An example of selflessness in life. The problem of human responsiveness, mutual assistance and unselfishness (Arguments of the Unified State Exam) What is unselfishness

An example of selflessness in life. The problem of human responsiveness, mutual assistance and unselfishness (Arguments of the Unified State Exam) What is unselfishness

Selflessness - unwillingness to reward for good deeds - is one of the highest feelings available to a person. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to follow the path of selflessness, to do something good just like that, missing out on some benefit, but such actions are necessary, it is goodness without a reward that makes a person and the whole world better. This theme is eternal, it is reflected in the work of many writers. Modern authors also do not stand aside, because now, in the age of the power of money and influence, it is especially important that something free remains.

The theme of disinterestedness in Shukshin's story "The Master"

VM Shukshin created, at first glance, unpretentious stories. But all of his works have deep meaning. The story "The Master" was no exception. The plot is simple: a carpenter with golden hands Shoemka Lynx is fired up with the idea of ​​restoring a village church, but stumbles upon administrative obstacles (the regional executive committee reports that regional experts have already gone to see the Talitsky temple and came to the conclusion that it “is of no value as an architectural monument ... Nothing new for his time, any unexpected solutions or the search for such "the master who built it did not show. The author of the church is a real master of his craft, like Syomka, therefore the hero understood the true value of the temple, he wanted to make the world around him more beautiful so that people passing by Unfortunately, the hero did not achieve anything, his disinterested act remained unanswered, and Sergei himself “did not stutter about the Talitsk church, never went to her, and if it happened to go along the Talitsk road, he turned his back to church, looked at the river, at the meadows beyond the river, smoked and was silent. ”Yes, the hero did not achieve anything, but his disinterestedness sinks into the soul, namely such caring people try to make the world around them more beautiful themselves, and do not expect any action from the administration.

Selflessness in Rasputin's story "French Lessons"

V.G. Rasputin wrote on both topical and eternal topics, including disinterestedness. In one of his most famous stories, French Lessons, he touches on this topic. The main character named Volodya is forced to leave home to study in the 5th grade, since there is only a four-grade school in his native village. The boy lives from hand to mouth, malnourishes, so he starts playing for money at "chiku". His French teacher Lydia Mikhailovna finds out about this and wants to help. A completely disinterested young woman pulls up Volodya in French and at the same time also plays with him for money in the "wall". But the teacher does not involve the student in gambling, but only wants him to have money, because the proud boy does not directly accept help. However, like Syomka Lynx, Lydia Mikhailovna is not rewarded for her act: the director who fired her finds out about the game. But this support in a difficult situation sunk into the hero's soul, he carried the memories of Lydia Mikhailovna through his whole life, isn't this a reward?

Selflessness at the cost of heroism in Bykov's novel "Sotnikov"

The most difficult thing is to do good and selfless deeds when you can pay for them with death. This is exactly the situation that happened in the life of Sotnikov, the hero of the novel of the same name by V. Bykov. He and his comrade-in-arms Rybak were partisans, but in the next sortie, luck turned away from them. Sotnikov fell seriously ill, the Germans followed the partisans. The heroes came to the house of the mother of many children, Demichikha, a mortally tired and tortured woman, who nevertheless shared the latter with the soldiers and hid Sotnikov and Rybak from the Germans in the attic. However, the sick hero betrayed himself, they were found, together with Demichikha they were sent to the police. Sotnikov was tormented by the thought that he was to blame for everything, much more than torture (and after all, his fingers were broken and his nails were pulled out for the fact that the hero did not reveal the whereabouts of the partisans). The fisherman is tormented by the thought of suffering, so he betrays everyone he can betray in order to stay alive. The disinterested act of Sotnikov is that he took the blame on himself, because he only wanted him to die. However, the police had already heard Rybak's denunciation, so only the traitor was spared. Sotnikov and Demichikha were hanged, but they were more alive than Rybak, who, for the sake of his self-interest and comfort, sold himself to enemies, against whom he himself actively fought.

“Argumentation. Attracting literary material ”is one of the main criteria for evaluating the final essay. Using literary sources competently, the student demonstrates his erudition and deep understanding of the problem posed. At the same time, it is important not only to give a link to the work, but also to skillfully include it in the reasoning by analyzing specific episodes that correspond to the chosen topic. How to do it? We offer you, as an example, arguments from the literature in the direction of "Indifference and responsiveness" of 10 well-known works.

  1. The heroine of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Natasha Rostova is a man with a sensitive heart. Thanks to her intervention, carts, which were originally intended for moving and loaded with things, were given to transport wounded soldiers. Another example of a caring attitude towards the world and people is Platon Karataev. He goes to war, rescuing his younger brother, and, although he does not like the fight at all, even in such conditions the hero remains kind and sympathetic. Plato “loved and lived lovingly with everything that life brought him down to”, helped other prisoners (in particular, fed Pierre when he was captured), took care of a stray dog.
  2. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, many heroes manifest themselves as pronounced altruists or egoists. The first, of course, includes Sonechka Marmeladova, who sacrifices herself to provide for her family, and then goes into exile after Raskolnikov, trying to save his soul. We must not forget about Razumikhin: he is poor and lives hardly better than Raskolnikov, but he is always ready to help him - he offers a friend a job, buys clothes for him, gives him money. In contrast to these noble people, for example, the image of Luzhin is presented. Luzhin “loved and appreciated his money more than anything else in the world”; he wanted to marry Raskolnikov's sister Duna, pursuing a base goal - to take a poor wife, who would be forever indebted to him. It is noteworthy that he does not even bother himself with worries so that the future bride and her mother can comfortably get to St. Petersburg. Indifference to the fate of the closest people translates into the same attitude to the world and characterizes the hero from the negative side. As we know, fate paid tribute to the sympathetic characters, but punished the indifferent actors.
  3. The type of person who lives for himself is drawn by I.A. Bunin in the story "The gentleman from San Francisco". The hero - a certain wealthy gentleman whose name we never know - sets out on a journey "for the sole sake of entertainment." He spends time with his own kind, and divides other people into service personnel and an annoying "hindrance" to his enjoyment - such are, for example, agents and ragamuffins on the embankment, as well as the inhabitants of miserable houses that a gentleman from San Francisco has to contemplate on the way ... However, after a sudden death, he himself from a supposedly respected and revered person becomes a burden, and the same people in whose loyalty he believed because he was “generous” send his corpse home in a soda box. With this gross irony I.A. Bunin illustrates the well-known popular wisdom: as he goes around, he will respond.
  4. An example of selflessness is the hero of the collection of stories by M.A. Bulgakov's "Notes of a Young Doctor". A young doctor named Bomgard, who recently graduated from university, goes to work in a rural hospital, where he faces harsh living conditions, human ignorance, terrible diseases and, finally, death itself. But in spite of everything, he fights for every patient; goes to the sick day and night, not sparing himself; constantly learning and improving her skills. It is significant that Beaumgard is not a heroic person, he is often not confident in himself and, like everyone else, experiences fear, but at the decisive moment a sense of professional duty wins over everything else.
  5. The indifference of people to each other is especially scary when it, like a virus, covers the entire society. Such a situation developed in the story of V.P. Astafieva "Lyudochka". It contrasts the life of the heroine and the attitude towards her on the part of others, from the family to society as a whole. Lyudochka is a country girl who moves to the city in search of a better life. She works hard at work, uncomplainingly does the housework instead of the woman who rented an apartment, endures the rudeness of the “youth” around her, until the last minute consoles a dying man in the hospital ... and this time after time leads her to trouble. Alas, no one, not even her own mother, extended a helping hand to her at the right time, and the girl committed suicide. The saddest thing is that for society this situation is in the order of things, which is reflected in dry, but terrible statistics.
  6. The image of a kind-hearted, sympathetic person is key in the work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn's "Matryonin Dvor". Matryona's fate cannot be called enviable: she is a widow, buried six children, worked for many years on a collective farm “for sticks of workdays,” did not receive a pension and remained poor in old age. Despite this, the heroine retained a cheerful disposition, sociability, love of work and a willingness to help another, without demanding anything in return. The apogee of her self-sacrifice becomes a tragic incident on the railway, which ends with the death of the heroine. Surprisingly, her face, untouched by the terrible accident, was "intact, calm, more alive than dead" - just like the face of a saint.
  7. In the story "Gooseberry" by A.P. Chekhov, we meet a hero possessed by a base material goal. Such is the narrator's brother, Nikolai Chimsha-Himalayan, who dreams of buying an estate, and certainly with gooseberry bushes. For this, he stops at nothing: he lives sparingly, is greedy, marries an old rich widow and starves her. He is indifferent to people, so he is ready to sacrifice their interests for his own. Finally, his dream comes true, he feels happy and does not notice that the gooseberry is sour - to such an extent he has renounced real life. This terrifies the narrator, he with a fiery speech addresses the “happy man”, urging him to remember “that there are unfortunate people, that no matter how happy he is ... trouble is coming ... and no one will see or hear him, as now he does not see or hears others. " The narrator discovered that the meaning of life is not in personal happiness, "but in something more reasonable and great." "Do good!" - this is how he ends his speech, hoping that young people who still have the strength and ability to change something will not follow the path of his brother and become responsive people.
  8. It can be difficult for a person with an open and responsive soul to live in the world. So it happened with Chudik from the story of the same name by V.M. Shukshin. As a grown man, the hero thinks and behaves like a child. He reaches out to people, loves to talk and joke, strives to be on good terms with everyone, but constantly gets screwed up due to the fact that he does not look like the "right adult." Let us recall one episode: on the plane Chudik asks his neighbor to fasten his seat belts, as ordered by the stewardess; he perceives his words with obvious displeasure. The landing is not entirely successful: Chudik's neighbor falls from the chair, so much so that he loses the denture. The eccentric rushes to his aid - but in response he again receives a portion of irritation and anger. And so everyone treats him, from strangers to family members. The responsiveness of the Chudik and the unwillingness of society to understand someone who does not fit into the framework are two sides of the same problem.
  9. The topic of indifference to one's neighbor is the subject of the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram". Girl Nastya, secretary of the Union of Artists, gives all her strength to the work. She cares about the fate of painters and sculptors, organizes exhibitions and competitions, and does not find time to see her old sick mother who lives in the village. Finally, having received a telegram that her mother is dying, Nastya sets off, but too late ... The author warns readers against making the same mistake, the guilt for which will probably remain with the heroine for life.
  10. The manifestations of altruism during the wartime are of particular importance, since it is often about life and death. T. Kenilli's novel "Schindler's Ark" is a story about a German businessman and NSDAP member Oskar Schindler, who during the Holocaust organizes production and employs Jews, thereby saving them from destruction. This requires a lot of effort from Schindler: he has to maintain contacts with the right people, go to bribe, forge documents, but the result - more than a thousand lives saved and the eternal gratitude of these people and their descendants - is the main reward for the hero. The impression of this selfless act is reinforced by the fact that the novel is based on true events.
  11. Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

what is selflessness example from life

In the continuation of the family, if you do not hope for children in the future

When a person asks such a question, there is a particle of selflessness inside him))) It is commendable.)) And it can be expressed in different ways.))

You are right, there are no disinterested actions. Everyone gets some benefit from it. In the TV series Friends, a whole series was devoted to this issue.

So I disinterestedly gave my grandmother 10 rubles in the market. because she thought she needed them more. What is my self-interest, I will never see her again. If only my conscience needs to do good

I will not give it, because I agree with you. We are all egoists, we are looking for self-interest, both material and moral.)

In the service of my friends - officers of the fleet. I don’t know how many, but the people I’m talking about serve our common, alas, their homeland, which is ungrateful to them (each of them has other talents and education).

yes no it happens and very often charity is anonymous. . mother's love is disinterested (a glass of water)... But at the same time, it is a well-known fact that people are driven by vanity and a thirst for money, or the fear of losing them.

An example of selflessness and philanthropy: a guy makes haircuts homeless for free

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After a hard week of work, the 28-year-old hairdresser does not go out for the weekend, but goes out into the streets of his city in search of the homeless. The guy cuts them completely for free, trying to make these people a little happier.

In the British city of Exeter (Exeter, Devonshire) a little hero has appeared. Joshua Coombes is a hairdresser. The fact is that this guy has been dedicating every weekend to the homeless for 6 months, giving them haircuts.

In addition, Joshua helps the homeless, his actions involve the public in a social problem, which many prefer to remain silent about. And it works. Sometimes people come up to an impromptu mini-salon and treat everyone to coffee or bring food. Well, for people left homeless, this disinterested gesture returns hope that all is not lost.

While Joshua deals with the homeless, his friend photographer Matt Spracklen captures these before and after haircuts and posts them on Instagram.

For such an event, Joshua was inspired by the example of Mark Bustos from New York. This one also walks the streets of the city and does hair for the homeless for free. Thus, he helps people who are less fortunate in life than him.

Selflessness examples from life

Municipal autonomous educational institution

city ​​of Vladimir "Gymnasium No. 35"

Yakov Ivanovich, the main character of the story by P. Rachkov

The Silver Spoon is a disinterested person. During the civil war, he saves young children and their sick grandmother from cold and hunger.

Almost a century separates you and me from those terrible years. Has the world changed during this time? Do we meet with you disinterested people? Are we doing selfless acts with you? Is disinterestedness still glowing in our hearts?

Students were asked to reflect on these topics.

There are no unselfish people.

Every person at least once in his life, but thought, giving something to another: is it so good to be disinterested? Maybe ask for something in return?

A person is disinterested only in childhood, when he does not understand what it means to demand in return.

Life is changing uncontrollably. Now everyone is learning to elbow competitors, to fight, and therefore to betray. What kind of disinterestedness can we talk about?

A child living in such a world cannot be selfless. Therefore, already in kindergarten, offering a friend candy, in return requires three; offering a gingerbread, requires a cake in return.

The world of people is based on money. A person cannot become selfless as long as money owns the world.

Selflessness ends where the human world begins.

In our time, there are few disinterested people. When I do a selfless act, it becomes easy, light and joyful for me.

There are unselfish people among my friends. I love them very much. It is for the sake of such people that one must live. If they are not there, everything will grow dim on the street: people who commit selfless deeds ignite

there are stars in the sky that illuminate our souls.

Adults often commit selfish acts. They do it for the sake of work, for the sake of the family. I don't want to believe that my selfless friends will become selfish, like adults.

If I were a writer, I would write only about disinterested people; if I were an artist, I would only depict disinterested actions. Nowadays, a disinterested person is a great rarity.

I think that there are unselfish people, but there are not many of them left. It is not fashionable to be selfless now. Obviously, this is due to the Americanization of our Motherland. Our grandparents were kinder and more responsive than us. Confirmation of my words can be

story by P. Rachkov "Silver Spoon".

Once, in first grade, I had two troubles on the same day. First, I forgot my pencil case at home. Second, and more important, I haven't done my math homework.

Mathematics was our second lesson. I simply could not find a place for myself because I could not get a deuce: my parents would deprive me of my most important day of the year - my birthday ... and would not give me a single gift.

I asked everyone I knew to cheat, but no one helped me, and some of my friends didn't do their math homework either.

Then I decided to ask the boy for help, with whom I had never tried to speak to him until that day. He was an excellent student and did not communicate much with other guys during recess, as a rule, he avoided everyone. I asked him for a pen and his homework notebook. He silently handed me both. When in the lesson I was called to the blackboard, I solved the example, and they gave me an A.

After the lessons, I went up to him and thanked him, saying that I owed him. But he replied: "Classmates should help each other in trouble, you don't owe me anything."

Since then we have become friends.

I also did a selfless act. Once, as a child, I was walking with my dad in the yard and saw a bird sitting on the visor of the entrance. It was a gray parrot. I showed him to my dad, and he quickly ran home for the cage. The parrot decided it was his cage and flew into it.

At home, I began to look at the bird, I really did not want to part with it. But my dad and I still hung up the announcements, because the parrot had owners, and they were sad without him.

A few days later, the owner of the parrot came and gratefully took it.

I cannot be a selfless person. When i do anything

good, I always think: what will I get for it? But there are unselfish people next to me: these are my mother and grandmother. They do everything from the heart. I can't do that.

Selflessness examples from life

Selflessness is the ability of a person to perform actions that bring benefits (material or psychological) to others, without expecting mutual gratitude, compensation or other benefit from what is being done. Selflessness as a personality trait puts the personality itself among the very last points of the priority scale, being anti-aspiration, anti-control, anti-measurement. In selflessness, there is no expectation of benefits and no calculation of the resources spent (neither the money spent, nor sleepless nights are important).

What is unselfishness

The manifestation of selflessness is compared with the manifestation of inner freedom in the maximum version, where actions are performed not for the sake of mercantile prudence and not for the sake of a great good idea, but are simply performed in the present (without authority, looking to the future and prerequisites, but guided by a desire to improve the lives of others).

Selflessness as a personality trait reflects the highest value motives, not obeying external or social principles, since any concept requires expectation of a certain outcome and divides the world according to the worthiness of actions, and in disinterested manifestations there is no scale for assessing the consequences for oneself. There is only an assessment of how at a given second you can improve the world, well-being or mood of another, even if gratitude comes from outside or personal losses follow for the good brought.

Selflessness, being an intrapersonal quality, has its own external manifestation and realization in the effective sphere, where, manifesting itself as good in relation to others, there is no expectation of personal bonuses and benefits in return. Selflessness is alien not only to the pursuit of tangible benefit, but also to the desire for self-promotion or building a certain image with the help of actions. Actions performed should be assessed as if no one would ever know about them, and the performer would remain behind the curtain of a secret forever, i.e. all that a person can receive from selfless motives is to enjoy observing the brought happiness, and even then not always, because often the joy of accomplishment is hidden.

Often people deceive themselves, believing their own actions to be disinterested, but if you analyze the motivation and the situation deeper, it may turn out that the actions were taken to gain trust, get praise or deserve the support of a person in the future (to be good and useful now, so that later reap the benefits of a good relationship in the future).

Love and friendship imply selflessness as an integral part of building such a relationship. This may seem like a rash act, but aimed at the benefit of another. Selling a car to pay for an operation to a friend, replacing a boss who insults a girl are examples of serious and noticeable reactions, but there are more life-like and prosaic, filled with disinterestedness when a person leaves reading his favorite book and goes to help open a can when he hurries home and prepares delicious dinner for the second tired (if behind these actions there are no thoughts about their own benefits and comparison of how to spend time better, then these are examples of how friendship gives rise to selflessness).

Why is it that they talk so much about disinterestedness and strive to develop it, if there is no practical benefit, some costs? It would seem that evolutionarily this type of behavior should have been fixed as negative and gradually exterminated from human behavior, but the whole difficulty lies in the fact that disinterestedness affects higher spheres of human existence than the physiological one at the level of which evolutionary instincts operate. Being at the level of high spiritual development, disinterestedness does not affect material spheres (disinterestedness is hardly possible in times of complex hierarchy and fights for a piece of meat), being located at the level of the spirit. At this spiritual level, the happiness experienced from a perfect selfless act overshadows any physical pleasures in its sensations, since it represents a higher quality and subtle filling of the entire human being.

Once immersed in this sensation, the concept of spiritual life changes, values ​​are reevaluated, priorities are re-set, and the person himself is surprised at how useless and stupid things used to occupy leading positions in his worldview. Changes selfless behavior and the attitude of the world towards it. While we are guided by the laws of profit and personal self-interest, we tend to demand and pressure, manipulate and intimidate, and very few people around us like this kind of treatment.

An unselfish person lives for the sake of others, without causing violence and without knocking out what he wants from people, his ability to give everything gives rise to response impulses in the surrounding reality, and people happily help those who do not take care of themselves, realize the desires of those who do something for this, but at the same time helps to make the dreams of others come true.

People around us read the motivation for our actions and try to stay away from those seeking profit, and they are more drawn to those who live for others. It may seem that, being disinterested, a person runs the risk of being surrounded by selfish people seeking to profit from this quality, but the mechanisms of the universe and human communication are arranged in such a way that more good comes back. In an effort to thank them for their sincere help, people build strong relationships and offer the best options to those who helped without imposing a debt. Ease and freedom are very much appreciated in relationships, many even try to pull the hardest problems alone, just not to be indebted to someone for their help in resolving, and it is at this junction that real sincere relationships are born that do not require return, but rejoice in it.

Selflessly - how's that?

Unselfishness is a way of being in a world where one's own life belongs not so much to a person as to being and space. This is a philosophy of abandoning one's own needs with sensitivity to the needs of the environment, while there is no rigid separation and application of volitional efforts - everything happens independently and organically, since one’s own personality and the world around him are perceived holistically and equally valuable.

For selflessness, there is no comparison, which would be better - to eat dinner or help a friend in the garage, and if a friend calls, then you just need to go out. Following the requests of the world around us becomes an exciting adventure in the understanding that we are all one with this world, and a friend's running motorcycle is equal to a dinner eaten (at least in terms of replenishing energy, and whether spiritual or material is a matter of processing). This level of selfless behavior is usually achieved by going through a long spiritual path or a deep crisis, but some are simply born with a similar attitude, where serving others, without expecting a reward, is perceived as the highest freedom to manifest the strength of one's own spirit.

It is possible to act selflessly on many levels: from unwillingness to act to the detriment of others, to conscious action in the direction of improving the life of another. To selflessly commit an act means to commit it on the verge of self-denial, forgetting about the benefits, but at the same time feeling the joy of the freedom of one's own personality. The constant need for material wealth imposes many restrictions, just as the psychological trauma received makes people act within the same scenarios in order to get what they have not received, and a selfless act gives an intoxicating feeling of freedom to go beyond these restrictions.

Selflessness is love, without hope of reciprocity, friendship with someone who is weaker and unable to help, doing good to those who continue to respond with evil or simply never return. Selflessness is politeness in response to rudeness, it is helping people in difficult situations (acquaintances and passers-by), it is a refusal to praise and gifts for their actions.

And if there is an interest and desire to develop this quality in oneself, then it is enough to look at people every day, wondering what can be done to make this person happy. Try small things, maybe not immediately make you happy right away, but start by helping you smile now or relieve suffering. It may turn out that not much is required - someone needs to be hugged, and someone should give his jacket, but it is important not to follow the logical gaze of an expert conducting an inventory of someone else's life (so you risk giving people your projections), but to try to feel what is missing man really. Secret - if you guessed right, then the person's eyes will light up with happiness.

An example of selflessness

In the conditions of market relations, people's life becomes more complicated from year to year. Unemployment is on the rise. The majority of the population can barely make ends meet, not receiving a salary for months at a time, and prices for food, manufactured goods, fees for various services are rising to the ceiling. In such conditions, offenses and crimes are growing. Orphanages are being replenished with children - orphans, difficult to educate, left without parental supervision. But the world is not without kind people. Everywhere you can meet disinterested, mentally generous people who willingly take orphans from orphanages for upbringing, give them a particle of warmth.

We would like to tell you about an amazing woman with an unusual fate, Valentina Vasilievna Barbakhtyrova, whose life is closely connected with orphans from an orphanage.

Valentina Vasilievna was born into the family of a collective farmer on December 20, 1946 in the village of Kyrgydai, Vilyui region, YaASSR. For a long time she worked as a milkmaid at the Mastakhsky state farm, for 8 years she was the chairman of the local trade union of agricultural workers, an irreplaceable member of the women's council and the parent committee, was repeatedly elected a deputy of the village council, actively participated and is participating in the social life of the village.

Barbakhtyrova V.V. one of the first in the ulus, in the republic, on her own initiative, she took on the upbringing of orphans from an orphanage. This courageous woman raised 8 children without parental care alone.

In 1991, having lost her only son, having experienced the bitter fate of loneliness, she decided to adopt a child from an orphanage in Vilyuisk. So the first son Gena appeared in the family - the consolation of the mother. Following this, in 1994, she took 3 girls at once: Anya, Katya, Liza Soikin. In 1996, eight-year-old Zhenya came to visit from the orphanage for the summer. The little boy liked the kind attitude of his mother Vali, the warm and friendly atmosphere in the family. At his request, the children and Valentina Vasilievna decided to leave Zhenya. After 5 years, the family was replenished with two more children: the brother and sister of the Soikin sisters: Ruslan and Lyudmila. The hard fate of the orphaned Zakhar did not leave indifferent the mother's heart. This is how the eighth child appeared in the family.

At first, Valentina Vasilievna met many difficulties: children's ignorance of the Yakut language, gaps in knowledge, health status, adaptation to rural life, incompatibility of characters, material difficulties in market conditions, etc. The family overcame all these problems thanks to the support of fellow villagers, relatives, a school and an orphanage.

The international family Barbakhtyrovs live together under the motto "Kuha5antan kuot, vchvgeiten ver", "Yle kihini kiergeter". Work in this family is always held in high esteem. Like all the inhabitants of the village, they maintain a large subsidiary farm, in the summer they take care of the garden, mow hay, go pick mushrooms and berries in the fall, and stock up on pickles and jam for the long winter. They generously share their supplies with the Vilyui orphanage and orphanage. Each child in the family bears a certain responsibility, having its own "work front": boys do men's work, girls milk cows, look after calves, cook, sew, help the mother manage a large farm. Every year Valentina Vasilievna organizes the Saiylyk summer labor camp, in 2000 they took the 1st place in the republic at the summer labor camps competition and were awarded a valuable prize - a personal computer. The children of Valentina Vasilyevna Barbakhtyrova are also famous in their native village and ulus as active participants in sports competitions, various competitions, subject Olympiads, schoolchildren's conferences, and amateur performances.

Valentina Vasilievna's big family has grown up: the older children have already matured and entered an independent life, got families, grandchildren have appeared. The eldest son Gena graduated from the Yakutsk vocational school №16, works as an electrician in his native school. He is married and has three children. Continuing the family tradition, he took Vanya into custody from the orphanage. Daughter Anya is successfully studying at the III year of the Faculty of Economics of YAGSKhA, she is married. Son Zhenya is a third-year student at the Mirny Regional Technical College with a degree in electrical-mechanic of high-rise lines. Katya is a second year student of the Yakutsk Medical College, she is married and has a daughter. Liza is a second-year student of the Faculty of Law of YSU, she is married and has a son. Zakhar graduated from the Kyzyl-Syr educational and production plant and continues his studies at the Mirny Regional Technical College as a gas welder. Ruslan graduated from high school and is studying at DOSAAF as a driver, preparing for military service. The youngest daughter Luda is in the 9th grade, she is the mother's helper and support.

Valentina Vasilievna's rich experience in raising orphans is spread in the ulus, in the republic, published in many printed publications: in the books "Labor education of a child in the family", "Baryta holumtantan sa5alanar", "Book of the year of childhood and children's sports", in the ulus newspaper "Oloh suola", republican newspapers "Sakha sire", "Kaskil". Her long-term, conscientious work is marked by many certificates, the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), letters of thanks. In 2003 she became a grant-holder of the "Bar5aryy" foundation, in 2004 she was awarded the "Maternal Glory" medal.


  1. Labor education of a child in a family. Yakutsk, 2002
  2. It all starts from the hearth. Vilyuisk, 2001
  3. Newspaper "Kaskil" No. 37, 2008

The problem of selfless help (USE in Russian)

“Selflessness is one of the most commendable virtues that give rise to good glory.” - said one Spanish writer. Indeed, selflessness is a rare gift of the most spiritually developed people. It is about this gift that B Ekimov speaks in this text.

The writer reveals this problem by the example of a story about a man who was unable not to help an elderly woman, having seen once how “every shovel was hard for her” when she was digging. The hero forever remembered her "grateful tears" and his heart "remembered and did not want to forget" this woman. The writer uses lexical repetitions of words, for example, "remembered" in sentences 51, 60, 62, emphasizing the fact that the hero could not forget about the person in need of help. Also, the anaphora in the last two paragraphs reinforces the impression of the reader, who understands that while helping Aunt Varya, Gregory worked physically, but rested spiritually.

It is difficult to disagree with B. Yekimov: disinterestedness has always been valued in society, and disinterested people cannot be unhappy, because they give happiness to those around them.

Many talented people discussed this problem. One of them is A. Platonov. The protagonist of the story of the same name "Yushka" disinterestedly gave all the money he earned to the orphan, despite the fact that he himself was sick. His sincere help, caring for a stranger forever left a mark on the soul of the girl, who was called “the daughter of the kind Yushka,” a man who never ate sugar so that she could eat it.

It is impossible not to say about the disinterestedness, courage and conscientiousness of such a literary character as Matryona. The main character of the story by A. I. Solzhenitsyn, "Matrenin's Dvor", lived all her life for others, donated everything she had, did hard work for free. Her image embodies the ideal of an honest and selfless person.

To summarize my work, I want to quote an American writer: "Deep down, wise men know this truth: the only way to help yourself is to help other people." Thus, our own well-being and the happiness of the people around us depend only on us.

Altruism Fundamentals - Become Better by Caring for Others

The origin of the word "altruism" is explained quite simply - it is based on the Latin term "alter" ("other").

What it is

It was first used in the works of the French philosopher O. Kant as the opposite of egoism.

How to explain the meaning of the word altruism in the modern sense? First of all, they designate a special system of personality values, which manifests itself in the commission of actions aimed not at oneself, but at the interests of another person or a whole group of people.

That is, in a simple way, altruism is:

  • concern for the welfare of other people;
  • willingness to sacrifice their own interests for the sake of others.

At the same time, a person does not feel at all somehow inferior, he feels other people's experiences and pain and seeks to somehow alleviate them, despite the fact that this will not bring him absolutely any benefit.

What can this quality give to its owner? At least such advantages as:

  • freedom to perform noble deeds and good deeds;
  • self-confidence and self-confidence.

Also, altruists have no such thing as pride. He does not ask for any reward for his actions and just helps people, while simultaneously improving and becoming better.

Examples of true altruism

To consider this phenomenon, it is worth paying attention to several of the most famous examples from life.

One of them can be called the actions of a soldier covering a mine so that his comrades can stay alive. Such a feat is doubly justified from the point of view of an altruist, who not only saved other people's lives, but also helped the motherland move one step closer to victory over the enemy.

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We can also mention as an example the devoted wife of a chronic alcoholic, who practically sacrifices herself in her courtship of her husband. No matter how justified it is, and how exactly one should act - it is still a manifestation of altruism.

In a similar situation, a mother of several children may find herself, who sacrifices her personal and almost any other life for the sake of raising her offspring.

Among the examples known to us from literary sources, the highest degree of altruism was shown by the fairy-tale character Danko, who illuminated the road to many people with his heart.

Manifestations in everyday life

In our ordinary life, we can also encounter manifestations of this quality.

  • charity, that is, disinterested concern for those who really need help;
  • present. Although this is sometimes not entirely pure manifestation of altruism, most givers are also altruists to some extent;
  • family relationships. Even if there are no alcoholics in your family, and there are also few children, a good family can only hold on to the altruism of both parents to each child and, possibly, to each other (or at least one spouse to the other);
  • mentoring. In that case, of course, if it is disinterested. Teaching other, less experienced people (colleagues, comrades, co-workers) to their knowledge out of love for their work is also a manifestation of altruism.

What personality traits are characteristic

With altruism, a person usually develops the following qualities:

It also increases confidence and spiritual potential.

How to achieve

Achieving altruism is not at all as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance.

We can become somewhat more altruistic if we:

  1. help your loved ones and relatives, without demanding anything in return (even a good attitude - which, by the way, often appears exactly when you are not chasing after him);
  2. volunteer. That is, to help those in need of care and attention. It can be caring for the elderly, and helping orphanage children, and even caring for homeless animals.

There should be only one motive for all your good deeds - to help someone cope with their problems. And not at all the desire to make money, whether it is about money, fame or some other reward.

Video: Cartoon example

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Altruism - meaning, essence, examples. Pros and cons of altruism

Probably, many people think about what altruism is, although they have often heard this word. And also, for sure, many have seen people who helped others, even sometimes risking their lives, but did not know what to call such people. Now you will understand how these concepts are related to each other.

Altruism: Examples and Concept

There are many definitions of the word "altruism", but there is one thing in common that different sources agree, even Wikipedia, altruism is associated with disinterested concern for other people. The word "selflessness" is also very suitable, because a person who is an altruist does not expect any rewards, benefits, he does things without wanting anything in return. The opposite of altruism, that is, the antonym, is the concept of "egoism", and if egoists are considered not the best people, then altruists, as a rule, are respected and they often want to take an example from them.

Psychology gives such a definition of what altruism is - this is a principle of personality behavior, thanks to which a person performs actions or deeds related to the well-being of other people. The first to introduce this concept was the French sociologist Comte, by which he understood the selfless, expecting nothing in return for the motives of the personality, which are beneficial only for other people, and not for that person itself.

There are several types of altruism:

  • moral or moral - an altruist does selfless acts, that is, he volunteers, takes part in charity, donates, etc. for his inner satisfaction, moral comfort and harmony with himself;
  • rational - a person wants to share his interests, and at the same time help other people, that is, before doing any kind and disinterested act, a person will first carefully consider and weigh it;
  • associated with experiences (sympathy or sympathy) - a person acutely feels the feelings and experiences of other people, and therefore wants to help them, somehow influence the situation;
  • parental - this type is characteristic of almost all parents, they are ready to give their best for the good of their children;
  • demonstrative - this kind can hardly be called altruism, because a person does not help consciously, but because others want it or because "it is necessary" to help;
  • social - an altruist disinterestedly helps his environment, that is, friends, relatives.

There are many examples of altruism. For example, very often such heroic deeds are heard, when a soldier lay down on a mine to save his other soldiers, there were many such cases during the Patriotic War. Very often an example of altruism is caring for their sick loved ones, when a person spends his time, money and attention, realizing that he will receive nothing in return. An example of altruism is the mother of a child with disabilities, who helps her child all her life, pays for expensive treatment, takes him to special teachers and, at the same time, does not expect anything in return either.

In fact, there are a lot of examples of altruism in everyday life, you just need to look around and see a lot of kind and selfless deeds. For example, subbotniks, donation, charitable aid, helping orphans or people with terminal illnesses - all this can be called altruism. Mentoring is also an example of altruism, that is, when a more experienced master transfers his knowledge to a younger student completely free of charge and out of good intentions.

What traits must a person possess to be called an altruist?

  • kindness - an altruist seeks to bring good to people;
  • selflessness - an altruist does not ask for anything in return;
  • sacrifice - an altruist is ready to sacrifice his money, strength and even emotions for the sake of others;
  • humanism - an altruist truly loves all the people around him;
  • generosity - ready to share a lot;
  • nobility - a propensity for good deeds and actions.

Of course, an altruist has many qualities, only the main ones are listed here. All these qualities can and should be developed, it is necessary to help others more often, to help people with the help of charitable programs and foundations, and you can also engage in volunteer activities.

Pros and cons of altruistic behavior

There are many advantages to this behavior and it is not hard to guess what they are. First of all, of course, moral satisfaction from their actions. By doing selfless good deeds, we bring goodness into the world. Very often people do good deeds after doing something bad, so they seem to want to make amends for themselves. Of course, thanks to altruistic behavior, we acquire a certain status in society, they begin to treat us better, they respect us, and they want to imitate us.

But altruism also has its drawbacks. It happens that you can overdo it and even harm yourself. If a person is very kind, people around him can use him for their not always good intentions. In general, when doing good deeds, one must remain very attentive so as not to make things worse for oneself and one's loved ones.

Now you know what altruism is, the definition of altruism in psychology and examples of altruism. It presupposes good and unselfish deeds, and to be altruist, you do not have to be rich, have some kind of fame, or know a lot of psychology. Sometimes, simple attention, support, care, or even a kind word can help. Doing more and more good deeds, over time you will understand how good you feel, how you and the attitude of others towards you have changed.



20 amazing examples of human actions

There are many skeptics who believe that humanity can no longer be saved, that there are too many evil and bad people around. But perhaps we should not make grandiose plans and save all of humanity, it is better to take a closer look around ourselves and fix what we can do.

Most of these 20 actions are simple enough, do not require a lot of money or time, they only require inner kindness and concern. These people are admirable examples.

School teacher Antoni la Cava created a mobile library

He bought a truck and books and now travels around Italy, delighting children in remote villages. Each of his visits becomes a real holiday for them.

The guys risked their lives to save the lamb

Christians Protected Muslims

During rallies in Egypt, Christians surrounded Muslims with a ring so that they could pray peacefully

Muslims did the same during a Christmas service in Egypt.

This elephant stepped on a land mine and lost part of its leg. People who care have taken care of the prosthesis

Vyacheslav Ivanovich, a pensioner from Belarus, created on his own initiative a free water park for everyone.

Afghan man brought tea to American soldiers

A boy rescues a deer during floods in Bangladesh

Athlete Jacqueline Kiplimo helps her opponent

On the subway in Canada, a turnstile broke and there were no workers around, so people left money like this

Football players protected children from rain

During the match in Kiev, it started to rain and so that the children who traditionally took to the field did not get wet, the Israeli footballers gave them their jackets

Guo Shijin grew up in a very poor family, and his dream was to study at the university. One day while working, his father injured his back, and Guo faced a difficult choice. But he did not abandon his father or sacrifice his studies, but obtained permission to take his father to the hostel and now take care of him and at the same time studies.

Girl Shares Water with Police

20 euros were found in one of the houses in Finland

The finder did not take them for himself, but posted a notice about the find

Train passengers in India saw a stuck elephant calf, persuaded the driver to stop and fed him leaves before the arrival of the rescue service.

Firefighters drink a koala during a fire in the forest

A police officer stands with a balloon that was handed to him by a girl

8-year-old Delaney Brown from the United States is sick with myeloid leukemia and 10 thousand people gathered in front of her house to sing her Christmas songs.

A man gives his shoes to a homeless girl in Rio de Janeiro

Entered adulthood

Instead of celebrating their graduation in style, Serbian schoolchildren decided to raise money and donate it to needy families with seriously ill children.

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Examples of generosity

11 Mar 2014

It's no secret that winning big often brings bad luck. It's like the law of karma, which says that you have to pay for everything. There are many confirmations of this in history. People are losing peace, their families are crumbling in attempts to share the wealth that has piled up from nowhere, completely mystical sequences of failures and troubles begin after big wins in the lottery and in the casino.

However, there are also episodes when the received prize is spent in a completely disinterested way. Let's take a look at what people are capable of in their moments of generosity.

The Story of Canadian Tom Christa

This lottery lover never gave up the hope of winning the jackpot and constantly participated in them. He sometimes managed to win twenty dollars, but he felt that real success lay ahead of him. And so, one sunny day he received a call from the lottery administration and said that he was the winner. When they named the amount of the win, she shocked him! It was 40 million Canadian dollars.

It is not known what was going on in Tom's head, but he disposed of the money in an absolutely amazing way. He donated most of the money to research on tumor diseases, since he himself lost his spouse due to cancer. Surprisingly, his family supported his decision. The children began to help him find the most useful charities and Tom donated money to them.

Tom and his children started a fund to help those in need. He himself explained that he does not need such money, because he already has everything he needs. He achieved great success in his work by becoming the director of an electrical appliance trading company. This example of the generosity of his soul can be called exemplary.

In Rimst

In 2008, a 50-year-old resident of a town in Belgium called Rimst caught his luck by the tail. He wished that the event went unnoticed, but you can't hide this from the press, because he won $ 12.5 million in the lottery! His decision was bold - he spent half of the winnings to provide warmth to his fellow citizens in need of him.

“The first thing he did was write a check for a thousand liters of fuel to provide for a hundred families in need, which is a delightful example of generosity,” said Hubert Kleuren, head of the medical department in Rimst, a small Flemish town of 16,000. An anonymous 50-year-old lucky guy won this money in the EuroMillions lottery, which is held every week. Nine European countries participate in this lottery.

Chinese pensioner

In China, in the Uyghur Autonomous Region, a pensioner was lucky, who won 617 thousand dollars in the lottery. He spent all of his winnings for charity.

This man named Wang was a former worker at a local construction company. At the time of winning, he was living on a six hundred yuan a month pension, which is roughly $ 75.

“All I needed from this win was to buy myself a new radio,” Wang told the local press.

“He dresses very modestly, he has an old raincoat, he left nothing for himself, this is generosity,” the correspondents noted.

On November 21, 2005, he went to a local center to collect his winnings and immediately decided to donate the money to charity. By law, he was entitled to $ 437,000 after taxes, and he transferred this money to help student students.

“I donated this money because I feel very happy when I can be useful to society. Big money is nothing to me. " - said Wang.

He also said that his pension is enough for his life.

Veteran from Chelsea

Sam Wickes is an 88 year old veteran and retired from Chesley who won £ 77,777 in the local lottery. He decided to keep only £ 777 for himself, and donated the rest to charity. Mr. Vickes said he was satisfied with his life and kept £ 777 just for his usual pastimes, such as beer, lottery games and horse racing.

Mr. Vickes resides at the Royal Chelsea Veterans Hospital and says that the lottery is just a hobby and his pension is enough to support his humble life.

Money rain

The Moby Dick pub in Uruguay, where money poured from the second floor

A very striking case occurred in Uruguay, in one of the resort towns. A tourist from France came to the local casino in the city of Punta del Este on his birthday, and fate presented him with a gift in the form of a prize of $ 30 thousand.

To celebrate this event properly, the Frenchman went to the Moby Dick restaurant and, rising to the second floor, defiantly scattered bills in the air from the second floor. All the people in the area were stunned by this example of generosity and began to collect money. One restaurant employee managed to raise three thousand dollars. When the euphoria from the perfect deed subsided, and it was time to go home, the winner found that there was not even money left in his pocket to call a taxi to the hotel.

  • Deeds done out of mercy may seem ridiculous and senseless at first glance.
  • A person can show mercy even in the most difficult situations for him.
  • Acts associated with helping orphans can be called merciful
  • A manifestation of mercy often requires sacrifices from a person, but these sacrifices are always justified by something.
  • People who show mercy are worthy of respect


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Natasha Rostova shows mercy - one of the most important human qualities. When everyone starts to leave Moscow, captured by the French, the girl orders to give carts to the wounded, and not to carry their own things on them. Helping people for Natasha Rostova is much more important than material well-being. And it doesn't matter to her that among the things that were to be taken away, the dowry is part of her future.

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man". Andrei Sokolov, despite difficult life trials, did not lose the ability to show mercy. He lost his family and home, but he could not help but pay attention to the fate of Vanyushka - a little boy whose parents died. Andrei Sokolov told the boy that he was his father and took him to him. The ability to be merciful made the child happy. Yes, Andrei Sokolov did not forget his family and the horrors of the war, but he did not leave Vanya in trouble. This means that his heart has not hardened.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The fate of Rodion Raskolnikov is difficult. He lives in a pitiful, dark room, malnourished. After the murder of the old woman-pawnbroker, his whole life resembles suffering. Raskolnikov is still poor: he hides what he has taken from his apartment under a stone, and does not take it for himself. However, the hero gives the latter to the widow of Marmeladov for the funeral, he cannot pass by the misfortune that has happened, although he himself has nothing to subsist on. Rodion Raskolnikov turns out to be capable of mercy, despite the murder and the terrible theory he created.

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". Margarita is ready to go to anything to see her Master. She makes a deal with the devil, agrees to be queen at a terrible ball at Satan's. But when Woland asks what she wants, Margarita asks only that Frida stop serving the handkerchief with which she gagged her own child and buried it in the ground. Margarita wants to save a completely stranger for her from suffering, and this is where mercy is manifested. She no longer asks for a meeting with the Master, because she cannot but take care of Frida, pass by someone else's grief.

N. D. Teleshov "Home". Little Semka, the son of immigrants who died of typhus, most of all wants to return to his native village of Beloe. The boy escapes from the barracks and sets out on a journey. On the way, he meets an unfamiliar grandfather, they walk together. Grandpa also goes to his native land. On the way, Semka falls ill. Grandfather takes him to the city, to the hospital, although he knows that he cannot go there: it turns out that he has escaped from hard labor for the third time. There grandfather is caught, and then sent back to hard labor. Despite the danger to himself, the grandfather shows mercy towards Semka - he cannot leave a sick child in trouble. Own happiness becomes less important for a person than the life of a child.

N. D. Teleshov "Mitrich's Christmas tree". Semyon Dmitrievich on Christmas Eve realized that everyone would have a holiday, except for eight orphans living in one of the barracks. Mitrich decided to please the guys by all means. Although it was hard for him, he brought a Christmas tree, bought a fifty-kopeck piece of candy, given by a resettlement official. Semyon Dmitrievich cut off a piece of sausage for each of the children, although for him sausage was a favorite delicacy. Empathy, compassion, mercy pushed Mitrich to this act. And the result turned out to be really wonderful: joy, laughter, and enthusiastic cries filled the previously gloomy room. The children were happy with the holiday he had arranged, and Mitrich with the fact that he had done this good deed.

I. Bunin "Lapti". Nefed could not fail to fulfill the desire of the sick child, who all the time asked for some red sandals. Despite the bad weather, he went to get bast shoes and fuchsin on foot to Novoselki, which was six miles from home. For Nefed, the desire to help the child was more important than ensuring his own safety. He turned out to be capable of self-sacrifice - in a sense, the highest degree of mercy. Nefed died. The men brought him home. In Nefed's bosom they found a vial of fuchsin and new sandals.

V. Rasputin "French Lessons". For Lydia Mikhailovna, a French language teacher, the desire to help her student turned out to be more important than preserving her own reputation. The woman knew that the child was malnourished, which is why she gambled. Therefore, she invited the boy to play for money with her. This is unacceptable for a teacher. When the director found out about everything, Lydia Mikhailovna was forced to leave for her homeland, to the Kuban. But we understand that her act is not bad at all - it is a manifestation of mercy. Seemingly unacceptable behavior of the teacher actually carried kindness and care for the child.