate. I will put you, Eikhbaum, a monument from pink marble. I will make you an old-fashioned Brodsk synagogue. I'll throw a specialty, Eikhbaum, and will act in your business companion. We will have two hundred cows, Eikhbaum. I will kill all the milk, besides you. The thief will not walk along the same street on which you live. I will build you a cottage on the sixteenth station ... And remember, Eikhbaum, you were also not in my youth rabbi. Who faked the will, let's not talk about it loudly? .. And the son-in-law will have a king, not a swollen, but the king, Eikhbaum ...
And he achieved his, Benoy Creek, because he was passionate, and the passion is dominated over the world. Newlyweds lived for three months in obese Bessarabia, among grapes, abundant food and love sweat. Then, Benya returned to Odessa in order to marry a hundred-year-old sister his tweof, suffering from the base disease. And now, telling the history of Sender Eikhbaum, we can return to the wedding of the twins Creek, the sisters of the king.
At this wedding, turkeys, fried chickens, geese, stuffed fish and ear, in which lemon lakes were pulled by pearl lakes were filled with dinner. Flowers swayed over dead goose heads, like lush plumes. But did the fried chicken take the shore to the shore of the Odessa Sea?
All the noblest of our smuggling, everything that Slavna Earth from the edge to the edge, made it to that star, in that blue night his destructive, its own seductive business. The stomach dismissed wine warmed up, sweets sweetly, dope the brains and caused belching, sonorous as the call of the combat pipe. Black Coc with Plutarch, who arrived third day from Port Said, delivered by the customs trait the bubble bottles of the Jamaican Roma, Oil Madera, Cigars from Pierponta Morgan Plants and Oranges from the surroundings of Jerusalem. This is what makes the shore of the foamy surf of the Odessa Sea, that's what happens sometimes by Odessa beggar in Jewish weddings. They got the Jamaican Rom at the wedding of the twins of the cry, and therefore, peeling like trephid pigs, Jewish beggars were deafening to pound the crutches. Eikhbaum, dismantle the vest, looked around the raging assembly and lovely Ikal. The orchestra played carcass. It was like a division look. Tuck - nothing except carcass. The raids sitting with closed rows were first embarrassed by the presence of outsiders, but then they diverged. Lev Katsap broke a bottle of vodka on his head his beloved. Monia Artillerist shot into the air. But the limits of their delight reached when, according to the custom of the old days, the guests began to give newlyweds. Synagogeal Schames, jumped on the tables, eatened the number of donated rubles and silver spoons under the sounds of a burrowing carcass. And here the friends of the king showed what the blue blood is worth and the Moldovan knighthood is still. The negligent movement of the hand was thrown on silver trays Gold coins, rings, coral threads.
The aristocrats of Moldavanka, they were tightened into raspberry vests, their shoulders covered red jackets, and the skin of the color of heavenly lazuries was burst on the fleshy feet. Straightened to all the growth and protruding the stomachs, the gangsters clapped the tact of music, shouted "bitterly" and threw the brides of flowers, and she, a forty-year-old Double, Sister Beni Cry, the sister of the king, a disheveled disease, with a broken goiter and getting out of the orbits, sitting on Mountain pillows next to a prudent boy bought for Money Eikhbaum and onmighty from longing.
The rite of donation approached the end, Shames of the above and the double bass did not get along with the violin. Above the courtyard suddenly the light smell of Gary.
"Benya," said Dapachey Creek, the old binduzhnik, who heard between Binduzhniki Grubian, - Benya, do you know what mines give up? Mine gives up that the soot burns ...
"Dad," answered the king of a drunken father, "Please drink and eat, let you do not care about these nonsense ..."
And Dad Schoke followed the Son Council. He bit and drank. But the cloud of smoke became all poison. Somewhere I wandered the edges of the sky. And already shown in the embroidery narrow, like a sword, flame language. Guests, the recovery, began to sniff the air, and they screamed them. Rayers looked at each other. And only Benya, who did not notice anything, was awesome.
- Mine breaks the holiday, - he shouted, "full despair, - dear, I ask you, eat and drink ...
But at that time the youngest man who came at the beginning of the evening appeared in the courtyard.
"King," he said, "I have you tell a few words ..."
- Well, tell, - the king replied, - you always have in stock a few words ...
"The king," said an unknown young man and grieved, is just ridiculous, the plot is lit as a candle ...
Pasteners numbings. The raids grinned. The sixty-year-old manka, the springchalter of Slobodsk gangsters, putting two fingers in his mouth, whistled so shrill that her neighbors squeezed.
- Manya, you are not at work, "Benya noticed her, - cold blood, man ...
A young man who brought this striking news, still disassembled laughter.
- They came out from the plot of a man of forty, "he told, moving his jaws, - and went to the cloud; So they moved the steps to fifteen, as already caught fire ... Fight Watch, if you want ...
But Benya forbade guests to go to look at the fire. He went with two comrades. The plot is properly burned from four sides. Cities, shaking tasks, ran through the smoke stairs and missed the chests from the windows. Under the skeins were arrested arrested. Firefighters were filled with zeal, but there were no water in the nearest tap. The bait is the same broom that purely sweeps, "stood on the opposite sidewalk and bit the mustache climbed into his mouth. The new broom stood without movement. Benya, passing by the bailiff, gave him the honor of the military.
"Good healthy, your gradually," he said sympathy. - What do you say misfortune? This is a nightmare ...
He stared at the burning building, shook his head and poured his lips:
- Ah ah ah…

And when Benya returned home - there were already lanterns in the courtyard and she was engaged in the sky. Guests dreamed, and the musicians dreamed, lowering the heads on the knobs of their double bass. One dual only was not going to sleep. Both hands, she pushed the eagle her husband to the doors of their marriage and looked at him carnivore, like a cat, which, holding a mouse in his mouth, triggers her teeth gently.

How it was done in Odessa

I started.
"Rear Aerie-Life," I said an old man, "we will talk about Ben Creek. Let's talk about the lightning time and the terrible end. Three shadows climb the path of my imagination. Here is Froim Grach. Steel his actions - wouldn't it be compared with the powers of the king? Here is the ring of Pakovsky. The rabies of this person contained everything you need in order to rule. And really, Him Draong did not manage to distinguish the brilliance of a new star? But why is one Benoy Creek asked the top of the rope ladder, and everyone else hung up at the bottom of the shaky steps?
Rear Aerie-Life was silent, sitting on a cemetery wall. Green calm graves spread before us. A man, thirsting for an answer, must be patient. A person who has knowledge will be importance. Therefore, Aria-Liebe was silent, sitting on a cemetery wall. Finally he said:
- Why he? Why not they want you to know? So - forget for a while that you have glasses on your nose, and in the soul fall. Stop scandaling for your desk and stutter in people. Imagine for a moment that you are scandaling on the squares and stutter on paper. You are a tiger, you lion, you cat. You can spend the night with a Russian woman, and the Russian woman will be pleased with you. You twenty five years old. If the rings were acknowledged to the sky and to the ground, you would grab these rings and would attach the sky to the ground. And dad you have a binduzhnik Mendel Creek. What does such dad think? He thinks about drinking a good stack of vodka, about letting someone in the face, about his horses - and nothing more. You want to live, and he makes you die twenty times a day. What would you do on the place of Beni shout? You would not do anything. And he did. Therefore, he is a king, and you hold the fig in your pocket.
He is a whin - went to Froyim Gracch, who then looked at the world with her eye alone and was the fact that he is. He told Froyim:
- Take me. I want to go to your shore. The shore to which I will rob will be in winning.
Grach asked him:
- Who are you, where are you coming from and what do you breathe?
"Try me, Froim," answered Benya, "and stop smearing the white porridge on the clean table."
"Will stop smearing the porridge," Ruch answered, "I will try you."
And the raiders gathered advice to think about Ben Creek. I was not on this advice. But they say they collected advice. The older was the deceased left bull.
- What is done under the hat, has this whin? - asked the late bull.
And one-eyed rag said his opinion:
- Benya says a little, but he speaks loud. He says a little, but I want him to say anything else.
"If so," the deceased Levka exclaimed, "then let's try it on Tartakovsky."
- Let's try it on Tartakovsky, "the Council decided, and everything, in whom she also quartered the conscience, blushed, having heard this decision. Why are they blushing? You will learn about it if you go there, where I will lead you.
Tartakovsky called the "half of the fed" or "nine raids". "One and a half of Jew" called him because no Jew could accommodate so much keenness and money as Tatakovsky was. He was higher than the highest city in Odessa above, and there had more weight than the fattest Jewish. And the "nine facilities" called Tartakovsky because the company Levka Bull and the company made no eight on its office and not ten raids, but nine. Beni, who was not the king then, fell out the honor of the tenth flare on the "half of the fuel". When Froyem handed him about it, he said yes and went out, slamming the door. Why did he slapped the door? You will learn about it if you go there, where I will lead you.
At the Tatakovsky soul, the killer, but he is our. He came out of us. He is our blood. He is our flesh, as if one mother gave birth to us. Paul Odessa serves in his shops. And he suffered through his own Moldavian. Two times they cut it out for redemption, and once during the pogrom he was buried with singers. Slobodsk holochi beat the Jews on the Big Arnautskaya. Tartakovsky ran away from them and met the funeral procession with singers in Sofia. He asked:
- Who do they bury with singers?
Passersby answered that it was buried Tartakovsky. The procession has reached the Slobodsky cemetery. Then our machine gun was taken out of the coffin and began to pour in Slobodsky commander. But "one and a half enough" did not foresee. "A half Jew" was afraid to death. And what kind of owner would not be frightened in his place?
The tenth flight per person already buried once, it was a rude deed. Benya, who was not yet the king, understood it better than any other. But he said the town of "Yes" and on the same day he wrote a Tatakov letter, similar to all letters in this way:

"Multivaable Rouvim Osipovich! Be so courtesy to put on Saturday to a barrel with rainwater ... - and so on. - In case of refusal, how you have recently began to allow you to allow you, you are waiting for a lot of disappointment in your family life. With reverence familiar to you Benzion Creek. "
Tartakovsky was not lazy and answered without delay.
"Benya! If you were idiot, I would write you as idiot! But I don't know for this for this, and feel God for this to know. You can see the boy. Do you really know that this year in Argentina is such a harvest, what at least went, and we sit with our wheat without soil? .. And I will tell you, put your hand on the heart that I'm tired of the old age to eat such a bitter piece of bread and Thieves these troubles, after I worked all my life as the last Light. And what do I have after these perpetual religion work? Ulcers, sores, troubles and insomnia. Throw these nonsense, Benya. Your friend, much more than you assume it, - Rouvim Tartakovsky. "
"A half Jew" made his own. He wrote a letter. But the mail did not give a letter to the address. Without receiving an answer, Benya grumbled. The next day, he appeared with four friends in the office of Tartakoto. Four young men in masks and revolvers fell into the room.
- Hands up! - they said and began to wave with guns.
- Work calmer, Solomon, - noticed Benya to one of those who shouted the louder of others - do not have this habit of being nervous at work, - and, turn around to Claw, White, like death, and yellow, like a clay, he asked him:
- "Frequency and a half" in the factory?
"They are not in the factory," said the clerk, whose name was Muginstein, and by name he called Joseph and was the idle son of the tender, the chicken cleaner from the Serminal Square.
- Who will be here finally for the owner? - began to interrogate the unfortunate muginstein.
"I'll be for the owner here," said Clarifier, green, like a green grass.
- Then step from us, with God's help, cashier! - ordered him Benya, and opened opera in three actions.
Nervous Solomon folded money, paper, clock and monogram in a suitcase; The deadman Joseph stood in front of him with his arms raised, and at that time Benya told stories from the life of the Jewish people.
"Collapse since he plays Rothschild," said Benya about Tartakovsky, "so let him burn fire." I explain to me, Muginstein, as a friend: Here he receives a business letter from me: I would have to get it in five kopecks on the tram and do not drive to me to the apartment and not drink with my family a stack of vodka and born than God sent. What prevented him to spell his soul before me? "Benya," let him say, "so, here's my balance, I'll get a couple of days for a couple of days, let me take a breath, give me a dive of hand." What would I answer him? A pig with a pig is not found, and a man with a man meets. Muginstein, did you understand me?
"I understood you," said Muginstein and lied, because he didn't understand at all, why the "half of the pressed", respectable rich and the first person, had to go on the tram to eat with the family of the Binget Mendel Creek.
Meanwhile, the misfortune hung under the windows, as a beggar at the dawn. The misfortune with noise burst into the office. And although this time it took the image of the Jew Saving Bukis, but it was drunk like water vozoz.
"Go-Gu," Savka's Jew shouted, "forgive me, the whisk, I was late," and he flooded his legs and began to wave his hands. " Then he shot, and the bullet hit Muginstein in the stomach.
Do you need words? There was a man and no man. He lived on an innocent bachelor, like a bird on a branch - and so he died through stupidity. A Jew came, similar to the sailor, and shot not in some bottle with a surprise, but in the belly of a man. Do you need words?
- Tear from the office, "Benya shouted and ran the last. But, leaving, he managed to say Bukis:
- I swear the coffin of my mother, Savka, you lie next to him ...
Now tell me you, young Mr., cutting coupons on other people's promotions, what would you do on the place of Beni shout? You do not know how to do. And he knew. Therefore, he is a king, and we sit on the wall of the second Jewish cemetery and are filled with sun palms.
The unfortunate son of aunt Pesels died not immediately. An hour after he was taken to the hospital, Benya appeared there. He ordered to call him a senior doctor and a nurse and told them without removing hands from cream pants:
"I am of interest," he said, "so that the sick Joseph Muginstein recovered." I imagine just in case. Benzion Creek. Camphor, airbags, separate room - giving open soul. If not, then on any doctor, be even a doctor of philosophy, there are no more than three Arshins of the Earth.
Nevertheless, Muginstein died on the same night. And then only the "half of the fodder" raised a cry on all Odessa.
- Where does the police begins, he shouted, - and where is Benya ends?
"The police end up where Benya begins," the resonant people responded, but Tartakovsky did not calm down, and he waited for the fact that the red car with a music box lost his first march from the opera "Laugh, Pajats" on the middle square. Among Blue of the day, the car flew to the house in which aunt song lived.
The car thundered the wheels, spoiled smoke, shone with copper, stuck with gasoline and played Aria on his signaling horn. Someone jumped out of the car and passed into the kitchen, where a little aunt song was fought on the earth floor. "One and a half of Jew" was sitting on a chair and waved his hands.
"Hooligan Morda," he shouted, seeing the guest, - a gangster, so that the Earth threw you! It took a good fashion - to kill live people ...
- Monsieu Tartakovsky, "Benoye Creek replied to him, - here are the second day, as I pay for the expensive dead man, as for my sorny brother. But I know you spit wanted to my young tears. Shame, Monsieu Tartakovsky, - What kind of fireproof wardrobe have stubborn shame? You had the heart to send the mother of our late Joseph a hundred miserable carbovers. The brain together with her hair rose in my end when I heard this news.
Here Benya took a pause. It was a chocolate jacket, cream pants and raspberry stones.
"Ten thousand at the same time," he roared, "ten thousand at the same time and retire to her death, let her live hundred and twenty years." And if not, then come out of this room, Monsieu Tartakovsky, and sit down in my car ...
Then they scored with each other. "One and a half Jew" was born with Beani. I was not with this quarrel. But those who were, those remember. They agreed on five thousand cash and fifty rubles monthly.
"Aunt Posha," said Benoye the unwitted old woman, who was lying on the floor, "if you need my life, you can get her, but everyone is mistaken, even God." A huge mistake came out, aunt song. But didn't you have a mistake to settle the Jews in Russia so that they suffer as in hell? And what would be bad if the Jews would live in Switzerland, where will their first-class lakes, mountainous air and solid French would be surrounded? Everyone is mistaken, even God. Listen to me with ears, aunt song. You have five thousand in your arms and fifty rubles a month before your death, - Live one hundred and twenty years. Joseph's funeral will be in the first category: six horses, like six lions, two chariots with wreaths, choir from Brodskaya synagogue, Minkovsky himself will take away the deceased of your son ...
And the funeral took place the next morning. You ask these funerals from cemetery beggars. Ask about them from Shamers from the synagogues, kosher vendors or old people from the second alone. Odessa has not yet seen such funerals, and the world will not see. Urban on this day dressed threaded gloves. In the synagogues, seized by greens and open amenus, the electricity burned. On white horses drawn into the chariot, black plumes swung. Sixty singers went ahead of the procession. Singers were boys, but they sang with female voices. The heads of the synagogues of the kosher vertselkers kept the aunt of a lyu under his hands. Members of the Society of Jewish Customers Society went behind the elders, and the jury of the attorneys, the doctors of medicine and obstetricians-Feldschheritsa. The chicken cleaner of the old bazaar was from one Boca Peace, and from the other side there were honorable thrushs with Bugaevka, drained into orange shawls. They turned their legs like gendarmes on a parade in a tabletime day. From their wide thighs walked the smell of sea and milk. And behind all employees of Routing Tartakovsky were played. There were a hundred people, or two hundred, or two thousand. They had black fructures with silk lapels and new boots that creaked, as piglets in the bag.
And so I will talk, as the Lord spoke on the mountain of Sinai from the burning bush. Put my words into my ears. All I have seen, I saw with my own eyes, sitting here on the wall of the second cemetery, next to the whispered Mystery and Shimshon from the funeral office. I saw it, Aria-Life, a proud Jew, living at the dead.
The chariot drove up to the cemetery synagogue. The coffin was put on the steps. Aunt Priest was trembling like a bird. Kantor got out of Phaeton and began a memorial. Sixty singers fought him. And at that moment the red car flew out due to turn. He lost to "Laugh, Palts" and stopped. People were silent as killed. Trees were silent, singing, beggars. Four people got out of the red roof and a quiet step was brought to the chariot wreath of unprecedented roses. And when the Panhid ended, four people led their steel shoulders under the coffin, with a burning eyes and twisted with breasts, together with the members of the Society of Jewish Customers.

Isaac Babel

Odessa story

Wedding ended, Rabbi sank into the chair, then he left the room and saw the tables delivered for the entire length of the courtyard. There were so many of them that they turned their tail per gate to the hospital street. Blurred by velvet, the tables went around the courtyard, like snakes, whom on the belly imposed full colors, and they sang with thick voices - patch out of orange and red velvet.

Apartments were turned into a kitchen. Through the wrapped doors beat a fat flame, drunk and chubby flame. In his smoky rays, old women were baking faces, women shaking chin, pecked chest. Pot, pink, like blood, pink, like a foam of a mad dog, flowed down these piles of scared, sweetly smearing human meat. Three cooks, not counting the shipyard, prepared a wedding dinner, and eighty-year-old raise reigned over them, traditional, like a scroll, tiny and humpbat.

Before dinner, a young man was shifted to the courtyard, an unknown guests. He asked Benya Cry. He diluted beny shouting to the side.

Listen, the king, - said the young man, - I have you to tell a few words. I was sent aunt Khan with an archelorian ...

Well, good, "answered Benya Creek, the nicknamed the king, - what is this a couple of words?

A new bait arrived in the site yesterday, told you to tell Aunt Khan ...

I knew about the day before yesterday, "answered Benya Creek. - Further.

The baits gathered the plot and did the speech ...

The new broom is clean, - answered Benya Creek. - He wants a cloud. Further…

And when there is a cloud, you know. King?

She will be tomorrow.

King, she will be today.

Who told you this, boy?

That told Aunt Khan. Do you know aunt khanu?

- ... the baptized site gathered and told them speech. "We have to strangle Beyu shout," he said, "because where the emperor is there, there is no king. Today, when a cry gives married sister and all of them will be there, today you need to make a cloud ... "

- ... Then the scuffs began to be afraid. They said: If we take a cloud today, when he has a holiday, so Benya grills, and a lot of blood leaves. So backed up - a pride of me more expensive ...

Well, go, - answered the king.

What to say Tete Khan for a cloud.

Say: Benya knows for a cloud.

And he left, this young man. It was followed by a person three of the Benic Friends. They said they would return after half an hour. And they returned in half an hour. That's all.

Behind the table were not over seniority. Lustful old age is no less than a cowardic youth. And not for wealth. Lining a heavy wallet sewn from tears.

At the table in the first place was the groom with the bride. This is their day. In second place was Sender Eikhbaum, the yield of the king. This is his right. The history of Sender Eikhbaum should be known because it is not a simple story.

How did Benya Creek, the raid and the king of the raiders, the son-in-law Eikhbauma? How did he become the son-in-law of a person who had sixty milk cows without one? Here is the whole thing in the fall. Just a year ago, Benya wrote an eikbaum letter.

"Monsieur Eikhbaum, he wrote," Put, I ask you, tomorrow morning at the gate to Sofiyevskaya, 17, - twenty thousand rubles. If you do not do this, so it is waiting for such that it does not dislike, and all Odessa will talk about you. With the reverence of Benya King. "

Three letters, one more clearer than the other, remained unanswered. Then Benya took steps. They came at night - nine people with long sticks in her hands. The sticks were wrapped in a scenario pacle. Nine flaming stars lit on the livestock Eikhbaum. Benya beat off the castles in the barn and began to withdraw the cows on one. They were waiting for a guy with a knife. He overturned the cow from one blow and immersed the knife in the cow's heart. On the ground, filled with blood, bloomed torches like fiery roses, and raised shots. The shots of Benya distilled the workers who escaped to the barn. And after him, other ramps began to shoot in the air, because if not to shoot in the air, then you can kill a person. And so, when the sixth cow with a suicide flow fell to the legs of the king, then Eichbaum ran into the courtyard in some pants and asked:

What will be from this, Benya?

If I have no money - you will not have cows, Monsieu Eikhbaum. This is twice two.

Go to the room, Benya.

And in the room they agreed. Cut cows were divided by in half. Eikbaum was guaranteed inviolability and issued in that certificate with seal. But the miracle came later.

During a plaque, in that terrible night, when the cows were mocked, and the chicks slipped in maternal blood, when the torches were danced, like black maidens, and women-thrush scratched and squeezed under the dawn of friendly browning, - in that terrible night ran into the courtyard The cutting shirt of the daughter of the old Eikhbaum - Cily. And the victory of the king became his defeat.

Two days later, Benoye, without warning, returned all the rejected money and after that came in the evening. He was dressed in an orange suit, a diamond bracelet shone under his cuff; He entered the room, greeted and asked Eikhbaum's hands his daughter Tsili. The old man has enough easy blow, but he rose. There was still twenty years in the old man.

Listen, Eikhbaum, "the king told him, - when you die, I will funerally you on the first Jewish cemetery, at the most gate. I will put you, Eikhbaum, a monument from pink marble. I will make you an old-fashioned Brodsk synagogue. I'll throw a specialty, Eikhbaum, and will act in your business companion. We will have two hundred cows, Eikhbaum. I will kill all the milk, besides you. The thief will not walk along the same street on which you live. I will build you a cottage on the sixteenth station ... And remember, Eikhbaum, you were also not in my youth rabbi. Who faked the will, let's not talk about it loudly? .. And the son-in-law will have a king, not a swollen, but the king, Eikhbaum ...

And he achieved his, Benoy Creek, because he was passionate, and the passion is dominated over the world. Newlyweds lived for three months in obese Bessarabia, among grapes, abundant food and love sweat. Then, Benya returned to Odessa in order to marry a hundred-year-old sister his tweof, suffering from the base disease. And now, telling the history of Sender Eikhbaum, we can return to the wedding of the twins Creek, the sisters of the king.

At this wedding, turkeys, fried chickens, geese, stuffed fish and ear, in which lemon lakes were pulled by pearl lakes were filled with dinner. Flowers swayed over dead goose heads, like lush plumes. But did the fried chicken take the shore to the shore of the Odessa Sea?

All the noblest of our smuggling, everything that Slavna Earth from the edge to the edge, made it to that star, in that blue night his destructive, its own seductive business. The stomach dismissed wine warmed up, sweets sweetly, dope the brains and caused belching, sonorous as the call of the combat pipe. Black Coc with Plutarch, who arrived third day from Port Said, delivered by the customs trait the bubble bottles of the Jamaican Roma, Oil Madera, Cigars from Pierponta Morgan Plants and Oranges from the surroundings of Jerusalem. This is what makes the shore of the foamy surf of the Odessa Sea, that's what happens sometimes by Odessa beggar in Jewish weddings. They got the Jamaican Rom at the wedding of the twins of the cry, and therefore, peeling like trephid pigs, Jewish beggars were deafening to pound the crutches. Eikhbaum, dismantle the vest, looked around the raging assembly and lovely Ikal. The orchestra played carcass. It was like a division look. Tuck - nothing except carcass. The raids sitting with closed rows were first embarrassed by the presence of outsiders, but then they diverged. Lev Katsap broke a bottle of vodka on his head his beloved. Monia Artillerist shot into the air. But the limits of their delight reached when, according to the custom of the old days, the guests began to give newlyweds. Synagogeal Schames, jumped on the tables, eatened the number of donated rubles and silver spoons under the sounds of a burrowing carcass. And here the friends of the king showed what the blue blood is worth and the Moldovan knighthood is still. The negligent movement of the hand was thrown on silver trays Gold coins, rings, coral threads.

Wedding ended, Rabbi sank into the chair, then he left the room and saw the tables delivered for the entire length of the courtyard. There were so many of them that they turned their tail per gate to the hospital street. Blurred by velvet, the tables went around the courtyard, like snakes, whom on the belly imposed full colors, and they sang with thick voices - patch out of orange and red velvet.

Apartments were turned into a kitchen. Through the wrapped doors beat a fat flame, drunk and chubby flame. In his smoky rays, old women were baking faces, women shaking chin, pecked chest. Pot, pink, like blood, pink, like a foam of a mad dog, flowed down these piles of scared, sweetly smearing human meat. Three cooks, not counting the shipyard, prepared a wedding dinner, and eighty-year-old raise reigned over them, traditional, like a scroll, tiny and humpbat.

Before dinner, a young man was shifted to the courtyard, an unknown guests. He asked Benya Cry. He diluted beny shouting to the side.

Listen, the king, - said the young man, - I have you to tell a few words. I was sent aunt Khan with an archelorian ...

Well, good, "answered Benya Creek, the nicknamed the king, - what is this a couple of words?

A new bait arrived in the site yesterday, told you to tell Aunt Khan ...

I knew about the day before yesterday, "answered Benya Creek. - Further.

The bait gathered a plot and said the site speech ...

The new broom is clean, - answered Benya Creek. - He wants a cloud. Further…

And when will the cloud, do you know the king?

She will be tomorrow.

King, she will be today.

Who told you this, boy?

That told Aunt Khan. Do you know aunt khanu?

The bailiff gathered the plot and told them speech. "We have to strangle Beyu shout," he said, "because where the emperor is there, there is no king. Today, when a cry gives married sister and all of them will be there, today you need to make a cloud ... "

Then the scuffs began to be afraid. They said: If we take a cloud today, when he has a holiday, so Benya grills, and a lot of blood leaves. So abapting said: a pride of me more expensive ...

Well, go, - answered the king.

What to say Tete Khan for a cloud?

Say: Benya knows for a cloud.

And he left, this young man. It was followed by a person three of the Benic Friends. They said they would return after half an hour. And they returned in half an hour. That's all.

Behind the table were not over seniority. Lustful old age is no less than a cowardic youth. And not for wealth. Lining a heavy wallet sewn from tears.

At the table in the first place was the groom with the bride. This is their day. In second place was Sender Eikhbaum, the yield of the king. This is his right. The history of Sender Eikhbaum should be known because it is not a simple story.

How did Benya Creek, the raid and the king of the raiders, the son-in-law Eikhbauma? How did he become the son-in-law of a person who had sixty milk cows without one? Here is the whole thing in the fall. Just a year ago, Benya wrote an eikbaum letter.

"Monsieur Eikhbaum, he wrote," Put, I ask you, tomorrow morning at the gate to Sofiyevskaya, 17, - twenty thousand rubles. If you do not do this, so it is waiting for such that it does not dislike, and all Odessa will talk about you. With the reverence of Benya King. "

Three letters, one more clearer than the other, remained unanswered. Then Benya took steps. They came at night - nine people with long sticks in her hands. The sticks were wrapped in a scenario pacle. Nine flaming stars lit on the livestock Eikhbaum. Benya beat off the castles in the barn and began to withdraw the cows on one. They were waiting for a guy with a knife. He overturned the cow from one blow and immersed the knife in the cow's heart. On the ground, filled with blood, bloomed torches like fiery roses, and raised shots. The shots of Benya distilled the workers who escaped to the barn. And after him, other ramps began to shoot in the air, because if not to shoot in the air, then you can kill a person. And so, when the sixth cow with a suicide flow fell to the legs of the king, - then Eichbaum ran into the courtyard in some pants and asked:

What will be from this, Benya?

If I have no money - you will not have cows, Monsieu Eikhbaum. This is twice two.

Go to the room, Benya.

And in the room they agreed. Cutting cows were divided by in half, Eikhbaum was guaranteed inviolability and issued in that certificate with seal. But the miracle came later.

During a plaque, in that terrible night, when it was mocked by cows and chicks glide in maternal blood, when the torches were danced, like black maids, and the dairy baby shakeped and squeezed under the dawn of friendly browning, - in that terrible night ran into the courtyard Eikbaum's daughter's shirt - Cily. And the victory of the king became his defeat.

Two days later, Benoye, without warning, he returned Eikhbaum all the money stuck and after that came in the evening. He was dressed in an orange suit, a diamond bracelet shone under his cuff; He entered the room, greeted and asked Eikhbaum's hands his daughter Tsili. The old man has enough easy blow, but he rose. There was still twenty years in the old man.

Listen, Eikhbaum, "the king told him, - when you die, I will funerally you on the first Jewish cemetery, at the most gate. I will put you, Eikhbaum, a monument from pink marble. I will make you an old-fashioned Brodsk synagogue. I'll throw a specialty, Eikhbaum, and will act in your business companion. We will have two hundred cows, Eikhbaum. I will kill all the milk, besides you. The thief will not walk along the same street on which you live. I will build you a cottage on the sixteenth station ... And remember, Eikhbaum, you were also not in my youth rabbi. Who faked the will, let's not talk about it loudly? .. And the son-in-law will have a king, not a swollen, but the king, Eikhbaum ...

And he achieved his, Benoy Creek, because he was passionate, and the passion is dominated over the world. Newlyweds lived for three months in obese Bessarabia, among grapes, abundant food and love sweat. Then, Benya returned to Odessa in order to marry a hundred-year-old sister his tweof, suffering from the base disease. And now, telling the history of Sender Eikhbaum, we can return to the wedding of the twins Creek, the sisters of the king.

At this wedding, turkeys, fried chickens, geese, stuffed fish and ear, in which lemon lakes were pulled by pearl lakes were filled with dinner. Flowers swayed over dead goose heads, like lush plumes. But did the fried chicken take the shore to the shore of the Odessa Sea?

All the noblest of our smuggling, everything that Slavna Earth from the edge to the edge, made it to that star, in that blue night his destructive, its own seductive business. The stomach dismissed wine warmed up, sweets sweetly, dope the brains and caused belching, sonorous as the call of the combat pipe. Black Coc with Plutarch, who arrived third day from Port Said, delivered by the customs trait the bubble bottles of the Jamaican Roma, Oil Madera, Cigars from Pierponta Morgan Plants and Oranges from the surroundings of Jerusalem. This is what makes the shore of the foamy surf of the Odessa Sea, that's what happens sometimes by Odessa beggar in Jewish weddings. They got the Jamaican Rom at the wedding of the twins of the cry, and therefore, peeling like trephid pigs, Jewish beggars were deafening to pound the crutches. Eikhbaum, dismantle the vest, looked around the raging assembly and lovely Ikal. The orchestra played carcass. It was like a division look. Tuck - nothing except carcass. The raids sitting with closed rows were first embarrassed by the presence of outsiders, but then they diverged. Leva Katsap broke a bottle of vodka on his head his beloved, Monya Artillerist shot into the air. But the limits of their delight reached when, according to the custom of the old days, the guests began to give newlyweds. Synagogeal Schames, jumped on the tables, eatened the number of donated rubles and silver spoons under the sounds of a burrowing carcass. And here the friends of the king showed what the blue blood is worth and the Moldovan knighthood is still. The negligent movement of the hand was thrown on silver trays Gold coins, rings, coral threads.

The aristocrats of Moldavanka, they were tightened into raspberry vests, their shoulders covered red jackets, and the skin of the color of heavenly lazuries was burst on the fleshy feet.

Straightened to the whole growth and protruding the stomachs, the gangsters clapped in the tact of music, shouted "bitterly" and threw the brides of flowers, and she, a forty-year-old Double, sister Beni Creek, sister of the king, a disheveled disease, with a broken goiter and get out of orbits, sat on Mountain pillows next to a prudent boy bought for Money Eikhbaum and onmighty from longing.

The rite of donation approached the end, Shames of the above, and the double bass laid with a violin. Above the courtyard suddenly the light smell of Gary.

Benya, "said Dapache Creek, the old binduzhnik, who heard between Binduzhniki Grubian, - Benya, do you know that mine is surrendering? Mine gives up that the soot burns ...

Dad, "answered the king of a drunk father," Please drink and eat, let you do not care about these nonsense ...

And Dad Schoke followed the Son Council. He bit and drank. But the cloud of smoke became all poison. Somewhere I wandered the edges of the sky. And already shown in the embroidery narrow, like a sword, flame language. Guests, the recovery, began to sniff the air, and they screamed them. Rayers looked at each other. And only Benya, who did not notice anything, was awesome.

Mine breaks a holiday, - he shouted, full of despair, - dear, I ask you, eat and drink ...

But at that time the youngest man who came at the beginning of the evening appeared in the courtyard.

King, - he said, - I have you to tell a few words ...

Well, tell, - the king replied, - you always have in stock a few words ...

The king, - said an unknown young man and grieved, is just ridiculous, the plot is lit as a candle ...

Pasteners numbings. The raids grinned. The sixty-year-old manka, the springchalter of Slobodsk gangsters, putting two fingers in his mouth, whistled so shrill that her neighbors squeezed.

Manya, you are not at work, "Benya noticed her, - cold blood, man ...

A young man who brought this striking news, still disassembled laughter.

They came out from the plot of a man of forty, "he told, moving his jaws, - and went to the cloud; So they moved the steps to fifteen, as already caught fire ... Fight Watch, if you want ...

But Benya forbade guests to go to look at the fire. He went with two comrades. The plot is properly burned from four sides. The city, shaking the tasks, ran through the smoke stairs and missed the chests from the windows. Under the skeins were arrested arrested. Firefighters were filled with zeal, but there were no water in the nearby crane. The bait is the same broom that purely sweeps, "stood on the opposite sidewalk and bit the mustache climbed into his mouth. The new broom stood without movement. Benya, passing by the bailiff, gave him the honor of the military.

Good healthy, your gradual, "he said sympathy. - What do you say misfortune? This is a nightmare ...

He stared at the burning building, shook his head and poured his lips:

Ah ah ah…

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

And when Benya returned home - there were already lanterns in the courtyard and she was engaged in the sky. Guests dreamed, and the musicians dreamed, lowering the heads on the knobs of their double bass. One dual only was not going to sleep. Both hands, she pushed the eagle her husband to the doors of their marriage and looked at him carnivore, like a cat, which, holding a mouse in his mouth, triggers her teeth gently.

Rear Aerie-Life, "I said the old man," let's talk about Ben Creek. Let's talk about the lightning time and the terrible end. Three shadows climb the path of my imagination. Here is Froim Grach. Steel his actions - wouldn't it be compared with the powers of the king? Here is the ring of Pakovsky. The rabies of this person contained everything you need in order to rule. And really, Him Draong did not manage to distinguish the brilliance of a new star? But why is one Benoy Creek asked the top of the rope ladder, and everyone else hung up at the bottom of the shaky steps?

Rear Aerie-Life was silent, sitting on a cemetery wall. Green calm graves spread before us. A man, thirsting for an answer, must be patient. A person who has knowledge will be importance. Therefore, Aria-Liebe was silent, sitting on a cemetery wall. Finally he said:

Why he? Why not they want you to know? So - forget for a while that you have glasses on your nose, and in the soul fall. Stop scandaling for your desk and stutter in people. Imagine for a moment that you are scandaling on the squares and stutter on paper.

You are a tiger, you lion, you cat. You can spend the night with a Russian woman, and the Russian woman will be pleased with you. You twenty five years old. If the rings were acknowledged to the sky and to the ground, you would grab these rings and would attach the sky to the ground. And dad you have a binduzhnik Mendel Creek. What does such dad think? He thinks about drinking a good stack of vodka, about letting someone in the face, about his horses - and nothing more. You want to live, and he makes you die twenty times a day. What would you do on the place of Beni shout? You would not do anything. And he did. Therefore, he is a king, and you hold the fig in your pocket.

He is a bench - went to Froyim Gracch, who then looked at the world with her eyes alone and was the fact that he is. He told Froyim:

Take me. I want to go to your shore. The shore to which I will rob will be in winning.

Grach asked him:

Who are you, where are you coming from and what do you breathe?

Try me, Froim, "answered Benya, - and stop swaying the white porridge on the clean table.

I will stop smearing the porridge, "Ruch answered," I will try you. "

And the raiders gathered advice to think about Ben Creek. I was not on this advice. But they say they collected advice. The older was the deceased left bull.

What is done under the cap, this Benchik? - asked the late bull.

And one-eyed rag said his opinion:

Benya says little, but he speaks loud. He says a little, but I want him to say anything else.

If so, the deceased Levka exclaimed, then we will try it on Tartakovsky.

Let's try it on Tartakovsky, "the Council decided, and everything, in whom still a conscience, reddishes, having heard this decision. Why are they blushing? You will learn about it if you go there, where I will lead you.

Tartakovsky called the "half of the fed" or "nine raids". "One and a half of Jew" called him because no Jew could accommodate so much keenness and money as Tatakovsky was. He was higher than the highest city in Odessa above, and there had more weight than the fattest Jewish. And the "nine facilities" called Tartakovsky because the company Levka Bull and the company made no eight on its office and not ten raids, but nine. Benie, who has not yet been the king, has fallen out of honor to make a tenth flare on "one and a half Jew. When Froyem handed him about it, he said yes and went out, slamming the door. Why did he slapped the door? You will learn about it if you go there, where I will lead you.

At the Tatakovsky soul, the killer, but he is our. He came out of us. He is our blood. He is our flesh, as if one mother gave birth to us. Paul Odessa serves in his shops. And he suffered through his own Moldavian. Two times they cut it out for redemption, and once during the pogrom he was buried with singers. Slobodsk holochi beat the Jews on the Big Arnautskaya. Tartakovsky ran away from them and met the funeral procession with singers in Sofia. He asked:

Who are they buried with singers?

Passersby answered that it was buried Tartakovsky. The procession has reached the Slobodsky cemetery. Then our machine gun was taken out of the coffin and began to pour in Slobodsky commander. But "one and a half enough" did not foresee. "A half Jew" was afraid to death. And what kind of owner would not be frightened in his place?

The tenth flight per person already buried once, it was a rude deed. Benya, who was not yet the king, understood it better than any other. But he said the town of "Yes" and on the same day he wrote a Tatakov letter, similar to all letters in this way:

"Multivaable Rouvim Osipovich! Be so courtesy to put on Saturday under the rainwater barrel ... and so on. In case of refusal, how you have recently began to allow you to allow you, you are waiting for a lot of disappointment in your family life. With respect familiar to you

Benzion Creek.

Tartakovsky was not lazy and answered without delay.

"Benya! If you were idiot, I would write to you as idiot. But I don't know for this for this, and feel God for this to know. You can see the boy. Do you really know that this year in Argentina such a harvest, what was at least going around, and we sit with our wheat without soil? .. And I will tell you, put your hand on the heart that I'm tired of the old age to eat such a bitter piece of bread and Thieves these troubles, after I worked all my life as the last Light. And what do I have after these perpetual religion work? Ulcers, sores, troubles and insomnia. Throw these nonsense, Benya. Your friend, much more than you assume it - Rouvim Tartakovsky».

"A half Jew" made his own. He wrote a letter. But the mail did not give a letter to the address. Without receiving an answer, Benya grumbled. The next day, he appeared with four friends at the Tartakovsky office. Four young men in masks and revolvers fell into the room.

Hands up! - they said and began to wave with guns.

Work calmer, Solomon, - noticed Benya to one of those who shouted the louder of others - do not have this habit of being nervous at work, - and, turn around to Claw, White, like death, and yellow, like clay, he asked him:

- "Frequency and a half" in the factory?

They are not in the factory, "said the clerk, whose name was Muginstein, and by name he called Joseph and was the idle son of the tender, the chicken cleaner from the Serot Square.

Who will be here finally for the owner? - began to interrogate the unfortunate muginstein.

I'll be here for the owner, "said the Clay, Green, like a green grass.

Then step from us, with God's help, cashier! - ordered him Benya, and opened opera in three actions.

Nervous Solomon folded money, paper, clock and monogram in a suitcase; The deadman Joseph stood in front of him with his arms raised, and at that time Benya told stories from the life of the Jewish people.

Since once he plays Rothschild, "said Benya about Tartakovsky," so let him burn fire. Explain to me, Muginstein, as a friend: He gets a business letter from me; Why would he not sit for five kopecks on the tram and do not drive up to me on the apartment and not drink with my family a stack of vodka and bother than God sent? What prevented him to spell his soul before me? "Benya," let him say, "so, here's my balance, I'll get a couple of days for a couple of days, let me take a breath, give me a dive of hand." What would I answer him? A pig with a pig is not found, and a man with a man meets. Muginstein, did you understand me?

I understood you, "said Muginstein and lied, because it was not clear that he was not clear why" half of the fuss ", the venerable rich and the first person, had to go on the tram to climb with the families of the Mendel Creek's binget.

Meanwhile, the misfortune hung under the windows, as a beggar at the dawn. The misfortune with noise burst into the office. And although this time it took the image of the Jew Saving Bukis, but it was drunk like water vozoz.

Gogu, - Jew shoved Savka, - Forgive me, Benchik, I was late, "and he flooded his feet and began to wave his hands. Then he shot, and the bullet hit Muginstein in the stomach.

Do you need words? There was a man and no man. He lived on an innocent bachelor, like a bird on a branch - and so he died through stupidity. A Jew came, similar to the sailor, and shot not in some bottle with a surprise, but in a living person. Do you need words?

Touch from the office! - shouted Benya and ran the last. But, leaving, he managed to say Bukis:

I swear by the coffin of my mother, Savka, you lie next to him ...

Now tell me you, young Mr., cutting coupons on other people's promotions, what would you do on the place of Beni shout? You do not know how to do. And he knew. Therefore, he is a king, and we sit on the wall of the second Jewish cemetery and are filled with sun palms.

The unfortunate son of aunt Pesels died not immediately. An hour after he was taken to the hospital, Benya appeared there. He ordered to call him a senior doctor and a nurse and told them without removing hands from cream pants.

I am interested, he said, "so that the sick Joseph Muginstein recovered. I imagine just in case - Benzion Creek. Camphor, airbags, separate room - giving open soul. If not, then on any doctor, be even a doctor of philosophy, there are no more than three Arshins of the Earth.

Nevertheless, Muginstein died on the same night. And then only the "half of the fodder" raised a cry on all Odessa.

Where the police begins, he cried, - and where is Benya ends?

The police end there, where Benya begins, "the resonant people responded, but Tartakovsky did not calm down, and he waited for the fact that the red car with a music box lost his first march from the opera" Laugh, Pajats "from the Opera. Among Blue of the day, the car flew to the house in which aunt song lived.

The car thundered the wheels, spoiled smoke, shone with copper, stuck with gasoline and played Aria on his signaling horn. Someone jumped out of the car and passed into the kitchen, where a little aunt song was fought on the earth floor. "One and a half of Jew" was sitting on a chair and waved his hands.

Hooligan Morda, - He shouted, seeing the guest, - a gangster, so that the Earth threw you! It took a good fashion - to kill live people ...

Monsieu Tartakovsky, - answered him Benya Creek by a quiet voice, - here are the second day, as I pay for the expensive dead man as for my mother's brother. But I know you spit wanted to my young tears. Shame, Monsieu Tartakovsky, - What kind of fireproof wardrobe have stubborn shame? You had the heart to send the mother of our late Joseph a hundred miserable carbovers. The brain together with her hair rose in my end when I heard this news.

Here Benya took a pause. It was a chocolate jacket, cream pants and raspberry stones.

Ten thousand at the same time, - he roared, - ten thousand at the same time and retire to her death, let it live hundred and twenty years. And if not, then come out of this room, Monsieu Tartakovsky, and sit down in my car ...

Then they scored with each other. "One and a half Jew" was born with Beani. I was not with this quarrel. But those who were, those remember. They agreed on five thousand cash and fifty rubles monthly.

Aunt Priest, "said the Benoye dishwashed old woman, who was lying on the floor, if you need my life, you can get her, but everyone is mistaken, even God. A huge mistake came out, aunt song. But didn't you have a mistake to settle the Jews in Russia so that they suffer as in hell? And what would be bad if the Jews would live in Switzerland, where will their first-class lakes, mountainous air and solid French would be surrounded? Everyone is mistaken, even God. Listen to me with ears, aunt song. You have five thousand in your arms and fifty rubles a month before your death, - Live one hundred and twenty years. Joseph's funeral will be in the first category: six horses, like six lions, two chariots with wreaths, choir from Brodskaya synagogue, Minkovsky himself will take away the deceased of your son ...

And the funeral took place the next morning. You ask these funerals from cemetery beggars. Ask about them from Shamers from the synagogues, kosher vendors or old people from the second alone. Odessa has not yet seen such funerals, and the world will not see. Urban on this day dressed threaded gloves. In the synagogues, seized by greens and open amenus, the electricity burned. On white horses drawn into the chariot, black plumes swung. Sixty singers went ahead of the procession. Singers were boys, but they sang with female voices. The heads of the synagogues of the kosher vertselkers kept the aunt of a lyu under his hands. Members of the Society of Jewish Customers were followed by the elders, and the jury attorneys, doctors of medicine and obstetrics-Feldschheritsa. From one Boc of Taught Peace, there were chicken cleaners from the old bazaar, and from another side there were honorable thrushs from Bugaevka, drained into orange shawls. They turned their legs like gendarmes on a parade in a tabletime day. From their wide thighs walked the smell of the sea and milk. And behind all employees of Routing Tartakovsky were played. There were a hundred people, or two hundred, or two thousand. They had black fructures with silk lapels and new boots that creaked, as piglets in the bag.

And so I will talk, as the Lord spoke on the mountain of Sinai from the burning bush. Put my words into my ears. All I have seen, I saw with my own eyes, sitting here on the wall of the second cemetery, next to the whispered Mystery and Shimshon from the funeral office. I saw it, Aria-Life, a proud Jew, living at the dead.

The chariot drove up to the cemetery synagogue. The coffin was put on the steps. Aunt Priest was trembling like a bird. Kantor got out of Phaeton and began a memorial. Sixty singers fought him. And at that moment the red car flew out due to turn. He lost to "Laugh, Palts" and stopped. People were silent as killed. Trees were silent, singing, beggars. Four people got out of the red roof and a quiet step was brought to the chariot wreath of unprecedented roses. And when the Panhid ended, four people led their steel shoulders under the coffin, with a burning eyes and twisted with breasts, together with the members of the Society of Jews.

Benya Creek was ahead, whom no one else called the king. He was the first to come closer to the grave, climbed to the Hollyk and stretched his hand.

What do you want to do, young man? - ran kofman from the funeral fraternity to him.

I want to say a speech, "answered Benya Creek. And he said. She heard all who wanted to listen. I heard her, Aria-Life, and a whisen Moisyik, who was sitting on the wall with me nearby.

Gentlemen and ladies, "said Benya Creek," Lords and Ladies, "he said, and the sun rose her head as a clock with a gun. "You came to give the last debt to an honest worker who died for a copper pen. From his own behalf and on behalf of everyone who is not present here, thank you. Gentlemen and ladies! What saw our dear Joseph in your life? He saw a couple of trifles. What did he do? He recalculated other people's money. What did he die for? He died for the whole working class. There are people already doomed deaths, and there are people who have not yet begun to live. And here the bullet, flying to the doomed breast, breaks through Joseph, who did not see anything in his life, except for a pair of trifles. There are people who know how to drink vodka, and there are people who do not know how to drink vodka, but still drinking it. And now the first are pleasure from grief and from joy, and the second suffer from all those who drink vodka, without knowing how to drink it. Therefore, gentlemen and ladies, after we pray for our poor Joseph, I ask you to spend on the grave of the unknown to you, but already the late Sovelius of Bukis ...

And, saying this speech, Benya Creek came down from Holly. People, trees and cemetery beggars were silent. Two grave officers carried the unpacked coffin to the next grave. Cantor, staring, graduated from prayer. Benya threw the first shovel and moved to Savka. Behind him went like sheep, all jury attorneys and ladies with brook. He forced the Cantor to touch the Savka full of docheh, and sixty singers eaten the canor. Savka did not dream of such a dihid - Believe the word Aria-Laba, the old old man.

It is said that on that day "one and a half Jew" decided to close the case. I was not. But the fact that neither the Kantor nor the choir nor the funeral brotherhood asked for money for the funeral - I saw the eyes of Arie's Laba. Aria-Life is so called me. And I couldn't see anything else, because people, quietly walking away from Savkin's grave, rushed to run like a fire. They flew in chapels, in carts and on foot. And only those four that came on a red car, they left. The music box lost his march, the car shuddered and cleaned.

The king, - looking after her, said the whisen Moisyik, the one that takes my best places on the wall.

Now you know everything. You know who first said the word "king." It was a washes. You know why he did not call so one-eyed ridge, nor a mad ring. You know everything. But what use, if you still have glasses on your nose, and in the soul of autumn? ..


Froim Grach was married once. It was a long time ago, twenty years have passed since that time. The wife then gave birth to Froyim daughter and died of childbirth. The girl was called bass. Her grandmother live in Tulchin. The old woman did not love her son-in-law. She spoke about him: Froyem on the classroom of a breakdown driver, and he has a ravened horses, but the shower of Froima is black, than the believing of his horses ...

The old woman did not like son-in-law and took the newborn to her. She lived with the girl twenty years and then died. Then Bachka returned to his father. That all happened so.

On Wednesday, the fifth number, Froim Grache brought to the port on a steamer "Caledonia" wheat from the warehouses of the Society of Dreifus. In the evening he finished his job and went home. On the turn from Prokhorovskaya Street, he met the Blacksmith Ivan Pyrubel.

Help, Grac, - said Ivan Pyrubel, - some woman beats up to your room ...

Dad, "the woman said a deafening bass," I already have enough devils from boredom. I am waiting for you a whole day ... Know that the grandmother died in a tulchine.

Grach stood on Bindyuga and looked at her daughter in his eyes.

Do not spin in front of the horses, - he shouted in despair, - take a bridle from the root, you want to beat me horses ...

Grach stood on the car and waved the whip. Bachka took the root in the bridle and led horses to the stable. She straightened them and went to climb into the kitchen. The girl hanged her father's portdiction on the rope, she wiped the smoked kettle with sand and began to warm up Zraza in a cast-iron bowler.

You have an unbearable dirt, dad, "she said and threw out the covered sheepskins, laying on the floor, - but I will withdraw this dirt! - Bachka shouted and filed a father to dinner.

The old man drank vodka from an enameled kettle and eaten Zraza, smelling as a happy childhood. Then he took the whip and went out of the gate. Bass came there after him. She wore male babies and an orange dress, she dressed his hat, fought by birds, and sat down on a bench. The evening walked past the shops, shining sunset eyes fell into the sea behind the cropping, and the sky was red, like a red number in the calendar. All the trade was covered already on Dalnitskaya, and the raiders drove to a deaf street to the public home of Samuelson's Obeka. They drove in lacquer crews, smashed like poultry Hummingbirds, in colored jackets. Their eyes were praised, one leg is assessed to the footboard, and in a steel outstretched hand, they kept bouquets, drained into cigarette paper. They were blocked by the pins moving, one person with a bouquet was sitting in each carriage, and Kucher, who protruded at high seats, were decorated with bows like a shower at weddings. Old Jews in the knockers lazily follow the course of the usual procession - they were indifferent, old Jews, and only the sons of the shopkeepers and ship masters envied the kings of Moldavanka.

Solomonchik Kaplun, son of a grocer, and Monia Artillerist, the son of smuggler, were among those who tried to take their eyes from the brilliance of someone else's good luck. Both of them went past her, swinging like girls who learned love, they sputtered among themselves and began to move their hands, showing how they hugged the Bass, if she wanted it. And the Bachka immediately wanted this, because she was a simple girl from Tulchin, from a self-sized treble town. It had a weight of five puddles and a few more pounds, she lived all his life with a disheveled pig of Podolish brokers, wandering babonyosh, forest contractors and have never seen such people as the Kaplun Solomonchik. Therefore, seeing him, she began to scroll through the ground with thick legs, shovel into men's shubbins, and said his father.

Ege, Pani Grac, - She whispered the old Jew, who was sitting nearby, the old Jew, in the surname Bulk, - I see, your diet asks on the grass ...

Here is a fruit on my head, "said Froim darling, played by the whip and went to him to sleep and fell asleep calmly, because he did not believe the old man. He did not believe the old man and turned out to be a circle of his wrong. Right was a bunch. The bunch was engaged in walling on our street, at night he read prayers over the prosperous dead and knew about everything you can know about her. Froim Grac was wrong. Right was a bunch.

And indeed, from this day, Bachka spent all her evenings behind the gate. She sat on a bench and sewed a dowry. Pregnant women sat with her next; The canvas piles were crawled along its crucible powerful knees; Pregnant women poured off all sorts of food, like a cow's donkey poured on the pasture of pink milk spring, and at this time the husbands of them, one by one, came from work. The husbands of faded wives were pressed under the tap crane of an expired their beard and gave way to hunchbow old women later. The old women were bathing in the cores of greasy babies, they slapped grandchildren on the shining buttocks and wrapped in their skirts worn. And the life of Moldovanki, the generous of our mother, is the life of the Moldavniki, the generous of our mother, is the life that sucking babies, drying rag and wedding nights, full of suburban chic and soldier's tirelessness. The girl wanted her own life, but she found out here that the daughter of one-eyed ridge could not count on a decent party. Then she stopped calling Father Father.

Red Thief, - She screamed in the evenings, - Red Thief, go even ...

And it lasted until Bachka sewed six night shirts and six pairs of pantalon with lace frills. King the binder lace, she cried with a subtle voice, unlike her voice, and said through the tears of unshakable rcho.

Every girl, "she said to him," is of his interest in life, and only one I live like a night watchman with a stranger warehouse. Or do something with me, dad, or I make the end of my life ...

Grach listened to the end of his daughter, he dressed the sail Burku and the next day he went to visit the grocership of the cap on the bridal square.

Above the beads of the head of the gloss Golden sign. It was the first shop on the bridal square. It smelled with many seas and beautiful lives unknown to us. The boy watered the cool depth of the store from the watering and sang a song that was decent only to adults. Solomonchik, Master Son, stood behind the counter; On the rack of this, the maslines were delivered, which came from Greece, Marseille oil, coffee beans, Lisbon Malaga, Sardines of the company Philip and Kano and Cayenne pepper. The Kaplun himself was sitting in a vest on the sun, in a glass attack, and ate watermelon - a red watermelon with black bones, with oblique bones, as the eyes of the deserted Chinese chokes. The belly of the capped lay on the table under the sun, and the sun could not do anything with him. But then the grocer saw the ridge in the canasic beam and pale.

Good afternoon, Monsieur Grach, "he said and moved away. - Blue warned me that you will, and I prepared for you pounding tea, that it is a rarity ...

And he spoke about the new grade of tea brought to Odessa in the Dutch steamot. Grache listened to him patiently, but then interrupted, because he was a simple person, without tricks.

I am a simple person, without tricks, "said Froim," I am at my horses and engaged in my occupation. I give new underwear for a bachie and a couple of old pennies, and I myself have a bachie, - whom it is not enough, let it burn with fire ...

Why do we burn? - answered Kaplun to the patter and stroked the hand of the scrap cabid. - Do not need such words, Monsieur Grach, because you have a person who can help another person, and, by the way, you can offend another person, and the fact that you are not Krakow Rabbi, so I also did not stand under the crown with Moshada Montefiore's niece, but ... But Madame Kaplun ... We have Madame Kaplun, a grand lady, who himself does not know what she wants ...

And I know, - interrupted the shopkeeper Ruch, - I know that the Solomonchik wants Bass, but Madame Kaplun does not want me ...

Yes, I do not want you, "then Madame Kaplun, drunk at the door, and she climbed into a glass attack, all the dusty, with a worried chest, - I do not want you, rhose, as a person does not want death; I do not want you as the bride does not want acne on my head. Do not forget that our late grandfather was a grocer, the late dad was a grocer and we should hold on to our brands ...

Hold on to your browges, "Karlun's groching madam answered and went home.

It was waiting for his Bachka, sneaking into an orange dress, but the old man, without looking at her, dismissed the casing under the carts, lay down and slept until mighty Baskin's hand threw it out of the cart.

Red Thief, "the girl said in a whisper, unlike her whisper," Why should I carry binduzhnitsky your manners, and why are you silent like a stump, a red thief? ..

Bachka, "Grach said," the Solomonchik wants you, but Madame Kaplun does not want me ... they are looking for a grocer.

And, by adjusting the casing, the old man again climbed under the carts, and Bachka disappeared from the yard ...

All this happened on Saturday, in a non-working day. The magenta of the sunset, shaking the earth, came across the ridge in the evening, rather than his bindyug. The rapid beam was leaning in sleeping with a fiery ukroriznaya and brought him to a long-distance street, droinous and brilliant, like a green rye in the wind. Tatars walked up at Dalnitskaya, Tatars and Turks with their Mullahs. They returned from the mantis from Mecca to their home in the Orenburg Steppes and in Transcaucasia. The steamer brought them to Odessa, and they walked from the port on the strangeee's stamina's innovation, nicknamed by the Cossack. Striped inflexible bathrobes stood on the tatars and flooded the bridle bronze then the desert. White towels were cluttered around their fez, and this indicated a man who bowed to the Granu's dust. Bogomolets reached the corner, they turned to a lubricant yard, but they could not pass there, because the gate gathered many people. Lubika Chanveyis, with a wallet on his side, beat a drunk man and pushed him on the bridge. She beat a compressed fist in the face, as in the tambourine, and the other hand supported a man so that he would not fall off. The bloodstreams of the blood crawled from a man between the teeth and near the ear, he was thoughtful and looked at the Labor, as a person, he fell on the stones and fell asleep. Then the love pushed him with his foot and returned to his shop. Her watchman Evzel closed the gate behind her and waved his hand to Froyim Gril, who passed by ...

Help, Grac, - he said, - If you want to watch something from life, then go to the courtyard to us, there is to laugh at ...

And the watchman led the ridge to the wall, where the Bogomolians were sitting, arriving on the eve. Old Turk in Green Chalme, Old Turk, Green and Easy, Like Leaf, Launched On The Grass. He was covered with pearls later, he was difficult to breathe and switched his eyes.

Here, - said Ezel and corrected the medal on the exterior of his jacket, - here is the life drama from the opera "Turkish Hvoroba". He ends, an old man, but the doctor can not be called to him, because the one who ends up on the road from God Muhamed to Himself, he is considered to have the first lucky and rich ... Halwash, - shouted the Euroel dying and crushed, - here is the doctor to treat you…

The Turk looked at the guard with childhood fear and hatred and turned away. Then the Eurowel, satisfied, led the rob in the opposite side of the yard to the wine cellaber. In the cellar burned already lamps and played music. Old Jews with freight beards played Romanian and Jewish songs. Mendel Creek drank at the table wine from a green glass and told about how his own sons were cried - Senior Benya and Junior Levka. He screamed his story with a hoarse and terrible voice, showed his teeth bit his teeth and gave the wounds on his stomach. Volyn Tsadika with porcelain faces stood behind his chair and listened to the announcement of the praise Mendel shouting. They were surprised to all that heard, and Ruch despised them for it.

Old bouncer, - he murmured about Mendel and ordered his wines.

Then Froyem called to himself the mistress by the Labor Cossack. She felt at the door and saw a vodka standing.

Speak, "she shouted Froyim and squirmed her eyes in rabies.

Madame Lubika, "Froim replied to her and sat next to him," you are a smart woman, and I came to you as to my mother. I hope for you, Madame Labor, - first on God, then at you.

Speak, "Labor shouted, ran throughout the cellage and then returned to his place.

And Grach said:

In the colonies, he said, "the Germans have a rich harvest on wheat, and in Constantinople, Grocery is half a gift. Pone Maslin is bought in Constantinople for three rubles, and they sell them here on thirty kopecks per pound ... Grocers became good, Madame Labor, Grocers walk very fat, and if you go to them with delicate hands, so a person could become happy ... but I stayed One in my work, the dead day of Lev bull died, I do not help anything, and here one, as it happens one God in the sky.

Benya Creek, "said Lyubka," Did you try it on Tartakovsky, what's wrong with you Benya Creek?

Benya Creek? - repeated GRCH, full of surprise. - And he is idle, I give me?

He is idle, "Labok said, - to grow it with a bachie, give him money," bring him to people ...

Benya Creek, - repeated the old man as an echo, like a long echo, - I did not think about him ...

He got up, mumbling and stitching, a lubbish ran ahead, and Froim walked behind her next. They went to the courtyard and climbed into the second floor. There, in the second floor, women lived, whom a lubbar kept for coming.

Our bridegroom from Katyushi, "Laba said," wait for me in the corridor, "and she went to the extreme room, where Benya Creek lay with a woman, named Katyusha.

Pretty saliva to let, "the mistress said a young man," first you need to put on some kind of business, Benchik, and then you can drink salivan ... Froim Grach is looking for you. He is looking for a person to work and cannot find it ...

And she told everything that he knew about Baska and about the affairs of one-eyed risk.

I'll think about it, "Benya replied her, closing the sheets of Katyushin naked legs," I'll think about it, let the old man adore me.

Genthes him, "Labor Froyim, who remained in the corridor, said him, he will think ...

The hostess pulled the Froyim chair, and he plunged into immense wait. He waited patiently as a man in the office. Behind the wall moaning Katyusha and poured laugh. The old man has leaning two hours and maybe more. The evening has long been at night, the sky has been smoking, and the Milky Ways turned gold, shine and coolness. Lyubkin Cellar was already closed, drunkards were lying around in the yard, like broken furniture, and the old Mullah in Green Chalme died to midnight. Then the music came from the sea, the horn and pipes from the English ships, the music came from the sea and subsided, but Katyusha, thorough Katyusha still glowed for Beni's cry of his painted, his Russian and ruddy paradise. She moaned behind the wall and poured laugh; The old froem was sitting without moving at her door, he waited until the night came and then knocked.

Man, "he said," Did you laugh at me? "

Then Benya opened, finally, the doors of Katyushina room.

Monsieur Grach, "he said, confused, shining and closing a sheet, - When we are young, so we think on women, that this is a product, but this is just a straw that burns from anything ...

And, dressed, he corrected Katyushin bed, whipped her pillows and came out with an old man on the street. Walking, they reached the Russian cemetery, and there, in the cemetery, the interests of Beni Creek and Curve, the old ravencher, agreed. They agreed that Bachka brings her future husband to three thousand rubles of dowry, two blood horses and a pearl necklace. They agreed on the fact that Kaplun is obliged to pay two thousand rubles Ben, the Baskin Groom. He was wondering in Family Pride - Kaplun with Bridal Square, he got rich in Constantinople Omilli, he did not spare the first Bass love, and therefore, Benya Creek decided to take on the task of receiving two thousand rubles from the cap.

I will take it on myself, dad, "he told his future test," God will help us, and we will punish all grocers ...

It was said at dawn, when the night has passed, - and here the new story begins, the story of the fall of the house of Kaplunov, the story about his slow death, about arson and night shooting. And all this is the fate of the arrogant cap and the fate of the Bachka girl - it decided that night when her father and a sudden groom walked along the Russian cemetery. The guys dragged the girls for the fences, and the kisses were distributed on the gravestones.

On the Moldavanka, at the corner of Dalnitskaya and the Balka streets, there is a house of Lubika Chanisayis. A wine cellar is placed in her house, a stall courtyard, oat shop and a pigeon for a hundred couples of Kryukovsky and Nikolaev pigeons. The shops of these and plot number of forty six on Odessa vests belong to the Schnetwiece Lyubika, nicknamed by the Cossack, and only the pigeon makes the ownership of the Evgel, a retired soldier with a medal. On Sundays, Eurève goes to the hunting and sells pigeons officials from the city and neighboring boys. In addition to the guard, there is still a song-minle, a cook and a pionery, and a control center, a small Jew, similar to the growth and a boron on the Moldovan Rabbi - Ben Zhekharey, lives on a lubric yard. About Tsudechka I know a lot of stories. The first of them is a story about how Tsudechkis received the manager for the inn of the dawn, called the Cossack.

About ten years ago, Zudechkis squeezed a single landowner with an equestrian drive and in the evening led the landowner to the Labor in order to celebrate the purchase. The bidder wore bakers near the mustache and walked in varnished boots. Pesya-Mindl gave him to dinner stuffed with Jewish fish and then a very good young lady, named Nastya. The landowner spent over, and Nouzel's next morning woke the Tsudechkis, which curled down the village of the threshold of a lubrication room.

Here, - said Ezel, - you fell last night that the landowner bought a throat car, so be famous that, spending, he ran away at dawn as the very last. Now remove two rubles for a snack and four rubles for the lady. It can be seen, you are a grated old man.

But Tsudechkis did not give money. EuroLel pushed him into a lubricin room and locked the key.

Here, "the watchman said," you will be here, and then I will come to a quarry with a quarry and with God's help will come out of you. Amen.

Panzhanin, "Cudechkis's soldier answered and began to visit the new room," you don't know anything, a religion, except for your pigeons, and I believe in God, who will bring me out of here, as I brought all the Jews - first from Egypt and then from the desert ...

The little broker still wanted to express Eurowel, but the soldier took the key with him and left, raging boots. Then the Tsudechkus turned around and saw the Pesu-Mindl southetic window, who read the book "Wonders and the Heart of Baal Shem". She read the Hasida Book with a Golden Crimprint and drank the leg of the oak cradle. In the cradle, Lubkin Son lay, David, and cried.

I see good orders on this Sakhalin, "said Tsudechkis Pese Mildle, - That is a child and breaks on the part that it is a pity to watch, and you, a fat woman, sit like a stone in the forest, and can not give him a nipple ...

Give him a nipple - answered Pesya-Mildle, without taking off from the book, - if only he takes you, the old deceiver, this nipple, because he is already big like a katsap, and only momshane milk wants his mother To his quarries, drinks tea with Jews in the "Bear" restaurant, buys smuggling in the harbor and thinks about his son, like last year's snow ...

Yes, "the little broker himself said," You have Pharaoh in your hands, Cudechkus, "and he moved to the eastern wall, muttered all the morning prayer with add-on and then took on the hands of a crying infant. Davida looked at him with a bewilderment and waved with raspberry legs in the infant sweat, and the old man began to walk around the room and, swinging as a tsadik on prayer, sang an endless song.

Aaaa, "he fell, - that's all the children Douli, and Davidochka our Kalachi, so that he sleeps and in the afternoon and in the night ... Ah-ah, that's all the children fists ...

Tsudechkis showed a lying fist with gray hair and began to repeat about Duli and Kalachi until the boy fell asleep and while the sun did not reach the middle of the gloring sky. It reached the middle and trembled, like a fly exhausted by heat. Wild men from Nerubiyski and Tatar, who stopped on a lubricant in the boring courtyard, climbed under the carts and fell asleep there with a wild sliding bed, a drunken master went to the gate and, scattering the planer and saw, fell to the ground, fell away and walked around in the middle of the world, all in gold flies and Blue Lightning July. Not far from it, in a chill, the wrinkled Germans-colonists sat down, bringing wine from the Bessarab border. They littered the tubes, and smoke from their curved banknotes began to be confused in silver bristles of unshaven and senile cheeks. The sun hung from the sky, like a pink tongue of a thirsty dog, the Giant Sea rolled away into the peresya, and the masts of distant ships were lying on the emerald water of the Odessa Bay. The day was sitting in a deserted roaster, the day sailed in the evening, and evening, only in the fifth hour, returned from the city of Lubika. She arrived on a bang horsenate with a big belly and with a grive thrust. The guy with thick legs and opened her gate in the Citse Rubach, Ezel supported the ultimate horse, and then Tsudechkis shouted with a liking from his imprisonment:

Honor to you, Madame Shneevis, and good afternoon. Here you left for three years on business and sketched me on the hands of a hungry child ...

Moro, Murlo, - answered a love old man and leaning from the saddle, - who sees the mouth there in my window?

This is Tsudichs, a grated old man, "the owner answered the owner with the medal and began to tell her the whole story with the landowner, but he did not tell to the end, because the broker, interrupting him, wrung it out of all his might.

What anger, "he lung up and threw down the Yermolku, - what the income to paint someone else's child and the abyss itself for three years ... Go give him a cingsty ...

So I go to you, a sin, - muttered a love and ran to the stairs. She entered the room and took out the chest from the dusty sweaters.

The boy reached out to her, said the monstrous nipple, but did not get milk. The mother inflated lived on his forehead, and Tsudechkis told her, shaking hermallock:

You all want to capture yourself, a greedy lubbish; You drag the whole world to yourself, as children drag a tablecloth with bread crumbs; First wheat you want both the first grapes; White breads you want a furnace on a sunbreak, and your little mind is yours, such a diet, like an asterisk, should shove without milk ...

What milk is there, the woman screamed and pressed the chest, - when today arrived at the Harbor "Plutarch" and I made fifteen miles in the heat? .. And you, you drank a long song, old Jew, - Give it better six rubles ...

But Tsudechkus again did not give money. He dismissed the sleeve, exposed his hand and put a lip in his mouth thin and dirty elbow.

Come, artantchka, - he said and spat into the corner. Labor held someone else's elbow in his mouth, then he took him down,

locked the door to the key and went to the courtyard. There she was already waiting for her Mr. Trottibern, like a column of red meat. Mr. Trottibern was a senior mechanic at Plutarch. He brought with him to the Labor of two sailors. One of the sailors was Englishman, the other was Malayz. All the three of them dragged into the courtyard of smuggling brought from Port Said. Their drawer was hard, they dropped him to the ground, and cigars fell out of the box, confused in Japanese silk. The set of women comes out to the box, and two seed gypsies, hesitating and rode, began to enter the side.

Away, Gamot! - Labor shouted to them and relieved the sailors in the shadow under the Acacia.

They sat there at the table. Eurève filed wine, and Mr. Trottibarn turned his products. He took out cigar bale and thin silk, cocaine and files, needland tobacco from Virginia and black wine bought on the island of Chios. Every product was a special price, I washed every figure by Bessarabian wine, smelling sun and clouds. Twilight ran around the yard, twilight ran down the evening wave on a wide river, and a drunken Malats, full of surprise, touched her finger to Lyubkin's chest. He touched her in one finger, then all the fingers in turn.

Yellow and tender his eyes hung over the table, like paper lights on a Chinese street; He fell a little heard and fell to the ground, when the Labor pushed him with a fist.

See what is well competent, "Labor Mr. Trottibarnu said about him, - the last milk will disappear from this Malaya, and that Jew ate me for this milk ...

And she pointed to Tsudechka, who, standing in the window, washed his socks. Little lamp smoked in the room at Tsudechka, Lohanka was foaming him and sieves, he leaned out of the window, feeling that they were talking about him, and shouted with despair.

Tour, people! - he shouted and waved his hands.

Gather, Murlo! - Labor snapped. - Gather!

She threw a stone in an old man, but did not get the first time. The woman grabbed the empty bottle of wine. But Mr. Trottibern, a senior mechanic, took a bottle from her, aiming and landed into the opened window.

Miss Lubka, "said the senior mechanic, getting up, and he gathered drunk legs to him, - many decent people come to me, Miss Lubika, for the goods, but I do not give it to anyone nor Mr. Congunzu, nor Mr. Batya, nor Mr. Pepper , no one except you, because your conversation is pleasant to me, Miss Labor ...

And, by infringe on the shocked legs, he took his sailors, one Englishman, another Malaya, and went to dance with them on the swollen yard. People with "Plutarch" - they danced in a deep silence. Orange Star, having listed towards the very edge of the horizon, looked at them in all eyes. Then they got money, took up their arms and went outside, swinging how the hanging lamp swinging on the ship. From the street they could have seen the sea, the Black Water of the Odessa Bay, the toy flags on the powerful masts and piercing lights burning in spacious deprants. Lubika conducted dancing guests before moving; She was left alone on a blank street, laughed at his thoughts and returned home. Suspension guy in the sitse shirt locked behind her gate, Eurusel brought the hostess day revenue, and she went to sleep up. There was already a song-Mildle, a pionery, and Tsudechkis died with bare feet of oak cradle.

As you tortured us, a shameless lubbish, "he said and took the child from the cradle, - but learn from me, a poker mother ...

He put a small comb to a lubric chest and put her son to her bed. The child reached out to the mother, swollen on the ridge and cried. Then the old man slipped his nipple, but the David turned away from the nipple.

What do you disable me, old plow? - muttered a love, falling asleep.

Silent, Popudica Mother! - answered her Tsudechkis. - Silent and learn, so that you disappear ...

The child again shook about the crest, it hesitantly took the nipple and began to suck it.

Here, - said Tsudechkis and laughed, - I excused your child, learn from me, so that you are gone ...

Davida lay in the cradle, sucated the nipple and let the blissful saliva. Labor woke up, opened his eyes and closed them again. She saw her son and the moon lomed to her window. The moon jumped in black clouds, like a lost calf.

Well, well, - then Lyubka said, - Open the doorchku door, Pesya Mindl, and let him come tomorrow for the pound of American tobacco ...

And the next day, Tsudechkis came for a pound of need-ancient tobacco from Virginia. He received him and a fourth of tea in addition. A week later, when I came to the Eurowel to buy pigeons, I saw a new manager on a lubric courtyard. He was tiny like rabbi, our Ben Zharia. Tsudechkis was a new manager.

He stayed in his position for fifteen years, and during this time I learned about him many stories. And, if I could, I will tell them everything in order, because it is very interesting stories.

"Copyright I.E. Babel is protected until December 31, 2024. To coordinate the use of works, it should be contacted by the representative of the heiress Kozyrev Vladimir Evgenievich by phone. 8-916-685-26-93, email address: [Email Protected]

Carnival of "Odessa Story" is the carnival of "terrible fun." There is such a Jewish expression, which is similar to Russian: "So funny, I want to cry." That is the aesthetic pathos "Odessa stories."
Why with all the time. Benya Creek and his raids cause sympathy and from the Sauzhal, Aria-Laba, and at his listener? And not only with them: Even the Bolshevik Borovo calls Froima Gracch "Grand Guy" and cannot hide his sadness when he was shot. And why is the Russian people have so many beautiful songs, tales and legends about the walls of Razin, Emelyan Pugachev, Cudyar-Ataman, Sagaidak and Doroshennikh? After all, they are robbers, thieves, rapists, killers, romers. Each of them is the blood rivers of innocent people. And they are mastering "folk intercessors."
Reading "Odessa stories", it seems you begin to understand what is the case. Humiliated and offended replenish the inferiority of their real existence by virtual permissions. And in the crime of boundaries there is some kind of perverse pleasure and ugly delight. Of course, all this - manifestations of ethical dislocation, moral damage, striking those who keep slave existence.
As long as it is not only in the geographical map, but also in the minds of people, all the holy, good, humane, all worthy and proud will be either cruelly destroyed, or Farcovo bent. There is no other.

How it was done in Odessa
Reading. Ravikovich

For the raid bearer, Ben Creek in Odessa go legends. Old man Arie Libe, sitting on a cemetery wall, tells one of these stories. At the very beginning of his criminal career, Bacchin approached one-eyed binduzhnik and raid Froyim Gracch and asked him. To the question of who he and from where, Benya offers to try it. The raiders on their advice decide to try Benya on Tartakovsky, who made so much keenness and money as not one Jew. At the same time, the gathered blush, because at the "half of the flashere", as Tartakovsky called Tartakovsky on Moldavanka, nine raids were already committed. He was cut off twice for redemption and once buried with singers. The tenth flare was considered to be a gross act, and because Benya came out, slamming the door ...

Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel (1 (13) July 1894 - January 27, 1940) - Soviet writer.
Born in Odessa in the family of a Jew. The beginning of the 20th century was the time of public riots and the mass exodus of the Jews from the Russian Empire. Babel himself survived during the pogrom of 1905 (a Christian family hid it), and his grandfather Shoyle was one of the 300 killed Jews.