The mystery of the extinction of Silva: how the fate of the actress, which played the main role in the musical film Yana Frida. Overview of the new album Sasha Frid "Fantasmagoria Alexandra Frid

The mystery of the extinction of Silva: how the fate of the actress, which played the main role in the musical film Yana Frida. Overview of the new album Sasha Frid
The mystery of the extinction of Silva: how the fate of the actress, which played the main role in the musical film Yana Frida. Overview of the new album Sasha Frid "Fantasmagoria Alexandra Frid

Sasha Fried - Young Jazz Funk Singer, representing a new look at the classic funk and soul in Russia. In the repertoire of the artists of Hits Aretha Franklin, Mary Jane Hooper, Cheryl Lynn, Lynn Collins, as well as rhythm and blues Janis Joplin and Cream in Fank versions. It supports Sasha's numerous band, in the ranks of which guitar, double bass, saxophone, thrombone, keys, shock and trio of back vocalists.

The Debut Concert of Sasha Frid with anchlage was held at the Shakti Terrace club last winter with the participation of the famous jazz musician, Vadim Eilencrig Trubacle. In the picture, this reminded whether the performance of Grammy holders - Chicago Groups, or the Jam Black New York Blues, where the young Beasty Fried burns, flames and soars on stage, like Iggy Pop and Scissor Sisters combined.

For the current season, Sasha Sasha spoke out with a solo program on many metropolitan areas - from the "workshop" to the club Alexei Kozlov, sang on the "Nights in the Museum" in the Moscow Museum, the Festival "Chiffonier" in the park of the Northgough Park took part in The Morning World of Yoko It 2015 "in the Museum of Contemporary Art" Garage ", gave a joint concert with a" sense of sound "and Groove etiquette, and also went to his first tour to St. Petersburg. At the presentation of the project in the club "Durov", held in mid-May, the singer presented a duet with fashionable disco-funk team Guru Groove Foundation. In early July, Fried sang on the heating of the famous American musician David Brown (Brazzaville) and at the closure of the European Cinema Film Voices in Vologda.

Since childhood, Sasha was extremely active, inquisitive, although the nonsense - dreamed of saving African children, and work as a journalist in hot spots; He played tennis and on the piano, sang in the choir of the vocal ensemble, however, because of the same restlessness, Eros Fried from the circles expelled. Its serious passion for music began with eleven years, when a curious girl found among the father's albums Jamiroquai and Marvin Gaye among the father's daders. Sneaking a duet with Jay Keem - so far one of the cherished desires of the singer. Also among the musical preferences of Sasha: Barbra Streisand, Tom Waits, Dinah Washington, David Bowie, Serge Gainsbourg, Gil Scott-Heron, Billie Holiday, Sarah Vaughan, Etta James, Jill Scott, Moby, Stevie Wonder, The Doors and Jeanne Aguzarova.

However, Razurov, Fried stopped his choice at a less extreme profession and entered Moscow State University on the art historical department. Honored red diploma girl received for the qualification work "John Cage and the visual art of the second half of the XX century". In parallel with training in the metropolitan university, Sasha was engaged in vocals in the Signon pop-up Studio, where the artistic director of the school Alexei Moskalev, who later became the extravagant soloist, who later became the producer of singer.

Sasha Frid: "Fanny Bryce - a person I strive to become!"

Staying indifferent to a talented singer and a pretty girl Sasha Fried - impossible. Her strong sexy vocals and mad energy raise dance even the most modest listener, and beauty, inner charm and maiden vitality fascinated by man and women. This girl does not just perform the golden hits of jazz and funky, but also, possessing encyclopedic knowledge of all the compositions and performers, for whom it takes, introduces the Moscow sophisticated public with a huge layer of "black" musical culture of the last century. Russian Fank-Princess Sasha Frid - about favorite teachers, "funny and sad" pop music, idols and self-improvement in an interview with the Jazz Map portal.

Sasha, where and how did you get a musical education? What can you tell about your musical teachers?

For the past six years I have received education at Signoon Signal and Stage Art School. I came there five years ago on the recommendation of a friend. The first teacher drove me for being late, and he was a tary wrestler with smoking,. Therefore, we did not form relationships (laughs). Then I have changed more teachers five: it was very difficult to find my own until I got to Galina Leonidovna Filatova - a jazz singer, one of the first in the Soviet Union, and very, very famous in the musical circles. The first lesson she spent was about blues. I asked questions: What is the blues, what is jazz, how do you understand that what rhythm is? And we began to read all this, showed the film "Blues School" - about how harmony is being built. Introduced a new subject "Harmony. Jazza harmony. Blues gamma "- I actively go there for the third year, but remain in the second year, probably (laughs). She taught me the right sound, proper breathing, with her I began to find my sound. My director and musical producer Alexei Moskalev also pays a lot of attention to finding my sound. Lesha and Galina Leonidovna are the most important teachers for me: how much these people give me - not to get in any university!

What achievements are you really proud of?

When I studied vocals, I decided to make it a professional project with Alexey. They came to this for five years with small chains, and over the past two and a half years - to the conscious serious work on the preparation of the concert program. And now - to active artistic activities. I am very proud of all this process and its results!

Personal musical tastes and addiction - what kind of music liked 10 years ago, what has changed now? What is closer stylistically? What great names influenced the formation in the profession?

Up to the fourth grade, like all the children, I listened to what I heard the worries from my classmates, because under 14 I was forbidden to watch MTV: my grandmother stood and checked that he was on TV. And on the Internet I was not allowed under any pretext - such a conservative family I have! Of course, I was adored, pumped, but I had restrictions on some things. Up to 16 years old, I didn't even leave one of the house, with my grandmother went to the subway - such a greenhouse child ... But one way or another, the information from the outside I still sucked. Up to fourth grade, these were "sewing fraudsters", "hands up" - fashionable was among my peers. At fourteen, I began to engage in vocal in a children's ensemble, where my teacher to develop a taste in me, let's listen to the Beatles and read the "yellow book": Biographies The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Deep Purple and AC / DC. With him, we also sang children's songs by Michael Jackson Times Jackson 5. So I began to form a taste ... And my preferences do not change in music now, only expands: I study that it was in the 20th century - this period I am most interesting to me most musical interesting. And all this, of course, not in the detachment from the culture: I am not so much interested in the biographies of musicians, how much atmosphere - what happened in a particular cultural environment ... When the question arose in "Signon" that I was singing, I discovered Etta James And Artelet Franklin. And this music was not like anything: not pop, did not soul in pure form ... it is funk! A huge layer of culture, which I opened for myself in eighteen years ...

Who is the ideal, idol, sample imitation?

Ideal? Idol? Yes, there is such a word - "idol". For me, this is not a person, not a living person, but a character. For example, the heroine of the film-musical "Funny Girl" Fanny Bryce performed by Barbra Streisand. Here is my idol! When I do not understand what I am doing when I have questions about who I am in this world - I always review the "funny girl", and every time I find many-many answers every time. Fanny Bryce - Personality, which I strive to become!

In general, the culture is what you read, watch TV, what movie made a strong impression from the latter? At what last music event (concert, play) was, what did you like, remembered and impressed?

The last time I was on the play "Konarmy" in the theater center of Meyerhold. Modern statement on Babel: Very extravagant, causing, striking, places wildly unpleasant, somewhere touching ... This is such a modern perfomb. My teacher on acting skills taught me to distinguish the theater and perforative theater. Mixing electronic music, video stations, theatrical act ... The beginning of the Perfomance, by the way, put John Cage, about which I wrote the graduate work. In the Black Mountain school in Seattle with Schönberg and Kowell, they began to make perforative art: one played on the preparing piano, another read poems, someone danced ... And now there is a classic theater, where they put it out without such experiments - and such As a performance in Meyerhold: the action is associated with electronic music, on stage an absolute nude, the actors tell about the event as it was actually without embellishment. Young guys-actors also struck me: everyone is not more than 22, but how they all play all! The boy dies and shouts: "I'm finally!" - Incredibly strong word ... The young boy ends - it was said so from the inside! Now there are a lot of such sites where the perfect performances are preferred, although it does not like this trend, but it is extremely pretty for me.

In the movie I did not go for a long time, but I plan to go to the last film Roy Anderson "The dove sat on the branch, reflecting on being."

About self-improvement - what strengths can you allocate in yourself, and what you have to work on?

We must all have to work! It seems to me that I do not have one thing. I try to develop myself all the time every day! You can not be confident in something one hundred percent, you need to work on yourself. I try, I want to do something good, to improve and be better, more interesting ... Probably, this desire to develop - and there is my strength. It is necessary to work on laziness: it's hard to lose weight, play sports, reach musical harmony ... Every year it is more difficult to persuade yourself - around a bunch of other interesting things, and you need to force yourself!

Who do you see yourself in five years, what goals are you set?

I see myself a successful woman, happy, beloved, perhaps a good mom and improving successful artist!

Share your creative plans: Lee albums are coming, singles, whom I would like to rise, maybe to speak together, sign up, and on which sites to speak? And if plans to take part in Russian or international competitions?

Now I work on a new concert program: I used to have a lot of funky jazz, and now there will be more blues. We work on the author's material with the composer, in the fall we plan to release the first EP with a pair of your own songs. We also negotiate with one DJ: We want to make more electronic disco-funk project. And, of course, I will continue to develop and work on myself!

Interview prepared Maxim Vertuzaev / Kushnir Production

Sasha Fried is a very mysterious and an extraordinary singer of the executing song in Jazz, Funk and Sul a manner of filled with charm, flirting, intelligence and aristocracy. Her music makes the listener not only to share their impressions, but also tolerates it into a virtual filmmir with a unique plot and soundtrack, in which everything is literally fulfilled to musical words and notes doing this action magic. The Music Program Alexandra includes songs of such world performers as: Arechi Franklin, Lin Collins, Janice Joplin, Ella Fitzgald and many others.

The performer Sasha Frid is very shackled and ambitious, but the manner of execution of her jazz-funky is striking many of his impeccability. In addition, in the opinion of many musical critics, which are observed and hardworking, it has huge prospects to become a real jazz star. If you want to get a sea of \u200b\u200bdriving and dance gesture, then you just need to buy tickets for her upcoming concert. After all, the music that Sasha performs is capable of aggravating not only all the emotions, but will help break to escape to save the whole world.

She was called "our Marlene Dietrich" and one of the most beautiful actresses of the Soviet cinema. Actress Zhanna Glebov everyone knows the role of Silva in the Music Music of Yana Frida, the screening of the operetta Imre Salman.

Zhanna Glebova was a premix of the Riga Theater Operetta and played only a few roles in the cinema, and soon after his triumph in

"Silva" disappeared from the screens forever. Only years later, the real reason for the mysterious disappearance of the actress became known.

Zhanna Glebova was born in 1950 in Donetsk, and after graduation he moved to Kiev. There she entered the theater studio at the Kiev Theater Operetta, and then performed on the stage of the Kiev Drama Theater. Ivan Franco. Soon she married the actor Efim Chromova and moved with him to Riga. In the Riga Theater, Operetta Jeanne Glebova became a primary - she played the main roles in the play "Sister Kerry", "Then in Seville", "Man from Lamane", "My beautiful Lady".

Cinema actresses took place in 1978 in the film of the Latvian director Alexander Leimanis "Open Country". A year later, another film was released with her participation - "behind the glass door." But the real popularity of Zhanna Glebova brought the main role in the music film Yana Frida "Silva". Before that, the actress was known only in Latvia, and after the premiere of the film she became famous in all of the USSR.

The Hungarian composer Imre Kalman wrote the Operette "Silva" back in 1915 (in Europe, she was under the names of Queen Chardas or the Gypsy Princess), in the same year it was transferred to Russian. But since at that time the first world war was going, the name of the operetta and the names of some characters were changed. On the stage of the operetta used so successful that it was put on both sides of the front - and in Austria-Hungary, and in the Russian Empire. Later, the operetta was rented several films in Austria, Hungary, Germany, Norway. The first was removed by the Austrian director in 1919, and the film Jan Frida was the last, he went to the screens in 1981 and won in the USSR incredible popularity.

Jan Fried for a long time could not find an actress on a major role. Jeanne Glebova told: "I got to Frida completely by chance. He was looking for a leading role for a long time. He wanted it to be an actress ... Synthetic - so that not only played, but also sang, and danced, and knew how to wear costumes. To, as he said, the breed was in it. I was looking for, apparently, someone like Gurchenko, but younger. Yes, Gurchenko could play the actress Vary Silva, but in fact, among the dramatic actresses there is a combination, such an alloy is rare. At that time, at the time set the play "Love all ages" of the Leningrad composer Jora Portnova, and I really liked Jemod. When he returned to Leningrad and met with Frida, who was already in a panic because of the lack of the actress necessary him, Zhora suggested to go to Riga and see one "girl." The girl at that time had two children and the title of deserved artist. In short, called me. " About who will be her partner in the film, the actress did not know. Samples for the role of Edwin were held Nikolai Karachentsov and Anatoly Vasilyev. With Ivar Kalnyns, she accidentally met on the plane and only there it turned out that they were flying to the shooting of the same film.

Famous actress Tatiana Piletsky, who performed the role of Mother Edwin in Silva, spoke of Jeanne Glebova: "It was a rare case when the actress beauty was combined with a dramatic talent and a wonderful voice. Zhanna because he graduated from the conservatory. " It was indeed that - Zhanna Glebova at that time was a form of the Riga Theater Operetta and possessed excellent vocal data. But in the film, the audience did not hear her voice - by decision of the director, all the vocal parties were performed by opera artists. And instead of Jeanne Glebova singing Evgeny Komol.

After his triumph in the cinema, the actress unexpectedly disappeared from the screens. Only years later, it became known that in 1990 Zhanna Glebova and her husband went to Israel. About the reasons for such a decision actress later told: "

I've stayed in Israel a year before moving. And so fell in love with this country, that even in a dream it was seen. And then I was still - there is a operetta here, there are no operetta here, it's still ... The fact is that the situation in Latvia at that time was creatively unstable, and I believe that we accepted a very correct decision. In Israel, we learned that our theater was closed, he existed without us for about a year. Beautiful actors remained without work. Who went to trade vegetables, who else in which business comes, and who ... works in Israel in the specialty ... ".

In Israel, they settled in the city of Rehovot. There, together with Chrome, they put the play "Merry Widow", conducted joint concerts, took part in the "Israeli Operetta" program. Zhanna Glebovu and her husband Efim Chromova called the flagships of operetta in Israel. In recent years, the 67-year-old actress lives at his daughter in the United States and raises his grandchildren.

In the summer of 2016, all the secular Moscow was completed with the fact that Nikita Efremov (29) is no longer bachelor - he (19), the daughter of the businesswoman Svetlana Zakharova and the student - then - the British Higher School of Design. But the romance lasted just a couple of months - Sasha moved to Paris, entered Parsons, and Efremov was only occasionally reminded of themselves photographs in social networks.

Passed year. Sasha came to Moscow on the summer holidays and with his head plunged into the work with the Wisdom brand Marina Dolidze - now she will produce and styliate shooting and is engaged in SMM. Efremov also did not lose one time - he not only managed to play in several films, but also twist a new novel. Ironically, this passion Nikita is also called Sasha.

In the secular chronicles, jazz singer Sasha Frid (26) does not appear, and in Instagram, it has only 2.6 thousand subscribers, but what is her voice! On Monday, a new pair came to (15), but after a couple of Shota Chaccha moved to Calicano, and the next day Nikita came with Sasha on, organized by the "Club 418" of the Hope Obolentseva. And, it seems, with all the friends of his famous boyfriend Sasha is familiar, it means that they are already long enough.

And Efremov was literally at this weekend returned from Georgia and, judging by the photo at Instagram Fried, she went with him. They rested with the soul: went to the Tbilisi Open Air festival, led local flea markets and lunch in the most fashionable Tbilisi establishments. In general, however, there is no official confirmation of their novel yet (but will it be?), But they are beautiful, they are stupid to deny it.

Photos: Lyuba Kozorzov

For the heading "Wardrobe" We photographing beautifully, original or weirdly dressed people in their favorite things and ask you to tell you the stories related to them. This week our heroine is the singer Sasha Frid.

I remember the class in the eighth I came to school in the father's jeans, a velvet dress in the style of the 80s with a pink clothes, open shoulders and a rose on the chest, a sports silk jacket adidas red and with huge pink beads. On my head I had a cap, embroidered with different buttons (Hend-Maid), and on the feet - high converse sneakers with inscriptions. I looked original. The guys from school asked me to decorate their backpacks with pins and icons. I felt perfectly: I was called "Friton" and "jester", but I was not like everything.

For seventeen years, I discovered the world of my mother's things. Found hidden suitcases with velvet jackets, wide pants on a high waist, boiled "Livaisami" and her graduation. This demolished me a head, and in time - just started fashion for the 90s and things from second-handers. Since then, I have decided for myself: I will never throw anything from the clothes or give, especially the jackets that are my main passion. I collect them collective, and someday my matured daughter will find my suitcases and will be ten times happier than me. I am very grateful to my mother. Love for vintage I still have for this day.

In general, in my family a very correct policy was conducted - not to buy expensive things the child, who, firstly, clearly will not appreciate the quality, secondly, will break in the courtyard, thirdly, it is simply not able to appreciate the expensive thing and, Fourth, quickly will grow out of her. I remember my first branded thing - this is the yellow lacquer shoes Marc by Marc Jacobs, which I bought on the graduation.

Now, when I actively engage in artistic and concert activities, such a concept appeared in my wardrobe as a "concert suit." I always pick up clothes for the scene, pushing out from the institution, the nature of my music program - I fulfill and compose the music of very different styles, the basis of which is jazz and rock. But in everyday life I dress calmly, accents do on bags, shoes or top clothes. I spend a lot of time at rehearsals or in the city road driving - in both cases I am important to comfort and freedom of movements.

Trousers Stella McCartney, Nike Sneakers, NO NAME T-shirt, H & M Jacket, Bag Alexander Wang

Green jacket from some supernatural materials. H & M Mila My heart is infinite. For the first time I acquired it in Frankfurt in 2012, and after a couple of months I lost. It was injury, and I was very sad. But after a couple of years I found exactly the same in the other H & M, only for the size more - since then it is rejoice. When your thing is, she will find you.

Trousers just adore - they can be worn and with sneakers, and with heels, and in the dirt, and go out. Looking around closer, you can understand that they were erasing a million times, and threads stick out on the seams.

The bag survived a lot of fun European parties - the strap at all from another model. It is unique and suits almost under all. Bright and, as it seems to me, brings good luck.

Vintage jeans from B'noir Store,
bathrobe No Name, Kedas Vans

What is there to say - this white leather slippers need to be placed. I bought them in London four years ago. They worn sparkling and selflessly. But it is worth wing with a cloth - and they are like new ones.

Bathrobe bought in Tbilisi in carpet store. I am often in everyday life - a special furyor he calls at the entrance to the fitness center. It is very pleasant quality and beautifully embroidered.

Jeans are ideal and most beloved. I rope rarely and blow dust.

Vintage jeans and cap, top mamm

This topic is terribly loved, although it also scattered all the seams. He graced him at Mom - she is the fan of all striped; Suitable for both jeans and black pants. Together with the serges it looks elegant. Caps / hats / hats love very much, but they are often great for me - fall. This cap is the only one that keeps on my head. Sorry, it does not warm.

Topshop jeans, Mother's jacket,
shoes Saint Laurent.

The jacket is my favorite find in my mother's chest. He is already about 24 years old, but he is still relevant. He has character and charm. When I put it on, I feel some confidence in myself. Cut, velvet, buttons - love. The most important thing in these sandals is that they are unrealistic. I can easily slip on them the whole concert.

Jacket Iro, Topshop Jeans, Saint Laurent Sneakers

I bought this jacket in the "color" - I saw and fell in love, but there was no money. After a couple of months, one size remained for sale three times cheaper - naturally, I took it. In June of that year, we went with a friend in New York, and there were people on the streets and asked me, in which store I bought it. It is associated with that festival trip.

NO NAME top and boots, COS pants,
jacket April May.

I bought this jacket in Paris - she is from a supemagkoy skin, and despite the fact that there are obvious references to the style of the country with fringe and characteristic locks, it suits absolutely any clothes. Boots from Tbilisi - like sneakers, very soft and lung. Cost a penny. Quality, of course, sadness, and, I feel, left for a long time (even high-quality shoes I kill quickly), but still I wear.

SIMONE ROCHA Dress and Body
miu Miu shoes, NO NAME Earrings

I love massive earrings - it seems to me that they are very suitable for me. This SIMONE ROCHA grid is part of the dress. I like it with my unusualness - a sort of "elegant peasant", which turned out to be a witch. Before the inquisition, the last party is prepared.

Accordingly, the best shoes for parties - this silver couple, which I wear for the year. They survived not one wedding, a concert and a party, but no blasting flew from the heel.

Mike COS, Topshop Jeans, Miu Miu Shoes, Vintage Kimono and Clutch

This is a kimono from pure silk - delight and shine. Found him with a girlfriend in Berlin in my birthday, in honor of which we threw 50 euros. A nice bonus, in it, I coped my 25 years. In general, it is very inspiring on the feats. Clutch bought on the same day in another shop - he is very suitable for kimono.

Blazer Isabel Marant, Topshop Jeans

Favorite bead jacket is the finest job. He is very heavy. Suitable both under the evening dress and under jeans. Absolutely self-sufficient thing. It was an impulsive purchase - bought in Tel Aviv on a friend's wedding day. I was going to wear an ordinary classic trouser costume, but Dad said that I was a discequest. As a result, we rushed on shopping - on a festive day I had a simple flue dress and this jacket. Dad was pleased.

Vintage Escada jacket

I gave it to my friend's birthday and the owner of the B'noir store. He just mounted modestly in a stall in the flea market in Berlin and cost 20 euros. When we saw him, the question about the gift fell away by itself.

Zara Blazer, Chanel Bag

That's it precisely in this combination, the jacket and the bag bring good luck.

Prada shoes, Mint's raincoat, FENDI bag

For shoes, I chased for a while. I really wanted them completely in gold, but I did not find my size and bought pink - I do not regret not a minute. They are supporting for the scene. Cloak Versace stole a bright representative of the 2000s. I love in it slightly squeezed sleeves and a standing collar - strictly and playfully. He looks very extravagant in our days.

Vintage jacket

Nakhodka and the gift of my all the same girlfriend from the B'noir Store. The frequent element of the costume on my concerts.

Blazer Dries Van Noten

Each thing of this brand is a work of art. But it's hard for me to wear things Dries Van Noten: they do not fit on the figure, then on Croy. However, this jacket conquered my heart.

Suit unknown brand

Golden costume of the Russian designer, whose name I forgot, had to be sewed. This is my first stage costume as part of the project "Sasha Frid" - I love him very much. He is terribly uncomfortable - it is hot in it. But the emotions of the debutant are connected with it.