Roxana babayan - biography, information, personal life. Roxana Babayan explained why she didn’t give birth to children to Mikhail Derzhavin. The flourishing of her stage career

Roxana babayan - biography, information, personal life.  Roxana Babayan explained why she didn’t give birth to children to Mikhail Derzhavin. The flourishing of her stage career
Roxana babayan - biography, information, personal life. Roxana Babayan explained why she didn’t give birth to children to Mikhail Derzhavin. The flourishing of her stage career

Glory to the magnificent Roksana Babayan came in the late 70s. The talented performer has been pleasing her fans with lyrical compositions for many years. And today she tours a lot, gives concerts, acts in video clips.


Roxana Babayan as a child

Roxana Rubenovna Babayan was born in 1946 in Tashkent. Date of birth - May 30. The zodiac sign according to the western horoscope is Gemini, according to the eastern calendar - the year of the Fire Dog. Nationality - Armenian.

The childhood of the future pop singer and actress fell on the difficult post-war years. Mom was a creative person. Singer and pianist Seda Babayan instilled in her daughter a love of music. Noticing her artistic talent and excellent vocal abilities, her mother became her first teacher - she taught her to play the piano, taught her first vocal lessons.

“The performer recalls that, as far back as she can remember, she loved to sing and perform. The girl dreamed of a stage, presented herself as a famous singer. However, in the Armenian family, the girl is used to obeying her father unquestioningly.

Roxana Babayan in his youth

The girl's father, Armen Mukurdumov, was a representative of the technical intelligentsia. A talented civil engineer, dad dreamed that his daughter would inherit his abilities. Therefore, when it came time to choose a profession, dad insisted that the girl enter TashIIT, which she graduated from in 70. So, the first profession of the singer is a civil engineer.

However, TashIIT is not the only university in which the pop star received a diploma of higher education. In 83rd she graduated from GITIS, receiving the profession of a manager. The artist received her third education at the Moscow Pedagogical University at the Department of Psychology. There she attended an abbreviated course in specialization only.

"Babayan claims that her cousin, a professor of psychology, instilled in her an interest in studying the intricacies of the human psyche."

Singing career

Already, being a student of a technical university, she begins to sing in the amateur performances. An extraordinary voice, feminine plasticity, beauty conquered and fascinated the audience. During this period, the girl participates in numerous competitions, where she invariably wins prizes.

At one of these contests, a bright girl with a magic voice was noticed by Konstantin Orbelian, who was already then the head of the State Orchestra of Armenia. Orbelian invites a talented compatriot to Yerevan, where she became one of the leading soloists. This period was quite difficult in Roxana's life, since she had to combine her creative career with studying at the institute. It was in the orchestra that the artist's professional training took place.

In 73, Roxana's biography makes another round - she becomes the soloist of the famous VIA "Blue Guitars" in the 70s. If Babayan performed jazz compositions in the Yerevan Orchestra, then in the Blue Guitars her style changed towards popular pop music. The singer moves to Moscow for permanent residence.

With this ensemble, the singer toured all over the USSR. The collective quite often became a participant in creative competitions and festivals. So in the 76th at the prestigious festival in the GDR "Dresden-76" for the composition "Rain" the team received the First Prize. The jury was captivated by the beauty of the voice of the performer from the USSR. Part of this musical composition, according to the rules of the competition, was performed in German. It was an overwhelming success. At the end of the competition, the "Amiga" record company released a giant disc, which included the song "Rain" performed by Babayan.

After her success in Dresden, the singer leaves the Blue Guitars and begins to build a solo career. In 1977, the composition “I will be surprised at the sun again”, written for the artist by Ilya Reznik and Polad Bulbul oglu, is performed at the main song festival of the country “Song of the Year”. According to the results of 1977 and 1978, the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" in the section "Soundtrack" gives the young performer the sixth place. Since 1978 she has been a soloist of the Mosconcert.

In 1979, at the Bratislava Lyre song festival in Czechoslovakia, Roxana received the Grand Prix. The same success awaits her three years later in Cuba.


She becomes famous, professionally in demand, tours the country a lot, travels abroad, which was a rarity for that time.

During these years, many talented composers and songwriters, especially for Babayan, compose songs that, in her performance, will certainly become hits. Her repertoire includes songs:

  • V. Matetsky,
  • V. Dobrynin,
  • G. Garanyan,
  • L. Voropaeva,
  • N. Levinovsky,
  • V. Dorokhin and many others.

Despite victories in various competitions, fame and popular love, the path to the top of the artist's fame was not strewn with rose petals. There were many problems, difficulties, disappointments in human decency, envy of colleagues along the way.

“Roxana Rubenovna recalls that every step up was given to her with difficulty, because she did not know how to suck up to the authorities and the“ powers that be, ”on which the artist's career depended. She never went to the "night shifts" in the offices of the chiefs, did not give bribes to anyone, did not humiliate herself, did not start office romances. But now no one can blacken her or throw a stone in her back. "


During these years Babayan actively cooperates with the Melodiya recording company. In the 80s, she released as many as 7 vinyl full-length albums. The most successful and best-selling was the full-length "Roxana", released in 1988.

In the late 80s - early 90s, Babayan began to appear in the fashionable video clips. This is how music videos are released one after another:

  • "Sorry",
  • "Ocean of Glass Tears"
  • "Because of love".

The popularity and fame of the pop singer is so great that in the period 1988-1996 she becomes a finalist of the "Song of the Year".


The talented singer has many awards and titles. In 1988, she became an Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and 11 years later she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 1998, her album "Because of Love" was released. The well-known composer Vladimir Matetsky helped the performer in the work on it.

In recent years, the artist still works a lot, goes on tour, gives concerts, records new discs and starred in music videos.

In 2013, together with the group “Radio Chacha”, the artist recorded a video clip for the song “Course towards oblivion”. The following year, the singer released another full-length album "Formula of Happiness".

Works in cinema, theater, television


In the 90s, Babayan discovers a new talent as a comedic actress. Together with her husband Mikhail Derzhavin, she starred in the low-budget comedies of Anatoly Eyramdzhan:

  • "Diva Mary",
  • "Womanizer",
  • "Impotent",
  • "New Odeon" and others.

In 2007, the actress won the theatrical stage. She gets the main role in the play by Robert Manukyan based on the play "Khanuma" by Avxentiy Tsagareli.

There are also documentaries in the artist's filmography. She took part in the filming of biographical films about the work of Mikhail Derzhavin and Urmas Ott.


Roxana Rubenovna is quite often invited to take part in various television programs and talk shows as an expert or an invited guest. She tried herself as a TV presenter.

In the 90s, on the ORT channel, she hosted the TV section "Breakfast with Roxana" in the "Morning" program. Later she switched to the NTV channel, where she led the "Difficult Happiness" section in the "Segodnyachko" program. As a TV presenter, she worked in the issues of the program "Roxana: Men's Magazine".


In the early 2000s, a well-known photo artist launched an unusual photo project "Private Collection". In the glossy magazine "Caravan of stories" she presented photographs of famous people depicting characters from famous paintings by world artists. Babayan in this project appeared in the image of Bertha Badi in the painting by Toulouse de Lautrec. In 2013, she agreed to once again pose in a similar project. This time she portrayed the hero of the artist Grigoryan's painting "Before the easel."

Private life


The artist's personal life is rarely discussed in the media. He gives no reason for scandalous gossip. It is known that Babayan was married twice. The singer's first husband was a musician. At that time they worked together in the orchestra of Konstantin Obelyan in Armenia. The marriage did not last long and soon the young people parted, maintaining friendly relations for the rest of their lives.

The next time Roxana Rubenovna got married in the early 80s. The second husband, the famous Soviet and Russian artist Mikhail Mikhailovich Derzhavin, fell in love with the young artist at first sight.

Roxana Rubenovna Babayan and Mikhail Mikhailovich Derzhavin. Instagram:

This happened at the Domodedovo airport, when the artists were going to fly to the Kazakhstani Zhezkazgan on tour. Derzhavin was fascinated by Roxana's youth and beauty, and she could not resist his charm. True, the lovers could not immediately legalize their relationship.

Mikhail Mikhailovich at that time was married with a second marriage. Derzhavin's first wife was his fellow student, the daughter of the great Arkady Raikin, Ekaterina. The student marriage was short-lived and broke up after a couple of years. The second wife is the daughter of the legendary commander of the 1st Cavalry Army Semyon Budyonny. The artist lived with Nina Budyonnaya for about 16 years. In this marriage, his daughter Maria grew up.

Despite the marital status of her lover, Roxanne could not leave him. He, too, had a strong affection for her, so the artist soon divorced and offered his beloved girl his hand and heart. This marriage was long and happy. It lasted 38 years. Until the end of Mikhail Mikhailovich's life in 2018, the spouses felt tender affection for each other. Several years before Derzhavin's death, they got married.

This marriage was childless. Famous artists were constantly busy. Traveling, touring, shooting - such a tight schedule does not allow you to devote much time to raising children. And Roxana Rubenovna believes that children should be brought up by their mother, and not by their grandmother or nanny. Shifting responsibility on relatives or other people's children, in her opinion, is irresponsible.

“According to Babayan, she does not regret that she did not give birth to heirs to her husband. They paid much attention to each other. And now, after his death, she does not feel lonely, since she has a large and friendly family. She often communicates with her husband's daughter and his grandchildren. "

Roxana Babayan and Mikhail Derzhavin. Instagram:

After the death of her beloved husband, the artist closed herself from the world for a long time, practically did not appear on screens, did not give interviews. However, over time, she recovered from the loss and found the strength to live and work. Babayan impressed her fans with a youthful appearance, slenderness (height and weight - 169 cm, 65 kg) and fit. Many comments appeared under the singer's photos on Instagram, in which subscribers showed their support, regret over the loss and admired her appearance, were surprised that she manages to look like in her youth. She was called a beautiful woman who knows how to love.

Despite her venerable age, Roxana Rubenovna still leads an active lifestyle:

  • performs with concerts,
  • participates in various television programs,
  • is engaged in charity work,
  • gives interviews, talking about his work and about the work of his late husband,
  • is an active animal protector.

She also maintains her microblogging on Instagram, where she has more than 17 thousand subscribers. Here she uploads photos from concerts and performances, talks about what is happening in her life.


Roxana babayan

Soviet and Russian singer and actress.
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (01/07/1988).
People's Artist of Russia (01/08/1999).

In 1975 she graduated from the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers (faculty of industrial and civil construction). As a singer, she made her debut in the State Variety Orchestra of Armenia under the direction of Konstantin Orbelian in 1970.
Since the end of the 70s she has been living in Moscow, since 1978 she has been a soloist of the Mosconcert. In 1983 she graduated from the administrative and economic faculty of the State Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS) as an external student. She went through a good jazz vocal school, but her style of performance gradually evolved from jazz to pop music. She has taken part in many festivals and competitions. The singer won the Grand Prix at the international competitions in Dresden "Shlyager Festival" in 1978, at the "Bratislava Lyre" in 1979, at the gala festivals in Cuba in 1982-1983. Composers and poets V. Matetsky, A. Levin, V. Dobrynin, L. Voropaeva, V. Dorokhin, G. Garanyan, N. Levinovsky worked with Roksana Babayan. The singer's tour took place in many countries of all parts of the world. 7 vinyl records of the singer were released at the Melodiya company. In the 80s she collaborated with the Melodiya company soloists' ensemble under the direction of Boris Frumkin.
In 1992-1995, there was a break in the singer's work.
Roxana Babayan is a participant in many television and radio programs. In 1991, for the song "East is a delicate matter" (music by V. Matetsky, lyrics by V. Shatrov), an animated video clip was created for the first time in Russia (director-animator Alexander Gorlenko). In addition, the video clips “Ocean of Glass Tears” (1994), “Because of Love” (1996), “Forgive” (1997) and others were filmed for the songs of Babayan.
In cinema since 1990, she has established herself as a spicy comedic actress. Recently, the singer performs on the stage occasionally, works in the theater.

President of the Russian League for the Protection of Animals.

Roxana Rubenovna Babayan is a recognized People's Artist of Russia, singer and actress. She was born in the city of Tashkent on May 30, 1946. Full years 71 years. The woman's height is 169 cm.

A girl was born into an educated, good family, where her father held the position of a civil engineer, and her mother was a pianist and singer. It was thanks to her mother that the girl learned to play the piano professionally as a child and learned all the vocal basics. But the father, despite the fact that artistic data began to open up in the girl from an early age, made the decision that she should follow in his footsteps and begin training as a civil engineer.

Most often, in oriental families, the head of the family always makes decisions and it is impossible to disobey him, therefore, the girl entered and studied as a railway engineer, as her father wanted. But even regardless of this, young Roxana did not forget about her main hobby - music, therefore, while studying at the institute, she also managed to perform at various music competitions, win prizes there, and also participate in various amateur art activities.

Becoming a girl as a pop singer
at a professional level

Immediately after Roxana Babayan graduated from the institute, the head of the Armenian State Orchestra invited her to work in his own orchestra in Yerevan. The girl agreed. There she mastered a new style for herself - jazz, but over time she became more interested in pop music. Three years later, the girl becomes a vocal soloist in one rather popular group of the USSR "Blue Guitars", she moves to live in Moscow. There, three years after the move, she becomes the soloist of the Mosconcert. As the woman herself admits, it was very difficult for her to become a popular girl, since sometimes some bosses demanded from her what her upbringing could not afford. But now not a single pebble will ever be able to fly into her garden.

In her youth, for a girl, a very important event in her life was her participation in the GDR competition "Dresden 1976", where she, despite the sympathy of the jury for her performers, who were also participants in this competition, won. Moreover, it should be noted that according to the requirements of the competition, the singer's song had to be translated and performed at least partially in German. But the girl successfully coped with this task, for which she was awarded the first prize, since at that time no other awards were awarded.

After the girl took part in this festival, the then popular Amiga company released a giant disc with the most famous songs, the list of which also included Roxana's composition. After that, the girl performed at another famous festival "Song of the Year-77". A year later, she entered the six most famous singers in the entire USSR.

The girl also managed to unlearn at the State Institute of Theater Arts at the Faculty of Administration and Economics.

Dawn of popularity

The very peak of her career came in the 80s, it was then that Babayan got into the finals of "Song of the Year" every year. She toured a huge number of countries, released seven of her vinyl records.

In 1990, the woman stated that she is also an excellent comedic actress, having played several wonderful film roles. Videos were filmed for her songs. For three years, namely from 1992 to 1995, the woman took a break for herself, but after that she again began to actively perform on stage, in the theater.

The woman still takes an active part in various Russian television programs, is a member of the United Russia party, and she is also the president of the Russian League for the Protection of Homeless Animals.

Personal life

The woman got married twice. For the first time, she spent this solemn event with one musician, who, like her, worked in Orbelian's orchestra. After that, the man took a good position in Moscow. The couple broke up but remained very good friends.

The second husband, Mikhail Derzhavin, is an actor and also a recognized People's Artist of the RSFSR. They met when the man was married to another, and this was not his first marriage, but because of a strong outbreak of love, he divorced his wife and married Roxanne. And the couple met for a very short time. They met in Dzhezkazgan on tour in 1980 and just a couple of months later the couple officially legalized their relationship. Lovers have no children. That is why the couple is actively involved in helping orphans and animals.

Roxana Babayan and Mikhail Derzhavin still appear on television screens, their warmth and love is visible to all fans, despite the fact that 38 years have passed since the wedding.

Roxana Rubenovna Babayan (Armenian: Ռոքսանա Ռուբենի Բաբայան). She was born on May 30, 1946 in Tashkent (Uzbek SSR). Soviet and Russian pop singer and actress, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1999).

Father - Ruben Mikhailovich Mukurdumov, civil engineer.

Mother - Seda Grigorievna Babayan, singer and musician (pianist).

A distant relative of Roxana is the Russian TV journalist Roman Babayan.

Thanks to her mother, she learned to play the piano in childhood, mastered the basics of vocals.

Although her talent as a singer was discovered early, in an oriental family, decisions are often made by her father, who insisted that her daughter study not to be an artist, but to become a civil engineer, i.e. followed in his footsteps.

And in 1970 she graduated from the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers - Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering (ASG).

However, Roxana did not forget her passion for music and vocals - while studying at the university she participated in amateur performances, won prizes in various song competitions.

Immediately after graduating from the institute, the head of the State Variety Orchestra of Armenia, People's Artist of the USSR Konstantin Orbelian, invited her to his orchestra in Yerevan. It was there that her formation as a professional pop singer took place.

She went through a good jazz vocal school, but her style of performance gradually evolved from jazz to pop music.

Since 1973, Roxana has become a soloist of the popular in the USSR VIA "Blue Guitars".

Since the mid-1970s she has been living in Moscow, since 1978 she has been a soloist of the Mosconcert. As Roxana admitted, the path to success was thorny: “When I started working in Moscow, there was a moment when I realized that I didn’t fit into the framework: I couldn’t“ wash the floors ”of the bosses, I don’t have office romances. I even wanted to leave the profession. Often it was necessary to have informal relations with the bosses, who decided something, let them go somewhere ... I have never done this. I may like it or not like it, but a "pebble" will never fly in my back. "

An important milestone in her career was her participation in the international festival "Dresden 1976", held September 16-19, 1976 in the GDR. Despite the very strong composition of the contestants and the constant sympathy of the German jury for their performers from the GDR (in 9 out of 17 festivals they were given the victory), Roxanne Babayan managed to win. Since the "Grand Prix" was not awarded in those years, the 1st prize was considered a victory. She won a victory with Igor Granov's song to the verses of Onegin Gadzhikasimov "Rain". Moreover, according to the terms of the competition, she had to perform it partially in German (the translation was written by Harmut Schulze-Gerlach).

After the festival, at which she showed her high vocal abilities, the Amiga company released a giant disc, which also included Roxana's song.

Thanks to this victory, Roksana Babayan performed at the main song festival of the USSR - "Song of the Year-77" with the song by Polada Bul Bul oglu to the verses by Ilya Reznik "And I will be surprised at the sun again." According to the hit parade "Sound Track" "Moskovsky Komsomolets" 1977 and 1978, at the end of the year entered the six most popular singers of the USSR.

At the Bratislava Lira in 1979 and at the gala festivals in Cuba in 1982-1983, the singer won the Grand Prix.

In 1983 she graduated from the Faculty of Administration and Economics of the State Institute of Theater Arts.

A surge in her popularity came at the end of the 1980s, when Roxana Babayan reached the finals of the Song of the Year festival every year (from 1988 to 1996).

Roxana Babayan - Two women

Composers and poets V. Matetsky, A. Levin, V. Dobrynin, L. Voropaeva, V. Dorokhin, G. Garanyan, N. Levinovsky worked with Roksana Babayan. The singer's tour took place in many countries of all parts of the world.

7 vinyl records of the singer were released at the Melodiya company. In the 1980s she collaborated with an ensemble of soloists of the Melodiya company under the direction of Boris Frumkin.

In the first half of the 1990s, she declared herself as a great comedic actress, played a number of memorable characteristic film roles.

Roxana Babayan in the film "My Sailor"

Roxana Babayan in the film "New Odeon"

Roxana Babayan in the movie "The Impotent"

In 1991, for the artist's song "The East is a delicate matter" (music by V. Matetsky, lyrics by V. Shatrov), for the first time in Russia, an animated video clip was created by director-animator Alexander Gorlenko. Also, the video clips "Ocean of Glass Tears" (1994), "Because of Love" (1996), "Sorry" (1997) and others were filmed for the songs of Babayan.

In 1992-1995, there was a break in the singer's work. Then she again began to actively perform on the stage, worked in the theater, in particular, in the production of "Khanuma" (main role - Khanuma) A. Tsagareli (director Robert Manukyan).

In 1998 she recorded the album "Because of Love", which was produced by the composer Vladimir Matetsky.

In 2013, she recorded the song "Course towards oblivion" with the Radio Chacha group and starred in the video of the same name. In 2014, her album "Formula of Happiness" was released.

She is a regular participant in TV programs on central TV channels.

She tried herself as a TV presenter - she hosted the "Breakfast with Roxana" program.

Member of the United Russia party. In 2012, she was a member of the People's Headquarters (across Moscow) of a presidential candidate.

An active participant in the protection of homeless animals, the president of the Russian League for the Protection of Animals.

Roxana Babayan's height: 169 centimeters.

Personal life of Roxana Babayan:

She was married twice.

The first time she got married was when she worked in Orbelian's orchestra. Her husband was a musician, and later held a high post in Moscow. After parting, they remained friends. "I treat him very well," said the singer.

The second husband is an actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR. They met at Domodedovo airport in the early 1980s - they flew to Dzhezkazgan, where concerts for miners were to take place. They immediately liked each other. Derzhavin was subdued when he saw a charming girl in a fashionable trouser suit, and Roxanne could not resist his magnetic charm. At that time, Derzhavin was married to Nina Budyonnaya, but he quickly filed for a divorce and on September 6, 1980, they got married.

They have no children.

Filmography of Roxana Babayan:

1978 - Spring Melody (vocals)
1990 - Womanizer - Mikhail's wife
1990 - My sailor - a hire of musical instruments
1992 - New Odeon - the buyer's wife
1994 - The third is not superfluous - fortune teller
1994 - The groom from Miami - a gypsy
1996 - Impotent - Halima
1998 - Diva Mary - travel agency employee
2009 - Khanuma (film-play)
2009 - "The Gentle Ripper". Urmas Ott (documentary)
2011 - Mikhail Derzhavin. That still "little motor" (documentary)

the actress and singer is ready to talk endlessly. But her own biography is no less vivid - a successful combination of creativity and family, where she did not have to sacrifice anything.

Childhood and youth

Roxana was born in Tashkent in an intelligent family. Father Ruben Mikhailovich worked as a civil engineer, and mother Seda Grigorievna was known as a pianist and composer in the Uzbek capital. She taught her daughter to play the piano, instilled a love for vocal art. Babayan dreamed of a career as a singer, but her father categorically opposed this path.

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Roxana Babayan and Mikhail Derzhavin

According to another friend, producer Alexander Poddubny, the new union turned out to be perfect. All 37 years that Babayan and Derzhavin lived together, an atmosphere of comfort and love reigned in the house. Creative and self-sufficient individuals, each with their own ambitions and character, found a compromise in any situation. The wife passed away in 2018.

Roxana has no children of her own; she gives her mother's love to her nephew Nikita.

An elegant woman (height 169 cm, weight 65 kg) surprises Instagram subscribers with her always flawless, radiant appearance. In the morning, the artist eats cottage cheese with dried apricots or raisins, but usually does without breakfast, a glass of water is enough. And for lunch he can afford meat or fish. Nothing fatty and sweet, from alcohol - just a glass of dry wine. For rejuvenating procedures, Roxana goes to her friend, a beautician.


In her youth, in addition to jazz, Roxana was fond of a musical style close to rock. This was the period of VIA "Blue Guitars", where she moved from Orbelian's team. With this group, the soloist toured the Soviet Union, performed at international festivals.

The highest point of her career as a member of the Blue Guitars was the vocal competition Dresden-1976, where the singer performed the non-standard composition Rain and became a laureate. Moreover, part of the song Babayan had to be translated into German.

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Roxana Babayan in the show "Let them talk"

After this unexpected success, Roxanne began performing solo. The repertoire changed again, this time towards pop music and pop hits. In “Song-77” the singer performed with the song “I will be surprised by the sun again” and attracted attention with her strong timbre, appearance and artistry.

At the Melodiya company, Babayan has recorded many singles, released the albums When You Are With Me, Roxana and Another Woman. In the early 90s, the first video clips appeared.

In 1996, the discography of the artist was replenished with the disc "Witchcraft", the composer of most of the songs of which was Vladimir Matetsky.

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Roxana Babayan and Philip Kirkorov

After a long break, in 2013, Roxana Babayan recorded the hit “Course towards oblivion” together with the lead singer of the punk-rock group “NAIV”, a family friend. The clip created behind the track told about the uneasy relationship between an accomplished business woman and a freelance artist.

The first hit was followed by the second - "Thunderclaps", and then the third - "Nothing lasts forever under the moon." Then Roxana Rubenovna released a full-fledged album "The Formula of Happiness", which included the songs "Vitenka", "Late to Save", "Nothing Lasts Forever Under the Moon" and sung hits of the past.

In 2018, the star presented a new disc "What a Woman Wants" and a concert program of the same name.


Filming in the cinema Babayan perceived as entertainment, so she participated only in the comedies of a friend - director Anatoly Eyramdzhan. Viewers are familiar with the films "Womanizer", "My Sailor", "Impotent".

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Roxana Babayan and Alexander Poddubny

In 2007, Roxana Rubenovna made her theater debut, playing the main role in the play "Khanuma". After 3 years, the actress reincarnated as Scheherazade in the production of Robert Manukyan's "1002nd Night".