History for the works of Schubert. The history of life

History for the works of Schubert. The history of life
History for the works of Schubert. The history of life

(1797- 1828)

The biography of Schubert Franz, limited by a small temporary segment, is striking by saturation, which are in her events. A famous composer was born in the capital of Austria, in Vienna, January 31, 1797 His father was a school teacher. Schubert showed his extraordinary musical abilities yet in infancy, and, starting from a seven age, he began seriously engaged in singing, and learn to play several musical instruments. Being a teenager, Franz sang in a chapel, organized at the royal court. The famous Austrian composer Antonio Salieri, who began to give a talented boy lessons on the basics of the composition, led by this musical team.

During the period of life from 1814 to 1818, Franz Schubert worked as an assistant teacher at school, and engaged in creative activities. During this period, many interesting musical works have been created, among them there are many songs that were written by a composer to the verses of famous poets of that time, such as Goethe, Schiller and Heine, and on the work of little well-known writers of that time. At the age of 17, Franz Schubert wrote two symphonies (second and third), three masses, and his song heritage was replenished with real masterpieces - "Margarita for a spicy", "Forest King". For a very short life, more than 600 songs were created by this genius.

A large popularizer of the vocal heritage of the composer was his contemporary famous in Vienna Pevets - I. M. Fogl. Thanks to its propaganda activities, and the efforts of Franz Schubert's friends, his works began to print.

Schubert not only created wonderful works, still causing the admiration of descendants, but his work is also different and innovation. So created by them song cycles "Winter Way" and "Beautiful Mellenchikha" represent the cycle of vocal monologues, united by one story. No one created such musical works before him.

Possessing truly multifaceted talent, Franz Schubert wrote a lot for the theater. They created 6 symphonies, and among them "unfinished". Opera written by them, except for the "magic harp," did not have much success. The composer worked a lot and over the creation of spiritual music, but most of these works remained unknown. The exception is only Mass AS-DUR and ES-DUR. For a very short life, the composer was created without a small 1000 work.

Franz Peter Schubert is the Great Austrian composer, one of the founders of romanticism in music. He wrote about 600 songs, nine symphones (including the famous "unfinished symphony"), liturgical music, operas, as well as a large number of chamber and solo piano music.

Franz Peter Schubert was born on January 31, 1797 in Lichtentale (now Alzergrund), a small suburb of Vienna, in the family of a school teacher, amateurly engaged in Muzitia. Of the fifteen children in the family, a decorter died at an early age. Franz showed musical abilities very early. From six years he studied at the parish school, and the household taught him to play the violin and piano.

At the age of eleven, Franz was adopted in Convict - a court chapel, where, besides singing, he studied the game on many tools and the theory of music (under the leadership of Antonio Salieri). Leaving a chapel in 1813, Schubert got a job as a teacher to school. He studied predominantly glitch, Mozart and Beethoven. The first independent works - Opera Des Teufels Lustschloss and Mass Fa Major - he wrote in 1814

In the field of the song Schubert was the successor of Beethoven. Thanks to Schubert, this genre got an artistic form, enriching the area of \u200b\u200bconcert vocal music. Ballad "Forest Tsar" ("Erlk? Nig"), written in 1816, brought a composer to fame. Soon after her, the "Skitalets" ("Der Wanderer"), "Praise tears" ("LOB DER THR? NEN"), "Zulika" ("Suleika") and others appeared.

Large importance in vocal literature have large collections of Schubert songs on Vilhelm Muller - "Beautiful Mellenchikha" ("Die Sch? Ne m M? Lerin") and "Winter Way" ("Die Winterreise"), which are a continuation of the idea of \u200b\u200bBeethoven, expressed In the collection of "Beliebte" songs ("An Die Geliebte"). In all these works, Schubert showed a wonderful melodic talent and a wide variety of sentiments; He gave accompaniment more important, larger feature. The collection of the Swan Song is also remarkable (Schwanengesang), from which many songs have acquired worldwide fame (for example, "ST? NDCHEN", "Aufenthalt", "Das Fischerm? Dchen", "Am Meere"). Schubert did not try, as his predecessors, to imitate popular character, but a national jet was involuntarily reflected in his songs, and they became the country's property. Schubert wrote nearly 600 songs. His songs enjoyed Beethoven in the last days of life. The amazing musical gift of Schubert affected both the piano and symphonic area. His fantasy C-DUR and F-Moll, impromptu, musical moments, Sonates are proof of the richest imagination and a large harmonic erudition. In the string quartet D-Moll, Quintet C-DUR, Forellen Quartett, a large symphony of C-DUR and an incomplete syphony of H-Moll Schubert is the successor of Beethoven. In the field of opera, Schubert was not so apparent; Although they are written about 20, they will add a little to his glory. Among them allocated "Der H? USLICHE KRIEG ODER DIE VERSHWORENEN". Some rooms of its operas (for example, Rosamunde) are quite worthy of the Great Musician. From the numerous church essays of Schubert (Mass, Prix, hymns, etc.), especially Mesa ES-DUR is distinguished by elevated character and musical wealth. Schubert's musical performance was enormous. Starting from 1813, he composed incentively.

In the highest circle, where Schubert was invited to accompaniment of his vocal writings, he was extremely restrained, was not interested in praise and even avoided them; Among friends, on the contrary, he appreciated approval highly. Solver about the impotence of Schubert has some reason: he often drank superfluous and then became hot-tempered and unpleasant for a friend of friends. From the operas who performed at the time, Schubert just liked the "Swiss family" of Weigel, "Medea" Kerubini, "John Paris" Baldier, Sandrillon Isup and especially "Iphigencies in Tavrid" glitch. Italian opera, which was in his time in a big fashion, Schubert was interested in little; Only the "Sevilian Barber" and some passages from the "Othello" of Rossini seized him. According to biographers, Schubert has never changed anything in their writings, because he did not have for that time. He did not gent his health and in the heyday of years and talent died on 32 years. The last year of his life, despite the upset health, was especially fruitful: it was then that he wrote the symphony of C-DUR and Mesa ES-DUR. During his lifetime, he did not use an outstanding success. After his death, there was a mass of manuscripts, already later saw the light (6 MES, 7 Symphony, 15 operas and so on.).


Creativity Franz Schubert - dawn romantic direction in music.

In their magnificent works, he contrasted everyday reality is the wealth of the inner world of a small man. The most important area in his music is the song.

In his work, darkness and light come into contact all the time, I would like to show this on the example of 2 of his song cycles: "Beautiful Mellenchikha" and "Winter Way".

"Etc. a piece of chalk." 1823 - The cycle is written in poems Muller, attracted the composer with its naivety and purity. Much in them coincided with the experiences and fate of Schubert himself. Unfinished tale about life, love and suffering of a young miller-apprentice.

The cycle is framed by 2 songs - "On the way" and "Lullaby stream", representing entry and conclusion.

There is a narrative of the young man himself about their wanders between the extreme dots of the cycle, about the love of the Melnik daughter.

The cycle seems to fall into 2 phases:

1) from 10pene (to "pause" №12) - these are days of light hopes

2) Other motifs: doubt, jealousy, sadness

Development of cycle dramaturgy:

1 exposure of images №1-3.

2 tie №4 "Gratitude to the Creek"

3 development of feelings №5-10

4 culmination №11

5 dramaturgical fracture, appearance of opponent №14

6 interchange number 20.

"Let's hit the road" - reveals the system of thoughts and feelings of a young miller, just stepping on the life road. However, the hero in the "Beautiful Mellenchikha" is not alone. Next to it acts another, no less important hero - stream. He lives a raw, hard-changing life. The feelings of the hero change, changing the stream, because his soul is merged with the soul of Melnik, and the song expresses everything he worries.
Music products 1 songs are extremely simple and closest to the receptions of folk songs.

Culmination number "My" - The concentration of all joyful feelings. This song is closed with a cycle 1 session. Incipitation of textures and fun mobility, rhythm elasticity and a squeezed pattern of the melody, it is similar to the initial song "On the way".

In the songs of 2 Section, Schubert shows how pain is growing and bitter in the soul of a young miller, as it breaks through in the stormy flashes of jealousy, grief. Melnik sees the opponent - a hunter.

№14 "Hunter", in the outfit of this character, the composer uses techniques familiar to the so-called. "Hunting Music": size 6/8, "empty" 4 and 5 - "golden running of the horn", depicting a hunting horn, also characteristic moves 63 // 63.

3 songs "Jealousy and Pride", "Favorite Color", "Melnik and Creek" - make up a dramatic rod 2 session. An increasing anxiety is poured into confusion of all feelings and thoughts.

"Lullaby stream"- The transfer of the most sentiments with which he finishes his life path. Filled with a feeling of quiet sorrow and melancholy. Monthonic rhythmic swaying and tonicity of harmony, major fluctuations, a calm drawing of a song melody creates the impression of peace, exemplicity.

In conclusion, the Schubert cycle returns us to Major, giving it a light color - this is a story about eternal rest, humility, but not death.

"Winter. Way" 1827 - Also on the poems of Muller, the cycle is contrasting the fact that now the heads of the hero of the joyful and cheerful young men turned into a suffering, disappointed lonely person (now he abandoned by all the challenges)

He is forced to get away from his beloved, because Poor. Without need, he starts off.

The theme of loneliness in the cycle is presented in a variety of shades: from lyrical changes to philosophical reflection.

Differences from "PR Mel" is also that there is no plot here. The songs are combined by the tragic theme.

The complexity of images is an emphasis on the internal psychological side of life, the complication of the music. Yaz. :

1) 3x Form is dramatized (i.e., variational changes in each part appear, the deployed medium. Equipment and reprise varies compared to 1 scene.

2) Melody is enriched with declamination and speech turns (text on bolting)

3) Harmony (sudden modulation, interstoy structure of chords, complex chord combinations)

In the 24 songs cycle: 2 parts of 12pes.

In 2 section (13-24) - the topic of tragic is presented more clearly, and the theme of loneliness is replaced by the theme of death.

First song cycle "Sight" sleep ", as well as "on the road" performs the function of joining - this is a weightless story about the former hopes and love. Hanging it is simple and sad. Melody is minus. And only rhythm and piano accompaniment transmit a dimensional, monotonous movement of a lonely craving person. His non-stop step. The melody is a movement from the top of the source (catabasis - downward movement) - sorrow, suffering. 4 purchases are separated by DR from DR losing with intonation of detention - exacerbation of drama.

In the subsequent songs of 1 Section, Schubert is increasingly inclined to minor, to the use of dissony and alterized chords. The withdrawal of all this: the beautiful is just the illusion of the dream - the typical mood of the composer in the last years of life.

In the 2 section, the theme of loneliness is replaced by the theme of death. Tragic mood is increasingly growing.

Schubert introduces even a forerunner of death №15 "Raven", With a dominant gloomy mood. Sad, full of tuskiy jointing draws non-stop movement and measuring stirmers of wings. Black Raven in the snowy one is haunting their future sacrifice - a traveler. Raven is patient and leisurely. He is waiting for prey. And she will wait for her.

Last number 24 Song "Sharmanwger." It completes the cycle. And completely does not like twenty-three others. Those painted the world as it seemed to be a hero. This depicts the life of what it is. There is no excited tragedy, nor romantic infusion, no bitter irony inherent in the rest of the songs. This is a realistic picture of life, sad and touching, instantly grasped and not captured. It is simple and simple.
The composer here personifies himself with a disadvantaged aqueous musician presented in the song, the cat is built on alternating the vocals of phrases and tool losses. The tonic organ. Point depicts the sound of the scarmer or dooms, monotonous repeats create mood of longing and loneliness.

The collections of Schubert's vocal literature have great importance to the poems of Wilhelm Muller - "Beautiful Mellenchikha" and "Winter Way", which are a continuation of the idea of \u200b\u200bBeethoven, expressed in the Song Collection "Beloved. In all these works, a wonderful melodic talent and a wide variety of sentiments are visible; Later accompaniment, high artistic meaning. Having discovered the lyrics of Muller, telling about the wanders, suffering, hopes and disappointments of a lonely romantic soul, Schubert created vocal cycles - essentially the first in the history of large series of monologues associated with a single plot.

Which known to all musical artists, was born on January 31, 1797 in the suburb of the capital of Austria Vienna. He was the fourth son of a school teacher and a cellist. All teachers of the future musician celebrated his talent and diligence with which he easily mastered the knowledge in the field of music.


Successes and excellent possession of the voice helped Schubert entered the imperial chapel, and then in one of the best schools of Vienna - Convict. At the thirteen age, he began writing the first essays: songs, piano plays, symphonies and operas. In 1812, Franz got acquainted with the famous Salieri, who became interested in talented young men. For five years, they jointly engaged in the creation of compositions.

Composer Franz Schubert was formed during the period of his classes with Salieri - from 1812 to 1817. In 1813, he became a student of the teacher's seminary, and after another year - became a school teacher, where his father had once worked. It was then that he composed one of his first Messes and put the poem Goethe to music.


In 1815-1816, Franz Schubert, whose biography today is studied in schools in the lessons of music, was quite productive. During this period, he composed more than 250 songs, four symphonies, three masses and several operetta and string quartets. It was then that the songs were created that received the distribution worldwide - "Forest Tsar" and "Skitalets".

But despite all this, Franz Schubert, whose works today are considered the classics of world music, was poor as church rat. With the help of his friend J. von Schapun, the composer became acquainted with the poet F. von Schobener, who, in turn, was able to organize a meeting of Schubert and popular in those times of Bariton M. Fogl.

Franz continued to work at school, but in the summer of 1818 he decided to leave his service and went to the estate of Count Esterhazi, where for several months he worked as a music teacher. In 1819, Schubert finished the famous sixth symphony, and then composed several variations in the French song, which was dedicated to Beethoven.

Returning to Vienna, Franz Schubert, whose biography turned out to be too short, created on the order of the Opera "Gemini Brothers". She was first put in the summer of 1820 in KerterTertorTeatera. Summer 1819 Schubert spent together with Bariton Fogle, it was then that he managed to compose "Trout" (in major) - a popular quintet for piano.

The following years for the composer turned out to be sufficiently difficult because it was not adapted to seek the patronage of influential officials and artists of the art. In 1823, he was seriously ill and was in a state of despondency. His opera no one wanted to put, but Franz took himself in his hands and wrote a vocal cycle called "Beautiful Mellenchikha".

In 1825, Franz Schubert, whose biography familiar to many lovers of classical music, managed to restore his health. His new opans for piano appeared on the light. Until 1828, the composer worked hard to create his own

At the beginning of 1828, Schubert began to bring health. Apparently, the composer anticipated the ambulance, so I tried to write in a feverish pace. It was in 1828 that he created a huge number of masterpieces, which were popular already after the death of the author. Franz Schubert died on November 19, 1828 from Typha.

Schubert (Schubert.) Franz (1797-1828), Austrian composer. Creator of romantic songs and ballads, vocal cycle, piano miniatures, symphonies, instrumental ensemble. The song permeates the writings of all genres. The author of about 600 songs (on the words F. Schiller, I. V. Guete, Gayne), including from the cycles "Beautiful Melnichikha" (1823), "Winter Way" (1827, both on the words V. Müller ); 9 Symphony (including "Notonic", 1822), quartets, trio, piano quintet "Trout" (1819); Piano Sonatas (Sv. 20), impromptant, fantasies, waltza, lenders.

Schubert (Schubert.) Franz (Franz Peter's full name (January 31, 1797, Vienna - November 19, 1828, Ibid), Austrian composer, the largest representative of early romanticism.

Childhood. Early works

Born in the family of school teacher. Exceptional Schubert's musical abilities manifested themselves in early childhood. From the age of seven, he studied the game on several tools, singing, theoretical disciplines. In 1808-12, he sang in the imperial court chapel under the leadership of an outstanding Vienna composer and teacher A. Salieri, who, by turning attention to the talent of the boy, began to teach it the basics of the composition. To seventeen years, Schubert was already the author of piano plays, vocal miniatures, strings, quartets, symphonies and operas "Devil Castle". Working as an assistant teacher at the school of his father (1814-18), Schubert continued to intensively compose. By 1814-15 include numerous songs (including such masterpieces as "margarita for a busty" and "Forest Tsar" on the words I. V. Goethe, 2nd and 3rd symphonies, three masses and four Zingspil.

Career musician.

At the same time, Schubert J. Von Schapun introduced him to Poet I. Mayrhofer and a lawyer-lawyer F. Von Schuber. These and other friends of Schubert - representatives of the new Vienna Middle Class are educated, endowed with a subtle musical and poetic taste - regularly at the home evenings of Schubert music, called later "Schubertiad". Communication with this friendly and susceptible audience finally assured a young composer in his vocation, and in 1818 Schubert left work at school. At the same time, the young composer became close to the famous Vienna singer I. M. Foglem (1768-1840), which became a zealous propagandist of his vocal creativity. During the second half of the 1810s. From under Pen Schubert came out numerous new songs (including the most popular "Skitaletz", "Gamornad", "Trout"), piano sonata, 4th, 5th and 6th symphonies, elegant J. Rossini Overtures , Piano Quintet "Trout", which includes variations on the song of the same name. His twin brothers ZingChpil, written in 1820 for the Vogly, and delivered in the Viennese Corentrotor theater, did not have much success, but she brought Schubert fame. A more serious achievement was the melodrama "Magic Harp", set several months later in the An der Wine Theater.

The change of fortune

The years 1820-21 were successful for Schubert. He used the patronage of aristocratic families, tied a number of dating among people influential in Vienna. Schubert friends published on a private subscription of 20 of his songs. Soon, however, in his life there was a less favorable period. The Opera "Alfonso and Estrell" on the libretto of the Schever was rejected (Schubert himself considered it his big luck), material circumstances worsened. In addition, at the end of 1822, Schubert seriously fell ill (apparently, he infected with syphilis). Nevertheless, this complicated and difficult year was marked by creating outstanding works, including songs, piano fancy "Skitaletz" (this is almost the only Schubert sample of bravuro-virtuoso piano) and full romantic pathos "unfinished symphony" (writing two parts of the symphony And sketching the third, the composer for an unknown reason left the job and did not return to it anymore).

Life has broken in the heyard itself

Soon they appeared the vocal cycle "Beautiful Mellenchikha" (20 songs on the words V. Muller), Zingspil "Conspirator" and Opera "Fjerabras". In 1824, string quartets A-Moll and D-Moll were written (its second part - variations on the theme of the earlier song of Schubert "Death and Girl") and a six-part octet for wind and strings, created by the sample very popular at that time septite op. 20 L. van Beethoven, but superior to its scale and virtuoso brilliance. Apparently, in summer, 1825 in Gmunden near Vienna, Schubert sketched or partially composed his last symphony (the so-called "large", c-dur). By this time, Schubert had already enjoyed a very high reputation in Vienna. His visual concerts collected a numerous public, and the publishers wouldingly published his new songs, as well as play and sonatas for piano. Among the works of Schubert 1825-26, the piano Sonates A-Moll, D-Dur, G-Dur, the last string quartet G-Dur and some songs, including the "Young Nun" and Ave Maria are distinguished. In 1827-28, the work of Schubert was actively covered in the press, he was elected a member of the Vienna Society of Music Friends and on March 26, 1828 gave the author's concert in the Society Hall, which was held with great success. This period includes the Vocal Cycle "Winter Way" (24 songs on the words of Muller), two notebooks of expression for piano, two piano trios and masterpieces of the last months of Schubert's life - Mass ES-DUR, three last piano sonates, string quintet and 14 songs, Published after the death of Schubert in the form of a collection called "Swan Song" (the most popular "Serenade" on the words of L. Robbab and "Double" on the words of Gaine). Schubert died of typhus aged 31 years; Contemporaries perceived his death as a loss of a genius who managed to justify only a small part of hopes imposed on him.

Songs Schubert

For a long time, Schubert was famous mainly to his songs to vote with piano. Essentially, Schubert began a new era in the history of German vocal miniatures, prepared by the flourishing of German lyrical poetry of the late 18th - early 19th centuries. Schubert wrote music to poets of the most different levels, from the great I. V. Guete (about 70 songs), F. Schiller (over 40 songs) and Gaine (6 songs from "Swan Song") to relatively little-known writers and lovers (So, on the poems of his friend I. Mayrhofer Schubert composed about 50 songs). In addition to a huge spontaneous melodic gift, the composer possessed a unique ability to transfer music as a general atmosphere of poem and its semantic shades. Starting from the earliest songs, he ingenuately used the possibilities of soundproofing and expressive purposes; So, in "Margarita for a spicy", the continuous figuration by sixteenth personifies the rotation of the strawberries and simultaneously reacts to all changes in emotional voltage. Schubert's songs are extremely diverse in shape: from simple strange miniatures to freely constructed vocal scenes, which often add up of contrasting sections. Having discovered the lyrics of Muller, telling about the wanders, the sufferings, hopes and disappointment of a lonely romantic soul, Schubert created the vocal cycles "Beautiful Mellenchikha" and "Winter Way" - essentially, the first in history of large series of monologues associated with a single storyline.

In other genres

Schubert all his life sought to success in theatrical genres, but his operas under all his musical advantages are not enough winning in drama. From all the music of Schubert, directly related to the theater, the popularity has acquired only certain rooms to the play. Von Chezei Rosamund (1823).

The church compositions of Schubert, with the exception of the MES AS-DUR (1822) and ES-DUR (1828), are little known. Meanwhile, Schubert wrote for the church all his life; In his spiritual music, in spite of a long tradition, a homophone invoice prevails (a polyphonic letter did not belong to the strengths of the composer technique of Schubert, and in 1828 he even intended to undergo a course of the counterpoint from the authoritative Vienna teacher S. Zhter). The only and moreover, the incomplete oratorious of Schubert "Lazar" is stylistically related to his operations. Among the secular choir and vocal ensemble works of Schubert predominate plays for amateur execution. A serious, elevated character is allocated by the "song of perfumes above the waters" for eight men's voices and low strings on the words of Goethe (1820).

Instrumental music

Creating the music of the tool genres Schubert, naturally, was focused on the Viennese classic samples; Even the most original of his early symphony, the 4th (with the author's subtitle "tragic") and the 5th, still noted by the influence of Haidna. However, already in Quintet "Trout" (1819), Schubert appears an absolutely mature and original master. In his large instrumental opuses, lyrical songs play a big role (including those borrowed from their own Schubert songs - as in Quintet "Trout", the Quartet "Death and Girl", the fantasy "Skitalets"), rhythms and intonation of household music. Even the last Schubert Symphony, the so-called "big", is based mainly on the thematism of the song-dance type, which is designed with a truly epic scope. Stylistic features leading to their origin from the practice of domestic muscycling are combined with a mature Schubert with an extensional prayer contemplation and a sudden tragic pathos. In the instrumental works of Schubert, quiet pace prevail; Having in mind his tendency to a leisurely presentation of musical thoughts, R. Schuman spoke about his "divine longs." Features of the Schubert instrumental letter were most impressive in his two last large works - String Quintet and Piano Sonate B-DUR. The important scope of the tool creativity of Schubert makes up musical moments and impromptu for piano; With these plays, the history of romantic piano miniatures has actually begun. Schubert also composed a lot of piano and ensemble dancing, marches, variations for homemade musice.

Heritage composer

Until the end of the 19th century A significant part of Schubert's extensive heritage remained unpublished and even unfulfilled. Thus, the manuscript "Big" symphony was discovered only in 1839 (for the first time this symphony was performed in the same year in Leipzig under the control of F. Mendelssohn). The first execution of the string quintet took place in 1850, and the first execution of the "unfinished symphony" - in 1865. Catalog of works of Schubert, compiled by O. E. Doych (1951), includes about 1000 positions, including 6 MES, 8 symphony, about 160 vocal Ensembles, over 20 completed and unfinished piano sonatas and over 600 songs for voices with piano.