Can paramedier work therapist. Profession - Doctor, Feldsher, Medical Sister

Can paramedier work therapist. Profession - Doctor, Feldsher, Medical Sister
Can paramedier work therapist. Profession - Doctor, Feldsher, Medical Sister

Each person after graduation is thinking about his future specialty. For most, the choice of profession is a fairly difficult. By the end of the school, few people aware of their real vocation in life, some of their talents, abilities. Sometimes the applicant does not have the concept of all existing professions (so, general performances - teacher, doctor, seller, driver, cook ...).

Most often this situation occurs when parents send their children to learn, the profession in which they are engaged in themselves, considering that this is the best choice and not taking into account the inclinations and wishes of your own child. Today it will be discussed about such a profession, in the medical field of activity, which is called Feldsher. This specialty appeared in medieval Germany, when there was a need to assist wounded on the battlefield. And the first person who began to document the knowledge of the diseases and methods of their healing - was a hippocrate.

Advantages of Profession Feldsher

Feldsher occupies middle position between doctor and medical sister. The degree of importance of this profession, talks about her nobility, as this specialist, the first one comes to help those who got into trouble. This is a specialty for those who seek to help people. It is the Feldscher that provides first medical care (establishes a diagnosis, makes a dressing, measures blood pressure if necessary, introduces an anesthetic drug). This profession needs to be responsible, as sick people need help.

Very important point in this specialty, as in any other medical industry, is possession of a strong nervous systemwhich will allow a person to calmly respond to all physiological processes, including to observe the occurrence of death and even participate in surgical operations, as an assistant.

Other advantages:

  • Always demanded. Feldshera can work at airports, on bus stations, pools, schools, in places of detention. In rural areas constantly lacking health workers, Feldscher, who arrived after training, to work in the village receives additional privileges. A person who has mastered this profession will never remain without work.
  • Career growth. The profession provides the possibility of career growth, development in the profession and, if desired, to get a specialty physician with further training.
  • The possibility of additional earnings. The ability to put injections and droppers gives him the opportunity to work. Many patients prefer to carry out treatment at home. For this, they turn to people with medical education so that they make a injection or put a dropper for remuneration. Currently, many private medical institutions and emergency medical care services appeared in our country, which require more and more qualified personnel.
  • Also, the plus is that the Feldsher is professionally meaningful profession. This profession requires special knowledge, skills, skills, experience and competence in medicine.

It is necessary to understand in anatomy, physiology, in pharmacology and be sure to be a good psychologist. It is important to be able to calm the patient, rapid and confident actions in the provision of first aid, to give the opportunity to feel a person that next to him is a reliable, highly qualified specialist. They can work both in private hospitals and in state. There are a lot of medical facilities where the paramedies are required:

  1. In ambulance.
  2. In the medports of the seaport, airport, at railway stations, on ships, in Military medical schools.
  3. In laboratories.
  4. Lead junior medical personnel.
  5. In the villages, they often fulfill the doctor's function.
  6. Conduct different events aimed at lowering the incidence of people.
  7. Perform certain appointments of the doctor, write to the hospital sheets.
  8. Feldsher can act as an assistant during surgery, be assistants during childbirth.
  9. Assign treatment to patients, in the absence of a doctor - performs all his duties.

It is not necessary to have a higher education here, it is enough to finish the technical school, a college on the specialization "Medico-prophylactic matter". These educational institutions are located in Yoshkar-Ola, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Moscow, Yekaterinburg or in any other city, where medical schools have. Training lasts three to four years. It's easy enough to get a job. Employment usually occurs in the workplace, where the student passed the practice. To increase the career ladder, it is necessary to obtain a higher education, enrolling in the university to specialize "Nursing" or "therapeutic case". In the future, such a specialist will be able to become a doctor or pharmacist.

Feldscher wages mainly depends on the place of his work. The largest salary receive specialists who work in private hospitals. From the point of view of sexuality, paramedics can be both women and men. This is basically a specialty of mental work, which requires a professional processing of information and good memory. A specialist requires patience, balanced. And the most basic incentive to go to work for this specialty is great love for people and desire to help a sick person.

  1. Feldscher controls the sanitary condition in schools, kindergartens, in grocery stores, hairdressers.
  2. Control of children from year to two years, which are included in the risk group.
  3. Performs constant sanitary control in disadvantaged families.
  4. Monitors the sanitation - over patients with patients who are treated at home.
  5. In the absence of Dr. Acoucher - the patronage of pregnant women, as well as observation of newborns.
  6. Dispensarization of patients and conducting physiotherapy procedures.
  7. Exit Sanitary posts.

Cons Profession Feldsher

  • One of the minuses is average salary. In different regions of the country, it varies slightly, but does not exceed the middle country. Exceptions are private medical centers in which the salary may be slightly higher. Essential minus make up frequent night duty.
  • Stress. A person who works as a paramedic, should be stressed, as he has to face people who have different and sometimes very complex characters.
    Irregular working hours. This is one of the cons of work in the countryside, where Feldsher is almost the only health career, and people can come for help not only during the day, but also at night.
  • High physical exercise . Hospiters constantly have to transport patients who are not able to move independently in the ambulance car, and in the future and to the medical institution.
  • Risk of infectious disease. Feldsher, not observing the safety regulations, and neglects the means of individual protection, such as gloves, mask, etc. Risses to infect infectious diseases, which are transmitted as air-droplet and through blood.
  • Psychologically tense work. Hospiters when visiting the patient at home, very often have to deal with aggression, rudeness and inadequate behavior in their address.


At the end, it can be said that despite all the minuses, one big plus in this profession, is the help of patients and their gratitude to Feldeshu. Having received this specialty, in the future, a person will save not one life. This will give him further respectful attitude of people, for the fact that such a specialist always comes to the aid of the first call.

Turning to the clinic for help, we usually do not think about the qualifications of medical personnel. Meanwhile, there is a big difference, who is engaged in our treatment - doctor or paramedic? Let's deal with what the difference between these two concepts.

What do the concepts "doctor" and "Feldscher" mean

Doctor- This is a medical worker who has a higher medical education.

It is entitled not only to diagnose, but also to deal with the patient's treatment, including operational. The doctor determines the disability of the patient and gives sick leave or references on the need for light labor.
Feldsher - This is a specialist who has a secondary special medical education. The very concept of "Feldsher" came to us from Germany, because it was just as in the Middle Ages called healers who treated wounded soldiers during hikes. About 90% of the paramedics used to worked instead of therapists, for example in rural areas and in small towns. They had the right to diagnose the patient and prescribe treatment, could write hospital sheets and recipes.

The difference between the Feldsher and the doctor

Today, Feldshera work at railway stations, on ships, in ports, in medical deposits, at airports and military units. Their main task is to have the first medical care to the patient before the arrival of specialists. In 90% of cases at ambulance stations, Feldshera work, they are entrusted to the preliminary diagnosis and rendering of prefigure assistance, and if necessary, the patient's delivery to the hospital, where doctors will be engaged in the patient's treatment. Today, the situation has changed dramatically and even the Feldscher must have a higher education. However, the catastrophic lack of medical personnel still allows paramedics to occupy medical positions, write sick leave and provide simple surgical assistance, for example, in burns and injuries. determined that the difference between the paramedic from the doctor is as follows:

The doctor is a specialist with higher medical education, Feldsher has a middle medical education (technical school, school, college).

Turning to the clinic for help, we usually do not think about the qualifications of medical personnel. Meanwhile, there is a big difference, who is engaged in our treatment - doctor or paramedic? Let's deal with what the difference between these two concepts.


Doctor - This is a medical worker who has a higher medical education. It is entitled not only to diagnose, but also to deal with the patient's treatment, including operational. The doctor determines the disability of the patient and gives sick leave or references on the need for light labor.

Feldsher - This is a specialist who has a secondary special medical education. The very concept of "Feldsher" came to us from Germany, because it was just as in the Middle Ages called healers who treated wounded soldiers during hikes. About 90% of the paramedics used to worked instead of therapists, for example in rural areas and in small towns. They had the right to diagnose the patient and prescribe treatment, could write hospital sheets and recipes.


Today, Feldshera work at railway stations, on ships, in ports, in medical deposits, at airports and military units. Their main task is to have the first medical care to the patient before the arrival of specialists. In 90% of cases at ambulance stations, Feldshera work, they are entrusted to the preliminary diagnosis and rendering of prefigure assistance, and if necessary, the patient's delivery to the hospital, where doctors will be engaged in the patient's treatment. Today, the situation has changed dramatically and even the Feldscher must have a higher education. However, the catastrophic lack of medical personnel still allows paramedics to occupy medical positions, write sick leave and provide simple surgical assistance, for example, in burns and injuries.

Feldsher is a specialist with a secondary specialized medical education that independently accepts, diagnoses and treats patients, and in difficult cases direct them to consult the doctors of profile specialties. Also, the Feldsher is first-friendly assistance, the patient's transportation in the hospital with such a need, discharge recipes and hospital sheets.

In essence, Feldsher is an analogue of a precinct therapist or family doctor in rural areas, in military units, airports, railway and river stations, health groups of large enterprises.

The Profession of Feldscher implies close contact with medical sisters and doctors of all specialties.

Between the professions "Feldsher" and "doctor" a lot in common, but there are a few differences. For example, the Feldsher has no right to operate.

The main differences of the paramedic from the doctor

The main specialty of Feldscher

  • Feldsher-Okusher Watches pregnant women from the moment of conception before childbirth and discharge from the hospital, takes birth.
  • Children's paramedic Responsible for the state of health of newborns, young children, schoolchildren, teenagers.
  • Feldsher laborants Collects biological material for analyzes and conducts some of them. Owns the skills of working with modern analyzers.
  • Sanitary Feldsher Helps in the work of a sanitary doctor, according to his instructions, controls the sanitary condition of schools, kindergartens, food stores, hairdressers.
  • Military paramedic Responsible for the health of recruits, soldiers and officers, treats them in the field, hospital, medical unit.
  • Chief Feldsher. It has a higher education and certificate in the specialty "Department of Nursing Activities" or "Organization of Nursing Affairs", work experience at least 5 years. He is an assistant to the head of a medical organization, organizes the work of medium and younger medical personnel.
  • Veterinary Feldsher Treats animals, instills, operates, has emergency help, sleeping. Also confirms the pedigree pet and its health before exhibitions and competitions.
  • He heads the doctor of physicians or helps a doctor in the team of the Brigade, works on the challenges of patients, exercising emergency assistance, the patient's transportation to the hospital, states the fatal outcome.
  • Potted paramedic It works at the sections of large industrial enterprises, is responsible for the health of the labor collective and working conditions.

Feldsher Ambulance - Heads Medikov Brigades, exercising emergency assistance to patients.

Places of work

Feldscher works at ambulance, in SES, laboratories, schools and kindergartens, sanatoriums, military hospitals, at railway stations, air and seaports, large industrial and motor transport enterprises, hypermarkets, in veterinary clinics, in the countryside at the Fapah (Feldsher-Okushetsky paragraphs).

History of profession

The Profession of Feldscher has a purely German roots and its appearance refers to the middle eyelids. "Field Vaciators" ("Feldscher") were responsible for the state of health soldiers, helped the wounded on the battlefield, provided the first medical care. Then, their responsibilities began to include diagnosis and treatment of diseases, prevention, the creation of new methods of therapy without age and gender framework. At that time, the concept of Feldsher and the doctor were very close and did not have fundamental differences. Gradually, the doctors were stocked in a more status and highly qualified group of medical professionals, and primary diagnostics were left to the share of paramedics, prefigure and childbirth. However, often paramedic and doctors are equally competent in medicine.

Feldshera cycling ambulances. End of the XIX century.

Responsibilities of Feldscher

The main job responsibilities of the Feldscher are as follows:

The basic requirements for Feldester look like this:

  • Higher or secondary special medical education of an increased level, a valid certificate of therapeutic case.
  • PC knowledge.

Higher or secondary special medical education elevated level allows Feldesser to conduct therapeutic activities

How to become a paramedic

To become a paramedic, you need:

  1. Finish the Medical School or College in the specialty "Medical Case", "Medical and Preventive Case" or "Veterinary" (if there is a desire to work with animals). The term of study is 3 years 10 months.
  2. Get together with a diploma of an increased level certificate for the right of independent activities of the Feldscher.
  3. For the work of a narrow-profile specialist, it is necessary to finish advanced training courses.

Salary of Feldscher

Income scatter is great: Feldsher receives from 12,000 to 42,000 rubles per month. The need for specialists is high in Moscow, Leningrad and Novosibirsk regions. The maximum wage of the paramedic was discovered in Ranjigs - 42,000 rubles per month.

The average paramedic wage is 17,500 rubles per month.

Where to study

In addition to higher education in the market there are a number of short-term training lasting, as a rule, from week to year.

The Interregional Academy of Additional Vocational Education (MADPO) teaches on specialization "" and issues a diploma and certificate.

Medical University of Innovation and Development invites you to take distance courses of retraining or advanced training in the direction "" with a diploma or certificate of the state sample. Training lasts from 16 to 2,700 hours, depending on the program and your level of preparation.

Hippocrates is considered the father of medicine, because as the first hesitated to write down all his observations for the benefit of all subsequent generations. Thanks to him, the science of the structure of a person, his diseases and treatment began to grow gradually. Despite this, until the XVIII century, the distinction between the hairdresser and the doctor was practically meager. And only a few centuries ago, medicine began to be divided into separate specializations, doctors and nurses appeared, obstacles, faghers. The latter so far, many do not distinguish from obstetricians, sanitation or doctors.

Doctor or not a doctor

For the first time, the word feldscher in relation to the physician began to use the Germans. Even in the Middle Ages, the army was accompanied by military doctors for ambulance wounded, they were made by paramedics, which in the literal translation and there is a "field doctor". However, there were no special differences between the doctor in urban hospital and military healers. The latter were even in something better than their "peaceful" fellow, since they possessed the skills and a physician, and a little military. Over time, this specialization has become separated from other branches of health science. Today, the knowledge of this health worker is different from all other directions in medicine.

Feldsher is a specialist with medium medical education and a fairly wide range of activities. He is trained in colleges with mandatory practice, after graduation receives a certificate with a degree in therapeutic business.

It can work as part of an ambulance brigade, in a medical center on ships or airport, and in small towns, even replace the therapist. Obsolecy is considered a mandatory skill for paramedics.

Depending on the place of work, such a medical staff should have additional certificates, such as the "Emergency" specialization. It is impossible to fully call him a doctor, since the latest significantly higher education requirements and work experience. Feldshera possess common knowledge of the anatomy, human physiology, diseases and their treatment.

They can diagnose and assign a course of therapy if the disease passes without complications. In other cases, a specialist discharges the direction to the doctor a narrower orientation, for example, to a venereologist, cardiologist, etc.

Professional Skills of Feldscher

The knowledge of the knowledge and practical skills of these employees is close to the doctor's doctor. They have the right to carry out simple analyzes, inspections, identify diagnoses and prescribe treatment.

For admission to work in a medical institution, such a specialist must comply with a number of requirements.

For example:

  • get an education, all the necessary certificates and go through the practice;
  • pass internship at the place of work;
  • fully informed in the aspects of their activities;
  • know legal acts in the field of health;
  • put a number of personal qualities: stress resistance, knowledge in the field of psychology, excellent memory, good coordination and much more;
  • for certain categories, the course of advanced training must be completed, for example, for paramedics that replace the therapist.

The obligatory point is also considered to master the skills of a psychologist, since the health worker often has to help the patient in stressful situations. There is such a requirement for most physicians who need to keep the situation under control, calm the patient or affected, to make a weighted solution in the turmoil and so on.

Like another medical staff, the paramedics should be aware of the full human anatomy, the functioning of organs, symptoms of diseases.

Depending on where such a specialist works, it has such skills and knowledge:

  • emergency standards when stopping the heart, breathing, blood circulation;
  • the basics of ambulance with different injuries;
  • methods of using medicines, their interaction, contraindications and indications;
  • diagnostics of the most common diseases and methods of their treatment;
  • reception of natural labor without complications;
  • dispensary monitoring of children, pregnant, disabled different groups, patients with chronic and acute diseases;
  • conducting vaccinations, injections, droppers;
  • minimum surgical skills;
  • laboratory studies of biological material (blood, feces, urine, leather).

The list of duties will depend on where the paramedic is working. For example, in rural areas, such a specialist is often the only health worker, where he serves as a pediatrician, a laboratory assistant, obstetrician, etc. Also, the ambulance driver can also be a paramedic, in this case the experience of driving driving at least three years is added to the list of requirements.

Where he works

Despite the fact that such employees are considered slightly less qualified doctors, they have surgical, therapeutic and obstetric knowledge. They are also undergoing resuscitation, therefore, most often they work as part of the ambulance team.

If there is a paramedic in such a brigade, he is responsible for the work of the entire team, maintains urgent help and prefigure diagnosis. If such a specialist works in a pair with a doctor, then often assisters him.

Work in ambulance is considered one of the most difficult and responsible. The life of the victim or the patient often depends on the competence of the medical staff in this case. By occupying such a position, Feldsher at the first time after arriving at the place of the challenge, it should assess the situation and its severity. If necessary, it provides the first therapeutic assistance, controls the situation before arriving in the hospital. In some cases, only first aid and sanitary and preventive recommendations are sufficient.

In production, major enterprises and other institutions, the availability of health care. Especially in those places where people are at risk or where urgent help may need. So, the Feldsher necessarily has at many airports, at seaport vessels, in some educational institutions, in industrial workshops, etc. Here the duties of a specialist are practically no different from those that act in ambulance.

The health worker can provide the first therapeutic measures, recommend treatment, discharge medications (except psychotropic and drug).

If necessary under his supervision transports the victim to the hospital. Also employees of enterprises, students and students can receive a certificate of liberation for health. Periodically, the Feldsher conducts preventive measures (for example, vaccinations in schools), sanitary and hygienic lectures for workers and students.

Also, such employees can meet in clinics and hospitals. Here they are either under the curacy of the doctor, or work independently. Without a doctor, the faghers are most often found on night duty or in rural areas. In these cases, they are diagnosed and treated patient themselves, if there are no certain complications in the picture of the disease. If the patient requires a more detailed examination or narrow-controlled therapy, it is sent to the desired doctor. In addition, such a medic is entitled to carry out light operations, for example, the puncture of the outer jugs, the introduction of the endotracheal tube in the trachea.

After normal giving birth, it must impose seams if necessary, and perform primary infant processing. When you stop the heart, the health worker is obliged to reanimate the patient with the help of a proper heart massage or automatic defibrillation. There are also separate narrow-directed specializations: the paramedic-obstetrician and the paramedic laboratory assistant. The first can assist the Gynecologist-Akuster or to take birth to independently. The second is working on the analyzes and does not behave practical work with patients.

When you need to go to the paradise

To date, many polyclinics and hospitals lack doctors. This applies to any field of medicine and many CIS countries.

The staffing of state medical institutions leaves much to be desired, so it is really difficult to get to the doctor's reception, especially if we are talking About regional polyclinics. But the doctor does not have to fulfill all the work, very much need just consultation, certificate, minimum therapeutic assistance. Feldscher will cope with all these tasks.

You can contact him with complaints about pain, when wounds, if a hospital sheet is needed. In small settlements, it is treated with all health problems. It takes patients of any age and gender, since its preparation implies the anatomy of both sexes. In fact, it is possible to make an appointment if you cannot get to the desired doctor, you may not need a doctor at all.

Do not be afraid of incompetence and underestimate the work of these specialists. If the patient needs serious interference, they will definitely report this and the patient, and the doctor himself will discover and will give recommendations. Consultation at the Feldscher will help to stay healthy without waiting for a queue to the doctor, besides, for uninsured persons it will cost almost half cheaper. The main thing is to ask for help and not waste time in doubt and self-treatment.