Compositions. The meaning of the title of the poem N

Compositions. The meaning of the title of the poem N

In 1866, the prologue of Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" appears in print. This work, published three years after the abolition of serfdom, immediately caused a wave of discussion. Leaving aside the political criticism of the poem, let us focus on the main question: what is the meaning of the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia"?

Of course, part of the impetus for writing the poem to Nekrasov was the reform of 1863. Russia, which for centuries lived at the expense of the labor of serfs, was reluctant to get used to the new system. Everyone was at a loss: the landlords,

and the serfs themselves, which Nekrasov skillfully portrays in his poem. The former simply did not know what to do now: accustomed to living exclusively by someone else's labor, they were not adapted to an independent life. The landowner is “singing: Work!”, But he “thought to live like this for a century” and is no longer ready to rebuild in a new way. For some, such a reform is literally like death - the author shows this in the chapter “The Last One”. Prince Utyatin, its main character, has to be deceived until his death, claiming that serfdom in Russia is still in effect.
Otherwise, the prince will have enough blow - the shock will be too strong.

The peasants are also confused. Yes, some of them dreamed of freedom, but soon they are convinced that they received the rights only on paper:

"Good you, royal letter,

Yes, you were not written in front of us ... "

For years the village of Vakhalaki has been in litigation for its lawful meadows on the Volga with the former landowners, landowners, but it is clear that the peasants will not see this land during their lifetime.

There is also another type of peasant - those who were taken by surprise by the abolition of serfdom. They are accustomed to pleasing their landlord and treat him as an inevitable and necessary evil for life, moreover, they cannot imagine their life without him. “Play with you! / And I am the princes of the Utyatins / Serf - and that's the whole story! " - that's what point of view they hold.

Such is a slave who is proud of the fact that all his life he drank and finished his meal for the master. The faithful servant Yakov, who gave his whole life to the absurd master, on the contrary, decides to rebel. But let's see how this rebellion is expressed - in the deprivation of life in order to leave the landlord alone, helpless. This, as it turned out, is an effective revenge, but it will no longer help Yakov ...

According to Nekrasov's idea, the meaning of “Who lives well in Russia” was precisely the depiction of the country immediately after the abolition of serfdom from various points of view. The poet wanted to show that the reform was carried out in many respects thoughtlessly and inconsistently, and brought with it not only the joy of liberation, but also all kinds of problems that need to be solved. Poverty and powerlessness, a huge lack of education for the common people (the only school in the village is “packed tightly”), the need for honest and intelligent people who would occupy responsible posts - all this is said in the poem in a simple, popular language. Russia itself, it seems, speaks in many voices with the reader, begging for help.

At the same time, it would be wrong to reduce the meaning of the work “Who Lives Well in Russia” solely to an examination of the current political problems of Russia. No, when creating the poem, Nekrasov put into it a different, philosophical meaning. It is already expressed in the very title of the poem: “Who lives well in Russia”. And really, to whom? - this is the problem the author has to solve, and along with it the reader. The peasants in their wanderings will question a wide variety of people, from a priest to a simple soldier, but none of their interlocutors will be able to boast of happiness. And this is to some extent natural, because each of the heroes of the poem is looking for his own, personal happiness, without thinking about the universal, the people. Even the honest burgomaster Yermil can not stand it and, in an attempt to do good to his family, forgets about the truth. Happiness, according to Nekrasov, can only be found by those who forget about the personal and will take care of the happiness of their homeland, as Grisha Dobrosklonov does.

“In his last work, Nekrasov remained true to his idea: to arouse the sympathy of the upper classes of society for the common people, their needs and requirements” - this is how the Russian critic Belinsky spoke of Nekrasov's work. Indeed, this is the main meaning of the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" - not only and so much to point out current problems as to affirm the desire for universal happiness as the only possible way of further development of the country.

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The meaning of the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" is not unambiguous. After all, the question is: who is happy? - causes others: what is happiness? Who is worthy of happiness? Where should you look for it? And these questions “Krestyanka” not so much closes as opens them, leads them to them. Without “Krestyanka”, everything is not clear either in the part of “The Last One”, which was written before “Krestyanka”, or in the part “A Feast for the Whole World”, which was written after it.
In "Krestyanka" the poet raised the deep layers of the life of the people, its social life, its ethics and its poetry, realizing what is the true potential of this life, its creative principle. Working on heroic characters (Savely, Matryona Timofeevna), created on the basis of folk poetry (song, epic), the poet strengthened his faith in the people.
This work became a guarantee of such faith and a condition for further work already on modern material itself, which turned out to be a continuation of "The Last One" and formed the basis of the part called by the poet "A Feast for the Whole World." “Good time - good songs” is the final chapter of “Feast”. If the previous one is called “Both the old and the new”, then this one could be titled “Both the present and the future”. It is the striving for the future that explains a lot in this chapter, which is not accidentally named "Songs", for they are its whole essence.
There is also a person who composes and sings these songs - Grisha Dobrosklonov. Much in Russian history pushed Russian artists to create images like Grisha. This is the “going to the people” of revolutionary intellectuals in the early 70s of the last century. These are also memories of the democratic leaders of the first draft, the so-called "sixties" - first of all about Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov. The image of Grisha is both very real and at the same time very generalized and even conditional. On the one hand, he is a man of a completely definite way of life and way of life: the son of a poor sexton, a seminarian, a simple and kind guy who loves the village, a peasant, a people who wish him happiness and are ready to fight for him.
But Grisha is also a more generalized image of youth, striving forward, hoping and believing. It is all in the future, hence some of its uncertainty, only prediction. That is why Nekrasov, obviously not only for censorship reasons, crossed out the verses already at the first stage of the work (although they are printed in most of the poet's post-revolutionary editions): Fate prepared for him the Glorious Path, the resounding name of the People's Defender, Consumption and Siberia.
The dying poet was in a hurry. The poem remained unfinished, but it was not left without a summary. The image of Grisha itself is not an answer either to the question of happiness, or to the question of the lucky one. The happiness of one person (whoever it is and whatever is meant by it, even the struggle for universal happiness) is not yet a solution to the issue, since the poem leads to thoughts about “the embodiment of the happiness of the people”, about the happiness of everyone, about “a feast to the whole world ”.
"Who lives well in Russia?" - the poet asked a great question in the poem and gave a great answer in her last song "Rus"
You and wretched
You are abundant
You and mighty
You are powerless
Mother - Russia!
Saved in slavery
Free heart
Gold, gold
The heart of the people!
They got up - not bugged,
They went out - not asked,
Grain by grain
The mountains are worn! R
it rises - Innumerable,
The strength in her will affect

Essay on literature on the topic: The meaning of the poem "Who lives well in Russia"

Other compositions:

  1. The whole poem of Nekrasov is a worldly gathering flaring up, gradually gaining strength. It is important for Nekrasov that the peasantry not only thought about the meaning of life, but also embarked on a difficult and long path of seeking truth. In the "Prologue" action is tied. Seven peasants argue “who lives on Read More ......
  2. The very title of the poem tunes in to a truly All-Russian review of life, to the fact that this life will be investigated truthfully and thoroughly, from top to bottom. It aims to find an answer to the main questions of the time when the country was going through an era of great changes: what is the source of the people Read More ......
  3. The poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" is the result of the author's thoughts about the fate of the country and the people. Who lives well in Russia? - the poem begins with this question. Its plot, like the plot of folk tales, is built as a journey of old peasants in search of a happy person. Read More ......
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  5. Disputes about the composition of the work are still ongoing, but most scientists have come to the conclusion that it should be as follows: “Prologue. Part One ”,“ The Peasant Woman ”,“ The Last One ”,“ A Feast for the Whole World ”. The arguments in favor of just such an arrangement of the material are as follows. In the first part of Read More ......
  6. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov worked on his work “Who Lives Well in Russia” for many years, giving him part of his soul. And throughout the entire period of creation of this work of the poet, the lofty ideas of a perfect life and a perfect person did not leave. Poem “To Read More ......
  7. The poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" is the pinnacle of N. A. Nekrasov's creativity. He himself called her “his favorite child”. Nekrasov devoted many years of tireless work to his poem, putting into it all the information about the Russian people, accumulated, as the poet said, “according to Read More ......
  8. The question of the first "Prologue" deserves special attention. There are several prologues in the poem: before the chapter “Pop”, before the parts “The Peasant Woman” and “The Feast for the Whole World”. The first "Prologue" is very different from the others. It poses a problem common to the entire poem “To Read More ......
The meaning of the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia"

The very title of the poem tunes in to a truly All-Russian review of life, to the fact that this life will be investigated truthfully and thoroughly, from top to bottom. It aims to find an answer to the main questions of the time, when the country was going through an era of great changes: what is the source of the people's troubles, what has really changed in his life, and what remains the same, what needs to be done so that the people can really “live well” in Russia and who can claim the title of “lucky”. The process of searching for a happy person turns into a search for happiness for everyone, and numerous meetings with those who claim to be happy, provide an opportunity to show the popular idea of ​​happiness, which is clarified, concretized and at the same time enriched, acquiring a moral and philosophical meaning. Therefore, the title of the poem aims not only at the socio-historical basis of its ideological content, but is also associated with certain unchanging foundations of spiritual life, moral values ​​developed by the people over the course of many centuries. The title of the poem is also associated with folk epics and fairy tales, where the heroes are looking for truth and happiness, which means that it orientates the reader to the fact that not only the broadest panorama of the life of Russia in its present, past and future should unfold before him, but also indicates a connection with deep roots of national life.

Essay on literature on the topic: The meaning of the title of the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia"

Other compositions:

  1. The whole poem of Nekrasov is a worldly gathering flaring up, gradually gaining strength. It is important for Nekrasov that the peasantry not only thought about the meaning of life, but also embarked on a difficult and long path of seeking truth. In the "Prologue" action is tied. Seven peasants argue “who lives on Read More ......
  2. The meaning of the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" is not unambiguous. After all, the question is: who is happy? - causes others: what is happiness? Who is worthy of happiness? Where should you look for it? And these questions “Krestyanka” not so much closes as opens them, leads them to them. Read More ......
  3. Disputes about the composition of the work are still ongoing, but most scientists have come to the conclusion that it should be as follows: “Prologue. Part One ”,“ The Peasant Woman ”,“ The Last One ”,“ A Feast for the Whole World ”. The arguments in favor of just such an arrangement of the material are as follows. In the first part of Read More ......
  4. Artistic features of the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia". Having conceived to create a book about the people and for the people, Nekrasov subordinates the entire artistic structure of the work to this goal. The poem contains the real linguistic element of folk speech. Here is the speech of wanderers, seekers of the happy, and the rich Read More ......
  5. The whole poem by Nekrasov "Who Lives Well in Russia" is a worldly gathering that is flaring up and gradually gaining strength. For Nekrasov, the process itself is important here, it is important that the peasantry not only thought about the meaning of life, but also embarked on a difficult and long path of seeking truth. Read More ......
  6. The question of the first "Prologue" deserves special attention. There are several prologues in the poem: before the chapter “Pop”, before the parts “The Peasant Woman” and “The Feast for the Whole World”. The first "Prologue" is very different from the others. It poses a problem common to the entire poem “To Read More ......
  7. The poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" (1863-1877) is the pinnacle of Nekrasov's work. This is a true encyclopedia of Russian pre-reform and post-reform life, a work grandiose in its breadth of design, depth of penetration into the psychology of people of different classes in Russia at that time, truthfulness, brightness and variety of types. Nekrasov gave the poem long Read More ......
  8. The poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Russia” is a broad epic canvas depicting the consequences of one of the most significant events in the history of Russia - the abolition of serfdom. The peasantry was expecting liberation, but, having gone free without land, they got into Read More ......
The meaning of the title of the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia"

For Russia, 1861 was marked by the abolition of serfdom. Now no one understands how to live on. Neither the landlords, nor the peasants themselves. It was at this time, three years after the abolition of serfdom, that work began on the poem. What is the meaning of the author in the title of his work?

Who lives well in Russia, what's the point

It is enough to read the title of Nekrasov's poem to understand what will be discussed. The desire to display different positions of people on the abolition of serfdom is skillfully intertwined with the eternal problem of finding happiness and happy people in Russia, which determines the meaning of the title of the poem.

The author depicts men who decided to find a happy person, having figured out what people need to be happy. To this end, the men set out on a journey, and communicating with people of different classes, they found out how happy they were. If earlier they thought that priests, landowners and the tsar lived well in Russia, then while wandering, they understand how much they are mistaken. However, they did not find happy people among the soldiers, peasants, hunters and drunken women. Finally, the peasants still managed to meet a happy man, Grigory Dobrosklonov, who knew firsthand about the hardships of peasant life. Unlike other random fellow travelers, Grigory did not seek personal happiness, but thought about the well-being of the entire Russian people living in Russia. It is such people, according to the author, who are able to find their happiness.

After reading the work of Nekrasov, we understand that the meaning of the title Who Lives Well in Russia fully corresponds to the plot. He pre-sets the reader to the fact that the text will deal with the true and truthful life in Russia. Tune in to search for answers and an awareness of what people need to be happy, what is the source of their troubles, and who can claim to be a happy person. Trying to find these answers, the author shows how wrong the reform was carried out, which brought not only joy, but also problems. Nekrasov tells about all this in his poem To whom it is good to live in Russia, the meaning of the name of which fully justifies itself.

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