Music show battle for the crown. New Year's show "My little pony

Music show battle for the crown. New Year's show
Music show battle for the crown. New Year's show "My little pony

"My little pony" is a cartoon series that knows and love the children of the whole world, dreaming at least briefly to be in the fabulous country of Equestria, where the folter shelter is inhabited, a cute rainbow Daem, charming Pinky Pink and other heroes of the famous animated series who bravely fight evil, and we will help you buy tickets for Christmas tree My little ponywhich will be held this winter.

At the heart of the show "My little pony" is a glorious American cartoon series, which for a relatively short time has fallen in love with millions of kids from around the world. Today, the American cartoon knows and love children in our country, and every child would like to see the fabulous heroes live. The upcoming musical program is a colorful interactive show that gives guests such an opportunity! The guys together with their favorite heroes will be able to confront with evil forces and even compete for the honorary title of the Queen of the New Year's Bala. This performance is not only a fascinating scenario, but also an abundance of exciting games and contests that will certainly become young spectators. Excellent scenic and musical design and a brilliant actor game - all this makes it more brighter and alive. Children will be able to see a visual example of real friendship, which will allow them to make the right choice in the future, new acquaintances.

December 22 - January 8, 2017, Christmas tree in MMC Planet KVN

The animated series "My little pony" loves children from a variety of countries. Surely, every kid who is watching the adventures of his favorite heroes, dreams of at least once in his life in the magical country of Equestria. Here he will be able to get acquainted with the smiling Pinki Pinki, the cute rainbow Daem, the clutter Flutters and other characters. So worth buying tickets for Christmas tree My little pony Right now for your children, and possibly a gift ticket too! The cost of tickets for the Christmas tree begins from 850 rubles.

The show "My little pony" was created on the basis of the famous American cartoon series. Children from Russia this project is also very well familiar. That is why the kids dream of seeing their favorite characters live. All guests of this unique music program will receive such an opportunity. It is a colorful and modern interactive show. Together with the heroes, the guys have to confront the villainous goat, and also compete for the title of Queen New Year's Bala. Restricted Aria, Adagio and Sonata, who seek to snatch the victory from Sunset Shimmer, will repair all sorts of obstacles to the positive heroes. However, small guests of the performances will help good to triumph.

December 30, 2017, Battle for the Crown

Presentation is distinguished by many interesting competitions and games, as well as a fascinating scenario. All fans of the animation series will be delighted. They will strike a magnificent stage and musical design. The acting game also will not leave anyone indifferent. After viewing the presentation, the children will begin to understand what is a real friendship.

During the show My little pony battle for the crown Children will have the opportunity to play with their favorite heroes, take pictures with them, as well as dance. Your baby's dreams are very easy to protort into reality!

Fascinating New Year's animation in the lobby awaits you thirty minutes before the start of the tree. After the performance, you will have the opportunity to please your child with a beautiful branded backpack, which is filled with candy!

"Battle for the Crown" - a bright, theatrical musical interactive show for children and adolescents, created under the license of the American company Hasbro Studios and DHX Media - the creator of the animated series "My Little Pony".

Spectators will meet with loved characters of the well-known and popular animated series "My Little Pony." Twilight spark, reappears the portal to the country of Equestria again and will come to the rescue Sns Schimmer in the struggle for the crown of Queen Bala. Of course, all the girls of Equestria will help her and will be supported by it: Faltershy, a sweet and touching rainbow Daes, the smiley Pinki Pinki, Sweat, Applejack and the Beauty of Rariti.

Children together with heroes will be held through all the trials and goats who will arrange restless Sonata, Adagio and Aria, dreaming to eat victory from Sansset Shimmer. Without witchcraft and dishonest, cunning tricks from this Trinity. But the twilight sparkau, relying on the aid of the hall will be able to support Sunset while performing on the ball.

On the show awaits you:
- Meeting with any characters!
-Teed interactive with the auditorium!
- Author's songs and music from your favorite cartoon!
- Incredible costumes and scenery!
- Sea jokes and fun!

Attention! Useful leisure!
It is no secret that by nature, children better absorb the information that comes from their favorite characters with whom they associate themselves. That is why a large educational component is introduced into the performance!

Delivered invitations to the premiere show of the show "My little pony." We never walked at such a thing, so it was horrible as interesting.

Before starting the show, producer spoke, thanked the audience and said that this presentation is the usual, "New Year's highlight" will be added in December. I pleased that there was no Santa Claus and Snow Maiden (this in mid-October something!)

After the introductory word, the creators began directly the performance - there were a lot of music, dances, songs, an interactive. Everything is as close as possible to the original, i.e. to cartoon and its continuation. For a child understanding, the plot is quite affordable (perfect - from 5 to 9 years old): We apply and love their friends, help in a difficult moment, divide with friends of failure and success, etc.

Music was sometimes very loud, but the main shows will go on another site, so there is no point in assessing this parameter. The costumes are very good: In the first separation, it is a large growth doll-pony, which manage to synchronously dance (yes, on four legs), and in the second, when the ponies turn into girls from Equestria - these are bright, colorful costumes, very similar to cartoon . Separate attention deserve "correct" wigs, because The heroine in the cartoon is distinguished by the color of hair and children will recognize them.

Sing in the play live - the undisputed plus events; Dancing on the one hand are modern, on the other - quite affordable, and the bastard gladly danced together with heroes. The most active, and the show turned into a party (mainly by the girl) to the final of the presentation of the scene.
Our resume: I liked it, waiting for the New Year version!